Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership

It's important that you draw up an agreement between the joint owners that will include information such as who has put what into the property, who owns what and what happens in the event of someone wishing to move on. This is to reduce the risk of buying with someone else and is a way of putting measures in place to protect you.

A trust deed, or declaration of trust, sets out the share of equity to which each owner is entitled on sale. The owners can come up with whatever formula they wish for working this out and the formula might include reference to differing contributions to mortgage payments, household bills or maintenance costs, as well as initial contributions to the purchase price. However, it is entirely up to the owners how they want to work their final shares out when they come to sell, or terminate the arrangement. What is set out in the trust deed, or declaration of trust, will be definitive.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of declarations of trust and property ownership, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Joint Ownership of Property

There are two different ways in which property can be owned jointly, either as:

  1. ‘beneficial joint tenants’ or
  2. `tenants in common’.

Both these methods of ownership mean that the property is owned jointly  by two or more people but the way this is viewed by the law is quite different. Click here for more information

If the way in which you choose to own your property is tenants in common then you should have a Trust Deed (sometimes called a Declaration of Trust) which records the arrangement between the joint owners. There are a few fairly common ways of setting out in a trust deed what is to happen to the sale proceeds when the property is sold -

One way is to state that each party has a percentage share each i.e. you might say that one person has a 30% share and the other has a 70% share and that if the property was sold then the money would be divided in that way.

Alternatively you may say that one party is entitled to a fixed sum out of the sale proceeds with all the balance being payable to the other owner – in this way one person has the benefit of all the potential increase in value (and also bears the risk of the potential reduction in value) whilst the other persons share is fixed irrespective of the property value.

Thirdly you could have a combination of the first two

You also need to consider whether  there is a mortgage on the property. If there is, then the trust deed should provide for this to be paid off before dividing the sale proceeds, or if one party is to be responsible for all or part of the mortgage capital payment out of their share then this should be stated. Further, the trust deed should go on to define the proportions in with the joint owners would make the mortgage payments.

As a further option you may wish to consider whether the document should contain a right of first refusal in the event of one party wishing to dispose of their share in the property. This is called a right of pre-emption. The arrangement would be that if one party wished to sell the property they would first give notice of this intention to the other parties who would have the right to buy that persons share at market value.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of declarations of trust and property ownership, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

We cover all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:

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Financial Arrangements following Divorce
Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown
Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership
Prenuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Property Relationships Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes
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We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

  • Resolving problems with your relationship
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  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you’re ending a marriage or civil partnership
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  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You  may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership Updates
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership Links

Duties Act 2000 - SECT 7 Imposition of duty on certain transactions ..


dutiable property; and (b) the following transactions- (i) a declaration of trust .. a change in beneficial ownership of dutiable property is a dutiable transaction if ..

The Trust and Protection of Property

Common law only recognises the ownership of the legal owner. .. In Sarawak, however, a declaration of trust in respect of any interest in land, whether legal or ..


Surrender of property amounts to conveyance in certain circumstances 4E. .. 56BA. Declaration of trust 56BAB. Imposition .. First home owner concession 89A.

2009 The Legislative Assembly for Australian Capital Territory ..

Clarifies that a declaration of trust cannot be used as a vehicle to circumvent .. result in no effective change in ownership of the interests in the property trust.

Stacey, Paul --- "The GST treatment of bare trusts" [2006] JlATax 2 ..

by P StaceyAccordingly, the trustee takes "legal ownership" of the trust property and the beneficiary .. had correctly stamped the transfer of land and the declaration of trust.

Duties Act 2000 - SECT 35 Transfers to and from a trustee or nominee


without any change in the beneficial ownership of the property; or (b) a declaration of trust by a trustee or nominee referred to in paragraph (a) under which the ..

STAMP DUTY ACT - SECT 4 Interpretation

"declaration of trust" means a declaration (other than a declaration by will or .. property is conveyed, acquired or created or the beneficial ownership is changed, ..


Statutory trusts for sale or partition of property held in co-ownership 66H. Trustee on statutory .. Statutory declarations PART 19 - SERVICE OF NOTICES 170.

PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 Reprinted as in force on 1 November ..

Statutory trusts for sale or partition of property held in co- ownership 39. Trustee on .. Power to apply to court for declaration as to validity 212. Presumptions and ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 38 Trust for sale of mortgaged ..

Trust for sale of mortgaged property where right of redemption is barred ..Land Act 1958 the trustees shall if the tenant for life or statutory owner so requires .. or part of such property make such conveyance or execute such declaration of trust ..

Download - AustLII

Transfer of property subject to a statutory trust to a beneficial owner 57. ... sale or transfer of dutiable property, (ii) a declaration of trust over dutiable property, ..

Lecture 3

- An assignment of the same interest by way of declaration of trust, that is, by the ... the trustee to enjoy complete beneficial ownership of the trust property.

CONVEYANCING ACT 1919 - SECT 7 Definitions

"Dealing" has the same meaning as it has in the Real Property Act 1900 . .. of the Probate and Administration Act 1898 , vesting instrument, declaration of trust, ..

DUTIES ACT 1997 - SECT 8 Imposition of duty on certain ..

(ii) a declaration of trust over dutiable property, .. mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or the person entitled to appoint the ..

The Role of Deeds in Property Transactions - Contractual and ..

by D Everett - 1989 - 28 Unless the transaction amounts to a declaration by the owner of the property that he holds it in trust for the chargee. 29 Eg charges under the Torrens system ..

Assignments and Dispositions cont'd

Microsoft Powerpoint - (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest therein must be manifested .. Nor does s 23C(1)(c) apply when where an absolute owner of property ..

Western Australia West Australian Trustees Limited (Merger) Act ..

Transfer of WA Trustees Common Fund to common trust funds of Perpetual .. codicil, declaration of trust, deed of trust or power of attorney; land includes any .. whether as beneficial owner, executor, manager, trustee, agent or otherwise, ..


Statutory trusts for sale or partition of property held in co-ownership 39. Trustee on .. Power to apply to court for declaration as to validity 212. Presumptions and ..

Is There a Presumption of Advancement?

by J Glister - When a donor purchases property in the name of a recipient, or transfers .. advancement applies and the recipient is assumed to be the full legal owner rather ... for himself by some instrument, or some clear proof of a declaration of trust, ..


by KW Ryan - 1964 - declaration would be essential if the cestuis que trust were to seek to enforce it. To hold that the owner of property was bound by a gratuitous declaration of trust ..


Declaration of trust

relating to managed investment scheme Division .. Constructive ownership of landholdings and other property—linked 82. Constructive ..


An exemption for transfers of dutiable property to special disability trusts has .. the sale of property; (c) a declaration of trust over dutiable property (a definition of a .. as a corporation, the beneficial ownership of the property essentially remains ..


absolute owner of the trust property and therefore not subject to trust obligations. .. that the provision dealing with a declaration of trust respecting any interest in ..

DUTIES ACT 1997 - SECT 65 Exemptions from duty

(g) the vesting of dutiable property in a statutory trust as a consequence of the .. (i) there is no change, or contemplated change, in the beneficial ownership of the .. (b) a declaration of trust over property or an instrument that declares property, ..

the sydney law review

by GJ Tolhurst - 2004 - complete ownership of tangible property and still control its devolution, .. The same reasons may not prevent a declaration of trust of such accrued rights ..


certain Declaration of Trust dated the eighth day of. February, one thousand .. vesting of the trust property by virtue of subsection one of this section shall not .. otherwise in relation to the ownership, management or admini stration of the trust ..


PART 3 FIRST HOME OWNER GRANT ACT 2000 AMENDED 11. .. Duty is not chargeable under this Chapter on (a) a declaration of trust over property that is to ..


Airport lease granted subject to existing interests in the land Division .. Regulations may prohibit declaration of trust in respect of sublease of airport lease 34D. .. Entries in title registers PART 3--RESTRICTIONS ON OWNERSHIP OF ..


Statutory trusts for sale or partition of property held in co-ownership 41. .. Declaration as to nature etc. of covenant Division 5--Modification and extinguishment ..

State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2010

(3) For the purposes of this Division, a person is the owner of a home if the person is the ... (b) a declaration of trust over property or an instrument that declares ..


A bailment does not transfer ownership rights and the bailor has the right to .. An agreement or other act, such as a deed of execution or a declaration of trust, ..

Passed by both Houses New South Wales State Revenue ..

A purchaser or transferee is not considered to be a first home owner unless ... of the Commonwealth, or (ii) the acquisition consists of a declaration of trust by ..

The Chinese Law of Trusts - A Compromise Between Two Legal ..

by Z Tan - 2001 -  - chapters, namely General provisions, Creation of Trusts, Trust Property, Trust ... classification of trusts, but also rules out constructive trusts and the declarations .. title of the trust property into nominal ownership and beneficial ownership.32 ..


If land, his declaration of trust would be valid but unenforceable until ... If the former, no trust exists and J's wife may be able to seek part-ownership of the ..


Trust property

, vesting of in new or continuing trustees 11. .. Trust or power to sell property, duration of 28A. .. Co-owners, power to act in conjunction with 53. .. Orders for conveyance of land etc., consequential declarations and orders as to ..

Perfecting the Chinese Law of Trusts

by Z TAN - Separation of the legal and equitable ownership ................. 23. Severance characteristic of the trust property. ... Accepting declaration trusts, resulting trusts and constructive trusts. 389. Developing a ..


Financial affairs of a trust 6. Meaning of .. Family Court's jurisdiction in bankruptcy where trustee is a party to property settlement or spousal .. Bankrupt's statement of affairs Division 2A--Declaration of intention to present debtor's petition 54A.

