Alternative Dispute Resolution Law & Lawyers

Alternative Dispute Resolution (Also known as ADR) provides a voluntary alternative to the accepted practice of using the courts to settle civil disputes. The principle forms of ADR are adjudication, arbitration, conciliation and mediation. The best known and most commonly used forms of ADR in Australia are arbitration and mediation but adjudication is rapidly becoming established as a valued method of settling disputes quickly, fairly and cheaply.

It has become popular in some quarters, in particular lawyers and mediation service providers, to regard conciliation, negotiation and mediation alone as ADR. For these people a negotiated settlement is an alternative to having a dispute brought to an end by a third party such as an adjudicator, an arbitrator or a judge. This narrow definition ignores the significance of the voluntary aspect of private dispute settlement and the role that is played in all forms of ADR processed by experts and professionals outside the legal profession.

Should you require legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of alternative dispute resolution, then please complete your free legal enquiry form.

Civil Disputes : These are disputes between private individuals and or organisations in respect of differences about the parties' respective legal rights and interests. Some legal rights are inherent, such as personal safety, ownership of property, personal integrity and reputation whilst other rights arise out of agreements. The difference or dispute is likely to centre around a failure by one person to perform legal duties owed to another which result in harm to the legal interests of that other person.

The principal categories of civil dispute involve claims founded in the law of contract, the law of tort which is concerned in particular with accidents and professional negligence, breaches of trust and the redistribution of shared property following the break up of relationships. Insurance, the construction and maritime industries and employers are the most common users of ADR processes.

Where ADR is not applicable : ADR is not available for criminal cases which are dealt with by and on behalf of the State before the Criminal Courts. Public Law disputes between individuals and the State, for example a complaint that an application for planning permission has not been dealt with properly by a planning and development licensing authority, are normally dealt with by specialist decision making bodies such as administrative tribunals which whilst distinct from the courts remain part of the State Judicial Machinery. Often the decision making body may be called an adjudicator or an arbitrator but since the decision making process is not voluntary, despite the similarity in name, the process is not part ADR. However, where the organs of state engage in the same type of activities as ordinary people and organisations, such as driving vehicles and business agreements, resultant disputes are civil and can be disposed of by either the civil courts or ADR.

Should you require legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of alternative dispute resolution, then please complete your free legal enquiry form.

The main types of alternative dispute resolution are as follows:


Ombudsmen investigate and resolve complaints about public and private organisations. They also encourage good practice in the way complaints are handled by organisations and government bodies. The majority of recognised ombudsman schemes are set up by statute; others are voluntary non-statutory schemes set up on the initiative of the service sectors concerned. For example, services provided by insurance companies, banks and building societies are all covered by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).


Conciliation involves an impartial third party helping the people in dispute to resolve their problem. The parties are free to agree to the resolution or not. In consumer disputes, conciliation is the first stage in the arbitration process and the conciliator is usually a member of the trade association.

Should you wish to be legally represented at a conciliation, then please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who is ready, willing and able to represent you at a conciliation.


Mediation involves an independent third party helping disputing parties to resolve their dispute. The disputants, not the mediator, decide the terms of the agreement. The mediator has an important role, however, in 'reality testing' any agreement, ie in checking carefully that the parties are able to do what they agree to do.

Should you wish to be legally represented at a mediation, then please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who is ready, willing and able to represent you at a mediation.

Mediation is now widely recognised in the UK and Europe as the most popular form of alternative dispute resolution as it offers solutions beyond those that a court could ordinarily impose. It is increasingly used in commercial, personal injury and clinical negligence cases.

Family mediation helps those involved in family breakdown to communicate better with one another and reach their own decisions about children, property and finance.


In arbitration an independent, impartial third party hears both sides in a dispute and makes a decision to resolve it. In most cases the arbitrator's decision is legally binding on both sides, so it is not possible to go to court if you are unhappy with the decision.

Arbitration is in many ways an alternative form of court with procedural rules which govern issues such as disclosure of documents and evidence. But arbitration is private rather than public. Hearings are less formal than court hearings, and some forms of arbitration do not involve hearings but are decided on the basis of documents only.

Should you wish to be legally represented at a arbitration, then please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who is ready, willing and able to represent you at a arbitration.


Adjudication involves an independent third party considering the claims of both sides and making a decision. The adjudicator is usually an expert in the subject matter in dispute. Adjudicators are not bound by the rules of litigation or arbitration. Their decisions are often interim ones, ie they can be finalised using arbitration or another process. Adjudication decisions are usually binding on both parties by prior agreement.

In relation to construction contracts, adjudication is a statutory procedure by which any party to the contract has a right to have a dispute decided by an adjudicator, normally used to ensure payment. It is intended to be quicker and more cost effective than litigation or arbitration. T

Adjudication is also sometimes used to describe a non-specific alternative dispute resolution process in which a third party makes a decision as to the best way to resolve the dispute. In this sense, ombudsmen, arbitrators and judges are all types of adjudicators.

Early neutral evaluation

In early neutral evaluation (ENE) an independent third party considers the claims made by each side and gives an opinion, either on the likely outcome or on a particular point of law. The opinion is non-binding; the parties can use it if they wish in considering how they want to proceed with their case. The opinion can be the basis for settlement. ENE can be particularly valuable to get an opinion on a point of law or to get a more realistic view of the chances of success at trial.

Expert determination

In expert determination, an independent third party considers the claims made by each side and issues a binding decision. The third party is usually an expert in the subject of the dispute and is chosen by the parties, who agree at the outset to be bound by the expert's decision. It can be most suitable for determining technical aspects of a complex dispute. Expert determination is also a process of adjudication (see above), and parties agree at the outset to be bound by the expert's decision.

Should you require legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of alternative dispute resolution, then please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Further Resources - Alternative Dispute Resolution Law & Lawyers


Alternative Dispute Resolution Law & Lawyers News

News & Further information - Alternative Dispute Resolution Law & Lawyers

What is alternative dispute resolution?

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is any type of procedure or combination of procedures voluntarily used to resolve issues in controversy.

The main types of alternative dispute resolution used in consumer disputes are ombudsman service, conciliation, mediation and arbitration and are usually provided by trade associations. Other types of ADR used in commercial disputes include adjudication, early neutral evaluation and expert determination.

Parties who decide to use alternative dispute resolution to settle their dispute can select a method and a provider of their own choosing, depending on the source of the dispute. While ADR is not usually compulsory, clauses providing for ADR in contracts are binding as long as they are specific. The Civil Procedure Rules provide for the judiciary to encourage the use of ADR in appropriate cases. However the extra-judicial procedures are not themselves governed by statute except for a number of Ombudsman Schemes and arbitration schemes which have been established by Act of Parliament.

Should you require legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of alternative dispute resolution, then please complete your free legal enquiry form.

It is not obligatory to seek legal advice when using alternative dispute resolution, but it is advisable. It is also advisable to ensure that any ADR provider used has accreditation and carries indemnity insurance. Any particular terms you require, such as confidentiality clauses, should be agreed between the parties and the ADR provider at the outset before undertaking ADR.

Should you require legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of alternative dispute resolution, then please complete your free legal enquiry form.



Alternative Dispute Resolution Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Alternative Dispute Resolution Law & Lawyers Links

The economic benefit of lawyer assisted alternate dispute resolution ...

The economic benefit of lawyer assisted alternate dispute resolution in family .. dispute resolution processes in family law matters in legal aid commissions ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System

The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) is an independent .. In 2008, the Attorney-General asked NADRAC ... about ADR in university law courses and ongoing professional development programs may help ..

ADR Blueprint - Courts and Tribunal Services

ADR Directorate, Department of Justice and Attorney General ... facilitate the just resolution of disputes according to the law as quickly, inexpensively and ..

Family dispute resolution - Other ways to resolve a family law dispute

The lawyers are prevented from representing either party if the matter .. Legal Aid WA Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) - Legal Aid WA ..

Important rules for NSW Government Agencies - Legal Management ...

The Attorney General is required to approve the briefing of Senior Counsel and to set.. Government policy is for agencies to use alternative dispute resolution ..

21. Family Dispute Resolution

violence issues are 'on the roundabout' between services which provide ADR in the family law system, lawyers, courts and state-based child protection and ..

Summary papers and Powerpoint presentations from ADR Research ...

Mandatory dispute resolution and the 2006 family law reforms. Use ... The economic benefit of lawyer assisted ADR in family law matters – Mr Alan Kirkland, ..

Community legal centres' views on ADR as a means of improving ...

relevance of ADR to improving access to justice, ADR and public interest litigation and the role of lawyers. CLCS AND ADR. CLCs in Australia have adopted a ..

ADR Blueprint - Courts and Tribunal Services - NSW Government

ADR Directorate, Department of Justice and Attorney General .. Many administrative law disputes, which were at one time regarded as inappropriate ..

Slide 1 'Research into the Teaching of ADR in Selected Australian ...

'Research into the Teaching of ADR in Selected Australian Law Schools: .. which lawyers can choose the best dispute resolution option (including litigation).

Dispute resolution in child protection—law and practice | ALRC

Concern was expressed about the view, particularly within the Victorian Department of Human Services, that lawyers should be excluded from ADR processes.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System

by many other ADR processes. For example, in facilitated legal settlement negotiations the process may be more centred on law and lawyers, with less ..

Steve Lancken Resume March 2011

Member LEADR (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution). Member Dispute Resolution Committee Law Society of NSW 2000 to 2005. Member ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council PRIMARY ...

Alternative. Dispute. Resolution. Advisory. Council. PRIMARY DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN FAMILY LAW. A Report to the Attorney-General on Part 5 of the Family ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

The aim of the Forum was to optimise research in ADR by promoting information .. Opening by the Honourable Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General ... et al about how the experience of studying ADR can change law students' attitudes.

Common law

The TAC, the Law Institute of Victoria and the Australian Lawyers Alliance have established new alternative dispute resolution protocols for all requests for ..


2.6.8 The Attorney-General should write to government agencies, legal professional bodies and ADR accreditation bodies to encourage them to incorporate the ..

'The Teaching of Diverse Models of Mediation in Australian Law ...

Education in the subject mediation/ADR, and in other law subjects that teach of mediation (such as Family Law), affect "Lawyers'. Standard Philosophical Map" ..

Family law update: Roundup of developments in family law

The Attorney-General, Mr Robert McLelland, has flagged the possibility that alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the family law context will be boosted ..


by J GUTMAN - law. It identifies the starting point for transformation as the ADR movement, and examines the various trends in lawyering and the legal institutions that ..


staff and students of the Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney. .. "The prevailing attitudes of the legal profession towards ADR " by Hayley Stone. 2. .. processes and the lawyers involved in them (some would call this the excessive ..

ch 11 ADR - Law Reform Commission of WA

and what the law is before making a ruling on which party is 'right'. This is ... Specialist ADR providers include LEADR (Lawyers Engaged in. Alternative Dispute ..


Today ADR is taught in almost every law and business school in Australasia, .. LEADR (Lawyers Engaged in Alternate Dispute Resolution) was opened in 1993 ..

Third National Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Forum

Senior Lecturer in Conflict Resolution and Law & Coordinator, .. Research Panel 4: ADR in the Family Law .. Lawyers Post-ADR: Mediation and Collaborative ..

Glossary of ADR Terms - NADRAC


is commonly used as an abbreviation for alternative dispute resolution, but .. Law is a form of collaborative practice where the process is led by lawyers ..

Primary dispute resolution in family law disputes - Attorney ...

Use of ADR during general federal law proceedings 145 ... If legal proceedings are subsequently filed then the collaborative lawyers must withdraw and the ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy

Specialising in: Commercial, Civil, Criminal Laws; Labour Disputes and ... and Corporate Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (A.D.R.), Intellectual Property ..

Advanced ADR Workshop Opening Address 13.8.11

Attorney General, ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure to have this opportunity to welcome you to this Advanced ADR Workshop. .. to commencing litigation; for example, in the family law jurisdiction, native title jurisdiction ..

Community Info - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

Criminal Law Review Division, NSW Department of Attorney General .. and dispute resolution services to the community as an alternative to ..

De Facto

You can seek legal advice from a family lawyer, community legal centres or Legal Aid WA (see the .. and provides alternative dispute resolution processes.

ID Proposal Template - Attorney-General's Department

.. the family law reforms as they provide a form of alternative dispute resolution which sits between ... Best practice guidelines for lawyers doing family law work.

Solving your legal problem - Legal language

ADR, Alternative dispute resolution (Legal Aid WA offers a family dispute resolution service .. Barrister, A lawyer who argues cases in court ..

