Dispute Resolution and Mediation in Family Law

Mediation and family dispute resolution

Mediators and family dispute resolution providers are neutral, third parties who can assist you and your former partner make a parenting plan. It can be a quick means of reaching an agreement without costly legal and court fees.

Mediation and counselling may not be suitable for situations involving domestic violence and you should discuss your options with the mediator or ask for an exemption if you don’t believe you can negotiate a safe agreement for you or your children. You can ask for shuttle mediation where you and your former partner are in separate rooms or one of you is on the telephone.

If you do decide to try mediation it is vital that you tell your mediator about any family violence or any family violence orders so they can work out whether it is appropriate for you to attend mediation.

If you would like legal help regarding dispute resolution and mediation in family law matters, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

If you are going to court you will need to provide a certificate from an accredited family dispute resolution provider to confirm that you and your former partner have attended mediation to attempt to resolve your issues before you can commence legal action in the court.

A mediator or family dispute resolution provider may be able to also help if you and your former partner cannot agree on how your assets should be divided. In circumstances where your assets are complex or where superannuation needs to be divided you may need to seek legal advice about how to obtain orders to give effect to that agreement.

The requirement to attend mediation may not apply in certain circumstances such as:

  • Your matter is urgent
  • A child has been abused or is at risk of abuse
  • Domestic violence or risk of family violence
  • A child has been abducted or is at risk of being abducted

If any of the above circumstances apply to you seek legal advice immediately.

If you require mediation family dispute resolution and would like legal representation from a family lawyer, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Family Dispute Resolution Process

Family Dispute Resolution is a process by which people who are in conflict can be helped to communicate with each other about what is important for them and how to make decisions about resolving their dispute.

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is now compulsory, in the sense that people who wish to go to court to resolve disputes in relation to their children (parenting matters), are now required to first attend FDR, and make a 'genuine effort' to resolve their disputes.  Some exceptions to this requirement apply - for example, in situations involving family violence or child abuse, or in urgent matters.

Family Dispute Resolution Certificates

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners provide clients with a supportive atmosphere and a method of talking to one another, to assist them to sort out the issues and come up with acceptable solutions, and make mutually satisfactory agreements.

The family dispute resolution process involves:

the parties listening to each other's point of view without interruption

  • identifying issues which need to be resolved
  • sharing of relevant information
  • exploring ideas and options
  • testing possible solutions
  • putting decisions and agreements in writing.

The role of family dispute resolution practitioners

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners are highly-skilled people from a variety of professional backgrounds, such as law and the social sciences. They are trained in resolving disputes relating to families. The expertise of family dispute resolution practitioners allows for a diverse range of disputes to be dealt with, broadly relating to children, finance or property matters.

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners can either work alone or with another practitioner. They do not give legal advice but will explore general principles that apply to couples who are separating.  They may give advice in relation to children and parenting matters, focusing on 'the best interests of the child'.

If you would like legal help regarding dispute resolution and mediation in family law matters, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners are impartial and even-handed. They control the process, not the content that is discussed, and they maintain the confidentiality of the process, subject to limitations established in law.  They are solution and future-focused in helping the parties resolve their dispute. The practitioners ensure that everybody agrees to the decisions being made.

What can participants expect from the Family dispute resolution?

Family dispute resolution is facilitated by an independent third party and decisions made are not legally binding. Everyone gets the opportunity to express his or her own point of view and is free to talk about issues of concern, with everyone present.

Participants must be willing to listen to the other party and be genuinely willing to negotiate and commit to reaching a solution and considering a compromise. Participants must be prepared to follow the process.

Benefits of Family dispute resolution

Family dispute resolution has a number of benefits. For instance, it:

  • saves money and delays, because it is cheaper and quicker than the Court process.
  • promotes co-operation and improves communication that can enhance an ongoing relationship which assists parenting and other relationships.
  • provides a structure in which future disputes can be resolved more readily.
  • maintains an individual's control in the decision-making process: there are no imposed decisions.
  • is generally less stressful or traumatic than court proceedings.
  • is a more effective means of conflict resolution: people are less likely to breach agreements that they have made themselves.

The alternatives to family dispute resolution are:

  • do nothing
  • continue the conflict
  • seek the assistance of friends in resolving the dispute
  • seek Arbitration, which is a less formal legal process to resolve the dispute than going to Court
  • instruct lawyers to negotiate agreements on your behalf
  • commence court proceedings
  • resolve the issues yourselves, without professional assistance.

If you would like legal help regarding dispute resolution and mediation in family law matters, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Dispute Resolution and Mediation in Family Law News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

We cover all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships

Applying for a Divorce
Financial Arrangements following Divorce
Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown
Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership
Prenuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Property Relationships Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes
International Family Law
Financial Agreements, Property Ownership Disputes & Consent Orders
Child Abduction
Adoption and the Law
Surrogacy and the Law
Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Domestic Violence
Property and Finances after Separation
Spousal Maintenance
Parental Responsibility Agreements - Parenting Arrangements
Child Support
Superannuation after Separation and Divorce
Same-Sex Relationships and the Law

We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you’re ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you’re not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You  may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

Dispute Resolution and Mediation in Family Law Updates
Dispute Resolution and Mediation in Family Law Links

Dispute resolution - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Training enquiries. For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

Dispute resolution and mediation - Government of South Australia

Dispute resolution and mediation

. If the parties to a lease cannot resolve a dispute through their own negotiations, either party may apply for mediation using the ..

Dispute resolution - Mediation and dispute resolution

Aboriginal Mediation Services provides culturally appropriate dispute resolution services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to assist in addressing ..

Mediation and family dispute resolution - My family is separating ..


and family dispute resolution. Mediators and family dispute resolution providers are neutral, third parties who can assist you and your former partner ..

Mediation - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

The Dispute Resolution Centres offer free mediation services to assist people to manage their neighbourhood disputes without having to go to ..

Dispute resolution in the workplace - Department of Justice and ..

It is in everyone's interests to resolve them quickly and fairly. Our dispute resolution centres have trained skilled mediators who help everyone ..

Dispute resolution - Office of the Victorian Small Business ..

"to make arrangements to facilitate the resolution by mediation, or by another appropriate form of alternative dispute resolution, of retail tenancy disputes ..

Making a referral to a Dispute Resolution Centre - Department of ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

Mediation in franchising disputes

The OFMA can be called upon to appoint a mediator to assist the parties to come together and negotiate a resolution to their dispute. The OFMA has trained ..

Become an appointed mediator - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

We employ mediators to provide free mediation services to people in Queensland. We have Dispute Resolution Centres in Brisbane, Mackay, ..

Aboriginal Mediation Services

Aboriginal Mediation Services provides culturally appropriate dispute resolution services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to ..

Mediation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders - Department of ..

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have shown a lot of interest in mediation ever since dispute resolution centres were established.

Dispute resolution training calendar - Department of Justice and ..

This course in mediation skills and conflict management is based on our Dispute Resolution Branch's mediator training program and teaches participants how to ..

Mediation - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW

In mediation, the options that can be explored to resolve the dispute are often broader than those that can be considered by a Judge of the ..

Alternative dispute resolution — Judicial Commission of New South ..

Alternative dispute resolution, including mediation and arbitration, should be encouraged where appropriate to facilitate the "just, quick and cheap resolution" of ..

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

National Mediator Accreditation System - Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Accreditation System. Welcome to the National Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Free mediation services for disputes between neighbours ..

The Dispute Resolution Centres offer free mediation services to assist people to manage their neighbourhood disputes without having to go to ..

Strata and community disputes - NSW Fair Trading

Many disputes can be resolved through mediation – a structured negotiation process in which a neutral and independent mediator assists ..

Dispute Resolution - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

Dispute Resolution. Mediation icon. Once proceedings have been commenced in the Land and Environment Court, there are a number of ..

Mediation for separating couples - Department of Justice and ..

Mediation is a free, confidential and voluntary dispute resolution service. It is a way of settling disputes by helping the people involved to ..

Mediation Services and Conflict Resolution

Mediation Services and Conflict Resolution. 13 business outlets found. Results: 1 to 10 outlet(s) displayed. Dispute Resolution Branch Seniors ..

Professional issues and service delivery - Conflict resolution and ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Intake is used to determine suitability for mediation, but it also provides an opportunity for parties to decide on the best way to resolve their conflict, understand ..

Abbreviated mediation - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

A trained mediator from one of our dispute resolution centres will provide free help to you and the other party to discuss your dispute and come ..

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)? - Land ..

Jump to ‎: If the conflict is not resolved the judge who subsequently hears the matter will know nothing of what has taken place in the mediation ..

Forms and publications - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

National Mediator Accreditation Assessment is for people who have completed the five-day mediation skills training with the Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB) ..

Supreme Court of Victoria - Mediation

"It should be stressed that mediation is not an inferior type of justice. It is a different type of justice. All studies of dispute resolution show that people greatly value ..

The Learning Hub - Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation and ..

The Learning Hub - Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation and .. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is often professed an alternative to ..

National Mediator Accreditation System - NADRAC

What is ADR National Mediator Accreditation System. Print .. The Western Australian Dispute Resolution Association (WADRA) has prepared background ..

Tips for managing conflict - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

Our dispute resolution centres provide a free, confidential and impartial mediation service throughout Queensland. Trained mediators are ..

ADR providers - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ..

