Constitutional Law & Lawyers

The Australian Constitution is the set of rules by which Australia is run. It took effect on 1 January 1901 and to this day is the blueprint for how Australia is governed. It includes details on the composition of the Australian Parliament, how Parliament works, what powers the Parliament has, how federal and state Parliaments share power and the roles of the Executive Government and the High Court.

If you believe you have a matter relating to constitutional law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Key features of the Constitution

Australia is a federal system in which the Constitution divides power between a national government (the Commonwealth) and state governments.

The Constitution describes the key features of the Australian federal system, including:

• the basic rules for the operation of the federation and the powers of the federal Parliament
• a federal government which governs the nation
• separate state governments, constitutions and laws which govern the individual states
• power and authority that is shared between federal and state parliaments, governments and courts
• a bicameral system with:
• single member representation for the House of Representatives. This system is designed to elect major parties and support efficient government.
• multi-member representation for the Senate. This system elects 12 senators for each state and is designed to protect the interests of the states.
• the High Court of Australia, which is the final court of appeal. The High Court interprets the Australian Constitution and resolves legal disputes between the Australian Parliament or government and the states.

Constitutional law is a branch of law that focuses on the allocation and exercise of government power. Constitutional lawyers are highly trained law professionals that focus on the laws, relationships, and rights that have been established by the Constitution of Australia.

What does a constitutional lawyer do?

Constitutional lawyers interpret and implement the amendments, rights, and rules that the Australian Constitution outlines. They concentrate on specific issues and practice in a wide variety of areas such as civil rights and real estate. They often apply constitutional law to cases that are presented in federal courts and High Court. They gain the necessary information and details to present viable cases. They discuss court cases with their clients and other lawyers, complete legal research, and make sure tasks are completed on time.

If you believe you have a matter relating to constitutional law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Further Resources - Constitutional Law & Lawyers

Constitutional Law & Lawyers News

NEWS, UPDATES & FURTHER INFORMATION - Constitutional Law & Lawyers:

The Australian Constitution of 1901 established a federal system of government. Under this system, powers are distributed between a national government (the Commonwealth) and the six States (three Territories - the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory, and Norfolk Island have self-government arrangements). The Constitution defines the boundaries of law-making powers between the Commonwealth and the States/Territories.

If you believe you have a matter relating to constitutional law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The Constitution and the High Court

As a set of rules, a constitution requires interpretation and the adjudication of disputes which arise from those rules. People may wish and are entitled to test the meaning and application of a constitution. In Australia, it is the principal function of the High Court of Australia to interpret the constitution and to decide disputes about its meaning.

Sometimes the High Court is asked to decide whether it is the federal government or a state government which has the authority and responsibility to deal with a matter. At other times, because the Constitution provides specific limits to what the federal government is empowered to do, the High Court may be asked to decide whether a law made by the federal government is valid either in whole or in part.

If you believe you have a matter relating to constitutional law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

How the Constitution can be changed

The Australian Constitution can be changed by referendum according to the rules set out in Section 128 of the Constitution.

A referendum is a national ballot on a question to change a part of the Australian Constitution. In a referendum the Parliament asks each Australian on the electoral roll to vote. Australians aged 18 years or older are eligible to vote on a specified change to the Constitution.

If a majority of people in a majority of states and a majority of people across the nation as a whole vote yes (called a double majority), then the part of the Constitution in question is changed. Otherwise the Constitution remains unchanged.

Since 1906, when the first referendum was held, Australia has had 19 referendums in which 44 separate questions to change the Australian Constitution have been put to the people. Only eight changes have been agreed to, covering such topics as Senate elections, Aboriginals and the retirement of Judges.

If you believe you have a matter relating to constitutional law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

If you need legal advice regarding Constitutional Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Constitutional Law lawyer nearest to you, who can help you with Constitutional Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Constitutional Law extends to all suburbs throughout Australia.

Re: Constitution

Mon, 06 Jun 2011 19:49:11 -0000

Under the Australian Constitution is there provisions that prevents the Australian Government for impossing a tax that could push the average Austalian into poverty?

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Re: Constitution

Sat, 04 Jun 2011 02:34:36 -0000

What are the basic roles of Australia's constitution?

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 31 May 2011 09:04:58 -0000

Not at all... I've been too busy for the past week or so and haven't checked any of the comments. I'm only one person, you know. Not everything is a conspiracy.

However, I am about to remove the comments feature from the information pages on the site. I've installed a forum but haven't promoted it yet. You can start using it at http://australianpolitics.c...

This site is a resource, an archive of material, etc, as well as a place of comment and opinion. It's important to me that the two not be confused. It's also important to me that the site does not appear to be providing legal or constitutional advice.

Please feel free to use the forum. Incivility, offensive language and other forms of abuse are my criteria for deletion.

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Re: Constitution

Sun, 29 May 2011 06:00:46 -0000

thanks for NON publishment of my followup post
I hit a nerve didnt I??? :)

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 24 May 2011 18:34:43 -0000

It is truly sad when discussion on a relevant matter is shut down, more so, when deliberations have not reached undeniable conclusion. 
Selectively quoting snippets from legal practitioners to support a contention does little to validate a legal ruling.  Even the section of legislation quoted does not stand up to scrutiny. 
The constitutional question asked still remains unrequited.  I am left to draw the conclusion that such flawed argument confirms an inability to emphatically answer a question put forward.   
Such dismissal of deliberation only serves to feed the growing cynicism of the legal system and its practitioners.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sun, 22 May 2011 05:19:42 -0000

What are the main features of Australia's constitution

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 21 May 2011 20:34:01 -0000

 When was Australia's constitution formed and what was its purpose?

read more

Re: Constitution

Sun, 15 May 2011 23:05:36 -0000

 Thank you Danieru Sake for providing a response to my question.
According to this very website, there are sections of the Constitution that are to be taken literally.  Furthermore, if  judges were to consider the intention of our forefathers when drafting the Constitution, I contend that they were very specific regarding the appointment of the Governor-General.  Women were not granted the right to even vote or hold office when the Constitution was drafted.  Of course, this has changed over time.  However, despite this arguable disparity, their words are clear and specific.  Are these sections of the Constitution some of those to be taken literally?  If so, Constitutional amendment would be required.
 Whilst the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 – s23 states “. . . ,unless the contrary intention appears, . . .” it could well be argued to be inapt when referring to the forefathers intention regarding Constitutional references to the GG.
I thank you again for your learned considerations and shall now return to my learner’s manual.

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Re: Constitution

Sat, 14 May 2011 07:53:43 -0000

 If I may correct you there Malcolm, the Constitution do in fact specify the types of laws that can be pass. These can be found under s51, Chapter IV and much of Chapter V as well as s128 if applicable.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 14 May 2011 07:15:53 -0000


" For example, I delete all manner of nonsense from people who argue
that the entire history of the Australian federation is illegal.. etc." ...

Q: What is your understanding of how Australia came to be today, ie how did we acquired this great land from the very start?

I'll be interested to enter into a meaningful and mature discussion on this topic.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 14 May 2011 03:06:43 -0000


In my view, you have raised a number of valid questions which I will help answer. First and foremost, it is important to understand that the procedure of reading the law (ie, an Act such as the Constitution -  itself an Act), is not the same as reading the instructions of a learner's manual.

When reading an Act, it is not always advisable (unless deemed absolutely necessary) to read into every letter (ie giving its strict meaning or interpretation) without considering the overall context in which it is written or applied. There are dangers in this, as duly noted by Michael Kirby, a former High Court Justice, who made the following remark -

" meaning to words, [when] read in isolation, can be misleading, artificial and even dangerous".

Instead, one must (as do all Judges and most lawyers) read and interpret the meaning as it was intended when it was written by the forefathers and/or legislatures of this land. And to properly interpret its meaning, regard must be had for the overall 'purpose' of the respective Act. But by no means am I suggesting that in order to understand the meaning of a particular word, or words (as the case may be), in a section of the Act, every other sections must also be read (although it would help). However, and in the words of Justice Dawson in Mills v Meeking (1990) -

"...the purposes...are to be taken into account in construing the provisions.., not only where those provisions on their face offer more than one construction, but also in determining whether more than one construction is open".

I would like to further explain with the help of a very important piece of legislation known as the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

As a brief introduction, this Act should (or 'must' would be the better word) be referred to when there is evidence of any ambiguity in law (as there appears to be in this case). And because it is an Act, it is also law.

Accordingly, s15AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 holds -

"In the interpretation of a provision of an Act, a construction that would promote the purpose or
object underlying the Act (whether that purpose or object is expressly stated in the Act or not) shall be preferred to a construction that would not promote that purpose or object".

And in s23 provides -

"In any Act, unless the contrary intention appears, words importing a gender include every other

Thus, with all due respect, it would be absurd to imply that appointing a 'she' as the Governor General would be, or was, unconstitutional. For the above mentioned reasons, I would contend the appointing Quentin Bryce was perfectly legal and constitutional.

I could go on but I trust that I have help answered your question.

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Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 23:10:13 -0000

By referring to it as 'Hoon laws', I take it as meaning a reference to the Road Traffic Act 1974, particularly division 4 titled 'Impounding and confiscation of vehicles for certain offences'.The view I take in this matter does not support your argument which suggests the creation of such law/s violates the Australian constitution; or, as an alternative, offensive to the unwritten principle of one deemed innocent until proven otherwise. It is neither of the above.

To avoid a lengthy debate as to the validity of such laws, I shall save the effort by simply referring you to section 51(xxxi) of the Constitution which provides  -

       " The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws...with respect to the acquisition of property on just terms from any...person for any purpose in respect of which the Parliament has power [under chapter 1 on the Constitution] to make

The issue you raised as to the driver having been found 'innocent' is not a question of whether the law is valid but rather, whether the application of the rule was correctly enforce which could only be determine through the judiciary process as it was in this case.

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Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 22:11:37 -0000

Hi Malcolm,

This is my first posting here. I have a question for you if you would be good enough to answer: What legal weight or force do the Commentaries on the Constitution carry?

Much appreciated 

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 22:07:27 -0000

Section 116 of the Constitution

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Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 02:17:16 -0000

nevermind, found it. lol. 

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 02:14:03 -0000

Can someone tell me where it expressly states Australia is a secular nation? 

read more

Re: Constitution

Thu, 12 May 2011 09:10:26 -0000

The Current HOON laws appear to violate the australian Constitution of being innocent until proven quillty.. as was the case of the Doctor in perth who had his lamborghini impounded under these hOON laws.. at a later date and after losing his car for 28days the driver of the car was found to be INNOCENT and awarded $18,000 incosts.. so he so he was initally charged and car was impounded and he had to pay fines plus impound fees, So he was QUILTY until proved innocent...
This is soooo not right, please explain how these laws are Valid/legal????

read more

Re: Constitution

Thu, 12 May 2011 08:57:45 -0000

the current HOON laws apear to contradict the agenda of being innocent until proved quilty
as was the case Of the Doctor in perth who had his Lamborghini confiscated, only to be later proved to have not been quilty of the offence, and subsequently awarded $1800 in costs
These HOON laws appear to contradict this.. so are these HOON laws even Legal?????

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 10 May 2011 22:42:27 -0000

Thank you again Mr. Farnsworth for responding. My questions are not steeped in conspiracy, an attempt to embattle government, inferring inadequacy of the incumbent GG’s credentials or propriety, or that women are unfitting of appointed to the position of Governor-General. They are, however, based on a point of law – that which is argued daily in courtrooms around Australia. No-one is above the law and all must follow the letter of the law.
There are volumes of legislature that go to extraordinary lengths to clearly define governance and it’s functioning. Such detail attempts to remove ambiguity. It is this ambiguity in the Constitution regarding appointment of the GG that I am seeking clarification on.
As the Attorney-Generals office was established at Federation to advise and consult on constitutional law (among other things) I took my point of clarification to them and am still waiting for reply. Unfortunately, “. . . Constitution and the Letters Patent from the monarch should be sufficient to establish . . .” is not sufficient enough for me and as such will continue pursuit of the Attorney-General’s department for elucidation.
Again, I thank you for your considerations.

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Re: Constitution

Fri, 06 May 2011 00:18:18 -0000

You should seek legal advice on this. However, subject to the relevant legislation, you clearly have the right to appeal against decisions made by government departments and government officials. A lawyer can advise you on civil and administrative law and the precedents established over time.

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 06 May 2011 00:12:22 -0000

No offence taken... and none intended on my part either. A few words to explain my uncharacteristic irritation:

Sometimes I despair at the conspiracy theories that appear on these pages. I marvel at how some people seem to believe that a century or more of constitutional government is some kind of conspiracy against the people. For example, I delete all manner of nonsense from people who argue that the entire history of the Australian federation is illegal, or that Julia Gillard has no right to be prime minister, etc.

Another problem is dealing with the individual gripes of people who have had some kind of run-in with a government department, local council or whatever. These people often see their problem as a grave breach of their human rights when they simply need to get proper legal advice on how to challenge a decision.

There's also a practical issue that has been concerning me for some time. I am considering removing the comments option and setting up a forum instead so that questions can be more easily categorised and dealt with. As this page shows, there comes a point where it's too hard to follow the lines of debate or to easily find answers to questions that have been asked. I'm open to any suggestion that anyone might have.

As regards your question about the validity of appointing a female governor-general, Section 2 of the Constitution refers to "him" when stating that a governor-general shall be Her Majesty's representative. References to "him" and "he" are taken to be non-gender specific. There is probably a court judgement or legislative provision that formalises this but I've never bothered to look for it. Politically, if not legally, this IS a nonsense discussion. The Constitution and the Letters Patent from the monarch should be sufficient to establish that women as well as men can be appointed to the position of governor-general.

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Re: Constitution

Thu, 05 May 2011 23:14:02 -0000

Thank you Mr Farnsworth for taking the time to respond to my question. I do not, however, consider a point of constitutional clarification "simply silly". A valid question usually calls for a valid response - not rebuke. The fact that, as you have stated, there have been 4 kings since 1901, has no relevance to the question as the Constitution covers this (schedule - oath affirmation) ". . . to Her Majesty Queen Victoiria, Her heirs and successors . . .". I am sorry that you seem to have taken such offence at my "nonsense"(question).

read more

Re: Constitution

Wed, 04 May 2011 07:27:17 -0000

This issue has been covered elsewhere on these pages. Sorry, but it's simply silly to suggest that there is something illegal about the appointment of a female Governor-General. The Constitution also refers to the Queen, but we have had 4 kings since 1901. Really, there are more serious things to be concerned about than this nonsense.

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 03 May 2011 21:16:42 -0000

An interesting question has arisen since a recent read of the Australian Constitution. All references to the Governor-General are gender specific (him, he, himself) yet Quentin Bryce is the incumbant GG. If we are to follow the Constitution to the letter, the appointment of a female GG could be considered unconstitutional. If not, what is the legal reasoning for allowing so? Does the Constitution require ammending to provide for this? The Attorney-General's department has been asked the same question and I am yet to recieve an unautomated reply or answer..
Can anyone help?

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Re: Constitution

Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:48:54 -0000

If possible could someone assist me? I would like to know if the constitution gives the public a constitutional right to object or complain or have reviewed about desicions that are made by Government departments ie OSR - Office of State Revenue. I do realise that there are the options available to use the court system and the ADT but what I am specifically after is it understand is that if my rights are denied in the first instance without reason then do I have a fundamental right under the constitution.

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These news come from - Latest Comments in Constitution.

Constitutional Law & Lawyers Updates

Re: Constitution

Mon, 06 Jun 2011 19:49:11 -0000

Under the Australian Constitution is there provisions that prevents the Australian Government for impossing a tax that could push the average Austalian into poverty?

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 04 Jun 2011 02:34:36 -0000

What are the basic roles of Australia's constitution?

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 31 May 2011 09:04:58 -0000

Not at all... I've been too busy for the past week or so and haven't checked any of the comments. I'm only one person, you know. Not everything is a conspiracy.

However, I am about to remove the comments feature from the information pages on the site. I've installed a forum but haven't promoted it yet. You can start using it at http://australianpolitics.c...

This site is a resource, an archive of material, etc, as well as a place of comment and opinion. It's important to me that the two not be confused. It's also important to me that the site does not appear to be providing legal or constitutional advice.

Please feel free to use the forum. Incivility, offensive language and other forms of abuse are my criteria for deletion.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sun, 29 May 2011 06:00:46 -0000

thanks for NON publishment of my followup post
I hit a nerve didnt I??? :)

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 24 May 2011 18:34:43 -0000

It is truly sad when discussion on a relevant matter is shut down, more so, when deliberations have not reached undeniable conclusion. 
Selectively quoting snippets from legal practitioners to support a contention does little to validate a legal ruling.  Even the section of legislation quoted does not stand up to scrutiny. 
The constitutional question asked still remains unrequited.  I am left to draw the conclusion that such flawed argument confirms an inability to emphatically answer a question put forward.   
Such dismissal of deliberation only serves to feed the growing cynicism of the legal system and its practitioners.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sun, 22 May 2011 05:19:42 -0000

What are the main features of Australia's constitution

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 21 May 2011 20:34:01 -0000

 When was Australia's constitution formed and what was its purpose?

read more

Re: Constitution

Sun, 15 May 2011 23:05:36 -0000

 Thank you Danieru Sake for providing a response to my question.
According to this very website, there are sections of the Constitution that are to be taken literally.  Furthermore, if  judges were to consider the intention of our forefathers when drafting the Constitution, I contend that they were very specific regarding the appointment of the Governor-General.  Women were not granted the right to even vote or hold office when the Constitution was drafted.  Of course, this has changed over time.  However, despite this arguable disparity, their words are clear and specific.  Are these sections of the Constitution some of those to be taken literally?  If so, Constitutional amendment would be required.
 Whilst the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 – s23 states “. . . ,unless the contrary intention appears, . . .” it could well be argued to be inapt when referring to the forefathers intention regarding Constitutional references to the GG.
I thank you again for your learned considerations and shall now return to my learner’s manual.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 14 May 2011 07:53:43 -0000

 If I may correct you there Malcolm, the Constitution do in fact specify the types of laws that can be pass. These can be found under s51, Chapter IV and much of Chapter V as well as s128 if applicable.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 14 May 2011 07:15:53 -0000


" For example, I delete all manner of nonsense from people who argue
that the entire history of the Australian federation is illegal.. etc." ...

Q: What is your understanding of how Australia came to be today, ie how did we acquired this great land from the very start?

I'll be interested to enter into a meaningful and mature discussion on this topic.

read more

Re: Constitution

Sat, 14 May 2011 03:06:43 -0000


In my view, you have raised a number of valid questions which I will help answer. First and foremost, it is important to understand that the procedure of reading the law (ie, an Act such as the Constitution -  itself an Act), is not the same as reading the instructions of a learner's manual.

When reading an Act, it is not always advisable (unless deemed absolutely necessary) to read into every letter (ie giving its strict meaning or interpretation) without considering the overall context in which it is written or applied. There are dangers in this, as duly noted by Michael Kirby, a former High Court Justice, who made the following remark -

" meaning to words, [when] read in isolation, can be misleading, artificial and even dangerous".

Instead, one must (as do all Judges and most lawyers) read and interpret the meaning as it was intended when it was written by the forefathers and/or legislatures of this land. And to properly interpret its meaning, regard must be had for the overall 'purpose' of the respective Act. But by no means am I suggesting that in order to understand the meaning of a particular word, or words (as the case may be), in a section of the Act, every other sections must also be read (although it would help). However, and in the words of Justice Dawson in Mills v Meeking (1990) -

"...the purposes...are to be taken into account in construing the provisions.., not only where those provisions on their face offer more than one construction, but also in determining whether more than one construction is open".

I would like to further explain with the help of a very important piece of legislation known as the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

As a brief introduction, this Act should (or 'must' would be the better word) be referred to when there is evidence of any ambiguity in law (as there appears to be in this case). And because it is an Act, it is also law.

Accordingly, s15AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 holds -

"In the interpretation of a provision of an Act, a construction that would promote the purpose or
object underlying the Act (whether that purpose or object is expressly stated in the Act or not) shall be preferred to a construction that would not promote that purpose or object".

And in s23 provides -

"In any Act, unless the contrary intention appears, words importing a gender include every other

Thus, with all due respect, it would be absurd to imply that appointing a 'she' as the Governor General would be, or was, unconstitutional. For the above mentioned reasons, I would contend the appointing Quentin Bryce was perfectly legal and constitutional.

I could go on but I trust that I have help answered your question.

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 23:10:13 -0000

By referring to it as 'Hoon laws', I take it as meaning a reference to the Road Traffic Act 1974, particularly division 4 titled 'Impounding and confiscation of vehicles for certain offences'.The view I take in this matter does not support your argument which suggests the creation of such law/s violates the Australian constitution; or, as an alternative, offensive to the unwritten principle of one deemed innocent until proven otherwise. It is neither of the above.

To avoid a lengthy debate as to the validity of such laws, I shall save the effort by simply referring you to section 51(xxxi) of the Constitution which provides  -

       " The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws...with respect to the acquisition of property on just terms from any...person for any purpose in respect of which the Parliament has power [under chapter 1 on the Constitution] to make

The issue you raised as to the driver having been found 'innocent' is not a question of whether the law is valid but rather, whether the application of the rule was correctly enforce which could only be determine through the judiciary process as it was in this case.

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 22:11:37 -0000

Hi Malcolm,

This is my first posting here. I have a question for you if you would be good enough to answer: What legal weight or force do the Commentaries on the Constitution carry?

Much appreciated 

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 22:07:27 -0000

Section 116 of the Constitution

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 02:17:16 -0000

nevermind, found it. lol. 

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 13 May 2011 02:14:03 -0000

Can someone tell me where it expressly states Australia is a secular nation? 

read more

Re: Constitution

Thu, 12 May 2011 09:10:26 -0000

The Current HOON laws appear to violate the australian Constitution of being innocent until proven quillty.. as was the case of the Doctor in perth who had his lamborghini impounded under these hOON laws.. at a later date and after losing his car for 28days the driver of the car was found to be INNOCENT and awarded $18,000 incosts.. so he so he was initally charged and car was impounded and he had to pay fines plus impound fees, So he was QUILTY until proved innocent...
This is soooo not right, please explain how these laws are Valid/legal????

read more

Re: Constitution

Thu, 12 May 2011 08:57:45 -0000

the current HOON laws apear to contradict the agenda of being innocent until proved quilty
as was the case Of the Doctor in perth who had his Lamborghini confiscated, only to be later proved to have not been quilty of the offence, and subsequently awarded $1800 in costs
These HOON laws appear to contradict this.. so are these HOON laws even Legal?????

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 10 May 2011 22:42:27 -0000

Thank you again Mr. Farnsworth for responding. My questions are not steeped in conspiracy, an attempt to embattle government, inferring inadequacy of the incumbent GG’s credentials or propriety, or that women are unfitting of appointed to the position of Governor-General. They are, however, based on a point of law – that which is argued daily in courtrooms around Australia. No-one is above the law and all must follow the letter of the law.
There are volumes of legislature that go to extraordinary lengths to clearly define governance and it’s functioning. Such detail attempts to remove ambiguity. It is this ambiguity in the Constitution regarding appointment of the GG that I am seeking clarification on.
As the Attorney-Generals office was established at Federation to advise and consult on constitutional law (among other things) I took my point of clarification to them and am still waiting for reply. Unfortunately, “. . . Constitution and the Letters Patent from the monarch should be sufficient to establish . . .” is not sufficient enough for me and as such will continue pursuit of the Attorney-General’s department for elucidation.
Again, I thank you for your considerations.

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 06 May 2011 00:18:18 -0000

You should seek legal advice on this. However, subject to the relevant legislation, you clearly have the right to appeal against decisions made by government departments and government officials. A lawyer can advise you on civil and administrative law and the precedents established over time.

read more

Re: Constitution

Fri, 06 May 2011 00:12:22 -0000

No offence taken... and none intended on my part either. A few words to explain my uncharacteristic irritation:

Sometimes I despair at the conspiracy theories that appear on these pages. I marvel at how some people seem to believe that a century or more of constitutional government is some kind of conspiracy against the people. For example, I delete all manner of nonsense from people who argue that the entire history of the Australian federation is illegal, or that Julia Gillard has no right to be prime minister, etc.

Another problem is dealing with the individual gripes of people who have had some kind of run-in with a government department, local council or whatever. These people often see their problem as a grave breach of their human rights when they simply need to get proper legal advice on how to challenge a decision.

There's also a practical issue that has been concerning me for some time. I am considering removing the comments option and setting up a forum instead so that questions can be more easily categorised and dealt with. As this page shows, there comes a point where it's too hard to follow the lines of debate or to easily find answers to questions that have been asked. I'm open to any suggestion that anyone might have.

As regards your question about the validity of appointing a female governor-general, Section 2 of the Constitution refers to "him" when stating that a governor-general shall be Her Majesty's representative. References to "him" and "he" are taken to be non-gender specific. There is probably a court judgement or legislative provision that formalises this but I've never bothered to look for it. Politically, if not legally, this IS a nonsense discussion. The Constitution and the Letters Patent from the monarch should be sufficient to establish that women as well as men can be appointed to the position of governor-general.

read more

Re: Constitution

Thu, 05 May 2011 23:14:02 -0000

Thank you Mr Farnsworth for taking the time to respond to my question. I do not, however, consider a point of constitutional clarification "simply silly". A valid question usually calls for a valid response - not rebuke. The fact that, as you have stated, there have been 4 kings since 1901, has no relevance to the question as the Constitution covers this (schedule - oath affirmation) ". . . to Her Majesty Queen Victoiria, Her heirs and successors . . .". I am sorry that you seem to have taken such offence at my "nonsense"(question).

read more

Re: Constitution

Wed, 04 May 2011 07:27:17 -0000

This issue has been covered elsewhere on these pages. Sorry, but it's simply silly to suggest that there is something illegal about the appointment of a female Governor-General. The Constitution also refers to the Queen, but we have had 4 kings since 1901. Really, there are more serious things to be concerned about than this nonsense.

read more

Re: Constitution

Tue, 03 May 2011 21:16:42 -0000

An interesting question has arisen since a recent read of the Australian Constitution. All references to the Governor-General are gender specific (him, he, himself) yet Quentin Bryce is the incumbant GG. If we are to follow the Constitution to the letter, the appointment of a female GG could be considered unconstitutional. If not, what is the legal reasoning for allowing so? Does the Constitution require ammending to provide for this? The Attorney-General's department has been asked the same question and I am yet to recieve an unautomated reply or answer..
Can anyone help?

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Re: Constitution

Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:48:54 -0000

If possible could someone assist me? I would like to know if the constitution gives the public a constitutional right to object or complain or have reviewed about desicions that are made by Government departments ie OSR - Office of State Revenue. I do realise that there are the options available to use the court system and the ADT but what I am specifically after is it understand is that if my rights are denied in the first instance without reason then do I have a fundamental right under the constitution.

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These news come from - Latest Comments in Constitution.

Constitutional Law & Lawyers Links

Constitutional Law | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


We advise the Victorian Government on the scope of its powers and its relationships with Victorian courts, the Commonwealth, and other states and territories. ..

About Crown Law - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


The Constitutional Law Branch is led by Crown Counsel, Steve Marton; Crown Law provides direct access to the Solicitor-General through this ..

Use of legal services - Australian Public Service Commission


Advice on constitutional law matters: Agencies that seek legal advice on a constitutional law issue from the Australian Government Solicitor must at the same ..

Opening the 2011 Australian Government Solicitor Constitutional Law


Opening the 2011 Australian Government Solicitor Constitutional Law Reform. Canberra. 16 November 2011. [CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY] ..


The state of play in administrative law 2008


AGS Administrative Law Forum 22 October 2008. Current issues in constitutional law. Andrew Buckland. Senior Executive Lawyer, AGS. T 02 6253 7024 F 02 ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight


He regularly advises on Australia's constitutional arrangements, the policy .. AGS has a team of lawyers specialising in privacy and FOI law. ..

Commercial and public law - Department of Justice and Attorney..


Crown Law's Constitutional Law Branch provides support to the Solicitor-General and Attorney-General. The branch has significant experience ..

Internet Resource Guide: Bill of Rights


Some comparative material on overseas law is also included. .. rights in the Constitution in the Library's Constitutional Law Internet Resources page. .. This draft was given limited distribution by Attorney-General Gareth Evans and later ..

Alison O'Brien | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Constitutional Law; Litigation & Dispute resolution; Public Law; Statutory .. Representing the Attorney-General and other State parties in constitutional litigation, ..