Different Perspectives on Estoppels: Detriment v

often readily misapply the externality of ownership to the internal relationship ... the plaintiff, Central London Property Trust Limited, and the defendant, High ... specifying a reasonable period of time, request him to make a declaration as to ..


Clause Page PART 3--FIRST HOME OWNER GRANT ACT 2000 27 15 ... respect of a declaration of trust or transfer of dutiable property because of this section, ..

Duties Act 1997 No 123

held in trust for the person or persons, or the purpose or purposes, mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or the person ..


Deduction for dividends on-paid to non-resident owner 46FB. Unfranked .. Deemed transfers of property or services to trust estate 102AAL. Division not ... Making a replacement TFN declaration in place of an ineffective declaration 202CD.

Case Commentary: Associated Alloys Pty Ltd v Metropolitan ..

by DSK OngThe Seller's claim of a trust for its benefit was based on the fifth subclause of the .. fifth subclause does not create a defeasible trust out of the property of the Buyer, .. In such a case, not only does the seller retain defeasible legal ownership of .. In re Kayford Ltd (in liq)[12] No such declaration of trust is possible because the ..

CORPORATIONS REGULATIONS 2001 - REG 5D.1.03 Meaning of ..

(a) an interest in a trust that entitles the holder of, or beneficial owner under, the interest to: (i) the whole, or .. (v) an instrument or property that creates an interest in, or charge over an interest in, a trust;. (vi) a debt .. (c) a declaration of trust.


by JD Davies -  - B on an informal understanding that A is to remain the owner in fee, or that A is to ... which the requirement is that "[A] declaration of trust respecting any land ..

INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT ACT 1936 - SECT 6 Interpretation

(a) the total market value of the allocation represented by the ownership .. "FHSA trust" has the meaning given by the First Home Saver Accounts Act 2008 . ... by act of parties, by order, or declaration of a court, or by operation of law, includes: ..

imageREAL Capture

by M STONE - beneficial ownership of an estate or interest in certain property.4. The use of ... the declaration of trust creates beneficial ownership in O, rather than "causes or ..

PUBLIC TRUSTEE ACT 1978 Reprinted as in force on 1 September ..


of secrecy 16. .. Property to be held on trust for owner 109. .. affidavit or statutory declaration required or permitted to be made by the public trustee, ..

INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT ACT 1997 - SECT 995.1 Definitions ..

"adjacent land" has the meaning given by subsection 118-120(2). .. adjusted Division 6 percentage , in relation to a trust estate, has the same meaning as in Division 6 of Part III of the ... "common ownership" : see under common ownership . .. (i) a declaration under the Copyright Act 1968 is in force in respect of the body; ..

R&S 06.indd

be broadly defined as including any acts taken by an owner of property that result .. (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest therein must be ..


These deal with property passing to beneficiaries under fixed trusts, discretionary .. no change of 50% or greater in its share ownership has occurred; · the .. applies in respect of a declaration of trust over dutiable property.



managed by Public Trustee to be held for owner 41. .. settlement, declaration of trust or in any other way) may, unless expressly prohibited and despite ..

Regulating for sustainability: property issues

by SA Christensen - 2011 - rights derived from ownership of land, namely carbon rights which are designed ... may be 'registered' in the form of a declaration of trust (notwithstanding that ..

Real Property

Microsoft Powerpoint - "The general right of ownership embraces subsidiary rights such as exclusive .. (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest therein must be ..


"deed", in relation to land under the Land Titles Act 1925, includes an .. (c) a vesting instrument, declaration of trust, disclaimer, release or any other assurance of property by an .. "trustees for sale "means the people holding property on trust for sale. ... On conveyance for value (other than a mortgage) by beneficial owner ..

[pic] Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Regulations 2001 Statutory ..

Part 2 Activities on Trust land Division 2.1 Prohibited or regulated activities 6 ... Known user declaration (2) However, the owner of the vehicle or vessel is not ..

Week Two - The University of Western Australia

- Law School. TRUSTS. LAWS2203. Semester Two 2008. Unit Co-ordinator: .. of trusts is important for many areas of legal practice, including property law, wills ... When a trust is created either by transfer or by ownership or declaration of trust, ..

State Revenue Legislation Further Amendment (No 3)

the dutiable property subject to the declaration of trust: (i) is wholly or substantially ... the trustee of the trust is the owner of the legal estate in the land, and. (c) ..


by S Boyle - A right to the present or future possession of the land, either as owner of the fee .. as it seems to me, somewhat analogous to that of a constructive cestui que trust; .. 5 of the statutory declaration which he filed in support of it, in these terms: ..

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall -  - If their lease is for a fixed period (ie, one year), the property owner cannot by law .. There may be tax implications in creating a trust and transferring property in this way. ... During stage two, DIMA will ask for declarations and other evidence ..

State, Communities and Forests in Contemporary Borneo

by R Bulan -  - native perspective on land ownership, based on an elaborate system of rules and ... Sarawak, however, a declaration of trust in respect of any interest in land, ..

Unadjudicated claims to equitable interests under a constructive ..

The first relates to the changing nature of the constructive trust to a necessary element. .. regarded as property even though there has been no judicial declaration of their existence, no dispute between the legal owner and the ..

Creation of Express Trusts

Microsoft Powerpoint - 1. by declaration, where a titleholder expresses his or her intention to hold their .. The disposition of the property that constitutes the trust is not required to be in .. power then there will be no trust as such a power is tantamount to ownership.

1 First Home Owner Grant FIRST HOME OWNER GRANT BILL 2000 ..

2 First Home Owner Grant · Eligible applicants must be natural persons who are .. Relevant interests do not include interests that are held subject to a trust, ... The information may be required to be verified on oath or by statutory declaration.

Property Law Act 1969 - 04-f0-00

Part VI -- Conveyance by person other than beneficial owner ... (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest therein shall be manifested and ..

Personal Property

available for interference with personal property;. ➢ to understand .. finding acquire an absolute property or ownership, yet he has such .. Declaration of trust ..

Radan & Stewart, Principles of Australian Equity & Trusts ..

the trust property in, protect it, and vindicate the rights attaching to it. .. of trust and thus prohibited the declaration of trust of the relevant contractual .. On the other hand, an intention to grant a revocable mandate, while retaining ownership of ..


26 No declaration of trust in respect of airport lease 27. .. 40 Meaning of unacceptable foreign-ownership situation 41. .. 63 Acquisition of property 64.


"car substantiation declaration , in relation to a car held by a person during a period (in ... of money or property by an employee share trust (within the meaning of the ... the car from the owner at that time under an arm's length transaction; or ..

DUTIES ACT 2001 Reprinted as in force on 1 August 2011 Reprint ..


of excluded matter for Corporations Act CHAPTER .. Contracted property and trust interests Division 3--Creation and termination of trusts 53. ... or the transferee's assignee, acquires ownership of the dutiable property free from ..


The new definition of "declaration of trust" was inserted because the same .. Act and provides that where property is held jointly, the value of a joint owner is to ..


PART 3: OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ... (a) "Associate" includes any partner, partnership, company or trust connected with .. 2002, the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and ..

The case of Orchard v Curtis3 heard in the Supreme Court of Van ..

accordance with his ownership: in particular, he was cutting and removing wood .. been sufficient for the establishment of a trust that property is impressed with a .. The effect of an express declaration of trust, without the reservation of the ..

ABORIGINAL LAND RIGHTS ACT 1983 - As at 16 November 2011 ..

Acquisition of land Division 4 - Land dealings by Aboriginal Land Councils 40. ... (b) an agreement for the sale or transfer of land, (c) a declaration of trust over .. a community benefit scheme providing home ownership for Aboriginal persons, ..

STAMP DUTY AMENDMENT BILL 2000 Second Reading Speech

A "land rich" corporation or trust is characterised by the majority of the assets of the .. unit trust is taxed as if the ownership of the real property was transferred directly. .. of a declaration of trust to effect a transfer of property between two parties.

Key issues of interest


namely, coverage declarations, access and resource pricing, building trust, step-in rights for operators of last resort, property law issues about the ownership ..


by S Loans - share funding and property finance using unit trusts require a separate and ... However, this duty is not payable where the owner receiving these amounts is .. "declaration of trust" if it declares that the nominee holds the assets upon trust for ..

Slide 1 - University of Sydney

Microsoft Powerpoint - Declaration of trust Usually not-depends on term Usually not Stoppage in .. the chargor retains not merely ownership and possession of secured property, but ..


Definitions Part 2--The public trustee and Public Trust Office 7. Public trustee and .. Declaration of secrecy 16. .. Property to be held on trust for owner 109.



that trustee is statutory body 53. Statutory body .. Power to mortgage trust land 68. .. Disposal of sale price Division 9--Winding up trusts of trust land 73. ... Owner of benefited lease acquiring interest in burdened lease 373N.


They included: coverage declarations; access and resource pricing; building customer trust, step-in rights; property rights; negotiating inexperience; and leases. .. left because of notions of private property pertaining to ownership of sewage.


"declaration of trust", for chapter 2 (Transactions concerning dutiable .. means an entitlement to occupy land within the ACT conferred through an ownership of ..

In charity we trust: Charities as potential beneficiaries of failed ..

a distribution of trust property to charity which can take effect according to the terms of the trust .. and will not tolerate, a vacuum in the equitable ownership.19 Thus, once it is established to the ... relevant instrument or declaration of trust. (7) ..


