Citizenship & Immigration Law & Lawyers

Would you like to become an Australian Citizen?
Are you, or your family or friends, seeking to migrate to Australia?
Do you have a visa issue?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions then you have come to the right place. All you have to do is complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here, to request help.

Migration Lawyers provide advice and representation on all aspects of migration, citizenship and visa law including:

• Appeals to the Migration Review Tribunal
• Citizenship law and citizenship issues
• Family migration
• Business migration
• Skilled migration
• Student migration
• Liaising with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship
• Visa issues, such as visa cancellations, refused applications, extensions of visas

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Immigration Lawyers generally provide representation and advice on all aspects of citizenship and immigration law including legal help and advice with respect to:

• Australian and overseas and business sponsorship arrangements
• Business sponsorship obligations and employment related matters
• Preparation, lodgement and approval of sponsorships, nominations and visa applications
• Compliance issues, sponsorship monitoring, audits and site visits
• work rights, verification of work rights, recruitment protocols and risk management
• breaches of sponsorship obligations, sanctions and penalties
• Employer and Recruiter responsibilities in regard to overseas workers
• Assistance with employer nomination and regional sponsorship schemes
• recognition of overseas qualifications, licensing and registration requirements
• recognition of overseas qualifications, skills assessments, licensing and registration requirements
• negotiating approval of Labour Agreements including On Hire Agreements
• negotiating approval of Enterprise Migration Agreements

Immigration lawyers represent clients in interviews or appearances before the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australian Consulates or Tribunals of Review and the Courts.

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Immigration lawyers provide advice on all visa categories, including:

• Sponsorship by Australian business
• Sponsorship by overseas business
• Employer nomination scheme
• Regional sponsored migration scheme
• Labour agreements
• Skilled migration visas

Visas, Immigration and Refugees

Immigration Lawyers are able to provide legal assistance for:

• Professionals and other skilled workers seeking work or business in Australia
• People moving permanently to Australia or returning from overseas
• Tourists, working holiday, people transiting, visiting family or friends, or visiting for business or an event
• People studying or seeking study, training, or skills development in Australia
• Education agents and providers
• Employers who sponsor skilled people to work in Australia
• Australia's Refugee and Humanitarian programs
• Important information people should know about Australian visas
• Workers
• Employer Sponsored Workers
• Professionals and other Skilled Migrants
• Business People Specialist Entry
• Doctors and Nurses
• Regional Employment
• Air and Sea Crew
• Pacific Seasonal Worker
• Migrants and Family Members Returning
• Residents
• Visitors
• Tourists Working
• Event Organisers and Participants
• Students
• Student Visa Options
• Student Guardians
• Students including: Student Visa Assessment Levels; Student Visa Program Review; and Sponsored Training Visas

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Lawfully operating Australian employers can sponsor and employ skilled workers who have recognised qualifications and skills/or experience in particular occupations required in Australia. Immigration lawyers also provide legal representation and advice to Employers including:

• Employer Sponsored Visa Options; and
• Employer Obligations

It is an offence under the Migration Act 1958 for a person to knowingly or recklessly allow an illegal worker to work or refer an illegal worker for work with another business.

Immigration Lawyers can secure temporary and permanent residence visas for personnel at executive, managerial, professional, technical and trade levels.

Applying for citizenship
The process of applying for Australian citizenship varies depending on your eligibility. There are a number of different application options with different eligibility requirements.

Generally, to apply for Australian citizenship you will need to:

• Determine that you are eligible
• Gather your original documents
• Copy and certify your documents
• Complete and lodge your application.

A decision on your application for citizenship will only be made after you have lodged a completed application form together with the required documents and fee.

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The Australian Citizenship Act 2007 is the legal basis for all citizenship provisions. It commenced on 1 July 2007. It was amended by the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Testing) Act 2007 in September 2007.

About the Tribunals

The Migration Review Tribunal (the MRT) and the Refugee Review Tribunal (the RRT) (the Tribunals) review visa and visa-related decisions made within the Immigration and Citizenship portfolio. The Tribunals' objective is to provide reviews that are fair, just, economical, informal and quick. It aims to make the correct decision in individual cases, and to influence decision-making through quality and consistency of their decisions.

The jurisdiction, powers and procedures of the Tribunals are set out in the Migration Act 1958 and in the Migration Regulations 1994.

The Tribunals comprise Members (appointed under the Migration Act) and staff (appointed under the Migration Act and employed under the Public Service Act 1999).

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The Migration Review Tribunal (the MRT) and the Refugee Review Tribunal (the RRT) provide an independent and final merits review of decisions made in relation to visas to travel to, enter or stay in Australia. The MRT reviews decisions made in respect of general visas (e.g. visitor, student, partner, family, business, skilled visas) and the RRT deals with decisions made in respect of protection (refugee) visas.

The Tribunals are established under the Migration Act 1958 and the Tribunals’ jurisdiction and powers are set out in the Migration Act and in the Migration Regulations 1994. All Members and staff are cross-appointed to both Tribunals and the Tribunals operate as a single agency for the purposes of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Further Resources - Immigration and Citizenship Law & Lawyers

Citizenship & Immigration Law & Lawyers News


Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Application process for Australian citizenship

TGenerally speaking, there are essentially 9 main Steps in the application process. The time it takes to apply for and be granted Australian citizenship varies. The Client Service Charter provides details on the service standard for processing an application for Australian citizenship.

Read this notice if you sat and passed the citizenship test before 9 November 2009 and now wish to lodge an application for citizenship.

Are you eligible to apply?

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Step 1. Determine that you are eligible

In general, to apply for citizenship you will need to:
be a migrant who is a permanent residentsatisfy the residence requirementbe likely to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australiabe of good character if you are 18 years of age or over.There are two categories of eligibility:
- General eligibility commonly used for applicants: aged 18 years and over and under 60 years of age.Form 1290 Australian citizenship
– Other situations commonly used for applicants: aged under 18 years or over 60 years of agewho suffer from a permanent loss or substantial impairment of hearing, speech or sightwho have an enduring physical or mental incapacity that means they are not capable of understanding the nature of the application.

Step 2. Ensure you meet the residence requirement

The residence requirement is based on the time you have lived in Australia and the time you have spent outside Australia.
You must:
-have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, andnot have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.The Residence Requirement Calculator can help you calculate whether you meet this requirement.
-Under certain circumstances the residence requirement may be varied.

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Step 3. Gather your original documents

You must provide original documents. You will need to provide a range of documents to prove your identity, establish links between all names you have used,establish you have not had any serious criminal convictions to apply for variations to the residence requirement or fees.

Step 4. Complete your application form

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Step 5. Lodgement of application form

Making an application in AustraliaLodge your application form online through the website or on paper and post to your nearest departmental office. Ensure you have completed all questions in the application form .
If you lodge your citizenship application online you can attach your identity and other documents. You will need to bring your original documents with you to your citizenship appointment.
You must also bring a completed Identity declaration and correctly endorsed photographs for yourself and any children included in your application, to your appointment.
If you lodge your citizenship application on paper you must attach certified copies of original documents. Do not post original documents with your application.
Read the information about the application fee and how to pay it before lodging your application.
Making an application outside Australia
If you are overseas when lodging your application for citizenship by conferral, you should send your application along with certified copies of all required documents by post or courier directly to the Overseas Citizenship Unit at the department's Melbourne Office in Australia. Do not post original documents with your application.

You cannot lodge your application online when applying outside of Australia.

Step 6. Attend your citizenship appointment

When the department receives your application you will be invited to attend a citizenship appointment. We will send you a letter with your appointment details and further information. It is at your appointment you will take a citizenship test or have an interview, whichever applies.
At your appointment a departmental officer will confirm your eligibility for Australian citizenship, check your original documents, verify your identity and ensure that you have satisfied all the requirements.
It is very important that you attend your appointment. If you do not, your application may be refused.
You should allow approximately two hours for your citizenship appointment.

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Step 7. Take the citizenship test or have a citizenship interview

You are usually required to take a citizenship test if you are aged 18 years and over and under 60 years of age. The citizenship test is designed to encourage you to find out more about life in Australia and what it means to be an Australian citizen. It will test your understanding of the responsibilities of citizenship as well as the rights that you will enjoy once you become a citizen. All the questions in the test are based on the testable information in the Australian citizenship test resource book.
See more information about the Australian Citizenship Test
If you are not required to sit the test you may have a citizenship interview. At the interview we will confirm you understand the nature of your citizenship application, have a basic knowledge of the English language and understand the responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship.
Our decision

Step 8. Receive notification of the department's decision

A decision on your application for citizenship can only be made after you have lodged a completed application together with the required original documents and fee.
The Client Service Charter provides details on the service standard for processing an application for Australian citizenship. You must tell the department if you change your address, and you must be in the country at the time a decision is made. You may need to defer your travel plans or, if your travel is urgent contact the department for advice.
See more information about citizenship and travel

Step 9. Attend a citizenship ceremony

Do you, or your family or friends, need legal help regarding citizenship, visa or immigration law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The benefits of using immigration lawyers:

- immigration lawyers sort and select out all important and relevant information in the process of informing, discussing and advising you;

- immigration lawyers give you a detailed legal Australian immigration assessment of your case and we advise you on the probability of obtaining the correct Australian visa to suit your indicated needs based on your information; (we also  advise you on legal options for obtaining other 'alternative' Australian visa/s that will allow you to do what you want to do in Australia);

- immigration lawyers advise you on any other legal strategies or work which should first be done before lodgment of the correct application; obtain crucially important documents from third parties where necessary;

- immigration lawyers prepare for you all application papers for the agreed visa type (including all official forms and legal documents such as statutory declarations and affidavits) and we gather together all evidentiary documents needed in the application;

- immigration lawyers contact, discuss and arrange with all third parties (e.g. Accountants, psychologists, doctors, hospitals, employers, etc.) for the provision of 'expert' opinion which in our legal opinion are necessary for achieving success in your Australian application. (Usually this involves us entering into legal-technical discussions with these experts for some legal 'redesigning  of their papers to make them more relevant to the applied law. Their answers and reports will form the 'expert opinions' to be submitted along with the Australian visa application  forms and other annexures);

- immigration lawyers get you to check and then sign all papers including official Australian visa forms (after they are fully satisfied as to the quality and completion of the prepared Australian visa application papers and attachments);

- immigration lawyers lodge for you all Australian visa application papers at the correct Australian immigration office;

- immigration lawyers conduct for you all follow-up work and case management until the application decision is received from the immigration office. (This can involve us having to answer further questions or making further legal submissions to immigration officers and arranging further technical/legal discussions and meetings with them and any third parties about issues raised by the immigration officers);

- immigration lawyers advise you and prepare you in advance for your interview with the Australian immigration office; (This includes discussing with you so-called 'difficult' questions you are  likely to be asked at the interview. This will help you not to give any misleading or unclear answers which may be used against you by the Australian immigration officers.

- immigration lawyers complete for you all important post-decision work (including further advice as necessary);

Visas, Immigration and Refugees
Refugee and Humanitarian
Application forms
Living in Australia
Choose Australia
Settle in Australia
Help with English Citizenship
Why should I become a citizen?
Applying for citizenship
Citizenship ceremonies

Refugee and Humanitarian - Some general information

Australia's Humanitarian Program is an important part of our contribution to the international protection of refugees.

It is designed to ensure that Australia can respond effectively to global humanitarian situations and that support services are available to meet the specific needs of these entrants.

The Humanitarian Program has two components:

Offshore – Resettlement
For people outside Australia in need of humanitarian assistance.

Onshore – Protection
For people already in Australia who are found to be refugees.

Temporary Protection Visa and Temporary Humanitarian Visa Holders
Abolition of temporary Protection visa (TPV) and temporary Humanitarian visa (THV) Holders, and information on the Resolution of Status (RoS) visa for Temporary Protection and Temporary Humanitarian visa holders in Australia.

If you need legal advice regarding Citizenship & Immigration Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Citizenship & Immigration Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Citizenship & Immigration Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Citizenship & Immigration Law extends to all suburbs throughout Australia.

Citizenship & Immigration Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Citizenship & Immigration Law & Lawyers Links

Citizenship & Immigration Law & Lawyers – Links


Fact Sheet 36 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


For further information please refer to a joint fact sheet from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the Attorney General's Department. See: Fact ..

Speech - Immigration Lawyers of Australia Conference


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Maria Jockel, Chair, Immigration Lawyers Association of Australasia and ..

Solicitor - 271311 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Based on your documents, the assessing authority will provide advice to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on your qualifications and/or work ..

Internet Resource Guide: Administrative Law


Not available outside Parliament; Australian Immigration Law Update Newsletter (Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers); Citizenship in Australia (National ..

Legislation and Regulations - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. The Australian Citizenship Act .. can be accessed from a website managed by the Attorney-General's Department. ..

Settlement offer accepted by Cornelia Rau's lawyers - Immigration ..


The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, today confirmed that lawyers for Cornelia Rau had accepted an offer of ..


Character Requirements - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Character Requirements November 2011. 12. BELIZE. Apply in person or through a lawyer with power of attorney to: ..

National Anti-Racism Partnership and Strategy


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Attorney‑General Robert McClelland and Parliamentary Secretary for ..

Ministerial Intervention - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


the decision of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) not ... Declarations Regulations 1993, available through the Attorney-General's ..


Immigration lawyers Association of Australasia


The immigration Lawyers Association of. Australasia Focus Group .. _ Australia's immigration and citizenship programs. The ILAA notes the ..

Senior Staff - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? Applying .. Chief Lawyer .. Citizenship, Settlement and Multicultural Affairs Division ..

Claiming compensation from the department - Applications & Forms


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. may assess your claim and pay compensation in accordance with the Attorney General's Legal Services Directions, ..


Submission 25 - Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..


The inclusion of lawyers within the migration agent regulatory framework. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship is aware of the position of the Law ..


164 - Application for evidence of resident status in Australia


Affidavits, solicitor, registered medical practitioner, bank manager or a State .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department). More information on ..

Governance and Legal Division (Chief Lawyer) -


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Immigration and Citizenship > Department of Immigration and .. National Office > Governance and Legal Division (Chief Lawyer) ..


Immigration and Citizenship's Portfolio - Answers to Questions on ..


Department of Immigration And Citizenship .. i 7 Sydney NSW 20007 O'DONOGHUE, Anne Ms Immigration Lawyers Association Suite 1303, World Tower ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Hansard Senate Committees


18/10/2011 Attorney-General Portfolio; 17/10/2011 Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio; 26/05/2011 Attorney-General Portfolio; 25/05/2011 Attorney-General ..

Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. agents and lawyers;; a strengthened Code of Conduct for migration agents; ..

Change your name - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. of identity issued by the Passport Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the ..

Citizenship in the Australian Public Service


This document provides guidance on imposing citizenship as a .. of Immigration and Citizenship and the Attorney-General's Department. ..

Biographical information - Part-time Members - MRT-RRT


She worked as an immigration lawyer at the Immigration Advice and Rights .. range of immigration and citizenship topics, was a regular presenter of immigration ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..


Tabled documents, questions on notice and additional information. Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio · Attorney-General's Portfolio ..

Departments and agencies


Commonwealth Parliament; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney- .. Ageing; Human Services; Immigration and Citizenship; Industry, Innovation, Science, ..




- .. Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), and the Attorney-General's Department, the Chief of the Defence Force, the National ..

Note a previous change of name - Department of Justice and ..


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. of identity issued by the Passport Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the ..

Before getting married - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) . ..

Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Provides access to information about Australian visas, Australian citizenship. .. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has activated a 24-hour .. Attorney-General's Department, Australian Customs and Border Protection ..



Jennifer Burn and Sudrishti Reich, The Immigration Kit: A Practical Guide .. staff of members of parliament, and lawyers providing assistance in ..

Advisory board appointed to guide new migration agent regulator


The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, .. by former lawyer and secretary of the Attorney-General's Department, ..