Model Litigant Rules

The Directions are a set of binding rules issued by the Attorney-General about the .. consider using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods to resolve the .. a significant point of law, even if the other party wishes to settle the dispute.


ADR includes direct unassisted negotiation between people, lawyer to lawyer negotiation, mediation, conciliation, expert appraisal, expert ..

Supreme Court of Victoria - Mediation

Another alternative to litigation is mediation, which works in tandem rather than in opposition to the Court system. .. All studies of dispute resolution show that people greatly value quick resolution of disputes .. Mediators can be qualified lawyers, non-lawyers or Court staff. .. Law Institute of Victoria ADR Mediation Service: ..

Annual Report - Legal Aid

Whether it is an alternative dispute resolution process, assistance in .. comprehensive Duty Lawyer Service for respondent parents, to better negotiate care ..

We help more people than you think. - Legal Aid

Duty Lawyer Service. The Legal Aid WA Duty Lawyer Service provides legal .. that might impact on the client's capacity to fully participate in the ADR process.

Benefits of alternative dispute resolution - CaTS Corporate New ...

Courts and Tribunal Services | Department of Attorney General and Justice .. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) gives parties in dispute the opportunity to work ..

Scanned Document - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

("ADR") as a compulsory core curricula unit to final year law students since the first .. information about ADR will enable prospective lawyers and employees of ..

Alternative dispute resolution - Australian Law Reform Commission

Whatever the outcome of the Attorney-General's review of alternative dispute resolution services in family law, the recommendation that services be available to ..

Family dispute resolution and family violence - Australian Law ...


Processes » Family dispute resolution and family violence .. Family dispute resolution (FDR) is defined broadly in s 10F of the Family Law Act 1975 .. Some lawyers appear to be sending victims of family violence to FDR services ..

Legal costs

Introduction| Party/party costs | Cost scales for general claims | Minor civil actions | Lawyers' charges | Alternative dispute resolution| Offers to settle | Any further ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Civil Matters 3.2

One issue is whether ADR should be conducted by the courts, lawyers or the litigants .. appeal process where an error of law has occurred is the most suitable ..

ADR education: creating engagement and increasing mental well ...

disciplines (not only law) could benefit from a greater understanding of ADR, .. The Attorney General has articulated in his letter what many ADR educators and ..

inquiry into Alternative Dispute Resolution - The Law Council of ...

The Law Council ADR Committee (LCA ADR Committee) is a Standing .... lawyers. The LCA ADR Committee does not consider that a ..

Attorney General's Department - 8 September 2011 - Transforming ...

Professor David Dixon, Dean of the UNSW Law Faculty; Anne .. taming the adversarial system, encouraging alternative dispute resolution and, ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. Dispute Resolution Processes

Discussion Paper 21 (1989) - Alternative Dispute Resolution: Training and .. Lawyers engage in public negotiation when they attempt to settle their .. disputes, and in anti-discrimination and family law.7 In the ADR lexicon, ..

Lawlink NSW: Select Bibliography

ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, Colloquium on Dispute .. FULTON Maxwell, Commercial Alternative Dispute Resolution (Law Book ..


Lawyer assisted Family Dispute Resolution .. conduct obligations in ADR. .. He holds an Arts Law degree from the University of New South Wales and a Master ..


Australian lawyers and judges treat the rule of law as an essential foundation of their .. In order to understand the status, significance and role of dispute resolution .... part of this seminar will focus upon alternative forms of dispute resolution.


Keynote Address to the Inaugural Family Law System Conference .. 'genuine effort' to resolve their conflict through an alternative dispute resolution process before .. A total of 134 family dispute resolution practitioners and 322 family lawyers ..

Forum program - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

Third National Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Forum. 13–14 July .. Senior Lecturer in Conflict Resolution and Law & Coordinator, Postgraduate Conflict Resolution Program. Program .. The Hon Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General ..

COLLABORATIVE LAW: More Than Another ADR Tool for Legal ...

More Than Another ADR Tool for Legal Practice. Marilyn Scott. Faculty of Law, UTS. NADRAC. Third National Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Forum ..

The Australian context | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Council in The Resolve to .. 5.52 Under the proposed law, lawyers will have an obligation to advise their clients ..

Dispute resolution (Victoria Online)

Resources on dispute resolution can be found on Victoria Online. .. Home Law & Justice Legal rights & advice Dispute resolution .. that uses the principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution to resolve workers compensation disputes in Victoria. .. advises the Australian Attorney-General on the development of high quality, ..

Untitled - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

a wide range of Alternative Dispute Resolution issues. .. Attorney-General's Department ... OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES TO PARTICIPATE IN ADR. .... COMMON LAW EXCEPTIONS TO ENFORCEMENT OF AN AGREEMENT REACHED BY ..

Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice

(Speech delivered at the Queensland Law Society Symposium, 28 March 2009) .. information and advice, family dispute resolution, duty lawyer services and ... accessibility to justice in civil disputes including through ADR, tribunals and courts.

Lawyer to lawyer negotiation - Law Handbook

Where each party has a lawyer they may choose to have them negotiate on their .. Arbitration · When not to use alternative dispute resolution ..

Intersections between the Law, Religion and Human Rights Project ...

However, the research required to identify and analyse the patterns and dynamics of alternative dispute resolution related to family law matters in Islamic ..

Australian Government

education and skills in alternative dispute resolution, as well as fostering an awareness of access to justice issues amongst law students. The Attorney-General ..

Scott Ellis

Experienced, practical dispute resolution lawyer, operating in the commercial and employee relations areas, both as a litigator and an ADR provider.

Charter - NADRAC

The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) is an .. providing the Attorney-General with coordinated and consistent policy advice on .. consumer groups, and community organisations as well as the Family Law ..

Family Dispute Resolution - Australian Law Reform Commission

Family Dispute Resolution » Family Dispute Resolution .. services which provide ADR in the family law system, lawyers, courts and state-based child protection ..


alternative dispute resolution processes on women. Quentin Bryce (QLD). Human Rights lawyer; newly appointed Principal of Women's College, Sydney ..


Microsoft Powerpoint - (Some lawyers may not study mediation/ADR at law school as it is frequently an elective in law courses). Also may affect those lawyers who become mediators.


is a need for complete consistency in the use of ADR terms in the use of ADR terms in all .. culture because the Courts and the lawyers would choose the settlement ... Judges have been doing non-adversarial trials in the Family Law system.

Submission No. RWL l7

The. Committee also refers to the 2006 reforms to the federal Family Law Act 1975 which require family lawyers to refer most of their clients to ADR. We wish to ..


2010 Alternative Dispute Resolution Workshop. 28 August 2010. Westin Hotel Sydney .. Columbia School of Law, wrote of his experience when a lawyer asked ..

Lawlink News Archive 2009 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

The conference is open to all criminal law practitioners and provides eight .. The Department of Justice & Attorney General is working closely with the .... Government must set an example in Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Lawlink NSW: 1. Introduction

1.3 Alternative dispute resolution in its broad sense is the formal use of ... Law Society, the Dispute Resolution Committee, Lawyers Engaged ..


In July 2008 the Attorney-General convened a roundtable of representatives of .. family law, Indigenous legal services, family dispute resolution practitioners .... An alternative to creating a new layer in the family law system is to build on the ..

Family dispute resolution - Legal Aid

What is family dispute resolution (FDR) in family law? .. and your property between you, or negotiation can be done through lawyers. .. Legal Aid WA offers an FDR program called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Court Based or Community ADR and Alternative Forums for ...

The judge or magistrate makes a decision by determining what the law is with regard .. Dispute resolution which is an alternative to that process includes a variety of ... announcement of the verdict, the jury is debriefed enabling the attorneys ..

Attorney General's Department - 24 March 2011 - Launch of the Law ...

Collaborative lawyers sign a contract that says neither they, nor anyone .. The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council has ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix B: Select Bibliography

Discussion Paper 21 (1989) - Alternative Dispute Resolution: .. Dispute Resolution and the Lawyer" (1987) 61 Australian Law Journal 562.

[RTF]Issues of consistency, standards and compliance : The Obligation to ...

Rich Text Format - Ms Catherine Fitch, Acting Assistant Secretary, Administrative Law Branch, .. I plan to build on some issues raised by the Attorney-General in his address this .. the potential for greater reliance on ADR in resolving disputes with government.


by BA Kathy Mack - Associate Professor Law School, Flinders University for the ... 1.6 Australian court-connected ADR programs . .... 5.2.4 The disputants (and/or their lawyers).

Law Handbook Online - South Australia


Handbook Home; Chapters A-F. ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES ... Complaints against lawyers .... ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES ..

Family Court Services (duty lawyer) - Legal Aid

Children's Court (Protection) Services · Family dispute resolution at Legal Aid WA .. Legal Aid WA offers assistance in a duty lawyer capacity to people who .. in the family law system; guide you to alternative dispute resolution ..

List of Lawyers Abu Dhabi and Al Ain This list is provided for the ...

quality of work performed by any lawyer on this list". List of Lawyers .. Commercial and Criminal Law. Location: Suite 806, Al .. arbitration & alternative dispute resolution, maritime, trade & insurance, construction, property, ..

Directions on the Commonwealth's obligation to act as a model litigant

Consistently with the Attorney-General's responsibility for the maintenance of proper .. tribunals, inquiries, and in arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution .. than merely acting honestly and in accordance with the law and court rules.

[RTF]Australasian Law Teachers' Association Conference

Rich Text Format - Then there are those laws which a lawyer may have to invoke or apply .... litigation and alternative dispute resolution processes, organisation ..

Registry Alternative Dispute Resolution in Supreme Court Civil Actions

Most lawyers in civil cases try to help their clients .. As its name implies, Alternative Dispute Resolution ... For more information contact the Queensland Law ..

Panel of practitioners applications - Specialised panels - Legal Aid

Independent Children's Lawyer/Child representative panel of practitioners application. ADR chairperson and Dispute Resolutions matters ..

cover 222.indd - Attorney-General's Department

Use of ADR during general federal law proceedings. ... This paper has been prepared by the Attorney-General's Department to provide guidance on policy ..

Immunity of ADR practitioners - National Alternative Dispute ...

Attorney-General's Reference to NADRAC: Integrity of ADR Processes .. (a) the Victorian Bar Submissions in response to the Victorian Law Reform Commission ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council Annual ...

Attorney-General on policy issues relating to alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The need for a ... tribunals, alternative dispute resolution, family law, legal ..

Intersections between the Law, Religion and Human Rights Project ...

Literature Review by Schofield King Lawyers .. and education and training related to alternative dispute resolution and family law issues in Australia. The review ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ...

6.22 For some people, ADR is an attractive option for the resolution of legal disputes, and in its submission, the Australian Lawyers Alliance ..

Glossary - Law Handbook


(alternative dispute resolution) .. The standard of proof (q.v.) required in civil law (q.v.) cases, i.e. it is more ... A power of attorney (q.v.) or guardianship which continues to have effect even if the donor ceases to be mentally competent.


Duty Lawyer Team. Youth Law Team. Director. Criminal Law. Maureen Kavanagh. Family Grants Team. Family Court Services. Alternative Dispute. Resolution ..

Courts, Hot Topics No 71 - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

Court-based ADR – benefits of ADR – Community Justice Centres. – Ombudsmen. .. specific legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. Copyright in Hot ..

N otes - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

as 'Alternative Dispute. Resolution Definitions',. 'Primary Dispute Resolution in. Family Law: A Report to the Attorney-General on Part 5 of the Family Law ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. Consensual Dispute Resolution

The most commonly used term is alternative dispute resolution (ADR). .... ADR and educate and accredit lawyers as mediators, and the Law ..

Name not disclosed for legal reasons - Attorney-General's Department

C That will not happen as long as the judges of the family court and lawyers are .. C Alternative dispute resolutions were never offered or mentioned by our ..

NADRAC Submission final - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

The Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) takes this opportunity to make a submission ... requirement for lawyers to provide information about ADR to their clients and for ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate - CaTS Corporate New ...

Courts and Tribunal Services | Department of Attorney General and Justice .. Established in 2009, the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) .. the courts, the Law Society of NSW, the NSW Bar Association, community legal ..


by N Alexander - Lawyers Post-ADR: mediation and collaborative law 21. Associate Professor Anne Ardagh & Guy Cumes 21. Stressors and Coping: what do mediators say? 25 ..

Executive Summary - Attorney-General's Department

This paper has been prepared by the Attorney-General's Department to provide ... Measures to strengthen the use of ADR in family law disputes are discussed.

