Child Abduction

International child abduction

Australia is party to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the Abduction Convention). The International Family Law Section is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the Abduction Convention) in Australia. The Abduction Convention is an international treaty under which arrangements are made for the return of children who have been wrongfully removed from, or retained outside, their country of habitual residence.

The Abduction Convention sets up a Central Authority in each country to deal with applications for the return of children taken to or from each country. The International Family Law Section of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department is the Central Authority for Australia (CCA).

The CCA, makes a decision whether or not to accept all applications to/from Australia for the return of abducted children and ensures that they meet the requirements of the Abduction Convention. Applications for the return of children brought to Australia are sent to the relevant State Central Authorities for action. Applications for the return of children taken from Australia are sent to the relevant foreign Central Authority. The usual issues relevant to a residence or contact dispute between parents are not relevant in Convention applications and court hearings. The Abduction Convention is concerned with forum (appropriate jurisdiction to hear custody disputes) not custody or residence.

If you have a legal matter regarding child abduction and would like legal help, then please complete your free the enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Steps to take when your child has been abducted

If you fear that your child has already been wrongfully removed from Australia or retained overseas, follow these steps:

Step 1: If you do not know where your child is, report your child as missing to your local law enforcement authority.

Step 2: Contact the Australian Federal Police in your nearest capital city to request information on the airport arrival/departure details of the child.

Step 3: Determine whether the overseas country your child has been taken to is a Convention country or a country in a bilateral agreement with Australia (currently Lebanon and Egypt).


Step 4: If your child has been wrongfully removed to a country that is a party to the Hague Convention or a country in a bilateral agreement with Australia you should contact the International Child Abduction Enquiry Line on 1800 100 480.

Step 5: Make a request for the return of your child from a Hague Convention Country with assistance from the Commonwealth or State Central Authorities

Step 6: You may also be eligible for financial assistance through the Overseas (Child Custody Removal) Scheme to assist with legal expenses overseas.

What is the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction?

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty that tries to ensure that children who are wrongfully removed or wrongfully retained by a parent, will be returned as quickly as possible to the country in which they habitually reside so that issues of parental responsibility can be resolved by the courts in that country.

The Convention assumes that the courts in the child's country of habitual residence are best able to make decisions about the best interests of the child. The Convention also allows parents to make an access application to seek assistance in obtaining contact with their child who lives overseas with the other parent.

The Convention sets up a Central Authority in each country to deal with requests for the return of children taken to or from each country.

What is the function of the Commonwealth and State Central Authorities?

The Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 implements the Convention in Australia and establishes that the Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department is the Commonwealth Central Authority under the Convention. The Commonwealth Central Authority coordinates incoming and outgoing requests to and from overseas Central Authorities and liaises with the relevant State or Territory Central Authority in Australia to perform Australia’s obligations under the Convention.

The Commonwealth Central Authority sends and receives requests made under the Convention for the return of a child abducted to or from Australia.

State Central Authorities or private lawyers assist parents with preparing applications for the return of a child to Australia under the Convention.

Legal proceedings for incoming applications under the Convention (where a child has been taken to Australia or retained in Australia) are conducted by the relevant State or Territory Central Authority under the instruction of the Commonwealth Central Authority. The costs of these proceedings are paid by the Commonwealth. Australia did not make a reservation as to costs under the Convention.

Individuals may also choose to make their own application to a court for the return of a child from Australia. However any expenses incurred in private proceedings are a matter for the applicant.

Applicants from the ACT, Western Australia and the Northern Territory should contact the Commonwealth Central Authority for assistance in preparing a Hague abduction or access request on the International Child Abduction Enquiry Line on 1800 100 480.

Applicants from all other states should contact their relevant State Central Authority for assistance in preparing a Convention abduction or access request.

How to Prevent International Parental Child Abduction

What systems are in place to prevent abducted my child from being taken out of Australia without my consent?
If you are concerned that your child may be removed from Australia you can take steps to prevent wrongful removal in the future:

• Obtain a court order prohibiting the removal of the child from Australia

• If you have a parenting order from an Australian court, or an order prohibiting the removal of your child from Australia, the police can put the child’s name on the Airport Watch List. In an emergency, the police can also act as if you have applied for such an order. Contact the Australian Federal Police in your nearest capital city.

• If you do not have a court order, contact a lawyer, community legal centre or legal aid body for advice on obtaining an order. Visit the contact page to contact a family lawyer. All registries of the Family Court have an after hours emergency phone service. Check your local area telephone directory for the number.

• Details of an order preventing the removal of your child from Australia must be provided to the Australian Federal Police for the child’s name to be entered on the Airport Watch List. A child’s name may only be removed from the Airport Watch List with a court order. The details of a residence or contact order entered on the Airport Watch List must be renewed every six months to remain effective in preventing the child’s departure. For more information about how to apply for a child’s name to be placed on the Airport Watch list and the information which should be included in an order visit the AFP website.

• The Family Court of Australia website also has information that may be useful to prevent international parental child abduction, such as fact sheets on: Children and international travel after family separation and compliance with parenting orders.

• You may be able to prevent your child from getting an Australian passport by raising a Child Alert on the passport system. Contact the Passports Office on 1312 32 or go to the Australian Passport Office website and follow the link on Child Alert.

• You may also be able to prevent your child from getting a foreign passport for the child by contacting the relevant consular office in your State.

What should I be aware of when I am considering taking my child to another country?

  • It is important to remember the following points when considering taking your child to another country:
  • It is an offence to take, or try to take, your child out of Australia knowing that a current parenting order gives day-to-day care to some other person, or as a way of preventing a parenting order being complied with.
  • If convicted of these offences you may be jailed, fined or the court may vary the parenting order. If you have existing parenting orders preventing the removal of the child from Australia you should apply to vary the orders before travelling overseas with your child.
  • For more information visit the Family Court of Australia website which has some useful fact sheets on: Children and international travel after family separation and compliance with parenting orders.
  • If both parents agree to the child travelling outside Australia, the parents can enter into consent orders. The form can be obtained on the Family Court of Australia’s website. The appropriate form is the ‘Application for Consent Orders’.

If you have a legal matter regarding child abduction and would like legal help, then please complete your free the enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Child Abduction News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

We cover all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships

Applying for a Divorce
Financial Arrangements following Divorce
Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown
Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership
Prenuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Property Relationships Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes
International Family Law
Financial Agreements, Property Ownership Disputes & Consent Orders
Child Abduction
Adoption and the Law
Surrogacy and the Law
Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Domestic Violence
Property and Finances after Separation
Spousal Maintenance
Parental Responsibility Agreements - Parenting Arrangements
Child Support
Superannuation after Separation and Divorce
Same-Sex Relationships and the Law

We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you’re ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you’re not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You  may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

Child Abduction Updates
Child Abduction Links

Convention countries PART 2--REQUESTS TO CENTRAL AUTHORITIES, EXCEPT FOR ACCESS 11. Request for return of child abducted from Australia 13.

International Extradition and Parental Child Abduction

by DA Chaikin - 1993 - Child snatching by parents or parental child abduction is a frequent .. Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of Child Abduction to recover and return the child to ..

CRIMES ACT 1900 - SECT 87 Child abduction

(1) A person who takes or detains a child with the intention of removing or keeping the child from the lawful control of any person having parental responsibility ..