Marriage certificate - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General ... Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the Department of Immigration and ..

Appointment of race discrimination commissioner


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Joint Media Release with Robert McClelland MP – Attorney-General and ..

Australian Citizenship – Law and Policy


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. can be accessed from a legal information retrieval system owned by the Australian Attorney General's Department. ..

Birth certificates - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General ... Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the Department of Immigration and ..

find LEGAL answers - Immigration and Citizenship » Refugees


Jump to ‎: Title: Australian immigration law. About: Ministerial Directions, citizenship and passports, merits and judicial review, ..

Identity Cards


Ewart Smith was Deputy Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department. .... Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration 'National ..

Biographical information - Full-time Members - MRT-RRT


She has been a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of the ACT, the ... for DFAT and Deputy State Director, Visas and Citizenship, DIAC (2005-2008). Earlier .. Simon Jeans is a solicitor and an accredited specialist in immigration law. ..


Administrative Appeals Tribunal seminar


In 2008-09 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship received over .. Division led by the Chief Lawyer Robyn Bicket, who joins me as a ..


Supplementary Budget Estimates 2011-2012


Immigration and Citizenship, one other AGS lawyer was involved in providing advice to the. Department of Immigration and Citizenship on aspects of the ..

Children | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..


In addition, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship is responsible for ... contact the International Family Law Section, Attorney-General's Department, ..

Australian Citizenship – Dual citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship Skip to main .. It is possible to hold citizenship of two or more countries if the law of those countries allow. This is known ..


Report: Budget estimates 2011-12


for the examination of the Attorney-General's Portfolio and the Immigration and. Citizenship Portfolio. The portfolio budget statements 2011-12 were tabled on ..

find LEGAL answers - Immigration and Citizenship » Immigration


Jump to ‎: Title: Australian immigration law. About: Ministerial Directions, citizenship and passports, merits and judicial review, ..

Governance and Audit Branch -


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Immigration and Citizenship > Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. return to Governance and Legal Division (Chief Lawyer) ..


Funding Forum Flyer February 2012


Department of the Attorney. General. Jolene Chua. Department of Immigration and Citizenship. FUNDING. OPPORTUNTIES. DISCUSS. YOUR PROJECTS ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


[13] Department of Immigration and Citizenship Annual Report 2009-10, p. 14. [14] Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2009-10, p. ..

Comlaw Home


Attorney-General's · Human Services · Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy · Immigration and Citizenship · Climate Change and Energy ..

Children born through Surrogacy Arrangements applying for ..


For general information on Australian citizenship by descent: .. written advice from a panel lawyer who is an expert in Indian family and/or contract law. .. details are at . ..

Katie Miller | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Katie completed her articles at the Australian Government Solicitor in 2004 and .. of Senior Lawyer, working across immigration, citizenship, veteran's affairs and ..

Passports - Protecting your Privacy


the Department of Immigration and Citizenship; Attorney-General's Department; the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service; Australian state and ..


Submission: Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration ..


consider the opinions of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and the Solicitor. General of Canada, based on security or criminal ..

Expatriate Adoption in China - Australian Embassy, China


Chinese law and practice relating to adoptions; and; Australian immigration law in respect of visas and Australian citizenship for adopted children. ..

Death certificate - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the Department of Immigration and ..

Marriage overseas | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's ..


The Attorney-General's Department has responsibility for developing policy about issues .. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) can advise on ..

Overseas marriages - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the Department of Immigration and ..


Agents Participating in the Trial of Electronic Visa Application ..


Australian Lawyers & Business Consulting. Shu Hua Wu. WA. 0001012. 87. Australian Migration & Citizenship Services. Peter Loughton. WA. 9789986. 88. ..




- The Hon Chris Bowen, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship .. The Hon Robert McClelland, Attorney-General and Acting Minister for Home Affairs (Substitute ..

Budget 2011–12: Responding to boat arrivals


Source: Immigration and Citizenship portfolio, Portfolio budget .. in the Immigration and Attorney-General's portfolios, signals continued ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Ministerial Representation & Senate ..


Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Minister for .. Minister Assisting the Attorney-General on Queensland Floods Recovery (Manager of ..

Same-Sex Reforms - Attorney-General's Department


Jump to ‎: The reforms in relation to citizenship commenced on 15 March 2009. .. or visit the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website.


Submission DR44 - Refugee Advice and Casework Service (Aust ..


as well as in kind support, including lawyers on secondment from law firms, to be able to .. of Immigration and Citizenship's 2007-08 Review of Statutory Self ..

High level talks with the Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs


Attorney-General Robert McClelland, Minister for Home Affairs Brendan O'Connor, and Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Chris Evans, ..

Reassignment of sex - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. of identity issued by the Passport Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the ..

List of Participants | ALRC


Lee Hansen, Principal Solicitor, Welfare Rights Centre .. Section, Family and Health Policy Branch, Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Chris Yuen, then Principal Solicitor, Immigration Advice and Rights Centre Inc ..


2011-12 Supplementary Budget Estimates


Substitute member: Senator Mason to replace. Senator Boyce on 17 and 18 October 2011. • Attorney-General. • Immigration and Citizenship. Secretary: Ms Julie ..

Litigation and Opinions Branch -


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Immigration and Citizenship > Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. return to Governance and Legal Division (Chief Lawyer) ..

Legal Framework Branch -


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Immigration and Citizenship > Department of .. Office > Governance and Legal Division (Chief Lawyer) > Legal Framework Branch ..

Recruitment - South Australian Attorney-General's Department ..


South Australian Attorney-General's Department. SA Government logo. Link to .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Migration and citizenship – National Archives of Australia


Photograph of Prime Minister Ben Chifley and Minister for Immigration, Arthur .. Our records cover many areas of migration, citizenship and travel, mostly during the .. Attorney-General's Department; Investigation Branch, later Commonwealth ..

Customer service charter - Department of Justice and Attorney..


Search Justice and Attorney-General ... If English is not your first language, the Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) ..


Booklet 1 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Further information about the Department of Immigration and Citizenship is .... Blank Australian statutory declaration templates are available from the Attorney- ..

High Court decision, Solicitor-General's legal advice, Nauru ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Is it the minister or is it a whole team effort involving the solicitor general, ..


Immigration & Citizenship Portfolio - Questions on Notice 09/10 ..


CONTROLLING IMMIGRATION LITIGATION: THE COMMONWEALTH. PERSPECTIVE. Robyn Bicket, Chief Lawyer. Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..


Budget Estimates 2010-2011


responsible for the examination of the Attorney-General's Portfolio and the. Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio. The portfolio budget estimates statements were ..


El Masri v Commonwealth (Department of Immigration and ..


By letter dated 10 July 2009 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship provided the .... contact his lawyer and family while in immigration detention. ..


888 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Attorney-General's Department website .. citizen or Australian permanent resident to complete a statutory .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Travel Advice for Canada - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


Information is also available from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). If you are travelling to Canada through ..

New or Significant Judgments of the Federal Magistrates Court of ..


Singh v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2011] FMCA 982 .... the debtor and the trustee in bankruptcy – petitioning creditor a firm of solicitors – debtor a third ..

Customs and border control - Attorney-General's Department


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure .. Customs Service · Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. The Australian Customs Service and the Department of Immigration and ..


Address on 'Perspectives of a Departmental Secretary' Mr Andrew ..


leading a portfolio like Immigration and Citizenship. .. social workers, audiologists, diplomats, economists, lawyers, journalists, translators, ..


Access and Equity in Government Services Report 2008-10


Attorney-General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, .. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, the Hon Chris Bowen MP ..

High Court decision, asylum seeker processing


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Kelly: Well, that's the advice from his Shadow Attorney-General. ..


Department of Immigration and Citizenship: Detention arrangements ..


arrangements—the case of Mr W. DIAC considered multiple requests from Mr W's lawyer to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to intervene in Mr W's ..


Supriadin v Minister for Immigration & Citizenship [2011] NTSC 45 ..


Supriadin v Minister for Immigration & Citizenship [2011] NTSC 45 .. issued by the Attorney-General for each of the plaintiffs pursuant to s 147 of the Act, except ..


Submission of the Attorney-General's Department The Attorney ..


The Attorney-General's Department welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the .. On the same day, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship cancelled Dr ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Hansard Senate Committees


19/10/2010 Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio; 18/10/2010 Attorney-General's Portfolio; 27/05/2010 Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio; 26/05/2010 ..

Travel Advice for Brazil - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


The Brazilian Government strongly enforces immigration and entry laws. .... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..

Review of Migration Decisions by the Federal Magistrates Court


.. made by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (the Minister), the .. It is important that you keep the Court and the Minister's solicitor ..

Legal Representatives and Registered Migration Agents - Visitor ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. This request is to include names of the lawyers, interpreters and paralegals requiring access. Migration agents ..

Submissions received by the ALRC | ALRC


30+ items – Publication of submissions is not immediate. Sub No. Name of ..

Sub No

Name of Submitter



Just Leadership Program

PDF (234kb)


C. Enright & S. Lewis

RTF (100kb)

Abbreviations and acronyms


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


4; Prime Minister, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Attorney-General and Minister for Home Affairs, '$1.3 ..

Dual nationals | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..


You may wish to obtain the assistance of a lawyer or a legal aid body to help you .. If a foreign passport holder claims to be an Australian citizen, immigration ..


The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by providing .. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship provides information and ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


[4] Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Fact Sheet 81 – Australia's .. 2; Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, Submission 26, p. [4]. ..

Backpacker Information | Bundaberg Regional Council


Department of Justice & Attorney-General (Office of Fair & Safe Work Queensland). Website .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Website ..

Media Release


6 hours ago – This is a list of the latest media releases from Australian Government websites arranged under their portfolios. It is generated daily from new ..


Links to download versions of the Attorney General's Department budget information and Portfolio .. Immigration and Citizenship portfolio budget 2011-12 ..

AGS Outpost to Department of Immigration and Citizenship


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Attorney-General > Other Portfolio Bodies, .. Outpost Group > AGS Outpost to Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Budget Review 2010-11: Immigration - Border protection and ..


[3] This funding is spread across several portfolios—primarily Attorney General's and Immigration and Citizenship. It would appear that much of ..

General Skilled Migration - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..


Related Government Services - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. The Attorney-General's Department supports the government in maintaining and improving Australia's system of law ..

Archives In Brief 62 - Lebanese migration and settlement in NSW ..


While the early Lebanese immigrants were known as Syrians, they were .. may be found from other sources for example, naturalization records (see below). ... of the Attorney General, the Colonial Secretary's Correspondence and Special ..


Life in Australia, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, .. judicial reviews, complaints about police, and complaints about lawyers. ..

Power of attorney (Victoria Online)


6 days ago – Resources on power of attorney can be found on Victoria Online. .. Power of Attorney (Department of Justice, Victoria) .. Births, deaths & marriages · Citizenship & immigration · Consumer affairs · Correctional services · Courts ..

Internet Access to Portfolio Legislation - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. on this department's website, but can be accessed from a website managed by the Attorney-General's Department. ..


18 hours ago – Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney-General's; Defence; Foreign Affairs and Trade; Health and Ageing; Immigration and Citizenship ..

Law Handbook - Legal Services Commission of South Australia ..



Copyright and Disclaimer - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Why should I become a citizen? .. Attorney-General's Department .. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship's logo is a registered trademark of the ..


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship provides information and application forms .. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Attorney-General's, Broadband, ..


Attorney-General's annual report. Index page to the .. Index page to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship annual reports. Reports are available in PDF ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Publications - Senate Briefs


Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Attorney-General; Immigration and Citizenship. Regional Affairs and Transport. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Infrastructure ..


Submission DR40 - Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..


RESPONSE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP TO ... of lawyers from the regulatory framework for migration agents will not reduce ..


Witness Certificate for a Mortgagor in Queensland


Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


The committee is responsible for the examination of the Attorney-General's Portfolio and the Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio. The portfolio ..

Attorney General's Department - 28 October 2011 - National Anti ..


Attorney-General Robert McClelland and Parliamentary Secretary for .. the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, and the Department of ..

2007 Judgment summaries - High Court of Australia


SZFDE v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 32k) Attorney-General for the Northern Territory v Chaffey; Santos Limited v Chaffey (PDF 32k) Thomas v ..

Immigration and Citizenship


Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 22.8, 15.0, 12.4, 12.2 .... smuggling in the Immigration and Citizenship, Attorney-General's, and Foreign Affairs and ..



GUARDIANSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION HOUSING IMMIGRATION AND ... Expulsion from a country of a resident non-citizen who has committed a serious .. A power of attorney (q.v.) or guardianship which continues to have effect even if the ..

Youth Harmony Festival - Community Relations Commission


The Attorney General and Minister for citizenship, John Hatzistergos. .. Refugee and Humanitarian, Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ..

Advisory Board - Office of the MARA


On 15 September 2011 the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, the .. He is a former President of the Immigration Lawyers Association of ..


Mr NK v Commonwealth (Department of Immigration and Citizenship)


of Immigration and Citizenship (the Minister) declined to make a residence .... Attorney‑General,13 where Hammond J concluded that: The essence of the ..


The Australian Journey - Muslim Communities


Attorney-General's Department .. changes to Australia's immigration policy marked an increase in ... The Department of Immigration and Citizenship funds ..


993i - Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. migration agent, solicitor or a member of parliament. Even .. by the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship to collect and use your ..


2 s ocr 2011


OF IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSIDP. No. .. The plaintiffs will give notice to the Attorneys-General of the ..

Citizenship in Australia: 2. Civic Status


The other side of correspondence with the Attorney-General's Department ... at the 1955 Citizenship Convention, and the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory ..

About Australia: Legal System


.. and immigration and citizenship) and concurrent powers (where both tiers of .. The federal Attorney-General's Department is responsible for administering ..


Protecting your Privacy


the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. > Attorney-General's Department. > the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. > Australian state and ..

Immigration and Citizenship Requirements for Children Adopted ..


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and .. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) is ..

DIAC - Children born through surrogacy - Australian Embassy


4.1 Applications for Australian citizenship by descent for children born .. and information on the testing process is available from Immigration staff in Bangkok. .. requirements for adopting from Thailand, please see the Attorney-General's ..


AIRWA's Submission to the Attorney General's Department National ..


Immigration and Citizenship; Plaintiff M106 of 2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]. HCA 32 (31 August 2011) (Malaysia Swap Case) which ..

Students - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Why should I become a citizen? .. Visas, Immigration and Refugees .. the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the Department of Education, ... ( 28KB PDF file); 190 – Immigration Lawyers Association of Australasia ( 35KB PDF file) ..

What we do - AAT


The Tribunal falls within the portfolio of the Attorney-General, the Hon. .. areas such as bankruptcy, civil aviation, citizenship and immigration, corporations law, ..


Medicare enrolment application


letter from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship stating. • that an application ... attorney, carer, parent arranging card for child or government authority) ..




Department of Immigration and Citizenship; Geraldine Read – Legal Aid Commission of .. Centre; Anne O' Donoghue – Immigration Lawyers Association of ..


Life in Australia - PART 3 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


.. be bought, sold or leased privately, it is wise to consult a lawyer before doing so. .. On arrival, contact the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's inquiry ..

Budget Media Releases 2010 - 2011 - Attorney-General's Department


Attorney-General Minister for Foreign Affairs Minister for Home Affairs Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. 2, Additional $38.5 Million to ..

Department of Immigration and Citizenship -


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Immigration and Citizenship > Department of .. Governance and Legal Division (Chief Lawyer) · Independent Merits Review ..

Australian Immigration Fact Sheet 33. Family Stream Migration - Child


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. The Australian Government, through the Attorney-General's Department, has the responsibility for managing existing ..

Gazettal Notices - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. Act Gazette Notices are now available through the Attorney General's web site. ..

People Trafficking - Attorney-General's Department


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship and the Minister for the ..


Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice


Provision of a migration agent for community legal centres that are situated in .. He cannot afford immigration lawyers or .. Immigration and Citizenship ('DIAC'). ..


