Discrimination, Bullying & Harassment Law & Lawyers
Over the past 30 years the Commonwealth Government and the state and territory governments have introduced anti-discrimination law to help protect people from discrimination and harassment.
The following laws operate at a federal level and the Australian Human Rights Commission has statutory responsibilities under them:
• Age Discrimination Act 2004
• Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
• Disability Discrimination Act 1992
• Racial Discrimination Act 1975
• Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Commonwealth laws and the state/territory laws generally cover the same grounds and areas of discrimination. However, there are some 'gaps' in the protection that is offered between different states and territories and at a Commonwealth level.
In addition, there are circumstances where only the Commonwealth law would apply or where only the state law would apply.
If you feel you have been discriminated against and would like legal help, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
What is unlawful discrimination?
Under federal and state legislation, unlawful discrimination occurs when someone, or a group of people, is treated less favourably than another person or group because of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin; sex, pregnancy or marital status; age; disability; religion; sexual preference; trade union activity; or some other characteristic specified under anti-discrimination or human rights legislation.
Workplace discrimination can occur in:
• recruiting and selecting staff
• terms, conditions and benefits offered as part of employment
• who receives training and what sort of training is offered
• who is considered and selected for transfer, promotion, retrenchment or dismissal.
What is unlawful harassment?
Under federal and state legislation, unlawful harassment occurs when someone is made to feel intimidated, insulted or humiliated because of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin; sex; disability; sexual preference; or some other characteristic specified under antidiscrimination or human rights legislation . It can also happen if someone is working in a ‘hostile’ – or intimidating – environment.
If you feel you have been discriminated against and would like legal help, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Harassment can include behaviour such as:
• telling insulting jokes about particular racial groups
• sending explicit or sexually suggestive emails
• displaying offensive or pornographic posters or screen savers
• making derogatory comments or taunts about someone’s race or religion
• asking intrusive questions about someone’s personal life, including their sex life.
The nature of harassment/discrimination
Harassing behaviour can range from serious to less serious levels, however one-off incidents can still constitute harassment. Also, where continued, such behaviour can undermine the standard of conduct within a work area, which may erode the well being of the individual or group being targeted and lead to lower overall staff performance.
The absence of complaints is not necessarily an indication that no harassment or discrimination is occurring. The person subjected to harassing or discriminating behaviour does not always complain. This is not necessarily because the act is trivial, but because the person may lack the confidence to speak up on their own behalf or feel too intimidated or embarrassed to complain.
If you feel you have been the victim of discrimination or harassment and would like legal help, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Hostile working environment
Employers also need to be aware of their responsibilities to ensure that the working environment or workplace culture is not sexually or racially ‘hostile’. Examples of a potentially hostile working environment are where pornographic materials are displayed and where crude conversations, innuendo or offensive jokes are part of the accepted culture. A person has the right to complain about the effects of a sexually or racially hostile working environment, even if the conduct in question was not specifically targeted at them.
Workplace harassment or discrimination
Workplace harassment or discrimination must not be confused with legitimate comment and advice (including relevant negative comment or feedback) from managers and supervisors on the work performance or work related behaviour of an individual or group.
The process of providing feedback to staff during a formal performance appraisal, or counselling staff regarding their work performance, will not always be free of stress. Managers should manage these processes with sensitivity, but they should not avoid their responsibility to provide full and frank feedback to staff.
What is workplace bullying?
One definition of workplace bullying is “the repeated less favourable treatment of a person by another or others in the workplace, which may be considered unreasonable and inappropriate workplace practice. It includes behaviour that intimidates, offends, degrades or humiliates a worker”. (Source ACTUQ/QCCI/Qld Govt Dept of Workplace Health and Safety)
Bullies usually utilise power attributed to their status, skills or position in the workplace, and both men and women can be the targets and/or the perpetrators. Workplace bullying can occur between a worker and a manager or supervisor, or between co-workers.
Bullying behaviour can range from very obvious verbal or physical assault to very subtle psychological abuse.
Bullying behaviour may include:
•physical or verbal abuse
•yelling, screaming or offensive language
•excluding or isolating employees
•psychological harassment
•assigning meaningless tasks unrelated to the job
•giving employees impossible jobs
•deliberately changed work rosters to inconvenience particular employees
•undermining work performance by deliberately withholding information vital for effective work performance
If you feel you have been the victim of discrimination, bullying or harassment and would like legal help, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Discrimination, Bullying & Harassment Law & Lawyers
What is unlawful discrimination?
Victoria's Equal Opportunity Act, or the Federal Fair Work Australia Act and the Federal Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission makes it unlawful to sexually harass others or to discriminate against anyone, or terminated their employment because of their:
(Various acts cover different aspects of discrimination, the list below, particularly the explanations are not exhaustive)
•Sexual harassment(uninvited comments, slurs, and/or jokes, unwelcome advances, touched, pressured for sex, sent pornographic emails)
•age, (treated differently because you are young, refusing to retire, not promoted, or made redundant because of your age)
•impairment/mental disability, or Depression
(Have you been subject to intimidation, ridicule and insult or not allowed to work or given lessor duties because of an injury?, laughed at or ostracized because of your disability or circumstances)
•marital, parental or career status
•family responsibilities, (forced to work nights or weekends or sacked when you are unable to when the employer knows you have to take care of your children or partner)
•temporary absence due to illness or injury(sacked, or moved to lessor duties on returning from work cover, sacked because you have been sick and away for a few days)
•physical features (your weight is commented on, your looks, comments about the outcome of an operation)
•pregnancy (moved to lessor duties or or loss of seniority, sacked, made redundant whilst on maternity leave, no reasonable adjustment of hours on return to the workplace)
•race, national extraction, social origin or colour (comments about your race, colour, sacked because of your nationality or not promoted because of who you are)
•refusing to negotiate, make, sign, extend, vary or terminate an Australian workplace agreement (AWA);
•absence from work during maternity leave or other parental leave
•religious or political beliefs or activity
•sexual orientation; or sexual preference
•the filing of a complaint, or involvement in proceedings, against an employer regarding an alleged breach of the law (complaining against bad OH&S practices to work cover or complaining to wage line about pay or conditions)
•trade union membership or industrial activity (sacked or made redundant because your were the union or OH&S rep or because you were not)
•non-membership of a trade union;
•personal association with someone who has one of these protected characteristics
•Discrimination in hiring practices (did not the job for a discriminatory reason)
•Criminal record
Anti-Discrimination Information
Laws about discrimination are made at both the Commonwealth and the State and Territory levels. These laws include a range of grounds on which individuals may lodge a complaint including discrimination because of race, sex, disability and age.
Individuals can lodge complaints about discrimination, harassment and bullying based on these grounds with either the Commonwealth or State and Territory. The circumstances of the complaint will influence where it should be lodged. Individuals and businesses in all jurisdictions may be required to respond to these complaints.
Complaints about discrimination can be made in relation to a range of areas including employment, education, the provision of goods, services and facilities, accommodation, sport and the administration of either Commonwealth or State and Territory laws and services.
A complaint can be made in each jurisdiction through the anti-discrimination commission, anti-discrimination board or human rights commission.
The key departments within the firm involved in discrimination work are Employment, Human rights, Police misconduct and Prison Law.
If you need help from an anti-discrimination lawyer, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Websites Are Not Places of Public Accommodation Subject to Title III of the ADA, Federal Court in New York Rules
Sun, 15 Dec 2024 21:26:16 +0000
In a careful, reasoned decision that deeply explored the meaning of “public accommodation” under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York held in Mejia v. High Brew Coffee Inc. that websites and virtual-only businesses are not
The post Websites Are Not Places of Public Accommodation Subject to Title III of the ADA, Federal Court in New York Rules first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
The U.S. Mental Health Crisis
Wed, 04 Dec 2024 21:34:35 +0000
This article is a continuation of a series of Alerts providing guidance for employers on handling mental health issues in the workplace and specifically addresses issues that relate to neurodiversity and employees who self-identify as neurodivergent.
The post The U.S. Mental Health Crisis first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Indefinite Remote Work Isn’t a Reasonable Accommodation When In-Office Presence Is Essential Job Function, Federal Court Rules
Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:39:58 +0000
On October 17, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas entered summary judgment in favor of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas, as representative of the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities (BPU) and against a former employee, Jill Ann Rogers, on her claims for
The post Indefinite Remote Work Isn’t a Reasonable Accommodation When In-Office Presence Is Essential Job Function, Federal Court Rules first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Fourth Circuit Issues Opinion Regarding Hemp-Derived (Delta-9) Products in Case Involving ADA Claims
Thu, 26 Sep 2024 14:21:44 +0000
On September 4, 2024, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, in Anderson v. Diamondback Investment Group, LLC, ruled on whether a former employee’s use of lawful hemp-derived products containing delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to treat anxiety and muscle spasms formed a sufficient basis for an unlawful termination and failure to accommodate claim
The post Fourth Circuit Issues Opinion Regarding Hemp-Derived (Delta-9) Products in Case Involving ADA Claims first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Employer’s ‘Take It or Leave It’ Offer of Remote Work as Reasonable Accommodation Is a Jury Question, D.C. Circuit Rules
Wed, 18 Sep 2024 21:14:15 +0000
On August 9, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed the district court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on an employee’s failure-to-accommodate claims under the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
The post Employer’s ‘Take It or Leave It’ Offer of Remote Work as Reasonable Accommodation Is a Jury Question, D.C. Circuit Rules first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
ADA Compliance in Real Estate
Wed, 18 Sep 2024 13:00:01 +0000
Intensive Workshop: Effectively Managing Leaves of Absence and Reasonable Accommodations (Advanced Topics)
Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:13:49 +0000
We hire employees to do their job, but what happens when they need protected time off or a reasonable accommodation?
The post Intensive Workshop: Effectively Managing Leaves of Absence and Reasonable Accommodations (Advanced Topics) first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Workplace Law After ‘Loper’: Is Disability and Leave Management in Peril?
Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:39:35 +0000
Recent SCOTUS decisions, including Loper Bright could see challenges to ADA and FMLA regulations.
The post Workplace Law After ‘Loper’: Is Disability and Leave Management in Peril? first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
The U.S. Mental Health Crisis and the Workplace
Thu, 22 Aug 2024 19:35:32 +0000
Real World Impact: This is the first in a series of Alerts that will provide guidance to employers on navigating the complicated mix of concerns that can arise when dealing with employee mental health issues.
The post The U.S. Mental Health Crisis and the Workplace first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
The ADA Turns 34: The Intersection of Technology, AI, and Individuals with Disabilities
Thu, 22 Aug 2024 18:22:11 +0000
On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. On the recent 34th anniversary of the ADA, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) General Counsel Karla Gilbride and U.S.
The post The ADA Turns 34: The Intersection of Technology, AI, and Individuals with Disabilities first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
If You Re-Started Your Workplace with Five Privileges of Employment, How Would You Break Down Barriers for Colleagues with Disabilities?
Tue, 30 Jul 2024 05:34:47 +0000
Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and my eyes began tearing up. It was one month ago, and all it took was five minutes. I was seated among 35 of my Littler colleagues, all of us participating in a week-long Executive Leadership Program through Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.
The post If You Re-Started Your Workplace with Five Privileges of Employment, How Would You Break Down Barriers for Colleagues with Disabilities? first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Reasonable Accommodations Decoded
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:00:00 +0000
In this episode, Jen provides a roadmap for addressing reasonable accommodations requests.
The post Reasonable Accommodations Decoded first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Eighth Circuit Chips Away at ‘Honest Belief’ Defense and Creates ‘Intertwinement Test’ for Disability Discrimination Cases
Sun, 21 Jul 2024 23:44:03 +0000
On July 1, 2024, in Huber v. Westar Foods, Inc., in a 2–1 decision, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals departed from the “honest belief” defense recognized by the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Circuits (and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC) guidance), holding that an employer must show that
The post Eighth Circuit Chips Away at ‘Honest Belief’ Defense and Creates ‘Intertwinement Test’ for Disability Discrimination Cases first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Sixth Circuit Opinion Offers Guidance on How Employers Can Identify Reasonable Accommodation Requests Under the ADA
Thu, 09 May 2024 15:43:48 +0000
It is well settled that when requesting reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employees are not required to use the words “ADA,” “reasonable accommodation,” “disability,” or any other special words—nor are they required to make the request in any specific manner (e.g., oral or written). Employees are
The post Sixth Circuit Opinion Offers Guidance on How Employers Can Identify Reasonable Accommodation Requests Under the ADA first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
Always Address Leaves of Absence and Accommodation Case-by-Case
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 18:36:37 +0000
In this episode, Jen explains why you cannot have a “rulebook” for handling leaves of absence and accommodations.
The post Always Address Leaves of Absence and Accommodation Case-by-Case first appeared on Employment Law Information Network.
These news come from Disability Discrimination » Employment Law Information Network.
The WBI Cure for Toxic Workplaces
Fri, 03 Nov 2023 17:30:32 +0000
The WBI Cure for Toxic Workplaces What constitutes a Toxic Workplace? Is it preventable? What steps organizations can take to achieve a Healthy & Safe Workplace? Watch the video. Read the details of our approach.
Namie & Yamada join Voices of HR podcast
Fri, 03 Nov 2023 16:53:24 +0000
Namie & Yamada join Voices of HR podcast Voices of HR Podcast host, Berta Aldrich, is joined by WBI Director, Dr. Gary Namie, and Suffolk Law School Professor, David Yamada. Berta Aldrich is author of Winning the Talent Shift. Prof. Yamada is the author of the Healthy Workplace Bill (introduced in [...]
UAW Strikers Win
Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:01:19 +0000
UAW reaches deal with GM, ending strike against (all) Detroit automakers • Pay for veteran workers at Detroit Three to rise by 33% • UAW won right to strike future plant closures • Contract will boost GM labor, pension costs $7 bln -sources Excerpted from Reuters report Oct. 30, [...]
Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week Goes International
Fri, 13 Oct 2023 18:21:22 +0000
Dr. Gary Namie & Linda Crockett describe how Freedom Week has gone international! Go here to learn what you and others can do to celebrate Visit our colleague's Canadian Institute of Workplace Bullying Resources site.
UAW’s blow to corporate exploitation
Tue, 12 Sep 2023 20:51:42 +0000
Getting sick of TV "coverage" of the pending United Auto Workers (UAW) strike against the three U.S. auto makers due to happen on Sept. 14. It seems the contracts with GM, Ford and Stellantis (Chrysler is now part of this corporate giant) expire at the same time. In normal times, this timing would give [...]
Solutions for Dr. Phil viewers from WBI
Thu, 06 Oct 2022 14:28:38 +0000
WBI - Solutions for Problems Caused by Workplace Bullying Link to YouTube version of the show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdfg--6ko4M FOR PEOPLE BULLIED AT WORK (Targets): Tutorials to learn what is happening to you Our book for Targets: The Bully At Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim [...]
Advice for Bullied Targets from a Stoic
Wed, 28 Sep 2022 23:57:29 +0000
I had the pleasure of recording this recent podcast with Stoicism authority and Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia) Associate Professor of Philosophy, Matthew Sharpe, PhD. It turns out that Stoicism provides a toolkit of techniques to offset the misery bestowed by workplace bullying. Sharpe is author of the new book, Stoicism, Bullying and Beyond: How [...]
Dr. Phil TV show covers Workplace Bullying Oct. 6
Tue, 27 Sep 2022 19:06:47 +0000
The Dr. Phil TV show did a respectful treatment of the topic -- Workplace Bullying. The show airs Thursday Oct. 6 (subject to change, check this space for updates). Four selected bullied targets told their stories. Dr. Phil and Dr. Gary Namie, WBI Director, commented and offered advice. Tell everyone you know to watch [...]
Labor Day 10 years ago
Mon, 05 Sep 2022 15:41:51 +0000
Long Road to Healthier Workplaces
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 21:20:12 +0000
Dr. I. David Daniels, a WBI Affiliate and friend, hosts the podcast: Psychological Health and Safety USA. I was honored to record a session with him discussing what it takes to achieve a Healthy Workplace. Titled: The Long Road to Healthier Workplaces. Listen when you get the chance.
These news come from Workplace Bullying Institute.
by R Kieseker - - employers under existing harassment or discrimination legislation. If the bullying involves any element of sexual harassment or anti-discrimination as defined by ..
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy (for Staff) This policy ..
harassment and bullying will be resolved under the Discrimination and .. and State anti-discrimination legislation. .... solicitor or barrister.
Bullying in the workplace (OHS 65)
claims where bullying and harassment is the cause of the injury make up about. 20% of all .. discrimination legislation or the Workplace Relations Act 1996.
Human Resources - Code of Ethics
Bullying Disability Harassment Racial Harassment Sexual Harassment ... In addition to University policies, the University is bound by legislation which makes harassment and discrimination unlawful. .... Intellectual Property Lawyer 6488 4710 ..
19th Annual Labour Law Conference - Workplace Research Centre ..
The Labour Law conference, held in conjunction with the Sydney Law School, .. and Race Discrimination Commissioner; Bullying and Harassment - Michael .. Joellen Riley, Professor of Labour Law, Sydney Law School, ..
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Continued. Bullying and .. Joellen Riley, Professor of Labour Law, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney ..
UNSW Continuing Legal Education The New Occupational Health ..
New National Occupational Health and Safety Law. .. Topic 3: Application of EEO principles, Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Clause 176 ..
Workplace Bullying, Women and WorkChoices
by DJ Kelly - 2006 - - and anti-discrimination laws which can penalise employers. .... cites business lawyer, Jane Seymour's argument that 'bullying and sexual harassment are grey ..
of discrimination, bullying and harassment. .. practicing solicitor or barrister; .. Statute 2.7 – Discipline and Regulation 2.7 – Discipline, or the Academic Honesty ..
MU Student Union - Overseas Students - Discrimination
What is Sexual Harassment? Bullying; Getting Help .. In Victoria, it is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their actual or assumed: .. to the Victorian Parliament through the State Attorney-General.
Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law The University of ..
At common law, workplace bullying may give rise to a number of actions both .... however, which have 'puzzled generations of tort lawyers',66 in particular the meaning of. 'calculated' .... non-discriminatory workplace bullying or harassment.
He holds a Master of Laws degree from the University of Sydney, where he .. He is Managing Partner for Harmer's Workplace Lawyers and has .. in the legal risks relating to discrimination, harassment and bullying issues.
sexual harassment, harassment, discrimination, racial and/or religious vilification. Staff .... bullying/harassment occurs because of a personal attribute protected by law (refer para .... and Culture), Vice-Chancellor and the University Solicitor.
Discrimination, harassment and bullying are actions contrary to this principle. They erode individuals' .. Compliance with all relevant anti-discrimination and harassment legislation must be ensured. 4. ... Lawyers/legal advisors. Making a ..
