Criminal Law & Lawyers

Are you in trouble with the law? If so, a professional specialist criminal lawyer will provide you with the highest quality representation in all sorts of criminal matters and criminal proceedings.

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Specialist Criminal Lawyers generally cover matters involving the following:

• Serious drink driving, DUI and PCA offences
• major road traffic offences and traffic charges
• Public Order Offences
• Murder, Manslaughter
• Common Assualts
• Assualts involving Grevious Bodily Harm (GBH), Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) and other Assaults
• Drugs offences including Possession with Intent to Supply drugs / Drug Importation / Drug Production
• Fraud offences and ID fraud
• Robbery / Armed Robbery
• Blackmail / Extortion / Threats to Kill and related offences
• Theft from Employer
• Benefit Fraud
• Organised Crime / Conspiracy
• Proceeds of Crime
• Political / High Profile
• Terrorism
• Money Laundering
• Sexual Offences
• Bail Applications
• Youth offences
• Representation of Professionals and People with no Previous Convictions
• Representation of People with previous convictions and criminal record
• Criminal Appeals against Conviction or Sentence
• Police Station Interviews
• Cyber crime and computer crime

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Specialist Criminal lawyers also provide representation with respect to the following 'serious criminal offence, some of which have already been mentioned above:

• Murder or attempted murder
• Indecent Assault
• Use of firearms
• offences against children
• Rape and other sexual assult type matters
• Wounding/gbh with intent
• Wounding/gbh without intent
• False imprisonment
• Arson and criminal damage endangering life
• Robbery, larceny and other matters relating to theft
• Aggravated burglary
• Two or more offences of burglary
• Dealing, being concerned in the supply, or intending to supply any controlled drug
• Serious motor vehicle crimes
• Aggravated vehicle taking
• Breach of good behaviour Bond

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Some basic general information regarding criminal law (for information purposes only):

Criminal Law is law which involves the state (The Crown) bringing a prosecution against an individual. Only crimes (or offences) which already exist in law can be used to prosecute people. These are laid down by Parliamentary Law (statutes like the Crimes Act 1900, or by previous decided case history in the courts (common law).

Innocent until proven Guilty?

To convict someone of an offence, the Prosecution has to show the court that the person has committed the offence to a level of certainty which is very high. The phrase that judges use is "you must be satisfied so that you are sure". Verdicts along the lines of "he probably did it," or "if she didn't do it, who else did?", are not usually enough for a conviction. The prosecution must show beyond reasonable doubt that the offence occurred and was done by the accused person (or the defendant). In the eyes of the Criminal Courts, not sure is not guilty.

Juries and Judges

In the criminal courts, there are generally two levels of court. The first level is the Magistrates Court. This court deals with less serious types of offence, such as most motoring offences and drink driving, or low value thefts and less serious assaults. However, this court can still impose prison sentences.

In the District Court, a jury of 12 memebers will be first told that they have to find the defendant guilty or not guilty by unanimous vote. If no verdict can be reached, a re-trial may be ordered.

What the Prosecution must prove:

The prosecution must prove two things: that the accused did it, and did it on purpose.


Just because someone is guilty of committing an illegal act, and of meaning it/knowing it was wrong, that doesn't definitely mean that they are guilty of the offence. They might have a defence, or a good reason why they should not be convicted.

If someone committed an offence while, for example, protecting themselves or their family, then that could be a defence which would help them avoid being found guilty.

Self Defence / Defence of Someone Else / Defence of Property and other defences

If someone commits an offence of violence (such as assault) to prevent getting injured, to prevent someone else getting injured, or to protect his or her property, then that can sometimes mean they are entitled to a defence. The force used must be necessary, and reasonable. That means there must be no other obvious course of action to avoid the injury or damage (such as moving away top avoid the situation), and the level of force used must be proportionate to the threat - the fact that the defendant thought the action was reasonable is not enough to suggest that it was. However, the jury have to accept the facts as the defendant honestly believed them to be at the time, even if he or she was mistaken. So if the jury believe that a defendant honestly thought that his attacker had a knife and so attacked him, the jury have to take that belief into account. Then they can consider whether his reaction, for example stabbing the attacker first, was reasonable by their standard.

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Mental Defences

There are other defences which relate to the mental state of the person who is accused. They include:


This is a defence when the act has been done unconsciously and involuntarily, “done by the muscles without any control by the mind”. There must be a total loss of control of the body and it cannot be self-induced, so alcohol related blackouts don’t count.

Diminished Responsibility

This is a partial defence to murder only. It can reduce murder to manslaughter. Generally speaking, the defendant must prove that he was suffering from an abnormality of mind caused by something inherent and which substantially impaired the defendant’s responsibility for the killing. It does not have to be the only cause provided it still substantially impaired the mental responsibility of the defendant.


This is another partial defence to murder, but is not a defence to any other offences. There are two stages to the test for provocation: The first is that the defendant must have been provoked and lost his self control. This depends on the evidence and what the jury decides. The second stage is to decide whether the provocation was enough to make a reasonable man react in that way.

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Each state and territory has its own criminal laws, as follows:

New South Wales

Criminal offences under New South Wales law are based on the common law and some statutory provisions in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).


Most crimes in Victorian jurisdiction are codified in the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic.). There are also a number of common law provisions for criminal conduct within Victoria.


The Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) is the primary instrument for the source of criminal law in Queensland. The Criminal Code Act was largely the product of Sir Samuel Walker Griffith, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland (and formerly Premier).

South Australia

Most crimes in South Australia are codified in the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA). There are also a number of common law provisions for criminal conduct in South Australia.


Tasmania's serious criminal offences, like those in Queensland and Western Australia, are set in a single piece of legislation, the Criminal Code Act 1924. This includes serious offences against the person (murder, manslaughter, death by dangerous driving, wounding, rape, sexual assault), against property (computer crimes, stealing, burglary, robbery and the like) and against society (bribery of public officials, treason, etc.).

Like the Queensland and Western Australian legislation, the mental element (or mens rea) is located under section 13 of the Code, requiring that an act or omission be "voluntary and intentional" for a crime to have occurred. The intent of this is to rule out circumstances where a person is not in control of their own actions - for instance, automatism, insanity, and for some offences, intoxication.

There are numerous other laws where criminal offences may be found. These include the Firearms Act (offences relating to ownership or use of firearms or ammunition), the Police Offences Act (less serious criminal acts and breaches of the peace), the Road Safety (Alcohol and Drugs) Act for drink driving, amongst many others.

Western Australia

Western Australia has an almost exhaustive codification of criminal law in a Criminal Code substantially based on the Queensland one.

Northern Territory

The Northern Territory has also an almost exhaustive codification of criminal Law in a similar Criminal Code to that of Queensland and Western Australia. In fact, the drafting of the NT Criminal Code Act 1983, reflected aspects of both the QLD and WA Criminal Codes.

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Common Law and Code Jurisdictions

Australian criminal law was originally received from the English common law, which continued to evolve in Australian courts. Although all states also have some legislation on the criminal law, in some states criminal law has been codified whereas in other the bulk of the law is based on the common law. These may be referred to as ‘common law jurisdictions’ and ‘code jurisdictions’.

New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria are common law jurisdictions. These States have Crimes Acts which list the most common offences and fix their penalties, but do not always exhaustively define the elements of the offence e.g. Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). It is settled law in the common law jurisdictions that only Parliaments, not the courts, can create new offences.

The “code jurisdictions” are the Commonwealth, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia. In these jurisdictions a statutory code has been introduced to be a comprehensive statement of criminal law, and are interpreted to replace the common law except in cases of ambiguity. Codification in some cases involved a simple enactment of the common law into a statutory instrument. In other cases the changes were greater as the code was based on legislative instruments from other jurisdictions.

Legislation (including the criminal codes) is further refined by the method of judicial precedent and interpretation.

In addition to explicitly titled criminal code legislation there exists in most jurisdictions a further body of legislative or case precedent, the breach of whose conditions may result in criminal proceedings. e.g. Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic)

Law enforcement and police

The police in Australia are responsible for keeping peace and order in the community and bringing before the court people they believe have broken the law. Although police officers may arrest people and give evidence in court, they do not decide whether or not people are guilty of crimes. This is the responsibility of the courts.

Australia has a national police force—the Australian Federal Police—that investigates offences against federal laws, including drug trafficking, illegal immigration, crimes against national security and crimes against the environment.

All states of Australia and the Northern Territory have their own police forces that deal with crimes under state or territory laws. Policing in the Australian Capital Territory is handled by the Australian Federal Police.

Australian Crime Commission

The Australian Crime Commission was established in January 2003 (replacing the National Crime Authority) as an independent statutory body to work nationally with federal, state and territory agencies, principally to counter serious and organised crime. It brings together all arms of Australian intelligence gathering and law enforcement to coordinate the fight against major crime.

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History / Chronology of Criminal Law


This chronology aims to document the important milestones in Commonwealth criminal law.

Constitutionally the Commonwealth Parliament has no general power to legislate in relation to crime. State and Territory governments are mandated by their Constitutions to legislate for the peace, order and good government of their jurisdictions. They have a general power to maintain public order and to protect individuals who reside within their State and their property.

The constitutional basis for the Crimes Act 1914, the Criminal Code Act 1995 and offence provisions in other Commonwealth legislation is found in the express incidental power in section 51 (xxxix) of the Constitution or in the implied incidental powers contained in the heads of power in sections 51 and 52 and in the executive power in section 61. The majority of Commonwealth criminal offences and penalties are to be found in various Commonwealth statutes dealing with widely differing subjects, eg customs and excise, taxation, insurance, social security, broadcasting and the Internet.

The Commonwealth’s powers to legislate have been greatly expanded through the external affairs power (section 51 (xxix)). The Tasmanian Dams case in the High Court confirmed that the Commonwealth is able to enact legislation to fulfil obligations incurred through its ratification of treaties covering areas otherwise outside its constitutional capacity
Another area of Commonwealth expansion into the area of criminal law has been the few occasions where the States have considered that a national law is preferable to a set of State laws and have referred their constitutional powers to legislate to the Commonwealth. This has happened, for example, in the areas of corporations regulation (2001) and anti-terrorism legislation (2002).

Commonwealth criminal legislation, therefore, began mainly covering offences against the Commonwealth and its institutions, or against Commonwealth officers, property or revenue. It has expanded, through the reasons mentioned above, to cover other areas of national concern.

This introduction is based on Report of the Review of Commonwealth Law Enforcement Arrangements, AGPS, Canberra, 1994, p. 10-11.

Milestones Details Source Documents

1899 1899 Queensland passes first Criminal Code, developed by Sir Samuel Griffith, which incorporates common law and statutory offences into one piece of legislation. Similar Codes were enacted in Western Australia in 1902, in Tasmania in 1922 and in the Northern Territory in 1983. Unsuccessful attempts to introduce a Criminal Code were made in South Australia in 1901-02 and in Victoria in 1904-12. The Commonwealth and the ACT passed Criminal Code Acts in 1995 and 2002 respectively based on the work of the Model Criminal Code Officers' Committee Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld)Historical background to the Code (OzCase)
1901 January 1. Commonwealth Constitution comes into force. Criminal law matters were generally left to the States except for matters coming under Commonwealth jurisdiction Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900
1901 First Commonwealth criminal offences created in the Audit Act, dealing with public service fraud, forgery and perjury. Comes into force on 1 January 1902 Audit Act 1901
1903 First treason trial after 1900 involving an Australian. Colonel Arthur Lynch, an Australian, was found guilty by a UK court of fighting with the Boers in the South African War. Other treason trials were held in 1945. Australian Dictionary of Biography
1905 As a result of a scandal in the dairy industry the first corruption offences were introduced Secret Commissions Act 1905
1906 January 1. First prohibition of a recreational drug made, by proclamation under the Customs Act 1901, when importing opium was prohibited except for medicinal purposes Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, no. 64, 30 December 1905, p. 1003
1907 First drug case heard by the High Court deals with importation of opium Irving v Nashimura [1907] HCA 50 ; (1907) 5 CLR 233
1910 Drug offences greatly expanded by addition of section 233B to the Customs Act 1901 which makes importation or possession of illegally imported substances a Commonwealth offence Customs Act 1910 s. 11

1914 September
Commonwealth Crimes Act passed containing the most serious offences against the Commonwealth (eg treason) which carried the death penalty or committed by Commonwealth officers (eg divulging official secrets). It has been gradually superseded by the Criminal Code Act 1995.

Customs Proclamation dated 7 September 1914 prohibiting the importation of non-medicinal opium
Crimes Act 1914


Commonwealth of Australia
Gazette, no. 71, 12/9/1914

1917 Legislation passed to establish a Commonwealth Police Force. Prime Minister Billy Hughes was disappointed at the lack of action by Queensland police when an egg was thrown at him. The Force was established by an order published in the Commonwealth Gazette No. 215 12 December 1917, pp 3341-3342. It was abolished in 1919 and its functions taken over by the Investigation Branch of the Attorney-General’s Dept War Precautions Regulations 1916, Reg 64D, inserted by Statutory Rule no 317, 1917, made 27 November 1917
1920 Sedition made a Commonwealth offence, by inserting s. 24A-24F into the Crimes Act 1914 War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920
1924 Customs Proclamation dated 18 April 1924 prohibiting the export of non-medicinal opium Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, no. 26, 24/4/1921
1926 Following the 1925 Geneva Convention Concerning the Suppression of the Manufacture of, Internal Trade in, and Use of Prepared Opium, the Commonwealth bans the import and export of cannabis (Customs Proclamations nos 134 & 135).

