Children & the Law

Generally, a child is a person under 18 years of age (the age of majority).

For the purposes of giving evidence in court, a young child is a person 12 years of age or less.

Each state and Territory within Australia has it's own laws with repsect to Children. As well, there is the Commonwealth Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child to which Australia is a signatory.

In Australia, the main topics pertaining to Children and the law include:

• Child development
• Children's rights
• Juvenile justice
• Care and protection
• International child abduction
• Domestic and inter-country adoption
• Legal representation of children
• Children and medical treatment
• Children and education

Should you require legal assistance regarding any aspect of children and the law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form.

Children and Family Law

Family lawyers can advise you as to the emotional and stressful issues relating to children that can arise on divorce and separation.

It is always preferable for parents to reach an agreement in relation to their children between themselves. Family Lawyers can advise you as to the options available to you as a parent and will attempt to resolve any contested issues raised in relation to the children, whether they relate to residence (i.e. custody), contact, prohibited steps or other specific issues. Family Lawyers will always advise you that the welfare of the children must remain the paramount consideration, and Court action should generally only be used if absolutely necessary.

Family lawyers strive to deal with children issues in a non-confrontational and conciliatory manner. They are also experienced in advising clients as to child maintenance and the involvement of the Child Support Agency.

If you need the help of a family lawyer, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left.

For further information, please visit our family law section.

Further Resources - Children & The Law

Children & the Law News

News and Further information - Children & the Law

The main pieces of Australian legislation pertaining to children and the law include the following:

Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946 (Cth)
An Act to make provision for and in connexion with the Guardianship of certain alien children

Australian Capital Territory
Adoption Act 1993 (ACT)
An Act relating to the adoption of children

New South Wales
Adoption Act 2000 (NSW)
An Act with respect to the adoption of children and access of information relating to adoption

Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 (NSW)
An Act with respect to the registration of certain offenders

Children (Community Service Orders) Act 1987 (NSW)
An Act with respect to the performance of community service work by children and other young persons who have been found guilty of criminal offences

Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW)
An Act with respect to the conduct of criminal proceedings against children and other young persons


Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987 (NSW)
An Act with respect to the detention of children and other young persons who are on remand or who have been found guilty of criminal offences


Children (Interstate Transfer of Offenders) Act 1988 (NSW)
An Act to facilitate the transfer of young offenders to, from or through New South Wales and to amend the Search Warrants Act 1985 consequentially


Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act 1997 (NSW)
An Act with respect to the responsibility of parents for the behaviour of their children; to enable police to escort certain children from public places to their parents' residences and other places; to make provision for local crime prevention plans and safer community.


Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW)
An Act to provide for the care and protection of, and the provision of services to, children and young persons


Children's Court Act 1987 (NSW)
An Act to establish a Children's Court of New South Wales


Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 (NSW)
An Act to establish the Commission for Children and Young People and provide for its functions; to provide for employment screening for child-related employment; to amend certain Acts


Status of Children Act 1996 (NSW)
An Act to re-enact without any substantive changes provisions contained in the Children (Equality of Status) Act 1976 concerning the removal of legal disabilities of exnuptial children; to provide for parentage presumptions and parentage testing procedures; to repeal the.


Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW)
An Act to establish procedures for dealing with children who commit certain offences through the use of youth justice conferences, cautions and warnings instead of court proceedings


Northern Territory
Adoption of Children Act 1994 (NT)
An Act to provide for the adoption of children


Status of Children Act 1978 (NT)
An Act relating to the Status of Children.


Adoption of Children Act 1964 (QLD)
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the adoption of children


Child Care Act 2002 (QLD)
An Act to regulate the provision of child care services


Child Protection Act 1999
The purpose of this Act is to provide for the protection of children.


Childrens Court Act 1992 (QLD)
An Act to establish the Childrens Court of Queensland


Commission for Children and Young People Act 2000
The object of this Act is to establish the Commission for Children and Young People to promote and protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of children in Queensland.


Juvenile Justice Act 1992 (QLD)
An Act to provide comprehensively for the laws concerning children who commit, or who are alleged to have committed, offences


Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) began its operations on 1 December 2009 amalgamating many State tribunals, including the Children Services Tribunal.


Status of Children Act 1978 (QLD)
An Act to remove the legal disabilities of children born out of wedlock and to declare with respect to the parentage of children artificially conceived.


Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (QLD)
An Act to restrict the supply of tobacco products to children


Young Offenders (Interstate Transfer) Act 1987 (QLD)
An Act to facilitate the transfer to, from and through Queensland of young offenders who wish to be so transferred


South Australia
Adoption Act 1988 (SA)
An Act to provide for the adoption of children


Children's Protection Act 1993 (SA)
Legislation dealing with the care and protection of children


Children's Services Act 1985 (SA)
An Act to ensure the provision of services for children; to repeal the Kindergarten Union Act, 1974; to amend the Community Welfare Act, 1972


Young Offenders Act 1993 (SA)
Legislation related to young offenders and youth justice


Youth Court Act 1993 (SA)
An Act to establish the Youth Court of South Australia; to define its jurisdiction and powers; to make a consequential amendment to the Courts Administration Act 1993


Adoption Act 1988 (Tas)
An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to adoption, to repeal the Adoption of Children Act 1968, and to make consequential amendments to the Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1895


Child Care Act 2001(Tas)
An Act to provide for a system of licensing child care services and to provide for the establishment and maintenance of standards for the provision of quality child care.


Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1997
An Act to secure the welfare of children who are considered to be "at risk"


Status of Children Act 1974 (TAS)
An Act to remove the legal disabilities of children born out of wedlock, and to establish parenthood of certain children.


Adoption Act 1984 (VIC)
An Act concerning adoption, access to reports and records and the Department of Community Services Adoption Information Service


Children and Young Persons Act 1989 (VIC)
The main purposes of this Act are- (a) to establish The Children's Court of Victoria as a specialist court dealing with matters relating to children and young persons; and (b) to provide for the protection of children and young persons; and (c) to make provision in relation.


Children's Services Act 1996 (VIC)
The main purpose of this Act is to provide for the licensing and regulation of children's services


Status of Children Act 1974
An Act realting to the status of children


Western Australia
Adoption Act 1994 (WA)
An Act to make provision for the adoption of persons and for the parties to adoptions and their relatives to have access to information about the parties, to repeal the Adoption of Children Act 1896


Children and Community Services Act 2004
The objects of this Act are (a) to promote the wellbeing of children, other individuals, families and communities; (b) to acknowledge the primary role of parents, families and communities in safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children; (c) to encourage and support.


Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 (WA)
An Act to establish the Children's Court of Western Australia


Young Offenders Act 1994 (WA)
An Act relating to young persons who commit offences against the law, to amend certain Acts. The main objectives of this Act are -- (a) to provide for the administration of juvenile justice; (b) to set out provisions, embodying the general principles of juvenile justice, for.


Child Labor Legislative Database
The Child Labor Legislative Database contains the searchable child labor-specific text of laws from nations around the world. It can be searched by country and category/topic. The legislative database presented here is intended to serve a wide range of individuals and.


Courts & tribunals and their decisions
New South Wales
Children's Court of New South Wales
The Children's Court of New South Wales deals with matters related to the care and protection of children and young people. It also deals with criminal cases concerning children and young people.


Northern Territory
Northern Territory Magistrates Court - Youth Justice Court
The Youth Justice Court is established by the Youth Justice Act and hears charges against young offenders. A Youth is a person under the age of 18 at the time of being charged or appearing before the court. A Youth may be committed to the Supreme Court for trial or sentence.


Children's Court of Queensland
Magistrates Court matters involving juveniles (people under the age of 17) are dealt with in a special court known as Childrens Court. Childrens Court matters are heard in a closed court which means only those directly involved in the case may be present. Noone is permitted.


South Australia
Youth Court: Courts Administration Authority: South Australia
The Youth Court is a specialist court for people aged under 18 years. The Youth Court of South Australia was created by the Youth Court Act, 1993. It has a criminal jurisdiction, a child protection jurisdiction and also hears adoption matters. The Youth Court has three.


Children's Court: Magistrates' Court of Victoria
A specialised Children’s Court was established in 1906 within the existing Courts of Petty Sessions (now called Magistrates’ Courts). The Children’s Court has the authority to hear cases involving children and young people up to 17 years of age. All proceedings are conducted.


Western Australia
Children's Court: Department of The Attorney General : Western Australia
The Children's Court deals with all complaints of offences alleged to have been committed by young people between the ages of 10 and 17 years (inclusive). If the young person charged has turned 18 after the date of the alleged offence, then the person still appears before.


Australian Institute of Family Studies
The Institute is a Commonwealth government research and information agency established in 1980 to promote the identification and understanding of factors affecting marital and family stability in Australia.


Defence for Children International Australia
The Australian Section of Defence for Children International is the local link in a global chain of children’s rights agencies recognised by the United Nations. The Convention on the Rights of the Child focuses on people under 18 years of age. It sets out the principles.


NAPCAN is the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect. Established in 1987, it is a non government, not for profit, volunteer based organisation. NAPCAN is the only national organisation of its kind in Australia working to promote effective care and.


Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian
The Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian is an organisation which promotes and protects the rights, interests and wellbeing of all Queenslanders under 18. The Commission is independent, and its decisions are not influenced by any Government department.


Youth Advocacy Centre
The Youth Advocacy Centre [YAC] is a community legal and social welfare service for young people under 17. It offers FREE CONFIDENTIAL LEGAL and WELFARE ASSISTANCE to young people under 17 who live in or around Brisbane and on a limited basis to young people outside.


Association Of Childrens Welfare Agencies
The Association of Childrens Welfare Agencies (ACWA) was founded as a peak body in 1958 New South Wales (Australia) with the objectives of supporting non government agencies and improving the quality of services to children and young people who need to live away from their.


The National Children's and Youth Law Centre is an independent, non-profit organisation working for all Australians under the age of 25. The National Children's and Youth Law Centre (NCYLC) began in 1993 with a three year grant from the Australian Youth Foundation and was.


Child Labor Research Initiative
The Child Labor Research Initiative is one of many activities and programs of the UI Center for Human Rights dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering through the promotion and protection of human rights.


Child Rights Information Network
The Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) is a global network that disseminates information about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and child rights amongst non-governmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, inter-governmental organisation (IGOs),.


Childwatch International
Childwatch International is a nonprofit, non-governmental network of institutions involved in research for children. It aims to initiate and coordinate research and information projects on children's living conditions and the implementation on children's rights as expressed.


Defence for Children International
Defence for Children International (DCI) is an independent non-governmental organisation set up during the International Year of the Child (1979) to ensure on-going, practical, systematic and concerted international action specially directed towards promoting and protecting.


ECPAT International
ECPAT is a network of organisations and individuals working together for the elimination of child prostitution, child pornography and trafficking of children for sexual purposes. It seeks to encourage the world community to ensure that children everywhere enjoy their.


Human Rights Watch: Children's Rights
Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. Human Rights Watch is an independent, nongovernmental organization, supported by contributions from private individuals and foundations worldwide. It accepts no government funds,.


International Bureau for Children's Rights
The International Bureau for Children's Rights is an international non-governmental organisation founded in Paris on 20 November, 1994, at the initiative of Judge Andrée Ruffo (Canada) and Dr. Bernard Kouchner (France). The IBCR's mission is to protect, defend and promote.


Created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1946 to help children after World War II in Europe, UNICEF was first known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations system, its task being to.


United Kingdom
Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading UK charity working to create a better world for children. It works in 70 countries helping children in the world's most impoverished communities. It is part of the International Save the Children Alliance, which aims to be a truly.


United States
Children's Advocacy Institute
In 1989, Robert C. Fellmeth founded the Children's Advocacy Institute (CAI) as part of the Center for Public Interest Law at the University of San Diego School of Law. Staffed by experienced attorneys and advocates, and assisted by USD law student interns, CAI works to.


National Center for Youth Law
The National Center for Youth Law uses the law to protect children from the harms caused by poverty, and to improve the lives of children living in poverty. The Center works to: Protect abused and neglected children through work with advocates, foster parents, and others.


National Criminal Justice Reference Service: Juvenile Justice
NCJRS is a federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.


Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
To provide national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization. OJJDP accomplishes this by supporting States and local communities in their efforts to develop and implement effective and coordinated prevention and.


Organisations - Government
Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission is a national independent statutory government body, established in 1986 by an Act of the Federal Parliament, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act. The Federal Attorney General is the Minister responsible in.


Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)
The Department is responsible for a broad range of social policy issues affecting Australian society and the living standards of Australian families, communities and individuals including responsibility for child care services and family issues including family payments.


International Child Abduction: Official Australian Website
The Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department is the Australian Central Authority for the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The Convention can assist parents whose children have been wrongfully removed to, or retained in, a Convention.


New South Wales
Committee on Children and Young People
The Committee on Children and Young People was formed in August 2000. Its primary responsibility is to monitor and review the work of the Commission for Children and Young People and report its findings and recommendations to Parliament.


Lawlink NSW: Resources for Young People
Resources include information on legal rights for under 18's, road safety, youth conferencing and age discrimination.


NSW Commission for Children and Young People
The Commission has three main priorities that guide the work it does. The goal is to: increase the participation of children and young people in making decisions that affect their lives, promote the safety and welfare of children and young people, and strengthen the.


NSW Department of Community Services
The work of the department includes the help, protection and care of children and the regulation of child care services, children's employment and adoption services.


Legal Aid Queensland
See entries in Page of Contents Topic List under Children.


Youth Justice. Department of Communities
Youth justice programs and services operate through a regional network of: * 36 Area Offices; * five youth justice services; * two youth detention centres; and * specialist central units.


South Australia
Department for Families and Communities
All agencies within the Department for Families and Communities(DFC) work together to provide integrated services which protect families and children's well being, support young people and promote the well being of communities to which we live. This site provides links to.


Department of Health & Human Services, Tasmania
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provides integrated services to the people of Tasmania in the areas of health, housing and community services.


Department of Human Services Victoria: Community Care Division
The Division is responsible for the policy and program framework for services for Victoria's children, young people, families and vulnerable individuals.


A Matter of Priority: Children and the Legal Process - ALRC Draft Recommendations Paper 3
The Law Reform Commission and Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission were to inquire into and report on: (i) legal advice and access for children and young people and their legal representation before courts and tribunals in the exercise of federal jurisdiction; (ii).


National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research
This National statement on ethical conduct outlines an ethos that should permeate the way all those engaged in human research should conduct their research. See Chapter 4: Ethical considerations specific to Children and Young People.


Seen and Heard: Priority for Children in the Legal Process - ALRC 84
The Australian Law Reform Commission and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission have carried out a comprehensive inquiry into children and the legal process. Australia's children are the nation's future. Australia's legal processes have consistently failed to.


Bringing them home: The 'Stolen Children' report
The National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families was established in May 1995 in response to efforts made by key Indigenous agencies and communities.This report is a tribute to the strength and struggles of many.


Child Abuse and Neglect: Part 1 - Redefining the Issues
Few social issues evoke extreme emotive responses, both publicly and privately, as child abuse and neglect. This is not surprising as childhood is perceived by many to be a time of innocence and nurturing. Issues surrounding family behaviour are primarily regarded as.


Mandatory detention laws in Australia
Submission by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to the inquiry by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee into the Human Rights (Mandatory Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders) Bill 1999. Mandatory detention laws were enacted in Western.


The Best Interests of the Child
The principle of 'the best interests of the child' is set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC). CROC was adopted in 1989 and ratified by Australia in December 1990. It makes the best interests of the child at least 'a primary consideration',.


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - 17th Report
The Inquiry into of the Status of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Australia focused on those aspects that were of concern to the Australian community. Accordingly the Committee adopted a broad set of issues as its Terms of Reference.Those who.


New South Wales
Juvenile Justice - Hot Topic No. 23 (Update 1999)
The juvenile justice system is the term used to describe the way the law responds to the behaviour and action of young people under 18. It incorporates legislation, policing, the courts, aspects of welfare and corrections (juvenile detention centres).This plain language.