- There are two ways in which property can be owned by co-owners: .. held the property upon trust for himself and Ethel Delehunt as joint tenants in equity. .. approached the Court for a declaration that the Memorandum of Transfer did not ..


THIS DECLARATION OF TRUST is made the 21st day of December 1994. BY: .. ownership of and any profit in the intellectual property created with the ..

"Queensland Statutes Reprints"

PART V-CoNCURRENT INTERESTS: CO-OWNERSHIP, 55. 33-43;. Division ... (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land must be manifested and proved by ..


(iii) other property or services are provided to a taxpayer, or to another .. variable interest rate housing loans to individuals for owner-occupation that .. (a) in relation to property--includes dispose of (whether by assignment, declaration of trust ..

This article was originally published in a journal published by ..

by R Bennett - 2008 -  - Property ownership rights are well managed and understood in developed countries. They are ... remain even 50 years after the declaration of peace, keeping rent well .. taxes on land held in trust or to charge a capital gains tax will have ..


"declaration of trust" means a declaration (other than a declaration by will or .. (2) The interest of a joint owner of property is valued as if both or all joint owners ..

The disutility of assessing trust beneficiaries on income derived by ..

under a declaration of trust or settlement.3. The common law recognises neither the obligation, nor the equitable ownership of trust property, and hence, it is by ..

Regulatory Property and the Jurisprudence of Quasi-Public Trust

by K Gray - 'owner' of a privatised resource or utility — with only a residue of the rights ... all but name, the 'profession' operated as a declaration of trust under which some ..

Chapter 18

- 1. by declaration, where a titleholder expresses his or her intention to hold their property .. The daughters claimed ownership of the house on constructive trust.

Chapter 17

- 2. trust propertyproperty in real or personal form which is identified or .. the same person, for example, when a trust is created by declaration of trust: Chapter 16. ... duty to transfer the legal ownership of trust property back to a beneficiary.

An Analysis of the Concepts of 'Present Entitlement'

by A Everett - 2003 - from the trust property will only be assessed in the hands of the beneficiary if he or .. effect of the declaration was that the beneficiary would take a postponed but ... retained beneficial ownership of the monies.57 The defendants had an ..

A.D. 1894.

1894reason of change in the ownership of such land or any part thereof subsequent to the day .. or any declaration of trust with reference to such land, or any bond ..


by A v Snyder - or because there is no provable declaration of trust by X, there is still the possibility .. of property on a particular basis, but one party's conferral of ownership ..

imageREAL Capture

by R BURGESS - 1985 -  - 49A(2) A declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest in land shall be manifested and .. co-ownership situation exists under English law. There is no ..

LAND TAX BILL 2005 Explanatory Memoranda

Clause 13 deems a person who disposes of land (by way of transfer, settlement, declaration of trust or other method) but retains possession to be the owner of ..


Notice of meetings where ownership of property changes 11. .. Appointment of administrator PART 3--Functions and powers of the Trust Division .. Irrigation declarations Division 2--Recovery of money from owners and occupiers 55. Liability ..


24 Discretionary trusts and special trusts. A declaration made in relation to a land tax year by the Land Tax .. 34 Amendment to definition of "special trust" .. even if the owner of the land died before the commencement of the amendments.


Such transactions usually arise when a public unit trust is taken over and 100% .. Amendments to first home owner rate provisions value of property The first .. or by order or declaration of a court or by operation of law; (b) an executor or ..


(a) an instrument or property creating, conferring or comprising a right or interest .. an ownership of shares in a company or an ownership of units in a unit trust .. related area that is the subject of a declaration made under section 15 (1) (b) of ..


PART 4 – FIRST HOME OWNER GRANT ACT 2000 AMENDED. 12. Principal .. after the definition of "declaration of trust": .. (b) it is a declaration of trust, by the ..

The effect of adverse possession on part of a registered title land ..

to transfer ownership of registered land, the technical legal boundary prevails over the occupational ... United Trust Co v Dominion Stores Ltd [1977] 2 SCR 915 ..

Constructive Trusts

Microsoft Powerpoint - Property institution: This means that the express and the resulting trust reflect .. of itself, no mandate for a judicial declaration that the ownership in whole or in ..

Housing Act 1983 - SCHEDULE 6

Lodging of certificates of charge on land with Registrar of Titles When any land is .. the amount or value of the trust estate or fund to which the proceeding relates. .. Lodging of copy of declaration with Registrar of Titles (1) Where the Director has made .. Recovery of money owing by owner by attachment of rent payable by ..

Secher, U; Amankwah H A --- "Native Title, Crown Property and ..

by U SECHERJump to ‎: These declarations of Crown property in .. to full beneficial ownership of land is not limited to .. Where the Crown grants land in trust or reserves or ..


Power to purchase dwelling house as residence for beneficiary 13. .. Vesting of trust property in new or continuing trustees Division 2--Power of .. Registration with power of disposition to lesser number of joint owners 79. .. False affidavit or declaration PART 5A--Records to be kept by trustees and investigations 84A.

tutorial 2-1 - Faculty of Law - Monash University

Virtually any kind of property can qualify as trust property. .. (Trusts by declaration do not need to comply with transfer rules, because nothing is being transferred - the owner is declaring him/herself trustee, and he or she ..

subsidence occurring or alternatively whether it is necessary for ..

by MCJA CJcommenced proceedings in the Land and Environment Court pursuant to s 12B of the Act. .. owner of improvements in preventing or mitigating damage to those .. declaration of trust, assumption of obligations or other alienation (other than ..


The First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 is amended to give an additional grant to .. of dutiable property, so that duty is chargeable on the declaration of trust or ..

Haynes, J M --- "Trusts - Tracing the Profits of Trust Money in a ..

The most substantial asset of the estate was a house valued at £1400, which for .. of which he executed a declaration of trust to the effect that he stood possessed .. distinguishing the right to a share in the equitable ownership of property from ..

Duties Act 2000 - SECT 3 Definitions


by section 219; eligible first home owner has the meaning given by section 61; .. (d) a mortgage; or (e) the transfer of a mortgage; or (f) a declaration of trust; ..


"concessional trust" has the meaning given by section 3B. .. "Joint owners" means persons who own land jointly or in common, whether as partners or .. trustee by act of parties by order or declaration of a court or by operation of law, includes: ..

DUTIES BILL 2007 Explanatory Memoranda

An exemption for transfers of dutiable property to special disability trusts has .. the sale of property; (c) a declaration of trust over dutiable property (a definition of a .. as a corporation, the beneficial ownership of the property essentially remains ..


by PH MacSporran -  - There is, certainly, evidence that the ownership of land included such things as ... fell back upon the governments as the settlors and beneficiaries of the trust. ... for the purposes of the conveyance and for the making of a vesting declaration.

Streamlining Negotiation and Contracting in Collaborative Research ..

Declaration of Interests and Affiliations. Professor Brian Fitzgerald: .. feelings of trust and endanger the willingness of parties to participate in collaborative .. property ownership rights, licensing arrangements and parties access to project data; ..

VEGETATION MANAGEMENT ACT 1999 Reprinted as in force on 4 ..

19E Request for declaration (1) The owner of land (the proponent) may, .. of the following— (a) the land trusts for Aboriginal land, under the Aboriginal Land Act ..


"bill of sale" includes bills of sale, assignments, transfers, declarations of trust .. to the grantor the sale of goods or property upon credit, or the drawing, accepting, .. more than ten horses or more than ten head of cattle belonging to one owner; ..


Vesting of TrustWest common trust funds in Plan B Trustees 12 15. .. land held by or vested in TrustWest as beneficial owner and not as executor, trustee, .. any will, codicil, declaration of trust, deed of trust or power of attorney; "land" includes ..

"Queensland Statutes Reprints"

PART V-CONCURRENT INTERESTS: CO-OWNERSHIP, ss. 33-43;. Division ... (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land must be manifested and proved by ..


Property Act, 1900, in certain particulars; to repeal the Stamp Duties ... a conveyance or declaration of trust on which ad ... owner or person entitled to appoint ..

Capital Gains Tax Consequences of Property Settlements upon ..

by J Cassidy - 1990 - capital gains tax implications of family law property settlements. Keywords capital gains tax, cgt, ... Section 160M(3) deems a declaration of trust to be a change in ownership where the beneficiary is 'absolutely entitled to the asset' as against ..

Development Ideology Perspective

by L Marasinghe - 1994For in Ceylon, as a result of family interests in land and private ownership of ... under a statutory trust for and on behalf of the Commission by the agency house or .. Nevertheless, the possibility of a future Judicial Committee declaration that ..


Application to married women's property PART 2--ADMINISTRATION 7. .. Easements—same owner of benefited and burdened land 103DA. .. Registrar-general to carry out order of court vesting trust estate PART 13--POWERS OF ATTORNEY .. Registration of declaration by executor PART 15--FEES AND FORMS 139.

Living Together-The Legal Effects of the Sexual Division of Labour ..

by M NEAVE -  - the constructive trust as a device for achieving a 'fair' distribution of property .. between property ownership and the private sphere of the family which are so ... land claimed by the contributor is based on an alleged declaration of trust by ..

Breach of Fiduciary Duty: The Alternative Remedies

by DSK Ong - 1999 -  The problems associated with the declaration of an equitable charge over the .. not itself an item of property.13 There must be trust property even in the .. beneficial ownership of property to the extent that such retention or ..


Transfer of private trust land under Trustees of Schools of Arts Enabling Act 1902 Note PART 2A .. Ownership of water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage works 60. Council works for .. Declaration of council as non-functioning 258.