Fragile Bastion: Judicial independence in the nineties and beyond ..


Constitutional Aspects of Judicial Independence .. Member of the Advisory Board of the Centre of Comparative Constitutional Law, Melbourne University and a ..

Publications & research - Presentations by AGS lawyers


Andrew Buckland, Current issues in constitutional law. Stephen Gageler (Commonwealth Solicitor-General), Values in administrative law and the role of the ..

Internet Resource Guide:Family Law Resources


Senate Standing Committe on Legal and Constitutional Affairs · Attorney-General's Dept., Family Law Branch · Attorney-General's Dept., Family Pathways ..

Law forums - Australian Government Solicitor


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Law forums. Annual Law Forums. Final details for .. The Constitutional Law forum is held every two years in Canberra. ..

VCAT Appoints Senior VGSO Lawyers | Victorian Government ..


She was the inaugural recipient of the Attorney-General's J.C Finemore Award and holds a PhD in constitutional law from the University of ..




admission of overseas qualified lawyers to practise the law of Australia. The initial .... New South Wales but can expect to study Constitutional Law and possibly ..

Report on the review of the Attorney-General's legal practice - March ..


Its specialist needs range from constitutional, international and public .. the Legal Practice - 46%;; in-house lawyers - 33%;; private law firms ..

James Ruddle | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


As Deputy Victorian Government Solicitor, James provides high-level advice to .. James' areas of expertise include Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, ..




Rich Text Format - This phenomenon feeds a perception, even among practising lawyers and members of the judiciary, that constitutional law is a specialised field, to be regarded ..

Traineeship Program | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


practical involvement with specialised areas of law, including constitutional law and native title; and. • access to a range of expertise from our senior lawyers by ..

Internet Resource Guide: Administrative Law


(Australian Government Solicitor). 2002. The foundations and limitations of judicial review - a commentary (J McMillan) Paper given at Constitutional Law ..

Natalie Blok | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Natalie works as a Senior Solicitor in the Government & Public Law branch. She provides advice on statutory interpretation, administrative law, constitutional law ..

Legal Services Directions 2005 and Guidance Notes


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. Advice on constitutional law matters (paragraph 10A of the Legal ..

Legal Services Directions 2005


10A.3 The AGS must give a copy of any final advice it gives on a constitutional law issue to the Attorney‑General's Department and to the ..

James Stephens | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Senior Solicitor. LLB, BA, BPD. work+61 3 9947 1422. Areas of law: Commercial; Constitutional Law; Construction; Litigation ..


09-10 AR FINAL.indd - Australian Government Solicitor


This year AGS, on behalf of the Attorney-General, reviewed 208 notices given under s 78B of the. Judiciary Act 1903 of cases raising constitutional law issues. ..




provide a copy of a request for advice on a constitutional law issue to the. Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department. The Australian Government. Solicitor ..

Udara Jayasinghe | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


.. where she undertook litigation matters in the areas of Constitutional Law and the .. Prior to joining the VGSO, Udara worked as a Senior Lawyer in Public Law ..


Legal work that must be undertaken by AGD or AGS or DFAT or OPC


The role of the Solicitor-General. Work tied to the AGS. The following categories of legal work are tied to AGS: • Constitutional law issues. ~ ..


Department of Justice and Attorney-General 2010-2011 Annual Report


Crown Law is headed by the Crown Solicitor, with the Executive Director and ... The State and Commonwealth Constitutional Law Teams merged to create the ..

Speeches by The Hon Murray Gleeson - High Court of Australia


The Constitutional Decisions of the Founding Fathers, University of Notre Dame, School of Law (Sydney), Inaugural Annual Lecture, 27 March 2007 (PDF) ..

Home | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Welcome to the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office .. In the VGSO's final podcast for 2011, we feature the North Melbourne Legal Service, which VGSO ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Publications: Mick ..


I hasten to add I am not a constitutional law expert but being a lawyer I had to read the Constitution at some stage way back in the distant past, ..

More history - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW


As such, Collins can be considered Australia's first Crown Law officer .... Assistant Crown Solicitor, Advising and Constitutional Law, in 1981. ..

Speeches - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW


20 February 2004, Unfinished Matters: The Federal And State Supreme Courts On Constitutional Law: The 2003 Term. 19 September 2003, Women Lawyers in ..


Hot Topics 60 - Australian Legal System


want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. 1 overview ... Section 51 of the Constitution lists .... Constitution, family law is dealt with by Federal Courts ..

Constitutional Aspects of Judicial Independence — Judicial ..


The Supreme Court Acts of Queensland .. are in a legal sense .. part of the Constitution of the State" — Attorney General (NSW) v Ray (1989) 90 ALR 263, 277 ..

Senior Solicitor Inquiries Group, Crown Solicitor's Office - JobsNSW


The Crown Solicitor's Office provides legal services to the State Government of .. This service covers a range of areas, including constitutional law, native title ..

Sky Mykyta | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Senior Solicitor. LLB (Hons), BA (Cultural Studies). work+ 61 3 8684 0419. Areas of law: Constitutional Law; Human Rights; Public ..

Council of Legal Education | Board of Examiners | Admission ..


6 days ago – Persons wishing to be admitted to practice as an Australian lawyer as a local .. Federal and State Constitutional law; Civil procedure; Evidence ..


ATTACHMENT 1 - Areas of Practice


ADVISING. Acting Assistant Crown Solicitor: Judy Hughes. The section provides advice to Ministers, CE's and agencies on administrative and constitutional law, ..

Why work at the VGSO | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


VGSO offers solicitors an excellent opportunity to work across a diverse range .. and exclusive advice on constitutional law and Charter of Human Rights issues. ..

Areas of expertise - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. and media, privacy, infrastructure and construction, property and environment; Constitutional law ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Criminology Research Advisory ..


In the Attorney-General's Department he has led Divisions responsible for strategic policy, native title, Territories, bankruptcy, constitutional law, ..

Publications & research - AGS publications - AGS legal notes ..


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Sawer's The Australian Constitution .. complex issues of fact and constitutional law in issue; inconsistency between ..


Annual report - Australian Government Solicitor


Rayne de Gruchy AM PSM. Chief Executive Officer. – Supported the Attorney-General as. First Law Officer in a number of important constitutional law issues, ..

Seminars - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW


Wednesday 19 September 2012, CSO Constitutional & Native Title Practice Group, Current issues in Constitutional law. Wednesday 24 October 2012, CSO ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Services


The Crown Solicitor's Office is the South Australian Government's legal service. .. For example, it's work ranges from constitutional law, native title, employment ..

Crown Law Annual Report 2008–09 - Department of Justice and ..


Crown Law provides direct access to the Solicitor-General, through our Constitutional Law Branch, for advice or representation on significant ..


annual report - Australian Government Solicitor


whether the Attorney-General should intervene. This year AGS reviewed 259 notices given under s 78B of cases raising constitutional law issues. ..


58490 text


1. Constitutions - Australia. 2. Constitutional law - Australia. 3. Australia -. Constitution. I. Australia. Attorney-General's Dept. II. Australian Government. Solicitor. ..

Legal Training Providers - Legal Profession Admission Board New ..


University of Sydney, Law, Lawyers and Justice. University of New South Wales, Law, Lawyers and Society .. Constitutional Law (as from 1 May 2008). ..



They are, however, matters that find some reflection in issues that press upon the law, lawyers and the legal system today. Constitutional change. First and ..

Laura Vickers | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Senior Solicitor. LLB (1st Class Hons), BA (Media & Communications). work+ 61 3 8684 0143. Areas of law: Constitutional Law ..

About Australia: Democratic rights and freedoms


As the highest law in Australia, the Constitution specifically protects certain ... human rights training to judges, lawyers and prison and government officials. ..

Tensions between the executive and judiciary


Mr Cyrus Das, the President of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, has said that this .. As the guardian of the Constitution, the High Court from time to time ..

Publications & research - AGS publications - AGS legal notes ..


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. spacer. Papers by AGS lawyers. spacer .. The Commonwealth's Implied Constitutional Immunity from State Laws ..

Publications by topic - Attorney-General's Department


Jump to ‎: On 23 June 2008, the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs tabled its ..

Attorney General of New South Wales - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink ..


Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. adviser to the Government and Cabinet on legal, constitutional and legal policy issues. .. the level and nature of penalties imposed under the law; observes the rules of ..


Legal Training Providers - Legal Profession Admission Board New ..


Accredited Law Schools and Practical Legal Training Providers. Second .. Legal Ethics or Law, Lawyers and Society .. Constitutional Law (as from 1 May 2008). ..

HTML - High Court of Australia


2002 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND CONFERENCE DINNER .. high that my illustrious colleague – Michael Kirby – is no longer Australia's best-known lawyer. ..


Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation ..



Adrian Hoel | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Constitutional Law; Litigation & Dispute resolution; Public Law. Adrian completed articles and worked as a solicitor at Clayton Utz. practising before embarking ..

Client focused solutions - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


The Solicitor-General appeared in the High Court in April 2010 instructed by Crown Law, in a constitutional case in which the State of South ..


11 MAY 2010 LAW AND US - LawLink NSW


constitutional lawyer, Sujit Choudhry has written:3. “To cite comparative jurisprudence is to demonstrate an educated, cosmopolitan sensibility ..

High Court of Australia - Publications - Speeches


Australia's Constitutional Evolution, John Fordham Law School .. The Common Law and the Protection of Human Rights, Anglo Australasian Lawyers Society, ..

About Australia: Legal System


The High Court of Australia interprets and applies the law of Australia, decides cases of special federal significance, including challenges to the constitutional ..


Litigation notes - Australian Government Solicitor


Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government summary judgment inappropriate Where complex issues of fact and constitutional laW in ..

Speeches by Chief Justice French AC - High Court of Australia


Australia's Constitutional Evolution, John Fordham Law School .. The Common Law and the Protection of Human Rights, Anglo Australasian Lawyers Society, ..


Albritton Lecture


Rich Text Format - According to FT Hill's book Lincoln the Lawyer, published in 1906: ... But now that constitutional law is solidly grounded in so many countries, ..

Attorney General's Department - Speeches


Fourth Quarter 2011. 16 November 2011 - Opening the 2011 Australian Government Solicitor Constitutional Law Reform Locatioin: Canberra, ACT. 9 November ..


Ms Anne Twomey is a constitutional lawyer and


Ms Anne Twomey is a constitutional lawyer and historian. She is currently an. Associate Professor and an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of ..

Litigation Notes No. - Australian Government Solicitor


Jump to ‎: Graeme Hill Senior Lawyer .. The constitutional power to remove Mr Shaw largely depended on ..

Before office - Robert Menzies - Australia's PMs - Australia's Prime ..


He was Attorney-General in the Lyons government, and won the United Australia .. Menzies quickly built up a solid practice, specialising in constitutional law. ..

Angel Aleksov | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Solicitor. LLB (Hons), BSc. work+61 3 8684 0430. Areas of law: Constitutional Law; Public Law. After graduation, Angel was a ..

Ully Merkel | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Ully Merkel. Senior Solicitor. LLB (Hons), (BA Hons). work+ 61 3 8684 0495. Areas of law: Constitutional Law; Public Law ..

Judges' Speeches


The panel would comprise a constitutional lawyer, a property lawyer, a contract lawyer and a legal theorist. One only has to stop to think about ..

National Archives of Australia | The Constitution and our 'broken ..


Leading Constitutional lawyer Professor George Williams discusses our federal system of government and its impact on things as basic as the ..


f - High Court of Australia


Solicitor for the Attorney-General for the State of South Australia (Intervening) ... Law ofthe Constitution (10th ed, 1959) at 424-425. Neither ..

Other Intermediate Courts of Appeal in Australia - Recent Decisions ..


Lawyers: duties and liabilities; authority to compromise; counsel for the .. Constitutional Law: judicial power; nature of judicial power; whether ..




Rich Text Format - the mystery lawyer, Alan Robertson SC, courteously apologised to the .. administrative law and constitutional law practitioners in Australia. ..

Comlaw Home


New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant .. The Constitution · Family Law Act 1975 ... and the Standing Council on Law and Justice (SCLJ, formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) ..

Searching for - Australian Government Solicitor


Express law. Commercial notes. Legal briefing. Litigation notes. Fact sheets. Papers by AGS lawyers. Annual report. Australia's Constitution (pocket edition). ..

Speeches and Papers - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW


13 October 2011, The enduring importance of the rule of law in times .. Brian J Preston to the Environment and Planning Law Association (NSW) .. to the Australian Association of Constitutional Law (AACL) Seminar, Sydney. ..

Senior Executive Lawyer - Constitutional Litigation Unit


Australian Government Solicitor, Closing date: Monday, .. Want to work with some of Australia's leading constitutional law practitioners? ..



Australian lawyers and judges treat the rule of law as an essential foundation of .. The Australian constitutional structure, on the other hand, is a federal system ..

Attorney General's Department - Media Releases


10 July 2011 - South Pacific Lawyers Association launched in Sydney .. on recognition of local government in the Australian Constitution. ..




Rich Text Format - “No society can make a perpetual Constitution or even a perpetual law. The earth ... It was not an article of legal faith even on the part of conservative lawyers. ..


speeches_sackvillej2.rtf - Federal Court of Australia


Rich Text Format - Since the law applicable to such proceedings is to be determined in .. the need for advocates to keep abreast of the intricacies of this area of Constitutional Law. .. Indeed, it is increasingly apparent that practising lawyers, no matter how ..


Crown Law News 33 November 2010


Senior Principal Lawyer of the Commonwealth Constitutional Law Team,. Jennifer Jones, said the impact of the High Court decision in Dickson v R. [2010] HCA ..

Biographical information Principal Member and Senior Members ..


After time as a barrister and solicitor in Victoria and lecturing in Law in the United .. specialising in the fields of administrative law and constitutional law. She is ..




Rich Text Format - My thesis is that the prosaic form of the Australian Constitution, the disparity between .. “is a prosaic document expressed in lawyer's language which, but for its ..

Litigation notes No. 16 - Australian Government Solicitor


Peter Prince Senior Lawyer .. David Bennett QC Deputy Government Solicitor .. from the federal structure of the Constitution that a Commonwealth law could ..


Table of consultancy services let during 2010-11 of $10000 or more ..


C. 13. Australian Government. Solicitor. Constitutional Law Advice 2010-. 2011. $ 10000. Panel. B. 14. Australian Government. Solicitor. Drafting Indemnity Deed ..


Chapter 2 Altering the Constitution


constitutional lawyers and others to prevent bias. She added that the .. For example, not one of his constitutional law students had read the booklet produced for ..

Australian Constitution – National Archives of Australia


The architects of this building had the notion that since law was about words (and .. Constitutional lawyers present will of course immediately recognise it as a ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Energy and resources


By lawyer's name .. Competition and consumer law, Menu Plus .. AGS lawyers have extensive experience in the regulatory, constitutional and commercial ..

Litigation notes No. 18 - Australian Government Solicitor


Jump to ‎: Simon Thornton Lawyer T 02 6253 7287 F 02 6253 7383 David Bennett QC Deputy ..


HARMONISATION - Attorney-General's Department


on Legal and Constitutional Affairs' report on 'Harmonisation of legal .. of law relating to succession, powers of attorney and criminal law improves access to ..

Senior Lawyers and Lawyers (several positions) (expected ..


The correct classifications are Senior Lawyer and Lawyer only. .. in relation to constitutional and public law, statutory interpretation and public ..


Sunrise or Sunset? Reinventing Administrative Law for the New ..


The constitutional limitations of judicial review were expounded profoundly by ... The administrative lawyer's first reaction is to bristle at this attempt to cut down ..


Bills Digest 82, 2011-12 - Deterring People Smuggling Bill 2011


According to two lawyers in the office of the Australian Government .. Paper presented to the Constitutional Law Forum in Canberra on 16 ..

Biographical information - Part-time Members - MRT-RRT


She has worked in private legal practice and as a corporate lawyer with a major .... of SA, and has taught constitutional law and human rights law as a lecturer at ..


John Fordham Law School Constitutional Law Master Class ..


constitutional lawyer at the time, Professor Harrison-Moore, as "first and foremost a law declared by the Imperial Parliament to be 'binding on ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committee: Trick or Treaty ..


Attorney-General's Department, Opinions of the Attorneys-General .. Hogg, P, Constitutional Law of Canada, 3rd ed., Carswell, Ontario, 1992. ..



Most countries of the world either include in their written Constitution a charter of ... Lawyers and lawyer-led civil liberties organisations prosecuted and led the ..

Speeches by Justice Kiefel AC - High Court of Australia


2010 The use of constitutional supra principles by Judges, Plenary Session IV, VIII .. Ethics and the Profession of the Lawyer, Queensland Law Society, The ..




Attorney-General on Queensland Floods Recovery. Attorney-General's Department. Mr Roger Wilkins .. Constitutional Policy and Law reform ..


SOLICITOR-GENERAL - Crown Law : Portal


the conduct of constitutional or other litigation by the Solicitor-General. The office .. With the assistance of the manager of Crown Law, Ms Kerry Worsley, we are ..


Sedition, Incitement and Vilification: Issues in the Current Debate ..


by G Griffith - 2006 - - Senior Research Officer, Politics and Government / Law . ... 2.14 Constitutional powers – sedition and the States . .... of the Federal Attorney-General. ..



Constitutional interpretation is a fascinating subject. At least it is for judges and constitutional lawyers. I hope that it holds some fascination for law students as ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Senate Publications: Papers on ..


After being in the job for 6 months he wrote to his mother-in-law that the two great .. that he was not an economist or a constitutional lawyer and did not have the ..




constitutional lawyers at Adelaide Law School. This group comprises: Gabrielle Appleby, Lecturer in Law. Professor Geoffrey Lindell. Professor ..

Constitutional framework | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


2.42 The constitutional framework provides the critical backdrop in this Inquiry, .. In the area of family law, neither the Commonwealth nor the states and territories ... On 23 October 2009, the Australian Government Attorney-General, the Hon ..

Section 44 of the Constitution


See, for example, the speech by constitutional lawyer Gerard Carney, The High Court on the Constitutionalism of Electoral Law, and the paper by Bob Bennett, ..




Rich Text Format - Not so long ago, the notion that refugee law could be regarded as a discrete legal subject would have seemed very strange to an Australian lawyer. ... The constitutionalisation of refugee law is not confined to the operation of s 75(v) of the ..

New or Significant Judgments of the Federal Magistrates Court of ..


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – Validity of Federal Magistrates Act 1999 (Cth) .... and the trustee in bankruptcy – petitioning creditor a firm of solicitors – debtor a third ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW


Lawyer Regulation in Australia .. Federal and state constitutional law; Civil procedure; Evidence; Professional conduct (including basic trust ..

Olaf Ciolek | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Solicitor. LLB(Hons), BSc(Hons)(Melb). work+ 613 8684 0449. Areas of law: Constitutional Law; Public Law. Olaf completed his ..


Constitutional Law paper for Fourth Australian Drafting Confernce ..


CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW .. Paolo Buchberger and Henry El-Hage, Senior Solicitors, Crown Solicitor's Office, contributed to the ..

Working at VGSO | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


.. and exclusive advice on constitutional law and Charter of Human Rights issues. .. Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor, Government and Public Law ..


Crown Law Annual Report 2006-07


the solicitor-General supported by the Crown Counsel team and public law deputy Crown solicitor challenged the constitutional validity of the workplace ..

Committees: Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee: Inquiry into ..


Return to previous page | Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees. Inquiry into Access to .. 28, NSW Young Lawyers Human Rights Committee (PDF 129KB) ..


1 ORGANISATION NAME: Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel ..


OCPC lawyers draft legislation across the full spectrum of State .. Bills may deal with a diverse range of subjects, including constitutional law, administrative law ..




Rich Text Format - To lay the foundations for this emerging nation a new Constitution would need to .. the new Constitution were the Tasmanian Attorney-General, Andrew Inglis Clark, .. After all, the Court was, as a matter of law, the final Court of Appeal within ..


The High Court on Constitutional Law: the 2002 Term Justice Susan ..


Rich Text Format - In reflecting on the work of the High Court in constitutional law in the last term, .... increasingly competitive entrepreneurial activities of lawyers undertaking the ..

Member Profiles - Business Licensing Authority


Following a period in private practice, he was a senior lawyer for the Human .. from administrative and constitutional law to human rights, privacy, discrimination, ..


The Commonwealth of Australia - A New Self-Governing Colony


Rich Text Format - FIRST ASIAN FORUM FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW .... Alfred Deakin, the first Attorney-General of the Commonwealth, asserted firmly that the Commonwealth ..

Operation of the High Court - High Court of Australia


Cases which involve interpretation of the Constitution, or where the Court may be .. or where the Court considers the principle of law involved to be one of major ..

Internet Resource Guide:Legal Profession and the Courts Law ..


Recent articles on the Attorney-General (from Parliamentary Library .. Justice (Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs) ..

De facto couples and the law - Family Matters - Journal article ..


In relation to family law, the two relevant constitutional subject matters are: .. having been made for married couples, the attention of family lawyers and judges in ..

Legal Briefing - Australian Government Solicitor


Each issue usually covers a single topic, written by lawyers with specialist ... by these rearrangements to better understand the constitutional and statutory ..


Australasian Law Teachers' Association Conference


Rich Text Format - Under the Constitution are to be found the statutes made according to its .. Then there are those laws which a lawyer may have to invoke or ..


Gilbert & Tobin Centre of Public Law 2010 Constitutional Law ..


2009. The Annual Constitutional Law Conference and conferences like it are important. Constitutional scholars and lawyers are not thick on the ..


Disclaimer - Parliament of Australia


Politicians, lawyers must be involved in constitutional change. Australian law news, vol.20(8), Sep. 1985: 28. Contributions by both lawyers and politicians are ..

Professor Greg Craven


Extract from interview with Professor Greg Craven, Provost and Dean of Law at .. Western Australia, is a Victorian-born constitutional lawyer who has written on ..

Speeches - High Court of Australia


The Constitutional Decisions of the Founding Fathers, University of Notre Dame, School of Law (Sydney), Inaugural Annual Lecture, 27 March 2007 (PDF) ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Senate Publications: Papers on ..


Before his death a chair of law, now in the Australian National University, was .. was not just any old departmental head or just any old constitutional lawyer. ..


The Loophole


working for the sponsoring Ministry or lawyers working in specialized advisory legal services (e.g. experts in constitutional law, administrative law, human rights ..

Indigenous Traineeship Program | Victorian Government Solicitor's ..


The role of a Trainee Lawyer with the VGSO is wonderfully diverse, constantly .. including the Bushfires Royal Commission, constitutional issues, freedom of .. Trainee Lawyers also receive training through the College of Law and Leo ..


Bill of Rights - Issue 51 - Top Topics - LIAC - find LEGAL answers


constitution, guilt or innocence must be determined in a court, not by parliament. How this might affect recent federal law that allows the Attorney-General to ..


Blank A4 - Legal Profession Admission Board


3 COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR ENTRY LEVEL LAWYERS 21. 4 PRINCIPLES FOR ... Federal and State Constitutional Law Property (including Torrens ..

Internet Resource Guide: Criminal Law Resources


Describes Internet resources relating to Criminal Law. .. Criminal Code Officers' Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General); 2006 Fighting .. Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs); 2003 Double jeopardy (R. ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Customs and trade


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. By lawyer's name. spacer .. Constitutional law.. With strengths in: border protection, cargo and trade, customs law and ..


The High Court and the Parliament Partners in law-making or hostile ..


Richard Sly (1849–1929) was one of three lawyer brothers (including George ... Constitution and, potentially, a combatant with the Parliament in the law-making ..


Hot Topics 64 - Health and the Law


want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. 1 Overview of health law in Australia. Role of the Constitution, parliament and courts – regulating doctors ..

People profile - July 2010 Sectorwide - Department of the Premier ..


She chatted with the Crown Solicitor, Brisbane-born Greg Cooper, about .. counsel to the Solicitor-General, dealing with constitutional law and ..

Legal Briefing No 47 - Australian Government Solicitor


Papers by AGS lawyers .. Sawer's The Australian Constitution .. v Worthing; Attorney-General v Telstra Corporation (1999) 161 ALR 489; Bass ..




They are, Peter Moran of Colin Biggers & Paisley and Paul Buchberger of the constitutional law section at the Crown Solicitor's Office. One was ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix C: Bibliography


EDWARDS, J L J The Attorney General, Politics and the Public Interest .. HANKS, P Constitutional Law in Australia (2nd ed, Butterworths, ..

The separation of powers in the Australian constitution / by Sir Owen ..


Dixon, Owen, & American Foreign Law Association. 1942 The separation of powers in the Australian constitution / by Sir Owen Dixon American Foreign Law ..

Japanese Legal Materials | National Library of Australia


Nearly all judges, prosectuors and lawyers receive training in the Supreme Court's .. One of the main topics is constitutional law, a popular field of study and ..


Litigation notes - Australian Government Solicitor


implication from the federal structure of the Constitution that a Commonwealth law could not impose a duty on holders of state statutory offices (such as ..

Stephen Lee | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Areas of law: .. contractual disputes, negligence claims, constitutional matters, contempts of court, forged .. Litigation Lawyers' Section, Law Institute of Victoria ..

The Judiciary - Parliament of New South Wales - NSW Government


Parliaments pass laws (or 'statutes'). These can be Federal or State Parliaments, depending on what the laws are about. The Australian Constitution sets out the ..







CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CLASS. FRIDAY 23 MAY .. In that country lawyers play a vital part to ensure that we live under the protection of the law. Your mission is ..


Inaugural George Winterton Lecture Sydney Law School, The ..


that lawyers and judges make in lines of argument and in judgment. .. constitutional law is that it may legislate for the unimagined and, perhaps ..




where I passed 4 subjects required for my admission as a Barrister and Solicitor, namely, Constitutional Law, Trusts, Property and Equity. In September 2000,1 ..

The Integrity Branch of Government - The First Lecture in the 2004 ..


When an American constitutional lawyer recently proposed that modern constitutions should now incorporate a separate institutionalised ..

14 April 2009 Human Rights Consultation Secretariat Attorney ..


I have taught and published widely in the field of Australian constitutional law. ... of Rights 1984 cl 10 circulated by the then Attorney-General, Sen Gareth Evans ..

Trove - for 'zelman cowen'


Master VAILS (Syd) "An outstanding scholar and constitutional lawyer, Sir Zelman Cowen was professor .. At 73 libraries. This resource is very relevant to your ..

Litigation & Dispute resolution | Victorian Government Solicitor's ..


In accordance with our common law obligations and the Attorney General's ... negligence claims, constitutional matters, contempt of court, forged mortgage ..

Solicitor General : Annual Report 2010-2011 - Crown Law : Portal ..


Moreover, Tasmania was the first Australian colony (and possibly the first in the common law world) to establish the office of Solicitor-General ..

Who We Are - Business Licensing Authority


Following a period in private practice, he was a senior lawyer for the Human .. from administrative and constitutional law to human rights, privacy, discrimination, ..


Crown Law Annual Report 2007-08


undertaken by the Crown Solicitor and the Crown Counsel Team concerns proposed new legislation. This work often raises complex constitutional law issues. ..

Your Career with the Department of Attorney General and Justice ..


Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. his role as the main adviser to the government on legal, constitutional and policy issues. .. Finance Officer and Accountant; Legal Officer; Paralegal; Policy and Projects ..

Sunrise or Sunset? Reinventing Administrative Law for the New ..


The constitutional limitations of judicial review were expounded ... The administrative lawyer's first reaction is to bristle at this attempt to cut ..

The Federal Parliament and the Protection of Human Rights ..


The Constitutional Commission and the 1988 Referendum ... It may implement such instruments to the extent that its laws are 'capable of being ... In 1973 Senator Lionel Murphy, as Attorney-General in the Whitlam Labor ..




by T Lucev - 2008 - T. Blackshield & G. Williams, Australian Constitutional Law and Theory. Commentary .. In 1904 he became Attorney-General in the first Federal Labour ..

Seen to be Done: The Principle of Open Justice - Supreme Court ..


by CJOFNEWS WALES - All lawyers will recognise the oft cited aphorism of Lord Hewart from Rex ... The subject of constitutional law should not be identified solely with ..



The lawyers and judges of today are living through a remarkable ... task, just before the achievement of constitutional change, was to examine the labour laws of ..

Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs


Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs .. 3. The Law Society of South Australia. 4. .. South Australia Attorney-General's Department. 17. ..

