Cyberspace Law & Lawyers

Cyberspace, the information and e-commerce superhighway, profoundly affects our lives, how we communicate, entertain ourselves, distribute and store information, and conduct business. It is a virtual cornucopia where information and business opportunity flows unhindered across international boundaries, but is also a source of new and emerging legal issues confronting content creators, content distributors, users, consumers, and businesses. Whether starting a virtual business or extending a traditional brick-and-mortar business, you are faced with a myriad of cyber-related legal issues and laws, including business law, trademark law, copyright law, consumer protection law, state regulations and federal regulations.

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of cyberspace law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Cyberspace lawyers provide the necessary experience in relation to various cyber law issues. Cyberspace lawyers consult and counsel clients on web site issues.

Cyberspace lawyers can file and maintain trademark, copyright, and domain name properties, and police, protect, and enforce their clients' rights. Cyberspace lawyers can also draft and negotiate a wide range of agreements including:

• Website Disclaimers
• Work-For-Hire Agreements
• Website Privacy Policies
• Confidentiality Agreements
• Website Use and Legal Policies
• Website Hosting Agreements
• Content Provider / Website Design and Development Agreements
• Music Clearance and Licensing Agreements Content Licenses
• Other Related Agreements

Additional examples of our services provided by lawyer practising in the area of cyberspace law generally include:

• Advice on cyber violations such as unauthorized access to computer systems, software piracy, copyright infringement, cybersquatting.
• Protection of personal information, rights of privacy and rights of publicity, and advice concerning related privacy issues regarding websites and applications accessed via the Internet.
• Protection of rights in connection with libel and slander.
• Advice on the legal implications of hyperlinking, framing, hosting, caching and providing ISP's, including limitations on liability and infringement.
• Advice concerning the application of the Copyright Act, safe harbor protection, registration of DMCA agents, preparation and posting of policies, responses to take down notices and counter responses.
• Domain name registration and protection.
• Domain name dispute resolution.
• Trademark issues relating to use of domain names.
• Registration and protection of copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property.
• Other Internet law issues.

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of cyberspace law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Lawyers practising in the area of cyberspace and Internet law generally handle numerous cyber law matters, including:

• Representation of copyright holders against manufacturers that copied designs and incorporated them into products.
• Representation of clients accused of uploading cinematic and other artistic content by studios and other content owner companies.
• Representation of clients whose businesses have been impacted by third parties securing the same or confusingly similar domain names and trademarks.
• Helping clients develop terms of service and privacy policies for Internet service provider services.
• Helping clients seek and negotiate licenses to content for Internet streaming for revenue generation purposes.
• Helping clients recover royalties and fees owned for unauthorized use of content via the Internet and other forms of media.
• Helping clients obtain registration and protection of copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property, and where necessary, represent clients in litigation concerning infringement of copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property.
• Cyberspace bullying, cyberspace harassment, cyberstalking and other matters pertaining to cyberspace crimes and activity of a criminal nature committed through or in connection with the Internet and the World Wide Web.

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of cyberspace law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The main pieces of Australian Commonwealth legislation pertaining to cyberspace law include the following:

• Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (No. 2, 1901)
• An Act for the Interpretation of Acts of Parliament and for Shortening their Language
• Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Cth)
• An Act relating to the classification of publications, films and computer games, and related matters.
• Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)
• An Act relating to copyright and the protection of certain performances, and for other purposes.
• Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000 (Cth)
• An Act to amend the Copyright Act 1968, and for related purposes.
• Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth)
• An Act to amend the law relating to computer offences, and for other purposes.
• Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth)
• An Act to facilitate electronic transactions, and for other purposes.
• Interactive Gambling (Moratorium) Act 2000 (Cth)
• An Act about interactive gambling, and for related purposes.
• Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth)
• An Act about interactive gambling, and for related purposes.
• Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
• An Act to make provision to protect the privacy of individuals, and for related purposes.
• Spam Act 2003 (Cth)
• An Act about spam, and for related purposes.

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of cyberspace law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

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Cyber lawyers Practice Areas

Cyber lawyers provides legal assistance in many areas including:

Domain Name Disputes:

Cyberspace lawyers can assist you in combating cybersquatters, typosquatters and other domain infringers. The firm can also provide assistance in defending against undue allegations of infringement. Cyberspace lawyers can also represent your interests in proceedings and disputes with registrars, web hosts, and ICANN.


Cyberspace lawyers can assist you in drafting or reviewing your website privacy policies, terms of service and other documents.cyberspace lawyers also have experience in many common e-commerce disputes such as affiliate marketing matters and online auctions.


Protecting your original works and writings can often be a challenge, especially online. Cyberspace lawyers can assist you in registering your copyrights, protecting your content and even licensing your works for publication by others.


Protecting your brand and marks is a smart move for businesses. Cyber lawyers can explain the benefits of a trademark and assist you in effectively registering and protecting your mark. A cyberspace lawyers can also assist you in protecting and monitoring your mark to avoid infringement. A cyberspace lawyer can also assist parties in trademark disputes.


cyberspace lawyers generally have trial and appellate litigation experience in technology disputes in both state and federal courts. A cyberspace lawyer can also represent you in arbitration hearings, mediation or other administrative proceedings.

Technology Licensing and Service Agreements:

Cyber lawyers can advise you on protecting your rights when you are involved in technology licensing arrangements. Whether you seek to protect your intellectual property rights as a licensor or want to have unfettered access as a licensee, CyberLaw can assist you in drafting, reviewing and organzing your technology licenses.

Privacy Matters:

The fluidity of information in today's world means that your privacy is constantly being threatened. Whether you are inundated with spam, faxes, and other marketers, your identity has been stolen, or you want to protect private financial or medical records, Cyber lawyers can assist you in understanding your rights, protecting your privacy and even recovering damages from those who have violated your rights.

The main pieces of legislation pertaining to cyberspace law in Australia include the following:

Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (No. 2, 1901)
An Act for the Interpretation of Acts of Parliament and for Shortening their Language

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Cth)
An Act relating to the classification of publications, films and computer games, and related matters.

Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)
An Act relating to copyright and the protection of certain performances, and for other purposes

Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000 (Cth)
An Act to amend the Copyright Act 1968, and for related purposes.

Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth)
An Act to amend the law relating to computer offences, and for other purposes.

Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth)
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions, and for other purposes.

Interactive Gambling (Moratorium) Act 2000 (Cth)
An Act about interactive gambling, and for related purposes.

Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth)
An Act about interactive gambling, and for related purposes.

Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
An Act to make provision to protect the privacy of individuals, and for related purposes.

Spam Act 2003 (Cth)
An Act about spam, and for related purposes.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (Cth)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts, and for other purposes.


Australian Capital Territory
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995 (ACT)
An Act to provide for the enforcement of a scheme of classification of publications, films and computer games, and for other purposes.

Electronic Transactions Act 2001 (ACT)
An Act to facilitate the use of electronic methods in transactions and record Keeping.


New South Wales
Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (NSW)
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions; and for other purposes.

Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW)
An Act to provide for the protection of personal information, and for the protection of the privacy of individuals generally; to provide for the appointment of a Privacy Commissioner; to repeal the Privacy Committee Act 1975; and for other purposes.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (NSW)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts; and for other purposes.


Northern Territory
Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Act (NT) 2002
An Act to provide for the classification of publications including films for public release and video tapes or video discs and for other purposes.

Electronic Transactions (Northern Territory) Act (NT) 2000
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions, and for other purposes.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (NT)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts, and for other purposes.


Classification of Computer Games and Images Act 1995 (Qld)
An Act to provide for the classification of computer games and images, and for other purposes.

Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001 (Qld)
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions, and for other purposes.

Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act 1998 (Qld)
An Act to regulate interactive gambling and for other purposes.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (Qld)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts, and for other purposes.


South Australia
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (SA)
An Act to provide for the establishment and enforcement of schemes for the classification of publications, films and computer games; and for other purposes.

Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (SA)
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions; and for other purposes.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (SA)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts; and for other purposes.


Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 (TAS)
An Act to provide for the classification of publications and the enforcement of those classifications and for the enforcement of a national scheme of classification of films and computer games and for related matters.

Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (TAS)
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions and for other purposes.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (Tas)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts and for other purposes.


Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games)(Enforcement) Act 1995 (VIC)
The purpose of this Act is to give effect to the Commonwealth/State/Territory scheme for the classification of publications, films and computer games set out in the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 of the Commonwealth by (a) providing for the ...

Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 (VIC)
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions and for other purposes.

Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic)
The main purposes of this Act are: to establish a regime for the responsible collection and handling of personal information in the Victorian public sector; to provide individuals with rights of access to information about them held by organisations, including information ...

Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic)
The main purposes of this Act are-- (a) to establish a regime for the responsible collection and handling of personal information in the Victorian public sector; (b) to provide individuals with rights of access to information about them held by organisations, including ...

Interactive Gaming (Player Protection) Act 1999 (Vic)
The purpose of this Act is to make provision for the protection of persons participating in interactive games by regulating the provision of interactive gaming services.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (Vic)
The purpose of this Act is to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts.


Western Australia
Censorship Act 1996 (WA)
An Act to provide for the classification of publications, films and computer games, restrictions on the publication and possession of publications, films and computer games and the use of computer services, the enforcement of those restrictions and for other purposes.

Electronic Transactions Act 2003 (WA)
An Act to facilitate electronic transactions, and for other persons.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act (WA)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about Year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts; and for other purposes.


Courts & tribunals and their decisions
United States
Internet Library of Law and Court Decisions
A brief synopsis of US court decisions shaping the law of the web. Decisions are indexed alphabetically by the New Media subject matter including; copyright, trademark, dilution and other intellectual property issues, jurisdiction, linking, framing, meta tags, clip-art.

The E-LAW Locator
This site provides links to major cases on cyberspace law by subject. There are also pages containing a list of major organisations and an extensive bibliography.


.au Domain Administration
This is the site of the organisation responsible for the registration of domain names in Australia. Information contained on the site includes news, policies and codes of practice.

Electronic Frontiers Australia
Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. is a non-profit national organisation representing Internet users concerned with on-line freedoms and rights. EFA was formed in January 1994 and incorporated under South Australian law in May 1994.

Internet Industry Association
The Internet Industry Association is Australia's national Internet industry organisation. Members include telecommunications carriers; content creators and publishers; web developers; e-commerce traders and solutions providers; hardware vendors; systems integrators;

Asia-Pacific Privacy Charter Initiative
This body aims to create a regional expert group whose aim is to develop independent standards for privacy protection in the region. It includes a wide range of background documents (including privacy standards issued by other bodies) and information

ICANN is the organisation responsible for global domain name allocation. Their site contains news, information on the work of their committees and domain name dispute resolution materials.

Organisations - Government
Australian Communications and Media Authority
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, radiocommunications, telecommunications and online content.

Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
This site contains links to resources and news about conmmunications and technology and links to policy and legislation regarding media and broadcasting and Australia post.

Australian Government Information Management Office
Info Access provides a gateway to connects to Government information from a variety of sources, including - the Commonwealth Government Entry Point; - entry point for Australian Governments; - Commonwealth public service contact and function

Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner
The Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner is an independent Office. It's purpose is to promote an Australian culture that respects privacy. T

New South Wales
Privacy NSW : Office of the New South Wales Privacy Commissioner
Privacy NSW is the Office of the New South Wales Privacy Commissioner. The Office was created in 1999 when new legislation replaced the Privacy Committee of New South Wales which was established in 1975.

If you need legal advice regarding cyberspace law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a cyberspace law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with cyberspace law.

Our free legal enquiry service for cyberspace law extends to all suburbs throughout Australia.

Cyberspace Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Cyberspace Law & Lawyers Links

Cyberlaw, Hot Topics No 70 - find LEGAL answers


specific legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. Copyright in Hot Topics is .. courses, including Privacy Law, Cyberspace Law and. Electronic Commerce ..


Chapter [No.]: [Chapter Title]


11 Ms Catherine Smith, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 1 August. 2011, p. 26. 12 Cyberspace Law and Policy ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Environment and ..


26, Mr Nigel Waters, Cyberspace Law + Policy Centre, Faculty of Law, UNSW (This is a response to the response from the Attorney-General's Department to ..


Bills Digest 31, 2011-12 - Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill ..


Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre . .... On 17 February 2011, the Attorney-General's Department (AGD) released a public discussion paper ..


Chapter 6: Criminal and Law Enforcement Framework


6. Criminal and Law Enforcement Framework. Introduction. 6.1. The chapter discusses the existing criminal law framework intended to combat cyber crime and ..


Official Committee Hansard


by COF AUSTRALIA - Justice Division, Attorney-General's Department . .. CONNOLLY, Mr Chris, Research Associate, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, University ..


Legal deposit's role in the public domain


by G Greenleaf - 2008Submission to the Attorney-General's Department and DCITA. Review of the .. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, UNSW Faculty of Law. 2 May 2008 ..


Cyber SeCurity Strategy - Attorney-General's Department


Legal and Law enforcement – maintain an effective legal framework and .... the attorney-general's Department is the lead agency for cyber security policy across ..



INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF CYBERSPACE LAW .. because of the fragmentation of priorities, the dominance of lawyers in the debates on human rights, ..

Links - Australian Privacy Commissioner


Australian Privacy and Surveillance Law Library · Cyberspace Law and .. of Justice and Attorney-General; South Australia: Privacy Committee ..