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia

The full terms of the Commission's reference from the Attorney General are set ... Does the legal profession understand the advantages of ADR well enough to ..

Alternative dispute resolution

Disputes can be resolved without lawyers or court hearings. Consider alternative dispute resolution methods if you're involved in a dispute with your .. or 'dispute resolution'. contact the Law Society or the Law Institute in your state or territory.

Lawlink NSW: Bibliography

"The Law Society of NSW Charter on mediation practice: A guide to the rights .. ASTOR, H and CHINKIN, C, Dispute Resolution in Australia (2nd .. for ADR Standards (Report to the Commonwealth Attorney-General, 2001) ..

Family Violence —A National Legal Response Volume 1

investigation. Part F – Alternative Dispute Resolution. 21. Family Dispute Resolution. Recommendation 21–1. The Australian Government Attorney-General's ..

NADRAC Reference

Attorney General to coordinate, manage and drive ADR policy, strategy and growth in NSW. .. providing additional references to NSW legislation and case law.


Duty Lawyer Team. Youth Law Team. Director. Criminal Law. Maureen Kavanagh. Family Grants Team. Family Court Services. Alternative Dispute. Resolution ..

Questions - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

2.1 To what extent is there a need for greater consistency in the use of ADR terms? .. affect consumers and referral to ADR processes by courts, lawyers and others? .. Only courts can enforce legal rights by deciding disputes according to law.


concept of alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") was unheard of. ... and lawyers; and, thirdly, the way that law students are educated.

'Setting an example: Alternative Dispute Resolution and ...

1. 'Setting an example: Alternative Dispute Resolution and. Government'. The Hon. John Hatzistergos MLC,. Attorney General for New South Wales ..

Mediation in divorce - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ...

by I Wolcott - Mediation is considered an alternative way to resolve disputes and to reduce conflict. .. Attorney- General's Department to provide family/couple mediation services. .. Mediators are men and women with family law or family and relationship ..

ADR in Government Forum - NADRAC

NADRAC hosts the fourth National ADR Research Forum .. On 4 November 2009 the Attorney-General, the Hon Robert McClelland MP, launched .. 110 representatives from various government departments, agencies and private law firms.

Annual Report 1999-2000 - NADRAC

Council has also considered the role of ADR in the proposed Administrative Review Tribunal, .. advice to the Commonwealth Attorney-General on policy issues relating to ADR. .. Professor Laurence Boulle Professor of Law, Bond University ..

Self- represented people

Legal Aid now provides a duty lawyer service to almost every town in WA where a .. The duty lawyer can also guide people to alternative dispute resolution ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals » Representing yourself ...

Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. About: Discusses types of disputes, commencing proceedings, alternate dispute resolution, and ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

providing advice on international human rights law and its domestic ... Attorney-General and promoting alternative dispute resolution.

Legal Liaison Group Court ADR Pilot

Discussion occurred on the potential structure for the ADR. It was recognised by plaintiff lawyers that there had been continual improvement in the 120 day ..


within the legal profession and the community with lawyers now promoting the use of ADR .. Australia, the Law Council of Australia also has a very active ADR ..

Australian Law Graduates' Career Destinations

by S Vignaendra - 1998 - The Large Firm Lawyer. 105. The Small Firm .. The Corporate Lawyer. 110 .... (e.g. alternative dispute resolution) were found to be frequently used by private ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals » Courts

Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. and state court systems, the Tribunal system, as well as alternative dispute resolution measures, ..

ADR and a different approach to litigation ______ Law Institute of ...

by RC Melbourne - 2009 3 commitment to ADR. It will enable all involved in litigation – judges, lawyers and government and court staff to pledge to a simple proposition: ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix A - Submissions Received

Law Institute of Victoria (LIV). Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution (LEADR). Community Dispute Resolution Service, Lismore ..

Advantages of alternative dispute resolution - Law Handbook

Advantages of alternative dispute resolution. Sometimes people become involved in disputes which, although very important and worrying to ..

AAT Members' speeches and papers

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Administrative Appeals .. the Law Institute of Victoria 2007 Government Lawyers Conference, Melbourne ..

A Framework for ADR Standards A Framework for ADR Standards

A Framework for ADR Standards is a report to the Commonwealth Attorney- .. schemes, primary dispute resolution in family law, ADR through courts and ..

List of Lawyers Dubai & the Northern Emirates

Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property and Trademark Law, Commercial and Corporate Law,. Arbitration and Conciliation, Administrative ..

A Strategic Framework for Access to Justice in the Federal Civil ...

external dispute resolution and ombudsmen.  administrative law remedies.  family dispute resolution services.  ADR, including mediation, negotiation and ..

Terms of reference - Australian Law Reform Commission

the use of court-based and community alternative dispute resolution schemes .... dispute resolution in family law: A report to the Attorney-General on Part 5 of ..

Annual Report - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

the role of lawyers and other professional advisers in alternative dispute .... Primary Dispute Resolution in Family Law: A Report to the Attorney-General on Part ..

International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Professional ...

IAMA is a national professional organisation for ADR practitioners .. The Law Council of Australia is the peak national body representing the legal .. Originally formed as an organisation for lawyers engaged in ADR, it now ..

Employment Opportunities - Graduate Program - Legal Aid

These include intensive advocacy workshops, ongoing criminal law seminars, Alternative Dispute Resolution and mediation training. You will ..

Section 3: Alternative Dispute Resolution

We strongly discourage 'lawyer letters'. At the litigation stage we have had considerable success with ADR in the Administrative Appeals ..

Lawyers - Australian Embassy

List of law firms - Abu Dhabi and Al Ain .. Alkuttab Lawyers & Legal Consultants ... Speciality: International law, alternative dispute resolution, anti – piracy, ..

Mediation - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW

It is an alternative to having a Judge make a decision after a contested hearing .. that is inadmissible), and determining how the law applies to the case. .. In mediation, the options that can be explored to resolve the dispute are often .. a hearing fee that is separate to the fees charged by a party's lawyers.


It is moderately important that there is a consistent use of ADR terms. ... The Legal Services Directions (LSD) issued by the Attorney General which promotes ..


by P Kerin - Notwithstanding the changes in terminology of the Family Law Reform Act 1995, the ... The ADR 1 conferences are chaired by a trained mediator and deal with .. These changes have led to practitioners in many areas (registrars, lawyers, ..

Introduction | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

22.9 In addition to being relevant to different participants in the family law system, .. See R McClelland (Attorney-General), Integrity of ADR Processes: Terms of ..

Construction Law Conference 22 May 2008

by GT Pagone - ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), PAP (Pre Action Protocol) etc. 5. "State budget 2008", from the Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, 6 May 2008. 6 ..

Legal assistance

The Department of the Attorney General's Directory of Services for Victims of Crime is .. Immigration Service; Youth Law Unit; Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit ..

Pages - Letters of Advice - Attorney-General's Department

This joint Letter of Advice by the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council and the Family Law Council on the requirement for immunity for family ..

A Framework for ADR Standards A Framework for ADR Standards

the role of lawyers and other professional advisers in alternative dispute resolution; .. including ADR agencies, law societies and bar associations, professional ..

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Adversarial System in Civil ...

in the common law world multiple forms of procedure and institutional arrangements .. 'reliance on lawyers' integrity'.1 In this stereotype, the parties are responsible ... the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques, and some now have, ..

Ministerial responsibilities of the Attorney-General -

The Attorney-General is the first law officer of the Commonwealth of Australia. .. include: administrative law, alternative dispute resolution, bankruptcy law, ..


its 2009 Review (pp 18-20), but also in the Attorney General's .. ADR in the sense of alternative DR has been part of the LEC from its birth. .. common law, have long debated how they might better address the resolution of ..

Annual Report 2009-10 Performance Reports - Outcome 1

Payments for services under the Family Law Act 1975 and the Child Support ... The Attorney-General introduced the Civil Dispute Resolution Bill 2010 .. using alternative dispute resolution in the federal civil justice system.


Maureen Tangney has been managing legal policy areas in the Attorney General's .. Use ADR to remove from the court system those matters that have a good ... Advice to government on law, justice and legal reform to enable the law to be ..

When not to use alternative dispute resolution - Law Handbook

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) works best when people in dispute are .. Where one or both people are not prepared to do this, ADR.

Submission from Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre Integrity of ...

Whilst our Centre is supportive of the availability of ADR we do not believe it .. Even if there was a shift to more lawyer assisted mediation in Federal court and ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council Annual ...

expert advice to the Attorney-General on the development of high quality, economic and .... alternative dispute resolution, family law, legal assistance, native ..


"In many cases, a lawyer sees himself as the aggressive gladiatorial fighter for his .. Alternative dispute resolution is increasingly being used to divert cases from ..

Self-represented Litigants 2.10 - Law Reform Commission of WA

assistance either because they cannot afford a lawyer or because no legal .. alternative dispute resolution options and various services to provide assistance ..

5.1 Preparing for ADR - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

The reference to NADRAC regarding the Statement of National ADR principles .. NADRAC prepared an interim report in response to the Attorney-General's .. of the core principles relevant to different ADR processes may assist policy and law ..

General comments on the paper - National Alternative Dispute ...

federal civil justice system [including ADR] and takes a holistic approach to the system when .. A similar conclusion was reached by the Family Law .. lawyers' move towards the adoption of less adversarial approaches to dispute resolution'.

A N N U A L R E P O R T L E G A L A I D - Legal Aid

Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit. 38 .. an extensive Family Court Duty Lawyer service. ... Lawyer service, Legal Advice appointments and other forms ..

Department of Justice - Policy Coordination - Construction Contracts ...

He was Deputy Chairman of the Building Disputes Committee (WA) (now .. Scott is an experienced, practical dispute resolution lawyer. .... to resolve disputes using primary and alternative dispute resolution processes and ..

Dispute Management in Australian Government Agencies

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society .. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council .. The Administrative Law Policy Guide helps policy‑makers to ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System Issue ...

2.1 To what extent is there a need for greater consistency in the use of ADR terms? .. matters get to the stage where other professional such as lawyers are called in. .... Dispute resolution education should not be confined to law courses.

A Strategic Framework for Access to Jutice in the Civic Justice ...

Administrative law disputes 37 .. Use of ADR by the Commonwealth 112. ADR .. ADR 170. Duty Lawyers and advice services at courts 171. Legal Assistance ..

International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Background

Australia has several alternative dispute resolution (ADR) centres which offer .. It provides parties with the option to use the UNCITRAL Model Law on .. to the Attorney-General on issues affecting ADR in Australia including ..

Update on Legal Professional Privilege | Victorian Government ...


law by enabling lawyers to give full and considered advice on a client's legal obligations; discourages litigation and encourages alternative dispute resolution; ..

Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice

Attorney General's Department has itself acknowledged the ongoing disadvantage .... where family violence precludes alternative dispute resolution. FVPLS ..


(a) legal services, other than duty lawyer services, for a court proceeding or an alternative dispute resolution process;. (b) another legal service the board ..

Pages - Related websites - Attorney-General's Department

30+ items – Websites hosted by the Attorney-General's Department ..

Site Name






Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity





Australian developments | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

For example, the Committee noted that the Law Council of Australia (Law .. 11.57 In May 2009, the NSW Attorney General released ADR ..

find LEGAL answers - Environment » Environment

Includes information about preparing for court, court fees, appeals and alternative dispute resolution. Author: NSW Young Lawyers. Details » ..

Unassisted negotiation - Law Handbook

This is the process whereby people in dispute simply get together to talk about the problem and try to find a solution which they can live with. .. Advantages of alternative dispute resolution, Lawyer to lawyer negotiation ..


Registered as a Dispute Resolution Practitioner under the Family Law Act. 1975 Registered .. 2003 to date Appointed by the Law Society of South Australia to the society's ADR committee ... Lawyer/Mediators appointed by the Society as the ..

Attorney General's Department - 18 August 2008 - Transcript ...

So we're doing a substantial review of the Family Law system now to try and .. in filings because of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

Family Law Council Submission to NADRAC on Confidentiality ...

Family Law Council Submission to NADRAC on Confidentiality Admissibility Practitioner Immunity and Conduct Obligations in ADR Processes. Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department ..

Attorney-General's Inaugural Family Law System Conference 19 ...

As family lawyers we are required to consider and follow the law. .. with a strong emphasis on alternative dispute resolution, and also a strong ..

Research and evaluation of ADR processes - National Alternative ...