2009-10 DIAC Annual Report full version


Administration, Attorney-General's Department, 3–5 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 .. I am pleased to present the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Travel Advice for United Arab Emirates - Australian Department of ..


A list of lawyers capable of representing Australian citizens in the UAE on .. Children of fathers with UAE citizenship automatically acquire UAE citizenship at birth. ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


HARDY, Ms Jenny, Chief Lawyer, Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ILLINGWORTH, Mr Robert, Acting First Assistant Secretary, ..


Immigration detention in Australia


reservations about the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's capacity to .... 7 Attorney-General's Department, submission 61, 27 August 2008, p 2; Nasu ..

Travel Advice for Hong Kong - Australian Department of Foreign ..


We strongly encourage you to seek information from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Immigration Department well in advance of your intended ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight


AGS lawyers Catherine Langman and Sally Davis spent five days in Port .... Services Branch of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ..


Know your rights: Information for people who have been trafficked to ..


are unsure about whether your visa allows you to work, check with your migration agent, lawyer or the. Department of Immigration and Citizenship, or ask the ..

Reports to the Minister under the AHRC Act


.. of the complaint, including recommendations for action, for the Attorney General. .. 46 - Yousefi family v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration .. 41 - El Masri v Commonwealth (Department of Immigration and Citizenship) ..


Submission DR56 - Immigration Advice and Rights Centre Inc ..


Immigration and Citizenship (including the Office of the Migration Agents .. consumers from unscrupulous migration agents, be they lawyers or ..

Travel Advice for Vietnam - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


You will then need to submit the police report to Vietnamese immigration .. Foreigners wishing to marry a Vietnamese citizen in Vietnam must seek formal approval ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..

ANAO - Publications - Audit Work Program–July 2010


Immigration and Citizenship .. Audit Work Program–July 2010 > Attorney-General's .. The Attorney-General's portfolio comprises the Attorney-General's ..

Citizenship in Australia: Appendix 1


The Attorney-General's Department was one of the seven departments ... Immigration was integral to the establishment of Australian citizenship by the ..

More Resources to Combat People Trafficking - Attorney-General's ..


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a .. funding for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) for the ..

Government response to High Court decision regarding judicial ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. The considered advice from the Solicitor-General is that people claiming ..


Migration Law Application


- MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP ... the lawyer filing this document commencing migration litigation, certify that there are reasonable grounds ..


Law Institute of Australia - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Please contact Laura Helm, Policy Lawyer on lhelm@|iv.asn'.au or (O3) 9607 ... Strategic Review of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's (DIAC) ..


Request permission to work with an employer beyond six months on ..


- The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) may give .. such as a lawyer in the middle of a trial or a doctor who plans to operate on a ..

Travel Advice for Turkey - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


Australian males who hold Turkish citizenship may be required to undertake ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..

Obligations - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. Example: A lawyer in the middle of a trial. Performing ..

Using a Migration Agent - Live in Victoria


A migration agent or lawyer can assist you with your immigration to Victoria, .. Visit the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's (DIAC) ..


IRH - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Manager and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. To help .. lawyer), you must also provide proof of employment on your first visit to the IRH site. 4. ..

Living and working overseas | Smartraveller: The Australian ..


Visit the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website for details. ... carefully and, if possible, have it reviewed by a lawyer before accepting the job offer. ..


Attorney Generals Answers to Questions on Notice 09/10 Budget ..


Attorney-General's Department; .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship; .. with planning efforts, the AFP would assist with Department of Immigration and ..


Appendix B: List of public hearings and inspections


Mr David Manne, Coordinator/Principal Solicitor .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Mr Dermot .. Ms Mary Anne Kenny, Solicitor/ Migration agent ..

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Employment Law Resources


Includes text of awards, agreements etc; Gadens Lawyers (Law firm) .. Justice at work: industrial citizenship and the corporatisation of Australian labour ... of Labour and Immigration (Australian Government Gazette, No S262, ..

Administrative Appeals Tribunal -


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Attorney-General > Other Portfolio Bodies, .. veterans' entitlements, workers' compensation, citizenship and immigration, civil ..

Australian Government Disaster Assist - Latest news on Tropical ..


10+ items – Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department ..





Ongoing assistance for flood and cyclone victims

Attorney ..


Additional assistance for North Queensland

Prime Minister ..


Chapter 5: Family, Humanitarian and refugee


32 The Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, Submission 11, p. 14. 33 Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Submission 66.1, p. 2. 34 Dr Paul Douglas, ..


Report: Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural ..


2 Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Submission 25, p. 7. .. to proposed sections 195B and 195C.17 Australian Lawyers for Human ..

Immigration - Immigration - migration and visas


You may need help from a registered migration agent or a lawyer .. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) will decide if you ..

What You Need to Know


To work with the Department of the Attorney General, you must be an .. issues, go to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website ..

Media Releases


Saeed v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, 23 June 2010 ... Attorney-General of the Commonwealth of Australia v Alinta Limited (reasons), 31 January ..




Senator Lundy, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, Parliamentary Secretary for. Immigration and Citizenship. Attorney-General's ..

Office of the MARA – Annual Report 2010-2011


Department of Immigration and Citizenship ... Mr Ferguson is a former President of the Immigration Lawyers' Association of Australasia and past President of ..

Human Rights Law Bulletin Volume 22


This was an appeal by the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship against the decision .... Lawyers as defenders of Human Rights – A Dialogue with Hina Jilani ..


Report: Australia's arrangement with Malaysia in relation to asylum ..


M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship; Plaintiff M106 of 2011 v .... 2.37 However, the former Commonwealth Solicitor-General, ..


Valuing people with disability in Australia's migration program


Solicitors, Mental Health Legal Services Project, PIAC .... Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) Procedures Advice Manual 3 (PAM 3).13 ..


Visitor Conditions of Entry form - Department of Immigration ..


by the Centre Manager and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. .. lawyer), you must also provide proof of employment on your first visit to the centre ..


Immigration & Citizenship Portfolio - Questions on Notice 09/10 ..


Prepared by Michael Kah and David Prince of Kah Lawyers. Published by ... Migration Act 1958 (Currently Department of Immigration and Citizenship, “DIAC”). ..

Attorney General's Department - 29 July 2011 - Communique ..


Ministers received an update on work being led by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to develop a Memorandum of ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 26. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights. 27. Mr Andrew Bartlett. 28. Commonwealth Ombudsman ..

Temporary Visa (Subclass 571) - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Attorney-General's Department > Statutory Declarations; the consent form for ..


Report - Additional estimates 2009-10


The committee is responsible for the examination of the Attorney-General's Portfolio and the Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio. The portfolio ..


Community Resource


Attorney-General's Department. • Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. • Australian Taxation Office. • Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Shadow Ministers -


Role: Shadow Attorney-General. Name: The Hon. John Cobb MP .. Role: Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. Name: Senator The Hon Nigel ..

Mr NK v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and


On 12 August 2009 the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship (the Minister) ... in the case of Manga v Attorney-General, where Hammond J concluded that: ..

State and territory engagement - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. the community organisations and lawyers involved in Protection Visa processes. ..

Attorney General's Department - Archived Media Releases 2009


Attorney General Robert McClelland, Minister for Home Affairs Brendan O'Connor, and Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Chris Evans, today met with ..

AusTender: Standing Offer Notice View - SON179438


Addition of Department of Immigration of Citizenship as a Department who uses this .. Attorney-General's Department; Department of Immigration & Citizenship.




for the Attorney-General's and Immigration and Citizenship portfolios. The committee must report to the Senate on 21 June 2011. We have set 8 ..




Attorney-General's and Immigration and Citizenship portfolios. The committee must report to the Senate on the 21 June 2011, and we have set ..

Arrested or in jail | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..


You have the responsibility to choose your own lawyer and maintain close interest in ... you're an Australian citizen, or an Australian permanent resident who has ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..


Government Response - Department of Finance and Deregulation


Rich Text Format - .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship should examine options that give departing .. The Attorney-General's Department should explore options with ... An independent review of the performance of these immigration lawyers and the ..

New members of Migration Agents' Advisory Board


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Glenn Ferguson, Ferguson Cannon Lawyers, nominee of the Law ..


Mr Al Jenabi v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of ..


Attorney-General Parliament House. Canberra ACT 2600 ... The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (the Minister) could have placed Mr Al ..


Stakeholder Engagement Practitioner Handbook


Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National Circuit .. Immigration and Citizenship that the community and stakeholders have confidence in ..




The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) welcomes the opportunity ... On Tuesday 17 July 2007 at 10.45am, the former Attorney-General, the Hon. ..

Electronic Equipment Trades Worker - 342313


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Department of Justice and Attorney - General ..


Immigration & Citizenship Portfolio - Answers to Questions on Notice ..


Catholic Immigration Office. Catholic .... Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Department of .... Refugee and Immigration Legal Service Inc. (RAILS) ..



Consumer Guide


dealing with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the Department) on .. Lawyers need to be registered with the Office of the MARA before they can ..

2011 Regulatory Plan - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Attorney-General's ..

AusHRC 47: Mr Heyward v Commonwealth of Australia (Department ..


By letter dated 20 July 2011 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship provided .... The Attorney-General must table the report in both Houses of Federal ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Government Fraud Liaison Forum


Linda Ryan, Department of Immigration and Citizenship. .. Fraud Control Guidelines are available from the Attorney General's website. ..


Deportation of Non-Citizen Criminals


When the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs asked the Joint Standing .... Committee advertised in the specialist journal, Australian Lawyer. 1.11 ..


Evaluation of Australia's Working Holiday Maker (WHM) Program


by Y Tan - 2009 - - Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National .. Published by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 6 Chan Street Belconnen ACT ..


New Beginnings - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran .. Published by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship .... Minister for Immigration and Citizenship on the ..


ITA - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Team Leader and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. .. lawyer), you must also provide proof of employment on your first visit to the ITA site. 4. ..




Immigration and Citizenship needs can be provided .. provided to the Department of Immigration and .. Lawyers and education agents need to be registered ..


Budget Estimates 2011-2012


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 9.30am - 10.30 am .. Program 1.1 Attorney-General's Department Operating. Expenses—Civil ..

Travel Advice for Belarus - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


A single Migration Card covers both Belarus and Russia. ... ownership certificate for their vehicle, rental contract or power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle. ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..

Wills and powers of attorney | Smartraveller: The Australian ..


Making a living will and appointing a durable power of attorney for healthcare can .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..


Submission 27 - Law Council of Australia - Annual Review of ..


Citizenship, dated 8 June 2010 (DIAC's submission). .. Accordingly, migrants who retain an immigration lawyer in NSW bear the risk in the event that their ..

New Zealand earthquake, unrest in Libya, orphans from Christmas ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. And I know the Attorney-General and the Foreign Minister are in ..

Electrician (general) - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Why should I become a citizen? Applying for .. See: Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..

Law of the Land - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. The DVD production was funded by the Federal Attorney-General's Department ..

Samantha Stosur, Asylum seekers, Malaysia agreement


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship ... which it says the High Court and the Solicitor-General has denied to it.' ..


.. of Immigration and Citizenship providing an overview on overseas adoption. .. The Attorney-General's Department provides information related to getting ..

Shared content - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. issued by the Passport Office; Naturalisation, citizenship or immigration papers issued by the Department of Immigration ..


1040 - Statutory declaration relating to domestic violence (To be ..


Zealand citizen; or. • have been granted .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) that you no ... Attorney General's Department website ..


Report: The Torres Strait: Bridge and Border


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ALLEN, Mr Stephen .. DAVIS, Ms Jackie, Acting Chief Lawyer, Governance and Legal Division. NIBLETT, Ms Julia ..


Refugee and Humanitarian Issues - Australia's Response - June 2011


Administration, Attorney-General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton, ACT. 2600 or posted .. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship ..

Australia's Universal Periodic Review - Attorney-General's Department


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the Department of ..


Second Gillard Ministry list - Sept 2011


Senator the Hon Chris Evans. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship .. The Hon Bill Shorten MP. Attorney-General (Vice President of the Executive Council) ..

Management of the Australian Government's action plan to eradicate ..


.. Government's action plan to eradicate trafficking in persons : Attorney-General's Department : Department of Immigration and Citizenship : Australian Federal ..

Transit Visa (Subclass 771) - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Department of the Parliamentary Library - Shadow Ministry


Shadow Attorney-General Shadow .. Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship .. Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Settlement ..


Appendix A - Submissions


15. Attorney-General's Department. 15.1 Attorney-General's Department .. 22.1 Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 23. Perhimpunan Orang Pulu Cocos ..

current adoption news


The Attorney-General's Department has contacted ICAB to discuss this matter. .. through intercountry adoption procedures and immigration and communicating with .. hold Australian citizenship before they can be accepted into the program. ..

Our Partners


Attorney-General's Department. CrimTrac is an Executive .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship; Australian Crime Commission ..


Submission - Inquiry into Ministerial Discretion in Migration Matters


- Christopher Levingston, the principal solicitor, has been a registered migration agent since 1993 and has been an accredited specialist in immigration law since ..




MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP .. The plaintiff will give notice to the Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth and of ..

Access and Equity Report 2008-10 - Department of Immigration ..


or via the Attorney-General's Department Website: Enquiries about this report can be made to: Department of Immigration and Citizenship, ..



As a lawyer, I am acquainted with him only through the casebooks 6 . .... Baker v Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Supreme Court of Canada, 9 July 1999 ..

Business Machine Mechanic - 342311 - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..




- The Hon Chris Bowen, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (Substitute Chair) .. The Hon Robert McClelland, Attorney-General and Acting Minister for Home ..

Australian Government Disaster Assist - Latest news on floods in ..


90+ items – Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department ..




Further assistance to New South Wales flood affected communities


Greater access to legal services for NSW Mid North Coast ..

Travel Advice for Cambodia - Australian Department of Foreign ..


Local immigration authorities may deny entry and deport people who do not ... Under Cambodian law, Cambodian citizenship cannot be relinquished, even if a ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..


The state of play in administrative law


Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government .. The High Court in Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZIAI [2009] ..


Title: South Africa – ZAF34957 – Overseas British Citizen – South ..


not been granted British citizenship “remain subject to immigration control and to any .. accountant or solicitor (but not representing you with this application). ..

Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) - 342315


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Department of Justice and Attorney - General ..


International Student Legal Advice Clinic


2 Carina Ford immigration Lawyers, Submission to Senate inquiry into ... immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), the Department of Education, ..


Mr Parvis Yousefi, Mrs Mehrnoosh Yousefi and Manoochehr Yousefi ..


- By letter dated 8 July 2011 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship provided .... was referred to me for consideration of reporting to the Attorney-General. ..

Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) - 342314


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Department of Justice and Attorney - General ..

Electrical Linesworker - 342211 - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Department of Justice and Attorney- General ..

Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber - 334112


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See:Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..


1272 - Application for Australian citizenship for children adopted ..


offices of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) outside .. The Australian Government, through the Attorney-General's. Department ..

Higher Education Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 573 ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Attorney-General's Department > Statutory Declarations; the consent form for ..


Leading change under fire Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and ..


Secretary, Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. policy officers, in client services, lawyers, IT professionals, accountants, forensic ..

Home - Community Relations Commission


Migration Heritage Centre · Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Have ... working in the Commonwealth Attorney Generals Department and serving for ..


- 8 NOV 2011


Plaintiff. MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP. First Defendant .. Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers. Level 1 , 338, Pitt Street ..

Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 121/856)


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

New panel to conduct access and equity inquiry


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. member of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and International ..

Temporary Visa (Subclass 572) - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Attorney-General's Department > Statutory Declarations; the consent form for ..

Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417) - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Legal aid & services (Victoria Online)


6 days ago – The Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) provides legal services to Australian .. International Legal Services Advisory Council (Attorney General's ... Births, deaths & marriages · Citizenship & immigration · Consumer affairs ..


