Employment Law & Lawyers

Do you need help from a specialist employment lawyer? If so, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Losing your job or suffering from problems at work can be a traumatic experience. Whether you are made redundant or dismissed for other reasons, it will be a difficult time for you and your family.

Dealing with disputes with your employer can be daunting, and you will need to understand exactly where you stand in the eyes of the law. Employment Lawyers can advise you on what action you may be able to take against your employer and, where appropriate, help you to make a claim.

Employment Lawyers can also advise you on any employment matter including employment contracts, claims for wrongful and constructive dismissal, redundancy, discrimination in the workplace and workplace agreements. Employment Lawyers can advise you whether you are an employee or an employer.

Legal advice for employees

For employees, employment lawyers can help you with any type of task, such as negotiating your employment contract or redundancy settlement, negotiating on your behalf in grievance and disciplinary hearings, and representing you in employment related claims.

Legal advice for employers

For employers, having your employment policies and procedures looked over by a specialist employment lawyer is essential to ensure you are legally compliant. For every business, employment law compliance should be considered right from business set up. Whether it is a large or small business, employment law must be complied with equally.

Do you need help from a specialist employment lawyer? If so, then please complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Generally speaking, employment lawyers represent both employers and employees in the following areas:-

  • Unfair Dismissal
  • Constructive Dismissal
  • Equal opportunities and discrimination
  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Termination of employment
  • Compromise agreements
  • Redundancy
  • Employment tribunal claims
  • Employment Contracts
  • Restrictive Covenants

Unfair Dismissal

If you believe you have suffered an unfair dismissal and would like help from an employment lawyer, then please complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Unfair Dismissal - The Law pertaining to Unfair Dismissal

The following is a very brief outline of the law relating to unfair dismissal.

Were you dismissed from your employment for an unfair reason?

There are only 6 potentially fair reasons for terminating someone's employment. However, an employer will often allege that one of these reasons applies, when in fact the dismissal was unfair.

These potentially fair reasons are:-

a) Capability

If an employee does not have sufficient qualifications to do the job or if they are deemed to be incompetent, it may be fair to terminate their employment.

b) Conduct

Sometimes the employee's conduct gives the employer good reason to dismiss. This would include theft, fighting, abusive behaviour and other inappropriate conduct. In some circumstances, it may include misconduct.

c) Redundancy

If the employer's business (or part of it) has ceased to operate or has moved to a different place or if the needs of the business have changed, there may be a genuine redundancy situation. In such cases, it may be fair to terminate the employment.

d) Breaking the law

If it would be against the law to continue someone's employment, for example where a driver loses his licence, it may be fair to dismiss.

e) Retirement

If you have reached retirement age, your employer can dismiss you fairly as long as a fair procedure and the law is followed.

f) Any other substantial reason

This is very wide and covers a number of employment related reasons, not included above. These would include a business restructure, an employee's refusal to carry out legitimate work tasks.

Did the employer follow an unfair procedure?

Even if the termination of your employment was for a potentially fair reason, the dismissal may be unfair if the employer did not follow a fair procedure.

A fair procedure should, at the very least, include the following:-

  • The employer should carry out a reasonable investigation before making a decision;
  • The employer should arrange a disciplinary hearing at which the employee is given the opportunity to state their case;
  • The employee should be notified of the hearing and the reasons for the hearing in writing;
  • The employee should be given the right to bring a colleague to the hearing;
  • The employer should consider other lesser forms of discipline;
  • The employer should notify the employee in writing of the termination of employment and the reasons for it.
  • The employee should be notified of the right to appeal against the decision.


If you have been unfairly dismissed from your employment, you should be entitled to compensation. This is made up of a basic award and a compensatory award

The basic award is determined by your age and length of time you have been in employment. It is calculated in the same way as a redundancy payment.

The compensatory award is intended to compensate you for loss of employment, that is the financial loss resulting from the dismissal. This includes loss of wages up to the date of the Employment Tribunal hearing, as well as future losses.

In some cases, the Employment Tribunal may order the employer to re-instate you into your previous employment.

Very often, an employment dispute can be settled by way of a Workplace agreement.

If you believe that you have suffered an unfair dismissal then please complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Constructive Dismissal

If you are forced to resign because of the way your employer has treated you, you may be able to claim "Constructive Dismissal". If this applies to you, we recommend that you complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

What is constructive dismissal?

Constructive dismissal is the term used where you resign in response to your employer's breach of the employment contract. In this situation, your resignation is treated as a dismissal. You were effectively forced out of your employment by your employer’s conduct.

For a constructive dismissal claim to succeed, you may need to show that:

  • Your employer was in breach of the employment contract;
  • You resigned in response to that breach; and
  • You did now wait too long before resigning.
  • Your employer’s conduct must be sufficiently serious to amount to a significant breach of the employment contract.
  • The employer’s conduct may be a single serious incident or a series of less serious incidents.

Do I need to raise a grievance?

The law does not require you to raise a grievance but generally speaking, you should do so before bringing a claim for constructive dismissal. A failure to raise a grievance may mean that any compensation that you might subsequently be awarded could be reduced.

Even if you have already resigned, you should still raise a grievance before bringing an Employment claim.

Compensation for constructive dismissal

If you are successful in your constructive dismissal claim, the tribunal will usually order your former employer to pay you:-

  • A Basic Award (calculated by reference to how long you have been employedyou’re your weekly earnings); and
  • A Compensatory Award (calculated by reference to your lost earnings resulting from being out of work).

You should be aware that you are under an obligation to keep your losses to a minimum – for example, by looking for another job. If you find another job quickly, any compensation payable to you will be reduced by the amount of money you have earned during the period which would otherwise have been your notice period.

A Court may reduce compensation payable to you if it finds that you have not taken reasonable steps to seek alternative employment. This will depend upon a number of factors including your experience and the state of the job market in your line of work. The compensation will be reduced by an estimated amount, representing the income that you should have been able to earn during the notice period.

Complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.


What is redundancy?

A redundancy situation exists where:-

* an employer's business, or part of the business, has ceased to operate; and/or
* the business has moved to a different place; and/or
* the needs of the business for work of a particular type to be done has ceased or diminished.

Redundancy Procedures

Your employer must follow a set dismissal procedure before making a redundancy.

If you are at risk of redundancy, you are entitled to a written statement, explaining why you are being considered for redundancy. You should also have a meeting with your employer to discuss the proposed redundancy, as well as the opportunity to appeal.

Your employer must use selection criteria that are fair, objective and non-discriminatory. In some situations, you should also be considered for alternative employment within your employer's business.

If your employer does not follow the proper procedures, any dismissal will be an automatically unfair dismissal and you may be entitled to compensation.

Redundancy pay

If you are made redundant, you should be entitled to redundancy pay. The amount of a statutory redundancy payment depends on an number of factors including:-

  • how long you have been in employment; and
  • you age; and
  • your weekly pay.

If you would like help regarding redundancy please complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Even if you are satisfied that the redundancy is fair, your employer may want you to sign a workplace agreement to confirm your acceptance and your agreement not to bring a claim for unfair dismissal. You will need the advice of a qualified legal representative, such as an employment lawyer, for the workplace agreement to be valid.

If you need legal help regarding employment law, then complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


If you have experienced discrimination in your employment, complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Employment Lawyers can also provide legal advice on any of the types of discrimination listed below:

  • Sex discrimination
  • Pregnancy discrimination
  • Race discrimination
  • Disability discrimination
  • Religious discrimination
  • Age discrimination
  • Sexual Orientation discrimination

Generally speaking, if the discrimination led to your employment being terminated, you may be able to claim compensation, irrespective of how long you were employed.