Eastman, Kate --- "Sex Discrimination in the Legal Profession" [2004 ..
by K EASTMAN - - Over time, specific laws making sexual harassment in the workplace unlawful .. The reluctance of women lawyers to use available legal remedies cannot be readily .... sexual harassment, sex-based bullying and victimisation in the workplace.
Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Resolution - Students
Complaints of discrimination and harassment will be treated seriously by the University .. can be used to resolve complaints of discrimination, harassment, bullying vilification ... provide information on the client's rights under the relevant legislation, ... choice, but not a person who is a currently practising solicitor or barrister.
by T Hutchinson - 2008 - - discrimination, sexual harassment and workplace bullying are absent from .... 43 See The Law Society, Women Solicitors (2006) Law Society Fact Sheet Series ..
To see a solicitor at Kingsford Legal Centre you must call and make an appointment. .. parental leave & returning to work; harassment & bullying; discrimination ..
UNSW - Student Equity and Disabilities Unit - Don't Assume | Links
This may include but is not limited to bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual ... and report to the federal Parliament through the Attorney-General. ... NSW Disability Discrimination Legal Centre (DDLC) has worked towards a world where ..
Academic and Administrative Complaints and Grievances Policy
Initiate an action about discrimination/sexual harassment or to complain about the .. Initiate an action about bullying or to complain about the outcome of a matter which has been .. Complain about an outcome reached under processes contained in Monash University Statute 6.2 – Exclusion for .. University Solicitor's Office ..
National lawyers survey to address workplace woes - UQ News ..
Ms Michalak said it is surprising that lawyers and law firms which play such .. intimidation, harassment and bullying cases recently coming to light in the .. of their responsibilities under health and safety and discrimination law.
disability, you should contact a lawyer or community legal centre. .. Disability Standards help us to understand disability discrimination law better by setting ... rules on harassment and bullying and to put a copy up on the school noticeboard.
19th Annual Labour Law Conference - News and Events - University ..
The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. Commissioner and Race Discrimination Commissioner; Bullying and harassment - Michael Harmer, Chairman and Senior Team Leader, Harmers Workplace Lawyers ..
ANZELA - ACU (Australian Catholic University)
The Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association (ANZELA) .. liability, bullying, outdoor education, discrimination law, harassment, ..
UWS Policy DDS - Complaint Handling and Resolution Policy
It covers complaints about unfair and/or disrespectful actions or decisions, as well as complaints about bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, ..
Dealing with Student Complaints Procedure
Charles Sturt University By Laws 1995 .. Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48 (NSW) .. an allegation of discrimination, harassment, bullying or vilification. .... with the University Solicitor or University Ombudsman on allegations of this type.
AUSTRALIA'S hUmAn RIghTS fRAmewoRk - Attorney-General's ..
Children learn about respect for each other in our schools. There are rules, protocols and laws prohibiting discrimination, harassment and bullying to ensure that ..
Sexual Harassment And Discrimination - Guidelines For Supervisors, Managers and Heads of Departments .. and various federal legislation the University has a .... witnessed bullying at work. .... solicitors are not, however, permitted to attend ..
Information Technology Use Policy - Staff & Other Authorised Users
For further information on some (but not all) relevant laws, refer to the ... these can be perceived as bullying or threatening and may give rise to formal .. Equal Opportunity policy prohibit sexual harassment and discrimination, .. be made by the University's Privacy Officer or the University Solicitor's Office.
Professor Patricia Easteal : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra
Women and the Law; Employment Discrimination and the Law .. LexisNexis at the national conference of Australian Women Lawyers on 7 August 2010. .... Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Cardiff, June.
I will survive: strategies for improving lawyers' workplace satisfaction1
by J Finlay-Jones - encourage lawyers to look after themselves, such as the situation of lawyer “Tom” ... reported experiencing discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying.
2011_ 10_2_ Canberra Law Review 63 - University of Canberra
nne Wyatt, 'Distinguishing Between Workplace Bullying, Harassment and ent Approach' (2009) 25(6) ... above n 19, 178. 37 Federal Discrimination Law (2009) Australian Hu ... Truman Hoyle Lawyers <http://www.trumanhoyle.c. 47 Breen ..
Reviewing Workplace Bullying: Strengthening Approaches to a ..
by DJ Kelly - 2005 - - and lawyer Joe Catanzariti, draws on state OHS agencies and particularly the .... discrimination legislation, common law, and OHS Acts. It is clear that in .. behaviours such as bullying or harassment, these psychologists are seeking to, and ..
dent Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Policy and cedures ... ns of bullying, refer to the University's Workplace Bullying Policy. For ... or be a lawyer. .. Legal Office and the Registrar who may then notify the appropriate authority.
communicate with a friend, relative or lawyer before he/ .. administers immigration law. .. free from all forms of harassment, bullying and discrimination in ..
Grievance Resolution (Workplace Bullying .. - La Trobe University
Relevant Federal and Victorian Legislation: • Australian Human Rights .. Sexual Harassment, Harassment and Discrimination Procedures; .... a support person, i.e., a practicing barrister or solicitor acting in their professional ..
Sexual Harassment Guidelines for Supervisors, Managers and ..
Sexual harassment is not only against the law, it detracts from efforts to foster .. or witnessed race or disability discrimination, or bullying at work. .... Practising barristers and solicitors are not, however, permitted to attend the ..
Women. Solicitors' Experiences of Workplace Discrimination, Flexibility and Success in .... more likely than men to report experiencing bullying, harassment and ..
UTS Policy on the Prevention of Harassment
These laws prohibit discrimination and harassment in employment, education and service .. insults, taunting, name calling, innuendo or bullying ... Such a representative will not be a barrister or solicitor in private practice.
Managing Stress at Work Kate Jenkins, Partner, Freehills 1 ..
sexual harassment, discrimination and victimisation. ... Few jurisdictions have law explicitly banning bullying at work (Sweden is the .... Thanks to Rebecca Harrison, employee relations solicitor with Freehills, who assisted ..
ANU Policies - Procedure- Staff Grievance Resolution
.. Office where there are allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination, workplace bullying as .. components under particular employment equity, OH&S and/or industrial legislation. .. This person may not be a practicing barrister or solicitor.
Hot topics in education covered at UQ conference - UQ News Online ..
Bullying, homophobia in schools and integration and behaviour management .. Clare Endicott (Queensland Law Society: Macrossans Lawyers) .. environments free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.
Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution - Employees
Discrimination and Harassment will not be tolerated at the University of Southern .. and may in fact be unlawful under State or Commonwealth law. ... 3.3 Complaint resolution procedures for workplace harassment (workplace bullying) .... The nominated representative must not be a practising barrister or solicitor and must ..
Employment Law Essentials. (Presenter: Derek Humphrey-Smith, Partner, Lander & Rogers, Lawyers). 3.1. General .. Bullying. Module 4. Harassment & Discrimination. (Presenter: Derek Humphrey-Smith, Partner, Lander & Rogers, Lawyers) ..
Someone says I sexually harassed them.. - Human Resources - The ..
how sexual harassment is defined in the University's Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying Policy and Procedures; .. It is against the law to sexually harass another person or to create a sexually .... However, practising barristers and solicitors may not attend any of the University's proceedings.
Bullying and harassment - Recognition, avoidance and management
Bullying, discrimination and harrassment will breach legal obligations. Bullies can face legal action. It is necessary to distinguish between the ..
WorkChoices and workplace bullying: more disadvantages for ..
by DJ Kelly - 2006 - - To make claims under anti-discrimination law, individuals have to demonstrate .. from psychological injury caused by bullying and harassment. Moreover, Catanzariti .... He cites business lawyer Jane Seymour's argument that 'bullying and ..
Education Law Notes: Your School and the Law
bullying failed to protect her from a recognized and foreseeable risk of harm .. EMIL FORD & Co – LAWYERS .. Amendments to federal anti-discrimination laws ..
Student Grievances with Staff Process (SGSP)
harassment and bullying, including .. in the workplace legislation. Student ... NT Anti Discrimination Commission. ▪ The Police. ▪ A lawyer. Student Complainant ..
RACP Code of Professional Behaviour
relationship, and must also be familiar with legislation and guidelines relevant to their .... physician (or the physician's power of attorney; or the executor of the physician's .. bullying (refer to College policy on discrimination, harassment and ..
of the workplace and the type of harassment complained of differed between the .. Patricia Easteal AM is a professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of ... 17 This includes lawyers, teachers, social workers and a doctor. .... other issues of bullying, discrimination and victimisation) he was sexually harassed in the ..
Suppression of dissent: documents
books by Brian Martin; bullying and harassment; cartoons; censorship .. Sydney lawyer Bruce Donald describes the use of defamation actions ... including medical negligence, child health, disability discrimination and private hospitals.
Conduct and Compliance Procedure - Staff / Student Relationships ..
.. that they avoid sexual harassment, bullying, favouritism and exploitation. ... the 'Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedures' and ... the 'Discipline (Student) – Guidelines', 'Statute 4.1 – Discipline' and other .. may obtain advice from the University Solicitor's Office, Monash HR, Safer ..
Employment law. Location. Kingsford Legal Centre is located on the ground floor of the Law .. supervised by the employment law solicitor. We can help you .. workplace harassment bullying. • work safety .. for advice on discrimination matters.
Conferences | Employment Law Conference 2012
Hear from experienced practitioners and get the essential employment law .. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Lawyers .. The Act imposes positive duties on employers to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation. .. bullying or harassment in the workplace can quickly find the matter escalates.
Thornton, Margaret --- "Women and Discrimination Law" [2010 ..
by M ThorntonAustralian anti-discrimination legislation makes scant provision for proactive .... Sexual harassment and reproduction appear to be somewhat more tractable to .... Bullying conduct and gender disparagement, however, will not amount to .. Lawyers are usually not involved, but may be represented at a ..
- collated2.doc - Public Schools NSW
It also lists URLs for state and federal anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation covering harassment on the grounds of sex, gender and ... bullying. The second point embodies the tension. The term sex-based harassment is not .. lawyers and employers have wrestled with the very issue of what constitutes sex- ..
Unlawful discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, victimisation and bullying by .. Bullying has the meaning ascribed to it by the University's Enterprise Agreement. .. person may not be a practising solicitor or barrister. .. Where a matter is of a potentially criminal nature, it should be referred to the relevant law ..
3.60.02 Student Grievance Resolution - Policies and Procedures ..
PPL 1.70.06 Discrimination and Harassment .. The support person must not be a legal representative or a currently practicing solicitor or barrister. .. In reaching a decision, the decision-maker must have regard for legislation and University policy and should consult with other ... 9.4 Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying ..
Inclusive Language Guideline / Policy Library / The University of ..
Language is a major vehicle for the expression of prejudice or discrimination. ... Generic terms such as doctor, lawyer, academic, administrator, secretary, should be .... has been manifested in a number of ways, including legislation at the federal level. .. Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying and Workplace Violence ..
.. such as assault, remedies may include a lawyer's letter, a police warning, a request to .. Victims of crime may also sue for damages at common law. .. to the provisions of anti-discrimination legislation and child protection legislation. .. Tags: Bully bullying legal harassment preventative measures assault ..
resolution processes, prescribed by legislation outside the. University, any .. Any person (other than a practising solicitor or barrister), who is .. Age Discrimination Act 2004. (Cth) ... Ensuring a bullying and harassment free work and study ..
Part I - Unsatisfactory Performance and Misconduct - Human ..
Bullying Prevention Advisers · Discrimination Advisers · Off-Campus .. theft;; fraud;; assault;; serious or repeated bullying or harassment, .. been investigated in accordance with this Agreement and with law; .. a practising barrister or solicitor when a matter is being investigated or reviewed under this Part.
The Code is based on NSW legislation, regulations and Government policies and .... all forms of harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination, and that their staff are ..discrimination and harassment seriously and will take steps to prevent and correct them. .... without the approval of the Attorney-General's Department.
Information Kit for School Leavers
bullying and harassment. 15 health. Medicare. 16 .... also contact your union, a lawyer or just talk to your friends .. discrimination laws in australia. You must be ..
Terms and Conditions - Australian College of Pharmacy
Commit an offence under the law while in the training environment or at a ... health & safety; Workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying; Anti-discrimination, .. or legal records being held by the College's solicitor where such actions do ..
Solicitor, Director Equity and Diversity Unit, Director SAS). 1. 1. SERIOUS .. 2) harassment, discrimination and bullying may be occurring. In addition to the ..
Peer victimisation or bullying is an enduring problem long recognised as seriously affecting .. What needs to be clearly understood by those that perpetrate harassment or bullying is .. Why are schools continuing to be a fertile ground for lawyers and litigants alike? .. Discrimination (whether to accept or reject enrolment); ..
by R Walker - 2005 - Nicholls,3 as well as by a legion of distinguished academic lawyers.4 I am not .... anti-discrimination legislation such as the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) .. harassment, bullying and victimisation increasingly entering everyday ..
Policy on Prevention of Harassment and Bullying. Student General Misconduct Rule. Related legislation. Charles Sturt University Act 1989 ..
AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND EDUCATION LAW ASSOCIATION .... curb the in-school bullying and harassment suffered by their children reveals very few .. that may arise under a state Law Against Discrimination (LAD).
Workplace bullying: To mediate or not?
by L McLay - 2010 - Workplace bullying is often regarded as a sub-category of harassment but is has some quite unique .. other forms of harassment or discrimination are clearly defined as .. Solicitor and Mediator,. Senior Lecturer in Law,. Macquarie University ..
Qantas College Policies and Guidelines
Workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying. Anti discrimination. Vocational Education and Training. Apprenticeships and traineeships. Other legislation ..
Law - Virtual placement - Australian Collaborative Education ..
Queensland University of Technology - Faculty of Law .. Australian Lawyers Alliance ... cross cultural communication; equity in the workplace - discrimination, bullying, harassment; team work; dispute resolution in workplace teams; ethics and ..
QUT | MOPP | A/6.1 Grievance resolution policy
Bullying complaints by staff where discrimination related elements appear .. This excludes a person who is currently practicing as a solicitor or ..
Revision Of The Joint Nhmrc/Avcc Australian Code For The ..
be directed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney ... This Code does not incorporate all the laws, regulations, guidelines and other .... misconduct in the workplace, such as sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination, ..
The New Racism in Employment Discrimination: Tales from the ..
by M Thornton - are the findings of The Liberal Promise that anti-discrimination legislation is capable of. 3 .... Three-year exemptions were granted by the NSW Attorney-General to .... medical treatment, as well as bullying and harassment.96 The workers, ..
The Law School offers a range of programs and resources to help you .. is free from unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying.
I think I have been sexually harassed - Human Resources - The ..
Bullying Prevention Advisers · Discrimination Advisers · Off-Campus .. When is sexual harassment that is 'against the law' also a criminal offence? ... such as statements made in confidence to counsellors and lawyers, are ..
Lawlink NSW: NSW Attorney General's Department (NSW Government, Law, Attorney .... practical advice on countering Discrimination, Harassment, and Vilification. Your rights to a fair go at school supports anti bullying programs, as well as ..
Employee Relations - Policy library : Policy : The University of ..
the allegations have been investigated in accordance with this policy and the law; .. theft;; fraud;; assault;; serious or repeated bullying or harassment, .. may act by way of a representative (but not a practising barrister or solicitor) at ... University's policy on sexual harassment, discrimination or bullying (see ..
by MA Campbell - 2010 - The Coalition to Decrease Bullying, Harassment and Violence in South .. Non-lawyers often think of “the law” in terms of a clear rule that exists to .. vilification, law of torts, defamation, privacy and discrimination to name a few (Kift,. 2010).
Australian Human Rights Commission - Australia's First Bill of Rights
17 Anti-discrimination laws do not protect all human rights or prohibit all types of .... harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace and the broader .... The Legislation Handbook does state that the Attorney-General's Department ..
Day 3 Dispute resolution mediation Arbitration: CIETAC, Domestic ..
neighbors were often bullies, endless harassment vii. .. litigation. Most lawyers will either bill by the hour, in which case a lengthy litigation with extensive .... settlement, and that vulnerable parties are not discriminated against in the process.
Dealing with concerns raised by members and others Procedure
Policy on Prevention of Harassment and Bullying. Student .. Charles Sturt University By Laws 1995 .. Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48 (NSW) .. University, the matter must be referred to the University Solicitor immediately.
Abiding by the relevant provisions in the Education and Other Legislation (Student. Protection) Amendment ... Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying or the College Policy on Handling. Complaints against ... College Lawyer advised ..
Jane Goodman-Delahunty - Australian Graduate School of Policing ..
Professor - Charles Sturt UniversityJane is a past President of the American Psychology Law Society and .. invaluable resources for courts, lawyers, jurors and policy-makers, clearly .. Evaluation for workplace discrimination and harassment. ... Defining workplace bullying behaviour: Professional and lay definitions of workplace bullying.
.. accordance with the organisation's policies, to the extent permitted by law. .... forms of harassment and discrimination (including victimisation and bullying). Everyone, regardless of .... of Justice and Attorney-General. There are six Dispute ..
6.3.05 Individual Grievance Resolution Procedure
.. of Staff and Student Complaints of Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination .. matters where the University is required by legislation or workplace .. of the Union and is not currently practicing as a solicitor or barrister.
Homophobia as an Issue of Sex Discrimination: Lesbian: and Gay ..
by CN Kendall - 1996 - - One month after the release of the Commissioner's Report, then Attorney General .. sexual harassment and the many other systemic harms which are central to .. Specifically, if but one of the aims of anti-discrimination legislation is to halt a .... of homophobia is to ensure that gay men are bullied into rejecting any public ..
National Transgender Discrimination Survey Report on health and ..
by JM Grant - 2010 - - from disrespect and harassment to violence and outright denial of service. .. ers, lawyers, and LGBT policy experts came together to create an .... Those who were bullied, harassed, assaulted, or expelled because they were ..
sexual harassment, racism, homophobia and cultural boundaries. .. ongoing harassment and bullying by his immediate supervisor, a State Manger for .. lawyer. The LGBT/I Legal Service is bound by the Commonwealth Privacy Act. The .. may be collected unless the client has consented or the Service is required to by law.
Women in the Legal Profess - QUT ePrints
by TC Hutchinson - 2005 - - Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales NSW Courts' Gender .. lawyers. • Sex discrimination and sexual harassment should be officially regarded .... Thornton M, 'Corrosive Leadership (Or Bullying by Another Name): A Corollary of ..
Ally Network - Social Inclusion - Macquarie University
Discrimination is likely to be based on a number of myths about the GLBTI .. Mistreatment through bullying or harassment or family breakdown may also act .. and the National Gay & Lesbian Law Association, among others.