Chapter 6: Skilled migration and disability


1 Dr Susan Harris Rimmer, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, Committee .. 2 The Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Fact Sheet ..


Answers to Questions on notice - Finance and Deregulation portfolio



Muslim Youth Summit Report - Department of Immigration ..


A Report by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. © Commonwealth of Australia .. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National ..

Temporary Business (Long Stay) - Standard Business Sponsorship ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Subclass 119/857)


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Skilled Migrant Employment Policy Statement - Department of ..


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. remunerated at the Senior Officer level and above); Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Cwth) ..

Attorney General's Department - 3 August 2009 - High Level Talks ..


Attorney-General Robert McClelland MP. Senator Chris Evans Minister for Immigration and Citizenships. The Hon Brendan O'Connor Minister ..


2007-08 Review of Statutory Self-Regulation of the Migration Advice ..


Immigration Lawyers Association of Australasia. IRMAP. Information .. Immigration and Citizenship (the department) by registered migration agents report on the ..

Visas & Immigration - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Why should I become a citizen? Applying for .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Legislation to combat people smuggling - Minister for Immigration ..


Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, and Minister for Home Affairs, Brendan ..


Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond


Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran .. Published by the National Communications Branch of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 6 Chan ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Resources


Australian Attorney-General's Department - Australian Capital .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Provides ..


Report: Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural ..


the secretary of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship .... to proposed sections 195B and 195C.17 Australian Lawyers for Human ..

Reel Connections - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. from the National Community Crime Prevention Program (Attorney-General's ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committee: Estimates


.. previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee. Estimates. Portfolio Coverage. Attorney-General's; Immigration and Citizenship ..

Taking the Initiative – Legal Education and Awareness Project ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship Skip to .. Why should I become a citizen? .. Initially, the project was part funded by South Australia's Attorney-General's ..

Visa assistance for Japanese nationals in Australia affected by the ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. the Acting Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Attorney-General and ..


Appendix B: Public stocktake reviews - Research report - Identifying ..


Council of Australia and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on the advantages and disadvantages of the regulation of immigration lawyers under the ..


Coronial Findings - Inquest into the loss of the Malu Sara


Department of Immigration & Citizenship: Mr Ralph Devlin SC with Mr Mark LeGrand. (instructed by Clayton Utz Lawyers). QPS Commissioner: ..


The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department serves the people of .. Human Services, Immigration and Citizenship, Industry, Innovation, Science, ..

Hansard Printing - Senate Committees


Australian Citizenship (Transitionals and Consequentials) Bill 2005; Australian .. Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs; 24/05/2005 Attorney- ..

About Australia: Engaging with Australia's Muslim communities


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship manages a nation-wide Harmony Day celebration in March each year, which brings people together to promote ..

MIGRATION - Australian Government Solicitor


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. generally and migration law in particular can be of significant benefit to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, ..


Child Migration - Booklet 2 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


3. Department. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship. DNA .... Attorney-General's Department, has the responsibility for managing existing programs ..

Budget Measures 2011‑12 - Budget Paper No. 2 - 2011—12 ..


Attorney-General's · Climate Change and Energy Efficiency · Education, Employment and Workplace Relations · Immigration and Citizenship · Treasury ..

Citizenship in Australia – Fact sheet 187 – National Archives of ..


An administrative concept of citizenship arose from the need to distinguish between British subjects .. Motivated by the nationalism of Arthur Calwell, the Minister for Immigration 1945–49, this .. Attorney-General's Department, 1901– (CA 5) ..

Access and Equity Inquiry - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. Ms Maria Dimopoulos, member of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and ..

Frequently Asked Questions - Office of the MARA


they are not affiliated with a commercial enterprise providing immigration .. office, a Newsagency and a template is available on the Attorney General's website. .. I have recently acquired citizenship and an AFP criminal history name check ..




particulars of proposed expenditure for 2010-11 and related documents for the Attorney-. General's and Immigration and Citizenship portfolios. ..

Talks to strengthen regional border security measures


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Police and the Attorney-General's Department for the eight-day trip. ..

Appendix 5: The National Security Governance and Policy Framework


.. the Attorney-General, the Treasurer, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. ..


Submission: Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration ..


10: The Department of Immigration and Citizenship allow and facilitate, including providing interpreters, lawyers to conduct judicial review ..


2011-12 Supplementary Budget Estimates


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 9.00am – 9.30am .. Program 1.1 Attorney-General's Department Operating. Expenses—Civil ..

Legalising documents | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's ..


Solicitors, justices of the peace, and notaries public normally perform these .... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..


Address on 'DIAC's five-year reform strategy, what this mean now ..


Australian Government. Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. how we work with our clients, migration agents and lawyers. Many of you ..

Administrative Review Council -


Back to: Home > Portfolios: Attorney-General > Other Portfolio Bodies, Committees, Boards and .. Comment Secretary, Dept. of Immigration and Citizenship ..


2007-08 Review of Statutory Self-Regulation of the Migration Advice ..


conducted by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) under the guidance .. Immigration Lawyers Association of Australasia (ILAA) and a former ..


Application for a Protection (Class XA) - Department of Immigration ..


Immigration and Citizenship's (the department) website or from any office of ... Regulations 1993, available from the Attorney General's website ..

Tourist Visa (Subclass 676) - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Death | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel advisory ..


What we cannot do. We cannot: recommend a funeral director or lawyer; investigate the death of an Australian citizen; provide translation or interpreter services ..


ARC Best Practice Guide - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Secretary, Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Introduction. As the Attorney- General indicated, the decisions made by officers in ..

Wedding day - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - Translating and ..

Schools Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 571) - Assessment Level 1


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Attorney-General's Department > Statutory Declarations; the consent form for ..

Copyright and Disclaimer - Minister for Immigration and Citizenship ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Attorney-General's Department Robert Garran Offices National Circuit BARTON ACT ..

Copyright and Disclaimer - Minister for Immigration and Citizenship ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Attorney-General's Department Robert Garran Offices National Circuit BARTON ACT ..

Sponsored Family Visitor visa (Subclass 679)


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..


SL Business List


Minister for Immigration and Citizenship & Anor. (B30/2011). Federal Court of. Australia .. Attorney-General for the State of Victoria. (M33/2011) ..


Deed of Agreement - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has the responsibility for detaining people without the .... OPTION 2 – Power of Attorney Execution ..

People smuggling - Australian Federal Police


The joint AFP and Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) People .. for People Smuggling; Australian intelligence community; Attorney-General's ..

Agencies/Issues outside our Jurisdiction


50+ items – Home · Media · Info Pathways · Links · Contact Us. Login | ..

Out of Jurisdiction Agency/Issue


Ambulance cover

An issue involving ..


Management of the Australian Government's Action Plan to ..


Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Immigration and. Citizenship, the Australian Federal Police and the Department of Families,. Housing ..


September 2011 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration and Citizenship Submission. 1 .... and Ethnic Affairs and comprised representatives of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Attorney- ..

Meeting the commitment to move the majority of children in ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship ... The Attorney-General and I have been working on it; we've also been ..

Higher Education Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 573 ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Why should I become a citizen? Applying for .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Terrorism Law


(Minister for Immigration & Citizenship v Haneef [2007] FCAFC 203 (21 December 2007) .. Attorney-General criticises Australian Capital Territory anti-terrorism ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia




Application - Migration Act


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 9. If you are completing ... Lawyer's Certification (see section 486I of the Migration Act 1958). I, [name], the lawyer ..

Said Mojab - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


.. variety of professionals such as the doctors and lawyers he encounters in his role. .. On behalf of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the National ..

ELICOS Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 570) - Assessment Level 3


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Attorney-General's Department > Statutory Declarations; the consent form for ..


Repot Card 2011.indd


Australian Government Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. ... Department of the Attorney General and Department of Culture and Arts to explore funding ..

Non Award Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 575) - Assessment ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..


Clarke Inquiry into the case 0fDr Mohamed Haneef Opening statement


1 The Department of Immigration and Citizenship, and. I The Attorney-Genera1's Department. I emphasise that the focus of the Inquiry is not ..

Immigration and Citizenship - Audit strategy overview


The Immigration and Citizenship portfolio comprises the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and the Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee ..


Chapter 4 Regulatory barriers for occupations - Research Report ..


the Commission's draft recommendation that immigration lawyers should be .. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has noted that there is ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..


146, Carina Ford Immigration Lawyers (PDF 4164KB). 147, Name Withheld .... 602, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 1211KB). 603, Ms Ali Tahir ..


Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs 1997-98 Annual ..


citizenship and multicultural affairs; and .... Mr Kevin Power (a lawyer) ... Citizenship and Immigration, Canada, have one male officer on ..

Business (Short Stay) Visa (Subclass 456)


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..


CURRICULUM VITAE - Federal Court of Australia


Admitted to Practice as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales .. SZIWW v Minister for Immigration & Citizenship [2007] FCA (26 February 2007) – ..

Europe: Entry Requirements : Schengen Convention - Australian ..


Further information on working holiday program visa arrangements is available from the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) website. ..




(Consequential Provisions) Bill; and the Attorney-General's Department ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has found that humanitarian ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


.. Mr Ian, Special Counsel, Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. MOULDS, Ms Sarah, Senior Policy Lawyer, Law Council of Australia ..


Supplementary Budget Estimates 2011-2012


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 9.00am – 9.30am .. Program 1.1 Attorney-General's Department Operating. Expenses—Civil ..

Law & Justice (Victoria Online)


6 days ago – Births, deaths & marriages · Citizenship & immigration · Consumer affairs · Correctional services · Courts & tribunals · Crime · Law & legislation ..

Travel Advice for Russia - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


The entry portion of the card will be retained by Immigration upon arrival. ... Once a virtual relationship develops, the Australian citizen is asked by their friend or ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..

Interpreter Profile - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. In 1978, Srie was approached by a lawyer who suggested considering a career in ..


A Guide to the Australian Government - October 2011


Immigration and Citizenship. 328 ... Minister Assisting the Attorney-General on Queensland ... Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and Multicultural. Affairs ..


Delivering Administrative Justice - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 6 Chan ... Gageler SC, Solicitor-General of Australia, in a recent article in the Australian Journal of ..


National Security Perspectives of Immigration


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship has always required .. Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Treasurer and the Attorney-General. ..


31 August 2011 Attorney-General's Department Central Office 3-5 ..


Attorney-General's Department. Central Office .. communication from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship about the progress of their ..

Travel tips | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..


Information about living wills and durable powers of attorney. .. Useful information for Australians who also have nationality of another country. .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department · Australian Federal ..


Submission 29 - Courtyard Legal - The Salvation Army - Annual ..


Australia and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship in respect of the inclusion of lawyers within the migration agent regulatory ..

Foundations of Governance


Attorney-General's Department · Australian National Audit Office · Australian .. of Immigration and Citizenship · Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet ..




MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP. First Defendant .. Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers. Level 1 , 338, Pitt Street ..

National Office -


return to Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Governance and Legal Division (Chief Lawyer) · Governance and Audit Branch · Legal Framework ..




- 7 Department of Immigration and Citizenship; and the. 8 Attorney-General's Department. 9. 10 I emphasise that the focus of the Inquiry is not. 11 concerned with ..




proposed expenditure in respect of the year ending 30 June 2012 for the Attorney-General's and Immigration and Citizenship portfolios. ..

Higher Education Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 573 ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..


Proof Committee Hansard


FARRELL, Mr Craig, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Immigration and Citizenship. HARDY, Ms Jenny, Chief Lawyer, Department of ..

Complaints against banking and financial services


GUARDIANSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION HOUSING IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP INSURANCE and .. Complaints against lawyers · Complaints against banking and financial services · Complaints against health and ..

Multiculturalism - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. Law Council of Australia in conjunction with the Attorney-General's Department; ..


Life in Australia - PART 1 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Attorney General's Department. Robert Garran Offices .. Immigration and Citizenship's (DIAC) website ( For more detailed information on ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy


Lawyers in Indonesia are admitted to practice in the courts of a particular province. .. Specialising in: Immigration and Labor Division, Commercial Division, ..

Signing of Malaysian transfer agreement - Minister for Immigration ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. in the Royal Malaysian Police, in the Attorney-General's chambers, ..




expenditure in respect of the year ending 30 June 2011 and related documents for the Attorney-General and the. Immigration and Citizenship ..


Annual Report 2008-09 - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Administration, Attorney-General's Department, 3–5 National Circuit, Canberra ACT 2600 or ..


Beginning a Life in Australia English - Department of Immigration ..


Citizenship and is published online at .. Disclaimer: While the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and its .. Attorney General‟s Department ..


National Human Rights Action Plan Secretariat Human Rights Policy ..


Attorney-General‟s Department .. ensuring the immigration detention regime complies with. Australia‟s .. detention (including but not restricted to immigration detention ... According to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship the central ..




expenditure in respect of the year ending 30 June 2012 for the Attorney-General's and the. Immigration and Citizenship portfolios. ..

Student Guardian Visa (Subclass 580) - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Five Year Resident Return Visa (Subclass 155)


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..


2010-11 Budget Estimates


the consideration of 2010-11 Budget Estimates from 24 to 26 May 2010. • Attorney-General. • Immigration and Citizenship. Secretary: Ms Julie ..

Australian Public Service agencies


Attorney-General's Department; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and .. of Human Services; Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Inquiry into immigration detention in Australia - Parliament of Australia


Human Rights Committee, NSW Young Lawyers (PDF 2577KB) · Researchers for .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 2699KB). Supplementary ..

DIAC Newsroom – Media_releases – Immigration wizardry wins ..


Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship Home .. between the department and the Attorney-General's department, ..


Access and Equity in Government Services Report 2006-08


.. Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600, or via the Attorney-General's Department website at .. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship ..


The important role of NGOs in combating people trafficking


- Josephite Counter Trafficking Project. Australian Government Attorney General's Department. Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..




MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP. First Defendant. AND .... In Butler v Attorney-General (Vict),36 Fullagar J said: The books ..

Attorney General's Department - 6 May 2010 - Government ..


Attorney-General Hon Robert McLelland MP. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Hon Chris Evans MP. Minister for Home Affairs ..


A death in the workplace - a guide for families and friends


The State of Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General 2010. Copyright .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship on 13 14 50. Ask for the ..

2010 Regulatory Plan - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. the Office of the Privacy Commissioner; and the Attorney General's Department. ..

Non Award Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 575) - Assessment ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship .. Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Attorney-General's Department > Statutory Declarations; the consent form for ..


Form 1 Application for transfer from Australia - Attorney-General's ..


[If you are not a citizen of the country to which you are .. Attorney-General's Department. 3-5 National Circuit ... the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship ..

Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462) - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. Example: A lawyer in the middle of a trial. Performing ..

Information to Help Prepare your Application


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Applying for a visa in Israel - Australian Embassy


The Embassy does not have a list of recommended notaries/lawyers. .. is different to the Visa, Immigration and Citizenship Section and cannot reply to any visa ..

Booking a wedding - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - Translating and ..

Travel Advice for Indonesia - Australian Department of Foreign ..


A German citizen was seriously injured in one of these attacks. .... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department · Australian ..


Submission DR38 - Law Institute of Victoria - Annual Review of ..


immigration lawyers and the LIV's Migration Law Committee has .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) representatives, the ..


-8 NOV 20H


MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP. First Defendant .. Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers. Level 1 , 338, Pitt Street ..

Should Parliament ultimately decide whether asylum seekers may ..


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has previously advised ... The Attorney-General's Department Legislative Instruments ..

ComLaw - LegalAdvice


Even if you cannot afford a private lawyer, you may be able to get low cost or free .. to get free of charge from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship This ..


Report: Budget estimates 2009-10


A correction to the Attorney-General's Portfolio Budget Statements 2009-2010 was tabled on 14 May 2009. An erratum to the Immigration and Citizenship ..


Submission by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to the ..


Today, the goal of immigration, settlement and citizenship policy is no longer seen in .... Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Families, Housing, ..