Amendments to the Crimes Act bans unlawful revolutionary associations.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, no. 115, 25/11/1926

Crimes Act 1926
1928 First Commonwealth firearms legislation; introduced the offence of discharging any firearm on or over Commonwealth land Crimes Act 1928
1939 National security legislation gave the government wide powers to conduct the war, control resources and deal with enemy sympathisers. It was repealed in 1946 National Security Act 1939
1941 Australian Security Service, the forerunner of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, established
1942 Offences re broadcasting blasphemous, indecent or obscene material made.

Peace Officer Guard established. In 1960 it amalgamated with the Commonwealth Investigation Service to form the Commonwealth Police Force.
Australian Broadcasting Act 1942

Statutory Rule no. 212 of 1942
1945 First war crimes legislation provides for trial and punishment of European war criminals War Crimes Act 1945
1946 Commonwealth Investigation Service established

First and last Commonwealth treason trial. Major Charles Cousens was committed for trial in the Sydney Magistrates Court in August 1946. The charge was dropped due to lack of evidence.

The Australian Encyclopedia, 1996, p. 2957, states that Albert Stokes was found guilty of treason for joining the Nazi “British Free Corps’ in 1944. In fact he was found guilty in a 1945 UK court martial of aiding the enemy, under the Army Act (UK). He served one year in Fremantle prison. Source: National Archives Recordsearch.

See also the 1903 UK trial of Australian Colonel Arthur Lynch (above).
Commonwealth Gazette, No.145, 8 August 1946

Australian Dictionary of Biography; See also ‘Ex parte Cousens; Re Blacket and another’ State Reports (NSW), 1947, vol. 47, pp. 145-150
1949 March 16. Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) established, under the administrative control of the Attorney-General’s Dept. It was put on a statutory basis in 1956.

Offences dealing with victims of war and genocide created.
Prime Minister’s Directive

Geneva Conventions Act 1949; Genocide Convention Act 1949
1953 The last sedition trial in mainland Australia was an unsuccessful prosecution by the Menzies Government of another member of the Communist Party in Sweeny v Chandler, an action prosected in the Sydney Court of Petty Sessions, which resulted in dismissal of the charges on the 18th September 1953. See 1960 for the last federal prosecution.
1956 ASIO, established in 1949, made a statutory body Australian Security Intelligence Organization Act 1956
1960 Major amendments made to Crimes Act re sentencing, treason, defacing coinage, espionage, official secrets, conspiracy, etc.

The last federal prosecution and jailing for sedition was in 1960, when Department of Native Affairs officer Brian Cooper was prosecuted under the Criminal Code (Qld) for urging "the natives" of Papua New Guinea to demand independence from Australia . He was convicted and sentenced to two months' imprisonment with hard labour. He committed suicide four years after losing his appeal.

Peace Officer Guard and Commonwealth Investigation Service were merged to form the Commonwealth Police Force.

First telecommunications interception legislation.
Crimes Act 1960


Cooper v. The Queen [1961] HCA 16; (1961) 105 CLR 177


Commonwealth Police Act 1957

Telephonic Communications (Interception) Act 1960
1963 Offences committed on aircraft legislated Crimes (Aircraft) Act 1963
1964 Procedures for civilians serving with United Nations who commit offences implemented Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
1966 Extradition legislation passed. Before this the Commonwealth used United Kingdom legislation and treaties Extradition (Commonwealth Countries) Act 1966; Extradition (Foreign Countries) Act 1966
1967 Although the Commonwealth does not operate any prisons, it passed legislation providing for minimum terms of imprisonment for Commonwealth offenders

Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs implemented in order to regulate the manufacture of certain drugs for medicinal purposes
Commonwealth Prisoners Act 1967


Narcotic Drugs Act 1967
1971 Violent demonstrations in Territories or on Commonwealth premises attract a penalty of 3 months imprisonment. Public Order (Protection of Persons and Property) Act 1971
1972 Australian Institute of Criminology and the Australian Criminology Research Council established. The Act commenced late 1972 and the AIC began operation in 1973.

Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft implemented
Criminology Research Act 1971

Crimes (Hijacking of Aircraft) Act 1972; Crimes (Protection of Aircraft) Act 1973
1973 Death penalty abolished for Commonwealth offences. States and Territories had already abolished capital punishment from 1922-1985

The Committee on Computerisation of Criminal Data recommends an Australian Crime Information Centre (ACIC) be established to store, retrieve and analyse criminal justice information

October 18. House of Representatives passes the motion “That … homosexual acts between consenting adults in private should not be subject to the criminal law”. It results in the draft Law Reform (Sexual Behaviour) Ordinance 1975 (A.C.T.)
Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973. See also Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and Death Penalty Abolition) Act 2010

Report, August 1973. Attorney-General’s Dept, Canberra. Tabled but not printed. List number 416/1975

Attorney-General’s press release 41/75, (28/5/1975)
1974 Whitlam government establishes the federal Law Reform Commission (later Australian Law Reform Commission). Its first 2 reports in 1975 were Complaints against police and Criminal investigation.

Report of the Committee of Inquiry into a national forensic institute (est 4 Dec 1973). Chair L.G. Clark .
Law Reform Commission Act 1973

Report. Canberra : Govt. Printer, 1974. Parliamentary paper no. 58 of 1974
1975 Report of the Working Party on Territorial Criminal Law proposes and contains a draft new Crimes Ordinance for the A.C.T. to replace the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) as applied to the A.C.T. The Crimes Act did not start to be replaced until the Criminal Code 2002 was passed by the ACT Legislative Assembly under self government.

March 27. Department of Police and Customs established to bring law enforcement operations together. Press release p.209

September 26. The Whitlam Government passed control of ASIO from the Attorney-General's Department to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

In December the Fraser Government transferred control of ASIO back to the Attorney-General's Department.

October 29. Australia Police Bill introduced implementing Cabinet decision no. 1433 of 15/10/1973 and subsequent report by A.T. Carmody to establish a national police force to amalgamate all federal police agencies ie A.C.T., Northern Territory, Commonwealth, police forces, customs & narcotics bureau. The Bill also contained provisions to implement Australian Law Reform Commission recommendations relating to complaints against police. The bill did not pass. A more limited merger occurred later in 1979.
Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Tabled but not printed. List no 318/1975


Commonwealth Gazette No S59, 27 March 1975


Administrative Arrangements Order 26/9/1975 (Commonwealth Gazette No. S192, 29 September 1975)

Administrative Arrangements Order 22/12/1975 (Commonwealth Gazette No.S262, 22 December 1975)


Australia Police Bill 1975. A.T. Carmody, National Law Enforcement Authority, April 1974. Tabled but not printed. List no. 384/1975
1976 Convention on Psychotropic Substances implemented.

Two terrorism conventions implemented
Psychotropic Substances Act 1976

Crimes (Biological Weapons) Act 1976; Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons) Act 1976
1977 Australian Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drugs established by the Commonwealth, Victorian, Tasmanian, Western Australian & Queensland Governments and headed by Justice E.S. Williams. It recommended increased law enforcement of drug control and the establishment of a Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence. Reports published as Parliamentary Paper numbers 275/1979, 2529/1980, 226/1980
1978 Last act of terrorism in Australia . A bomb explodes outside the Sydney Hilton Hotel in February 1978.

Offences created re entering other countries for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities
Crimes (Foreign Incursions and Recruitment) Act 1978
1979 Following the Hope Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security, ASIO legislation was revised

Commonwealth Police and A.C.T. Police merge to become Australian Federal Police (AFP).

The Standing Advisory Committee on Commonwealth-State Cooperation for Protection Against Violence (SAC-PAV) hold its first meeting.

Legislation passed to clarify which Australian State and Territory criminal laws apply to ships and coastal waters, replacing previous UK legislation
Australian Security Intelligence Organization Act 1979

Australian Federal Police Act 1979


Crimes at Sea Act 1979
1980 Royal Commission into the Activities of the Federated Ship Painters and Dockers Union established by the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments and headed by Mr Frank Costigan QC. It made recommendations in the areas of organised crime, bottom of the harbour tax evasion, drug trafficking, waterfront crime and criminal investigation techniques Reports published as Parliamentary Paper numbers 72/1982, 185/1982, 223/1983, 284-289/1984
1981 Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drug Trafficking established by the Commonwealth, NSW, Victorian & Queensland Governments and headed by Justice D.G. Stewart. It makes 102 recommendations in the areas of law enforcement agencies, criminal intelligence systems, police powers, complaints against police, deportation and extradition and financial investigations Reports published as Parliamentary Paper numbers 288/1982, 41/1983, 186/1983 [NZ Report]
1981 Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence established Agreement between the Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments 6/2/1981. Tabled 18/8/82
1982 Legislation passed by the Fraser government to establish a national investigative body, the National Crimes Commission. The act was never brought into force by the new Hawke government, which instead set up the National Crime Authority in 1984 National Crimes Commission Act 1982
1983 Royal Commission of Inquiry into the activities of the Nugan Hand Group [extension of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drug Trafficking 1981-1983] Chair: Justice D.G. Stewart. It recommends enhanced cooperation with countries re banking records and changes to companies and auditing legislation Reports published as Parliamentary Paper numbers 275/1983, 65/1985, 368-369/1985
1983 May Royal Commission on Australia's Security and Intelligence Agencies established. Chair Mr Justice R. M. Hope. It recommends increased ministerial control of ASIO and the establishment of an Inspector-General to oversee agencies Reports published as Parliamentary Paper numbers 323/1983, 1/1984, 230-232/1985
1984 March Director of Public Prosecutions established on 5 March 1984 to prosecute offences under Commonwealth law. This task had previously been done by the Deputy Crown Solicitor’s Office Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1983
1984 July National Crime Authority (NCA) established to investigate national crime issues National Crime Authority Act 1984
1985 Royal Commission of Inquiry into Alleged Telephone Interceptions established. Chair: Justice D.G. Stewart. Recommends additional bodies be able to intercept telephones and safeguards for the issuing of interception warrants Report published as Parliamentary Paper number 155/1986
1987 Review of Commonwealth Criminal Law established ( Sir Harry Gibbs (chair), Ray Watson , Andrew Menzies ). Issues discussion papers, 5 interim reports & a final report (1988-1991)


Australian Protective Service (APS) established to provide security at Commonwealth premises.

Assets of convicted criminals now subject to confiscation.

Special Investigations Unit (later War Crimes Prosecution Support Unit) established in the Attorney-General’s Dept to investigate prosecutions of alleged Nazi war criminals. It was abolished in 1994
[1st] interim report: computer crime 1988. PP* 111/1989

[2nd] interim report: detention before charge 1989. PP 112/1989

[3rd] interim report: principles of criminal responsibility and other matters 1990. PP 195/1991

4th interim report 1990. PP 319/1990

5th interim report 1991. PP 194/1991

Final report 1991. PP 371/1991
All on Senate Tabled Papers Database


Australian Protective Service Act 1987

Proceeds of Crime Act 1987

1988 3 inquiries into violence established:
National Inquiry into Racist Violence (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Moss / Castan inquiry));
Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Inquiry into Violence in Television;
National Committee on Violence into Violence in Australian Society
Extradition laws rewritten and amended

An amendment to the Constitution to extend the right to trial by jury was rejected at referendum
Report, 1991 (PP 100/1991)

TV Violence in Australia , 1990 (PP 131-134/1990)

Violence: directions for Australia, 1990

Extradition Act 1988

Constitution Alteration (Rights and Freedoms) Bill 1988

1990 June 28 SCAG decides to establish the Criminal Law Officers Committee (CLOC) consisting of members from all jurisdictions to develop a national model criminal code. Between 1992 and 2002 it issues 12 discussion papers, 11 reports and 5 model provisions

July 1st. Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) as applied to the ACT passes from Commonwealth Attorney-General to the A.C.T. Government
Model Criminal Code


A.C.T,. Administrative Arrangements, 4/7/1990

1992 Penalty units (equivalent to $100) introduced at the federal level. The unit was changed to $110 in 1997. Units were first introduced in Victoria in 1981

Australian Protective Service transferred from the Department of Administrative Services to the Attorney-General’s Department
Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 1992

Administrative Arrangements Order, 30 June 1992, Gazette GN27, 8 July 1992, p. 1834

1993 Criminal Law Officers Committee changes its name to Model Criminal Code Officers' Committee (MCCOC)

Review of Law Enforcement Arrangements established under the chair of Bill Coad. Its 1994 report led to changed arrangements within the Attorney-General’s Department dealing with law enforcement.