However, please note that it is not NADRAC 's role to provide mediation services or .. Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (information on how to find a ..

Mediation skills - Brisbane - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

This course in mediation skills and conflict management is based on our Dispute Resolution Branch's mediator training program and teaches ..

Neighbourhood Mediation Kit

handle by yourself, mediation at your local. Dispute Resolution Centre (DRC) may be able to help you. Mediation is usually faster, cheaper and more private ..

Dispute Resolution mediation a better way

Dispute Resolution

- mediation a better way. Download the Dispute Resolution mediation a better way business brief (2-page PDF 52 KB) for printing ..

Retirement village dispute resolution

to resolve the dispute. You may also contact a Dispute Resolution Centre, which offers free confidential and impartial mediation services to assist in resolving ..

Dispute resolution - Office of the Victorian Small Business ..

an independent, low cost, accessible and confidential mediation service for the resolution of disputes. Disputes between contractors and hirers, and vice versa, ..

Arranging mediation - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Arranging mediation. You can contact one of our dispute resolution centres yourself or you may be referred by a private solicitor, magistrate, ..

Dispute Resolution Centres - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..


family law, mediation and conciliation evolved out of counselling, whereas industry dispute resolution schemes evolved out of self-regulated complaint handling ..

Family mediation

Mediation is a type of dispute resolution used to encourage you to take the opportunity to sort things out. A mediator facilitates (helps assist) the ..

04-Public Sector Mediation.indd

The only exception is for industrial disputes, where there are mandatory dispute resolution procedures. Mediation is one widely recognised technique of ..

Queensland Dispute Resolution Centre, QLD (QDRC)

Queensland Dispute Resolution Centre, QLD (QDRC). Description. The Dispute Resolution Centre provides a mediation service to the QLD community.

Newcastle City Council - Disputes & mediation

Council's Dispute Resolution Policy outlines the adopted principles and process in relation to dispute resolution and mediation.

Mediation and dispute resolution - Office of the Registrar of ..

ORIC's mediation and dispute resolution section can help you sort it out. We have six accredited mediators and many more staff who have expertise in good ..

Code of settlement practice

Alternative dispute resolution, including mediation. 37. There are a range of alternative dispute resolution approaches, including mediation, ..

Dispute Resolution Centre

The Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB) was established by the Queensland Government to provide a free, confidential and impartial mediation service to the ..

Conduct - NADRAC

Has the code's dispute resolution process led to an increase in parties adopting mediation over litigation? As there are no statistics available on the use of ..

MEDIATION SERVICES - Browse Referral List

Is a sessional mediator with the Magistrates Court in Tasmania. Has a strong interest in family law and is a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner registered by ..

Justice mediation - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Sometimes defendants agree to attend counselling or enrol in special courses. Mediators come from the Dispute Resolution Branch and are ..

Mediation | Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria


. If a dispute cannot be resolved through discussions between you, the other party and the DSCV, we also offer a free mediation service. Our Dispute ..

Mediation of minor civil disputes – fencing matters

Mediation is a timely dispute resolution service in which a mediator will assist .. provisions of the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011, mediation is ..

Mediation - Courts Administration Authority South Australia


is an alternative way of resolving disputes or claims. It provides parties with an opportunity to negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution to a dispute ..

Mediation - CaTS Corporate New South Wales


. Alternative Dispute Resolution; Benefits of alternative dispute .. Mediation is an ADR process where an independent third party, the mediator, assists ..

Steps for resolving a dispute using the dispute resolution .. - ACCC

Jump to ‎: Refusal to attend the mediation and/or make a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute will constitute a breach of the ..

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about mediation

guide the parties through a structured mediation process. Who supplies the mediation service? The service is supplied by the Dispute Resolution. Centres ..

International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Service providers

IAMA is a national service provider that promotes and facilitates the resolution of disputes by arbitration, mediation and other forms of ADR.

Mediation skills - Brisbane - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

This course in mediation skills is based on our Dispute Resolution Branch's mediator training program. This course provides participants with: ..

Indigenous Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

Since the early 1990s specialised. Indigenous dispute resolution projects have also been established under the auspices of community mediation programs, ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) - AAT

Section 3(1) defines "alternative dispute resolution processes" as including: a. Conferencing; and. b. Mediation; and. c. Neutral evaluation; and ..

Glossary of ADR Terms - NADRAC

Co-mediation is a process in which the participants to a dispute, with the assistance of two dispute resolution practitioners (the mediators), identify the disputed ..

Mediation - NADRAC


is usually considered to be a process in which the participants, with the assistance of the dispute resolution practitioner (the mediator), identify the ..

Frequently Asked Questions - Office of the Victorian Small Business ..

A number of the mediators on the Panel of Dispute Resolution are regionally based, .. Dispute resolution through mediation costs each party $195 per day for ..

Practice direction 2011-4

Dispute Resolution Branch of the Department of Justice and Attorney. General. 6. The mediation may be conducted in person or by telephone ..

Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria | Department of Justice

The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) is a free dispute resolution service funded by the Victorian Government. The DSCV provides mediation ..

Resolving retail tenancy disputes - NSW Fair Trading

This allows Fair Trading to ensure that each dispute is matched with a mediator to best assist the resolution of the particular dispute.

Mediation Process Model - AAT

The mediator has no advisory or determinative role in regard to the content of the dispute or the outcome of its resolution, but may advise on or ..

Mediation - business.gov.au


is an effective way of resolving disputes and preserving business relationships. You and your hirer can work with an impartial person to identify the ..

Panel of Dispute Resolution - Office of the Victorian Small Business ..

Those on the Panel assist the Small Business Commissioner to carry out the functions of mediation and alternative dispute resolution of small business, retail ..

Violence, disputes and their resolution - Australian Institute of ..

Jump to ‎: SA Alternative Dispute Resolution Association, C/- The Community Mediation Service (Norwood), 110 ..

Mediation skills - Cairns - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

This course in mediation skills is based on our Dispute Resolution Branch's mediator training program. This course provides participants with: ..

Mediation skills - Townsville - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

This course in mediation skills is based on our Dispute Resolution Branch's mediator training program. This course provides participants with: ..

Notify a dispute or apply for mediation - Office of the Victorian Small ..

Annual Reports · Guide to Mediation · Panel of Dispute Resolution · Service Charter .. If you would like to notify the VSBC of a dispute relating to a retail lease, ..

Mediate Today


Today is an independent commercial dispute resolution provider. Since its inception in 1994 Mediate Today has provided a multi-faceted, creative and ..

Mediation skills - Rockhampton - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

This course in mediation skills is based on our Dispute Resolution Branch's mediator training program. This course provides participants with: a structure for the ..

Mediation and Conflict Management Training Courses - Department ..

These courses do not lead to accreditation as a mediator, but they do explain communication techniques and conflict resolution strategies to help you avoid or ..

National mediator accreditation - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

For dates and locations of Mediation Skills training and Mediator Development training view the training calendar. Other dispute resolution ..

Dispute resolution & Investigations - Office of the Victorian Small ..

Annual Reports · Guide to Mediation · Panel of Dispute Resolution · Service Charter · Small Business Issues · Dispute resolution & Investigations · Government ..

Frequently Asked Questions | Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

Jump to ‎: the concept of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution option; the nature of conflict and how conflict affects our ..

Steps for resolving a dispute using the dispute resolution .. - ACCC

Jump to ‎: Where mediation is not successful in resolving a dispute, legal action may be required.

Magistrates' Court of Victoria - Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

The website features information on DSCV services, dispute resolution case studies, mediation training, community education information and the benefits of ..

Contacts : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Community Justice Centre (NT) Provide mediation services to the community to help people resolve their own disputes without legal action. The service is free, ..

How justice mediation works - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

Justice mediation usually takes about two hours and is held at the local courthouse or dispute resolution centre. If necessary an interpreter can ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links

60+ items – .. directory—quick links. Ombudsman & dispute resolution.

Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB)


The Advertising Standards Bureau ..


Collaborate Australia


Collaborate Australia provides ..



Some organizations provide mediators in particular areas of dispute, for example, family or community. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) ..

Mediation within Aboriginal communities : issues and challenges

existing dispute resolution structures is also perceived to be of paramount importance .. Since opening, approximately 450 mediation sessions have been held.

Dispute Resolution Dec11.indd

Dispute Resolution mediation a better way. S m a l l B us i n e s s De v e l o p m e n t C o rp o r a t i o n. This is when the parties to the dispute need to step back, ..


5 National Dispute Resolution Advisory Council, http://www.nadrac.gov.au/. 6 Law Society of New South Wales, The Law Society Mediation Program, ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution division

Alternative Dispute Resolution division. The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) division coordinates the delivery of mediation services for Minor Civil Disputes ..

Developing a dispute resolution process | Business and industry ..

The Queensland Department of Justice's dispute resolution centres offer trained mediators to help everyone involved in a workplace dispute ..

Mediation in the Supreme and County Courts of Victoria (PDF 4.95MB)

of demographic data on dispute resolution processes; and the development of a .. What case characteristics are related to dispute resolution at mediation?. 62 ..

Faster, Better and More Efficient Dispute Resolution - Event - Austrade

Mediation is a term used much misused and even more misunderstood. It is a specific dispute resolution procedure competent and experienced professional ..

FAQ- Alternative dispute resolution

What is alternative dispute resolution? ADR is a free mediation service provided by the. Department of Justice. The process entails the people involved in a ..