Minors' consent to medical treatment
This Issues Paper considers the law relating to consent to medical treatment of people aged below 18 (“young people”). It covers four broad areas: the legal competence of young people to consent to, and refuse, medical treatment; the legal framework governing consent to, and.


Report 69 (1992) - Review of the Adoption Information Act 1990
The New South Wales Law Reform Commission was required to inquire into and report on the operation of the Adoption Information Act 1990. In particular, the Commission was required to consider public awareness, implementation and administration of the Act, and its impact on.


Report 81 (1997) - Review of the Adoption of Children Act 1965 (NSW)
This Report represents the culmination of the New South Wales Law Reform Commission's review of the Adoption of Children Act 1965 (NSW). This Report contains final recommendations for reform of the Adoption Act based on an analysis of current research; responses and.


Research Report 7 (1997) - The Aboriginal Child Placement Principle
The Aboriginal Child Placement Principle ("the Principle") essentially outlines a preference for the placement of Aboriginal children with Aboriginal people when they are placed outside their families. This Report examines the Principle and its effectiveness in placing.


Juvenile Justice - A Legal Practitioner's Guide - 4th edition, 2003
Since it was first passed in 1992 the Juvenile Justice Act has undergone many changes. The Juvenile Justice Amendment Act 2002, in particular, introduced major changes to the legislation in a wide variety of areas. Those changes, and developments over the past decade, have.


The Receipt of Evidence by Queensland Courts: the Evidence of Children: Working Paper 53 (Dec 1998) and Report 55 (June 2000): Queensland Law Reform Commission.
In Australia, children appear more frequently in criminal proceedings than in civil proceedings. The issues associated with children giving evidence as complainants in criminal proceedings are examined.


Youth Justice Conferencing
Youth Justice Conferencing is a restorative justice approach to youth crime. It is a meeting between the people who have been affected by a young person's crime - the young person and their family or other support people, the victim (if they wish to attend) or their.


South Australia
Family Conferences in the Juvenile Justice System of South Australia
In this paper, Part A by Roseanne McInnes, considers; 1. The History of Diversion of young offenders in South Australia 2. The Select Committee's Review and recommendations 3. The major provisions of the new legislation 4. The Port Adelaide Youth Court's interpretation of.


Other indexes/links
Australia - Subject Index - Family Law - Children
Internet resources on family law and children.


United States
ABA Center on Children and the Law
In 1978 the American Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division created the ABA Center on Children and the Law. From modest origins as a small legal resource center focusing exclusively on child abuse and neglect issues, the Center has grown into a full-service technical.


Child Welfare Information Gateway
A service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Child Welfare Information Gateway connects professionals and concerned citizens to timely, essential information and resources targeted to the.


Children's rights: an overview
A collection of resources on chidren's rights.


Child Sexual Abuse: Justice Response or Alternative Resolution
Conference: Novotel Adelaide on Hindley, Adelaide 1-2 May 2003 The sexual exploitation of children, both males and females, has occurred throughout history. However it has only been in the last few decades that it has been officially acknowledged with the relevant issues now.


Juvenile Crime & Juvenile Justice: Towards 2000 and Beyond
The primary objective of this conference was to bring together policy makers, workers and researchers concerned with young people and crime, and to identify strategies that appear to show positive results in preventing youth crime.


National Conference on Juvenile Detention
Reform has been prevalent in many juvenile justice centres in Australia during recent years. This conference provided an overview of juvenile detention centres and the juvenile detention population in Australia. The detention centres and the programs offered by different.


Conferences: Australian Institute of Family Studies
This listing of Australian and international conferences that focus on family research, policy and related areas is updated weekly.


ISPCAN International Congresses and Conferences on Child Abuse and Neglect
The International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, founded in 1977, is the only multidisciplinary international organization that brings together a worldwide cross-section of committed professionals to work towards the prevention and treatment of child.


Sexual Abuse of Children, Child Pornography and Paedophilia on the Internet: an international challenge
The purpose of the meeting on Sexual Abuse of Children, Child Pornography and Paedophilia on the Internet was to provide the setting for an informed discussion which could proceed expeditiously and analytically to formulating a plan for joint action.


World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights.
From its inception in 1993, the World Congress was designed and promoted to be “result orientated”. It was to achieve outcomes. It was not simply to be a “talk fest” or a gathering for the exchange of views and ideas which would be quickly forgotten.The World Congress brings.


United States
Family and Children's Law Abstracts
Abstracts of working papers, forthcoming articles, briefs of general interest, proposed statutes, and recently-published articles addressing issues of family and children's law.


Youth Law News
Youth Law News is the newsletter of the National Center for Youth Law, and is published six times a year. Youth Law News features articles on critical children's issues written both by NCYL attorneys and by other related organizations. It also includes project updates,.


Treaties and Conventions
Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (The Hague, 29 May 1993)
The objects of the present Convention are- a to establish safeguards to ensure that intercountry adoptions take place in the best interests of the child and with respect for his or her fundamental rights as recognized in international law; b to establish a system of.


Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1983 (The Hague, 25 October 1980)
The objects of the present Convention are- (a) to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting State; and (b) to ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the.


Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990 (New York, 20 November 1989)
For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to.


Declaration on Social and Legal Principles relating to the Protection and Welfare of Children, with special reference to Foster Placement and Adoption Nationally and Internationally
Adopted by General Assembly resolution 41/85 of 3 December 1986.


Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict
Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 3318(XXIX) of 14 December 1974


European Convention on the Adoption of Children
The Convention ensures that national law on the protection of children applies not only to adoptions of children from the Parties but also to those of children from other States.


Hague Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
The objects of the present Convention are – a to determine the State whose authorities have jurisdiction to take measures directed to the protection of the person or property of the child; b to determine which law is to be applied by such authorities in exercising their.


Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: Report for Congress June 2004
Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: An analysis of the applicable law and institutional framework of fifty-one jurisdictions and the European Union


Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflicts
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution A/RES/54/263 of 25 May 2000 not yet in force (see article 10) Article 1 States Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure that members of their armed forces who have not.


Other issues pertaining to children and the law include:

* Children's Rights
* The Child In Utero and Ex Utero
* Perspectives from Contemporary Developmental Science
* The Effects on Children of Abuse
* Child Poverty, Homelessness and the Exploitation of Children
* Modern Legal Constructs of Young People - Children and Public Law Issues
* The Criminal Responsibility of Children
* The Criminal Justice System and Young Offenders
* Protecting Children from Neglect and Abuse
* Migration, Refugees and Citizenship
* Disability and Discrimination Law
* Health, Housing and Social Security
* Child Care and Pre-School
* Education
* Indigenous Children: Children and Private Law Issues
* Children and Family Law
* Adoption
* Medical Treatment
* Contractual Liability
* Tortious Liability
* Property, Estates and Revenue Law - Children in Court
* Children as Witnesses
* Legal Representation of Children


These news come from .

Children & the Law Updates

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Children & the Law Links


The lawyer appointed to represent and promote the best interests of a child in family law proceedings has special responsibilities. Decisions in particular cases ..

How will an independent children's lawyer help my child?

An independent children's lawyer's role explained. Print version: How will an independent children's lawyer help my child? (PDF, 183 KB) ..

The role of an independent children's lawyer - Victoria Legal Aid

The role of an independent children's lawyer - PDF, 498.0kb Fact sheet for parents and workers outlining the role of the independent children's ..

Independent Children's Lawyer - Legal Aid NSW

Independent Children's Lawyer. Legal Aid NSW provides specialist representation for children in both the family law and care and protection ..

Independent Children's Lawyer – for parents - Legal Aid NSW

The Court has asked Legal Aid NSW to provide a lawyer to represent your child. This person is called the Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL).

Independent Childrens Lawyers - Legal Aid NSW

The court has asked Legal Aid to provide a lawyer to represent your child. This person is called thdependent Childrens Lawyer (ICL).

Independent children's lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

The independent children's lawyer may also speak to the children. There are many changes happening soon to the giving of evidence by either ..

Contrasting children's participation through lawyers in family law ...

Contrasting children's participation through lawyers in family law and child protection proceedings. Nicola Ross. Lecturer, Child and Family Law at Newcastle ..

Information for Independent Children's Lawyers - Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NSW will authorise the briefing of counsel by an independent children's lawyer for final hearings in the Family Court only where the ..

Legal aid lawyer wins National Children's Law Award

Legal aid lawyer wins National Children's Law Award. Rob Croser and the Hon. Catherine Branson, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission ..

My family is separating — what now? | Family Law Solicitors

Are your children at risk? .. Finding a family law solicitor .. The collaborative law process is where both parents, their lawyers and any other professionals ..

Funding changes for independent children's lawyers

'VLA is delighted to be able to fund more independent childrens lawyers. This is the result of a major review of family law guidelines, and other ..

Children's Legal Service - Legal Aid NSW

If you're under 18 and need advice about a criminal law problem, .. The Children's Legal Service has duty lawyers at the following courts: ..

How will an independent children's lawyer help my child?

children's lawyer help my child? An independent children's lawyer's role explained. What is an independent children's lawyer? An independent children's lawyer ..

Independent Children's Lawyer - Family Law Courts Homepage

The Guidelines are intended to provide guidance to the Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL) in fulfilling his/her role. The Guidelines have also been issued for ..

Issue 1 - November 2003 - Legal Aid NSW

This year, Specialist Accreditation in Children's Law was offered for the first time Three CLS solicitors were successful in achieving Specialist ..

Family law - Children - find LEGAL answers

Jump to ‎: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Independent Children's Lawyers in the Family Court - Legal Aid

a child be separately represented by a lawyer. This lawyer is called an. Independent Children's Lawyer (used to be known as a Child or Separate ..

The role of an independent children's lawyer - Victoria Legal Aid

what you can do to help your child. • where to get help. What is an independent children's lawyer? →. Sometimes in family law cases the court will ask Victoria ..

Family law services

We provide services in general family law matters. We also have specialist teams of independent children's lawyers and child support lawyers.

Independent Children's Lawyer - for kids - Legal Aid NSW

When your parents separate, they may go to a court to help them decide who you will live with. Sometimes, they can agree about where you ..

Parenting orders – what the court considers - Victoria Legal Aid

The court presumes that it is in the best interests of the children for parents to have 'equal shared .. An independent children's lawyer may: ..

Family Law Courts - Children's Matters

Family Law Courts logo links to the homepage .. Information for Children · Independent Childrens Lawyer · Making arrangements work for children · Relocation ..

Family law

As part of the Child Support Agency (CSA) outreach program, CSA officers are .. The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law ..

Children to benefit from family law changes

Children's Lawyers' appointments, people who have experienced family violence or abuse, and children who are at risk. Family, Youth and Children's Law ..

Independent children's lawyer (ICL) in the Family Court - Legal Aid

The independent children's lawyer's job is to look at all of the evidence in the case and tell the court what they think is in the best interests of the ..

Specialist units and services - Youth law team

Legal Aid WA has a specialist team of lawyers working as part of the .. These lawyers are experienced working in the Children's Court and ..

Children's Legal Service: helping young people in trouble with the ...

At other Children's Courts around New South Wales, Legal Aid provides private duty solicitors to advise and represent children and young ..

5.3. Parenting matters - including independent children's lawyers ...

5. Family Law Matters – when legal aid is available. 5.3. Parenting matters - including independent children's lawyers ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships » Family law

Jump to ‎: About: Information on the Family Law Act, the Family Court, the jurisdiction of the court, divorce, nullity of marriage, children ..

2.4. Independent children's lawyer and child representatives - Legal ...

This Guideline applies to independent children's lawyers in matters under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and to child representatives in matters ..

Going to court & getting a lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

In family law they are called Independent Children Lawyers (they used to be called Child Representatives). For example: you may want to go ..

Legal Aid Queensland

Duty lawyers available for Toowoomba and Maroochydore family law sittings. 24 February 2012 5:25 PM. A free family law legal advice service is available for ..

Contras-ng children's par-cipa-on through lawyers in family law and ...

35 children's lawyers in NSW (Australia) 2006. • family law, child protec;on and criminal proceedings. • Semi-‐structured interview format, vigne es and in-‐depth ..

Career development for new solicitors - Legal Aid NSW

Solicitors from the Family Law Division also represent children in family law and care and protection proceedings. The Division delivers a range ..

Child support and child maintenance - Victoria Legal Aid

Victoria Legal Aid - Lawyers And Legal Services. .. The law says that both parents have a duty to support their children financially, whether they ..

Independent Children's Lawyer Panel service ... - Victoria Legal Aid

Independent Children's Lawyer Panel service providers – by location. Browse Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL) service providers by town or suburb below.

Duty lawyers - Legal Aid Queensland

Legal Aid Queensland coordinates free duty lawyer services in more than 100 magistrates and childrens courts throughout Queensland.



Lawyers and family dispute resolution practitioners

Some lawyers simply used the term child-focused as the process of checking off the factors found in s60CC in the. Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).8 Other lawyers ..

Child Support Service - Legal Aid NSW

The Child Support Service is a specialist service which is part of Legal .. if you need further assistance, one of our lawyers can represent you in ..

Our services for children and young people - Legal Aid Queensland

Jump to ‎: Our Independent Children's Lawyers Unit has lawyers in our Brisbane office who ..

Lawyers at court - Victoria Legal Aid

Many people want to see the duty lawyer, so the duty lawyer may not be able .. matters involving children; people who cannot afford legal help ..

Legal advice

We have lawyers who can talk to you about how the law applies to your .. family breakdown matters (especially matters involving children) ..

Victoria Legal Aid responds to child protection claims in the media

Judy Small, Director, Family Youth & Children's Law Services, responds to claims in the media that lawyers engage in 'legal slugfests': ..

Legal help for young people

Lawyers who act as an independent children's lawyer in the family law courts have a different role. See 'Family breakdown' (link below) for ..

Independent Children's Lawyer Panel – service ... - Victoria Legal Aid

Independent Children's Lawyer Panel – service providers. Browse Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL) Panel service providers alphabetically below.

Guideline 5 – independent representation of children

Victoria Legal Aid - Lawyers And Legal Services .. to be represented by an independent children's lawyer in family law court proceedings if: ..

Independent children's lawyer proceedings ... - Victoria Legal Aid

Independent children's lawyer proceedings – Federal Magistrates Court. The lump sum fees for independent children's lawyer proceedings in ..

Independent Children's Lawyer Panel - Victoria Legal Aid

29A Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL) Panel entitles a practitioner to act as independent children's lawyers in family law matters.

Appearing in Court - Duty Lawyer Service

Duty lawyers are employed by Legal Aid WA and their role is to attend Magistrates Courts and Children's Courts to advise and represent ..

Independent children's lawyers' tax invoices - Victoria Legal Aid

Home > Invoices, worksheets and forms > Family law tax invoices > Independent children's lawyers' tax invoices ..

Independent children's lawyer proceedings ... - Victoria Legal Aid

Instructing fees at trial are payable to the independent children's lawyer in family law matters where the trial occurs after 1 June 2011.

Children's Court (Protection) Services - Legal Aid

This service is based full time at the Children's Court in Perth. .. Our service is staffed by a full time lawyer, a part time lawyer (two days), and a ..

Victoria Legal Aid Western suburbs office

Our lawyers can help you with: • criminal charges. • family law matters. • child support matters. • general legal advice and information. Call us on 9300 5333 to ..

Family Law and You

In certain circumstances, a Family Law Court can order the appointment of an Independent Children's Lawyer to represent the interests of ..

Help at NSW courts and tribunals - Legal Aid NSW

Duty lawyers are available at some NSW local courts for family law and child support. Contact your local Legal Aid NSW office to find out if this ..

If you can't agree on arrangements - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Courts logo links to the homepage .. Information for Children · Independent Childrens Lawyer · Making arrangements work for children · Relocation ..

Independent children's lawyer proceedings ... - Victoria Legal Aid

The lump sum fees for independent children's lawyer (ICL) proceedings .. Where the lawyer's office is more than 50 kilometres from the court, ..