In the past decade there has been a significant increase in the use of ADR .. Researchers can have backgrounds in law, the social and other sciences or ... Other ADR research (had it been considered) would have revealed that lawyers and ..

Collaborative Practice in Family Law - Attorney-General's Department

all methods of dispute resolution that present a realistic alternative to litigation. The highest concentration of Australian collaborative lawyers is in the family law ..


The Attorney General has articulated in his letter what many ADR educators and .. in an ADR course showed a greater sense of belonging to the Law School, ..

L E G A L A I D A N N U A L R E P O R T - Legal Aid

In suitable circumstances, an ADR conference provides an alternative solution for family disputes through a ... provide specialised duty lawyer services in the ..

Primary dispute resolution in family law - NADRAC

Primary dispute resolution in family law. A Report to the Attorney-General on Part 5 of the Family Law Regulations. Advice provided to the Attorney-General on ..

11 25195 Queensland Law Society Retention and Disposal ...

education, alternative dispute resolution and various administrative classes. • QDAN 503 version 1, Department of Justice and Attorney General ..

Gosnells Community Legal Centr - National Alternative Dispute ...

Certificates under section 60I(8) of the Family Law Act. We understand that this .. Does it include ADR practitioners as well as lawyers and other workers ..

Legal ethical obligations, misconduct and discovery: issues arising ...

The overarching obligations apply to parties, lawyers, law practices, and 'any .... pre-action protocols, pre-trial management and alternative dispute resolution ..

New South Wales Bar Association – ADR Workshop 28 August 2010 ...

13. However lawyers are not the only ones to benefit from ADR training. Accordingly, in addition to the Deans of Law Schools, I recently wrote ..

flcletter - Attorney-General's Department

The Council understands that the Attorney-General's Department has received legal advice to the effect that it .. Should the Family Law Act be amended to allow family dispute resolution practitioners to provide ... Immunity of ADR Practitioners ..


The Rule of law requires a just process for the resolution of disputes. ... has not yet been involved in ADR and mediation to the same extent."23 ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform Commission ...

ALTOBELLI, T, "ADR legislation: some recent developments" (1996) .. Attorney General's Department, Property and Family Law: Options for ..

Supreme Court of Victoria - Speeches by the Hon. Chief Justice ...

Speech - ADR and a Different Approach to Litigation, The speech "ADR and a .. 18 March 2009 as part of the Law Institute of Victoria Serving up Insights Series. ... speech 'Victorian Women Lawyers 10th Anniversary' was given by the Hon.

Submission 35 - Women's Legal Service Victoria

Commonwealth Attorney General's Department .. WLSV and VLA (RDM) An Example of ADR……………….…..11. 3. .. Alternative Dispute Resolution Services ..


The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) is seeking .. Attorney-General with coordinated and consistent policy advice on the .. and community organisations, as well as the Family Law Council and the Family ..

Building an ADR Compass: Gathering Useful ADR Data on Where ...

qualifications (lawyer, private practitioner, judge); and the source of payment to the ADR neutral (whether the litigants pay the neutral). These factors, I ..

Annual Report - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

imbalances and biases in alternative dispute resolution services resulting from gender ... Civil Law Division, Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.

Legal Aid Cover

services both declined by 26% and 20% respectively. The number duty lawyer services increased by 4% and the number of ADR conferences increased by ..

12 October 2010 The Hon Robert McClelland MP Attorney-General ...

Family Law Council Advice on confidentiality and inadmissibility in the Family Law Act. The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ..

Employment Opportunities - How to apply - Legal Aid

Advertised Vacancies · Graduate Program · Country Lawyers .. areas for us are Family Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Non-Litigation ..


Davis, Roger, Lawyer - Building & Construction Law, Engineering & Mining Services .. Law, Contract Administration, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Subiaco ... Scott is an experienced, practical dispute resolution lawyer.

Model litigant policy Sept 04.qxd

1.1 This Policy has been issued by the Director General of the Attorney .. the existing law and is not intended to amend the law or impose additional legal or .. inquiries and in arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution processes.

Attorney General's Department - 15 August 2008 - Queensland Law ...

Queensland Law Society & Family Law Practitioners Association .. where family disputes are resolved outside courts wherever possible .. Centres and other funded services providing an effective alternative to the courts, we ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

In August 1998, the Attorney-General asked that the Family Law Council, in cooperation with the National Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Review into the ATO's use of Early and Alternative Dispute Resolution

relevance of facts and evidence and the application of law to the facts. .. ADR encompasses a variety of methods which may be used to resolve legal disputes .. 6 Attorney-General's Department, Encouraging Access to Justice through ..

Chapter 15 - Social equity impacts - Attorney-General's Department

The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council .. and minor assistance, family dispute resolution, duty lawyer services in the ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

by MJ Akee - 2.10 Fifteen key Commonwealth laws have been identified which refer to ADR in a substantive way.[12] The Acts (many administered by the Attorney-General's ..

Law Institute - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

The Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) takes this opportunity to make five recommendations in. relation to the Plan and Government dispute resolution more generally: 1. .. (Litigation Lawyers Section Lawyer) by email on or by ..

Discussion Paper - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

industry associations or organisations using or advocating ADR;. • community .. Following the consultation, NADRAC will produce a report for the Attorney-. General .... Since the introduction of the Family Law Reform Act 1995 (Cth) parties ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate - CaTS Corporate New ...

Established in 2009, the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directorate co- .. advise the NSW Attorney General, the Department of Attorney General and .. courts, the Law Society of NSW, the NSW Bar Association, community legal centres ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ...

5.5 In its report Costs Shifting: Who pays for litigation?, the Australian Law .. We had a big attraction to procedures being directed to alternative dispute resolution, .. 5.21 The Attorney-General recently released the Family Dispute Resolution ..


'2' Member Law Society's Joint ADR and Arbitration Liaison Committee .. "Risk Management for Lawyers in Mediations: The "Realty" Factor" 1999. "Negotiating ..

National Legal Assistance Advisory Body - Attorney-General's ...

Community Legal Services Program · Family dispute resolution services in .. alternative dispute resolution organisations, courts and tribunals, ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) - Access to Justice

Alternative Dispute Resolution

(ADR) processes are where an impartial person .. Collaborative lawyers agree that neither they, nor anyone from their firm, can ..

Internal_Option Two_2 - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

Australian Law Reform Commission (June 1998) Issues Paper 25: Review of the adversarial system of litigation. ADR – its role in federal dispute resolution.

find LEGAL answers - Legal System (see also: Courts and Tribunals ...

5+ items – Explains common and statute law, criminal and civil law, and ..

Working the system: a guide for citizens, consumers and communities, 2nd ..


Introducing the law, 7th ed by Gary Heilbronn et al


Mediation within Aboriginal communities : issues and challenges

Attorney-General in Queensland is attempting to provide resources, services .. alternative dispute resolution services in the Brisbane and south-east corner. .. response to community problems and establish appropriate community laws.

Government response to Australian Law Reform Commission ...

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. community and court based alternative dispute resolution (ADR) schemes found in ..

Symposium Paper Building an Evidence Base for the Civil Justice ...

Law reform bodies have, over many years, commented on the lack of comprehensive and .. the appropriateness of different forms of ADR for different disputes, or .. 1 Attorney-General's Department, A Strategic Framework for Access to Justice ..

Future direction of the federal civil - Attorney-General's Department

Family law 299. Better coordination of alternative dispute resolution 300. General federal law 300. Family law 301. Greater coordination between legal services ..

Terms of Reference - Inspector–General of Taxation –

Under Part IVC of the Taxation Administration Act 1953, the law provides .. 1.6 ADR encompasses a variety of methods which may be used to resolve legal .... 6 Attorney-General's Department, Encouraging Access to Justice ..

Counting the Costs | Victorian Law Reform Commission

The following article was published in the Law Institute Journal in April 2007. .. from discovery, to conduct of lawyers and alternative dispute resolution.

Biographical information - Part-time Members - MRT-RRT

She has worked in private legal practice and as a corporate lawyer with a major ... Law Society of South Australia and the Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Debt for debtors - Legal Aid Queensland

Like the financial counselling service, the lawyer may be able to help you with a .. nominated by the Director of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Branch of the ..

Standards - Attorney-General's Department

She is an experienced mediator, conciliator, adjudicator, ADR trainer and lawyer. She is a member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and NADRAC.

NTLRC Final Report

Aboriginal members appointed by the Attorney-General. Co-Chair: .... Models may deal with alternative dispute resolution, family law issues, civil law, criminal ..

Department of Justice and Attorney General Strategic Plan Summary ...

the Director General. The Department of Justice and Attorney.. Access to alternative dispute resolution. • Timely and cost .. law, research and development of ..


Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System .. Family law dispute resolution services are provided both internally and ... The client is paying for such legal advice and is more likely to take the advice of the lawyer, than not.

Pages - Annual Report 2008-09 Performance Reports - Outcome 1

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. tribunals, alternative dispute resolution, administrative law, bankruptcy, classification, ..

REPORT 106 Community Justice Centres

NEW SOUTH WALES LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Letter to the Attorney ... Other alternative dispute resolution activities............................................17 ..


Faculty of Law on its many accomplishments over the past 40 years. ... Alternative dispute resolution challenges lawyers to integrate ..

The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution In The Federal Magistracy ...

could apply to the Attorney-General to become an approved ADR service provider. .. mediators in its report to the Attorney General on Part 5 of the Family Law ..

Lawlink NSW: 14. Alternative Dispute Resolution

14.1 The Commission's recommendations for defamation law reform focus on .. 14.2 Mediation is the primary consensual dispute resolution process, where a .. usually but not exclusively lawyers, are readily available in New ..

Contents - Legal Aid

lawyer service, through a private lawyer, or through .. house lawyers, and the amount people must pay towards the .. Assistance,Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

AAT Annual Report 2008-09 Appendix 9

20+ items – .. guides and guidelines · Alternative dispute resolution ..




Future Directions / Developments for Generalist Administrative Tribunals in ..


Reasonableness, Proportionality and Merits Review


Government response to recommendations - Attorney-General's ...

Access to justice is central to the rule of law and integral to the enjoyment of .. (h) introduced the Civil Dispute Resolution Bill requiring people to take .. plan for Government agencies, and providing advice on the integrity of ADR processes, ..

The current reach and use of ADR schemes in Victoria (Chapter 3)

and organisations involved in ADR within Australasia (most being in. Australia) .. range of professional backgrounds including law, psychology, human resources, .... professional groups, particularly lawyers, in their training and continuing ..



-General; Minister for Emergency Management .. of Australia's system of law and justice and its national security and emergency management systems. .. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) · National ..

National Principles for Resolution of Disputes - National Alternative ...

The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) is an .. the Commonwealth Attorney-General on the development of alternative dispute ... core principles relevant to different ADR processes may assist policy and law ..

Post-Grant Patent Enforcement Strategies

ADR. Alternative Dispute Resolution. ALRC. Australian Law Reform Commission. EPO .. business and manufacturing sectors, the patent attorney and legal ..

Comments on Attorney-General's reference to NADRAC concerning ...

Comments on Attorney-General's reference to NADRAC concerning ADR processes .. within my personal knowledge - FDR and the Family Law Act 1975 (FLA).

Legal Services Blueprint

Regulatory and legislative changes: The introduction of new laws and .... ADR reporting will enable the Department of Attorney General and ..

Australian Law Reform Commission Report Managing Justice: A ...

when lawyers are engaged in ADR and at other times. The Law Council also does not believe that separate national practice rules relating to lawyers acting for ..

About Access to Justice

Access to justice is not just about courts and lawyers, but is also about better and .. so using a method of alternative dispute resolution that promotes agreement .. for example, clearer laws and better communication between agencies and ..

Review of Victoria's Child Protection Legislative Arrangements ...

LAW REFORM COMMISSION REVIEW: CHILD PROTECTION. LEGISLATIVE .... 1.9 What role (if any) should lawyers play in ADR processes?

Pages - Portfolio - Attorney-General for Australia - Home

The Attorney-General's portfolio comprises the Attorney-General's Department .. law; Appointments; Alternative dispute resolution; Bankruptcy law; Copyright ..

Scanned Document - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

The work of the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory. Council is Well recognised in .. latest reference from the Attorney-General will result in it making a ... was recognised in the recent Civil Iustice Review by the Victorian Law ..

Scanned Document - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

dispute. In promoting ADR to the legal profession the Directorate is working with Victo1ia's legal industry representative bodies (including the Law Institute of ..

