Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships

Considering divorce or separation is a very difficult time; trying to assess the impact on your children, your life, pensions, superannuation, finance and property, as well as the emotional turmoil for yourself.

If you need legal help regarding divorce law, then complete our free legal enquiry form on the left or click here.

Divorce lawyers or Family Lawyers as they are more commonly known as, are well versed with all aspects of divorce law including annulment, separation, cohabitation and civil partnership disputes, preparation of prenuptial agreements, and most related issues, but particularly financial issues arising from the breakdown of relationships. Divorce Lawyers realise that these are sensitive issues and will try to handle them in a sympathetic, civilised and positive manner and by advising clearly and acting firmly and decisively to resolve them, if possible by agreement.

Divorce Lawyers, or family Lawyers also often deal with complex and high value divorce and separation arrangements (usually by agreement but sometimes in court), pre-nuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, civil partnerships, family businesses, property and trusts, issues for children including parental responsibility, residence and contact, and inheritance claims.

If you need legal help regarding divorce law, then complete our free legal enquiry form on the left or click here.


Divorce proceedings cannot be started until the couple have been married for a year.

The Family Court can divorce a couple if the marriage is recognised as being valid in Australia.

Most divorces are undefended, allowing the divorce to proceed on paper through a relatively simple procedure. Only if one partner does not consent to the divorce will the couple have to attend Court.

Whether the divorce is consented to or not, the divorce can only proceed if one partner can show that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. To do this, the person applying for the divorce must prove one or more of the following general facts:

1.Their husband or wife has committed adultery. If their partner does not admit the adultery, evidence must be obtained to show that the adultery has taken place. The person applying for the divorce must confirm to the Court that they can no longer tolerate living with their partner.

2.Their husband or wife’s behaviour has been unreasonable. Often, there are relatively mild examples, which are agreed by both. One incident of unreasonable behaviour can be sufficient if the behaviour was particularly severe. The person applying for the divorce must confirm to the Court that they cannot be expected to go on living with their partner.

3.Their husband or wife has deserted them. The person applying for the divorce must show that their partner left them without their consent over 2 years ago.

4.They have been separated from their partner for at least two years and their partner consents to the divorce.

5.They have been separated from their partner for at least five years. Their partner’s consent to the divorce is not needed.
A straight-forward divorce can usually be obtained within a matter of months of the proceedings beginning, provided neither husband nor wife delay matters.

If you need legal help regarding divorce law, then complete our free legal enquiry form on the left or click here.


The division of finances on divorce is usually by agreement between divorce lawyers or family lawyers, endorsed in a Court Order rather than following a court hearing. There should be no discrimination between husband and wife, or between the money-earner and the home-maker.

The law governing the Courts’ approach (and therefore the approach of divorce lawyers or family lawyers advising and negotiating on behalf of clients) to financial settlements on divorce is based on the Family Law Act 1975 (cth).

Generally speaking, the courts will determine what is a fair division.

If you need legal help regarding divorce law and the division of finances and property on divorce, then complete our free legal enquiry form on the left or click here.

Behaviour in financial proceedings is not considered on the basis of moral or emotional conduct. Infidelity or domestic violence is only taken into to account if it has a financial impact.

The aim of the law is to arrive at “fairness”. Although a starting point may be 50% each the overall situation of the parties may mean a departure from equality in certain circumstances. For example, consideration is given to the facts in each case including:

1.age of the parties (including life expectancy of each party in respect of future income) and length of the marriage

2.contribution both in financial and other ways (including bringing up children and inheritance)

3.resources and needs of the parties

4.standard of living during the marriage

If there are children, the first consideration is their welfare, including their housing needs, and this may impact on the overall financial settlement. Children are of paramount consideration.

If you need legal help regarding divorce law, then complete our free legal enquiry form on the left or click here.


Divorce Lawyers can guide you through the full process of divorce, including the following steps:

1. Divorce Petition - The first step is the initial petition for divorce which you fill in to begin the divorce process. This is where you must state your reasons for wanting a divorce, and Divorce Lawyers can help you to word this in the best way for a judge to agree that your marriage has irretrievably broken down.

2. 'Serving' the Divorce Petition - Next you have to ‘serve’ the petition; this is usually done immediately by post and your husband or wife has to acknowledge receipt. If they don’t, you may need to get court officials involved. Again, Divorce Lawyers can take care of this for you.

3. Contesting the Divorce - Your partner may contest the divorce, in which case you may have to remain married but living separately for 5 years until you can divorce without your spouse’s agreement. During this time you’ll probably need to resolve any financial issues, and our advice could be, literally, invaluable.

4. Children - And, of course, if you have children then getting divorced gets more complicated. The court must agree with the arrangements you make for your children, such as which parent they’ll live with and how much contact they’ll have with the other parent. Custody of and contact with children following a divorce can cause bitter arguments, and the court will decide what is best for your children. So having a specialist divorce lawyer on your side can be vital if child custody will be an issue.

5. Financial Issues - In most cases there will be financial issues to sort out – how will you divide up your property and finances? It’s not automatic that things get divided 50/50 and if you do go to court to get divorced the judge will decide who gets what, especially if there are children involved. Divorce Lawyers can negotiate on your behalf.



1.My partner and I have bought a house together. Do we own 50% each?

Living together or buying together does not automatically entitle you to 50%. It is better to agree the division in a legal document called a declaration of trust, otherwise it can be complicated and expensive to calculate shares. Your share may depend on your financial contribution, and whether you are registered as the house owner. Usually only financial contributions which have increased the value of a property count, but you must have proof. If you have children, different rules apply which may change the outcome. In addition to the declaration of trust, you should make a co-habitation agreement (see below).

2.My partner and I do not want to marry but want to record that we will live together, and who will be responsible for bills and other outgoings on our home. Can we do this? If so, how?

Ownership of the home and payment of bills should be recorded in a co-habitation agreement (also known as a property relationship agreement). Both of you must receive independent legal advice before entering into the agreement, which should be signed and witnessed.

3.I have separated from my partner. Can I claim maintenance?

No: spouses can do so but co-habitees cannot - but this may not prevent you claiming against your partner's estate upon death (see below). If there are children of the relationship, the parent no longer living with the children has an obligation to maintain and support them (see below).


1.My partner and I have children together. We are not married, do we have equal rights and responsibilities in respect of the children?

No. Married parents have “parental responsibility” for their children, and thus have the right to make important decisions in the child’s life. When a child is born to an unmarried couple, only the mother automatically has parental responsibility However if the father's name appears on the birth certificate the father automatically has parental responsibility too. In the event of a dispute, a parent with parental responsibility has a right to decide whether the child receives medical treatment or what school he or she attends. The father can also obtain parental responsibility in several other ways. He might sign an agreement with the child’s mother (which must be registered at court), or the court might order that he has parental responsibility, or he might marry the mother.

2.My former partner wants to change our child’s surname – can they do this?

The child’s name can usually only be changed with both parents’ agreement, or by a court order. This may be important, for example, if the mother marries again and wants the child to take her new husband’s surname.

3.My former partner and I are arguing about child support. Can the court be asked to decide? How long must I pay child maintenance?

The court can only make an order for child maintenance if you and your partner reach agreement, or if extra maintenance is needed in special circumstances, for example for education fees or to fund a disability the child may have. If you cannot agree, your former partner can ask the Child Support Agency to assess how much you should pay. Under this system, the parent no longer living with the child will pay a fixed percentage of income as maintenance.


1.My partner has not made a will – what will happen when he or she dies?

You will receive nothing except your partner's share of certain jointly-owned property. Otherwise your partner's estate will only go to their relatives. Co-habitees must therefore make wills, to ensure that they decide who will benefit when they die.

2.My partner has died without making a will. Can I claim against his/her estate? Can our children claim against the estate?

If there is no will, or insufficient provision is made in a will, income can be claimed from the deceased’s estate for any dependent children. The surviving partner may also claim against the estate if, immediately before the deceased died, the couple lived as husband and wife for two years or more, or if the deceased was maintaining the surviving partner. Any such claims must be made once a grant of Probate is made.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of family law and relationships law then please complete your free legal enquiry form or click here. Our service is available 24 hours 7 days.

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

We cover all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships
Applying for a Divorce
Financial Arrangements following Divorce
Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown
Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership
Prenuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Property Relationships Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes
International Family Law
Financial Agreements, Property Ownership Disputes & Consent Orders
Child Abduction
Adoption and the Law
Surrogacy and the Law
Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Domestic Violence
Property and Finances after Separation
Spousal Maintenance
Parental Responsibility Agreements - Parenting Arrangements
Child Support
Superannuation after Separation and Divorce
Same-Sex Relationships and the Law

We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you're ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you're not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships Updates

These news come from .

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships Links

Factors contributing to marriage and relationship breakdown

Factors contributing to marriage and relationship breakdown. 59 stigma on the unmarried, separated, divorced and those in de facto marriages. Another ..

Reasons for divorce - Publications - Australian Institute of Family ..

by I Wolcott - - Applying social exchange theory to relationships, marital breakdown, .. The sample comprised 650 divorced people who separated after January 1988, and ..

Relationships - breakdown - Applying for divorce

The only ground for divorce is the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, and this is proved in two ways: that you have been separated for a ..

Relationships - breakdown - Separation

Separation · Applying for divorce · De facto and same-sex relationships .. relationships and children > Relationships - breakdown > Separation ..

Parental divorce or death during childhood. - Australian Bureau of ..

Consistent with their higher rate of relationship breakdown, people who had a childhood experience of parental divorce or separation were ..

Separation /divorce - Financial issues bibliography - Australian ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006Trends and statistics : divorce and wellbeing in later life. .. Relationship breakdown and the economic welfare of Australian mothers and their ..

Bibliographies - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006Jump to ‎: .. Post-separation parenting - Effects on children .. Separation/divorce - Personal and social ..

Relationships - breakdown - Relationships - breakdown


- breakdown. What exactly is separation, versus divorce, and how are things different for married, de facto, and same-sex couples.

Young Adult Health - Health Topics - Family breakdown

breakup; breakdown; family; brother; sister; mother; father; dad; mum; separation; divorce; fight; conflict; home; move; relationship; grief.; ..

De facto relationships

Home > Separation and Divorce > De facto relationships .. You must apply for de facto financial orders within two years of the breakdown of your relationship.

13 FAMILY LAW 13.1 Introduction Family relations can be complex ..

grounds of divorce (relationship breakdown and 12 months separation) have been established. If there are children under the age of 18, then the court will also ..

Family Law Courts - Property and Money Matters


order after marriage/de facto relationship breakdown and separation. .. their children to the best of their ability is not changed by separation or divorce.

Separation /divorce - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Links to Separation / Divorce Resources. .. Families and relationships · Relationship formation · Couples .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/ ..

Families after marriage breakdown - Family Matters - Journal article ..

by R Weston - - The Institute's 1987 follow- up study, Parents and Children After Marriage Breakdown, showed that even with a high divorce rate, separated parents still tended ..

Family and relationship services - Resources - Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. to reconcile difference and those facing separation and divorce.

Relationship breakdown and divorce - Seminar papers - Australian ..

(iii) The attitudes of separated and divorced parents. The notion that following the breakdown of a relationship both parents should be actively involved in ..

No fault divorce


at fault in the marriage breakdown. The only ground for divorce is the irretrievable breakdown of the relationship, demonstrated by 12 months of separation.

FLoSse: Marriage Breakdown in Australia: The Social Correlates of ..

by B Hewitt - 2005 - - Relationships Relationships -- Separation. Issue Date: Jun-2005. Abstract: Marriage breakdown through separation and divorce is a pervasive feature of ..

Frankston City Council - Support Services

A safe forum for Men going through the trauma of divorce, separation or relationship breakdown to express their grief and to support Men both ..

Teen Health - Health Topics - Family breakdown

Family breakdown. family; separation; divorce; parents; fights; mother; father;. Contents. Family breakdown; Questions about family breakdown ..


Part VIIIB of the Family Law Act enables divorced or permanently separated married .. The Family Law legislation applies to all relationship breakdowns, ..