Litigation notes No. - Australian Government Solicitor


Jump to ‎: David Bennett Deputy Government Solicitor T 02 6253 ... on constitutional law issues for more than 20 years. ..


The New Centralism and the Collapse of the Conservative Constitution


by G Craven - - University Law School, we used to get every now and again various visiting English academics, including constitutional lawyers. The thing I remember most ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW


In 1992, however, the national Law Admissions Consultative Committee published .. Administrative law; Federal and state constitutional law; Civil procedure; Evidence .. Practical legal training for solicitors is different from that for barristers. ..


S Legal training program - Australian Government Solicitor


Our presenters are experienced lawyers from our Office of General Counsel who have a .. interpretation, machinery of government and constitutional law. ..


Papers on Parliament: Republics, Citizenship and Parliament


Dr Anne Twomey is a constitutional lawyer and an Associate Professor at the. University of Sydney Law School. John Dryzek is a Professor of Political Science ..

About the Committee members - Review of Food Labelling Law and ..


Dr Chris Reynolds is a lawyer, with postgraduate qualifications in public .. He has taught Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, and Law and ..

Judges' Speeches


On thing that government lawyers might be thought to have in common is the .. Constitutional law– which describes the review of legislative, ..

Judges' Speeches


25+ items – Search: website | cases | judgments | library catalogues. h. h ..

14 Mar 2008

Expert evidence in the managerial age. Forensic Accounting ..

18 Oct 2007

Three issues facing the Australian judiciary. Australasian ..

Legal Briefing No 36 - Australian Government Solicitor



Litigation notes No. 15 - Australian Government Solicitor


Jump to ‎: [2007] HCA 9; (2007) 233 ALR 389. The High Court held that a Commonwealth law providing for a constitutional ..




constitutional lawyers in relation to the constitutional implications involved .. advantage of the spectrum of opinions on constitutional law which they provide. 1. ..


In Conversation with The Honourable Justice Susan Kenny


Rich Text Format - He liked to tell young associates about other lawyers and the great deeds they'd done and ... I always thought constitutional law the most interesting of subjects. ..

Judges' Speeches


The Law Council represents more than 55000 Australian lawyers .. your wide expertise in many areas of the law, including constitutional law. ..


18336 OPC brochure.indd


and constitutional law;. • an interest in .. a degree in law from an Australian tertiary institution or a recognised .. around 30 of whom are lawyers. Working in ..

Chapter 2: Constitutional reform: Creating a nation for all of us ..


A century after the original constitutional debate we have an opportunity to remake our .... Aboriginal lawyer and academic Megan Davis observes that: ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - The status of laws on outlaw ..


This paper sets out the laws in Australia governing organised crime and, .. Under the Act, the Attorney-General may declare an organisation an outlaw .... prevent consorting, subject to constitutional powers and to the extent ..


Legal Services Directions 2005


10A.1 An FMA agency that seeks legal advice on a constitutional law issue from the Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) must: (a) at the ..




On 12 May 1983 the then Attorney-General introduced in the Senate a proposed law for an alteration of the Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Advisory ..

Parliament of Victoria - Re-Member


Stevenson Harwood Solicitors, London 1981. President Graduates Pembroke College, Cambridge 1982. Tutor in Constitutional Law, Monash 1982-85. ..

Senate: Committee - Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committee ..


Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs .. Attorney-General's Department. Mr Henry .. Constitutional Law Committee ..

More than just a legal adviser | Victorian Government Solicitor's ..


VGSO lawyers have significant experience across many areas of law. Our expertise includes whole of government issues, statutory interpretation and issues ..

2010 National indigenous legal conference - Attorney-General's ..


Attorney General's Department .. constitutional law experts and members of the broader Australian community, will assist with undertaking the ..


Submission: Inquiry into Australia's Judicial System and the Role of ..


LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE INQUIRY INTO. AUsTRAL1A's .. Attorney-General has indicated that his aim in doing so is: 0 to identify .. (Speech delivered at the Queensland Law Society Symposium, 28 March 2009) ..


S Legal training program - Australian Government Solicitor


This course has been specifically designed for government lawyers. It is a useful .. interpretation, machinery of government and constitutional law. Duration ..

Solicitor General : Annual Report 2009-2010 - Crown Law : Portal ..


It is sometimes said that the principal functions of the Solicitor-General are to act as counsel for the State in constitutional litigation and to ..




by COF AUSTRALIA - lawyers we also have with us today our legal counsel, Allan Myers QC, one of Australia's leading constitutional lawyers. We thought it might be ..

COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL LAW - Australian Government Solicitor


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Constitutional law.. Our lawyers are comfortable and experienced at operating within the Commonwealth financial ..

Our pro bono work - North Melbourne Legal Service | Victorian ..


Since 2006, the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office has seconded a solicitor to the North Melbourne Legal Service, a community legal centre for those who ..



The Constitution was not adopted, in history or law, because it was approved by .. No one, academic or professional lawyer alike, seems to have noticed this ..


Submission 313 - Gillian Pearson - Disability Care and Support ..


Rich Text Format - I undertook the Australian Constitutional Law exam through the University of Sydney, the .. As of 1st July, 2010 I have held a practicing certificate as a Solicitor of ..

Judges' Speeches


Australian Women Lawyers Conference, 12-14 June 2008, Melbourne . spacer arrow .. 'The High Court on constitutional law: the 2002 term' ..

The Philippine Constitution: sources, making, meaning, and ..


1969 The Philippine Constitution: sources, making, meaning, and application. Editorial Board: Jose M. Aruego, chairman [and others] Philippine Lawyers' ..


Resolving land disputes in Samoa


by J Corrin - made locally—that is, the Constitution (which is the supreme law) and .... and, rather than reducing delays in the Land and Titles Court, lawyers would increase ..



In the last decade, in many countries of the common law, the general .. At least the federal judiciary enjoys constitutional protections provided by the wisdom .. The Rothermere press joined in with comments that seem astonishing to lawyers ..

Specialist Accreditation: Graduation 2005 - Supreme Court : Lawlink ..


It is however undoubtedly true that leading barristers and solicitors of .. of the spectrum to fields like intellectual property and constitutional law ..





Job Details - Vacancies -


Senior or Principal Legal Adviser, Constitutional and Administrative Law Team, Legal Branch .. File Attachment: Senior or Principal Solicitor Legal PD 100310. ..

Committees: Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees ..


[50] Thomson Reuters, The Laws of Australia, International Child Abduction, [17.8.10] (September 2008); Attorney-General's Department, ..

Government & Public Law | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office ..


Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. Government & Public Law .. We currently have lawyers seconded to a number of government departments. ..



Constitutional law and the law relating to conciliation and arbitration of .. world of computer technology and modern pharmaceuticals, the judge or lawyer of the ..

Supreme Court of Western Australia : 1 December 2004 ..


He also provides high level advice to Attorneys General and other Ministers, .. He is an active member of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law. ..

Federal Court of Australia - information for practitioners


Australian Admiralty And Maritime Law – Sources And Future .... to the lawyers and statesmen of the country when the Constitution was ..


•LA O.Victoria Legal Aid


61820 duty lawyer services across a range of courts .. Committee Report: Legal Aid and -Access to Justice, Commonwealth Senate Legal and Constitutional ..


Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice


Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs ... services, including information and advice, family dispute resolution, duty lawyer services and ..


Annual Report 2010-11 - Crown Law : Portal


exercised by the Attorney-General under the laws of Tasmania as may be .. Attorney-General in constitutional and other important matters which come before ..




Committee by two academic lawyers and the NSW Crown Solicitor. .. state law is inconsistent with the federal constitution or a federal law such as the Racial ..

President speech: Human rights, the Constitution and a Human ..


Speech to AGS Constitutional Law Forum Dinner ... often seen as a committed 'black letter lawyer', was identified as the leading practitioner of ..


S Legal training program - Australian Government Solicitor


This course has been designed for government lawyers and policy officers who are new to .. interpretation, machinery of government and constitutional law. ..


Annual Report 2008 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..


Infrastructure, Litigation, Government Insurance, Public Law and Constitutional Law. Department of Justice and Attorney-General Annual Report 2008–09. - 86 - ..


Submission - Inquiry into Ministerial Discretion in Migration Matters


Christopher Levingston & Associates is a specialist firm of solicitors, consisting of .. in this area of law in New South Wales and Australia and all of our solicitors are ... and Constitutional References Committee recommended “that the Attorney ..

Australians in Guantanamo Bay : a chronology of the detention of ..


Attorneys associated with the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights .. Mr Hicks's lawyer, Stephen Kenny, says a bribe of early release was offered to ..


Bangladesh – Bengali names – Pass degrees – Chhatra League ..


Is Dr Kamal Hossain a famous lawyer in Bangladesh? Did he write its Constitution? RESPONSE. 1. ... constitutional law, and human rights. He served the ..

Procedural Fairness - The Hearing Rule | Victorian Government ..


Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. The common law duty to act fairly in the making of administrative decisions is subject only to the clear ..


Australian Electoral Commission SUPPLEMENTARY SUBMISSION ..


advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Attorney-General's .. interpretation of section 44 of the Constitution, provides the relevant case law, ..

Reforming our Constitution


House Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs ... by bureaucrats and subsequently checked by constitutional lawyers and others .. For example, not one of his constitutional law students had read the booklet ..

Internet Resource Guide: Business Law Resources


Describes Internet resources relating to Business Law. .. Legal and Constitutional References Committee) Misuse of market power in .. Attorney-General's Dept. ..


Hon Peter Slipper Chairman Standing Committee on Legal and ..


Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Submission .. (1) Letter dated 27th March 2007 to Peter Neil (lawyer aged 67 years this month. Mr Neil ..



Thus, a constitutional court will always be speaking to several audiences: to the .. For lawyers of the common law tradition in most countries other than the ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees .... 21; Young Lawyers, NSW Law Society, Submission 206, p. 3. ..


Who and what are Chapter III judges? - Federal Court of Australia


Rich Text Format - When I next met him I was a young lawyer trying to make a mark as an advocate. .... The late Professor George Winterton, a leading Australian constitutional law ..

Speeches by The Hon Michael McHugh - High Court of Australia


"Working as a High Court Justice" Speech to the Women Lawyers .. the High Court: 1989-2004, The Inaugural Sir Anthony Mason Lecture in Constitutional Law, ..

Committees: Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee: Family Law ..


Return to previous page | Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees. Family Law ... 206, Young Lawyers, Law Society of NSW (PDF 2590KB). 207, NSW ..

Statehood - Committee Members and Secretariat Staff


Matthew Storey is the Senior Lawyer, Aboriginal Land Division of the Solictor for .. regardless of their backgrounds or gender, in the constitution of a future new ..

Legal Briefing No 48 - Australian Government Solicitor


constitutional matters; national security matters; cabinet matters; public international law matters. It is expected that further details of the extent of the remaining ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees .. - Parliament of Australia


Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs .. LYNCH, Ms Angela, Community Legal Education Lawyer, Women's Legal ..


Inquiry into older people and the law


The Federal Attorney General, the Honourable Philip Ruddock MP, has asked the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees .. - Parliament of Australia


Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs .. and legal assistance schemes administered by the Attorney-General's ..


Federal Administrative Review Council submissions - 09.06.11


NSW Young Lawyers, Civil Litigation Committee and Public Law and ... Since judicial review is available via constitutional review, what role, ..

Committees: Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee: Deterring ..


Return to previous page | Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees. Deterring People .. 14, Attorney-General's Department (PDF 257KB) ..

Attorney General's Department - 10 May 2010 - Appointments to the ..


Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, today announced the .. Mr Harman and Ms Turner bring significant expertise in family law to the Court, including .. Tutor in Family Law and Constitutional Law at Monash University and ..

Who to contact - By area of law


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. By lawyer's name .. Constitutional law.. Each area of law listed is a specialised legal field in which AGS lawyers have ..



The work of a lawyer can be divided into two distinct branches: Barrister and Solicitor. .. and corporate law, taxation, administrative law and constitutional law. ..

The National Human Rights Consultation Secretariat Attorney ..


1 of the law, public and private, it is in the realm of administrative law that human ... law: Eminent lawyers.. firmly believe that the Australian Constitution should ..

Lawyers - Trove - for ''


Occupation: Lawyers - Remove ... Story: Story, Joseph, 1779-1845: [ Published ]: Keywords: Davis, John, 1787-1854; Harvard University; Constitutional law. ..

Redefining the role of Government lawyers in today's Public Service ..


The Attorney-General's Department has provided advice in relation to constitutional law, human rights, racial discrimination, criminal law, ..

Mandatory sentencing chronology - Parliament of Australia


2002 March 12, Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee .. as 'R') sentenced under mandatory sentencing laws Attorney-General's news release ..

Fractured families, fragmented responsibilities—responding to ..


On 17 July 2009, the Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Robert McClelland MP, asked the ALRC ... III Constitutional law—the great divide ..


speeches_kennyj6.rtf - Federal Court of Australia


Rich Text Format - “The state of the law of the Constitution at any given time is to be perceived by .... generation of lawyers and therefore an inquiry judges are qualified to make. ..




law lawyers and society but then the then Mr Basten took a dim view of .... I especially remember our advanced Constitutional Law classes with ..

law - Tags - Government of South Australia


Items 1 - 20 of 25 – A grant of legal aid means we will pay a lawyer to act for you. .. Related tags: community-based corrections, constitutional law, criminal code, ..


Paralegals - what is their use?


Subjects include Roman Law, Constitutional Law, the Law of. Evidence and Torts. One function of a law degree is to give lawyers general training, in order to ..








areas set out in the National PLT Competencies for Entry Level Lawyers and the Sixth .. Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Property. In recent years ..

Archive | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Senior Solicitor, Administrative Law Branch, Katie Miller, gave her maiden .. Law Reform Committee and the Administrative Review and Constitutional Law ..


speeches_sackvillej14.rtf - Federal Court of Australia


Rich Text Format - The High Court and the Constitution in a Changing Society'2 was delivered by .. Law and Lawyers: Instruments or Enemies of Social and Economic Change?'. ..


Legal Services Directions 2005 - Attorney-General's Department


where constitutional or 'whole of government' issues arise or where the proposed conduct of a matter might be inconsistent with the Attorney-General's First Law ..

Internet Resource Guide: Military Law


Describes Internet resources relating to military law. .. Committee report and a Bills Digest as to the constitutional validity of the Court, the Dept of Defence acted on advice from the Australian Government Solicitor that the Court was valid. ..


Our Ref: [Insert File Reference]


Constitutional validity of an Australian Human Rights Act .. Commission convened a meeting of Australian constitutional and human rights lawyers to .. is compatible with the rights identified in the Act unless required by law to do otherwise. ..

More than just a legal adviser | Victorian Government Solicitor's ..


Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. Sourcing the right legal services can be challenging, particularly if the specific nature of your legal issue is ..

Attorney General's Department - Portfolio


The portfolio covers a broad range of law and justice matters and services including .. in areas of administrative, constitutional, civil, family and international law, ..




addressed a constitutional law class at the University of Sydney. My lecture was ... lawyers' court, serving the whole country and not simply in federal causes. ..

Annual Report 2009-10 Overview - Attorney-General's Department


Our work encompasses a broad range of national law and security policy .... of Attorneys-General, provides expert advice on constitutional law ..

Alcopops makes the House see double: 'the proposed law' in ..


'the proposed law' in section 57 of the Constitution ... a prominent constitutional lawyer, expressing the opinion that the reintroduced bills could ..

News | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Senior Solicitor, Administrative Law Branch, Katie Miller, gave her maiden .. Law Reform Committee and the Administrative Review and Constitutional Law ..

Sawer's The Australian Constitution - Australian Government Solicitor


This new edition of Geoffrey Sawer's highly regarded work on the Constitution has been prepared for publication by Australian Government Solicitor senior ..


1701 Just Fair Treatment - Australian Human Rights Commission


Just Fair Treatment is a group of lawyers and academics practising, advising and .. of expertise are Human Rights, Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. ..




SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS .. Lawyer. 0. 1. Manager Intelligence. 1. 1. National Project Manager. 0. 1 ..

Legal Briefing No 1 - Australian Government Solicitor


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Papers by AGS lawyers .. case) mark a significant new development in Australian constitutional law, ..




LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS .. Program 1.1 Attorney-General's Department Operating .. Constitutional Policy and Law Reform ..


Australia's Growing Debt to the European Court of Human Rights ..


the support of leading lawyers and judges. 11 .. lawyers of the common law tradition. .... character of the guarantee upheld under Australian constitutional law. ..


Australian Lawyers For Human Rights - National Human Rights ..


Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs 30 April 2009. 1 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights. 1.1 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights ..

News 2011 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW


He began his career at the Crown Solicitor's Office, where he worked in the prosecuting, constitutional law and special litigation branches. ..

Zoe Jones | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Zoe joined the VGSO as a trainee lawyer in 2009 and was admitted as a Solicitor in 2010. With an interest both in Administrative law and Commercial & Property ..


Report: Inquiry into Australia's Judicial System and the Role of Judges


Legal and Constitutional Affairs. References Committee. Australia's .... LAW COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA – EXTRACT FROM SUBMISSION 11 121. Attachment A .. .. Office Holders to be Consulted Personally by the Attorney-General of Australia ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight


Historically, Commonwealth laws regulating aspects of industrial relations have .... AGS lawyers advised on the constitutional basis of the Work Choices Act and ..




INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this submission is to call for research to be conducted into constitutional aspects of gambling. I am not a constitutional lawyer, ..


Legal Services Country Profile – Papua New Guinea


4 Market Access Requirements - foreign lawyer admission requirements, ... "This Constitution and the Organic Laws are the Supreme Laws of Papua New ..


Outline of possible national defamation law - Attorney-General's ..


been more or less constantly on the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. (SCAG) .. national defamation law based on its existing constitutional powers. ..


Attorney General; Minister for Corrective Services


characterised by the WA Chief Justice as having its foundations in constitutional law, for example, as part of the practical operation of the ruie of law. In particular ..


Life in Australia


Attorney General's Department. Robert Garran .. democracy and the rule of law, equality under the law, equality of men and women, equality of opportunity and peacefulness. .... conducted in accordance with constitutional requirements. ..

Law (State Library of Queensland)


AGIS - ATSIS: The Attorney-General's Information Service .. constitutional law, copyright law, criminal law, environmental law, family law, ..


Submission: Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC)


Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into the ... was that for “..gender bias in the law to be corrected and lawyers to ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Property and leasing


We have a comprehensive understanding of relevant laws and practices .. Our national property network consists of specialist property lawyers who are fully in ..

High Court of Australia - Publications - Speeches


Your Excellencies, Prime Minister, Mr Attorney, President of the Law Council of .. He pointed out that the Constitution required Parliament to create "a Federal ..


The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee ..


The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee Report on .. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) has established a working ..

Australian Constitution – National Archives of Australia


In particular unlike ordinary laws, the Constitution can't be changed by act of .. it's exercised the minds not only of constitutional lawyers but of legal theorists. ..

The High Court and indefinite detention: towards a national bill of ..


(44) According to eminent constitutional lawyer Professor Leslie Zines: … no law can give power to any person (other than a court) to determine ..

CRIMINAL LAW - Australian Government Solicitor


With strengths in: law enforcement inquiries and investigations. Many AGS lawyers have experience in criminal law as a result of prosecuting quasi-criminal ..


The Growing Impact of International Law on Australian Consitutional ..


an attitude of mind that Australian lawyers should adopt today in all fields of the .... the development of the common law and constitutional law, ..

Chapter 4 - About the Department - Attorney-General's Department


The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by .. The Division provides expert advice on constitutional law reform and ..

Services | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO. Search this site: .. Legal services - areas of law. With extensive .. We specialise in the following areas of law: ..

The Courts - Attorney-General's Department


The Australian Constitution does not set out specific qualifications required by federal judges and magistrates. However, laws made by the ..



Nothing in Constitution which gives a State operation any protection - any .. that a more stable development of our constitutional law might come from that body. .. lawyers to whom the propounded method of constitutional interpretation was ..

ComLaw Legislative Instruments - Attachment - Legal Services ..


Back | Attorney-General's Department | Australian Law Online | Help .. approaches to questions of public international law or constitutional law (for instance) will ..




LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE .. Mr Kym Duggan, Assistant Secretary, Family Law Branch, Civil Justice Division ... of the Attorney-General's Department, proceeding according to the order on ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Senate Publications: Papers on ..


Under the federal Constitution, the post offices of all the states passed over to the .. New South Wales, barrister-at-law—a hard worker and a sound lawyer—and ..

Trove - Modern constitutional law / by Chester James Antieau ..


Modern constitutional law / by Chester James Antieau, William J. Rich. Author: Antieau, Chester James ... Rochester, N.Y., : Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co. 2 v. ..

Professor Simon Evans - Staff Profile


His scholarly work is as a comparative public lawyer, with broad interests in constitutional and administrative law, particularly in common law ..

WebLaw - Constitutional Law


Australian Association of Constitutional Law: The Australian Association of .. as may be referred to it by resolution of the Assembly or the Attorney-General. ..

Prizes - Future students - The University of Sydney


70+ items – The Sydney Law School is undertaking a major review of all ..



Aaron Levine Prize

Proficiency in Criminal Law

Allens Arthur Robinson Prizes

Proficiency in Competition Law ..

What are the advantages of the way the Commonwealth participates ..


These lawyers have finely honed skills in constitutional law and policy, as well as long memories of cases won and lost in the past and a good sense of some of ..

Professor Anne Twomey - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


Power and Politics: New Dimensions of Federalism Conference, Constitutional Centre of Western Australia and the Australian Association of Constitutional Law, ..

Page 8 - 125070 UNSW Faculty of Law JD Guide.indd


Foundations of Law Torts. Contracts 1. Public Law. Law, Lawyers & Society. Summer Semester. Federal. Constitutional Law. Law & Social. Theory or Legal ..


The Path to Becoming a Lawyer


practise as a lawyer later on, e.g. constitutional law, contract law, and criminal law. These subjects have been identified by the Council of Legal Education as ..

Program of Study - Macquarie Law School - Macquarie Law School ..


LAW 204 Contracts, LAW 315 Constitutional & Administration II. LAW 208 Law, Lawyers & Society, LAW 317 Property in Law & Equity II (Equity ..

Megan Davis | UNSW LAW


In particular, Megan is interested in constitutional law and constitutional reform .. Megan has extensive experience as an international human rights lawyer and ..

Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW


.. to the Human Rights Law Centre's Survey of 2012 agenda items for the new Commonwealth Attorney-General Nicola Roxon. Panel of Constitutional Experts ..

Charlesworth, Hilary --- "The High Court on Constitutional Law: The ..


by H CHARLESWORTH - THE HIGH COURT ON CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: THE 2004 TERM. HILARY CHARLESWORTH[*]. Constitutional lawyers and international lawyers in Australia ..




Constitutional Law and Administration 1 Federal Constitutional Law (2011). Aust Constitutional Law .. Law, Lawyers & Society. 6. Law,Lawyers ..

Professor Rosemary Owens | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory


She is an active member of the Australian Labour Lawyers .. law), but she also has strong interests in public law especially constitutional law. ..




Constitutional Law and Administration Federal Constitutional Law (2011). Aust Constitutional Law .. Law, Lawyers & Society. 6. Law,Lawyers & ..

Professor Carolyn Evans - Staff Profile


She also qualified to practice law and is a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria. .. Australian Constitutional Law Association ..


Staff interests and availability for Research .. - ANU College of Law


Human rights, public and constitutional law, discrimination law, legal history .. psychology and corporate law, legal ethics, lawyer professional ..

2012 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner | Gilbert + Tobin ..


A major conference on constitutional law, the eleventh in a series, will be held at .. It will be addressed by leading practitioners, government lawyers, judges and ..

Dr Laura Grenfell | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory


Before joining academia in 2002, Laura practised constitutional law with the Crown Solicitor's Office of South Australia and was an associate in ..

Wendy Lacey Home Page


Member, Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law. Member, Australian Association of Constitutional Law. Member, Australian Lawyers for ..

Professor Michael Coper - Researchers - ANU


Constitutional Law 180108; Legal Practice, Lawyering And The Legal Profession 180121; Access To Justice 180102; Legal Institutions (Incl. Courts And Justice ..

2005 Events - Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies ..


This seminar bought together leading constitutional lawyers, media lawyers and political scientists to examine the constitutional and policy implications of one of ..

Area of study | UNSW LAW


.. Arts/Bachelor of Laws · Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology)/Bachelor of Laws .. Criminal Law 2 · Federal Constitutional Law .. Law, Lawyers and Society ..

Dr Matthew Stubbs | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory


Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia and High Court of .. Constitutional Law, Legal History, Human Rights, Public International Law, ..


Con Handbook (11.2) - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law


It took a lawyer with a constitutional law 'radar' to spot the potential for challenging the validity of the law on which the prosecution was based. Therefore ..

2011 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner | Gilbert + Tobin ..


A major conference on constitutional law, the tenth in a series, will be held .. It will be addressed by leading practitioners, government lawyers, ..

2008 Prizegiving Ceremony - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


C A Hardwick Prize for Federal Constitutional Law;; Pitt Cobbet Prize for .. Workplace Lawyers Prize for Employment and Industrial Law ..




UNSW FACULTY OF LAW ADVANCED STANDING - TABLE 2 - OTHER .. C'Wealth Constitutional Law .. Lawyers & Professional Resp. ..

UNSW JD program | UNSW LAW


A very distinctive feature of the UNSW JD is the depth of study of the law we provide .. Summer Semester, Federal Constitutional Law · Law & Social Theory OR Legal .. Law, Lawyers and Society (6 UOC) · Advanced Legal Research (2 UOC) ..

Admission to practise in Hong Kong : Law School Careers Office ..


There are two routes to becoming admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong - the .. Contract; Tort; Constitutional Law; Criminal Law; Land Law; Civil ..


LAWS3351 Advanced Constitutional Law - S2 2011


Attention is given to contemporary topics in government and social policy which present particular challenges to the constitutional lawyer and to federal and state ..

Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB - Future ..


Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB. (UAC Course .. Advanced Constitutional Law, Public Law; Fed Con Law. Advanced ..




UNSW FACULTY OF LAW ADVANCED STANDING - TABLE 2 - OTHER .. C'Wealth Constitutional Law .. Law, Lawyers & Society. 6. Lawyers ..


UNSW Faculty of Law


LAWS2381 Property, Equity and Trusts 1. 6 LAWS2382 Property and Equity 2. 6. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers & Society. 6 LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law ..


The George Winterton Memorial Fund


superior courts, government lawyers and notable barristers, have received their foundation in constitutional law at the. Law School, studying ..


4790 Bachelor of Laws degree course (Full-time)


LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers & Society. 6 LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law. 6. LAWS2311 Litigation 1. 6 LAWS2520 Advanced Legal Research. 2. Plus 1 of: ..


Manner and Form - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law


Constitution is directed at the validity of proposed laws – the legislative .. that a prohibition on advertising by lawyers breached the constitutional right to freedom ..


UNSW Macquarie Sydney UTS UWS - UNSW LAW


Law Lawyers & Society. 6. No equivalent. Law Lawyers & Justice. Professional. Professional .. Constitutional Law and Administration 1. Federal Constitutional ..

2010 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner | Gilbert + Tobin ..


10+ items – A major conference on constitutional law, the ninth in a series, ..

Session Audio644_Session1.mp3 - THE COMMENCEMENT OF THIS ..

Session Audio [77 MB] 644_Session2.mp3

On-Line Unit of Study Handbook


Results 1 - 50 of 53 – LAWS1002, Contracts, Law (Sydney Law School), Semester 1 (1). LAWS1004, Federal Constitutional Law, Law (Sydney Law School) ..


2010 Constitutional Law Conference Dinner


The Annual Constitutional Law Conference and conferences like it are important. Constitutional scholars and lawyers are not thick on the ground in Australia. ..

UTS: C11211v1 Graduate Certificate in Australian Law - Law, UTS ..


The course allows lawyers from common law jurisdictions to meet the academic requirements to practise in Australia .. 70616 Australian Constitutional Law, 8cp ..


considered in Ex-Rajah of Coorg (Veer Rajundur Wadeer) v. The ..


by C Law6d. This book is written primarily as an exposition of constitutional law from the viewpoint of the Scots lawyer and as one of a series of treatises restating the main ..


Australian Lawyers and Social Change – 30 .. - ANU College of Law


lawyers from, or marginalise them in, many areas of social change and social policy. The fact that we are a constitutional democracy means that law and lawyers ..