"International Extradition and Parental Child Abduction" by David A ..

by DA Chaikin - 1993 - Child snatching by parents or parental child abduction is a frequent occurrence in today's world. The high rate of divorce, coupled with the conflict in social ..

Child abduction: aged-based analyses of offender, victim, and ..

by MC Boudreaux - 1999 - - have been conducted, research on child abduction and homicide re- .. Columbia, and Puerto Rico) of 550 cases of alleged child abduction obtained from ..


Child Side School has strategies and processes in place to minimise the risk of needing to use a Child Abduction Response Plan.

Mediation within the framework of a German-English child abduction

by CC Paul - 2007 - - pressure: the abducting parent is afraid. 'to lose' the child, while the parent left .. of a German-English child abduction. Christoph C Paul and Steffi Kaesler ..


The Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 (in force under the Family Law Act 1975) as shown in this compilation ..

Form 2C Warrant for the apprehension or detention - AustLII

Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986. Statutory Rules 1986 .. 11 Request for return of child abducted from Australia 10. 13 Request for ..


Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations (Amendment). Subsection 125(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 (the Act) empowers the Governor-General ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) AMENDMENT REGULATIONS 2006 (No. 1). Subsection 125(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS 1986 - REG 13. Request for return of child abducted to Australia. (1) The Commonwealth ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS 1986 - REG 18. Effect of other custody orders in Australia or overseas. (1) The following ..

WebLaw - Children & the Law

International Child Abduction: Official Australian Website: The Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department is the Australian Central Authority for the Hague ..

Part B

- Regulation 11 Family Law (Child Abduction Convention Regulations) 1986 (Commonwealth Australia). Chan v. Chow, 2001 BCCA 276. Thomson v Thomson ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS 1986 - REG 16. Obligation to make a return order. (1) If: (a) an application for a return order ..


Application for return of child abducted from Australia 12. Language of applications under regulation 11 13. Application for return of child abducted to Australia ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 111B Convention on the Civil ..

Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. (1) The regulations may make such provision as is necessary or convenient to enable the ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS 1986 - REG 4. Meaning of rights of custody. (1) For these Regulations, a person, institution ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS 1986 - REG 24. Request for access to child in Australia. (1) The Commonwealth Central ..

Ms Danielle Odhiambo - Griffith University

Danielle's thesis titled A critical analysis of the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980 and the Family Law (Child Abduction ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS 1986 - REG 10. Convention countries. Subject to Article 40 of the Convention, each of the ..


FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS 1986 - SCHEDULE 2. Convention countries. (regulation 10) ..

Dr Adiva Sifris, Monash Law

Sifris A R, and Hyams R L, 'Child Abduction in Australia' in Garb L (ed) International Kidnapping: The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Children and the Law - LAWS3392

This course covers a wide range of legal issues that affect children. .. child care, education, international child abduction, child soldiers, children and the built ..

CRIMES ACT 1900 - SECT 428B Offences of specific intent to which ..

86, Kidnapping. 87, Child abduction. 99, Demanding property with intent to steal. 110, Breaking, entering and assaulting with intent to murder etc. 111, Entering ..





Volunteers to guard children

Our Lady of Fatima primary school, at Caringbah in south-west Sydney, is one of a number of local schools to act following a spate of attempted child abductions ..

WorldLII - Categories - Subjects - Human Rights - Children's Rights

Reunite is a UK charity specialising in advice, information and support relating to international parental child abduction. The site also contains a list of the ..


Kidnapping 87. Child abduction 88-91. (Repealed) Division 14A - Procuring for prostitution 91A. Procuring etc 91B. Procuring person by drugs etc Division 15 ..


- Family Law (Child Abduction) Regulations 1986 Reg.11, 23. Family Law Amendment (Shared Responsibility) Bill 2005 – Explanatory Memorandum. - De L v ..

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and ..

by Y Okuda - - International Child Abduction. V. Conclusion. I. INTRODUCTION. The rights of children seem at first glance to be much better protected in Japan than in ..

Page 1 of 9 Caloundra City School Newsletter 8/09/2011 http ..

to write about a difficult topic: child abduction and child safety. This is .. Abductions of children while not common on the Sunshine. Coast are ..

Crimes Act 1958 - SECT 56 Abduction of child under the age of 16


of child under the age of 16 (1) A person must not take away a child under the age of 16 against the will of a person who has lawful charge of the child ..

Emeritus Professor Francis Bates, Research Profile

Bates Francis Alfred, 'War and disorder: The Hague Child Abduction Convention - Australian law in context', Asia Pacific Law Review, 18 133-150 (2010) [C1] ..

Mr Ross Hyams, Monash Law

'Child Abduction in Australia' (with Sifris, A) in Garb L (ed) International Kidnapping: The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International ..


a new defence for children at risk. Bruce and Denise Morcombe know the heartache of child abduction all too well. In December 2003, their 13-year-old son ..


- Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 (Cth), regs 4, 11, 17(1); .. Child Protection (International Measures) Bill 2006 Explanatory Note ..

CRIMINAL CODE 1899 - SECT 363A 363A Abduction of child under ..

363A Abduction of child under 16. (1) Any person who unlawfully takes an unmarried child under the age of 16 years out of the custody or protection of the ..

Hip abduction orthosis - Kids Health @ CHW - The Children's ..

The Dennis Brown Hip Abduction Orthosis is used to hold a child's hips in an optimal position. It is mainly used for developmental delay of the hips, often called ..

Current PhD Candidates - Griffith University

30+ items – menu +. Current students · Ask us (current students) · Careers ..

Andrew Anderson - Statutory law/judicial methods


Abida Arunachalam - The prospect of paralegals as a profession in the legal ..



Removal of child from State for genital mutilation Division 9--Kidnapping and unlawful .. Defences in cases of bigamy Division 16--Abduction of children 80.

Parental protectiveness – the new PC? | VOICE

"A heightened perception of risk and the greater media profile of crime, especially child abduction, are likely to have influenced the degree of ..



or detention 56. Abduction of child under the age of 16. 57. Procuring sexual penetration by threats or fraud 58. Procuring sexual penetration of a child ..

Mr Jacobson and Miss Kirk Urgent….be on the alert!

We have been alerted to a possible attempted child abduction at Kingscliff yesterday afternoon. A man, maybe middle-eastern in appearance, ..

The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child in the Abduction ..

by RJ WilliamsThe Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child in the Abduction Phenomenon: Rebirthing within the Psyche and the Psychosomatic. Imagination. Robert J.

Professor Frank Bates / Staff Profiles / Staff / The University of ..

'The Child Abduction Convention: Troubles in Australia' [2007] International Family Law 24. 'Dylan Thomas and the Idea of Law' (2007) VIII (3) ..


child abduction;. • Hague convention;. • care and protection;. • adoption;. • sexual abuse; and. • domestic violence. • Has extensive experience in the Family ..




FAMILY LAW (CHILD ABDUCTION CONVENTION) REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT) 1997 No. 347 - REG 1. 1. Amendment 1.1 The Family Law (Child Abduction ..

Dr Adiva Sifris - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Sifris, A. R., Hyams, R. L., 2008, Child Abduction in Australia, in International Kidnapping: The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of ..

Inmagic DB/Text WebPublisher PRO: 1 records

Managing the interface with family law; Other complexities, for example child abduction, forced marriage, teenage family violence and ..


the Australian system is vulnerable to trafficking in children. Reports of children abducted and sold into adoption, and of associated adoption malpractice, raise ..