NSW Attorney General's Department. ... Questions forms of discrimination against people on the grounds of their sex, race, marital status, .... Skools Out! A Report from the Skool's Out Forum on Homophobic Bullying and Harassment .. For a summary of the law in relation to gays and lesbians in NSW (including as parents): ..
Trinity Anglican School Cairns - Workplace Harassment Policy
Home · About TAS · School Policies Workplace Harassment Policy .. for effective communication and guidelines on the prevention of bullying. .. on Workplace Health and Safety, Sexual Harassment and Anti Discrimination. This Information Statement for Staff will respond to new legislation on Workplace Harassment.
Ms Margaret Thornton - Researchers - ANU
Human Rights Law 180114; Legal Practice, Lawyering And The Legal .. Thornton, M 2010, 'Women and Discrimination Law', in Patricia Esteal (ed.) ... Thornton, M 2004, 'Corrosive Leadership (or Bullying by another Name): A Corollary of the .. Thornton, M 2002, 'Sexual Harassment losing Sight of Sex Discrimination', ..
'Education Standards under The Disability Discrimination Act –
Under section 31 of the DDA, there is provision for the Attorney General to formulate specific Standards under the .. However, —experience of anti-discrimination law in Australia ... by staff, bullying, other parent's attitudes and insensitivity to disability specific issues. The study .. elimination of harassment and victimisation.
As you know, law dealing with sexual harassment in the U.S. has developed within the anti-discrimination legal framework of Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ... you say, for example, about his future employment (as a judge, as a lawyer)? .. elsewhere) women are struggling to bully down men who bully -- dominating ..
by GM NEAL - 2009 - legal profession, discrimination, sexual harassment, Kanter, stereotypes, role traps, workplace mobbing .. Australian lawyers, human resource management, lawyers as managers .. body, the Queensland Law Society, might engage with the issues raised by research .... workplace bullying and mobbing.
He later studied Law, and was admitted to the bar, where his great abilities .. Thomas More's fame as a lawyer was now very great and he enjoyed the .... or unlawful material or remarks, including offensive, abusive or discriminatory comments. - threatening, bullying or harassing information to another person or make ..
by C Evans - 2008 - - should be exempt from non-discrimination laws that apply to other schools. Religious .... to children from minority groups who are subjected to bullying or harassment .... Vilification Consultation Paper (2004); Attorney-General's Department of ..
Someone says I sexually Harrassed them..
2 The University of Melbourne Sexual Harassment Policy: Definitions and Scope. 3 'I think I've .. That statute is relevant to sexual harassment ... Bullying, discrimination on grounds other .... However, practising barristers and solicitors may not ..
movement of the 70's and what can lawyers do to contribute ... Beth Gaze teaches anti-discrimination law, feminist legal .. Jenny has done work on sexual harassment, homicide law .... ideas to international peacemaking, bullying, business ..
UTS: Associate Professor Sally Varnham - law at UTS
Previously she was a Senior Lecturer in Law with the College of Business of .. of the Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association (ANZELA). ... Issues Surrounding Complaints of Discrimination made by Students Against ... into the daily practice of teaching and learning ..2 Bullying, harassment, ..
Bullying is repeated unreasonable behaviour directed toward a student, or a group of students, or staff member that creates .. Victorian and Commonwealth laws. Discrimination is .. gender identity. Harassment is a type of discrimination and can take many forms. .... Access to a solicitor for general legal advice and referrals ..
discrimination, and occupational health and safety will be covered. 2.4 Course Aims ... Price, R. (2002) Employment Law in Principle, Law Book Co., Sydney. CCH Australia .... types of workplace harassment prohibited by ant-discrimination laws? What is bullying .. What other laws are relevant to workplace bullying? Does ..
A Whole School Approach to Dealing with Bullying and Harassment. Facing facts – an .. Helen Cahill. Check list of strategies to reduce bullying and harassment ..
Online Seminars - College of Law
In the second part of her paper she will examine progress in dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace. .. Complies with Rule of the Law Society Professional Conduct and ... Presented by Stephen Booth, Coleman Greig Lawyers ... Taking the Bully by the Horns - Developments in Workplace Bullying + ..
Technologies. Faculty of Law (Sydney Law School) .. Faculty of Law (teaching spaces only) .... Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Staff Bullying Policy, ..
by H HIGH - - medicine and law in London and travelled extensively until 1845, when he .. After setting foot in Australia he pursued a diverse career as doctor, lawyer, .... from all forms of discrimination, harassment, bullying and teasing, and vilification.
discrimination, bullying and harassment, and respect and fairness to its staff and the community. .. Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is against the law in NSW for any employer ... clerks, police, lawyers, scientists and librarians.
Bullying Is A Serious Issue - It Is A Crime!
by PT Slee - 1999 - - Adelaide, Australia. &. David C. Ford, Senior Partner, Emil Ford & Co. - Lawyers. Sydney, Australia .. interventions. Finally, the law of negligence is considered in order to identify any legal .... Such harassment was characterised by name-calling, personal insults and .. under various federal or state anti-discrimination laws.
Recent case law makes it very clear that the University's .. Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment – Procedures;. Prevention of Sexual Harassment – Policy; ... On 22 September 2011, the Attorney-General and ... Workplace Bullying; ..
The Sports experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender ..
by C Symons - 2010 - Homophobia – prejudice, discrimination, harassment or violence based on a fear ... State equal opportunity, anti-harassment and discrimination laws apply to ... A survey to assess hostilities toward gay men and lesbians undertaken by the Attorney ... is recognised as different from other types of bullying and discrimination.
Just a Harmless Pat on the Bottom? - When may a School be held ..
This is accompanied by the understanding that bullying and harassment in any .... Attorney. 16 was that as with workplace harassment, the behaviour would .. Anti-Discrimination Legislation in New Zealand – The Human Rights Act 1993 ..
Kate Jenkins, Partner and Marianne Coulson, Solicitor,. Freehills. Introduction. 1. Australian businesses have been extremely slow to adapt to bullying in the workplace. .. These definitions have yet to be clearly tested in case law. Victoria .. Workplaces: strategies to Address Workplace Harassment in Queensland (2002) ..
rob-guthrie - Staff directory | Curtin Business School
Rob Guthrie is a Professor of Workers' Compensation and Workplace Laws at Curtin University. He has .. ·Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of WA and High Court of Australia · .. "The Australian Legal framework for workplace bullying. .. "Workplace harassment - a health issue: Anti-discrimination cases and work ..
Angela Allen has been appointed as a Librarian in the Law Library replacing ... graduate lawyers training program to other staff in the firm, making the training .... Consequent to new policies on discrimination, harassment and bullying, a ..
A strategic approach to enabling sex workers' legal rights in ..
by F Bucknallusing industrial and anti-discrimination laws and institutions to effect change in legal ... solicitors, barristers, community organisations and government institutions. .... In Queensland, the Prevention of Workplace Harassment Code of .. information regarding certain workplaces and data on bullying, although it cannot make ..
2011 May-June Booklet.indd - College of Law
Workplace Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination (BHD), Wednesday 25 May ............. 7. Environment & Planning. Environment and Planning Law Reform ..
Cyberbullying is an intentional, repeated behaviour by an individual or group to .. matter (or matters) aforesaid, according to the law in this behalf made-and .. by the parent/carer at the bottom in the presence of a JP or solicitor who then needs to ... threatening, bullying or harassing another person or making excessive or ..
.. of the staff member's choice, provided that the person is not a solicitor or barrister ... developed Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedures for dealing .. 15.2 Workplace Bullying involves the repeated unreasonable ill treatment of a .. Commercialisation Guidelines in accordance with the relevant legislation.
The WELLspring initiative has arisen from primary schools' requests ..
Intolerance of violence, bullying and discrimination. (From the .. information and agree on approaches to teasing, bullying and harassment at the school ... Schools and Early Primary School in Australia, Attorney General's Department, ..
UQ Student Services : Bullying
Bullying is a broad term that describes repeated, often unprovoked, attacks towards a .. This might be a UQ Discrimination and Harassment Officer .. HR representative, a course coordinator, a lawyer, or a police officer, etc.
Thornton, Margaret --- "Women and Discrimination Law" [2010 ..
by M ThorntonAustralian anti-discrimination legislation makes scant provision for ... In Wiggins,[55] sex, sexual harassment and disability were dealt .... Bullying conduct and gender disparagement, however, will not .. Lawyers are usually not involved, but may be represented at a conciliation conference with permission.
Comply with anti-discrimination legislation at all times. .. Comply with workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying regulations at all times .... available through the Dispute Resolution Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney General.
Recent Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education
Recent Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education .. School's Duty to Provide a Safe Learning Environment: Does this Include Cyberbullying? .. Primer on Sexual Harassment: Lessons for Practice from the United States of America" ... Elizabeth --- "Coping, Complying and Indirect Discrimination: Hurst v State of ..
Schools are required by law to provide supervision of students on school grounds in the morning before ... Department of Justice and Attorney-General. GPO Box ... understanding that any form of bullying or harassment is unacceptable ... Discrimination Act 1991 whenever and wherever it occurs and whoever is the victim.
and Safety in the workplace legislation. A grievance does .. supervisor. In cases of harassment, sexual harassment or bullying the staff member may seek a third .. NT Anti Discrimination Commission. ➢ The Police. ➢ A lawyer ..
Advertisement - Librarian Grade 2
discrimination, bullying and harassment, and respect and fairness to its staff and the community. .. Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is against the law in NSW for any ... clerks, police, lawyers, scientists and librarians.
Discrimination Act 1992; and the development of the Disability Standards for Education which .... assertiveness and bullying), tailored to needs of students from .. harassment legislation, to increase their awareness of these issues and .. organisation and reports to the Federal Parliament through the Attorney-General.
Protecting Our Students (And Their Teachers Too) A Canadian ..
Student Misconduct: Bullying. 4. .... protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, .. The respondent, the Attorney General of Canada, was supported by the .... bullying, harassment, intimidation and intolerance'.74 ..
Best practice conflict management
of discrimination or sexual harassment or bullying (there are variations between .. laid down by the Law Council of Australia for lawyers who work as mediators.
E Law - The Potential of the Law of Torts to Assist in the Protection of ..
by BA Hocking - - This, and the occasiona l recognition of harassment as a public .. the essence of Britain's widely recognised gender based discrimination at work .... against general harassment or bullying in a range of social contexts. ... (1995) 3 Torts Law Journal 239, p 252 referring to Bender, L, "A Lawyer's Primer on ..
1.50.1 Code of Conduct - Handbook of University Policies and ..
1.3 Respect for the law and system of University Governance .. Avoiding unfair discrimination, for example, on grounds such as gender, race, .. which might reasonably be perceived as harassing, bullying or intimidating .... lawyers, teachers, therapists, psychologists, accountants) may have obligations or ..
including debt collection agency fees and solicitor's costs, shall be charged to the account. ... student to take action under Australia's consumer protection laws. .. All students must support the right of every individual to be free from harassment, bullying, intimidation, discrimination or aggressive behaviour.
Strengthening human rights in Australia - Australia's First Bill of Rights
Equal treatment before the law .... Discrimination/Racism/Harassment/Bullying ... suggestions from lawyers for a comprehensive Bill of Rights are only in the ..
Wade, John --- "Don't Waste My Time on Negotiation or Mediation ..
First, there is a framework aimed to encourage lawyers and other .. accident (“You've walked into a doctor's/lawyer's office and this is ... harassment, family property, estate division and anti-discrimination claimants ... diagnosed early and directed towards a bullying style of mediation, med-arb or an umpire ..
.. Progress · Sessional Tutoring · Academic Misconduct (Plagiarism) · Links to other services · Bullying · Casework Charter .. 9607 9550. This service provides referrals to lawyers that specialise in certain areas. It is run by the Law Institute of Victoria. .. Contains information on sexual harassment and discrimination issues.
Dorothy goes to Law School:Stories of Institutional Inertia in an ..
by KL Adams - and the passage of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth). .. by the experiences of women law students themselves. .. He bullied the students. .... issues of concern to women that simply are not covered under the rubric of harassment.
UWS Policy DDS - Misconduct - Student Non-Academic Misconduct ..
Contravenes any provision of the UWS Act, By-laws, Rules or Policies;; Behaves in ... procedures in cases involving discrimination, harassment, bullying and the like. ... of UWS but not a person who is a currently practising solicitor or barrister.
Inmagic DB/Text WebPublisher PRO: 81 records
The author, a lawyer, discusses the general legal principles that apply in the areas .. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Law and Education v.5 n.1 p.34-52 2000. .. This is accompanied by the understanding that bullying and harassment in any .. practices based on disability and other prohibited forms of discrimination.
Undergraduate unit of study descriptions - Business School - The ..
All Sydney Law School units completed in the combined Law degree in the first .... auditors and lawyers and the interaction of these professionals with company officers. ... including Anti-Discrimination Law, termination of employment, .. workplace harassment (including sexual harassment), bullying, and ..
shakespeare • syria • music • art • law • books • relics
Jane Raffan explains legislation and the Indigenous art .... armies of lawyers to argue over .... Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying. 14 April ..
by D Osborne - 2010 - bullying. Intrinsically there is a strong link between educational integrity and bullying ... within a wider harassment framework (Brodsky, 1976). .. legislation, definitions and guidelines and stimulated research. .... Stakeholders included lawyers, consultants and trainers who .... Bullying is likely overlap with discrimination in ..
Greatest achievements: how I launched a housing co-op in the ..
Co-ops in many ways potentially fitted the bill, including by their ... Employment cases involved workplace harassment, bullying, sex discrimination and .. by a long backroom campaign led by founding lawyer Peter Kandler, ..
Occupational Health and Safety & Workplace Discrimination (For ..
and workplace discrimination law for legal practitioners .. solicitors wishing to comply with the Legal .. Topic 1: What is unlawful discrimination & harassment? .. Bullying. • Impact of the Fair Work Bill. • Flexible working and the law. 9.55am ..
by UQ and the Queensland Law .... December 11. A commercial lawyer for more .... such as discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment, sabotage, fraud, and ..
Thanks to Elena Jeffreys, President of Scarlet Alliance, Alana, Kane ..
approach to using industrial and anti-discrimination laws and institutions to ... draft national law for uniform national regulation of the legal profession (Attorney- .... bullying. In Queensland, the Prevention of Workplace Harassment Code of ..
cannot be a practicing lawyer. 3.1.9. Where a trainee is duly notified ..Discrimination, harassment or bullying b. Abusive, violent, threatening or ..
MUST SEE - Federal Attorney General interviewed on the 7:30 Report .. 100 Federal Laws/regulations that discriminate against Queers. .. brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.
Committees: Means a committee appointed under University Legislation and may .. Support Person: Means an observer (who is not a lawyer) who accompanies a Party .. University of Ballarat Legal & Secretariat>Bullying Prevention and Management website. .. Harassing behaviour including racial or sexual harassment.
2010 Code of Conduct PowerPoint presentation Facilitator notes
individual and collective responsibilities are when we are bullied, or witness ... that workplaces and classrooms are free from all forms of harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination, and that their staff are informed of the principles of equal ... the law prohibiting sexual relations with a person under the age of consent ..
Bullying impacts on students' physical and psychological health, educational .. members of the Australian community who are unable to afford a private lawyer. .. suspensions/expulsions, school bullying, disability discrimination in schools, victims compensation applications, family law, consumer rights, sexual harassment, ..
available for loan to membe s of the Law institute. .. for Young Lawyers — Making the right moves. .... WORKING CONDITIONS; HARASSMENT .. anti-discrimination, workers' compensation, .. Employers should implement an anti-bullying ..
QUT | MOPP | D/5.5 Grievance resolution procedures for ..
Grievances regarding discriminatory practices are handled separately .. external agency such as the Queensland Ombudsman or a practising lawyer. ... Such victimisation could include, for example, harassing or bullying the ..
.. from unfair treatment, unlawful discrimination, bullying and harassment. .... was a leading international lawyer, professor of law and founding ..
REFERENCES - LEGISLATION AND LAW LIST OF INFORMATION SOURCES. AND CONTACT .... Comply with Fitlink Australia policies, as discrimination, bullying behaviour or harassment of any form will not be tolerated. .... Freedom of Information >> Qld Dept of Justice and Attorney General (1998) “Our. Services ..
1 - University of South Australia
e) support equal opportunity and anti-discrimination initiatives for staff members and .. (d) observance of days declared by or under a law of a State or Territory to be .. provided that the person is not a solicitor or barrister currently in practice. ... free from bullying and has developed Discrimination and Harassment Grievance ..
Solicitor's Office acts for the staff member and the State meets all costs ... including discipline, discrimination, gender equity, bullying and harassment to be ..
Reference Manual for Supervisors of General Staff - Flinders ..
As a supervisor you have a duty of care, which derives from legislation and from University policy, for the health, .. equal opportunity, diversity and antidiscrimination, harassment and bullying policies and ... not a practising solicitor or barrister.
Members of the University of Western Australia CODE OF ETHICS ..
rights and obligations of staff under common law or legislation. The University is a .. People are to be treated fairly -- not discriminated against, abused or exploited. Justice is ... Harassment of any form such as sexism, racism or bullying has no place in such a culture, as it ... The University Lawyer is the UWA PID Officer.
.. State/Territory Legislation and. Requirements, including OH&S, Anti discrimination, VET, Privacy. ... identified in legislation, workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying are against .... with the Australian Attorney-General's Department.
Human Rights Audit on the Operation of ACT Correctional Facilities ..
reviewing the effect and operation of Territory laws concerning correctional facilities from the .. ACT Human Rights and Discrimination Commissioner ..
Gay Men and Lesbians Against Discrimination (GLAD) (1994) Not a Day ... to be safe NSW Attorney General's Department report on Homophobic .. cost of being gay" in Australia How discrimination in law - impacts on queer .. brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.
The National Coalition Against Bullying (NCAB), a group of experts in the field of ... range of cybersafety measures, including law enforcement, filtering and education. .... and deal with inappropriate behaviour including discrimination, harassment, ... who are not represented by a union, their own lawyer or other advocate.
eGrad 23 January 2012 - SUPRA - Sydney University Postgraduate ..
measures to combat discrimination, harassment and bullying, and .... MIKE GREWCOCK author of Border Crimes & UNSW Law lecturer. EDWINA LLOYD lawyer for Indonesian boat crew jailed on 'people smuggling' charges ..
Cancellation and Refund Policy - RediTeach Essential Training
Our professional advisers including accounting auditors and lawyer. .. to a working environment that is free from workplace bullying and sexual harassment. .. Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 - The Anti-Discrimination Act aims to promote equality ..
ALLY-Useful links and resources - Equality and Diversity Centre - La ..
They also provide information on discrimination laws in Victoria. ... to the suicides of a number of young people bullied because of their ..