Resulting Trusts

Microsoft Powerpoint - In these situations the remaining trust property is held on resulting trust for the .. that co-owners took as joint tenants in the absence of an express declaration of ..


purchases of properties; for these and other purposes to amend the ... that the beneficial owner or .. DECLARATION OF TRUST—continued. under this Act or ..


of equitable assignments since the South Australian Law olf Property Act. (1936-1960) and ... declarations of trust, which may be enforced by a volunteer-beneficiary. The ... To be able to do so she must be able to say that she is the owner of ..

imageREAL Capture

The traditional trust concept involves trust property, equitable ownership vested in one or more beneficiaries, and a set bundle of proprietary consequences ... The remedy was a declaration that the boarding house property and business was ..

Tainted evidence of a trust: Nelson v Nelson

by D Davies - 1995 - Peter was good at renovating houses, and from time to time Mr Nelson .. but on the beneficial ownership of the proceeds of sale of the Bent Street property. ... But Elizabeth denied her mother's right to that declaration on the ground that ..

(2005) 24 AMPLJ New South Wales 263 the information it received ..

TRIGGER FOR PRE-EMPTIVE RIGHT PROVISION IN JOINT OWNERSHIP .. GPT sought declarations and injunctions against Lendlease, GPT's co-owner of the .. Property Trust, and Lendlease Real Estate Investments Limited (Lendlease), ..


Vesting of trust property in new or continuing trustees 14. Power of .. Power to apply to Supreme Court for declaration as to validity, &c. 22. Distribution of .. Registration with power of disposition to lesser number of joint owners 60. Form of ..

Creation of Express Trusts

Ways to create a trust. 1. by declaration, where a titleholder expresses his or her intention to hold their property on trust .. tantamount to ownership. Where the ..

Trustees Act 1962 - 04-g0-00

Trust property, vesting of in new or continuing trustees 12. 11. Corporation may act .. Co-owners, power to act in conjunction with 57. 53. Agents .. Orders for conveyance of land etc., consequential declarations and orders as to 91. 85. Vesting ..

Geoff Nicollx

different character of the legal ownership (trusteeship) and control (investment ... In the final result, the Court made the declaration sought by the plaintiffs and .. trustee in safeguarding trust property, and in providing the end benefits due to ..

Macdonald, Arlene --- "Testamentary Trusts: Not Just 'Another' Trust ..

by A MacdonaldThere is no need to leave property to a trustee to hold that property on trust for .. to himself or herself so that the interest conferred is equivalent to ownership; .. a declaration that "I am now holding this property under the testamentary trust".

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 18 Definitions


charge, lease, assent, vesting declaration,5 disclaimer, release, surrender, .. any land, and powers of working and getting the same; limitation includes a trust; .. tenant for life, statutory owner, settled land, settlement, capital money, term of ..

LAW4170 Semester 2 2008

I may wish to call for the trust property as an adult. .. I would argue on this basis that the primary trust has failed and the beneficial ownership has reverted back to .. This is not a declaration of trust so s.53(1)(b) doesn't apply (DSS v James).

Subject Outline LLB 270/306 Property and Trusts B

Lesson Plan #3. • Co-ownership of Property (Week 7). Lesson Plan #4. • Gifts and Sales (Weeks 8 and 9). Lesson Plan #5. • Issues in the Law of Express Trusts ..


PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 Act No. .. (a) a trustee who holds property on trust for the person under an instrument of trust or ... be verified by statutory declaration or supported by other evidence required by ..

Western Australia Duties Act 2008 Western Australia Duties Act ..

Share disposition taken to be an agreement for the transfer of trust property 60 68. ... mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, ..

There is considerable debate on whether it is possible to create a ..

by L THAI - This question was recently decided by the House of Lords in National Westminster Bank plc v. ... from the ownership of their proceeds … makes no commercial sense. [at 729] ... account for which such proceeds will be preserved and held in trust for the benefit ... The same concept also applies to a declaration of trust of ..

This file was downloaded from:

by T Cockburn - 2011 - 23 Interestingly no claim was made for a constructive trust over the property acquired with the plaintiff's .. The claim. Jozef commenced proceedings seeking a declaration that John held the property on a ... owner's grant in favour of the son.

Variation and Termination of Express Trusts

Microsoft Powerpoint - However, no claim was brought against him. After his father's death he sought a declaration that he was the beneficial owner of the properties on resulting trust.


conditions to be defeasance or condition or declaration of trust not contained in the body of sale. .. tion or disposition of such property and effects as owner.


An application for a declaration that the relevant parts of the Intervention .. granted in fee simple to a Land Trust, which holds the communal title for the .. almost all practical purposes, … the equivalent of full ownership' and includes a general ..


by CEF Rickett - 1982 - W died in 1978. The excluded "beneficiaries" claimed a declaration that .. death — effectively, her property becomes trust property, although this trust has not yet ... it is absolute, B cannot claim the absolute ownership in fraud of. A: In re Duke ..

Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 PROPERTY, STOCK ..

Payment of trust money by cheque or electronic funds transfer 27. .. which the agent will act for the owner of residential property or rural land in relation to .. together with a statutory declaration by the person as to the person's address, (d) a ..

University of Sydney Library Electronic Item

Husband providing for wife -- Wife paying off mortgage on matrimonial home -- Husband .. mortgage, she was entitled to a declaration that she was the sole owner of the .. transferred to the wife, she should hold it on trust for them both jointly.

First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21

An Act to encourage and assist home ownership, and to offset the effect of the. Goods and .. holds property on trust for the person under an instrument of trust or by order or ... declaration or supported by other evidence required by the Chief ..


Conservation Trust and to define its powers, authori- .. and the effect of any such declaration; to enable .. "Owner", in relation to land, includes every person ..



of World Heritage Environs Area Division 2-World Heritage Strategy Plans 62B. Preparation of World .. National Trust entitled to notice 79. Powers of .. Owner of land may enter covenant with Heritage Council 86. Owner may enter ..


association or body of persons, a trust or a superannuation fund and any kind of legal ... from Home Allowance Declaration Form' refer to Form 12.4 for a copy of the form. .. must obtain ownership (whether beneficial or legal) of the property.

Circumstances of Conscience: Constructive Trusts and

by G v Giumellilthe circumstances in which a constructive trust is the most appropriate form of relief for holders of .. transfer of part ownership of the Dwellingup property from the appellants, Mr and Mrs .. 12 He also sought a declaration that the partnership ..


by A Gardner - (b) A declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest therein must be .. Sorna maintained that it was the beneficial owner of the remaining 20 per cent of ..

Statutes and Regulations : Statute 14.1 - Intellectual Property : The ..

.. R3 - Requirements for Degrees and Diplomas · University trust records; Legislation Updates .. This statute and associated intellectual property principles specify .. As a matter of general principle, the University asserts ownership of .. in accordance with the terms of any enrolment declaration signed by a ..

The Taxation of Capital Gains in Relation to Non-residents of Australia

by B Smith - 1994 -  - s 160E) was the beneficial owner of at least a 10% interest in the company at any .. if any trust property is situated in Australia or a trustee carried on business in ... a declaration of trust, in relation to an asset, where a beneficiary is absolutely ..

ASSET - Digital Library - The University of Adelaide

by G Barton - 1988 - incorporeal property the distinction between ownership and the objects ... to a declaration of trust," the sterilisation of a right by 'cancellation, release, discharge ..

1991 (Circulated by Authority of the Attorney-General, the ..

ownership of Australian trust property in the territory of a civil law contracting .. declaration extend the operation of the Convention to trusts created by judicial ..

CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 - SECT 9 Dictionary

"cash management trust interest" means an interest that: .. (a) a declaration of contravention under section 1317E; ... conferred by the owner of the right, to use a trade mark or design or other intellectual property or the goodwill attached to it ..

Daintree Futures Study Final Report to the Wet Tropics Ministerial ..

by RCRC Cairns - 2000 - A Daintree Land Trust, incorporating government and community .. land in private ownership will be managed through resident stewardship of the ... the Bloomfield track, the National Park declarations in the early 1980s, World Heritage ..

State Taxation Acts Further Amendment Bill 2011 Explanatory ..

The Bill also amends the Land Tax Act 2005 to-- enable the ... must be the principal, rather than sole, activity of trusts, and that joint owners may ... the valuation as true and correct under section 7AF (if the declaration of the ..


security and continuity in the administration of trust estates that .. of the trust property be deemed to be equivalent to two trustees. .. (2) All declarations and all affidavits statements .. to be the owner of more than two thousand shares in ..


There are two ways in which property can be owned by co-owners: • Joint tenancy .. Carmody held the property upon trust for himself and Ethel Delehunt .. Rose, approached the Court for a declaration that the Memorandum of. Transfer did ..

eJournal of Tax Research

It has the attributes of other trusts including trust property, trustee and .. ownership; and (c) special powers where the class of persons who can be benefited is .. new trusts. It would be rare for an executor to make a declaration that "I am now ..

Western Australia Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 Western ..

Making crime-used property substitution declarations 12 23. Assessing the value .. Applications by owner for control and management 61 92. Duties of person ..

Windfall by Wager or Will? Unilateral Severance of a Joint Tenancy

by J TOOHER - It has been estimated that approximately 80% of co-ownership of real prop- ... enforceable contract, an unregistered gift of Torrens land or a declaration of trust.


(i) the making or payment of a distribution (whether in property or money) in respect of the .. (e) the lender does not dispose of (by transfer, declaration of trust or .. the requirement for 12 months ownership) does not apply to the CGT event.