Dispute resolution in general federal law: Federal Magistrates Court ..

Dispute resolution in general federal law. Mediation is the dispute resolution process usually adopted to resolve disputes in general federal law ..

Discussion Paper 21 (1989) - Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Chapter 2: DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESSES I. Introduction. A. Classification B. Terminology. II. Processes of ADR - What is Mediation?

Aboriginal Mediation Service

of dispute resolution. Mediation is a meeting that is facilitated by professional mediator(s) where two or more disputing parties meet to address conflicting ..

Merit protection Commissioner - Review of actions - A guide fro HR ..

These centres are staffed by Fairness and Resolution practitioners who are trained in conflict coaching, mediation and group facilitation ..

Mediation Training FAQs | Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

the concept of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution option; the nature of conflict and how conflict affects our daily activities; how to implement various ..

Enhanced dispute resolution services under industry codes- The ..

Enhanced dispute resolution services under industry codes .. Mr David Allan Newton will serve as mediation adviser under the Franchising ..

Mediation - Queensland Courts

What happens at mediation? If the mediator agrees, you can bring your lawyer and any experts who may be able to help resolve the dispute.

Strata and community disputes

Many disputes can be resolved through mediation – a structured negotiation process in which a neutral and independent mediator assists parties in dispute to ..

Workplace conflict resolution - Brisbane - Department of Justice and ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

Divorce mediation

ongoing conflict. 1 The 1996 reforms to the Family Law Act 1975 emphasise family and child mediation as a method of primary dispute resolution in family law ..

The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Administrative Disputes

2 French B, "Dispute Resolution in Australia – The Movement from Litigation to Mediation" (2007) 18. ADRJ 213, 220. 3 French, n 2 at 214.

A Case for Private Sector Mediators in Reparation

SINCE THE INTRODUCTION OF MEDIATION INTO DISPUTE RESOLUTION .. providing for use of mediation as a means of dispute resolution, these include: ..

County Court Victoria - Support Services - Mediation


is encouraged in the great majority of cases, on occasions ordered .. and facilitating the use of consensual dispute resolution processes generally ..

Dispute Resolution Toolkit

The links below will launch a new browser window. Appropriate Dispute Resolution - A Guide (PDF, 278 KB). Mediation - Your Questions ..

Enhanced Dispute Resolution Services Under Industry Codes

Enhanced Dispute Resolution Services Under Industry Codes .. disputes following the Gillard Government's appointment of a new mediation ..

Council members - NADRAC

Professor Alexander is an accredited mediator in Australia and Hong Kong and has extensive experience as a trainer, facilitator and dispute resolution ..

Report 67 (1991) - Training and Accreditation of Mediators

Administrative dispute processing. Informal conflict resolution. OVERVIEW OF CONSENSUAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Community mediation ..

Family Mediation Service

Other forms of family mediation also available, e.g., intergenerational mediation. Registered family dispute resolution provider. Can assist ..

Community Mediation Services

Community mediation provides people with an alternative to court action. .. Home >LEGAL SYSTEM>ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION ..

Dispute Resolution Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney ..

- 1. What should be the source of confidentiality? · The legislation under which the mediation is being conducted. E.g. the Dispute Resolution Centres Act 1990 ..

Mediation in the Anti-Discrimination List

What is mediation? Mediation is a process in which an independent media- tor helps disputing parties to try and arrive at an agreed resolution of their dispute.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System

National Mediator Accreditation System................................18. Family dispute resolution practitioner accreditation.......................19 ..

Mediation By Consent - WAIRC Employment Dispute Resolution ..


can help resolve any question, dispute (or potential dispute) or difficulty between employers and employees. This can include poor performance as ..

National Mediator Accreditation Assessment 20100427

National Mediator Accreditation Assessment is for people who have completed the five-day mediation skills training with the Dispute Resolution Branch ..

Free or low cost mediation services in your state or territory

State and territory information on free or low cost mediation services.

Who to contact - By legal services - Alternative dispute resolution

AGS is committed to alternative dispute resolution to help disputing parties .. A number of our lawyers are recognised as accredited mediators by various ..

What can I expect in mediation? - NADRAC

This list explains what you can expect in a mediation conducted by a mediator who is .. in order to help you and the other participant/s to resolve your dispute.

Fighting Fair: Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training

This interactive and stimulating 2 day course will assist professionals to explore conflict and impart the essential principles and process of mediation.

Land Court Fact Sheet - Alternative Dispute Resolution

effective process where there are limited issues in dispute that do not involve a high .. Mediations are informal and efficient methods of dispute resolution. The ..

Main types of family relationship services (FRS)

Family dispute resolution is the legal name for services such as mediation and conciliation that help people affected by separation and divorce ..

Retirement village dispute resolution : Department of Justice and ..

You may also contact a Dispute Resolution Centre, which offers free confidential and impartial mediation services to assist in resolving your ..

Expressions of Interest – Farm Debt Mediation - Office of the ..

As such, the Office is looking for a limited number of mediators in regional Victoria who are suitably qualified to provide dispute resolution services under the ..

Managing Differences in Mediation and Conciliation

The Government wants more disputes resolved through alternative dispute resolution than through court processes. It firmly believes that mediation and ..

Workplace conflict resolution - Cairns - Department of Justice and ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

Mediating land conflict in East Timor

by D Fitzpatrick - - General observations about land dispute mediation. 183. OveRvIeW Of DIsPute ResOLutION IN MALIANA. 185. Dispute resolution prior to the involvement of ..

National ADR Research Forums - NADRAC

NADRAC hosted the Fourth National Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum at .. including family dispute resolution, ethics in mediation, elder law mediation, ..


MEDIATION INSTEAD OF DIRECTIONS HEARING. The Tribunal encourages the use of mediation to resolve disputes or to identify and narrow issues.

Workplace conflict resolution - Townsville - Department of Justice ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

Graduation: Family dispute resolution for Multicultural Families ..

In particular, the Government considers that family dispute resolution services, including mediation, can help families reach lasting solutions in ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. Consensual Dispute Resolution

Consensual Dispute Resolution. Report 67 (1991) - Training and Accreditation of Mediators 2. Consensual Dispute Resolution ..

Farm Debt Mediation - Office of the Victorian Small Business ..

The legislation seeks to resolve farm debt disputes efficiently and equitably by requiring a creditor to provide a farmer with the option to mediate ..

Appendix B: Organisations Involved in Alternative Dispute Resolution

The ACDC has over 300 mediators, experts and arbitrators in areas of .. The outcomes from these dispute resolution methods are not binding on the parties ..

Mediation By Commonwealth Regulations - WAIRC Employment ..


UNDER COMMONWEALTH MODEL DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS The EDR Act also provides a mechanism for parties to an employment ..

Dispute resolution

Mediation is when an impartial person (a mediator) helps people to negotiate with each other to resolve their dispute. It can be used when ..

Small Business NSW - Dispute resolution


can be obtained from any qualified mediation/dispute resolution service, however, the Code also provides for a cost-effective Office of the Franchising ..

Dispute Resolution Branch

Title: Dispute Resolution Branch. Description: A process conducted by an independent person or persons (mediator/s) who assists people to ..

Alternative dispute resolution: training and accreditation of mediators

Alternative dispute resolution: training and accreditation of mediators. DIGEST OF LAW REFORM COMMISSION REFERENCES 70. Alternative ..

- Mediation

Generally referred to as a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), we use mediation extensively in the Anti-Discrimination List, Domestic ..

Dispute resolution choices

traditional mediation, or FDR as provided by the network of FRCs, community organisations and private mediators;. ∎ dispute resolution services provided by ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) - Access to Justice


is a process managed by a dispute resolution practitioner called a mediator. The mediator assists participants to present points of view and facts.


a party to a dispute you should expect that in the early stages of your case the judge will consider whether alternative dispute resolution, including mediation, ..


by C JONES - 2002 - - the concept of the conflict resolution domain as part of this methodology. The paper develops and extends the interest-based mediation model (Fisher and Ury ..

Mediator accreditation - CaTS Corporate New South Wales

Mediator accreditation. About Us; Courts and tribunals supported by us · Community Justice Centres · Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Mediator Development including National Mediator Accreditation ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

Mediation skills - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

This course in mediation skills is based on our Dispute Resolution Branch's mediator training program. This course provides participants with: ..

Summary papers and Powerpoint presentations from ADR Research ..

Session: Family dispute resolution – Issues, processes and future practice. Mandatory dispute .. How to measure family violence in family mediation services?

Magistrates' Court of Victoria - Mediation Process 2011 - Single List ..

Mediation process 2011 applies to claims exceeding $30000. .. Court currently provides the following Appropriate Dispute Resolution options: ..

30 June 2011 General Manager Small Business and Deregulation ..

The Western Australian Small Business Commissioner would provide mediation and dispute resolution services to small businesses operating ..

Admissibility of Settlement Negotiations (PDF 1.3MB)

CIVIL PROCEDURE ACT 2010 (VIC). Appropriate Dispute Resolution includes: Mediation (whether or not referred to a mediator in accordance with the Rules of ..


the topic or theme for today's proceedings is "Alternative Dispute. Resolution" it appears that much emphasis will be placed on mediation. 2 ..


"Alternative Dispute Resolution processes like mediation empower children and their families in decision making, which can lead to quicker ..