Mr Ross Hyams - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Sifris, A. R., Hyams, R. L., 2008, Child Abduction in Australia, in International Kidnapping: The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child ..

URL: http://www. parliament. the-stationery-office. co. uk/pa/pabills ..

by A GreenshieldsURL: Family Law International Child Abduction Database Eestablished by the Permanent Bureau of The Hague Convention of 25 ..

The Peter Nygh Hague Conference Internship - News and Events ..

He was involved in negotiating and drafting conventions on celebration and recognition of marriages, matrimonial property and child abduction.

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - New Zealand - Family Law

10+ items – Contributors: [ADB] DIAL. University of Otago, Faculty of Law ..

Age Concern [Search ]


Website of organisation ..


Family Court of New Zealand - Forms [Search ]


Forms (rtf) for dissolution of ..


Crimes Act 1958 - SCHEDULE 8

(m) section 55 (abduction or detention); (n) section 56 (abduction of child under the age of 16); (o) section 57 (procuring sexual penetration by threats or fraud); ..

Faculty of Business and Law Events 2011

A comparative law perspective of The Hague Convention on child abduction: uniform private international law or a mixed bag? School of Law, W&H USQ Moot ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 68L Court order for independent ..

(b) must specify those circumstances in making the order. Note: Section 111B is about the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

LEC - Subject Pages - Family Law - Teaching Staff

.. to a marriage or parents, but also on behalf of third parties and children. .. against International Child Abduction and financial agreements.

Abbot, 105 Abduction Gillespie children, 418-19 Hague Convention ..

by ABM TreatyINDEX. A (A Minor) (Abduction), Re, 342. Abbot, 105. Abduction. Gillespie children, 418-19. Hague Convention, 253,34043,350,. 355 jurisdiction, 418-1 9 ..


(a) a proceeding in respect of an application made under the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction signed at The Hague on 25 ..

Private international law | Australian Law Postgraduate Network

It is has sponsored conventions in various areas of private law, including issues such as intercountry adoption and child abduction. The work of the Hague ..

Tracey Moffatt « Artwrite

Is this white woman complicit in the crime of child abduction, or are all women? The brides of Christ clad in black outside the house are faceless ..

LAWS3376 Introduction to Family Law S1 2011 - Faculty of Law ..

- Other areas of law that relate to families - for example, child protection, surrogacy .. area of family law in Australia - for example international child abduction.



Act |Foreign States Immunities Act 1985 | |Hague Child Abduction |Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of | |Convention |International Child Abduction 1980 ..

Henrietta Summerhayes « Artwrite

Is this white woman complicit in the crime of child abduction, or are all women? The brides of Christ clad in black outside the house are faceless ..



of young person 38. Kidnapping 39. Neglect etc of children 40. Unlawfully taking child etc 41. Exposing or abandoning child 42. Child destruction 43.

Perspectives on Criminology - ResearchOnline@JCU

by JE Coughlan - 2007 .. California, courtroom to child molestation charges and charges of conspiracy to commit child abduction, extortion, and false imprisonment.5 ..


- Genish-Grant and the Director-General of Community Services [2002] FLC 93-111. (a) Intra/Interstate Child Abduction. § Obligations/Hindering or interfering with ..

Dr Shani Tobias - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Thesis Title: International Parental Child Abduction to Japan: An Australian Perspective. Supervisors: Takimoto, M (Main), Tobias, S (Associate) ..

imageREAL Capture

turn of children abroad. Although Australia has ratified the Hague Con- vention on Child Abduction, the Gillespie case,51 in which the father, a. Malaysian Prince ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Hong Kong, China - Family Law

10+ items – Contributors: [ADB] DIAL. HKLRC. HKLII. AustLII. [Databases] ..


Custody and Access [Search ]


Report of the Law Reform ..



Custody and Access [2005] HKLRC 1 [Search ]


Report of the Law ..



Regulations 16(4) and 16(5) mirror provisions in the Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 relating to admission of foreign evidence in ..



-stealing 363A. Abduction of child under 16 364. Cruelty to children under 16 364A. Leaving a child under 12 unattended Chapter 35--Criminal defamation ..

AGNSW « Artwrite

Is this white woman complicit in the crime of child abduction, or are all women? The brides of Christ clad in black outside the house are faceless ..

Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse

This site is run by a group of researchers and volunteers working dedicatedly on the issue of international child abduction and domestic violence issues.


(b) must specify those circumstances in making the order. Note: Section 111B is about the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

NetWatch September 2000 - [2000] MurUEJL 25

by A GreenshieldsEestablished by the Permanent Bureau of The Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction providing an index to ..

Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations beginning with F ..



Children's Fears Post September 11 | QUT ePrints

by M Campbell - 2006 - - In addition, parents now seem to be more protective of children because of their own increasing fears of child abduction, sexual abuse, drug ..

URL: http://www. aph. gov. au/house/committee/laca ..

by A GreenshieldsURL: Family Law International Child Abduction: Official Australian Website for the the Australin Authority for the Hague Convention ..

Introduction to Family Law : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The ..

.. are a number of areas of law typically included in 'family law'—for example, adoption and international child abduction—that are not covered.

Isolation, amplification, and sequencing of human mitochondrial ..

by WD Lord - 1998 - - data demonstrate the sensitivity of current mtDNA sequencing technology and point to valuable avenues for future entomologi-. 1 Child Abduction and Serial ..


Fleeing from home, forced relocation, death and child abandonment… issues of widows and single .. poverty. Child abduction, child rape and education denied" ..


(a) a proceeding in respect of an application made under the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction signed at The Hague on 25 ..


have been advised of a possible child abduction attempt involving a young female student within the Surfers Paradise precinct. Bus companies ..

Student Research Projects - Current students - The University of ..

Martha Barnett, The Pressures in Australia to The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: a new procedure?

Vol 36 November 3rd 2011

by Queensland Police Services (QPS) of a possible child abduction attempt involving a young female student within the Surfers Paradise ..


Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Division 3--International agreements about adoption etc 111C. International agreements about ..

Children's Fears Post September 11

by M Campbell - 2006 - - children because of their own increasing fears of child abduction, sexual abuse, drug use, bullying and Internet paedophilia (Tucci, Mitchell, & Goddard, 2005).

Danger of death: are we programmed to miscalculate risk?

Yet the number of cases of real child abduction by strangers (as opposed to, say, a divorced parent) has dwindled from 200-300 per year in the ..


Inter-State enforcement of child bearing expenses order 42. Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 43. Insertion of new section 44.

Hope revisited â•fl a theory for mediators

by B Wilson - 2007 - English child abduction. 87. Transformative mediation: differentiating principles from illusions — Part 2. 93. The Armchair Traveller. 95. ADR Developments. 96 ..

Download - AustLII


the Canadian National Judicial Institute International Judicial Conference on The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction July ..

Christ Our Light

The Morcombe's message reminds students that the incidence of child abduction in Australia is very low. They suggest to students, however ..

Student Research Projects - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Martha Barnett, The Pressures in Australia to The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: a new procedure?


issues, such as a preventable homicide or child abduction, to a ministerial level commitment to addressing domestic violence. The prompting ..

Thesis final

by J Lock - 2008 - The healthy development of children is beneficial for the future of society. However, there are concerns ... Graph 5.12 Perceptions of abduction. Graph 6.1 Mode ..