Recognising an action for breach of privacy in Australia | ALRC


74.103 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre questioned whether .. he or she should be able to instruct a lawyer without the need for a litigation guardian.

Camden Council Library Service :: Research :: Law


Includes Cyberspace law and Biotechnology. User friendly. Government Websites. Attorney General's Department of New South Wales State courts, tribunals ..

Speeches by The Hon Michael Kirby - High Court of Australia


Of 'Sham' and Other Lessons for Australian Revenue Law, Melbourne .... UNESCO, International Dimensions of Cyberspace Law, "Protection of Privacy and ..


Chapter [No.]: [Chapter Title]


Ms Alana Maurushat, Deputy Director, Cyberspace Law and Policy. Centre, UNSW .. Department of Justice and Attorney General NSW. Ms Penelope Musgrave ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Other published resources


10+ items – Home - Crime types - Cybercrime: Key links - Other published ..

Cyberspace governance guide

Caslon Analytics, 2005

Spam canned : new laws for Australia

David Vaile. Internet law bulletin, 2004



Now, the Internet and cyberspace potentially bring to every lawyer's office instantaneous links with legal developments everywhere. And these technological ..

Generally available publications - Australian Law Reform Commission


The OPC suggested that it would be appropriate for the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) to consider this issue. The Cyberspace Law and ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..


[13] See the Joint Select Committee for Cyber-Safety's website, .. [14] See Attorney-General's Department, An R18+ Classification for Computer ..

Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety: Cybercrime Legislation ..


Victorian Attorney-General (PDF 1727KB) · Mr Bruce Arnold and Ms Skye Masters (PDF 132KB) · Mr Philip Hall (PDF 312KB) · Cyberspace Law and Policy ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Internet regulation


10+ items – .. of every conceivable variety may be found in cyberspace.

Unauthorised photographs on the Internet and ancillary privacy issues ..

Coregulation of fixed and mobile internet content

Internet Resource Guide: Business Law Resources


Attorney-General's Dept. E-commerce home page · Australian Competition and Consumer Commission E-commerce home page · Cyberspace Law and Policy ..


Ensuring security in cyberspace is a major issue in the uptake of electronic .. internet content, enforcing Australia's anti-spam law and making rules about ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety Business


80+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers

Hobart based law firm, offering commercial ..

Bishops barristers and solicitors

Law firm offering a range of services with ..

Sam Funnell | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Managing Principal Solicitor. LLB, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Law (Privacy & Information Technology). work+61 3 9947 1434. Areas of ..


Chapter [No.]: [Chapter Title]


Law Institute of Victoria. 4. Council of Europe. 5 .. Victorian Attorney-General. 18. Mr Bruce Arnold .. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre. 21. NSW Council for ..

Attorney General's Department - 3 June 2011 - Cyber White Paper


Cyber White Paper. Attorney-General Hon. Robert McClelland MP. Minister for Defence Hon. Stephen Smith MP. Minister for Broadband ..


Law Pracuce To-day'


more than ten million visitors. It is a place for free advice, where accountants, lawyers and. * UNSW Law Society Speakers' Forum 2001 talk given 9 August 2001 ..



Impact on law: Information technology is profoundly affecting the way law is practised, indeed what lawyers are engaged to do. The impact comes not only from ..


Chapter [No.]: [Chapter Title]


Attorney General's Department. Ms Sarah Chidgey, Assistant Secretary, Criminal Law and Law .. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre. Mr Chris ..

Attorney General's Department - 25 July 2011 - Australian Defence ..


Australian Defence Magazine - Cyber Security Summit .. CERT Australia works collaboratively with law enforcement agencies in relation to ..

ALRC legal intern program | ALRC


He has completed an internship at the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre .. She has worked as a student attorney at the Harvard Legal Aid ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..


33, Arts Law Centre of Australia (PDF 129KB) .. 46, Attorney-General's Department (PDF 159KB) .. 54, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre (PDF 94KB) ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs References .. - Parliament of Australia


.. Dr Lyria, Acting Academic Co-Director, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre .. TENG, Miss Joanne, Solicitor, Arts Law Centre of Australia ..

Report 127 (2010) - Protecting Privacy in New South Wales - Law ..


Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Submission, 29; Australian Privacy Foundation, Submission to the NSW Attorney General's Department ..

Chapter 1 - Report 127 (2010) - Protecting Privacy in New South ..


1.1 This is the final report in our review of the law of privacy in NSW. .. 1.2 In April 2006 the then Attorney General, the Hon R J Debus, issued the .... Australian Privacy Foundation, Submission, 1-2; Cyberspace Law and ..

Attorney General's Department - 10 June 2010 - Launch of the ..


It also involves reviewing our cyber crime legislation to determine whether any laws require updating in light of technological advances.



Lawyers and lawyer-led civil liberties organisations prosecuted and led the challenges in the courts to the .... The human rights of all to privacy in cyberspace.


Neville Wran – A Lawyer Politician – Reflections on Law Reforms ..


solicitor. Neville Wran increasingly concentrated on industrial law, developing .... present themselves, except in the fantasy of cyberspace and in virtual lives.

Archive - Privacy NSW : Lawlink NSW


.. McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre "Legal Challenges in ... In 2002-03, Privacy NSW provided advice to the Attorney General's ..

Submissions and consultations - Australian Law Reform Commission


36.60 The Australian Privacy Foundation and the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre submitted that ... Midena Lawyers, Submission PR 363, 3 December 2007.

What is 'personal information'? - Australian Law Reform Commission


6.33 The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department noted that: .. 6.35 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre expressed support for the proposed ..

Publications & Links - Privacy NSW : Lawlink NSW


10 June 2004 - Training on new health privacy law Media Release [Word] .. Privacy Commissioner to the Government Lawyers CLE Convention, .. Officer to the Baker and McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre "Legal ..


Report: The adequacy of protections for the privacy of Australians ..


the recommendations in the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre's report: ... Australian Federal Police and Attorney-General's Department. 4 ..

Procedural requirements for access and correction requests | ALRC


Similarly, Victorian privacy law sets out specifically the timeframe within which .... 26 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR .. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Submission PR 546, ..

Prevention of misuse and loss of personal information | ALRC


The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre submitted, however, that 'misuse and .. such as Australian Government Attorney-General's Department (AGD) which ..

Identity theft | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre stated: .. Model Criminal Law Officers' Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, Discussion ..

Attorney General's Department - 11 July 2011 - Press Conference ..


This is the very first time that the Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting .. in respect to criminal law, including counterterrorism, cyber security ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Environment and ..


[22] ACCAN, Submission 11, pp 3–4; Cyberspace Law and Policy .... [65] Attorney-General's Department, answer to question on notice, 29 ..

Report 127 (2010) - Protecting Privacy in New South Wales - Law ..


In the second reading speech, the then Attorney General stated: “in cases in which the .. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Submission, 34.


Improving civics and electoral education


Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety .. The Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill increases the powers of law enforcement .. The Attorney-General's Department, Australian Federal Police and ASIO will be heard ..

Accountability and transparency - Australian Law Reform Commission


49.85 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre submitted that, as well as a ... Australian Lawyers Alliance, Submission PR 528, 21 December 2007; Office of the ..




South Wales Councils for Civil Liberties, and the Cyberspace Law and .. preservation notice within 3 days of the Attorney General refusing a ..



Yet in the age of jumbo jets, of cyberspace, of the human genome, of space travel .. Many lawyers, whose minds are still locked in the pages of their law school ..

Attorney General's Department - 3 June 2011 - Cyber security and ..


Cyber security and launch of the Cyber White Paper ... influenced discussions about privacy and the formation of information privacy laws.

Cyber Crime 2.0 versus the Twittering classes


The prime targets for attacks in 2008 were government and law .... The Attorney-General's Department is the lead agency for cyber security ..

Information destruction and retention requirements - Australian Law ..


The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre and the Australian Privacy .... 2007; Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Submission PR 546, ..

Application of the 'Anonymity and Pseudonymity' principle | ALRC


20.38 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, for example, used the .... A Sauer, 'Online Privacy and the Online Self', Lawyers Weekly, 25 January 2008, 24.

Australian Institute of Criminology - Russell G Smith


1995-1997, Consultant to the Victorian Parliamentary Law Reform Committee for its .. 1981-1985, Solicitor, HSW Lawson Hughes & Co, Melbourne ... Travelling in cyberspace on a false passport: controlling transnational ..


Chapter 3: Research and Data Collection


As noted in Chapter 2, cyber crime is highly complex, cross jurisdictional, and continually .. finance industry and law enforcement agencies. The Australian .. for accurate independent data on such losses.4 Similarly, the Attorney. General's ..

Glossary of ADR Terms - NADRAC


(Consumers International (2000) Disputes in Cyberspace). .. Collaborative Law is a form of collaborative practice where the process is led by lawyers .. participants wishing to engage in the collaborative process are supported by a lawyer.

Scope of the journalism exemption | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ..


[42] The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, for example, commented that: .... Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Government Response to ..

Chapter 12 - Report 127 (2010) - Protecting Privacy in New South ..


NSW Attorney General's Department, Review of the Privacy and .. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Submission, 34; Inner City Legal Centre ..



The growth of the Internet and the prospect of cyberspace in the coming .. It presents many advantages and not a few problems to lawyers and law-makers 6 .

Other enforcement mechanisms following non-compliance | ALRC


50.43 The Law Council of Australia argued that a civil penalty was preferable to the .. 50.49 The Attorney-General's Department publication, A Guide to Framing ... Veda Advantage, Submission PR 498, 20 December 2007; Cyberspace Law ..

Privacy-enhancing technologies - Australian Law Reform Commission


Australian Law Reform Commission ... (Paper presented at International Association of Lawyers 75th Anniversary Congress, Sydney, 28 October 2002), 9–10. .. Y Fen Lim, Cyberspace Law: Commentaries and Materials (2nd ed, 2007), 221.

Definition of 'identifier' | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


30.54 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre submitted that the 'definition of ... Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Submission PR 546, ..


Protecting Children From Online Sexual Predators Briefing Paper ..


Senior Research Officer, Politics and Government / Law . .... cyber-predators by providing that it is irrelevant to the offence that the child is a fictitious .. State Attorneys General have criticised social networking sites for not doing enough to ..

Enforcing 'own motion' investigations - Australian Law Reform ..


PIAC and the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre submitted that there should be a ... Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Government ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Internet Crime


Paying the price on the internet : funds transfer crime in cyberspace .. Adviser, Information and Security Law Division, Attorney-General's ..

Content of privacy principle dealing with identifiers - Australian Law ..


Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Submission PR 546, 24 December .. The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre agreed with this view in its ..

Commissions of inquiry | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


The OPC suggested that the matter be referred to the Attorney-General of .. The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, however, submitted that no agency should ..


Freedom of Expression and Regulation of Information in Cyberspace


the possibility of an international treaty or legal framework on cyberspace. .... In American Civil Liberties Union v Janet Reno, Attorney General of the ... new technologies, enforcement of existing laws, more active participation of parents.' ..


10-11 September 2010 Old Parliament House, Canberra


He has worked as a trade lawyer and ... rapporteur on the International Law Association .... Associate of the Cyberspace Law and Policy ..

Access to court and tribunal records | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ..


In its report on access to court records, the New Zealand Law Commission .. the portfolio of the Attorney-General's Department to the Department of the Prime .... 20 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR ..


Bullying out of control in middle years of school


the police, then go and see a lawyer and get advice there." Executive director of the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre at the University of New South. Wales ..


Defamation and the Internet: A New Challenge


involving material on the Internet will occur and what law .... Anne Flahvin (online defamation lawyer and research associate) 'Gutnick High Court. Decision: Storm in a Teacup?', Media, News & Events, Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law ..

'Negative' information | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


Nigel Waters of the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre stated that: .... the 2005–06 financial year: P Ruddock (Attorney-General), 'Amendments to Support Debt ..

Debts of children and young people | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ..


The common law applies in all Australian states and territories except New .. Representing Children and Young People: A Lawyers Practice Guide (2002), 240. .. 19 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission ..


Government Response House of Representatives Standing ..


Rich Text Format - The Committee's report makes clear that cyber space is an increasingly .. under the auspices of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) to review .. Effective arrangements for law enforcement to access data held overseas will ..


Submission cover sheet - Gambling inquiry


The Australian Institute of Criminology's cyber crime research. In May 2009, the House .. The AIC continues to work closely with the Australian Government Attorney-General's .. This creates difficulties for law enforcement in terms of detection, ..

Federal courts | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


In administrative law, it has been held that the expression 'decision of an ... between adjudicative and administrative functions, the Cyberspace Law and Policy ... Society of Australia (1956) 94 CLR 254; Attorney-General (Cth) v The Queen ..

Credit providers | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


54.124 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre supported a narrower definition .. doctors, dentists, lawyers and plumbers leaving very few entities that could not ..

Inquiry into Cyber Crime - Parliament of Australia


Inquiry into Cyber Crime. Inquiry home .. Law Society of Western Australia (PDF 1460KB) · Mr Paul Myers (PDF .. Attorney-General's Department (PDF 228KB) ..




Invasion of Privacy. NSW Law Reform Commission iii. Letter to the Attorney General. To the Hon John Hatzistergos. Attorney General for New South Wales ..

Exemption for registered political parties, political acts and practices ..


[61] The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, for example, submitted that: .... of Representatives, 12 April 2000, 15749 (D Williams—Attorney-General), 15753.