14. Mediation - Lawlink NSW

WHAT IS MEDIATION? 14.2 Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") that "involves the intervention of a trained, neutral ..

New Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs - Children's Court ..

New Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs .. relating to the new model of Disptue Resolution Conference and the external mediation pilot in ..

Family Dispute Resolution - NADRAC

Previously the term 'primary dispute resolution' was used to cover almost every form of assistance in family conflicts, including counselling, mediation and ..

Family, relationships and children - Community Justice Centres New ..

This is because there are laws about going to family dispute resolution (mediation for families) and getting Family Law Certificates before going ..

Lawlink NSW: 3. Training for Mediators

Discussion Paper 21 (1989) - Alternative Dispute Resolution: Training and Accreditation of Mediators 3. Training for Mediators. History of this ..

Legislation - Office of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner

making arrangements to facilitate retail tenancy dispute resolution by mediation, or another form of alternative dispute resolution. The Retail Leases Act 2003 ..

Tania Sourdin BA, LLB, GDLP, LLM, PhD

Tania Sourdin is a fractional Professor of Conflict Resolution at The University of Queensland. Professor Sourdin has extensive experience in mediation, conflict ..

Background - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ..

- Training in mediation through the Judicial College of Victoria ($230k). 6. The term judicial dispute resolution is a broad umbrella term that covers a range of ..

Third National Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Forum

Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation. University of South Australia. Values and Cross-cultural Conflict Resolution. Ms Lola Akin Ojelabi. School of Law ..


Our service delivery model provides multiple pathways for parents who are seeking Family Dispute Resolution services including: FDR, POP, Mediation for 1 etc ..

4 Dispute resolution

provided for access to the Commercial Tribunal for alternative dispute resolution, with the Registrar required to attempt to resolve disputes through mediation ..

~ _g 5 GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001

Mediation to resolve disputes initiated under Part 4 of the Code is compulsory. lf a matter cannot be resolved at mediation then either of the parties' have rights to ..

Justice mediation for complainants - Department of Justice and ..

Abbreviated mediation · Mediation for separating couples · Mediation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders · Dispute resolution in the ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures - Department of Primary ..

Using legal action to resolve disputes between neighbours is expensive .. and; setting up an independent mediator to help resolve the matter.


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a way of resolving disputes out of .. Dispute Resolution in general (and mediation in particular) over ..


systematically isolate the issues in dispute (which, if the mediation is unsuccessful, may prove of assistance to the parties in any other form of dispute resolution, ..


mechanisms, including alternative dispute resolution techniques (ADR). Mediation is one ADR technique of resolving disputes internal to an organisation or ..

Model Dispute Resolution Process

- The mediation process can assist the disputing parties to reach agreement by mutual consent. Resolution is preferable because it is not a forced compromise.

Workplace conflict resolution - Wide Bay - Department of Justice and ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

9 Business conduct and dispute resolution

The dispute resolution process based upon early intervention, the use of formal and informal mediation and [in] cases that cannot be resolved by mediation the ..

Restorative justice - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Our Dispute Resolution Branch has conducted restorative justice processes within its Justice Mediation Program since 1992. During mediation ..

Professional Development Training 20100427

already completed the five-day mediation skills training with the Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB) and wish to further develop their understanding of, and skills ..

Arranging justice mediation - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

Abbreviated mediation · Mediation for separating couples · Mediation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders · Dispute resolution in the ..

21. Family Dispute Resolution

separation or divorce, to resolve some or all of their disputes with each other.8 Dispute resolution processes include mediation, conciliation and arbitration.


mediation services. Q4.17 What are the advantages and disadvantages of providing specialised assessment, referral and dispute resolution centres outside the ..

Alternative dispute resolution - QCAT Queensland Civil and ..

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is used to help parties who cannot come to an agreement. Mediation and compulsory conferencing are ..

Mediation in divorce - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ..

by I Wolcott - - Mediation is considered an alternative way to resolve disputes and to reduce .. The aim of mediation is 'to assist parties (adults) to resolve specific disputes ..

Dispute Resolution Agencies Forum - Conciliation, Mediation and ..

It was established as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism, as a means of providing for the speedy, cost effective, efficient and accessible resolution of ..


Dispute Resolution Inquiry. NADRAC's comments in relation to the issues raised your letter are set out below. National Mediator Accreditation System ..

Facilitation - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Mediation is generally used to resolve disputes between individuals, or an individual and an organisation. It doesn't usually involve large ..

About dispute resolution | Fair Work Australia

Members of Fair Work Australia (FWA) are experienced in a wide range of alternative dispute resolution techniques including conciliation, mediation and ..


Law Clerk. MEDIATION. Appointments. 2009. Registered as a Dispute Resolution Practitioner under the Family Law Act. 1975 Registered Number 1003894 ..


Whilst there are many services that can provide family dispute resolution such as mediation and counselling, not all are registered practitioners.

Curriculum Vitae: Patrick Cavanagh

Co-Director, Dispute Resolution Centre, Bond University (1990-current) teaching over 350 programs on negotiation, mediation and arbitration skills in Australia, ..

Culturally responsive family dispute resolution in family relationship ..

by DRS ARMSTRONG - minimum standards that require mediators develop knowledge of "cross-cultural issues in mediation and dispute resolution", and be able to "support parties in ..

Lawlink NSW: Select Bibliography

VERMONT LAW SCHOOL DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROJECT The Role of Mediation in Divorce Proceedings - A Comparative Perspective ..


Guidelines and Practices for Mediation of Development Applications. 2. Mediation and other "alternative dispute resolution techniques" have some very ..

Referral of Retail Lease Dispute Introduction

Information relating to the dispute resolution and mediation process and the definition of a retail premises dispute can be found under the Retail Tenancy Matters ..


- Mediation is the dispute resolution process usually adopted to resolve disputes in general federal law proceedings. The Court is able to order mediation with or ..


Qualification/Course/Unit: Equivalent to: Family Mediation and Dispute Resolution. Course: 4-day Basic Mediation Course, Bond. University ..

Mediation in Care Matters – a Review of the Outcome Literature

limits of mediation. Meaning of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Mediation. There is some debate about the meaning of ADR and mediation. Some refer to ..

How to resolve disputes when you live in a retirement village ..

You may also contact a Dispute Resolution Centre, which offers free confidential and impartial mediation services to assist in resolving your ..

Family Dispute Resolution - Family Relationships Online

Title: Family Dispute Resolution. Description: A process conducted by an independent person or persons (mediator/s) who assists people to ..

Department of Justice and Attorney–General—Dispute Resolution

The Department can help you settle disputes without having to go to court. We have dispute resolution centres throughout Queensland where trained mediators ..

Dispute resolution (Victoria Online)

Australian arbitrators, conciliators and mediators are increasingly attracting international recognition for their skills in the resolution of commercial disputes both ..


The possible dispute resolution recommendations are: • adjudication. • departmental conciliation. • mediation. • specialist mediation or specialist conciliation.

- Video guides - Mediation

Working it out (47 pages) (202KB) explains how alternative dispute resolution works and how to prepare for mediation and conciliation.

Strata and community mediation - NSW Fair Trading

.. Act 1989, mediation is the preferred way to resolve disputes once the parties involved have made every effort to achieve resolution.

APESMA comments on the Department of Innovation, Industry ..

Resolution of Small Business Disputes .. Dispute resolution and mediation services in relation to debt collection and unpaid invoices must therefore be offered ..

International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Arbitrators and ..

ACICA Panel of Arbitrators (ACICA Fellows) · CIArb Arbitration Panel List · CIArb Mediation Panel List · IAMA Database of Disputes Resolvers ..

Mr Michael Whelan is a surveyor and accredited mediator and ..

Mr Michael Whelan is a surveyor and accredited mediator and arbitrator with the following qualifications: •. Master of Dispute Resolution (UTS). •. Diploma of ..

Alternative dispute resolution | ALRC

Children's participation in alternative dispute resolution .. desire to protect them from the dispute as much as possible and in mediation, not to put responsibility ..


While not every dispute will be resolved by mediation, any dispute, however protracted and bitter, can be so resolved. The successful mediation of the war in ..

Feild 1700 L5-s2

help victims prepare for participation in family dispute resolution (mediation). • See mediation booklet at wlsq.org.au – Angela. Lynch and Katrina Finn. 2nd ed in ..

Lawlink NSW: 14. Alternative Dispute Resolution

14.2 Mediation is the primary consensual dispute resolution process, where a neutral third party assists the parties to negotiate a mutually ..

Appendix 1: Dispute Resolution Centres Council: Annual Report ..

DRB incorporates the Dispute Resolution Centres, the Justice Mediation Program (adult victim-offender mediation), conflict management ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Civil Matters 3.2

One of two submissions opposing mediation or alternative dispute resolution claims it is merely a cheap alternative to the 'legal occupation of making money'.


Preparing for Dispute Resolution. Deciding to mediate on parenting matters is an important step. Once parents decide to separate, family dispute resolution is a ..

Costs Dispute Resolution - Lawlink NSW

The OLSC offers costs mediation as a form of dispute resolution for members of the public and legal practitioners. The term `costs' refers to the ..

Dispute Resolution

NT WorkSafe has a legislative role in dispute resolution by providing a mediation service. This service is provided by experienced independent ..

Mediation Skills Training 20100427

Mediation Skills Training. Background. The Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB was established by the Queensland Government to provide confidential and ..