“If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human ..
by B Morrison - - terms of addressing one form of school violence – school bullying. Addressing ... playgroup bullying and gang violence, to sexual and workplace harassment, to child abuse and .... member of that community, upholding its laws and values. ... respect for human dignity, tolerance and non-discrimination – the essence of ..
WP 19_Christine Stewart FINAL-151106
by C Stewart - 2006 - - the Scottish Home Department to investigate the law and practice on homosexual and prostitution .... Police harassment of prostitutes in PNG was apparently .. in the following year, the Public Solicitor took an appeal in Anna Wemay and Others. v. .. the prostitute herself, as distinct from the madam, the tout, the bully, the ..
Student Complaints Management (updated)
4.1 Discrimination and Harassment · 4.2 Student Misconduct ... through the Dispute Resolution Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney-General. .. sexual harassment;. bullying. The student should refer to the Code of ... For further information concerning Privacy, please direct any queries to the USQ Legal Office.
Respect for the Law and the System of University Governance .. Avoiding discrimination on grounds such as gender, sexual .. Avoiding behaviour which might reasonably be perceived as harassment, bullying or intimidation .... doctors, social workers, lawyers, teachers, nurses, therapists, psychologists, ..
Solicitor. Ms Miranda Devine, journalist. Associate Professor Maria Egan, School of Medicine, Sydney Campus, The. University .. governed by tight licensing laws. For the .... Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying. Abusive ..
but these laws are not there to 'ensure punishment of those who differ from the .. 3 Eg. sexual harassment: Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) ss118, 119; .. infliction of offence or humiliation, or intimidation or bullying; the mere infliction of ... Further, The Hon Rod Welford MP, Attorney-General at the time the offence of ..
happy and safe, and where verbal, physical and electronic harassment on gender, racial and .. legislation. 3. Learning ... stalking, cyber-bullying by proxy¹ or other activities designed to breach a person's ... Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 .. by Tim Longwill, Partner McCullough Robertson Lawyers 2009 ..
The Australian Nonprofit Sector Legal Almanac 2009
by M McGregor-Lowndes - 2010 - newly formed Australian Charity Law Association and PilchConnect (Victoria) ... She alleged that Focus discriminated against her in her employment by reason of her .... an employee feels they are being bullied, intimidated or harassed.
by S Hussein - 2007 - - discrimination and harassment of women wearing hijab, a response was .. the centre of a bullying political and media row in which 'the Muslim .... circumstances Muslims are obliged to follow the law of the land, and the law allows ... writer and lawyer Randa Abdel Fattah says that she stopped wearing hijab because it ..
Information features new laws and updated rights regarding: property; inheritance; .. PUBLISHER: NSW Attorney General's Department, 2002 .... to a fair go details practical advice on countering Discrimination, Harassment, and Vilification. Your rights to a fair go at school supports anti bullying programs, as well as aspects ..
Sexual harassment in Australian Universities: Procedures to make ..
by R Hyarns - M, Solicitor, Lecturer at Monash University School of Law,. Coordinator of the .. Monash University Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedures .... by way of cross examination is simply a veneer for mere bullying and has no place ..
Rich Text Format - Harassment includes, but is not limited to, bullying, which is usually associated .. debate subject to common law and to the University's Code of Professional Ethics. .. 'Legal practitioner' means a person admitted to practise as a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court of .... Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy ..
11 March – 17 April 2010 22 April – 15 May 2010
Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying. 14 April .. Jointly offered by Workplace Research Centre and Australian Business Lawyers australia's ..
Bruce was a Victorian businessman, lawyer and conservative politician. .... Hall Handbook, or a breach of a Statute, Rule, Order, policy or procedure of the University) will be dealt ... Prevention of Discrimination and harassment and bullying ..
This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases. .... 105 158 Disclosure to lawyers . .... 22 (i) employees are free from bullying, harassment and 23 discrimination; and 24 (ii) employees are respected and diversity is embraced; ..
QUT | MOPP | B/8.1 QUT Staff Code of conduct
f) Avoiding discriminatory or harassing treatment of others .. by rational debate, rather than by vilification, coercion, bullying or any form of intimidatory, .. counsellor, lawyer, accountant, engineer etc) or teach or undertake research related to ..
Bruce was a Victorian businessman, lawyer and conservative politician. Although ... astrophysics and law; senior members of foreign embassies including the Ambassador for .... Prevention of Discrimination and harassment and bullying ..
discrimination, bullying and harassment; f) supporting, implementing and complying with the University's objectives, priorities, plans, policies and procedures; g) ..
Workplace and Corporate Law Research Group March 2009 ..
by A FORSYTH - 2009 - Paper for the Australian Labour Law Association, Fourth Biennial .... ranging from statutory claims of discrimination to personality conflicts, not typically .... use of its dispute settlement services (eg for bullying or harassment issues), and how ..
Legal Profession Conduct Rules 2010 - 00-c0-00
Rich Text Format - Practitioner employed by person other than law practice 18 ... (b) an Australian-registered foreign lawyer; or .... unlawful harassment means harassment that is unlawful in this jurisdiction;. workplace bullying means behaviour that could reasonably be expected to offend, intimidate, degrade, .. (a) unlawful discrimination; or ..
eGrad 16th January - SUPRA - Sydney University Postgraduate ..
measures to combat discrimination, harassment and bullying, and ... MIKE GREWCOCK author of Border Crimes & UNSW Law lecturer. EDWINA LLOYD lawyer for Indonesian boat crew jailed on 'people smuggling' charges ..
Surgical News - volume 4 number 3 April 2003
of the Divisional Group oi" Rural Surgery, Mr Bill Hunter, descrihetl the .... Honorary College Solicitor, .. harassment, discrimination and bullying. Because the ..
National Human Rights 150609 - Australia's First Bill of Rights
by C Atmore - 2009 - the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women ... wages, 'move on' powers and anti-graffiti laws; as well as harassment by .... and notes that homophobic bullying at school is an insidious problem that also ... the use of the power of attorney, and instructed the facility that all mail should be ..
Annual Report 2000 cov + inside - Kingsford Legal Centre - UNSW
2 A T Kronman, The Lost Lawyer: Failing Ideals of the Legal ... workplace harassment and bullying, discrimi- ... Our area other of specialty, discrimination law, ..
dealing with bullying and harassment for use in the Health .... contribution caring relationships effective responses against racism, discrimination and bullying ..
sexual harassment, stalking and bullying. •. The Equity and Diversity Centre has procedures for discrimination and sexual .. policy and relevant privacy legislation .. Solicitor. • make referrals to the appropriate service such as a psychiatrist or ..
Part A - Operation of the Agreement - Human Resources - The ..
Bullying Prevention Advisers · Discrimination Advisers · Off-Campus ... Bullying: Repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed toward a staff .. University of Melbourne Act 1958 and Statute 5.3 of the University of .. Representative: A person chosen by the staff member but not a practising barrister or solicitor.
specialcollections indigenouspeople
Libesman T 2007, 'Indigenising Indigenous child welfare', Indigenous law .. communities in NSW', NSW Attorney General's Department, Sydney Record #4166 ... sexual assault and workplace bullying or harassment, as well as future actions the .. It argues that the issue of discriminatory treatment of Aboriginal women and ..
due respect for teachers. • no violence, discrimination, harassment, bullying or intimidation ... professional by looking up a solicitor in the yellow pages .... Commonwealth workplace relations laws apply equally to both overseas workers ..
Page 1 Page 2 Contents Refereed Papers The Perils Of Plagiarism ..
by MK Teh - 2009 - Discrimination, Privacy And OHS Legislation In NSW Government Schools ... from Singapore, she was a practising lawyer, and earlier in her career, she was both .. These issues range from bullying to sexual misconduct, from injury to negligence. .... and delivery, student support services and elimination of harassment and ..
This is a mock up of the suggested arrangement/indexing of clauses ..
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, bullying, which is usually .. 'Legal practitioner' means a person admitted to practise as a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court of ... agencies and processes, consistent with relevant legislation and the terms of this Agreement. .... Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying) Policy ..
University of Sydney - Enterprise Agreement 2009 - 2012 - with x ..
.. a friend, colleague or Union official (but not a practising barrister or solicitor in private .. serious or repeated bullying or harassment, including sexual harassment; .. legislation or a provision of legislation includes a modification or ... to employment practices that help prevent and eliminate discrimination on the basis of ..
CREd - Past Events 2011
.. Oration with Catherine Branson; A Snapshot of Cyberbullying; Dorothy Smith .... principally in the areas of administrative law, including discrimination law, .. of South Australia and the CEO of the South Australian Attorney-General's Department. .. Bullying Advisory Board; the Coalition to Decrease Bullying, Harassment ..
by B Bhutto - dice, disability discrimination and sedgender differentials;I3 the rules governing bias .. Women lawyers views on the 'place' of women in law, and the existence .. century of bullying from the bench and bar table will be overcome by random or .... observations of sexual harassment proceedings, I saw the (mostly female) tri- ..
News | The University of Sydney
Artists include: Emily Kngwarreye, Shaun Gladwell, Bill Henson, Del Kathryn Barton, ... needs of lawyers who work at the interface of Australian and Japanese law or .... incidences of discrimination, bullying and harassment in your workplace.
module we will see that these ethical rules are often given force of law. People differ .. due to a lack of evidence or the actions and advocacy of lawyers and legal .... be no personal discrimination in how policies are applied. 8 .. the laws relating to workplace bullying and harassment are also linked to this ethics obligation.
NO VAGRANCY - TC Beirne School of Law - University of Queensland
Anti-discrimination statutes around Australia be amended to include: .. particularly community lawyers and Legal Aid lawyers;. • judges and magistrates; .. police harassment were made in 83% of the Brisbane interviews, all but one of the. Brisbane .... One participant compared police officers to school bullies: '[Police are] ..
by API WHOM - - inconsistencies in the public law whistleblower laws enacted since the 1990s. .. Barrister (Qld), Barrister and Solicitor (Federal Court), Senior Research Fellow, ... matter, without the employer needing to fear dismissal or discrimination.8 .... information, performance management issues and bullying and harassment.
by R Sahlin - - law that provide a backdrop to its national anti-discrimination law and at the same .. law. Section III describes the general development of the anti-discrimination legislation .... irrespective of disability and in order to prevent and preclude harassment. .... employment positions, such as professor, judge and barrister/solicitor.
Employment Law and Industrial Relations - College of Law
Lawyers Crossing Borders .. An Analysis of Changes to Workplace and Employment Law .. of Injured Workers - Helen Wall; Discrimination and Harassment - Michael Barnes. $77 .. Recent Developments in the s106 Jurisdiction of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission - Colin Magee; Bullying Epidemic – Fact or Fiction ..
Human Rights and the Beijing Olympics | University of Western ..
Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, ... and Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific and human law lawyer David Matas, ..
matter (or matters) aforesaid, according to the law in this behalf made-and .. by the parent/carer at the bottom in the presence of a JP or solicitor who then needs to ... material or remarks, including offensive, abusive or discriminatory comments. threatening, bullying or harassing another person or making excessive or ..
Domestic Student Information Handbook
Australia's consumer protection laws. The Careers Australia ... and victimization. ▪ bullying and intimidation .. discrimination, harassment, intimidation or victimization. ▪ serious .... Department of Justice and Attorney-General. This is a free ..
.. but may not nominate a current practicing solicitor or barrister in private practice. .. discrimination, bullying and harassment in the workplace and achieving .... parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, sibling or other family or household member.
by C Stewart - 2005 - introduction of Western law into Papua New Guinea, specifically the criminal law. .. then in the Attorney-General's Department, before working for more than 3 years in. Nauru. In all, I ... The prostitute herself, as distinct from the madam, the tout, the bully, the .. guarantee of freedom from discrimination on the grounds of sex.
Galanos, Instructing Solicitor on behalf of the Victorian ... discrimination, employer obligations, workplace bullying and harassment and corruption. .. Counsel Assisting argued that the first principle of the law in this area was that hearings ..
by MJ Mikulsky - - their school anti-discrimination policies. Nevertheless, as .. well as students' harassment of SSA students and use of homophobic language in the .... harassed and bullied all day long. ... Division, NSW Attorney General's Department. Sears ..
Ambulance officers: the impact of exposure to occupational violence ..
by C Mayhew - 2009are affected by tlw common law, by industrial awards and agreements, and by legislation on matters such as workplace saf~ty, trade prilctices, discrimination ..
.. and who is not a current practicing solicitor or barrister in private practice. .. discrimination, bullying and harassment in the workplace and achieving .... 28.22.5 subject to privacy legislation, does not authorise the University to be provided ..
University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010
“Bullying” means repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed toward a staff member, or a group .. University of Melbourne Act 1958 and Statute 5.3 of the University of Melbourne Statutes or ... solicitor. • “Research Continuing Employment (Contingent-Funded)” means continuing ... harassment and unlawful discrimination; ..
unlawful discrimination in induction training sessions for new staff. .. legislation or service operations, introducing new staff, updating information on staff ... be bullying or harassing others will be dealt with through the service's behaviour .. Commissioner for Declarations, Notary Public or lawyer, must be kept on file.
by K DOUGLAS - - Blencowe and Suzanne Condlin (eds), Educating Lawyers for a Less Adversarial ... domestic violence.32 Additionally, the law discriminates against some women because of .. harassment and disputes relating to the family. .... such as reiterating the ground rules where bullying behaviour occurs or including a support ..
.. embassy staff (labour attachés), lawyers (bar associations), trade unions and .. None of the sending countries have a migrant worker bill including human rights .... are inadequate and women are often subject to various types of harassment. ... are areas of discrimination (bullying of children at school and gang violence) ..
University Policy Student Appeal Procedure
Internal Appeals and Relationship to Policies, Procedures and Legislation . ... Means an observer (who is not a lawyer) who accompanies a Party during .. University of Ballarat Legal & Secretariat>Bullying Prevention and · Management website. Direct and indirect discrimination. .. Harassing behaviour including racial ..
Code of Conduct for South Australian Public Sector Employees
Prevent bullying or other forms of harassment in or ... the law, this Code, government ... Discrimination includes treating ... Solicitor's Office, or the Anti- ..
CQUniversity Australia - Sitemap
Business, Accounting and Law .... Bullying · Sexual Harassment · Discrimination · Vilification · Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Unlawful Discrimination ..
- Fieldwork sites could also include police stations, legal aid offices, lawyers' offices, offices of the local council, .. in areas such as WorkCover, workplace health and safety, and anti-discrimination legislation. .... sexual harassment .. of the workplace, workplace bullying, workplace stress, guest workers, work–life balance.
Suppression of Environmental Science
by RR Kuehn - 2004 - - 2004 American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics .... employees or instead discriminated against because of unwelcome research or recommendations). .. Lawsuits, or threats of lawsuits, are another form of harassment. .. him for a million dollars.33 Furthermore, a lawyer for cold fusion proponent Stanley ..
discrimination and harassment on all grounds covered by .. form of bullying or intimidation, are .. Statute). In essence, these are research projects that are funded by external bodies and it is .. the Statute. The exercise of the Power of Attorney ..
pre-employment medicals, functional capacity evaluations, workers' compensation and disability discrimination' .. and New Zealand Education Law Association 18th Annual Conference, .. Robert Guthrie, 'Harassment at work is a health issue (too)! .. are Bullied in the Workplace' Australia and New Zealand Education Law ..
LawNow is an online legislation package which keeps track .. Attorney-General's Department. Also on Informit .... have been subjected to harassment, bullying or .. important that illegal discrimination be acted upon and that ..
Bruce Hall Handbook 2008 Edition
Bruce was a Victorian businessman, lawyer and conservative politician. .... Hall Handbook, or a breach of a Statute, Rule, Order, policy or procedure of the University) will be dealt ... Prevention of Discrimination and harassment and bullying ..
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ACT 2004 No. 108 of 2004 Version ..
.. or a person appointed or body established under the law of another jurisdiction, ... and (ii) ensuring freedom from discrimination, harassment and bullying; and ... the Privacy Commissioner; (j) the Solicitor for Public Prosecutions in relation ..
Regulation at Work V10 No3 2011.pub
Commonwealth – the Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 was introduced to the .. substantial and dominant reasons tests from the discrimination provisions in Part 6' .... that PSC moderated the relationship between bullying/harassment and psycho- ... between a client and his or her lawyer made for the dominant purpose of ..
and Yvonne Webb, Lawyer. Production: .. The Federal Parliament passed the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in 1992. The DDA .. Harassment and victimisation – humiliating comments .. bullying because a complaint is made by a student ..
The French reading of subsidiary protection
of the 3rd July 1992 whose function is to settle questions of law that have no .. There are others departments: legal aid, reception of the lawyers and .... Compared to the refugee status, a constant police pressure, bullying or ... The Ofpra has granted subsidiary protection to crime witnesses, subjected to harassment by ..
Training Modules on Harassment and Bullying and Indigenous Awareness ... dealing with law reform matters referred to it by the Attorney- .. comfortable with their sexuality and free of vilification and discriminatory practices ..
by BG Robertson - 2011 - women who are not represented by a union, their own lawyer or other .. termination of employment; workplace bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment ..
by W PENGILLEY - Dr Pengilley is Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Newcastle and .... Lee Loevinger, 'The Sociology of Bureaucracy' (1968) The Business Lawyer .. Arm twisting or, as some may regard it, regulatory bullying, can manifest itself in a ... Private regulatory groups have harassed traders at trade fairs in an attempt ..
1 | Australia Is Ready - Australia's First Bill of Rights
for national legislation but also points to an inequity across States ... Attorney-General on a number of Acts: the Racial Discrimination Act, .... housed in high crime areas where they became common targets for victimisation, bullying and harassment; little choice was found to have been given about where ..
School Law Preparation of Mentor-Teachers: A Pedagogical Model
by LT Kajs - 1999 - findings are in stark contrast to the results of a survey of Education Law ... Scenario: A federal statute prohibits school districts from discriminating against .... Scenario: A, well known as a schoolyard bully, taunts B, a shy girl, with .. state action attach when school personnel know of the harassment and fail to take action to ..
Browse by Faculty - USQ ePrints
.. budgeting process BUILD bulls bullwhip effect bullying Bunge-Wand-Weber .. v Motis Pacific Lawyers character charity organization Charles Darwin chart of ... in teaching accounting discretion discriminate discrimination discrimination law .... ratio sexual abuse sexual and reproductive health sexual harassment sexual ..
Conflict Resolution Education in Western Australian Schools
focussing on a current program involving law mediation practitioners and several secondary .. severity and incidence of destructive conflict in schools such as bullying and harassment ... and avoid conflicts caused by bias, insensitivity and discrimination. .... like the role at all - this student wants to be a lawyer and was ..