Why aren't more kids cycling to school?

(Once againthis is most likely true to some extent, but I imagine the risk of child abduction etc. is no greater now than it was in the 70's. I would ..

Safe Travel Message for Parents

.. been advised by Queensland Police Services (QPS) of a possible child abduction attempt involving a young female student within the Surfers ..

Child Stealing by Cesarean Section: A Psychiatric Case Report and ..

by SH Yutzy - - responsibility, kidnapping, homicide. The stealing of newborns and very young children by nonfamily members with no financial motive is a crime so rare that its ..

Marbury v. Madison and The Matrix: What Child - University of Sydney

This discrimination is most apparent in the recurring news items about foreign parents whose children have been abducted back to Japan by a Japanese parent; ..

Student Research Projects - Future students - The University of ..

Martha Barnett, The Pressures in Australia to The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: a new procedure?

Smoothing the Way: Investigating the Enforcement of Parenting Orders

by TC Spiteri - 2007 - orders, which may include international child abduction. Police services within Australia maintain law and order not only through crime prevention but also by ..

Master copy 255 October

by C Tetaz - 2003to Wild's novel: events such as murder, mob violence, child abduction, sabotage and deceit don't incur any of the usual consequences; the supporting characters ..

2008 Research Publications - Monash University

In Louis Garb (Ed.) International Kidnapping: The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Martinus Nijhoff ..

Sydney Children's Hospital - Factsheets

Asthma - Children's Information Pack (contains all other asthma factsheets) .. for Children · High Energy Eating for Infants & Toddlers · Hip abduction orthosis ..


Abandoning or exposing a child when the life of that child is or is likely to be injured or endangered. 9. Bigamy. 10. Kidnapping; child stealing; abduction; false ..



of young person 38. Kidnapping 39. Neglect etc of children 40. Unlawfully taking child etc 41. Exposing or abandoning child 42. Child destruction 43.

Foreign nationals are generally excluded from the voting community

12 An illustration of this may be the Hague Conventions on parental child abduction. In some cases, a parent who has visitation access to his or her child may ..


(QPS) of a possible child abduction attempt involving a young female student within the Surfers Paradise precinct yesterday afternoon.

Kirby, Michael --- "Chief Justice Nicholson, Australian Family Law ..

by IAS JUDGE - Specifically, it was asserted that the provisions of the Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 (Cth), which had partly incorporated into ..

NetWatch, May 1996

by A Greenshields - 1996.. Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction URL: Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander ..

Kate Eastman HRs Career Series

High Court litigation about international child abduction, disability discrimination law, access to. IVF services/sex discrimination and migration detention.

Face-to-Face Seminars - College of Law

60+ items – Classroom learning experiences incorporating lectures, ..

8 February


Rule 42: Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Practice ..


13 February


Property Taxes Update


AJCS Volume 1 Number 1 Noel Sanders

Between times, an intensive police investigation of the kidnapping and .. A father with his child: he has his arm well round the boy, holding him safely and ..

School Children's Travel Patterns - A Look Back and A Way Forward

by J Morris - - parents for driving their kids to school on a regular basis. The authors pointed to the wide coverage given in the local and regional media to child abductions and ..

Family Law and Children - College of Law

Focus on Family Law: Child Support, Bankruptcy and Superannuation .. Child Abduction: Identifying Wrongful Removals – Taking Prompt Steps and the Right ..

Anonymous, child porn and the wild, wild web

Anonymous, child porn and the wild, wild web .. fuelling their issues and putting children at risk of abduction, molestation, rape, and death." ..

International Law in the Second Decade of the 21 Century: Back to ..

International parental child abduction: Debunking the assumptions upon which we measure the Hague Child Abduction Convention's efficacy. Mr Chris Hare ..

International Law in the 21 Century: Back to the Future or Business ..

International parental child abduction: Debunking the assumptions upon which we measure the Hague Child Abduction Convention's efficacy. Chris Hare ..

Dr Masato Takimoto - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Current Supervision. Program of Study: (DOCTORATE BY RESEARCH). Thesis Title: International Parental Child Abduction to Japan: An Australian Perspective.

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children: A Literature Review

Children affected by domestic violence literature review for The ... intervene, violence in utero and as the victim of threats or child abduction.


from here. The children signalled to us that we should go or they would get hit. (mOTHER OF A CHILD ABDUCTED By THE kARUNA GROUP, OCTOBER 2006) ..

A child is kitled? Don-'t get involved

coverage of Keyra's abduction last year, an unrelated .. there is suspicion that a child is at risk. Unlike situations of .. suspect is abusing a child. Teachers a¡e ..

Civic Insecurity: Law, Order and HIV in Papua New Guinea

by E REID - female genital mutilation, sexual violence, bride sharing, child abduction, early marriages, condoms, living with HIV and women's rights. The results were ..

Fact Sheets - Kids Health @ CHW - The Children's Hospital at ..

Basic Life Support for Children over 12 months with a Tracheostomy · Basic Life .. Hip abduction orthosis .. Assessing the severity of your child's asthma attack ..

Current version - NSW Legislation

20 Child murder—when child deemed born alive · 21 Child murder by mother—verdict of contributing to death etc .. 87 Child abduction ..

WebLaw - Family Law

5+ items – .. Administrative Law, Biotechnology Law, Children & the Law ..

Courts & tribunals and their decisions


Judgments of the Family Court from ..


Plain language materials


This issue provides an overview of ..


Sentencing Act 1991 - SCHEDULE 1

(xiia) section 54 (occupier etc. permitting unlawful sexual penetration); (xiii) section 55 (abduction or detention); (xiv) section 56 (abduction of child under the age ..

Flinders Academic Commons: Suspension Bridges of Disbelief. "The ..

by C Tetaz - 2003mob violence child abduction sabotage deceit men gender stereotypes. Issue Date: Oct-2003. Publisher: Australian Book Review. Citation: Tetaz, Carolyn 2003.

Ingleby, Richard --- "Translation and the Divorce Lawyer: Simulating ..

by R INGLEBYIn 1988, the following scenario was used once the students had been introduced to the provisions governing child abduction. In 1989, the students were asked ..

Higher Degree Research by group, Arts, Monash University

PhD, International Parental Child Abduction to Japan: An Australian Perspective, Masato Takimoto / Shani Tobias. PhD, An Internet-Mediated ..

Michael Taussig --- "In the news" [1997] LawIJV 35; (1997 .. - AustLII

He has a large practice in financial/property cases and in child abduction cases to which the Hague Convention applies. Currently chairman of the Family Law ..

Managing Fears and Risk (28)

With increasing media hype surrounding child abductions and sexual crimes, fear for children's safety from physical and psychological harm ..

Response to the Australian Government call for submissions on ..

homicide, injury and abduction of children, young people and adults. 2) Different patterns of family violence, risk factors, social trends and patterns of service ..

Parental responsibility - University of Sydney

- Overall, an understanding of the best interests of the child principle which is the ... Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is to secure ..

CCH IntelliConnect

Law\Family Law\Divorce\Child Abduction… 4. Jurisdiction – eg. Federal, State. Boolean Operators & Other Tips. Operator Enter Search ..

Page 1 of 4 SEXUAL OFFENCES Suspension The registration of a ..

s.54 an owner/occupier of premises allowing unlawful sexual penetration of a child under the age of 17 on the premises s.56 abduction of a child under the age ..