Report. AGPS, 1994 ISBN 0644332964

1994 Federal Justice Office replaced by the Commonwealth Law Enforcement Board (CLEB) within the Attorney-General’s Department

First Commonwealth sex offences, dealing with under age sex by tourists overseas

Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act enacted to override Tasmania's anti sodomy law contained in its Criminal Code. The first time the federal government uses its external affairs power under s 51 of the constitution to override a state criminal law

Crimes (Child Sex Tourism) Amendment Act 1994


Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act 1994

1995 Criminal Code Act 1995 implements provisions of the first report of MCCOC issued in 1992 on criminal responsibility. The Code is becoming the main piece of legislation containing federal offences, superseding the Crimes Act 1914. It also abolished all common law offences (s.1.1) Criminal Code Act 1995
1996 On 28 April a lone gunman killed 35 people at Port Arthur, Tasmania. This led to the Commonwealth passing legislation to implement a gun buyback scheme to assist the States recall certain firearms and to restrict importation of various firearms National Firearms Program Implementation Act 1996

Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956

1997 Commonwealth legislates to repeal decriminalisation of euthanasia in the Northern Territory. First use of Commonwealth territories power to override a territory law. Euthanasia Laws Act 1997
2000 CrimTrac Agency established to provide national databases of criminal information eg DNA, fingerprints, child sex offenders CrimTrac Agreement
2001 Corporations power referred from the States. This was the most significant transfer of constitutional power from the States to the Commonwealth. Legislation provides for offences committed by corporations and their directors and boards Corporations Act 2001 and related State and Territory legislation
2002 First Commonwealth anti-terrorism legislation. The Northern Territory in its Criminal Code was the first jurisdiction to make terrorist actions an offence in 1982

Commonwealth, State and Territories Agreement on Terrorism and Transnational Crime 2002 leads to referral of anti-terrorism powers to the Commonwealth

Australia implements the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and accepts the jurisdiction of the Court to investigate and prosecute genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity
Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002

Text of Agreement (see p. 16)
Criminal Code Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003

International Criminal Court Act 2002

2003 On 1 January 2003 the Australian Crime Commission replaces the National Crime Authority (NCA), Office of Strategic Crime Assessments (OSCA) and the Australian Bureau of Criminal Investigation (ABCI) The Australian Crime Commission: Commonwealth, State and Territory Agreement of 9 August 2002 (see p.13)
Australian Crime Commission Establishment Act 2002
2006 Law Enforcement Integrity Commission established to investigate misconduct by law enforcement officials

First conviction under sex slavery and sexual servitude provisions in the Criminal Code. Ms Wei Tang was convicted of 10 charges in the Victorian County Court
Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006

Minister for Justice Press Release 9/6/06

2010 Commonwealth legislates to prohibit States from reintroducing the death penalty, and to implement the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1984 Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and Death Penalty Abolition) Act 2010

Other Criminal Law Issues include:

Mandatory Sentencing
War Crimes see International Law
Federal Legislation
Australian Crime Commission Act 2002
formerly National Crime Authority Act 1984
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979
Aviation Transport Security Act 2004
Crimes Act 1914 (Originally the principal act containing Commonwealth offences. Now gradually being superseded by the Criminal Code Act 1995)
Crimes at Sea Act 2000
Crimes (Foreign Incursions and Recruitment) Act 1978
Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
Criminal Code Act 1995
Criminology Research Act 1971
Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1983
Extradition Act 1988
Intelligence Services Act 2001
Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006
Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003
Model Criminal Code
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987
National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act 2004 (formerly National Security Information (Criminal) Act 2004
Proceeds of Crime Act 1987
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (supersedes but does not repeal the 1987 Act)

Court and Tribunal decisions, law reports etc
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)

Key National Bodies
Attorney-General's Department
The Department administers general criminal law, the police and many security, customs and counter-terrorism matters. See sections on Crime prevention and enforcement and National security and counter-terrorism
Australian Crime Commission (formerly National Crime Authority)
Australian Institute of Criminology
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)
Crime and justice (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
Current statistics on many aspects of crime and law enforcement, together with special articles from previous issues of the ABS Year Book Australia
Information on criminal records, stolen property, missing and wanted persons, con artists and unsolved crimes. A fee paying commercial database which provides some information free of charge. The Parliamentary Library does not provide full access to this site
Director of Public Prosecutions
Griffith University School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
University of Sydney. Institute of Criminology
University of Western Australia. Crime Research Centre

If you need legal advice regarding Criminal Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Criminal Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Criminal Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Criminal Law extends to all suburbs throughout Australia.

Criminal Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

These news come from .

These news come from .

Criminal Law & Lawyers Links

Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review - Legislation, Policy ..


Welcome to the website of the Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review Division of the Department of Attorney General and Justice.

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Criminal Law


The Legal Services Commission has the largest criminal law practice in South Australia with over 38 lawyers who provide advice and court representation to ..

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department


Access to Justice · The Attorney-General's Department YouTube Channel · National Security · Crime Prevention · Commonwealth legislation database - ..


Identity Crime Report - final


IDENTITY CRIME. Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee of the. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. March 2008. This Report was prepared by the ..

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions - Department of Justice ..


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The main function of the ODPP is to prosecute criminal matters in the Magistrates (limited), District, ..


Criminal Law Committee - LawLink NSW


NSW Young Lawyers. Criminal Law Committee. Level 6, 170 Phillip Street. Sydney NSW 2000 RESPONSE TO ..

Sex and the Modern Criminal Lawyer - Public Defenders Office ..


As a consequence the biggest sex problem for the criminal lawyer I am of course not dealing with the usual run of the mill psychosexual ..

Duty lawyers - Legal Aid Queensland


Criminal law duty lawyer. Our duty lawyer services aims to ensure that people appearing in court, after being charged with a criminal offence, ..

Criminal law services - Duty lawyers in criminal courts


Duty lawyers are available to provide advice and representation to people with criminal charges in most Magistrates Courts and Children's ..

Job opportunities - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..


Criminal Law Section


obtained legal advice. You can tell the police you want to speak to a lawyer. If you are arrested after hours, the Criminal Law. Section has an after hours number ..


Criminal Law In-House Practice 2010-11


Criminal Law Practice Division. Duty Solicitor Service. In-house duty solicitors provide free legal advice and minor initial representation (for remand, bail and ..


Criminal Lawyers' Association 15


The University of Notre Dame Australia and. Criminal Lawyers' Association. CPD Weekend Seminar. "Future Directions for Criminal Law" ..

Law firms - Tasmania Online


30+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Archer Bushby

One of the earliest established legal firms in Tasmania ..

Blissenden Lawyers

Moonah based law firm, practising family and ..


Criminal and Welfare Rights Collaboration: Centrelink Debts and ..


Annabel Pengilley, Welfare Rights Lawyer, NAAJA Civil Law Section and Georgia Lewer,. Criminal Lawyer, NAAJA Criminal Section. 7 July 2011. NORTH ..

Law and justice in education - Department of Justice and Attorney ..


It is the state's largest criminal law defence practice, employing many of Queensland's leading criminal defence lawyers. LAQ's Criminal Law Services represent ..

Internet Resource Guide: Criminal Law Resources


Attorney-General's Department The Department administers general criminal law, the police and many security, customs and counter-terrorism matters.


Criminal Law Committee - LawLink NSW


Mansfield, David Porter, and Claire Wasley. (members, NSW Young Lawyers Criminal Law Committee). Criminal Law Committee ..

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..


Too often corruption is described as 'white collar crime' or 'the cost of doing .. Our domestic laws meet our obligations under these treaties and ..

Specialist units and services - Youth law team


Legal Aid WA has a specialist team of lawyers working as part of the youth law team in the Criminal Law division. These lawyers are ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Duty Solicitors


Family Law · Child Protection · Education · About Us · Services · Feedback · Search · advanced search · Home Legal Help Criminal Law Duty Solicitors ..


Theft, Fraud cover


advising his or her Attorney-General on criminal law issues. In November. 1993, SCAG changed the name of the Committee to the Model Criminal. Code Officers ..

Lawyers - find LEGAL answers


About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..

Duty lawyer services


Legal Aid Queensland's duty lawyer services offer free, initial legal advice and representation to people charged with criminal and some traffic ..

Supporting partners - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


It is the state's largest criminal law defence practice, employing many of Queensland's leading criminal defence lawyers. LAQ's Criminal Law Services represent ..


NSWYL_Sentencing_Review _Outline


NSW Young Lawyers. Criminal Law Committee,. 170 Phillip Street. Sydney NSW 2000 Response to consultation paper ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Guidelines for ..


The priorities for family law, criminal law, civil law and special circumstances of the .. Fund administered by the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.

DPP Role


Professionalism in the Office has been achieved by staffing the Office with lawyers experienced in the criminal law whose duties involve appearing in court and ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Criminal Law Cost ..


Home For Lawyers Cost Scales Criminal Law Cost Scale .. MAGISTRATES COURT and YOUTH COURT (Criminal Jurisdiction). 1. Solicitor and counsel ..


Young Lawyers' Criminal Law Day 2006


Over the last 18 months, the NSW parliament has passed a substantial amount of legislation relating to aspects of the criminal law. It includes confiscation of the ..


The MCLOC Secretariat Criminal Justice Division Attorney-General's ..


Discussion Paper produced by the Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee of the. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (MCLOC). CHOICE is concerned ..

Local lawyers - Australian Embassy


E-mail: Speciality : Criminal/ Civil Law, Family Law Language : English, Korean, Japanese, French Contact : Mr Kim, Jin Ouk Mr Lee, Jay K.

Applying for legal aid - Legal representation


Most of the in house lawyers practice family law or criminal law. There are also lawyers who practice in the general civil law and immigration ..

Attorney General


The Department of the Attorney General reports to the Treasurer; Attorney .. Australia teaching in criminal law, evidence and forensic advocacy.

Model Criminal Law Officers Committee (MCLOC) - SCAG : Lawlink ..


Standing Committee of Attorneys General .. The Model Criminal Law Officers Committee (MCLOC) has the role of advising on criminal law ..

Our People - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania


A second criminal lawyer, Rebecca Robertson, started with us in Hobart on a 12 month contract to assist whilst three lawyers are away on maternity leave, ..


Criminalisation of Cartel Conduct – Can Commercial Litigators ..


criminal law to provoke thought and debate about how a competition lawyer can become a criminal defence lawyer or if they would want to. So far as possible, ..


General Principles report cover


REPORT. Criminal Law Officers Committee of the. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. December 1992. This report contains the views of the Criminal Law ..


Therapeutic jurisprudence and criminal law practice: A judicial ..


by MS King - - approach to the practice of the criminal law also involves a change in mindset and approach. Here, interpersonal skills are also important for a lawyer seeking to ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy - Australian embassy in Belgrade


List of lawyers in Serbia .. E-mail: Area of Specialisation: Civil and Criminal Law, Traffic Offences Languages: Corresponds in English ..


Conference Paper – Criminal Lawyers


When NSW as a colony inherited the criminal laws of England, there was no distinction made between adult and juvenile offenders regarding their criminal ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy


Lawyers in Indonesia are admitted to practice in the courts of a particular province. .. Specialising in: Commercial, Civil, Criminal Laws; Labour Disputes and ..

Appeals in criminal law matters


The lawyer you had in the district or supreme court should be able .. Legal Aid Queensland may provide advice on most areas of criminal law.

Crime & Justice - Lawlink Libraries : Lawlink NSW


Links to information on types of crime, court procedure, sentencing and other criminal justice issues. Victims Services (NSW Attorney General's ..

Attorney-General Opens Criminal Law Conference - Northern ..


Attorney-General Opens Criminal Law Conference. Attorney-General Delia Lawrie will attend the Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern ..

Crime Prevention Division - LawLink NSW - NSW Government


Welcome to the Department of Justice and Attorney General's Crime Prevention Division website. This website provides information on the ..

Increased pay to attract private lawyers to represent Legal Aid clients


FROM 1 July, fees paid to private lawyers who do criminal law work increased by 19 percent – the largest single increase in criminal law fees in ..




CRIMINAL LAWYERS' ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN. Pfesidentf Jucilth F°Tdham Please send correspondence to: Vice Presidents: Philip Urqhart ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Crime


Jump to ý: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Consultation on implementation of model drug schedules for ..


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. Please contact the Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch at ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Criminal law


With strengths in: law enforcement inquiries and investigations. Many AGS lawyers have experience in criminal law as a result of prosecuting quasi-criminal ..

NT Criminal Lawyers Conference


Speech by Pru Goward, Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner at the NT Criminal Lawyers Conference, 1st July 2003. Chief Justice ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Law, medicine and criminal justice


This conference examines legal and criminal justice issues relating to .. Meg Wallace, Legal Officer, ACT Attorney-General's Department ..

Welcome | Justice and Community Safety Directorate





The top lawyers are wrong. The criminal law helps to define the type of society we are. The procedures of the criminal trial represent not only a public drama - a ..

Family Law Duty Lawyer Service - Legal Services Commission of ..


Family Law Duty Lawyer Service. A free service for people who are representing themselves and have a hearing date in the Family Law Courts or are starting ..

LACT Commissioners - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania


Ms Jago is also responsible for the management and professional development of the criminal lawyers employed in the Commission's ..

Law Handbook - Legal Services Commission of South Australia ..


Search the Law Handbook. Looking for something specific? Use the search below: eg. fences power of attorney divorce property settlement. ACCIDENTS AND ..

DNA for Defence Lawyers - Public Defenders Office : Lawlink NSW


There are a number of unfair but true assumptions that can properly be made about criminal lawyers. First, not only do they not understand ..

Model Criminal Code - Attorney-General's Department


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a .. The Model Criminal Law Officers Committee (MCLOC) has the role of ..


01 Guide - Attorney-General's Department


consultant to the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, senior lecturer at .. Territory and Commonwealth criminal law advisers following nationwide ..


he Role of Duty Solicitors in Children's Court - Criminal Matters: The ..


by J Cashmore - Criminal Matters: The Perceptions of Children and Duty Solicitors. Judith Cashmore .. finding is in line with procedural justice findings that the opportunity to be ..

Forensic Science in Criminal Law


FORENSIC SCIENCE IN CRIMINAL LAW. Nicholas Cowdery QC, DPP. It is my pleasure once again to welcome you to the annual conference for solicitors in the ..

Court and Tribunal Transcripts - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW


Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. The Branch records all formal court proceedings, both criminal and civil, in major ..

Consultation on forced and servile marriage - Attorney-General's .. or in hard copy to: Assistant Secretary Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch Attorney-General's Department ..


Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee - Draft Identity Crime ..


Senior Policy Lawyer. Legal Policy Division. Department of Justice. Australian Capital Territory: Ms Fiona Gallaugher. Criminal Law and Justice Group ..

The Summer Clerk Program - Attorney-General's Department


The Attorney-General's Department is seeking undergraduate students .. This could be in the areas of civil and criminal law, information and ..


Sexual Assault - Hot Topics 56 - find LEGAL answers - NSW ..


9. Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce Report – Responding to sexual assault: the way forward at p 130, Criminal Law Review Division,. NSW Attorney ..


Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee of the Standing Committee ..


Attorneys-General for the opportunity to comment upon the discussion paper on. Identity Crime developed by the Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee ..