Family law duty lawyer

The family law duty lawyer may assist with negotiations about consent orders for children or property matters. In special circumstances and ..

Children's Court (Family Division) Panel ... - Victoria Legal Aid

Victoria Legal Aid - Lawyers And Legal Services. .. A print-friendly list of Children's Court (Family Division) Panel .. Ann Valos Criminal Law ..

Legal advice - Legal Aid NSW

A lawyer will give you one-off free legal advice about your issue. .. (especially matters involving children), domestic violence and child support.

Lawyers, costs and legal aid - Legal Aid Queensland

Do I need to see a lawyer? It is a good idea to speak to a lawyer experienced in family law before making any important decisions. A lawyer can ..

he Role of Duty Solicitors in Children's Court - Criminal Matters: The ...

by J Cashmore - Criminal Matters: The Perceptions of Children and Duty Solicitors. Judith Cashmore and .. lawyers overestimated children's understanding of their legal rights.

A Guideline for Family Law Courts and Children's Contact Services

3.6.3 The Independent Children's Lawyer in carrying out his/her obligations under the Family Law Act should liaise with the Children's Contact Service to ..

Best practice guidelines for independent children's lawyers (ICLs)

Print version: Independent children's lawyers (ICLs) (PDF - 75k) .. issues (eg the order in which parties leave the family law conference or the ..

Independent children's lawyer proceedings ... - Victoria Legal Aid

The lump sum fees for independent children's lawyer proceedings in the .. Where the lawyer's office is more than 50 kilometres from the court, ..

Independent children's lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

Independent children's lawyer. Family Law Services. Status. Full time – temporary until 30 June 2010 (with extension a possibility). Location. Brisbane. Contact ..

Legal problems we can help you with

Our independent children's lawyers unit has lawyers in our Brisbane office who specialise in representing children in family law matters.

find LEGAL answers - Children and Young People » Care and ...

Title: Children and young people, Chapter 8: The law handbook, 11th edition. About .. Title: Children, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW ..

Family law - Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NSW has three panels in the family law jurisdiction. They are the General family law, the Independent children's lawyer and the Care ..

Order form - Victoria Legal Aid

15+ items – Victoria Legal Aid - Lawyers And Legal Services. Victoria Legal ..

Am I old enough? (Aug 2010)


Booklet about what the law will or will ..



Support Legal Service (Sept 2010)


Brochure about how our Child ..


find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships » Family law ...

Jump to ‎: About: Information on the Family Law Act, the Family Court, the jurisdiction of the court, divorce, nullity of marriage, children ..


PRACTICE STANDARDS FOR INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S. LAWYERS IN FAMILY LAW MATTERS. Practice standards set out strategies to assist legal ..

Family Law Pathways Network - Family Relationships Online

10+ items – .. Family law lawyers; Child Support Agency, and; Centrelink.

Central Coast NSW Family Law Pathways Network


PO Box 465 GOSFORD ..


Central West NSW Family Law Pathways Network


PO Box 1215 BATHURST ..


LAWYERS - Legal Services Commission of South Australia


. The recent changes to family law put more emphasis on resolving family problems without going to court. However, when separating, it is still wise to ..

MoU between DoCs and The Legal Aid Commission

independent children's lawyers appointed for children and young persons in proceedings under the Family Law Act 1975 being conducted in NSW. The purpose ..

Lawyers, costs and legal aid - Victoria Legal Aid

Lawyers, costs and legal aid. It is a good idea to speak to a lawyer experienced in family law .. The role of an independent children's lawyer ..

Counsel's fees – independent children's lawyer - Victoria Legal Aid

Victoria Legal Aid - Lawyers And Legal Services .. 1M – Family law stage of matter limits > Counsel's fees – independent children's lawyer ..

New Commonwealth family law guidelines

This is reflected in the lifting of the previous quota on independent children's lawyer appointments, so that if an appointment is made these ..

Legal Aid NSW Family Law Conference 2011 - Legal Aid NSW ...

Legal Aid NSW Banner showing male lawyer outside court .. Family Law Conference focused on the safety and welfare of children in the family ..

Sex and the law

Victoria Legal Aid - Lawyers And Legal Services. Victoria .. You could be charged by the police with producing child pornography if: you take a ..


Under section 68L of the Family Law Act 1975 the court has power to appoint a solicitor to act as representative of the child. Whereas this was ..

Applying for legal aid - Legal representation

There is a team of lawyers who deal specifically with youth law issues and represent young people appearing before the Children's Court.

Panel information packages - Legal Aid NSW

Children's criminal law panel (at specialist children's courts) .. (pdf 49Kb); Law Society of NSW's principles for children's lawyers (pdf 1424Kb) ..

Family and children's service - Family Court Services (duty lawyer)

Legal Aid WA offers assistance in a duty lawyer capacity to people who require urgent assistance in relation to family law matters. Family Court ..

Family Court of Australia - Magellan program

As these cases involve the most vulnerable children, the Family Court has .. with Family Court cases involving serious allegations of physical and sexual child abuse. .. of resources such as the appointment of an independent children's lawyer ..

Children's Legal Service Bulletin - Legal Aid NSW

Issue 7, June 2010. This issue includes papers presented at the CLS Conference held in Parramatta on 1 May 2010. (All articles are in pdf ..

Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia

Lawlink (Attorney General's Department) - Information on New South Wales law and crime, as well as links to the Attorney General's Department portfolio ..

Caring for kids in Aboriginal families - Legal Aid NSW

You can also use family law to try to have children in your family live with or .. If mediation doesn't work, talk to a lawyer about what to do next.

Independent Children's Lawyer practitioner ... - Victoria Legal Aid

Children's Lawyer work must: (a) demonstrate expertise as an Independent Children's Lawyer in cases arising under the Family Law Act;. (b) ..

The Children's Court - information for parents

getting the care they need and that as a result, your child .. truth and answer questions from the solicitors or the .. solicitors who are experts in children's law.

Family and children's service - Family dispute resolution at Legal Aid ...

A lawyer will help you decide what the issues in dispute are and will also help you decide what might be reasonable, within the law, to sort ..

Practice Management Standards - Legal Aid NSW

practice standards incorporate the Representation Principles for Children's Lawyers published by the Law Society of NSW. These practice standards apply to ..

Family Law Courts - Complying with orders about children

A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and explain how the law applies to your case. A lawyer can also explain and help you ..


- Recent changes in the law in New South Wales have changed the relationship between a solicitor and a child of 10 years or more. The current paper reviews ..

Is a family report being prepared for your family law matter?

Jump to ‎: The report writer and the independent children's lawyer may explain the outcome to your ..

Child representatives in the Children's Court - Legal Aid

Family law and children at risk of harm · Child representatives in the .. A child representative is a lawyer who acts for your child in a Children's Court of WA ..

Issue 2 - May 2004 - Legal Aid NSW

This is the second issue of the Children's Legal Service Bulletin. .. Children's Legal Service Solicitors - Paper on sentencing options in the ..

Family Court of Australia - Independent Children's Lawyer ...

FAMILY LAW – APPEAL – CROSS-APPEAL – FINDINGS OF FACT – where the Independent Children's Lawyer and the mother argued that further evidence ..

VLRC's report on Protection Applications in the Children's Court ...

The child to become a party; a new approach to the representation of children based on Independent Children's Lawyers in family law. New 'no ..


CHILDREN AND THE LAW · YOUNG OFFENDERS .. While a youth is entitled to have a lawyer present at a family conference, he or she may ..

Review of the legal status of children being cared for by same-sex ...

.. Site map · Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report · Crown Solicitor's review · About ..

Attorney General's Department - 15 February 2011 - Strong ...

Attorney-General Robert McClelland today said there has been a strong .. Law Act 1975 to provide better protection for children and families at ..

Going to Court - tips for your court hearing - Family Law Courts ...

Generally, courts are not appropriate places for children. .. In most court locations, a duty lawyer may be available to assist you on the day of your court hearing.

[DOC]The Children's Court of New South Wales

- The Australian Law Reform Commission issued a report on "Child Welfare". .. The Children's Court Advisory Committee, established by the Attorney General ..

Family Court of Australia - Less Adversarial Trial

The changes to the Family Law Act, that took effect on 1 July 2006, support a less .. Clients had little control over proceedings as lawyers presented the case and .. an adversarial trial can have on the parties involved, especially the children.

FLPAG Report – overview and recommendations Introduction: the ...

particularly the law, lawyers, courts and the Child Support Agency. Frustration and hopelessness arose from a lack of recognition of their ability to nurture their ..

Chapter 10. Family violence and child abuse: Parents' pathways and ...

members from harm from family violence and child abuse is given adequate priority in the family law system", lawyers and service provision professionals, 2008 ..

[2011] FamCA 313 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Mr Geary, Salvos Legal. Humanitarian Law. SOLICITOR FOR THE INDEPENDENT. CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Ms Rafton, Rafton Family Lawyers ..

Children and international travel after family separation

lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide legal advice. FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA ..

Applying to the courts - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you believe the convention may affect your family situation, you can obtain more information from the Commonwealth Attorney General's International Child ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Disbursements scale

FAMILY LAW - ASSESSMENTS & REPORTS. CURRENT. (as at 1 November 2011). ($). If an Independent Children's Lawyer is the only Aided Party. Standard ..

Care and Protection matters - Children's Court : Lawlink NSW

Children's Law News .. This program has recently been brought under the administration of the Department of Justice and Attorney General.

What is this thing called collaborative law? - Family Matters No 85 ...

Collaborative family law practice creates a new role for lawyers that .. to facilitate child- and family-focused discussion between the parties, with ..

[2011] FamCA 829 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). APPLICANT: Mr Witnall. RESPONDENT: Ms Brixton. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Robert Halliday. FILE NUMBER: DGC ..

Recovery Order Family Law Information Sheet

Lawyer. Firm. Do you require an interpreter? Yes. No *if Yes, state language and dialect. INDEPENDENT CHILD LAWYER. Full name. Firm. Work address ..

Children born through Surrogacy Arrangements applying for ...

The intended/commissioning parents will also need to provide written advice from a panel lawyer who is an expert in Indian family and/or contract law.

Parenting and Child Health - Health Topics - Legal issues for ...

.. child's situation, check with the appropriate department or a lawyer. .. There is no law that states a particular age when children can be left ..

Mandatory reporting of child abuse - Resource Sheet - National ...

Child maltreatment and family law · Child abuse and multimedia · Child abuse .. and lawyers independently representing children's interests.

find LEGAL answers - Children and Young People » Juvenile justice

Jump to ‎: Title: Children, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About .. Section 2 : Child protection law - practice and procedure.

Child access - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian Institute of ...

Family law thus gives primacy to the protection of children from harm in .. Many seek the collaboration of psychologists and lawyers in negotiating the conditions ..

Pages - Australian Government Attorney-General's Department


Generals Department .. Marriage celebrants program · International child abduction · Intercountry adoption · Family Law Council · Current Issues ..

Legal Costs in Family Law Matters - Federal Magistrates Court

Legal Costs for Family Law Matters in the Federal Magistrates Court. .. How can I dispute the fees charged by my lawyer? .. Law Act 1975 sets out how costs are awarded in contravention proceedings that affect children.

[DOC]Blank A4

- Statutory Child Protection in NSW: Issues and Options for Reform. NSW Young Lawyers is made up of law students and legal practitioners in their first 5 years of ..

1070 - Court Advocacy Unit (CAU)

The solicitors provide legal representation and advice to .. provides legal advice regarding the relevant law to Child Protection practitioners throughout .. Both solicitors and court officers will represent Child Protection practitioners in court in ..

Application – Contravention - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RULE 21.01. Application .. section 67X(2) of the Family Law Act. About the .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). Part C ..

News 2011 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

20/10/2011, Community views sought on laws for child offenders [ Small PDF icon .. 15/05/11, Lawyers make a song and dance of Law Week [ Small PDF icon ..


The Youth Legal Service provides free legal advice and may represent children appearing in the Youth Court. The duty solicitor at the Youth ..


Line, Family law lawyers, Child Support Agency, and Centrelink. The Networks contribute to the family law system by: • assisting with maintaining appropriate ..

Dispute resolution choices: A comparison of family dispute ...

Collaborative law practice and family law conferencing provided by a legal .. Other professionals, such as an independent children's lawyers, ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals » Family Court

Jump to ‎: About: Information on the Family Law Act, the Family Court, the jurisdiction of the court, divorce, nullity of marriage, children ..

This information is general and not a substitute for legal advice. The ...

to the law of intestacy. Some examples: 1. Wife dies leaving a husband and no children. .. A Lawyer - the costs will vary depending on how difficult your will is.

[DOC]Duty of disclosure - Family Law Courts Homepage

- A lawyer will help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, including: .. If you are a party to a maintenance or child support application, Rule 4.15 ..

SCAG unauthorised use of photos - NSW Commission for Children ...

affecting children. 2. GENERAL COMMENTS. 2.1 The Commission is pleased to make a submission to the Standing. Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) ..

Sex and the Modern Criminal Lawyer - Public Defenders Office ...

As a consequence the biggest sex problem for the criminal lawyer I am .. Despite every attempt to preach the virtues of abstinence children still ..

Key Issues from the ALRC Family Violence Inquiry - Australian Law ...

[6] Secondly, the Family Law Council provided an advice to the Attorney-General on the impact of family violence on children and on parenting, ..

Less Adversarial Trials - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you are asking the Court to make orders only about the children and you filed .. a lawyer, you will need to familiarise yourself with the Family Law Act and the ..

13 FAMILY LAW 13.1 Introduction Family relations can be complex ...

your children or friends. In this chapter we look at the way the law deals with separation and the ending of a marriage as well as binding financial agreements ..

Sexual Assault - Hot Topics 56 - find LEGAL answers - NSW ...

Child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities is a serious issue. The NSW Attorney General established a taskforce in response to concerns raised by ..


- A range of other information material about the family law system is also ... assisting an independent children's lawyer to properly represent a child's interests.

Family Law Courts - Complying with financial orders

A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities and explain how the law applies to your case. A lawyer can also explain and help you ..

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ...

Moreover they seek to change the law so that ALLEGED violence .. their lawyers as a way of promoting alienation between the children and ..

[2011] FamCAFC 237 FAMILY LAW APPEAL Application for Notice of

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Family Law Rules 2004 (Cth). APPELLANT: Mr Leonard. RESPONDENT: Ms Timmins. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ...

LORENZ, Ms Lydia, Member, Justice for Children. LYNCH, Ms Angela, Community Legal Education Lawyer, Women's Legal Services Australia ..

Hon. Robert McClelland MP Attorney-General

Children's Lawyers. Ms Rees is also a member of a joint working party of the Law Council of. Australia and Family Law Council drafting the ..

DIVORCE - Legal Services Commission of South Australia

You do not need a lawyer to apply for a divorce. Most people apply for a divorce simply by filling in an application form available from the Family Law Courts ..

Child abuse, neglect and the legal system - bibliography - National ...

Child maltreatment and family law · Child abuse and multimedia · Child ... This article provides guidance for lawyers representing victims of ..

[2011] FamCA 563 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s 60CC. APPLICANT: Mr Toby. RESPONDENT: Ms Toby. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Legal Services. Commission of SA ..

Hague Convention | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

As noted by the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department in a submission .. 17.302 The ALRC recommended that reg 16 of the Family Law (Child ..

Children's Court of Victoria - Research Materials - Family - General

In its Final Report on Family Law and Child Protection (September ... to a non-lawyer, other than a parent, to represent the child except in ..


All children are covered by the Family Law Act, no matter where in Australia they .. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and ..

[DOC]Article 12 of UNCROC and the Participation of Children in Statutory ...

- Deborah de Fina has been the Solicitor in Charge of Care and Protection at Legal .. She is a member of the Children's Law News Editorial Board and the NSW ..

Attorney General's Department - 22 August 2011 - Senate ...

"The Government introduced this Bill to create a safer and fairer family law system and prioritise the safety of children," Mr McClelland said.