Macarthur News

children & child abduction. The set layout and lighting which reflected the interpretation was also of interest as these techniques highlighted the focus and key ..

Smoothing the Way: Investigating the Enforcement of Parenting Orders

by TC Spiteri - 2007 - 4.2.2 International Child Abduction.............................................137. 4.2.3 Complexities and Difficulties Encountered.

Archived Papers - College of Law

Children and Property Cases in the Family Court of Australia in 2004 - The .. on Civil Aspects of Child Abduction when Advising Clients on Relocation Issues ..

URL: http://www. uws. edu. au/about/acadorg/clb/sl/research ..

by A GreenshieldsNow available on WorldLII URL: URL: Stolen Children: Abduction and Recruitment in Northern ..

The rights of children: a suggested approach for early childhood ..

by HEM Jones - Statements on the rights of children arising from each of these sources .. the use of children for pornography or prostitution; and abduction, sale of and traffic.

Exhibition contents

His account of a child abducted from Australia to Greece by its father, Cathy's child, was made into a film in the 1970s. 99. Nat Gould. The selling plater. London ..

Masters of Applied Law (Family Law)

things that benefit and harm children in relation to post-separation parenting arrangements. ◗ child abuse and family violence. ◗ relocation and child abduction ..

Seminar Papers

Family Law and Children ... of the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of Child Abduction when Advising clients on Relocation Issues - Jeevani Korathota. $63 ..

Newsletter 4-10-11

Service due to the increasing risk of child abduction, assault and abuse in the region and brought to public attention with the disappearance of ..

Commonwealth of Australia - Status of SR and SLI Reprints

Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations. 30 September 1996. SR 1996 No. 74. Reprint 1. Family Law (Judges) Regulations. 31 July 1982 ..

forging AheAd: gLoBAL energy And reSourceS LAw

matrimonial property and child abduction. He also devoted a considerable amount of time to negotiations on the judgments project. Unfortunately, it was not ..

30 years

of child abductions alleged to have been committed by Mr Cruel. He took charge of the Elsternwick Police Station in 1994 before being promoted to Inspector at ..

Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 - SCHEDULE 2

An offence against section 56 of the Crimes Act 1958 (abduction of child under the age of 16). 11. An offence against section 57 of the Crimes Act 1958 ..


- (f) spousal maintenance and child support (Topics 9 and 10). .. the Hague Convention against International Child Abduction and financial agreements. She is ..

Children and the law

by NJ Taylor - 2010 - consent to medical treatment), residence, contact, shared care, relocation, abduction, alienation, domestic violence, child support, property division and adoption ..

E LAW | Doli Incapax: Why Children Deserve its Protection - Text

This was fuelled in Britain by the Bulger case where two ten year old boys abducted a two year old child and killed him. This case received extensive media ..


country abduction of children by parents embroiled in custody battles, too, receive consideration – all in conformity with South Africa's self-imposed obligations ..

Robert van Krieken - The 'stolen generations' and cultural genocide ..

The child welfare system, on the other hand, was experienced as a more effective form of 'child abduction'. 'Aboriginal children,' wrote Fournier and Crey, ..

[pic] Family Law Act 1975 Act No. 53 of 1975 as amended This ..

199 66L Children who are 18 or over 200 66M When step-parents have a duty to ... (Support) Obligations 489 Division 2-International child abduction 490 111B ..

Cooperation and Coordination:

by DJ Higgins - 2007 - cover specialised areas, such as applications pursuant to the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction, special medical procedures and international ..

Keyes, Mary --- "Jurisdiction in International Family Litigation: A ..

by M KEYES - Entirely different considerations apply in the case of international child abduction: see Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 (Cth), made ..

Child Protection

Child abduction · Child marriage · Adultery · Bigamy · .. Child abuse is the physical or psychological/emotional mistreatment of children. In the United States, the ..

Family Law and Children - College of Law

Family Law and Children Seminar Papers .. Child Abduction: Identifying Wrongful Removals – Taking Prompt Steps and the Right Steps in these Circumstances ..

Conditional Reasoning with Subjective Logic

by A Josang - 2008 - - is the antecedent and the child frame is the consequent of the available con- ditionals. Reverse conditional inference, called abduction, is when the parent ..

Possibilities and Pitfalls in Laws Affecting Children of Australian and ..

That is, children get two surnames, one from each parent. .. without my wife (Australia has acceded to the Hague Convention on Child Abduction, unlike Japan).

FMC 2007 Judgment Template

International child abduction. 18. A recovery order can only be executed if the child is in Australia. If the child has been removed from Australia to a country that is ..

Autumn Intensive Tuesday 27 March 2012 Seminar Registration ..


Recent Legislative Amendments to Family Law Legislation, including Family Violence in Parenting Cases, and Laws relating to International Child Abduction ..


- (f) spousal maintenance and child support (Topics 9 and 10). .. Convention against International Child Abduction and financial agreements.

Event Plan

- Lost property and children .. off by the Ekiden Relay, but the day is for everyone, from children to senior citizens and everyone in between! ... Child Abduction ..

Signs of the Devil: The Social Creation of Satanic Ritual Abuse

by M Armson'cult' members, their children and abducted victims. These behaviours include severe physical, emotional and sexual abuse, both of adults and children, animal ..

Percutaneous Adductor Tenotomy - The Children's Hospital at ..

If your child has a wheelchair or a standing frame, it may need to be adjusted to accommodate the degree of abduction in brace and to maintain ..

Speech by Denise and Bruce Morcombe - JCU

For us abduction and murder plots are no longer entertainment. .. increase the awareness to children and parents that it could happen to them.

- Australian Data Archive - Australian Gallup Poll

30+ items – in Families with Young Children · Families in Townsville, 1982 ..

Study Title: Australian Gallup Polls, Survey 132, August 15, 1958


Variables: 46


Study Title: Australian Gallup Polls, Survey 133, September 26, 1958


Study ID ..


1996, Melbourne, Oxford University Press

by L Star - Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. This is true, but the High court of Australia, in Z.P. v P.S. (1994)122A.L.R. I, has made it very difficult ..


STUDENT MISSING or ABDUCTED. STUDENT .. Team should contact the parents to inform them that their child is missing and ask if they can provide any ..



proceedings are proceedings in respect of applications made under Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980 or relate to ..

Justice after genocide - NI 385 - Challenging impunity

The ICC has just targeted Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army for crimes against humanity, including the abduction of children as armed fighters. These former ..

Commonwealth of Australia - 1996 Table of Statutory Rules

Child Support (Assessment) Regulations (Amendment). 142, 273 .. Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations (Amendment). 74. Family Law Rules ..

'1. The country has another past: Queensland and the History Wars ..

[40] Wills's conscienceless killing of Aborigines was replicated across the colony as was his blatant child abduction activity, as Shirleene Robinson's recent book, ..


Children are killed or maimed, made orphans, abducted, deprived of education and health care, and left with deep emotional scars and trauma.

Download - AustLII


or detention 56. Abduction of child under the age of 16. 57. Procuring sexual penetration by threats or fraud 58. Procuring sexual penetration of a child ..

Forensic family law - Monash University


interaction between the Family Law Act 1975 and international conventions such as UNCROC and the Hague Convention on the abduction of children; and ..