2008 Public Defenders' Criminal Law Conference - Speech by The ..


2008 Public Defenders' Criminal Law Conference - Speech by The Hon John Hatzistergos MLC, Attorney General. Taronga Zoo 15 March ..


The Assistant Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney-General's ..


Draft: 22 March 2006. Document1/0. The Assistant Secretary. Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. The Commonwealth of Australia. Sir/Madam ..

CPD Programs - Crime Prevention Division : Lawlink NSW


It is a 'cross agency' collaboration with the Crime Prevention Division of the Department of Justice and Attorney General as the lead agency.

Australian Institute of Criminology - Criminology Research Advisory ..


Iain Anderson is the First Assistant Secretary, Criminal Justice Division, in the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department. He has had a ..

Glossary - Law Handbook


Throughout this book, civil law means non-criminal law. ... A power of attorney (q.v.) or guardianship which continues to have effect even if the donor ceases to ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Conditions of Legal ..


Most cases, apart from simple guilty pleas or very short criminal trials, cost more than $1800.00. Read our charge brochure and ask your lawyer about this.

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety Legal services and ..


30+ items – .. Legal services and instruments Business . Law firms. All ..

Archer Bushby

One of the earliest established legal firms in Tasmania ..

Blissenden Lawyers

Moonah based law firm, practising family and ..

Alcohol Policy and Corrections Focus At Criminal Law Conference


Attorney General, Delia Lawrie, travels to Bali today to attend the 2011 Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern Territory (CLANT) ..

About Us - Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review Division ..


Department of Attorney General and Justice. Legislation Policy and Criminal Law Review Division. Lawlink: Home | Business Areas | Contact ..

Duty Lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland


This Site: Criminal court process. Go Search, Advanced Search ... Can the duty lawyer help me and what can the duty lawyer do? The duty lawyer can usually ..


List of Lawyers Abu Dhabi and Al Ain This list is provided for the ..


DFAT does not accept any responsibility for the quality of work performed by any lawyer on this list". Speciality: International and Criminal Law.


drink-spiking report


Department of Justice and Community Safety. Australian Government: Mr Geoff Gray. Assistant Secretary. Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department ..

Inquiries | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


.. into areas of law reform at the request of the Attorney-General of Australia. .. of Crime Act 1987, Product liability, Protection of human genetic information ..

Unrepresented Litigants : The Criminal Justice Perspective - Public ..


The administration of criminal justice under the state and common law is .. Even an experienced lawyer would be regarded as foolish to ..

Criminal Justice Procedure in Queensland - Department of Justice ..


Search Justice and Attorney-General ... a massive program of reforms focusing on modernising Queensland's civil and criminal justice system.

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Legal Help


The Commission has a specialist Criminal Law division. Lawyers from this section provide legal representation for those people who qualify for a grant of legal ..


The Assistant Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney-General's ..


United Kingdom. The Assistant Secretary. Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. The Commonwealth of ..


Criminal lawyer


Criminal lawyer. Regional Legal Services. Status. Full time temporary (see 'Additional information'). VRN. 83/10. Closing date. 7 January 2011. Location ..

Do I need a lawyer after all? - Legal Books Online


You should ensure that the lawyer representing you is an accredited criminal law specialist. If there is a real possibility of imprisonment you ..

Community Info - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW


Criminal Law Review Division, NSW Department of Attorney General and Justice · Crime Prevention Division, NSW Department of Attorney ..

The Criminal Justice response to slavery and people trafficking ..


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and .. The Criminal Justice response to slavery and people trafficking, ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Youth Legal Service


The Youth Legal Service is a specialist unit of the Legal Services Commission. Our lawyers act for young people involved in criminal cases in the Youth Court.



INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR REFORM OF CRIMINAL LAW .. Now, the Internet and cyberspace potentially bring to every lawyer's office instantaneous links ..

Forms and publications - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. Forms and publications .. Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..

Law Making - Policy Coordination - Department of Justice


Discussion Paper: Model Criminal Code Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, reviewing the criminal law ..


Legal Aid Queensland Annual Report 2010-11


Seminars conducted this year covered criminal law, family law and civil justice topics. Our program aims to ensure that our lawyers remain up to date and have ..


Department of Justice Annual Report 2009-2010


Chief Executive. Attorney-General's Department and the Department of Justice .... We recognise that further improving the criminal justice system is a complex ..

Criminal injury compensation - Department of Justice and Attorney ..


Victim Assist Queensland has replaced the previous criminal injury compensation schemes under the Criminal Offence Victims Act 1995 ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Sexual assault


Jump to ý: Title: Criminal law, Vol 1, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About: Information on police interviews, bail applications, sexual ..

Organised crime - Attorney-General's Department


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society .. Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch ..




over 47000 defendants to criminal charges in Magistrate's Courts had access to a duty lawyer provided by Legal Aid WA. The duty lawyer service helps people ..

Attorney General's Department - 31 March 2011 - Outlook of ..


.. native title, human rights, civil and criminal laws which lawyers have .. Thirdly, substantial work has been done to promote access to justice, ..


Aboriginal People and the Criminal Justice System


Eggleston E, Fear, Favour of Affection: Aborigines and the criminal law in .. D (eds), Indigenous Australians and the Law (Sydney: Cavendish Publishing, ..

Media releases - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW


Website to guide victims of crime through justice system [ Small PDF icon 192kb] Issued: Saturday 12 December NSW Attorney General John ..

Members - NSW Sentencing Council : Lawlink NSW


.. (Director, Criminal Law Review, Department of Justice and Attorney General) .. James Wood has been Chairperson of the NSW Law Reform ..


The responsibility of lawyers for the prevention, detection and ..


The duty of a lawyer, barrister or solicitor is clearly to advise a client as to what the law is and to counsel against breaches of both civil and criminal law. If a client ..

Community consultation activities - Department of Justice and ..


On 6 November 2008, the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General released the Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee's (MCLOC) ..




by L GlanfieldNo participant in the criminal justice system has been immune from such criticism whether it be the judiciary, the police, prosecutors, legal aid lawyers or prison ..


25 July 2008


The Standing Committee of Attorneys General (SCAG) last Thursday and Friday .. The Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee (MCLOC) discussion paper on ..

Legal aid lawyer appointed as magistrate


"Ms Vasta has extensive experience as a criminal lawyer having held positions at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, in private ..

National Security and Criminal Justice Group -


Back to: Home Portfolios: Attorney-General Attorney-General's Department National Security and Criminal Justice Group. National Security and Criminal ..




Legal aid can only be granted for representation in criminal courts, if certain criterion is .. Legal Aid provides a duty lawyer service in most Magistrates Courts.

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Freedom of ..


Structure and Function of the Attorney-General's Department. .. assurance to the Chief Executive, Attorney-General's Department and Department of Justice. .. Initiates and conducts criminal prosecutions in the Supreme and District Courts.


Serious Drug cover - Attorney-General's Department


Submissions should be sent to: The MCCOC Secretariat. Criminal Law Division. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National Circuit ..


Non Fatal cover


by MC CODE - 1998 - Criminal Law Reform. Attorney-General's Department. Commonwealth Consultant. Mr Ian Leader-Elliott. Faculty of Law. University of Adelaide. Advisers. Victoria ..

Home - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Guardianship and sytems advocacy · Justices of the Peace · Victims of crime .. More on New laws for trees and fences.


Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review - Legislation, Policy ..


Welcome to the website of the Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review Division of the Department of Attorney General and Justice. The Division advises the ..

Guidelines - Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review Division ..


Department of Attorney General and Justice. Legislation Policy and Criminal Law Review Division. Lawlink: Home | Business Areas | Contact ..

Policy Documents and Tabled Documents - Legislation, Policy and ..


Department of Attorney General and Justice. Legislation Policy and Criminal Law Review Division. Lawlink: Home | Business Areas | Contact ..


Legal aid research TNS report FINAL - Attorney-General's Department


Figure 11: Changes in revenue from legal aid fees for criminal law matters in the next five years...... 33. Figure 12: Regional and remote firms in Australia.


A Tasmanian defence lawyer's perspective


A Tasmanian Defence Lawyer's. Perspective. Alan Blow. Member. Executive of the Criminal Law Section. Law Council of Australia. Hobart, Tasmania he object ..

Cyber Security - Attorney-General's Department


The Attorney-General's Department (AGD) is responsible for Australian Government protective security policy and for criminal law and law ..


Attorney-General's Department Secretary Roger Wilkins AO


Security Law. & Policy. Division. Criminal. Justice. Division. International. Crime. Cooperation. Division. Louise Glanville. Sarah Chidgey. (Acting). Matt Minogue ..




Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee of the. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. November 2008. This Discussion Paper was prepared by the Model ..

Criminal convictions - Legal Aid Queensland


Important: before seeking legal advice about a criminal conviction, you should get a copy of your criminal history to show the lawyer.



Solicitors may specialise in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or criminal law.


01 Fatal Discussion Paper


submissions is 31 July 1998. Submissions should be sent to: The MCCOC Secretariat. Criminal Law Division. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran ..

Interim report [ie. third] : principles of criminal responsibility and ..


Attorney-General's Dept. 1990 Interim report [ie. third] : principles of criminal responsibility and other matters / Review of Commonwealth Criminal Law Australian ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Business - Government of South Australia


.. Accidents. Family Law Criminal Law Wills;Estates; Contested Estates, Commercial Litigation .. Beger & Co Lawyers - Adelaide South Australia View details ..

Criminal Justice Division - Attorney-General's Department


The Criminal Justice Division is responsible for Australian Government crime prevention initiatives, the fraud policy of the Commonwealth, legal ..

Our governance framework - Department of Justice and Attorney ..


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..

LawLink NSW : Justice, Policy and Planning: Annual Report 1998 ..


Criminal Law Review Division Director: Andrew Haesler. Provides advice and support to the Attorney General on criminal law. Has responsibility for the Attorney ..

Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. criminal justice system by the Honourable Martin Moynihan AO QC.


Damage cover - Attorney-General's Department


Department of Justice and Community Safety. Commonwealth: Mr Geoff McDonald. Assistant Secretary. Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department ..

Help for Victims of Crime - South Australian Attorney-General's ..


South Australian Attorney-General's Department .. services and are aware of their rights and responsibilities when dealing with the criminal justice system.




Criminal lawyer. Regional Legal Services. Status. Full time. Location. Caboolture. Contact. John Blayney (07) 5470 8099. Salary details. Classification. PO4 ..

Criminal cases in the magistrates Court - Legal Aid Queensland


Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme .. Appeals in criminal law matters .. It is always a good idea to speak to a lawyer before you go to court. If your matter is the kind of ..




Melbourne criminal lawyer Frank Galbally joined Malaysian lawyer. Karpal Singh in the defence of Barlow. As Galbally describes, he first ..

find LEGAL answers - Wills and Estates - Wills


Jump to ý: About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, including bail and pleamaking, defending in committal ..

Going to court & getting a lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland


What are the different types of representation by lawyers for children and young people .. Mainly in criminal law (where you are charged with a criminal offence).

Members of the Commission - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania


Ms. Jago is also responsible for the management and professional development of the criminal lawyers employed in the Commission's Launceston, Devonport ..


Commonwealth organised Crime strategiC Framework: Overview


Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) and the. Ministerial .. law. Commonwealth criminal laws and law enforcement activities are directed at particular ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - How law constructs gender and ..


Similarly, the work of the former Law Reform Commission of Victoria on sexual offences, led to important changes in Victorian criminal law. The Attorney-General ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia


.. Accidents. Family Law Criminal Law Wills;Estates; Contested Estates, Commercial Litigation .. Beger & Co Lawyers - Adelaide South Australia View details ..


Hot Topics 60 - Australian Legal System


want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. .. Criminal law – civil law – administrative law. ... forces. so, the same law that makes it a criminal offence ..

Attorney General of New South Wales - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink ..


Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. sections 32 & 33 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (indemnities and undertakings) ..




The Society generally adopts the submission of the Criminal Lawyers Association, except .. Society generally agrees with the Criminal Lawyers Association's ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Solicitors lead the way


.. by the Attorney General following the release of the Victorian Law Reform .. judicial officers is important to ensure confidence in the criminal justice system.

Areas of expertise - Legal Aid Queensland


In the Brisbane region, duty lawyer services are provided by Legal Aid Queensland's in-house criminal lawyers and private lawyers. Across ..

Attorney General's Department - Media Releases


11 August 2011 - Diverting Indigenous youth from the criminal justice system through rugby league. Attorney-General Robert McClelland today ..

Head Note - Legal Aid Queensland


Jump to ý: Federal Attorney-General Robert .. debt, family law, criminal law, ..

Criminal reform - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Reforms to the criminal justice system. The Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Reform and Modernisation Amendment Act 2010 (the Act) is the first ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Sentencing


Jump to ý: Title: Criminal practice and procedure .. firearms, children and criminal law, mental health, defence costs, confiscation, ..


ch 36 Legal Profession


REVIEW OF THE CRIMINAL AND CIVIL JUSTICE SYSTEM cases. This in turn makes courts heavily reliant on lawyers — if parties are legally represented.

Access by disadvantaged groups - Legal Aid Queensland ..


providing funding to support ATSILS to provide duty lawyer services in .. funding disbursements such as counsel for ATSILS in criminal law and ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships - Family law


Jump to ý: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Reports and Papers - Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review ..


Reports and Papers - Civil; Reports and Papers - Criminal .. May 2011: The NSW Department of Attorney General and Justice has released an ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - About Us


South Australian Attorney-General's Department. SA Government logo .. Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Act 2008. The Act is the result ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Law Reform in Victoria


Charts the history of law reform in Victoria from the first parliamentary .. assisted by a Law Reform Advisory Council, consisting of lawyers, law professors and .. The Law Reform Commissioners produced recommendations about criminal law, ..

find LEGAL answers [College of Law Practice Papers online.. ]


Description: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..