Robert Garran Offices 3 - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

Delivery of ADR Services in NSW), which the New South Wales Attorney General has publicly released. The ADR Blueprint sets out a proposed ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

by MJ Akee - 2.10 Fifteen key Commonwealth laws have been identified which refer to ADR in a substantive way.[12] The Acts (many administered by the Attorney-General's ..

Lawlink NSW: Select bibliography

ASTOR, H and CHINKIN, C, Dispute Resolution in Australia (Butterworths, .. AUSTRALIA, ATTORNEY GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, Family Law Act ... DAWSON, M, "Non-consensual Alternative Dispute Resolution: Pros and ..

Senate Committees – Parliament of Australia

Family law, federal courts and tribunals, civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution. Output 1.2. Support for the Attorney-General and First Law Officer, ..

News - International Legal Services Advisory Council

The Hon Robert McClelland MP, Attorney-General, recently .. for more use of Alternative Dispute Resolution strategies, an attractive legal ..

Resume of Francis Charles Edwards

Aboriginal Mediator/ Conciliator / Law student / Trainer & Assessor. Objective. To provide optimum and culturally appropriate independent services in Alternative Dispute. Resolution across a number of jurisdictions, especially disputes involving .. Registration as Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with the Attorney ..

Terms of reference - Australian Law Reform Commission

the use of court-based and community alternative dispute resolution ... collegial relationship among judges, lawyers, legal academics and law students, in aid of ..

[RTF]Model Litigant Obligation

Rich Text Format - Under section 55ZF of the Judiciary Act 1903, the Attorney-General may .. Applies to ADR - Commonwealth must participate fully, and ensure ... No, merely negligent employees can be sued by an employer at common law.

Legal Research | A.C.T Supreme Court

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

resolution. Alternative dispute resolution is a term that is used to describe a variety of .. Law derived from custom and judicial precedent (case law) rather than ..

Ministerial responsibilities of the Attorney-General -

The Attorney-General is the first law officer of the Commonwealth of Australia. .. include: administrative law, alternative dispute resolution, bankruptcy law, ..

Dispute resolution (Victoria Online)

Information on dispute resolution can be found on Victoria Online. .. Home Law & Justice Courts & tribunals Dispute resolution .. that uses the principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution to resolve workers compensation disputes in Victoria. .. advises the Australian Attorney-General on the development of high quality, ..

Legal Research | A.C.T Magistrates Court

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Guide to Law and Justice .. to do with locating a lawyer, pro bono services, alternative dispute resolution, ..

Directory of Services Separating/Separated Families

5) Legal Aid has Duty Lawyers in the Family Court and Magistrates Court ... mediation and alternative dispute resolution techniques to help ease the load of ..

Attorney General's Division

Reforming the law, providing high quality legal services and research to inform ... Use Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to remove from the court system ..

ADR providers - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

The information on this page is designed to assist you to find ADR providers. .. Online) · Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators (AIFLAM)* .. Centre, Dispute Resolution Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ... -

Function: The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council is an independent advisory council charged with providing the Attorney-General with coordinated and consistent policy advice on the .. Role: Secretariat - Legal Officer ..

Violence, disputes and their resolution - Australian Institute of ...

Hazlehurst discusses alternative dispute resolution in relation to early .. Other agencies, such as lawyers, legal aid offices, welfare workers, church .... 'Family Law: Alternative Dispute Resolution' Legal Service Bulletin, vol.

1 for PDF - Law Reform Commission of WA

The success of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) reveals that something .. Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) in its Discussion Paper, Review ... the fact that lawyers still regard themselves as practising a 'profession'. As a ..

National ADR Research Forums - NADRAC

NADRAC hosted the Fourth National Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum at .. Professor Paul Mazorelle, Pro Vice Chancellor (Educations, Law and Arts) of ..

ADR - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

Commonwealth Attorney-General. Its reports and publications cover standards for ADR, diversity, ADR in courts and tribunals, family law PDR, ADR and small..

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. Appointments Advisory Panels · Australian Government law sites · Court Fees: Approved .. Alternative dispute resolution is a term that is used to describe a variety of ..

Annual Report 2007-08 Output 1.1 - Attorney-General's Department

.. alternative dispute resolution, administrative law and administration of .. The Civil Justice Division assisted the Attorney-General to develop a ..

Annual Report 2000 - 2001 Appendix 8: Overseas visitors to the ...

The Hon Mr Alipate Qetaki, Attorney General and Minister for Justice Mr Nainendra .. Lawyer, Head of Division, Case Advocacy & Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Lawlink NSW: 3. Alternative Dispute Resolution

The benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the .... This tends to suggest either media lawyers or journalists with some legal training ..

Discussion paper - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

various dispute resolution processes available in such situations, compare different models of alternative dispute resolution, and explore the statutory laws and ..

Lawlink NSW: Select Bibliography

MAHAN B "Lawyers Who Defend Lawyers" (April 1992) 12(4) .. WALES LAW REFORM COMMISSION Alternative Dispute Resolution: Training ..

Dispute Management in Australian Government Agencies

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society .. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council .. The Administrative Law Policy Guide helps policy‑makers to ..

Attorney General's Department - 4 December 2009 - International ...

Attorney General's Department .. Alternative Dispute Resolution .. Adopting legislation in line with the Model Law should ensure a more ..

Legal Aid Act 1978

and, without limiting or affecting the generality of the foregoing, includes alternative dispute resolution programs, duty lawyer services, legal advice and legal ..

Finding another type of ADR Provider - Access to Justice

Below is a list of major national and state-based ADR providers who provide ADR services directly to the public and can assist you to find an ADR practitioner.

Slide 1 - Attorney-General's Department

ADR Inter-Agency Group. ◦ Quarterly meetings at .. Examples of dispute management plans/strategies and other experiences .. Attorney-General: Commonwealth agencies should be at forefront of .. Driven by legal department. ◦ NB external ..

Discovery submission 20.1.11 - Australian Law Reform Commission

submission in response to the Attorney General's report, A Strategic .. funding in Australia3, the National Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Year in Review 1 - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

It is heartening to see alternative dispute resolution being embraced in so many diverse fields .. Ms Akee has been a member of the Family Law Council since 2002 and has been a .. Mr Fabian Dixon SC is a prominent family lawyer in Hobart.

Civil Actions - Information for Self Represented Litigants - District ...

If the defendant believes he or she has a legal case against you, which is .. This is sometimes known as 'alternative dispute resolution. .. the parties, or with the assistance of lawyers or a trained mediator or conciliator.

Pages - Chapter 4 - About the Department - Attorney-General's ...

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department ... policy advice on administrative law, alternative dispute resolution, federal courts and ..

Introduction - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

Question 1 Should ADR terms take the form of 'definitions' or 'descriptions'? 27 .... Family Law Act 1975 led to extended discussions with the Attorney-General's ..

Senate Committees – Parliament of Australia

Also see National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council, The Resolve to .. Robert McClelland MP, Attorney-General, House Hansard, 16 June 2010, p. 5476. .. 2; Mr John Emmerig, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 11 ..

Lawlink NSW: 4. Accreditation

Discussion Paper 21 (1989) - Alternative Dispute Resolution: .. Attorney General are subject to provisions of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).6 ..

Family and children's service - Family dispute resolution at Legal Aid ...

The family dispute resolution program at Legal Aid WA gives you and your .. helping people to consider options and alternatives; helping people to .. A lawyer will help you decide what the issues in dispute are and will also ..

Lawlink NSW: Bibliography

"Neighbourhood mediation service pilot" (1985) 59 Law Institute Journal 153 .. ASTOR, H and CHINKIN, C, Dispute Resolution in Australia (2nd .. for ADR Standards (Report to the Commonwealth Attorney-General, 2001) ..

Submission to Victorian Law Reform Commission Regarding a ...

understanding of the process from a welfare rather than a legal point of view. What role (if any) should lawyers play in ADR processes? The role of lawyers ..

Legal Aid Commissions - Access to Justice


Duty lawyer assistance at courts and tribunals; Dispute resolution services, including family dispute resolution services, and; Legal representation for criminal, ..

Speeches by Chief Justice French AC - High Court of Australia

University of New South Wales, Law School 40th Anniversary, Sydney, 17 September .. Gilbert &: Tobin Centre of Public Law, Sydney, 19 February 2010 (PDF) .. Perspectives on Court Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution, Law Council of ..

ADR Directorate projects - CaTS Corporate New South Wales

Courts and Tribunal Services | Department of Attorney General and Justice .. The ADR Blueprint project is an important reform project, which is .. based on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration of the United ..

Page | 1 Dr Jenny Buchan Senior Lecturer School of Taxation and ...

My perspective is based on my experience as a commercial lawyer .. Ethical issues about confidentiality in Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

The Hon Justice Murray Kellam AO Chair Welcome address: ADR in ...

Attorney-General, Ladies and Gentlemen. On behalf of both the National Alternative Dispute. Resolution Advisory Council and the Office of ..

Women in the legal profession : theory and research

among women law school faculties) about the difference women's entry will ... Alternative dispute resolution procedures emerge in precisely those areas where ..

Related websites

30+ items – Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department ..

Site Name






Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity





Family violence: Key findings from the Evaluation of the 2006 Family ...

Dispute resolution choices: A comparison of family dispute resolution, .. working in the family law system (service system professionals, lawyers, court staff and .... The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council ..

MEDIATION SERVICES - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania


with the Magistrates Court in Tasmania. Has a strong interest in family law and is a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner registered by the federal Attorney-General. .. Email: MICHAEL STEWART. Visit His Website ..

Family law and divorce - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ...

Changing families, changing laws by Margaret Harrison, Family Matters no.29 1991. .. and activities coming under the umbrella of 'alternative dispute resolution'. .. in the context of the current law) advised by their lawyers on their choices and ..

National Principles for Resolving Disputes and supporting Guide

The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) is .. supporting guide required NADRAC to report to the Attorney-General by 31 .. core principles relevant to different ADR processes may assist policy and law makers ..

2 About ADR - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

NADRAC Issues Paper Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice ... terms affect consumers and referral to ADR processes by courts, lawyers and others? .... The Law Society of NSW and some commercial ADR providers also provide ..

Annual Report - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ...

Attorney-General's Department. Bernadette Rogers. Director of Alternative Dispute. Resolution. Queensland Law Society. While outside the reporting period, ..

Do professionals have an ethical compass and does it matter?

It is the rule of law that ultimately safeguards people's rights and which .. in the practice of your profession as an Australian lawyer and as an officer of this ... tribunals, inquiries and in alternative dispute resolution processes.

Legal Services Country Profile – Indonesia - International Legal ...

Foreign lawyer admission to practice requirements* 19 .. prospects for Australian legal services; Australian dispute resolution services and Australian .... [25] Law No.30 of 1999 Concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Judges' Speeches

The duty of parties and their lawyers to co-operate and act in good faith in .. and reflect upon the 10th anniversary of the Western Australian Law Reform .. and other forms of alternative or assisted dispute resolution (ADR).

Supreme Court of Victoria - Speeches by Date

Justice Pagone to the Australian Association of Constitutional Law, ... Speech - ADR In The Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Supreme Court of ... The Lawyer's simultaneous duty to Client and the Courts' was given by the Hon ..


"In many cases, a lawyer sees himself as the aggressive gladiatorial fighter for his .. Alternative dispute resolution is increasingly being used to divert cases from ..

Attorney General's Department of NSW

Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department (Regional Law. Hotline), and the .... services for legal aid and alternative dispute resolution, services for up to 11 ..

Scanned Document - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

ATTORNEY GENERAL; MINISTER FOR CORRECTIVE SERVICES. Attach .. 2.2 How does inconsistent use of ADR terms affect consumers and referral to ADR .. Review) by the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia (LRCWA) ..

Alternatives to Discovery - Australian Law Reform Commission

Where ADR is successful, it results in cost savings to both individuals, .... 5.52 Under the proposed law, lawyers will have an obligation to advise their clients ..

Annual Report 1998-1999 - NADRAC

Richard Moss, Deputy Secretary Attorney-General's Department. Bernadette Rogers, Director of Alternative Dispute Resolution Queensland Law Society ..

Submission: Civil Dispute Resolution Bill 2010

As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. .. access to dispute resolution processes and Courts founded on the rule of law, is it also .. obligations in respect of Alternative or Appropriate Dispute Resolution ..

'Solid work you mob are doing'

Report to the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council by the Federal .. Owen Dixon Commonwealth Law Court Building. 305 Williams .... Previously she has worked as a lawyer and as a research assistant in the field of ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter Twelve - Costs and Costs Assessment


of fee scales, the introduction of mandatory written costs agreements between lawyers and clients .. Costs assessment can be used to resolve disputes about costs, or as a means of .. It is noted that the Law Society has indicated an intention to collect this .... Would the use of alternative dispute resolution contain costs?