The Guardianship Board of South Australia :: Board members

Mr Moore was the co-founder of the Woomera Lawyers Group. .. with refugees and was a joint-recipient of the National Children's Lawyer Award in 2002. .. She has experience in the area of mental health and the criminal law, including the ..

Dispute resolution in child protection—law and practice | ALRC

23.72 The family law and associated socio-legal service systems have been .. Power differentials in child protection interventions and the role of lawyers in ADR ..


- I, Rebecca Anne Boreham, lawyer, of .. not issued Family Law assistance is often required to ensure arrangements for the children are secure and appropriate.

Children and family law - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by M Harrison - Whereas family law and child protection statutes almost universally have as a .. of lawyers, magistrates and judges who have a specialised understanding of ..

The Impact of the Law of Inheritance on the Family

by AA PREECE - - one child or the issue of one child only, and one third to the spouse and two thirds to the issue in all other cases. .. Queensland Lawyer Vol. 14, Pt. 3,pp. 88-100 ..

[DOC]Australian Lawyers Alliance (Submission 21)

- In summary, the Australian Lawyers Alliance submits that: ... detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall ..

Family Court of Australia - First Instance Judgments

FAMILY LAWCHILDREN – Whether children's time with husband should be ... Application by solicitors for the husband in Supreme Court proceedings for ..

[RTF]Filed at - Family Law Courts Homepage

Rich Text Format - by C Part - - 4, The contact address (address for service) in Australia for the independent children's lawyer is: State Postcode. Phone Fax*. DX Email*. Lawyer's code ..

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms: Summary report ...

by R Kaspiew - - Jump to ‎: Many professionals in the family law .. A focus on the primacy of children's best ..

Children and family law - Australian Institute of Family Studies

It is a comprehensive Act that virtually codifies children's law into one statute. .. the attitudes of courts, lawyers and the services caring for children in need.

Media releases - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

This is a list of media releases issued by the Attorney General in 2009. .. 20/12/09, New laws to resolve neighbourhood rows over hedges [ Small .. 22/10/09, Nowra Elders to help Aboriginal children at risk [ Small PDF icon ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Law for Non Lawyer ...

A "Law for Non Lawyers" course is a series of sessions over three evenings or one .. Family Law & Child Support (includes children issues, domestic violence, ..



The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre, Submission #26

The Shopfront employs 4 solicitors (3.2 full-time equivalent), 2 legal assistants, a paralegal (0.4 .. also an accredited specialist in children's law.

Asked and Answered: Questioning Children in the Courtroom ...


witnesses in responding to defence lawyers rarely asked for .. article was first published in full in the (2003) 10(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 109.

Family Violence —A National Legal Response Volume 1

Territory family/domestic violence and child protection laws and the .. violence. At its meeting of 16–17 April 2009, the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General ..

[2011] FamCA 540 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

FAMILY LAW - CHILDREN – interim orders – with whom a child lives and spends .. Lawyer and to return the same to the Legal Services Commission within ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Contributors to the ...


Family Matters no. 82 2009 - Publications - Australian Institute of ...

Abstract | Full text (PDF 1.55 MB); Children's participation in family law disputes: The views of children, parents, lawyers and counsellors / Judy ..

Children's participation in family law disputes

by J Cashmore - - has also been suggested that children, like adults, are more. Children's participation in family law disputes. The views of children, parents, lawyers and ..

Australia's first Indigenous federal magistrate welcomed - The Hon ...

Mr Myers was a member of New South Wales Legal Aid's Family Law Panel and Independent Children's Lawyer Panel, the Family Law Section ..


See independent children's lawyer. Children's contact services. Services .. Law made through judgments made in court/precedent. Commonwealth Information ..

Family Law Pathways Network S.A. Terms of Reference

Family Law lawyers. • Child Support Agency, and. • Centrelink. 1.2 Aim. The overarching aim of the Network is to improve collaboration and coordination ..

current adoption news

NSW's first stand-alone surrogacy law was introduced into the NSW .. This is to assist heterosexual and same-sex couples with surrogate children to gain full .. model provisions developed by the Standing Committee of Attorneys General.

Family Dispute Resolution - Australian Law Reform Commission


of FDR in resolving family law disputes—in particular parenting disputes—and .. in the family law system, lawyers, courts and state-based child protection and ..

Family Reports: Federal Magistrates Court of Australia

You, or your lawyer (if you have one), will receive a letter or phone call from the Family .. They will usually interview you, the other party/s and your child/ren. .. Our E-mail address for family law enquiries (including divorce) is ..

Children and young people - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

170 The Law Handbook. • a person responsible for the child. • members of the child's family or extended family. • an adult chosen by the child. • a lawyer ..

Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission - Child Protection Inquiry

o Criminal law. Child in need of care matters. Family law matters. Civil law. OOO. I Duty lawyer services in: 0 Criminal law. Child in need of care matters. Civil law ..

Attorney General's Department - 15 August 2008 - Queensland Law ...

Queensland Law Society & Family Law Practitioners Association .. State and Territory child services and Independent Children's Lawyers.

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Child Support Unit

Family Law Duty Lawyers · Child Support Unit · Family Dispute Resolution .. The Child Support Unit offers a complete service to payers and payees in relation to ..


It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as .. General legal advice, child support, financial counselling & employment law ..

Young People and Crime timeline - find LEGAL answers - NSW ...

The Attorney-General, the Hon Jeff Shaw, appointed the first Juvenile Crime .. areas of health, education, law and justice, and child protection, and whether ..


- For more information, see Rule 1.05 and Schedule 1 of the Family Law Rules 2004. .. involving allegations of child abuse or risk of abuse .. notify the client if, in the lawyer's opinion, it is in the client's best interests to accept a compromise or ..

5. Criminal law | ALRC

There are different laws in different parts of Australia for dealing with children and .. For example, children have the right to speak to a friend, relative or lawyer ..

[2012] FamCA 27 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

FAMILY LAW - CHILDREN – Parental Responsibility - with whom a child shall live and spend time .. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: ..

Family Law Conferencing

18 Walker Street. Mt Barker 5251. Telephone 8226 8722. Family. Law. Conferencing .. The Family Law Act requires that in most cases .. It is not a requirement that you have a lawyer represent .. your child/children (a child representative), the ..

Family Law Conferencing How to reach an agreement over a family ...

child abuse, mental illness or other matters of concern. Please let your solicitor know if you have concerns about taking part in a conference. Family Law and the ..

The age of criminal responsibility

by G Urbas - 2000 - - common law as doli incapax) operates to deem a child between the ages of 10 .. The New. South Wales Attorney-General's .. having infringed the penal law, ..

Funding legal representatives | ALRC

Presently children are assisted by lawyers based in community legal centres, .. funds for representatives for children across all jurisdictions, including family law, ..

The experiences of child complainants of sexual abuse in the ...

by C Eastwood - 2003 - - their parents/guardians, crown prosecutors, defence lawyers and judicial officers. When asked if .. which children as a group are disadvantaged in the legal process ... The law must be redefined to rebalance the justice system in favour of ..

Attorney General's Department - 4 May 2010 - Address to the Family ...

Family violence affects too many women, men and children in .. officers, counsellors and other professionals working in the family law system.

Protecting Children From Online Sexual Predators Briefing Paper ...

6.16 Canada – online 'luring' of children laws . ... In the US,. State Attorneys General have criticised social networking sites for not doing enough to ..

Legal Issues

family law and South Australian Child Protection .. relationship between children and grandparents .. parties attend with their solicitors, who participate ..


Microsoft Powerpoint - 2003 inquiry & proposed Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental .. Family lawyers' professional responsibilities towards children; The nature and aims of ..

Industrial relations - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Child employment in the entertainment industry · Child employment other than in the entertainment industry · Restrictions ..

Jump to ‎: Title: Children, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About .. Section 2 : Child protection law - practice and procedure.

FAQ about international child access - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. The Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 implements the ..

Canadian Experience, Family Relationships in Transition ...

group of judges, government policy makers and lawyers in Alberta on the legal .. in family law in Canada—particularly focusing on children's issues. We had a ..

Public hearings - Disability Care and Support - Productivity ...

10+ items – Details of public hearings and transcripts for the inquiry into ..



5 April 2011


Philip Gluyas


Natasha Layton and Peter ..




6 April 2011


SCOPE: Diana Heggie



Institute of Victoria ..


Welcome to the Department of Justice - Department of Justice


office. Legal Aid Provides Equal Opportunity Advice and Assistance. 28 Feb 2012: Victoria Legal Aid has launched its Equal Opportunity Legal Service ..

New or Significant Judgments of the Federal Magistrates Court of ...

FAMILY LAW – Parenting – child aged 2 years – complex care history ... debtor and the trustee in bankruptcy – petitioning creditor a firm of solicitors – debtor a ..

Expatriate Adoption in China - Australian Embassy, China

Chinese law and practice relating to adoptions; and; Australian immigration law in respect of visas and Australian citizenship for adopted children.

Client Administration Officers

Any correspondence to the Court (including email) must be copied to the other party, their solicitor and the independent children's lawyer, where appointed, ..

[DOC]Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service Victoria

- The Commonwealth Attorney General's Department on .. and children and ensuring Aboriginal women have a voice and ownership of law and justice issues.

[2011] FamCA 531 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). APPLICANT: Mr Sokolov. 1st RESPONDENT: Ms Roy. 2nd RESPONDENT: Ms Sokolov. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: ..

[DOC]FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Even if you have no objection to the documents being inspected or copied, a party or the independent children's lawyer may object. If so, they must advise you in ..

How to register a child's change of name

Department of the Attorney General .. You are here: Law Compass > BDM Home > Change of name > How do I change a name .. Parents and legal guardians may wish to change their child's name for a variety of reasons.

Federal Magistrate Matthew Myers

Mr Myers was a member of New South Wales Legal Aid's Family Law Panel and. Independent Children's Lawyer Panel, the Family Law ..


It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as .. General legal advice, child support, financial counselling & employment law ..

Support for victims of crime - Department of Justice and Attorney...

If you have a reason to suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm, .. to use a private solicitor for legal assistance, the Queensland Law Society can ..

PARENTING ORDERS - Legal Services Commission of South ...

When a court is making a parenting order, the Family Law Act requires it to regard .. An Independent Children's Lawyer is a lawyer who works out what is in the ..


Chief Justice Gleeson completed his articles of clerkship in the Sydney law firm of Murphy and Maloney. There were three partners, three employed solicitors ..

Surrogacy - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

New surrogacy laws for Queensland .. The child born as a result of the pregnancy will be permanently relinquished by the birth mother into the ..

A kids' guide to child support | Child Support Agency

If you talk to a children's lawyer you don't have to tell anyone else what you said to them. Lawyer: Lawyers know a lot about the law. Their job is to help your ..

How does the Australian Human Rights Commission promote the ...

How does the Commission promote public awareness on children's rights? .. Human rights education program for schools; Children's rights briefs for lawyers .. breach of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other human rights laws ..

Family Law Courts - Forms in alphabetical order

Attachment for additional children (Family Law Courts) Balance sheet (Family .. Notice of intention to withdraw as lawyer (Federal Magistrates Court) Notice of ..

2. Exchange of information - Child Safety Services, Department of ...

Jump to ‎: An order for an Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL) .. best interests of a child in family law proceedings, ..

Attorney General's Department - May 2011 - From the Desk of the ...


are able to share their knowledge, law students are able to gain practical .. to help protect children online, including while using social networking sites.

CUSTODY DISPUTES - Australian Embassy

According to Saudi law, a child whose mother is Saudi and father is non-Saudi is not .. The Australian Embassy in Riyadh maintains a list of attorneys willing to ..

AllegAtions of fAmily violence And child Abuse in fAmily lAw ...

family law children's proceedings, Lawrie Moloney, .. We would like to thank the Attorney-General's Department for its generous support of this project ..

Guidelines for lawyers acting for children / Children and the Law

Guidelines for lawyers acting for children / Children and the Law Committee, The Law Society of South Australia. Author: Law Society of South Australia.

Attorney General's Department - 13 June 2008 - Newcastle Gateway ...

As Attorney-General and as a parent, I want to see a family law system: .. The way family disputes are resolved affect the children involved.

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ...

[50] Thomson Reuters, The Laws of Australia, International Child Abduction, [17.8.10] (September 2008); Attorney-General's Department, Submission 32, p. 4.

Youth Court

It has a criminal jurisdiction, a child protection jurisdiction and also hears .. who offend against the criminal law the care, correction and guidance necessary for their .. Neither judicial members nor lawyers appearing in court are required to ..

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

2 See further, Family Law Council, Parental Child Abduction: A Report to the Attorney-General. (January 1998), p. 23. This is consistent with the ..

Domestic violence and child abuse and neglect - bibliography ...

Child maltreatment and family law · Child abuse and multimedia · Child abuse and the .. Canberra, A.C.T. : Attorney-General's Dept., 2010 ..

Duty of Disclosure - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Courts logo links to the homepage .. Rule 13.15 requires all parties (except for an independent children's lawyer) to file an undertaking stating that ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Law for Community ...

Semester 1 Use legal principles of law & procedure relating to conflict in a community .. Children and Young Offenders; Wills, Powers of Attorney, Guardianship ..

[RTF]Family Court Bulletin

Rich Text Format - between 1978 and 1981, and as a solicitor between 1982 and 1986. She was admitted to the Bar in 1986 and has specialised in serious children's family law ..

Internet Resource Guide:Civil and Human Rights Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Civil and Human Rights law. .. Discrimination (Sexuality); Privacy; Rights of Children; State of Emergency .. A network of Australian lawyers interested in furthering awareness and advocacy of human ..

Application in a Case - Family Law Courts Homepage

Lawyer's code. Interim children (parenting orders) procedural. Application for permission to appeal. Interim financial enforcement hearing – financial obligation ..

Glossary - Law Handbook

Control; e.g. when arrested and not free to leave; formerly, care and control of a child. de facto. In reality, e.g. a de facto wife is one in reality but not in law.

[RTF]Minute of Consent Orders (.rtf)

Rich Text Format - If you need more space add an extra page and ensure all parties to the proceedings and the Independent Children's Lawyer (where appointed) sign and date ..

CHILD SUPPORT - Legal Services Commission of South Australia

Parents can make their own private arrangements for payment of child support if they agree. The law says that both parents (including same sex parents) have a ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences » Juvenile justice

Jump to ‎: Title: Children, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About .. Section 2 : Child protection law - practice and procedure.

Plenary Session 3: - Attorney-General's Department

Plenary Session 3: Focusing parents on the best interests of children. Speaking Notes: .. Barrister and Solicitor specialising in Family Law matters. During this ..

Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs ...

The Minister wrote to all State and Territory Attorneys-General, Police Ministers and Child Safety. Commissioners seeking comments on a ..


interaction between lawyers and social scientists and that the role for lawyers and the legal system was an accepted one in child protection law. These systems ..

Final - National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance ...

Duty lawyer service means advice and representation services provided at a court or ... family law issues and State or Territory law family violence and/or child ..

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

requirement in subsection 68L(3) of the Family Law Act 1975, in respect of the appointment of the Independent Children's Lawyer in Hague ..

Information for persons served with a subpoena or copy of a ...

If you do not object to producing the documents, the parties, interested persons, and the independent children's lawyer may have an automatic ..

FDR practitioners and lawyers - Australian Law Reform Commission

However, a survey of a larger group of lawyers and FDR practitioners .. Children's Court of Victoria, Submission FV 220, 1 July 2010; Law Society of New South ..

Victims of Crime - Words and meanings

This person helps the magistrate in the Magistrate's and Children's Courts. .. The defense lawyer's job is to test your evidence in cross examination, to make ..

Cooperation and coordination: An evaluation of the Family Court of ...

Family law and child protection .. Independent Children's Lawyers to independently represent the interests of children; and; a focus on children's best interests.

Law and parenting after separation - Family Matters - Journal article ...

Moreover, professionals in the field of child protection and family law (social workers, counsellors and lawyers) base much of their thinking on notions of the best ..