If you need advice on discrimination, please complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Further Resources - Employment Law & Lawyers

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Employment Law - Discussion Forum

Employment Law - Discussion Forum

245 Posts
237 Topics
Last post in Nursing employment law
Jan 15 2013, 21:21 Last post



Employment Law & Lawyers News


Employment Discrimination, Unfair Dismissal Lawyers expertise includes:

  • Compromise agreements
  • Employment contracts
  • Workplace discrimination claims based on sex, age, race, religion or belief, disability or sexual orientation
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Redundancy
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Wrongful dismissal
  • Whistle-blowing
Legal Advice for Employees Affected by Job Cuts

The economic downturn, credit crunch and fears of recession have caused private sector companies to restructure and shed jobs. Now massive public sector cuts are expected to place thousands of public sector employees' jobs in jeopardy. If you believe you have been dismissed unfairly or that your employer discriminated against you or failed to protect your rights, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left.

Lawyers practising employment law frequently represent professional people, including employees of banks and other financial institutions. Lawyers practising employment law also represent employees of hospitals, schools and other public sector employers who have been dismissed or believe a dismissal is on the horizon. Lawyers practising employment law can  provide you with jargon-free advice and expertise, and help you navigate this complicated area of law towards the best possible outcome for you.

Redundancy Contracts

When you sign a compromise agreement or redundancy contract, you are giving up your right to pursue virtually any civil legal action against your employer in the future. In exchange for signing the agreement, your employer will award you a severance package, which will usually be monetary but can also include other items such as a favourable reference.

Before signing away your rights, you must seek the advice of a lawyer who is experienced in employment law matters.

Lawyers practising employment law are well-positioned to advise employees about the terms and conditions of workplace agreements because we also draft workplace agreements for employers.

Common Issues in Compromise Agreements

Compromise agreements are tailored to each individual situation, but may include:

The reason for termination: Any reason other than compulsory redundancy may affect certain insurance policies.

Arrangements prior to termination: These include the specific amounts of money you will be paid in salary, holiday leave, expenses, bonuses, commissions, etc.

Payment in lieu of notice: Lawyers practising employment law may be able to negotiate the duration of your notice period, but often this is stipulated in your employment contract.

Termination payment: Employment Lawyers may be able to negotiate the amount of this payment and can advise you on the tax implications involved.

References: How the employer responds to any future requests for references about you can be specified in the agreement.

Restrictive covenants and confidentiality: Employers may ask you to refrain from certain actions, such as poaching employees, disclosing confidential information or intellectual property, or soliciting the company's customers or vendors
The terms of a workplace agreement can affect your financial and professional future for years to come. Please do not sign an agreement without first seeking competent legal advice. In most cases, the fees are paid for by the employer.

Complete your free legal advice enquiry form on the left, to request help from a qualified and professional employment lawyer, or click here. Our online service is available 24 hours, 7 days.

Employment Law & Lawyers Updates

Latest News and alerts from the Australian Fair Work Ombudsman:

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Employment Law & Lawyers Links

Commonwealth Compensation and Employment Law Committee

Details on the work and focus of the Commonwealth Compensation and Employment Law Committee.

Equal Employment Opportunity [EEO] and Privacy Law

discrimination, victimisation, sexual harassment or harassment in employment and volunteer roles unlawful. Equal Opportunity laws oblige people not to commit ..

Employment - Law Institute of Victoria

LIV members and new to Careers in Law; Existing Careers in Law accounts (LIV members, .. Advice on giving employment, for lawyers and on attracting quality ..

A Brief Guide to the Contract of Employment

Employment law

is a strange mix. On the one hand you have very detailed legalistic contracts , much the same as any other type of contract. These are generally ..

Law Society Northern Territory - Senior Lawyer – Employment Law

If you have 5 years plus post admission experience in the area of employment law and industrial relations you can advance your career with Ward Keller.

Western Australian Bar Association - Workplace and Employment Law

Office of the Employment Advocate · Department of Employment and Workplace Relations .. Workplace Relations Law Project (AustLII) · Australian Industrial ..


Employment Law Centre of WA (ELC) Inc Board of Management through the Manager. Conditions. 4 hours per week until 31 March 2012. Centre office hours ..

Employment - The Law Society of Western Australia

Learn more about the opportunities offered with the Law Society of Western Australia. Plus, view the range of benefits our employees enjoy. There is currently ..

Blackstone Society - Employment Opportunities

Blackstone endeavours to provide opportunities for all of UWAs law students. As such, we will try our best to keep you up to date on current employment ..


Microsoft Powerpoint - The common law requirement that the Commission must not in its reception of evidence deny natural justice to any of the parties acts as a powerful control over ..

Employment Opportunities at the Law Society - Law Society of South ..

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Employment Opportunities - ACT Law Society

Legal Counsel (Employment Law Focus), 27/1/12, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (ref. 148/2011) ..

'Australian Charter of Employment Rights' edited by Mordy ..

The Australian Charter of Employment Rights is the collaborative effort of seventeen of Australia's leading IR practitioners, lawyers and economists, edited by ..

The Law Society of SA

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..


What are the Human Rights issues in Victoria relating to employment? Minimum age - Children under 15 are permitted to work in Victoria with a permit.

Employment - Women's Legal Services NSW


. Women's Legal Services NSW (WLS) is a community legal centre for disadvantaged women in NSW. We advise and represent women in a range ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Employment at LIV

Working at the LIV. Careers at the LIV are about growth, learning, satisfaction and excellence. We value our people because we know that they are what make ..

Newcastle Law Society - Employment


. Positions Wanted. Professional. Locum Employment (March 2011). I am a solicitor with 20 years of sole practice experience. During that time I ..

International law - The New South Wales Bar Association Library ..

Employment law

spacer pic. LawAccess NSW · WebLaw · Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW · Australian Human Rights Commission · Department of Education ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Home


at LIV · Working at the LIV .. Explore current issues in costs law. .. Choose a full day or half a day in essential skills or substantive law. Finish the ..

Industrial/Legal Services | CFMEU New South Wales

The Union's Industrial Legal Department is made up of qualified solicitors with expert knowledge and significant experience in industrial and employment law.

Law Institute of Victoria - Employment Opportunities

The Institute maintains an Employment Register for members. This is kept by the Institute to facilitate placement of members seeking employment with various ..

Legal Support | Timber Trade Industrial Association

TTIA has a qualified practising solicitor on staff to assist with the delivery of employment law services. Discussion of other legally related issues is also available ..

Human Resources: 10 things to know about employment award


firms across Australia now need to concern themselves with just one award, the Legal Services Award, as it is an industry award.


6 Job satisfaction and your employment rights. 9 Spoiled quitters or lucrative wonderkids? 12 Event photos. 14 Ballarat Young Lawyers charity trivia night ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Find a Lawyer and Legal Referral Service

Use the form below to search and select a law firm ... Immigration law - 49, Commercial law - 411, Criminal law - 323, Employment law - 214, Family law - 397 ..

Immigration Advice & Rights Centre Inc. - Employment and ..

By donating to IARC you are helping us to promote and protect the rights and dignity of disadvantaged refugees and migrants. You are also part of a movement ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Current Vacancies

4 days ago – Being an industry leader, the LIV offers excellent employment conditions and staff benefits, including flexibility, a strong commitment to work/life ..

Collaborative Law

Jump to ‎: Employment Law disputes ranging from employment termination to discrimination to disabilities issues present opportunities ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Maximising Employment Opportunities

Information for Law Students. Maximising your employment opportunities. If you limit the scope of your legal work experiences, articles or job applications, you ..

Admission and Practice in SA - The Law Society of South Australia

The academic requirement is a tertiary study of law in Australia completed over a .. the period of supervised employment following admission in South Australia.

Law Institute of Victoria - Accredited Specialists

LawInstituteVictoria Law Institute of Victoria .. Employment at LIV .. Choose an area (optional), Business Law - 103, Commercial Litigation - 61, Commercial ..

Governance - Council and Executive - The Law Society of South ..

Following his admission he commenced working in the field of workers' compensation law, and later in criminal law and later, industrial and employment law, ..