Expression of interest for inclusion on the Federal Court of ..

The dispute resolution services may be required in a number of processes including. • Mediation. • Negotiation. • Conferencing. • Or other specialised conflict ..

The process of Family Dispute Resolution

Description: Family dispute resolution is the name in the Family Law Act for services such as mediation and conciliation that help people ..


mediate about. Use mediation at various intervals and to transition into other phases of the dispute resolution/litigation. If this is method is used to begin ..

OCBA - Dispute resolution

If the parties to a lease cannot resolve a dispute through their own negotiations, either party may apply for mediation using the independent ..

Contact us Mediation in the State Administrative Tribunal

the mediator may make orders in the terms of the settlement. If the dispute is resolved through mediation, that generally finishes the matter and you will not be ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System

systems currently exist, the National Mediator Accreditation System and the new accreditation rules for Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners. The National ..

Forum program - National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ..

- Associate Professor Dale Bagshaw. Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation. University of South Australia. Values and Cross-cultural Conflict Resolution.

WAIRC Employment Dispute Resolution: Home


your disputes with our mediation service! Mediation by an Industrial Relations Commissioner will assist you to reach the best solution for any ..


Family Law Mediation to ensure he/she is appropriate for the role of a family dispute resolution practitioner in the community, and the practitioner is either: ..


a consequential shortening of the trial. Mediation allows the parties to resolve their dispute in private unlike the court process which is public. The parties control ..

Judicial Mediation in Australia

Mediation in Australia has been referred to as part of the process of. "alternative dispute resolution" or "ADR". That concept includes other mechanisms for ..

Response to NADRAC - Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil ..

- VADR, the Victorian Association for Dispute Resolution, was established on 1986 to .. for Accreditation as a mediator under the NMAS, thus becoming a RMAB.

Mediation and negotiation options

Mediation and negotiation options. How to call a conference or for independent alternative dispute resolution (ADR). MINES-02 - Notice of intention to negotiate ..

Settling customary land disputes in Papua New Guinea

by N Oliver - - mediators, clerks of court and others involved in the dispute resolution process. The review identified major shortcomings in the implementation of the Act and ..

Retail Leasing Matters - Office of the Victorian Small Business ..

Annual Reports · Guide to Mediation · Panel of Dispute Resolution · Service Charter · Small Business Issues · Dispute resolution & Investigations · Government ..

WAIRC Employment Dispute Resolution .. - WAIRC Mediation

The Employment Dispute Resolution Act 2008 is new legislation that enables employers and employees to seek the services of the Western Australian Industrial ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Guidelines (Word version)

"procedures and services for the resolution of disputes, and includes: (a) conferencing; and. (b) mediation; and. (c) neutral evaluation; and. (d) case appraisal ..

info-disputes-web-SUBMITTED FINAL

after the lease ends the parties are limited to accessing only the mediation stage in the dispute resolution process. 1.1 How much does the dispute resolution ..

Employment Dispute Resolution Act 2008 - WAIRC Mediation

PROCEDURES AND FORMS. 1. Request for Mediation. (a) A request for mediation under section 7 of the Employment Dispute. Resolution Act ..

Fairness and Resolution :: Fairness and Resolution :: Australian ..

Conflict Resolution

; Mediation; Group Facilitation; Equity; Publications; Negotiation & Communication Skills Training; Fairness and Resolution Centres ..

Announcements - Children's Court : Lawlink NSW

Part 2 - New model of Dispute Resolution Conference · Part 3 - External mediation pilot (the Bidura pilot) and the independent evaluation of ..


Mediation is used to successfully resolve many community, family, .. see advantages of alternative dispute resolution and when not to use ..

Administrative Decisions Tribunal top place holder privacy ..

Mediation is one form of Alternative Dispute Resolution provided for by the ADT Act. The other form, neutral evaluation, is not currently in use.


Mediator. Outstanding skills in Mediation and Dispute Resolution. Experience in lecturing, training and assessment of mediators. General Practice includes ..

1 Accreditation

Can I become accredited under both the National Mediator. Accreditation System and the accreditation system for family dispute resolution practitioners?

Evaluating Quality in Court Annexed Mediation

by F Kinghamconsider the use of alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation, is consistent with the Tribunal's statutory obligation to "act as quickly, and with ..

Table of Contents

General alternative dispute resolution. 3. Indigenous specific alternative dispute resolution. 4. Australian native title mediation and practice issues. 5.

Lawlink NSW: 2. Dispute Resolution Processes

Discussion Paper 21 (1989) - Alternative Dispute Resolution: Training and Accreditation of Mediators 2. Dispute Resolution Processes ..

ADR in family violence legislation | ALRC

FDR—which seeks to resolve a parenting dispute—is, therefore, to be distinguished from ADR that attempts to mediate or negotiate violence itself. As indicated ..

Resolution of Small Business Disputes Submission to Options Paper ..

improved commercial dispute-resolution processes for small business people. .. Mediation at SBC level is compulsory before access to other courts is allowed.

1 Readiness for online mediation: Application of a modified Unified ..

Qualitative interviews with 20 mediators and on line survey of 101 practitioners, showed wide spread interest in online family dispute resolution. (OFDR) and ..

Lawlink NSW: 3. Alternative Dispute Resolution

3.2 Mediation is the most prominent of the various methods of consensual dispute resolution, which is: where a neutral third party uses a ..

Legal enforcement of agreements - Department of Justice and ..

For enquiries about mediation training contact the Dispute Resolution Branch Training Unit. Phone: +61 7 3239 6277. Fax: +61 7 3239 6284 ..

accreditation and registration - Attorney-General's Department

- Can practitioners become accredited under both the National Mediator Accreditation System and the accreditation system for family dispute resolution ..

State Administrative Tribunal

What is facilitative dispute resolution (FDR)? • Mediation – 'to achieve the resolution of matters by settlement between the parties'. • Compulsory conference – 'to ..

Farm Debt Mediation Act 2011 - Office of the Victorian Small ..

The Farm Debt Mediation Act 2011 seeks to resolve farm debt disputes efficiently and equitably by requiring a creditor to provide a farmer with the option to ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix B: Select Bibliography

Discussion Paper 21 (1989) - Alternative Dispute Resolution: Training and Accreditation of Mediators Appendix B: Select Bibliography ..

GOV-PL 135 Mediation Policy

disputing parties conducted by an impartial person or persons. Mediation aims to provide a fair, consensus-building dispute resolution process in which the ..


- The Parliamentary Committee's recommendation refers to mediation 'or other forms of dispute resolution'. Some could claim that an exchange of solicitors' ..

About us - Reaching Agreement

Find out more about mediation and the other services offered by the .. Using DSCV services to resolve a dispute is often a cheaper, fairer and ..

Lawlink NSW: 7. Dispute Resolution

Alternatively, if the parties are amenable to mediation the use of non-court-based dispute resolution mechanisms in the first instance may be ..

Fairness and Resolution :: Complaint Resolution :: Regional ..

Danielle Benham is a Fairness and Resolution Practitioner, Mediator, Conflict Coach and Equity Adviser who, as part of the Fairness and Resolution Centre ..

Justice mediation for defendants - Department of Justice and ..

Abbreviated mediation · Mediation for separating couples · Mediation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders · Dispute resolution in the ..

- Other Disputes at VCAT - Retail Tenancies

The dispute will be referred to a one and a half hour mediation which may be extended to two hours. If the dispute has not resolved in the course of the ..

Mediation - Federal Court of Australia

If you are a party to a dispute you should expect that in the early stages .. alternative dispute resolution, including mediation, is likely to assist.

Guide - dispute resolution procedures in agreements

functions to be conferred on the Commission for the purpose of the dispute resolution procedure. Those powers could be mediation, conciliation and /or ..

Family dispute resolution and family violence | ALRC

Family dispute resolution (FDR) is defined broadly in s 10F of the Family Law Act .. involving family violence do—and will continue to—proceed to mediation.

Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

The DSCV provides a confidential, low cost dispute resolution service to the .. education service and training courses in conflict resolution and mediation.

Tree dispute resolution

If you cannot reach an agreement, contact a Dispute Resolution Centre to discuss free mediation options before you take any legal action. If you are unable to ..

Frequently Asked Questions about Mediation - Land & Environment ..

Mediation is a form of what is known as alternative dispute resolution, or ADR. It is an important option for litigants at the Court as it is often ..

Dispute resolution - Housing and Homelessness Services ..

The Department of Justice and Attorney-General's Dispute Resolution Branch offers a free mediation service which may help resolve conflicts ..

Kerrie Burmeister - Action On R

Subject RE: Indonesian Trade and Dispute Resolution .. commercial litigation, mediation and arbitration, major inquests (most recently the Kovco and Iredale ..

Lawlink NSW: 6. Court and Tribunal Connected Dispute Resolution

The Commission also recommends that program guidelines require that mediators undergo appropriate training in dispute resolution ..

Resolving issues - strata schemes - NSW Fair Trading

Mediation is the preferred way to resolve disputes once the parties involved have made every effort to resolve a dispute. The following types of ..

Neighbours & You - Local Courts : Lawlink NSW

The following information may help you to resolve neighbourhood disputes. Mediation Apprehended Violence Orders Fences Noise Trees ..

Service - WAIRC Employment Dispute Resolution: General Information

The Employment Dispute Resolution Act 2008 enables employers or employees to ask a WAIRC Commissioner to mediate any question, dispute, or difficulty ..