Victim Assist Queensland - Department of Justice and Attorney ..


Victim Assist Queensland is the new Queensland Government assistance scheme for victims of crime in Queensland. Victim Assist Queensland ..


Communiqué Standing Committee of Attorneys-General 21 & 22 ..


Territory Attorneys-General, the Commonwealth Minister for Home Affairs and the .. (a) endorsed the Model Criminal Law Officers Committee's ..


Public Confidence in the NSW Criminal Justice System


Attorney General's Department, Annual Report 2007/08 (2008), 12 . 55 Wemmers, J ., 'Where do they belong? Giving victims a place in the criminal justice ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia


We provide legal aid, legal advice, community legal education, duty solicitors, .. We can help in areas of criminal law, family law and some civil law matters.

Australia boosts support for The International Criminal Court, media ..


Attorney-General, The Hon Robert McClelland MP; Minister for .. as part of Australia's ongoing commitment to international criminal justice.


Attorney General's Department of NSW


Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review 88. Human Rights. 92. Anti-Discrimination Board. 93. Privacy NSW. 94. Victims Services. 96. CONTENTS. Attorney ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW


Lawyer Regulation in Australia .. Criminal law and procedure; Torts; Contracts; Property; Equity; Company law; Administrative law; Federal and ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Careers at the ..


The Commission provides legal representation in criminal and family law matters, .. Legal aid lawyers require a comprehensive knowledge of the law, excellent ..

2011 lawyers - Australian Embassy


All the lawyers listed below have jurisdiction throughout France and may .. Criminal law, Corporate criminal law, Media and Intellectual Property law 7, Rue ..

Past community consultation activities - Department of Justice and ..


On 6 November 2008, the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General released the Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee's (MCLOC) ..

Speeches by The Hon Michael Kirby - High Court of Australia


Geographical Remoteness, Remote Justice, Keynote Address, Criminal Lawyers' Association of the Northern Territory, Conference, Bali, 2 July 2007 (PDF) ..

Current Projects and Achievements - SCAG : Lawlink NSW


Standing Committee of Attorneys General .... Ministers requested the Model Criminal Law Officers Committee (MCLOC) to consider whether: ..




Ms Barbara Tiffin. Senior Policy Lawyer. Legal Policy Division. Department of Justice. Australian Capital Territory: Ms Penny McKay. Criminal Law and Justice ..


Discussion Paper 1 - Legislation Policy and Criminal Law Review ..


Intellectual Disability and the Law of Sexual Assault. Discussion Paper. June 2007. Criminal Law Review Division. Attorney General's Department. Address ..

Model Criminal Code - Australasian Parliamentary Counsel's ..


.. the Model Criminal Code Officers Committee (and its successor, the Model Criminal Law Officers Committee) of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General.


Drug Court lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland


1. Drug Court lawyer. Criminal Law Services. Status. Full time. Location. Brisbane. Contact. Penny Williams (07) 3238 3496. Salary details. Classification. PO4 ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - June 2011


OpenDocument; Review on victims of crime : report three, criminal injuries compensation / Justice Strategy Unit, Attorney-General's Dept ..


Registries Limited Submission to the Assistant Secretary Criminal Law


Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department in relation to the exposure Anti-money Laundering and. Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Bill ..

Statutory Reviews - Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review ..


Department of Attorney General and Justice .. Review of Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007; Review of Civil Procedure Act ..

Developments of the criminal law in New South Wales, Australia ..


Developments of the criminal law in New South Wales, Australia. 2nd International Conference of the Australian-Italian Lawyers Association. Sponsored by ..

Crime and Punishment


South Australia - Crime, Law and Punishment. Crime; Murders .. Law. Lawyers and Solicitors. There may be honest lawyers on the earth, There may be lawyers ..

Human Rights: Discrimination in Employmeny on Basis of Criminal ..


3 What do discrimination laws say about taking a person's criminal record into .. it may report to the Attorney-General about laws that should be made by the ..




find LEGAL answers - Health - Drugs


Jump to ý: Title: Criminal law, Vol 1, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About: Information on police interviews, bail applications, sexual ..

Profile detail - Youth Central


This gave him concrete experience in many areas (such as wills, crime, commercial and family law) that specialist firms might not cover during an articles year.

Publications - NSW Sentencing Council : Lawlink NSW


Improving the Effectiveness of Fines in NSW (PDF, 30KB) Attorney General's Media .. Download: Public confidence in the New South Wales criminal justice..

Practitioner payments - Schedule 2 - Criminal Law Costs


.. applications · Grants Online. You are here Home Information for Lawyers Practitioner payments Schedule 2 - Criminal Law Costs ..


Attorney-General's Department Submission to the Joint Select ..


The Attorney-General's Department (the Department) plays a role in the .. criminal law and law enforcement (including cyber crime), cyber security, ..


DNA Evidence, Wrongful Convictions and Wrongful Acquittals ..


DNA Testing and Criminal Justice by Gareth Griffith, NSW .... At the State level, the NSW Attorney General Bob Debus has indicated that legislation is to be ..




criminal law were more likely than solicitors who were not practicing criminal law to report suffering from acquired post traumatic stress disorder ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Apprehended violence ..


Jump to ý: About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, including bail and pleamaking, defending in committal ..

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Terrorism Law


Describes Internet resources relating to terrorism law. .. Incitement to criminal acts (including incitement to terrorism) is contained in Part 2.4 of the Criminal Code. Related ... Attorney-General criticises Australian Capital Territory anti-terrorism ..


25 Right to Silence


The majority were reflecting what they and most lawyers practising in criminal law regarded as the traditional approach. This was reiterated in the Report of the ..




Department of Justice and Community Safety. Australian Government: Mr Geoff Gray. Assistant Secretary. Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department ..


List of Lawyers Dubai & the Northern Emirates Tel: +971 4 227 2701. Jurisdiction: United Arab Emirates. Speciality: All fields, Litigation, Criminal & Civil Law, Traffic, Marine, Family ..

Appointment of Senior Counsel


Mr Muscat SC is Head of the Criminal Law Practice Division for the Legal .. former Chief Justice of South Australia and State Attorney-General, ..

Applying for legal aid - Additional information when applying for ..


public interest element; point of law in question; copy of Court of Criminal Appeal decision. Where a lawyer is assisting you. the lawyer's view as to likelihood of ..


Department of Justice and Attorney-General


the department of Justice and attorney-General's annual report. 2006-07 is .. confidence in Queensland's legal and criminal justice systems. the annual report ..


Chapter [No.]: [Chapter Title]


Parliament can validly make laws to create criminal offences and .. The Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department has said that, by ..


01 Slavery discussion paper - Attorney-General's Department


of the Attorney-General of South Australia. Comments should be sent to: The MCCOC Secretariat. Criminal Law Division. Attorney-General's Department ..

Attorney-General's Department -


Back to: Home Portfolios: Attorney-General Attorney-General's Department .. National Security and Criminal Justice Group · National Security Resilience ..

Attorney-General's Department Submission to the House of ..


Attorney-General's Department (AGD) is responsible for developing Australian Government protective security policy and criminal justice. It is the lead policy ..




Chan, Dr. J, July 1992, “Cross Cultural Issues in the Law-A Criminal Law Pilot Project”,. Office of Multicultural Affairs. Commonwealth Attorney General's ..


The Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney-General's Department ..


Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National Circuit. BARTON ACT 2600. Dear Sir / Madam. SUBMISSION ON THE ..

Duty lawyer accreditation - Legal Aid Queensland


Become familiar with the duty lawyer handbook, published by Legal Aid .. details of relevant criminal law experience ie number of guilty pleas, ..


Department of Justice and Attorney-General: Budget Paper 5 ..


the Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government .. develop a new Criminal Justice Procedure Bill, uniform criminal procedure rules and ..

News - NSW Sentencing Council : Lawlink NSW


A copy of the Attorney Generals' press release is attached. Media release: New Sex Crime Laws Introduced to Parliament (PDF, 24KB) October 2008 ..

Restorative justice programs in Australia - references


50+ items – Published in: Restorative justice programs in Australia : a report ..

Austin J & B Krisberg 1981, 'Wider, stronger and different nets: the dialectics of ..

Bargen J (unpublished), 'The Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) - a blueprint for ..


INNOVATION Promising Practices for Victims and Witnesses in the ..


Richard Refshauge is the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions. Previously he was in private practice as a commercial and criminal lawyer. He is chair of the ACT ..


The Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney-General's Department ..


Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. Commonwealth Government. (By email to 4 August 2006. Dear Secretary, ..

Lawlink NSW: Select bibliography


[1997] Solicitors Journal 741 and 772. BRANSTON, G, “The Drawing of an Adverse Inference at Committal from Silence” [1998] Criminal Law ..


Your Career with the Attorney General's Department of NSW


Attorney General in his role as the .. Human Resources Branch, Attorney General's Department of NSW | Phone: 02 8688 8403 ... Criminal Law Review Division ..

find LEGAL answers - Children and Young People - Care and ..


About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, including bail and pleamaking, defending in committal proceedings, drink ..


Service Delivery Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney ..


2010-11 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Justice and Attorney-General. 1-168. Criminal and Civil Justice. Safe and ..


LEGAL AID HOTLINE FOR UNDER 18s - NSW Government, Crime ..


by T O’Sullivan - - provides free criminal law advice to children (under 18) throughout New South ... experienced children's lawyers working for the Children's Legal Service or ..

Civil libertarian and Criminal lawyer Terry O'Gorman - ABC ..


Terry O'Gorman was raised in a right wing, Catholic family and is one of fifteen siblings, two of whom have also taken high profile positions in ..

Criminal cases in the district and supreme courts - Legal Aid ..


Your lawyer, the police or the magistrate will tell you and give you paperwork which you .. to trust advice from someone who is not qualified in the criminal law.

Appointment of senior counsel


He mentors young barristers and tutors in criminal advocacy for the Bar Association. He frequently represents SA and Australia at Criminal Law ..

Fiji Law Society, A Message for the Young Lawyers of Fiji


Lawyers have played a significant part in them. .. Such lawyers and volunteers make the rule of law a reality. Most of them .. The criminal law penalised them.

Meeting the needs of victims of crime - Australian Institute of ..


.. and the NSW Department of Attorney General and Justice will host a .. the needs of victims in the criminal justice system, e.g. investigation, ..




Just as importantly, harmonisation of law relating to succession, powers of attorney and criminal law improves access to justice for those individuals most in ..


The age of criminal responsibility


by G Urbas - 2000 - - Crime and Criminal Justice series, visit the AIC web .. One of the most difficult areas of criminal justice policy lies in providing ... South Wales Attorney-General's ..

lawyers - Tags - Government of South Australia


Pace Lawyers is a small firm specialising in injury and commercial law. .. Related tags: coroners, criminal law, family law, industrial relations, ..

Lawlink NSW: 1. Introduction


1.2 The age of criminal responsibility in New South Wales is 10. .. the Juvenile Justice Advisory Council;18 the New South Wales Attorney ..

Appearing in Court - Duty Lawyer Service


How can a duty lawyer help me with an offence that will be sent to the District or Supreme Court or before the President of the Children's Court?

Australian Institute of Criminology - The status of laws on outlaw ..


This paper sets out the laws in Australia governing organised crime and, .. Under the Act, the Attorney-General may declare an organisation an ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Identity fraud


10+ items – This is a crime called identity theft and is closely linked with ..

Scoping paper on online identity theft

PDF 1.05MB

Brigitte Acoca, Paris ..

Identity crime : final report

PDF 142kB

Model Criminal Law Officers ..

Criminal Code Act 1995


An Act relating to the criminal law. Administered .. Statute Law Revision Act 2011 - C2011A00005 ..Attorney‑General's Department, Canberra ..

Help solve a crime during Law Week - Department of Justice and ..


.. Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Criminal reform · Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..




list from information publicly available regarding lawyers practising in .. Specialities: Criminal Law, Immigration, Matrimonial, Commercial Law, Litigation ..


NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010


Aboriginal Programs Unit. Standing Committee of Attorneys General Liaison. Officers Group. Kathrina Lo, Director, Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law ..

Human Rights Protection Services Output Performance ..


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..

Speeches - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW


24 August 2003, The “Most Wrong” Equity Cases 1990 – 2003: Attorney ... 11 October 2008, Speech delivered to 11th International Criminal Law Congress ..


13 April 2006 To: Assistant Secretary And Criminal Law Branch ..


To: Assistant Secretary. And. Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National Circuit. BARTON ACT 2600 ..

General information for victims of crime - Legal Aid Queensland ..


The Queensland government has a law called the Victims of Crime .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General provide information about ..

Publications by topic - Attorney-General's Department


Jump to ý: Crimes Act 1914 Independent Review of Part 1D (Forensic Procedures) - 2002 .. It is with great pleasure that the Attorney-General's Department has .. Model domestic violence laws - report - April 1999In ..

Lawlink NSW: Select Bibliography


NEW SOUTH WALES, Department of the Attorney General and of Justice, Criminal Law Review Division, Rape and Various Other Offences: A ..

Spent Convictions Bill 2008 - Department of Justice and Attorney ..


Search Justice and Attorney-General ... part of a person's official criminal record is governed by the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) ..

find LEGAL answers - Housing and Land - Conveyancing


About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..

Attorney General's Department - Portfolio


The portfolio covers a broad range of law and justice matters and services .. issues, censorship, criminal law and law enforcement, national security, emergency ..

Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1967 - Legal Services Branch : Lawlink ..


Department of Attorney General and Justice DX 1227. GPO Box 6. Sydney NSW 2001. NEW!! Take the Suitors Fund Act 1951 /Costs in Criminal ..


Scanned Document - Attorney-General's Department


Criminal Justice Division Tl“ 92 9254 8959. Attorney-G-cneral's Department W60 WWW-00100 05W 00" ail. 3-5 National Circuit ABN 76 325 886 26?