Report 125 (2009) - The Offices of the Information and Privacy ..


.. the Director General of the Department of Justice and Attorney General ... Credit Legal Centre NSW, Submission to CP 3, 1; Cyberspace Law ..

Arguments for removing the exemption - Australian Law Reform ..


40.44 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre stated that the high number of .... of Representatives, 12 April 2000, 15749 (D Williams—Attorney-General), ..


The Globalisation of the Consumer – How the - Attorney-General's ..


This paper is, by necessity, a brief summary of the laws in these areas and is ... has made a determination regarding the issue of jurisdiction in cyberspace.


Government Response – Hackers, Fraudsters and Botnets: Tackling ..


The Committee's report makes clear that cyber space is an increasingly .. under the auspices of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) to review .. Effective arrangements for law enforcement to access data held overseas will ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Cyberstalking and harassment


5+ items – New South Wales Society for Computers and the Law journal ..

An exploration of predatory behaviour in cyberspace : towards a typology of ..

Report on cyberstalking : a new challenge for law enforcement and industry

Access to personal information: exceptions - Australian Law Reform ..


.. the then Attorney-General of Australia referred to the ALRC for inquiry and report ... The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, for example, was concerned that ..


Chapter [No.]: [Chapter Title]


laws targeting cyber crime—including such offences as unauthorised .. 11 Mr McDonald, Attorney-General's Department, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, ..

Cross-border Data Flows - Australian Law Reform Commission


31.108 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre expressed its support for the concept .... The Attorney-General's Department argued for the explicit inclusion of ..




accountability of law, including lawyers' law, to the people who are governed by it. .... Of course, cyberspace is not always a beautiful hunting ground of liberal ..


Chapter 2: Nature, Prevalence and Economic Impact of Cyber Crime


with the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, from the University of New .... with identity theft: Protecting your identity, Attorney General's Department (AGD), ..

Electronic commerce expert groups report - Attorney-General's ..


While a number of articles in the Model Law deal with electronic .... Cyberspace radically undermines the relationship between legally ..


Communiqué Standing Council on Law and Justice 18 November ..


The inaugural meeting of the Standing Council on Law and Justice (SCLJ) was .. The Commonwealth, State and Territory Attorneys-General and .. bullying whether in the workplace, school yard, sporting club, cyberspace or ..



The lawyers and judges of today are living through a remarkable .. It is beneficial to the rule of law, the maintenance of peace and security and the defence of .... Flows of Personal Data, Paris, 1980. cf "Privacy in Cyberspace" in M D Kirby, ..

Access, correction and annotation | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ..


Federal Information Laws - Access, correction and annotation .... Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Freedom of Information Annual .. and L Bygrave—Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 183, ..

ACMA - IFC 15/2011


.. Attorney-General's Department · Baston, Stan (Geelong Deaf Social .. David (Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Faculty of Law, UNSW) ..


Binding codes | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


Law reform agencies · Law reform resources ... Submission PR 499, 20 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR .. This view was shared by the Australian Lawyers Alliance: Australian Lawyers Alliance, ..

Privacy Victoria - Conference to show Privacy is not just Child's Play


Texting, sexting, cyber-bullying, surveillance and the law, youth in the media and safe .. To be opened by Attorney General, Rob Hulls, the one day conference ..

Chapter 5 - Report 127 (2010) - Protecting Privacy in New South ..


Exemptions for law enforcement and investigation .... The then Attorney General, the Hon JW Shaw, explained the purpose of s 27 as follows: ... Cyberspace Law and Policy Review Centre, Submission, 28; Australian Privacy ..

Australian Parliamentary Library - 1995-96 Research Paper 35


Citizens using the new medium require a less complex law ... Perritt has proposed that a model code of cyberspace law be enacted by the United Nations. ... community was when the lawyers Canter and Siegel posted advertisements (for ..


Cyber enforcement in the financial services sector


The present law and regulatory structure in Australia however, does not yet fully .. The cyber world has made dramatic changes to the way the financial services .... lawyers and the general public with better access to ASIC information. It ..




been a pioneer in the analysis of cyber crime, and this paper adds to that body of .... federal laws to be written in order to ... the Attorney General to the Vice ..

Identity Cards


Roy Jordan, Law and Bills Digest Section ... Ewart Smith was Deputy Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department. ... University of New South Wales, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre · Australian Privacy Foundation ..

Discussion Paper proposal - Australian Law Reform Commission


40.31 In the Discussion Paper, Review of Australian Privacy Law (DP 72), the .. 2007; Australian Lawyers Alliance, Submission PR 528, 21 December 2007; .. 19 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR ..

Australian Direct Marketing Association (ADMA) - Revocation and ..


Attorney Generals Department 24.02.04. D04+10052.pdf .. Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW Inc 12.09.03 .. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre 14.09.03 ..


Introduction - Victorian Law Reform Commission


1.1 public places. The Victorian Attorney-General asked the Victorian Law Reform ... considered cyberspace-related surveillance in this inquiry. We do note ..


ALRC Report 108, PDF Vol 2 - Australian Law Reform Commission


Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Copyright Law Branch, Attorney-General's .... Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 487, ..

Arguments for removing the exemption - Australian Law Reform ..


39.70 The OPC Review recommended that the Attorney-General consider .... G Greenleaf, N Waters and L Bygrave—Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW ..


NSW Law Reform Commission Annual Report 2008-09


referred to it by the Attorney General. Law reform projects cover a diverse range .... Challenges: The ALRC and NSWLRC Reviews, Cyberspace Law and Policy ..


Chapter 8: Consumer Protection


to better protect ordinary end users from cyber crime: .. State Attorney‐General‟s office.8. 8.10 ... The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre (CLPC) argued ..

Identity verification | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


57.160 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre noted that, despite many submissions on the .... Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Identity ..

Report 123 (2009) - Privacy principles - Law Reform .. - LawLink NSW


Again, the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre was firmly of the view that they ... Although the Attorney-General's Department viewed this as an ..

High Court of Australia - Publications - Speeches by Former Members


Central Queensland Law Association - Dinner to Celebrate the Centenary of the First .... UNESCO, International Dimensions of Cyberspace Law, "Protection of ..

Records | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


The ALRC noted that the Victorian Law Reform Commission is currently .. inquiry will be considered by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. ... Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 487, 19 December 2007.

Commercial notes No 13 - Australian Government Solicitor


AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Papers by AGS lawyers .. and the beginning of a new era of accountability in Australian cyberspace. .. 2 Other areas of potential liability include defamation laws 3 and liability for ..

Arts; Law in the Whirligig of Time, Arts Law Centre of Australia, 20th ..


We celebrated the foundation of the Arts Law Centre of Australia when it occurred in 1983. We celebrated its .. Their names must come before the lawyers. ... Who knows what a world of art lives, in potential, in cyberspace?

Third party access | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


.. (ie they do not need to be lawyers, financial planners, finance brokers etc). ... 20 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR ..

International Law - The Impact of National Constitutions, 7th Annual ..


In a time of cyberspace, genomics, satellites, jumbo jets and global perils ... judges and lawyers, in the ideas of their law school lecture notes, ..


Government Response House of Representatives Standing ..


under the auspices of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) to ... country's law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute cyber ..




MAURUSHAT, Ms Alana, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, The University of New South Wales,. Deputy Director, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre.



It is hard enough to ensure effective law enforcement in domestic jurisdiction. .. Lawyers usually think in jurisdictional terms. .. confront the elusive criminal who manipulates cyberspace or who pulls levers from an ever shifting overseas base.

Chapter 2 - Report 127 (2010) - Protecting Privacy in New South ..


2.21 The Australian Law Reform Commission (“ALRC”) has .... of Justice and Attorney General, are audited by the Auditor-General: Public Finance .. Australian Privacy Foundation, Submission, 5; Cyberspace Law and Policy ..

Copyright Law Review Committee - Adam Gatt Part 3


Mr Gutnick's lawyers argue that publication occurred when it was .. A NSW court can't try to extend its laws to an unknown number of jurisdictions in cyberspace, ..

Private investigators | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


44.60 If privacy laws impact unduly on the functions of private investigators, there .. of Attorneys-General (SCAG) consider the regulation of private investigators .... 2 January 2008; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR ..

Audit functions | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


The Australian Lawyers Alliance, for example, suggested that the fact that the .... Law Centre, Submission PR 491, 19 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and ..

Australian Crime Commission | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ..


The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre argued that the ACC should be required to ... Attorney-General's Department preparing national level strategic law ..


Implications for law enforcements of the move to a cashless society


by G WAHLERT - - challenge to regulators generally, and law enforcement ... lawsuit-hungry lawyers.” Similarly, the Internet ... cyberspace, which transcends physical boundaries?

Options for reform | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


The advantages of a single national law include guaranteed uniformity across ... and L Bygrave—Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 183, .. of Film and Literature Classification into the Attorney-General's Department: ..

Chapter 10 - Report 127 (2010) - Protecting Privacy in New South ..


NSW Attorney General's Department, Review of the Privacy and ... Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Submission, 33; Public Interest ..

Cyber Crime | Australian Crime Commission


Download: Cyber Crime Fact Sheet ( 866KB) .. to reach new victims, to maintain anonymity and evade detection by law enforcement. ... This fact sheet was developed in collaboration with Attorney-General's Department and ..

Federal tribunals | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


It falls under the portfolio of the Attorney-General of Australia. ... 35.61 Both the Australian Privacy Foundation and the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre ..


12 December 2007


Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre (via teleconference). 12.15 pm – 1.00 pm. Telstra. 1.00 pm – 1.30 pm. Break. 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm. Attorney ..

Alternative dispute resolution bodies - Australian Law Reform ..


The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre also considered safety concerns to be ... by an organisation designated by the Attorney-General or a designated court.

Australian Institute of Criminology - Definitions and general information


15+ items – Statute and treaty law both refer to cybercrime. In Australia ..

Review of the legal status and rights of victims of identity theft in Australaia

Cybertraps : an overview of crime, misconduct and security risks in the cyber ..

Data security | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Response to .. 19 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 487, ..


Report - The law enforcement implications of new technology


Attorneys-General whether regulation of the use of TI could be delegated to .. Recommendation 9: That a national cyber-forensic facility be established (para.

Pages - Attorney-General for Australia - Home


Attorney-General Robert McClelland delivered the keynote address to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime entitled Cyberspace: ..

Scope and structure of Unified Privacy Principles - Australian Law ..


Australian Law Reform Commission ... Act 1998 (NSW) pt 2, div 1; Queensland Government Department of Justice and Attorney-General, .. 19 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 487, 19 December ..

Morry Schwartz on defamation law | State Library of Victoria


We formally complained to the ACT Law Society, alleging this lawyer had .... transnational world of cyberspace' [2003] Melbourne University Law Review 21.




Attorney-General's Department .. Concerns around cyber-safety and children and .. Bravehearts recommends a National Law Enforcement Cyber-Safety ..




Borders in Cyberspace: Conflicting Public Sector Information Policies and .... Neale Hooper (Principal Lawyer, Crown Law, Department of Justice and ..

Evaluative material | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission


40.126 At common law, an employer (or a former employer) does not have an .... Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Government ... 19 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 487, ..


OP7-96 Strat Set - Attorney-General's Department


Attorney-General's Department. The Changing Nature of Fraud in Australia. Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to alert law enforcement policy developers ..

International privacy protection - Australian Law Reform Commission


.. the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department noted that the small .. 31.24 In evidence to the Senate Committee privacy inquiry, the Law Institute of .... Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, 'Announcement: Asia-Pacific Privacy ..

Report 123 (2009) - Privacy principles - Law Reform .. - LawLink NSW


Commenting on UPP 11, the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre was .... with the advice of the Crown Solicitor and the Privacy Commissioner.


Connecting with Confidence Optimising Australia's Digital Future - A ..


together minimise cyber risks so we can maximise social and .. emergency response team (CERT Australia) in the Attorney-General's Department, the. Cyber ... usually enforce their terms of service, tend to cooperate with law ..


Speech by Mr Mike Burgess Deputy Director Cyber and Information ..


Cyber and Information Security at the Defence Signals Directorate. It is my ... The Attorney General in November 2009 released the .. on data from the intelligence and law enforcement community, industry and open sources ..


A typology of online child pornography offending


by T Krone - - pornography offending, as well as law enforcement responses to the problem. .. (Attorney-General's Department 2004). .... involving cyber sex or physical sex.


Surveillance: An Interim Report


6 US v Knotts - see Lessig L, Post D & Volokh E, Cyberspace Law for Non-Lawyers, Social Science. Electronic Publishing Inc, USA : www.ssrn.


CHAPTER 6: MAXIMISING THE .. - Attorney-General's Department


54 The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, 'The Commonwealth Lawyer Law in the Age of Fantastic Technological. Change', derived from a talk given to the ..


Access to personal information


Contents. NSW Law Reform Commission iii. Letter to the Attorney General. To the Hon John Hatzistergos. Attorney General for New South Wales. Dear Attorney ..

Report 123 (2009) - Privacy principles - Law Reform Commission ..


0.16 The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre note that the ALRC .. the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General.23 The Government is aiming ..

Former - High Court of Australia


Of 'Sham' and Other Lessons for Australian Revenue Law, Melbourne .... UNESCO, International Dimensions of Cyberspace Law, "Protection of Privacy and ..