Strategic Dispute Management – Bibliography II

- The Promise of Mediation: Responding to Conflict Through Empowerment and Recognition (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994). Conflict Resolution in the ..

Mediator Neutrality: themes in the construction of meaningful ..

Are mediators neutral – or not? Astor, H. (2000) Rethinking Neutrality: A Theory to Inform Practice- Parts 1 and 2,. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal.

Lawlink NSW: Bibliography

ASTOR, H and CHINKIN, C, Dispute Resolution in Australia (2nd edition, LexisNexis Butterworths, Australia, 2002). ASTOR, H, "Mediation ..

ch 11 ADR

Alternative Dispute Resolution), the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators. Australia, Relationships Australia and Centrecare. 11.9. Private mediators or arbitrators ..

Ombudsman & dispute resolution - ACCC

60+ items – Consumer & business directory—quick links. Ombudsman ..

Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB)


The Advertising Standards Bureau ..


Collaborate Australia


Collaborate Australia provides ..


Lawlink NSW: Appendix C - Family Dispute Resolution

Report 67 (1991) - Training and Accreditation of Mediators Appendix C - Family Dispute Resolution. How to purchase a copy of this report.

Scott Ellis

"Alternative" dispute resolution. Acting as mediator/conciliator. Types of dispute include: • building and construction disputes;. • commercial disputes, including ..

Certificate IV in Community Mediation CHC41302

National Dispute Resolution Network. 53. Native Title Studies Centre, JCU. 54. Nina Harding Mediation Services Pty. Ltd. 55. NSW Ombudsman's Office. 56 ..

Lawlink NSW: 1. Introduction

1.3 In handling disputes CJCs make use of mediation. Mediation is defined by the National Dispute Resolution Advisory Council ("NADRAC") ..

Victorian Government response to the Australian Government's ..

This contrasts with government-provided dispute resolution services in other .. by VSBC staff to help resolve disputes without the need for formal mediation; ..

LEADR Response to the Options Paper for Resolution of Small ..

Both these options support the use of existing services, with Option 2 also offering. "a mediation service where no appropriate low cost dispute resolution service ..

ABOUT US Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners Our mediators ..

T: 07 4779 4211 F: 07 4755 0975. ABOUT US. Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners. Our mediators are all registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners ..

New role for Small Business Commissioner in resolving farm debt ..

The legislation seeks to resolve farm debt disputes efficiently and equitably by requiring a creditor to provide a farmer with the option to mediate ..

Culturally Reflexive Family Dispute Resolution: an initiative of ..

mediation and dispute resolution services.10. To enhance FRC access for CALD families, it is essential for FRCs to engage with communities, and particularly ..

Strata and community mediation

the Community Land Management Act 1989, mediation is the preferred way to resolve disputes once the parties involved have made every effort to achieve ..

Dispute Assessment & Advice | Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

If a dispute cannot be resolved with the help of the DAOs, we may also suggest trying mediation. This is a free, confidential service offered by DSCV.

The Resolve to Resolve - National Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Judicial dispute resolution and judge-led mediation. 104 chapter 8: use of adr by the federal government. 113. Introduction. 113. The Legal Services Directions ..

Magistrates Court : Mediation & Conciliation

In civil claims, the Magistrate generally orders pursuant to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act 2001 that the cost of the mediation (currently ..

Family Dispute Resolution | ALRC

Dispute resolution

processes include mediation, conciliation and arbitration. In mediation, an impartial third party assists parties to negotiate an agreement.

Office of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner

Annual Reports · Guide to Mediation · Panel of Dispute Resolution · Service Charter · Small Business Issues · Dispute resolution & Investigations · Government ..

Mediator Position Description May 2011

The Department facilitates multi- jurisdictional court sittings across the State, in addition to tribunals and mediation sessions. The Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

Online Dispute Resolution and Family Disputes PowerPoint ..

Dispute resolution processes: – facilitative processes such as conciliation, mediation and facilitated negotiation. – advisory processes such as case appraisal, ..

Indigenous mediators sought for Brisbane - Department of Justice ..

Executive Manager of the Dispute Resolution Branch, Lindsay Smith said the .. "Mediators help people resolve conflicts in a constructive and ..

Justice Mediation - Version 03

The DRB will facilitate the justice mediation process (refer Dispute Resolution Centre Act 1990 (DRCA). Participation in justice mediation is voluntary and no ..

Perspectives on Court Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution

to look at different forms of dispute resolutionmediation, arbitration, negotiation, and med-arb, (a blend of mediation and arbitration). I tried to ..

Registry Alternative Dispute Resolution in Supreme Court Civil Actions

As its name implies, Alternative Dispute Resolution. (ADR) is .. mediation—where a trained mediator helps the .. Mediators and case appraisers are not allowed ..


mediation initiatives in Australia. From 1996-2000 David was a member of the Federal. Attorney-General's National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory ..

Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria Website

The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) website features information on DSCV services, dispute resolution case studies, mediation ..

AFRC Resource sheet No. 1

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 - It requires the involvement of two highly skilled professionals: the mediator, who works with the parents in the resolution of the dispute; and a specially trained ..

Family Dispute Resolution

Examples of family dispute resolution processes are mediation and conciliation. Funded by: Family Relationship Services Program Funded ..


is now universal. At the same time Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR"), of which mediation is of fundamental importance, has developed as an alternative to a ..

Mediation and Conflict Resolution - University of South Australia

Postgraduate Studies, Mediation and Conflict Resolution.

ECU | Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation (SCRAM ..

Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation (SCRAM) is an interactive role play competition for Western Australian Year 9 and 10 high school students which ..

WebLaw - Dispute Resolution

Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia: Dispute Resolution Services Across Australia, Asia and the Pacific The Institute is Australia's largest and most ..

Graduate Certificate in Mediation and Conflict Resolution - Courses ..

The Graduate Certificate in Mediation and Conflict Resolution will provide you with the knowledge and practical skills to negotiate, mediate, manage and resolve ..

Courses & Schedule | Dispute Resolution Centre | Bond University ..

This has been the Bond University Dispute Resolution Centre's most popular mediation course since 1990. Over one hundred such courses have been run ..

Course overview | Master of Dispute Resolution | Postgraduate ..

Students learn the principles and skills of mediation and conflict management and how to apply these skills in various situations. Conflict and dispute resolution ..

Accreditation | Dispute Resolution Centre | Bond University | Gold ..

If a mediator of family disputes wants also to issue certificates under s60I of the Family Law Act, (s)he must obtain accreditation as a "Family Dispute Resolution ..

ECU | Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation : Business ..

The Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation project, or SCRAM, is an interactive role-play competition for Western Australian Year 9 and 10 high school ..

RMIT - Conflict Resolution and Mediation

Course Title: Conflict Resolution and Mediation. Part A: Course Overview. Course Title: Conflict Resolution and Mediation. Credit Points: 12 ..

ADR for professionals - National Mediation Accreditation > Faculty of ..

The need for an understanding of the principles of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has become essential for many professions. Mediation ..

Mediation and Conflict Resolution - University of South Australia

policy development and research in areas involving conflict, mediation and the cultural aspects of dispute resolution. They offer graduates opportunities to ..

Master of Conflict and Dispute Resolution course - JCU

1 day ago – Mediation. workplace conflict management. family dispute resolution. intercultural conflict resolution. Students can also gain professional ..

Griffith University | Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution - Nathan

Dispute resolution

studies have become increasingly important over the past 30 years with greater recognition and understanding of negotiation, mediation, ..

Resources | Dispute Resolution Centre | Bond University | Gold ..

It contains an outstanding summary of books, articles and conferences in the field of dispute resolution. Essential reading. Mediate.com. Mediate.com is, by its ..

WADRA - Home

Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation Competition, SCRAM. SCRAM is an initiative of WADRA. It is an interactive role play competition for ..

LAW00214 Mediation and Dispute Resolution - Southern Cross ..

Students will be required to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the major theories and approaches to mediation, conflict, negotiation, resolution.

Master of Mediation and Conflict Resolution - Courses and ..

Why study the Master of Mediation and Conflict Resolution? This program is no longer offered for new students. This program provides students with the ..

Master of Mediation and Conflict Resolution - University of South ..

Postgraduate studies in Mediation and Conflict Resolution at UniSA aim to prepare graduates from diverse professional backgrounds for advanced practice, ..

Mediation Services | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Mediation is a process in which the participants to a dispute, with the assistance of a dispute resolution practitioner (the mediator), identify the ..

4893 - TAFE NSW - Course information

Dispute Resolution and Mediation

. Qualification Statement of Attainment .. You will also learn to support the practice of mediation across a range of agencies.

Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation .. - Shenton College

This year we had two Year 10 teams enter the Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation Competition run by WADRA (WA Dispute Resolution ..

Mediation and Conflict Resolution - School of Political Science and ..

The Graduate Certificate in Mediation and Conflict Resolution will provide you with the knowledge and practical skills to negotiate, mediate, manage and resolve ..

HR Policies and Procedures - Guidelines for Conduct in the Workplace

The Centre for Staff Development occasionally offers short workshops in mediation and conflict resolution to help develop the required skills. Managers and ..

Dale Bagshaw Home Page

I also conduct consultancies, mediations and conflict resolution and mediation training programs in private practice; for example I have recently conducted ..