You and family law

separation. Family law covers all aspects of family relationships. — breakdown, divorce, care of children, financial support of children and former partners, and ..

1. Marriage breakdown in Australia - Department of Families ..

Such initiatives include the Men and Family Relationships Initiative .. The risk factors for separation and divorce are complex and extend far ..

Grief - support services | Better Health Channel


, divorce or relationship breakdown; Loss of possessions through disaster or theft; Children leaving home; The adoption or relinquishment of children ..

Separation/divorce - Later divorces bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Timing, sequences, and variations in separation and divorce of Canadian men (PDF) .. factors that contribute to the breakdown of long-term marriages.

Trends in couple dissolution: An update in Family Relationships ..

by L Qu - Family breakdown and post-separation .. called "cohabitation"), trends in divorce do not present a complete picture of relationship separation.

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation ... The increase in the divorce rate represents one of the most ..


are permanently separating or divorcing? No. It is up to the parties who are permanently separating to agree how they will share the property in the relationship, ..

Divorce and wellbeing in later life - Trends and statistics - Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Applying to the courts

The Family Law Act 1975 is the main law in on matters involving divorce, property settlement after marriage breakdown or de facto relationship breakdown, .. has broken down and issues relating to parenting arrangements after separation.

Separation/divorce - Consequences: personal and social ..

15 posts - 15 Mar 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. Brief statistics are provided for the impact on adult relationships, having children, education, employment and income. .. Illustrated with quotes from separated and divorced men, ..

Resources - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Marriages, divorces and de facto relationships - Australian Bureau of ..

MARRIAGES, DIVORCES AND DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS .. breakdown of the marriage, measured as the separation of the spouses for at ..

Youth coping with famiy change - Family Matters - Journal article ..

by R Hartley - - Young adults and family change: coping with parental separation, divorce and .. A breakdown in parent-child relationships after divorce was more likely ..

Submission: Senate Select Committee on Men's Health

bring to it effects and outcomes from a separated or divorced male's perspective. Almost half our .. Relationship breakdown, separation, divorce and denial of ..

AFRC by Topic - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009 Family breakdown and post-separation .. 18, 2010 · Window into shariah family law: Part 2 - Aspects of divorceAFRC Newsletter No. 16, 2010 ..


This obligation can continue even after separation and divorce. .. maintenance must be made within 2 years of the breakdown of your de facto relationship.

CALD Families - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Window into shariah family law: Part 2—Aspects of divorce

Family breakdown and post-separation .. Issues that impact on relationships and families .. Feature. Window into shariah family law: Part 2—Aspects of divorce ..

Law Handbook - property, family law

ing to de facto relationships is set out in Property .. Property division after marriage breakdown. A divorce ... before or after separation (but before divorce), can ..

Trends and Statistics - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..

Family, relationships and children - Family, relationships and children

Relationships - breakdown. What exactly is separation, versus divorce, and how are things different for married, de facto, and same-sex ..

Main types of family relationship services (FRS)

AGD funds community organisations to deliver post separation services to couples .. relationship issues arising from relationship changes, separation or divorce. .. These services aim to prevent family breakdown or youth ..

Adolescents and family breakdown bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Analyses showed that conflict was higher in the separated or divorcing families across all three relationships, and that the highest levels of ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009 - Jump to ‎: Nevertheless, marriage breakdown is .. that children of separated or divorced parents ..

Supporting couples across the transition to parenthood - AFRC ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. when relationships appear to be vulnerable to separation and divorce (Doss et al., 2009).

Children and families - Hot Topic No 62

divorce and separation – adoption law. .. relationships, and assists parents and carers to meet .. parenting arrangements after relationship breakdown.

Postseparation Fathering: What Does Australian Research Tell Us ..

by B Smyth - - But obtaining representative samples of separated and divorced fathers has plagued research in Australia. Relationship breakdown occurs behind closed doors, ..

Divorce trends - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian Institute ..

Family facts: divorce trends, Family Matters no.35 1993. .. about 43 per cent of marriages end in separation within 30 years of the marriage. .. Little is known about the breakdown of de facto relationships, but the rate is likely to be quite high.

Chapter: Divorce and separation - Australian Families Statistical ..

15.11 Duration of marriage till final separation and divorce, 2001. 220. 15.12 Survival of .. divorce rate cannot identify relationship breakdowns in the increasing ..

Property settlement

publication Separation - a legal resource for women. For a copy .. A de facto relationship is a relationship where two people who are .. divorced to begin a property settlement. If you are .. agreement following the breakdown of your de facto ..

Changing relationships Separation and divorce

To access http://www.relationships.com.au/ click here. .. and their children regarding separation and divorce. .. marital breakdown, rights and responsibilities.

Postnatal depression - the family | Better Health Channel

Having a baby and PND both place great stress on relationships. .. PND is a major unrecognised contributor to the breakdown of relationships. .. about separation or divorce until the PND has been successfully treated.

Divorce and children - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ..

by K Funder - - Divorce, change and children: effects of changing family structure and income on .. The Institute's Parents and Children After Marriage Breakdown study which .. However, distinguishing the effects of parental separation per se from that of .. with their relationships with other family members after their parents separate has a ..

Profile of Australian families

With relationship breakdown more common, people are more likely to .. rate of separation and divorce, and fewer people forming long-term relationships in the ..

Search - Family Relationships Online

Records 1 - 10 of 572 – Family Relationships Online – Helping Families Build ..

Supporting Children After Separation Program

Organisation: Family ..

Post Separation Cooperative Parenting

Organisation: Relationships ..

DFRDB Family Law Book

marriage or de facto relationship, or parties may decide to enter into one at the time of relationship breakdown, separation or divorce. Should you apply for ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Family breakdown and post-separation ... of issues such as divorce, breakdown of cohabiting relationships, women who have a child outside of a relationship, ..

Family Law and Splitting Super - MSBS

one at the time of a relationship breakdown, separation or divorce. Once a Member's benefit is split and the non-member spouse is entitled to a separate interest ..

Children and Separation - Family Relationships Online

Separation or divorce does not normally end your involvement and ... A breakdown of this relationship can add to the grief experienced by ..

Family Breakdown

Results 1 - 20 – .. associated with family breakdown and divorce, such as custody of the children, .. Children may feel angry, relieved or upset if parents are separating or getting a divorce. .. After a time mum or dad may start a new relationship.

Separation/Repartnering - Resources - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Links to Separation / Repartnering Resources. .. Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 - Family breakdown and post-separation .. separation and divorce would become a more civilised process than the procedures that had existed ..

1127 - Partner Migration - Booklet 1

they are not in a married relationship (for the purposes of the. Migration Act ... the breakdown, you will be asked to formally withdraw your sponsorship. ... copy of their divorce decree absolute, or the document of legal separation or the death .. Determining Separation Under One Roof

This topic discusses the assessment of people who are separated and living apart on .. A solicitor may, for example, confirm action has been taken for divorce and/or a .. and close friends of the parties are aware of the relationship breakdown.

Children and separation

Like adults, children react in different ways to separation or divorce. .. For children up to 5 years old, family breakdown can be difficult to understand. .. However, if children are supported and encouraged to maintain a positive relationship with ..

Children's participation in divorce - Discussion paper No. 10 ..

by D Edgar - - All divorcing couples had (by law) to have been separated at least 12 months ... (1972), 'Is there a relationship between childlessness and marital breakdown?

Attitudes towards divorce

by R WESTON - Nevertheless, marriage breakdown is almost always a highly disruptive and stressful .. that children of separated or divorced parents have an increased risk of .. following statements: "Marriage is a lifetime relationship and should never be ..

1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 2009–10

MARRIAGES, DIVORCES AND DE FACTO RELATONSHIPS .. In 2006, the median age of males in de facto relationships was 35.3 years while the .. irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, measured as the separation of the ..

Links - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse


/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents .. Legal information about relationship breakdown and separation, domestic ..

AFRC Issues No. 5

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009 - AFRC Issues Paper on Workforce issues across the family relationship services .. any period of family breakdown, including post-separation, and to resolve disputes .. Following the introduction of the first national divorce law in 1959 and the ..

Children's living arrangements - Resources - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Family relationships - Publications - Australian Institute of Family ..

Family relationships and intergenerational exchange in later life, by Christine Millward, .. the effects of divorce or relationship breakdown on the availability of family ... In other studies, parental divorce or separation has also been observed to ..

Violence and abuse - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..


- This creates a difference between marriage and de facto relationships as to when the power to .. There will be a number of separations that take place in de facto relationships just before the scheduled time ... BFAs after divorce/breakdown ..

Social Policy Research Paper No. 35:

Marital children reduce the likelihood of marriage breakdown for both men and women. .. additional stresses and strains on a relationship that increase the likelihood of disruption. This suggests that sociostructural predictors of divorce operate in .. 6.2 Women are more likely to initiate separation than men ..

Divorce - what it means

This Site: Relationships .. Separation - what it means .. The only requirement for a divorce is the 'irretrievable breakdown' of the marriage.

Family Law Courts - Separation and Divorce


and Divorce. When, where and how to get a divorce and sort out the legal issues around separation. Information about de facto relationships.

Grief, loss and bereavement - Resources - Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Separation & divorce (Victoria Online)

3 days ago – Resources on separation and divorce can be found on Victoria Online. .. issues around separation. Information about de facto relationships.

Families - Community Directory - Townsville City Council

Aims to raise awareness of the need for support for men going through the trauma of divorce, separation or relationship breakdown and male suicide relating to ..

Sole parenting bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Family structure, co-parental relationship quality, post-separation .. relationship breakdown, the challenges of the 'post-divorce family' and the ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse - Australian Institute ..

Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law · Relocation .. Issues that impact on relationships and families ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. attitudes to divorce in Australia; Inaugural Family Relationships ..

Repartnering - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian Institute of ..

Attitudes to repartnering after marriage breakdown by Ruth Weston, Family Matters .. Whatever the experience, separation or divorce called for great readjustment. .. Although less than 20 per cent were in de facto relationships at the time of ..

Interagency collaboration - AFRC Briefing No. 21, 2011 - Australian ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Subjects - Community Directory - Townsville City Council

5+ items – .. Drugs (4); Drums (2); Dutch groups (1). Divorce and separation.

Child Support (Commonwealth Dept. of Human Services)

Aim to provide ..

Dads in Distress Inc

Aims to raise ..

Superannuation and family law

a marriage or de facto relationship breakdown, or by Court Order implementing a property settlement in relation to a divorce or separation. The Trustee of the ..

Mental Health - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

RSS news feeds - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse ..

RSS feeds of the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse. .. Family breakdown and post-separation. Child support · Children's contact ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

Family breakdown and post-separation .. The program is based on the solution-focused 'Divorce Busting™' program, devised by Michelle ..

Marriage and family in Australia

By the 1980s, the divorce rate had soared, out-of-wedlock .. relationships, of which 123100 (36 per cent) had dependent children. By 1997, the ... separation and remarriage,' states Professor Ladbrook, 'it does suggest that the .. H Glezer (1994) 'Family backgrounds and marital breakdown' Threshold 43:16–19. 11 ..

Disability - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Grandparents' contact with grandchildren after divorce bibliography ..

15 posts - 1 Apr 2004The article shows that, after parental separation, children are more .. to assist parents to prevent relationship breakdown, assist separating ..

The impact of change

ratio of women who were never married, widowed, separated or divorced .. 'Relationship breakdown is one of the major causes of suicide worldwide, and the ..

Practice Profile - Centacare CFCS Men and Family Relationship ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Family breakdown and post-separation .. workshops such as "Establishing Respectful Co-parenting Relationships After Separation or Divorce" ..

AFRC Briefing No.2

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 - Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce ... Relationships with grandchildren after parents' separation/divorce. The third major issue that ..

Men & Fathers - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

IMPACT OF SEPARATION ON CHILDREN The two major predictors ..

The issues for children whose parents are separating or divorcing include the .. with issues arising from the breakdown in their parent's relationship and to be ..

Responding to the children of women in prison: Making the invisible ..

by C Flynn - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. affected by parental imprisonment are affected by parental divorce.