What is the Office of the MARA doing to ensure CPD will meet my ..


The latter clearly identifies who can represent others in matters of citizenship and immigration before the USCIS. These include: • attorneys in ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Australia's Immigration ..


32, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 816KB) Supplementary ... 129, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 100KB). 130, Professor Ben ..

Former Resident Visa (Subclass 151) - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Further Information for Representatives of Non-Citizens - AAT


.. for lawyers and migration agents representing a non-citizen in Australia .. The AAT will notify the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

Immigration detention and human rights


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship publishes monthly statistics setting ... it can prepare a report of the complaint for the federal Attorney General. ..


Fault lines in immigration policy conference University of Sydney, NSW


Secretary, Department of Immigration and Citizenship ... Our services are provided by our skilled staff – by lawyers, IT professionals, ..


Australia's entry requirements - Department of Immigration ..


Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Officers .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) hopes to improve relationships with carriers and ..

Immigration Media Release ce08122-2/2008 - Minister for ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. 'Lawyer, Katie Young OAM, has worked extensively with Chinese and ..

Prospective Marriage Visa (Subclass 300)


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Travel smart - hints for Australian travellers | Smartraveller: The ..


To find out more about what dual nationality and Australian citizenship mean, call the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's information line on 131 880 .... list of doctors, lawyers and, if available, interpreters; issuing passports, including ..

Cadetships, scholarships and work experience opportunities ..


Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney-General's; Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy; Defence .. Immigration and Citizenship ..

Postgraduate Research Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 574 ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Why should I become a citizen? Applying for .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

AusAID or Defence Sponsored Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..


8, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 660KB). 9, Rule of Law .. 14, Attorney-General's Department (PDF 257KB). 15, Migrant and ..

Immigration and Citizenship - Potential audits


Home · Immigration and Citizenship; Potential audits .. Unlawful non-citizens may be detained in Immigration Detention Centres (IDCs), community detention, ..


DIAC Answers to Questions on Notice 07/08 Budget Estimates


IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO .. In relation to the citizenship test, has the Attorney-General's Department been consulted about the framework ..

Broadcast Transmitter Operator - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire .. Citizenship · Why should I become a citizen? .. See: Department of Justice and Attorney - General ..


Address to the Inaugural CPD Immigration Law Conference - 9 ..


Secretary of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. department, and your work as lawyers or members of the migration advice ..

Signing a power of attorney


After carefully checking the power of attorney to make sure that it .. AND ADMINISTRATION HOUSING IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP ..

Citizenship in Australia: 4. The Substance of Citizenship


Australian citizenship developed as a subset of the wider category of British .. of the Crown Solicitor on the Commonwealth's powers to deport an immigrant of ..


Submission to the Administrative Review 'Council Consultation ..


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Submission to the .... lawyer filing a document to commence migration litigation certify that there are reasonable ..



Federal Administrative Review Council submissions - 09.06.11


- NSW Young Lawyers, Civil Litigation Committee and Public Law and .... is the High Court's decision in Minister for Immigration and Citizenship ..

Travel Advice for Egypt - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


Immigration authorities may require proof that children of Egyptian fathers have .... in Egypt for extended periods require proof of Egyptian citizenship, such as a ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..

Freedom of Information Contacts


Attorney-General. (02) 6141 3071. Attorney-General's Department ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 131 881. Department of ..

of Speeches - Minister for Immigration and Citizenship - Department ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. February. Immigration Lawyers of Australia Conference (Melbourne, 8 February 2008) ..

Travel Advice for Nigeria - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..


The Nigerian immigration authorities have introduced registration ... In 2011, an Israeli citizen was kidnapped in Abuja and two foreigners kidnapped in Kebbi .... Department of Immigration and Citizenship · Attorney-General's Department ..


Australia's ETAS - Department of Immigration & Citizenship


For up to date information see Feedback/suggestions .. Attorney-General's Department .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 6 Chan ..


Report: Anti-People Smuggling and Other Measures Bill 2010 ..


4; Prime Minister, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Minister for. Foreign Affairs, Attorney-General and Minister for Home Affairs, '$1.3 ..

Citizenship in Australia: 3. Civic Identity


The records of the Attorney-General's Department are referred to in almost ... of the Department of Immigration in 1945 the series was instead devoted to the ..


Evaluation of the Palmer and Comrie Reform Agenda


problems within the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and provoked .... This recommendation involved the Commonwealth Attorney-General's ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..


The committee is responsible for the examination of the Attorney-General's portfolio and the Immigration and Citizenship portfolio. The portfolio ..


Research and Statistics Branch - Department of Immigration ..


Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National .. Published by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 6 Chan Street Belconnen ACT ..


Submission: Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character ..


The LIV is Victoria's peak body for lawyers and those who work with .. of the previous Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris ..


3 1 Jp,N 2011


Filed on behalf of the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth .... McHugh JJ); Saeed v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2010) 241 ..

Feedback | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..


Questions about immigration should be directed to the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). If would like to provide feedback on our ..

How to register a child's change of name


Department of the Attorney General .. in Western Australia; child is an Australian citizen and is domiciled or ordinarily resides in Western Australia. .. office, Department of Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs etc. ..

Educational Visa (Subclass 418) - Department of Immigration ..


Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Search, Entire Site, Visas .. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia .. See: Attorney General's Department Website ..

Offshore processing, Malaysia Arrangement, onshore processing ..


Australian Government - Department of Immigration and Citizenship ... in place by the Attorney-General and I, with my department and ASIO. ..


Supplementary Budget Estimates 2011-2012


Commission to either the Attorney or to the minister for immigration in .. Immigration and Citizenship to express concern about third country ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..


Hansard Transcripts. 19 October 2009 (PDF 1008KB) Attorney-General's Portfolio 20 October 2009 (PDF 1101KB) Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio ..

Applying for a visa in Israel - Australian Embassy


If you wish to lodge an application for migration to Australia we suggest you first ... the fee is paid with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) in Australia, ... The Embassy does not have a list of recommended notaries/lawyers. ..

Immigration Restriction Act 1901 - Print - Vrroom


Keywords: dictation test, citizenship, legislation, White Australia Policy, immigrants, prohibited, ACT, law, law & justice. Record creator: Attorney-General's ..

Motor dealer (broker) licence and application information ..


If you are not an Australian citizen, you need to provide an international .. of Immigration and Citizenship to explain any conditions on your visa. .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area. ..

All Australians to be included in Anti-Racism Partnership Strategy ..


.. and Strategy includes government representatives from the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, ..


Japan – Spouse visa holders – Right of re-entry – Residency rights ..


'Certificate of Eligibility' from the “regional immigration authority under the .. Registraiton (sic) News' 2009, Takizawa-Toshiyuki Gyoseishoshi-Lawyers .. Long-term residents can apply for citizenship; however, the conditions are strict (usually ..


Report: Annual reports (No. 2 of 2011)


Report to the Attorney-General on the results of inspections of records under ... of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship is required to report on ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


Attorney-General's Portfolio .. Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio. Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority. 2.2 On this occasion, the ..


SL Business List


Rich Text Format - Bahonko, The Attorney-General for the State of Victoria (M112/2011) .. SZOWU, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship & Anor (S275/2011) ..


SL Court List



Not one of the family : foreign domestic workers in Canada / edited ..


Since the 1940s rights of citizenship for immigrant domestic workers in .. Family is also essential reading for civil rights and immigration lawyers, labour groups, ..


SL Court List



Trove - for 'Public participation'


.. development, Urban - Great Britain.; City planning - Great Britain - Citizen participation. ... The Orange County young lawyers sec. ... public opinion/media; political participation/mobilisation; immigration/emigration/migration: View online ..

Citizenship & Migration - AustLII


15+ items – Only WorldLII Catalog >> Citizenship & Migration. All WorldLII ..

Acacia Immigration Australia [Search ]

Provides ..

Australian Citizenship [Search ]

Current and ..

Professor Mary Crock - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


Her main field of research is migration, citizenship and refugee law. .. of Australia's specialist accreditation programs for lawyers in the area of immigration law. ..



When eligible non-citizen in immigration detention granted visa 76. Bridging visa not affect visa ... Delegation by Attorney-General 144. Authorised officials ..

Books and Journals - Australian Migration Law - LibGuides at The ..


6 days ago – Australian Migration Law Tags: australian law, citizenship, immigration, law, .. Free newsletter by specialist Australian immigration lawyers and ..

Career Information for International Students : Law School Careers ..


.. Department of Immigration and Citizenship to discuss your situation .. better in interviews and ultimately be a better employee and solicitor in ..

WebLaw - Citizenship and Migration


Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (Cth): Australian citizenship represents formal .. Immigration (Education) Act 1971 (Cth): An Act relating to the provision of ... using the Internet to help lawyers worldwide prepare the best asylum cases they can. ..

MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 5 Interpretation


"behaviour concern non-citizen" means a non-citizen who: .. "bypass immigration clearance" has the meaning given by subsection 172(4). ... (b) a solicitor; or ..

Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation - Deakin University


Faculty of Arts and Education Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation .. Minister and Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and Citizenship. .. Previously, he worked as a commercial lawyer, and he also has experience in ..


Citizenship as a Constitutional Concept: Singh v the ..


3 Attorney-General of Canada v Shirley (Starrs) McKenna and Canadian Human Rights .. Citizenship to Children Born of Illegal Immigrants' 33 Vand. ..

Professor Ben Saul - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


BA (Hons) LLB (Hons) Sydney DPhil Oxford; Barrister and solicitor, NSW .... submitted in confidence to the Minister for Immigration and Attorney-General) ... into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Testing) Bill ..

From migrant to citizen : testing language, testing culture ..


by C Slade - 2010.. and lawyers -- address the subject of citizenship testing in language proficiency .. Nativism as Citizenship: Immigration, Economic Hardship and the Politics of ..


Citizenship in a Globalised World Perspectives from the Immigrant ..


(Senator) Chris Evans is Minister for Immigration and Citizenship in the ... Trained as a lawyer and a political scientist, his scholarship focuses ..

Civics | Civics and Citizenship Links


The Australian Government's Department of Immigration, Multiculturalism and Indigenous Affairs provides information about Australian Citizenship. ..

UTS: Associate Professor Jennifer Burn - law at UTS


.. associated with citizenship, immigration and social justice issues. .. As part of the legal practice work of Anti-Slavery Australia lawyers have ..

Government Agencies - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..


Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) .. The Department of Attorney-General provides expert advice to the Federal Government on matters of law, ..


1 of 1 DOCUMENT: Immigration Review - Bulletin/2009/No 41 -- July ..


- Under s 280 of the MA, only a lawyer may provide immigration legal .. made during Senate Estimates that the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator ..

Jobs Board - ANU - ANU College of Law - ANU Legal Workshop


Various Legal Officer positions, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Canberra, Please see the pdf, Ongoing. Junior Solicitor, Porters Lawyers, Canberra ..

Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice ..


Staff include four Law Institute of Victoria accredited specialist lawyers, the former .. Senior Magistrate, and a former Department of Immigration and Multicultural .. resident or an Australian citizen, as well as meeting character requirements. ..

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) | University of ..


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DlaC) is another .. with the Attorney General and the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. ..

Working In Australia After You Graduate | Student Support | Bond ..


.. where local immigration lawyers provide advice about Permanent Residency .. on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website ( ..

Public Policy Research Cluster - Department of Government and ..


.. sectors, including the Federal Attorney General's Department, the Cabinet Office (UK) and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ..

Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO - Sydney Law School - The ..


Ron was also the inaugural president of the Australian Labour Law .. for his role as a labour law scholar and for his role as a disabled citizen in our nation. .. Nationskilling: Migration, Labour and the Law, Desert Pea Press: ..


Dangers of character tests under Australian migration laws


Both the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and the Immigration Minister have the power to cancel or refuse a visa on character grounds under ..

ANU COLLEGE OF LAW - Research & consultancies


She was briefed in March 2006 by Clothier Anderson Solicitors to appear in a forthcoming AAT matter involving the Australian Citizenship Act 1948. ... Recent developments in refugees and immigration law 2005, E-brief, issued 12 September ..

Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)


.. Ltd v Booth; Amaba Pty Ltd v Booth [2011] HCA 53 (14 December 2011); Shahi v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011] HCA 52 (14 December 2011) ..


Proposed Program for PLW 2010


and meet with a diverse range of academics and public lawyers from around the country. .. Saeed v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2010] HCA 23 ..

Griffith University | Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law ..


Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice | Master of Migration Law and Practice. This Graduate Certificate program is open to both lawyers ..




Between 1999 and 2005 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ... state/territory CJSC may be issued where the Commonwealth Attorney-General or an ..


Still Call Australia Home: The Constitution and the Citizen's Right of ..


by H IRVING - - 'immigration' powers (respectively, ss 51(xix) and (xxvii)). The relationship between citizenship and the right of abode has evolved but, as I seek to demonstrate ..

Who should be an Aussie?, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University


From Migrant to Citizen: testing language, testing culture was edited by .. Contributors to the book, who are linguists, lawyers, historians, political theorists .. past immigrants would have been accepted for citizenship under the ..

Griffith University | Postgraduate programs < Programs and courses ..


Covering areas such as citizenship, immigration, nationality and refugees, the .. (DR Branch) of the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General, ..

Aussie Aussie Aussie: Is the Australian citizenship test fair?


The Australian citizenship test has just turned four. .. to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, announced the ... and ask any experienced lawyer what taking an affirmation does for your chances in court. ..


Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs


Australian Lawyers for Human Rights. Bill. Australian Citizenship .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ECCV. Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria ..

A lesson in immigration policy from the cradle of democracy


Those debating Australia's future, and its immigration policy would do well to .. And the key to that is extending citizenship to those who need it. .. its overrepresentation of lawyers and felt justified in their suspicions about the ..




sexuals and the disabled: claims that are framed as rights to equal citizenship.19. 15 See Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v B ..

Legal Help | ANU Students' Association


Don is an experienced solicitor and notary public, who has helped with .. registered migration agent and can assist with visa, citizenship and immigration issues. ..

School of Social Sciences and Humanities - Courses on Offer


.. Defence, and Immigration and Citizenship, and the Attorney-General's Office. They will also be suited for employment in journalism, international business and ..




Internationally, citizenship is a term of increasing legal, practical, cultural and .. restrictive domestic migration policies. .. This course is open to lawyers only. ..

Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia | overseas students


This includes accounting auditors and lawyers, Governement and regulatory authorities such as DIAC (Department of Immigration and Citizenship); DEEWR ..




Court's recent decision in Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZIAI, .... bias,38 the leadership of tribunals by judges or senior lawyers,39 and the location ..

PCJC extends a helping hand to the local - UWS Latest News ..


The Immigration Law Information Evening will be held at the .. with access to free immigration advice as most immigration lawyers .. A representative from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship will also speak at the ..

News - NLC


Another immigration lawyer, who did not want to be named, had a client who .. A spokesman for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..




Why should lawyers be interested in legislative process? (Title to be .. Legislative change and the Australian Citizenship Act ... 2008 she was appointed by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to be a member of ..

Learning with the Experts in the Field - College of Law


In addition, we invite senior in-house lawyers to present during our workshops. "I am really enjoying .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ^ Back to top ..

Chapter 2. The unfinished business of Indigenous citizenship in ..


The unfinished business of Indigenous citizenship in Australia and New Zealand .. Zealand Lawyer under the heading 'moving to a closer union with Australia'. ..

Statistics and other Data - TC Beirne School of Law - The University ..


.. of the AFP by referral from DIAC, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. .. [16] Three years later, the Attorney-General's Department, relying on ..

EXPLANATORY STATEMENT Select Legislative Instrument 2009 ..


.. Employment and Workplace Relations, Immigration and Citizenship and the Attorney-General's Department. The Regulations specify that: . non-citizens who ..



Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra. Contents ... Australian Citizenship (Transitionals and Consequentials) Act 2007. 21, 2007 ..