Members & Publications | Dispute Resolution Centre | Bond ..

Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, National Accredited Mediator, Specialist in Mediation Law Queensland Law Society and Law Association of ..

UWA Staff Profile > The University of Western Australia: The ..

Jill has practised as a solicitor in the area of dispute resolution in private law firms and is a nationally accredited mediator who currently ..

Schools conflict resolution and mediation competition 2001

by H Taylor - 2001 - Schools conflict resolution and mediation competition 2001. Helen Taylor. This Article is brought to you by ePublications@bond. It has been accepted for ..

Mediation and Conflict Resolution - Curtin Counselling Service ..

The mediator has no advisory or determinative role in regard to the content of the dispute or the outcome of the resolution, but may advise on or ..

Mr Serge Loode | ISSR

Lecturer; Program Director, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Program (CRMD) .. Serge has lectured in Alternative Dispute Resolution and Mediation at the TC ..

Negotiation and mediation law 406 - Monash University

The unit examines the theory and practice of negotiation and mediation as dispute resolution processes, with a focus on principled negotiation ..


the School of Political Science and international Studies at the university of. Queensland offers a range of innovative courses in Mediation and Conflict resolution ..

RMIT - Understanding Conflict and Mediation

This course considers the issue of conflict resolution and mediation in our courts and our community. Through an engagement with theory and practical ..

Enforceability of the Mediation Outcome

by E Siddik - 2011 - Doing so will make mediation even more attractive as a dispute resolution method and its outcome more durable. This paper focuses on the reality of the ..

Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation - University of South Australia

To provide a pivotal point for research and consultancies in the areas of peace and conflict studies; violence prevention, dispute resolution, mediation, conflict ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution for Professionals - What's On at UWA

This 10 module + 1 day workshop course teaches negotiation, conflict resolution and mediation skills. National accrediation is available.

Dispute Resolution Centre News Volume 31

Family Dispute Resolution & Mediation Course. 26-29 November. Basic Mediation Course*. Melbourne Courses (in conjunction with Leo Cussen Institute) ..

Day 3 Dispute resolution mediation Arbitration: CIETAC, Domestic ..

Labor Law (Labor Contract Law, Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law). Legal Profession – life as lawyer. 1. General Discussion – Dispute Resolution. A.

Classifying online dispute resolution through a comparison of family ..

20+ items – .. dispute resolution through a comparison of family mediation ..

Field of Research


080605 Decision Support and Group Support Systems


Title of paper


Classifying online dispute resolution through a comparison of ..


Western Australian Dispute Resolution Association Incorporated

MEDIATION ONLY. Name and address of the parties: (1). (2). We request that the Western Australian Dispute Resolution Association Incorporated appoint a ..

Dispute Resolution Centre News Volume 29

Assessment Course for Mediators. 19-22 March. Basic Mediation Course*. 14 May. Conflicts in Schools. 27-31 May. Family Dispute Resolution and Mediation ..


by M Brandon - 2008This article analyses current family dispute resolution practice in mediation and conciliation. It argues that recent changes to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) ('the ..

WorldLII - Categories - Subjects - Alternative Dispute Resolution ..

10+ items – Only WorldLII Catalog >> Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) ..

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators [Search ]


Promotes and facilitates the ..


ForeignCounsel.com [Search ]


Offers comprehensive information on ..


Staff profile > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

Jill has practised as a solicitor in the area of dispute resolution in private law firms and is a LEADR accredited mediator who currently mediates ..

Commercial alternative dispute resolution - Monash University

Dispute resolution methods and the process of mediation. The use of simulation exercises, videos, and modelling students to gain practical ..

What is mediation?

What is mediation? Alternative Dispute Resolution Definitions - March 1997. "Mediation is a process in which the parties to a dispute, with the assistance of a ..

Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution | Murdoch University ..

In this course, you'll learn practical skills to help you resolve commercial and community disputes. You'll explore mediation, the issues of privacy and ..

Professional Development - Mediation - School of Political Science ..

Graduate Certificate of Mediation and Conflict Resolution Many of our courses provide credit towards other degrees and CPD points for a number of professional ..


Through case studies the benefits of mediation as a tool in conflict resolution will be examined, including economic, time management, increased productivity ..

Graduate Certificate in Mediation (Workplace Relations)

Postgraduate studies in Mediation and Conflict Resolution at UniSA aim to prepare graduates from diverse professional backgrounds for advanced practice, ..

Professor Tania Sourdin, Monash Law

Tania has previously been the Director of the Conflict Resolution .. She wrote the National Mediator Accreditation Standards and has led ..

The New Family Dispute Resolution System: Reform Under the ..

by S Nicholls - 2007 - - family, law, dispute resolution, 2006, australia, mediation, child, children, family mediation centre, implementation, litigation. Cover Page ..

Graduate Certificate in Mediation (Family) - University of South ..

Postgraduate studies in Mediation and Conflict Resolution at UniSA aim to prepare graduates from diverse professional backgrounds for advanced practice, ..

QUT | LJJ | Book Review - Mediation: Skills and Techniques - QUT ..

L Boulle, Mediation: Skills and Techniques, Butterworths Skills Series 2001. Donna Cooper. Having attended several dispute resolution ..

Franchise Regulation: Conflict Resolution

The Office of the Franchising Mediation Adviser was created at the time of the Franchising Code and can assign mediators to help resolve a franchise dispute if ..

Dispute Resolution Centre News Volume 30

Basic Mediation Course*. 27 - 30. August. Marriot, Gold. Coast. Advanced Mediation Course*. 14 - 18. September. Gold Coast. Family Dispute Resolution and ..

Mediation workshop: Basic course materials

by L Boulle - 2010 - Dispute Resolution Centre. 1-1-2010. Mediation workshop: Basic course materials. Laurence Boulle. Bond University, Laurence_Boulle@bond.edu.au ..


by R FIELD - constructive, negotiationbased, facilitated, informal dispute resolution process. This growth indicates an increasing awareness of the real benefits of mediation ..

UTS: 77746 Advanced Mediation - Law, UTS Handbook

77746 Advanced Mediation. 6cp. Requisite(s): 60 credit points of completed study in C04148 Master of Law and Legal Practice AND 79771 Dispute Resolution ..

Australian National Mediator Accreditation System Report .. - WADRA

well as large scale environmental conflict. It has been used to resolve conflicts over construction and over refugee rights. In short, mediation is now used ..

Professional Development Training - JCU

2 days ago – The JCU Conflict Resolution Professional Development Program is a dynamic .. our Mediation course and sitting the accreditation assessment.

Western Australian Institute of Dispute Management (WAIDM)

To provide a centre for the resolution of both domestic and international commercial disputes by mediation, arbitration and negotiation. The services include: ..

Judicial mediation and Ch III of the Commonwealth Constitution

by I Field - 2009 - dispute resolution (supervisory jurisdiction). This thesis demonstrates that judicial mediation poses no threat to any of these jurisdictions and that, on the contrary ..

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Accreditation Training

workshops: Mediation (5½ days). •. Family and Interpersonal Dispute. •. Resolution (5 days). Advanced Family Mediation (5 days). •. Mediation Accreditation (2 ..

Bond Dispute Resolution News Volume 15

Issue 6.2 which includes an editorial on War in Dispute Resolution Theory and Practice. Issue 6.3 a special issue on global trends in mediation with articles on ..

Directory - Australian Dispute Resolution Directory - University of ..

To provide a pivotal point for research and consultancies in the areas of peace and conflict studies, violence prevention, dispute resolution, mediation, conflict ..

Conflict Resolution Education in Western Australian Schools

message the editor of the Conflict Resolution Quarterly has for the mediation .. Conflict Resolution and Mediation Program (SCRAM) which is described in a ..

Alternative Dispute Resolution : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The ..

It surveys the various dispute resolution processes including negotiation, mediation, arbitration and mixed processes. The overall objectives ..

Course Evaluation | Dispute Resolution Centre | Bond University ..

Basic Mediation Course. July 2011 .. Mediator Assessment Course .. The Dispute Resolution Centre has run over 200 courses for, inter alia: The Bar ..

RMIT - Douglas, Ms. Kathy

Conflict Resolution and Mediation

. Courts and Court Processes. Legal Structures in Housing Developments. Legal Education and Online Learning ..

PERTH_DMS#363743v1 - SCRAM Model Student & Coach ..

Schools Conflict Resolution And Mediation. Competition. An initiative of WADRA. (Western Australian Dispute Resolution Association). SCRAM MODEL. Student ..

SCRAM Workshop Analysing disputes Summarising & Reframing

Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation. © Contents copyright Halsmith Consulting 2009. Margaret Halsmith. 3 June 2009. SCRAM Workshop. Analysing ..

UTS: C04145v3 Master of Dispute Resolution - Law, UTS Handbook

Award(s): Master of Dispute Resolution (MDR) .. The UTS Dispute Resolution program, a first in Australia, focuses on the .. 77746 Advanced Mediation, 6cp ..

COUN213 Mediation and Dispute Resolution - ACU (Australian ..

COUN213 Mediation and Dispute Resolution. 10 cp. Prerequisites COUN106 Introduction to Counselling and Micro-Skills Teaching ..

Bond Dispute Resolution News Volume 18

Bond Dispute Resolution News. 2. Volume 18 October 2004. LAURENCE BOULLE. May Semester. Conducted LLM course in Mediation. 30 June-2 July ..