You have been be called to the colours of the law because our work is the .. In fact it was the Federal Attorney General, the Honourable Michael Lavarch MP. .... to Australia in a world of cyberspace, of inter-planetary flight and of all the other ..

Lawlink NSW: Select bibliography


ARDILL, A, “The Right to a Fair Trial” (2000) 25 Alternative Law .. Amendment in Cyberspace” (1995) 104 Yale Law Journal 1639 .. GRIFFIN, H, “Prejudicial Publicity: Search for a Civil Remedy” (1967) 42 Notre Dame Lawyer ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Speeches portal


A speech by ASIC Chairman, Tony D'Aloisio, Supreme Court of Victoria Law .. Securities and Investments Commission to the Australian Corporate Lawyers .... 'Regulatory initiatives by ASIC in the cyber age', a presentation by Jillian Segal, ..

Cyber-safety and cyber security | HSC Legal Studies: News Watch


For additional information on cyber-safety and cyber security, the Federal Attorney-General has a useful website on Cyber Security. Our blog ..


Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety


The AIC has worked closely with the Australian Government Attorney-General's .. legal and law enforcement framework, and sought to identify the crime risks ..

Report 123 (2009) - Privacy principles - Law Reform .. - LawLink NSW


8.20 The ALRC rejected an argument from the Cyberspace Law and Policy .... NSW Attorney General's Department, Review of the Privacy and ..


Online child grooming: a literature review on the misuse of social ..


by KKR Choo - as children in cyberspace to secure their trust and cooperation. As trust is developed .. commissioned by the Attorney-General's Department to search for, locate and report on ... Scarborough, Frakes and San Martin's law enforcement survey ..

Key themes in a 'technology aware' framework - Australian Law ..


10.14 Cyberspace regulatory theorists disagree on the role that should be taken by .. Otherwise, the regulation through law can be circumvented or undermined, ... at International Association of Lawyers 75th Anniversary Congress, Sydney, ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Child abuse images and ..


5+ items – Home - Crime types - Cybercrime: Key links - Illegal internet ..

Child pornography law

Unauthorised photographs on the Internet and ancillary privacy issues ..

Need to Know - No 1 September-November 2003 - Privacy NSW ..


Privacy laws should be harmonised and tailored to address the particular challenges .. by family lawyers, geneticists and representatives of life insurance ... Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, The University of NSW, Sydney ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Watching over Civil Justice


In August the VLRC asked the Attorney-General for a six-month extension of its .. from experts in two areas—the consideration of cyberspace as a public place ..




Contract Law and that the government put in place comprehensive measures .... 1968 could be misread or misinterpreted by lawyers and courts to suggest that .... In Code and other Laws Of Cyberspace, Lawrence Lessig comments that such ..

Lawlink NSW: Bibliography


ARDILL, A, “The right to a fair trial” (2000) 25 Alternative Law .. First Amendment in cyberspace” (1995) 104 Yale Law Journal 1639 .. GRIFFIN, H, “Prejudicial publicity: search for a civil remedy” (1967) 42 Notre Dame Lawyer ..


93291 ADMINTRIBUNAL 2008 Text


Vaile, Director, Cyberspace and Policy Law. Centre, UNSW; David Norris, Senior Solicitor,. Crown Solicitor's Office; and Monica Attard,. Presenter 'Media Watch' ..


Country Advice


Korea… Cyber libel of government officials, business executives, law makers, and .... law indicates the applicant has a right to representation by a lawyer.

Privacy impact assessments - Australian Law Reform Commission


Home - Publications - For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and .... Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Submission to the Attorney-General's Department .. 21 December 2007; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission ..

Privacy Issues within Government - Australia (eGovernment ..


.. Wong – an intellectual property lawyer who runs AGW Consulting and is current .. "Computer experts have expressed alarm over draft laws on how the ... University of New South Wales, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre.

Retaining an exemption for journalistic acts and practices | ALRC


42.10 In the Discussion Paper, Review of Australian Privacy Law (DP 72), the ... Unlike the position with, for example, doctors or lawyers, working journalists are ... L Bygrave—Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW, Submission PR 183, ..




according to one of the nation's most experienced law enforcers, Bill Coad. Mr Coad, who retires .. financial system in cyberspace. “That alone will provide .. Attorney General in 1989, building on his skills as the deputy chairman of the then ..


Greater coordination between legal services providers


The Report of the Family Law Pathways Advisory Group identified[3] the ... the outplacement of a Victoria Legal Aid family lawyer in the Victorian Aboriginal .... growing flows of trade, investment and technology.. irrelevant in cyberspace




CHIDGEY, Ms Sarah, Assistant Secretary, Criminal Law and Law ... Cyber Security Strategy that the Attorney-General publicly released on ..


Parliamentary Committee Inquiry “Cyber-Safety”


on adult behaviour as there are clear laws and definitions that cover these areas. Cyber .... constitutional or cyber-free speech lawyer may have to be retained.


Electronic communications technologies are affording children and ..


by B Spears - 2010 - Australian and international responses to current cyber-safety threats.…..23 a. .... In Australian and New Zealand law, bullying and therefore cyberbullying, is ..

Classification Enforcement Contacts Forum - Australian Law Reform ..


On 24 March 2011, the Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Robert McClelland MP, asked the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to ..

Attorney General's Department - 6 October 2011 - 2011 Centre of ..


For example, our increasing dependence on cyber systems has become ... Africa and the Pacific to promote the rule of law and achieve greater ..


cyber chat


In the last issue, Cyber Chat looked at .. incidents in South Australia, the SA Attorney. General aims to .. a school authority's common law duty ..


Review of Privacy Discussion Paper 72 of the Australian Law ..


Committee of Attorneys General maintain a supervisory role over any .... suggested by the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW36, ..


Defamation Law Reform Revisited Briefing Paper No 13/2002


Defamation Law Reform: Declarations of Falsity and Other Issues by .... for defamation law reform in NSW, namely, the report of the Attorney General's .... G Heaton, 'Punishing the gatekeeper: ISP liability for defamation in cyberspace' (August ..

Cyber Security - Australia (eGovernment Resource Centre)


Articles and resources about trends and issues relating to cyber security in Australia. .. Attorney-General outlines cyber security strategy: Collaboration, .. to the law to give schools greater powers to deal with cyber-bullying.." ..




by J Zeleznikow - Through an examination of bargaining in the shadow of the law and principled ... Online Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts in Cyberspace. .. Bring in the Lawyers: Challenging the Dominant Approaches to Ensuring Fairness in Divorce ..

Pages - Home


Go to the Commonwealth Law Ministers' Meeting website .. Attorney-General Robert McClelland delivered the keynote address to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime entitled Cyberspace: the new international legal frontier.


Wilson, Frances (REPS)


Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, U.N.S.W Visiting Feliow in Computer .... small companies, merely because they receive a threatening letter from a lawyer ..


Fraud and Identity Theft Briefing Paper No 8/03


by R Lozusic - 2003 - - Senior Research Officer, Politics and Government / Law . .... different places, and the money has been moved at the speed of light through cyberspace”. (p 2 of 12, .. Mike Hatch is the Minnesota Attorney General. p 12 of internet download. 10 ..



There were two cases on State laws affecting lunatics; one case involving a State .. of computer technology and modern pharmaceuticals, the judge or lawyer of .... In but two decades computers, the Internet and Cyberspace have taken hold.

Pages - home(Transcripts)


Go to the Commonwealth Law Ministers' Meeting website .. Attorney-General addresses the Council of Europe on the Convention on .. the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime entitled Cyberspace: the new international legal frontier.




The National Children's and Youth Law Centre ("NCYLC" or “Centre”) is the only .. In addressing the issues related to Cyber-safety, the Centre has adopted a child .... the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys ..

Interview with Justice Kirby, by Jordan Tilse, 28 April 2003


His contribution to human rights law both in Australia and .. Information technology and cyberspace demand responses from a co-operative .. Past generations of lawyers didn't have to worry too much about international law.


Responding to online child sexual grooming: an industry perspective


by KKR Choo - Relevant cases are then able to be referred to law enforcement agencies or ISPs for further action. James E Finch,. Assistant Director of the Cyber Division ..


Crime at work


Estimating its costs was important in directing law enforcement into areas .... Industrial relations lawyers say the decision could have wider implications for ..

Blog Competition | Cyber White Paper


Want your words to appear in Australia's first Cyber White Paper. .. Our own Attorney general SHOULD have instigated our own investigation .. a user and law maker, and police in and with these products by this company.


Submission - Law enforcement implications of new technology


Other law enforcement agencies also require an effective cyber-forensics capacity. ... The scheme could involve reports to the relevant Attorney General and ..


Appendices - Victorian Law Reform Commission


Victorian Law Reform Commission – Surveillance in Public Places: Final Report 18. 170. Appendix ... Ethics 53. Attorney-General's Department, Australian Government, A ... Cyberspace—Implications for the Asia–Pacific' (Paper presented at ..

Social Media: What's the Risk? (eGovernment Resource Centre)


Cyber: the risk of cyber attack (viruses, spyware) .. Isabel Parsons, Special Counsel, Victorian Government Solicitors Office, continued talking about ... between Commonwealth, State and Territory law enforcement agencies.

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Finance and Public ..


Chapter 2 - Proposed reforms to freedom of information laws ... Government Solicitor Government Law Group, 3 February 2005, ... Finance Public Administration Committee, Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, January 2010, p.

Federal Law Review - 40th Anniversary Dinner - Supreme Court ..


Sir Kenneth Bailey, then Solicitor General of the Commonwealth in a ... Reassessing the Law Review in the Age of Cyberspace" (1996) 71 ..


The Globalisation of the Consumer - How the Law is Responding By ..


This paper is, by necessity, a brief summary of the laws in these areas and is limited .... has made a determination regarding the issue of jurisdiction in cyberspace. .... York State Attorney General's Office and ultimately $111000 was paid to ..

Lawlink NSW: Bibliography


AUSTRALIA, ATTORNEY GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, Review of .. AUSTRALIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION, Evidence (Report 38, AGPS, Canberra, ... in Cyberspace Transactions” (1998) 50 Stanford Law Review 1193 ..


ALIA - Attorney-General's Department


In Code and other Laws Of Cyberspace, Lawrence Lessig comments that such contractual clauses undermine the rights of consumers, and the sovereignty of ..


Beyond Interest Based Bargaining - Incorporating Interests and ..


by J Zeleznikow - Alexander (1997) has argued that in Australian Family Law, women tend to be more reluctant than men to continue conflict .... Online Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts in Cyberspace. .. Bring in the Lawyers: Challenging the Dominant ..




by BF Fitzgerald - 2010 - - Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Innovation (QUT Faculty of .... Borders in Cyberspace: Conflicting Public Sector Information Policies and .... Now many of those working on this open information initiative are lawyers, and what I like ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Copyright offences


The blending of private and public law enforcement efforts mirrors developments elsewhere .. Canberra: Attorney-General's Department; Business Software Alliance 2004. .. Electronic theft: unlawful acquisition in cyberspace.



This is my first visit to the University, although the fame of its School of Law and Justice .. And that presents terrible difficulties for a lawyer, and especially a judge. .. can operate with law and justice for all Australians in the age of cyberspace.

privacynsw - Privacy NSW : Lawlink NSW


On 18 March 2010 the Attorney General recently tabled two Law Reform Commission ... The Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre at UNSW is holding this one-day ..


Internet related fraud : crisis or beat-up?


from three perspectives: empirical and statistical studies; how the law and law .... Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General 2000) ... Committee on Crime Problems, Committee of Experts on Crime in Cyber-Space, 22 ..


Censorship Law : Issues & Developments Briefing Paper No 3/99


Censorship: Law and Administration by Gareth Griffith, Background. Paper 3/93. ISSN 1325- .... for Police is reported to have asked the Federal Attorney General to look to the tightening of laws .... censorship of cyberspace. In particular, the ..


Inquiry Into Cyber-Safety


by MT Adams - 2010 - Inquiry Into Cyber-Safety by the Australian Parliament's Joint Select Committee .... In the U.S., both legislation and law enforcement practices around 'sexting' are emerging to .. attorneys have begun prosecuting teens who created and shared ..




family law, mediation and conciliation evolved out of counselling, whereas industry dispute ... (Consumers International (2000) Disputes in Cyberspace) ... example, lawyers or agents) to identify issues to be negotiated, develop options, ..

e-bulletin: May 2010 - Australian Human Rights Commission


Commission President Cathy Branson QC, with federal Attorney-General Robert .. New methods needed to challenge problems posed in cyberspace .. Bill 2010 and Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Bill 2010 (6 May 2010) ..


1 Towards An Australian Fair Use Defence Steve Collins 1.1 ..


by S Collins - - referred to as the issues paper) released by the Attorney General's office. .... Lessig, L. Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace (1999) New York: Basic Books ..

Rationale for the exemption of the intelligence and defence ..


34.20 Under s 8A of the ASIO Act, the Attorney-General may give the .... The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre argued that these agencies should not be ..



Attorney General Rob Hulls today announced that he was .. in Victoria, whether it takes place in the streets of Melbourne or cyberspace.

Lawlink NSW: 3. Overt surveillance: issues


Employers' desire to check up on employee activity in cyberspace has .... law enforcement agencies, associations representing lawyers, and ..

Report 126 (2010) - Access to personal information - Law Reform ..