UK blacklisted worker loses case because not an employee ..

6 days ago – However, the court found that because Mr Smith was employed through an employment agency, UK employment law does not protect him (or ..

Submissions - The Law Council of Australia

To: Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committee. Sections: Federal Litigation Section. 16 May 2008: Review of the delivery of family law ..

Speakers Bureau - The Law Society of South Australia

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Executive Biographies - The Law Council of Australia

Now in his twenty-ninth year of practice, Mr Catanzariti is a commercial litigator who has specialised in workplace relations and employment law and has ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Employment & Workplace Relations

Results 1 - 8 of 34 – A Career in Law · Information for Law Students · Admission to Practice · Managing my Career · Employment · Advertise a Job · Advertise a ..

Locums - LawInstituteVictoria

Commercial Law, 13, 12, 11, 103. Conveyancing, 11, 7, 7, 65. Criminal Law, 13, 12, 6, 86. Debt Recovery, 7, 8, 8, 54. Employment Law, 4, 2, 4, 18. Entertainment ..

TTIA Staff | Timber Trade Industrial Association

Brian has a Masters degree in Commerce/Industrial Relations and extensive experience in employment law and human resource management. Brian has ..

Costs & Employment Law - Newcastle Law Society - Events Calendar

MCLE Seminar - Costs & Employment Law. 12-Aug-2011. This MCLE seminar is Sponsored by Bankwest A representative from Bankwest will make a short ..

Legal assistance | Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men's Health Centre ..


relationship law; Discrimination; Police charges and criminal matters; Victims of Crime Assistance; Intervention orders; Debt-related matters; Employment law ..

Blackstone Society - Employment

We seek a law student for a clerical position. Employment will be on a casual basis for approximately 8 hrs over 2 – 2.5 days per week, commencing October ..

Law Institute of Victoria - How to achieve a legal career

Everyone employed in the legal profession starts at a junior level, except graduates of Law Degree courses although they too must undergo training in the ..

Employment - The Law Society of Tasmania

Aurora Energy is a fully integrated Energy (retail, wholesale and generation) and Distribution (including Services) business, with complementary activities in ..

Industrial Law Committee

Details on the work and focus of the Industrial Law Committee. .. Commonwealth Compensation and Employment Law Committee · Federal Court Liaison ..

Careers centre - LawInstituteVictoria

20+ items – What is law all about - information for schools, TAFE and ..

Administrative law


Related to government planning, social security and other ..


Employment law



see labour law

Hardware Association of Queensland

Free telephone advice on employment law issues. For example: What is the correct pay rate for an employee? How much notice do you have to provide on ..

Ai Group Legal News

The changes to the Victorian criminal law came about as a result of the well-publicised. Brodie Panlock case in which three café employees were found to have ..

CEO Profile - Australian Mediation Association

Other dispute areas dealt with include; Environmental; Public Policy; Political, Criminal Law; Juvenile Justice; Indigenous Affairs; Employment Law; Industrial ..

Tom Anderson | Northern Territory Bar Association

Administrative and Public Law, Anti-discrimination, Appeals, Commercial Law, .. and Internet Law, Employment Law, Engineering and Construction Law, Equity, ..

Labour Law Speakers

Fiona is consistently recognised as a "Leading Individual" for Employment Law by Chambers Asia (most recently in the 2010 edition) and Asia Pacific Legal 500 ..

Wade Roper | Northern Territory Bar Association

Administrative and Public Law, Anti-discrimination, Appeals, Arbitration, Commercial Law, Company Law, Defamation Media and Internet Law, Employment Law ..

NSW Nurses' Association: About the NSWNA: Glossary of Terms

The contract of employment operates subject to common law, statute law and award or agreement provisions. A contract of employment can exist between an ..

Law Institute of Victoria - In Principles Series

Results 1 - 8 of 11 – Careers Centre · A Career in Law · Information for Law Students · Admission to Practice · Managing my Career · Employment · Advertise a Job ..

Legal Publishers

Canada Law Book has an extensive selection of legal materials in all areas of law and leading works in the areas of labour & employment, civil ..

At Work - Workplace Relations & Safety e'Newsletter November 2011

At Work provides you with timely, practical and meaningful updates on pertinent issues in the ever-changing landscape of employment law, ..

ACCI - Our People

His expertise is in employment; workplace relations; competition policy; workplace health, safety and compensation and constitutional and administrative law.

Welcome speech for new Federal Court Judge Mordy Bromberg SC

challenges that you face on this new journey. The Solicitor-General referred to the "Australian Charter of Employment. Rights". The 2007 book ..

Employment Law E–alert Victorian decision under the "chain of ..

Employment Law E–alert. Victorian decision under the "chain of responsibility" legislation. The campaign to reduce road transport accidents ..


The "territories power" enables the making of employment laws in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. Because Victoria has referred most ..

Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning. Volunteer Process Considerations. Prior to employment. Prior to employment Checklist. Legal definition of employment. Employment Law ..

Hot Topics in Commonwealth Compensation - The Law Council of ..

The Commonwealth Compensation and Employment Law Committee will be hosting a seminar session on 30 April 2010 at the offices of DLA Phillips Fox, ..

Advertise a Traineeship - LawInstituteVictoria

Employing a law graduate can be a beneficial recruitment strategy for your firm. Using the LIV Graduate Employment Registry allows you to attract the right law ..

Workplace Relations 'At Work' e'Newsletter

At Work provides you with timely, practical and meaningful updates on pertinent issues in the ever-changing landscape of employment law and ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Practice Sections

Supports solicitors practising in the areas of industrial relations and employment law, equal opportunity and discrimination law, occupational health and safety.

Courts/Commissions and Tribunals (State) - The Law Society of ..

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

What the HSU does

Employment law

and regulation is skewed very much in favour of employers, anyone who has been through this particular process can tell you that! That is why ..

Events - Hardware Association of Queensland

Click here to view the Employment Law Events Calendar for February - May 2012 .. REGISTER: Contact our Employment Law Division by Email: This e-mail ..

CPD PLANNER - The Law Society of Western Australia

The symposium will cover a number of areas pertinent to those involved in employment law including appearing before the Industrial Relations Tribunal, ..

Fair Work Information Statement

A maximum standard working week of 38 hours for full-time employees, plus .. The law not only provides you with rights, it ensures you can enforce them.

NSW Nurses' Association: News: Social Networking: Be Careful

The law has been unable yet to develop a consistent approach to what is and is not inappropriate conduct by employers and employees in ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Nutshell Series

Results 1 - 8 of 20 – A Career in Law · Information for Law Students · Admission to Practice · Managing my Career · Employment · Advertise a Job · Advertise a ..

Harris Gómez Group Business & Law Journal

EMPLOYMENT LAW internationally renowned audit firm stating that the technical assistance has been provided by the foreign company. Peruvian Income Tax ..

Compensation Sydney 2.indd - The Law Council of Australia

Compensation and Employment Law Committee .. The Commonwealth Compensation and Employment. Law Committee will be hosting a seminar on 11 ..

L S Topfer - The Law Society of Tasmania

Civil litigation – particularly personal injury claims; Motor vehicle accidents; Medical negligence; Workers compensation; Insurance and employment law.

Advanced Search - LawInstituteVictoria

LawInstituteVictoria Law Institute of Victoria .. Any Employment Type. .. practice, Boutique law firm, Specialists law firm, In-house counsel, Community legal firm ..

Government Departments and Agencies (State) - The Law Society of ..

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

The Law Society of Western Australia - Lawyer of the Year Award ..

Toni Emmanuel is the principal solicitor working at the Employment Law Centre of WA in Inglewood, having joined the agency in 2006 from ..

Disaster Relief Assistance - Law Society of South Australia

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Areas of Law

Corporation law. Governing the law of corporations whether as a business, virtual or fictitious persons. Employment law. [see labour law]. Energy and resources ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Work and Employment Relations: An Era of ..