2009 Constitutional Law Conference | Gilbert + Tobin Centre of ..


A major conference on constitutional law, the eighth in a series, was held at the .. It was addressed by leading practitioners, government lawyers, judges and ..

Page 7 - 125070 UNSW Faculty of Law JD Guide.indd


.. ,of,Law,(O-week,classes),Semester,1,Criminal,Contracts,Public,Law,,Lawyers,& .. ,Litigation,Federal,Constitutional,Social,Theory,or,Legal,Property,Business ..

LLB Students - Macquarie Law School


LAW 208 Law, Lawyers & Society, LAW 214 Jurisprudence .. LAW 314 Constitutional Law & Administration I, LAW 315 Constitutional Law ..

Biography - Andrew Inglis Clark - Australian Dictionary of Biography


Clark was knowledgeable in all branches of the law, but pre-eminent as a constitutional lawyer and jurist. His Studies in Australian Constitutional Law was ..


Honours Thesis 2012 Supervisors, Staff .. - ANU College of Law


Human rights, public and constitutional law, discrimination law, legal history .. corporate law, legal ethics, lawyer professional misconduct ..

Professor Ben Saul - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


BA (Hons) LLB (Hons) Sydney DPhil Oxford; Barrister and solicitor, NSW .... v Mowbray', Australian Association of Constitutional Law Seminar, ..


Developing skills when studying constitutional law


by G Crebert - 2008 - on academic lawyers interested in teaching skills, attitudes and contextualised knowledge of constitutional law to their students. Once these constraints are ..

Advanced Constitutional Law : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The ..


Attention is given to contemporary topics in government and social policy which present particular challenges to the constitutional lawyer and to ..

Research Supervisor Profile for Associate Professor Peter ..


Professor Gerangeolos is a constitutional lawyer and academic with research interests in the separation of powers, executive power, and ..

Faculty of Law - Monash University


Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law .. LAW4111 Crime and gender 406; LAW4112 Current problems in constitutional law 406; LAW4113 ... vulnerable people; LAW7331 Lawyers' responsibilities; LAW7332 Principles of construction law ..

Professor Cheryl Saunders AO - Staff Profile


Archive · law@melbourne Archive .. Cheryl Saunders has specialist interests in constitutional law and comparative public law, including ..

UNSW Handbook Program - Law - 4790


Students will acquire a sound knowledge base in the discipline of Law due to their ... Administrative Law (6 UOC); LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society (6 UOC) .. LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law (6 UOC); LAWS2311 Litigation 1 (6 ..


at the University of Sydney


Pathways to Law @ Sydney – Combined Law Transfer. 5 .... study in core and compulsory areas such as Contracts, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Corporate ..

Undergraduate units with the prefix: Law - 2012 Course Handbook ..


Undergraduate units with the prefix: Law .. LAW204 - Contracts · LAW208 - Law, Lawyers and Society · LAW209 - Criminal Justice .. Administration I · LAW315 - Constitutional Law and Administration II · LAW316 - Property ..

Catherine Bond | UNSW LAW


Plus Seventy Years' explored the constitutional, legislative and historical aspects .. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society. JURD7110 Law, Lawyers & Society ..


Law aND LegaL


Australian Association of Constitutional Law and Clayton Utz Lawyers. Law aNd LegaL CaReeR PatHwayS. We offer learning pathways to enable students to ..


imageREAL Capture


by L ZINES - - For the constitutional lawyer, however, this is so only if we adopt the approach, long accepted by teachers of, and commentators on, the Constitution, of viewing ..

Ms Cornelia Koch | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory


Australian Constitutional Law: Commentary and Cases, Oxford .. of Constitutional Law and the Australian Labour Law Association on 'The ..

Publications | UNSW LAW


'The Use of History by Lawyers in Debating Responses to Terrorism' in S Brawley (ed) .. Reviewed in (2008) 10 Constitutional Law and Policy Review pp.51-56; ..


LAUNCH OF - ANU College of Law


I'm not even a constitutional lawyer these days—just a poor old Dean, and some of you here know from personal experience what that does to the brain cells. ..


Sheet1 - Monash University


Microsoft Excel - 16, LAW4169 Equity, LAW4171 Corporations law, LAW5125 Lawyers, ethics and .. 23, Year 2 Semester 1, LAW3401 Property A, LAW3201 Constitutional law ..

University of Canberra


6780 Corporations Law G 7481 Criminal Law and Procedure G 7226 Constitutional Law G 7228 Evidence Law G 7774 Administrative Law PG 7230 Lawyers ..

Andrew Inglis Clark


.. lawyer, judge, legal scholar, principal architect of the Australian Constitution, was .. establishment of the University of Tasmania, lectured in Law occasionally, ..

FindLaw LawCrawler - Law, Lawyer, Lawyers. Attorney, Attorneys


Results 1 - 25 – FindLaw: Rebuilding Credit FAQ - Attorney, Attorneys, Lawyer, . ... Communications & Media Law, Constitutional Law, Construction Law, Criminal ..

Mr Anthony Regan - Researchers - ANU


Anthony Regan is a constitutional lawyer who specialises in constitutional .. In PNG he advised government on decentralisation policy and law and taught at the ..

Bede Harris - School of Accounting & Finance - Charles Sturt ..



Senior Lecturer - Charles Sturt UniversityHis areas of research are Constitutional Law (particularly constitutional .. of the Office of General Counsel at the Australian Government Solicitor in Canberra, ..




Australian constitutional law, often with the effect of protecting human rights and .. honeypot of court-clogging litigation which activist lawyers will be hungry to ..

Program of Study - Macquarie Law School - Macquarie Law School ..


LAW 208 Law, Lawyers & Society, LAW 214 Jurisprudence .. LAW 314 Constitutional Law & Administration I, LAW 315 Constitutional Law ..


Evolution or Revolution: State Constitutional Law Sojourns, RD ..


by JA Thomson - 1992 - constitutional law?7 Even if postulating the correct answer was possible,~ that None .. involved in legal and constitutional affairs23 One example is lawyers' ..

Ms Paula O'Brien - Staff Profile


Paula is teaching Administrative Law and Constitutional Law in the JD in .. interest lawyering in Australia, in particular through changes to law ..


Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies - University of ..


Its advisory board consists of leading Australian and international public lawyers. Its purpose is to focus greater attention on Australian constitutional law and ..

Undergraduate programs | UNSW LAW


10+ items – At UNSW undergraduate students study law as part of a Law ..

4760 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws

4703 Bachelor of Art Theory/Bachelor of Laws

Biography - Sir William Harrison Moore - Australian Dictionary of ..


Sir William Harrison Moore (1867-1935), academic and constitutional lawyer, was .. In 1892 he succeeded Professor Edward Jenks in the chair of law at the ..

Eu-Jin Teo - Accounting: Faculty of Business and Economics : The ..


Eu-Jin is a prize winning researcher and an academic lawyer with practical .. He created and coordinates the Australian Constitutional Law ..

UNSW JD program | UNSW LAW


Those with a law degree from a different legal system may also apply. .. Summer Semester, Federal Constitutional Law · Law & Social Theory OR Legal .. 1 (6 UOC) · Law, Lawyers and Society (6 UOC) · Advanced Legal Research (2 UOC) ..


Unjust Enrichment As A Principle of Australian Constitutionalism By ..


by BF Fitzgerald - 1995 - - needs to describe unjust enrichment to constitutional lawyers and constitutional law to unjust enrichment lawyers. A) Unjust Enrichment. 7. PBH Birks, An ..


Group Work in Constitutional Law


by M ISRAEL - - from Toowomba to Tasmania grasping at constitutional straws in public law exams or essays, as it was in the film by the character of fly-by-night solicitor, ..

Pyke, John --- "HP Lee and G Winterton (eds), Australian ..


by J PYKE[10] Perhaps the more likely audience is the broader, but still restricted, circle of lawyers who do not specialise in constitutional law, and who feel that they would ..

School of Law


15+ items – Faculty of Business and Law. USQ Home Faculty of Business ..

Reid Mortensen

Lawyers' ethics (focusing on virtue ethics and religious ..

Mike Robertson

Lawyers' ethical and professional responsibilities; lawyer ..

Professor Mary Crock - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


Admitted to Practice as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of .. of public law such as constitutional law and public international law. ..

Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Laws (0094 ..


The study of law develops problem-solving skills and powers of analysis. ... Constitutional law; LAW5104 Civil procedure; LAW5125 Lawyers, ..

News & Events - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch University


Brazilian Lawyer Speaks at the Law School Seminar: On Monday 31st .... Dr Augusto Zimmermann, Lecturer in Constitutional Law, has recently returned from a ..

Professor Gabriël Moens Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law ..


He teaches and researches in various areas, including constitutional law, .. 1983 - 1986, The New South Wales Institute of Technology, Faculty of Law, Sydney ..


Precedent List - UTS: Law - University of Technology, Sydney


Constitutional Law and Administration II. Approved. 2010. 75420. Ethics and Professional. Macquarie University. LAW208. Law; Lawyers and Society. Refused ..

Susan Breau - Flinders University



Prof - Flinders University .. School of Economics Barrister and Solicitor Ontario. Teaching. Teaching interests. International Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law ..

2007 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner | Gilbert + Tobin ..


10+ items – A major conference on constitutional law, the sixth in a series, ..

Session Audio [88 MB] 153_Session1.mp3

Session 2: Recent Cases (2006)

Biography - Sir John Beverley Peden - Australian Dictionary of ..


Pre-eminent in constitutional law, he also specialized in property, conveyancing .. although he persuaded leading lawyers to teach the professional subjects. ..


invitation - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW


hosted by the State Attorney-General, the Hon Greg Smith. SC. Participants at this .. The Federal and State Courts on Constitutional Law: The. 2011 Term. Chair: ..


invitation - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW


The conference will be addressed by leading practitioners, government lawyers, .. The Federal and State Courts on Constitutional Law: The. 2011 Term. Chair: ..

2008 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner | Gilbert + Tobin ..


The first of the keynote papers,The High Court on Constitutional Law: The 2007 .. It was addressed by leading practitioners, government lawyers, judges and ..

Associate Professor Tim Stephens - Sydney Law School - The ..


Dr Tim Stephens is an international lawyer and human geographer and ... Criminal Court and the Australian Constitution' (2002) 13 Public Law Review 246-251 ..

People - Sydney Centre for International Law - The University of ..


Professor Philip Alston, New York University School of Law .. Mr Bill Campbell QC, Office of International Law, Australian Attorney-General's Department ... Professor Helen Irving is Professor of Constitutional Law and expert ..

Unit Handbook, Units Indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law


.. Constitutional law 306; LAW3301 Criminal law and procedure A ... Lawyers' responsibilities; LAW7332 Principles of construction law ..

The Hazards of Making Constitutions: Some Reflections on ..


by IRHSI Richardson - It was requested that the paper draw on my own perspectives as a lawyer, academic, .. Comparative Constitutional Law: Canada, the United Kingdom, and the ..

WebLaw - Health Law


20+ items – Powers of Attorney Act 2006 (ACT): An Act about powers of ..

AB v The Attorney-General for the State of Victoria [2005] VSC 180

Breen v Williams (1996) 186 CLR 71

Constitutional Law in Practice (Formerly .. - Subject Details


In addition, constitutional law arises in practice in non-litigious settings, in particular in the provision of advice to government (both from government lawyers and ..

Other Countries - Legal Resources


Includes the following sections: Background, Constitution, Sources of Law ... Case Law, Solicitors/Attorneys, Law Faculties, Law Libraries, Literature, Law ..


Elizabeth Handsley - Flinders University



Prof - Flinders University She teaches constitutional law, tort law and aspects of media law. .. Media, public health and law: A lawyer's primer on the food advertising ..

Publications | UNSW LAW


Australian Constitutional Law and Theory: Commentary and Materials .... 'The Role of an Academic Lawyer / Legal Academic' ALTA [Australasian Law Teachers ..

Clark as law-maker and jurist - University of Tasmania


While Attorney-General in the Fysh and Braddon Governments, Clark .. which confirmed his reputation as a leading constitutional lawyer. ..


For Your Diary the fourth Geoffrey Sawer .. - ANU College of Law


and Strains in the Constitution .. seminar will be intersections of constitutional law with .. conference attracted 125 international lawyers from Australia, ..

Dr Greg Taylor, Monash Law


Australian Law Teachers Association Australian Association of Constitutional Law Australian-German Lawyers Association Australian Legal ..

Bachelor of Arts with the degree of Bachelor of Laws - 2011 Course ..


Minimum number of LAW credit points required, 72 .. 3. Law, Lawyers and Society (3). LAW208 .. 3. Constitutional Law and Administration I (3) ..


Proposed Program for PLW 2010 - ANU College of Law


constitutional role of the Solicitor-General in Australia. She graduated with a bachelor of laws (first class honours) from the University of ..


6 Public Law Weekend


over the constitutionality of President Bush's military tribunals to try non-US citizens. International lawyer Anne-Marie Slaughter has argued strongly against the ..

Asst/Prof Sarah Murray - UWA Staff Profile The University of ..


Viewing Judicial Mediation Through the Lens of Constitutional Law' .. Prior to joining the UWA Law Faculty, Sarah worked as a lawyer at Allens ..


The High Court on Constitutional Law: The 2004 Term


by H Charlesworth - 2005 - Annual Constitutional Law Conference. 18 February 2005. Hilary Charlesworth. Speaking notes. I have the status of an interloper as an international lawyer ..


Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies Newsletter


Prior to this he was a diplomat and lawyer. 'Thinking about "constitutional dictatorship."' Speaker: Professor Sanford Levinson, Professor of Government, ..


The Gleeson Court on Constitutional Law: An Empirical Analysis


by A Lynch - - the High Court's constitutional law decisions of the preceding year. 1. In doing so, he .. Australian lawyers have, however, been largely reticent about the ..




by JM Finnis - 1968 - - Still, the argument has a real fascination; there is no doubt that for lawyers, .. of American constitutional law used by the founders drew distinctions between ..


Sheet1 - Faculty of Law


Microsoft Excel - 25, Year 4 Semester 2, LAW3402 Property B, LAW3201 Constitutional law, LAW5125* Lawyers, ethics & society, LAW elective, LAW elective. 26, Year 5 ..

Student Message Board - LEC - Library


LANGUAGE SKILLS FOR LAWYERS COURSE (BETWEEN SESSION COURSE) ... Constitutional Law assignment results will be available via the Results ..

E Law: Lange v ABC: the High Court rethinks the ..


by S Walker - - For defamation lawyers, the most important outcome of Lange is the collapsing of the "Constitutional" defence and the expanded qualified privilege established ..


Jean-Marc Coicaud's meeting with Mr


constitutional law and legal education. The bulk of his research .. Lawyers have played a major role in the civilization of sovereign states through the articulation ..

UniClassifieds @ Unicentre


Law - E. Ellis - 1st Ed - $15 Principles and Practice of Aust. .. and answers Criminal Law - 2009 - $40 Lawyers in Australia - Lamb + Littrich - 1st .. Federal Constitutional Law: A Contemporary View - Sarah Joseph & Melissa ..

Associates - Asian Law Centre


He has been a practicing lawyer since 1996, primarily in criminal law, constitutional law and human rights litigation. He was the Executive ..

Foundation Day Dinner & Disco - News and Events - University of ..


Adrian Diethelm is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Notre Dame Australia and has extensive experience as a barrister and academic lawyer. His interests include legal philosophy, constitutional law and ..

Steven Churches Home Page


'Judicial Review in Refugee Law: What a Difference a Written Constitution can make' Anglo-Australasian Lawyers Society (UK Branch), London, April 2003. ..

Malaysian youth roles and responsibilities


He is also the former Chairperson of the Bar Council's National Young Lawyers' Human Rights and Constitutional Law committees, and has ..

Ms Melissa Castan, Monash Law


Australian Constitutional Law - A Contemporary View (2nd Edition) (2005) LBC. 'Native Title Representative Body Lawyer Professional ..

ANU - STUDYAT - ANU College of Law (Courses)


LAWS1201, Foundations of Australian Law. LAWS1202, Lawyers Justice and Ethics. LAWS1203 .. LAWS2213, Contemporary Issues in Constitutional Law ..

ANU COLLEGE OF LAW - Staff & members


Matthew practiced as a solicitor in several community legal centres and the .. He has taught a range of courses including Constitutional Law, Law of the Sea, ..




by I Govey - 2000 - constitutional law, that would prevent the Commonwealth and the States ... The Attorney-General – as well as the legal and business communities more ..

Nicholas Aroney - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..


30+ items – .. of Toronto Law Journal 421-480; N Aroney, 'Constitutional ..

N Aroney, 'New Zealand, Australasia and Federation' (2011) 16 Canterbury ..

N Aroney, 'Subsidiarity: European Lessons for Australia's Federal Balance ..




space law expertise among ADF legal officers. .. NZ Armed Forces Law Association .. Constitution's s.80 jury trial protections being a right ..

Edward Santow | UNSW LAW


He has taught Administrative Law, Federal Constitutional Law and Public Law. .. at the Australian Law Reform Commission, a solicitor at the Sydney law firm, ..

Margaret Kelly Bio@Macquarie Law


Policy advising on constitutional and administrative legal matters ... High Court of Australia, and four distinguished constitutional lawyers. ..

Biography - Sir Robert Randolph Garran - Australian Dictionary of ..


As a lawyer Garran was in general far sighted and meticulous rather than inventive. He was thoroughly aware that 'constitutional law is not pure logic, it is logic ..

Entry Requirements - PLT - Professional Legal Training Course ..


The GDLP is open to any law or LPAB graduate and to any student in their final .. Law A (Administrative Law); Public Law B (Australian Constitutional Law) .. Evidence; Law of Business Organisations; Lawyers and Australian ..

E Law: Does Australia Need a Bill of Rights?


From the standpoint of constitutional lawyers and the future of democracy in .. As such, I include the interpretation of statute law, that is, the law as enacted by ..

Associate Professor Alexander (Alex) Reilly | The University of ..


Refugee Council of Australia. Australian Institute of Administrative Law Incorporated. Australian Association of Constitutional Lawyers ..

John Williams


Professor John Williams is a constitutional lawyer and Dean of Adelaide Law School. He has published widely in the areas of public law and ..

Units of study - Future students - The University of Sydney


The compulsory areas of law you must study to meet these .. Federal and state constitutional law; Professional conduct (including basic trust ... of interest shape the advice and representation lawyers provide for their clients. ..


Lionel Murphy Scholar Biographical Template


.. at the Australian National University in 1997, with a focus on native title and constitutional law. This built on his earlier experience as a lawyer ..

Bachelor of Laws | Victoria University | Melbourne Australia


You'll gain specialised education and skills in core areas of law as well as in various .. Australian Legal System in Context [BLB1101] · Constitutional Law .. Interviewing and Negotiation Skills [BLB3130] · Lawyers and Legal ..


Constitutional Implications for the Provision of Full and Independent ..


by D ForresterThe Common Law Adversary System 19. The Significance of the Role Played by Lawyers in the Traditional Iudicial. Process 23. Iudges as Guardians: Enforcing ..

Indigenous Legal Issues Project Resource Page | Gilbert + Tobin ..


Audio of Panel Session on Australian Constitutional Futures, from the Centre's 2009 Constitutional Law Conference (20 February 2009). Compered by ABC ..

Stone, Adrienne --- "The Common Law and the Constitution: A Reply ..


by A STONEF Now that the High Court has taken the step of subjecting the common law to the Constitution, Australian constitutional lawyers have much work ..

Jackson, Vicki C --- "Transnational Challenges to Constitutional Law ..


by I CONVERGENCEWhat is the benefit to judges and lawyers of engaging with foreign or international law in constitutional interpretation? The answers to this question may seem ..

Parsons Visitors - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


He is a qualified attorney in Italy and in the state of New York. ... of the KwaZulu-Natal Bar with a practice in international and constitutional law. ..


Justices Murphy and Kirby: Reviving Social Democracy and the ..


by S Guy - 2010 - CONSTITUTION. 27. Attorney-General and Minister for Customs. ... constitutional law which were discussed more amply by the majority. It is this tendency which ..

Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of Bachelor of Laws ..


In this commerce and law degree you'll develop a comprehensive .. legal studies areas such as constitutional law, international law and contract law. You'll .. the appropriate qualification for admission to practice as a lawyer ..

Unit Handbook, Units Indexed by Code: L


.. Constitutional law 306; LAW3301 Criminal law and procedure A ... Lawyers' responsibilities; LAW7332 Principles of construction law ..

UTS: C10124v5 Bachelor of Laws - Law, UTS Handbook


Career options include lawyer (solicitor or barrister) or legal policy adviser within a government or corporate .. 70616 Australian Constitutional Law, 8cp ..


Clarke v Commissioner of Taxation


A paper presented by Robert Meadows QC, Solicitor General of Western Australia, at the. 2010 Constitutional Law Conference conducted by the Gilbert + Tobin ..

Law - Monash University Library


Source documents include Australian, New Zealand and Pacific law journals, and .. See also: AGIS : Attorney-General's information service | CaseBase .... It includes the ILO Constitution, ILO Conventions, international labor standards, ..




lan Ramsay is Harold Ford Professor of Commercial Law and Director of the Centre for .. In 1987 the Senate Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs ... The attorneys-general of Western Australia and South Australia have ..

Workplace relations reform: summary and constitutionality - USQ ..


by A Gray - 2006 - Gray, Anthony (2006) Workplace relations reform: summary and constitutionality. Queensland Lawyer, 26 (5). pp. 257-267. ISSN 0312-1658 ..

Undergraduate courses | UNSW LAW


140+ items – Undergraduate courses. Course name. Course code, Course ..


Law in the Information Age 2.0


Sport, Law & Society

Requalifying for practice in Victoria - School of Law


Qualified lawyers from interstate or overseas who wish to requalify for .. Federal & State Constitutional Law, MLL323 Constitutional Law ..




Microsoft Excel - 13, LAW4169 Equity, LAW4171 Corporations law, LAW5125 Lawyers, ethics and .. 31, Year 6 Semester 2, LAW3201 Constitutional law, LAW5125* Lawyers, ..


Annual Prize Ceremony - ANU College of Law


ACT Women Lawyers' Association Prize for Law Studies. Jenna Priestly .. B C Meagher Prize for Commonwealth Constitutional Law. Isharna Walsh ..

Stone, Adrienne --- "Freedom of Political Communication, the ..


by A Stone Reference to American constitutional law is not unprecedented. .. Constitution has long been a source for Australian constitutional lawyers. ..

School of Law - Current students


Davies Collison Cave Solicitors Prize for the best student in Intellectual Property. Geelong Law Association Prize for the best student in Constitutional Law. ..


The University of New South Wales Faculty of Law


The Attorney argued that as administrative body constituted under state law, the. Tribunal was bound to accept the constitutional validity of the laws of New ..

Constitutional law - ACER


Australia and New Zealand Journal of Law and Education v.5 n.2 p.16-26 2000. .. SUBJECT KEYWORDS: Constitutional law; Lawyers; Legal education; Values ..




by PT SC - Solicitor-General for Victoria. Address delivered to the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law 2009. Constitutional Law Conference, Sydney, 20 February 2009. 1 ..


Law, Lawyers and Lattes: The (Ir)relevance of the Chattering ..


by A Byrnes - 2006 - the power to interpret laws under the Chinese Constitution. .... insecurity. The roles of the academic lawyer are varied, but they include the balanced and expert ..

Constitutional Law - law school


Melbourne Law School .. Subject Pages 2012 · Global Lawyer LAWS50071 · Institutions in International Law LAWS50045 .. Constitutional Law LAWS50028 .. To view the materials on the LMS/Blackboard Constitutional Law ..

ANU COLLEGE OF LAW - Australian Centre for Military Law and ..


Criminal law, administrative law, constitutional law and international law all have .. will complement the postgraduate teaching program for Defence lawyers, the ..

News - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch University


Brazilian Lawyer Speaks at the Law School Seminar .. writing a joint book on Brazilian Constitutional Law and Theory together with Dr Augusto Zimmermann. ..

E LAW | The Evolution of the Role of the Attorney-General - Text


by A McCarthy - - Subjects: Attorneys General -- Australia Constitutional law (Other articles) Law - history (Other articles). Issue: Volume 11, Number 4 (December ..


Preface - ANU College of Law


Rich Text Format - Legal Research Officer to the Solicitor-General for NSW. Entries: Brennan .. Professor of Constitutional Law and Dean of Law, ANU. Entries: Accountability ..


Does Australia Need A Bill of rights _4_


guarantees into the Constitution have been similarly unsuccessful. For .. Law Project at the Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, made this point .... 46. 32. The Courts As Legislators , The Lawyer and Justice (Sweet & Maxwell) (1978). ..


Year 1 Year 3 Year 2 - UNSW LAW


Law, Lawyers and Society (6. UOC). Criminal Law. 2 (6 UOC). Torts (6 UOC). Contracts 2 (6. UOC). Administrativ e Law (6 UOC). Federal. Constitutional. Law (6 ..




by J Alvey - 2005 - - called polity and the constitution in the Laws has no element of monarchy but only .. The English lawyer Blackstone (1765-69) presented a comprehensive ..


m acquarie law school


Studying law at Macquarie: degree program options ..................11. Bachelor ... of constitutional law, contract law .. local communities, lawyers working with ..

Master of Laws / Graduate Diploma in Law - Sydney Law School ..


160+ items – The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School Handbook ..

LAWS6011 Administrative Law

compulsory for MALP ..

LAWS6014 Advanced Financing Techniques

A LAWS6038 or ..




Its advisory board consists of leading Australian and international public lawyers. Its purpose is to focus greater attention on Australian constitutional law and ..

Increased uptake in the Sydney LLM - News and Events - University ..


The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. In an interview with Lawyers Weekly, Dr Loughnan says there has been a noticeable .. with subjects in administrative law, migration, constitutional law or other related areas." ..

"The United Nations as a source of legal authority" by G. L. Rose


by GL Rose - 2005 - One is that Australian constitutional lawyers are now examining the relationship between international law and constitutional law. Justice Kirby of the High Court ..


Some Observations on the Common Law and the Constitution


by P TATE - at the Conference of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law and the ... Baker observes that lawyers have 'been bemused by the apparent continuity of ..

Law Journals - Legal Resources


Rankings based on number of citations, hosted by Washington & Lee Law School. .. Plaintiff: Journal of Australian of Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association; Proctor ... Harvard Women's Law Journal; Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly ..


LAWS50038 Legal Ethics


Principles of Public Law (regarding the regulation of lawyers), Constitutional Law (regarding arguments for and against self-regulation of lawyers, and regulation ..




lawyers, are now the subject of closer scrutiny. 3. .. presented at the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law 2011 Constitutional Law Conference, ..

Marie Sexton BA 1943, DipEd 1944, LLB 1949 - (1920-2010) - News ..


The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. BA 1947, LLB 1950), drafted a constitution to create the Women Lawyers Association of NSW. ..

Professor Cheryl Saunders AO - Staff Profile


30+ items – Melbourne Law School .. Archive · law@melbourne Archive ..

Beyond minimalism' in S. Murray (ed), Constitutional Perspectives on an ..

Reforming the fundamental law constitutional change and public participation ..

International Law and The Australian Legal System (ILALS)


Joint Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Attorney-General, .. Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee, Parliament of Australia, ..

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts | Victoria University | Melbourne ..


Give your law career a strong start with this double degree. You'll .. and training of a lawyer in the context of the humanities and social sciences. .. Australian Legal System in Context [BLB1101] · Constitutional Law [BLB1118] ..




Section 72 of the Constitution provides that judges must be appointed by the ... judging is a career which lawyers pursue from the time of graduation in law, ..


Preserving Due Process or Warehousing the Undesirables: To What ..


by P KEYZER - - Association of Constitutional Law convened by Professor George Winterton at the University ... Attorney-General (Qld),12 a majority of the High Court held that ..




And I'm certainly thinking of Leslie Zines, who was not only a wonderful constitutional lawyer who understood all about the interface of law with politics and ..

Award winners - School of Law


20+ items – Faculty of Business and Law School of Law. Search. Contact us ..

Supreme Court Prize for the best student completing the. Deakin University ..

Alan Missen Foundation Prize for the best student essay in. Law, Society and ..

URL: http://www. aa. gov. au/AA_WWW/AA_Publications/advices ..


by A GreenshieldsURL: Constitutional Law A .. and Guides The Internet Fact Finder for Lawyers: How To Find Anything on the Net. ..


Q3. There has been speculation in the media that the Federal ..