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Contributors to the ...

Many people gave their time and expertise to produce the Law Handbook. .. TRAFFIC OFFENCES, POWERS OF ATTORNEY, CONSUMER CREDIT, .. Flinders University School of Commerce, ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION ..

Dispute Management Plan - NADRAC


and Civil Proceedings Reference .. Indigenous Dispute Resolution .. The Attorney-General has indicated his strong support for dispute management ..

Indigenous Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

which provides advice on ADR to the Australian Attorney-General. Members of .... In the family law area, the Family Court has engaged Indigenous family ..

Community Mediation Services - Law Handbook

Community mediation provides people with an alternative to court action. .. Home >LEGAL SYSTEM>ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION ..


17. Qld Dispute Resolution Branch. Qld Department of Justice and Attorney-General. The Dispute Resolution Branch provides an alternative to going to court.

1990s: the new model - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Alternative dispute resolution became one of the cornerstones of the 'nonadversarial' system of litigation. Under the Attorney-General's ..

Legal services directions - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. Handling litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) during the caretaker ..

Good > Better > Best

Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity in. 2007, as Integrity .. and is a member of LEADR. (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution).

Reform of the civil justice system and economic growth: Australian ...

The Australian Law Reform Commission recently completed its four-year inquiry into the federal ... In practice, the Federal Court was favoured by lawyers and business, and .... Not Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) alone ..


Rich Text Format - Australian Corporate Lawyers Association - General Counsel Forum .. counsel, equitable briefing practices, and the use of ADR by Commonwealth agencies.

ADR and Civil Proceedings Reference - National Alternative Dispute ...

Report on ADR in the Federal Civil Justice System .. House on 4 November 2009, the Attorney-General warmly welcomed NADRAC 's 'comprehensive report', ..

Improving Alternative Dispute Resolution - Victorian Law Reform ...

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Civil Justice Review: Report. 210. Chapter 4. Improving Alternative Dispute. Resolution. 1. Introduction. 1.1 What is ADR?

Portfolio overview - Attorney-General's Department

ATTORNEY–GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2005–06. 12 .. Law reform. ■. Alternative dispute resolution. ■ .. Indigenous law and justice. ■ ..

Employment Opportunities - Indigenous Law Student Program

Students work along side lawyers to develop their legal skills and gain .. Law including domestic violence and Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Seminars - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW

Wednesday 22 February 2012, CSO Torts Law Practice Groups, I have been issued .. ADR in Child Protection :The Child Protection Practice Group hosted a client .. discussed FDR: Lawyer-assisted mediation in parenting matters and David ..

16. Children's involvement in family law proceedings | ALRC

Depending on the results of the Attorney-General's review of alternative dispute resolution services in family law, the Family Court should consider appropriate ..

Review of the International Arbitration ACT 1974 Comments by the ...

Review of the International. Arbitration ACT 1974. Comments by the Law Council. ADR Committee. Submission to the Attorney-General's. Department ..

FCLC submission to NADRAC May 09 - National Alternative Dispute ...

special needs or particular areas of law (eg .. The Federation broadly supports greater use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). ... 1 Attorney-General's Department, Australian Government, Review of the Commonwealth Community Legal ..

National Legal Assistance Advisory Body

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. alternative dispute resolution organisations, courts and tribunals, ..

PS LA 2007/23 - Alternative Dispute Resolution in ATO disputes and ...

ATO approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution. 1. .. B to the Attorney-General's Legal Services Directions 2005 to act as model litigants in .. applicable law and relevant ATO policies, the attitude of the other party to ADR and ..

ATO law expertise: Evolution or revolution? - Australian Taxation Office

We strongly discourage 'lawyer letters'. At the litigation stage we have had considerable success with ADR in the Administrative Appeals ..

ADR before, during and after court - CaTS Corporate New South ...

Courts and Tribunal Services | Department of Attorney General and Justice .. Alternative Dispute Resolution; Benefits of alternative dispute resolution · Types .. In family law parenting disputes, for example, most people are required to attend ..

App 2 - Glossary - Law Reform Commission of WA

Unlike other ADR processes, arbitration results in a determination by the arbitrator which is potentially enforceable. Attorney General. The principal legal officer ..

performance reports - Attorney-General's Department

tribunals, civil procedure, alternative dispute resolution, administrative law, and .. ATTORNEY–GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2005–06. 28 ..

"Resolution of Small Business Disputes" - Department of Innovation ...

the Law Institute of Victoria and the ADR Committee of the Victorian Bar. ... Many lawyers dealing with small business clients now routinely ..

Submission from Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre Integrity of ...

Whilst our Centre is supportive of the availability of ADR we do not believe it .. Even if there was a shift to more lawyer assisted mediation in Federal court and ..

Family Law Amendment Bill 2003 (Bills Digest, no. 12, 2003-04)

In 1998, the Attorney asked the Family Law Council and the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) to examine ..

International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Australian ...

The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department is the central .. in the maintenance and improvement of Australia's system of law and justice. .. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) ..


Mary Gleeson ( Legal Aid ) will be speaking about Lawyer Assisted FDR. Speakers on .. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) : ..

[PPT]Family Court of Western Australia

Microsoft Powerpoint - Arbitration – qualified family law arbitrator helps you reach agreement or makes decision .. Alternative Dispute Resolution – Legal Aid offered service ..First court event; Conducted by a judicial officer; Parties attend with their lawyer; Purpose: ..

Guidelines for Outsourcing Government Legal Work

The Attorney-General's Department is acknowledged as the central legal department with an expectation that it .... Commitment to alternative dispute resolution.

Supporting access to justice for cases - Attorney-General's Department

It is an important part of maintaining the rule of law that members of society be .... These services provide information, face to face or telephone advice, ADR, ..

Maintaining+and+enhancing+ - National Alternative Dispute ...

The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) is an .. Attorney-General on the development of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and with .. NADRAC and the Family Law Council previously provided joint advice, ..

Family dispute resolution and domestic violence bibliography ...

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009 Canberra, A.C.T. : Attorney-General's Dept., 2010 ... Family dispute resolution and family violence in the family law system. Evers M ..

News 2011 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

15/05/11, Lawyers make a song and dance of Law Week [ Small .... $2 million for a trial of alternative dispute resolution procedures in child ..

Review of Future Governance - Attorney-General's Department

Dispute Resolution (ADR) available to members of the public. The Chief justice has indicated her support for such initiatives as Collaborative Law as an ..

ADR Research

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council. ADR Research ... inquiry into justice (as with the Australian Law Reform Commission), or as part of a review of .. community expectations and the role of lawyers in ADR. In addition ..

Alternative dispute resolution bodies - Australian Law Reform ...

44.3 ADR has been described as dispute resolution processes, other than .. part in ADR also must comply with privacy laws during the dispute resolution process. ... an organisation designated by the Attorney-General or a designated court.

Public Defender Brian Devereaux's outstanding work recognised by ...

Accreditation Board of the Queensland Law Society,. Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Australasian Law Teachers Association.


logically assumes that alternative dispute resolution systems should be .. If anyone seriously wanted to enhance the protection of the lawyer's clients and the ..

Research & conference papers by the Australian Human Rights ...

Alternative Dispute Resolution

in the human rights and anti-discrimination law context: Reflections on theory, practice and skills. This paper provides an ..

Jurisdiction and Procedures of the Copyright Tribunal

Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms. 13. Accessibility .. Attorney-General on the need for changes to the jurisdiction and procedures of the. Copyright ..

Governance and control - Legal Aid Queensland - Queensland ...

Zoe Rathus is a senior lecturer in family law and professional practice, .. Board, Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution, and the ..

Response to NADRAC - Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil ...

In addressing the question of mandatory ADR, VADR looked at services which .. Law matters the mandatory use of ADR may tend to disadvantage women. .. Psychologists, social workers, lawyers and other professionals would not have to ..

8 for pdf - Law Reform Commission of WA

and more accessible for those who need lawyers and courts to help them resolve their disputes. Both alternatives are examined in this Report. Before ..


[14] According to the Rambo lawyer, litigation is war. ... note that these duties apply in litigation as well as in mediation and other forms of ADR.

Family Dispute Resolution - NADRAC

A legal definition can be found in the Family Law Act 1975. However, the term 'family dispute resolution' is still a term that covers many different sorts of ADR ..

Under the Family Law Act 1975 - NADRAC

This joint Letter of advice by the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory .. Law Act 1975 was provided to the Attorney-General on 15 November 2005.

SAT Member Profiles

After practising law in Western Australia until 1978, Murray Allen held senior positions with .. From 1980 to 1989 he worked in the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s .. experience, with particular expertise in alternative dispute resolution.


Every lawyer and every judge has the obligation to heed the Chief Justices' ... The use of alternative dispute resolution is now well advanced in this country.

Submission on the Single Trans-Tasman Regulatory Framework for ...

All lawyer employees are employed by A] Park Law. Some patent .... We understand the current costs of alternative dispute resolution services are subsidised ..

federal-civil-justice-system - Australian Law Reform Commission

The Australian Law Reform Commission's review of the federal civil .. judicial accountability, alternative dispute resolution, legal aid and expert witnesses. .. including requiring full disclosure of lawyers' fees and shifting to a ..

Submission to the Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committees ADR

NADRAC's submission to the Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committee' ADR inquiry addressed the following issues raised in the discussion paper: ..

[RTF]speeches_sackvillej14.rtf - Federal Court of Australia

Rich Text Format - AUSTRALIAN LAWYERS AND SOCIAL CHANGE .. 'Australian Law and Lawyers: Instruments or Enemies of Social and Economic Change?'. ... Concepts such as alternative dispute resolution and restorative justice, now a familiar part of the ..

Legal Services Directions 2005 and Guidance Notes

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. Handling litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) during ..

Annual Report 2004-05 Part 1 Overviews - Attorney-General's ...

One of the program's aims is to help PNG's law and justice sector to .... tribunals, law reform, alternative dispute resolution, international law, ..

Resolving tree and fence disputes - Department of Justice and ...

The new Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 commenced on 1 November .. Mediation offers you an alternative way of settling disputes before taking legal action. .. The Queensland Law Society can refer you to a private lawyer.

Post-Grant Patent Enforcement Strategies

ADR. Alternative Dispute Resolution. ALRC. Australian Law Reform Commission .. The Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia. KIPO ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ...

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 - This project examined the relationship between the family law system ... the profile of "alternative" dispute resolution services both inside the .. Generally speaking, three hours of joint dispute resolution time will be offered free of charge. ... the child's independent lawyer, thereby maximising opportunities to ..

AAT Annual Report 2008-09 Chapter 5

further improvement of the Tribunal's alternative dispute resolution .. and other ADR processes by conducting sessions for civil law lawyers and ..

Lawlink NSW: 5. Approaches to Occupational Regulation

5.7 Within the ADR community there are ambivalent, even contradictory .. 5.13 The common law imposes certain duties on people in trade and commerce .. Funds are distributed by the Commonwealth Attorney-General's ..

DISPUTE RESOLUTION TERMS - National Alternative Dispute ...

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council ... family law, mediation and conciliation evolved out of counselling, whereas industry dispute .... example, lawyers or agents) to identify issues to be negotiated, develop options, ..

The Business of Process Research Issues in Managing Indigenous ...

by T Bauman - collaborative alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation and ... process of decision-making according to 'traditional laws and customs' or via .. Council ('NADRAC'), whose role it is to advise the Commonwealth Attorney- ..

Alternative dispute resolution | Business and industry | Queensland ...

The Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General Dispute Resolution Centres offer a combination of alternative dispute resolution ..

Children's Court of Victoria - Research Materials - Family - General

The existence of a concurrent common law duty, is likely to encourage the ... ADR resolves about 30% of the cases referred to it. .... the Family Division but permits the Court to grant leave to a non-lawyer, other than a parent, ..

Letters of Advice

The following are Letters of Advice the Family Law Council have provided to the Attorney-General: .. An own motion letter of advice was provided to the Attorney-General on 3 .. Letter of Advice on Enhanced Family Dispute Resolution .. Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council and the Family Law ..

Recent Developments Concerning the Australian Centre for ...

particular, the major law firms, dealing with the multiplicity of ADR .. the renaissance of ACICA and I am delighted to advise that the Attorney General of Australia ..