With significant regulatory, social and economic change occurring in Australia and in other countries, a new agenda for employment relations is needed.

Legislation (State and Federal) - The Law Society of South Australia

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Online Media and News Services - The Law Society of South Australia

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Sponsorship Opportunities - The Law Society of South Australia

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Practical Legal Training with The Law Society of SA

The Law Society of South Australia offers a Practical Legal Training (PLT) program in .. Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Professional Standards - Law Society of South Australia


on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 .. The Professional Standards section of the Law Society has several ..

Careers in the Law

Home; About the Law Society .. Benefits of Membership; Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks ..

Law Institute of Victoria - inReference

Sappideen, Carolyn et al, Macken's Law of Employment (7th edn), Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia, 2011 (Location: REF KN 192 M 2 7) ..

Specialist Law Clerk Committee - The Law Society of South Australia


clerks can be employed in any organisation that provides legal advice (e.g. private legal firms, Federal and State government bodies ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Mediators

A Career in Law · Information for Law Students · Admission to Practice · Managing my Career · Employment · Advertise a Job · Advertise a Graduate Role · Job ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Legal Executives

Where members are employed? .. The Institutes are separate organisations from the Law Institute of Victoria, but work with the Law Institute on matters of mutual ..

Membership - Master Grocers Australia

Industrial Relations and Employment Law Management; Occupational Health .. Advice and service in all aspects of Industrial Relations, Employment Law, HR, ..

Courts/Commissions and Tribunals (Federal) - The Law Society of ..

Home; About the Law Society .. Bulletin On-line; CAREER - Members on the Move; Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 ..

Awards - The Law Society of Western Australia

Breony Allen, State Solicitor's Office (less than 5); 2009 - Steven Penglis, Freehills (5+) Toni Emmanuel, Employment Law Centre of WA (less than 5) Find out ..

Western Australian Bar Association - Brian Lauri

I studied Arts and Law at the University of Western Australia . In 1981 .. Criminal Law; Defamation; Disciplinary Tribunals; Employment Law; Environment; Equity ..

Law Claims - Law Society of South Australia


Careers and Employment Information; Clerks Private Sector Award 2010; Committee .. The Scheme is administered by the Law Claims section of the Society.

Law Society Northern Territory

Law Society Northern Territory. .. Senior Lawyer – Employment Law · Language__the_Law_Hot_Link_Button .. AUSTRAC regulation of law practices ..

Interaction Between the Law Society and Other Regulatory Bodies

Jump to ‎: Application are handled by LPCB and heard by the Tribunal. Professional ..

Western Australian Bar Association - Ian Weldon

Administrative & Constitutional; Commercial Law; Competition Law; Conflict of .. Disciplinary Tribunals; Discrimination Law; Employment Law; Environment ..

Employment Opportunities - Country Lawyers - Legal Aid

The Country Lawyers Graduate Program is a joint initiative between the Law Society of Western Australia, Legal Aid WA, Community Legal ..

Employment Law Forum 2011 - Australian Government Solicitor

and our lawyers have had critical input into all of the recent employment and workplace relations law reforms, as well as advising a large ..

Employment Opportunities - Department of the Attorney General

The State Solicitor's Office offers outstanding employment opportunities for talented people interested in a legal career at lawyer level or as a member of valued ..

Employment Opportunities - Employment Opportunities - Legal Aid

Our staff of approximately 350 people includes over 130 lawyers. .. WA and helpful information about how to apply for employment at Legal Aid ..

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Employment Law Resources

The Government's employment law website. Includes text of awards, agreements etc; Gadens Lawyers (Law firm) Select "Publications" to access its Workplace ..

Careers @ AGS - Current vacancies - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS recruits skilled applicants such as experienced lawyers, recent law .. See Working with us for details on our working environment and employment ..

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Employment

Jump to ‎: Title: Australian employment law guide. About: Covers .. Title: Employment, Vol 3, Lawyers practice manual, NSW. About ..

Employment Law Practice Group - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink ..

The Employment Law team is uniquely placed to provide independent and authoritative services to the NSW Government in the area of public ..

Quality Part-Time Work for Lawyers

Working part-time as a lawyer. Many law firms do have part-time work policies. However, they also have high attrition rates, very long hours of work and many ..

Community Info - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW


and Employment; Law and Families; Laws and Legislation; Law and Marriage; Law and Senior Citizens; Law and Young People; Lawyers ..

Industrial relations - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Child employment in the entertainment industry · Child employment other than in .. Queensland Government employees ..

Common Questions - South Australian Attorney-General's Department

The Crown Solicitor's Office is the South Australian Government's legal service. .. For example, it's work ranges from constitutional law, native title, employment ..

Your Career with the Attorney General's Department of NSW

employment for law students for three to 12 months, on a full-time or part-time basis. About Us. The Attorney General's. Department of NSW works towards a just ..

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Termination of employment

Jump to ‎: Title: Australian employment law guide. About: Covers .. Title: Employment, Vol 3, Lawyers practice manual, NSW. About ..

Hayley Petrony | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Hayley came to the VGSO in 2010 from Tresscox Lawyers, where she rose from .. Hayley has published extensively on employment law matters and frequently ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Services

About the Office | Common Questions | Contact the Office | Employment .. The Crown Solicitor's Office acts for SA Government only and does not have any ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

'The lawyers who will work on the service are fully qualified and can .. AGS provided a range of corporate, employment and property law ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Employment

South Australian Attorney-General's Department .. Australian Law Students Association www.alsa.asn.au; Law Council of Australia .. Public Sector Employment ..

Update on Legal Professional Privilege | Victorian Government ..

Jump to ‎: The Victorian Government Solicitor's Office .. service body and employees in it 3.

Seminars - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW

Wednesday 18 July 2012, CSO Employment Law Practice Group .. Alison Merridew, CSO Solicitor presented a paper on ex gratia payments in NSW and ..

Law forums - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Annual Law Forums .. AGS has been advising on public sector employment law and workplace relations matters for ..

Work - Legal Aid Queensland

Going to court & getting a lawyer .. Special child employment laws apply to all children and young people under 18. These laws aim to: ..

Katherine Francis | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Katherine Francis. Solicitor. LLB, BA. work+ 613 8684 0266. katherine.francis@vgso.vic.gov.au. Areas of law: Equal Opportunity / Discrimination; Employment ..

Unfair Dismissals - Frequently Asked Questions - Industrial ..


should check their award by telephoning: .. The Registry cannot give names of lawyers, however the Law Society of NSW may be ..

Report: Inquiry into Access to Justice

EMMANUEL, Ms Toni, Principal Solicitor. Employment Law Centre of WA. FOX, Ms Dorothy, Board Member. North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency ..


corresponding law (LPA s.1.2.2(a)). Thus, all lawyers employed by government and public authorities who have been admitted to practice are subject to the ..

Careers at ACTGS | ACT Government Solicitor


Employment Opportunities - Graduate Program - Legal Aid

Please also see details of our new Country Lawyers Graduate Program. .. Graduate Program will secure you a three year employment contract.

What law applies?

Employment law

in Australia is regulated by State Governments and the Commonwealth Government. The commonwealth government has ..

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department

About the Department. About the Attorney-General's Department · Ministers · Employment · Contact us · Tenders and contracts · Service charter ..

Job opportunities - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law ... You will be employed on a temporary contract working up to 21 ¾ hours per ..

Human Rights: Discrimination in Employmeny on Basis of Criminal ..

Discrimination in Employment on the Basis of Criminal Record .. equal opportunity in employment; it may report to the Attorney-General about laws that should ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia

Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F. ACCIDENTS ... Complaints against lawyers ... EMPLOYMENT LAWS & CONTACTS · EMPLOYEES AND CONTRACTORS ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy


in Indonesia are admitted to practice in the courts of a particular province. .. Specialising in: Commercial, Civil, Criminal Laws; Labour Disputes and ..