2.9 Case law supports the view that “personal information” means any .... 2.40 The statutory review of PPIPA, conducted by the NSW Attorney General's .... Submission, 5; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Submission, 12; ..


Jessie Porteus - Attorney-General's Department


by J PORTEUS - 2011 serious invasions of privacy, this area of law now necessitates .... This and other situations of cyber-bullying indicate that the law currently ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - View paper


Social-networking sites are currently working with law enforcement .. The lack of visual cues in cyberspace that may assist child victims in ... More recently, MySpace reportedly provided the Connecticut Attorney General with ..

Copyright Law Review Committee - AVCC Part 4 - Attorney ..


Discusses implications of strengthening the law of private obligations ... article, Brennan D, "Locksmiths and Safecrackers in Cyberspace", p3.


Information Systems Audit Report


business. however, operating in cyberspace carries serious security ... The Department of the Attorney General welcomed the opportunity to ..

Accessibility Legal Cases - Southwest Airlines - Archive ..


Miami Daily Business Review., 7 October 2002. "When Robert .. Internet: 1, Lawyers: 0 - The ADA in cyberspace . By James L.


Public Library News August 2011, Vol 17 No 2


revisit Law Week 2011 and discover great food and stories at .... in cyberspace forever. There were three .. to invite Legal Aid lawyer Jean-Anne Searson back ..


Submission - Inquiry into the Privacy Act 1988


by R Clarke - 2005 - The Attorney-General's Department has adopted the mantra of ... McKenzie Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre at the University of N.S.W., ..


Future directions in the criminal law


Ovey C., 'The European Convention on Human Rights and the Criminal Lawyer: An Introduction' [1998] Criminal Law. Review 4; Buxton R., 'The Human Rights ..

Commercial Litigation: Tips for Success and Traps for the Unwary: A ..


4 Bewes, in referring to the distinctive elements in the Law Merchant, wrote: .. Hence the word "cyberspace" (the term was coined by Gibson, .. It is therefore reasonable to note that had solicitors not kept pace with what ..




aspect of the reference to go to the Attorney General in March 2009. 1. .. Senator John Faulkner, Speech to the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre Symposium ..

The Prosecutor in a Shrinking World


By contrast, the world of the law enforcement official is still one of .. In Australia as elsewhere, transactions, legal and illegal, occur in cyberspace in fractions of .. In general, lawyers are by training extremely parochial. By and ..




Information and Security Law Division, Attorney-General's Department . .... Ms JULIE BISHOP—if they are operating only in cyberspace.

13535 searches - Trove


06:33:25, " Cyberspace". 06:33: .... 06:26:10, subject:"j. reuben clark law school" .. 06:43:31, Summary outline: ethical and legal issues facing securities lawyers ..


Submission - Higher education funding and regulatory legislation


3.2.11 Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre 17 .... At KLC, students work closely with a solicitor and have the opportunity to interact with clients ..


Computer Crime: Crisis or Beat-Up?


studies; how law enforcement and prosecutors have coped; whether the law has kept .. Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General 2000). .... Problems, Committee of Experts on Crime in Cyber-Space, 22 December ..


AD IRLM 1rJE]]) VII]]) JE CQ)§ IIJN 1rIBIJE IN CO) ffi 1rIBIJE ffiJN ..


for the $34 million-a-year industry - federal Attorney General Daryl Williams is .... For further discussion of "Law in Cyberspace" see article appearing in the ..


Australian Federal Police - Attorney-General's Department


One of the key challenges to law enforcement is the ability of criminals to exploit new technology, particularly in cyberspace. The AFP will continue to increase ..


THE HON. JOEL FITZGIBBON MP Minister for Defence


for a major new investment in Defence's cyber warfare capability, including .. intelligence, law enforcement and industry communities to provide a .. include the Attorney General's Department as the lead agency for e-security ..


Australian Education Union Submission Joint Select Committee on ..


The AEU welcomes the opportunity to comment on matters of cyber- .... Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, the Attorney ..

Copyright Law Review Committee - Chapter 5 Footnotes


51AB is a more ample concept than at general law, it "would be ... he was ably represented by a well known entertainment lawyer during negotiations. .... Protection of intellectual property in cyberspace: jurisdictional issues.

Three Tasmanian Law Reformers


A lawyer from Hobart, to the very end he was looking ahead and to the .... treasure-house of the law reports - now also present in cyberspace.




within the legal profession and the community with lawyers now promoting the use of ADR and .. Law Society of New South Wales' Mediation Program6 and the Victorian .... As the ADR industry develops and reaches into cyberspace, ADR ..


Privacy 20/98


Privacy and Data Protection Law Reform: Some Relevant Issues by. Gareth Griffith, Briefing Paper No 15/96. C ... Privacy in cyberspace . .. Attorney General foreshadowing the introduction of 'Australia's most comprehensive privacy and data ..

Annual Report 2002-2003: Chapter 7


(Meeting with Muslim Lawyers Group, Melbourne, 27 May 2003) .... Race in cyberspace, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre seminar on International ..


Paying the price on the Internet : funds transfer crime in cyberspace


by RG Smith - Tyree 1990; Kennison v Daire (1986) 160 CLR 129; R v Evenett; ex parte Attorney- .... Cavazos, E. A. and Morin, G. 1994, Cyberspace and the Law: Your Rights ..

The Fourth Hamlyn Lecture 2003 (shortened version), The Hamlyn ..


.. the law to the age of cyberspace, the genome and global human rights. ... be told, so that it will be understood by lawyer and citizen alike?


Future directions in technology-enabled crime: 2007–09


by KKR Choo - - The Centre is an internationally innovative approach to policing cyberspace .. developments will have for law enforcement in terms of creating needs for additional .... The need to enhance the skill base of lawyers, judges, juries, and court ..


Bills Digest 115, 2009-10 - Freedom of Information Amendment ..


P Ruddock MP (then Attorney-General), Australian Law Reform .... For example, Nigel Waters from the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - March 2011


European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice 19(1) 2011: 1-13 .. Securing your business against cyber based legal threats / Justin Lawrence .. Time to re-visit a stark situation, say ALS lawyers / Anne Susskind ..




The Victorian Law Reform Commission gratefully acknowledges advice and helpful .. part of the process of advising the Attorney-General on priority areas, the .... argue that invasions of privacy in the electronic environment of cyberspace ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. Should the sub judice rule be retained?


2.13 In international law, the right to freedom of expression is enshrined in the .... In Attorney General v Time Inc Magazine Co Pty Ltd, Chief Justice .... communications taking place in cyberspace.124 Among the issues raised ..


WOG Licensing Project Stage 2 Report


by N Hooper - 2006 - Neale Hooper (Principal Lawyer, Crown Law, Department of Justice and .... Weiss, article from US Department of Commerce, “Borders in Cyberspace: ..


Copyright infringement


MJ Simpson, “Colonising Cyberspace: Life and law on the electronic frontier”, .. two discussion papers through the Departments of the Attorney-General and of ..




recommendation) it must comply with the Corporations Law “know your client” .. Office of New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, “From Wall Street to Web .. Exchange Commission, “On-Line Brokerage: Keeping Apace of Cyberspace”, ..




2005, 'Criminal profiling and insider cyber crime', Computer Law & Security Report, .... departments of Attorneys-General; Commonwealth, State and Territory ..




Barrister, Senior Fellow, Law Faculty University of Melbourne. .... The “CLRC” was established by the Commonwealth Attorney-General to advise on specific ..

Electronic Commerce: Security Issues (Research Paper 12 1998-99)


Regulatory controls may restrict e-commerce and other laws but might also assist ... mail (e-mail), cyber (digital) electronic cash, messaging and Web-Television.(2) The .... On 31 March 1998, the Attorney-General's Expert Group on Electronic ..


Incorporating Fairness into Development of an Integrated Multi ..


The backlog in disputants seeing lawyers or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners .. IMODRE provides negotiation advice in the domain of Australian Family Law disputes, .... Online Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts in Cyberspace.


Report - Recent trends in practices and methods of cybercrime


the State and Territory Attorneys-General to ensure that priority is given to the .. directed training for law enforcement agencies, and the development of a whole of ... we are not concentrating just on the Internet œ and cyber is usually referred ..

Balancing Rights


By contrast, the world of the law enforcement official is still one of practical, technical, legal .. transactions, legal and illegal, occur in cyberspace in fractions of seconds. .. It is also changing as lawyers increasingly seek practical experience by ..


Appendix B - List of Exhibits


Ngaanyatjarra Community Law and Justice Submission to the Attorney. General of .. Travelling in Cyberspace on a False Passport: Controlling Transnational ..


Appendix B – List of Exhibits


Ngaanyatjarra Community Law and Justice Submission to the Attorney. General of .. Travelling in Cyberspace on a False Passport: Controlling Transnational ..

Report 123 (2009) - Privacy principles - Law Reform Commission ..


As a result, the Commonwealth Attorney-General asked the ALRC not .... 9.36 The ALRC agreed with the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre ..


Normal - Default Template


Rich Text Format - 2.4 Corporate Law Economic Reform Program ¾ Other Elements 12 ... In particular, it offers the ability to transact business in 'cyberspace' ie outside the national .... Commerce Expert Group under the auspices of the Attorney-General.


1008 AGIMO Futures Vol2 17-5.indd


Partner, Blake Dawson Waldron, Lawyers, Canberra; formerly General .... and the Co-Director of the Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre.


1008 AGIMO Futures Vol2 17-5.indd


by M Sathye - - Professor, School of Law, Division of Business, Law and Information .. The federal Attorney-General's Department has defined fraud as 'dishonestly .... P, Smith RG & Dempsey G 2001, Electronic theft: unlawful acquisition in cyberspace, ..




by CJOF VICTORIA Law and Order debate seems to have gained extraordinary focus. .. It is largely not connected to, say, cyber safety or security of ... side of the contemplated dissemination is understood by the lawyers representing the ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Confirmed speakers


Mr Burger has practiced law for more than 18 years. .. In 2006, Adam commenced work as a solicitor with a Melbourne firm, specialising in .... Mr Martinez was promoted to Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI's Cyber Division.




by E Hudson - Centre for Media and Communications Law and. Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia. The University of Melbourne. Intellectual Property Research ..


Science, Crime Prevention and Law Enforcement, 2 June 2000


PMSEIC Working Group on Science, Crime Prevention & Law Enforcement .... cyberspace will depend upon the proper functioning of, not just agencies of ... Attorney-Generals' Departments or equivalent; Directors of Public ..


AIIA Policy Strategy


AIIA is acutely aware of the cyber-security risks to ongoing safe use and exploitation of digital infrastructure, and ... What is later done with the assumed identity attracts law enforcement attention .. Committee of Attorneys-General. March 2008.

Trafficking and the Sex Industry: from Impunity to Protection


Existing Australian law and policy is assessed in light of these developments. .. drug importation, firearms smuggling, terrorism, sex tourism, cyber-crime, .... by either the Commonwealth Attorney-General, Director of Public Prosecutions or ..

Government inquiries and reviews


The Gillard Government announced it will develop Australia's first Cyber White Paper to ..Attorney-General Robert McClelland said the White Paper will be a .. ALRC (Australian Law Reform Commission) and asked it to conduct widespread ..


Copyright and contracts in the digital environment COPYRIGHT ..


The second issue is which law should the forum court apply? .... Secondly, as is very common with agreements drawn by US lawyers, it seeks expressly to .... [31] E.g. Justin Hogan-Doran, “Jurisdiction in Cyberspace: The when and where of ..


International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2010


dynamic and effective law enforcement to the people of Australia ... directly to the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice as part of the Attorney-General's portfolio. .... crime in cyberspace, and a national survey of attitudes to ..

Kinks and Bends - Promising Practice Programs - Australian Centre ..


The laws of sexual assault · Legal responses .. Wyong Local Council; NSW Attorney General's Dept; Central Coast Area ... C. Smith, J Huxley, K. McKeran (2004) "Kinks, cubes and cyberspace - working with young people to ..




Julie Cohen, an American academic lawyer, has argued persuasively that the right .. cyberspace” Cyberspace Law ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Parliamentary Joint ..


The banks use their cyberspace networks to process transactions, and to .. reporting, proceeds of crime and taxation laws as other banking services.[85] ... These include the Standing Committee of Attorneys General, the ..

The Line - FAQs


The Law - Online grooming, child pornography, hacking .. We suggest that contact be made with the Police or with a lawyer to find out what .. ability to digitally capture and send images across cyberspace for granted, it really ..




interpretation of s 51(xviii) was that of Higgins J in Attorney–General for NSW v .. See generally, Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, (1999) at 131, ..


Public enforcement of intellectual property rights


by G Urbas - - lies in the limited capacity of public law enforcement agencies to deal with all demands on .. tional public law enforcement agencies in the protection of intel- .... Telecommunications and Cyberspace .. Committee, Commonwealth Attorney- ..


Sheet1 - Attorney-General's Department


Microsoft Excel162, 07/14561, 14th Annual Attorney-General's NGO Forum on Domestic Human Rights - Briefs. 163, 07/20430, ILHRD - Information Law Branch - Senate ..


The Fundamental Problem of Regulating Technology, Conference ..


Australian Attorney-General into action on this subject was the world- .... Society. Professor Lessig's book Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace ..


Annual Report 2000-2001


Attorney-General's Department on CD piracy, a survey was undertaken of cyber crime laws for the first Asia Cyber Crime Summit held in Hong Kong in April ..