Divorce mediation

child mediation as a method of primary dispute resolution in family law disputes. .. Attorney-General's Department (1997) Delivery of Primary Dispute Resolution .. that enthusiasm for mediation and alternative dispute resolution is enormous ..

ALRC 69 - Australian Law Reform Commission

Violence in relationships. Violence and the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Custody and access. Property and maintenance. Alternative dispute resolution processes ..

Children and family law - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ...

by M Harrison - Views are influenced by advice received from lawyers, friends, workmates, relatives .. Although the Family Law Act emphasises alternative dispute resolution ..

Submission 30 - Legal Services Commission of South Australia

Dear Attorney-General, ... In family law matters we have seen that while the push for alternative dispute resolution may have reduced the number of court filings, it has not reduced the number of applications for legal aid in the family law field.

Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts - Australian Law Reform ...

Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Law Council of Australia .. Law Council of Australia, submission to the Attorney-General's ..

AAT Annual Report 2009-10 Appendix 9

30+ items – .. guides and guidelines · Alternative dispute resolution ..







Advanced Collaborative Practice



Institute of Victoria, Melbourne


Improving Mediation Quality


LEADR Association of Dispute Resolvers ..


Supreme Court of Victoria - Links

LEADR Web site, LEADR, Association of Dispute Resolution is an Austral asian, .. that promotes alternative dispute resolution and their web site provides access to .. The Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) is the state's peak body for lawyers and ..

Draft 1

committee of the WA State Chapter of LEADR and a member of the ADR committee of the Law. Society, and has experience as a co presenter of the UWA Law ..

[PPT]Family Court of Western Australia

Microsoft Powerpoint - Arbitration- qualified family law arbitrator makes a decision for you. .. Legal Aid also has an Alternative Dispute Resolution .. However, in some cases the Court, or your lawyer, may give you permission not to attend a particular court event.

Serving our customers

Attorney General's Department's Law Libraries 34 .. Senior Solicitors Mimi Barbaro, Community Law, .... resolution (ADR) mechanisms, notably mediation ..

Hiring a Lawyer

Many lawyers specialise in particular areas of business and commercial law, so be sure to check that the lawyer .. alternative dispute resolution process?

Magistrates Court : Legal Dictionary

Alternative Dispute Resolution or A D R: Settling a dispute without a full, formal .. Counsel: A lawyer who is representing a person in a court.


Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration. Presentation bv the .. Attorney'-General's Department, elaborated the recent developments in law and legislation ..

PARENTING PLANS - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ...

FAMILY LAW COUNCIL. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council. LETTER OF ADVICE TO THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. ON. PARENTING ..

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

Criminal law responses to international parental child abduction ............. 21. Recognition under ... Role of alternative dispute resolution .

Background | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

1.1 On 10 May 2010 the Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Robert McClelland MP, ... whether mandatory requirements to use ADR should be introduced; ..

Office of the Sheriff NSW - CaTS Corporate New South Wales

Courts and Tribunal Services | Department of Attorney General and Justice .. Community Justice Centres · Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate · Office of the .. At the Office of the Sheriff of NSW, we conduct law enforcement, security and ..

Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families

by R Warrek - 2008Family Relationship Centres & Family Dispute Resolution Services · >> Step by .. Aboriginal Legal Service of WA, Family Law Unit – (08) 9265 6666 or 1800 019 900 (freecall). Aboriginal Alternative Dispute Resolution Service - 1800 045 577 (freecall) .. There is a Duty Legal Aid Lawyer available daily at the Family Court.

Legal Services Amendment Directions 2010 (No. 1)

Issued by the authority of the Attorney-General. Judiciary .. and its agencies in arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution processes.


Mediation courses, Bond University, University of Technology, Law. Society of NSW .. law, small business. 2003-cont ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) Training .. NSW Environment and Planning Law Association. • The Women's Club ..

What we do - AAT

The Tribunal falls within the portfolio of the Attorney-General, the Hon. .. decision involves considering afresh the facts, law and policy relating to that decision. .. including whether another form of alternative dispute resolution - conciliation, ..

Dispute Resolution Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney...

Dispute Resolution Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney-General, Queensland. Response to NADRAC's reference concerning the integrity of ADR ..

Senate Committees – Parliament of Australia


-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT .. civil procedure, alternative dispute resolution, administrative law and administration of related government programs ..

An evidence base for the federal civil justice system

organisations in the access to justice sector and to law firms. .. The Access to Justice Division of the Attorney-General's Department (AGD) is seeking to .. to Resolve Report") published by the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ..

ADR in family violence legislation | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ...

This reflects the recommendations of the New South Wales Law Reform Commission .. In NSW, ADR is not used in family violence protection order proceedings .... Relationship Advice Line by the Australian Government Attorney-General's ..

partnership projects - Attorney-General's Department

"mediation' or "counselling' or other forms of dispute resolution used in the family law context. Within the field, alternative dispute resolution or "ADR' is used to ..

Attorney General's Department - 9 November 2011 - FRSA ...

We do this through the Standing Council on Law and Justice. .. I'm also optimistic that the coordinated family dispute resolution pilots .. which more effectively build on the existing capabilities in the ADR sector, reflect the ..

Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice

Attorney General's Department has itself acknowledged the ongoing disadvantage .... where family violence precludes alternative dispute resolution. FVPLS ..

E Law: Disputing Culture: Lawyers and ADR

Numerous studies, including my own, show that most lawyers are favourably disposed towards alternative dispute resolution practices. Yet, other studies ..

Lawyers post-ADR: mediation and collaborative law

by A Ardagh - 2007Lawyers post-ADR: mediation and collaborative law. Anne Ardagh. Guy Cumes. This Article is brought to you by ePublications@bond. It has been accepted for ..

Educating lawyers in ADR

by L Boulle - 2005 - Boulle, Laurence (2005) "Educating lawyers in ADR," ADR Bulletin: Vol. .. Law Teachers' Conference in Hamilton, .. law schools need to inculcate in students ..

Family law: the lawyerâ•ficlient relationship, procedural justice and ...

by J Howieson - 2007 - Howieson, Jill (2007) "Family law: the lawyer–client relationship, procedural justice and the dispute resolution process," ADR Bulletin: Vol. 10: No. 2, Article 6.

E Law: Lawyers and Dispute Resolution: What Do They Think And ...

by BA Archie Zariski Subjects: Dispute resolution law (Other articles). Issue ... Lawyers may consider such alternative forms of dispute resolution to be "second class ..

Family lawyersâ•Ž attitudes to ADR

by T Altobelli - 2005A recent survey of New South Wales. Accredited Specialists in Family Law has collected data about the use by this influential group of lawyers of ADR processes ..

Gerber, P; Ong, B --- "Dispute Boards Is there a role for lawyers ...

by B Ong It is clear that ADR is now widely accepted and embraced by construction lawyers as a normal and natural part of dispute resolution. In contrast ..

"Why Teach ADR to Law Students? Part 2: An Empirical ... - AustLII

by TOM FISHERThe rise of ADR education in law schools underscores the central role of lawyers in ADR practice. Whilst lawyers, in their client advocate role, have an ethical ..

Family law dispute resolution : procedural justice and the lawyer ...

Family law dispute resolution : procedural justice and the lawyer-client interaction / .. (Law), Family lawyers, Procedural justice, Alternative dispute resolution, ..

Why Teach Alternative Dispute Resolution to Law Students ... - AustLII

by J GUTMANSpencer asserts that it is a component of legal professional responsibility for lawyers to advise their clients on ADR options.17 This view is endorsed by the Law ..

UWA Staff Profile > The University of Western Australia: The ...

Howieson, J. Family Law: the lawyer-client relationship, procedural justice and the dispute resolution process, ADR Bulletin, Volume 10, ..

Guidelines for lawyers in mediations

by M Walker - 2007 - Guidelines for Lawyers in Mediation. (Guidelines) are based on the work of the members of the Law Council. Alternative Dispute Resolution. Committee and ..

"Lawyers post-ADR" by Anne Ardagh and Guy Cumes

by A Ardagh - 2007Lawyers post-ADR: mediation and collaborative law .. incorporation of alternative dispute resolution practices (ADR) and collaborative law into the profession.

Disputing Culture: Lawyers and ADR

by BA Archie Zariski Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Murdoch University. Subjects: Alternative dispute resolution (Other articles) Lawyers Professions. Issue ..

Stephen Lancken - Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies - The ...

He is a regular writer and contributor to the study of ADR. .. College of Law; Coudert Bros Lawyers; Gilbert + Tobin State Legal Conference ..

Japan's Legal Profession (and ADR and Legal Education) at a ...

This aimed at extending the rule of law even for example through ADR mechanisms, beginning with a 1978 scheme with insurers to resolve ..

The new lawyer: Moving from warrior to conflict resolver

by J McFarlane - 2009It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. for lawyers which is responsive to new dispute .. of Law (UBC Press, 2008) argues that ..


by A ARDAGH - Place of Collaborative Law in the New Family Law System. 239 the legal profession.2 The large number of lawyers having undertaken mediation and other ADR ..

Secrets, half-truths and deceit in mediation and negotiation â•fl ...

by K Lauchland - 2007 - It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. His honour, Byrne J, effectively held in the Mullins case that the lawyer had been guilty of .. happening in connection with the practice of law that falls short of the standard of ..

Integrating Alternative Dispute Resolution into Japanese Legal ...

by M Saegusa - Globalization of Law: Diffusion of ADR across Nations. VI. ADR in Japan .... L. RISKIN / J. WESTBROOK, Dispute Resolution and Lawyers (St. Paul, Minn. 1998); ..

Developments in Commercial ADR: Attorney-General's Departmentâ ...

by I Govey - 2001Developments in Commercial ADR: Attorney-. General's Department's Perspective. Ian Govey. David Syme. This Article is brought to you by the Faculty of Law at ..

Article title - Bulletin May 2007 - La Trobe University

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): What role for lawyers? 'Since 2005, the first subject La Trobe University law students complete is Dispute ..

ADR: a glass half full or a glass half empty? A contribution to the ...

by T Sourdin - 2002 - Professor of Law, .. many lawyers have become ADR practitioners and supporters and have played a ... skills — will result in a more relevant law school ..

Dr Becky Batagol, Monash Law

Lawyers and Family Dispute Resolution' (2008) 8 Queensland University .. to Victorian Parliament Law reform Committee: 'Inquiry into ADR in ..

Conference: Dispute Resolution in the next 40 years ... - UNSW Law

Dispute Resolution Conference Brochure & Registration Form .. Alternative Dispute Resolution, including mediation, joint settlement meetings and .. practised as a lawyer for 14 years, specialising in industrial and sports law.

Emeritus Professor Hilary Astor - Sydney Law School - The ...

Dispute Resolution; Mediation Skills and Theory; Family Law; Legal Research 3 .. between family dispute resolution practitioners and family lawyers and .. Chairperson of the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ..

The purpose of court-connected mediation from the legal perspective

by O Rundle - 2007 - It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of .. literature of inappropriate lawyer .. within the legal system, legal ..

Incorporating ADR in Canadian Civil Litigation

by DL Zutter - 2001 - 12-1-2001. Incorporating ADR in Canadian Civil Litigation. Deborah Lynn Zutter. This Article is brought to you by the Faculty of Law at ePublications@bond.

Hard bargainers beware! Cost traps for lawyers

by P Cavanagh - 2006 - It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of .. Cost traps for lawyers," ADR Bulletin: Vol. .. involved national law firms.

"Family lawyers' attitudes to ADR" by Tom Altobelli

by T Altobelli - 2005The hypothesis was that lawyers were using ADR in family law with greater frequency, that they were becoming sophisticated consumers of ADR services, and ..

Promoting Australian ADR abroad

by S Purser - 2001Late in 2000 the Attorney General's. Department invited the Dispute Resolution. Centre of Bond University School of Law to conduct a series of courses on ADR ..

The Justice Industry in the 21st Century: Review of Educating ...

by BA Archie ZariskiSenior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Murdoch University .. on the theme of educating lawyers and other legal actors for their roles in future less "adversarial" systems. .. The "ADR" movement has advanced an approach to conflict in society ..

CIVIL DISPUTE RESOLUTION BILL 2011 Explanatory Memorandum


are also under an obligation to advise their clients of the requirement .. that would make further steps inappropriate, such as under the Family Law Act 1975. .. The benefits of ADR include a less adversarial process, early resolution of ..

Renting your judge

by G Wilson - 2000The concept of a retired judge providing services to family law clientele and their lawyers via a variety of ADR techniques remains relatively untried in Australia.