ANU COLLEGE OF LAW - Research & consultancies


She was briefed in March 2006 by Clothier Anderson Solicitors to appear in a forthcoming AAT matter involving the Australian Citizenship Act 1948. ... Recent developments in refugees and immigration law 2005, E-brief, ..

Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation - Deakin University


by E Ogru - 2011 International Conference on Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations ... MPN104 - Fanny Lauby - The Intrusion of Immigration Law in ..

MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 147 Commonwealth criminal justice ..


(b) the Attorney-General considers that the non-citizen should remain in .. the non-citizen in Australia does not include the cost of immigration detention (if any). ..

Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia | domestic students


This includes accounting auditors and lawyers, Governement and regulatory authorities such as DIAC (Department of Immigration and Citizenship); DEEWR ..



.. for Immigration and Citizenship, the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Minister for Health and Ageing, the Attorney-General, the ..

Civics | Federation fast facts


Civics and Citizenship Education .. John Quick, a lawyer from Bendigo, suggested that the whole process should start again, but with the people electing .. The colonies had different policies about immigration, trade and other matters. ..


Part 1 (40 minutes)


portfolio responsibilities that includes the Attorney-General's Department and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Relevant Bills are generally ..




Applicant S395/2002 v Minister for Immigration .. Attorney–General (New Zealand) v Ortiz .... 442 .. Baker v Minister of Citizenship and Immigration ..


Copyright Acknowledgements Disclaimer Writers Project team


on behalf of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. be addressed to Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney General's Department, Robert ..

Murdoch University: Handbook | Course Details | B1221 Security ..


.. Defence, and Immigration and Citizenship, and the Attorney-General's Office. They will also be suited for employment in journalism, international business and ..


Research Program


Government Attorney General. Department. Family-centred employment project .. Immigration and Citizenship. Trends in time: work, family and social policy in ..

Professor Kim Rubenstein - Researchers - ANU


Her book, Australian Citizenship Law in Context (Lawbook, 2002) represents .. by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to review the Australian Citizenship .. project with the National Library of Australia on Trailblazer Women Lawyers. ..

Australia and New Zealand School of Government - Customised ..


.. of State Development (WA); Attorney General's Office (CTH); Department of Climate Change, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australian Customs ..

The vexed question of onshore processing and possible civil unrest


.. Human Rights Commission and the Department of Attorney General. .. the head of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), ..

MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 146 State criminal justice entry ..


(a) the temporary presence in Australia of a non-citizen who is outside .. (b) the Attorney-General considers that the temporary presence of the non-citizen in .. the non-citizen in Australia does not include the cost of immigration detention (if ..

MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 145 Commonwealth criminal justice ..


(1) If the Attorney-General considers that: (a) the temporary presence in Australia of a non-citizen who is outside Australia is required for the purposes of: .. the non-citizen in Australia does not include the cost of immigration detention (if any). ..

RMIT - Membership of the Migration and Mobility Research Network


She has been researching in the area of immigration and work since the 1990s. .. and previously worked as a lawyer with a focus on commercial contracts, ... social inclusion, mental health, nationalism and citizenship, and has secured a ..



12 Subsection 99A(7) Omit "is granted a certificate of Australian citizenship", ... 2 Other amendments Immigration (Education) Act 1971 1 Paragraphs 4D(1)(c) .... the Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, Attorney-General's Department, ..


Belonging in Austria: Citizens, Minorities and Refugees in the ..


refugees and citizenship in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in World War. One. .. disregarded the stories of immigrants, minorities and refugees from the process of .... majority of Austrian politicians, lawyers and journalists in the interwar ..


Effective practice in Civics and Citizenship Education


Administration, Attorney General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National .. Employment and Workplace Relations under the Civics and Citizenship .... the histories of settlement, development, immigration and international engagement. ..

Civics | Gough Whitlam (1916–)


Civics and Citizenship Education .. His father was a lawyer and a member of the United Nations committee that .. Like his father, Whitlam became a lawyer. ..

Murdoch University: Courses


.. Defence, and Immigration and Citizenship, and the Attorney-General's Office. They will also be suited for employment in journalism, international business and ..

Murdoch University: Handbook | Course Details | C1100 ..


10+ items – Course Details | C1100 Postgraduate Certificate in Security ..


Postgraduate Certificate in Security Studies


School of Social Sciences and Humanities




by S BERNS - 1997 - Lawyers figure citizenship narrowly, interpreting signs of nationality,' of domicile, of .. inzster for Immigration (1 93 176 CLR 1 at 54, citizenship is aneritirelyl ..




consultation with the 2010 NAP Civics and Citizenship Review Committee. .... Immigrants should be encouraged to keep their cultural traditions and language. • Australia benefits .... D. It means that all lawyers will want to become judges. ..


Australian Multiculturalism: Its Rise and Demise


by B Galligan - - taken over by the Australian Citizenship Council in its prescriptions for .. Commonwealth Department of Immigration employed personnel to manage the .... the Fraser government in 1977 commissioned prominent Melbourne lawyer, Frank ..

Murdoch University: Handbook | Course Details | C1079 ..


10+ items – Course Details | C1079 Postgraduate Certificate in Security, ..


Postgraduate Certificate in Security, Terrorism and ..


School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Immigration Law Subject Guide - Subject & Research Guides | Tools ..


Australian citizenship law in context/Kim Rubenstein - KM 172 .K1 RUB 2002; Immigration and refugee law in Australia/Mary Crock - KM 176 .K1 CRO 1998 ..



Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra .. Guardianship of non‑citizen children . .. Non‑citizen child not to leave Australia without consent . ..



•Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship Professor Kim Rubenstein was invited .. Speaker: Professor James Hathaway, Dean and William Hearn Chair of Law, .. Directions in Detention: Restoring Integrity to Australia's Immigration System ..

Student Information


Australian Citizenship or Australian Permanent Residency; Valid 572 Student Visa .. the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)'s student visa pages and .. please contact an Australian registered migration lawyer. ..

9/11 anniversary: reflections on the ripple-down effect


.. funding from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship through his .. on continuing from Darryl Williams as Attorney General to build the ..

Mary Malone's lessons: a narrative of citizenship in Federation ..


Mary Malone's lessons: a narrative of citizenship in Federation Australia .. he would not be surprised to see a Chinese lawyer, or barrister, practising here. .. to introduce a bill to restrict the entry of Chinese immigrants into New South Wales. ..


Centre For Citizenship, Development & Human Rights


In February this year the Centre for Citizenship Development and Human Rights. (CCDHR) ... flying in immigration and prison staff, lawyers, migration agencies ..


Crossing Borders: Feminism, Intersectionality, and Citizenship, Talk ..


by NA Naples - 2008 - - citizenship and community activism. ... Lawyers Without Borders viewed their mission as „crossing borders to make a ... immigration law and citizenship. ..

Associate Professor Michelle Foster - Staff Profile


Archive · law@melbourne Archive .. and has been involved in consultation with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship concerning new ..


NEWS REPORT Headline Samoan children trafficked through NZ ..


purpose: to circumvent Australian immigration requirements that would .. The mother's lawyers had argued this path could lead to child ..




by BD Kochenov - - European Citizenship: European integration and Domestic Immigration ... generis – the European Union13 – is quite different from the state citizenship lawyers ..


This file was downloaded from:


by P Trowse - 2011Lawyer, 31(2), pp. .. Affidavits must be sworn by all parties, including lawyers and .. 8 Department of Immigration and Citizenship National Office, Australian ..


Master of Applied Law (In-house Practice)


lawyer or help you make the transition to an in-house role, and is designed to suit the .... and Contracts Branch. Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..


Community Languages Matter!


by B Cardona - 140148. Source: Dept. of Immigration and Citizenship 2007 .... chaired by lawyer Frank Galbally, which commented on the fundamental role of education in ..

Government/ Policy | UNSW LAW


40+ items – Lawyers working in government and public policy areas are at ..

Australian Public Service Commission:

New South Wales Government:

Australia - International Refugee Law - LibGuides at The Australian ..


5 days ago – Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is a network of Australian lawyers .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship Media Releases ..


Whitlam Government 1972 - 1975: “My government liberalised A ..


immigration laws by: · • making available .. citizenship, visas, re-entry permits and voting · qualifications; .. Attorney-General [Lionel] Murphy in drafting the Bill to ..


International Higher Education


Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 10.00 Who is the ... Aristotle Paipetis is the Principal Solicitor at Visa Lawyers Australia. He is a Registered ..




by R Shamshad - - undocumented migration from Bangladesh in recent decades as 'infiltration'- Muslim ... speaking Muslims from West Bengal with legitimate claims to citizenship. .. representing the All India Lawyers Forum for Civil Liberties (AILFCL), the ..

WebLaw - Children & the Law


Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946 (Cth): An Act to make ... Children's Court: Department of The Attorney General : Western Australia: The ..




Attorney-General's Department .. Department of Immigration and. Citizenship Department of Infrastructure, ..


Commonwealth Practice- I International Law


by HB COXNELL - By H. B. COXNELL0. The Citizenship Act 1969 represents the first comprehensive review .. to persons \vho satisfy the Ministry of Immigration that they can read and write .... Mr. Wilson (Liberal) addressed a question to the Attorney-General ..




by P ASSISTANTthe commonwealth department of Immigration and citizenship. .. rights should be addressed to the commonwealth copyright Administration, Attorney General's ..





by T Walsh - 2005 - citizenship theory – right to equality before the law – right to freedom from arbitrary .... 60; Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Teoh (1995) 183 CLR 273 per .. 19 Fardon v Attorney General for the State of Queensland [2004] HCA 46 at ..



•Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship Professor Kim Rubenstein was .. Dean and William Hearn Chair of Law, Melbourne Law School, The .. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship announces receipt of the report of the ..

1 Prisoners International Transfer (Queensland) PRISONERS ..


There are no explicit citizenship or migration requirements for Tribunal prisoners. .. citizen cannot be made without the consent of the Minister for Immigration and .. Under the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) Agreement, ..

Submissions and reports - Monash University


Kaempf, A, Submission to the Australian Government, Attorney-General's ... A. Submission to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship regarding the ..

2007 Principles of Public Law 730112 (0) - Subject Page

WEEK 5 - URGENT: The Federal Court has handed down its decision in the matter of Haneef v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2007] FCA 1273 (21 ..

FACT's plea for Joe Gordon

It is incumbent that the US government support US citizen Joe W. Gordon .... I am not a lawyer, but that is my understanding from my friends who are. ... also Thai immigration had no issues about renewing her Thai passport ..

Nicholas Procter Home Page

Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australia, $152000 .. South Australian Attorney-General's Department, Office of the Public Advocate, Government of ..


ensure disclosure of average fees charged by registered migration agents in .. Migration Institute Australia, Immigration Lawyers Association of Australasia, Law .. the regulations), or a New Zealand citizen who holds a special category visa; ..


CIPL, ANU COLLEGE OF LAW .. Kim Rubinstein Australian Citizenship Law in Context Lawbook 2003 p124-127, par 4.9 .. Lawyer 22 cited in Haneef decision par 34; see also Rule of Law Lecture, ..


Investigative blogging

by BJ Saunders - 2006 - Saunders, Barry (2006) Citizen Media and Investigative Journalism . Honours these .... test similar to the attorney bar exam. As Saltzman notes, the ... history, which was the immigrant rights marches in the spring of 2006, when millions of non ..


a i a l

38 Amer v Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (Nos 1 ... where the citizen bumped against the law - happened in citizen's interactions .... What Mr Parkin intends to instruct his lawyers to do if a certificate is ultimately ..


CIPL Newsletter Aug 06.indd

Attorney General's Department, indeed close to all aspects of public law in action. I see that as .. issues of immigration, terrorism and security, health, labour .. citizenship that I discuss in my own work. – active citizenship ..

Find an expert | UTS News Room

Lawyer, Migration Agent and Research Associate, Anti-Slavery Australia, .. Australian immigration and citizenship law, human rights, migrant ..



Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Website: ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS. Foreign lawyers or Canadians with a foreign law degree who ..



the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship are authorised to request specific types of .. a barrister, solicitor or attorney ..


Flinders University Washington Interns: Where are they now?

Assistant Manager, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Adelaide. 2001 Jacqui .. Lawyer, Financial Services, Blake Dawson Waldron, Melbourne. ..

She is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria. In .. citizenship law and in 1999 organised the University of Melbourne conference. Individual .... Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) to participate in a project on immigration ..

Surrogacy - A Path of Obstacles | QUT ePrints

by P Trowse - 2011 The Queensland Lawyer, 31(2), pp. .. recent decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Hudson v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship ..


Immigration – A Commitment to Australia: Recommendations

Committee to Advise on Australia's Immigration. Policies ... citizenship a more meaningful commitment to. Australia ... sociologists, statisticians, lawyers, political ..


STATES OF IMAGINATION: Nationalism, citizenship and ..

by SW Baratham - By contrast, the concept of citizenship gains its modern meaning at the time of the French .. constituted by migration from Europe, and those, like India, in which the .... Unlike the lawyer or the historian, they are at liberty to go beyond the ..

Providing printed documents - Undergraduate FAQs - Universities ..

.. Affairs Commission or the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) .. a barrister, solicitor or patent attorney; a police officer in charge of a police ..

Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism) at ..

.. the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Department of Defence, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, and the Attorney-General's office. ..


Challenges for Human Rights in the New Global Order

by J Ife - - And citizenship rights in the absence of economic development .. 'illegal immigrants' or 'migrant workers', and are likely to be detained, abused and ... we commonly seek legal mechanisms to resolve problems, and where lawyers have ..

Rights Don't Matter

Similarly, scholars, lawyers and rights activists in countries lacking an .... (2006), OJ No 4189; Charkaoui v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) [2007] SCC 9. ..


Does Australia Need A Bill of rights _4_

32. The Courts As Legislators , The Lawyer and Justice (Sweet & Maxwell) (1978). ... a non-citizen relating to matters of immigration entry and deportation will ..

Vol5 August 2010

Camille Goodman, Office of International Law, Attorney General's ... Citizenship in a Globalised World - Perspectives from the Immigrant ..



by PM MCDERMOTT - 21 Mahuru and Department of Immigration and Citizenship [2008] AATA 464, ... Commonwealth, it was appreciated by the Attorney-General's Department that ..


The role of the Ombudsman in the Protection of Human Rights

- From the perspective of the ordinary citizen, government now plays a role that is .. or remain in Australia be held in an immigration processing or detention centre? ... Protection of rights in individual cases is the motivating objective of lawyers ..


Employability skills and workplace culture in Australia

Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney General's Department, Robert Garran Offices,. National Circuit .. Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..



Monash University. 24. Danielle. Chifley. Australian Government Solicitor. 25. Jayne. Christensen. Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..


Modes of delivery for preliterate learners

by P McPherson - 2008 - On behalf of the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. Attorney General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ..


Alumni Newsletter

2 to effect a 'citizen's arrest' .. best immigration lawyers of the year by Best Lawyers, as published ... working as a solicitor in both the public and private sector ..


Applicant Information Sheet - University of Newcastle

- .. of Immigration and Citizenship are authorised to request specific types of information for their purposes. .. o a barrister, solicitor or attorney ..


NEWSLETTER - ANU College of Law

workshop bringing together public and international lawyers, this time focussing on the environment .. The Minister for Immigration and. Citizenship announced his .. file/0015/ ..


The Case of Dr Mohamed Haneef: An Australian 'Terrorism Drama ..

by M Rix - 2009proceedings until 31 August and Dr Haneef‟s lawyers applied to have the charge .. 9 Haneef v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2007) FCA 1273; ..


Human Rights and Child Poverty

Our ideas of rights are inextricably connected with our ideas of citizenship. .. refugees, asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and migrant workers represent such a ... by lawyers, politicians, academics, journalists, senior bureaucrats, and a few ..

Government force where charity was required - Thinking Culture

While the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen, cites the .. and a lack of necessary resources for lawyers and migration officers working within ..