Depression in men | Better Health Channel


& Family Relationships, sex, pregnancy, parental guid. .. change in living arrangements (for example, separation or divorce). .. family and relationship problems especially around family breakdown or separation; Lifeline Tel.

Family Relationships Quarterly No.19 - The Newsletter of the ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Supporting children after separation (Anglicare WA) - Program ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. Divorce and wellbeing in later life · 6.

Relationship breakdown and social exclusion: A longitudinal analysis

2 waves pre and 4 waves post separation .. Note: Includes those who separated from de facto relationships. .. divorced & gender, aged under 55 ($2008 per ..

Child support bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation .. Splitting up : the essential guide to divorce and separation in Australia Hogg J .. Suitable for people from married or cohabitating relationships, it helps readers with information on ..

Trauma - Resources - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Relationships - breakdown - De facto and same-sex relationships

Family, relationships and children · Relationships - breakdown · Separation · Applying for divorce · De facto and same-sex relationships ..

Parental relationships after divorce - Family Matters - Journal article ..

Knowing more about how parents manage relationships after divorce is thus a .. Aspects of the separation, their later repartnering, qualities of the relationship .. marriage breakdown and the post-separation dislocation and their wellbeing is ..


Divorce dissolves the legal bonds of marriage. .. has suffered irretrievable breakdown, which is the only ground for divorce under the Act. .. As each marriage relationship is different, the facts showing separation under one ..

Parenting - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Supporting Children After Separation Program

It will also support children within the context of their family to manage and enhance their relationship during and after family separation.

2. Social characteristics associated with marriage breakdown

Jump to ‎: .. people's perceptions of why their relationship ended and their feelings .. positive attitudes towards divorce, and identify more alternatives to marriage (Black et al. .. Marriage breakdown in Australia ..

How divorced parents perceive their children's schooling - Family ..

by C Millward - - Both overseas and Australian research has shown marriage breakdown to have .. Bisnaire, Firestone and Rynard (1990) suggested a relationship between .. Pre-separation school performance levels were maintained when contact was at ..

Summary - Diversity and change in Australian families: statistical ..

The main route to lone parenting is via relationship breakdown. .. Of those who divorce the average length of time until final separation was 8.3 ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/ .. 'Literature Highlights' focus on articles relating to later-life divorce and living alone.

Grandmothers and grandfathers looking after grandchildren: Recent ..

by B Horsfall - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. grandchildcare than divorced/separated or widowed grandfathers.

Adolescents and family breakdown bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2005Adolescent relationships and well-being during parental separation and divorce. Muggleton J, Shelley ..Divorce : causes and consequences ..

Family dispute resolution - Resources - Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Adolescents - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Governance and leadership - Resources - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. that offer insight to sound collaborative practice, including case studies.

Suicide - Resources - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

AFRC Resource sheet No. 1

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. and effective parent education strategies from the divorce literature.

Tenancy Policy Supplement - Housing Pathways

If there is a serious breakdown in a family relationship, social housing .. In the case of divorce or separation the spouse or partner who has ..

Training - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..

Alcohol and other Drugs - Resources - Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

What is collaboration? - Part A - Interagency collaboration - AFRC ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

marriage or a de facto relationship - Australian Bureau of Statistics

MARRIAGES, DIVORCES AND DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS .. breakdown of the marriage, measured as the separation of the spouses for at ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Lawlink NSW: 7. Superannuation

7.5 The treatment of superannuation on relationship breakdown, ... 7.100 On separation or divorce, s 55 allows each of the partners to apply ..

Family law resources - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009The Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse is a dedicated resoure and point of contact for providers .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Post-separation parenting bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents .. Shared post-separation parenting : pathways and outcomes for parents. .. Property on relationship breakdown: 'partnership' and its limits; ..

Parental conflict - Effects on children bibliography - Australian ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. The Parenting Through Separation (PTS) program is available .. Analyses showed that conflict was higher in the separated or divorcing families across all three relationships, and ..

Post-separation parenting - Effects on children bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. The effects of children's ADHD on parents' relationship dissolution and labor supply (PDF) Kvist A .. Though children from divorced families are known to be at higher risk of long-term ..

Family Law Services - Family Relationships Online

Family Relationships Online – Helping Families Build Better Relationships .. relating to the care of children during family separation and divorce. .. from the breakdown in their parents' relationship and to be able to participate ..

Parenting and Child Health - Health Topics - Thinking divorce

marriage; divorce; relationship; partner; grandparents; maintenance; break up; abuse; conflict; parenting; separation; grief; family; family law; ..

Introduction - Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government. Skip to .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Professional issues and service delivery - Marriage and relationship ..

15 posts - 1 Jan 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. Marriage and relationship education : what works and how to provide it ... In the pages of this book, you will discover that the divorce rate is actually higher among couples who live ..

Community Impacts of Electronic Gaming Machine Gambling Part B ..

relationship breakdown due to gambling (excluding those involved in divorce or separation). The costs were estimated to be $5000 to $15000 per person.

What's new - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

The Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse is a dedicated resoure and point of contact for .. Family breakdown and post-separation ... (AAIMHI) has released new guidelines, 'Infants and overnight care - post separation and divorce'.

Australian Families Statistical Profiles - Australian Institute of Family ..

by D de Vaus - - relationship breakdown, the work and family interface, and the growth of .. Divorce and separation .. How does divorce affect the finances of those involved?

Investigating gender differences in romantic relationships - Family ..

by G Karantzas - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..

Marriage duration - Publications - Australian Institute of Family ..

by R Parker - - In the field of marriage and relationships research there has tended to be a preoccupation with relationship breakdown and dissolution, obscuring the body of literature .. were of couples in therapy, or who were already separated or divorced.

Indigenous families - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Grandparents - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Parental alienation syndrome bibliography - Australian Family ..

6 posts - 3 Nov 2011Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. Australian Family Lawyer v.

Family Law jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia

All applications for divorce, but not applications for nullity or validity of .. divided following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship.

Subscribe to AFRC-alert - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

AFRC Briefing No. 18

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Indigenous families - Family separation and family law bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family relationship centres (FRCs) are required to liaise and work with local .. for differing divorce rules in civil and religious courts for Jewish women. .. to Aboriginal families at times of family breakdown and separation.

Author guidelines for the Australian Family Relationships ..

Quarterly Newsletter of the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse. .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living ..

Family Relationships Quarterly No.16 - Australian Institute of Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. series on shariah law, which examines the Islamic law as it applies to divorce.

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 1996

Marital breakdown is an event that causes housing difficulties for many families. .. marriage had ended but who were not in another permanent relationship). .. Separated and divorced people and the previous marital home ..

AFRC Issues No. 2

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Family breakdown and post-separation ... reducing divorce rates and supporting strong couple and family relationships are now seen as legitimate government ..

Gambling - Resources - Australian Family Relationships ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Submission 35 - Women's Legal Service Victoria

- WLSV specialises in issues arising from relationship breakdown and .. 3 Smyth, Bruce and Weston, Ruth (2000) "Financial Living Standards after Divorce; .. it is due to their already disproportionately low financial status after separation.

Cohabitation bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006National Council on Family Relations, 2011. .. the economic aspects of relationship breakdown, and issues concerning children. .. It discusses 'The cohabitation effect' on divorce and separation rates, inertia and 'sliding ..

Communication with young people in a family services setting ..

by E Robinson - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. Divorce and wellbeing in later life · 6.

Professional issues and service delivery - Family Relationship ..

15 posts - 1 Apr 2011Evaluation of the Family Relationship Centre Legal Assistance Partnerships Program: .. parenting post separation and divorce (PDF) .. courts are not the best place to settle disputes over children following family breakdown.

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..

Introduction - Part B - Interagency collaboration - AFRC Briefing No ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 - Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce ... The hazards of predicting divorce without cross-validation. Journal of Marriage ..

Practice or Program Profiles - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 Practice Profiles of the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse. .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Stepfamilies/blended families - Resources - Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Post-separation parenting - Trends and statistics bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006The article shows that, after parental separation, children are more likely to .. on the impact of family violence during and after parental relationship breakdown, .. The effects of joint custody on marriage and divorce (PDF) ..

Parental divorce and adult family, social and psychological ..

divorced or separated, having ever divorced or separated as adults, and experiencing a relationship breakdown in the six months before interview.

Rural & Remote Families - Resources - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Issue 2, 2006

before marrying, and those who divorce are less likely to remarry. .. This change led to the formalisation of some long-term separations and the .. formation (outlined in Family Relationships Quarterly Issue 1) and relationship breakdown ..

Postnatal depression - the family - Better Health Channel.

breakdown of relationships. Couples are advised to delay any decision about separation or divorce until the PND has been successfully treated. In many cases ..

Post-divorce disadvantage GRANIA SHEEHAN AND BELINDA ..

by G SHEEHAN - disadvantage post-separation and divorce, these articles also identify .. and relationship breakdown where children are involved is a com- mon occurrence.

Social inclusion in the family support sector - AFRC Briefing No. 19 ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. Separated/divorced, 22.7, 56.7 ..

Article - Remarriage - Family Matters journal 1999 - Australian ..

by R Parker - - the breakdown of the previous relationship (Spanier and. Thompson 1987) .. remained never married, separated or divorced over the period of the study ..

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..

She separated two years ago and has since repartnered. .. grief that often flows out of relationship breakdown (Joint Select Committee 1994: 11). .. to resources to assist parents in the restructuring of families after divorce.

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government. Skip to content .. Family breakdown and post-separation ... Marriages and divorces Australia (Catalogue no.

FaHCSIA : Social Policy Research Paper No. 42

Parental divorce and adult family, social and psychological .. ever having separated/divorced, and a relationship having ended in the past six months. .. the association between parental divorce and relationship breakdown ..

AFRC Briefing No. 19 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government. Skip to .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Call me Dad! - Book review - Family Relationships Quarterly ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. Divorce and wellbeing in later life · 6.

AFRC Issues and Resource sheets - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006Publications of the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse. .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living ..

Divorce Transitions Project - Family Matters - Journal article ..

Since two in five marriages will end in divorce, and divorce will affect one in five children during .. and relationship breakdown where children are involved is a com- .. and the age of the wife at separation was between 45–65 years. Although ..

Promising Practice - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Screening for family violence in Family Relationships Quarterly No ..

by B Rodgers - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

AFRC Briefing No. 12

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Marital property - Research paper - Australian Institute of Family ..

by G Sheehan - - Question 1: What is the nature and value of assets on divorce? .. Table 3.3 Mean percentage share going to the wife, by relationship context, other .. On separation, the starting point when dividing property is that each spouse retains .. interests on marriage breakdown if it is satisfied that, in all the circumstances, it is just ..

Professional issues and service delivery - Conflict resolution and ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation .. Topics include: family law and gender conflict; divorce reform and child custody and allocation; .. Postseparation parenting education in a Family Relationship Centre : a pilot study ..

Parenting and divorce - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ..

Beyond custody and access: post-separation parenting in the nineties by Lawrie .. In its simplest form, this battle is over whether the breakdown of a marriage is .. and social point of view as the ending or restructuring of human relationships.

Living-apart-together (LAT) relationships in Australia - Family ..

by A ReimondosThe past few decades have seen substantial changes in relationship .. versus those who were single (never married, separated, divorced or widowed). .. and increased rates of relationship dissolution through divorce or the breakdown of ..

FaHCSIA : Family Relationship Services Guidelines

Appendix D. Supporting Children after Separation Program - Description .. during relationships;; through parenting;; through separation and divorce; .. AMFT aims to prevent family breakdown and youth homelessness by ..

Walking the talk: Facilitating evaluation in a service environment in ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Executive Summary

.. of their parents' relationship difficulties, breakdown or divorce, and to .. and mediation during a time of conflict, separation and/or divorce.

Separation - Family Relationships Online

The pain of a separation can be felt in many ways. .. Separation and divorce can be extremely traumatic for .. breakdown of this relationship can add to the ..

Parenting efficacy: How can service providers help? in Family ..

by M Yu - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..