Senate and the Shadow Attorney-General disagreed with the government's legal advice and with that of prominent constitutional lawyer George Williams to the ..

UTS: Research - 1998 - University of Technology, Sydney


Constitutional Law. Sydney. Butterworths. i-xx, 1-321 plus index. R Watt. 1998. Interest Group Papers - Virtual Law School: A Practical Reality. ..

Law/Arts student named 2011 Rhodes Scholar | University News ..


One of The University of Western Australia's top Law graduates who .. Solicitor's Office while also tutoring in constitutional law at UWA and ..

George Williams | UNSW LAW


George has written and edited 26 books, including A Charter of Rights for Australia, Australian Constitutional Law and Theory and The Oxford Companion to the ..

The Law, the Constitution and Legal Education in the Twenty-First ..


by SK Keith - Principles can, for instance, be drawn from political and constitutional history running ... As well, for many areas of law, lawyers and indeed others involved, now ..

WorldLII - Recent Additions


250+ items – Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law ..

Legal Information Institute of India (LIIofIndia)

Link added: India Major ..

Major Legal Sites

Category added: Countries ..

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia


Attorneys-General for the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia, 72, 242, .... B LACKMORE —“The Law of the Constitution of South Australia” (1894). ..

Coper, Michael --- "Legal Knowledge, the Responsibility of Lawyers ..


by OP Session Legal Knowledge, the Responsibility of Lawyers, and the Task of Law Schools. Paper presented by. Professor Michael Coper Dean and Robert ..

Professor Reg Graycar - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


1987 - 1988, ARC large grant, "Women, Law and Dependence" ... presented at the Women's Constitutional Convention, January 1998 and ..

The work of Andrew Inglis Clark - University of Tasmania


Judge | Politician | Lawyer | Constitution | Hare-Clark | University .. In the constitutional law case involving the doctrine of intergovernmental ..

Advisory Board - Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies


Australian Association of Constitutional Law · Law School Home .. Studies consists of leading Australian and international public lawyers. ..

The Final Courts Round-up 2011 | Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public ..


.. + Tobin Centre of Public Law and the Australian Association of Constitutional Law .. and Canada – that are of key interest to Australian constitutional lawyers. ..

Dr Greg Carne - UWA Staff Profile The University of Western ..


Australian Association of Constitutional Law Australasian Law .. Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court (Victoria) .ANU Research ..



Attorney-General's lawyer may act for more than one party 55G. .. Appearance of parties Division 1A--Provisions relating to Constitutional matters 78AA. ..

LAW2CNL - Subject Search :


All law in Australia is fundamentally shaped by the Constitution and so all lawyers need to have a working understanding of it. In this subject students study both ..

Jo Ford - ANU - Centre for International Governance & Justice (CIGJ ..


Strengthening the Rule of Law through the United Nations Security Council .. Constitutional Democracy in South Africa 1994 – 2004, (Lexis-Nexis ... Ford, J. 2003, 'Questioning democratisation and lawyers' increased ..

Admission to practise in Canada : Law School Careers Office : The ..


Melbourne Law School Law School Careers Office .. four uniquely Canadian topics: Canadian Constitutional Law, Canadian Administrative Law, .. Trained Lawyers which provides a step-by-step procedure to help you plan. ..

Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) (3387) - Postgraduate Course - Law ..


This course is a first degree in law for graduates of disciplines other than .. law jurisdiction, who wish to gain admission as a practising lawyer in Victoria. .. Principles of property law; LAW7268 Principles of constitutional law ..

Biography - Sir Philip David Phillips - Australian Dictionary of ..


Sir Philip David Phillips (1897-1970), lawyer and teacher, was born on 22 March 1897 .. His familiarity with American jurisprudence and constitutional law was ..


Executive Power and the Theory of its Limits: Still Evolving or Finally ..


Constitution as law was axiomatic because the Constitution was then ... Mr Vadarlis, a Victorian solicitor acting pro bono, sought orders in the ..


UNSW Faculty of Law


Contracts 1. 3 JURD7250. Federal Constitutional Law. 6. JURD7110. Law, Lawyers & Society. 6 JURD7160. Administrative Law. 6. JURD7140. Public Law. 3 ..

Other countries - Legal Resources


Includes the following sections: Background, Constitution, Sources of Law ... Case Law, Solicitors/Attorneys, Law Faculties, Law Libraries, Literature, Law ..

E Law: The Free Market: An Erosion of Free Speech


Attorney at Law. Subjects: Constitutional Law United States (Other articles) Freedom of Speech (Other articles). Issue: Volume 7, Number 3 (September 2000) ..

The Evolution of the Role of the Attorney-General


by A McCarthy - - Subjects: Attorneys General -- Australia Constitutional law (Other articles) Law - history (Other articles). Issue: Volume 11, Number 4 (December ..

Public Law - Research Supervisor Connect - Future Students ..


Professor Gerangeolos is a constitutional lawyer and academic with research interests in the separation of powers, executive power, and ..


Preface - ANU College of Law


Rich Text Format - Professor of Law, University of Sydney. Entry: Writs. Nicholas Aroney. Lecturer, School of Law, University of Queensland. Entry: Implied constitutional rights: ..

ANU College of Asia and the Pacific - Anthony Regan - CAP - ANU


Anthony Regan is a constitutional lawyer who specialises in .. In PNG he advised government on decentralisation policy and law and taught at ..

Bachelor of Environment with the degree of Bachelor of Laws - 2012 ..


Required. 3. Law, Lawyers and Society (3). LAW208. Required .. Required. 3. Constitutional Law and Administration I (3). LAW314. Required ..

David Clark - Flinders University



Prof - Flinders University In Principles of Australian public law. .. The South Australian compact of 1857: the rise, fall and influence of a constitutional compromise. ..

Bachelor of Laws - Macquarie University


Learn the role of law in society and develop a sense of social .. In this degree you'll study established areas such as constitutional law, international law, contract law and family law. You'll .. 3. Law, Lawyers and Society (3) ..

Law of Royal Commissions and other Public Inquiries - Subject Details


Lawyers appearing before such bodies require a detailed knowledge of their procedural rules, administrative and constitutional law, procedural fairness and the ..

Professor Jeffrey Goldsworthy, Monash Law


Monash University, Law .. Contributions of Irish Lawyers to the Law and its Practice in .. SJD: The constitutionalisation of jurisdictional error ..

Victoria - Australian Labour Law Association


Melbourne Law School Australian Labour Law Association ... President of the AIRC and Constitutional Law expert Professor George Williams, ..


ESSAY SIR ISAAC ISAACS - Melbourne University Law Review ..


huge — especially in constitutional law, where his decisions are still of great .. If such a clever and insightful lawyer could fall victim to attitudes of racism and ..


australian indigenous - Indigenous Law Centre - UNSW


[2010] BWHC and Maya Leaders Alliance v Attorney General of Belize (Supreme Court of Belize, ... constitutional law of Canada, vesting them in the Aboriginal ..

Publications | UNSW LAW


25+ items – The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social ..

Nicola McGarrity and Edward Santow, `Anti-terrorism laws: Balancing national ..

Enhanced scrutiny of human rights: Of parliament, pigs and lipstick` (Paper ..

Bachelor of Arts with the degree of Bachelor of Laws - Macquarie ..


Combine the problem solving and research skills from a law degree with .. You'll study established legal studies areas such as constitutional law, international law, contract law and family law. .. Law, Lawyers and Society (3) ..


Standing To Raise Constitutional Issues Reconsidered, Considered


by P Keyzer - 2011 - arguable question of constitutional law should not have to pay for access to ... For example, in March 1995 the State Attorney-General ..

Distinguished Speakers Program: Dr David Bennett AC QC - News ..


The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. Dr David Bennett AC QCwas the Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia .. (Australian and NSW sections) and of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law. ..


Proposals for new elective courses in the undergraduate law ..


practised constitutional law at the Crown Solicitor's Office in South Australia. She holds a BA (Hons) and LLB (Hons) from the University of ..




1 (G Evans, “The High Court and the Constitution in a Changing Society” in AD Hambly & JL. Goldring (eds) Australian Lawyers and Social Change, Law Book ..

Professor David Kinley - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


Professor David Kinley holds the Chair in Human Rights Law at University of Sydney, .. Attorney-General's Dept. and the Law Foundation of NSW (124 pp) 1998 .. on International Constitutional Law, Nomos Publishers: Germany (2010) 23-31 ..

Publications | UNSW LAW


'Constitutional Politics: The Austrailan Experience with Referendums', Continuing Legal Education Seminar, NSW Young Lawyers, Sydney, 24 August 2010. ..

Admission and Unit Information – Bachelor of Laws (Non-Graduate ..


Students will be able to explain and evaluate the law and practice of lawyers, .. Commonwealth laws; Bills of Rights; Constitutional freedoms and restrictions on ..




(delivered at the 2005 Constitutional Law Conference in Sydney on 18 February 2005 by. Pamela Tate S.C., Solicitor-General for Victoria). 1. It has been ..

Faculty of Business and Law


Law is a challenging and intellectually demanding discipline that is .. Deakin's Bachelor of Laws is designed to produce first-class commercial lawyers. .. Constitutional Law, Contract, Legal Practice and Ethics, Taxation, ..


The United Nations as a source of legal authority


by GL Rose - 2005 - Australian constitutional lawyers are now examining the relationship between international law and constitutional law. Justice Kirby of the High Court of Australia ..

Bachelor of Science with the degree of Bachelor of Laws ..


Pursue your interest in science and law. In this degree you'll .. You'll be entitled to admission for professional practice as a lawyer in New South Wales. Complete two .. Required. 3. Constitutional Law and Administration I (3) ..


law school celebrates centenary of high court of australia


Constitutional Law (IACL) held on 4 and 5 .. Association of Constitutional Law. .. how you can register will be provided in the next issue of law@melbourne. ..


I invite you - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW


to register for a major conference on constitutional law to be held in Sydney on Friday 18 .. Wales Attorney-General, the Hon John Hatzistergos. Participants ..


the playfulness of constitutional law


by N Rogers - 2005 - Lawyers are familiar with the depersonalising process by which courtrooms turn .. dry impersonal constitutional law narrative into a dramatic event. Individual ..

UTS: Alphabetical list of subjects - Law, UTS Handbook


Applied Company Law 79014. Asian Law and Legal Systems 76003. Australian Civil Liberties Law 76074. Australian Constitutional Law 70616. B. Banking and ..


2547 LawBooklet.17 - Law School Careers Office - University of ..


opportunity to work in areas such as regulation, constitutional issues with the Australian Government. Solicitor's Office, and criminal law with the Office of ..

Admission and Unit Information – Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry ..


This is examined in the context of Australian constitutional .. legal and ethical responsibilities lawyers owe to the law, the courts, their clients, ..

Associate Professor Kristen Walker - Staff Profile


Archive · law@melbourne Archive .. Prior to joining the Law Faculty, she completed her articles with Arthur Robinson and .. Kristen teaches Constitutional Law and Law and Sexuality in the LLB program and, in the Melbourne ..


Feminism and Federalism - ANU College of Law


2006, GILBERT AND TOBIN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CONFERENCE: THE DEATH OF .... Paper presented at the Australian Association of Family Lawyers and ..

Subject Details - law school


Melbourne Law School .. 2012 · Global Lawyer LAWS50071 · Institutions in International Law LAWS50045 .. Constitutional Law LAWS50028 ..

Ms Gabrielle Appleby | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory


I have taught previously in the public law field at the University of .. of Adelaide researching the constitutional role of the Solicitor-General in ..


Curriculum Vitae - law school - University of Melbourne


Director of Studies, Government Law, Melbourne Law Masters. 7.2 Other .. Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Constitutional Law (2001-) ..


Law - Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies - University of


Professor, teaching courses on Comparative Constitutional Law and ... lawyer. She has taught law at National University of Ireland Galway ..




by MJ Detmold - 1971 - - In the first is discussed the possibility of an Australian constitutional lawyer asserting the sovereign-ty of the Commonwealth whilst denying -the same of the ..

Leaders come together to re-engage with Africa - News and Events ..


Mr Biti has distinguished himself as one of the leading lawyers in .. with special expertise in human rights, labour and constitutional law. ..



In the absence of entrenched rights in the Constitution and the state's .. Megan has been an international human rights lawyer for over 10 years ..

Professor Margaret Allars - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


Administrative Law; Legal Theory; Health Law; Constitutional Law ... at the New South Wales Young Lawyers CLE Seminar Series, Sydney, ..


Advisory Opinions and Declaratory Judgments at the Suit of ..


by L Zines - 2011 - view, in the then state of constitutional law, it is likely that if the Court had ... It now seems accepted that the State itself, or its Attorney-General ..

Ms Kathleen McEvoy | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory


Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of SA and the High Court of Australia. Teaching Interests. Australian Constitutional Law ..

UTS: Danielle Gatehouse transcript - law at UTS


Instead of having: graduate lawyer, senior associate and partner, they .. government law is not just administrative law and constitutional law. ..

The Australian Federal Constitution: Net Resources (About)


(aka: What bits of constitutional law aren't in the Constitution?) .... identical (more or less) version can be found here on the Australian Government Solicitor's site. ..


Law - Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies - University of


champion of a major new statutory scheme for regulating lawyers recently ... of law, political philosophy and comparative constitutional law. ..

JD courses | UNSW LAW


JURD7110, Law, Lawyers & Society. JURD7111 .. JURD7250, Federal Constitutional Law. JURD7281 .. JURD7321, Foundations of Intellectual Property Law ..

ANU - STUDYAT - Bachelor of Laws


LAWS1202 - Lawyers Justice and Ethics LAWS1204 - Contracts LAWS1205 - Australian Public Law LAWS2202 - Commonwealth Constitutional Law ..


UNSW Faculty of Law 4760 B Arts/LLB 5 Years Full-Time


and Social Sciences\4760 Arts & Law. UNSW Faculty of .. 6 LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society. 6. Arts Major. 12 .. LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law ..

Mooting Opportunities | Faculty of Law | Bond University | Gold ..


Leading Brisbane legal firm Shine Lawyers sponsor this annual competition, hosted .. The Sir Harry Gibbs National Constitutional Law Moot is one of Australia's ..

Potential PhD supervisors


15+ items – Faculty of Business and Law. USQ Home Faculty of Business ..




Dr Julie Cotter

PhD Qld

Professor (Accounting)

UTS: C04236v2 Juris Doctor - Law, UTS Handbook


The JD offers an alternative pathway to practise as a lawyer for graduates who have successfully completed a first .. 70616 Australian Constitutional Law, 8cp ..


Law - Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies - University of


Constitutional Law?‟ to the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers in Rabat, Morocco on 4-5. February. She commented on a paper by Justice Rachel ..

Constitutional Law - Legal Resources


Researching Constitutional Law on the Internet Plenty of useful links here .. Links to constitutional law sites, the Constitution and Referendums ..


A Battle and a Gamble: The Spectre Of An Adverse Costs Order In ..


by P Keyzer - 2011 - With the notable exception that an Attorney-General intervening is not liable to .. refer to both 'constitutional law' and 'costs' in the catchwords: ..

Our Research Academics - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


90+ items – The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School. Sydney Law ..

Professor Margaret Allars

Administrative law; Constitutional law; Legal theory ..

Mr Ross Anderson

Tort law; Public International Law; Private ..

Mr Graeme Hill - Staff Profile


Graeme Hill is at the Melbourne Bar, and practises in constitutional and .. worked at the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department and the Australian .. He has published widely on constitutional and administrative law. ..

Law students academic excellence awarded


First Place in Occupational Safety and Health Law - Sydney Chesson .. Clayton Utz Prize in Constitutional Law (joint winner) - Rebecca Davey ..



Eu-Jin is a prize winning researcher and an academic lawyer with practical .. He created and coordinates the Australian Constitutional Law ..

Biography - Sir Wilfred Kelsham Fullagar - Australian Dictionary of ..


While articled to the Melbourne solicitor J. W. McComas, Fullagar enlisted in .. a formidable reputation, especially in the fields of Equity and constitutional law. ..

Mining law Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia


It is designed to be a comprehensive review for lawyers, .. the framework of mining law: the constitution, ownership and land open for mining ..




what it means to 'think like a lawyer,' his research aims to .. equip the next generation of lawyers with .. constitutional law. his research critically ..

Books, chapters and articles - Monash University - Faculty of Law ..


Castan, M. "Law Briefs: Constitutional Law", Pearson Education Australia, ... Human Rights Law' (2004) 25(10 Company Lawyer 298-302. ..


Headword - ANU College of Law


Rich Text Format - Amendment of Constitution. Annual Reports .. Attorney-General, role of. Attorneys- .. Inconsistency between Commonwealth and state laws. Independence ..

Page 10 - 125070 UNSW Faculty of Law JD Guide.indd


8,A,very,distinctive,feature,of,the,UNSW,JD,is,depth,study,law,we,provide,for,our .. ,Criminal,1,Contracts,Public,Law,,Lawyers,&,Society,2,Torts,Advanced,Legal .. ,Administrative,Property,,Equity,Trusts,Litigation,Federal,Constitutional,Social ..




A Constitutional Road Map: Some Basic Principles and Ideas .. if a State law is inconsistent with a Commonwealth law, the State law is read down to the .... As lawyers they have already worked out that the amendments to the Migration Act ..

Andrew Lynch | UNSW LAW


Room: 329 Law Building; Phone: 9385 9654; Email: .. Federal Constitutional Law, Federalism, Judicial Decision-making and Legal ..


Newsletter - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW


For all their famed combativeness, it would seem that lawyer- .. 2011 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner. Tickets for our next Constitutional Law ..




and the current laws protecting individuals' information ... LexisNexis Constitutional Law Moot .. practised as a commercial lawyer, specialising in energy ..


Panel 1: Governance - ANU College of Law


Australian & New Zealand Society of International Law. Program. Friday 14 June .. (Lawyer and former Member, East Timor Constitutional. Assembly) ..


Standing As a Barrier To Constitutional Justice - Can We Create a ..


by G Holland - 2011 - courts to seek judicial review of the constitutional validity of laws. .. There is broad consensus among Australian public lawyers that these ..




by A Lynch - - particularly weakened operation in the field of constitutional law. .... Court of Australia, 1972–1976' in Roman Tomasic (ed), Understanding Lawyers..


Judgment Template - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW


In reflecting on the work of the High Court in constitutional law in the last term, I .... entrepreneurial activities of lawyers undertaking the conduct of class or group ..


Territory Exceptionalism and Indigenous Property Holders ..


by S Brennan - observation by Barwick CJ in Attorney-General (Commonwealth); Ex rel ... estate11 and Section 51(xxxi) bucks the trend in Australian constitutional law — it ..

Sungaila, Helen - JCU


School of Law .. Dip in Law (Sup Ct NSW), PractisingBarrister (QLD). .. Constitutional Law .. Teaching the law (especially to non-lawyers) ..

URL: http://www. aph. gov. au/house/committee/laca ..


by A GreenshieldsURL: Parliament of Australia: Constitutional Law links ... URL: (Canada) US Lawyers ..




by S Elias - - SPEECH GIVEN TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CONFERENCE. AT THE ... Act on the Attorney-General to report to Parliament any conflict between a Bill and ..

Michael White | Refugee Conference 2011


He has practiced in a private law firm, as a government lawyer and .. international, and constitutional law, including domestic compliance with ..

Visiting Scholars - law school - University of Melbourne


His research interests are in comparative constitutional law and theory, ... Kyung Soo Yun is a labour attorney in Korea and a member of the Certified Public ..


Judicial Activism: A Question of Power and Politics, Not Law


Constitutional Law Conference. Friday February 8 2008, .. If the lawyers in this room come together simply to pontificate about judicial activism as a legal issue, ..


My name is Fiona Game, I am 24, and I have .. - ANU College of Law


highlighted 'other' essential skills that lawyers and law students can bring to the other ... Melbourne University, who made the seminal 'constitutional law' film in ..

L - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)


420+ items – L & A, Law and Anthropology. L & C, Law and Critique.

L & Comp Tech

Law & Computer Technology

L & CP

Law & Contemporary Problems

WebLaw - Thesaurus


25+ items – .. Constitutional Law, Corporations Law, Criminology, Cyberlaw ..

Accidents and Compensation

Emergency services. Insurance Negligence ..

Banking and Finance

Banking Bankruptcy Credit Debt Electronic ..

UTS: 2006 UTS: Law awards ceremony - law at UTS


Faculty Certificate for Best Performance in Federal Constitutional Law. L-R: Joint Winners .. Ian Ellis-Jones Lawyer Prize in Administrative Law ..


This file was downloaded from:


by C Sampford - 2009 - constitutional law and legal education. The bulk of his research .. Lawyers have played a major role in the civilization of sovereign states through the articulation ..


ANNUAL REPORT - Asian Law Centre - University of Melbourne


and the International Criminal Court. He has been a practicing lawyer since 1996, primarily in criminal law, constitutional law and human rights litigation. He was ..




LAWS2203 Corporations Law. 6.00 57 P. Semester 2, 2007. LAWS2202 Commonwealth Constitutional Law 6.00 66 CR. LAWS1202 Lawyers, Justice and ..


Australian Institute of Administrative Law Inc. Editors: Alice ..


by JM Barker - The NSW Attorney-General argued that as an administrative body constituted under State law, the Tribunal was bound to accept the constitutional validity of the ..

Admission and Unit Information – Bachelor of Social Science ..


The School of Law offers a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, which ... legal and ethical responsibilities lawyers owe to the law, the courts, their .. State and Commonwealth laws; Bills of Rights; Constitutional freedoms and ..

Professor Rosemary Lyster - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


Rosemary Lyster is a Professor in the Faculty of Law and Director of the .. on Environmental Law, comprising environmental lawyers from around the world. .. The New Constitutional and Administrative Law, Vol.2, Juta: Cape ..





Consumer Credit Law & Lawyers





Hot Topics 72 - Consumer credit


AUTHOR NOTE: Karen Cox is a lawyer and the. Co-ordinator of the Consumer Credit Legal Centre. (NSW) Inc, a community legal centre specialising in financial ..

Comlaw Home


National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (incorporating the Consumer ... formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) This ..

find LEGAL answers - Consumers- Consumer protection


Jump to ‎: Title: Consumer rights, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW .. Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal; conusmer credit.

National reforms to consumer laws - NSW Fair Trading


Financial services and consumer credit .. The Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department will be responsible for delivering the reform.

Community Info - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW


Attorney General's Department Crime Prevention Division - Safer Communities .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre · Lawyers Fees · Consumer ..

Member Profiles - Business Licensing Authority


A lawyer whose career began with one of Australia's leading national law firms, Ian has .. He chaired the national Uniform Consumer Credit Code Management ..


Consumer Credit Review Submission by Consumer Credit Legal ..


Consumer credit lawyers and financial counsellors often assist consumers who have become overcommitted to debts associated with a failure on the part of the ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Contributors to the ..




Elliot May Lawyers - Submission to the National Credit Reform ..


49 Generally, consumers should be able to meet a credit contract's obligations from income rather than equity in an asset. However, there may be circumstances ..

Who We Are - Business Licensing Authority


A lawyer whose career began with one of Australia's leading national law firms, Ian has .. He chaired the national Uniform Consumer Credit Code Management ..


Submission on Consumer Credit Report - Mortgage Industry ..


Many lawyers are reluctant to give legal and financial advice either because the ... Any legislation relating to unfair contract terms in consumer credit contracts ..




Rich Text Format - National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and Consequential ... The following conduct by lawyers is exempted by subregulations 14(2) and (3): ..

National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional .. - Comlaw Home


Attorney-General's Department, Canberra. Contents .. 8 References to the National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations 2010 12 ..

Frankston City Council - Cr Christine Richards


As a lawyer she has worked both inside and outside courts and tribunals as a barrister and solicitor in criminal, tenancy, and consumer credit ..

Debt for debtors


The National Credit Law and consumer credit. The new .. If you get court or QCAT papers, always ask a lawyer for legal advice. The lawyer will ..

The Consumer Credit Code - Consumer Protection - Department of ..


The Consumer Credit Code requires that lenders give you information to help you .. Obtain legal advice from a lawyer if you are at all unsure.


National Consumer Credit Protection Bill


We also have a specialist Consumer Protection. Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit provides direct ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations .. - Comlaw Home


Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra. Contents ... 94 Proportionate rebate of consumer credit insurance premium 143. 95 Notice of right to ..

Contracts, consumer credit, guarantees


These laws include changes to consumer contracts for financial products, and for the .. A lawyer will need to see all documents which are related to the contract ..


Credit Review Submission by Gadens Lawyers - Consumer Affairs ..


Chair, Uniform Consumer Credit Code Management Committee Dx 364 Sydney .. This submission has been prepared by Jon Denovan at Gadens Lawyers ..


Review of the law on Personal Property Securities - Attorney ..


Committee of Attorneys-General or any individual Attorney-General .... The Consumer Credit Code regulates credit provided by commercial ..


Consumer Credit Review Submission by Law Institute of Victoria


It is clear from the anecdotal evidence provided by credit lawyers and financial counsellors that many consumers who obtain credit are denied the protection of ..


National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations .. - Comlaw Home


Preliminary. Regulation 3. 16. National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations 2010 lawyer, for the purpose of regulation 24 has the meaning ..

Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation Amendment ..


A Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to consumer credit and .... practising lawyer means a person who is admitted to the legal profession ..

Wills & powers of attorney


.. loans · Managing debts · Other types of credit · Consumer credit regulation .. Wills; Estate plans; Powers of attorney; Your legal and financial ..


Payday lending in South Australia - options to increase consumer ..


the Uniform Consumer Credit Code but designed specifically to deal with the .... mainstream credit providers, financial counsellors, consumer groups, lawyers, ..

Make a complaint : Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Credit and finance · Credit · How you .. As a consumer, you have a right to complain. Our role is to promote your rights as a consumer. We also ..

Federal Magistrates Court Rules 2001


46.2 Small claims proceeding — National Consumer Credit Protection Act 214. 46.3 Starting a small claims proceeding 215. 46.4 Lawyers ..

National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional .. - Comlaw Home


8 References to the National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations 2010 .... (a) the providing of credit assistance by a lawyer in his or her ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Senior ..


Senior Executive Leader - Deposit Takers, Credit and Insurance Providers. Former Director, Compliance and Campaigns, Consumer Protection, ASIC. .. Julie is a lawyer and her previous roles as ASIC included Director, ..


Bills Digest 71, 2011-12 - Consumer Credit and Corporations ..


2011 (the Bill) is to amend the National Consumer Credit Protection Act .... credit provider must contact the debtor, or a lawyer representing the ..


Collecting statute-barred debts


Consumer Credit Code that a section 80 default notice be provided, and that the 30 day period of ... my opinion the fact of someone from a firm of lawyers “cold- ..


14 September 2011 Ms Chloe Youl Acting Senior Lawyer, Strategic ..


Acting Senior Lawyer, Strategic Policy. Australian .. the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009, where that credit contract is for credit ..

- Other Disputes at VCAT - Owners Corporations


Consumer Affairs Victoria can help you find other ways to resolve the dispute. .. can pay over the counter by credit card, cheque, money order, cash and eftpos. ... At VCAT, if the case is not complex, lawyers are usually not allowed unless the ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 - Comlaw Home


National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. - C2011C00150 .. Drafting and Publishing, Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra. Contents ..


Australian Consumer Law - Consumer Guarantees Guide


Western Australia Department of Commerce, Consumer Protection. Copyright .. Attorney-General's Department .... 'Exchange or credit note only for return of ..



.. Immigration, Law Enforcement, Postal Industry, Taxation, ACT, and Overseas .. Consumer Affairs Victoria advises and assists consumers and businesses and can .. This service can resolve complaints with members including credit unions ..

The Australian Consumer Law - Consumers 2011


2011 marks major changes in Australia's consumer policy and legal environment. .. affecting energy, telecommunications, food labelling and consumer credit. .. for compliance professionals, business people, lawyers, consumer advisers and ..

find LEGAL answers - Debt and Credit - Mortgages


.. Credit - Mortgages. Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. do I need to sell my home? Author: Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) ..


6 YOUR CONSUMER RIGHTS 6.1 Introduction Governments ..


New South Wales Young Lawyers. Page 62. 6. YOUR CONSUMER RIGHTS. 6.1. Introduction. Governments consider consumer protection to be an important ..


The Report of the Consumer Credit Review - Supplementary ..


GADENS LAWYERS ............................................323. 11. JINDARA ... 2.3 To what extent is consumer credit contributing to insolvency? 400. 2.4 How ..