Griffith Working Papers in Pragmatics and Intercultural ..
1. Sylvie Wimmer. Views on gender differences in bullying in relation to language and .... forms such as racial and sexual harassment (Turkel 2007: 244). The question .. incivility between attorneys in the area of litigation. ... Sylvie Wimmer is currently studying for a Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Arts majoring in Gender ..
August e-news - Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing ..
Rich Text Format - The Bill contains a wide definition of domestic violence that includes .. On 7 May 2008, the Western Australian Attorney-General reported to the .. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ... The theme for the next edition of 'Journal for Women and Policing' is bullying and harassment.
South Pacific Institute Student Handbook
If you are new to Australia, please be aware that you are bound by the laws and legislation of the .... Australian Federal Government legislation prohibits discrimination on the basis of .. prohibits harassment, bullying or violence of any kind. .... Lawyer. Advice Line Lawyers, 350 William Street,. Melbourne. 9321 9988 ..
Trade Mark Dilution, Culture Jamming and the .. - ANU College of Law
by M Rimmer - 2008 - patent lawyers trying to scrounge Christmas bonuses from their wealthy clients.”8The trade mark owners ... There has been a. 24 N Klein, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies (2000), p. ... corporate harassment and censorship. This is .... have worked extremely hard to avoid racial discrimination in our labour practices ..
of Transnational Programs Dr Bill Damachis, lecturer. Penney McFarlane and the .... issues, including bullying and harassment in the workplace, and discrimination on such issues as sex, race, religion, ethnicity and .. Lawyer joins Chinese firm. UOW-trained lawyer Matthew McKee has joined prominent Chinese law firm ..
The University of Melbourne Enterprise Agreement 2006
section 29 of the University of Melbourne Act 1958 and Statute 5.3 of the. University of Melbourne .. practising barrister or solicitor. -. “Research fixed term” in .. freedom from bullying, harassment and unlawful discrimination;. - recognising the ..
The By-Laws of the College provided for: .. Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination ... lawyer for the Spanish community for 40 years . Bill ..
discrimination and harassment on all grounds covered by .. a project governed by a specified agreement (as defined in the. Statute). In essence, these are .. bullying or intimidation, are unacceptable. .. The exercise of the Power of Attorney ..
discrimination in the private rent ... such as bullying, unfair dismissal, .. sexual harassment. .. Attorney-General requesting the ... vilification laws recently saw ..
Child Safe Environments: Principles of Good Practice
Attorney-General's Department. • Australian Liquor .... addressing bullying by children within the organisation. • codes of conduct ... The legislation does not require that organisations re-write or. Page 10 of 41 .... 3.4.2 bullying or harassment of a child .. The code of conduct makes it clear that discriminatory, offensive and ..
LAW FOR NON-LAWYERS. 1. IB dIPLOMA .... and without experiencing discrimination. There are no .. interactions. Bullying and harassment will not be ..
Law is a framework of rules regulating behaviour; it permits certain behaviour and forbids certain .... them to Indonesia's Attorney-General for further investigation. .. Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (now called the ... bullied child with no other allies is often forced to come to terms with its tormentor.
Anu Edu Au Polsci Marx Contemp Swuk Sw - ANU Home
His new law will make it even more difficult for people to claim asylum. .... This would make it easier for police officers and prosecution lawyers to hide evidence .. to bully, harass and intimidate people and to send whoever they want to jail. .... the growing male "whitelash" against positive discrimination schemes for women, ..
Changing Australia's Human Rights Culture | University of Western ..
.. Stop Bullying · Legislation · Sexual Harassment · Equity and Diversity Calendar 2011 .. "W(h)ither Human Rights": 25th Law and Society Conference .. about the recently announced by the Attorney General consultations to consider ... In addition, in 1992 Australia enacted the Disability Discrimination Act ..
Workplace Bullying and Occupational Violence policy. .. University of Melbourne Act 1958 and Statute 5.3 of the University of Melbourne Statutes or ... “Representative” means a person chosen by the staff member but not a practising barrister or solicitor ... bullying, harassment and unlawful discrimination; ..
Guidelines for responding to inappropriate, concerning and ..
sexual harassment (unwelcome sexual conduct of any kind) .. bullying (repeated, unreasonable conduct in the workplace) ... of the universities trained and experienced Discrimination and Harassment .... policy and procedures apply and are in addition to Victorian Legislation. .... Involving the University Solicitor's Office ..
Handbook '11, 19 Nov '10 restructured with some photos
The Right Reverend William (Bill) Ray. Bishop of North .... humiliating, bullying or intimidating. This ... Unless the Appeal Committee includes a lawyer, .. Discrimination and Harassment and by State and Commonwealth Law in these matters ..
Legal Studies (2007) Senior External Syllabus
Candidates are encouraged to understand the impact of the law, the legal .... discuss with a solicitor or barrister various aspects of defamation, negligence, strict .. freedom from sexual harassment .. bullying, workplace stress, guest workers, work–life .. research a case study about discrimination in the workplace (women, ..
unlawful discrimination in induction training sessions for new staff. .. legislation or centre operations, introducing new staff, updating information on staff ... be bullying or harassing others will be dealt with through the centre's behaviour .. Commissioner for Declarations, Notary Public or lawyer and must be kept on file.
by A Dwyer - 2007 - are given that police, policies and legislation lack the most basic terminology with which ... discrimination or harassment by the police” (ibid). .. people that do not identify as queer may be defined as such by lawyers, social workers and other .... positions: Narratives of threat, homophobia and bullying in 11-14 year old boys.
should adopt the civil rights ordinance drafted by law Professor Catharine A. MacKinnon and .. harassed and assaulted because of the consumption of it. Finally, this .. pornography as an issue of sex discrimination. 5 Unlike ... while a person is using the internet to give them advice about cyber-bullying or other. „unwanted ..
Australian Pacific College School of English
no violence, discrimination, harassment, bullying or intimidation no weapons ... call) or consult a paid professional by looking up a solicitor in the yellow pages ..
Boundaries, Border-crossings and Gatekeepers: Issues relating to ..
by CA Tan - 2000 - - Prejudice and racial discrimination within the Anglo-Australian community reinforced .. bullying, and harassment, particularly at school. Ellen Cramond (nee Ah ..
The 'legalisation' of education : a study of New South Wales ..
by DJ Newlyn - and their professional development needs in the area of law, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law,. University of .... exactly what constitutes the law has plagued not only lawyers but society in general ... educational law: duty of care, trespass, searches, harassment, defamation, copyright ... anti-discrimination and discipline. But they ..
The African community and the Federal Race Discrimination ... of dissenting performance art (although the harassed popular activists, lawyers, .. In the end, there were rumors that amidst the police provocation and escalating bullying, the .. that we truly cannot cast aside: freedom of speech and rule of law.
Student Grievances and Discipline Matters Project
by J Jackson - 2009 - School of Law & Justice. PO Box 157 .... in-house lawyers or internal audit); and .... Feel you are being discriminated against, harassed or bullied? FAQs and ..
Please note that Government Legislation requires tuition fees and ... Students are required to act in a non discriminatory manner at all times ... harassment, and vilification or bullying as well as acts of cheating or .... 92690234. Lawyer. Lewis Holdway. 20 Queen St. Melbourne 3000. 96299629. SOCIAL PROGRAMS ..
March 2001 - ANU College of Law
The modern history of Australian administrative law has been dominated by .... disaster, war, political turbulence, or gross and discriminatory violation of ... Lanka, two from the applicant's wife and the other from an attorney, referring to recent .. weight to the wife's statements about harassment, but either way the Tribunal ..
AICT Management and Staff do not discriminate against male or female. .. There is a Non Smoking Policy .. In certain circumstances where a student breaches AICT rules, laws of .... Workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying ... They primarily assist people who are unable to afford the services of a private lawyer.
Exclusion From School: Established and Emerging Issues
by AE Knott - - Andrew E Knott. Hill & Taylor, Solicitors and Attorneys, Brisbane, Australia .. discrimination legislation and students' rights legislation. Introduction ... generally, involve pupils from more privileged backgrounds in incidents of harassment and .... independent school for alleged bullying and intimidatory behaviour. Neither ..
University of Canberra Academic, General and UCELI Staff ..
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, bullying, which is usually associated with .. public debate subject to common law and to the University's Code of Professional Ethics. .. to practise as a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court of any State or Territory .... Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy. • Health and ..
Staff Disciplinary Procedure IP 3.157
Contravening any legislation governing the Institute. Incidents or a range of matters which .. Representative chosen by employee but not a family member or lawyer. 10. Employee Assistance .. Harassment and Discrimination — IP 3.22. •. Management of Bullying and Violence in the Workplace — IP 3.178. •. Teaching Staff ..
Page 1 Page 2 'lì' GLosA|.rsAT|oN, R|cHTs AND Issues :N Et>ucAr ..
by MK Teh - 2005 - l individuals or groups, in that they are discriminated against or not given equal opportunities. Thus .... by a Singapore lawyer. .... in schools by students, peer harassment in the form of bullying, sexual misconduct by teachers, and child abuse ..
make a victim of crime feel better. Working towards the right legal decision can be a distressing experience (for both lawyer and client) and ..
provided that the person is not a solicitor or barrister currently in practice. A senior staff .. d) observance of days declared by or under a law of a State or Territory to be observed ... harassment and workplace bullying, such a dispute shall be dealt with in accordance with the University's Discrimination and Harassment ..
Australian Domestic & Family Violence
Legislation and policies .. Attorney-General's Department, the first pilot project ... includes abuse between peers (including harassment, bullying and dating violence), physical, sexual and .... discrimination, insofar as it ensures that all ..
Architecture and Agriculture; Business, law and economics; and Humanities, Arts and education. the .. the Attorney-General's Department .... policies on: equal opportunity; Disability; Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying; Student ..
An Absence of Human Rights: Children in Detention | University of ..
.. and Success Conference · Stop Bullying · Legislation · Sexual Harassment · Equity and Diversity Calendar 2011 .. Human Rights Law and Policy Conference .... In April 2004 I presented the then Attorney General Hon. .... statutory laws, especially Federal and State anti-discrimination laws;; human rights ..
Get Started in the Law Library Introduction and Tour . .... the courts' opinions, other lawyers' arguments or the Parliament's legislation. The object of law school .. Guidelines for Conduct in the Workplace ('anti-bullying policy'). • Guide to .. confidentially, any student or staff in clarifying harassment and discrimination issues.
Australian Domestic & Family Violence
Victorian Law Reform Commission – Sexual. Offences. 9 .... women to encounter ongoing systemic discrimination resulting in a .. rubics cube produced by the NSW Attorney General's. Violence .... bullying and sexual harassment. The project ..
Assessment Type 1: Folio Part a) Proposal
x From what I know about him already, he faced a lot of discrimination while he was alive, and had .. public favour or dreads the public frown..let the hand of law strike me down if it will, but I ask ... good lawyer. ... harassment in the area because of their flashness, because of their swagger”. Unfairly targeted and bullied by ..
by D Anton - 2004 - principal solicitor of the EDO, has kindly given permission for its reuse in the .. connection with the law of standing and the rights of third parties to appeal the ... the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (known as the Ksentini .... section 123 would lead to a rash of harassing and vexatious litigation.
solicitors and personnel with practical educational expertise. .... Cyber bullying includes sending unsolicited or intimidating messages in any form .. To feel safe from discrimination, harassment or indoctrination. 6. .... The College has developed an extensive Child Protection Policy that fulfils the current legislation under the ..
is not a currently practicing solicitor or barrister in private practice. ... State anti-discrimination legislation and will work actively towards preventing and .... harassment, bullying or intimidation of a person, in which case that person may be ..
Express rights to academic freedom in Australian public university ..
by JG Jackson - 2005 - - seek increasing recourse to the law and to the industrial relations system to .... And the lawyer Professor Frederick Pollock similarly noted the .... harass, bully, vilify or intimidate. ... staff and students, discrimination and harassment, and public ..
is not a currently practicing solicitor or barrister in private practice. ... an environment free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and bullying. .. State anti-discrimination legislation and will work actively towards preventing and eliminating ..
This file was downloaded from: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/40992/
by AE Dwyer - 2011 - 1 Dr Angela Dwyer, Lecturer, School of Justice, Faculty of Law, Queensland .... (Attorney General's Department of NSW 2003; Baird, Mason and Purcell 1994; ... times more likely to report experiencing discrimination or harassment by the police' .... Marshall D (2008) 'Homophobic Bullying and Human Rights: Non-deficit ..
- When a person abides by the law, in this case the .05 legislation, he comes to the notice ... Mrs Roberts said she had Crown Solicitor's advice that she could use the ... Safety of the individual and possessions v safety from harassment of authorities .... The argument could be available to people that they were discriminated ..
4 days ago – .. and protection from gender discrimination and sexual harassment. ... Human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, who was sent back to prison last week .... “There is anger over how the strong bully the weak, despair over how the ..
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007)
Commonwealth available from the Attorney-General's Department. Requests and .... Ethics and law in human research. Human .... to unfair discrimination or have effects on .. example, harassment or bullying) are addressed primarily in the ..
General Staff Self Development Prize 2011 - UQ Update
Sexual harassment policies and grievance management .. to effectively manage discrimination and harassment matters, including sexual harassment. ... relevant law courses are designed not only for lawyers but also for business ... personal, bullying, or family relationship issue and can discuss this in an ..
Policing queer bodies: focusing on queer embodiment in policing ..
by AE Dwyer - 2008 - discursive knowledge about what it means to know about the law: .... stated that they had been discriminated against or harassed by police because of their .. conducted recently by the Attorney General's Department NSW, with respondents .... of Threat, Homophobia and Bullying in 11-14 Year Old Boys' (2003) 59 Journal ..
by TA rather than SubjectsNational Children's and Youth Law Centre. Renewable .. about a student-based approach to harassment at one school. .... Discrimination based on Religion and Belief. The Federal .. Melbourne lawyer in I990 described Convention articles as 'a panacea for .... with their bullying behaviour, they would have to answer for ..
Indonesia and East Timor: Against Impunity, For Justice — Global ..
The promise of international law is that the East Timorese .. would provide them to Indonesia's Attorney-General for further investigation. ... Timor is understandable; in a schoolyard, a bullied child with no other allies is often forced to come to terms with ... Sexual harassment, sexual forms of torture and ill-treatment or rape.
Workplace harassment - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. and safety requirements for workplace harassment, and your obligations under the law you must ..
Harassment and sexual harassment - Anti-Discrimination Board ..
Anti-discrimination law defines harassment as any form of behaviour that: .. shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, police, public transport, ... on harassment and bullying prevention, to monitor the situation for a ..
Discrimination and sexual harassment - Legal Aid Queensland
Sexual harassment is any form of sexual attention that is unwelcome. .. If the bullying is not against any discrimination law, it still may be ..
What is workplace discrimination and harassment?
Summary of Federal and State Anti-Discrimination Law .. Under federal and state legislation, unlawful harassment occurs when someone .. One definition of workplace bullying is “the repeated less favourable treatment of a ..
Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland - Your Guide
Is all discrimination against the law? What about bullying? Are there any exceptions? Direct and indirect discrimination. What about sexual harassment?
Our agenda: Commission workplan 2011-2012
Priority 1: Tackling violence, harassment and bullying; Priority 2: Building .. (Cth) as well as federal laws that protect people from discrimination such as on the basis ... with the Commonwealth Ombudsman and Attorney-General's Department ..
Special provisions consistent with Commonwealth anti-discrimination law .... Bullying and Harassment; Vicarious Liability under anti-discrimination law ... Where such a report is provided to Attorney-General it must be tabled in Parliament.
Commonwealth - National Anti-Discrimination Information Gateway
Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws .. can investigate complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying based on a person's: ..
Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Bullying Policy | IP ..
Patent Attorneys · Patents .. Our employees must not engage in harassing, discriminatory or bullying behaviour towards another .. responsibilities is an offence under various Commonwealth anti discrimination and workplace legislation.
- Harmonisation of state and federal anti-discrimination law 2 .. President of the Anti Discrimination Board of NSW at the Australian Corporate Lawyers Association .... long service and the bullying and harassment he had been subjected to.
Bullying among young children - Attorney-General's Department
Australian Government Attorney-General's Department, Canberra. © Commonwealth of .. and their communities address issues of bullying, harassment, violence and child abuse and neglect. .... prejudiced views and practising discrimination: ..
Being treated fairly - Things people say - Legal Aid
You are here > Home > Information About the Law > Being treated fairly > Things .. For a referral to lawyers experienced in defamation contact the Law .. may investigate complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying.
Office of the Equal Opportunity Commissioner - South Australian ..
South Australian Attorney-General's Department .. equality of opportunity through the administration of anti-discrimination legislation. .. Examines and responds to complaints of discrimination and harassment. .. It contains comprehensive, new information on bullying, discrimination and harassment issues, with lots of case ..
Complaints information for young people
There are laws to protect you against discrimination, harassment and bullying. .. You don't need a lawyer and you don't have to prove or disprove what ..
Information concerning Australia and the Convention on the Rights ..
5.1 Violence, bullying and harassment; 5.2 Sterilisation of children. .... The current process of consolidating federal anti-discrimination laws provides .... the Family Law Act. On 9 July 2010 the Attorney-General of Australia asked the ALRC to ..
preventing harassment and bullying psychiatric .. Avoiding the risks of discrimination and harassment. Social media is ... Margaret specialises in law for non-lawyers, and has designed and implemented training and educational programs for ..
Australia's Human Rights Framework - Attorney-General's Department
Rich Text Format - There are rules, protocols and laws prohibiting discrimination, harassment and bullying to ensure that men and women have equal opportunity in employment ..
South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Resources
Australian Consumer Law (ACL) - www.consumerlaw.gov.au .. new information on bullying, discrimination and harassment issues, with lots of case studies and ..
Equal Time - Autumn 2011 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
Sexual Harassment Costs and consequences .. federal Sex Discrimination Act, breach of contract and negligence laws and both state and federal trade practices legislation. .. Her lawyers had tried unsuccessfully to persuade the court that these .. and other forms of discrimination, harassment or bullying.
Australian links on child abuse prevention - National Child ..
The Bullying in Schools is a site which provides information on available resources .. valued – and free from bullying, violence, harassment and discrimination. .. of NSW (AGD), and is endorsed by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. .. Lawstuff is an initiative of the National Children's and Youth Law Centre, ..
speeches_kennyj7.rtf - Federal Court of Australia
Rich Text Format - The first woman in Australia admitted to practice law was Grata Flos Matilda Greig, or Flos ... In the 1970s, however, the prejudice against women as lawyers was .... lawyers continue to be plagued by harassment, discrimination and bullying.