Forget me not / Anne Cassidy./Cassidy, Anne. - Full Catalogue Listing

The story-line alternates between the two events, gradually revealing information about the previous abduction. Stella learns more about the first missing child ..

Negotiating child residence

- Almost half of the women interviewed who were the resident parent, described incidents of threatened or actual abduction, or non-return of their children as ..


by P Piercelosses of children - by abduction, abortion, neglect, abandonment, murder. What this seemed to speak of in part was a fear of the future into which they might be ..

Review of: Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation: Practical ..

by GJ Davis - 2004 sex-related child homicides and child abduction cases. The author also describes sex-slave torture cases and criminal personality pro- ..

Muscle Releases - The Children's Hospital at Westmead

If long leg plaster casts are necessary, a long leg board will be required on your child's wheelchair. If a hip abduction brace is necessary, the ..


Items 1 - 33 – 14 An offence against section 56 of the Crimes Act 1958 (abduction of child under the age of 16). 15 An offence against section 57 of the Crimes Act ..

Risky and Safe Pedagogies: New Glocalized Teacher Dispositions ..

by P Singh - conversations about child abduction, protection and care (see Appadurai, 1996). 2. In Australia, in recent years child care and protection have become an ..

Orthotics - The Children's Hospital at Westmead

About us, Parents, Children, Professionals, Research, e-Shop! .. Dysplasia; Ankle Foot Orthosis; Spinal Orthosis; Hip Abduction Orthosis ..


Section 5 – Information for Applicants: Child Related Employment in the ACT (page 9) ... sex tourism offences, sexual servitude offences, abduction and child ..


Section 5 – Information for Applicants: Child Related Employment in the ACT (page 9) ... sex tourism offences, sexual servitude offences, abduction and child ..

Movement of Pregnant Women for Illegal Inter-country Adoption

- There are many reasons why unborn children are an attractive target for .. "illegal adoption" as an adoption resulting from "abuses, such as abduction, the sale ..

Everywhere You Want to Be: Introduction to Fear

by EYOUWTO BE - Even the family made a comeback in the eighties, in reaction to a panoply of dangers from child abduction to pornography to STDs. The early eighties obsession ..

1 Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) JUSTICE ..

to amend the penalty for the offence of abduction of a child under 16 in section 363A of the Criminal Code from 2 to 7 years · to amend s 364 (Cruelty to children ..

Stroke Survival

a new defence for children at risk. Bruce and Denise Morcombe know the heartache of child abduction all too well. In December 2003, their 13-year-old son ..


(a) the other person (as mentioned in that section) or the third person (as mentioned in that section) is a child; and. (b) the person committed the abduction in the ..

AISWA - International Sites

Our mission is to reduce the likelihood of children becoming victims of abuse, abduction, exploitation and injury. We accomplish our mission by developing and ..

The concept of Resilience

by J Sun - 2011 - - Resilience is related to many areas of a child's life, such as family relationships academic ... Child abduction, parents' distress, and social support. Violence ..

Comestic Tranistional Human Rights Prosecution by year

on suspicion that he was a central organizer of the child abductions. In. December retired navy Captain Jorge Eduardo Acosta, formerly a senior officer ..

International child abduction

Australia is a party to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the Abduction Convention). The International ..

CHILD ABDUCTION ALERT, Brookstead (near Pittsworth ..


Charges in relation to Child Abduction Alert | Queensland Police ..

A 28-year-old man has been charged in relation to an incident in Brookstead overnight that led to a Child Abduction Alert being issued.

Child Abduction Alert | Queensland Police Service News


ALERT CANCELLED, Brookstead. On January 30, 2012, 9:49 pm. The Queensland Police Service have located the 3-year-old boy who ..



ALERT CANCELLED, Brookstead. On January 30, 2012, 9:49 pm. The Queensland Police Service have located the 3-year-old boy who ..

International child abduction to and from Australia - Parliament of ..

Return to previous page | Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees. International child abduction to and from Australia. Information about the Inquiry · Terms ..

International parental child abduction to and from Australia

Hague Convention abductions. Non-Convention abductions. Interactions between international parental child abduction and domestic family ..

PARENTAL CHILD ABDUCTION - Attorney-General's Department

There is a need to improve the data collected on child abduction and it is .. international child abduction to Hague Convention countries and non-Hague ..

Family Law (Child Abduction Convention .. - Comlaw Home

Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986, 23/12/2003, Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Amendment Regulations 1998 (No 2) ..

Child Abduction Alerts Information

The Child Abduction Alert system has been introduced to help police quickly locate children who have been abducted and return them home ..

Attempted child abduction, Gladstone | Queensland Police Service ..

Attempted child abduction, Gladstone. On January 25, 2012, 11:01 am. Detectives investigating the attempted abduction of a nine-year-old girl at a Gladstone ..

Stronger laws to deal with international child abduction - The Hon ..

"Australia is a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which provides a strong mechanism for ..

Contacts for international child abduction and access

General enquiries about international parental child abduction or access to children overseas can be emailed to the Commonwealth Central ..

FAQ about international parental child abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty that tries to ensure that children who are ..



ALERT, MACKAY – UPDATE 1. On January 4, 2012, 1:55 pm. The Queensland Police Service are still seeking urgent public assistance to ..

CHILD ABDUCTION ALERT, MACKAY | Queensland Police Service ..


ALERT, MACKAY. On January 4, 2012, 1:29 pm. The Queensland Police Service is seeking urgent public assistance to help locate a 8 ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

The incidence of international child abduction to and from Australia, including: (a) the costs, terms and conditions of legal and departmental ..

PARENTAL CHILD ABDUCTION - Attorney-General's Department

Australia. Data on child abduction to or from countries covered by the Hague. Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, provided by the ..

Bilateral agreements on international child abduction

The Agreement between Australia and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt regarding Cooperation on Protecting the Welfare of Children came into ..



ALERT, MACKAY – FINAL ALERT. On January 4, 2012, 2:00 pm. The Queensland Police Service have located the 8-month-old baby boy ..

Child abduction alert, Pimpama/Warwick – South East District ..

Child abduction

alert, Pimpama/Warwick – South East District. On December 1, 2011, 9:57 am. The Queensland Police Service is seeking urgent public ..

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

The Senate. Legal and Constitutional Affairs. References Committee. International parental child abduction to and from Australia. October 2011 ..

Parental Child Abduction - Attorney-General's Department

'Parental child abduction' mainly involves the wrongful removal or retention of a child by one parent in breach of the rights of the child to have ..




Child Abduction Report 05.indd

6. 2.1 Available research. 6. 2.2 Defining "International Parental Child Abduction" .. into the Civil Aspects of Parental Child Abduction are recorded. Abductions ..

Recovery orders

Australia has an agreement with some countries to return abducted children to their country of usual residence. The agreement is called the Convention on the ..

Child abduction alert, Pimpama/Warwick SER – LOCATED ..

Child abduction

alert, Pimpama/Warwick SER – LOCATED. On December 1, 2011, 11:13 am. The Queensland Police Service has located the 8-year-old boy ..

Family Law (Child Abduction Convention .. - Comlaw Home

11 Request for return of child abducted from Australia 10. 13 Request for return of child abducted to Australia 11. Part 3 Court applications, ..



Discussion Paper - Parental Child Abduction

While 'parental child abduction' involves the wrongful removal or retention of a child by one parent in breach of the rights of another person in ..

cancellation, child abduction alert

cancellation, child abduction alert. .. UPDATE - CANCELLATION of Child Abduction Alert, South East Queensland. The Queensland Police ..