Legal issues

communicate with a friend, relative or lawyer before he/ she starts to question a person in .. Immigration. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) ..

From Aliens to Austr(aliens): a look at immigration and internment .. › ›

In their publication, Citizenship and the politics of belonging, Stephen ... in the Attorney-General's office until it came to an end in 1944 (Bosworth 1997:210) ..


• When you save a template in the My Templates folder, the template ..

Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA). Despite .. asking: does the value of Alvarez-Solon's citizenship have anything to do with her .... This can be evidenced in how Alvarez-Solon's lawyer, George. Newhouse ..


AJHR vol 13.1 articles

by T Penovic - - for Immigration and Citizenship to permit families with children to live in the community ... directly from Legal Aid offices or from lawyers funded by Legal Aid in ..

mAllEsons stEphEn JAquEs lAWyErs ms michEllE .. WomEn lAWyErs' AssociAtion oF nsW .... the best performance in 76048 Citizenship and Immigration. Law. ..


1 Petitions Team Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ..

Richards v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 1999 CanLII 8234 ... 14 days, unless the Attorney-General is satisfied that withholding notice of the ..



Commission, the Department of Immigration and Indigenous Affairs, the ... reflected the fact his family were Catholics and Irish lawyers were renowned for ..

The White Australia policy

Attorney-General and future Prime Minister, Alfred Deakin also pointed to the importance of .. Although neither the Pacific Islands Labourers Act nor the Immigration .. and the importance of education to citizenship had disappeared altogether. ..


'Australian exceptionalism' in judicial review Tenth Annual Geoffrey ..

Baker v Canada (Minister of Citizenship & Immigration) (1999) 174 DLR (4th) 193. Re Minister for .. Attorney-General for Hong Kong v Shiu [1983] 2 AC 629 ..

Migration and Refugee Law - Legal Resources ›

Department of Immigration and Citizenship Includes information about the Minister, media releases, fact sheets, contacts, research, statistics, ..


Who is afraid of T.H. Marshall?

by G Murray - 2008 - - The liberal construction of the citizen is a man (sic) empowered with reciprocal .... Jacobson, D. 1996, Rights across Borders: Immigration and the Decline of Citizenship .. Victorian Government [accessed 23 July, 2006] 'Audit by the Attorney ..

Making multicultural Australia | Timeline Commentary: The Labor ..

.. in the 1974 election); and Lionel Murphy, Attorney-General and later High Court judge. .. The Australian Citizenship Act of 1973 enshrined the principle of equal .. of White Australia and the 1901 Immigration Restriction Act view of the world. ..

Refugee Law & Policy Group | UNSW LAW

The second is a four-year grant on 'Immigration Restriction and the Racial State, .. of International Law Association (World) International Teaching Committee. .... determinations are made by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..

WebLaw - Thesaurus

25+ items – .. Children & the Law, Citizenship and Migration, Constitutional ..

Accidents and Compensation

Emergency services. Insurance Negligence ..

Banking and Finance

Banking Bankruptcy Credit Debt Electronic ..


A very strong case

Covering areas such as citizenship, immigration, nationality and refugees, the programs provide flexible study .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General, a ..


Language training and settlement success: Are they related?

by L Yates - 2010 - - Administration, Attorney General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, .. represent those of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ..


1 National Human Rights Consultation Secretariat Attorney ..

Attorney-General's Department. Central Office .... the Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Citizenship, formerly the Department of ..



by N Gouliaditis - 2010 - Senior Lawyer, Australian Government Solicitor, Sydney ( ... v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2008) 233 CLR 601. 9 ..


List of Government Bodies/Agencies that Hire Law Graduates

Has a graduate program. Attorney-General's Department: ... Department of Immigration and Citizenship: Has a generalist ..


The Democratic Audit of Australia: Populism vs Citizen Rights

by M Sawer - - sections of the community such as sole parents, immigrants or those .. served by more direct forms of consultation with citizens, including citizen-initiated .... have many organisations of lawyers who focus on issues of human ..


Vasiljkovic v Commonwealth of Australia

by S MORRELL - of detaining an Australian citizen for the purposes of criminal extradition ... was made, it would have been for the Attorney-General to decide under s 22 ... approach developed in recent migration detention cases, where successive High ..


Report: Deterring People Smuggling Bill 2011

which retrospective legislation can be considered. However, officers of the Attorney-. General's Department and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..


Lawyers Weekly is excited to announce the launch of the 2011 Lawyers .. named best immigration lawyers of the year by Best Lawyers, as published in the ... Inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Test Review and ..


Your health and wellbeing

on behalf of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. and rights should be addressed to Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney General's ..

UTS: 2006 UTS: Law awards ceremony - law at UTS

Ian Ellis-Jones Lawyer Prize in Administrative Law .. Thomson Legal and Regulatory Limited Prize for Citizenship and Immigration Law ..

Gorina, Montserrat --- "Migration Law, Policy and Practice: An .. ›

Australian immigration law, policy and practice seem guided by .. and to overseas applicants awaiting to be sponsored by an Australian citizen or resident. .. The author has interviewed Maritsa Eftimiou and Ron Kessels, solicitors from ..


Headline Behind these suburban streetscapes lies a syndicate that ..

Department of Immigration and Citizenship authorities interviewed 11 Chinese .. A Melbourne human rights lawyer with extensive experience ..


Resolving the non-citizen's immigration status would result in either a. 13. visa being .... (6) A lawyer does not give immigration legal assistance in giving. 3 ..

Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law | UNSW LAW

The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Evans opened the ... Lawyers know a lot about these institutions and practices, but there is much that they do ..


School Education: Civics and Citizenship Education for the Future

The National Civics and Citizenship Forum, entitled School Education: Civics and Citizenship .... However, Attwood explained, 'a lawyer .... that includes Barton's annotated draft constitution, immigration dictation tests, ASIO surveillance ..


Agency Name Legal Entity Principle Agent Address

Arora Immigration & Education Consultants. Pvt Ltd .. Asia Pacific Lawyers Pty. Ltd. Vu Hoang Nguyen .... Liaoning Citizen Outbound Service. Corporation ..


Your future Work and study

on behalf of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Macquarie .... lawyer school time car doctor mechanic student training chart engineer nurse study ..

E LAW | British Child Migration to Australia: History, Senate Inquiry ..

Child migration from Britain had its inception in 16[18] when the first group of 100 .... to the child migrants, automatic Australian citizenship for the child migrants, ... An Australian lawyer, Adrian Joel, is considering the option of a class action. ..

E Law: Our Allegiance - Australians Or Global Citizens? - Text

by LLB Michael PendletonTo lawyers international law is a very different kind of law than national law. ... The self interests of individual citizens in raising living standards lie as much .... to investments: immigration laws regulating the entry into a contracting state of ..



and see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. .... training programs for judges, human rights advocates, and customs, immigration and law ... teachers, engineers, lawyers, plumbers ..


Domestic Application Coversheet

Proof of Citizenship/residency. Proof of .. status with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Proof of name .. a barrister, solicitor or patent attorney ..

Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Amendment Bill ..

.. in the Department 30 of Immigration and Citizenship of the Commonwealth; .. 5 (p) the Secretary to the Attorney-General's Department of the Commonwealth; ..


INTRODUCTION This paper outlines changes in the rules governing ..

by K Betts - 2007 - - After over 30 years of increasingly easy access, Australian citizenship is becoming harder to acquire. .. The mass immigration of the post-war .. one of the purposes of immigration was to .... Migrant advocacy groups, migration lawyers ..

Taylor, Julie --- "Guardianship of Child Asylum-Seekers" [2006 .. ›

by J Taylor - 'Non-citizen child' is defined in s 4AAA, which provides: .. Section 4AAA was inserted later, by the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) .... for the Tribunal, courts, lawyers seeking to assist the children, and the children themselves. ..


Australian Values, Liberal Traditions and Australian Democracy ..

by LJ Thompson - 2008 - John Stannard is the Principal Solicitor at the Queensland Welfare Rights .. According to the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Citizenship, ..

Chapter 10. Religion Matters

by A Monsour - Hence, the experience of Syrian/Lebanese immigrants in Australia illustrates the .. separately for naturalisation because their citizenship status was determined .... Advocating on behalf of a Syrian/Lebanese client, solicitors described him as ..

AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP BILL 2005 Explanatory Memorandum

For example, once the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs has .... Attorney-General either before or after an application for citizenship is made, ..


2006 National Civics & Citizenship Education Forum Report

The National Civics and Citizenship Forum was held at the National Museum of .. undertaken jointly by DEST, the Human Rights Branch of the Attorney .... protests outside the Immigration building, the fund raising efforts it undertook, and ..

AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP BILL 2006 Explanatory Memorandum

For example, once the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs has lawfully disclosed a photograph of a citizenship applicant to the Australian ..

Public Events and Lectures - Monash University › .. ›

International Humanitarian Law and the Young Lawyer ... Religious Against Human Trafficking; and Sharon Watts, Department of Immigration and Citizenship ..


This file was downloaded from:

by AJ Francis - 2011 - annual immigration intake, and 10 per cent of people thought it was at least half. .. Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, stated 'the Pacific solution was a cynical, costly .... professional duties as a Solicitor (for those migration agents who are also ..

Corporate Citizenship

Is corporate citizenship confined within national boundaries or can it only be ... Jeff Shaw, an Attorney General in the NSW State Labor government reflects upon the .. such as Aborigines, single parents or recent immigrants, there is often little ..


Immigration Review - Bulletin/2009/No 39&40 -- April 2009 -- pp 16-22

- On 9 July 2008, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris ... there was a unanimous recommendation that "the Attorney-General's Department, ..


CIPL Newsletter Oct08.indd

John was also appointed by the Commonwealth Attorney-General to a committee to .... The talk used the case of Citizenship and Immigration Canada v. ..


The Emerging Nomadic Social (Sub-)Citizenship for Filial Piety in a ..

by OK Lai - 2009 - Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation I Faculty of Arts and Education I Deakin University. 221 Burwood ... population system with minimal immigration (less than 1.5% of the population). .... market opened to Filipino nurses and lawyers. ..

UTS: 2008 UTS: Law awards ceremony - law at UTS

Ian Ellis-Jones Lawyer Prize in Administrative Law .. Thomson Legal and Regulatory Limtied Prize for Citizenship and Immigration Law ..


Centre for International and Public Law | Twentieth Anniversary

Title: International Lawyers in the Australian .. monwealth Attorney-General and a glittering array of .. for Immigration and Citizenship to review the Citizenship ..


Volume 2, Number 2 August, 2011

by J Bamforth - 2011 - The Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation, Faculty of Arts .. life, argued that, although immigration in Australia was 'a constant .... regarded Binou's story as a legal success, whereas Alexandra, a lawyer from a human rights ..


2011 March Booklet.indd

of Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers Pty Limited and regularly appears in all courts and tribunals in relation to migration and citizenship matters. ▶. ▶. ▶. ▶ ..

UTS: 2009 UTS: Law awards ceremony - law at UTS

Harmers Workplace Lawyers Award in Industrial Law. Sarah Lilley, Susan .. Thomson Reuters Award for Citizenship and Immigration Law ..


Cultural narratives of taxation and citizenship: Fairness, groups and ..

by G Rawlings - 2004 - - conceptions of the state, group and individual identities, citizenship and debates about .... These arguments were transmitted by immigrant politicians, scholars, writers and members of .... They have clever lawyers who know all the loopholes. ..

HSC Online - Resources

Lawlink NSW: NSW Attorney General's Department (NSW Government, Law, Attorney General) .. Population flows: immigration aspects 2006–07 edition ... SCIS SUBJECTS: Children – Civil rights; Citizenship; Discrimination; Human rights; ..


The note specifies that resolving the non-citizen's immigration status would .... Section 277 provides the circumstances in which a lawyer gives immigration legal ..

Professor Peter Schuck - Profile - United States Studies Centre

.. of teaching and research are tort law; immigration, citizenship, and refugee law; .. (Third), Basic Principles, and a contributing editor to The American Lawyer. ..


Historical Perspectives -

Despite a long history of Italian immigration to ... canon lawyer, Dr Giovanni Cani, weathered not only the rude .... and applied for citizenship as soon as the ..


Australian Immigration Law and Practice

Australian Immigration Law and Practice - A Practical course in 'Knowledge of ... law and solicitors with over ten years experience in migration practice. ..


Framing the Voiceless: News Conventions and the Undocumented ..

by SC Berggreen - 2009 - producer for NPR affiliate KUAT and former reporter for The Tucson Citizen. .. of pro-immigrant rights activist/advocacy groups and/or immigration lawyers ..


Submission: Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration ..

frameworks in our work, we are not lawyers and rely more on ... was submitted to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). ..



CIPL E-Bulletin – Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2008

Immigration and Citizenship recently announced receipt of the report of the Australian ... Consultation Secretariat at the Attorney-General's Department. ..

Research Supervisor Profile for Professor Mary Crock - Research ..

Mary's main field of research is migration, citizenship and refugee law. .. Crock, M & Clothier, M, “Immigration Law” in A Evans (ed), Lawyers' ..


carer destinations

ing to citizenship status and language ability. In this .. again recruiting lawyers from New Zealand in 2005. The .. ..


Lawyers Weekly is excited to announce the launch of the 2011 Lawyers Weekly .. law teachers, named best immigration lawyers of the year by Best Lawyers, ... Inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Test Review and ..

Death fears over NZ plans to deport Iranian Catholic

He said he had been a "model citizen". Mr Yadegary's lawyer, Isabel Chorao, is considering a legal challenge to his indefinite detention through a .. She said immigration laws allowed the Government to jail Mr Yadegary because his claim for ..


ANU 204693 ImmigrationTEXT_AW

Immigration is an important site for testing commitment to democratic .. as permanent residents to become eligible for citizenship. .... a Attorney-General's ..



by GT Pagone - 2011 - Kasupene v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2008] FCA 1609, [19] (Flick J). 25. Commonwealth Attorney-General, "Appendix B: The ..

Research Clusters within the Department - Department of ..

.. sectors, including the Federal Attorney General's Department, the Cabinet Office (UK) and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ..

Bachelor of Laws - Courses and Programs - The University of ..

.. or solicitor in private practice, as a prosecutor of crime, as a community lawyer, .. your country's category with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. ..

Chinese Heritage of Australian Federation Project - Conference ..

.. rose to prominence as a successful lawyer, the first Australia-born Chinese barrister to .... 'The influence of Chinese immigration on Australian citizenship ' ..

Thinking Culture

While the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen, cites the .. and a lack of necessary resources for lawyers and migration officers working within ..

E LAW | NetWatch December 2004

by A Greenshields Administrative Law; Children & Young People; Citizenship and .. LexScripta : Essential links for Queensland lawyers. .. Center for Immigration Studies, reports, discussion forums and short articles with linked bibliographies. ..



by K Rubenstein - - Anniversary of the Citizenship Act on 26 January 1999: Fact Sheet 12 (3 October 1996),. Public Affairs Section, Department of Immigration and Multicultural ..

Clare Vierboom - Victoria Legal Aid, Deakin University › .. › › › ›

.. to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on behalf of a client .. Legal Aid had been appointed as the independent children's lawyer, ..

Implementing Human Rights in Closed Environments 2012 .. › .. › ›

.. the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship's Council for Immigration Services .. and regularly liaised with the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department ..

Human Trafficking Forum - The Reality in Australia - Monash .. › .. › ›

As an immigration lawyer, Jennifer has worked in public interest law in .. with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship in Canberra. ..


About 35 percent of all immigrants arriving in Tasmania through the nineteenth ... were 'efficient', while most of the lawyers, including judges, were 'a poor lot'. .. Even the adoption of an Australian citizenship and nationality act in 1948 did not ..



Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v Haneef [2007] FCAFC. 203. ▪. Mokbel v Attorney-General (Cth) (2007) 162 FCR 296; [2007]. FCAFC 161 ..