Limitations of legal professional privilege to communications of in ..

the Australian Defence Force (ADF), or employed in the Department of Defence, to .. The Defence Legal Office comprised lawyers, generically referred to as ..

Employment - Attorney-General's Department


with the Australian Government Attorney-General's .. family law and legal assistance, criminal justice, law enforcement, crime ..

Leaving a job - Legal Aid Queensland

Queensland Law Society can refer you to a private solicitor who can advise employees, employers, and contractors on employment and ..

Understanding Legal Professional Privilege | Victorian Government ..

To attract privilege, communications must be made in a lawyer's capacity as a .. difficult for in-house lawyers to prove due to the nature of their employment.

ATTACHMENT 1 - Areas of Practice

Solicitor's Office giving prospective employees the opportunity to specialise in a .. CE's and agencies on administrative and constitutional law, employment law, ..

Senior Executive Lawyer - APSjobs - View SES Notice

Job Title: Senior Executive Lawyer. Division: Office of General Counsel. Branch: Office of General Counsel. Section: Employment Law ..

Professional Standards Board - Patent Attorney Registration

have been employed in such a position for at least 2 continuous years or a total .. law and practice that is required for a person to practice as a patent attorney, ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Services - Crown ..

The Crown Solicitor's Office is responsible to the Attorney-General for the provision .. a large body of specialist knowledge in public law, public revenue, public risk and liability, .. Employment (inc workers compensation), $274/hour, $282/hour ..

Legal Advice & Representation - Industrial Relations Commission ..

The NSW Law Society provides a Solicitor Referral Service which .. and Torres Strait Islanders on industrial laws and employment issues.

Catherine Dixon | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

She spent several years working as a discrimination and employment lawyer in private practice. She enjoys writing and film and co-wrote the SBS Television ..

find LEGAL answers [Lawyers practice manual NSW.. ]

Description: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, .. wills and estates, administrative law, immigration law, employment, ..


you enter before 8.30am). W A L L M A N S. L A W Y E R S. Local Government. Employment Law. Masterclass. The objective of the Masterclass is to outline and ..

Comlaw Home

New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant community .. Education, Employment and Workplace Relations · Prime Minister and Cabinet .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) This ..

Employment Opportunities - Indigenous Law Student Program

Legal Aid WA has established a Law Student Program specifically aimed at .. Students work along side lawyers to develop their legal skills and ..

Legal briefing - Australian Government Solicitor

by R Chua - Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government ... the common law regarding inventions in the course of employment in. Australia, with ..

Law Handbook - Legal Services Commission of South Australia ..

Search the Law Handbook. Looking for something specific? Use the search below: eg. fences power of attorney divorce property settlement. ACCIDENTS AND ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Government practitioners

Accordingly, if you are a "government lawyer" employed by the Crown or a .. Although not required to, a government lawyer may choose to ..

Catherine Roberts | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Catherine is an Acting Managing Principal Solicitor leading a team of lawyers .. Catherine commenced her legal career in the Employment practice at Blake .. relations laws, as well as the workings of government and key stakeholders.

Home | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Welcome to the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office .. an excellent opportunity to work across a broad range of issues and experience unique areas of law.

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Employment contracts

Jump to ‎: Title: Australian employment law guide. About: Covers recruitment, contracts, discrimination, equal opportunity, awards, pay ..

Use of legal services - Australian Public Service Commission

Reporting: Agencies are to report to the Attorney-General or OLSC on significant .. Employees: Legal assistance may be provided to employees in specified ..

Australian Labour Law Association Paper

Australian Labour Law Association Paper. 'Reflections from Queens Square'. Paper delivered at the ALLA conference on Monday 5 December ..

Indigenous Traineeship Program | Victorian Government Solicitor's ..

Trainee Lawyers also receive training through the College of Law and Leo .. Human Resources, a senior lawyer and a member of the Koori Employment Team.

Areas of law EMPLOYMENT AND .. - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS has a strong background in handling matters related to public sector employment law and workplace relations. Over many years, we have contributed to ..

Your Career with the Department of Attorney General and Justice ..

Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. Law Clerkships: Clerkships provide temporary employment for law students for three to ..

Monika Pekevska | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. Lawyers, where she specialised in banking and general commercial litigation, as well as employment law.

Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information service


Market Information .. Lawyers are described as solicitors or barristers, depending on the work they do. .. A judge presides over civil and criminal proceedings in courts of law, making sure that trials are run fairly, according to the rules ..

Unfair dismissal | Fair Work Australia

Overview of the unfair dismissal laws; Making an unfair dismissal remedy .. A small business is a business that employs fewer than 15 employees. ... In certain circumstances, FWA may also make a costs order against a lawyer or paid agent ..


- A lawyer's duty to the Court and the Law stands over and above any .. [4] Of the 99696 persons employed, 4514 persons were employed as ..

Senior Solicitor Inquiries Group, Crown Solicitor's Office - JobsNSW

The Crown Solicitor's Office provides legal services to the State Government of .. law, employment law, commercial property and litigation, community law and of ..

Western Australia Department of the Attorney General


Compass Home Page " type="text/css"/> " alt="Department of the Attorney General" border="0" align="middle"/> " alt="Go To" border="0" align="middle"/> " alt="Search" border="0" .. spacer Career Compass (Employment Opportunities) ..

Hiring a Lawyer

Many lawyers specialise in particular areas of business and commercial law, so .. employment law, commercial leasing or insolvency and bankruptcy. Ask about ..

Breakfast seminar for lawyers - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink ..

Breakfast seminar for lawyers .. law relating to discrimination and harassment, OH&S, employment law and management of a legal practice.

About Us - NSW Government

debt and credit; family law; neighbourhood disputes; fines and traffic offences; employment law; criminal .. and general information about the law and you. .. We have Lawyers who can give legal advice over the telephone.

A guide to Australia's anti-discrimination laws

Commonwealth body or agency; employment and occupation. .. the Commission prepares a report to the federal Attorney-General who then ..

Fair Trading : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Skip to primary navigation | Skip to secondary navigation | Skip to content | Skip to footer |. Problems viewing this site · Home | Justice and Attorney-General ..

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Awards

Online; Lawyers' Tools .. Find out about the National Employment Standards which cover all NSW .. Title: Australian employment law guide ..

Public Hearing - Inquiry into Unfair Dismissal Laws

by P House - 2005NSW Young Lawyers. Ms Kelly Godfrey, Chair, NSW Young Lawyers Employment &. Industrial Law Committee. Ms Megan Foster, Committee ..

Australian Law Graduates' Career Destinations

by S Vignaendra - 1998 - - Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, the Law. Foundation of New South Wales' ... The Corporate Lawyer. 110. The High Income ..

Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia

If you are researching law for the first time, you may find it worthwhile reading an overview of Australia's Legal System. .. Foolkit: a lawyer's toolkit - State specific legal portal containing full text information on courts, ... Jobs at the Library ..

Client legal privilege | ALRC

14.43 At common law, legal professional privilege (now characterised as client .... the question whether the relationship between the employed solicitor and his ..

Harassment and sexual harassment - Anti-Discrimination Board ..

What does the law say about sexual harrassment? .. because of carer's responsibilities, which is only against the law in employment. .. banks, lawyers, government departments, police, public transport, local councils, doctors, ..

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions - Department of Justice ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. decision to prosecute or not must be based upon the evidence, the law and the Director's Guidelines.

Glossary - Law Handbook

The standard of proof (q.v.) required in civil law (q.v.) cases, i.e. it is more probable ... In a solicitor's bill, a disbursement may include payments made on lodging ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services and ..

30+ items – Home > Law and public safety > Legal services and instruments ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial ..


Bishops barristers and solicitors



firm offering a range of services with ..