Fraud prevention and control in Australia


in association with the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department and held in Surfers .. In the federal criminal law system which operates in Australia, there are nine separate jurisdictions .. speed of light through cyberspace. The key to ..


Report - Recent trends in practices and methods of cybercrime


Legislation and law enforcement. 2.35 The Attorney General's Department notes in its submission to the Inquiry, there is no single Australian law enforcement or ..


INQUIRY INTO UNFAIR TERMS IN CONSUMER CONTRACTS ... 3 Office of the NY Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, From Wall Street to Web Street: A Report .. 4 Spitzer, ibid, ch I and passim; Phillips, “Avoiding Share Scams in Cyberspace”, 20 ..



New Privacy Law - INSTO Security Technology Conference. document ... a speech delivered by Gillie Kirk, Director, Promotion & Education to Bigs and Bigs Lawyers, Brisbane, 1 August 2001 .. The Cyberspace Workplace.


AIJA Program draft


The Hon John Hatzistergos MLC, Attorney-General of New South Wales .. Mr David Vaile, Executive Director and Ms Alana Maurashat, Deputy Director, Cyberspace .. Dr David Tait, Associate Professor, Law School, University of Canberra ..


What we would like to do with your photo - Photography and privacy ..


In its October 2005 submission to the Standing Committee of Attorneys-. General in response .. Last Wednesday the Australian Law Reform Commission issued a press .. Privacy in cyberspace – particularly in online spaces such as YouTube ..


Inveistigating homicide : new responses for an old crime


by J Mouzos - - certain that every violation of the law of homicide becoming known to authorities ... Attorney-General of Queensland filed a 'No True Bill' in the Mannix case, and Barry was .... Cyberspace Illegalities, The Federation Press, New South Wales.


Debating Privacy and its Impact on your Systems


.. correcting them once they are in cyberspace may be much more difficult than just .. of an online environment is that organisations may inadvertently break the law. .... the Crown Solicitor in order to look at these issues from legal perspective.

Copyright Law Review Committee - Chapter 6 Footnotes


See generally Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, (1999) at ... the Attorneys General of Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, ..

Australian Government, Department of Defence - Stephen Smith MP


Yesterday our Attorney General announced that we would be moving to a white paper on cyber and cyber security issues in the course of the ..


Senate Continuing Order List 07.XLS


Security Law Branch - Attorney-General's Trip to the United States July 2005 - .... Senate Question on Notice No 3059 - Cyberspace Commercial Activities ..


Report: Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Bill 2009 ..


advice to the minister, and the department's lawyers said this was covered .... Both the Australian Privacy Foundation and the Cyberspace Law and Policy ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - The nature of trust online


Cyberspace now abounds with a wide variety of investment .. Originally, the law of theft applied only to something that could be physically removed .. In 1999, the attorney-general of Minnesota alleged that a bank sold the ..


Trying to Understand Russian Criminal Groups


expand abroad presenting new challenges for foreign law enforcement. 3 .. The Federal Police says the majority of cyber crime committed in. Australia is driven by Russian organized crime .. computer specialists and lawyers). Individuals with ..

Online security - Australian Federal Police


Cyberspace is transforming business models. .. The company must observe trade practices, environmental, occupational health and safety laws and a myriad of other ... Janet Reno, the former US Attorney General, at a recent symposium on ..

Child sexual abuse - bibliography - National Child Protection ..


.. children's safety skills, hints for safe student travel, and protecting children in cyberspace. .. Child abuse allegations in family law cases : a review of the law. .. Acting for victims of religious sexual assault : challenges for Victorian lawyers.

Australian Institute of Criminology - view paper


There have been many instances of law enforcement action, both locally and internationally, .. the New York State Attorney General about the widespread availability of child pornography online. ... FBI Cyber Division arrest.

Australian Institute of Criminology - Appendixes


395, Unexplained wealth laws in Australia, Lorana Bartels, July 2010 .. 408, Cyber threat landscape faced by financial and insurance industry, Kim-Kwang ... Report to the Attorney-General's Department (unpublished) ..

Australian Customs Service - Manifest Magazine April 1999


Cyberspace options for streamlining trade and travel ... a period of public consultation, the Attorney-General, Daryl Williams, said the proposed laws would allow ..


Profiling fraudsters :a Queensland case study in fraudster crime ..


lawyers) who overcharge or bill customers for services not performed.2 .... Surdo, A.L. (1999) Lost in cyberspace: staying ahead of Internet fraudsters. Law ..


Report - Inquiry into the Privacy Act 1988


acknowledges the work of the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) and the .... 12 Michael Kirby, 'Privacy in Cyberspace' (1998) 21 University of New South .. The Attorney-General's Department has adopted the mantra of 'technology ..


Small business and the ACCC GST – our role Safer products


policy and law and its enforcement through ... laws. Global harmonisation of laws is also required to ensure consumers are able to gain redress. Bilateral .. cyberspace. Individual web ... Donohue, a staff attorney with the US. Federal Trade ..


Copyright offences


and that law enforcement responses must .. priorities (Attorney-General's Department. 2003). The size of .. Electronic theft: unlawful acquisition in cyberspace.


Highlights from New South Wales Government Agencies


their community of child protection laws in New South Wales, including acceptable .... clients had access to interpreters when needed, and that Legal Aid lawyers .... Parents and carers heard about issues such as safety in cyberspace, alcohol ..


The Value of Privacy Speech by Paul Chadwick 23 May 2006


by P Chadwick - 2006 - - Australia's privacy laws developed out of the Australia Card proposal in the .. Internet browsing – Are your tracks in cyberspace private like, say, your .... organised a boycott of Jewish businesses, doctors and lawyers. Laws ..

Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 8


refer to the Australian Law Reform Commission for inquiry and report the question .. As the project concerned identity, an online consultation in cyberspace was an ... Speech about the human rights consultation - Australian Lawyers Alliance ..


Prevention of Telecommunications Fraud


The challenge for law enforcement policy makers is to keep ahead of offenders who .. however, the Attorney General of the United States and the Chairman of the .... recruits volunteers to patrol cyberspace in search of a range of illegal and ..


Scanned Document


decisions by law (for example, courts, tribunals) within the traditional judicial system. .. (Consumers International (2000) Disputes in Cyberspace). .. Collaborative Law is a form of collaborative practice where the process is led by lawyers ..

Copyright reform and the Information Economy - Joint Media Release


ATTORNEY GENERAL, Minister for Communications, the Information Economy .. are proposed in response to the problem of enforcement in cyberspace. .. will further increase the effectiveness of Australia's already strong anti-piracy laws.


Working at the edge of the data sharing envelope


pursuit of criminals and the maintenance of law and order. In this world, only .. William Gibson coins the term "cyberspace" .... It has been a lawyer's picnic.



Speech by Karen Curtis, Privacy Commissioner, at the Australasian Banking and Financial Services Law Association Annual Conference, Gold ..


Sexual violence offenders: prevention and intervention approaches ..


Marshall, D. Laws, & H. Barbaree (Eds.), Handbook of sexual assault: Issues, theories, and .. Behavioural Science and the Law,. 11, 423–440. .... Adelaide: Attorney-General's Department. O'Leary, P. .. Kinks, cubes and cyberspace: Working ..




.. and welcomes the opportunity presented by the Attorney General to highlight the .. called Seniors in Cyberspace – older people and information (Scott 1999). .... State COTA advisory services on topics like home maintenance, law, safety.

Media Release - Department of Defence


This group is attended by key law enforcement and security agencies .... to cyber-security issues, and the Attorney-General's Department has ..


Australian Broadcasting Authority Annual Report 1998-1999


UNESCO Experts Meeting on Cyberspace Law held in Monte Carlo in .... public, including academics and teachers, students, parents, licensees, lawyers and ..


Attourney General's Office Fair Use and Other Copyright Exceptions ..


Under the current law, in order to create multimedia work, I have to seek .... Cyber. Beginnings. Thylazine. Dr Coral Hull 2002- .... Submissions may be made public on the Attorney-General Department's website ..


Official Committee Hansard


PARLIAMENTARY JOINT COMMITTEE ON LAW ENFORCEMENT .... Their crimes are being enabled through cyberspace. ... There was one where a member of public complained to the Attorney-General about mistreatment ..


Digital Agenda Copyright Amendments


The Attorney-General's Department will copy all submissions and comments .. Department web site, Window on the Law, at and the web site of the .... In response to the problem of enforcement in cyberspace the Government ..

Cybersmart - Cybersafety help


Contact the young people's cyber safety helpline. .. The AFP works with State and Territory police and international law enforcement .. GRID to create a single, factual and up-to-date source for governments, industry, lawyers, ..


Appendix В - List of Exhibits


Submission to the Copyright Law Review Committee from Tress. Cocks & Maddox, 4 .. Telecommunications & Cyberspace Illegalities, Federation Press,. Sydney. 2. .. Intellectual Property Branch Attorney-General's Department. Information on ..


PO Box 382 North Adelaide SA 5006 Email: Phone ..


The common law has always recognized a man's house as his castle, impregnable, often even to its own .... no longer the exclusive preserve of lawmakers, lawyers and the courts. It therefore ... individual's personal cyberspace. Although ..


Instant Bills: The impact of information technology (IT) on legislative ..


cyberspace by legislative counsel, policy-makers, stakeholders and groups of .... the continual reduction of the size of lawyers' offices.14 The computer is the ..


An economic analysis of copyright reform


the traditional tools of law enforcement, indeed the traditional notions of property and of society, simply do not translate into cyberspace. You can try to .. lawyers tend to suggest that rights should be increased to compensate for diminished ..

Aware Newsletter No. 21 - Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual ..


by A Quadara - Law enforcement responses to trafficking in persons: Challenges and ... The first reported rape in "cyberspace", discussed in a widely cited article by Dibble .... judges, lawyers and community representatives; an investment in research; and ..


AustrAliAn Government informAtion security mAnuAl unclAssifieD ..


Operating in cyberspace, however, exposes government information and systems .... for a public purpose under the law of the Commonwealth and other Australian .. In the view of the Australian Government Solicitor, all the Commonwealth ..


Official Committee Hansard


JONES, Ms Christine, National Manager, Market Law and Policy, .. KRUGER, Mr James Roderick, Lawyer, Equities Group, Macquarie Bank Ltd .. .... not achieving the best out of the so-called new economy in cyberspace.

Parliament of Australia Senate-Joint: Report on Virtually No Liability ..


2.8 Currently the Corporations Law regulates the way in which information .. However, professional advisers such as lawyers and accountants would not be ... While cyberspace chat might have a more exclusive air to it, there can hardly be ..


Platypus - Sep01 - The challenge of the forensic investigation of ..


challenges of the future to Australasian law enforcement. As Information and ... the US had the capabilities to launch a cyber-attack. Today, it is estimated that ..


Representing the People: The Role of Parliament in Australian and ..


1979, I commenced work as a public solicitor and worked in the Legal Aid .. in the law. I did not have the money of a Rupert Murdoch or a Kerry Packer, .... discovering that there is another dimension out there called cyberspace, and that is ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - February 2011


Australian Institute of Criminology, 2011; Cyber threat landscape .. Measuring the effectiveness of drug law enforcement / Katie Willis, Jessica Anderson and Peter Homel ... Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2011 ..


Report - Netbets: A review of online gambling in Australia


The court held, however, that under New York Penal Law, if the person engaged in .. 5.21 In Attorney-General of Minnesota v Granite Gate Resorts, a consumer protection action was .. This argument is not sound in the age of cyberspace.


Watch this Space Conference Digital Handcuffs or Electric Nannies ..


by B Arnold - status of those technologies under existing Australian law. ... chance to share in billions misplaced by UK bankers and solicitors or held by the .... responsible where they were indifferent to activity such as cyber-bullying (eg resulting in the ..


Report - Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery) Bill 2007 ..


where doing so would be inconsistent with a Commonwealth law. 8. The register must .... The Attorney-General's Department's project for a Documentation. Verification System. .... Professor Greenleaf of the Cyberspace Law and Policy ..


through australian eyes


to be a doctor or a lawyer.' However, Seda .... A series about the cyberspace friendship between an .. laws, two cultures and two families; and The. Mascot ..


National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council Dispute ..


The Internet is largely unconstrained by national boundaries or laws. Various attempts .. 'cyberspace' in much the same way as they do in physical space. New types of ... Parties and referrers (such as courts or lawyers) may prefer to use ..

What's New Newsletter - December 8, 2011 (eGovernment ..


Law. Funding injection for online law handbook, Media Release, From the Attorney-General, Monday, 5 December 2011. ... Trustworthy Cyberspace: Strategic Plan for the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development ..

Years 9 - 12 - Educate - My Digital World - Learning On Line ..


Lauren is being bullied in cyberspace as a result of giving her .. hacker, creative commons representative, recruitment personnel and lawyer).


Creating Parallels in the Regulationlof Content: Moving from Offline ..


various amendments to Australia's content laws that draw on ... Labor party's 'Plan for Cyber-safety' ('the Plan').3(' The ... The Attorney-Gcneral's Department ..


Confronting fraud in the digital age


in association with the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department and held in Surfers .... Law and the Internet: Regulating Cyberspace, pp. 97-120, ..

Government | Department of Broadband, Communications and the ..


For example, the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General recently agreed to .. since the laws were enacted and to allow Australia to implement the UN ... [34] Peter Weiss, Borders in Cyberspace: Conflicting Public Sector ..