Human Rights: Discrimination in Employmeny on Basis of Criminal ...

3 What do discrimination laws say about taking a person's criminal record into account in .. 5.2 Persons working with children; 5.3 Persons applying for admission, .. it may report to the Attorney-General about laws that should be made by the ..

[DOC]Family Court of Australia

- Clients had little control over proceedings as lawyers presented the case and .. an adversarial trial can have on the parties involved, especially the children. .. Due to the success of the pilots, the program is now run in all family law registries.


MAGISTRATES BOOST FOR CHILDREN'S COURT .. Ms Smith is a solicitor who has practised in criminal law in all Victorian jurisdictions and ..

PROPERTY - Legal Services Commission of South Australia

Under the Family Law Act you may be entitled to share in the family home or other .. person the family home, especially if she or he is looking after the children. .. on the title of the family home it is important you see a lawyer quickly in order to ..


He was invariably ahead of his time - far ahead of most lawyers. .. We honour a famous son of the law, of Tasmania, of Australia. .. Bruce's daughters and sons, grandchildren and great grand children, with their extended family and with all ..

My family is separating — what now? | Legal Advice

Urgency, domestic violence and child abuse are some exceptions to this requirement. .. Duty Lawyer Services where applicable; Family Law Section of the Law ..

Grandparenting and the 2006 family law reforms - Family Matters No ...

by L Qu - Indeed, Mutchler and Baker (2009) showed that children in .. It focused on views of family lawyers on the 2006 family law reforms, with 319 ..

Taking photographs and other images - Australian Law Reform ...

69.112 A number of stakeholders raised concerns about the lack of clarity of the existing law in relation to photographing children. Some expressed particular ..

[RTF]Application for Final Orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

Rich Text Format - by C Part - - Family Law Rules ~ RULE 15.08 .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm. .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed) ..

PARENTING PLANS - Legal Services Commission of South Australia

The plan can cover where your children will live, who they can see, their .. You can get help to prepare a parenting plan from a lawyer or a family dispute ..

[DOC]Application for Final Orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

- About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). Independent children's lawyer family name. Given names. The contact address (address for service) in ..

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ...

changes be made to the Bill to ensure that the family law system does not jeopardise the safety of women and children. NSW Young Lawyers is made up of law ..

[DOC]Is it Both Appropriate and Viable To Have - Lawlink NSW

- Whilst it appears that the common law reflected that children had a right to .. they should take and accordingly the instructions that the lawyer should act on. This ..

Powers of Attorney in New South Wales

The Powers of Attorney Act 2003, which commenced on 16 February 2004, makes changes to the law governing powers of attorney in New South Wales, ..

Magellan Program

a designated court-ordered independent children's lawyer for every child, funded by legal aid. Magellan process. Family Court cases that involve serious ..

Duty of disclosure - Family Law Courts Homepage

the report to the other parties and the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). Disclosure of documents. Chapter 13 of the Family Law Rules details a ..

ATTACHMENT 1 - Areas of Practice

The Crown Solicitor's Office offers a wide selection of areas of practice. .. Child Protection - the section has a large child protection practice, representing .. Environmental and Planning Law - as well as the summary prosecutions referred to ..

Law Handbook- legal documents

This section explains some commonly used legal .. attorney – see Power of attorney on page 26) have .. In some circumstances, the birth of children outside ..


interlocutory proceedings until after the appointment of the Independent Children's. Lawyer ─ Appeal dismissed. FAMILY LAW ─ COSTS ─ Where the appeal ..


The general power of attorney has long been known to the law as a useful ... children, with consent of parent, guardian or, in appropriate cases, the child.


FAMILY LAW ─ APPEAL ─ CHILDREN ─ Appeal against orders of .. this morning, and it was noted that the Independent Children's Lawyer ..

Northern Territory Law Reform Committee

Territory and particularly of the children of the Territory. I should also .. Law Reform Committee of the Northern Territory was asked by the Attorney-. General ..

Announcements - Children's Court : Lawlink NSW

Latest Issue of Children's Law News .. by the Attorney General and Mr Joseph Catanzariti, President of the Law Society of New South Wales, ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Civil Law Cost Scale

Search · advanced search · Home >For Lawyers >Cost Scales >Civil Law Cost Scale .. YOUTH COURT (Applications under the Children's Protection Act 1993) ..

Magistrates' Court of Victoria - Applying for an Intervention Order

This is particularly important if there are children involved or the respondent (the .. To arrange to see a duty lawyer contact the family violence registrar who can ..

10 February 2012 - Australia's first Indigenous Federal Magistrate ...

Mr Myers was a member of New South Wales Legal Aid's Family Law Panel and Independent Children's Lawyer Panel, the Family Law Section ..

Family law update - Family Matters No 88, 2011 - AIFS journal ...

by R Kaspiew Download printable version Family law update (PDF 37 KB) .. Commencing from 1 July 2010, the Child Support and Family Assistance .. and the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General to work towards a nationally ..

Launch of Commonwealth Laws and Family Violence Report | ALRC

Attorney-General Nicola Roxon MP; Senator Crossin; all of you here .. to Commonwealth laws relating to child support and family assistance, ..

Definitions of child abuse and neglect - bibliography - National Child ...

Child maltreatment and family law · Child abuse and multimedia .. In April 2009, the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General called for the ..

What should I tell the Independent Children's Lawyer?

Family Law Courts logo links to the homepage · Home; |; Glossary |; Links | .. Tell the independent children's lawyer as much as you can. This will help them ..

[RTF]Request for File Inspection - Family Law Courts Homepage

Rich Text Format - Inspection requested by Independent children's lawyer .. Please lodge your Request for File Inspection at the Family Law Courts or by post.

[DOC]Preparing an affidavit - Family Law Courts Homepage

- .. case must be served on all parties, including the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). .. by calling 1300 352 000 or at your nearest family law registry.


impose a penalty under s.112AD of the Family Law Act 1975. .. Name of law firm ... children's lawyer may, by appointment, inspect all documents produced in ..

Persistent sexual abuse of a child | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ...

25.53 As then NSW Attorney General Jeff Shaw QC explained in the second reading speech for the Crimes Legislation (Child Sexual Offences) Bill 1998: ..

Deacon's lawyers seminar on women and workplace issues

130+ items – .. Deacon's lawyers seminar on women and workplace issues, ..

Chairman of Deacon's Melbourne office, Peter Beaumont, National Workplace ..


Although women have and continue to be responsible for raising children, this ..


Law Handbook - property, family law

spouse or the children, but it may be faster and cheaper to apply to the .. seek advice from a lawyer experienced in family prop- erty law. Is it just and equitable?

[2011] FamCA 543 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

FAMILY LAW - CHILDREN – interim orders – with whom a child spends time – .. represented, and an Independent Children's Lawyer appeared on behalf of H.

Notice of Discontinuance - Family Law Courts Homepage

Court location. Family Law Rules ~ RuLe 10.11 .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). Part B. 2 Independent children's lawyer family name ..

FAQ about international parental child abduction - Attorney ...

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. The Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 implements the ..


safeguards are implemented. As we grapple with the serious issues affecting children and parents in the family law system, a key part to strengthening our family ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ...

CHAPTER 3 - Criminal law responses to international parental child .. and legal assistance schemes administered by the Attorney-General's ..

Guidelines for lawyers acting for children / Children and the Law ...

Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Format: Book; [17] leaves ; 30 cm.


by NSWY LAWYERS - 2001 - to you to make the comparison between young lawyers of now and then. ... The inclusion in the Family Law Act of a child's 'right of regular contact with ..

Appendix D - Public hearings, informal consultations & visits

Mr Joseph Smith, Manager, Services North, and Coordinator, Children's. Contact Service .. Ms Tonia Brajcich, Managing Solicitor, Family Law Unit. Mr Mark ..

Unauthorised Photographs on the Internet And Ancillary Privacy ...

.. represent the views of the. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General or any individual Attorney- ... (1) Should the taking of unauthorised images of children be restricted, .. Discuss the adequacy of existing State and Territory laws in their ..

Handbook and Services Guide 2012 - Department of the Attorney ...

Court child minding . .. CHILDREN'S COURT ................35 .. The Department of the Attorney General administers law and justice services on behalf of ..

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ...

process (Judges, Magistrates, Assessors and Independant Children's Lawyers ) to have qualifications and experience in the understanding of ..


the law of wills to the Standing Committee of Attorneys General.4 That Report .. the testator who dies before the testator, but leaves children or issue who ..

Review of Victoria's Child Protection Legislative Arrangements ...

LAW REFORM COMMISSION REVIEW: CHILD PROTECTION .. Tribunal panel process, as lawyers will not participate in either of these processes.

Associate Professor Judith Cashmore AO - Sydney Law School ...

She is currently a member of the Specialist Accreditation Committee for Children's Lawyers in NSW. Judy joined the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney in ..

Non-adversarial family and children's law - Monash University

Non-adversarial family and children's law. .. This unit will offer experienced family and child protection lawyers, family dispute resolution ..

WebLaw - Children & the Law

ABA Center on Children and the Law: In 1978 the American Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division created the ABA Center on Children and the Law.

special collection - family law


and family dispute resolution practitioners: achieving the .. Child abuse and family law : understanding the issues facing human service and legal ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 68LA Role of independent children's

General nature of role of independent children's lawyer. (2) The independent children's lawyer must: (a) form an independent view, based on the evidence ..

Anne Cossins | UNSW LAW

She is the founder and Convenor of the National Child Sexual Assault .. Offences Taskforce which was established by the NSW Attorney-General in 2004 after a ..

Professor Mary Crock - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Admitted to Practice as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of .. L (eds) Children and the Law in Australia, LexisNexis Butterworths: ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - REG 8.02 Independent children's lawyer

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - REG 8.02. Independent children's lawyer. (1) A party may apply for the appointment or removal of an independent children's lawyer ..

Dr Rita Shackel - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Rita has worked as a lawyer, legal policy officer and academic in a range of settings .. Research paper completed for Children's Education Law Clinic, Duke ..


These are lawyers who work for themselves or for a "law firm" or "legal practice". .. The Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1997, is the principal ..

Megan Davis | UNSW LAW

NSW Sentencing Council; Commonwealth Crime Prevention Advisory Committee; NSW Child Death Review Team; International Law Association (Australia ..

John Tobin - Staff Profile

He has designed and taught several subjects in areas of international law, human rights, children's rights and public interest lawyering. He also ..


Family Law Act 1975. 1 Subsection 4(1) (definition of child representative ). Repeal the definition. 2 Subsection 4(1). Insert: "independent children's lawyer" for a ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Margaret Voight

Mrs - Faculty of Law, Legal PracticeOrdinary Committee Member – Women Lawyers Association of Queensland. .. best practices for ascertaining children's views in litigated family law matters with ..

WebLaw - Family Law

5+ items – .. Administrative Law, Biotechnology Law, Children & the Law ..

Courts & tribunals and their decisions


Judgments of the Family Court from ..


Plain language materials


This issue provides an overview of ..


Events & Competitions | Faculty of Law | Bond University | Gold ...

Presentation: "Children, parents and family lawyers - what makes them resilient?" Federal Magistrate Tom Altobelli started practising family law in 1984 and is ..

Meet our Alumni | UNSW LAW

The Hon Robert McClelland MP(BA LLB 81) is the Federal Attorney-General and .. She is an accredited specialist in Children's Law and Criminal Law, and an ..

The Voices of Children in Family Law Disputes

children's lawyer appointed. This seminar will examine whether and how children should be involved in the process of resolving family law disputes, and how ..

Counting the Costs Forum Notes

relationship. • Women are sometimes told by lawyers not to raise issues of violence .. Australia. • Services to provide children's counselling for family law issues ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Donna Cooper

by D Cooper - 2011Queensland Law Society Childrens's Law Committee .. family dispute resolution practitioner, registered with the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.

Mr Ross Hyams, Monash Law

Monash University, Law .. Hyams R, 'Where will the children live? .. 'Innovation in Clinical Legal Education: Educating Future Lawyers ..

Anna Copeland Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch ...

(with Norris, D); Young People and Children, Law Handbook, Sussex Street Community Legal Centre. 2005, (co-authored); Lawyer's Practice Manual, SCALES ..

Dr Becky Batagol - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Brown, T., Batagol, B., 2009, Lawyers and their law in Family Mediation, Children and the Law: International approaches to children and their ..

Dr Adiva Sifris, Monash Law

Gerber P and Sifris A, The wind of change is blowing' in Law in Context (The .. before and after the 2006 reforms' (2010) 21(2) Australian Family Lawyer 11-18. .. Sifris A, Children and the Lesbian 'Homo-nuclear' family: A ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Australia - Lawyers & Legal ...

Only WorldLII Catalog >> Lawyers Organisations .. of legal social justice and equity issues affecting women and children; Law Council of Australia [Search ] ..

„Mothers and the child protection system - University of Queensland

by H Douglas - criticism, child welfare laws have been reviewed and reformed, child safety .. The focus groups comprised community based lawyers and community service ..

Enhancing inter-professional relationships in a changing family law ...

greater familiarity with the law governing children's 'best interests' may enhance family dispute resolution practitioners' relationships with family lawyers, through ..

SCU - Centre for Children and Young People - Children and the Law

Children and the Law is a unit specifically designed to provide accredited professional development for individuals, including lawyers, who are ..

Legislative Responsibility for Child Protection and Human Rights in ...

by A Farrell - 2001 - - responsibility for child protection as a human right has become a leading motif .. Convention as part of Australian law (Department of Attorney-General, 1997; ..

ARTICLES The Lawyer as Parent: Sympathy, Care and Character in ...

by R Mortensen - 2009 - with B became more settled, X gave her and the children financial support, and even .. of the proceedings: Law Society of New South Wales v A Solicitor [2002] ..

Contact & relocation: focusing on the children: conference report

by S Newell - 2006Sue Creak is an accredited Family Law Solicitor who has been in practice since 1981. She currently practises in Byron Bay, representing children, males (both ..


accredited family law specialists in the whole of Queensland. • Was admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1987. • Was also admitted as ..

Elspeth McInnes Home Page

McInnes E. 2011 'Madness in Family Law: Competing Discourses on Mothers' .. Experiences Before and After the 2006 Reforms' Australian Family Lawyer Vol. .. McInnes, E. 2008 'System Failure and Children at Risk: When Family Law, ..

Professor Patrick Parkinson AM - Sydney Law School - The ...

Patrick Parkinson is a specialist in family law, child protection and the .. of the Family Law Council, an advisory body to the federal Attorney- ..


Act fails to adequately protect children and other family members from family ... Law Reforms and the Family Law Council report to the Attorney-General, ..

Simpson, Brian --- "Representing Children and Young People - A ...

Simpson, Brian --- "Representing Children and Young People - A Lawyers Practice Guide by Lani Blackman and In the Shadow of the Law: The Legal Context of ..

thematic review 2

interviews of forty-two lawyers from Sydney in New. South wales. .. family law system, child abuse by perpetrators of partner abuse (often ..

Ingleby, Richard --- "Translation and the Divorce Lawyer: Simulating ...

by R INGLEBYIt is a fundamental principle of matrimonial law that the welfare of the children should be treated as the most important consideration. Should good lawyers ..


made under the Family Law Act 1975 TABLE OF PROVISIONS CHAPTER .. Service by Child Support Registrar 4.25. .. Independent children's lawyer 8.03.

Mr Ross Hyams - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Hyams, R. L., Stoilkovska, V., 2008, Lawyers Practice Manual - 2.2 Child support and spouse maintenance applications, Looseleaf Service Update 110, Law ..

Dale Bagshaw Home Page

Advisory to the Attorney-General on the Family Law Act 1975 and the operations of .. Law and Family Law' and 'Children and Family Services' sub-committees.

The Battered Child Syndrome

by RH Brown - 1976 - - Any attorney preparing a case of child abuse for trial will be confronted with a paucity of case law in the area of child abuse. This is because almost all cases of ..

Family law dispute resolution : procedural justice and the lawyer ...