2011 lawyers - Australian Embassy

- All the lawyers listed below have jurisdiction throughout France and may practice .. English speaking law firm dealing with Employment & commercial litigation ..

Stan Winford | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Stan then returned to FLS where he was employed as Solicitor Advocate in criminal, civil, family and employment law matters. He held a number of interesting ..

Speech by ABC Commissioner Leigh Johns at Biennial Australian ..

I also start by thanking the Australian Labour Law Association for extending to me the honour of being the Keynote speaker at this conference.

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Workers compensation

About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, including .. wills and estates, administrative law, immigration law, employment, ..

Collaborative Practice in Family Law - Attorney-General's Department

Collaborative Law Center maintains three separate lists––for collaborative lawyers with specialist experience in family law, medical law and employment law.

find LEGAL answers - Employment - Discrimination - Employment

Jump to ‎: Title: Australian employment law guide. About: Covers recruitment, contracts, discrimination, equal opportunity, awards, pay ..

Home - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Site header. Queensland Government · Justice Gateway · Site map · Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Employment and workplace relations

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. By lawyer's name .. background in handling matters related to public sector employment law and workplace relations.

Employment Opportunities - How to apply - Legal Aid

Our legal practice focuses mainly on criminal and family law; We are .. When we short list we are looking for future lawyers who take care in ..

Submission on the Single Trans-Tasman Regulatory Framework for ..

All lawyer employees are employed by A] Park Law. Some patent attorneys in the course of their employment with A] Park Patent. Attorneys provide services to ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General 2010-2011 Annual Report

practice, including workplace and employment law before being appointed as Deputy. Crown Solicitor for the Environment, Resources and Dispute Resolution ..

Women in the legal profession : theory and research

among women law school faculties) about the difference women's entry will make to the practice and organisation of legal work. In contrast, research on ..

Pro bono - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS provides the leading pro bono practice amongst government lawyers .. such as commercial and employment law; full or part-time secondments to pro bono ..

Legal Officer | Defence Jobs


Location. A unique opportunity for lawyers to broaden their experience in the areas of international and operations law, administrative, discipline ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

26, Employment Law Centre of WA (PDF 44KB). 27, Australian Lawyers Alliance (PDF 319KB). 28, NSW Young Lawyers Human Rights Committee (PDF 129KB) ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..

The department has a focus on employment growth through the key economic drivers of mining .. Working for Queensland - Jobs Expos .. Laws and regulations ..

Articles of Clerkship - Department of the Attorney General

Please refer to the State Solicitor's Office employment opportunities web page for .. Much time is spent researching points of law relating to the execution of ..

Employment Opportunities - InfoLine employment .. - Legal Aid

InfoLine employment opportunities .. providing legal information about areas of law relevant to their enquiry; assisting callers further with their ..

Anna Clarke | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Anna was admitted in 2009 and joins the VGSO from Henderson & Ball Lawyers. There, she worked in Commercial Litigation, Employment Law, Debt Recovery, ..

Legal Practice Briefing No 30 - Australian Government Solicitor

The Legal Practice's Public Sector Employment Law Network comprises lawyers who specialise in employment and industrial law in the ..

Southern Grampians Shire Council - Legal Services

Maddens Lawyers, regional Victoria's leading law firm, has offices in .. and Personal Injuries, Employment Law, Family Law, conveyancing, ..

Foreign lawyers and the practise of foreign law in Australia

legal practitioners but such employment does not allow the foreign lawyer to practise. Australian law in Australia. In addition, the Australian legal practitioners so ..

Australian Law Graduates' Career Destinations

by S Vignaendra - 1998 - - Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, the Law. Foundation of New South Wales' ... The Corporate Lawyer. 110. The High Income ..

Home - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Site header. Queensland Government · Justice Gateway · Site map · Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General ..

Submission - Inquiry into Legal Aid and Access to Justice

- People with disabilities often are unable to physically access the legal offices. · While there are some excellent, experienced solicitors employed, most Legal Aid ..

Nick Cheok | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Senior Solicitor. LLB (Hons), B.Ec, LLM (Commercial Law). work+ 61 3 9947 1407. nick.cheok@vgso.vic.gov.au. Areas of law: Commercial; IP & Technology ..


WOMEN LAWYERS' ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES .. case that lawyers have worked in government departments, or as employees ..


list from information publicly available regarding lawyers practising in .. Specialities: Banking, Intellectual Property, Employment, PRC Law, Litigation & Dispute ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - How law constructs gender and ..

Many lawyers still believe that law is an objective science. .. even women who did paid work at home were not treated like other workers under employment law.

Lawyers 2010-11

This ruling provides information on tax deductions specifically for solicitors, articled clerks, law clerks and other paralegals who are employees ..

Law — Research - eResources - State Library of New South Wales

Updated regularly. Access note: Available via Thomson Reuters. Employment Law Guide. Covers employment law in Australia. Published by ..

Senior Lawyers and Lawyers (several positions) (expected ..

Salary: $65000 - $130000. Location: Barton ACT | ACT. Agency Classification: Senior Lawyer. Agency Employment Act: Judiciary Act 1903 ..

Disability Council of NSW: public inquiry into the area of people with ..

The great achievement of having attained their degrees are muted by the fact that to take the next step to become a practicing lawyer and fully employed is ..

Index to awards and contract determinations - Industrial Relations ..

4 days ago – 1405, Crown Employees (Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust Division) Salaries Award. 232, Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor's ..

Solicitors - Job Outlook


provide legal advice, prepare and draft legal documents, and conduct negotiations on behalf of clients on matters associated with the law. The links below .. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. GPO Box ..

Work for us - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. ... While our primary focus is law, our employment options include: ..

Announcement of the new NSW Premier's Expert Advisory Council ..

Susan Price is an employment lawyer with particular expertise in issues of discrimination and sexual harassment. Susan is currently an ..

Report: Inquiry into Access to Justice

Employment Law Centre of WA. 27. Australian Lawyers Alliance. 28. NSW Young Lawyers Human Rights Committee. 29. Australian Network of Environmental ..

Northern Territory Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information ..


Opportunities. Solicitors may work in private legal practices, either on their own or in a partnership. They may also work in state, territory or federal ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Frequently asked questions

Foreign lawyers may be able to practise the law of their home .. changed your name; changed jobs; changed your address for service ..

Michelle Jenkins | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Employment Law

; Litigation & Dispute resolution. Currently on full-time secondment. Michelle completed her articles at Bazzani Brand Lawyers, where she ..

Law Clerk - myfuture: Australia's career information service


Market Information .. Law clerks perform a variety of legal tasks under the supervision of solicitors, .. Law clerks may perform the following tasks: ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW


Regulation in Australia .. Civil litigation; Commercial and corporate; Consumer law; Criminal law; Employment and industrial relations ..

New appointment to Magistrates' Court of Victoria - Premier of Victoria

Mr. Ginnane was an inaugural and past Committee Member of the Industrial Bar Association and past member of the Australian Labour Law ..

TR 95/9 - Income tax: employee lawyers - allowances ..

This Ruling applies to employee lawyers. For the purposes of this Ruling, an employee lawyer is a person who is employed as a solicitor, articled clerk, law clerk ..

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - International Legal Services Advisory Council

employees or agents for any errors or omissions in this Profile. Neither .... lawyers, private practice or the Law Faculty at the University of Papua New Guinea.

A N N U A L R E P O R T L E G A L A I D - Legal Aid

Lawyer service, Legal Advice appointments and other forms .. of lawyers available to do legal aid work. ... employment law problems, contract and debt ..

Federal Court of Australia - information for litigants


. spacer arrow National, spacer arrow Australian Capital Territory .. business names and structures, defamation, insurance and employment. .. Communications Law Centre The Communications Law Centre (CLC) is ..

Report on the review of the Attorney-General's legal practice - March ..

the Legal Practice - 46%;; in-house lawyers - 33%;; private law firms .. the Attorney-General's portfolio outside the general public employment ..