Same sex parents and legal issues bibliography - Australian Family ..

15 posts - 3 Nov 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. A theme that runs through the paper is the relationship between children's rights and children's interests. .. grandparents bringing up grandchildren; grandchildren after divorce and ..

Secretary's address to the Family Law System Inaugural Conference ..

The cost to society of relationship breakdown is high. .. Australia – Love can hurt, divorce will cost, which showed men who separated saw their ..

AFRC Briefing No. 16

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Research and evaluation Resources

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Post-separation parenting - Children's involvement in decision ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. The idealised post-separation family in Australian family law : a dangerous paradigm in .. for children and families experiencing separation and divorce.

How is it Going to Affect the Kids? - Family Matters - Journal article ..

Parents' Views of Their Children's Wellbeing After Marriage Breakdown by Ruth .. What happens to the relationship between the children and parent who lives .. result of the separation and divorce, or that the children were much the same as ..

1. Significance and nature of strong marriage and couple relationships

Deteriorating relationship satisfaction and separation are .. However, despite the high rates of relationship breakdown and divorce, most ..

Practice Profile - Relatewell - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Australia's Young People 2003 - Their Health and Wellbeing

divorced parents than for children whose parents have not separated (Kiernan 1992). Of course, divorce or the breakdown of parental relationships does not ..

Family Relationships Quarterly - Australian Institute of Family Studies

Family breakdown and post-separation ... Life course transitions and natural disaster: Marriage, birth and divorce following Hurricane Hugo. Journal of Family ..

Substance abuse bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009Family breakdown and post-separation .. on parenting behaviour, and the relationship between alcohol abuse and child maltreatment. Parental divorce and adult family, social and psychological outcomes : the contribution of ..

FaHCSIA : Family Relationship Services Guidelines

Appendix D. Supporting Children after Separation Program .. people deal with issues arising from the breakdown of their parents' relationship and .. including children, who are affected by separation or divorce to deal with ..

Promising Practice - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Grandparents' role in families and child care bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation .. relationships with grandchildren after parent divorce or separation, the importance of grandparent ..

Promising Practice - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Parenting and Child Health - Health Topics - Step-families

Feelings that come with separation, divorce or death are very .. Stepfamilies, especially the children from the previous relationship breakdown, ..

AFRC Resource sheet No. 3

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - 3 on Enhancing family and relationship service accessibility and delivery to culturally and linguistically .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Family Law Explained - Sunshine Coast Regional Council - Library

What's involved in Divorce and Separation. Relationship breakdown is among the most difficult times in people's lives. Not just the emotional turmoil, but the ..

Services - Family Relationships Online

Family Relationships Online – Helping Families Build Better Relationships .. during family breakdown and when families are separating. .. issues or issues relating to the care of children during family separation and divorce.

AFRC Briefing No. 19 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

AFRC Briefing No. 18

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. In 2001, Australia had the third highest crude divorce rate after the United States and ..

AFRC Briefing No. 3

AFRC Briefing Paper on Recent progress in marriage and relationship education in Australia. .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce ..

Unemployment and families bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation .. The relationship between income-support history and the characteristics and outcomes of .. unemployment or poverty; loss or separation, including parental incarceration or divorce; ..

Time use studies bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation .. enjoying time with their children; children enjoying time with their parents after divorce or separation; ..

1. Introduction

.. separation and/or divorce and, uniquely, the voices of children. .. of their parents' relationship difficulties, breakdown or divorce, and to ..

AFRC Briefing No. 14

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. the broader role of FRCs, describing them as being more than a one-stop divorce shop.

AFRC Briefing No.1

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Families are a major part of the social fabric of Australia. This first ..

by RI DISADVANTAGE - With relationship breakdown more common, people are more likely to .. rate of separation and divorce, and fewer people forming long-term relationships in the ..

Family Breakdown

Results 21 - 32 – Links to information about some of the issues associated with ..

Tips for parents: relationships

Aug 2010

Men and separation : navigating the future

Jul 2009

Article - Family Matters journal 1996 - Australian Institute of Family ..

by H DISNEY - outcome of relationships – for example, an ill- ness in one .. separation, divorce or stepfamily relation- ships .. ficulties or potential relationship breakdown.

Research and academic studies

Factors contributing to marriage and relationship breakdown. 63 .. suggested that the increasing rates of separation and divorce possibly compound ..

Natural disasters and families bibliography - Australian Family ..

15 posts - 5 Oct 2011Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law .. as relationship breakdowns in communities where families who did not lose their house are ..

The nature and impact of caring for family members with a disability ..

Carers' support networks, carers' relationships, relationship breakdown and .. Almost one in three female carers aged 50 or less had separated or divorced ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Family breakdown and post-separation .. next edition of Family Relationships Quarterly, will examine shariah law as it relates to divorce and its consequences.

Connect with AFRC - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

Connect with the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse - get the latest updates through .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

Briefings - AFRC Briefing - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006Publications of the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse. .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living ..

AFRC Resource sheet No. 4

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - 3 on Enhancing family and relationship service accessibility and delivery to culturally and linguistically .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Superannuation and relationship breakdowns

Information about superannuation and divorce for individuals. .. split by agreement or court order in the event of a relationship breakdown. .. to the time of separation, rather than waiting until retirement of the member spouse.


It is about preventing marital distress and the consequent breakdown of relationships. .. marriage has been defined backwards by reference to divorce over the past .. breakdown of marriage, evidenced by 12 months separation of the parties.

Key factors affecting relationship satisfaction across the transition to ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Current trauma: The impact of adoption practices up till the early ..

by D HIggins - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

About the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 The Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse is a dedicated resoure and point of .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

What does collaboration look like? - Part A - Interagency ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Family Relationship Services - Department of Families, Housing ..

their relationship skills and help prevent family breakdown. Services .. Resolution Services. These services help separating parents to agree on .. deal with issues arising from the breakdown in their parent's .. separation or divorce. You can ..

Discussion - Part B - Interagency collaboration - AFRC Briefing No ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

The effect of relationship breakdown on income and

by D de Vaus - 2009 - - Divorce is one of the important pathways into poverty .. who separated during the period covered by HILDA, 57.6% separated .. Given the prevalence of relationship breakdown, a major public policy concern is to promote ..

AFRC Briefing No. 5

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007 - AFRC Briefing Paper on Recent progress in marriage and relationship education in Australia. .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce ..

Family Formation: Trends in marriage and divorce - Australian ..

It allowed only one ground for divorce, an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage, measured as the separation of the spouses for at least one ..

Grief - support services - Better Health Channel.

Separation, divorce or relationship breakdown. •. Loss of possessions through disaster or theft. •. Children leaving home. •. The adoption or relinquishment of ..

What about me? Self care for workers in the family law context ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. A local family lawyer who attended that meeting said that she felt almost ..

AFRC Briefing No. 18

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. Bryan, P. (1992) Killing us softly: Divorce mediation and the politics of power. Buffalo ..

Discussion- Part A - Interagency collaboration - AFRC Briefing No ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

AFRC Briefing No. 6


/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents .. No regular records exist of the breakdown of de facto relationships (Kilmartin, ..

Retirement bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

4 postsFamily breakdown and post-separation .. divorced, and childless older people and their family relationships, as well as sibling relationships among the elderly, ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 12

12.6 Does family law legislation regarding separation breach human rights? .. problems facing a same-sex couple on the breakdown of their relationship. The issue of divorce never arises for same-sex couples, since they cannot legally marry.

Chapter: Living alone - Australian Families Statistical Profiles ..

following divorce many men live on their own. Since children mainly live with their mother fol- lowing relationship breakdown, many separating women become ..

AFRC Briefing No. 17

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Subscribe to AFRC-alert - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..

Family Law Services

Separated or divorced parents experiencing difficulties in resolving or .. with issues arising from the breakdown of their parents' relationship ..

Part VIIIA—Financial agreements - Attorney-General's Department

- The settlement of the financial affairs of couples following separation has remained .. between married couples, or between divorced couples (see Attachment 1). ... [15] See Paul Doolan, 'Asset Protection on Relationship Breakdown', 22, ..

Intermarriage bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

13 posts - 2 Nov 2006Family breakdown and post-separation .. healthy couples; religious home life; marital well being; divorce and separation; interfaith marriages; ..

Mission Australia Gateway Service North West

- Centacare counsellors can assist children with grief, separation/divorce, living in a .. Counselling and cover relationship breakdown, bullying, sexual abuse, ..


Is Co-Parenting Appropriate For All Separated And Divorced Families? .. How Do I Know If My Child Isn't Coping With The Breakdown Of Our Relationship?

Marriage - Health and wellbeing bibliography - Australian Family ..

15 posts - 15 Jul 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. Relationship transitions and subjective wellbeing : a longitudinal analysis. .. and those in a higher order marriage, as well as respondents who are separated, divorced and widowed.

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..

6 days ago – Separated and divorced populations are particularly mobile (Khoo 1993). .. Some father-child relationships may not be able to withstand this strain. ... Moving can also be a trigger itself for relationship breakdown - as in the ..

AFRC Briefing No. 17

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government. Skip to .. Family breakdown and post-separation ..

AFRC Briefing No. 7

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..


event of a breakdown in your relationship, and accordingly in the event of .. If your relationship breaks down and you have permanently separated or divorced, ..

Family relationship services - Attorney-General's Department

The post-separation services funded by the Attorney-General's .. issues relating to children and family during marriage, separation and divorce. .. the breakdown in their parents' relationship and to be able to participate in ..

Parenting styles and strategies bibliography - Australian Family ..

15 posts - 3 Sep 2011Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law .. To the extent that these results reflect causal relationships, they suggest that parental ..

Transition to parenthood - what's important? in Supporting couples ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Adolescent and parent relationships bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation ... Overnight stays and children's relationships with resident and nonresident parents after divorce.

Why and when is interagency collaboration needed? - Part A ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation .. 4 See the ARACY Advancing Collaborative Practice case study series, which ..


.. of divorce or separation on the assessment of damages in a wrongful death claim ... The possibility of separation or divorce .................26. (b) .. The prospect of the breakdown of the relationship .........52. (ii) ..

Same sex parents bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

15 posts - 4 Dec 2010Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law · Relocation .. Although children conceived in heterosexual relationships have been raised in ..

Professional issues and service delivery - Collaboration ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law .. Part B investigates the evidence regarding the relationship between collaboration and ..

Australian Couples in Millenium Three

by WK Halford - - Divorce and relationship problems accrue substantial economic costs to .. risk of relationship breakdown. .. of separation in couples in committed relationships.

Grandparents raising grandchildren bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2007Family breakdown and post-separation .. relationships with grandchildren after parent divorce or separation, the importance of grandparent ..


- by E McInnes - Single mothers who separated from violent relationships were less likely to be in paid .. This fits with existing research that found that divorced women who had been .. In the Economic Consequences of Marriage Breakdown study, McDonald ..

References - Social inclusion in the family support sector - AFRC ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Services for Men

relationship breakdown. Separation, divorce, shared parenting or being a single dad can all create a need for support services, and, in some instances, crisis ..

When the difference is night & day: Some empirical insights into ..

by P Parkinson - - Session 3d: Parent–child contact after separation and divorce .. levels of satisfaction with their relationship with their children than fathers who had day-only ... resolution in the aftermath of a relationship breakdown as being directed to ..

Community influences bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ... The data demonstrated clear inter-relationships between age of mother at the sample ..

Social Policy Research Paper No. 35:

The hazard of separation (marriage breakdown) increases within the first five .. Research on mother's occupation and the likelihood of divorce is scant, but .. impact on the quality of their intimate relationships 10 years later.

Relocation bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

15 posts - 15 Feb 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. Topics include: family law and gender conflict; divorce reform and child .. unhappy relationships with separation occurring during pregnancy or shortly after the birth of an only child.

Marriage - Trends and statistics bibliography - Australian Family ..

15 posts - 3 Nov 2009Family breakdown and post-separation .. This article analyses the current options available to same-sex couples from the relationship recognition menu. .. This 2010 edition reviews statistics on marriage, divorce, unmarried ..