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

for parents whose child has been abducted overseas; .. parental child abduction—that is, abductions committed by parents or persons with ..

Abduction overseas

The agreement is called the Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction, but is usually referred to as the Hague Convention.


CHILD ABDUCTION ALERT. The Queensland Police Service is seeking urgent public assistance to help locate a 5-year-old girl Kayla Rogers ..

Child abduction alert Gladstone

Child abduction alert Gladstone. The Queensland Police Service is seeking urgent public assistance to help locate a 4 month old girl who was ..


- Abducting children from Australia actively undermines the authority and jurisdiction of the Australian courts and removes not only a left behind ..

Family law kit - Australian Federal Police

Further information regarding the Hague Convention can be found at International Child Abduction (Attorney General's Website) or speak to your solicitor.

FAQ about international child access

Jump to ‎: .. International Child Abduction is an international treaty that tries to ensure ..

Applying to the courts

Australia is part of an international agreement called the Hague Convention, which is an agreement about international child abduction. One of the main aims of ..

Pages - Australian Government Attorney-General's Department

Families · Family relationship services · Family Relationships Online · Marriage · Marriage celebrants program · International child abduction · Intercountry ..

Child Abduction Alert - Archerfield

Child Abduction Alert - Archerfield. The Queensland Police Services is seeking urgent public assistance to help locate a woman and a ..

International Parental Child Abduction (IPCA) occurs when a parent takes a child to another country without the other parent's consent. It also occurs when a ..

Bulletin 292-MASTER.v4.qxd

Child Abduction. Alert System introduced. 10/ PoliceBulletin 292. "Every second counts in urgent situations such as child abductions," Police. Commissioner Bob ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

SUBMISSION OF REUNITE INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION. CENTRE (A UK .. for parents whose child has been abducted overseas.

Child safety | Emergency services and safety | Queensland ..

Child Abduction Alerts are broadcast on the radio to help police find children who have been abducted and return them home safely. The alert ..

Family Law (Child Abduction Convention .. - Comlaw Home

Start Date, End Date, Amending item. Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986, 23/12/2003, Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) ..

82115 AGD Crime & Just.indd, page 1-16 @ PDFReady ( 82115 ..

by J Fitzgerald - 2006 - - parent can perpetrate child abduction .. the term abduction to children and the .. children. For simplicity in this bulletin, the term abduction is used to refer to all ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

abduction, and the location and recovery of abducted children. In performing .. by explaining the AFP's role in relation to international child abduction matters, ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

Inquiry into international child abduction to and from Australia. On 11 May 2011, the Senate referred the following matter to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

International child abduction to and from Australia. Submissions .. 10, National Council of Single Mothers and their Children (PDF 102KB). 11, International ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

incidence of international child abduction to and from Australia." l am making this submission as my son Cameron John Leishman was abducted from Australia ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

International Parental Child Abduction (IPCA) is recognised around the world .. creates great concern about the safety and well-being of an abducted child while ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia


Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

Senate Inquiry into International Child Abduction to and from Australia. By email. From Robin Bowles Dear Committee Members ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

RE: Senate enquiry – International Child Abduction to and from Australia. To Whom it May Concern,. My name is Daniel Wass, I am 34 Years old and I live in ..

Child Abduction Alert, Mareeba - initial

Child Abduction Alert, Mareeba - initial. .. ALERT CANCELLED 31/7 -Child Abduction Alert - initial alert, Mareeba. VERSION edited 31/7 - after ..

International family law and the child

Jump to ‎: Frequently asked questions about international parental child abduction · Frequently asked questions ..

Stronger laws to deal with international child abduction

"Australia is a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which provides a strong mechanism for ..

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and ..

International child abduction was considered in both inquiries as part of a .. The Hague Convention and the Family Law (Child Abduction .. Abducted, Absent or Missing Child

L.20) for that child, or if a child leaves care without the consent of the person who is legally responsible for them, the child can be considered to be an abducted, ..

Children - movements - Abduction of children

You are here > Home > Information About the Law > Family, relationships and children > Children - movements > Abduction of children ..


- Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. A comparative analysis of Re B (A Minor) Abduction [1994] 2 FLR 249, Re F (Unreported, High ..

Children | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..

Further information on international child abduction, including key legislation, contacts and related support services, can be found on the Attorney-General's ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

parents whose child has been abducted overseas; .. This submission does not address international child abduction where a child has ..

Issues Surrounding Safe Return of the Child (and the Custodial ..

by MS Bourke - - on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction .. 8%. 1. Family Law Council, Parental Child Abduction, Commonwealth of Australia, January 1998, p.10.

Update 2 - Child Abduction Alert, Archerfield - vehicle registration ..

Update 2 - Child Abduction Alert, Archerfield - vehicle registration update.

International Child Abductions – Statistics

International Child Abductions – Statistics. These statistics are for the number of children wrongfully removed from Australia to another Hague convention ..

Family law - Children - find LEGAL answers

10+ items – .. child's name, enforcing parenting orders and child abduction.

My ex-partner has taken our children without my permission. What can I do


My ex-partner isn't following the court orders about our children..What can I do


Hague Convention | ALRC

17.295 As noted in Chapter 2, the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Hague Convention) is one of the international conventions to ..

Dual nationals | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction operates to return wrongfully removed or detained children to their country of ..

Family Law Council

following issues in relation to international parental child abduction: .. Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction in considering ..


FINAL CHILD ABDUCTION ALERT, ROBINA. The 5-year-old girl who was abducted from Robina overnight has been located by police.

Chapter 10.17 International child protection matters and the Hague ..

responding to matters under the Hague Convention on the civil aspects of International. Child Abduction. Key steps. 1. Manage international child protection ..

Family Law Courts - Complying with orders about children

If an existing court order no longer reflects arrangements for a child, it should be .. international child abduction under the Hague Convention, special medical ..

Trove - International parental child abduction to and from Australia ..

International parental child abduction to and from Australia / Legal and Constitutional References Committee; Author: Australia. Parliament. Senate. Legal and ..

Law Handbook - parenting, family law

as international child abduction cases. The combined court registry. The Family Court and the Federal Magistrates Court are conducting a combined registry ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

Chilout is pleased to present this submission to the Inquiry into International child abduction to and from Australia. ChilOut (Children Out Of Immigration ..

Australian Consular Operations Handbook: Part 2: Consular ..

11.1 Consular role in child abduction cases; 11.2 Scope of consular intervention; 11.3 Definition of child abduction; 11.4 Enforcement of judgments; 11.5 ..

Child Abuse Prevention Newsletter vol.14 no.1 Summer 2006 ..

by D Higgins - 2006 - The growing awareness of the prevalence of child abduction has sparked efforts to introduce strategies to respond to abduction incidences in ..

Dialogue with Japan on international child abduction

Dialogue with Japan on international child abduction. 23 August 2011. Attorney-General Robert McClelland today met with Japan's ..

Family and Social Policy Links - Australian Institute of Family Studies ..

International Child Abduction: Official Australian Website The Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department is the Australian Central Authority for the Hague ..


Application for the return of children abducted from Australia .. using the Hague Convention to have your abducted child returned to Australia.

Passports - Children and parental consent

There are laws governing the issue of passports to children. These laws are designed to protect children from abduction and to safeguard the rights of all people ..