E Law: The Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

by CJ Iorns -  - This Comment will briefly describe the process that the Draft Declaration has .. However, indigenous peoples don't trust this requirement of consent. .. ownership and possession, and to establish national land claims procedures (Article 14).


Various reasons may prompt an owner of property to avoid testate or intestate ... special declaration of trust for the benefit of Tettenhall College or otherwise as ..

Romalpa Clauses and the Issues Concerning (i) The Meaning of â ..

by DSK Ong - 2000 - The Buyer's Credit Period; and (iii) The Charge/Trust Dichotomy in Relation to 'The Proceeds'," Bond .. the impact, on the seller's claim to equitable ownership of the relevant .. The seller sued, inter alia, for a declaration that the buyer's liquidator and/or .. chose in action is itself an item of property, and that it is therefore a ..

Chapter 19

- However, no claim was brought against him. After his father's death he sought a declaration that he was the beneficial owner of the properties on resulting trust.

The Argument Stated There is a tenet of fundamentalist religious ..

by Y GRBICH - polating general property and trust concepts and authorities into taxation law. Conversely ... (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest therein must be manifested .. She was the effective owner of all outstanding equitable ..

Giumelli v Giumelli (1999) 161 ALR 473

by SB Thomas - .. declaration that the land was held on trust to convey it to Robert, and an order that the par- .. In the Western Australian Supreme Court, Robert obtained a declaration .. cepted that where promises regarding the ownership of property have ..


Purposes of trust PART 3--Members, auditors, and elections Division 1--Members 10. .. Persons may have their names removed on change of ownership or occupation 82. .. Declaration of water supply rates 93. .. Payment to trust on subdivision of ratable land PART 10--Sale and leasing of land Division 1--Renmark ..

E Law: Access to Biological Resources: Domestic and International ..

Intellectual Property Rights and the Obligations of Trustees of CGIAR .. (CBD), The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and Agenda 21. ... Its 1989 policy statement on plant genetic resources, under the heading "ownership", .. for the recognition of trust principles such as the sanctity of trust property, and the ..


ASIC power to make declarations and class orders Division 3 -- Duty to discharge certain trust .. Benefits to be held in trust for company PART 2D.3 -- APPOINTMENT, ... Owner or lessor cannot recover property used by company 440D.


Concurrent ownership. 9. Proprietary .. interests in chattels and land, and their creation and relative enforceability at law and in equity. .. Trusts, with particular reference to the various types of trusts and the manner and form of their .. performance, injunction, declaration and damages in equity should be included. (It is ..


No other changes are made and the property continues to be held on the same trust. Although there is a change in legal ownership of the trust assets from ..



the car from the owner at that time under an arm's length transaction; or (b) if .. gift, declaration of trust or otherwise)- (i) if the property is a beneficial interest in ..

Thai, Lang --- "Charges over Book Debts in the United Kingdom and ..

by L THAI - Any attempt … to separate the ownership of the debts from the ownership of their ... The same concept also applies to a declaration of trust of future property, ..

Contents Qualification and Licence Requirements Page No

Real Estate Agent/ Real Estate salesperson &Conditions. 9. Stock & Station .. Agents trust accounts. 56. Approved .. Agent Declaration Statement. Steps to .. Sample - Response to a Complaint Letter from the Owner's Corporation about a ..


by K Bennetts - 1988 -  - sought a declaration that the contents of the house sold by her in 1962 had belonged ... wife by means of constructive trust acquires joint ownership on a footing ..



title practice manual Division 2--General requirements for instruments in the .. Building management statement if lots owned by 1 registered owner 54G. .. Consequences of registration Division 6--Trusts, deceased estates and bankruptcy 109. .. Electronic communication of statutory declaration or affidavit 157.


where a beneficiary simply asserts his or her interest in the trust property as ... Apart from the statutory exception for fraud, a prior owner would need to assert .. against a third party by seeking a declaration that the third party holds the trust ..

Liedig and the Limits of Section 96

by I Tregoning - 1998 - The taxpayer, Purcell, was a grazier who, as the owner of a business comprising certain .. (2) that the declaration of trust was void and of no effect; and. (3) that in any event no part of the income from the trust property had been distributed to ..

c - AustLII

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATiVES. INCOME TAX .. (CFC), or had transferred property to certain foreign trusts for less than ... The circumstances in which a change in the ownership of an .. a declaration of trust in relation to the interest in the ..


An example might be where the owner knows that the other party has made a .. Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd (HPH 212) .. Maher brought an action seeking a declaration that there was an existing contract, ..

DUTIES BILL 2001 Explanatory Notes

However, if the transferee subsequently gains ownership of the property free of the ... Examples of the first case include a declaration of trust in favour of the ..

The Constitutional Restriction on Taxes Imposed on Crown Property

by V MorabitoSection 173(3) provided that the Trust was not liable to pay stamp duty on a .. the property of a State from a tax on the ownership or holding of property. .. The South Australian Superannuation Fund Investment Trust sought a declaration that, ..

Stamp Duty Abolition Act 1999

"Instrument of declaration of trust. "Instrument of nomination of shares. "Land. "Local authority .. 1952, No 51 Property .. Ownership Savings Act · 1974 (RS Vol ..



that Act applies in relation to fishing fleet support vessels on inter-state or intra-state .. Owner or master to furnish details of crew of ship 53. .. Wages and effects to be held in trust Division 17--Property of deceased seamen 149.

TRUSTEE ACT. Act No. 14, 1925.

to trustees and trust property; to amend in .. Joint tenant " includes joint owner. "Judge" means the ... deemed to be held in accordance with the declaration.

Co-ownership con'td

Microsoft Powerpoint - A joint tenant can change the nature of their co-ownership from joint tenancy to tenancy in .. to themselves, by declaring a trust over their interest or by transferring the .. Torrens Land – s 97 of the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW) requires the .. approached the Court for a declaration that the Memorandum of Transfer did not ..


Share disposition taken to be agreement for transfer of trust property 68. Transaction .. Public authorities, declaration of as exempt bodies 93. Transactions for .. Prescribed dutiable transactions Division 3 -- First home owner concessions 141.

This paper will discuss how decentralization is affecting the exercise ..

recording customary land and its ownership in the Solomon Islands. It is apparent that the ... land disputes were normally settled by the Trust or the Board. It is possible ... Declaration of existing land units (registered or recorded land) within ..


Damage to or removal of things from Trust land 11. Public assemblies 12. .. Offences involving a vehicle or vessel -- liability of owner 24B. Copy of statutory declaration to be served Division 2.2--Licences and permits 25. Trust may issue ..

The forms of water: in the land and in the soul

Belonging: Australians, Place and Aboriginal Ownership (Cambridge: .. Dingo Makes Us Human: Life and Land in an Australian Aboriginal Culture (Cambridge: .. 13 The Cochabamba Declaration, made on 8 December 2000, in Cochabamba, .. human right and a public trust to be guarded by all levels of government, ..

Declaration of trust by a trustee holding property soley for the ..

A declaration of trust by a trustee or nominee where the property is held on trust solely for the transferor, without any change in beneficial ownership.

Revenue Ruling DUT 30 – Property Vested in an Apparent Purchaser

a declaration of trust made by an apparent purchaser in respect of identified dutiable .. owner of the trust property. .. or a gift to the legal owner of the property. 6.

Stamp duty & land tax (Victoria Online)

Information about taxation relating to land and property, including stamp duty can be .. Transfers of Land, Transfers of Motor Vehicles, Declarations of Trust, Land .. will determine your land tax liability including any joint ownership deductions.

State Revenue Office Victoria - EvReq - Contents - SRO Only ()

s35 (1)(b), Declaration of trust by a trustee holding property soley for the transferor without any change in beneficial ownership A declaration of trust by a trustee ..

Superseded Practice Direction, First home owner grant 3.2 (An ..

A. The First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 ("FHOG Act") sets out certain .. property, a copy of the declaration of trust or other documentation evidencing the trust ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Commonly Used (Evidentiary ..

Dutiable transactions that result in a change in beneficial ownership of land that .. s34 (1) (a) (i), Declarations of trust for land vested in an apparent purchaser ..

FHOGA008.1—Public ruling—Office of State Revenue, Qld

The First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 (the FHOG Act) sets out certain eligibility criteria .. the property, a copy of the declaration of trust or other documentation ..

Trusts - Tasmanian Revenue Online

Note: If you have a declaration of trust relating to property that is not dutiable .. declares that the trust for Y is cancelled and takes ownership of the property, the ..

Statement on change of beneficial ownership in dutiable property

Statement on change of beneficial ownership in dutiable property. Notes: 4 This declaration is for the purpose of dutiable transactions defined in section 7(1)(b) ..

.1ºƒ ±łÇ²rÒÃQ¨)Û4|¢C™uõ¼6B¥«8˜ÐŒÊjLÎ] Ú flìaÁˆ Ü(%ò8ìSëw ..

4. The trustee must furnish a statutory declaration stating. (a) The intention of the parties regarding the beneficial ownership of the trust property ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Corporate Reconstruction ..

a transfer of dutiable property (as defined in section 10(1)) from one member of a .. or; a declaration of trust relating to dutiable property the specification of which .. transaction that results in the beneficial ownership of dutiable property (other ..

Declaration of Trust in an Agreement for Sale

held in trust for the person or persons, or the purpose or purposes, mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or the person ..

Declaration of trust - Registrar General's Directions

A declaration of trust does not convey land. See s23C .. The last registered conveyance or acknowledgment that evidences ownership prior to Book 4000.