Legal aid and its role in the reduction of delays in criminal ..


Committees. The Steering Committee was formed in 1988 by the Attorney General at the time, Mr. Andrew McCutcheon, to review the criminal justice system and ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals - Representing yourself ..


Jump to ý: Title: Criminal law: resources and tools for Legal Aid NSW lawyers. About: Written for Legal Aid lawyers, provides links to ..

Crime and Justice: The Criminal Justice System - Australian Bureau ..


The criminal justice system is a system of laws and rulings which protect ... Barristers are lawyers who can represent others in any court.

Lawlink NSW: 3. Lawyers and Legal Personnel


Discussion Paper 35 (1994) - People with an Intellectual Disability and the Criminal Justice System: Courts and Sentencing Issues 3. Lawyers ..


The use of a watching brief as a legal tool for the protection of child ..


in the Criminal Justice Process. Patmalar Ambikapathy. Barrister and Solicitor. Supreme Court of Victoria and Malaysia ny lawyer who is asked to act for a child ..

About Australia: Legal System


However, it is the state and territory criminal laws that mainly affect the day-to-day .. The federal Attorney-General's Department is responsible for administering ..

Legal Aid Queensland - Department of the Premier and Cabinet


We are the state's largest criminal law defence practice, employing some of Queensland's leading criminal defence lawyers. Our Criminal Law ..


Section 4 Annual Report 08_09_TEXT ONLY


Attorney General are exercised in accordance with the law. • Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review (LPCLR) is responsible for supporting the Attorney ..


The Role of the Legal Profession in Civil and Criminal Proceedings 5.4


that many criminal defendants in the magistrates' courts are unrepresented. Our image of the partisan lawyer may therefore not encompass what is numerically ..


12 April 2006 Assistant Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney ..


Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National Circuit. BARTON ACT 2600 Byemail: aml.reform~aa.aov.

Affidavits and statutory declarations - Legal Aid Queensland


Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme .. Appeals in criminal law matters .. is either a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations or a lawyer.

Final report, December 1991 / Review of Commonwealth Criminal Law


Review of Commonwealth Criminal Law (Australia) and Gibbs, Harry, and Australia. Attorney-General's Dept. Final report, December 1991 / Review of ..


Submission - Inquiry into Legal Aid and Access to Justice


Increasingly firms in the area have discontinued their criminal practice .. for a criminal law matter there is little incentive to continue a criminal law practice.


Admin cover


Any communications in relation to the present report should be sent to: The MCCOC Secretariat. Criminal Law Division. Attorney-General's Department ..

Human's Rights and the Prosecutor


Criminal law should attract the best lawyers in the country. No other branch of the law is so important. It is where our. commitment to fair trial and the rule of law ..


2nd February 2011 Director Policy, Legislation and Criminal Law ..


Policy, Legislation and Criminal Law Review. NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General. GPO Box 6. SYDNEY NSW 2001. BY EMAIL: ..

Seminars - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW


Wednesday 23 May 2012, CSO Criminal Law & Inquiries Practice Groups, Recent .. on the Vexatious Proceedings Act 2008 and CSO Senior Solicitors Dr Juliet ..


Serving our customers


Attorney General's Department's Law Libraries 34 .. Senior Solicitors Mimi Barbaro, Community Law, .. More than 90 per cent of criminal and civil cases ..

Legal problems we can help you with


Criminal law - what legal problems can we help you with? .. Our lawyers can't attend your police interview, but we can give you legal advice ..


We help more people than you think. - Legal Aid


Crime Division. Youth Law Service. Legal Aid WA has a specialist team of lawyers in the. Criminal Law section that provide legal assistance to young people by: ..

In Good Faith : Sedition Law in Australia


On 2 March 2006, the Attorney-General announced a review of sedition laws .. In those States where criminal offences have been codified, these offences still ..

Attorney General's Department - 21-22 July - Communique ..


Home21-22 July - Communique - Standing Committee of Attorneys-General .. endorsed the Model Criminal Law Officers Committee's conclusion that the model ..

Targeting the causes of crime - Department of Justice and Attorney ..


This program successfully responds to an increasing concern among criminal justice agencies about the overrepresentation in the criminal ..


Federal Criminal Justice Forum Program - Attorney-General's ..


He is a former. Director of the Criminal Law Review Division in the New South. Wales Attorney General's Department and a former Crown ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Assault


Jump to ý: Title: Criminal practice and procedure .. firearms, children and criminal law, mental health, defence costs, confiscation, ..


Eligibility for Jury Service - Law Reform Commission of WA


75. Occupations involved in the administration of criminal justice. 76. Members of review boards. 76. Officers and employees of the Department of the Attorney ..

Chapter 4 - About the Department - Attorney-General's Department


The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by .. National Security and Criminal Justice Group – responsible for national ..

2010 National indigenous legal conference - Attorney-General's ..


Professor Michael Coper, Dean, ANU College of Law ... Exposure to violence and other crime makes it harder for people to do the basic things ..


Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011


Justice – departmental programs program 1.2. Attorney-General's Department operating expenses – national security and Criminal Justice. Summary ..

Legal Aid Queensland - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Victim of crime explained .. Queenslanders, generally in the areas of criminal, family and civil law.




ultimately the efficient operation of our system of criminal justice requires adequate .... On 21 May 1999 the Commonwealth Attorney-General announced the ..

Chapter 3 - About the portfolio - Attorney-General's Department


The Attorney-General's Department leads a portfolio that provides expert .. adoption; International law; International Criminal Court; Law reform ..


My Court book - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Barrister: in criminal law, a lawyer who only speaks on behalf of their client in a r court. Court Clerk: an officer who helps the magistrate in the Magistrates Court.

Early Intervention: Diversion and Youth Conferencing


by K Polk - - Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Canberra ... That is, throughout the criminal justice system there are deep and complex processes at ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships - Family law ..


Jump to ý: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW


Criminal law and procedure; Torts; Contracts; Property; Equity; Company law .. conjunction with Law degrees at universities; and in-house training in law firms.

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - Human ..


I applied for the graduate program at the Attorney-General's Department .. (Criminal Justice) I was unsure what my next career move would be.


Discussion paper Audit on Defences to Homicide: Accident and ..


The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister Assisting the Premier in .. current law reflects the community's expectations of criminal responsibility.


The Public Defenders Criminal Law Conference 2011 Taronga ..


As criminal lawyers practicising in New South Wales a substantial portion of our client base includes persons suffering from a mental ..


Discussion Paper 1: Consent - Legislation Policy and Criminal Law ..


The Law of Consent and Sexual Assault. Discussion Paper. MAY 2007. Criminal Law Review Division. Attorney General's Department. Address. Please forward ..


The future of committals - a defence lawyer's perspective


Lawyer's Perspective. Terry O'Gorman. O'Gorman & Robertson. Solicitors .. impartial, experienced in the criminal law and free from political influence, a ruling ..

Crime - For Students & Teachers


NSW Caselaw A database of court decisions on the Justice & Attorney General Lawlink website. For criminal cases search District Court, ..

find LEGAL answers - Taxation - Taxation


Jump to ý: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Model Forensic Procedures Bill 2000 - Attorney-General's Department


The Criminal Justice Division of the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department provided secretariat support to the Review. On 28 June ..

Members - NSW Sentencing Council : Lawlink NSW


.. (Director, Criminal Law Review, Department of Justice and Attorney General) .. James Wood has been Chairperson of the NSW Law Reform Commission ..

Reports and Papers - NSW Sentencing Council : Lawlink NSW


Report Release: Public confidence in the New South Wales criminal justice system .. The Attorney General has released a consultation paper in response to the ..

Lawlink NSW: Bibliography


AUSTRALIA, Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys General, Model Criminal Code: Chapter 2: General ..


Top Topics - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government


AUTHORS: Jason Keane, Criminal Law Review. Division, NSW Attorney-General's Department. This issue is based on Hot Topics 28: Sentencing, written by ..

criminal law - Tags - Government of South Australia


Information on the courts that lawyers and people representing .. Related tags: coroners, criminal law, family law, industrial relations, law, ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Arrest


About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, including bail and pleamaking, defending in committal proceedings, drink ..

Lawyers in Qatar - Australian Embassy


Law firms in Qatar .. Areas of Practice: Lawyers and Legal Consultants .. Areas of Practice: Litigation, civil law, commercial law, criminal law and marital law ..

Racial Vilification Law in Australia


Jump to ý: David Fraser, Senior Lecturer in Law, Sydney University, Making Cyber Hate a Crime, ..



He is a member of the Law Institute Criminal Law Committee, Amnesty International and the Victorian committee of the Australian Lawyers ..

The Commonwealth Criminal Code : a guide for practitioners ..


Attorney-General's Dept; Format: Book, Online; vi, 369 p. ; 25 cm. .. 2002 < .. Criminal law - Australia.


Country Advice


The two Myanmar Criminal Law texts listed on the Online Burma .. An English translation of these Codes, found on the Burma Lawyers Council website, is ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety Business


80+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers

Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..

Archer Bushby

One of the earliest established legal firms in Tasmania ..

Model criminal code. Chapter 2, General principles of criminal ..


Chapter 2, General principles of criminal responsibility : discussion draft / Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General The ..

Justice in Western Australia, Department of


Law Compass Home Page " type="text/css"/ " alt="Department of the Attorney General" border="0" align="middle"/ " alt="Go To" border="0" .. Government of Western Australia Department of the Attorney General .. spacer Victims of crime ..

Lawlink NSW: 1. Introduction


The Attorney General, the Hon J P Hannaford MLC, stated that this .. who would advise his or her Attorney General on criminal law issues.

Roger Wilkins AO Attorney-General's Department Secretary


Security Law. & Policy. Division. Criminal. Justice. Division. International. Crime. Cooperation. Division. Louise Glanville. Katherine Jones. Matt Minogue ..


Trials and Tribulations: International Fair Trial Law


For The Office of the Victims of Crime Coordinator, ACT. National .. would it be a fair trial to pit an inexperienced young lawyer against a bench of senior ..


Principal lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland


Principal lawyer. Criminal Law Services. Status. Full-time permanent. VRN. 4/11. Closing date. 25 February 2011. Location. Brisbane. Contact. Peter Delibaltas ..

Children's Court of Victoria - Information for Children - Criminal Cases


Telephone the Law Institute of Victoria on (03) 9607 9550 to find a private lawyer close to you who knows about the Children's Court. Aboriginal ..

Lawyer List - Australian High Commission


Lawyers in Singapore .. ASIA LAW CORPORATION LAWYERS & NOTARY PUBLIC .. Singapore and Australian law; corporate, contract, criminal, family, ..

Terms of reference. Guardianship review. Queensland Law Reform ..


the need for the Criminal Code to reflect contemporary community standards; .. Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister Assisting the Premier in ..

Accessing departmental information - Department of Justice and ..


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..


4.47 Figure 4.1 below shows that, in 2006: 48 per cent of family and criminal law firms undertook legal aid work in those areas; 33 per cent ..

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..


crime prevention measures; law enforcement measures; measures .. to the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department via email at ..


Responsible Public Authority : Department of Justice and Attorney ..


Dept. of Justice & Attorney-General (Integrated Criminal Justice) Retention & Disposal Schedule: QDAN 659 v.1. Page 1 of 8. Responsible ..

Finding a lawyer - the Neighbourhood Justice Centre


The Neighbourhood Justice Centre has four lawyers from Victoria Legal .. Children's Court, Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) and ..

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations - Department ..


The Attorney-General is the state's first law officer and a member of Cabinet. .. The Attorney-General can also initiate or terminate criminal ..

2010 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..

find LEGAL answers resources, grouped by language: English


About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..

Find a support service - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Find a support service. Search for a support service by their location within Queensland or service type. All services we list receive funding from ..




He provides leadership across the criminal justice system through being Secretary of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General since 1988. He also fulfils a ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Money laundering - information ..


Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department, 2004 .. International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy ..

Police & Crime - Community - Government of South Australia


Attorney General's Department View details .. Tags: civil law, attorney general .. Crime Stoppers is an anti-crime initiative involving the police, media, and the ..

Client focused solutions - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Transitional information - reforms to the criminal justice system ..

Lawyers - Australian Embassy


List of law firms - Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. This list is .. Speciality: Local and International Law. Location: 7th Floor .. Speciality: Local, commercial and criminal law ..

find LEGAL answers - Crime and Offences - Police


Jump to ý: Title: Children, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About: Section 1: Criminal matters involving children - with information ..

The legal system - Government of South Australia


Bank SA Crime Stoppers. Do it online .. Crime, justice and the law. Crime .. Related Tags: criminal law, family law, law, lawyers, coroners, industrial relations ..

Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 - South Australian Legislation


Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935. Responsible Minister. Attorney-General: Gazette 14.12.1993 p2965. This legislation is affected by ..

Swearing In Ceremony of the Honourable Terence Lionel Buddin ..


23 Your experience as both prosecutor and defender will enhance the expertise of the bench in criminal law matters. The solicitors of this State will uphold the ..

Law Reform Links - Law Reform Commission : Lawlink NSW


This page lists links to other law reform agencies in Australia and around the world. .. Model Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee .. and Law Reform Division (Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia) ..


Attorney-Generals Department


Criminal law issues. The Attorney-General's Department is also responsible for policy development and advice about criminal law, including the creation of ..


Delia Lawrie Leading Lawyer for Alcohol and Other Drugs Tribunal ..


Attorney General Delia Lawrie announced Darwin based barrister .. experience in the criminal law and sentencing options for those with ..


13 April 2006 Assistant Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney ..


Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National Circuit. BARTON ACT 2600. HSBC Australia supports ..

Department of Attorney General and Justice - NSW Government ..