Examining the Legislative and Regulatory Controls on Identity Fraud ..


Anonymity can also be achieved in cyberspace using less technologically-complex .... the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General has devised uniform laws ..


Gambling, money laundering and the proceeds of crime : a trifecta?


anonymous accounts are not used and that there are trails for law enforcement and .. these issues for the purpose of providing advice to the Attorney-General and the Minister for .. How can this be translated into the cyberspace environment?




by COF AUSTRALIA - PIDGEON, Ms Alison Louise, Solicitor, Consumer Credit Legal .. SLADE, Mr Ben, Member, Consumer Law Committee, Law Council of ... that is due on their account, the cost to the bank is incurred primarily in cyberspace.


International cooperative measures


by MG Grainger - criminal law in prosecution of those who place such material on the Internet. ... instrument on the establishment of a legal framework relating to cyberspace. ... Al Gore, the Attorney General Ms Janet Remo, and the Secretary General of ..


Privacy Aware Winter 2004, Volume 3 Number 2


by P Chadwick - - Parliaments look at surveillance laws. Website privacy .. of that country's Health Sector Database law were ... established by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General and ... cyberspace is alien territory are a particular challenge for ..


4.8 Court based and in-house mediation - National Alternative ..


NADRAC is also taking part in a review by the Attorney-General's Department of the ... The Family Law Pathways Advisory Group has recommended: .... 'eADR' (electronic ADR), 'virtual ADR', 'cyber mediation/ADR', and 'techno-ADR'.


Submission from Queensland Department Natural Resources ..


See generally, Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, (1999) at 131, 133-134.” Kirby J's caution about the importance of taking other ..


Residential Information Kit


responsibility, consider speaking to a reputable solicitor or the State .. and transfer of digital information, harassing emails, cyber stalking .... break another law.

Australian Institute of Criminology - AIC Appendixes


54, Law enforcement levels and bushfire arson rates. .. Choo K-KR 2008, Organised crime groups in cyberspace. ... Australian Bankers Association and Attorney-General's Department Identity Management Forum, Sydney, ..




These laws have opened the door to arbitrary detention, searches .. or without having a lawyer of his/her choice present to defend him/her. .... The Netherlands has also developed initiatives to counter jihads in cyberspace.


Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations


Rich Text Format - of advice on avoiding the risks of cyberspace. .... young Australians are embracing new technologies at a rapid pace, society's law reformers, policy makers and ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - September 2011


Summary: Explores the functioning of a specific penal law on intimate ... and cyber-safety : protecting your child online / NSW Community Services .... Summary: The Attorney General discusses the overrepresentation of ..

e-Government - News: H-S - Victoria - Archive (eGovernment ..


"The Victorian government today flagged new internet privacy laws to prevent ... Site into Cyberspace, from the Office of the Attorney-General.

Australian Institute of Criminology - March 2009


Cyber-stings : policing sex offences on the internet / Alisdair Gillespie Police journal : a .. Gabrielle Russell Journal of criminal law and criminology 98(4) 2008: 1467-1500 .... NSW Attorney General's Department, 2009 ..


Annual Report 2008-09 Appendices


or may be referred to the Commission by the Attorney General. 3.2 Legislative .... 2. updating all judicial officers on important recent changes in law, procedure and .... New South Wales and Co-Director of AustLII and Cyberspace. Law and ..


Survey of online trading websites


3 Robin Bowerman, “Rating the Cyber-brokers”, Personal Investor, August 2000. 4 These .. securities industry are covered by Part 7.3 of the Corporations Law. The .... The SEC and the Office of the New York State Attorney General's Office ..

Sir George H Reid - Golden Heritage


.. From Telephone Exchange to Cyberspace 1965-2000 · Initiatives for Reform, .. Clerk in merchant's office, Correspondence Clerk New South Wales Treasury 1864-1878 studying law at night. Secretary to Attorney General 1878-1880. Called ..


The NetChoice Coalition


We have a strong record of working with legislatures to draft laws that not ... industry and 49 Attorneys General, online threats from adults are not nearly as .. security problems neglects the overall complexity of cyber-security.


Key points Introduction


Legislation and law enforcement capabilities need to be developed to deal with emerging technologies that can ... As UK solicitor and money-laundering expert Nigel .... Money Laundering', Paper presented at conference 'Cyberspace: crime ..




But the law on its face is limited to states in the U.S. where it is legal to place and .... The implications with respect to cyber-security and international relations. 10. .... Control Commission, Nevada Gambling Control Board, Nevada Attorney ..

A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Bill 1998 (Bills ..


The laws implementing the GST, being a multi-staged tax on goods and services, .... to EU guidelines, Australia might be blacklisted and isolated in cyberspace. .. by the Attorney- General last week is indicative of the difficulties of selecting, ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Older people and credit card fraud


.. of fraud from health care professionals, accountants, lawyers and financial .... the elderly including a combination of legislation and law enforcement, .. particularly in the context of familial financial abuse and cyber fraud.

The Line - FAQ


We suggest that contact be made with the Police or with a lawyer to .. My husband's ex is a cyber-bully, My son is torn about which parent .. Once there he can view pretty much anything he wants to, within the limits of the law.


Queensland Criminal Justice SystemBulletin2006-07


The amendments to the existing laws implement recommendations from the Crime and .. Policy to the Department of Justice and Attorney-General on 1 July 2006. .... The 2006-07 Bulletin focuses on policing responses to cyber-crime, without ..


Vision 20/20: Future Scenarios for the Communications Industry ..


Rich Text Format - He developed Reed's Law, a scaling law for group-forming network architectures. ... A new approach to DRM is being examined under the Cyber Trust and Crime .... Agentschap Telecom. R S Wertheim. Lawyer ..


Technology and the judiciary - the use of technology in the criminal ..


by A Wallace - Australian Law Reform Commission, Review of the Criminal and Civil Justice .. of plea and direction questionnaires electronically between local solicitors, .... parts of the trial process, the prospect of a trial conducted wholly in cyberspace is ..


Newsletter - CMRB Home


Where there are laws related to the keeping of patient case ... basis for CMRB, from cyberspace, putting together this newslet- ter. Recently she has .. Louis was a lawyer and gained substantial experience in health care law.

Minister launches online scam quiz - Premier of Victoria


“This quiz is a valuable tool as it allows people to learn what cyberspace scams to look out for,” Mr O'Brien said. The quiz shows different online ..

President Speech: The role of human rights education in realising ..


Attitudes change, then, as a result of law reform, of disseminating accurate .. Human Rights Framework announced by the Attorney-General in April 2010. ... In cyberspace lies the capacity to meet all the goals of human rights ..


Consumers' Telecommunication Network Position Paper:


.. that a multi-stakeholder approach to achieving an appropriate balance of laws, ... literacy, and issues such as e-security and cyber safety are always changing. .... Australian Government; Attorney-General's Department, E-Security Review.


Gambling and privacy : not just a matter of chance


privacy law and policy for 23 years, making it the second oldest privacy agency in the ... Attorney General, Hon Jeff Shaw QC MLC, in his second reading speech introducing the ... Each time an individual launches into cyberspace via the web ..

A Bright New Day - Golden Heritage


.. From Telephone Exchange to Cyberspace 1965-2000 · Initiatives for Reform, .. ship which carried the new Attorney - General, Saxe Bannister (1790 - 1877) ..


Submission - Inquiry into the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No ..


Shane Simpson, Principal of Simpsons Solicitors. For further information about .. The report identifies some of the laws and policies which inform the .... and where a libel takes place in cyberspace. Currently, the Supreme ..


Commonwealth/state boundaries in crime and justice


offences are found within the laws of each State and Territory, the elements .. No Prime Minister, Attorney-General or Minister for Justice really wants to become .... Leaving aside the tricky questions of where a fraud committed in cyberspace ..


Part 2 - Attachments Final Final


Freehills Solicitors were invited to provide the independent legal opinion for the study. The company provides ... and the Demarcation of Borders in Cyberspace, ..

Resources A - Z


.. prevention, juvenile justice, Indigenous justice, criminal justice law, law enforcement and policing. .. retrieval system owned by the Australian Attorney-General's Department. .. ECG Learning Center in Cyberspace - Alan E Lindsay Center ..


United Nations Association of Australia (Victoria) Submission to the ..


treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained; and ... Promotion of linguistic diversity in cyberspace and encouraging universal access .. But this is now restricted to the Departments of Immigration and Citizenship, Attorney ..


Survival Concert a tribute to Dr Perkins Treaty stall banned from ..


An understanding of Native Title law and policy. Common .... called on Attorney-General Daryl Williams to ensure the .... Wandjina art is now in cyberspace ..

Current publishing and information trends in the Southeast Asian ..


by O Mann - 2009 - - In the absence of press laws or a code of ethics there are differing views on the ... However, following President Soeharto's resignation the Attorney General's ... How to control “dissent in cyberspace” is a real challenge to any government that ..


globalisation speech


Cyberspace has now become a powerful forum for the conduct of .. The present law and regulatory structure in Australia does not yet fully accommodate .... Authorisation was granted by the Attorney-General and our Director of International ..


Expert Report Evidence Relating to the ACCC's Draft Decision ..


Mason University Law School. .... Member, Attorney General's Identity Theft Task Force, Virginia, 2002 ... “Still Wondering What Cyberspace is All About?




by DML Berman - Commonwealth law to lodge exploration seismic analogue and digital data, and associated documentation .... Attorney-General's Department. Introduction ... Now as information enters cyberspace, the native home of the Mind, these bottles ..

Resources A-Z


ECG Learning Center in Cyberspace - Alan E Lindsay Center · ECG Library ... WA Health related state legislation - State Law Publisher · WA State Law ..

Access on the agenda


.. and communications technology, whether one is talking of "cyberspace", ... For better or worse, this society places great faith in the law and legal ... be developed by the Attorney-General, subject of course to approval or ..

The washing cycle - Australian Federal Police


According to charges prepared by the US Attorney -General's office in Brooklyn, ... Antigua runs a virtually unregulated banking industry, with secrecy laws that .. but the warning was clear: in the future, laundrymen will operate in cyberspace.




New laws to tackle graffiti. 16 ... Deputy Premier, Attorney-General and Minister for Racing .. behaviour, such as cyber-bullying and of criminal acts such as ..


The role of ICT in building communities and social capital


This may include doctors, lawyers, nurses, social workers, .... important as technological change challenges the ability of most current laws and regulations to .... [that] are defined as the social networks in cyberspace and specifically the ..

Parliament of Australia: Joint-Committee: Organised Criminal ..


It is essential that any focus by law enforcement agencies on organised .... The Victorian Committee also recommended "that the Attorney General and the Police .... time either for work, hobby or recreational purposes "surfing in cyberspace".




are at: computerised and digital technologies, cyberspace, instantaneous global ... journalist, law clerk, lawyer, librarian, museum curator, policy officer, project ..


ACSSA Aware No 25


1 The Attorney-General has currently ruled out the possibility of a Human Rights. Act being .. Declarations are not legally binding under international law. As ..


AFP provides security and protection at APEC 2007


The fight against transnational cyber crime ... Commonwealth Attorney-General “Billy” .. innovative in the emerging issues we face in law enforcement and ..


Accessible Telecomms Draft


by DRSEV OZDOWSKI - The law is administered by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity .... a client to move around in cyberspace from one Web page to another by following links. ... by HREOC, including when requested by the Federal Attorney General; and ..


Strategic Priorities 2008


Special Investigations Monitor. Victorian Electoral Commission. Victorian Government Solicitor. Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine. Victorian Law Reform ..


Illegal and harmful content on the Internet


Arts (DOCA) and the Federal Attorney General jointly released for public comment ... The inconsistency between the laws of different countries means that .... process along, several Internet search engines, -- the Yellow Pages of cyberspace, .

SES Fellowships compendium - Archived document


Competition and Consumer Protection Law in a Changing World - International Approaches to .. Promoting consumer confidence in the age of cyberspace. .... Ernst Willheim joined the Attorney-General's Department in 1967.

Alex Steel | UNSW LAW


2006 Consultant, Criminal Law Review Division, NSW Attorney General's Department. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Management Committee. Crime and ..

Catherine Bond | UNSW LAW


.. of the Australian Research Council-funded "Unlocking IP" project, based at the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre. .. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society ..

Cyberspace a jurisdictional challenge for lawyers - News and ..


Cyberspace a jurisdictional challenge for lawyers. 3 May 2010. The Sydney Law School will tomorrow host a seminar to discuss the very modern challenges of ..

Faculty Centres | UNSW LAW


Provides a series of quality short courses to assist lawyers and non-lawyers in keeping abreast of legal developments in .. Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

Inspiring lawyers | UNSW LAW


However, the role lawyers play in society is extremely serious. .. Albie Sachs was a South African lawyer who worked for the African National Congress .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre · Diplomacy ..

Volunteering | UNSW LAW


Kingsford Legal Centre encourages solicitors with a current NSW practicing .. a student law clerk for the semester or enrolled in the subject Law, Lawyers and Society .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..



The centre is also a clinical program for the UNSW Law School. .. Students enrolled in the course LAWS6210 Law, Lawyers and Society are also given .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre · Diplomacy ..

Alan Davidson - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..


Dr Alan Davidson is a solicitor and barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales .. LAWS7852 - International Trade Law; LAWS7854 - Cyberspace Law ..