State Revenue Office Victoria - Instalment Warrants Arrangements ..

A person other than the RSF trustee (the Custodian)acquires the Property using the .. pays duty on the acquisition and is registered as the legal freehold owner on title. The Custodian executes a declaration/acknowledgement of trust that the ..

Land Title Practice Manual Part 1

Foreign Ownership Information . .. Transfer Pursuant to Part 19 of the Property Law Act 1974 . ... Transfer to Trustee with Trust Document Deposited . ... This will be assumed unless a declaration or solicitor's letter identifies ..

Running a self-managed super fund

You need to ensure that your fund's ownership of its investments is secure. .. In this circumstance, a caveat, instrument or declaration of trust needs .. Business real property generally relates to land and buildings used wholly ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - File Browse Rulings ()

PTA-026v2, Employment Agency Contracts - Declaration by exempt clients .. becomes subject to a trust for another by reason of a declaration of trust by that person. ... of property where there has been no change in beneficial ownership.

Search for Stamp duty (Victoria Online)

Results 1 - 10 of 13 – .. of Land, Transfers of Motor Vehicles, Declarations of Trust, Land Rich .. your land tax liability including any joint ownership deductions.

Revenue Ruling DUT 17 – Variations to Trusts

transfer of dutiable property and a declaration of trust over dutiable property. .. it could be said that prior to the variation, the trustee was the 'owner' of the ..

PUB-DT-2011-4 Apparent Purchaser Ruling

(a) a declaration of trust made by an apparent purchaser in respect of identified .. is trustee and the real purchaser is the beneficial owner of the trust property.

State Revenue Office Victoria - Charities & Friendly Societies ..

exemption from duty for a transfer of dutiable property, or a declaration of trust over dutiable property (section 45); exemption from duty on a declaration of trust ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Homepage

The SRO also adminsters the First Home Owner Grant and the First Home Bonus. Since October .. Process your land transfers or Declaration of Trust online ..

Evidentiary Requirements for Dutiable and Exempt Transactions

Declaration of trust over dutiable property where apparent purchaser has provided ... First home owner – For contracts entered into on or after 6 May 2008 .


ownership of the land. The directors of B resolved to accept a transfer of the land on that basis and resolved that B should execute a declaration of trust in favour ..

Lawlink NSW: Report 73 (1994) - Unilateral Severance of a Joint ..

Alienation of personal property .. SEVERANCE BY DECLARATION OF TRUST .. Alteration of property interests under the Family Law Act .. Identifying the nature of the co-ownership of certain choses in possession ..

Stamp duty - NSW Office of State Revenue

Declaration Of Trust - Property Vested In Declarant As Vendor .. and Unit Trust Interests Dutiable as Conveyances of Land - "Ownership" of ..

N¶X? - NSW Office of State Revenue

in the beneficial ownership in that property. In each case, copies of any existing declarations of trust or trust deeds should be produced. 7.

Stamp Duty Document Guide

RevenueSA Logo - Link Home .. Declaration of Trust .. in a change in the ownership of a legal or equitable interest in three types of property.

NSW Duties Rates

NSW Duties Rates. Transfer of dutiable property. December .. a declaration of trust. ▪ a surrender of an interest in .. in connection with owner occupied housing.


Application to Confirm Ownership of Water Share. Water Act 1989 .. Trust/Declaration of Trust in respect of the land or other property of the association;. • copy of ..

Trusts (unidentified or non-dutiable property) - Tasmanian Revenue ..

A declaration of trust is a dutiable transaction. .. persons, or the purpose or purposes, mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, ..


beneficial ownership of the land (thereby hoping to avoid a liability to stamp duty on the .. declaration that he held the land in trust for himself absolutely, the ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Transfer by the transferor to a trustee ..

Where the declaration of trust is not duly stamped, the original fully executed .. the property; Whether the transfer involves any change in beneficial ownership ..

ACT Revenue Office: Duties

Home buyer assistance · Home buyer concession · Deferred duty · Land rent · First Home Owner Grant · Affordable house and land packages · Pensioner duty .. for sale, declaration of trust over, or grant, of certain property.

Law of Property Act 1936

person who conveys and is expressed to convey as beneficial owner. 2 ... (b) a declaration of trust respecting any land or any interest therein must be ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - File Browse Forms ()

Duties-Form-08E, Pensioner exemption / concession statutory declaration This Form is to .. FHOG-Form-03, Addendum for First Home Owner Boost Scheme This .. Duties-Form-47, Application for Registration as a Declared Public Unit Trust ..

Newstead House Trust Act 1939

Declaration that trust is statutory body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 11 .. Newstead House which at present is under the ownership and control of the Brisbane City ..

Land Title Practice Manual Part 51 - Trusts

beneficial ownership of the trust property. .. declaration by the transferor/s, or failing them an appropriate employee of the transferee, that ..

Stamping requirements for the creation of trusts—Office of State ..

The creation or acquisition of a trust of dutiable property is liable for duty. However, a trust created by declaration or settlement of cash only, will ..

Part 6 - NSW Legislation

(a) a declaration of trust made by an apparent purchaser in respect of identified .. 56A Transfer of property subject to a statutory trust to a beneficial owner ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Family Farms (Exemptions ..

the property must be a certain class of land and must be used for primary .. In addition the owner must be a natural person or a family owned company whom must .. of the duly stamped trust deed must be attached to the statutory declaration; ..

Stamp Duty Lodgement Guide

7.1.5 Declaration of Trust. 12. 7.1.6 Exchange of .. 7.1.10 Land-holding Corporation and Unit Trust Schemes 13. 7.1.11 Motor Vehicles. 13 .. other dutiable property is conveyed, acquired or created or the beneficial ownership is changed, ..

Fact Sheet Indian Ocean Territories Overview 1 March 2011

3) A declaration of trust over dutiable property; or .. whether the home will be occupied by the owner as a place of residence, occupied by a ..

Duties_Fact_Sheet_-_Transfer_Duty_Overview 1 March 2011

a declaration of trust over dutiable property; .. home owner rate on the transfer of, or agreement to transfer, the home or vacant land. For further ..

Record new registered proprietor s12 Trustee Act 1925 - Registrar ..

Not required for a change of ownership of a registered dealing. NOS form - required for: a change of ownership of the First Schedule or; a change of the lessee of a Crown land tenure Term Lease or .. 2001 [10.100]. a Declaration of Trust.

Changing my name on my title - Land and Property Information

What is a reserve trust? .. How do I change the name of an owner on a Certificate of Title who is remaining on the title as an owner? .. In Item 3 of the statutory declaration you must include the registration number of the Deed Poll or Instrument ..


Exemption for trust property used by disabled beneficiary. LT 8.1 .. LT 15.0 Exemption when owner absent from primary residence .. stamped declaration of trust ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Land & Other Property (Land Rich ..

Exemptions & Concessions · Declarations Of Trust · Motor Vehicle .. A land holding is an interest in land other than the estate or interest of a .. as property at law, it must be identifiable, capable of ownership and be able to be transferred. .. to land or other property through a linked entity, a discretionary trust ..

Landgate > Accountants and Financial Planners

Verify ownership and check for any registered encumbrances on your clients' .. TitleWatch will Monitor your Clients' Property Assets For You .. Caveat · Removal of Caveat; Withdrawal of Caveat · Declaration of Trusts · Power of Attorney ..

Trust account audit requirements - NSW Fair Trading

Under the Property Stock and Business Agents Act 2002, licensees' .. To prepare a statutory declaration relating to trust money not being held ..

8. Features of the System of Severance by Registration of Declaration

This remedy is not destroyed by the registration of the declaration of severance. ... Ownership is separate from liability under the mortgage contract. .. Trustees invariably hold trust property as joint tenants because of the ..

Property owners declaration form

Tenancy Declaration: (WARNING: False declarations carry legal penalties) .. completed by the property owner/agent when the tenancy has been confirmed and .. If you have an outstanding debt to the South Australian Housing Trust, financial ..


It bought the property in its capacity as trustee of the Fedsda trust. .. which concern declarations of trust) is critical to the availability of the exemption. ... Instead, there was a transfer of the legal ownership of the property from Fedsda to ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Site Map (About Us)

First Home Owner Grant · Overview · Eligibility To .. Other Transactions including Declarations Of Trust (Over Dutiable Property) · For Contracts On Or After 6 ..

Duties Act 1999

trust for the person or people, or the purpose or purposes, mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or ..

Duties Act 1997

Transfer of property subject to a statutory trust to a beneficial owner. 31. 57. Property passing ... (ii) a declaration of trust over dutiable property, ..

Transfer made by re-transfer - Bare trust transfers - State Revenue ..

A statutory declaration by the trustee or nominee stating: .. Whether the property was held in any other capacity other than for the beneficial owner; Whether the ..

Duties Act 2000

- "beneficial ownership includes, but is not limited to, ownership of dutiable .. (a) a declaration of trust over dutiable property includes a declaration of trust over a ..

Property passing to beneficiary (not acting as trustee of trust) of ..

A statutory declaration by the trustee of the trust, addressing the matters set out .. as beneficial owner and not as trustee of any trust nor in any other capacity.

Transferring an interest in a Torrens title property - Land and ..

Land ownership

· Public registers · Online information · Online products .. What is a reserve trust? .. If you wish to transfer an interest or share in your land to another person, .. Therefore, it is necessary to supply the names and postal addresses of the other joint tenants and any mortgagee by way of a statutory declaration.