Goods and Services - Legal

Contract ID, Details. 2791/0086-0012, Panel Legal Contract - McCabe Terrill Lawyers .. 2791/0086D, Provision of Legal Services (Employment Law & OHS) ..

Family law

The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law through the Family Law Branch and Family Pathways Branch. These branches ..

Judges' Speeches

But the lawyer may be in a position to give admissible evidence .. the role of an employed legal counsel as a lawyer advising in-house and his ..

Applying for legal aid - Additional information when applying for ..

To assist you, we suggest that you print out and complete the Criminal Law additional .. the lawyers view as to risk of imprisonment, detention or being placed on ... Reasons why you want to relocate (family, employment); history of lives ..

Glossary - Law Handbook

The standard of proof (q.v.) required in civil law (q.v.) cases, i.e. it is more probable ... In a solicitor's bill, a disbursement may include payments made on lodging ..

Small Business NSW - Legal

There is also access to legislation and a directory of lawyers, listed by their .. Commercial Tenancies, Financial Matters, Employment Law, Family Law and Wills ..

Paralegals - in the community's interest?

experience, who is employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, governmental agency or other entity in a capacity or function which involves the performance, ..

Principal Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Lead a team of lawyers to deliver high quality, timely and effective legal services to the .. and Environment Court, including briefing Crown Law and the private Bar where required. .. You can search for jobs using any of the fields below.

2 - - MENTAL HEALTH LAW CENTRE WA ABN 40 306 626 287 Our ..

- Above this number, an additional 4.5% outside of the total employed legal workforce .... Indeed Legal Aid WA no longer has a dedicated mental health lawyer.

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - leading government lawyers

AGS's Glenn Owbridge was announced Government Lawyer of the Year in the Australian Corporate Lawyers Association (ACLA) Australian .. migrated into AGS, including the CDPP employees before the CDPP split.

State Solicitor's Office

Widely recognised as a leading law office, the State Solicitor's Office is also the longest standing legal office in Perth having been established ..

Law and justice

Index Page to Australian government law sites, including courts and tribunals, legislation, case law and commonwealth, state and territory Attorneys-General ..

Personal Injury - Issue 51 - Top Topics - LIAC - find LEGAL answers

that arise out of or in the course of employment, which are dealt with under workers' ... The Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association (APLA) – now known as the ..


In view of the number of attorneys currently registered in .. law and practice will be required in this Australian curriculum. .. 2.3 Employment experience ..

Mr Robin Shreeve Chief Executive Officer Skills Australia GPO Box ..

8. Law Council Initiatives .................................................................... 9. Foreign Lawyers Wishing to Obtain Legal Work in Australia .

Suitability to hold a Practising Certificate - Legal Services Board

your employer is not an Australian legal practitioner, Australian-registered foreign lawyer or law practice. This might apply, for example, if you are employed as ..


- I, Rebecca Anne Boreham, lawyer, of .. 2 I commenced employment as a lawyer at the Murray Mallee Community Legal Service (MMCLS) in Mildura 2004, after ..

Hiring a Lawyer

While many business owners assume that lawyers are only necessary in times of .. Our Vision and Mission · Employment Opportunities · Strategic Partnerships ... your legal issue it's crucial that you engage the right lawyer, which is one who: ..

Free legal services on offer to flood victims - Ministerial Media ..


-General and Minister for Industrial Relations .. tenancy agreements, employment, credit, debt, fencing and family law," Mr Dick said.

Checklist of questions to ask your lawyer

Questions you should ask when choosing a lawyer .. check legal contracts between suppliers and distributors. ∎ maintain .. drawing up employment contracts ..

1 ORGANISATION NAME: Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel ..

OCPC lawyers draft legislation across the full .. The Office does not offer ongoing graduate employment to students. Vacation Employment for Law Students ..

23 June 2010 The Taskforce National Legal Profession Reform c/o ..

Rich Text Format - The Australian Corporate Lawyers Association ("ACLA") is pleased to submit its .. employment relationship that may exist between the in-house lawyer and the ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

Baggiolegal - Lawyer- Adelaide, South Australia View details .. We specialise in litigation and dispute resolution, particularly in employment and personal injury ..

Recovering unpaid wages

were employed under a NSW award, then NSW industrial relations laws continue to .. accountant or lawyer may be able to provide assistance and advice.

Legal Officer | Defence Jobs


Location. A unique opportunity for barristers and solicitors to broaden their experience in the areas of Civil, Administrative and International Law ..

Scanned Document

The Austratian Lawyers Ailiance -- formerly the Austraiian Piaintift Lawyers Association .. unique position to offer a view on sub~contracting and labour hire ..

Community Legal Services Program - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a .. to family law, violence against women, discrimination and employment.

Areas of expertise - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. employment, industrial law, discrimination, workplace relations, right to information, judicial review, ..

16 June 2010 Hon John Rau LLB MP Attorney General DX336 ..

improper pressure upon their employed lawyers. See discussion of section 179(4) Legal Profession Bill 2007below. (4). The National Law in ..

The Industrial Relations Commission's Power of Private Arbitration ..

[1] Thank you for the honour of inviting me to speak at the first Annual General meeting of the Australian Labour Law Association. It is a great pleasure to be here ..

Government Solicitors Conference and Dinner Attorney General ..

lawyer. One recent session was on "Preparing Legislation and Instructing .. an employment contract can turn into a case about discrimination.

Employment Opportunities - Vacation Clerkships - Legal Aid

Advertised Vacancies · Graduate Program · Country Lawyers · Vacation Clerkships · InfoLine employment opportunities · Indigenous Law ..

Recognition for in-house legal team allows Agency to prosecute its ..

Recognition for in-house legal team allows Agency to prosecute its own .. employment regulator a 12-month approval to use in-house lawyers ..

Appointment of Senior Counsel


managing the Commission's criminal practice, overseeing 32 lawyers. .. bankruptcy, family law, worker's compensation and employment law.

While you are working - Legal Aid Queensland

Queensland Law Society can refer you to a private solicitor who can advise employees, employers, and contractors on employment and ..

Make a complaint : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Appoint a real estate agent · Appoint a solicitor · Before you sell · Sell .. of other traders who are breaking the law; about the safety of products.

Principal lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

As principal lawyer, you will lead a busy team of legal and administrative staff to provide .. and civil cases, including duty lawyer services in the criminal and family law courts and prisons. .. You can search for jobs using any of the fields below.

Western Australia Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information ..

To become a lawyer you usually have to complete a law degree at university. To get .. Barristers are self-employed but normally practise in chambers with other ..

Current Vacancies - Department of the Attorney General

Information for prospective employees on currently available employment positions in the State Solicitor's Office. ..Law clerk and paralegal roles are advertised on the Department of the Attorney General's Career Compass ..

Our pro bono work - North Melbourne Legal Service | Victorian ..

Since 2006, the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office has seconded a solicitor to the North Melbourne Legal Service, a community legal centre for those who ..

Our policies - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Queensland Government continues to support employment security as a priority .. A decision to prosecute or not must be based upon the evidence, the law and ..

Guidelines for Outsourcing Government Legal Work

- The Attorney-General's Department is acknowledged as the central legal ... to complete the legal work in question, agencies are referred to the separate ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..

The department has a focus on employment growth through the key economic drivers of mining .. Working for Queensland - Jobs Expos .. Laws and regulations ..

Legal Professional Privilege

Legal professional privilege is a rule of law that protects the confidentiality of .. lawyers (including communications through employees or agents) and third ..

Attorney-General (Victoria Online)

The Attorney-General's Department provides expert support to the Government in the maintenance and improvement of Australia's system of law and justice, ..

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

The NSW Young Lawyers' Pro Bono and Community Services Taskforce ... Anti-Discrimination laws; Discrimination in employment; Rental ..

International Society of Labour and Social Security Law

Professor Ron McCallum AO, President of the Australian Labour Law Association;; Alan Madden;; Justice Roger Boland, President of NSW ..