Department of Attorney General and Justice .. Justice Precinct Offices .. Assistant Director General, Crime Prevention, Aboriginal and Community Programs ..




INNOVATION. Promising Practices for Victims and Witnesses in the Criminal Justice System. DEFENCE LAWYERS, ETHICS AND VICTIMS. Linda Crebbin1 ..


Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 Section 298 Programs of Expenditure ..


crime prevention measures; law enforcement measures; measures relating to .. Affairs and Justice, after consideration of advice from the Attorney-General's ..


Appendices - Law Reform Commission of WA


That the Attorney General of Western Australia establish an inquiry into how the .... a homicide offence) listed under Schedule 1 of the Criminal Law (Mentally ..


Internationalisation Australian Law Degree


international law is becoming a necessity for all lawyers.5 .. and Rwanda, the International Criminal Court and the International Tribunal for the Law of the ..




Organisation: GREENFIELD LAWYERS. Greenfield Lawyers is a firm specialising in the area of Criminal Law. We currently have 1 position available for eligible ..




Mr Martin Hockridge, Chairman of the ACT Law Society's Criminal Law Committee, .. Kelly, Acting Deputy Secretary and Director of the Policy Division, Attorney- ..

Annual Report 2009-10 Overview - Attorney-General's Department


Australian Government - Attorney-General's Department Logo .... Outcome 2: Coordinated federal criminal justice, security and emergency ..

Sexual Assualt – Understanding The Criminal Justice System ..


Sexual Assualt – Understanding The Criminal Justice System .. Defence lawyer: a lawyer who represents a person accused of the crime. Defendant: person ..

Do I have to talk to the police? - Legal Aid Queensland


Legal Aid Queensland does not provide lawyers to go to the police .. may provide legal advice on most Queensland criminal law matters.

previously Law Department - Public Record Office Victoria online ..


Attorney-General's Department (previously known as the Law Department) ... previously administered by the Criminal Law Branch of the Crown Solicitor's Office.

11-12 JAG State Budget Highlights - Department of Justice and ..


The building will deliver a new era of justice through greatly enhanced facilities for victims of crime, witnesses, jurors, lawyers, judges and ..

2008 Federal Criminal Justice Forum - Attorney-General's Department


The Federal Criminal Justice Forum was held in Canberra on 29 September 2008 at Old Parliament House. As the Minister responsible for ..


Women's Legal Service Victoria - Attorney-General's Department


Commonwealth Attorney General's Department .... criminal law matters are the best funded legal matters within legal aid with an increase of 6% in a year of strict ..


27th July 2006 Assistant Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney ..


Assistant Secretary. Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran Offices. National Circuit. BARTON ACT 2600 ..




PROVOCATION UNDER THE CRIMINAL CODE. I, Kerry Shine, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Attorney-General and Minister Assisting the ..



It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as possible .. In South Australia, the Criminal Law (Legal Representation) Act 2001 ..

Legal Information - Community - Government of South Australia


.. Accidents. Family Law Criminal Law Wills;Estates; Contested Estates, Commercial Litigation .. Andrew Rogers Business & Personal Lawyers View details ..


Xx xx2011


of the Criminal Law Division of the Department of Attorney General and Justice and, since 2007, as Crown Advocate. As part of that role, ..

Crime and Punishment


South Australia - Crime, Law and Punishment ... "Criminal Law and Common Sense" on .... "Law Reform - Attorney General's Views" is in the Register, ..

Criminal Justice Division -


Back to: Home Portfolios: Attorney-General Attorney-General's Department National Security and Criminal Justice Group Criminal Justice Division ..

Queensland courts - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Search Justice and Attorney-General .. repeat offending and the over-representation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system.

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Legal Advice


Law Handbook Home · What's New · For Lawyers · Legal Help .. including referrals for child support advice and dispute resolution; Criminal law - in particular, ..

Attorney General's Department - 7 September 2011 - Lionel Murphy ..


Today, Attorneys-General and Justice Ministers across Australia need to .. all law ministers around Australia to reduce crime - particularly in ..


Working with gay, lesbian and transgender communities in NSW


For over a decade, the NSW Attorney General's Department has been actively .. Justice Centres, the Criminal Law Review Division and the Crime Prevention ..

Witnesses in criminal cases - Legal Aid Queensland


If you know something about the crime, police might ask you to give a written .. See the Department of Justice and Attorney-General website for ..


Annual Report - Legal Aid


currently part of the Criminal Law Section. The unit will consist of three family law Child Representatives, four to five criminal lawyers, up to two Restricted ..

Draft Model Spent Convictions Bill 2008; Submission to the ..


Ms Sarah Chidgey Assistant Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney-General's Department Robert Garran Offices National Circuit BARTON ..

Legal Books Online


About the legal system explains common and statute law, criminal and .. of the peace, notice to attend court, passports, and powers of attorney.

Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Family Law


Specialist advice for all kinds of child support and maintenance matters is available through the Child Support Unit. Duty lawyers are available at the Family Law ..


Chapter 6: Criminal and Law Enforcement Framework


Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No. 285, Australian Institute of Criminology,. October 2004, p.1. 3 Attorney-General‟s Department, Submission ..

Guide to Framing Commonwealth Offences, Infringement Notices ..


Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. developed by the Criminal Justice Division of the Attorney‑General's ..


Final - National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance ..


dispute resolution services, duty lawyer services, litigation services and post resolution services) and by law type (being family law, criminal law and civil law).

5. Criminal law | ALRC


For example, children have the right to speak to a friend, relative or lawyer and .. If you are worried about your rights in the criminal law you should contact a ..

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia


The Law Reform Commission is examining the criminal and civil justice system in Western Australia at the request of the Attorney-General, the Hon Peter Foss ..


RIS outline - Legislation Policy and Criminal Law Review Division


TITLE OF REGULATORY PROPOSAL: Criminal Procedure Regulation 2010. PROPONENT: Department of Justice & Attorney General. RESPONSIBLE ..


Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011


The role of the Attorney-General's Department is to promote and preserve. Australia's ... African states to review and develop laws to combat transnational crime.

Strategic Policy and Legislation - Department of Justice (Victoria ..


25+ items – .. advice to the Attorney-General and other Justice Ministers in ..


Main Phone

Appeal Costs Board

03 8684 0884

Criminal Law Policy

03 8684 0800


Double Jeopardy Briefing Paper No 16/03


by R Johns - 2003 - - DNA Testing and Criminal Justice by Gareth Griffith, NSW Parliamentary .... discussions through the Standing Committee of Attorneys General of Australia.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice initiatives - Department ..


Search Justice and Attorney-General ... of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as victims and offenders in the criminal justice system.


9. NSW Legal Aid Commission - Attorney-General's Department


Fax: (02) 9219 5806. Our Ref: 02/398. 13 September 2002. Forensic Procedures Committee Secretariat. Criminal Justice Division. Attorney-General Department ..

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..


Victims are viewed as primary clients of the criminal justice system (see Clear and Cadora 2002), in part because they often share a community ..

Advanced criminal law : papers presented for the Continuing Legal ..


College of Law (Sydney, N.S.W.). Continuing Legal Education Dept & Law Council of Australia. Criminal Law Section 1993 Advanced criminal law : papers ..

Lawlink NSW: Law Reform Commissions: Is there a place for the ..


Since that time, the Commission has received references from the Attorney on the following subjects: Common Law Crime (1991). Only one ..

Review and Annulment of Convictions - Crimes (Appeal and Review ..


The new law also allows the Attorney General to refer a matter to the Court of Criminal Appeal to be dealt with as an appeal (even if an appeal ..


Paralegals in law firms


Paralegals in Law Firms. Charles Dickeson. Secretary. Institute of Legal Executives. Victoria he description 'paralegal' is a term of American origin. It has not ..

Seminars - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW


Wednesday 23 May 2012, CSO Criminal Law & Inquiries Practice Groups, Recent .. Proceedings Act 2008 and CSO Senior Solicitors Dr Juliet Lucy and Joanna ..

Police Powers 2006 - Public Defenders Office : Lawlink NSW


by P Defenders - 2004 The Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 .. NSW Parliament Briefing Paper Criminal Law Review Division NSW : Reports and .. The Hon R Debus, Attorney General, Second Reading Speech, Legislative ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Unexplained wealth laws in ..


Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. .. including the WA Law Society and Criminal Lawyers' Association (see Clarke 2004, 2002).


NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010


leadership across the criminal justice system through being Secretary of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-. General since 1988. He also fulfils a leadership ..


Coastal Shipping Policy and Regulation Inquiry


Comments from the Attorney-General's Department on the Terms of Reference: 1. .. Territories and Commonwealth agreed that the criminal law of certain ..

What happens after I have been convicted? - Legal Aid Queensland


This Site: Criminal court process .. If you go to court and the court says you have broken the law, the court convicts you. The court can say a .. If you are not sure what happened or what you have to do, talk to a lawyer. But the ..

Justice mediation for adults


Justice mediation is a meeting between the victim and the offender and is .. give free preliminary legal advice and information on some criminal law matters. .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General provide information ..


6 Assessment Process - National Crime Prevention


In some circumstances it can also be used to confiscate the proceeds of a crime against foreign law or the proceeds of a crime against state law (if those ..

About the Queensland Law Reform Commission.


She taught criminal law and legal research, and has published widely in the areas of .. Committee and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys of America.


Departmental publications and contributions to other publications


Attorney-General's Department Corporate Plan — Overview .. Criminal Law Reform Unit, Exposure Draft Criminal Code Amendment (Bribery of Foreign Public ..




Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander victims of crime interagency forum Report 2001. · Report to the Attorney General Indigenous Justice Initiatives. · "Where to ..


Victim Impact Statements in South Australia: An Evaluation ..


Forty two interviews were conducted with members of the main professional groups in the criminal justice system (prosecutors, defence lawyers, magistrates and ..


Attorney General Annual Report 2004-05


ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05. 18 .. legal aid, legal services, Indigenous law .. Criminal law and crime prevention, ..

Applying for legal aid - Application for legal representation


Criminal Law Application Form .. If you need a lawyer to represent you, fill in the form, and bring or send it to your local Legal Aid WA office.

Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002 - Department of Justice ..


Search Justice and Attorney-General ... made by the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Commission in its Three Year Review of the Crime ..


CMC Review of Public Nuisance Laws


Our Criminal Law Practice provides duty lawyer services in the Brisbane Magistrates Court each weekday, on Saturdays and on public holidays. The only other ..


FACT SHEET - Attorney-General's Department


The Act is administered by the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department. The process is .. law but not under Australia's ordinary criminal law ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals - Courts


Title: Your day in court: a guide for victims of crime who are witnesses in court. Author: Victims Services, Attorney General & Justice. Where ..

Organised crime busting laws - Media Statements


Organised crime busting laws. Portfolio: Attorney General. Outlaw motorcycle gangs to be subject of applications to become 'Declared Criminal Organisations' ..


Additional Estimates 2010-2011 (February 2011)


Sarah Chidgey – Assistant Secretary, Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch,. Attorney-General's Department. • Sally Mazzanti – A/g Principal Legal Officer, ..


Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2006-07


Firearms. • Law enforcement. • Policing. • Proceeds of crime. • Protective security. Portfolio structure. The Attorney-General's Department is the central policy and ..

Foundations of Governance - Constitutional, legal and Government ..


The Constitutional Policy Unit of the Attorney-General's Department provides ... A Government official may be subject to the criminal law when undertaking any ..

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..


An organizational perspective', Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. .. of Crime Statistics and Research, NSW Attorney General's Department, ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals - Local Court


Jump to ý: Title: Criminal law: resources and tools for Legal Aid NSW lawyers. About: Written for Legal Aid lawyers, provides links to ..


•LA O.Victoria Legal Aid


VLA employs 189 lawyers who provide legal services from our 14 offices in .. This makes us the largest and most accessible criminal law and family law practice ..


UTS: Launch of the NSW Young Lawyers's Criminal Law Careers ..


The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG will give a brief address on pursuing a career in criminal law, and young lawyers from the public and ..




Criminal Law Practice. Descriptor: An entry level lawyer who practises in criminal law should be able to advise clients before arrest, seek bail, make pleas, ..


2547 LawBooklet.17 - Law School Careers Office - University of ..


Solicitors can work in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries, litigation, commercial or criminal law. Many ..

Assoc/Prof Judith Fordham - UWA Staff Profile The University of ..


She is a past President of the Criminal Lawyers Association of WA and the Australian & New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology& Law (WA).

Lawyer - Office and Administration - On The Job


A solicitor may specialise in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or criminal law. Lawyer ..

Alex Steel | UNSW LAW


He was previously a Consultant to the NSW Attorney General's Department, Criminal Law Review Division. He is a holder of an Australian Research Council ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Law, Lawyers and Society - LAWS1210


Currently enrolled in a program in the Faculty of Law. .. the responsibility of lawyers for access to justice and the special duties and roles of the criminal defence ..

Criminal Lawyer / Jobs / Degrees to Careers / Students / The ..


Criminal lawyers either represent the government, prosecuting criminal cases or represent the accused, defending them against prosecution.

Programs | UNSW LAW


The Master of Business Law is designed for non-lawyers involved in the private, .. specialised education at an advanced level in criminal justice law, policy, ..

OzCase | Queensland Criminal Code


Digest of the Statutory Criminal Law of Queensland .. is supplied courtesy of the Justice Library, Department of Justice and Attorney-General) ..

Legal Terminology, Law, Assistant, language, correspondence course


People & Processes; Types of Lawyers: Attorney (or Advocate); Barrister Vs Solicitor; Criminal Defense Lawyers; Corporate Lawyers; Bankruptcy Lawyers; Civil ..

A/Prof Tony Krone : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra


International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law; Australian and New .. Legal Officer, Criminal Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department, ..