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

Mothers and Their Children. FRERIS, Ms Helen, National Services Manager, International Social Service Australia. FURZE, Ms Jennifer, Acting ..


2.28 Where a child is abducted within Australia a parent can obtain a recovery order from the. Family Court. This order authorises the police to search for and ..

Report a Commonwealth crime - Australian Federal Police

International child abduction, Contact the Attorney-General's Department on 1800 100 480 or by email at Offensive content on the ..

International child protection

Article 35 of the Protection Convention strengthens the access provisions of the Hague Child Abduction Convention by allowing a ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

2.1 International parental child abduction sits within complex regulatory, governance and operational frameworks that span international and ..

Before completing Form 3, please read the instructions in "How to ..


Additional Estimates 2010-2011 (February 2011)

We have received several representations from constituents who've had children abducted (by their. Japanese mothers) in Japan. One man ..

Children and Parental Consent - Australian Passport Office

There are laws governing the issue of passports to children. These laws are designed to protect children from abduction and to safeguard the rights of all people ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

"The Removal of an Asylum Seeking Child from Australia" A Just Australia. Attachment 1 - Page 1 of 3. Case history of Mr A and his daughter Mary. Sourcei ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

[44] The human services agencies provide support to abducted children and their .. [49] Thomson Reuters, The Laws of Australia, International Child Abduction, ..

Missing Persons : International Missing Children's Day: 25 May

The theme for International Missing Children's Day 2010 is parental child abduction, an issue that is not only complex but is becoming more ..

Trish_Malins_Middle_Years_Seminar_3.ppt [Compatibility Mode]

Attempted Or Actual Kidnappings Or. Abductions By A Stranger. 91 middle years children in 2010/11. Source: Bureau of Crime Statistics and ..

Service Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Child protection

10+ items – Commonwealth Government Bullying. No Way! Project ..


Protection Final Report (PDF file)



Protection Services (Department of Health and Human Services)


Introduction | ALRC

[3] Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, [1987] ATS 2, (entered into force generally on 1 December 1983). ‹ 17. Family Law ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law

Answers to questions about your family, your children, your property, .. a child's name, enforcing parenting orders and child abduction.

Attorney General's Department - 25 May 2010 - Remarks at the ..

Usually we know where an abducting parent has taken a child, through family, .. Of the around 200 parental child abduction cases a year, most ..

Pages - International child protection

Article 35 of the Protection Convention strengthens the access provisions of the Hague Child Abduction Convention by allowing a ..

Queensland Police Service

Child Abduction

Alerts. Domestic and Family Violence. One Punch Can Kill. Police Recruiting. North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Service ..

Safer Queensland - Child Safety

Child Abduction

Alerts. The Child Abduction Alert system has been introduced to help police quickly locate children who have been abducted and return them ..

10.17 International child protection matters and the Hague ..

Court Services Unit is contacted for all matters that have an international child protection component. Any matter relating to the abduction of a ..


ChiLd AbduCtion – hAgue Convention – hAbituAL residenCe – whether the children were habitually resident in Australia at the time of their retention – whether ..

Report 110 - Chapter 2: Agreement with Lebanon on Protecting the ..

children have been abducted by a parent to either Lebanon or Australia .. Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the ..

Frequently asked questions - Family Law Courts Homepage

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty under which arrangements are made for the return of ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Missing children : advice ..

Both males and females are capable of abducting children and it would be catastrophic to hire a baby-sitter who subsequently abducted your ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - August 2011

Child abductions : known relationships are the greater danger / Ashli-Jade Douglas FBI law enforcement bulletin 80(8) Aug 2011: 8-9 ..

Recovery orders

information about what you can do when a child .. action to find, recover and deliver a child to one of .. the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committee: Report on Helping ..

9.1 Child abduction is a growing problem in the world. Modern technology and transport systems have dramatically increased people's mobility. As a result ..

Australian Consular Operations Handbook: Consular Contacts


Sexual assault centres in Australia; Services offered by prisoners' aid organisations; Deaths of Australians overseas; Child abduction and welfare of minors ..

News: Campaign to help bring missing children home - Australian ..

This year's campaign focuses on parental child abduction and its impacts, and was launched by the Minister for Home Affairs Brendan ..

Pages - Letters of Advice

Letters of Advice on International Parental Child Abduction A letter of advice was provided to the Attorney-General on 14 March 2011 in relation to international ..

Protection from exploitation, violence and abuse

advocacy of hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence; international child abduction; economic exploitation of ..


happens when a child is returned following abduction. The report also comments on the circumstances surrounding parental child abduction. The full report ..

Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation ..

offences of s 354 (child) 'Kidnapping', s 363 'Child-stealing' and s. 363A 'Abduction of a child under 16'; and. •. Declare that the disclosure and release of ..


ng tthe isss ue of passports to children. Thh. Thes e e lal ws w aree des esigigne ned d to protect children from abduction and to safa eguard the he rrigi hts s ofo ..

Relocation and recovery orders | ALRC

The Hague Convention is a multilateral treaty, which seeks to protect children from the harmful effects of abduction and retention across international boundaries ..

Media Release Archives - NSW Police Online

MEDIA ADVISORY Reported attempted abduction - Darling Harbour .. urged to be vigilant and keep an eye on their young children at all times ..

30 | January | 2012 | Queensland Police Service News


CUSTODY DISPUTES - Australian Embassy

GENERAL INFORMATION: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not a party to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, nor are ..


by COF AUSTRALIA - (a) the costs, terms and conditions of legal and departmental assistance for parents whose child has been abducted overseas; ..

Plenary Session 3:

- Geoff has particular expertise in international child abduction law and negotiating complex property settlements and in particular those involving intricate ..

Trove - Undermining the Hague Child Abduction Convention : the ..

Undermining the Hague Child Abduction Convention : the Australian way . .. of Australia on child abduction support the view that the international uniformity of ..

Current definitions in family violence legislation | ALRC

The offences include, for example, murder, manslaughter, wounding or causing grievous bodily harm with intent, assault, sexual assault, kidnapping, child ..

Missing Persons : International partners

NCMEC is based in the United States and aims to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist ..

January | 2012 | Queensland Police Service News | Page 2



New York University Symposium on Child Abduction -- 25 February 2000. Celebrating Twenty Years: the past and promise of the 1980 Hague Convention on ..

Inmagic DB/Text WebPublisher PRO: 99 records

Guideline 17 - International child abduction matters. Guideline 18 - Family law costs management. Guideline 19 – Consent Orders [previously Guideline 13] ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

International child abduction to and from Australia. Public hearing - Canberra, Friday 26 August 2011. Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House 9:15am-3:30pm ..

04 | January | 2012 | Queensland Police Service News

CHILD ABDUCTION ALERT, MACKAY – FINAL ALERT. On January 4, 2012, 2:00 pm. The Queensland Police Service have located the ..

Family Court of Australia - Two children missing from Joslin in South ..

This is a Hague Convention (Child Abduction) case which aims to return the children to their place of habitual residence so that parenting matters can be ..

Law and public safety > Family law > Child custody

International child abduction. Australian Government information on the assistance available to parents of children wrongfully removed or retained in countries ..

Lawlink NSW: Government departments and agencies

DoCS and the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction The Director-General of DoCS is the Central Authority for the State of New South ..

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Monday, 17 February 2025
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Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
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Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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