On a general level, the study provides a profile of Australian family lawyers in terms of .. Family law, Parent and child (Law), Procedure (Law), Family lawyers, ..


Possession etc. of child exploitation material by law enforcement officer 229. .. Particular references to an accused person include references to a lawyer acting ..

Associate Professor John Tobin - Staff Profile

He has designed and taught several subjects in areas of international law, human rights, children's rights and public interest lawyering. He also coordinates the ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Children and the Law - LAWS3392

This course covers a wide range of legal issues that affect children. .. career paths available for lawyers interested in working with children; Identify appropriate ..

Mother-of-six honoured at USQ's first Law graduation

'I was once told that nice people don't make good lawyers. .. told that I would not be capable to complete a law degree in three years because I had six children.

LAW7432: Non-Adversarial family law

It will assist students to position themselves at the forefront of law reform .. Collaborative law; Independent Children's Lawyers and Family ..

Advisory council | UNSW LAW

Jane Sanders, Principal Solicitor, Shopfront Youth Legal Centre .. He is chairman of the national board of the Starlight Children's Foundation, and has been ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 117 Costs

the court must not make an order under subsection (2) against that party in relation to the costs of the independent children's lawyer. (5) In considering what ..

Dr. Jo Goodie Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch ...

She is admitted to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of .. Administrative Law, LEG271 Law and the Family, Children and the Law; ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Family Law Essentials Topics

Speaker: Duncan HOLMES, Accredited Specialist Family Law and. Independent Children's Lawyer. · Equal shared parenting responsibilities. · How to advise ..

To Kill A Mockingbird: Atticus

The epitome of moral character, Atticus teaches his children and his community how to .. In failing to arrest Boo Radley at the end, Sheriff Tate is breaking the law, as is Atticus, .. (ii) "Both as a father and as a lawyer, Atticus Finch is a failure." ..

Ms Mary Anne Kenny Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch ...

Nominated for Senior Women Lawyer of the Year, WA Women's Lawyers .. protection and settlement of refugee children and youth' (with Rubenstein, K, ..

[DOC]UNSW LAW Internship Program positions available for Semester 1 ...

- Interns at Arts Law support the solicitors and senior solicitors in a variety of ways. ... types of civil law including: family law including divorce, custody of children, ..

Associate Professor Lisa Young Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law ...

She is admitted as Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Western Australia and the High .. Her research interests are in family and child support law.

Safer Family Law | UTS Library

Speaking with lawyers, psychologists, child protection experts and professors, ME used the research in family law/violence to compile information for the media ..

Frances Gibson | UNSW LAW

Frances Gibson completed an Arts/Law Degree at the Australian National University. She moved to Sydney and spent a year in private practice as a lawyer at a ..

Volume 1 - Flinders University

The Children's and Youth Legal Service of South Australia David Ferraro. Justice for Children: The Obligations of Society, Lawyers and Law ..

Family Law Seminar: The Voices of Children in Family Law Disputes ...

This seminar will examine whether and how children should be involved in the process of resolving family law disputes, and how lawyers ..

Promoting best practice in family law - Monash University

Groundbreaking research by Monash dean of Law Professor Stephen Parker aims to formulate a code of best practice for family lawyers. By Fiona Perry ..

Legal representation of children | NOVA. The University of ...


may be appointed by the court to represent a child's best interests thereby assisting the court to make decisions that support a child's welfare. As the law ..


by A ARDAGH - - advantages are described including no court involvement; children's needs are given and Lawyer-Driven Problems and Ways of Avoiding Them' (2007) LEADR ..

E LAW | Doli Incapax: Why Children Deserve its Protection

In all Australian criminal jurisdictions children under fourteen are presumed .. Similarly, the New South Wales Attorney Generals Criminal Law Review Division ..

Research Supervisor Profile for Associate Professor Judith ...

25+ items – Judith's research interests include: Family law; Child protection ..

Cashmore, J & Parkinson, P, 'What Responsibility Do Courts Have to Hear ..


Cashmore, J, Parkinson, P, & Single, J, 'Parent's and Children's Views on ..



assault, of the child which is an offence under a law, written or unwritten, in force .. It has traditionally been the role of the Attorney-General as ..

Catherine Bond | UNSW LAW

Dr Catherine Bond joined the School of Law as a Lecturer in Semester 2 2009. Prior to this she came .. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society. JURD7110 Law ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Australia - Community Legal ...

Legal information and lawyer referral portal providing legal information by video .. National Childrens Youth & Law Centre; National Association of Community ..

Faculty Centres | UNSW LAW

The National Children's and Youth Law Centre ('NCYLC', 'the Centre') is a .. by the National Pro Bono Task Force to the Commonwealth Attorney-General in its ..


DUTY OF CARE. Rose Raniolo. Senior Associate. Minter Ellison. Lawyers .. abuse or sexual abuse in a child (a person under the age of 18 years) pursuant to the .. Negligence is a common law action, that is, it is a type of claim which has ..

Student Research Projects - Sydney Law School - The University of ...

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. Felicity Bell, Independent Children's Lawyers Inside and Outside the Family Courts ..

Our Lady of Mount Carmel student speaks to the UN

.. a United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) .. experience by the Law Society of NSW Young Lawyers Association ..

Abrahams, Melissa --- "A Lawyer's Perspective on the Use of ...

by M ABRAHAMS.. (1998) 21(1) University of New South Wales Law Journal 213. A Lawyer's Perspective On The Use Of Fiduciary Duty With Regard To The Stolen Children ..

Programs | UNSW LAW

The Master of Business Law is designed for non-lawyers involved in the private, commercial, government or international sectors where business law issues are ..

Jane McAdam | UNSW LAW

Member, International Law Association (World) International Teaching Committee. Member, Management Committee of the Refugee Advice and Casework ..

Professor Cameron Stewart - Sydney Law School - The University of ...

Expert Panel, NSW Law Reform Commission, Children and Medical ... of treatment' Australian Lawyers Alliance Medical Law Conference, ..

Field, Rachael --- "Federal Family Law Reform in 2005: The ...

by R FIELDField, Rachael --- "Federal Family Law Reform in 2005: The Problems and Pitfalls for Women and Children of an Increased Emphasis on Post-Separation ..

Children and the law

by NJ Taylor - 2010 - Taylor, NJ 2010, 'Children and the law', Centre for Children and Young People: ... children, parents and professionals, such as lawyers, judges, social workers, ..

Find a Lawyer - The Law Society of Tasmania

A list of current Tasmanian law firms which can be searched by name or locality. .. Law, Environmental Law, Family Law - Child Support, Family Law - Children's ..

Assoc Prof Paula Gerber - Researcher Profile - Monash University

That is the passionate belief of human rights lawyer and former Australian .. Paula believes it is critical that children of all ages learn about human rights at ..

[PPT]Capacity Building in Child Protection Projects - Valerie Braithwaite

Microsoft Powerpoint - 31. Survey of Service Providers (pilot). Needs of clients? Advice on child protection/human rights law, lawyers. Frightening cost implications for resource poor ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Children and the Law - JURD7492


. .. This course covers a wide range of legal issues that affect children. .. available for lawyers interested in working with children; Identify appropriate areas ..

Non-adversarial justice - Monash University

Traditional legal education, with its focus on case law and judicial .. negotiations over work conditions, disputes over residence of children after separation, .. and how lawyers operate (and are perceived to operate) within it.

2007 Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305) .. Hansons Lawyers Prize for Family, Children and Welfare (LLB303) ..

Inspiring lawyers | UNSW LAW

However, the role lawyers play in society is extremely serious. The rule of law is fundamental to preventing tyranny and arbitrary abuse of power. In fact, there ..

Justice Statement - Chapter 5

Women's responsibility for children adds to the difficulties women .. the law, given the absence of child care in most lawyers' offices and courts.

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall - - Jump to ‎: Where a child is conceived by opposite-sex .. which, by law, parents have in relation to children. .. Getting a supportive and non homophobic lawyer who has or will ..

ANZELA: Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association ...

18th Annual ANZSLA Conference, the sports law association - Melbourne, .. our capacity to protect children as well as to network with other professionals in the ..

The Children of the Revolution - The Role of Lawyers in ADR.mp3


All UNSWTV Videos · Home > All UNSWTV Videos > Faculty of Law> The School of Law > The Children of the Revolution - The Role of Lawyers in ADR.mp3 ..

Elizabeth Handsley - Flinders University

Prof - Flinders University Media law, especially as it applies for the protection of children's interests .. Media, public health and law: A lawyer's primer on the food ..

Law Prizes - Current Students @ UOW

Law Prizes. Access Business Lawyers for Property and Trusts A; Alumni Bookshop Faculty Prize; Australian Securities and Investments ..

Associate Professor Paula Gerber, Monash Law

Gerber P, 'The best interests of children in same-sex families' in Paula .. "bush lawyers": The art of teaching law to engineering and construction students' ..

WebLaw - Health Law

20+ items – Powers of Attorney Act 2006 (ACT): An Act about powers of ..

AB v The Attorney-General for the State of Victoria [2005] VSC 180


Breen v Williams (1996) 186 CLR 71


Family Law and Children - College of Law


Crossing Borders .. Family Law and Children Seminar Papers. 09/208. Nov 09 .. Focus on Family Law: Child Support, Bankruptcy and Superannuation ..

Fiona Clarke Home Page

I am a lawyer with a passion for teaching. .. Commercial law, business law, property law, Trusts law; Children's rights, Children and evidence in court, Youth law ..

Students at KLC | UNSW LAW

In this way students can consolidate their study of the law by practical application. Small group classes and constant consultation with the lawyers provide an ..

Family law - Children - WebLaw - Browse

Results 1 - 9 of 9 – Browse WebLaw subject index - Family law - Children .. of Australia is the professional association for practising family lawyers in Australia.

Dr Danielle Tyson - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Danielle is a member of the Wellbeing of Children Following .. 1995 and post 2006, Australian Family Lawyer [P], vol 21, Family Law Section, ..

The New Family Dispute Resolution System: Reform Under the ...

by S Nicholls - 2007 - - family, law, dispute resolution, 2006, australia, mediation, child, children, .. [1] A media release on the 10th May 2006 from Attorney-General ..

ChAptER 7: Legal issues

A critical area of concern for women was around family law issues. Changes to the .. Then I have to pay for the Independent Children's Lawyer which is $1300.

Professor Steven Freeland | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Member of Committee on Space Law, International Law Association, .. Children or Weapons of War - Child Soldiers and International Law ..

Dr Danielle Tyson, Arts, Monash University

Dr. Tyson is a member of the Wellbeing of Children Following .. since 2006 Family Law Reforms, Attorney General's Department Tender.

Withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from children ...

by SN Then - 2010 - Then, Shih-Ning (2010) Withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from children. Queensland Lawyer, 30(1), pp. 18-21.

Joanna Krygier | UNSW LAW

Room: 245B Law Building; Phone: 9385 1851; E-mail: .. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society. JURD7110 Law, Lawyers & Society ..

Faculty of Law 2009 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of ...

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A .. year of study); Hansons Lawyers Prize for Family, Children and Welfare (LLB303) ..

Planning for the Future: Arrangements for the Assistance of People ...

by A Economics - - Lawyers have a responsibility to help to explain and utilise legal planning tools .. institutional and administrative arrangements, laws and mechanisms for ... Parents of adult children with developmental disability may be reluctant to start ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 4 Interpretation

"adopted" , in relation to a child, means adopted under the law of any place .. "independent children's lawyer" for a child means a lawyer who represents the ..

Hume Riverina Community Legal Service Placement Experience ...

the Family Relationship Centre, Parenting Orders Program, Children's Contact Service,. Legal Aid family lawyer) and a robust, friendly team environment.


For over 18 years, we have been recruiting lawyers across the globe and .. schools are good for younger children. .. mean that a common law lawyer should ..

Custody Issues for Grandparent-Caregivers in Minnesota

attorneys. NOTE ON JURISDICTION OVER CUSTODY RELATED CLAIMS .. Finally, in child custody cases involving Indian children, federal law imposes ..

Publications | UNSW LAW

AIJA Committee 'Children Giving Evidence' (2010) Bench Book for Children Giving .. (ed) Lawyers' Practice Manual (NSW), Law Book Company Ltd: Sydney, ..

The Peter Nygh Hague Conference Internship - News and Events ...

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. (the AIIA) and the International Law Association (Australian Branch) (the ILA(AB)) in .. and finance law and the international protection of children, family and property relations.

Australian Families Research Bulletin

agenda which speaks to actors in the multiple fora that make up the family law system, which offers clear guidance to lay people, lawyers and child welfare ..

An Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging | Utopia Research Institute ...

A mothers story of her fight to save her children The State of California .. until he was 11 turning 12 when my family law lawyer suddenly died.

Legislation Compliance

11. Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act (2006). Responsible Officers: Vice-Chancellor and University Lawyer. 12. Children's Services Act (1996) ..

Wade, John --- "Representing Clients Effectively at Negotiation ...

by J Wade - 2004 In 1999, one survey of the most employed commercial lawyer-mediators in Australia reported that mediators see the following commonly made ..

Negligent liability in sport

by N Schot - 2005 - - It has been accepted for inclusion in Sports Law eJournal by an .. 12 Dean Laing, 'Liability of Contact Sports Participants' (1993) 66 Wisconsin Lawyer 12, 12. .. (vi) Mothers also arguably owe a duty of care to their unborn children where ..

UTS: Adjunct professors - law at UTS

Ian is a well known financial services lawyer and has practised for .. on topics concerning exploitation of children and trafficking of persons ..

Welcome to UOW Law E-News

The Tom Maguire Memorial Scholarship for Law is donated by the children and .. The 2008 recipient of the Access Business Lawyers WIL Scholarship for Law ..

The Well Being of Children Following Parental Separation and ...

Involving children in family law processes. Services to help ... In her interviews of 117 family law stakeholders (including lawyers, Family Dispute. Resolution ..

Reflections on Primary Dispute Resolution

by T Altobelli - 2001 - implications of PDR on Australian family law, and on dispute resolution ... Children's Lawyers' (2000) 38(11) Law Society Journal 50 at 50-54; Family Law ..

Making Equality a Reality. - ANU College of Law

Women and Children Victims of Violence, and is a member of the Serbian Lawyers. Association, the Association for Arbitration and Civil Process Law, the ..


by D GLASGOW - - Panel4 and Lawyers for Animals;5 major national law firms conducting pro .. 12 Gary L Francione, Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? (2000) ..

Boersig, John --- "The Duty Of 'A Responsible Person' Under Section ...

by J BOERSIG - Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal. Queesland .. A child, whether 16 years or younger, may choose to have a lawyer present.

Mr Ross Hyams, Monash Law

Editor, Family Law Section of Lawyers Practice Manual Victoria .. 2006: Law Faculty Small Grant, project entitled 'Where will the children live?

HelpingTraumatized Children Learn

by T Scott - needs of the community. JEANNE CHARN, Director. CHERYL BuRG Rusk, Associate Director. RutH DIAz, Managing Attorney, Family and Children s Law Unit ..

read on - School of Law

Sarah Dillon, Deakin School of Law Graduate 2008, talks about her .. As a team, in consultation with the lawyers, child protection workers and ..

This file was downloaded from:

by D Cooper - 20109 J Dickens, 'Risks and Responsibilities: The Role of the Local Authority Lawyer in Child Care. Cases' (2004) 16 Child and Family Law Quarterly 17, at 17.

T A S M A N I A - University of Tasmania Faculty of Law

current law relating to the physical punishment of children which allows .. Bar Association) and Ms Kate McQueeney, (nominated by the Women Lawyers ..

ANU Legal Workshop Legal Practice ...- ANU College of Law

choose from a number of "rotations" where they are assigned to Legal Aid Lawyers in. Criminal Law, Children's Criminal Law, Family Law, Child Protection, Civil ..

History of the Garrick Chair at the TC Beirne School of Law - TC ...

In 1861 Garrick moved to Brisbane , where only four attorneys were then in .. had married on 3 January 1865 and of which marriage there were three children.4 ..