Property disputes not covered by the Family Law Act


property for the benefit of the other, this amounts to an express declaration of trust. .. There is an implied trust where property is held by one person with an .. while the real owner of the property actively or passively encourages the mistaken ..


Taxation — Duties Act 2000 s. 7 (1) (b) (vi) — change in "beneficial ownership ofdutiable property .. B. there was no declaration of trust; and. C. there was no ..

Graham v Commissioner of Taxes

This reflects the fact that a declaration of trust creates new beneficial ... (2) A transfer (conveyance) of ownership or control of property has not ..

Duties Act 1997 - NSW Office of State Revenue

Transactions over property not yet in existence .. b) from ad valorem duty on a declaration of trust over dutiable property to be held by a .. of the trustee of the trust, where there is no change in the beneficial ownership of the ..

Setting up a self-managed super fund

Holding fund assets. 12. Signing a trustee declaration ... ownership documents for each fund asset .. (the trustee) holds assets (trust property) in trust for the ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Principal place of Residence (PPR ..

Other Transactions including Declarations Of Trust (Over Dutiable Property) · Declarations Of Trust (Over Non Dutiable Property) · Motor ..

Contracts and Covenants

who is able to declare such trust' has been held to mean the owner of the .. should be required for an inter vivos declaration of trust of land, whether of a legal ..

Document List and Codes for documents that can be processed ..

Declaration of Trust. Land - Duty .. Pursuant to Conveyance of Land. ADJ. Transfer of .. Change in Tenancy - No Change in Ownership Share. EX. Liquidator In ..

Two fundamental questions for the law of trusts

trustee's ownership of the trust property: 'A "trust" is an obligation .. Trusts which arise in the absence of a declaration of trust are usually ..

n11032-06-2010 SMSF trustees [JS16838].indd

listed securities and business real property acquired at market value. .. You need to ensure that your fund's ownership of its investments is .. In this circumstance, a caveat, instrument or declaration of trust needs to be executed for the asset.


(i) related by blood, marriage, co-ownership or prior business relationship; .. transfer of, or a declaration of trust over, dutiable property held in the estate of a ..

LTA020.1.1—Public ruling—Office of State Revenue, Qld

owner, a fiduciary relationship arises. If no document or oral declaration sets out that relationship, a trust by implication arises. 2. For land tax purposes, a trustee ..

Duties Amendment Act 2009

AND BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. 3. 3 .. 3. 4. Imposition of duty on certain transactions concerning dutiable property. 3 .. property includes a declaration of trust ..

Dutiable transaction statement (Form D2.2)—Office of State ..

Creation or termination of a trust of dutiable property. Trust acquisition or trust .. The ownership share of the property acquired by the transferee expressed as a fraction, such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, or 1 if ... Declaration of Charitable Trust s 127. /. 16 ..

Magistrates Court : 2009 TASAAD 010 Curtis as Trustees of the ..

Duties Act 2001 ss. 6, 49- Change in beneficial ownership of real property - ad valorem duty .. (ii) a declaration of trust over dutiable property; ..

Heading 4

1.6 Declaration of Trust relating to unidentified or non dutiable property. .. 3.4 Transactions where there is no change in beneficial ownership – section 49 Duties ..

First Home Owner Grant - Frequently Asked Questions

The First Home Owner Grant is a one-off grant of up to $7000 payable to eligible .. with your application form a Statutory Declaration which states that the home is .. No, a company or trust is not eligible to receive the Grant, except where the ..

Property passing to beneficiaries of Fixed Trusts - State Revenue ..

the 'relevant time' in relation to dutiable property means the time at which the .. A statutory declaration by the trustee of the Trust, addressing the matters set out .. is as beneficial owner and not as trustee of any trust nor in any other capacity.


Name(s) of Registered Land Owner(s) As it appears on the Certificate of Title for the land .. Trust, notification can be given to have the land held by that Trust assessed separately from land held by the trustee(s) in .. Declaration by Land Owner ..


In that case the taxpayer, the owner of certain farming properties, live-stock, etc. executed a declaration of trust in respect of the various assets on behalf of ..

Principal Place of Residence (PPR) Concession and First Home ..

This declaration is used to claim the principal place of residence .. also have received or be eligible for the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG). .. Attach copies of any instrument of trust, court order, etc. pursuant to which you are the guardian.

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Review of the Property Law Act ..

(b) Section 53(1)(b) should be amended to provide that a declaration of trust .. (ii) that the subject land be included in the title to the encroaching owner's lot by ..

Land transactions processed using TRO - Tasmanian Revenue Online

A declaration of trust is defined at section 6(3) of the Duties Act as "any .. mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or the ..

Lawlink NSW: 3. Existing Methods of Unilateral Severance

Property may be either real or personal.1 Personal property includes .. or to make such a declaration of trust as will divest the settlor of all further .. to act in relation to the property except with the consent of all the co-owners, ..

What does 'Title Verification' mean to you

clients' assertions of property ownership and title details - even though it takes .. beneficiaries can lodge a Declaration of Trust which will result in a registrar's ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - File Browse Publications ()

archive-Publication-LTX-04-11, 2011 Land Tax - Joint Ownership This .. Publication-LTX-Trust-07-12, 2012 Land Tax - Trusts General Information This ... 2000, who can make a power of attorney making chattels statutory declaration - on sale ..


2.4 Conveyance of property from a trustee to a beneficiary. .. 4 Declarations Of Trust ... Change in tenancy, no change in ownership share ..

Transfer Duty

Transfer duty applies to dutiable transactions over dutiable property in .. Transfers and agreements to transfer (includes a sale or a gift); Declarations of trust .. rate – applies to transactions involving residential property; First home owner rate ..

Private Rental Assistance

Note that you must return your Property Owner/Agent's Declaration Form with: .. I/We understand that if I/we incur any debt to the SA Housing Trust, now or in the ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - First Home Owner with Family ..

Declarations Of Trust

· Motor Vehicle Duty · Livestock Sales · General Insurance .. If you are a first home owner with a family and you purchased your home on or ..

FHOG Application and Lodgement Guide - OFH 001

It should not be relied upon to address every aspect of the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000. Applicants .. trust), at least 18 years of age and whose interest in the property is not .. Provide a statutory declaration with the following information: ..

Transfer - Registrar General's Directions

where the property is transferred for other than a sum of money (e.g. .. Trust Act 1994): a statutory declaration is required to show how the land is held by the .. A transfer that attempts to dispose of part of the land in a multiple ownership folio, ..

Mortgage Processing on EDR Financial Institutions Manual

mortgages associated with owner occupied housing, and takes effect on ... declaration of trust over dutiable property held or to be held on trust for, or a ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Overview (Transfers of Land)


use entitlements, such as ownership of shares in a company or units in a unit trust that entitle the owner to exclusive use and occupation of a specific ..

Reduction Of Duty For Eligible First Home Buyers - State Revenue ..

Declarations Of Trust · Motor Vehicle Duty · Livestock Sales · General .. To be eligible for the duty reduction, the first home buyer must have .. to receive the First Home Owner Grant and must also reside in the property for a ..


legal transfer of a right or an interest in property from the owner to another person. at large. (An animal) not securely confined to the owner's property. attestation ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Pensioners (Exemptions ..

Declarations Of Trust

· Motor Vehicle Duty · Livestock Sales · General Insurance .. Transfers of land attract duty based on the dutiable value of the land unless an .. (PPR) concession and first home buyer duty reduction statutory declaration. .. If you qualify for the First Home Owner Grant, you may also be eligible for the ..

Final review report

act in his/her own interest to the detriment of the property owner. ... uniform requirement to lodge a statutory declaration if trust money has not been held ..

Whole title - NSW Legislation

Division 6 Statutory trusts of property held in co-ownership. 66F Definitions .. Part 18 Verification of instruments: statutory declarations ..

Model Trust Deed

- 3 Declaration of trust 3 ... (n) manage any real property it holds with all the powers of an absolute owner including, but not limited to, power to allow any Eligible ..

To apply for the concession you will need to complete SRO Duties Form 4 (Land and Building Packages Statutory Declaration), or SRO Duties Form 5 ..


2B Special directions where property comprises certain shares . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ... 49E Duty and penalty on declaration of trust in certain cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54AC Duty payable on change of beneficial ownership of marketable securities ..

Dutiable Transactions

a transfer of dutiable property;; an agreement for the transfer of dutiable property;; a declaration of trust over dutiable property;; a vesting of dutiable property by ..

Some CGT aspects of 'trust cloning' - an ATO perspective

Literally, a mere change in legal ownership satisfied the provision, although .. of the amendments on declarations of trusts or transfers of property to trusts … .. Upon registration of the deed of appointment, trust property other ..


The trustee controls the property and is its legal owner. .. A formal declaration of trust should be prepared by a lawyer saying that the capital of ..

V icto rian L eg islatio n P arliam en tary D o cu m en ts

Establishment of a trust relating to unidentified property and .. Division 5—Pensioner and First Home Owner Exemptions and ... (g) a declaration of trust; or ..

General Register of Deeds Stamping and Marking Requirements for ..

Security Interest. ▪ Trust. ►. Appointment of New Trustee –Old System Land affected. ►. Declaration. ►. Retirement of Trustee –Old System Land affected. ► ..

General forms - Land and Property Information


and Property Information logo .. What is a reserve trust? .. Identification is required to conduct an Owner Inquiry Search - LPI Circular 2004/12 (PDF 206 ..

Tasmanian Revenue Online Help

a transfer of dutiable property (including an assignment or exchange); .. of dutiable transactions in the Duties Act;; a declaration of trust over dutiable property; .. in beneficial ownership of dutiable property;; a vesting of dutiable property by or ..