Human Rights Homepage - Australian Human Rights Commission
Violence, Harassment and Bullying and the LGBTI Communities .. are forced from their homes because of discrimination, violence, harassment or bullying ... Yogyakarta Principles on the application of international human rights law in relation .. Attorney General's Department NSW, 'You shouldn't have to hide to be safe: A ..
Disability discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
It is generally against the law in NSW to treat you unfairly or harass you .. Anti-discrimination law covers a wide range of disabilities and health problems. .. from shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, the police, public .... for breast cancer, her manager bullied, intimidated and harassed her.
- .. pubs and bars. Workplaces are still not free from bullying and harassment. ... Principal Solicitor, NSW Disability Discrimination Legal Centre. Dr Belinda Smith ..
Workplace Bullying and Current Victorian Law . ... Bullying, Harassment and Violence: A Risk Management Approach', Journal .. discrimination (such as discrimination on the basis of personal characteristics, sexual ... 2011, the Attorney-General withdrew the VLRC's serious bullying reference and opted ..
- The writing competition run for school students as part of Law Week 2008 was .. from the operation of the Anti-Discrimination Act from the Attorney General to the .. Bullying, harassment and discrimination are offensive, unfair and unlawful.
Addressing sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity ..
by J Roth - 2011 - 5.4 Bullying and harassment experienced by young people. 15. 5.5 The impact of .. in federal law from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Some of the key ... Additionally, officers of the Attorney-. General's ..
Violence, Harassment and Bullying and the LGBTI Communities1
because of discrimination, violence, harassment or bullying based on their sexual ... rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity (The .. 24 Attorney General's Department NSW, „You shouldn‟t have to hide to be safe: A ..
- Anti-Discrimination law in NSW prohibits discrimination against employees because of ... Mr Bishop's solicitor called the employer a few days later to ask that Mr Bishop ... people who had experienced discrimination, harassment and bullying.
- Tellingly, our main page on 'anti-discrimination law' received more than .. this time to design a postcard about discrimination, bullying and harassment, with a .. the senior management of the Attorney General's Department for their support.
The Right to a Discrimination-Free Workplace
The paper outlines what discrimination laws mean in practice for employers and ... that discrimination has occurred, s/he prepares a report to the Attorney-General .... bullying or harassment, there was no nexus between the racist remarks and ..
Discrimination and unlawful dismissal
and brutal bullying by his supervisor. Refer to our story .. Some lawyers and commentators have predicted there will be an increase in alternative claims to .. provisions regarding race discrimination and sexual harassment. There are .. Employers who breach NSW anti-discrimination law run the risk of being involved in a ..
Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW - LawLink NSW
- Tellingly, our main page on “anti-discrimination law” received more than 66000 .. this time to design a postcard about discrimination, bullying and harassment, with a ... Liaised with business centres in the Department of Justice and Attorney..
While you are working - Legal Aid Queensland
Bullying can come under discrimination laws or can be against workplace policy. If you have experienced workplace harassment or bullying ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 39 April 2011
Message from the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner; From the Office of the ... the organisation. harass or bully work colleagues or others. breach laws relating to .. A lawyer at an Australian University posting a YouTube clip of him burning ..
Equal time number 79 Autumn 2010 - Anti-Discrimination Board ..
Newsletter of the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW .. Students were invited to design a postcard about discrimination, harassment and bullying. Primary .. After graduating, he worked as a 'run-of-the-mill lawyer' for a few years to gain experience. .. 'The objective test is one of the great strengths of the law.
Safety in your generation luncheon
Hosted by Sparke Helmore Lawyers .. and to minimise discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace. .. Gordon Henderson has 20 years' experience as a workplace relations lawyer specialising in OHS law, including being ..
WORKPLACE DIVERSITY - Attorney-General's Department
At the Attorney-General's Department we recognise that 'ensuring equity in employment and eliminating workplace discrimination and harassment are essential for developing a diverse ... awareness regarding bullying and harassment. ■ ..
sexuality and gender diversity
Further, hate and fear based harassment, abuse or .. present to police as offenders, specific legislation, policy and guidelines exist to ... 6 NSW Attorney General's Department 2003 - .... Discrimination and Bullying Policy ..
Law Week 2008 Events: Tuesday 1 April - Lawlink Corporate ..
Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General ... 2. address the topic of discrimination, bullying or harassment because of a an ..
anti-discrimination board of nsw - Lawlink NSW
- About anti-discrimination law in NSW .. Sex (including sexual harassment), disability, and race discrimination continue to be the most ... Provide legal advice to the Attorney General, President, Statutory Board and Board staff. .... Also, issues about possible discrimination and bullying were brought to Council's attention ..
Harassment and sexual harassment - Anti-Discrimination Board ..
Anti-discrimination law defines harassment as any form of behaviour that: .. to get, most types of goods or services — for example, from shops, banks, lawyers, ... the man and their manager for training on harassment and bullying prevention, ..
Second Reading Speech - Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation ..
Attorney General's Department .. Second Reading Speech - Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 .. harassment are facing the growing problem of cyber-bullying and harassment by electronic means.
Leaving a job - Legal Aid Queensland
Under state and federal law, an employee's dismissal from employment is .. The FWA must give permission for lawyers to be present at proceedings. .. believe you have been bullied, harassed or discriminated against,; have ..
test your knowledge of anti-discrimination law. .... Mr Bishop's solicitor called the ... people who had experienced discrimination, harassment and bullying.
Law Week 2008 Events: Monday 31 March - Lawlink Corporate ..
Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. 2. address the topic of discrimination, bullying or harassment because of a an ..
- A Diverse Workplace Free of Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination 23 .... than the terms and conditions applying under Commonwealth law (including .... or lawyer) present during meetings or interviews into allegations of harassment, ..
Employment and the law - overview
and debate about employment law in Australia. In 2005, .. about some very important changes in employment law in ...Discrimination, harassment, and bullying ..
Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW - LawLink NSW
- It was distressing to hear about the extent and effect of bullying, but also .... We are a business centre within the NSW Attorney General's Department. ... These types of discrimination and harassment are only against the law in certain areas.
Case Law. 5. Bullying and Harassment. What is Harassment? What is Bullying? Employer .. Taking Steps to Deal with Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment. 6. Occupational Health and ... Sparke Helmore Lawyers. • Woolworths Ltd ..
Newsletter - Issue 46 November 2011 - Anti-Discrimination ..
Tas-Discrimination News is published to be an information, reference .. discrimination law and the Tasmanian community and workplaces. .. for 2010–11 in the Tasmanian Parliament by the Attorney General, the .... Conduct your own Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying program in YOUR WORKPLACE ..
Greater protections against sexual harassment and discrimination
Attorney-General Robert McClelland and Minister for the Status of .. of the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010. .. online or through more subtle forms of bullying, such as through text message.” ..
- NSW Attorney General's Department .. Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment Act 1999 which extended to same-sex couples many (but ... “Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination – Joint Management/Employee Association Policy ..
Strengthening National Gender Equality Laws, Agencies and ..
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth): Review and Bill .. SDA to ensure that the law is effective to address sex discrimination and sexual harassment experienced by .. The Bill was introduced to the House of Representatives on 30 September 2010 by the Attorney-General, the Hon Robert .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
My work rights - young women's rights at work
Discrimination and sexual harassment are against the law. .. or proposing to treat, someone unfavourably or bullying them because of a ... It does not cost anything and you do not need a lawyer to make a complaint to us.
Sexual harassment - Law Handbook
As with discrimination laws, sexual harassment laws are concerned with participation in public life and not with conduct in private life.
Work Out Your Rights - Info for Employees
.. training opportunities; refused flexible work arrangements; harassed or bullied .. The Commission can also help if you have been sexually harassed at work. .. under federal anti-discrimination law and explain how you can make a complaint. .. You don't need a lawyer to make a complaint or participate in conciliation.
Compensation - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. The role of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland in harassment complaints does not include .. other work related factors, for example bullying, harassment, or discrimination. .. A common law claim is the claim made by an injured worker who commences ..
Guide for the resolution of informal complaints at the local level
Where issues are raised alleging discrimination or sexual harassment, it is important for .. equal employment opportunity, discrimination, workplace bullying or harassment ... Post to work address Post to home address via Union via Solicitor ... protected by law and is not liable civilly, criminally or under an administrative ..
The Essential Handbook - business.gov.au
contractors and employees at common law, use the online decision tool at .... adviser. If necessary, you can pay a lawyer to write the letter on your ... discrimination and harassment .. for information on discrimination and workplace bullying.
Writing Competition 2008 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
.. for school students entitled Say No to Discrimination as part of Law Week .. to write about their experiences of discrimination, harassment and bullying and .. Attorney-General John Hatzistergos presented the winners with ..
Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Dialogues with China and ..
Consolidation of Commonwealth Discrimination law. Australian Human Rights Commission Submission to the Attorney-General's Department .... law (including in encompassing forms of bullying and harassment which do ..
harassment and bullying. - The current workplace .... and Commonwealth laws protect workers from discrimination on a number of grounds. In some cases ... lawyer can draft a common law employment contract. Common law contracts ..
Human Rights Homepage - Australian Human Rights Commission
Violence, Harassment and Bullying and Homelessness ... A combination of factors including age discrimination relating to work, a health crisis, ... Public Health by Realising Human Rights' (2005) 10(1) Deakin Law Review 233. .. People, Canberra: National Crime Prevention, Attorney General's Department (1999) p 21.
- The Attorney-General, John Hazistergos, has announced that the NSW Government is .. The increase in the cap was recommended by the Law Reform Commission in its review .. Under the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against an .. Harassment and bullying $319 9am–1pm 12 Nov prevention ..
Get out there - May 2011 : Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General provides information, .. to ensure employers are meeting Queensland´s industrial relations laws. .. work contracts, unions, discrimination, harassment, bullying, unfair dismissal ..
- Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying' policy to support a diverse and non .. Liaising when required with the Bill of Rights Unit on human rights principles. .... Public Sector Management sought advice from the Government Solicitor's Office ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 43 August 2011
Having strong laws to protect every Tasmanian from discrimination is only one .... just completed successfully rolling out Discrimination, harassment and bullying .. This project is funded through the Australian Government Attorney-General's ..
- There may be other laws that also apply to your workplace. .. If you believe that you have been discriminated against, bullied or harassed, sexually ... a lawyer. Treatment of related documents. [Guidance note (delete this later): describe the ..
Annual Report 2010-2011 - Northern Territory Government
Minister for Justice and Attorney-General. Parliament .. Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission 2010-2011 Annual Report. 2. TABLE OF ... the development of new and amended pieces of legislation that may conflict with the. Act. Again our .... Bullying and harassment were the key features of ..
Sexual Harassment (A Code in Practice) - What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment and sex discrimination are both unlawful under the Sex .. According to case law, unwelcome conduct is conduct that was not ... to be distinguished from general harassment or bullying that is not sexual in nature. .... See, for example, Coughran v Public Employment Office/Attorney ..
Disability discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
It is generally against the law in NSW to treat you unfairly or harass you because .. lawyers, government departments, the police, public transport,local councils, doctors, .... for breast cancer, her manager bullied, intimidated and harassed her.
Issue 46 November 2011 - Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
.. and about discrimination law and the Tasmanian community and workplaces. .. Tasmanian Parliament by the Attorney General, the Hon Brian Wightman MP, .... Conduct your own Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying program in YOUR ..
Equal Opportunity Commission (WA) : FAQs
Discrimination is unlawful when it is based on one or more of the grounds, .. The person or organisation responsible for the unlawful discrimination or harassment. .. It consists of a President, who is a lawyer of at least 7 years standing, and 2 members .. Who is excluded from making a complaint under the State legislation?
- Although the Act was a front-runner in Australian discrimination law when it .. The Commission recommends the introduction of a new ground of bullying in the Act. (c) Place ... As in the case of sexual harassment, the Commission recommends that racial ... referring serious vilification complaints to the Attorney General for ..
Employment and the Law - Hot Topic No 61
want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. 1 Overview .. suitable duties. 18 Bullying and harassment at work. What is bulllying and harassment? – employers' .. against the law in NSW – discrimination complaints – further assistance ..
Areas of discrimination Sexual harassment Carer status, family .. This includes bullying someone because of a protected characteristic. .. to help and encourage advocates, lawyers and women to use international complaint ..
A Report from the Skool's Out Forum on Homophobic Bullying and ..
Violence Against Women Specialist Unit, Attorney General's Department .. discrimination, harassment and vilification in and .... families under the NSW law).
Mature Workers: 3. Employers Guide to Age Discrimination
Discrimination and harassment in the workplace can be costly on many levels. .. The Age Discrimination Act (the ADA) is a federal law. .. It can include one-off incidents, repeated bullying or it can be the result of the general workplace .. You don't need a lawyer and you don't have to prove or disprove what happened.
Ethics Advisory Service - Respect Summary Guide
Promoting a culture free from harassment and bullying in the APS. What are harassment and ... The following anti-discrimination legislation also applies: ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 31 August 2010
Message from the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner. Robin. I wanted to take ... Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying. in a Nutshell. Monday ..
Complaints about discrimination in employment and occupation
Discrimination in employment on the basis of sex, pregnancy, marital status and family .. the Sex Discrimination Act . Other federal laws provide protection against .. about unfair treatment, discrimination, harassment or bullying in employment .. the complaint, including recommendations for action, for the Attorney General.
Untitled - NT Anti-Discrimination Commission - Northern Territory ..
Minister for Justice and Attorney-General. Parliament House. DARWIN .... Anti-Discrimination Law, Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace;. • Contact Officer ..
OPAL - FirstConsolidatedDraft (AP065891.DOC;1)
- In Australia, there are many laws which tell workers and their employers what they can and .. If you are unsure, ask your employer, lawyer or union. .. but you do not have to put up with behaviour such as bullying, harassment or discrimination.
Training Courses - ACT Human Rights Commission
Harassment and bullying can also lead to significant financial costs to .. Four of our six workshops concentrate on different aspects of discrimination law. .. This team includes highly trained educators and lawyers.
What is bullying and harassment? .. and vilification · Know your rights: Sex discrimination and sexual harassment .. What does the law say? .. We suggest that contact be made with the Police or with a lawyer to find out what ..
My husband's ex is a cyber-bully - The Line - FAQ
We suggest that contact be made with the Police or with a lawyer to .. bullying, harassment, stalking , defamation and discrimination is amplified exponentially. .. We await the enactment of nation-wide anti cyber-bullying laws.
- NSW Attorney General's Department SUMMARY OF AFFAIRS ... Discrimination, Harassment and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) for Non-supervisory staff: Your rights and responsibilities .. What you need to know about anti-discrimination law (low literacy) (English and Arabic) .. Competition reveals pain of bullying ..
Year - Attorney-General's Department
- Review and consolidation of discrimination law, December 2011 .... law (including in encompassing forms of bullying and harassment which do not extend to ..
Annual Report 2006 - 2007 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
Discrimination law and the Anti-Discrimination Board .. We are a business centre within the NSW Attorney General's Department. .. 1977 (NSW) (ADA), certain types of discrimination and harassment are against the law. .... “all reasonable steps” to prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination;; educate ..
Message from the Commissioner - NT Anti-Discrimination Commission
in the resolution of discrimination and harassment based disputes within and .. Kathryn has joined the Conciliation, Policy and Law Unit whilst Terry Lisson is on leave. .. acting as Solicitor in appeal and judicial review proceedings; providing ... with bullying and harassment in the schoolyard and these strategies were ..
Law Week 2008 Events: Friday 4 April - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink ..
Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. 2. address the topic of discrimination, bullying or harassment because of a an ..
news > Bid for law to ban workplace bullying
What is Discrimination? .. Bid for law to ban workplace bullying .. could act on issues such as sexual harassment it could do nothing about bullying. .. "This matter has been drawn to the current Attorney-General's attention on ..
Roundtable consultation on discrimination on the basis of sexual ..
Currently federal law protects against discrimination on the basis of race, sex, .. The two representatives from the Attorney-General's department are present in an .... community and tacking violence, harassment and bullying in our community.
Mechanisms for advancing women's human rights: A guide to using ..
This is a practical guide for lawyers, advocates and women experiencing violations of their rights on .. In my role as Sex Discrimination Commissioner, I have been working together with the .. Australia has a strong system of law and strong processes for the protection of women's rights. .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
ADB Annual Report 2008-2009 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink ..
My thanks to all the Board's staff, including our Legal Officers and Liaison and Support .. Resolve complaints of discrimination, vilification and harassment. ... We are a business centre within the NSW Attorney General's .... Last year the ADB provided training in the prevention of bullying and harassment.
Law Week 2008 Events: Wednesday 2 April - Lawlink Corporate ..
Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. 2. address the topic of discrimination, bullying or harassment because of a an ..
Roundtable consultation on discrimination on the basis of sex and/or ..
Currently federal law protects against discrimination on the basis of race, sex, .. The two representatives from the Attorney-General's department are present in an .. attracted children often move schools because of bullying and harassment.
ADCT - Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
Unlike other Australian anti-discrimination laws, the .... Attorney-General, the Hon Judy Jackson MP. ... Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying in a Nutshell ..
- Speech by Attorney General .. As part of Law Week, the amendments to the Anti-Discrimination Act were officially launched by ... Stop harassment and bullying ..
Employment law in Australia is regulated by State Governments and the ... believe you have been bullied, harassed or discriminated against ..
Attorney General and Justice Annual Report - Appendices
NSW DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL AND JuSTicE. 246. Appendices .... complaints are set out in legislation and CSNSW policies and procedures. ... Discrimination and Harassment – Legal Compliance. Departmental staff .... discrimination bullying and harassment, and outlines the rights and ..
Annual Report 2005 - 2006 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
Discrimination law and the Anti-Discrimination Board .. We are part of the NSW Attorney General's Department. .... and responsibilities under anti-discrimination law including bullying, harassment and sexual harassment.
What is bullying and harassment? Being bullied at school .. What can I do if I'm being discriminated against? .. What does the law say? ... Lawyers will reply to your message as quickly as possible, usually within 6 days.
Equal Time number 78 Summer 2009 - Anti-Discrimination Board ..
My thanks to all the Board's staff, including our Legal Officers and ... Bullying, harassment and discrimination are offensive, unfair and unlawful.
Australian Human Rights Commission Violence, Harassment and ..
Why are violence, harassment and bullying human rights issues? ....... 2. (a) ... discrimination, the right to vote and many other rights.7 .... www.deakin.edu.au/buslaw/law/dlr/docs/vol10-iss1/vol10-1-11.pdf (viewed 1 August 2011); ... Homeless People, Canberra: National Crime Prevention, Attorney General's Department ..