- Other Disputes at VCAT - Credit Contracts


On 1 July 2010, responsibility for the regulation of consumer credit will .. be represented by a professional advocate, which includes a lawyer.


Financial counsellors and the legal system


The use of consumer credit was increasing. More and more clients came to financial counsellors for help when faced with legal action for debts. Few lawyers ..

Privacy - Legal Aid Queensland - Queensland Government


There are specific safeguards in relation to consumer credit information .. matters, you should speak to a lawyer who works in this area of law.

Consumer Affairs Victoria - Resources and education - Managing debt


MoneyHelp is a not-for-profit service supported by Consumer Affairs Victoria. .. electricity, rent, water, mortgage, credit card, personal loan and car repayments .. how to cancel a direct debit, sample letters, finding a lawyer ..

find LEGAL answers - Business - Contracts


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. This issue examines the National Consumer Credit Protection Act and the implications of the ..

Consumer rights & protection (Victoria Online)


Businesses have new responsibilities since the Australian Consumer Law came .. is also the Ombudsman for the Defence Force, Immigration, Law Enforcement, .. The background to the new credit laws and ASIC's implementation process.


This submission: A


We also have a specialist Consumer. Protection Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by three full time lawyers. That unit provides advice ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia


Complaints against lawyers .. CONSUMERS AND CONTRACTS · AVOIDING ... Debt collectors · What happens to my credit records if I don't pay? What if we ..

Complaints against banking and financial services


If the customer accepts the award, it is binding on the financial .. Ombudsman Service can also investigate complaints against credit unions.

Federal Magistrates Court Rules 2001


46.2 Small claims proceeding — National Consumer Credit Protection Act 213. 46.3 Starting a small claims proceeding 214. 46.4 Lawyers ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 - Comlaw Home


National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. - C2012C00060 .. Drafting and Publishing, Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra. Contents ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations .. - Comlaw Home


Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra. Contents ... 94 Proportionate rebate of consumer credit insurance premium 165. 95 Notice of right to ..


Financial Survival Guide: I can't pay my debts


unjust. Credit providers are not supposed to make contracts with consumers who would find it diff icult to meet their repayments. Get advice from a lawyer if you ..


Legal Aid Queensland - Submission: An Australian Consumer Law ..


We also have a specialist Consumer. Protection Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit provides direct ..


26 September 2011 Ms Chloe Youl Acting Senior Lawyer – Strategic ..


Acting Senior Lawyer – Strategic Policy. Australian ... regulatory architecture of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act [NCA]. Conflation ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 - Comlaw Home


National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Home Loans and Credit Cards) Act 2011 - .. Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra ..

Factsheets Index


Consumer Credit - Information on Consumer Credit Code, .. Powers Of Attorney - Definition of power of attorney, why have one, how to make ..

Regulations for trust accounts : Department of Justice and Attorney..


Make a complaint · Consumer rights and responsibilities · Indigenous .. However, for trust money received by way of cheque, credit card or ..

find LEGAL answers - Debt and Credit - Debt


Jump to ‎: .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and estates, administrative law, immigration law, ..


Exposure Draft National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment ..


Schedule 2 to the National Consumer Credit. Protection Amendment ... EXPOSURE DRAFT. 4 practising lawyer means a person who is admitted to the legal. 1 ..


19 September 2011 Ms Chloe Youl Acting Senior Lawyer - Strategic ..


One Member is a credit provider that offers its own home loan products to consumers and has employee representatives involved in those ..


This section of the Australilan Securities and Investments Commission site provides information about National consumer credit regulation, registration and ..


2 September 2011 Bankruptcy Policy Branch Attorney-General's ..


lawyers, financiers academics and others practising in or otherwise interested .. under the National Consumer Credit Code in regulating advice ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Credit homepage


There are significant improvements that can be made to the practices of banks, credit unions and building societies that offer consumer credit insurance (CCI) to ..


Scanned Document - Attorney-General's Department


Policy on the Credit Consumers of Victoria.' A Report on Reckless Lerioilngi'. “The Attorney Generals Department appreciates the time you've taken to provide a ..


Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011


Attorney-General and the Department to consult stakeholders about their 'big ideas' for future reforms .... domestic violence, consumer credit and tenancy.

Small Business Development Corporation - Home page


Australian Consumer Law · Trade Measurement .. Credit Management · Records Management · Financial Forecasts · Understand Your .. Business Contracts · Dispute Resolution · Hiring a Lawyer · Personal Property Securities Register ..


Dispute Resolution Processes for Credit Consumers


Duty Lawyer at VCAT to represent consumers in the Credit List, where deemed necessary or appropriate and that funding for such representation be considered ..


The office of the Legal Services Commissioner – consumer protection


an overhaul of the consumer credit laws, as a result of which mortgages, margin .. against lawyers did not serve the needs of complainants, the practising ..

Your rights after signing a credit contract - Consumer Protection ..


The Consumer Credit Code provides some level of protection if .. will give you some time to seek advice from a lawyer or financial advisor.

Consumer Credit - Submissions


National Credit Reform Green Paper. The following table .. 06/08/2010, Elliot May Lawyers, 84KB, -. 05/08/2010 .. Latest releases. National Consumer Credit ..

Handling customer complaints : Department of Justice and Attorney..


A good business tries to minimise customer complaints through excellent .. contact the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's Dispute ..

find LEGAL answers - Consumers- Contracts


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. This issue examines the National Consumer Credit Protection Act and the implications of the ..

Internet Resource Guide: Business Law Resources


National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 · Reserve Bank Act 1959 ... Limited and Others v The King and the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth.


Consultation Paper 115 (CP 115) Responsible Lending 1. General ..


consumers with credit applications but who are to be exempt (lawyers, financial counsellors etc), understand the changes and how these changes may affect ..


For Legally Abused Citizens - Submission: An Australian Consumer ..


'Consumer Credit Code disclosure: does it work?' (see The answer was NO. The same goes for lawyer ..

Buying a car


Duty lawyers ... This register shows whether the car is under a hire purchase, lease, credit arrangement or bill of sale. ... people with consumer and consumer credit legal problems, including loans, bankruptcy, debt collection, ..


Submission: Exposure Drafts of Australian Privacy Amendment ..


We also have a specialist Consumer. Protection Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit provides direct ..

Attorney General's Department - Speeches


27 May 2011 - Standing Committee of Attorneys-General Harmonisation ... 3 March 2010 - Speech to the Dun and Bradstreet Consumer Credit Conference ..

find LEGAL answers - Intellectual Property - Designs, patents and ..


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. contracts, consumer law including trade practices and consumer credit, business organisations, ..


d Inserts for National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment ..


Rich Text Format - National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Enhancements) Bill 2011: .. practising lawyer means a person who is admitted to the legal profession by a ..




Gillian Moon is a Sydney-based lawyer who specialises in credit and debt law. She was a founder of the Consumer Credit Legal Service in Sydney and was its ..

Settlement agent or conveyancer - Consumer Protection ..


Unless you are a suitably qualified lawyer, it would be very unwise to try to carry out the settlement of your own property. It's a complex and time ..

Property agent and transaction forms : Department of Justice and ..


Consumer rights and responsibilities .. Credit and finance ... For lawyers to cancel or shorten the normal five-day cooling-off period that buyers ..


Submission to Consultation Paper 110 – General Conduct ..


We also have a specialist Consumer. Protection Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit ..


Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies - Consumer Law Research ..


Exploring a Prohibition on Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Credit Contracts .... was its champion, is it a concept wholly unfamiliar to British lawyers. It looks ..


Report Part 2 - Credit Reporting


Australasian Retail Credit Association .. Ms Helen Mary Gordon, Regional Director and Corporate Lawyer .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc.


Advocating for Financially and Socially .. - Consumer Affairs Victoria


The Consumer Credit Legal Service ('CCLS') is an independent non-profit .. The training workshops were targeted at pro bono and community lawyers and at ..


Regulatory Guide RG 203 Do I need a credit licence?


National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. .... lender; or. • gives or sends a notice to a borrower or guarantor on behalf of a lender. Lawyer.

find LEGAL answers [Lawyers practice manual NSW.. ]


Description: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and ..


A LOAN IN LEASE CLOTHING - Consumer Affairs Victoria


Produced with funding from the Consumer Credit Fund of Victoria .... understand even for the professionals (lawyers and financial counsellors) assisting clients.

Managing debt - Consumer Affairs Victoria


2 days ago – Victorian Property Fund grants · Consumer Credit Fund grants .. assistance, how to cancel a direct debit, sample letters, finding a lawyer ..

find LEGAL answers resources, grouped by language: English


Title: Accidents and injuries, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW .... This issue examines the National Consumer Credit Protection Act and the ..

Consumer Affairs Victoria - Resources and education - Legislation ..


.. instalment contracts and the Consumer Credit Code consultation package .. On 10 November 2004, Attorney-General Rob Hulls and the former Minister for .. assess the current regulatory regime to determine what risks consumers face ..




Dear SirfMadam. National Consumer Credit Reform Legislation: Submission by Clayton Utz. Darwin. Clayton Utz. Lawyers. Lcvcls 19-35. No. l O'Connell Street ..




you have a credit card. The form is also .. If your claim is a consumer/trader claim you will need .. Parties are entitled to be represented by a lawyer. However ..


Submission: Exposure Draft: National Consumer Credit Protection ..


It's important for lawyers to be able to advertise to lenders etc. The proviso should be limited to not advertising credit services to consumers. 26(2). The NCCP ..


Department of Justice and Industrial Relations


the Director, Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading pursuant to section 11 of the Consumer. Credit (Tasmania) Act 1996; and. • the Attorney-General pursuant to ..



A power of attorney (q.v.) or guardianship which continues to have effect even if the ... A credit provider that has an arrangement with a supplier of goods that ..

Complaints - Where to make a complaint in Western Australia


A comprehensive list is available on the Consumers Online Website which allows you .. Credit unions and building societies (see Banks and financial institutions) .. Lawyers Life insurance (see Insurance) Local government (see Government ..


091113 FINAL Draft_Explanatory_Statement_for_credit regs.rtf


The National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Credit Act) applies to the provision of ... an attorney appointed under an enduring power of attorney; and ..


Complaint form


Competitor. Consumer Advocate or Financial Counsellor. Credit Consumer. Creditor. Customer. Employee. General public. Investor/shareholder. Lawyer. Media ..

Legislation and Regulation


Business Contracts · Dispute Resolution · Hiring a Lawyer .. A business may supply a customer with a maximum of 2 standard drinks (or 1 litre of takeaway ... may be affected by changes to the National Consumer Credit Protection legislation.


Type document title here (limit 2 lines)


NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General .. Customer Service Officers and Customer Service Assistants .... broad range of consumer credit matters.

Consumer & business directory—quick links


50+ items – Expand or contract this item Consumer & business directory ..

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Legal and Advocacy Service, QLD

Consumer Credit Legal Centre (CCLC), NSW


2010‑2011 The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia ..


Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) .... practising lawyer means a person who is admitted to the legal profession by a ..


Legal Aid Queensland submission to National Consumer Credit ..


Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit provides direct advice to over 1000 Queenslanders each year and ..


t Low-income judgment debtors get the .. - Consumer Affairs Victoria


report in June 1999 on its Fringe Credit. Provider Project .. provisions of the Consumer Credit Code by having ... activities of consumer lawyers can translate ..


Directline Finance Pty Ltd - Submission to the National Credit ..


Phase II of the National Consumer Credit Protection Laws. In regard to the .... approach a community advisor or a consumer advocacy lawyer. But this is rare.




Lawyers' Reform Association for an elder and consumer credit law stakeholder training program; and. • North Queensland Women's Legal Service for an elder & ..


National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009


National Consumer Credit Protection (NCCP) Bill as we are of the view it should not regulate the .. lawyers, insurers, government and the business community.


Australian Credit Forum - Submission: An Australian Consumer Law ..


accountants, lawyers, insolvency practitioners, mercantile agents, credit training and reporting agencies in both consumer and commercial areas, in Australia ..


Saving the house and car The New NCCP Act and National credit ..


National credit code. Family and criminal lawyers are poverty lawyers too! •Key features of the new National Consumer. Credit Protection Act (2009) starts 1 July ..


Book up: Some consumer problems


by G Renouf - 2002 - - protection jurisdiction for consumer credit from 11 March 2002. ... lawyer who has worked for community legal centres and Aboriginal legal aid services over the ..

Consumer rights & protection (Victoria Online)


6 days ago – Information about consumer rights and protection can be found on Victoria .. Immigration, Law Enforcement, the Postal Industry and the Taxation. .. The background to the new credit laws and ASIC's implementation process.


Issues Paper - Unconscionable Conduct - Submission from ..


Laws and the Australian Consumer Law (including unfair contract provisions). We recently made a .. Investments Commission Act (ASIC Act), the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) which is ... Corporate Lawyer, on (02) 9231 5877.


ACCC report


Publishing, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, GPO Box 3131, .... By late 2009 the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC), currently state and .... Debtors have the right to authorise a third party, such as a lawyer or financial ..


Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation Amendment ..


This Act may be cited as the Consumer Credit and Corporations. 6. Legislation .... practising lawyer means a person who is admitted to the legal. 6 profession ..


Report Part 2 - Credit Reporting


credit information may have serious consequences for consumers. .... 21 Attorney-General's Department, A guide to framing Commonwealth offences, civil ..

Older people and the law


Attorney General's Department. Mr Peter .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc. Ms Karen .. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Mr Mark ..


1. Introduction; 2. The meaning of “Credit Activity” (DEF5).


This submission has been prepared by the Consumer Credit Legal Service of ... every year to maintain their practising certificates (lawyers) or accreditation ( ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations 2010


Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra. Contents ... 94 Proportionate rebate of consumer credit insurance premium 131. 95 Notice of right to ..




Date: 17/O2/2011 4:45:28 PM From: Gadens Lawyers To: 0262837999 Page: 3/38 ... the National Consumer Credit Protection Act or other relevant legislation; ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links - ACCC


60+ items – Consumer & business directory—quick links. Indigenous.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD South) Ltd

The ..

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Services Website

This ..


Min-it Software Joint Submission – Compensation and financial ..


National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 and National Consumer Credit .. lawyers but small business owners who do understand their business; it is their ..


SUBMISSION TO - Attorney-General's Department


As the impact of the licensing requirements under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act are not clearly understood, we recommend that further ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Annual ..


securitisation bodies under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and the .. Lawyer, Investment Managers and Superannuation ..


ASIC has updated Regulatory Guide 209 Credit licensing ..


Act) and their professional advisers (such as lawyers). It gives guidance on the .... such as the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.


NCCP Licensing Regime


Consumer Credit Protection (NCCP) licensing regime. We appreciate the .... required of other professionals, such as lawyers and accountants. It is based on ..




the draft consumer credit regime. Insurance Council members such as those that are authorised by APRA to provide lender's mortgage insurance (LMl)2 and ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 - Comlaw Home


.. Protection, Part 5‑4—Fees imposed by the National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Act 2009 .. Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra ..


Consumer Credit Review Submission by National Australia Bank


3. suggestions to improve the administration of the Uniform Consumer Credit Code. (the Code); .... explained to plaintiffs by their lawyers. It is harsh and arbitrary ..


The Australian Consumer Law - A guide to provisions


Attorney-General's Department ... Enforcement relating to the safety of consumer goods and product-related services ............35 .. PART 5-5 LIABILITY OF SUPPLIERS AND CREDIT PROVIDERS..............................................55 ..


111118 MinisterO'Connor StatCause AFC Comments 2B


Act, National Consumer Credit Protection Laws, Voluntary Codes, .. me or Helen Gordon, Corporate Lawyer, by phone 02 9231 5877 or via ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - ASIC credit ..


Publications Newsletters Keep up to date with the consumer credit reforms .. Keep up with the latest developments in credit regulation with our .. Financial counsellor, Professional adviser (eg Lawyer, Accountant), other ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals - Consumer Trader and ..


Jump to ‎: Title: Consumer rights, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW .. Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal; conusmer credit.


Homesec Finance Express - Submission to the National Credit ..


Phase II of the National Consumer Credit Protection Laws. We respectfully .... approach a community advisor or a consumer advocacy lawyer. But this is rare.


Debt collection practices in Australia


Publishing, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, GPO Box 3131, .... By late 2009 the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC), currently state and .... Debtors have the right to authorise a third party, such as a lawyer or financial ..


Australian Corporate Lawyers Association - Submission to Exposure ..


The Australian Consumer Law Consultation on Draft Regulations .. lawyers constitute approximately 30% of the total Australian legal profession, ... fit with Division 1 of Part 5-5 of the ACL concerning linked credit contracts.


GE Captial - Submission to the National Credit Reform Green Paper


lt is worth noting that the impact of the national credit reforms for consumer credit is ... Our customers often engage lawyers, accountants, tax advisers and other ..


2 September 2011 Bankruptcy Policy Branch Attorney-General's ..


Bankruptcy Policy Branch Attorney-General's Department 3–5 National .. ASIC's role under the National Consumer Credit Code in regulating advice given to ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 - Comlaw Home


National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. - C2010C00248 .. Drafting and Publishing, Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra. Contents ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links - ACCC


60+ items – Consumer & business directory—quick links. Financial ..

ACOSS (Australian Council of Social Service)

Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association (AFCCRA)


Regulation 23 - Activities exempt from being credit activities - Treasury


Rich Text Format - The National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Act) applies to the provision of credit .... These exemptions will enable lawyers to act for either borrowers or ..

Selling your house privately : Department of Justice and Attorney..


Make a complaint · Consumer rights and responsibilities · Indigenous consumers .. Credit and finance .. Do you know your consumer rights?

Links - Australian Privacy Commissioner


Australian Consumers Association · Australian Lawyers for Human Rights .. Consumer Credit Legal Service (NSW) · Consumers' Federation of ..


Exposure Draft National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment ..


Rich Text Format - if they are a credit provider, the licensee reasonably believes the consumer ... If the credit provider is aware the debtor has a practice lawyer acting for them, the ..

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..


The NSW Young Lawyers' Pro Bono and Community Services Taskforce ... Credit; More information for consumers; How to resolve a consumer ..

Report 107 (2006) - Guaranteeing someone else's debts - Law ..


CLARK, E, Young People and Consumer Credit: Summary ... MEGARRY, R, A Second Miscellany-at-Law: A Further Diversion for Lawyers and ..

Conveyancing - NSW Fair Trading


Rights & responsibilities · Consumer guarantees, warranties & refunds .. a Lawyer' page on the Law Society's website ..

Credit providers | ALRC


The Consumer Credit Code, which has been adopted by all state and territory ... doctors, dentists, lawyers and plumbers leaving very few entities that could not ..

Consumer Credit Factsheet


Information on Consumer Credit Code, application of Code, types of credit covered, duties of credit providers and consumers, hire agreements, ..


#CLC Review


Commonwealth Attorney General .... and Commonwealth Attorneys General in consultation with the Community Legal .... Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) ..


Factsheet - Consumer Credit


A Note About The Consumer Credit (Tasmania) Code. The Consumer .. a lawyer before making a decision about what to do. The information in ..


ASIC Report 226


under the Corporations Act 2001, National Consumer Credit Protection Act. 2009 or .... relief to lawyers and funders involved in legal proceedings structured as ..


Australian Consumer Law - Sales Practices Guide


Western Australia Department of Commerce, Consumer Protection. Copyright .. Attorney-General's Department ... send unsolicited credit cards or debit cards.


Min-it Software Joint Submission – General Conduct Obligations of ..


Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 and National Consumer Credit Protection ( .. ASIC must remember that it is dealing not with lawyers but small business ..


National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment Regulations 2010 ..


These Regulations are the National Consumer Credit. Protection Amendment .. lawyer, for the purpose of regulation 24 has the meaning given ..


The liability of finance brokers and other .. - Consumer Affairs Victoria


While many issues arising in respect to consumer credit contracts are .... The broker recommended that the father see a lawyer about the transaction but, to the ..


Your Ref:


The way in which defects in the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) were .. are drawn from the legal profession in Queensland and include senior lawyers ..


Blank A4


3 COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR ENTRY LEVEL LAWYERS 21 ... Credit will only be given for subjects taken as part of such a qualification if they are substantially .... This competency standard applies to the practice of consumer law.

Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 - Exposure Draft


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure .. Consumer Credit Law Centre (NSW) Inc [PDF 64KB] ..


Lannock's credentials in making this submission


regarding consumer credit that are contained in exposure drafts released on 27 April .. as obtaining advice from accountants and lawyers and both of these ..

Browse Referral List


Particularly home and contents insurance, consumer credit, life insurance, income .. the conduct of lawyers in Tasmania. complaints must be lodged in writing.

Areas of expertise


The Consumer Protection Unit provides specialist advice and casework .. problems with door-to-door sales; problems with fringe credit providers. .. Legal Aid Queensland coordinates the Queensland duty lawyer program.

Hiring a Lawyer


.. of a lawyer. While many business owners assume that lawyers are only necessary in times of dispute. .. Australian Consumer Law · Trade Measurement ..


Report: Inquiry into Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation ..


as a matter requiring consideration under phase two of the consumer credit reforms.1 .... painters, boiler makers, sales people, ministers, lawyers, dentists, ..


Debra Kruse Deputy General Counsel GE Capital


Acting Senior Lawyer .. affecting the regulation consumer credit. .. l"AS|C"l in connection with the National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 and related ..


National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 – Exposure Draft


Rich Text Format - National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 - Exposure Draft .. that a full explanation be obtained from the consumer's lawyer explaining the circumstances ..

- Other Disputes at VCAT - Credit Contracts - Case Studies


Other Disputes at VCAT - Credit Contracts - Case Studies .. by the breaches and who had contacted the bank or lawyers before the tribunal gave its decision in the case. - see ANZ v Various Debtors, Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria ..

Federal Magistrates Court Amendment Rules 2011 (No. 1)


rule 46.4. To grant leave for a party to a small claims proceeding to be represented by a lawyer. National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 ..


In its annual report 2006, the Consumer Credit Legal Service (CCLS ..


While many issues arising in respect to consumer credit contracts are regulated .... The Cooks claimed that they were instructed by their lawyers to change the ..


Credit Ombudsman Service Limited


While some non-bank consumer credit providers are covered by COSL (and ... Lawyers, Clayton Utz Lawyers, National Finance Federation, Australian Finance ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix B: Select bibliography


CONSUMER CREDIT LEGAL CENTRE (NSW) INC, A Report to ASIC on the ... Guarantees and Solicitors' Certificates Guidelines for Lawyers, ..


EACH - Submission: An Australian Consumer Law: Fair Markets ..


They are not lawyers .. The Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) as it stands today has .. Section 66 of the Consumer Credit Code: ..

7th ITSA Bankruptcy Congress


Prior to this he was the Shadow Attorney General from 1998 to 2003, ... Carolyn has worked in the area of consumer credit and debt for over 20 ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links - ACCC


50+ items – Consumer & business directory—quick links. Psychological ..

Action for Community Living, VIC (ACL)

The ACL is a statewide cross ..

Advocacy Tasmania

Advocacy Tasmania Inc. is an ..


Submission of Unfair Terms in Contract


private lawyers in representing legally aided people. The submission .. Consumer Credit Code, Trade Practices Act 1975 (Cth), unfair terms in contracts remain ..


1.3MB - Treasury


Rich Text Format - Wesley Mission has a strong interest in the issue of consumer credit cards. .. Advice provided by lawyers to consumers who enter into reverse ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Speeches portal


Putting the 'mort' back in mortgage – a pocket guide to the global credit crisis, an edited .. An address by Jeffrey Lucy AM ASIC Chairman, at the Consumer Affairs .. to the Australian Corporate Lawyers Association National Conference 2005, ..




Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) lnc (CCLSWA) is a non-profit community legal service specialising in credit, banking and financial ..


Debra Kruse Deputy General Counsel GE Capital


Lawyer. Strategic Policy. Australian Securities and Investments Commission .. connection with the National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 and related ..



Under the Fair Trading Act 1987 consumers about whom a credit bureau or agency ... However, a lawyer does not have to disclose speculations, memos or any ..


Australian Finance Conference - Submission to the National Credit ..


focussed on the “true” consumer; an individual obtaining credit .... free to contact me through,, or our Corporate Lawyer, Helen ..


Australian Finance Conference – Submission to Exposure Draft of ..


Manager - Consumer Credit Unit. Corporations and Financial Services Division. The Treasury. By email: ..



In some cases it might be necessary to have a lawyer take the matter to court, but for many consumer problems the cost and risk of doing this ..


Consumer Credit Legal Service of Western Australia - Submission ..


This submission has been prepared by the Consumer Credit Legal Service of .. CCLSWA has six paid staff, including 4 lawyers (approximately 2.8 FTE). Due to ..

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Workers compensation


About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and ..


Report: Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Fees) Bill 2011


other things, the national regulator for consumer credit and .... advice from lawyers whom the agency is allowed to use in the proceedings indicating that there ..


National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and ..


These Regulations are the National Consumer Credit. Protection .... exempted: (a) the providing of credit assistance by a lawyer in his or her ..

FINANCIAL MATTERS - Browse Referral List


Telephone advice service for consumers covering problems related to debt, bankruptcy, credit cards, sales, mortgages, credit reporting, loans, credit contracts.

Lawlink NSW: 1. Introduction


1.1 Third party guarantees are often undertaken when a credit provider will .. 1999 the New South Wales Attorney General asked the New South Wales ... Radmila Jukic, Till Debt do us Part (Consumer Credit Legal Service, ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Arrest


About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and ..


Are you struggling to pay a loan?


this they must, under the Consumer Credit Code, serve you .... should be made, you must appear before the Court in person or by your lawyer and you shall be ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links - ACCC


70+ items – Consumer & business directory—quick links. Seniors.

Advocacy Tasmania

Advocacy Tasmania Inc. is an independent, non ..

Aged Care Australia

Aged Care Australia is the Australian Government ..

The Australian Consumer Law - Consumers 2011 - Speakers


Christian Mikula, Manager, Investor Protection and Credit Unit, Corporations and .. David Coorey, Senior Lawyer, Consumer Law Team, Civil Litigation Section, ..


Submission from Australian Finance Conference - Exposure Draft ..


Manager - Consumer Credit Unit. Corporations and Financial Services Division. The Treasury. By email: Dear Christian ..

Law reform


13/8/04 The Attorney General has asked the Privacy Commissioner to ... Draft National Consumer Credit Reform legislation; Submission to the ..




Rich Text Format - The National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (the Act) applies to the provision ... Credit activities undertaken by lawyers in the course of their professional ..



Consumer Advocacy in Victoria


was employed as a lawyer at Arthur Robinson & .. A qualified lawyer, he holds Arts and Law (Honours) .... Victoria, the Consumer Credit Legal Service, the ..


Dealing with book up: a guide - Chapter 6 The law


legal aid for this type of matter and it would not be worth paying a lawyer. However .. The (Uniform) Consumer Credit Code applies in all states and territories ..


PDF - 25 Kb - Productivity Commission


Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit. That unit provides direct ... Currently in Queensland, the one Consumer Protection Unit lawyer position at LAQ is the ..




National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Home Loans and .. GORDON, Ms Helen Mary, Regional Director and Corporate Lawyer, ..

Debt for creditors


It is always a good idea to talk to a lawyer for legal advice before you .. and credit, including credit cards, consumer credit regulation and loans ..

FAQ's - Land Services Group - South Australia Central


Do I need to register my Power of Attorney? .... credit card only if ordering via the Customer Service Centre on 1300 653 345 or cash or cheque ..


30 October 2009 Ms Sophie Waller Senior Lawyer Strategic Policy ..


innovative credit products for Australian consumers. .. Consumers are seeking credit through online applications, and are arranging for the ..

Do you need a credit licence? - Australian Securities and ..


providing credit under a credit contract or consumer lease; benefiting .. are a corporate or personal insolvency practitioner; are a lawyer; are a ..

Gadens Lawyers | Office of Regulatory Services





Manager - Consumer Credit Unit. Corporations and Financial Services Division. The Treasury. By email: ..


An Australian Consumer Law: Fair Markets - Confident Consumers


Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National .. national consumer law implements recommendations .... industry-specific consumer regulation in the energy, food, credit, tobacco, electrical products and ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links - ACCC


60+ items – Consumer & business directory—quick links. Youth.

Australian Children's Television Foundation (ACTF)

The Australian ..

Australian Human Rights Commission

The Commission is ..




Acting Senior Lawyer. FSU .. Consultation Paper 113: Training and competence for credit licensees .. intended by the National Consumer Credit Protection Bill.