Registration Form TAX INVOICE BASIC Mediation Course 15-18 ..

colleges/dispute-resolution/index.htm. ABN 88 010 694 121. Basic Mediation Course. 15-18 March 2012. Sofitel, Gold Coast, Broadbeach. TAX INVOICE ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Dispute Resolution - LAWS3314

In fact only a small proportion of disputes are resolved by litigation and there is .. of non-adjudicative dispute resolution processes (such as mediation) and what ..

"Convincing the Policy Makers that Mediation is Often an ..

by RM Field - 2001 - - Field, Rachael M. (2001) "Convincing the Policy Makers that Mediation is Often an Inappropriate Dispute Resolution Process for Women: A ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Advanced Issues in Dispute Resolution ..

This course aims to foster critical examination of a small range of important topics in dispute resolution, emphasising not just mediation, but also other dispute ..

Registration Form TAX INVOICE BASIC Mediation Course 26-29 ..

colleges/dispute-resolution/index.htm. ABN 88 010 694 121. Basic Mediation Course. 26-29 July 2012. Crowne Plaza, Gold Coast Queensland. TAX INVOICE ..

Emeritus Professor Hilary Astor - Sydney Law School - The ..

Her areas of interest are dispute resolution, especially mediation, and family law. She is the co-author, with Professor Christine Chinkin, ..

Stephen Lancken - Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies - The ..

Stephen (Steve) Lancken is one of the most experienced mediators and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practitioners and educators in ..

McSwan, Ross - JCU

Mediation and other forms of dispute resolution. Ross is recognized as a mediator by the Queensland Bar Association. He has over 2000 hours ..

Dispute Resolution Centre | Bond University | Gold Coast, Australia

NEW Kate & Tony Mediation Process, Family Dispute Resolution. Order the DVD. Watch excerpts from The Bounty and Fletcher's Partnership Dispute and order ..

ECU | Western Suburbs schools triumph in Conflict Resolution ..

Students from Perth Modern School have won the 2009 grand final of the Schools Conflict, Resolution and Mediation (SCRAM) competition.

Australian National Mediator Accreditation System Report .. - LEADR

been used to resolve conflicts over construction and over refugee rights. In short, mediation is now used wherever there is conflict and conflict is ubiquitous.

Justice Statement - Chapter 2

Mediation is one of a range of options broadly known as alternative dispute resolution. The Justice Statement builds on these achievements by ..

Remedies in Chinese Dispute Resolution

by BC Goh - 2001 - awards must, by all accounts, represent a mediation highpoint. It is hoped that this article will shed some light on such a process. Keywords dispute resolution ..

Bond Dispute Resolution News Volume 7

Bond University Dispute Resolution Centre has been awarded a contract by the Australian Government to train mediators in Indonesia. The first 3 day training ..

A History of Alternative Dispute Resolution

by L Boulle - 2005century use of mediation in the. Microsoft monopoly cases. There are references to dispute resolution practices by the Phoenicians, the. Greeks, the Indians and ..

Bond Dispute Resolution News Volume 11

Bond Dispute Resolution News. Volume 11 January 2002. 2. 7-12 January. Taught Mediation Course at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas ..


These Practice Standards apply to any mediator acting as a third party to support two or more individuals or entities to manage, settle or resolve disputes, or to ..

Print page | Master of Dispute Resolution | Charles Sturt University

Students learn the principles and skills of mediation and conflict management and how to apply these skills in various situations. Conflict and dispute resolution ..

Professor Nadja Alexander Homepage

As a sought-after presenter for ADR and mediation congresses, Nadja regularly conducts a range of conflict resolution workshops for professional, academic, ..

Franchise problems

Franchise problem conflict resolution, avoiding conflict and mediation versus litigation discussed by Asia-Pacific Centre for Franchising Excellence.

SCRAM Workshop

Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation. © SCRAM is sponsored and hosted by the School of Law and Justice, Edith Cowan University. Contents copyright ..

Bond Dispute Resolution News Volume 12

Mediation Course, SMU Dallas, USA (director, Tony Picchioni). 7 June. Graduation Address, Dispute Resolution Program, Dallas. 9–11 June. Met with Eric ..

National Mediation Conference Scholarship

annual conference for persons practising or interested in the practice of dispute resolution. NMC wishes to support the national mediation community ..

how technology is leading the charge to globalised dispute resolution

by N Alexander - 2006 - mediation, how globalisation affects the principles of mediation, the challenges for dispute resolution practitioners moving between cultures, and how the design ..

Transforming mediation in the Asiaâ•fiPacific region

by D Bagshaw - 2007 - scholars in the conflict resolution field. (Barnes, 2002; Honeyman & Cheldelin,. 2002). An increasing number of mediation and ADR educators and trainers from ..

Innocents Abroad? The relevance and effects of Western mediation ..

Microsoft Powerpoint - 3. Mediation in the Asia Pacific. In the Asia Pacific region there is a longstanding history of informal conflict resolution practices involving intermediaries or third ..

LAW421 Dispute Resolution.docx

Lawyers in their profession spend much of their time using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR eg. Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration) methods to resolve ..

alumniConnect - ADR for Professionals

National mediation accreditation available as part of a new 10 week workshop on alternative dispute resolution for professionals. The need for ..

Course structure | Master of Dispute Resolution | Postgraduate ..

HRM540 Theories of Conflict Resolution HRM545 Skills of Conflict Resolution LAW516 Dispute Resolution: Methods & Results LAW517 Mediation: Processes & ..

War in dispute resolution theory and practice

by L Boulle - 2003Dispute resolution in the changing shadow of the law: a study of parties' views on the conciliating process in federal anti-discrimination law. 37. Mediation and ..

JDR Biblio

"ABCs of ADR: A Dispute Resolution Glossary," 13:11 CPR Alternatives (November .. This article looks at the impact of personal qualities of mediators on the ..

Alternative dispute resolution in Germany

by R Trittmann - 2002however, the landscape of dispute resolution has significantly changed and mediation has now become part of the dispute resolution process in business life.

Professional Development Training in Conflict Management and ..

The JCU Conflict Resolution Program is a dynamic, innovative and flexible program. It is designed .. Mediation course and sitting the accreditation assessment.

NCVER - Literacy, numeracy and alternative dispute resolution

by JJ Cumming - 2005 - - As a result, there has been an increase in the use of alternative dispute resolution processes such as mediation. These are promoted as a ..

Power in mediation - some reflections

by D Eliades - 1999 - where the imbalance is so great that the mediation process is inappropriate as a dispute resolution method. ADR provides a potentially more predictable method ..

LLM Courses - ADR - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

The alternative dispute resolution stream of courses offers a comprehensive exploration of the principles and practice of mediation, arbitration, and alternative ..

Vocational Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution ..

Examples of family dispute resolution processes are mediation and conciliation. Family dispute resolution services can help separating families resolve disputes ..

Being Accredited as a Mediator "Twice" in Australia – General and ..

General and Family Mediator Accreditation. John Wade. Director, Dispute Resolution Centre. School of Law, Bond University. Gold Coast, Qld ..

Fayle, Richard --- "Mediation in Tax Disputes" [1999] JlATax 9; (1999 ..

by MINTAX DISPUTESMEDIATION IN TAX DISPUTES. By Associate Professor Richard Fayle. Traditionally income tax disputes not resolved internally proceed to either the ..

Mediation in sexual abuse cases: opportunism or anathema?

by T Altobelli - 2002Bond University,. Queensland. Volume 5 Number 3 contents. 33. Mediation in sexual abuse cases: opportunism or anathema? 37. Dispute resolution in building ..

"Supporting the Participation of Victims of Domestic Violence in ..

Increased emphasis on mediation in family matters eg 1996 and. 2006 amendments to the Family Law Act 1975. • Mandatory family dispute resolution from 2006 ..

Dispute Resolution Centre News Volume 26

Visitors to the Dispute. Resolution Centre. Forthcoming Courses of the Dispute Resolution Centre. Announcement. New Mediation Resource ..

Negotiation and Mediation : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The ..

Note, If students are planning to study both LAWS3336 Negotiation and Mediation and LAWS3365 Alternative Dispute Resolution, it is strongly ..


Mediation to Explore "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" Implications for Women of the Introduction of Mandatory Family Dispute Resolution in ..

Beyond Neutrality: Confronting the Crisis in Conflict Resolution

by N Alexander - 2005 - - the Crisis in Conflict Resolution. By Bernard S Mayer,. Jossey Bass Publications,. San Fransisco, 2004, 312 pages. Contemporary mediation in Australia ..

Global Trends in Mediation

by L Boulle - 2004the topic of judicial dispute resolution is re-entering the debate. The author locates the current wave of global mediation development in the context of the access ..

E LAW | Dispute Resolution by Officials in Traditional Chinese Legal ..

[33] Lubman, S. 'Mao and Mediation: Politics and dispute Resolution in Communist China' (1967) 55 California Law Review 1284 1294. This is identified as the ..

Enhanced franchise conflict dispute resolution

In addition to franchising mediation David is now also responsible for the Horticulture Code of Conduct, dispute resolution adviser under the Oil ..

LAWS7932 Mediation Strategies for Native Title Stakeholders - TC ..

He also has over 20 years' experience of teaching the practice of negotiation, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Australia, ..

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Monday, 17 February 2025
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