The changing status of children within family law from vision to reality?

by R Fitzgerald - 2011family law system that ʻworks betterʼ for children and young people. .. change' in family law.5 The reforms were extensive and the then Attorney-. General ..

Final Programme Timetable

Keynote Address: Children's Best Interests: Emerging Challenges in the 21st Century (Il .. in South African Family Law in ... Lawyers and their Law in Family ..

2004-2005-2006-2007 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE ...

[Page Break] In family law proceedings, a child's interests in the proceedings are sometimes independently represented by a lawyer appointed under Division ..

Refugee Support and Health Services - Centre for International ...

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights Refugee Kit A plain language guide to the international and domestic laws and processes for dealing ..

A/Prof Tony Krone : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra

Honours thesis on deep ecology and mining law in New South Wales .. Legal Officer, Criminal Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department, Canberra .. Krone T, International police operations against child pornography ..

Courting the Blues: Attitudes towards depression in Australian law ...

by N Kelk - 2009 - University of NSW law student, young lawyer and comedian. Tristan ... students who are living with a partner or have children and the high percentage of ..

Dr Becky Batagol, Monash Law

Lawyers and Family Dispute Resolution' (2008) 8 Queensland .. in the battle over our children' (2003) 28(5) Alternative Law Journal 230 ..


by J OLIVER - - Law Reform Commission Report on Evidence by the Standing Committee of Attorneys. General. 20. K Warner, 'Child Witnesses in Sexual Assault Cases' (1988) ..

Forever bargaining in the shadow of the law - Who sells solid ...

by J Wade - 1998 - - few studies done of language used by experienced family lawyers when talking to .. FLC 91-823 (property awards under the Family Law Act to adult children).

[PPT]Responding to allegations of child abuse in Family

Microsoft Powerpoint - Independent Children's Lawyers (ICLs) represent the interests of children. .. Understanding the intersection between child protection and family law; Key ..

NSW Constitution> Court System> Overview> System structure

The primary role of a State court is to deal with State law. .. is the first tier in the State court hierarchy and is administered by the Attorney General's Department.

[DOC]1 Advanced Legal Research Examination

- He seeks your advice on the return of his children to Sydney, Australia to live with him and his parents. NOTE FROM SUPERVISING SOLICITOR: In preparation ..

Perceptions of the treatment of juveniles in the legal system

by C Alder - 1992 - - project. Special thanks are due to the young people, youth legal advocates and police ... provided in the form of duty lawyers at Children's Courts. There are still ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - REG 19.04 Notification of costs

(2) Immediately before each court event, the lawyer for a party must give the party a .. incurred by the independent children's lawyer up to and including the trial.

Four myths of family law

by J Wade - 2002 - Four Myths of Family Law. John Wade Professor. Law School, Bond University. Family lawyers are often cornered in taxis, elevators and supermarkets by people ..

Family and Child Law - Research Supervisor Connect - Future ...

Prosecurial decision-making in child sexual assault cases. .. Law Council, an advisory body to the federal Attorney-General, and also chaired a ..

Lise Barry@Macquarie Law

Macquarie Law School .. matters, most usually in the Children's Court and the Administrative Decisions Tribunal. .. LAW208 Law Lawyers and Society (Convenor). Law 415 Dispute Resolution and Management (Convenor) ..

Clare Vierboom - Victoria Legal Aid, Deakin University


Melbourne head office: Criminal Law Division, Civil and Human Rights Law, .. Victoria Legal Aid had been appointed as the independent children's lawyer, ..

[PPT]PowerPoint Presentation - Student Advice Program - University of ...

Microsoft Powerpoint - Melbourne Law School. Alexandra Farrar. Corporate Lawyer, Australian Children's Television Foundation Graduate Diploma in Communications Law. "Eighteen ..

The rights of children: a suggested approach for early childhood ...

by HEM Jones - Many of the prominent common law jurisdictions have been concerned with judgements pertaining to the rights of children. Of some international interest, and ..

New visual recording offences

by KJ Burton - 2006Queensland Lawyer 26(4):188. Copyright 2006 .. events and children at South Bank Parklands prompted public attention and concern (Standing. Committee of ..

E Law: Globalized, Wired, Sex Trafficking In Women And Children

Globalized, Wired, Sex Trafficking In Women And Children .. Attorney at Law .. often a particularly abusive part, especially as it relates to women and children.

Biography - Frank Gladstone Menzies - Australian Dictionary of ...

Frank Gladstone Menzies (1892-1978), lawyer and public servant, was born on 3 .. Victoria, second of five children of Australian-born parents James Menzies, .. From 1910 he attended evening classes in arts and law at the University of ..

E Law: It's the Process that Counts - Professionalising Mediation in ...

Some lawyers were being trained as mediators - no longer were law and mediation .. While children are increasingly exposed to mediation training in peer ..

Faculty: Law (Sydney Law School) J

gifts of many colleagues and members of the Environment and Planning Law ... who tragically died in a plane crash with her husband and three children on 1 ..

Latest Sydney Law School News - University of Sydney

Lawyers should consider that the way they write is important for their clients. .. legal sector, particularly as an insurance lawyer, and to the community. ... Chair of the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, and ..

Alex Farrar - Melbourne Law Masters

Alex Farrar. Corporate Lawyer Australian Children's Television Foundation Master of Commercial Law. Why did you choose to undertake a ..

Marriage, Divorce, and the Catholic Lawyer

by P Quirk - 2002 - at the 2002 Australian Christian Lawyers Conference hosted at Bond .. possible way of ensuring certain legal rights, the care of children or the protection ..

LPE Rules - ANU College of Law

also choose from a number of "rotations" where they are assigned to Legal Aid. Lawyers in Criminal Law, Children's Criminal Law, Family Law, Child Protection, ..

Maria Rosa - Alumni profile search result, La Trobe University

Maria completed her post-graduate law degree in 1996. .. and serve as a mentor to other staff within the system whose roles involve sensitive child protection matters. .. After graduation, she completed her Articles at Pearsons Solicitors.

Professor Ben Saul - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Ministry for Police, Review of the Knife Laws and Move On Powers 2000; Attorney-General, The Age of the Criminal Responsibility of Children ..

Speakers | Justice for All?

Ms Arbia has extensive experience in international law, criminal law, and the .. She has published several essays and books on human rights and children's rights. .. Aurora Elizabeth Bewicke is a licensed attorney and the acting China ..


(1) This section applies for deciding a question of law arising in a proceeding before the tribunal. (2) If the presiding member is a lawyer, it must be decided ..

Croucher Rosalind 'Introduction - Justice Behind the Scenes ...

guardianship of children. .. children, so she would be their guardian, otherwise he could .. l Property Bill, having railed against the ills of land law, lawyers ..

Children having a say: a study on children's participation in family law

by RM Fitzgerald - 2009 - - Significantly, children themselves report that they are unheard in family law decision-making ... One example is the declaration by the Attorney General's ..

UTS: Maxine Evers - law at UTS

Maxine was a solicitor in a large suburban firm for 10 years where she .. She is currently a member of the NSW Law Society's Costs Working Group. .. Evers, M.2005, 'Children of the 21st Century: Are they skilled in the art of ..

Volume 21 No 1 1998 General Issue - Home Page - The UNSW Law ...

5+ items – .. of New South Wales * Sydney * Australia UNSW. Law Journal ..

The Enforcement of Jurisdiction Clauses in Australia


The Cultural Specificity of Evidence: The Current Scope and Relevance of the ..


Postgraduate Research Students - Institute for International Law and ...

He also worked as Programme Coordinator for Child Rights and Child Rights .. Olivia has worked in law reform, as a government solicitor and for the United ..

UNSW mooters semifinalists in 2011 Shine Lawyers ... - UNSW Law

Congratulations to UNSW Law's team on their performance in the 2011 .. On 8 12 August 2011, UNSW competed in the National Shine Lawyers Torts Moot. .. Kingsford Legal Centre · National Children's & Youth Law Centre ..

Types of student mentoring programs

It is based on research which shows that children who make a good start to .. Students are matched with a lawyer from a law firm who provides ..

WebLaw - Sports Law


Children & the Law, Citizenship and Migration, Constitutional Law, Corporations ... ANZSLA (The Sports Law Association): ANZSLA's mission is to facilitate ..

Domestic Violence and Family Law *

by L Laing - - Moreover, child abuse in the Family Court cases was not mild and exaggerated .. impact of these reforms involved a survey of lawyers, mediators and family ..


Intervention by Attorney-General 11.07. Child to whom state welfare law applies Division 11.2--Litigation guardian 11.08. Person who needs a litigation guardian ..

When Does it End? The continuation of family violence through the ...

Some women who were, in fact, eligible for Legal Aid chose to pay a private lawyer instead, due to concerns for the safety of their child and the ..

The Behaviour of Family Lawyers and the Implications for Legal ...

by JH Wade - 1989 - - Divorce Lawyer's Office (I986) 20 L & So¢'y Rev 93 lherethefter cited as. Law and Strategy); B ... that parent's child; provide opportunities for contact by an ..

[PPT]Obtaining Children's Views in Legal Proceedings

Microsoft Powerpoint - FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - RULE 8.02. Independent children's lawyer. (2) If the court makes an order for the appointment of an independent children's lawyer: ..

CYS03344 Children and the Law - Southern Cross University (SCU)

Explores historical trends in family law and the current role of family justice .. and socio-legal nature will also enrich lawyers' existing legal knowledge and ..

Browse By Person: Then, Shih-Ning | QUT ePrints

5+ items – In The Queensland Law Handbook : Your Practical Guide to the ..

Then, Shih-Ning


(2011) Young children as regenerative tissue donors ..


Then, Shih-Ning


(2010) Withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment ..


[PPT]What Do We Know about Involving Children & Young People in ...

Microsoft Powerpoint - The role of others (including family law professionals) in mediating children's level of .. Concerns judges/lawyers raise about consulting children – burden ..

Associate Professor Fleur Johns - Sydney Law School - The ...

.. International Law; International Human Rights Law; Law, Lawyers & .. Fleur has three small children and works part time at Sydney Law ..

E LAW | Clinical Legal Education within a Community Legal Centre ...

Community legal centres have resisted the federal Attorney General's .. having contact with their children, accessing benefits or defending a criminal charge.

[DOC]Shared care parenting arrangements since the 2006 family

Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department. Social Policy Research .. 2.5 National Children's and Youth Law Centre mail 16. 3 Analysis of HILDA, ..

Short Courses at UNSW | The University of New South Wales

Information courses are also run for parents of gifted children .. Law. Centre for Continuing Legal Education The Centre for Continuing Legal Education provides short courses for lawyers, accountants, financial planners, ..

This file was downloaded from:

by P Trowse - 2011brought this state up to date by enacting surrogacy laws that are in line with the majority of .. 2 This is necessary because the Status of Children Act 1987 (Qld) provides that where .. Affidavits must be sworn by all parties, including lawyers and ..


The government lawyer's project aims to have pro bono work policies .. assistance analysis in child support departure application and similar matters thus ..

WebLaw - Corporations Law


Children & the Law, Citizenship and Migration, Constitutional Law, Corporations .. Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation and the Faculty of Law : Corporate .. Australian Corporate Lawyers Association: The key objective of the ..

New Book Releases from Law Staff - Monash University

Congratulations to the following Law Faculty Academic Staff whose .. studies to outline strategies for family lawyers, child legal representatives, ..

School of Political and Social Inquiry

Ferdinand Zito is a former independent children's lawyer and now a solicitor who has been practising in adoption for 25 years (as distinct from "family law" which ..

Michelle Fernando : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra

Michelle worked as a lawyer at a Hobart firm for four years, practicing .. Children's Matters' (2009) 23(1) Australian Journal of Family Law 48.

[DOC]Part B

- Case Law. Commonwealth. Recovery Order. To recover the children from Adelaide and bring .. Gray J, "International Child Abduction – What Can a Lawyer Do?

Biography - Mary Cecil Tenison Woods - Australian Dictionary of ...

Mary Cecil Tenison Woods (1893-1971), lawyer, was born on 9 December 1893 .. Law Affecting Women and Children' to A Book of South Australia (Adelaide, ..


The amendments mirror recent amendments to Rule 24.13 Family Law Rules .. children's lawyer to accord with the terminology used in the Family Law Act.

Master of Laws / Graduate Diploma in Law - Sydney Law School ...

160+ items – The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School Handbook ..

LAWS6011 Administrative Law


compulsory for MALP students


LAWS6014 Advanced Financing Techniques


A LAWS6038 or LAWS6046 or ..



Microsoft Powerpoint - E-mail: Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) .. (1) The objects of this Part are to ensure that the best interests of children are met by: ..

Manager, Legal and Compliance Services: Richard Taylor

Prior to working with Australian Business Lawyers, Richard was the head .. Richard has an abiding interest in the development of children and ..

UNSW Handbook Course - International Child Law - LAWS8104

International Child Law. .. a need to better understand the current status of the law and what your role may be - as lawyers, advocates or concerned members of ..

http://www. murdoch. edu. au/elaw/issues/v10n4/grover104. html _

by S Grover - The Ontario Court of Appeal in Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law v Attorney General of Canada² found that there was "associational ..

Heather Douglas - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ...

30+ items – Professor of Law .. Email: ..

H Douglas, A Hersi, 'Khat and Islamic Legal Perspectives : Issues for ..


H Douglas, T Walsh, 'Mothers, Domestic Violence and Child Protection ..


MIPS/AVANT Medical Law Tutorial Program Clayton and Gippsland

15+ items – MIPS/AVANT Medical Law Tutorial Program Clayton and ..

Andrew Rakowski



, Mediator, Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria


Annabelle Brennan


6th Year Medical/Law Student, Monash University


WORKING TOGETHER Vol. 1 Defining the Needs and Issues of ...

Association of Childrens' Welfare Agencies. WORKING TOGETHER. A Common Field of Practice for Police, Solicitors, Youth Workers, Aboriginal. Workers and ..


Presented by Professor Luke McNamara - Dean, Faculty of Law. Awarded .. Presented by Craig Pryor - Principal, Warren McKeon Dickson Lawyers. Awarded .. Lawyers. Awarded for achieving the highest mark in Family, Children & Welfare ..

Reference to index of papers of Charles Butler, son of Gamaliel ...

by C Butler - 2010 Gamaliel Butler (1783-1852), an attorney of Kings Bench (admitted .. The Butlers had left their six surviving children (three others had .. He was president of the Southern Law Society from its foundation in1888 until 1907.

Conference Program - Centre for Children and Young People - SCU

Brenda has enjoyed a varied career, first as an academic lawyer at .. the Children's Act 1989, the Family Law Act 1996 and the Mental ..

Attorney-General awards April Long Indigenous Law Student of the ...

Attorney-General Robert McClelland awarded April Long the inaugural .. I am confident that she will become a leading lawyer and will make an .. Law Centre · Kingsford Legal Centre · National Children's & Youth Law Centre ..

Careers Fairs - Flinders University

Children, Youth and Women's Health Service .. Cowell Clarke Commercial Lawyers .. Department of Education and Children's Service ..

URL: http://www. austlii. edu. au/au/special/rsjproject/rsjlibrary/ilb

by A Greenshields URL: ecommerce: Attorney Generals .. URL: Children and the law ABA Juvenile Justice Center ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Terry Hutchinson

Associate Professor - Faculty of Law, Research (Law), Research Centre (Law)Terry Hutchinson is a Senior Lecturer within the QUT Law School. .. Methodologies for Lawyers; Electronic Legal Research & the Internet; Children in Detention ..

2008 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305) .. Hansons Lawyers Prize for Family, Children and Welfare (LLB303) ..

Family Law - Legal Resources

Available to Deakin staff and students - includes Australian Family Law and .. to various family law matters, such as child support, child abuse, confidentiality, .. About the Academy, lawyers directory, legal research guide, articles, divorce ..