Submission: Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer ..


We also have a specialist Consumer Protection Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit ..


Money Centre Fortitude Valley Brisbane


Draft National Consumer Credit Protection Bill, .. Delivers a single, standard, nationally consistent consumer credit law. ... Why doesn't it cap lawyer's fees?


Mortgage and Finance Assocation of Australia - Submission to the ..


.. is aware, MFAA was strongly supportive of the National Consumer Credit .. professionals, whether accountants, lawyers, or financial planners, prior to seeking ..


Consumers 2011 - Conference Program


Senior Lawyer, Consumer Law Team, Civil Litigation Section, Legal Aid. Commission of .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW); Shivanthi Fernando, Manager ..


Exposure Draft: National Consumer Credit Regime


comments on the proposed National Consumer Credit Regime on or ... industry) that will have to engage lawyers and other consultants to ..

The Australian Consumer Law - Consumers 2011 - Program


A lecture on current issues in consumer policy presented by the Australian .. La Trobe University and David Coorey, Senior Lawyer, Consumer Law Team .. and financial Services, superannuation and consumer credit Link to external website ..

Basic consumer rights


This Site: Consumer rights .. Contracts, consumer credit, guarantees .. You do not need a lawyer in the tribunal but it is a good idea to get legal ..

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Website


Immigration law; Employment law; Discrimination; Consumer credit and debt. and for the following groups. children and young people; Aboriginal and Torres ..


Building and renovating: a guide for consumers


to use an independent building lawyer to ensure that the ... the National Consumer Credit Code that states ... Consumer credit insurance can be used to guard ..


- w '1


Acting Senior Lawyer .. Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) is Australia's leading provider of credit reporting, business .. National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009.


Commercial notes


Bill), released by the Commonwealth Attorney-General on 16 May 2008, .... Consumer Credit Code will continue to apply, along with the rights provided by ..


Legal Aid


We also have a specialist Consumer. Protection Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009


.. by: Treasury. Originating Bill: National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 .... Transfers—entitlement to practise as a lawyer............ 203 ..


National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 - The Law Council of ..


states continue to pass legislation governing consumer credit. ... grateful that Treasury has seen fit to provide an exemption for lawyers in the ..




property vendors, lawyers and their related companies, so as to establish an ongoing .... Consumer Credit Code says that a credit contract must not impose a ..


Submission: Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer ..


We also have a specialist Consumer Protection. Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit ..


9 August 2010 Prashanti Ravindra Lawyer Strategic Policy ..


Lawyer. Strategic Policy. Australian Securities and Investments Commission .. Government's initiative to reform Consumer Credit laws and ..

National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009


National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009. - C2009B00148 .... Transfers—entitlement to practise as a lawyer............ 203. 198.


Our Ref: DET:cmca 14 August 2009


to consumer credit and debt and we have regular communications with other advocates, including financial counsellors and consumer lawyers.


Submission re Credit Amendments August 2011


key partners, RLC specialist lawyers and advocates provide free advice, .. inform consumers of their options with regard to small amount credit ..

Lawlink NSW: Bibliography


JUKIC, R, 'Till Debt us do Part (Consumer Credit Legal Service, Melbourne .. for Consumer Affairs and Co-operative Societies and the Attorney ..

Department of Justice


.. NT Attorney General Delia Lawrie, and review chair Jodeen Carney. .. This is in light of the Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs' objectives to develop: an understanding of the new model for credit regulation and what it ..

Retirement village dispute resolution : Department of Justice and ..


Make a complaint · Consumer rights and responsibilities · Indigenous ... Lawyers may represent the parties if the mediator approves.


Agency: Attorney General's Department since 1 July 2011


Department of Justice and Attorney-. General .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW. Inc .. particularly credit, banking and insurance issues ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Corporations and ..


.. funds;; Regulation of consumer credit; and; Regulation of the not-for-profit sector. .... Our interests and the Attorney-General's interests are entirely consistent.


Information Sheet


As Australia's corporate, markets, financial services and consumer credit regulator, we strive .... with anyone (other than your lawyer) for a period of time.


Short Term and Bridging Finance Association - Submission to the ..


Phase II of the National Consumer Credit Protection Laws. We respectfully .... approach a community advisor or a consumer advocacy lawyer. But this is rare.


21 August 2009 Gillian Kreuiter, Acting Senior Lawyer, Strategic ..


Acting Senior Lawyer,. Strategic Policy, .. credit aims to boost consumer protection and raise standards in the credit industry”. We see no ..


10 things you should know about credit - Consumer Affairs Victoria ..


When used responsibly, credit can help you manage your finances, but .. contact Consumer Affairs Victoria's. ¤ credit advice ... financial counsellor or a lawyer.




finance, equipment finance, insolvency and also consumer credit. I have spent some 17 years as a lawyer and then as a partner with Mallesons ..

Credit card debt | HSC Legal Studies: News Watch


The Consumer Credit Legal Centre is a specialist community legal centre .. books in public libraries, and lawyer's tools available at the State ..


Consultation Paper 165 Credit Assistance for home loans ..


Acting Senior Lawyer, Strategic Policy. Australian Securities & .. National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (NCCP). The NCCP draws a ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Economics Committees ..


[1] Explanatory Memorandum, National Consumer Credit Protection Bill .. have received written legal advice from lawyers whom the agency is ..


A report to ASIC on the finance and mortgage broker industry


The Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc. would like to thank a number of .... including real estate agents, accountants, lawyers, collection agencies, car ..

Practice Direction 19


“Application for possession order - Consumer Credit Code applies/does not apply.” 8. Affidavit evidence must be filed with the summons setting out the factual ..

Report 107 (2006) - Guaranteeing someone else's debts - Law ..


Indeed, I would not be surprised to find many a trained lawyer .. 7.8 Section 50(1) of the Consumer Credit Code expressly requires that a ..


Q U e e n S I d Law Society House, 119 Ann Street, Brisbane om ..


lawyers experienced in banking and finance who act for lenders and for consumers, academics with expertise in consumer credit and consumer case-workers.


DRAFT ONLY National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations ..


These Regulations are the National Consumer Credit. Protection .. lawyer means a duly qualified legal practitioner and, in relation to a person ..


Credit, loans and debt


consistent system of consumer credit for all Australians. To find out more .... If a large amount of money is involved, talk with a lawyer or get free legal advice to ..


Consultation Paper CP 135 Mortgage early exit fees ..


National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (National Credit Act) as at ... Lawyer. Strategic Policy. Australian Securities and Investments Commission ..


Australian Collectors & Debt Buyers Association Submission ASIC ..


Acting Senior Lawyer. Strategic .. the National Consumer Credit Protection (NCCP) regime. .. Debt collectors have no contractual relationship with consumers ..

Sustainable legal service delivery


Our duty lawyer services provide clients with legal advice at an early stage .... at increasing consumer credit caseworkers' and advice lawyers' ..

find LEGAL answers - Human Rights - Discrimination


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools ... consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and estates, administrative ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Roadshow ..


Greg Kirk, Senior Executive Leader – Credit Taskforce .. ASIC Taskforce working to implement the new consumer credit reform program. .. roles as Director, National Complaints Management, leading a team of 80 lawyers, ..

Debt - Small Claims - LawAssist : Lawlink NSW


.. a case in the Small Claims Division of the Local Court and do not have a lawyer. .. a personal loan or a credit card from a bank or financial institution; a home .. Consumer disputes - Consumer Trader and Tenancy Tribunal ..

Submissions: Green Paper on Financial Services and Credit Reform


Australasian Retail Credit Association 86.40kb .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc 403.00kb .. Minter Ellison Lawyers 436.98kb ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Pamphlets & Booklets


Enduring Power of Attorney Kit (for financial matters only) .. Published by Legal Aid New South Wales & Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW (98 page PDF ..


OMBUDSMAN Egxepl one _@2;E§p6399


FOS has been involved in the Treasury Consumer Credit Working Group that has contributed to the formation of the National Consumer Credit Protection ..


Fast Acess Finance Pty Ltd - Submission to the National Credit ..


For example, a consumer uses a credit card to purchase a new couch. ... Lawyers provide advice on the regulatory environment, assist with the legal aspects of ..

Lawyers - find LEGAL answers


Online; Lawyers' Tools. Online. Title: Questions you should ask your lawyer .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills ..


Compensation and financial resources arrangements for credit ..


The National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 (National Credit Bill) .. Regulation of consumer credit in the new regime will be the responsibility of. ASIC.


ASIC Annual Report 2009-2010 Part 3


Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009), and are administered .. conjunction with consumer credit legal services, ... ASIC established the Lawyer Network Mentor ..

Service Tasmania Online: Employment and workplace Industrial ..


10+ items – Tasmania · Service Tasmania · Tasmania Online Contact • ..

Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania: factsheets

These Legal Aid Commission ..

Safe Work Australia

Safe Work Australia is an ..



.. Consumer Credit (SA) Act 1995 State administrative appeals; Consumer ... Legal Practitioners Act 1981 Complaints against lawyers Disputes about costs ..

Consumer Factsheets Index


List of factsheets on Consumer law. Includes consumer credit, insurance and customer rights.




Lawyer. Strategic Policy. GPO Box 9827. ASIC Submitted By Fax Only (U3) 9230 ... 3 Consumer Credit— Credit given by shops, banks and other finar||:ia| ..

Report 107 (2006) - Guaranteeing someone else's debts - Law ..


9.3 The Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Code (“Consumer Credit .... Women Lawyers Association of NSW, Submission at 7; Women's ..


DRAFT ONLY National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional ..


These Regulations are the National Consumer Credit. Protection .. lawyer means a duly qualified legal practitioner and, in relation to a person ..


The Hon Robert McClelland MP Attorney-General Parliament House ..


accompany the client to a legal advice appointment with a lawyer or advisor in our ... to meet increasing needs in areas such as migration and consumer credit.

find LEGAL answers - Children and Young People - Care and ..


Title: Children, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW .. villages, consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and estates, ..


Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman Limited


In our previous submission, we set out our view that consumer credit providers ... and consumer lawyers who assist vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers ..


Gadens Lawyers - Submission to Exposure Draft - Corporations ..


Gadens Lawyers - Notice. If you receive this email by .. In the Explanatory Memorandum for the new National Consumer Credit Protection Act (NCCP),. Treasury ..


Sheet1 - Attorney-General's Department


Microsoft Excel16, 11/65, 2011 Media Releases from Attorney-General and Minister. 17, 11/16997 .... 182, 11/1059, AJD - JPB - ELFS - Scrutiny - Consumer Credit Reforms ..


Elder abuse prevention


guardianship, family property agreements, powers of attorney, family violence, consumer credit issues. It is often through providing initial information or advice ..


Sample letter: Request for hardship variation for a loan regulated by ..


(A financial counsellor or lawyer can let you know if your loan is regulated). [Date] .. Code (Schedule 1 of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009).

2000s: into the third millennium - Department of Justice and Attorney..


The department had several changes in Attorney-General. .. the Commercial and Consumer Tribunal, the Retail Shop Leases Registry and the Office .. followed shortly after with new legislation to control credit interest rates.


Submission from SEQUAL - Exposure Draft - National Consumer ..


the National Consumer Credit. Protection .. It is unreasonable to prohibit credit providers .. considered reasonable efforts to contact the debtor, their lawyer etc.

Debt recovery


Australian Consumer Law · Trade Measurement · Red Tape .. You may still incur bad debts even with sound credit management policies and procedures. There are a .. Either you or your lawyer can draft a letter of demand. The Arts Law ..


Submission: Inquiry into the National Consumer Credit Protection ..


The focus of this submission is on the proposed consumer credit .... persons including lawyers, tax agents and others who are acting as a clerk ..


Responsible lending


the National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009. We are seeking .. Regulation of consumer credit by the Commonwealth ................... 6 ..

Lawlink NSW: 5. The guarantee transaction


5.6 Some lawyers still feel that the documentation remains complex. ... The Uniform Consumer Credit Code provides some regulation of all ..




The Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc. is a community legal centre .... The federal Attorney General's Department is in the process of establishing ..


25 September 2007 Jesse Vermiglio Lawyer, Regulatory Policy ..


Lawyer, Regulatory Policy. Australian Securities ... insurance and consumer credit insurance is possibly the only example where this approach ..


Appendix II: Examples of Unfair Terms in Consumer Credit Contracts


Rich Text Format - Such clauses are also found in other consumer credit facilities apart from ... no obligation to defend you or to pay costs, damages or attorney's fees for, any claim ..


Payday Lending in Victoria - Consumer Affairs Victoria


by D Wilson - 2002 - - The Consumer Law Centre Victoria is one of Australia's leading consumer advocacy .... Tim Gough and Carolyn Bond (Consumer Credit Legal Service); Marilyn .. preparation of the final publication and Melanie Casley, secondee lawyer as ..

Need legal help?


Can I get a lawyer to represent me in court? .. you've been the victim of a consumer rip-off, been added to a credit blacklist, harrassed by debt ..

Inheritance scam in your letterbox


Thompson & Lawyers, David T Duddias, Thomson & Associates, David Lopez- .. The personal and private nature of this letter has seen Australian consumers ..




GORDON, Ms Helen Mary, Regional Director and Corporate Lawyer, .. LANE, Ms Katherine, Principal Solicitor, Consumer Credit Legal Centre ..




Ms Chloe Youl. Lawyer, Strategic Policy .. that will apply to credit licensees under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. (the Act).


Consultation paper 115 – Responsible Lending submission


National Consumer Credit Protection Bill (NCCP) and comprehensive credit reporting will cause unnecessary additional implementation impacts and an ..

Fremantle Community Legal Centre - City of Fremantle


We have a duty lawyer service which includes some representation and .. information on bankruptcy and consumer credit; information and application for a no ..


Submission: Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation ..


Credit, Commercial and Consumer Law (CCCL) Program - Law and Justice .... Attorney-General (Qld) by way of a grant from the Legal Practitioner Interest on ..




by COF AUSTRALIA - Reference: National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009. MONDAY, 24 AUGUST ... WILLIAMS, Mr Troy, Lawyer, Abacus-Australian Mutuals .

Buying goods and services


This Site: Consumer rights .. Contracts, consumer credit, guarantees ... you have a legal problem, you should seek legal advice from a lawyer.


Attorney-General's Department - Grants Register since 1 July 2010


870. Attorney-General's Department - Grants Register since 1 July 2010 .. Justice and Attorney-General .... consumer credit law in Victoria ..




Domestic banking facilities;. • Uniform consumer credit code regulated transactions; ... advisers, lawyers, real estate agents and property developers/vendors.


Submission: Inquiry into the National Consumer Credit Protection ..


Further, State and Territory legislation goveming consumer credit (the .... prepares a will, a trust instrument, a power of attorney or an agency ..



Submission: Inquiry into the National Consumer Credit Protection ..


Further, State and Territory legislation goveming consumer credit (the .... prepares a will, a trust instrument, a power of attorney or an agency ..


Submission in response to the


Rich Text Format - Consumer Credit Legal Centre applauds a number of initiatives that form .... for certain credit activities carried out by lawyers in the Regulations ..


John Kenneth Shields - Australian Securities and Investments ..


Executive Director, a lawyer with extensive public .... Consumers require clear, effective and concise .... Su Mahalingham, Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) ..


Credit, loans and debt


consistent system of consumer credit for all Australians. .. the Australian Government's consumer credit website at .... is involved, talk with a lawyer or get ..

Payout or assignment of contracts on chattels


.. etc) that are still under a lease or consumer credit contract but are to be .. be passed on to the land broker or lawyer acting for the purchaser.


Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales - Submission to the ..


lawyers in representing legally aided people. Our experience in .. has recognised expertise in the area of consumer credit law and has made ..


Exposure draft 1 – National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations ..


Proportionate rebate of consumer credit insurance premium. 81 .... (3) If the memorandum of appointment, or power of attorney, lodged under ..

CONSUMER SERVICES - Browse Referral List


Abacus - Australian Mutuals (the Association of Building Societies and Credit Unions) was .. Apart form Internet complaints, consumers will need to first lodge a written ... If you have a legal problem you should talk to a lawyer before making a ..


Legal training for non-lawyers


A non-lawyer may wish for instance to gain some understanding of contract law, consumer credit and company law, but not the detail required by a law graduate.

Attorney General's Department - Media Releases


Attorney-General Robert McClelland today announced that the .... for Darwin residents who are experiencing debt or credit problems. .... 8 July 2010 - Launch of consumer survery on National Legal Profession Reform ..


Submission No. 10


Unit (CPU) with a focus on consumer credit and consumer injustices which is staffed by 3 full time lawyers. That unit provides direct advice to ..


Submission in response to the Civil Proceedings Bill 2010 ..


General of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General dated 12 ... 3 Pursuant to s 80 Consumer Credit Code (if applicable) and s 84 Property Law Act 1974 ..

Tasmania Online: Business and economy Consumer affairs and ..


Includes advice on consumer credit, insurance, consumer rights, arrest and .. parental responsibility, family law, bankruptcy, powers of attorney, wills and ..


Law Society of New South Wales Government Solicitors CLE ..


On 16 May 2008, the Australian Attorney-General, the Hon Robert .. At around the same time, the Australian consumer credit movement started ..

find LEGAL answers - Wills and Estates - Wills


About: Covers making a will, power of attorney, appointing an enduring .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and ..


01. Understanding Civil Proceedings Apr 2011


In this jurisdiction a lawyer can represent you. However, if the .. If you make a claim under this procedure a lawyer ... Consumer Credit Legal Service. Level 1 ..


Training and competence for credit licensees


Consumer Credit Protection Bill as at 29 July 2009. .. Regulation of consumer credit by the Commonwealth . ... Acting Senior Lawyer. Strategic ..


Summary Nov 2011 - Attorney-General's Department


Microsoft Excel1, Agency: Attorney General's Department since 1 July 2009 .. 15, Community Legal Services Program, Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW, $220000, Maintain ..

Australian Central Credit Union v Malone


Consumer Credit Act (NT) .. Geeveekay Pty Ltd, Keogh and Keogh v Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria, .. Plaintiff: Cridland MB Lawyers ..


Submission from ANZ


Manager. Consumer Credit Unit .. By email .. such as community groups, accountants and lawyers who refer ..

directions hearing - Federal Court of Australia - information for litigants


emailing them at ; or. • visiting .. If the applicant is a corporation it must be represented by a lawyer unless the Court gives you leave .. Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, credit card or EFTPOS.

find LEGAL answers - Accidents and Compensation - Negligence ..


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. contracts, consumer law including trade practices and consumer credit, business organisations, ..

Report 107 (2006) - Guaranteeing someone else's debts - Law ..


Both the Contracts Review Act and the Consumer Credit Code ... apply for such an injunction.151 Further, the Attorney General or Minister may ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships ..


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and estates, administrative ..


Cooling-off periods in Victoria - Consumer Affairs Victoria


reproduce any material from this publication contact Consumer Affairs Victoria. .... Any credit agreement ... 51 and Lawyers Conveyancing 2008, p. 2). In other ..

Mobile phone contracts


This Site: Consumer rights .. Contracts, consumer credit, guarantees ... you have a legal problem, you should seek legal advice from a lawyer.


Submission: Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation ..


Consumer Credit Protection Act, which took effect from 1 July 2010, ... Listed as one of Australia's leading competition lawyers in the 'Best ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Lenders-with ..


See: section 49(3A) of the National Consumer Credit Protections Act .. For the purposes of this audit, we believe a lawyer or a person with ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Finance and Public ..


3; Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW), Submission 66, p. .. [40] Ms Helen Gordon, Regional Director and Corporate Lawyer, Australian ..


Australian Finance Conference submission to National Consumer ..


Adequacy of Current Consumer Protection Laws. It is an established principle under Australian credit law that lenders are entitled to charge .. me or our Corporate Lawyer, Catherine Shand on (02) 9231 5877 or by email to ..




In the late 1980s, the Consumer Credit Legal Service in Victoria objected to the .. utilities, pay day lending and fringe credit, regulation of lawyers, public ..


Australian Friendly Societies Association - Attorney-General's ..


cases consumer credit code, and most recently (and significantly) FSRA. These staff are not lawyers. Attempts to rush through new and complex laws without ..

Doing business in Indonesia - For Australian exporters - Austrade ..


For more information, go to the Attorney General's Department on foreign .. However, with the exception of certain bulk items, letters of credit .. textiles and consumer items must be in the manufacturer's original packaging.




National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 (Cth) .. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly or the LIV Commercial lawyer Michael ..


The Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs Taking Action, Gaining ..


divisions of the SA Attorney General's Department. The Queensland ... has been provided from the consumer credit penalty fund to a number of non-government ..


Commentary on reverse mortgage amendments.


if they are a credit provider, the licensee reasonably believes the consumer .. attempts to contact) the debtor (or their lawyer, or a person who has a power of ..


Submission on Consumer Credit Report - Financial & Consumer ..


by K Hosie - 2006 - Submission to the Consumer Credit Code Review, August 2005, Financial & .... Individuals can access ADRs without assistance from a lawyer or advocate.

Wollongong City Library: Library WebLinks: Weblinks Categories


.. the Gazettes, published by the Attorney-General's Department since July 2002. .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW - A community legal centre specialising ..


- m Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic) inc Cheryl Scarlett ..


consumer credit, finance, wills and estates, guardianship and administration, superannuation, powers of attorney and end of life decisions. Many of these legal ..


The responsibility of lawyers for the prevention, detection and ..


The lawyer trained in an atmosphere of strict ethical constraints and supervised .. Legislators tend to see these issues in terms of the consumer and public ... the credit of the legal profession that harsh economic times induce a reluctance to ..


In support of plain law: an answer to Francis Bennion


(c) a text otherwise addressed to lawyers [in the extended sense he gives .... Consumer Credit Act 1974 — with its unusual enactment of examples67 — is only ..


ABA Submission to Annual Review of Regulatory Burdens on ..


matters of banking, credit and financial services regulation as well as company laws. ... Licensing. The introduction of the new consumer credit laws is resulting in some replication .... lawyers (Law Council of Australia).

Appointing a solicitor to sell your house : Department of Justice and ..


Make a complaint · Consumer rights and responsibilities · Indigenous consumers .. Credit and finance .. Do you know your consumer rights? ... The State of Queensland (Department of Justice and Attorney-General) 2012.




The Consumer Law Centre Victoria (CLCV) is one of Australia's leading consumer .. insurance, utilities, pay day lending and fringe credit, regulation of lawyers, ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. The Current Law


The Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Code is the full name of the .... 1980 (NSW) which allows the Attorney General (or Minister for Fair ..


About Us - Legal Aid Public Website


Microsoft Excel - 4, Location, Number of lawyers ... 26, Port Pirie, WestSide Community Lawyers Inc, Spencer Gulf Office .. 27, Surry Hills, Consumer Credit Legal Centre ..

Report 107 (2006) - Guaranteeing someone else's debts - Law ..


5.3 The Consumer Credit Code defines a credit contract as “a contract .... Submission at 3; NSW Young Lawyers, Submission at 1; Financial ..


The Gazette


relationship between a lawyer and client is fundamental to a proper .. Management; the Consumer Credit Legal Centre; the Consumer Action Law Centre (Vic); ..

Third party access | ALRC


59.39 Part IIIA places some specific constraints on direct access to credit reporting .. (ie they do not need to be lawyers, financial planners, finance brokers etc). .. provider from discussing the customer's credit commitments with a third party ..


Submission 30 - Legal Services Commission of South Australia


Dear Attorney-General, .... to expand, in both “width” and “depth”, such services and to meet increasing needs in areas such as migration and consumer credit.


Opening Address Inaugural Family Law System Conference ..


Attorney-General's Department. • Distinguished guests .. consumer credit and debt - but also to deal with the inevitable increased stress on ..


Submission: Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation ..


Submission to the Inquiry into the Consumer Credit and .. makers, sales people, ministers, lawyers, dentists, tradesmen, labourers and even ..



credit contracts and consumer leases, for example, contracts supplying credit or .. A lawyer can prepare this for you, and advise you about your ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight


The Credit and Debt Legal Service is a joint initiative of the Darwin .. AGS provided a range of corporate, employment and property law advice to the CEO ... Customer Framework) are all in advanced stages of development.


Consumers and unfair contract terms


Your lawyer or local community legal centre may be able to provide you with ... and contents insurance and consumer credit insurance contracts (which may be ..

Report 107 (2006) - Guaranteeing someone else's debts - Law ..


10.3 Section 75(1) of the Consumer Credit (New South Wales) .... Submission at 7; Women Lawyers Association of NSW, Submission at 4, 8; ..


ASIC Consultation Paper 115


There is no question, that the availability of consumer credit (and credit .. consumer credit generates commerce and facilitates more efficient ..




For many years, RLC's Credit and Debt Service has been active in a number of local, Statewide and national networks, including the. Consumers Federation of ..

Lawyters Lisbon - Australian Embassy


List of Portuguese lawyers conversant in English in the Lisbon area .. Asset Securitisation, Privatisation, Telecommunications, Consumer, Competition, Advertising, .. Real Estate, Labour, Criminal, Litigation, Credit Recovery and Court Work.

TPA Review -Review of the Trade Practices Act - Report


Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 56 .. Clayton Utz Lawyers, 168 .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre (New South Wales) Incorporated, 137 ..

Annotated consumer credit code and regulations / Andrea Beatty ..


1997 Annotated consumer credit code and regulations / Andrea Beatty, .. The Consumer credit code for property lawyers / [Andrew Lang, Maria Polczynski] ..


Need legalhelp?


you've been the victim of a consumer rip-off, been added to a credit. blacklist, harrassed by .. arrange to discuss it with a lawyer at a free legal advice session.


General Federal Law Matters - Fact sheet


Schedule 2 (Australian Consumer Law). The Court can .. Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. .. not be represented by a lawyer without the leave of the Court.

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Employment


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools ... consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and estates, administrative ..


ABA Response to ASIC Consultation Paper 113 Training and ..


Acting Senior Lawyer .. The ABA notes that section 37 of the National Consumer Credit Protection Bill .. competence test on a credit licence (ACL) applicant.


RBR 14/01 Regulating Pay Day Lending : The Consumer Credit ..


Iain Ramsay, Access to Credit in the Alternative Consumer Credit Market, prepared for Office of Consumer Affairs, Industry Canada and Ministry of the Attorney ..

Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association ..


Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association (AFCCRA) ... to develop a Consumer Credit Caseworker Manual to outline how new credit laws which will affect financial counsellors and community lawyers.




Why don't comparison rates have to be provided for continuing credit products .. The warning advises consumers that the comparison rate is accurate only for the .. Are fees paid to brokers, lawyers and valuers included in the comparison rate ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Apprehended violence ..


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools ... consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and estates, administrative ..

Links - Australian Privacy Commissioner


Australian Consumers Association · Australian Lawyers for Human .. Consumer Action Law Centre (Vic) · Consumer Credit Legal Service ..




Consumer Credit Legal Service wishes to thank the Victorian Legal Aid and the .... lawyer, this may be able to be arranged through community legal centres, ..


Summary 17 Jan - Attorney-General's Department


Microsoft Excel - 2, Agency: Attorney General's Department since 1 July 2011 .. 5, Community Legal Services Program, Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW Inc, $466566 ..


OKA5403 ASIC AR 06-07:Layout 1


agencies regulate consumer credit under the Uniform. Consumer Credit Code. .. joined Mallesons in 1977 as a commercial lawyer, with principal areas of ..


Survival Guide for WA


THE CREDIT CONTRACT AND. THE CONSUMER CREDIT CODE 22. 2 BUYING A .... call the Law Society on 9322 7877 for a referral to a lawyer; or. • call the ..

Lodge a complaint about an unsafe product : Department of Justice ..


Make a complaint · Consumer rights and responsibilities · Indigenous consumers · Property · Motor .. Credit and finance .. and industrial and construction equipment, see the Department of Justice and Attorney-General; gas, ..


General Principles report cover


Committee of Attorneys-General in 1993 shortly before the Commonwealth .... dealing with the environment, taxation, fishing and consumer credit, for example.


Copyright, Fair Use and the Public Interest Submission to the ..


that copies are made or distributed for non-profit purposes and credit is given for the source. .. Removal of lawyers' additional fair dealing exceptions. 10. Fair use rights .. Two aspects of this are bothersome to the ordinary citizen / consumer.


Brotherhood of St Laurence


Senior Lawyer, Strategic Policy. Australian .. In the area of consumer credit, a financially inclusive approach demands that people are adequately protected from ..