Frances Gibson | UNSW LAW


Frances Gibson completed an Arts/Law Degree at the Australian National University. She moved to Sydney and spent a year in private practice as a lawyer at a ..

Students at KLC | UNSW LAW


In this way students can consolidate their study of the law by practical application. Small group classes and constant consultation with the lawyers provide an ..

Clark, Eugene --- "Book Review - Teaching Cyber Law Down Under ..


by TCLD UnderClark, Eugene --- "Book Review - Teaching Cyber Law Down Under " [2004] .. A slightly different approach, aimed at the non-lawyer market, is that of Griggs, ..

Joanna Krygier | UNSW LAW


LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society. JURD7110 Law, Lawyers & Society .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

Sarah Lux | UNSW LAW


She also practises as an intellectual property lawyer at Allens Arthur .. GENL2032 Cyberspace Law 2.0 .. Intellectual property law; Information technology law ..

E Law: Cybersquatting and Trademark Infringement


However, given the global reach of cyberspace, "traditional" law that depends on legal .... "[cyberspace] is not a system designed for the convenience of lawyers.

Megan Davis | UNSW LAW


Megan has extensive experience as an international human rights lawyer and participated in the drafting of the UNDRIP from 1999-2004. Megan is a former UN ..

WebLaw - Cyberlaw


5+ items – Select WebLaw Subject Guide, Administrative Law ..

Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (NSW)

An Act ..

Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Act (NT) 2002

An ..

From QLD to the UN: An Indigenous lawyer's path to the .. - UNSWTV


From QLD to the UN: An Indigenous lawyer's path to the United .. Australian Human Rights Centre · Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre ..

URL: http://www. aa. gov. au/AA_WWW/AA_Publications/advices ..


by A GreenshieldsURL: Top Cyberspace Law Cases of .. legal information retrieval system owned by the Australian Attorney General's ..

Undergraduate courses | UNSW LAW


140+ items – Undergraduate courses. Course name. Course code, Course ..


Law in the Information Age 2.0


Sport, Law & Society

UNSW Handbook Faculty Centres and Units


Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre .. more broadly and deeply through the cooperation of lawyers with scholars from disciplines other than doctrinal law.

Programs | UNSW LAW


The Master of Business Law is designed for non-lawyers involved in the private, commercial, government or international sectors where business law issues are ..

Martin Krygier | UNSW LAW


Gordon Samuels Professor of Law and Social Theory Co-Director, Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law .. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre · Diplomacy ..




The Case for Less Secrecy in Lawyer Discipline, 20 Geo. J. Legal Ethics __ (forthcoming. 2006). Lawyers in Cyberspace: The Impact of Legal Listservs on the ..


An introduction to jurisdictional issues in cyberspace


by DJB Svantesson - 2004 - Memorandum of Minnesota Attorney General as found in: Bernadette Jew,. 'Cyber Jurisdiction - Emerging Issues & Conflict of Law when Overseas ..

Deborah Healey | UNSW LAW


Deborah joined the Faculty of Law in 2003 after many years practising as a commercial lawyer, with a major focus on competition law and a real involvement in ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Brian Fitzgerald



Professor - Faculty of Law, Law SchoolHe is a well-known Intellectual Property and Information Technology/Internet lawyer who has pioneered the teaching of Internet/Cyber Law in Australia. He has ..

Jane McAdam | UNSW LAW


Director, International Refugee and Migration Law Project, Gilbert + Tobin Centre .. of International Law Association (World) International Teaching Committee.

Australia's first indigenous Federal Magistrate wins Law Society ..


Christmas has come early for Indigenous UNSW Law alumnus .. The appointment was delivered by outgoing Attorney-General Robert ..

Tyrone Kirchengast | UNSW LAW


Dr Tyrone Kirchengast is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at UNSW. .. Supreme Court of NSW and is a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of Australia.

Dealing with ethical dilemmas | UNSW LAW


Research shows that many law students become distressed when they .. making law and justice the same is a useful and practical goal for law students and lawyers. .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

The University of Adelaide Law Library | Subject guides


.. of web-based law resources covering topics such as Taxation; Cyberspace law; Human .. It provides lawyers, students, researchers and lay professionals with ..

Lisa Toohey | UNSW LAW


She also worked as a foreign lawyer in Vietnam, advising on WTO law and general trade and investment matters. Lisa has been admitted to practice as a ..

Law Journals - Legal Resources


Rankings based on number of citations, hosted by Washington & Lee Law School. ... Criminal Law Forum; Cyberspace Lawyer; De Paul Law Review; Delaware ..

Career pathways | UNSW LAW


Although many people who obtain a law degree do so to become barristers and solicitors, there are a multitude of opportunities in different fields, organisations ..

Publications | UNSW LAW


Book Review: Yee Fen Lim, "Cyberspace Law: Commentaries and Materials"' .. 'On Privacy', NSW Young Lawyers Public Law Committee CLE Presentation (12 ..


SJP Semester 1 2012 internship positions: - UNSW LAW


The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre provides a focus for research, public .. and supports lawyers and law firms to make it easier for them to provide high ..

SENG4921 Professional Issues and Ethics


David Vaile is the Executive Director of the Cyberspace Law and .. he has worked in a variety of roles in IT, law and policy: as a lawyer for the ..

Dr Lillian Corbin - Staff profile, La Trobe University


Lillian Corbin is Senior Lecturer at La Trobe University Law School, having .. of legal education, legal ethics and professionalism, and the role of lawyers in society. .. 'Learning in cyberspace: Succession Law online', (2004) 11 (1) ELaw, 1-9, ..

Copyright BOOK DRAFT


Also known as the net or cyberspace [1], this information super highway offers a ... The law considers four factors in determining if fair use is applicable as a defense. .... He has been a Massachusetts lawyer and educator for eighteen years.

Attorney-General awards April Long Indigenous Law Student of the ..


Attorney-General Robert McClelland awarded April Long the inaugural .. I am confident that she will become a leading lawyer and will make an .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

Faculty of Law - Monash University


index-byfaculty-law .. Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law ... electronic commerce law; LAW7246 Privacy and information security in law cyberspace .. people; LAW7331 Lawyers' responsibilities; LAW7332 Principles of construction law ..

Why study law | UNSW LAW


We number among our Alumni, judges, barristers, partners and solicitors in leading law firms, politicians, entertainers, academics and some of the most ..

UNSW mooters semifinalists in 2011 Shine Lawyers .. - UNSW LAW


Congratulations to UNSW Law's team on their performance in the 2011 .. On 8 12 August 2011, UNSW competed in the National Shine Lawyers Torts Moot. .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy ..

Clinical programs KLC | UNSW LAW


The Centre provides a clinical teaching environment for law students and social work law students. Students work with centre lawyers in acting for members for ..

Faculty News | UNSW LAW


Attorney-General Robert McClelland awarded April Long the inaugural .. David Vaile, Executive Director, Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, ..

Adam Liberman | UNSW LAW


Adam is a highly regarded practitioner and author who specialises in the law relating to the .. Solicitor Supreme Court of NSW and High Court of Australia; Member of .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

Page 15 - 125070 UNSW Faculty of Law JD Guide.indd


Amnesty International, Arts Law Centre of Australia, .. Practice, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, .. Working with experienced solicitors, UNSW JD. students ..



by S Edmonds - - Law On Line. The availability of primarily legal materials in Australia is improving so that both legislation and court judgements can be found in cyberspace.

Area of study | UNSW LAW


UNSW Law courses cut across the wide range of issues that arise in these areas and are taught by academics and lawyers who bring their policy and practical ..

Centre for Continuing Legal Education | UNSW LAW


Provides a series of quality short courses to assist lawyers and non-lawyers in .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

Law & literature | UNSW LAW


One of the lawyers is assassinated. Written by the solicitor on the case, now a member of UNSW Law.] Grenville, Kate, The Secret River, [A novel based on the ..

National Pro Bono Resource Centre | UNSW LAW


encourage pro bono legal services,; support lawyers and law firms to make it easier .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

David Leary | UNSW LAW


Leg Prac (UTS), LLM (UNSW), PhD (Macq), Solicitor .. Dr David Leary is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Law and Director, Environmental Law ..

500 law students converge on Sydney | UNSW Newsroom


Rossyln Mayne, Principal Solicitor, Inner City Legal Centre .. 4-6pm, moderated by Adam Arnold, UNSW Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre ..

Courtney Young selected as finalist in 2011 Lawyers .. - UNSW LAW


Courtney Young selected as finalist in 2011 Lawyers Weekly Awards .. She is nominated in the category of 'Law Student of the Year Award'. .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..

Faculty News | UNSW LAW


A group of esteemed politicians and lawyers, including Professor .. Alana Maurushat, Cyberspace Law Centre, , Faculty of Law, UNSW.




Audience. • Communications Law Specialists .. courses assisting lawyers, accountants, financial planners, .. David VAILE, Director Cyberspace Law and Policy ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Social Justice Intern Program - LAWS3307


Frances Gibson was solicitor and Principal Solicitor at Redfern Legal Centre for 7 years and Director of Kingsford Legal .. 3 Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre ..

Undergraduate programs | UNSW LAW


10+ items – At UNSW undergraduate students study law as part of a Law ..

4760 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws

4703 Bachelor of Art Theory/Bachelor of Laws

Advisory council | UNSW LAW


Jane Sanders, Principal Solicitor, Shopfront Youth Legal Centre ... entities in areas as diverse as cyber-crime, counter-terrorism, customs, tax, competition law, ..

Law and the Internet - Legal Resources


General. Cyberspace and Internet Law .. Cyberspace Law Resources .. search engine, a section for lawyers - including daily news mailing list.

Bassina Farbenblum | UNSW LAW


BSc LLB (UNSW), LLM (New York University, Global Public Service Law .. While in the U.S., Bassina was also a litigation attorney with the American Civil ..

Meet our Alumni | UNSW LAW


Justice Nicholas began his legal career as a solicitor in a small suburban law firm before joining Baker & McKenzie in 1984. He began practice at the NSW Bar ..

Government/ Policy | UNSW LAW


40+ items – The Law Society of NSW Young Lawyers publication, Careers ..

Australian Public Service Commission:

Attorney-General's Department:

FindLaw LawCrawler - Law, Lawyer, Lawyers. Attorney, Attorneys


Results 1 - 25 – FindLaw: Rebuilding Credit FAQ - Attorney, Attorneys, Lawyer, .

Conference: Dispute Resolution in the next 40 years .. - UNSW LAW


Graduating with degrees in Arts and Law from the University of Sydney in 1971, he went on to practise as a solicitor in 1972. He was admitted as a barrister in ..

Graham Greenleaf - Publications


.. 20th Annual Lawyers Conference, 93-129, Korean Bar Association, Seoul, .. Privacy Laws Symposium convened by the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre at ..




to the launch of the ANZELA WA Chapter and a seminar on Cyberspace, .. he worked in private practice in a number of firms as an industrial/employment lawyer ..




by S BARNABY - - LLB (Hons) BA (Dist) (Applied Ethics Major); Lawyer, Blake Dawson Waldron .... Learning in Cyberspace (2001) Journal of Information, Law and Technology ..

Mark Aronson | UNSW LAW


I have been a member of the UNSW Law School teaching staff since 1973, with the exception of a 3 year period in the late 1980s, when I was the NSW Attorney ..

Arnold-Moore, Timothy --- "Legal Pitfalls in Cyberspace: Defamation ..


by T ARNOLD-MOOREThe policy issues are analysed and the weaknesses of the current law outlined. .. Lawyers have finally ventured the first tentative steps into cyberspace.

Research and Advocacy Centres | UNSW LAW


The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre in the Law Faculty at the University of .. to encourage pro bono legal services, support lawyers and law firms to make it ..

UNSW JD program | UNSW LAW


A very distinctive feature of the UNSW JD is the depth of study of the law we provide .. Law, Lawyers and Society (6 UOC) · Advanced Legal Research (2 UOC) ..

UNSWTV: Faculty of Law


Media and Technology Law Specialisation .. Master of Business Law .. From QLD to the UN: An Indigenous lawyer's path to the United Nations: UNSW Law .. Australian Human Rights Centre · Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre · Kingsford ..

Jo Lennan | UNSW LAW


Jo Lennan was admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and .. Solicitor's Office (Administrative Law section) and for Blake Dawson, Lawyers. .. Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation · Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre ..


With the development of the globalization and international trade ..


by Y TIAN - Law School, and a registered Australian Trade Marks Attorney. He is also a Postdoctoral. Research Associate of the Cyberspace Law and ..

Graduate profile | UNSW LAW


I am a solicitor at Legal Aid NSW in their graduate program, the Career Development Program. I currently work in the civil law section of Legal Aid (the smallest ..

Master of Business Administration / Master of Laws | UNSW LAW


The program is designed to provide expertise and knowledge in the areas of law and management and will be particularly relevant to: Government lawyers ..

Areas of study | UNSW LAW


If you have finished high school (or equivalent) and you don't have a university degree; You want to practise law as a solicitor or barrister; Then you can apply to ..

Andrea Durbach | UNSW LAW


Born and educated in South Africa, she practised as a political trial lawyer and human rights advocate, representing victims and opponents of apartheid laws.

Media & Technology Law Specialisation | UNSW LAW


The Media and Technology specialisation offers lawyers an opportunity for study .. (AustLII) and the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre – are at the forefront of ..


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