Carers and caring - The effects of caring bibliography - Australian ..

15 posts - 1 Jan 2011Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law .. The relationship between caregiving and mental health was largely explained by social ..

References - Part A - Interagency collaboration - AFRC Briefing No ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

AFRC Briefing No. 11

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with ..

Costs of children bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation ... The taxpayer costs of divorce and unwed childbearing : first-ever estimates for the ..

Siblings bibliography - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation .. Sibling relationships in childhood and adolescence : predictors and outcomes. Milevsky .. Family members in both separated or divorcing and married families completed a range of ..

Family relationship centres in Australia: reflections based on ..

by L MOLONEY - - (ABS 2004), and relatively high rates of relationship breakdown among never-married ... separated/divorced parents in Australia would like to see more contact ..

Separation resources | Child Support Agency

A Source Book for the Separated or Divorced Family. .. Me and my kids and my ex: forming a workable relationship for the benefit of your children. .. in our library to assist families in their struggle for equity and justice in family breakdown.

Living arrangements - Single people bibliography - Australian ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009Family breakdown and post-separation .. Family Relationships Quarterly no. 18 2011: 16-18 .. Are people who have had an earlier experience of divorce more likely to be unhappier, poorer, sicker and lonelier in later life?

Indigenous families - Healing and wellbeing bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law · Relocation · Conflict .. They can also produce and reproduce power and control relations.

Parents - Fathers bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

15 posts - 1 Feb 2011Family breakdown and post-separation .. domestic violence and its impact on children, their relationships with children, and their parenting practices. .. Divorced fathers' proximity and children's long run outcomes: evidence ..

Relationship formation bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Relationship transitions and subjective wellbeing : a longitudinal analysis. .. as well as respondents who are separated, divorced and widowed. .. for a partner, sexual relationships, relationship problems and breakdown, the .. Determining a De Facto Relationship

This topic applies when determining if a person is in a de facto relationship where .. Shirley and Jack had never divorced and they still jointly own the home. .. Joan separated 12 months ago when Joan left the home following the breakdown ..

Directory of Services Separating/Separated Families

The breakdown of a marriage or relationship can be a very stressful and upsetting .. or separated, including: arrangements for the children, divorce and ..

Considering social inclusion: Ideas for service providers and ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011 - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

Final comments and references - what's important? in Supporting ..

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, .. Families and relationships .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents ..

AFRC Briefing No. 10

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government .. Family breakdown and post-separation · Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Child support for young adult children

by B SMYTH - - support after parental separation assumes as a general principle that .. case for those who have separated or divorced, their .. children from a new relationship can spread limited resources ... enting after marriage breakdown, and to policies ..

Property settlement - dividing property after separation

A de facto relationship is a relationship where two people who are .. two years from the date of separation. If you are .. If you are divorced, you need to start legal proceedings regarding .. agreement following the breakdown of your de facto ..

Relationship Breakdown and the Economic Welfare of Australian ..

by M Gray - 2007 - - years has been a dramatic increase in the rate of relationship breakdown. .. For separated/divorced women, the construction of the hypothetical scenarios ..

Economic Insecurity, Marriage Breakdown and 'Problem Debt'

by M Baker - 2009 - unemployment and high rates of separation and divorce. .. debt with relationship breakdown, the challenges of the 'post-divorce family' and the reduced earning ..

Stages of separation

by MR Power - 1996 - - Similarly, the separation experienced in divorce bears a close relationship to .. In fact I had one woman have a nervous breakdown right in front of me. MP: What ..

The Well Being of Children Following Parental Separation and Divorce

The relationship between parental separation and divorce and the well being of .. of the partnership prior to breakdown could influence events for a long time ..

Dr Belinda Hewitt | ISSR

My future research is going to focus on remarriage after separation or divorce and the consequences of multiple relationship transitions for social, psychological ..

The Social Characteristics of Who Initiates Marital Separation

by B Hewitt - 2006 - - processes of marriage breakdown, but more research is required. .. previous marital relationship after they have already separated or divorced (Black, ..

Resilient Relationships - Supporting Individuals and Families ..

Relationship conflict can be triggered or exacerbated by anxiety or disagreements over finances. Relationship breakdown, particularly divorce or separation ..

Centre for Economic Policy Research

by R Kippen - 2010 - behaviours; dissatisfaction with the relationship; low household income; husband's .. divorce (Jain 2007) and others will end in permanent separation without the .. The apparent economic and social consequences of marital breakdown are ..

Marriage breakdown in Australia - The social correlates of ..

by B Hewitt - 2011 - - Abstract, Marriage breakdown through separation and divorce is a .. the relationship between ethnic origin and the risk of marital breakdown.

Difficult family circumstances

.. multiple relocations/moving house; natural disaster (eg. bushfire, flood); parent's separation/divorce; refugee; relationship breakdown with ..

From Married to Single or Back Again: Mothers' transitions 1996/97 ..

by M Walter - Over the last 30 years rates of marital breakdown and divorce have dramatically .. suggest little, if any, relationship between a mother's level of maternal work activity .. research suggesting that the main increase in divorce/separation has ..

Monash Oakleigh Legal Service - Monash University

Separation, divorce and family breakdown can have serious emotional and .. The breakdown of a marriage or domestic relationship involves ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 4 Interpretation

(b) in relation to a de facto relationship, does not include a breakdown of the ... legal separation of the parties to that marriage, being a divorce, annulment or ..

An exploration of national calls to Lifeline Australia and their ..

by RJ Watson - - relationship breakdown, retirement, role change, separation/divorce, and migration or relocation. The five largest sub-groupings, which made up the major ..


Court not to make divorce order where application for decree of nullity before it 53. .. Conditions for providers of post-separation parenting programs Subdivision ... Financial agreements after breakdown of a de facto relationship 90UE.

A call to action for the sake of Australia's kids - News and Events ..

.. work of the federal government in strengthening family relationships .. the rise in parental separation due to divorce and the breakdown of ..

It could be you: female, single, older and - Older Women's Network ..

and difficult relationships. .. and economic impacts of divorce and separation on the capacity for ... divorce or relationship breakdown has a comparable ..

by Michael Grose Helping children through separation and divorce

Helping children through separation and divorce .. Children often blame themselves for the relationship breakdown of their parents so let them know that the ..

1 Commonwealth Powers (De Facto Relationships) Bill 2003 ..

The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (Family Law Act) regulates marriage breakdown and divorce and related matters such as the care of children after relationship ..

Investigate reasons for the breach. Take adults' and children's ..

- Effects of separation and divorce on children: the significance of high conflict .. Family breakdown from defacto relationships is increasing and ..

Fraser Coast Anglican College

Agreement (e.g. divorce, separation, bankruptcy). In the event of a breakdown in a relationship of a family, both parties remain jointly and ..

Domestic Violence and Family Law *

by L Laing - - couples point to partnership violence as a cause of marital breakdown, with .. separation; 30.8 per cent reported violence only during the relationship; and .. impact of divorce and separation on children, and the research on the impact ..

Child support and housing outcomes

significance of housing in the experiences of divorced, separated or never married .. parenting practice is the breakdown of the parental relationship, whether ..

Grief Counselling course, helping people with loss and death,Learn ..


the death of someone close to us, or a relationship breakdown, divorce, theft, .. Describe separation, loneliness, the effects of long-term grief and long-term ..


The Harsh Reality: Relational Dysfunction and Breakdown. ... increased incidence of separation and divorce. And there are now more single ..


by S Richardson - 2011 - - also the breakdown and separation of a family unit. Therefore, it is important to .. aspects of their filial relationships following divorce, such as communica- ..

Parental Divorce and Premarital Couple Communication

by MR Sanders - 1999 - - children are exposed to repeated breakdowns in their parents' relationships. .. married before or on being the child of separated parents. Couples were ..

Separated fathers and the 'fathers' rights' movement

build or maintain ongoing and positive relationships with their children. Some men do find .. fathers' involvements in the care of children prior to separation and divorce. .. separation, some men suffered breakdowns or contemplated suicide.

Australian Statistics on Domestic Violence *

by J Mulroney - - relationship, experienced violence by a partner at some time during the relationship (ABS 1996 .. separated/divorced spouses or de facto partners. • 10% occurred .. traditional elders, breakdown of community kinship systems and Aboriginal ..

100824 CBF Indigenous Reported gambling problems NT

by M Stevens - 2009 - Social transgressions. Income related relationship breakdown Grief and trauma. Gambling problems. Divorce or separation. Death family member or close friend ..

Parkinson, Patrick --- "Quantifying the Homemaker Contribution in ..

by P Parkinson - - With modern no-fault approaches to relationship breakdown, this is the .. and those who had not, with less sharing occurring in post-divorce cohabitation. .. If Alex is the primary caregiver to the child of their relationship after separation, then ..

Sole Mothers in Australia

by M McHugh - 1996 - market. The first, and largest group, are the older, divorced or separated ... This is despite the evidence that it is the breakdown of relationships and divorce ..

PowerPoint Presentation - University of Newcastle

Microsoft Powerpoint - improved their knowledge of the impact that separation and divorce has on .. to manage the emotional turmoil which ensues from relationship breakdowns ..

Advice on divorce rates - what you should know


rates - new research gives surprising insights - what you should know. .. breakdown of the marriage, measured as the separation of the spouses for at ..

Non-resident Parents and Service Use

by T Eardley - 2009 - - The relationship between non-resident parents' involvement in their .. of growth in divorce and separation, but also because of increasing interest from .. Similar messages about family breakdown and child outcomes have emerged in a ..

Sociology Research Projects - School of Social Science - The ..

This study is a longitudinal investigation of the relationship between men's and .. The Causes and Consequences of Marital Separation and Divorce in Australia. .. structural and demographic determinants of marriage breakdown in Australia, ..

The Voice of the Child in Family Law: Whose Right? Who's Right?

by A Campbell - - 4.3.1 Family Court, Centacare and Relationships Australia . ... Statistics reports that, in 1998, a key factor contributing to relationship breakdown for .. In 1997, children in 88% of Australian separated or divorced families resided with the ..

Female Labour Supply and Divorce: New Evidence from Ireland."

by O Bargain - 2010 - - riage breakdown (both separation and divorce). We use this .. specialisation only if the relationship is stable and the spouse specialising in the labour ..

Catherine SHAN. – Sa vie africaine

.. [Her life in Africa] is a penetrating novel about grieving and family relationships. .. life in Africa, her parents' divorce and the perennial breakdowns that .. Kicked out of home and separated from her first child at birth, she ..

'Trial Marriage': Is premarital cohabitation an effective risk ..

by BA Hewitt - 2006 - One of the major shifts to occur in relationship formation over the last century is the .. the risk of marriage breakdown rather than reducing the risk. .. gone on to legally divorce I include separation as well as divorce because ..

De Facto Relationships Property Adjustment Law – A National ..

by L Willmott - 2003 - - The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) governs a range of issues including divorce and .. Property distribution on the breakdown of a de facto relationship is a ... when the relationship ends by separation: Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (NZ) s1M.

Building better family relationships

can build strong, positive family relationships that promote .. The keys to developing strong and caring family relationships include .. separation and divorce. .. relationships were communication breakdown, parenting issues and difficult ..

Traversing the lifecourse: changes in individual family transitions

by P McDonald - 2003 - - relationship breakdown and compare the experience of four birth cohorts, those born in the. 1940s .. marriage, high rates of divorce, high proportions of extramarital births and very low fertility rates. .. proven by a relatively short separation.


by S Sweeper - 2004 - - Rates and Influences on Relationship Separation ....................... 18 .. Stresses Associated with Relationship Breakdown. ... Table 1.1 Crude Divorce Rates in Westernised Countries (ABS 3310.0, 2000). .. 19 ..

Alves-Perini, Nell; Harrison, Margaret; Rhoades, Helen; Swain ..

by N Alves-Perini - The introduction of 'no-fault divorce' in Australia in 1976 promised unhappy .. which touches on issues of fault and blame in post-separation disputes. .. misbehaviour where it leads to the breakdown of the relationship and causes harm.