.. Services and Indigenous Affairs, Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Immigration and Citizenship and the Attorney‑General's Department. ..

Refugee policy - where to from here? | UNSW Newsroom–-where-here

• The Hon. Chris Bowen, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship .. • Renuka Balasubramaniam, Lawyers for Liberty, Malaysia The full ..


Untitled - Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies - University of

Carolyn completed Articles of Clerkship and practiced as a solicitor with Blake. Dawson .. citizenship law and in 1999 organised the University of Melbourne conference .... research briefs on immigration and citizenship and religious freedom ..


Bar Practice Course Application Form

the requirements for visa/immigration purposes. If required the Bar Practice Course reserves the right to ask applicants for proof of citizenship or residency status ..



by K McMillan - Indeed it seems that pressure from the New. Zealand government for the Australians to remove discriminatory immigration requirements in respect of non-'white' ..

Professor Susan Kneebone, Monash Law › › ›

'Strangers at the Gate: Refugees, Citizenship and Nationality' (2004) 10 .. Children in Immigration Detention Conference organised by Castan Centre .. 2000 at the invitation of the Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association Ltd ..



.. Taxation Office and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship are authorised to request specific .. a barrister, solicitor or attorney ..



the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship are authorised to request specific types of .. a barrister, solicitor or attorney ..



Network, will explore legal issues to do with citizenship, relevant to .. a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria, the High Court of Australia and ... copied by other communities with a large diaspora and immigrant populations ..


Items 5 - 14 – Issued by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship .. the form of notice of evidence of Australian citizenship; .. Attorney-General's Department ..

Geelong Lawyers' Collection - Miroslav Schimana, Deakin .. › .. › ›

Geelong Lawyers' Collection - Miroslav Schimana - biography of Miroslav Schimana by Vivian Hill. .. Calwell was Immigration Minister Curtin's scheme became a reality. ... In 1955 he had taken out Australian citizenship. ..


Towards convergence in the interpretation of the Refugees ..

To lawyers familiar with domestic courts, the enforcement powers of .... Malouf v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) [1995] 1 FC 537 (Canada). ..


"the Act" means the Immigration (Education) Charge Act 1992. ... a secondary person 2040 211 Class 150 (former citizen) (applicant applying either as a .. Legislative Drafting,Attorney-General's Department, Canberra [GRAPHIC]Immigration ..

The 'New' Old Broom – Andrew Metcalfe, Department of Immigration ..

Metcalfe, who had a long association with Immigration going back to 1981, and had .. In the case of Vivian Alvarez, an Australian citizen who was wrongfully .. because more people seek review, and because more lawyers are involved in ..

The Australian Federal Constitution: Net Resources (Discussion #5)

"The recent spate of controversy between the Attorney-General of the .... At the 1996 Culture & Citizenship Conference site at Griffith University. .. a mention, as about the role of the judiciary in Australia's immigration policy. ..


Before The High Court

by M O’SULLIVAN - a 'non-citizen in Australia to whom the Minister is satisfied Australia has .... 208(c)(2)(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that the Attorney- ..


Golden shadows on a white land

by K Bagnall - 2006 - - ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. MT269/1, Forms for .. SP42/1, Correspondence of the Collector of Customs relating to Immigration. Restriction and .. B884, Citizen's Military Forces Personnel Dossiers, 1939—1947. State Records ..



by C AviationThis Digest is intended to provide lawyers with a key to those questions and Ministerial .. On 20 May, the Minister for Immigration, in answer to a question ..


Citizenship & Democracy,%20Citizenship%20&.ppt

Microsoft Powerpoint - Immigration Restriction Bill, the substance of which, according to Attorney-General Alfred Deakin, went to the very heart of Australian identity and the instinct for ..


Our rights: Origins of Australian democracy : Studies of Society and ..

development of democracy and aspects of citizenship in Australia since 1788 and ... Level 3: New horizons: Immigration in Australia (policies that affected .... Macquarie's problem – too many court cases and only ex-convict lawyers for the ..



Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2009, Population Flows: ... into the US through a Russian-born US attorney practicing in immigration law, who was ..

Employing international students - Careers and Employment

The Department of Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC) has an online and .. Lawyers & Consultants which was used to compile this web page. ..

NYCH: Culturefront Online

A dual citizen of the Dominican Republic and the United States, he wears a custom-made lapel pin that .. she managed to pay an immigration lawyer... She got ..


ChAptER 10: Migration issues

While waiting for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's final decision, ... to do so with the assistance of a domestic violence worker and lawyer and ..


In 2007 CIPL initiated an annual Workshop linking public lawyers with .. Immigration and Naturalization Service (2001) permits gender discrimination (regarding the passing on of citizenship to children) that has no biological basis. By a vote of ..


Seven Ages of a Lawyer

by JM KIRBY - - 'Death o f Sir Leo Cussen: Great Lawyer Passes: A Brilliant Career' The Age .... l9 Baker v Minister of Citizenship and Immigration [l9991 2 Can SCR 817. ..

UTS: 2010 UTS: Law awards ceremony - law at UTS

Harmers Workplace Lawyers Award in Industrial Law. Susan Murphy and award .. Thomson Reuters Award for Citizenship & Immigration Law ..


Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australian Government, .. South Australian Attorney-General's Department, Office of the Public ..

RAS ::: Events ::: Upcoming Events

.. of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, academics, clinicians, .. David Manne, lawyer and migration agent and Coordinator of the ..


8 April 1998

Immigration and Citizenship ('DIAC'). Legislative .. between 'barristers' and 'solicitors'. .. persons admitted to the legal profession as a lawyer. ..


1 Refereed paper delivered at Australian Political Studies ..

by B Galligan - immigration arena; and even more recently, in the provisions of anti-terrorism .. guilt…for past acts' (Fardon v Attorney-General (Qld) (2004) 223 CLR 575, 612 .... detention regime 'sets up a presumption whereby each unlawful non-citizen, ..


Educational Review Global citizenship: abstraction or framework for ..

lawyers are attempting to bring a case against Blair for war crimes in Iraq. ... immigration, refugees and asylum seekers have highly local ..

Arts - Flinders University

.. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC); Department of the .. Illicit Drugs Section of the Australian Government Attorney-General's ..


Immigration policy under the Howard government

by K Betts - 2003 - - Up until 1989 Australian immigration policy was based on Ministerial ... accompanied by a growth in the rights lobby: lawyers and non-Government .... wished to access social security in Australia, or to obtain citizenship, or to sponsor ..



Rich Text Format - Solicitor, Moray & Agnew, NSW. Entry: Conciliation and arbitration. Mary Crock. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney. Entries: Immigration law ..

Mots Pluriels Michael Head

At the heart of that perspective is the establishment of global citizenship. .. As a senior Canadian immigration official has observed: Almost all .. Three judges refused Victorian lawyer Eric Vadarlis leave to appeal in the Tampa case.[26] By ..


Alumni Newsletter

Solicitor considered Citizenship as Property: A scarce resource? .. for Immigration and Citizenship v SZMDS [2010] HCA 16 (26 May 2010). ..


The Duty to Inquire in Tribunal Proceedings

by M Groves - - In Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZIAI. ('SZIAI')2 the High ... explained that lawyers and judges tended to view questions about tribunal procedures ..

Multicultural Australia Links: Student Research Sites

.. tools of practising Australian lawyers, such as SCALEplus and Lex Scripta. The law by .... Go to Statistics at The Department of Immigration and Citizenship for ..


Changing Practices: The Specialised Domestic Violence Court ..

by S Eley - 2005 - - the Solicitor General and involves the Ministry of Community Safety and. Correctional Services, the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration and the ..



The 'Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs' is now the 'Department of. Immigration and Citizenship' (DIAC). 23. Neil Mercer, 'Slavery trial ends in ..


Primary Units of Work

Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney General's Department, ... This activity is derived from the Immigration ... Civics and Citizenship Education ..



Attorney-General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT ... safety and criminal laws, currency, trade, immigration, citizenship and ..


International law in the House of Lords and the High Court of ..

the New South Wales Bar in 1967, and practised briefly as a solicitor, then as a ... DLR (4th) 257; Mugesera v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) ..

UTS: Alphabetical list of subjects - Law, UTS Handbook

Citizenship and Immigration Law 76048. Civil Litigation 75421. Climate Law .. Financial Analysis for the Transactional Lawyer 78114. Financial Analysis for the ..


Race and Australian Immigration Policy

white immigration to Australia and legalised discriminatory racial policy. ... to those passed in the southern United States and South Africa, denying citizenship, ... dominated the discourse with Attorney-General Alfred Deakin telling the new ..

Books, chapters and articles - Monash University › .. ›

Kinley, D. 'Lawyers, Corporations and International Human Rights Law' (2004) .... Refugees, Asylum Seekers and 'Illegal' Immigrants .. Kneebone, S. 'Refugees, Citizenship and Nationality: What is the Basis of Protection? ..


Legal Practitioners Admissions Board

category General Skilled Migration (Legal Practitioner - Solicitor ASCO Code 2521-13). By way of .. Immigration and Citizenship ('DIAC'). Before referring to the ..

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall - - When does the Enduring Power of Attorney come into effect? .... Australia is one of the few countries to provide same-sex immigration rights. .. as an aged parent of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen; ..

E Law: Our Allegiance - Australians Or Global Citizens?

To lawyers international law is a very different kind of law than national law. ... The self interests of individual citizens in raising living standards lie as .... to investments: immigration laws regulating the entry into a contracting ..

Table of Cases

Charkaoui v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) [2007] SCC 9: 52. Chumbipuma .. O'Neill v Canada (Attorney-General) (2006), OJ No 4189: 52. OK, et al v ..


Security, Scarcity, Struggle: The Dilemmas of International Law

After five years practicing as and immigration lawyer in San .... Among her many publications, Kim is the author of “Australian Citizenship Law ..


Administrative Justice—

by R Creyke - front of consciousness of Australian administrative lawyers and those in public ... achievement of social goals, such as rights associated with citizen- ship. Arming .... Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1996) 185 CLR 259 at 272. 14 Zhang v ..


UTS: Law

Ian Ellis-Jones Lawyer Prize .. This prize was established in 1988 by the Women Lawyers' Association of New ... 76048 Citizenship and Immigration Law. ..



.. issued by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship .. an Australian lawyer (within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act ..


Korean Migration Research Network

- l Publish migration-related reports, books and papers. .. Papers on international migration, migrant workers, North Korean defectors, citizenship, and other .. Professors, government officials, lawyers, and NGO representatives participated at ..



which will ultimately alert the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), .. Members of the External Review Panel are practising lawyers with thorough ..


Shirley Martin

by S Martin - - Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, gives no representation, .. Mirsad was a lawyer in his native Bosnia. .... in his endeavour to fit himself for his citizenship. ..


queer responses to discourses of nation and citizenship in ..

by WG Pearsonunbelonging, a source of citizenship and of aUenation, of Ûie famUial and flie imfamiUar' — in .... tiie ways in which sexual identity intersects witii racial, eflmic and immigrant identities. .... couching, by civU Uberties lawyers, of Bowers v. ..

Bond University | Subject Outline: LAWS77-621 Special Topic in .. › ›

Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), Bell Canada v. .. Ferndale Institution (previously assigned in week 3), Ontario (Children's Lawyer) v. Ontario ..

''The privilege of employing natives': the Quan Sing affair and ..

In April 1913, Quan Sing wrote again to the Attorney-General requesting a permit .... Kim 2004, 'The influence of Chinese immigration on Australian Citizenship', ..



balanced so that no nationality exceeds more than 10% of full degree enrolments. .. local immigration lawyers are invited on to campus to give advice about ..

Groves, M --- "Treaties and Legitimate Expectations - The Rise and .. ›

by M Groves - [22] In Lam v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [2006] FCAFC .. to Teoh, namely the deportation of a non-citizen who had been convicted of .. by the Attorney-General and Minister for Foreign Affairs might not. ..


Human rights: Australia versus the UN

by H Charlesworth - - Australia prides itself on being a 'good international citizen'. .. presented at the Australian Lawyers' Alliance Conference, 22 June 2006. .. Human Rights Committee found that the detention of two children in immigration ..


Institutional and Residual Conceptions of Human Rights

by J Ife - - .. to present her claims for refugee status to the Department of Immigration, advocated on her .. Lawyers will again become centrally important to Asha as the end of her visa .. she has claimed for herself an inductive or experiential citizenship. ..


Student Administration Application Information Sheet

Proof of Australian citizenship or permanent residency (birth certificate, passport, .. A barrister, solicitor or patent attorney .. to any Government department which administers or has authority regarding education or immigration policy and law ..


01 Immigration Law 2010:Immigration Law 2010 - Continuing Legal ..

IMMIGRATION LAW CPD PROGRAM FOR 2010. Friday 5 and Saturday 6 .. Activity – Australian Citizenship .. Kerry Murphy, Partner, D'Ambra Murphy Lawyers ..


Australian Institute of Administrative Law Inc. Editors: Alice ..

by JM Barker - SZFDE v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship.1 In a unanimous .. out to them as being a solicitor and a migration agent who was entitled to represent them ..



policy (including, to the extent possible, defence, trade, immigration and .... Binoy Kampmark, “David Hicks, Mamdouh Habib and the Limits of Australian Citizenship”, Borderlands e- ... - Attorney-General's Department ..

UTS: Results information - International Students

.. test centre to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and institutions such as .. cannot be sent to immigration, education agents, employers or lawyers. ..



BEc, LLB (UNSW), LLM (ANU); Senior Lawyer, Australian Government Solicitor, Sydney. .. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2008) 168 FCR 410. ..


The case of Dr Haneef

indignation about the leak and threats of prosecution by the Attorney .. Immigration and Citizenship, signed by Assistant Secretary Peter White ..


Working Paper No. 20 Anthony O'Donnell and Richard Mitchell

by ILIN AUSTRALIA - 2000 - The third factor has been the approach of lawyers to immigration law in general. In .... Citizenship 1901-73, PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne, 1998, p 50. 25 ..

UWA graduates hold key posts in Federal Cabinet | University News ..

.. and Trade and Chris Evans as Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. .. Lawrence and former Federal Attorney-General Daryl Williams. ..

Blackwell, James --- "A Discussion of the Duty and Jurisdiction of the .. ›

by J BLACKWELL - The above statement made by Brennan J in Attorney General v Quin[2] ... structures allow for too little citizen participation, judicial review of legislative or .. [10] M Crock and H Gibian, 'Before the High Court: Minister for Immigration and Ethnic ..



If no, of what country are you currently a citizen? 1.1. POSTAL .... If you are an immigrant to Australia and have been granted either permanent residency or citizenship after the .. a person registered as a patent attorney under. Chapter 20 of ..

UTS: Tuition fees - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Law – Lawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal .. through the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship: ..

Biography - Alfred Deakin - Australian Dictionary of Biography

He himself was sworn in as attorney-general: the youngest member of cabinet. .. On the immigration restriction bill he supported Barton against Labor, who ... would instil the 'maximum of good citizenship' and foster a 'sense of national unity' ..


i j.

by SH RIMMER - - Barristerjulian Burnside QC-and solicitor .. changes to the citizenship laws and checks for Aviation .. Act as prescribed by regulation 2.43 and the Immigration ..

Professor Terry Carney - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

These and other works apply citizenship theory and 'contractualism' to analyse .. XlX World Congress on Labour and Social Security Law, Sydney, 1-4 ... A, 'Social Security and Immigration: An Agenda for Future Research? ..



Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and the Australian Embassy in. Bangkok to .... Human trafficking still lurking in the shadows (2008) Lawyers ..


Locating the population: Hong Kong – Australia migration.

by P Mar - 2002 - - I concentrate on the characteristics of Hong Kong emigration to Australia in the period from the .... period to obtain Australian citizenship, before returning to Hong Kong. Various .... his appeal amounted to A$1500 not counting solicitor's costs. ..

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