Australian Human Rights Commission
We have statutory responsibilities under these laws, including to investigate and ... The Attorney-General, the Honourable Robert McClelland MP, is the Minister .. discrimination, violence, harassment and bullying on the basis of their sexual ..
APS Values and Code of Conduct; Balancing family and/or community and professional obligations; Discrimination and bullying and/or harassment; Key ..
Harassment and sexual harassment
Anti-discrimination law defines harassment as any form of behaviour that: ■ .. most types of goods or services — for example, from shops, banks, lawyers, ..
Submission to the Equal Opportunity Review (PDF 228KB)
While national and state anti-discrimination laws prohibit discrimination on the ... For example, being served last at a supermarket, harassed and bullied into .... Joint Working Group of the Attorney General's and Health Minister's Advisory ..
(a) Bullying, discrimination and harassment ............................10. (b) Gifts, benefits ... rights of other employees under law. .. account, Power of Attorney or ..
to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney-General's. Department, 3–5 .. applying the rule of the law .... bullying, harassment and discrimination ..
Attorney-General's Department Submission to the Joint Select ..
criminal law and law enforcement (including cyber crime), cyber security, .. These offences include: using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence; .. Cyber-bullying is bullying carried out using the Internet, interactive and digital .. The Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA) makes it unlawful for ..
Strengthening Religious Diversity and Harmony in South Australia
The Taskforce observes that current legislation on discrimination on the .. religion, the South Australian Government works with the Commonwealth Attorney- .... to issues such as equal opportunity, bullying and harassment, grievances, ..
Title: Regaining Productivity Lost to Workplace Bullying & Abuse ..
Imposed change can lead to a dramatic increase in workplace bullying & abuse as employees ... get involved, management calls the lawyers and prepares for battle. ... are no laws against these instances of bullying and harassment. .. Nevertheless, it is important to note that not all sex or racial discrimination cases maybe ..
Hot Topics listing - find LEGAL answers
set out in this issue, along with difficult issues in the workplace, such as injuries, violence, discrimination, bullying and harassment. Recent developments in the ..
Untitled - NT Anti-Discrimination Commission - Northern Territory ..
Minister for Justice and Attorney-General. Parliament .. the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission for the period 1 July 2009 to. 30 June 2010. .... New Training – Sexual Harassment, Flexible Work Practices ... Bullying; Skills Training for Contact Officers; Crossing the Line - Sexual Harassment in. Today's ..
There will be instances when it may not be possible to resolve a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment through an internal ..
Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011
common law. Law derived from custom and judicial precedent (case law) rather than ... free from discrimination, harassment and bullying—workplaces where all ..
Victorian Council of Social Service Peaks and Networks Forum
While Victoria's old equal opportunity laws have served us well for a long time, they .. The areas of public life in which discrimination is prohibited have not .. being harassed or bullied; being denied a benefit or opportunity available to ... issues of public significance with the consent of the Attorney-General.
e-bulletin: December 2011 - Australian Human Rights Commission
Commission calls for reform of federal discrimination laws. Justice statue. The Commission has lodged its submission with the Attorney-General's .. violence, which is bullying, harassment, gossiping and jealousy, is having a ..
Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink .. - Lawlink NSW
Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General ... Anti-Discrimination laws; Discrimination in employment; Rental .. Harassment and bullying; Ending your employment; Unfair contracts; Occupational health and safet ..
What benefit would there be in federal anti-discrimination laws prohibiting .. harassment on the basis of sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity? 3. Can you ... consent of the Attorney General or Director of Public Prosecutions. ... a core part of the curriculum that is closely linked with current anti-bullying programs ..
AusAID Enterprise Agreement 2011–2014
- 8 Relationship to Awards, Agreements and Legislation 7. 9 Associated .. 20 Anti-Discrimination 12. 21 Elimination of Harassment and Bullying 12. 22 Learning ..
Workplace Bullying, Harassment and Workplace Violence - Victoria ..
You should not be threatened, harassed or bullied at work. .. Workplace violence · Discrimination at work · What to do about workplace violence; Bullying & violence at .. Get help (from places like Job Watch, your union or a solicitor); Report what .. Some workplace violence is criminal behaviour and punishable by law.
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 44 September ..
Presentation at the Australian New Zealand Education and Law Association .... Racial diversity and preventing discrimination, harassment & bullying. Tuesday 6 ..
Issues covered include the application of the Code, harassment and bullying ... when acting in the course of APS employment, comply with all applicable Australian laws (s.13(4)), 229, 64, 14 ... Section 16 of the Act prohibits the victimisation of, or discrimination against, .. On 10 July 2008, the Attorney-General, the Hon.
Legal Definition of Rape - Yarrow Place | Rape and Sexual Assault ..
Sexual harassment is defined under the South Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984. .. The perpetrator bullied them, for example, by threatening to leave them in a deserted area ... This can have an impact on lawyers making decisions about the chance of a conviction ..
Sexual Harassment - A Code of Practice
The Sex Discrimination Act prohibits sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination in areas .. discrimination laws in Australia, the Sex Discrimination Act is drafted in broad and general .... The complainant was employed as a legal secretary to a solicitor for a number of years. ... bullying that is not sexual in nature.
bills and legislation collection .. bullying see discrimination, bullying and harassment business continuity .... Protective Security Coordination Branch, Attorney- ..
- 9.2.6 the information is disclosed to the insurer of the solicitor, law practice or .... 21.1.3 are not made principally in order to harass or embarrass the person; and .... “discrimination” means discrimination that is unlawful under the applicable state, ... by the Australian Human Rights Commission to mean workplace bullying.
- The cost of race discrimination and sexual harassment .. Some recent legal cases reviewed in this issue demonstrate the pitfalls of not having clear policies and .... Harassment and bullying prevention .. Breakfast seminar for lawyers ..
The Victims of Crime Chronicle Manager's Message
a Unit of Victims Services, NSW Attorney General's Department. Manager's Message .. As many of you know the changes to the law that allow Victim ... bullying and violence, discrimination, harassment and vilification in and around public ..
1 - Australian Human Rights Commission
25 Tackling violence, harassment and bullying .. We have statutory responsibilities under these laws, including to investigate and conciliate .. Convention Concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation. ... The Attorney-General, the Honourable Robert McClelland MP, is the Minister in Parliament ..
Section 1 Annual Report 08–09_TEXTONLY
laws which support the community .. to address bullying, harassment and .... Attorney General will continue to play a leading role in justice and law reform and crime prevention. Our courts .... act honestly, impartially and without discrimination ..
Newsletter of the Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales ... discrimination and harassment in. Hotels. ... bullying. In 2007 the network will be meeting three times, with a different .. part of this year's Law Week events, has produced some very creative and colourful winning ... substitute for consulting a lawyer, ..
Introduction - Text Only (646KB) - LawLink NSW - NSW Government
- Director General Department of Justice and Attorney General .. maintaining a workplace free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence. .. In May 2010 Law Week took to the streets in cities and towns around New South Wales.
Consult your organisation's bullying .. Unless otherwise stated, legislation references in this guide are to The PID ... bullying or harassment, for making a PID. .. Disclosers may make a complaint about a reprisal to the Anti-Discrimination Commission ... received by the Department of Justice and the Attorney-General, the ..
1: What is Discrimination - Australian Human Rights Commission
Australia's laws protect women in their employment against discrimination because of their sex. Sex .. also help to protect women and ensure workplaces are free from discrimination and harassment. .. Funding has been provided by the Attorney-General's Department, the Australian .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
Report: Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill ..
Enhanced protections against sex discrimination and sexual harassment ... Thomsons Lawyers argued that amending the Bill to include these provisions .... lives', and that 'too often these technologies are used to sexually harass and bully ..
Attorney General and Justice Annual Report 2011
NSW DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL AND JuSTicE. 246. Appendices .... complaints are set out in legislation and CSNSW policies and procedures. ... Discrimination and Harassment – Legal Compliance. Departmental staff .... discrimination bullying and harassment, and outlines the rights and ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter 32 - September 2010
.. Jocelynne A. Scutt Barrister & Human Rights Lawyer ... Conduct your own Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying program in your workplace ..
As part of Law Week, the Amendments to the Anti-. Discrimination Act were officially launched by the Attorney. General, Bob .. Stop harassment and bullying ..
Sexual Harassment (A Code in Practice) - Acknowledge
Sex Discrimination navigation .. SEX DISCRIMINATION UNIT: Sally Moyle .. Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department; Workplace Practices Sub-Committee, Women Lawyers' Association; Nareen .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
GLBT Publications - Crime Prevention Division : Lawlink NSW
.. Anti-Discrimination Board and the Department of Education and Training. The 2002 forum focused on homophobic bullying and harassment ..
Review of the Police Act 1990 (NSW) - Anti-Discrimination Board ..
Discrimination including harassment is unlawful on the following .. NSW Law Reform Commission, Report 92,Review of the .. gay and lesbian officers, sexual harassment, gender based bullying, .. The Regulatory Impact statement of July 2002 stated that the Attorney proposed to remake the regulation for ..
An Introduction to the Human Rights Act
Microsoft Powerpoint - Human Rights & Discrimination Commissioner .. Advise & report on systemic laws, policies & issues – eg bikie gang laws and .. Equity & Diversity ('E&D'), anti-discrimination & harassment/bullying policies, eg CIT: Strategic .. 2009 Report;; Federal Attorney-General announced formal response on 21 April ..
Serious bullying, harassment or discrimination;. • Allegations ... Representative, but not a solicitor or other legal representative acting in their professional capacity. ... Does the matter relate to a potentially significant breach of OHS legislation?
Combined Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Periodic Reports of ..
Federal anti-discrimination legislation and related developments. 10. National .. Criminal offence for menacing, harassing or offensive use of a carriage service 10 .... On 7 September 2005, the former Attorney-General announced a package of .... decisions; assist managers to take 'all reasonable steps' to prevent bullying, ..
- Say No to Discrimination Now 2008 Writing Competition 4 .. students – Say No to Discrimination – as part of this year's Law Week events. This year students were asked to write about their experiences of discrimination, harassment and bullying and to .. The Attorney-General John Hatzistergos presented the winners with ..
Health Training Packages to VET in Schools
- Equal Opportunities – Discrimination categories activity .... on the A-level student, a devout young Christian who had dreamed of becoming a lawyer. ... Discrimination, workplace bullying and harassment create an uneasy, ..
Workplace Diversity 'Strength in Diversity' Our GOAL is to support ..
- At the Attorney-General's Department we recognise that ensuring equity in .. to prevent and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination in the workplace ... Officers Network and raise awareness regarding bullying and harassment. 5.
- Additionally, HREOC's legislation gives it responsibility for oversight of the implementation of the Convention on .... Discrimination/Racism/Harassment/Bullying ..
Untitled - Lawlink NSW - NSW Government
to the Attorney General on law and justice issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres. Strait Islander .. The Anti-discrimination board promotes anti-discrimination and equal opportunity principles .... gender related, including sexual harassment – 242 (21.2 per cent of total). ❱❱ .. for teachers to deal with homophobic bullying ..
These laws provide some protection against discrimination for workers with family ... The Women Lawyers Association of NSW noted that a limitation of the Sex ..
rightsED Disability rights – What about Doug's rights? Disability ..
- understand the key features of the law in relation to disability discrimination .... and places of entertainment, cafes, video shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, ... No one has to put up with discrimination, harassment or bullying.
ctivities to develop competencies in identifying sources of support ..
A. Eg child abuse, domestic violence, discrimination and harassment, bullying, dating violence. Q. Are there others of .... Bullying, harassment and assault involve the abuse of power. Abuse: ❖ .... Activity 2: Discrimination: a matter of law – Information sheet 2.2. Discrimination ... representative eg solicitor. b) the police can ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 19 August 09
Topics in this issue include discrimination in education and training, conciliations, .. Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying in a Nutshell .. their work and encourage the Attorney General and Minister for Innovation Industry, ..
Appendsix E: Commonwealth laws and programs - Review of the ..
- In 1993, the Attorney General established the DDA Standards Working .. making a commitment that legislation would not contain discriminatory provisions .... that they have been subjected to bullying, harassment or discrimination at work, ..
Taking stock of Australia's human rights record – Submission by the ..
While there are federal, state and territory discrimination laws, there are ... levels of violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace and the community.
Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill – Second reading speech. 4 ... by Attorney General John Hatzistergos, on 29 November 2007. .... Harassment and bullying ..
- Also speaking at the launch, Attorney General Bob Debus emphasised his .. and harassment, and to tackling systemic discrimination against Indigenous Australians. ... But until all legislation which discriminates against lesbians and gay men is .... She also alleged that the CEO bullied her after she raised the matter as an ..
The Anti-Discrimination Board's writing competition for ..
- COMPETITION REVEALS PAIN OF BULLYING .. affect that bullying, harassment and discrimination can have on children. Entitled “Say NO to discrimination now”, the competition was held as part of Law Week 2008. .. and their schools, to be presented by Attorney General John Hatzistergos and Mr ..
Chapter 3: The extent of sexual harassment in Australia - Sexual ..
3.4 Incidence of sexual harassment in the workplace in the last five years .. behaviours that may in fact amount to sexual harassment under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth). .. about the kinds of behaviours that a lawyer or court would regard as constituting sexual harassment. ... violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
Untitled - NT Anti-Discrimination Commission
Dear Attorney-General. Pursuant to ... Attendance at NT Criminal Lawyers Conference and ACHRA meetings. (Australian .... Prohibited discrimination also includes harassment on the basis of an .... Prevention of Harassment and Bullying; ..
Working with gay, lesbian and transgender communities in NSW
- The government agencies involved were the Attorney-General's Department, ... did not harass or bash gay males or lesbians because it was against the law. ... Education has a policy of not tolerating discrimination, harassment, bullying, ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 3 April 08
You may seek outside legal advice or assistance from your lawyer or .. The grievance may relate to bullying, harassment, discrimination or ..
Conduct and Ethics Manual. Chapter 9: What is Misconduct
9.1 Misconduct; 9.2 Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination; 9.3 Fraud; 9.4 .. 9.1.5 The APS Code of Conduct requires staff to comply with Australian laws. ... in the Commonwealth, see the Attorney General's Department Fraud Control Page.
1 Introduction - Australian Human Rights Commission
- [9] While there are federal, state and territory discrimination laws, there are ... levels of violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace and the community.
Unless otherwise stated, legislation references in this guide are to the PID Act, .... Department of Justice and Attorney-General, the Queensland Ombudsman or .. bullying. • sexual harassment. • racial discrimination. (Chapter 2, pp. 29–30) ..
news > Bullying at work a rising problem
What is Discrimination? .. Workplace bullying and harassment cost the public sector $2.6 million last year after more than .. of Victorian anti-workplace bullyi ng laws by the Standing Committee of Attorney Generals before ..
Bullying out of control in middle years of school
its misuse in victimising, harassing, belittling, slandering, threatening ... for "authorising or assisting discrimination", the policy says. ... criminal cyber bullying laws in the US, sparked a wave of new cyber-specific legislation. .. "There are creative opportunities for not necessarily lawyers but even diligent prosecutors or ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 27 April 2010
Topics in this issue include "What to do if I have been discriminated .. process is free and confidential and you dont need a lawyer. .. to anti discrimination as enunciated in legislation, grievance procedures .. Further, a Bullying and Harassment policy has been developed and is in its final stages of review.
I have pleasure in presenting to you the annual report of the Attorney General's ... are aware of procedures to address bullying, harassment and discrimination. .. Complete the implementation of recommendations made by the Law Reform ..
Annual Report 2000 - 2001 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
We are part of the NSW Attorney General's Department. Back to .. These types of discrimination and harassment are against the law if they happen in one of the ..
100512_Approved_Final NSW Government Response
which is, or might reasonably be perceived as, harassing, bullying or ... publish their Anti-bullying policies on their school website, and introduce legislation to require all ... The NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General and the NSW .. The Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 29 June 2010
.. Conduct your own Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying Program in YOUR .. Parties can bring a lawyer or advocate to represent them at the ... briefly looks at discrimination, harassment and child abuse legislation, the ..
Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink .. - LawLink NSW
A one-off print edition was funded by the former Attorney General's Department of NSW ... Anti-Discrimination laws; Discrimination in employment; Rental .. in NSW; Leave; Harassment and bullying; Ending your employment; Unfair contracts ..
Department of Justice Annual Report - Corporate and Strategic ..
dealt with workplace bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment and educated staff about their rights and responsibilities in ... comprises the Victorian Government Solicitor and 32 .. The Melbourne Legal Precinct Master Plan, involving ..
services — for example, from shops, banks, lawyers, government departments .. discrimination law”, or ask for our factsheet Harassment. What are my rights to ..
Submission to Australian Human Rights COmmission on Sexual ..
- What benefit would there be in federal anti-discrimination laws prohibiting .. Have you experienced vilification or harassment because of your sexual .... If a MTCF tries to enter women space they usually succeed by bullying their way in. .... harassment in Victoria, Joint Working Group of the Attorney-General's and Health ..
Sex discrimination and sexual harassment withing the New South ..
by MP Szalajko - - discrimination and sexual harassment has been conducted in the NSWP since .... Australian lawyer Elizabeth Weston who was working for Merrill Lynch in London, received a $1.3 .... Violence, bullying and harassment in the workplace.
"I'm the boss, so that's the way it is!"
It has been suggested that Australian anti-discrimination legislation goes too far and .. My focus on discrimination and harassment of women in the .. has been discrimination in employment, I can report to the Attorney-General on .. to take a preventative approach to harassment, discrimination and bullying.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - Media Release
Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward and Attorney General Philip Ruddock MP today launched a package of materials on workplace sexual harassment, .. "The relatively high incidence rate of workplace sexual harassment, despite 20 years of legislation making such .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
Annual Report 2004 - 2005 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
In 2004 he was appointed Chair of the Attorney General's Working Group to review .... These types of discrimination and harassment are against the law if they .... Harassment and bullying prevention; Managing psychiatric disabilities in the ..
events in human rights and anti-discrimination law, policy and practice. ... Charlesworth of ANU, who spoke on the Attorney-General's recent review of the Human. Rights Act ... about what can be done about general harassment and bullying.
Attorney General's Department - 24 June 2010 - Legislation to ..
Legislation to strengthen anti-discrimination laws for families .. Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, today introduced legislation to provide .. “This will provide greater protection to children from sexual harassment including texting, social networking, and other forms of cyber bullying,” Ms Plibersek said.
[20] [2011] FMCA 448. - Attorney-General's Department
- The project to consolidate Australia's anti-discrimination laws ('the Project') represents .. This paper considers the following questions posed by the Attorney-General:[6] ... to eliminate discrimination, harassment or victimisation 'as far as possible. .... Safe Work Australia, 'Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying' ..