Wesley Community Legal Service - Submission on the Green Paper ..


Consumers there are reluctant to go to court as they must tackle the credit providers' lawyers and risk a massive bill for legal costs if they lose ..


Australian Finance Conference - Submission to Consultation ..


personal loans, credit cards, consumer leases, motor vehicle finance, home loans and .. is to be replaced by the National Consumer Credit Laws (NCCL), the Trade Practices Act ... Corporate Lawyer, on (02) 9231 5877.




Consumer Credit Legal Service wishes to thank the Victoria Legal Aid and the .. David Niven is a lawyer with 15 years experience in the area of consumers and ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Resources


Including home building, home contents, motor vehicle, travel, sickness and accident, consumer credit, pleasurecraft, valuables and personal property and ..


The Credit Ombudsman Service provides a free and independent ..


providing the consumer with a credit guide - Div 2; b) .. “In addition, the distribution channels for credit to consumers (such as the use of various ..


speeches_sackvillej14.rtf - Federal Court of Australia


Rich Text Format - AUSTRALIAN LAWYERS AND SOCIAL CHANGE .... in areas of substantive law such as residential tenancy law, consumer credit, debt collection and consumer ..


Consultation Paper 113 Training and competence for credit licensees


Acting Senior Lawyer .. suggests or assists consumers to borrow money under a particular credit .. other than the credit licensee for a fee and/or commission'. 7.

Economics Committee:National Consumer Credit Protection Bill ..


Interaction with the National Consumer Credit Protection Reform .... and in particular their lawyers, Freehills—they might say 'toing-and-froing'; ..


A Strategic Framework for Access to Justice in - Attorney-General's ..


person's age was relevant to their likelihood of experiencing consumer and credit/debt issues. For example, 15–24 year olds were 7.1 times more likely than ..


Report REP 252 Overview of decisions on relief applications ..


out how the Corporations Act 2001, National Consumer Credit .... relief from the obligations in Chs 5C and 7 to lawyers and funders involved ..


National Legal Aid - Submission: Consumer Voices - Sustaining ..


capacity to contribute in this area is informed by our lawyers who have .. responsibility for consumer credit matters, a combination of the current ..


Annual Report


Consumer Claims Act 1998. • Consumer Credit Administration Act 1995. • Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Act 1995 .... Trading and the Attorney General's ..




Association or “ACA”, No 21 from the Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) / .. courts (and therefore lawyers) have reverted to interpreting the Act in light of the ..


Introduction - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council


Consumer Law Centre Victoria and the Consumer Credit Legal Service (Vic). ... a discussion paper was launched by the Attorney-General in Perth on 12 June ..


1 17 September 2009 Ms. Sophie Waller Senior Lawyer Strategic ..


regard to responsible lending for Australian credit licensees in Chapter 3 of the. National Consumer Protection Bill 2009. We draw particular ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships - Family law


Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools ... consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and estates, administrative ..


_— - GPO Box 1755, Brisbane Qld 4001. ox12a Brisbane


Uniform Consumer Credit Code Management Committee. Depart of .. ln many instances, should the lawyer's involvement merely be to "arrange credit" for the ..

find LEGAL answers - Accidents and Compensation - Workers ..


About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, .. consumer law, social security, disability law, credit and debt, wills and ..


Financial System Inquiry (Wallis Report) - Submissions, Speeches ..


Attorney-General's Department. AusAsean .. Australian Financial Counselling & Credit Reform Association Inc .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc ..


24 August 2009


Acting Senior Lawyer .. collectors have been exempted from the National Consumer Credit .. consumer long after credit is actually extended.


The General Manager


1 For details see FSU's submission to the Senate Economics Inquiry into the Consumer Credit Bills -


NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010


Credit Card Certification. 242. 7. .. Attorney General's Division Financial Year Ended 30 June 2010 .... providing quality customer service and identifying areas ..



(3) For subregulation (2), the credit activity is exempted only if the lawyer providing the credit assistance does not hold out or advertise to consumers that he or ..

Paul O'Shea - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..


P O'Shea, 'Consumer Credit: Too Much Information? .. P O'Shea, 'Consumer and Credit Law' in (ed), Lawyers Practice Manual update (Law Book Company, ..

Paul O'Shea - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..


He is the author of the chapter on "Privacy of Debtors" for Butterworths Consumer Credit Law and the chapter on "Consumer Rights" in the Lawyers Practice ..



Small claims proceeding -- National Consumer Credit Protection Act 46.3. Starting a small claims proceeding 46.4. Lawyers -- National Consumer Credit ..



Regulation 8 – References to the National Consumer Credit .... credit assistance provided by a lawyer in the ordinary course of legal activities; ..


coNSUmER cREdIt - LocAL & gLoBAL


coNSUmER cREdIt - LocAL. & gLoBAL. ABoUt thE LEctURER: AdJUNct PRoFESSoR RoSAmUNd gRAdY. Ros grady is an international lawyer with over twenty ..

Adjunct Professor Rosamund Grady - Sydney Law School - The ..


Ros Grady is an international lawyer with over twenty - nine years private and .. Code of Banking Practice Australian Consumer Credit Law ..

2001 Research Publications Report - Monash University


Changing Technology and Consumer Credit Regulation. .. Lawyers Perceptions of Their Values: an Empirical Assessment of Monash ..

Mr Gerry Cleveland


He has also worked as a solicitor at both the Consumer Credit Legal Service as .. Gerry provides workshops on social issues for lawyers, article clerks, Court ..

[pic] Federal Magistrates Court Rules 2001 Statutory Rules 2001 No ..


.. 52 Part 9 Lawyers 9.01 Change between acting in person and by lawyer 53 ... claims proceeding 215 46.4 Lawyers - National Consumer Credit Protection Act ..


Literature Review on Personal Credit and Debt in Australia Families ..


by S Singh - 2005 - - Extent of literature on personal debt and credit in Australia .........7. 1.2 .... It is clear from the anecdotal evidence provided by credit lawyers and financial ..



NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT 2009 - NOTES. Act No. 134 of .. Attorney-General's Department, Canberra. Contents ..




consumer credit;. • residential tenancies;. A consumer protection dispute includes disputes relating to: • trade practices;. • misleading and deceptive conduct; ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - South Africa - Lawyers


15+ items – Contributors: [ADB] DIAL. SAFLII. AustLII. [Databases] [Recent ..

Attorneys Fidelity Fund [Search ]

A South ..

Corporate Lawyers Association of South Africa (CLASA) [Search ]

Represents ..




signatory, and concludes by suggesting ways in which lawyers could do more to address these issues. ABSTRACT. Reform in credit and consumer law does not ..

Faculty of Law : 8. Careers for law graduates


Many lawyers now look for ways of using their special skills to help less privileged .. consumer credit services and the Australian Council of Social Services.

QUT - Credit, Commercial and Consumer Law


The Credit, Commercial and Consumer Law (CCCL) Program is a ... from the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Qld) by way of a ..



46.4 Lawyers -- National Consumer Credit Protection Act small claims proceeding 215. 46.5 Representation for corporations -- National ..




by L NOTTAGE - - Consumer Credit, Termination Payments and Unfair Contracts (2009) Sparke Helmore Lawyers. < ..

read on - School of Law


by C Cook - 2010 James is the Manager and Principal Lawyer of the PILCH Homeless .. consumer credit/debt issues, fines and other minor criminal matters, ..

Gawith, Daril --- "Non Litigation-Based Redress for International ..


II Description and assessment of non litigation-based redress methods. A Credit card terms. B Foreign lawyers. C Foreign public consumer ..

Ms Frances Gibson - Staff profile, La Trobe University


She moved to Sydney and spent a year in private practice as a lawyer at a medium sized .. Gibson F, Rochford F,Emerging Consumer Credit Issues for Older ..




Rich Text Format - National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. .. tax agents and lawyers, and the exemption in relation to the refinancing of loans for ..


imageREAL Capture


by JR DunfordAffairs and Co-operative Societies and the Attorney-General for New South Wales. (1976). 2The Law Relating to Consumer Credit and Moneylending Report to ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Credit Law


Chair: Katherine LANE, Principal Solicitor, Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW). 8.55am. Topic 1: .. Speaker: Jon DENOVAN, Partner, Gadens Lawyers ..


Does Law Follow Money?


by R Edwards - 2009 - the law making aspects of lawyers themselves. It could be broadly ... Bulletin 19, 21; see also Report on Fair Consumer Credit Laws (The Molomby Report) 41. 6 ..

FindLaw LawCrawler - Law, Lawyer, Lawyers. Attorney, Attorneys


Results 1 - 25 – Credit Card Delinquencies Cost Consumers; CCCS Offers Tips .. .. Apr. 14 .. FindLaw: Rebuilding Credit FAQ - Attorney, Attorneys, Lawyer, .


Another Look at the Giving of Independent Advice to Sureties: Some ..


by CYC Chew - 2006 - and Credit Task Force' which consisted of lawyers and community advocates who ... evident in South Australia where s 44 of the Consumer Transactions Act ..

Misrepresentation and Misleading or Deceptive .. - Lecture Notes


Note the two headings "Consumer Protection" and "Unfair Practices". .. Lawyers are used to the idea of fault as a pre-requisite to liability. .... The company got into financial difficulties and Pioneer was prepared to extend credit to 60 days.


Electricity Issues: Interstate perspectives on full retail competition for ..


Simon Cleary - At the time the paper was written, Simon Cleary was a lawyer with .. and on the Board of the Centre for Credit and Consumer Law (CCCL) at ..



Act means the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 . "annual percentage ... lawyer , for the purpose of regulation 24 has the meaning given by the ..

A - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)


A Bus L, Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia) ... ACSCC, Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Cases (CCH - located in ..

Clinical legal education, La Trobe University


.. learning about the realities of law in practice and gaining academic credit. .. Public Interest Law Clearing House, Consumer Action Legal Centre, Office of the .. Students either interact directly with real clients in a lawyer/client relationship or ..


School of Law Clinical Legal Education Programme 2012 ..


lawyer/client relationship or work on legal issues of public interest with agency staff. The clinical .. family, administrative, consumer credit and human rights law.



This is Schedule 1 to the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 .... item 6, subsection 204(1)]; · practising lawyer is defined as a person admitted to the ..



The National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Credit Act) applies to the provision of ... an attorney appointed under an enduring power of attorney; and ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Clinical Legal Experience (Intensive ..


.. which they interview people attending for legal advice with volunteer lawyers. .. consumer credit, victims compensation, family law, employment law, wills, ..



It also provides that the person's lawyer may address the inspector or ask the .. under regulati on 39 of the National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations ..



rule 46.4. To grant leave for a party to a small claims proceeding to be represented by a lawyer. National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. 35. section 178 ..



NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT 2009 - SECT 266 .. (c) a representative, banker, lawyer or auditor of a person referred to in paragraph (a) ..


In Defence of Consumer Law: The Resolution of Consumer Disputes


by P O’SHEA - - 32 Arthur Rogerson, Report of the Standing Committee of Commonwealth and States Attorneys-. General on the Law Relating to Consumer Credit and Money ..

contract lectures


There are a number of consumer statutes which have stipulated that relevant .. car sales, lay-by sales, door to door sales, consumer credit contracts and others. .. would only be apparent to the person after they have talked to their lawyer.


5568 Law Matters


by Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls MP. One of the keynote .... a particular action. A National Consumer Credit Protection Reform Package, comprising the ..

September 16th to 30th Seminar Registration Online Payment Form ..


The aim of this practical workshop is for lawyers to gain an understanding of the key concepts, .. National Consumer Credit Reforms - Next Steps - Part 2 ..



the value of the credit contract, mortgage, guarantee or consumer lease to .. may be represented in the proceedings by a lawyer only with the leave of the court.


“Lessons from Product Safety Regulation for Reforming Unsecured ..


by L Nottage - over other consumer credit (unsecured loans, credit card lending, and the .... 'Lawyers, Foreign Lawyers, and Lawyer Substitutes: The Market ..

Evans, Richard --- "Court upholds "all money" clauses" [1997 ..


by R EVANSHowever, Rob Williams, a lawyer with the Consumer Credit Legal Service, said that the significance of Justice Hill's decision should not be overstated. "Legally ..

Justice Statement - Chapter 7


The Attorney-General introduced the First Corporate Law Simplification Bill into ... All States and Territories are working to enact uniform consumer credit laws, ..



NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT 2009 - SCHEDULE 1. National Credit Code .... (b) fees payable to a duly qualified lawyer. 53 Offence for ..




by TIEHMRJ MCGARVIE - Appeal Tribunal consisting of a lawyer, a tenant's representative and another. Poverty and the Law of Consumer Credit. The Report recognizes that the use of ..




by L WILLMOTT - Associate Professor, Member of Centre for Commercial and Property Law, .. provision of domestic finance, the Consumer Credit Code5 permits the court to ..



NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT 2009. TABLE OF ... Transfers--entitlement to practise as a lawyer 198. Transfers--limitation on appeals ..



NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT 2009 (NO. 134, 2009). TABLE ... Transfers--entitlement to practise as a lawyer 198. Transfers--limitation ..


CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Sydney


Government Lawyers in Japan and Australia” (Luke Nottage and Stephen .. and William Whitford (eds) Consumer Credit, Debt and Bankruptcy: Comparative ..

Deborah Healey | UNSW LAW


Member Academic Society of Competition Lawyers (ASCOLA). Member Research Partnership Platform on Competition and Consumer Law, UN Competition ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Clinical Legal Experience - LAWS3304


.. which they interview people attending for legal advice with volunteer lawyers. .. consumer credit, victims compensation, family law, employment law, wills, ..

The Law Institute --- "Institute Update" [1997] LawIJV 21; (1997) 71(1 ..


by GL SPEAKERS'TROPHYThe function was very successful with 110 corporate lawyers and their guests attending .... The Consumer Credit Code finally commenced on 1 November 1996.


Many financial services, including the provision of short-term credit ..


ACCESS TO CONSUMER CREDIT: THE PROBLEM OF FINANCIAL .... Geraint G Howells, 'Contract Law: the Challenge for the Critical Consumer Lawyer' in ..

Commercial Law - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


Candidates must complete 24 credit points of units of study. .. This unit replaced LAWS6227 Consumer Protection Law: Liability of Suppliers to Consumers.

C - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)


Cardozo Arts & Ent LJ, Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal. Cardozo J Int'l .. CCLR, Consumer Credit Law Reports 1984-. Canadian ..

Trade Practices - Legal Resources


by C Protection Australian Consumer Credit Law Reporter (CCH) .. legal manuals, newsletters, attorney advice, training, press and jobs, energy publications, ..

Business Law - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


Candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study from the list .. This unit replaced LAWS6227 Consumer Protection Law: Liability of ..




by R Armitage - 1985Attorneys-General resolved late in 1965 that a review of the laws relating to money lending and consumer credit" should be undertaken with a view to producing ..

Publications | UNSW LAW


20+ items – Jump to Navigation. UNSW homepage. Home › ..

Gibson F Disability and the Legal Profession in the USA (2011) 19 Journal of ..

Gibson F, Rochford F,Emerging Consumer Credit Issues for Older Australians ..

[pic] National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 Act No. 134 of ..


[pic] National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 Act No. .. Attorney-General's Department, Canberra Contents Chapter 1-Introduction 1 Part 1-1-Introduction ..


Personal property securities reform and security interests in ships


by J Popple - When a credit provider provides credit to an individual or a business, the debt is ... In September 2006, the Attorney-General established the PPS Review .. Motor Traders' Association of Australia, the Australian Consumers' ..




Lawyers throughout Australia contribute to unmet legal need by volunteering .. Criminal Law. ➢ Debt, Credit, Consumer .. Westside Community Lawyers Inc ..


The enrolment contract


EMIL FORD & CO LAWYERS. EMIL FORD ... •A term of a consumer contract is void if: ● the term is unfair; .. •Introduced National Credit Code. •School can't ..



NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT 2009 - SECT 5 ... "lawyer" means a person who is admitted to the legal profession by a federal court or a ..


Reading Suitability against Fitness for Purpose — The Evolution of a ..


by G Pearson - model in the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth). ... Mercantile Law, Glasgow, in the 1890s, said that the implied warranty of fitness for the ..


General Principles and Issues of Occupational Regulation


by AP Moore - 1989 - - 25 See Committee of the Law Council of Australia, Report to the Attorney-General for the State of Victoria on Fair Consumer Credit Laws (1972) para 3.1.1. 132 ..

SRC Legal Service |


.. Domestic violence; Employment law; Credit & debt; Consumer complaints .. Note: SRC solicitor cannot advise on immigration law, however, we offer an initial ..

2010 HSC Notes from the Marking Centre — Legal studies - Board ..


Question 18 – Optional Focus Study 1 – Consumers .. Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and the National Consumer Credit Protection ..


Curriculum Vitae - La Trobe University


Gibson F, Financial and Consumer Credit Issues for Older Consumers in .. for students in Litigation, Law Lawyers and Society, Clinical Legal Experience, ..

Dr Therese Wilson - Griffith University


The Future of Consumer Credit Regulation: Creative Approaches to .. Commission v Oceana Commercial Pty Ltd' (2004) 25 Queensland Lawyer 61-64.

Faculty of Law : 10. Careers for law graduates


Many lawyers now look for ways of using their special skills to help less privileged .. consumer credit services and the Australian Council of Social Services.


Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (LP41)


Receive credit for workplace learning if you are already working in an approved .. for entry-level lawyers and is approved by the Queensland ..

QLTT Eligibility - College of Law


Please note: As of 1st September 2010, the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test has ... As part of its quality programme and to aid consumer protection, the SRA has .. A partial credit reflecting the difference between the fees paid and the fees due ..


imageREAL Capture


Estates Lawyer. 1999 seminar papers,. Legal and Accounting Management. Seminars, 1999. (Location F KN 142 P 1). CONSUMER CREDIT LAW. Robertson ..


Coming to grips with credit contracts: steps to protect vulnerable ..


by G Sheehan - 2008 - - We are grateful to the Consumer Credit Fund for funding for this research. .... In addition, the role of lawyers in financial institutions is to protect the commercial ..


Literature Review on Personal Credit and Debt Families at Risk ..


by S Singh - 2005 - - consumer protection and consumer education. 2. Introduction. The literature review examines how people decide issues of personal debt and credit. We focus ..


Draft IACL paper


The Australian consumer credit market will be presented as a case study, where .... G (1993) 'Contract Law: the Challenge for the Critical Consumer Lawyer' in ..


So c io -Le g a l R e se a rc h C e n tre


Cate Banks (2007) “Being a family lawyer and being child focused – A question .. Nicola Howell (2007) “Preventing Consumer Credit” in Howells, Nordhausen, ..


Coming to grips with credit contracts


by G Sheehan - 2008 - We are grateful to the Consumer Credit Fund for funding for this research. .... In addition, the role of lawyers in financial institutions is to protect the commercial ..




by P Hanrahan - (The main exception is consumer credit, which is regulated at the State .... blame for this disproportionality is often laid squarely with lawyers, who it seems are ..

Professor Luke Nottage - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


Other Professional Legal Education: Japanese Law seminars for lawyers and .. risk, arbitration, product safety, consumer credit and corporate governance; Law ..

Consumer law and policy - Blogs - University of Sydney


.. sets these enactments in broader context by focusing on legal professionals – lawyers, .. Product Safety is one major theme for the 4th Consumer Law Roundtable, hosted .. Others include unfair contract terms and consumer credit, and this ..


Vol. 4/251 09.02.2011 Dear Parents, Last week you received ..


seek free legal advice from consumer lawyers, representatives of the .. including Consumer Credit, mortgage repayments and Family Law.

QUT | Staff Profiles | Lindy Willmott



Professor - Faculty of Law, Law SchoolContract Law; Mortgages Law in Australia; The Annotated Consumer Credit Code .. of Attorney and Advance Health Directive', Legal Practitioners Interest Trust ..




Consumer Credit Code: Application to School Fee Payment Structures and. Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA) Reporting Exemption. We refer to recent ..

Admission and Unit Information - Graduate Diploma in Legal ..


These areas are Consumer Law Practice; Employment and .. prescribed in the Competency Standards for Entry Level Lawyers for practical legal training. .. Advance Standing (Academic Credit) can be applied for in this unit.

Justice Statement - Full Contents


Customer Dispute Schemes · Standards for Consumer Complaints Schemes · Protection for Consumers in Dealing with Lawyers · Corporate Law Remedies ..




by A Rogerson - 1983 - - Credit providers and consumers alike have suffered from such practices. ... precisely stated, but only lawyers are likely to be able to understand it. Parliament ..


In the Red


Consumer Credit Law. Shannon Chapman and David Smith from Blake Dawson. Lawyers were the guest speakers at our April meeting.

Master of International Law (MIL) & Graduate Diploma in ..


Non-lawyers are eligible to apply for admission if they have an undergraduate degree relevant to international, .. The Graduate Diploma requires the completion of 24 credit points. .. Consumer Contracts and Product Defects ..


imageREAL Capture


by J Goldring - - Attorneys-General from which nothing has emerged. At the same time .. has also been enacted as Article 5.108 of the Uniform Consumer Credit Code. Despite ..


Developments in Commercial ADR: Attorney-General's Departmentâ ..


by I Govey - 2001alternative dispute resolution, role of the Commonwealth, Attorney-General's ... on ADR enables consumers to make informed choices about the nature of their ... Insurance Brokers Dispute Facility and the Credit Union Dispute Reference ..


Consumer Bankruptcy


by D Ralston - - .. reduced availability of consumer credit[4]. In addition, costs may be passed on in the form of bankruptcy infrastructure costs (administration, trustees, lawyers, ..


The main contribution of this article is the definition of a reasonable ..


by D GAWITHIn the pre-Internet era consumers were able to engage in ICTs with foreign vendors through the .. From a lawyer's perspective, what lies at the very heart of this trust problem, in terms of ... under credit card terms or an escrow service, is not.

Clare Cappa - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..


N James, C Cappa, 'Creating Critical Lawyers: Developing and Assessing Critical Thinking .. Stakeholder Training: Elder Law and Consumer Credit Law, Legal ..




by L NOTTAGEthe National Consumer Credit Reform Package (The National Consumer Credit .. See generally, for example, M Murayama, 'Expanding Access to Lawyers: The ..

Graduate - Law (Melbourne Law Masters) : Competition Law ..


Enrolment is open to lawyers and non-lawyers (with suitable work experience). .. Law Masters program credit towards the following degrees or diplomas: .. Enforcing Competition and Consumer Law (formerly Enforcing ..

Professor John Carter - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


Carter, J & Peden, E, 'Consumers beware: the loss of contractual protection for ... Further Developments' (1986) The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 262-271. ... Carter, J, Representations as to Credit, LRC 57, Law Reform Commission ..


The Lawyer as Gatekeeper: Is There a Need for a Whistleblowing ..


by C Pippel - 2004 - - Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Foreign Commerce and Tourism of the ... Re Enron complaint naming J. P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Credit ..

UTS: Adjunct professors - law at UTS


Lee Aitken has practised extensively as a lawyer in both Australia and ... a 'guru' of the Consumer Credit Code and had a leading role in some ..


Module 12—Enduring powers of attorney/ethics


discuss the various types of appointment of attorney, and explain the importance that .... administration of the licensing of providers or consumer credit, credit ..


Title of Report


by S Singh - 2005 - Education relating to consumer credit and financial literacy should include training .. on Personal Credit and Debt: Families at Risk Deciding on Personal Debt.

Commercial law - Law - Library resources at Griffith University


6 days ago – Australian Consumer Credit Law Reporter (via IntelliConnect). Icon .. new suites of papers on Due Diligence and eCommerce for Lawyers.

1997 Prize Winners - Monash University


30+ items – 1997 Prize Winners. Unit, Prize, Criteria, Winner.




Administrative Law

Butterworths Prize

For excellence in ..

Consumer Credit

Australian Finance Conference

Awarded to the student ..


Consumer Law Reform in Australia: Contemporary and Comparative ..


enforcement powers, and a new nation-wide specifically for consumer credit – a .... of cases where class actions now may be viable for plaintiffs' lawyers and ..


Title of Report


by S Singh - 2005 - - recommendations relating to education, the provision of credit and the possibility of increasing income: • Education relating to consumer credit and financial ..

Agreements Required to be Evidenced in Writing - Lecture Notes


There are a number of consumer statutes which have stipulated that relevant .. car sales, lay-by sales, door to door sales, consumer credit contracts and others. .. would only be apparent to the person after they have talked to their lawyer.

2000 Prize Winners - Monash University


Awarded to the student with the best result in Consumer Credit.. result in Lawyers, Ethics and Society (replacing The Lawyer - change in title) ..


Legislation Compliance


Responsible Officers: Vice-Chancellor and University Lawyer. 12. Children's .. Credit Act (1984). Responsible Officer: ... Competition and Consumer Act (2010) ..


List of Government Bodies/Agencies that Hire Law Graduates


Attorney-General's Department: Has both a .. ACCC aims to promote competition, consumer protection and fair-trading in the market. .. APRA overseas Australia's banks, credit unions, building societies, insurance companies ..

Consumer Protection - Legal Resources


.. students, these databases include Australian Consumer Credit Law Reporter (CCH) .. US-based site - published by the Alexander Law Firm.

Pascoe, Janine --- "Women's Guarantees and 'All Moneys' Clauses ..


by J PASCOEWhile recent reforms in the Banking Code and under consumer credit legislation have ... Where lawyers act for guarantors, they should be aware of effect of this ..



Attorney-General's Department, Canberra ... Division 2--Unconscionable conduct and consumer protection in .... Credits to the Account .




by SA Christensen - 2002 - - consumer credit transactions, guarantees, powers of attorney, negotiable instruments, and affidavits or declarations. Whether the applicable statute in each case ..


Finance – Information - Australian Domestic and Family Violence ..


a lawyer. You can find a financial counsellor in your local area by calling the Financial .. or and Consumer Credit Legal ..

Areas of Practice Covered in the Practical Training Course (PTC)


While the National Competency Standards for Entry-Level Lawyers propose .. and Environment, Employment and Industrial Relations, and Consumer Law.

Purchase Homes By Paying Back Taxes - Forum Financial ..


Consumer credit bureaus learn more about your credit history and how it may ... of the consent judgment credit card debt consent judgement until the lawyer we ..


Protection of Consumers' Economic Interests by EC Contract Law ..


by N REICH - - consumer law than many EU lawyers for whom this subject was to some extent .. and the proposal on unfair contract terms.5 The Consumer Credit Directive ..


Personal Property Securities Reform


by J Popple - LexisNexis Professional Development James Popple — Credit Law Conference 1 .. Australian Attorney-General's Department* ... Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs, the Motor Traders' Association of Australia, the ..


Risk and the Consumer in Australian Financial Services Reform


by G PEARSON - - This paper argues that risks to the consumer have not been sufficiently articulated .... 27 See Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc, A Report to ASIC on the .... address given at Superannuation 2002: A National Conference for Lawyers, ..

Subjects 2011


Accounting for Commercial Lawyers LAWS70140 · Advanced Civil .. into Practice LAWS70040 · Consumer Credit: Recent Developments and ..


From Private Law to Public Regulation: A New Role for Courts?


by T Ciro - 2003 - - similar to the role consumer credit legislation has played in promoting public regulatory .... lawyers, from all strands of the community, have grown used to the ..




by A RogersonCommittee of Attorneys-General of the States and Commonwealth of. Australia to report on the law relating to consumer credit and money- lending. In the course ..


The Evolving Field of Mediation in the United States


by FS Mosten - 2001legislatures, the courts, the legal profession, consumer groups and the media. .. and entry of lawyers into the profession, many wonder if mediation might become a subspecialty of law, rather than ... credit and attribution of others. •. Volunteer ..

Business Law: Future Students 2012


.. banking, finance, intellectual property, competition, consumer protection and .. state's leading academic lawyers they will also have the opportunity to make use ... years, you may be eligible for advanced standing (credit and/or exemption).

Keith Bennetts Home Page


.. wide range of banking and finance law topics, including Consumer Credit Code, .. holds the position of Practice Development Consultant with Pace Lawyers.


09 The New Australian Consumer Law:CLE


or Payment by credit card. Mastercard. Visa .. Commercial Lawyers and accredited specialists .. essential practice update on the new Australian Consumer ..

Anna Copeland Homepage


.. Women's Legal Service and has acted as a locum at Consumer Credit Legal .. “International Human Rights Remedies” in The Lawyer's Practice Manual WA, ..



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Monday, 17 February 2025
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