Civil Procedure and ADR - Legal Resources

Civil Procedure and Alternative Dispute Resolution (MLL 391) .. Federal Courts (LexisNexis) and Springvale Legal Service's lawyers practice ..

Collaborative law overview â•fl towards collaborative problem ...

by R Lopich - 2009It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. other forms of ADR, litigation lawyers ... collaborative lawyer, Stu had completed ..

The operationalisation of ADR: Diversitt-Einheitlichkeits

by N Alexander - 2004 - The introduction of ADR and in particular mediation has created new opportunities for a number of professions, including law. For lawyers mediation is an ..

Professor Luke Nottage - Sydney Law School - The University of ...

Academy of Comparative Law (by election only); ADR/Arbitration Law Association of Japan (ADR-chusaiho gakkai); Australasian Forum for ..

Sanctions for the recalcitrant lawyer and party

by G Dearlove - 1999 - It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized ... that lawyer, or if it is in their client's interests that the dispute be resolved with that lawyer.

Letters to a young lawyer

by D Spencer - 2006If you are a lawyer, or in the business of talking to lawyers, and .. a brilliant criminal lawyer, gifted teacher, parent and .. of alternative dispute resolution should ..

Introduction - ePublications@bond - Bond University

Access to ADR processes. 28. The purpose of court-connected mediation from the legal perspective. 30. Lawyers post-ADR: mediation and collaborative law. 32 ..


by J GUTMAN - law. It identifies the starting point for transformation as the ADR movement, and examines the various trends in lawyering and the legal institutions that ..


The truth of the matter is that alternative dispute resolution makes the legal system work. The noted American lawyer, Irving Younger, visited ..

Mediation in the 90s: the promise of the past

by T Altobelli - 2000 - It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. already there are indications of threats to ADR ... affected by the laws and lawyers are to ..


of Law, Lawyers and Justice examines the nature and structure of the legal profession, historical ... alternative dispute resolution, relations with other lawyers); ..

Visualising the ADR landscape

by N Alexander - 2004 - important. The introduction of ADR, and in particular mediation. has created new opportunities for a number of professions, including law. For lawyers mediation ..

Collaborative practice â•fl â•ŸWe already do thatâ•Ž

by L Lopich - 2007 - Lopich, Lorraine (2007) "Collaborative practice — 'We already do that'," ADR Bulletin: Vol. 9: No. 9, Article .. advice that collaborative lawyers give to their clients ..

Compulsory ADR before commencing proceedings?

by A Limbury - 1998It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. applied is justice according to law. Lawyers in particular appreciate the importance to ..

Opportunistic research: making the most of a captive audience and a ...

by C Doran - 2003It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. family law solicitors at the conference .. A snapshot of family lawyers' ADR perceptions ..

What is it about me? What is it about mediation?

by J Howieson - 2010of interest-based ADR/FDR processes, and thought that their use benefited most family law matters;. • 33% of clients in the sample reported that their lawyers ..

E Law: Perceptions of Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Local ...

Menkel-Meadow, C, "Symposium: Pursuing Settlement in an Adversary Culture: A Tale of Innovation Co-opted or 'The Law of ADR" (1991) 19 Fla. St. U.L. Rev.1 ..

Rosemary Howell | UNSW LAW

Dr. Howell has over 30 years of experience as a lawyer, strategic planner, educator .. professional engagement in alternative dispute resolution techniques and .. Rosemary currently teaches Dispute Resolution at both an undergraduate and ..

Published Conference Papers

able to do' not just 'what lawyers need to know'. The rise of ADR education in law schools underscores the central role of lawyers in. ADR practice.

The Case of Confidentiality - QUT Law and Justice Journal

by R FIELD - Family Court of Australia, the Queensland Law Society, the Law Society of NSW, the Law. Institute of Victoria, Lawyers Engaged in ADR – Association of Dispute ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution LAWS70018 - Subject Details

Melbourne Law School · Melbourne Law Masters .. life for lawyers, business people and anyone who works with more than one other person. This Alternative Dispute Resolution subject provides an overview of the range of dispute resolution ..

E Law: It's the Process that Counts - Professionalising Mediation in ...

Some practicing lawyers were receiving training in mediation and tried to use mediation in their practice. Increasingly, mediation and ADR were taught in law ..

Clinical program - Griffith University

Griffith Law School operates eight clinical courses for undergraduate law students, offering .. in community legal centres or more specialised clinics including ADR and refugee law. .. Offered twice each year in conjunction with Nyst Lawyers.

Introduction - ePublications@bond - Bond University

Bond Law Review, introduction, alternative dispute resolution .. This issue of the Bond Law Review is devoted to developments in alternative dispute ... of the emerging duty on lawyers as gatekeepers of the disputing universe to advise ..

[RTF]LAWS3365 Alternative Dispute Resolution S1 2011

Rich Text Format - Welcome to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Despite the fact that only a very small percentage of cases ever proceed to trial, Law School education has ..

Will Privately-Supplied ADR Keep Growing in Japan? - Japanese ...

Japan's Legal Profession (and ADR and Legal Education) at a Crossroads .. 72 of the Lawyers Law (criminally) prohibited legal services provided other than by ..


by MJ Fulton - (July 1988) Law Society Journal 29 and the formation of a professional organisation LEADR (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution) by lawyers in ..

Including Lawyers in Family Law Mediations:

by RM Field - 2004 - Report No 67 AGPS Canberra 1994. See also Mack Kathy 'Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice for Women' (1995) 17 Adelaide Law Review ..

Master of Dispute Resolution | UNSW LAW

This program is suited to those lawyers who wish to focus on dispute resolution to support their practice; Alternative Dispute Resolution professionals who are ..

Dr Becky Batagol - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Becky works in the Faculty of Law at Monash University as a Lecturer. .. Douglas, K., Batagol, B., 2010, ADR and non-adversarial justice as sites for .. Lawyers and Family Dispute Resolution, Queensland University of ..

Staff profiles > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

Howieson, J. Family Law: the lawyer-client relationship, procedural justice and the dispute resolution process, ADR Bulletin, Volume 10, ..


concept of alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") was unheard of. ... and lawyers; and, thirdly, the way that law students are educated.

East meeting West in the mediation marketplace

by N Alexander - 2003It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. Chinese dispute resolution has enjoyed a very .. Chinese lawyer living in Singapore, a ..

ADR and government

by L Boulle - 2002It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of .. on a point of law and that the past .. rules to recognise the role of lawyers ..


by M AKScott - solutions.8 Fairman supports the view that although a collaborative lawyer may be helping the clients to resolve a dispute, that lawyer is 'still engaged in a representational .... cogently demonstrates why ADR mechanisms have not brought the ..

Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB - Future ...

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. skills to pursue my interest in international development and alternative dispute resolution." ..

Non-adversarial justice - Monash University

Traditional legal education, with its focus on case law and judicial .. Non-adversarial justice is a focus on non-court dispute resolution or on processes .. and include alternative dispute resolution (and its component processes such .. system and how lawyers operate (and are perceived to operate) within it.

The Court System and ADR Procedures

by SL Streetcourt system and ADR procedures in the resolution of disputes. In so doing I am, I believe, fulfilling the expectation of the distinguished maritime lawyer, whose ..

Misrepresenting What Mediation Can Do: The Theory and Practice ...

by RM Field - 2006 - Queensland Law Society, the Law Society of NSW, the Law Institute of Victoria, Lawyers Engaged in ADR –. Association of Dispute Resolvers (LEADR), the ..

Professor Joellen Riley - Sydney Law School - The University of ...

Joellen is a Fellow of the Commercial Law Association. .. Riley, J, 'Dispute Resolution and Enforcement' in R Owens, J Riley & J Murray, The Law of .. Riley, J, 'The New Conflict Managers: A Critical Assessment of ADR Methods under Work ..

"Educating lawyers in ADR" by Laurence Boulle

by L Boulle - 2005 - Boulle, Laurence (2005) "Educating lawyers in ADR," ADR Bulletin: Vol. 8: No. 2, Article 2. Available at: ..

Legal issues in the mediation process

by R Angyal - 1998 - It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of ... Contributions to The ADR Law Bulletin for 1999 are welcome. Please submit .. create options for settlement of the dispute. The lawyer can assist in drafting ..

Enhancing inter-professional relationships in a changing family law ...

working relationships between family lawyers and family dispute resolution .... alternatives to trial was recognised in 1996 when the Family Law Reform Act ..

Dale Bagshaw Home Page

Advisory to the Attorney-General on the Family Law Act 1975 and the .. Policy, Practice, and Legislative Needs of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Fields of ..

Lise Barry@Macquarie Law

LAW208 Law Lawyers and Society (Convenor) .. Alternative Dispute Resolution, Public International law, Juvenile Justice, Restorative Justice, ..

Field, Rachael --- "Federal Family Law Reform in 2005: The ...

by R FIELDD Lawyers Assisting Women In Informal Family Dispute Resolution: Coach, .... [111] Further, the inclusion of alternative dispute resolution subjects in legal ..

Future directions of dispute resolution | UNSW Newsroom

The future shape of dispute resolution including the role of the judge and .. the role of lawyers in alternative dispute resolution processes; the future .. For more details and a full speakers' list go to the Faculty of Law website.

Teaching and learning skills: Increasing a sense of law school ...

by J Howieson - The study reveals that the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) unit, .. not intending to practise as lawyers, their sense of belonging to the Law ..

Reflections on commercial dispute resolution

by GA Moens - 2004 - growing awareness among lawyers and business people that litigation is not the .. elaboration of ethical standards for the industry, notably by the Law Council of .. Fulton's book Commercial Alternative Dispute Resolution, published in 1989, ..

The fog has not lifted â•fl section 198J of the NSW Legal Profession ...

by A Lakhani - 2006 - It has been accepted for inclusion in ADR Bulletin by an authorized .. As part of the legal profession lawyers .. reasonably arguable view of the law that ..

Mediation and Improvisation: Teaching Mediators to Improvise the ...

by K Douglas - 21 See for example Leonard Riskin, 'Mindfulness in the Law and ADR: The Contemplative Lawyer: On the Potential Contributions of Mindfulness Meditation to ..

Commercial Alternative Dispute Resolution: by Maxwell J Fulton

by L Boulle - 1990It has been accepted for inclusion in Bond Law Review by an authorized ... formation of LEADR (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution), ..

Law, Deakin University

Deakin's courses in law have a distinct orientation towards .. as moot courts and alternative dispute resolution, practical skills training, .. law association, the profession, law graduates and members of Deakin's School of Law.

Amanda Carrigan - School of Accounting & Finance - Charles Sturt ...

Lecturer in Law - Charles Sturt University Financial Services Law,; Alternative Dispute Resolution education .. on the Commercial Lawyers Association Legislative Review Task Force.


Finding the best on-line dispute resolution service, and why lawyers should care. As alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and on-line dispute resolution (ODR) ... Dispute Resolution (ODR)' (2003) International Review of Law Computers and ..

LAW421 Dispute Resolution.docx - Dean's Welcome, Law ...

For lawyers ADR skills and techniques will be an additional tool to manage, .. research interests include WTO and International Trade, Banking Law and Policy, ..

"Guidelines for lawyers in mediations" by Mary Walker

by M Walker - 2007 - The Guidelines for Lawyers in Mediation (Guidelines) are based on the work of the members of the Law Council Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee and ..

Dispute Resolution Centre News Volume 32

Law at Bond and currently Chair of the Family Law Council of Australia. .. and abroad. Laurence Boulle will serve a further spell as Editor of the ADR Bulletin published ... Corporate Lawyers as Negotiators - McCullough Robertson. Lawyers ..

LAW3441 Natural Resources Law - University of Southern ...

More is expected of the modern energy and resources lawyer than mere transaction work. Alternative dispute resolution is particularly important. There is always ..

Commercial Dispute Resolution in Australia : some trends and ...

by P Dwight - 1989 - is also a need for lawyers who know how to use the various processes well, .. Arbitration and ADR are games played in the 'shadow of the law', and in the ..

Published Conference Papers

The teaching of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is undertaken in a number of law ... 'Mindfulness in the Law and ADR: The Contemplative Lawyer: On the ..

Mediation - On the Rise in the United Kingdom?

by M Nesic - 2001 - This Article is brought to you by the Faculty of Law at ePublications@bond. .. The author is a lawyer, ADR consultant and trainer, and mediator in the UK. She is ..

Recent developments in ADR

by L Boulle - 2001from or from the Family Law. Pathways at Attorney General's Department,. Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit,. Barton ACT 2600. q. ADR in ..

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Sunday, 8 December 2024
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Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
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Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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