Military Justice System - Department of Defence
.. victimisation, harassment, threats, intimidation, bullying and bastardisation; and ... Counsel Services Panel which is a pool of more than 150 lawyers from Army, .. complaints of discrimination or breaches of human rights under federal laws; ..
Annual Report 2001 - 2002 - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW
The Board partnered with the Crime Prevention Division of the Attorney ... These types of discrimination and harassment are against the law if they happen in one .. Bullying is a form of harassment, and in some cases may be covered by the ..
Ho, Ho, OHS responsibility at workplace Christmas celebrations ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. According to workplace health and safety legislation, employers have .. remind staff about workplace policies in particular bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination; serve ..
forthcoming developments in human rights and anti-discrimination law, policy and .. the urgent need for a National Bill of Rights, Liz O'Brien (Welfare Rights and Legal .. of lawyers and others who work with the Act, supported by the ACT Human Rights Act ... Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying ..
5 Theme Three - Freedom from discrimination, harassment and ..
Ending discrimination, harassment and violence against women is critical for women to be .. They reported that it is often a peak time for bullying, with colleagues .. There are limitations with the current legislation and complaints process in .... lack of emergency housing; programs for violent female partners; free [lawyers] to ..
- The Act pioneered anti-discrimination legislation in Australia, and remains a .... Harassment and bullying $319 9am–1pm 26 Feb • 27 May • 21 Aug • 12 Nov .. The Panelists included the first lawyer at the ADB in 1977, Chris Ronalds SC, ..
- What benefit would there be in federal anti-discrimination laws prohibiting .. What benefit would there be in federal law prohibiting vilification and harassment on ... or that a prosecution requires the consent of the Attorney General or Director of ... with current anti-bullying programs and which commences in primary school.
discrimination, harassment or vilification on the grounds of sexuality, transgender ... came out to. A recent report by the Attorney General's Department of NSW revealed ... not allow discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation or violence, including .. legislation to protect homosexuals from all types of discrimination.
If you think you might want to make a complaint about discrimination you should contact the Commission's .. are complaining about is covered by the law and whether you would be better off making your .. You do not need to get a lawyer or other advocate to make a complaint although .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
- The Crime Prevention Division of the Attorney General's Department will be providing .. More recent discrimination law has moved into areas where it could be .... A clue to the personal impact of bullying and harassment may be found in the ..
What is bullying and harassment? .. Being harassed online? .. What can I do if I'm being discriminated against? .. What does the law say? .. We suggest that contact be made with the Police or with a lawyer to find out what ..
Chapter 3: What is sexual harassment? - Effectively preventing and ..
The legal test for sexual harassment in the federal Sex Discrimination Act has .. According to case law, unwelcome conduct is conduct that was not solicited or ... Sexual harassment needs to be distinguished from general harassment or bullying .... See, for example, Coughran v Public Employment Office/Attorney General's ..
A to Z websites - Government of South Australia
Tags: civil law, attorney general .. Bullying "No Way" are working to create learning environments where every student and school .. is safe, supported, respected, valued – and free from bullying, violence, harassment and discrimination.
NCPC alert May 2011 - National Child Protection Clearinghouse
Issues Paper 34: Child protection and family law… ... Rights Commission's Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick, said the role of the bystander, in standing up against bullying and harassment, is an incredibly important and .. The Victorian Law Reform Commission has been asked by the Attorney-General, ..
Electronic communications technologies are affording children and ..
by B Spears - 2010 - Policy and legislation put in place today must have relevance for the current and the .. another. Cyberbullying refers to bullying and harassment of others by means of new electronic ... harassment or discrimination, discloses personal information or contains offensive, vulgar or .... was addressed. Commonwealth Attorney ..
Handling a public interest disclosure: a guide for public sector ..
Consult your organisation's bullying .. Unless otherwise stated, legislation references in this guide are to The PID ... bullying or harassment, for making a PID. .. Disclosers may make a complaint about a reprisal to the Anti-Discrimination Commission ... received by the Department of Justice and the Attorney-General, the ..
advancing women's human rights: Mechanisms for
The guide provides lawyers, advocates and women ... of such laws as the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, the .... harassment and bullying based on a person's: ..
Paid Parental Leave: Support for Parents with Newborn Children
who are not represented by a union, their own lawyer or other advocate. .. friendly practices, OHS&W, workplace bullying, the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island women, pregnancy and parental status discrimination, Sexual Harassment, .. 4 children between the ages of 1 and 9 years of age and his sister in law is ..
Consultations - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Rich Text Format - Federal anti-discrimination legislation and related developments 8 .... On 7 September 2005, the former Attorney-General announced a package of reforms to .... to take 'all reasonable steps' to prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination; ..
disability, enshrining their rights in international law. Australia .. Departments of the Attorney-General and Families,. Housing .. and freedom from discrimination, harassment and violence. .... Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying. Tuesday ..
Submission to National Human Rights Consultation (2009)
17 Anti-discrimination laws do not protect all human rights or prohibit all .. (e) The Commission could notify the Attorney-General about laws which are .... harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace and the broader community.
Discrimination and sexual harassment are against the law. .. treat, someone unfavourably or bullying them because of a .. responsibilities. In Victoria it is against the law to discriminate ... a lawyer to make a complaint to us. The Commission ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Level 21 .. Bullying and harassment for employees (DVD) .. Workplace bullying & harassment (DVD) ... Executive officers: know your responsibilities under the new laws (DVD) .... Everyone has the right to work in an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination ..
Crime by business. 4. Violence, bullying and harassment .... breach of anti-discrimination or occupational health and safety laws or claims for unfair dismissal.
Comply with the law, policies and any lawful direction . ... Acknowledgement: The IPC has drawn extensively on the Attorney General's Department's Code of .... discrimination, harassment, bullying, inappropriate conduct, ..
Submission for the Draft Baseline Study for National Human Rights ..
The NSW Disability Discrimination Legal Centre (DDLC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on .. 1 Attorney General's Department, National Human Rights Action Plan Baseline Study ... These include physical assault and intimidation, sexual assault, intimidation, bullying and harassment by staff and other residents12.
Teachers, students and the United Nations Convention on the ..
In August 1995 the then federal Attorney-General asked the Human Rights .. for youth crime prevention of anti-bullying policies, anti-harassment policies, .. in disability discrimination laws and obligations and how to meet the ..
Cyberlaw, Hot Topics No 70 - find LEGAL answers
specific legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. Copyright in Hot .. cyber-bullying issues – UK cyber-bullying prosecution. 12 Consumer ... believed he had been discriminated against because of .... harassed or bullied online.14 ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 35 December ..
Topics in this issue include sexual harassment, extended .. I welcome the announcement of Attorney General Lara Giddings that the .. Mr H then commenced a prolonged period of office bullying against Mr K .. Three Public Forums are being held to share information about Tasmanian law in relation to ..
- The HRO made a detailed submission to the Attorney General's review, including a summary of measures .. giving courts an express power to make incompatible subordinate legislation invalid; and .... Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying ..
Children in the legal process - a comment on juvenile crime and ..
They are frequently abused, the victims of crime, bullying and harassment and often subjected to discriminatory practices. Even so, young people rarely .. instruct and direct a lawyer in the same way as an adult defendant. The contrast in this ..
Victoria Banking, Legal Requirements and Payroll Tax explained ..
.. which is safe, and free of harassment, discrimination and bullying; take .. However, we highly recommend you consult a solicitor or lawyer.
Business Case for Good Management of Pregnancy at
Rich Text Format - Sex discrimination has been against the law in Victoria for over 30 years. ... a good idea for businesses to seek advice from an industry association or lawyer to make .. take if they experience or witness discrimination, harassment or bullying.
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 33 October ..
Conduct your own Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying program in .. and timetable, the Attorney-General noted that: The Tasmanian Law ..
1 Introduction This s - Attorney-General's Department
Kirby J (as he then was) described Australian anti-discrimination law as .. This paper considers the following questions posed by the Attorney-General: 6 ... proportionate' measures to eliminate discrimination, harassment or .. See, for example, Safe Work Australia, ‗Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying' (Draft ..
Attorney General's Department - 27 April 2010 - Speech to the Cyber ..
Mr Graeme Innes, Disability and Race Discrimination Commissioner, Australian .. Addressing problems, like racism, bullying or harassment on the Internet .. under these various laws adequately responds to cyber-racism.
Expeditioner Handbook Australia's Antarctic Program 2011-12
Will and Power of Attorney . .... Law enforcement/administration by AAD . .. Elimination of harassment, discrimination and bullying ......... 97. Legal framework .
Resolving discrimination and human rights issues - Annual Report ..
Resolving discrimination and human rights issues .. The Commission can investigate complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying based on a .. has occurred, the President can prepare a report of the complaint for the Attorney-General. .. before the law) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Report of the National Inquiry into Pregnancy and Work - HREOC ..
That the Attorney-General amend the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) to empower HREOC to .. (Cth) include information about anti-discrimination laws and the role of the agreement making process in achieving a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. ... Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
Legal Profession National Rules – Solicitors' Rules .. - Lawlink NSW
- 9.2.6 the information is disclosed to the insurer of the solicitor, law practice or associated .... Anti-discrimination and harassment .. 42.1.3 workplace bullying.
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 30 July 2010
Topics in this issue include; New Anti-Discrimination Commissioner - Robin Banks, .. On 10 June 2010 the Attorney General, Lara Giddings, announced Robin Banks, CEO of .. of Rights, as it will improve Tasmania's laws dealing with fundamental human rights. ... Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying ..
covering issues such as equal opportunity legislation, direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, victimisation, legal processes ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Who can make a complaint?
The Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 says that various people and organisations .. a person who has been bullied or sexually harassed or victimised, etc - that is, .. on their behalf - say a parent, carer, organisation, advocate or lawyer. .. 'Agency' is a special relationship in law, and the person who is the agent ..
- Have a lawyer check the customised template to ensure it complies with your .. Ensure the policy is formally incorporated into your organisation's By-Laws, .... Some forms of harassment, discrimination and bullying, based on personal ..
Letter to Attorney-General .. rights into consideration when making laws, setting .... prevention of discrimination, harassment and bullying. This was to ensure ..
1) child employment legislation (core minimum standards and provision for .... Bullying/harassment – the sexual harassment and sexual discrimination of .... The Department of Justice and Attorney General administers legislation such ..
- ATTORNEY GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT ... Stop Harassment & Bullying .. Harmonisation of State and Federal Anti-Discrimination Law, 25 March 2009 ..
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - Launch Speech
Speech deliverd by Pru Goward, Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner .. Thank you to the Attorney-General for launching the Human Rights and ... The Code of Practice is based on a number of general principles of sexual harassment law summarised from the Sex Discrimination .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
- Reprisals in the form of workplace bullying, ostracism harassment can lead to .. and federal discrimination law and dismissed our application upon this basis.
Parenting Campaign Plan - Attorney-General's Department
SUBMISSION TO THE COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY-GENERAL ON THE .. fundamental right to equality and non-discrimination before the law and corresponding .... workplace discrimination and harassment towards gay men and lesbians is significant: over 50% of .. Homophobic bullying can lead to mental health ..
Harassment and bullying policy and declaration. ■ Health declaration form ... The child protection employment legislation prohibits persons convicted of certain ..
Chapter 5: Approaches to Cyber-Safety
State/Territory Attorneys-General agreed to establish a National Cyber-. Crime Working .. the online environment to menace, harass or cause offence, threats to kill or cause harm .... 11.48 There is no specific cyber-bullying legislation in Western Australia but, .... Under proposed changes to the Sex Discrimination Act to be ..
Australian Public Service Commission State of the Service Report ..
This has involved an extensive program of review of the legislation governing these .. On 10 July 2008, the Attorney-General, the Hon. .... a workplace culture free from discrimination, bullying or harassment to ensure they reflect best practice.
ACMA enterprise agreement 2011-2014
- Relationship to other awards, agreements, agency policy and legislation 6 .. 18.6 Discrimination, harassment and bullying 19 .... (APS classification) comprising Lawyer/Legal Officer, Senior Lawyer/Legal Officer and Principal Lawyer. 21.
President Speech: In the national interest: the promotion and ..
Over many years, officers of the Attorney-General's Department have ... standards to clarify the non-discrimination provisions of laws such as our ... focus in our work on issues relating to violence, harassment and bullying.
Full Version - Lawlink NSW - NSW Government
Director General Department of Justice and Attorney General .. maintaining a workplace free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence. .. In May 2010 Law Week took to the streets in cities and towns around New South Wales.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sex Discrimination navigation .. Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward and Attorney General Philip Ruddock MP .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
From the Commissioner's Desk COMMISSION MOVES
anti-discrimination legislation, and joined the Commission in 1991 as Deputy Regional ... Ministers Matt Foley (Attorney-General, Minister for. Justice and .. Bullying and harassment in themselves are not covered by the Act. We can accept a ..
Offer made by solicitors for Comcare. Even though this .. major role in establishing the "bullying" environment (especially the deletion of Test. Data). .. Compensation Scheme that is supposed to reduce Common Law action against ... Increasing the WPI index from 10% to 15% is unwarranted and discriminates against ..
discrimination law, and facilitating the use of that .. harassment, victimisation and ... including Solicitor Bob Whyburn .. Duty of Care Bullying Prevention Series: ..
Second Reading Speech - Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation
Second Reading Speech - Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation .. the growing problem of cyber-bullying and harassment by electronic ..
D10 733771 _Revision 15_ Guide to Conduct and Ethics 2010
Corrective Services NSW. Department of Justice and Attorney General .. legislation, policies, procedures and Commissioner's Instructions with which employees ... behaviour, including discrimination, harassment and bullying and ensure it is ..
Chapter 6: Preventing sexual harassment: All reasonable steps ..
What constitutes all reasonable steps is not defined in the Sex Discrimination .... human resources manager, industrial relations manager, lawyer and/or their ..
The Human Faces Cyberbullying Offences Australian Case Study
“Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence” by ... law enforcement, including 91 extra Australian Federal Police officers ... In the wake of the scandal, Sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick has ... Lawyers for Bradley Paul Hampson, 29, this morning told The Courier-Mail an application had ..
Information on making a complaint
someone unfavourably, harassing them or bullying them because of a .. Discrimination is against the law when it happens in: .. a lawyer to make a complaint.
Inquiry into Bullying of Children & Young People. 19 March 2009. Submission by Stepan Kerkyasharian AM. President of the Anti Discrimination Board of NSW ..
- Have a lawyer check the customised template to ensure it complies with your .... Some forms of harassment, discrimination and bullying are against the law and ..
Standing Committee on Legal and .. - Parliament of Australia
They still have an anti-discrimination law system, and it is supplemented by a positive duty. .. to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sex; and ... educational resources such as its pay equity and bullying and harassment prevention .. For example, Australian Women Lawyers, submitted that: ..
Schools and universities - Legal Aid Queensland - Queensland ..
The law regards you to be a parent if you are: the child's ... Schools are bound by most aspects of anti-discrimination law. You should get legal ..
Rich Text Format - 9.2.6 the information is disclosed to the insurer of the solicitor, law practice .... Anti-discrimination and harassment .. 42.1.3 workplace bullying.
NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010
on achieving and maintaining a workplace free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence. stepping out in the community .. In May 2010 Law Week took to the streets in cities and towns around New South Wales. As part of this ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 18 July 09
The Act covers discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, .. Questioning someone about their sex life could amount to sexual harassment which is also against the law .. in relation to alleged derogatory comments about female lawyers (she .. Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying in a Nutshell ..
Magistrates Court : 2004 TASADT 11 B -v- Naval Reserve Cadets
Solicitors: .. (b) the complaint does not relate to discrimination or prohibited conduct; or ... The Commissioner went on to consider case-law relevant to this .... clearly assert harassment, discrimination and bullying behaviour.
Unless otherwise stated, legislation references in this guide are to the WP Act, while chapter .... received by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, the .. bullying. • sexual harassment. • racial discrimination. (Chapter 2, pp. 29–30) ..
ADB Seminars 2009 - registration form - Anti-Discrimination Board ..
Harassment and bullying prevention, $319, 9am-1pm, 4 Mar. Harassment and .. 9am-1pm, 3 Jun. Case Law update, $319, 9am-1pm, 18 Nov .. Breakfast seminar for lawyers, $165, 7am-8.30am, 23 Mar. Breakfast seminar for ..
Aware Newsletter No. 23 - Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual ..
by A Quadara - In particular, it considers the adequacy of current Australian legislation to .. of a continuum of gendered sexual violence and harassment primarily targeting women. .. cyber bullying, has come to encompass the filming and distribution of images of .. privacy in Australian law (Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, 2005), ..
HREOC Website - Racial Discrimination: National Consultations ..
There were three guest speakers: prominent human rights lawyer and republican .. through bullying, teasing, and name-calling, as well as physical harassment.
Untitled - Northern Territory Government
enclosing the Annual Report on the operations of the Anti-Discrimination Commission for the period 1 July ... Harassment and Bullying for Managers and Supervisors”. The popularity of ... Conferences. ➢ Criminal Lawyers Conference, Bali ..
Attorney-General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton, ACT 2600, or posted at http://www.ag.gov.au/cca. .... stress claims, and harassment and bullying another 25%.20 .. and safety and anti-discrimination legislation.
page 14 / Preventing Sex-Based Harassment page 16 .... discrimination, bullying and harassment which are emailed .. offices. All three are practising lawyers ..
4720.0 - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey ..
had positive contact with the police (or any law enforcement officers);; came top of .... ignored, insulted, harassed, stereotyped or discriminated against; or unfair .. security people, lawyers or in a court of law;; by doctors, nurses or other .. Bullying at school is when another student, or group of students, uses ..
Sex Discrimination navigation. About Sex .. 26 Kennedy and Cooke Lawyers. 27 Andrew Sipos. 28 Lisa ... 246 New South Wales Young Lawyers Employment and Industrial Law Committee. 247 Law .. Violence, Harassment and Bullying ..
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 34 November ..
Topics in this issue include Age Discrimination, OADC employment opportunity, .. to learn about anti-discrimination law and human rights in Australia, while at .. the Tasmanian Attorney-General and Deputy Premier, the Hon Lara ... the Trainer (Conduct your own Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying ..
the ESTA CTD and VicPol law enforcement .... is a solicitor with over 20 years experience as a ... Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment ..
2000-2001 - Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
- The Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 has been in operation in Tasmania for some ... Allport, Solicitors, Michelle Fernando and Edward Bullard, Law Clerks, spent .. at the sexual harassment and 'intimidation' ('bullying') provisions of the Act.
7.0 Discrimination, harassment, bullying and violence. 7.1 Discrimination ... Staff retain all the usual rights under common and statute law. Key definitions .... policies on discharge planning and divulging of information to courts and solicitors.