Marriages, divorces and de facto relationships

Marriages, divorces and de facto relationships .. irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, measured as the separation of the spouses for at least one year.

Online photojournalism student excels, La Trobe University

Award for photographic work exploring divorce, grief and loss. .. Paige Hortin's next door neighbours separated, she was allowed an intimate .. Each relationship breakdown often overwhelms and traumatises the lives of ..

Separated Fathers: Grief, mental health and well being

by HM McKeering - 2007 - - 17 items – reaction to the breakdown of the marital relationship and loss of the parental .. divorce rate and common post-separation arrangements result in many ..

No Escape from Violence: The Silencing of Women and Children

Microsoft Powerpoint - .. as a cause of relationship breakdown, with 33 per cent describing the violence as .. So, as in the intact family, separated and divorced mothers continue to be ..

Exploring the Relationship between Grandparents and Their ..

by S Woodbridge - 2010 - functional grandparent identity, intergenerational relationships ... fathers following divorce or relationship breakdown (Weston, Stanton,. Qu, and Soriana .. environment for grandchildren during divorce, custody and separation disputes.

David Stanton - Crawford School - ANU

Social policy issues in the context of divorce, separation and child support. .. 'The Effect of Relationship Breakdown on Income and Social ..


by B Hewitt - The most consistent family background risk factor for marriage breakdown is .. parents divorced and a range of other relationship and family background factors. Related to the .. with "Separation/divorce of your parents" as one of the events.

Problem gambling: a guide for Victorian schools

Ms Kathy Griffin, Gambler's Help, Relationships Australia, Ballarat and Youth. Action Group ... breakdown, and it is estimated that there are around 1600 gambling-related .. come from a broken home due to separation, divorce or the death ..

System Failure and Children at Risk: When Family Law, Mental ..

Microsoft Powerpoint - Dalton had a DVO before separation, twice breached it and had been .. Relationship breakdown is a 'crisis' period which can itself precipitate mental illness .. M., Hewitt, L. and Sheehan, R., (2001) 'The Child Abuse and Divorce Myth,' Child ..

Forms of Power in Family Mediation and Negotiation

by J Wade - 1994 - - Complex power relationships exist, particularly in family systems3 . Such powers are ... Weston, Settling Down - Pathways of Parents After Divorce (Melbourne: AIFS, 1993). .. Marital Breakdown Separation (Basic Books: New York, 1975). 16 ..

What is law reform

by R Graycar - - deal with property alteration after relationship breakdown. This is because the .. seen as central to 'family law' in the context of separation/divorce, and other ..


by BS BA - 2005 - samples of separated/divorced parents in Australia. Joining the dots ... Estimates of relationship breakdown are much higher, of course, when non-marital ..

Fraser Coast Anglican College

Financial Agreement (e.g. divorce, separation, bankruptcy). in the event of a breakdown in a relationship of a family, both parties remain jointly and severally liable for the payment of the schoot fees. = Should the responsibility ..

The Background to the Study

The number of children who experience the separation of parents is constantly rising. .. studies of children who have experienced the separation and divorce of their parents. .. She stated she felt powerless to form strong long term relationships due to time .. Marriage breakdown often causes stress for all those involved.

A major change that has occurred in the Western family is an ..

in divorce and marital breakdown are the result of economic changes that have .. Nevertheless, her approach, which is to relate changes in family relations to ..

Corrections to a publication and media release from Monash ..

.. the "Divorce Transitions Project" to identify suitable families to interview. .. Thus, it is at most 33% of 65% of couples whose separation could be .. of parental separation in 66% of parental relationship breakdown"; and ..

Lone fathers and the scales of justice: Renegotiating masculinity ..

by HPM Winchester - 1999 - - separation and divorce, masculinity is defined, reproduced and re-negotiated by ... The breakdown in the power relationship between husband and wife had ..

Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Whose 'Best Interests' in ..

by AS Hart - 2006 - - relationships, excuse or trivialise the abusive behaviours of fathers, to blame .. Australian society about family breakdown that needed to be reflected in the law ( .. separation or divorce create feelings of grief and loss and can bring to the fore ..

Sustaining Families in the 21st Century: The Role of Grandparents

Keywords: Families, Grandparents, Relationships, Grandchildren with a Disability. HE WORLD'S ... fathers following divorce or relationship breakdown. (Weston, Stanton, Qu, and .. divorce, custody and separation disputes. Whilst different ..

'Paternity Fraud' and the Invisible Child

around custody and access following separation and divorce. Many are bitter and angry about the outcomes of relationship breakdown. To these men, the direct ..

The Attitudes of Separated Resident Mothers in Australia to Child ..

by E McInnes - separation for many mothers, increasing the incidence of relationship breakdown, increasing the incidence of mothers' decisions to leave with the children and ..

The changing landscape of family law: exploring the promises and ..

by A Graham - 2009 - - children's participation in Australian family relationship centres, report to ... Parental separation and divorce is a significant feature of Australian family life. .. reasonably high rate of marriage and de facto relationship breakdown, with about ..

Fraser Coast Anglican College

their relationship with each other since signing the. Financial Agreement (e.g. divorce, separation, bankruptcy). In the event of a breakdown in a relationship of a ..

1 Collaborative Relations and Service Delivery of Relationship ..

by EH van Acker - 2008 - The governance of relationship education policies encourages various .. where problems had arisen; and programs aimed at harmonious separation offered .. consequences of marriage breakdown and the escalating rates of divorce.

Tertiary Preparatory Studies

Microsoft Powerpoint - Mind maps focus on interconnectivity—relationships between things—and .. Relationships Aust 2002); Glass ceiling (ABS 2000); Divorce/separation .. Increase suicide (Close 1998); Relationship breakdown – access to children (AIFS 2000) ..

Labour Market Participation and the Married to Sole Mother Transition

by M Walters - - relationship with the labour market have swung from supporting mothers to stay .. breakdown, these comparative labour market participation rates raise .. divorced or separated from a registered marriage, around seven per cent are widowed ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission Outcomes for Children Born of ..

blended or step families arising from relationship breakdown and divorce. 2. Assisted ... However, 6% had divorced or separated and 1% of fathers had died.


by IM Lawton - 1994 - - children, are more likely to end in separation and divorce than first-time marriages .. from a previous relationship to breakdown in second marriages, provide a ..


by M Gray - 2010 - been a dramatic increase in the rate of relationship breakdown. .. For separated/divorced women the construction of the hypothetical scenarios is more complex ..


Such imbalances are not just a symptom of relationship breakdown. They also ... financial hardship after divorce; this is due to their limited and often sporadic pre-separation workforce participation, which is usually designed to fit in with their ..

Significant Influencers

by LAK LAK04460 - supportive relationships on the social and emotional development of adolescents. (Beam, Chen .. through separating from others and establishing autonomy (Sartor & Younnis, 2002). .. structure, modern divorce laws, increases in drug and alcohol abuse and in child ... Parenting breakdown: The making and breaking of ..

Workforce issues across the family relationship services sector ..

by N Cortis - 2009 - - separation, and to resolve disputes themselves without going to court (services such as ... Act 1975 (Cth) introduced no fault divorce, and goals in relationship .. have come to prioritise reducing the risk of relationship breakdown and violence ..

Year group: 12 (HSC)

- H2. describes and explains key features of and the relationship between .. in family relationships. · divorce. · legal consequences of separation. – children .. of the law in achieving justice for parties involved in relationship breakdowns ..

An Inclusive Society?

The effect of relationship breakdown on poverty and social exclusion: the impact of ... unemployment and high rates of separation and divorce. While most ..


relation to family breakdown, separation, divorce or death of a significant other .. students struggling with confusing relationships, peer pressure and self-esteem ..

7. Student Support - University of Adelaide | Course Profile

Binding financial agreements in matrimonial and de facto relationships. Invalid marriages, separation and divorce. Child welfare including parentage, custody, ..

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall - - In the event of relationship breakdown, this will help avoid problems arising out of .. to outline (in a relationship agreement) who is entitled to what upon separation. .. This parental responsibility does not alter if the parents divorce or separate, ..

BluePages Depression Information - State by State - ACT

.. divorce and relationship breakdown, and bereavement and loss. .. group for fathers experiencing distress due to divorce or separation.

WebLaw - Family Law

5+ items – Legislation. Australia. Commonwealth. Family Court of Australia ..

Courts & tribunals and their decisions

Judgments of the Family Court from ..


Australian Institute of Family Studies


This category reflects violence that has occurred in the context of separation. .. acts of violence' in response to separation or 'traumatic post divorce events… .. involved in disputes over parenting following the breakdown of the relationship.

Marriage and Cohabitation Contracts

by J Wade - 2011 scars from a bitter first separation and 'don't want that to .. relationship breakdown.10 .. their wedding and the decree absolute of divorce.' ..

Child support and housing outcomes

This research describes the relationship between the payment and receipt of child .. having never been married or being currently separated or divorced; and ... diversification is largely the result of a breakdown in parental de jure and de ..

Marriage Breakdown in Australia: social correlates, gender and ..

by BA Hewitt - 2011 - - This may be because women are more likely to initiate separation. .. some differences in the associations between parental divorce, age at marriage, .. of marital relationships which paradoxically entails ending an unhappy ..

Enhancing inter-professional relationships in a changing family law ..

relationships when helping clients to resolve post-separation conflict over children. ... 237; J.B. Kelly, 'Children's adjustment in conflicted marriage and divorce: A decade review of .. Family Breakdown', Press Release, 8 December 2005.

Inaugural Lecture

by MD Diego de Leo - significant other, breakdown in relationships, separation/divorce, migration, etc. Also soldiers and more frequently jail inmates may suffer from severe ..

For Kids' Sake - University of Sydney

help strengthen relationships between couples and and to support parent-child relationships. .. conflict between parents who have separated. The roles of ... While the chances of a marriage ending in divorce have been increasing in the last 25 years .. much higher rates of breakdown than married couples. As more and ..

[pic] Family Law Act 1975 Act No. 53 of 1975 as amended This ..


and nullity of marriage 126 48 Divorce 126 49 Meaning of separation 126 50 ... de facto relationship 391 90UD Financial agreements after breakdown of a de ..


by B Phillips - - However, the rise in marriage breakdown has typically attracted more focus because .. To our knowledge, the relationship between divorce rates and female earnings .. People designated as "permanently separated but not divorced" ..

Income and Separation

by B Bradbury - - support recipients, the relationship of income with separation is less ... marital breakdown, Paper 2 in High Divorce Rates: The state of the ..

An evaluation of mental health gains in adolescents who participate

process of adolescence has an impact on the child/parent relationship as the young person attempts to detach and .. resolutions, separation and individuation from the Mother, identity formation or goal attainment .. breakdown and academic pressure can add to the individual's difficulties resulting in ..divorce/separation ..

The use of drawings and other art work in counselling have been ..

Divorce /separation. •. Relationship breakdown. • retrenchment/unemployment/retirement. • loss of health/amputation/organ loss ..


by W Hirczy - - Today however, the relationship between child and its marital father are in need of ... In order to avert the specter of bastardization in a divorce proceeding, .. behalf of the child, since the fact of the breakdown of the marital relationship itself ... birth certificate, acceptance of child support payments after separation are all ..

Legal Studies Stage 6 Syllabus

- H2. describes and explains key features of and the relationship between ... in family relationships. · divorce. · legal consequences of separation. – children .. of the law in achieving justice for parties involved in relationship breakdowns. 3.

The New Family Dispute Resolution System: Reform Under the ..

by S Nicholls - 2007 - - reform is to provide an environment where separated and .. The implementation of Family Relationship Centres .. divorce decree.43 This is based on the proposition that it is critical to reach a resolution before .. [15] Many commentators argue that family breakdown is not a legal event but a human ..

Response to the Australian Government call for submissions on ..

by men against women both in relationships and after separation. .. at the transition points that create 'teachable moments' (e.g. the breakdown of existing ... Current research on children's post divorce adjustment - no simple answers.