Relationship of Subdivision to other laws Subdivision C--Prescribed security zones 3UI. .. Warnings etc. not to be given about children's evidence 15YR. .. Arrest of person whose parole order or licence revoked by Attorney-General 19AW.

Anxious native title lawyers, waiting 18 months for last week's ...

by J Clarke - 2004discovered in 1992 and two centuries' worth of property law in a manner .. 1998 amendments to the Native Title Act. The lawyers' apprehension in part reflected .. by being driven off their land or removed from their families as children.


by S Wendt - 2010 - - FOR THE AUSTRALIAN ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Family Violence and Family Law in. Australia. The Experiences and Views of Children and ..

E LAW | British Child Migration to Australia: History, Senate Inquiry ...

An Australian lawyer, Adrian Joel, is considering the option of a class action. .. Legal and Education Services, Submission to National Inquiry into Children in ..

Paul O'Shea - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ...

He has practised principally as a commercial litigation solicitor both for city-based .. human rights law, electoral systems, censorship and the rights of children.

UQ research provides insight into child protection - TC Beirne ...

TC Beirne School of Law .. on group discussions with lawyers and community workers who assist parents in their interactions with the child ..

Deborah Healey | UNSW LAW

Deborah joined the Faculty of Law in 2003 after many years practising as a commercial lawyer, with a major focus on competition law and a real involvement in ..

[DOC]Newsletter 24 Autumn 2006 Australian Domestic and Family ...

- Dianne Hamey, Solicitor (Law Reform), Women's Legal Services New South .. Examples of children's experiences and acting-out behaviour on their return from ..

Career pathways | UNSW LAW

Although many people who obtain a law degree do so to become barristers and solicitors, there are a multitude of opportunities in different fields, organisations ..

Circumcision of Healthy Boys: Criminal Assault?

by GJ Boyle - - 2 Executive Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, California .. law assault.2 Any doctor who performs female genital mutilation in ..


3: Family and Government Intervention. Ms Jennifer Anderson, Lawyer. 'Deserving widows and Deserted Wives': The Neglected Children's Act ..

Why study law | UNSW LAW

We number among our Alumni, judges, barristers, partners and solicitors in leading law firms, politicians, entertainers, academics and some of the most ..

A - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

Australian Family Lawyer. AFLB, Australian Family Law Bulletin (Butt). AFLCSH, Australian Family Law Child Support Handbook ..

Legal Practice and Ethics - Legal Resources

Hosted by the Lawlink website - Law Reform Commission, NSW. Scrutiny of the legal profession: complaints against lawyers. NSW Law Reform ..

NEWS REPORT Headline Samoan children trafficked through NZ ...

Dr Andreas Schloenhardt, TC Beirne School of Law .. The mother's lawyers had argued this path could lead to child smuggling or trafficking ..

Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse

A free bi-monthly electronic alert published by the Law and Justice .. This site provides information for independent children's lawyers who work with people ..

Family lawyersâ•Ž attitudes to ADR

by T Altobelli - 2005Altobelli, Tom (2005) "Family lawyers' attitudes to ADR," ADR Bulletin: Vol. 7: No. .. Accredited Specialists in Family Law has ... Family Law, Children's Law and ..

Collaborative practice â•fl â•ŸWe already do thatâ•Ž

by L Lopich - 2007 - process that the collaborative lawyers are not neutral .. advice that collaborative lawyers give to their clients is .. collaborative coaches and/or child consultants.

ANU - STUDYAT - Spec Topics International Law

International Child Law: Over the past ten years the concept of children's rights .. the current status of the law and what your role may be – as lawyers, advocates ..


by N Jones - 2009 - solicitor, saying 'If you continue using language like that I will report you to the Law. Society.' Mr Turley claimed in his letter that he was concerned by 'threats' ..

Newsletter 5

and children experiencing family violence. The Federal. Government's Family Law Violence Strategy (Attorney. General's Department 2006a), which is ..

UTS: Pamela Stewart - law at UTS

She had previously taught Litigation at the College of Law, 1983-95. .. (eds), Children and the Law in Australia, LexisNexis Butterworths, Sydney, Australia, pp. .. Stewart, P.E. & Evers, M.2010, 'The Requirement that Lawyers ..

[RTF]Family Law Act Reform - Australian Domestic and Family Violence ...

Rich Text Format - by R Braaf - - The reforms have serious implications for adult and child victims of family .. The Federal Government's Family Law Violence Strategy (Attorney General's ..

Faculty of Law - Monash University

Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law .. LAW4163 Parents children and the state 406; LAW4164 International refugee law and practice 406 ..

Past Events: Crime and Justice Research Network : UNSW Faculty ...

UNSW Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Faculty of .. This paper will set out a framework for examining children's rights in the ..

Dr Bronwyn Naylor, Monash Law

Submission to Standing Commttee of Attorneys General on Draft Spent .. 'Physical punishment of children in criminal law, family law and child ..

Australian Families Research Bulletin

who act as coaches and child specialists, collaborative lawyers become engaged in an emergent learning system called into being to assist ..

Kate Van Doore - Griffith University

Co-founder, Forget Me Not Children's Home. Lawyer and Griffith University lecturer Kathryn Van Doore won the Arts, Education & Law Young Alumnus of the ..

WebLaw - Browse


support. De facto relationships. Domestic violence. Family law. Family law - Children Family law - Property Gay men and lesbians. Power of attorney ..


These are the wrongdoers who could be us, our children, or our .. Babcock was herself a criminal lawyer and former Director of the Public Defender Service ..

Media, public health and law: A lawyer's primer on the food a

by E Handsley - 2007 - - Media, public health and law: A lawyer's primer on the food advertising debate. .. the regulation of food advertising to children, against the backdrop of a ..

Call for national family law reform

More changes are needed to Australia's family law legislation, .. from lawyers, Family Relationship Centres, Centrelink, the Child Support ..

Professor Terry Carney - Sydney Law School - The University of ...

Social security law; Child welfare; Drug law and policy; Mental health .. XlX World Congress on Labour and Social Security Law, Sydney, 1-4 ..

The Voice of the Child in Family Law: Whose Right? Who's Right?

by A Campbell - - The Voice of the Child in Family Law: Whose Right? Who's Right? Alan Campbell. B. App. Sci., Grad. Dip. Psych, Grad. Cert. Mediation, M. Psych. A thesis ..

TC Beirne School of Law e-Newsletter

As my term as Head of School and Dean of Law draws to a close I wish to thank all .. The plight of child soldiers and the mistreatment of Australian POW's during .. Under the supervision of solicitor Cameron Price the students ..

Evaluating the perspectives of the Practical Legal Training work ...

by R Spencer - 2007 - - In order to qualify as a lawyer in Australia, each law graduate must complete a .. Many mature age students have children and find attending a Placement full ..

The Parenting Centre

Dr. Bob Jacobs has over 25 years experience working with children and .. clinical psychologist and is also registered with the Australian Attorney-General's .. masters degree in psychology, Dr. Jacobs has a J.D. degree (law), is a licensed ..

Clinical Legal Education GUIDE

research in the areas of crime compensation, child support and social security law. • attending courts and tribunals with lawyers. • they write letters, prepare legal ..

Dr Renata Alexander, Monash Law

Child Abuse and Family Law: Understanding the Issues Facing .. Family Violence, in Lawyers Practice Manual (Victoria), Campbell, S.L., ..

Clinical programs KLC | UNSW LAW

The Centre provides a clinical teaching environment for law students and social work law students. Students work with centre lawyers in acting for members for ..

Non-Exhaustive List of Internship Possibilities - the Adelaide Law ...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Geneva, Switzerland, European Regional .. Indian People's Human Rights Commission and Lawyer's Collective, ..

Justice Statement - Chapter 6

.. for legal aid commissions for family law and civil law, and a process for .. of environmental lawyers; specialist services for children and youth ..

Professor Reg Graycar - Sydney Law School - The University of ...

1987 - 1988, ARC large grant, "Women, Law and Dependence" ($22176) ... Reg Graycar, 'Family Law and Social Security: The Child Support Connection' ..

Children in adult prisons - the Australian experience | UNSW ...

The criminal defence lawyer, Ms Edwina Lloyd, and campaigner on behalf of the children, Mr Gerry Georgatos, from the Human Rights Alliance, ..

Family law in the future - [1999] AltLJ 19; (1999) 24(3) Alternative ...

by R Alexander - - Notwithstanding the claims by the Commonwealth Attorney-General that the Family Law Act now focuses away from parental rights over children towards the ..


by A Allan - Paper presented at the Family Court of Western Australia's In the Child's. Best Interest' .. Firstly, law has a social effect, and lawyers should be aware of this.

LLB Testimonials - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Lawyer, Henry Davis York Lawyers BA/LLB (2005) I am a lawyer in the Commercial Disputes Group at Henry Davis York. In this role I am ..

Student Research Projects - Current students - The University of ...

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. Felicity Bell, Independent Children's Lawyers Inside and Outside the Family Courts ..

Agency, Autonomy and a Theology for Legal Practice

by R Mortensen - 2002 - - The lawyer's personal, but religious, moral view motivates an analysis of the rival ... 75 Tinder, above n 65, 107; see also R Niebuhr, The Children of Light and ..

Bulletin - La Trobe University

Family Law Reform Putting children's needs first. Commissioned and funded by the Federal Attorney General's Department, Professor Tania ..

Mandatory Reporting and Child Sexual Abuse: Contextualising ...

by SC Taylor - - Legislating against child abuse recognizes that children have a right to be .. psychologists and psychiatrists, lawyers and the judiciary (Hicks & Tite, 1998; Taylor .. Moreover, despite legislative changes introduced into Victorian law in 1991 to ..

UTS: Manly Lawyers – Associate Professor Jennifer Burn - law at UTS

Source: Manly Lawyers Academic: Associate Professor Jennifer Burn Date: 5 September, 2011. Description: Samoan children trafficked ..

Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Whose 'Best Interests' in ...

by AS Hart - 2006 - - CHAPTER 1: CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND THE LORE OF FAMILY LAW. 1 ... Judges and lawyers disserve both themselves and the legal system unless they ..

Admission and Unit Information – Bachelor of Laws (Non-Graduate ...

The School of Law offers a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, which provides .. legal and ethical responsibilities lawyers owe to the law, the courts, their ... laws, policies and practices relating to children and young people.

Biography - Gladys Adeline Hain - Australian Dictionary of Biography

Once her children had reached kindergarten age Mrs Hain took up journalism: .. She resumed her law practice, first as a solicitor and from 1955 as a barrister.


by E SHEEHY - - Evidence law is not simply a body of "neutral rules" of general application: its .. disbelief that the ruthless sexual abuse of children by normal, adult men could ... E conforms with an overall pattern of resistance, by lawyers and judges, to the ..

An Active Approach to Studying Law ANU COLLEGE OF LAW

An Indigenous organisation providing legal advice, duty lawyer assistance, .. for older people, disability services and services for children and young people.

On Capacity - Promoting structured pro bono by

Mackenzie Lawyers provide pro bono services to cancer patients. LCCLC ... children in need 17 Journal of Law and Medicine 105-118 at 105. 16 National ..


Section 123 of the Family Law Act 1975 (the Act) provides that the Judges .. To enable an independent children's lawyer to communicate with a ..

Blue Card

The Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian requires .. lawyer or police officer to sight your identification documents and complete an ..

Karen Ward > School of Indigenous Studies: The University of ...

My name is Karen Ward and I am a solicitor in the Criminal Law Division of .. as the Drug Court Lawyer and also as a Children's Court Lawyer.

Castan Centre public events and lectures - Faculty of Law - Monash ...

International Humanitarian Law and the Young Lawyer Career forum .. Children in Immigration Detention: the policy, the practice and the prognosis – workshop ..

Reflecting Social Change: The High Court and Social Facts

The first is that lawyers in general (and I include here legal academics, ... litigation.19 Psychological effects on children is clearly not a matter the law has ..

WebLaw - Constitutional Law


Children & the Law, Citizenship and Migration, Constitutional Law, Corporations .. Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865: This Act passed by the Imperial (British) .. as may be referred to it by resolution of the Assembly or the Attorney-General.

Dealing With Young Offenders

by J Seymour - - Senior Lecturer in Law, Australian National University,. The Law Book Co. .. The majority of lawyers have no knowledge of the Children's Court jurisdiction, but ..

Double-space everything, 7

by RM Field - 2006 - - in children's matters. The Attorney-General's news release described the new requirements for children's disputes simply as: amendments to family law that will ..

AustLII - AustLII: Past Announcements

AustLII thanks the Law Societies of New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland .. Freehills and the Australian Government Solicitor for their renewed contributions. ... Social Security Appeals Tribunal of Australia - Review of Child Support ..

Marbury v. Madison and The Matrix: What Child - University of Sydney

And while most. Japanese lawyers or legal scholars will likely advise that the police will not .. child support under the new enforcement laws. Terue Arakawa ..

Online Seminars - College of Law

Complies with Rule of the Law Society Professional Conduct and ... Child support, as a topic provides a real challenge to most family lawyers and ..

Admission and Unit Information - Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor ...

Students will be able to explain and evaluate the law and practice of lawyers, ... This unit examines legal responses (and lack of response) to children and ..

Biography - Sir William Flood Webb - Australian Dictionary of ...

After William Webb senior died in 1898, Bridget took the children to the home of her sister .. Acting on T. W. McCawley's advice, Webb studied law as a means of .. Rising rapidly, he was appointed chief legal assistant in the Crown Solicitor's ..

Groves, M --- "Adeptly Avoiding Ademption" [2010] UMonashLRS 2

This paper was originally published in Volume 84, Issue 8 of the Law Institute Journal, pp. 36-40. PRECEDE: When a power of attorney is used ..

Biography - Andrew Inglis Clark - Australian Dictionary of Biography

Delicate as a child, he was taught by his mother until old enough to attend the .. in all branches of the law, but pre-eminent as a constitutional lawyer and jurist.

Staff profile, La Trobe University

LLM (Lond) BA LLB (Mon) Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria ..; Children ..

Biography - Alfred Peach Hensman - Australian Dictionary of ...

Alfred Peach Hensman (1834-1902), attorney-general and judge, was born on .. With his wife Emily, née Rowden, and two children Hensman arrived at Perth in .. He also maintained that Broome should confine his opinions to points of law ..

Justice Statement - Full Contents

Civil Litigation Advocates · A National Network of Environmental Lawyers · Women's Legal Centres · Services for Children and Youth · Human Rights and ..

Chris Sidoti > Institute of Advanced Studies: The University of ...

20 years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child – Are children any better off? by Chris Sidoti, Human Rights Lawyer, Activist and ..

Dr Adiva Sifris - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Adiva works in the Faculty of Law at Monash University as a Senior Lecturer. .. Sifris, A. R., 2009, Children and the Lesbian 'Homo-nuclear' family: A .. and post 2006, Australian Family Lawyer [P], vol 21, Family Law Section, ..

Deakin student finds fascinating work after graduating - School of Law

Since completing a Bachelor of Laws (Hons)/Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) .. As a team, in consultation with the lawyers, child protection workers and ..

Biography - Percy Joseph Russell - Australian Dictionary of Biography

He offered regularly to stand down, not wanting it believed 'that a city lawyer bossed .. of the peace and special magistrate of the Children's Court, Melbourne.


by A Stuhmcke - - Mr Malahoff reacted by suing Stiver for not producing the child he contracted for and the Stivers countered by suing their doctor, lawyer and psychiatrist for not ..

12030.1 Recent Developments in Medical ... - College of Law

A must for all personal injury lawyers with an interest in medical negligence, our .. practised exclusively in medical law, particularly in cases involving children, ..

21 Family Law Essential Topics:CLE

Law and Independent Childrenʼs Lawyer. • Equal shared parenting responsibilities. • How to advise parents wanting to relocate children. • The part played by ..

Family - Legal Resources

Faculty of Business and Law Legal Resources .. relating to various family law matters, such as child support, child abuse, confidentiality, .. About the Academy, lawyers directory, legal research guide, articles, divorce manual: ..

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Monday, 17 February 2025
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Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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