Stamp Duty Document Guide

RevenueSA Logo - Link Home. Skip to main .. Declaration of Trust. Financial Products - Duty .. Change in tenancy, no change in ownership share · Liquidator In ..

Report on Public Hearing

The Proposal also seeks to discharge a declaration of trust relating to ... the land should be retained in community ownership to enable the ..

Media Statement

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LAND INFORMATION AUTHORITY ABN 86 574 793 858 .. property's owner as being a trust. In general .. Therefore, unless a caveat or declaration of trust is placed on the title, it is possible for a ..

Business owned by a trust

A trust is formed when a person (trustee) holds property as the legal owner for the benefit .. The trustee controls the property and is its legal owner. .. A formal declaration of trust should be prepared by a lawyer saying that the ..

Duties Act 2008 (WA)(CI) - Comlaw Home

71 References to property held by a partnership or trust 73 ... mentioned in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or the ..

Village land trusts in Vanuatu: 'one common basket'

by J Fingleton -  - The village land trust is a concept used in Vanuatu after independence .. The only exception to this declaration was that the government could own land acquired .. 'The rules of custom shall form the basis of ownership and use of land in the ..

What is a Caveat? - Land and Property Information

What is a reserve trust? .. A caveat is a form of statutory injunction provided for under the Real Property Act 1900. .. Statutory declaration has not been signed by the caveator (or an authorised agent of the .. of any dealing they also consent to the exercise of any powers that the owner of that interest may gain by registration.

Land Tax 2011 – Registration Form - NSW Office of State Revenue

Please provide the full name and date of birth for each owner OR the .. Any other trust claiming the land tax threshold (including an estate trust or a bare trust)* .. completing the return and must state the capacity in which the declaration ..

Property Law Act 1958 - Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary ..

-  38 Trust for sale of mortgaged property where right of redemption is barred 28 .. 187A Transitional provision—Property (Co-ownership) Act 2005 156 .. trust licence application appointment declaration consent certificate ..

Deed of trust or settlement - Registrar General's Directions

A deed of trust or deed of settlement creating a trust sets out the relationship or association between parties by which real and/or personal property usually ..

cleanKen Schurgott's Paper

CGT event E1 happens if a trust is created over a CGT asset by declaration or settlement. 4 . A capital .. be an active trust ie the trustee has powers eg to sell the property. 9 .. requires a change of ownership from one entity to another. A mere ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Deceased Estates Exemption ..

There are also instances where a testator leaves certain assets, including dutiable property such as land, to a trustee or trustees of a testamentary trust.

First home owner exemption/concession statutory declaration

is to be constructed on the land, the First home owner exemption/concession will be provided only upon completion of the dwelling; and .. and first home buyer duty reduction statutory declaration. .. Name of company or unit trust. PART 2 ..


declarations of trust over dutiable property (ie land or unlisted marketable .. An exemption may be claimed by the owner or deemed owner of land where: ..

GSTR 2007/D3 (Finalised) - Goods and services tax: GST and bare ..

T acquires and holds the legal title to the property on trust for B. T has no .. T executes a declaration of trust under which it declares that if it .. T becomes the legal owner of the land but holds the title to the land on trust for B.

Duties Act 2000

- Attach all relevant contracts, transfers, court orders, declarations of trust, etc. .. transaction that results in the beneficial ownership of dutiable property (other ..

DFC Inverted A4 Two Column (teal)

- The Officer may compile a list of defects to determine if the property complies with the .. The owner, agent, mortgagee, tenant and local council will be advised in .. If approved by the Housing Trust Board the declaration is then published in the ..

Land Tax in New South Wales Briefing Paper No 6/98

Land tax in New South Wales is a tax payable by the owner of land on the ... any person making a conveyance, transfer, declaration of trust, settlement or other ..

Duties - NSW Office of State Revenue

Business franchise · Duties · First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 · General revenue · Land Tax Management Act .. Duty on Land Purchased by Home Builders (DUT 16) .. Declaration of Trust in an Agreement for Sale (DUT 31) ..

Auditing a self-managed super fund

held in the fund's name, is there other documentary evidence that clearly identifies fund ownership of the asset or is a caveat, instrument or declaration of trust in ..

65 Exemptions from duty - NSW Legislation

(g) the vesting of dutiable property in a statutory trust as a consequence of the .. (i) there is no change, or contemplated change, in the beneficial ownership of the .. (b) a declaration of trust over property or an instrument that declares property, ..

Conveyancing Act 1919 No 6

Statutory trusts of property held in co-ownership. 66F. Definitions. 50. 66G ... (Repealed). 173. Part 18 Verification of instruments: statutory declarations. 168 ..

DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and same-sex)

Nor may an Australian court make a declaration of validity in relation to a .. support between them; the ownership, acquisition and use of their property ... There is an implied trust where property is held by one person with an ..

Division 10 Conveyances - NSW Legislation

(a) A conveyance on sale of any property is to be charged with ad valorem duty on ... (2) Where there is more than one owner of property, and one of such owners .. in conformity with the trusts contained in a conveyance, declaration of trust or ..

Property Law Act 1958 - Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary ..

- 38 Trust for sale of mortgaged property where right of redemption is barred 29 .. 187A Transitional provision—Property (Co-ownership) Act 2005 158 .. proceeding direction trust licence application appointment declaration consent certificate ..

State Revenue Office Victoria - Common Errors (Compliance)

The Duties Act 2000 imposes duty on transfers of dutiable property unless an .. It is important that statutory declarations are completed correctly. .. to advise the SRO of changes of ownership, including family transfers, deceased estates, trusts ..

Conveyancing Act 1919

Statutory trusts of property held in co-ownership. 66F. Definitions ... (Repealed). 174. Part 18 Verification of instruments: statutory declarations ..


ownership of a defined parcel of land, and the lodged .. the beneficiary of a trust, against land held by a trustee for the trust;. • the holder of an ..

Paying stamp duty on a transfer - Land and Property Information


and Property Information logo .. What is a reserve trust? .. A statutory declaration that the conditions have been met is lodged at the Office of State ..


subsequent Declaration of Trust – whether duty payable. APPLICANT: .. CSR for proof that Davis was the equitable owner of the property. A – T12/2005 ..

Declaration by the executor pursuant to s11 Trustee Act 1925 ..

A declaration pursuant to s11Trustee Act 1925 must not be treated as a .. Link Conveyance - For the Old System land if affected. Principal Deed - Not required. (D) Indexing - The deceased, and the beneficiary or the trust and the trustee. .. The last registered conveyance or acknowledgment that evidences ownership prior ..

Magistrates Court : 2009 TASAAD 013 Fearn -v- Commissioner of ..

"declaration of trust" means any declaration (other than by a will or .. in the declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or the ..

Project No 78

CHAPTER 2 - CO-OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 1. .. (iv) Declaration of trust. 3.16 .. (iv) Registration of declaration of severance ..

Whole title - NSW Legislation

56A Transfer of property subject to a statutory trust to a beneficial owner ... declaration of trust means any declaration (other than by a will or testamentary ..

word - NSW Treasury - NSW Government

Transfer of property from companies and trusts to individuals .. However, the trust deed is stamped as a Declaration of a Trust. .. purchasing the real property, obtain not less than 25 percent of the beneficial ownership of land and who intend ..

Trustee declaration

A separate declaration is required to be completed and signed .. to the legislation relevant to the operation of my fund and ensure the trust deed is kept .. the fund's assets (for example, have sufficient evidence of the ownership of fund assets) .. acquiring assets (other than business real property, listed securities, certain ..

First home owner grant application kit—Office of State Revenue, Qld

As an applicant for the First Home Owner Grant, you must ensure that the information .. Separated – a statutory declaration with the following information: .. financial assistance that is indirect payment from a third party, i.e. a company or trust ..

First home owner exemption/concession statutory declaration

First home owner exemption/concession statutory declaration .. Name of company or unit trust .. Bonus in accordance with the First Home Owner Grant Act ..

State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

(3) For the purposes of this Division, a person is the owner of a home if the person is the ... (b) a declaration of trust over property or an instrument that declares ..

Application Form & Lodgement Guide

or trust, other than a trustee for a person with a legal disability) and at least 18 .. It should not be relied upon to address every aspect of the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000. .. Separated a Statutory Declaration with the following information: ..

Ownership Transfer Fee Exemption Application

of residence providing that residence is the parties' first home purchased (Additional .. I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing this to be true, ..


certain Declaration of Trust dated the eighth day of. February, one thousand .. vesting of the trust property by virtue of subsection one of this section shall not .. otherwise in relation to the ownership, management or admini stration of the trust ..

Part 7 Exemptions - NSW Legislation

(i) there is no change, or contemplated change, in the beneficial ownership of .. (b) a declaration of trust over property or an instrument that declares property, ..

Removing Barriers Deed of Trust

- Declaration of Trust .. (a) invest any part of the Trust Fund in the purchase of a dwelling house for use as .. (d) To sell or dispose of the whole or part of or share or interest in any property of the Trust Fund and to join with any other co-owner or ..

Duties Act 1997

30. 56A. Transfer of property subject to a statutory trust to a beneficial owner. 31. 57 ... declaration although the beneficial owner of the property, or the person ..

Research & Information Paper

A flat fee imposed when ownership of a used motor vehicle is transferred. Motor Vehicle .. private trust that owns $2 million or more of land and where 60 per cent or more of the assets are land is ... Declarations of Trust over property that is ..

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Tuesday, 14 January 2025
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If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

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Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

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