"An Ethics Survey of Australian Criminal Law Practitioners" by Ben ..


by B Clarke - 2003 - - The ethics of criminal lawyers is a largely unexplored area of legal scholarship. This article offers preliminary insights into the ethics of a cohort of 20 Australian ..

Speakers | Justice for All?


Ms Arbia has extensive experience in international law, criminal law, and the .. Trial Attorney at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha, ..

ANU - STUDYAT - Criminal Justice


This course complements Criminal Law and Procedure, Selected Topics in Criminal Law, Lawyers, Justice and Ethics, and Evidence. It is recommended for ..

Castan Centre for Human Rights Law - Human Rights Career Series ..


International Humanitarian Law & the Young Lawyer: Internships at .. in international humanitarian law and international criminal law.

UNSW Handbook Course - The Criminal Trial - LAWS3323


It builds on and extends students' studies in Litigation 1 and 11, Criminal Law 1 and 11, Law, Lawyers and Society, Kingsford Legal Centre and The Criminal ..

QUT | Law | Careers in Law and Justice


In relation to careers in law, a number of graduates join large firms .. of Justice Studies have established careers in the criminal justice system.


Year 1 Year 3 Year 2 - UNSW LAW


Law, Lawyers and Society (6. UOC). Criminal Law. 2 (6 UOC). Torts (6 UOC). Contracts 2 (6. UOC). Administrativ e Law (6 UOC). Advanced. Legal. Research (2 ..


Australian Lawyers and Social Change – 30 .. - ANU College of Law


The focus of the conference was the role of law and lawyers in society, .. and society although then, as now, they were over-represented in the criminal justice ..

Professor Ben Saul - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


Saul, B, 'Terrorism and International Criminal Law: Questions of ... Without Lawyers' (2010) 17 Australian International Law Journal 299-302 ..

Law Prizes - Current Students @ UOW


Access Business Lawyers for Property and Trusts A; Alumni .. Prize for Criminal Law and Process B; Russell McLelland Brown Lawyers Prize ..

Lawyer: Future Students 2012


Lawyer. You have navigated to this page through: UWA Home · Future .. clients or presiding over civil and criminal law court proceedings.


Transfers Student - UNSW LAW


Law, Lawyers. 6. Admin Law. 6. Law, Lawyers. 6. Criminal Law 1. 6. Criminal Law 2. 6. Non-Law x 2. 12. Non-Law x 2. 12. Non-Law x 1. 6. Non-Law x 1. 6 ..

Legal Job Vacancies


To provide family law duty lawyer services at the Family Court and Federal ... The position will be primarily in the civil jurisdiction however criminal sittings occur ..




4 See Barbara Allen Babcock, 'Defending the Guilty' (1983–84) 32 Cleveland State Law Review. 175. Babcock was herself a criminal lawyer and former Director ..


Lawyer, Social Worker, Psychologist and More: The Role of .. - E Law


on those principles can place the lawyer in the position of bringing to the attention of their client the potential reasons for their contact with the criminal justice ..

Prosecutions Program - Faculty of Law @ UOW


Pursuing a Career in Criminal Law? .. specifically for lawyers working in (or aspiring to work in) criminal prosecutions, whether as a prosecutor ..

Law Journals - Legal Resources


Rankings based on number of citations, hosted by Washington & Lee Law School. ... Criminal Law Forum; Cyberspace Lawyer; De Paul Law Review; Delaware ..

UNSW JD program | UNSW LAW


Year 1, Semester 1, Foundations of Law · Criminal .. Business Associations 1 (6 UOC) · Law, Lawyers and Society (6 UOC) · Advanced Legal Research (2 UOC) ..


Access to justice: Lawyers' costs when acting pro bono in public ..


by K Lauchland - 2003 - lawyer Eric Vadarlis made application to the Federal Court of Australia to have the ... the fight to a fair trial being a central pillar of our criminal justice system.


The Criminal Law's Response to Domestic Violence: What's Going ..


by H DOUGLAS - - the operation of the criminal law in the domestic violence sphere and explores .. Attorney-General of Queensland and to the Queensland Police Service for ..

UniClassifieds @ Unicentre


Law - E. Ellis - 1st Ed - $15 Principles and Practice of Aust. .. and answers Criminal Law - 2009 - $40 Lawyers in Australia - Lamb + Littrich - 1st ..


27 January 2009 Assistant Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney ..


Criminal Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. Submission on Spent Convictions Bill 2008. Principles behind ..

Page 7 - 125070 UNSW Faculty of Law JD Guide.indd


.. select,their,courses.,5,Sample,0nly,Foundations,of,Law,(O-week,classes),Semester,1,Criminal,Contracts,Public,Law,,Lawyers,&,Society,2,Torts,Administrative ..

Page 8 - 125070 UNSW Faculty of Law JD Guide.indd


.. ,of,Law,(O-week,classes),Semester,2,Torts,Contracts,1,Public,Law,,Lawyers .. ,a,Clerkship,next,Semester.,If,not,students,enrol,two,courses.,Criminal,Property, ..

2008 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW


Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305) .. Law (LLB341); CTCP Prize for International Criminal Law (LLB3958) ..

DD Units - Lower Sec. - Law


Criminal law involves a situation in which a person has done something which is .. The prosecution lawyer or lawyers, who present evidence in favour of the ..

ECU | Accreditations and alliances : School of Law and Justice ..


The School of Law and Justice prides itself on its strong alliances with a range .. Tottle Partners Lawyers .. Data from DUMA is used to examine issues such as the relationship between drugs and property and violent crime, monitor patterns of ..


UNSW Faculty of Law 4763 B Criminology & Criminal Justice/LLB


LAWS1001 Criminal Law 1. 6 LAWS1011 Criminal Law 2. 6. SLSP2000 Political economy & the State. 6 LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society. 6. SLSP2001 ..

Postgraduate Law @ Sydney - Welcome from the Dean - Future ..


Postgraduate Law @ Sydney - Welcome from the Dean. As the Dean of the Law School of the University of Sydney, I would like to extend a ..




by JV BARRY - - continued, "it has always struck me as odd that students of law and academic lawyers tend to avoid the criminal law, comparatively speaking, and interest ..

UNSW Handbook Course - The Essential Advocate: An Introduction ..


Pre-requisites are Law, Lawyers and Society; Litigation 1; Criminal Law 1. Completion of Litigation 2 and Criminal Law 2 is recommended but not required.

Master of Laws / Graduate Diploma in Law - Sydney Law School ..


160+ items – The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School Handbook ..

LAWS6011 Administrative Law

compulsory for MALP students

LAWS6014 Advanced Financing Techniques

A LAWS6038 or LAWS6046 or ..

Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB - Future ..


Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB .. as Contracts, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Corporate Law and International Law.

UNSW Handbook Course - Litigation 2 - LAWS2321


Faculty: Faculty of Law .. on and extends students' studies of Criminal and Civil Procedure in Litigation 1, Criminal Law 1 & 2 and Law, Lawyers and Society.

2007 Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW


Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A .. NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) Prize for Criminal Law ..

Faculty of Law 2009 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of ..


Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A .. for Revenue Law (LLB341); Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention (CTCP) ..



Interpretation of ch 2 Chapter 3--Application of criminal law 11. .... Particular references to an accused person include references to a lawyer acting for the ..

Master of Criminal Justice (coursework) (20510) Faculty of Law ..


The Master of Criminal Justice was established in 1998 in response to a .. background) and criminal justice practitioners (including lawyers, ..


Blockbuster appointment round brings new .. - ANU College of Law


studying environmental law at Cambridge. University; Wendy Kukulies-Smith, an. ANU law graduate and criminal lawyer; and. Helen Saunders, a Sydney ..

Free Legal Services / The University of Newcastle Legal Centre ..


Debt; Family law; Victim's compensation; Employment; Criminal law; Discrimination; Wills, powers of attorney, enduring guardianship; Motor vehicle accidents ..

Drumbl, Mark --- "International Criminal Law: Taking Stock of a Busy ..


by M DRUMBL - - Within the college of international law, an energetic, transnational and networked epistemic community of international criminal lawyers has arisen.

Subscription Journals - Legal Resources


These are available to all Deakin Law Staff and Students and other ... Cornell Law Review; Criminal Law Forum; Cyberspace Lawyer; De Paul ..

Professor Patricia Easteal : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra


Women Who Kill Violent Male Partners in Australia, Criminal Law Specialists Conference, CLE Department of the College of Law, Sydney: ..


Visit of the Hon John Dowd AO QC Annual Prize Night


prosecutor or defence lawyer. Students can enrol in the LLM (Criminal Prosecutions) or the. Graduate Certificate in Law (Criminal Prosecutions). Students are ..

CRIMINAL CODE 1899 - SECT 669A 669A Appeal by Attorney ..


CRIMINAL CODE 1899 - SECT 669A. 669A Appeal by Attorney-General .. (2) The Attorney-General may refer any point of law that has arisen at the trial upon ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Litigation 2 - JURD7221


Faculty: Faculty of Law .. on and extends students' studies of Criminal and Civil Procedure in Litigation 1, Criminal Law 1 & 2 and Law, Lawyers and Society.

Publications | UNSW LAW


The potential for Justice Reinvestment in reducing offending in Australian Indigenous communities”, presented at Extremes in Justice, Criminal Lawyers ..


The Challenge for Asian Jurisdictions in the Development of ..


by M Findlay - - The paper reviews the different frameworks for international criminal justice .... Revised Criminal Law' (Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, December 1998).

Page 10 - 125070 UNSW Faculty of Law JD Guide.indd


8,A,very,distinctive,feature,of,the,UNSW,JD,is,depth,study,law,we,provide,for .. ,concepts.,s,Foundations,Criminal,1,Contracts,Public,Law,,Lawyers,&,Society,2 ..



CRIMINAL LAW CONSOLIDATION ACT 1935 - SECT 369. 369—References by Attorney-General. Nothing in this Part affects the prerogative of mercy but the ..




Anagha Joshi, Attorney-General's Department. The Role of International Law in State Building: A Case Study of the Struggle to Combat Transnational Crime in ..

Area of study | UNSW LAW


Criminal Law, Criminal Justice & Criminology. These related fields of study .. Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice & Criminology .. Law, Lawyers and Society ..

1 Criminal Law Amendment CRIMINAL LAW AMENDMENT BILL ..


2 Criminal Law Amendment Administrative cost to Government of .. However, sometimes a duty lawyer or a private practitioner acting "pro bono" will act for the ..

Innocence Project - Australian Collaborative Education Network ..


Weekly student instruction by specialist criminal lawyers, Nyst Lawyers, is a feature of the Projects investigative process. All professional case-management ..


Law – Undergraduate Courses 2012 - James Cook University


Criminal Law. Criminal lawyers practise as solicitors and barristers in both government and private practice. Government departments and agencies such as ..

Areas of Practice Covered in the Practical Training Course (PTC)


Criminal Law is a compulsory practice area in the PTC because the advocacy skills developed in our Criminal Law topic are essential for entry-level lawyers.

JD courses | UNSW LAW


JURD7101, Criminal Law 1. JURD7110, Law, Lawyers & Society. JURD7111, Criminal Law 2. JURD7140, Public Law. JURD7152, Foundations of Law ..


Staff interests and availability for Research .. - ANU College of Law


psychology and corporate law, legal ethics, lawyer professional misconduct. Not available in semester 2,. 2011. Hambly, David Torts, criminal ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Margaret Voight



Mrs - Faculty of Law, Legal PracticeOrdinary Committee Member – Women Lawyers Association of Queensland. .. practice (general practice, family law and criminal law), the Commonwealth ..

Admission to practise in Hong Kong : Law School Careers Office ..


Contract; Tort; Constitutional Law; Criminal Law; Land Law; Civil .. Foreign lawyers who have been admitted to practise law in a common law ..

Mr Anthony Hopkins : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra


He worked as a criminal and family lawyer at the Northern Territory Legal .. Anthony currently teaches Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence ..

Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies


This project is a component of the ARC project “The effectiveness of forensic science in the criminal justice system”. Abstract. Lawyers and the ..


The Integration of Victim Lawyers into the Adversarial Criminal Trial


by T Kirchengast - 2011 - further integrate the victim into the criminal justice system. In certain common law jurisdictions, victim lawyers may now represent the interests of the victim during ..

Hale, Andrew - College of Law


Had a general legal practice until 1990, and thereafter increasingly practiced in the areas of family and criminal law, often as an Independent Children's Lawyer.

Corporate Crime: What's the Difference Between Sharp Practice and ..


Corporate Crime: What Lawyers have been warned that keeping to the letter of the law may no longer be enough in commercial matters.


Lani Blackman, Representing Children and Young People: A ..


aspects of the lawyer/client relationship (Part 1), case management (Part 2), and aspects of specific jurisdictions - criminal law, family law, care and protection, ..

QUT | Law | Sponsored prizes/bursaries not requiering an ..


Central Queensland Law Association Bursary - Legal Foundations A, Central .. Gilshenan & Luton Prize - Fundamentals of Criminal Law ..

Shumei Hou - Griffith University


Refereed Journal Articles. 'The Defense Lawyer in the Scales of Chinese Criminal Justice (with Ron Keith)', The Journal of Contemporary China, accepted and ..

UNSW Handbook Program - Law - 4790


LAWS1001 Criminal Law 1 - 6 UOC LAWS1011 Criminal Law 2 - 6 UOC LAWS1160 Administrative Law - 6 UOC LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers & Society - 6 UOC ..




responsibility of lawyers for access to justice and the special duties and roles of the criminal defence lawyer, the prosecutor, and the public interest lawyer.

UNSW JD program | UNSW LAW


Those with a law degree from a different legal system may also apply. UNSW Handbook: .. Year 1, Semester 1, Foundations of Law · Criminal Law 1 · Contracts ..


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Tuesday, 14 January 2025
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