Treating Different Cases the Same

collection=Census&javascript=true&topic=Marriage/Partnering/Separation/Divorce&action .. Statistics, Marriage Divorces and De Facto Relationships .. (a) financial matters relating to de facto partners arising out of the breakdown (other than ..

"Wollondilly Women" The inspiration for this Personal Interest ..

ground for divorce is the irretrievable breakdown of the relationship, demonstrated by 12 months of separation.22" This information suggests that Baby boomers ..

Non-custodial Fathers' Experiences of Attachment, Loss and Grief

by D Barton - 2011 - breakdown. The research will examine the readjustment necessary in the lives of non- custodial fathers following separation and divorce, their relationships with ..

Mental health and young people: Chapter 5. Causes of mental health

.. conflict, family breakdown, parental separation, and poor parenting, .. In addition, the training should highlight the complex nature of the relationship .. divorce/separation working parents; transient families; State Wards, ..

The impact of job loss on family dissolution

by D Doiron - - The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between labour market ... rate of divorce/separation for couples who are in the analysis sample. .. the imminent breakdown of the partnership) can be reduced by taking into account the ..

Australian Institute of Family Studies

by B SMYTH - What separated parents who spend equal time with their children say .. maintaining a close relationship with both parents. .. of most divorce cases is often raised by father's rights groups as a .. acrimony of relationship breakdown passes.

Newsletter 3

end of a relationship through separation, divorce or relationship breakdown. When: Mondays from August 1st to 22nd time: 10am – 12noon ..

imageREAL Capture

by B Waters - The studies confirm that separation and divorce are stressful for children, and imply that .. concemed about, the new relationships their parents developed and they were often caught in loyalty conflicts between the parents. The breakdown of ..


by S Sweeper - 2004 - - Adult Adjustment to Relationship Separation. Susie Sweeper ... Stresses Associated with Relationship Breakdown. ... Table 1.1 Crude Divorce Rates in Westernised Countries (ABS 3310.0, 2000). .. 19. Table 2.1 Critique of ..

Marriage and cohabitation contracts

by J Wade - 200440% of marriages end in divorce, why not make fair finan- .. ing scars from a bitter first separation. "I don't want that to .. children (from previous relationships) and grandchildren. .. vi Encouraging marriage breakdown versus encouraging ..

St Clare's College

not accept, separation or divorce. Preteens and teens may.. · become very angry. .. relationships and the implications of relationship breakdown. Here is a ..


by M Brandon - 2008affected, by separation or divorce to resolve some or all of their disputes with ... contributed to their relationship breakdown in the first place, possibly creates a ..

The Penthouse, the Porsche or the Pension : Superannuation and ..

by T Henn - 2003 - This article deals with superannuation and divorce and the effect of the Family .. division of superannuation interests on marriage breakdown, including .. pensions, than promoting the economic interests of women in the post-separation stage .. reasons 'De facto and same sex relations are not covered by the proposed ..

Agency, Autonomy and a Theology for Legal Practice

by R Mortensen - 2002 - - thinking, which often views relationship collapse alone as making divorce, at times .. assumption that '[t]he breakdown of marriage is another reflection of the .. civil standard of a 12-month separation were satisfied.15 To some Orthodox and ..

Introduction - Camden High School

home", divorced or separated family because they were somehow damaged as well. .. at the birth of their child and who do not form a couple, relationship but also .. The majority of sole parent families are formed by the breakdown of ..

APSA 2007 Monash University, Melbourne Howard's Social Policies ..

by L van Acker - - process of separation and divorce; indeed, it has recently increased funding in this area. In relation to issues that .. and relationship breakdown. However, rather ..

Mental health implications of the commercial sex industry in Nigeria*

by EO Akinnawo - - are single and 70 are either married, separated or divorced. .. possibilities can be examined from the above findings, since a causal relationship could not .. should, however, be noted that not all cases of marriage breakdown or pressure to ..


Identify the organisations that provide relationship support services ... After breakdown of marriage: Marriage Counselling / Family Dispute Resolution .. and family dispute resolution can help each party cope with separation and divorce.


by KM Wilde - 2007 - - Society's changing attitudes towards divorce, separation, women's .. parenting, citing child sexual abuse, relationship breakdown, sexual promiscuity, gender ..

Introduction - University of Sydney

by N Cortis - 2006 - (to prevent imminent breakdown or reunify separated families) or to provide more .. about rising divorce rates and the social impact of relationship breakdown.

Lore ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit

following the separation can make a difference to how they cope. Children often blame themselves for the relationship breakdown of their parents so let them ..

From Pokies to Problems: Gambling and the impact on community ..

by J Graffam - 2005 - This may result in counselling, separation, divorce, and the use of legal services, .. financial losses, involvement in crime, breakdown of relationships, increased ..


by S Nanlohy - - In the context of relationship breakdown, where allegations of child abuse are raised, the .. to make laws with respect to (1) marriage and (2) divorce and matrimonial .. regardless of whether their parents are married, separated, have never ..


children at risk of being forced into post-separation relationships with ex-partners who used .. new shared parenting laws provided more time for divorced fathers with their .. equal parenting time following family breakdown (Flood, 2003).

Castle Hill Public School

Helping children through separation and divorce .. Children often blame themselves for the relationship breakdown of their parents so let ..

E Law: Same Sex Couples: Equity's Response

It is a fact of life that relationships can commence, develop and grow .. disputes which arise upon the breakdown of a domestic relationship can .. new dwelling when he received the proceeds of a divorce settlement. However, these plans were never carried out and the parties separated four years later.

Ingleby, Richard --- "Translation and the Divorce Lawyer: Simulating ..

by R INGLEBYFor example, no-fault divorce can be taught in terms of s48 of the Family Law Act and the .. in particular, the question of control in the solicitor-client relationship. .. The translation of the breakdown into the formal change in personal status is .. for divorce when this is only available on the basis of twelve months separation ..

Distinguished Scholars Lecture Series: Professor Patrick Parkinson ..

That model presupposed that divorce could end the relationship .. a model of post-separation parenting which assumes that the family endures ..


by MA Funston - - phones, and the significance of family breakdown for their relative importance .. 1 We use the term separation to denote the end of a relationship and a family. .. This began with the Family Law Act of 1975 when `no fault' divorce became ..

Wealth Holdings and Portfolio Allocation of Older Couples:

by A Ulker - 2008 - - children after marital breakdowns (see for example, Duncan and Hoffman 1985; Holden .. the relationship between marriage and asset accumulation. .. divorce and separation mostly occur relatively earlier over the life cycle which is why we ..

imageREAL Capture

by D HAMBLY - - of a matrimonial relationship which was alleged to have "died". Tht:., court would .. existing grounds for divorce of new grounds where the breakdown o~ the marriage Wa~ demonstrated by the parties' separation for a sub1 stantial period. ~,~ ..

The Data

by J Baxter - - experience of previous relationships (Thompson 1991; Ishii-Kuntz and Coltrane 1992; .. divorce based on irretrievable breakdown as measured by at least twelve months of .. we examine the impact of separation on time spent on housework.

The purpose of the study is to examine how decisions about ..

by P McDonald - - The purpose of our study is to examine how decisions about relationships, .. we can give for this logic is that these are people who still believe in the rigid separation .. probability of divorce, will be careful not to put herself at the risk of .. become much more likely to end in breakdown rather than in marriage (McDonald ..

Women's Executive Development Where are they now? The Clare ..

breakdown of this relationship results in difficult decisions about the division of .. impacts of divorce and separation; and the centrality of intimate relationships in ..

Paper presented to 'Seeking Solutions' Domestic Violence and ..

by E McInnes - 2001 - - communication breakdown, contributing to divorce (Wolcott and Hughes 1999). .. separated from non-violent relationships (n=11) and mothers who separated ..

Faculty of Health Sciences - La Trobe University

.. Sex, Health and Society. Australian Longitudinal Study of Health and Relationships .. Separated (not divorced), 4, 3, 271. Widowed, 3, 1, 143 ..

An Outcome Evaluation of the Implementation of the Triple P ..

by C Leung - 2011 - - breakdown are powerful early predictors for the development and .. Specifically, the lack of a warm, positive relationship with parents; insecure attachment; harsh .. childrearing, or when they experience the stress of separation, divorce, ..


(FDR) for the resolution of post-separation disputes about children. .. Philip Ruddock "Bill Marks 'Cultural Shift' in Dealing with Family Breakdown", News Release .. divorce to resolve some or all of their disputes with each other; and (b) in ... perpetrated in domestic relationships; for example, physical, ..

Family violence reporting: supporting the vulnerable or reâ ..

by VL Thomas - 2009 - relationships, their mental health, and educational attainment, and is the most significant ... Examples include relationship breakdown, jealousy, a partner wanting to divorce, child-custody disputes and financial interests. Without exception, these .. during pregnancy and following separation of the partners. These are well ..

PDF file created from a TIFF image by tiff2pdf

by MJ Johnstone - 2004 - - a breakdown of personal relationships (including separation and divorce). It is important to acknowledge that whistle- blowing nurses might not be the only ..

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

Divorce and separation rates among older Australians are increasing but death .. either through relationship breakdown or death of a partner, is a life effect ..

Do more educated people expect fewer children

by P Yu - 2006 - breakdown in relationship and fecundity problems at later stage. Realising ... rate of separation/divorce. .. separated from the total effects as much as possible.

1 Chapter 1: Background to the Study and History of Marriage ..

Relationship counselling has been available in Australia since 1948 and has developed .. Current separation and divorce statistics shows that one third of first .. concerns about the breakdown in family life were forward thinking in 1938 given ..

Media, Men and Violence in Australian Divorce Colin James* A ..

For the first time a person could get a divorce without having to prove fault. .. breakdown of the marriage and the evidence was twelve months separation. .. refuges.25 Following the 1977 Royal Commission on Human Relationships, which ..


by SIRG BARWICK - - general law relating to divorce, matrimonial causes and certain ancillary ... organization of the community is a real relationship playing its part in the organic life of ... evidenced in the complete physical separation of the parties, the Parliament .. should provide grounds for dissolution was the principle of the breakdown of ..

AusStats : Marriages

Graph - 5.44 Persons in de facto relationships - 2001. Divorces .. breakdown of the marriage, measured as the separation of the spouses for at ..

Adoption by same sex couples

relationship is no more likely to end in a breakdown than a heterosexual .. law, covering marriage, divorce and matrimonial causes and connected to this the ... case arose when two women separated after eight years together in the course ..

Prof Thea Brown - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Brown, T. C., 2008, An evaluation of a new post-separation and divorce .. of child abuse in the context of marital breakdown and custody and access disputes, Child .. Brown, T. C., 2006, The challenge of developing a constructive relationship ..

Identification of factors that strengthen rural men's resilience to ..

by D Hegney - 2003 - - events prior to suicidal behaviour and these include relationship breakdown, a trauma in the family, financial problems, military service, marital separation or divorce, legal problems, imprisonment, interpersonal problems and disputes, sexual ..

has been accepted for the award

by C YOUNG - 2006 - - within a wider context , particularly in relat ion to the degree of change in its .. of marriage, in fact the process of separation and divorce is much more complex ..

5027LAW Family Law Family Law Semester 1 .. - Griffith University

domestic and family violence; child protection; impact of separation on family .. This course deals with the impact of relationship breakdown on the parties to .. 6. be familiar with the practical skills required by a family lawyer; ..

1 Author: Dr Amanda Shea Hart Lecturer (Social Work & Human ..

there are significant rates of family breakdown (Bagshaw 2007), there is an ongoing .. that at the stressful time of separation where children experience uncertainty and unpredictability in their family relationships, as well as in other important areas .. The adjustment of children following divorce has been widely researched ..

AusStats : Family - Family Formation: Remarriage trends of divorced ..

A remarriage may affect other family relationships, such as that between .. marriage and the intervals between their separation, divorce, and remarriage. .. to lifelong partnership despite the experience of marriage breakdown.

Chaplain's Page

Providing guidance to students on issues concerning human relationships; .. Providing support in cases of bereavement, family breakdown or other crisis and .. who have been through divorce, death, separation from family due to moving, ..

The relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and ..

by F Cook - 2010 - - The relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and increased prevalence of ... This breakdown is presented in ... Parents separating/divorcing ..

Men: Working through life: Living through Work

by G Russell - after separation and divorce. Another was the .. children after divorce and separation. .. What followed soon after was the Men and Family Relationships initiative of .. effects and unresolved problems following the breakdown of their marriage ..

Untitled - Victoria University Institutional Repository (VUIR)

to indicate relationship breakdown. However, men and ... time a couple must be separated prior to initiating divorce proceedings (5 years down to 12 months).

Judgements as social narrative: an empirical investigation of appeal ..

by L Moloney - 2002 - - adjudication arise at times of separation and divorce. Consistent .. pinpoint the initial or major cause of a relationship breakdown is of little or ..

Student Mobility in Cairns

by R Sorin - - Teachers should to establish positive relationships with parents to maintain high .. breakdown can includes separation, divorce and domestic violence.

Children and the law

by NJ Taylor - 2010 - Family law and welfare issues - particularly separation, divorce, guardianship .. Law is all about human relationships, and the rights, duties, obligations and ..

Paper for 'Home Truths' Conference

- by E Branigan - - Following relationship breakdown, financial abuse was most commonly experienced .. After their permanent separation, the financial abuse by her ex-partner .. which included a spiritual opposition to divorce, and their lives were deeply ..


- Her equity practice includes appearances for parties in de facto relationships; ... for divorce under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) – irretrievable breakdown of marriage. .. breakdown of marriage and the factors amounting to a separation or a ..

Dr Janneke BERECKI

by C Findlay - The Relationship between Marital Stauts, Gender Role Conflict .. The consequences of marriage breakdown for men varies, however the majority of .. It may be for these reasons that divorced and separated men have shown higher levels of ..

9. Maintenance 2011 Student Notes

support one another financially during and following the breakdown of their .. A no fettering principle that the pre-separation standard of living must .. Must apply for maintenance within 12 months of a divorce order becoming final. General .. relationship breakdown to the Commonwealth Parliament as well as the territories.

Jewish women final

The Relationship Between Jewish Law & the Law of the State. 4. Australian Law .. Part IV: Freeing Chained Women – Divorce Under Civil & Jewish law. 1. ... The fact that there is no mandated separation of church and state in Australia leads to a special ... not been satisfied (irretrievable breakdown of marriage).44 ..

Placement Details Gordon Care for Children - Community Based ..

Our programs aim to help children develop better relationships with both parents and extended family members following separation and divorce. .. of the issues relating to family breakdown and the consequent problems for children. Students ..

Chapter 1: Background

by SE Clark - 2002 - - or injury (3.7%); divorce or separation (3.4%); loss of significant personal property .. such as diminished social support and relationship breakdown (McNeil, ..

The location and housing needs of lone parents

3.2 Entry into lone parent status via marriage breakdown. CHAPTER .. those in de facto relationships) and the proportion of all partnered women who are bearing .. rates of separation and divorce rates and lowered rates of remarriage.

What Drives Australian Housing Careers? An Examination of the ..

for example, divorce and separation) and further housing decisions might need ... Marriage and relationship breakdowns influence the position of many mature- ..

The Property (Relationships) Amendment Act 2001:

by N Peart - - The Act operated as a deferred community property regime on separation, which was .. and the pathological condition of marriage with its high divorce rate where ... "Financial Provision and Property Division on Relationship Breakdown: A ..

Youth Homelessness: Four Policy Proposals

emotional crisis following the breakdown of family relationships. Everything ... households, including parents who are either divorced or separated. Sometimes ..

Williamson, Amanda --- "An Examination of Jewish Divorce Under ..

by A WILLIAMSONAs separation of church and state is enshrined in the Australian Constitution,[1] .. Family Law Act had not been satisfied (irretrievable breakdown of marriage). ... his wife who would mistakenly think she was free to have a new relationship.

A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between ..

by PC Jobes - 2000 - - A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Community ... concentrated in two widely separated coastal regions, the largest of these, in .. a breakdown of traditional family support networks, an increased divorce ..


by AD Crettenden - - Relationship between time spent caring for pre-school children with developmental ... As well, lack of support may lead to family breakdown ... satisfaction or adjustment, or report divorce and separation rates; and to have included sufficient ..

Coursework Scholarships 2011 Guide

major illness of parent/guardian/close relative. • natural disaster (eg bushfire). • parents separation/divorce. • relationship breakdown with significant other ..

24/7 Family dispute resolution: disconnection and reconnection via ..

by M Brandon - 2008 - a relationships breakdown. This article helps us to .. reactions to separation, post-separation parenting ... Divorce Resolutions, Colorado Center for Divorce ..

Family law in the future - [1999] AltLJ 19; (1999) 24(3) Alternative ..

by R Alexander - - .. as to '(xxi) marriage and (xxii) divorce and matrimonial causes and in relation thereto, .. On separation, parents usually agree privately that children are better off living with .. On marriage breakdown, all property owned by the parties (including .. parties' relationships or helps to alleviate court workloads and waiting lists.

Course and Subjects - Subject Details

Post-separation parenting law and process: the content and impact of 2006 .. family members in Australia on relationship breakdown;; Apply analytical, .. The divorce order problem from TM p 53 - Asher and Mary; Question 1 ..

Sex in the City: Issues in Marriage in the Australian Context ..

All forms of marriage and individual couple relationships, when appraised in light of .. a strong association between premarital cohabitation and the breakdown of .. They were often the poor, or separated people who could not get a divorce or ..

Title: The use of child support money in meeting housing costs.

by K Natalier - 2009 - in meeting the housing needs of the children of separated parents. The study reports .. protect the relationship between their ex-partner and their child/ren: ..


by C YOUNG - 2006 - - than a simple relationship between housing markets and labgur markets . .. Propensity for women to leave the home at breakdown was also related to tenure .. separation and the overall lower socioeconomic bias of divorce. They would be ..


- What is the effect of divorce or separation on women, men or children? ... e.g. death of a close family member, or close friend; family or relationship breakdown.


for each of us, reaches through the quality of our relationships with others, through the way we view the ... Relationship breakdown, retrenchment or early retirement from a job, loss of children following divorce, physical or mental illness are .. The weekend offers widowed, separated and divorced people ..

Gordon Care for Children - Community Based Practice (Monash ..

Our programs aim to help children develop better relationships with both parents and extended family members following separation and divorce. .. of the issues relating to family breakdown and the consequent problems for children. Students ..


by MPB Arts - 2006 - hypothesised that positive couple relationship outcomes could be ... attitudes and values that predict relationship breakdown than .. stepfamilies are often exposed to repeated separation and divorce of their parent/s.

imageREAL Capture

by R Chisholm - - divorce only on the ground of "irretrievable breakdown of marriage"' (defined as twelve months separation) and in the first major enquiry into the operation of the ... comes to declaring their financial relationships either by way of ongoing ..

Marital loss, mental health and the role of perceived social support ..

by B Hewitt - 2010 - relationships and high levels of social support are important for a range of mental health .. and divorce, and refer to separation as the point at which marital loss ... 26 Hewitt B, Baxter J, Western M. Marriage breakdown in Australia: The social ..

Legal Studies Stage 6 Draft Syllabus

separation of powers .. constitutional division and separation of powers. • examine ... divorce. • alternative family relationships. • consequences of breakdown ..

Private men, public anger: The men's rights movement in Australia

by S Maddison - 1999 - - anger following marriage and relationship breakdowns, and the subsequent ... surprisingly high given that, before separation or divorce, it is women who ..

Units - QUT Students

.. are entering into relationships or experiencing relationship breakdown are .. Their role, when assisting clients after separation, is to help their clients .. in relation to the impact upon children of separation and divorce; [GC1.

Civics | Events Calendar

The only grounds for divorce would now be the irretrievable breakdown of a relationship demonstrated by 12 months' physical separation. Web links: Australian ..

Summer program units 2011/2012 - QUT Students

.. are entering into relationships or experiencing relationship breakdown are .. Their role, when assisting clients after separation, is to help their clients .. in relation to the impact upon children of separation and divorce; [GC1.


by RM Dixon - - Separation from the family is an issue for these young adults as they "launch" into .. in this study had experienced family breakdown through divorce or separation. .. Goals consistent with cultural norms such as establishing relationships with ..

imageREAL Capture

by E Browneas that "the relationship between divorce and financial provision" is .. [i]f reasonable state benefits are withheld from women who are divorced or separated; .. breakdown of marriage currently being undertaken by the Australian Law Reform ..

"And so I always advise men clients who are in the posi tion to pay ..

by C YOUNG - 2006 - - these institutions at the point of breakdown ... The length of time since separation and divorce is an important ... relationship which is not eroded by time .

Are older women selfish for having babies?

.. a family when the average length will be 10 years with 2 years of separation, .. Australia has one of the highest rates of divorce in the world. ... the main cause of relationship breakdown and divorce over any other issue, ..

To Have But Not To Hold: A History ofAttitudes to Marriage and ..

by H Finlay - 2004 - - offence' with one ground for divorce, 'irretrievable breakdown' provable only by twelve months separation. It created the concept of 'joint custody', it enabled a ..

Health, Beneficiaries and Welfare to Work: Competing Visions of ..

by M Baker - - In this paper, we discuss the relationship between lone parenthood and health, and poor health .. separated or divorced (Wilson, 2000). Only nine per cent are ..

Intersections: The Regulation of Marriage and Sexuality in ..

by H Creese - .. to social order and harmony that a breakdown in the negotiations might entail. .. Marriage Partners and Forbidden Relationships .. Certain regulations deal with separation that took place before the union could be .. After divorce, the man's ownership of his wife ceased and if a couple were divorced ..

"Housing Market Segmentation and Housing Careers: A ..

by S Huston - 2005 - The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between housing market segmentation .. through divorce or separation at least one of the parties usually returns to ... Khoo, S.E., 1991: Housing After Marriage Breakdown: A Longer Term ..


- Her equity practice includes appearances for parties in de facto relationships; ... for divorce under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) – irretrievable breakdown of .. (a) irretrievable breakdown of marriage requires a separation of not less than 12 ..

Mothers-in-Law: Lying Down for the Father Again

by SS Berns - 2007 - - following relationship breakdown, represents a twenty-first century iteration ... regimes of custodial-sharing impose on divorced and separated women (and in ..


by JH Wadea - It is a symbol of a relationship, not of obligation to ... The process of separation and divorce were depressing. .. Unstuck: Reasons for the Breakdown of Family Settlements (1993) 9 AUSTRALIAN FAMILY LAWYER 14. 16 ..

Acta Septimana Acta Septimana

Choices and Relationships. ... 'Helping kids through separation and divorce ' continued .. breakdown of basic common courtesy between couples. e.

Childcare, violence and fathering – Are violent fathers who look after ..

by L Harne - - domestically violent and were separated or divorced from their partners. .. harm in the long term if they do not have an 'enduring relationship' with ... of Marital Breakdown and Custody and Access Disputes in Child Abuse and Neglect Vol.24.

Skimming a text for relevance

Nicky Hart argues that the increasing divorce rate can be seen as a 'product of conflict .. can result from this contradiction, and conflict can lead to marital breakdown. .. parting, they tend to experience what Weiss calls separation distress. .. their relationship, propelled by the attraction of a new divorce law.

Newsletter 5

relationships and after separation. It occurs when one .. be affected, by separation or divorce to resolve some or all of their .. abusive relationships, this is not the same as the violence ... point to violence as a cause of marital breakdown, with ..

Show All - UQ News Online - The University of Queensland

Relationship breakdown

- the real cost: Separation leaves men feeling isolated .. for divorced and separated couples founded at The University of Queensland.

Wealth Holdings and Portfolio Allocation of Older Couples:

by A Ulker - 2004 - divorce, there is recovery from the negative shocks of marital breakdowns, .. economically independent wife is better able to achieve an equitable postseparation .. the descriptive analysis by exploring the relationship between their wealth ..

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Tuesday, 14 January 2025
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Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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