Law - myfuture: Australia's career information service

NSW Young Lawyers Careers Information. NSW Young Lawyers pages offering advice on career opportunities and employment conditions for law graduates.

Legal Profession Act 2006

Show-cause procedure for removal of lawyer's name from local roll following foreign .. employees of incorporated legal practices. 93. 111 ..

annual report - Australian Government Solicitor

and through them supporting the Attorney-General as First Law Officer and the .. and Torres Strait Islander people, employment and workplace relations law, ..

Without Prejudice Issue 37 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink ..

His death prompted much discussion in the media about lawyers and .. the pressures of hourly billing, law firms are now asking more of their employees as firms ..

Lao - International Legal Services Advisory Council

- Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm names. Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Malaysia - International Legal ..

- Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm name. Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice ..

find LEGAL answers - Human Rights - Discrimination

Jump to ‎: Title: Discrimination and human rights, Vol 3, Lawyers .. wills and estates, administrative law, immigration law, employment, ..

Lawlink NSW: 4. Developments in Case Law Since ALRC 38

The protection of the respective Attorneys-General, as the first Law .. judgment leaves the position of salaried lawyer's employed privately or by ..

Departments and agencies

Commonwealth Parliament; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney-General's .. Defence; Education, Employment and Workplace Relations; Families, Housing, .. Law Reform Commission · Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ..

STATE SOLICITORLS OFFICE - Department of the Attorney General

work means that lawyers can work as a counsel or solicitor, or both .. The State Solicitor's Office complies with the Law Society .. Industrial and employment law ..

Law clerks and the government sector

carry out legal research for solicitors and draft simple opinions. The practice of employing law students over a period of a year or more also enables the office to ..

Other Intermediate Courts of Appeal in Australia - Recent Decisions ..

Industrial Law: appellant was a union officer in the employment of the ... Lawyers: duties and liabilities; authority to compromise; counsel for the ..


WOMEN LAWYERS' ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES ... The fall in such employment was largely compensated by a rapid rise in the number of women ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Indonesia - International Legal ..

- Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice*. Local law. Home law. Foreign law. International law ..

Legal briefing - Australian Government Solicitor

Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government .. Professor George Williams has noted in his book Labour Law and the Constitution, that the ..

Procedural Fairness - The Hearing Rule | Victorian Government ..

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. The common law duty to act fairly in the making of administrative decisions is subject only to the clear ..

Singapore - International Legal Services Advisory Council

- Additional requirements. Visa restrictions. Work permits. Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm names. Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association ..

Legal Briefing - Australian Government Solicitor

Each issue usually covers a single topic, written by lawyers with specialist .. Examines reforms to Australian labour law brought about by the Fair Work Act 2009.

News Archive - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS has been advising on public sector employment law and .. and our lawyers have had critical input in to all of the recent employment and ..

Privacy service providers

AW Law AW Law Brisbane lawyers provide a full range of compliance .. 4 and 5, to ensure employees read and comprehend company policy.


- Defence Lawyer – provides information aimed at minimising any penalty .. (refer to the Sentencing Template and the relevant law for each example) .. (2) Character and employment history (periods of employment, unemployment, community ..

The Evolution Of Labour Law And Significance Of Workchoices ..

Opening Address: 15th Annual Labour Law Conference .. Last year I addressed a Young Lawyers Section of the NSW Law Society on the ..

Legal Services Directions 2005

Appendix E Assistance to Commonwealth employees for legal .. might be inconsistent with the Attorney-General's First Law Officer role (eg the ..


It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as .. General legal advice, child support, financial counselling & employment law ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Business

80+ items – Tasmania Online. www.tas.gov.au Contact Disclaimer ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


AIC Tasmania


Representing specialist conveyancers in the state


List of Lawyers Dubai & the Northern Emirates

commerce and Information Technology Law, International Corporate Transactions, Labour Law and Insurance Law,. Litigation and Rent Committee Cases, ..

Lawyers 2010-11

You cannot claim a deduction for fines imposed under a law of the ... sufficiently connected to your employment as an employee lawyer.

Legal Services Country Profile – Japan - International Legal ..

- Additional requirements. Visa restrictions. Work permits. Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm names. Employment of local lawyers. Government approvals ..

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Law. .. outside Parliament · Model Laws published by the Standing Committee of Attorneys General (SCAG) ..

Our people - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report · Crown Solicitor's review .. As at 30 June 2009, the number (head count) of staff employed was 3740.

Legal briefing 71top - Australian Government Solicitor

Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government .. person'. The limited existing case law suggests that the notion of 'labour' ..

Our priorities - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report ... Papers. Queensland Labour Market and Workplace Briefing - September 2008 (PDF, 1.3 MB) ..

Report 117 (2007) - Jury selection - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW


in private practice who are employed or engaged in the provision of .. Law enforcement and criminal investigation, and police officers ..

Glen Eira City Council Directory

Business description: Immigration Lawyer .. Anne Hodgson & Co - Lawyers .. VCAT Employment Law Leases (Accredited Specialist) (Retail & Commercial ..

09-10 AR FINAL.indd - Australian Government Solicitor

Our ability to support the Attorney-General as First Law Officer and to provide legal services .. Our ethics are integral to the way AGS employees work together.

Appendix G - Consultancies

Australian Government Solicitor, Legal services in relation to the transfer of .... Minter Ellison Lawyers, Legal services in relation to employment law advice ..

Summary of employment conditions - Australian Government Solicitor

This is a summary of the conditions of employment for AGS employees. ... education requirements by providing a calendar of in-house legal education activities ..

Annual Report 2010-2011: Appendix G – Consultancies

Actuarial advice for family law arrangements. 10000. Open tendering. B .. Australian Government Solicitors. Legal advice on .... Employment law advice. 15000 ..

Position description for Senior Lawyer - Crime and Misconduct ..

CMC's Senior Lawyers/Lawyers in each of these functional areas, working within .. local government and employment law, will be favorably regarded] ..

Job Vacancies at the Australian Human Rights Commission


/Senior Lawyers - Closing date for applications is Friday 27 January .. of human rights and discrimination in employment, preparation of legal reports ..

Aboriginal People and the Criminal Justice System

for them to leave their place of employment without .... The Law Society of the Northern Territory, Indigenous Protocols for Lawyers in the Northern Territory ..

What's new - Federal Court of Australia

5. changing the term 'legal practitioner' to 'lawyer' as a consequence of the insertion .. The Law Council of Australia today published the Federal Court of Australia .... dismissed from employment in alleged contravention of Part 3-1 of that Act; ..

Submission: Inquiry into Australia Post's treatment of injured and ill ..

Author: Leah Hickey, Solicitor, Ryan Carlisle Thomas with Angela Sdrinis ... It has specialist injury and employment lawyers, a dedicated family law team, and ..

Lawyer - A - Z Topic Index


, rulings & policy .. Lawyers 2000. If you are employed as a lawyer, this guide will help you to work out what you can claim in your tax return.

Forms and publications - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

This is the final report for the former Department of Employment and Industrial Relations .. Brochure - New surrogacy laws for Queensland (PDF, 116.3 KB) ..

Lawyers - Australian Embassy

Speciality: Arbitration, banking, construction, corporate & commercial, energy, telecommunications, health care, insurance, labour law, litigation, privatization, ..


5.2 Flexible work practices, part-time work and women in the law literature list .. domestic arrangements in place in five women lawyer's families, including detail ..

find LEGAL answers resources, grouped by language: English

Find out about the National Employment Standards which cover all NSW .... Title: Criminal law, Vol 1, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About ..


- Ms Zeng is employed by the Beijing Municipal Lawyers Association. Ms Zeng is interested in studying the regulation of the profession in Australia. She is ..

Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations - LawHelp

Skip to content; Corporation jobs · Contact us .. The following lawyers and law firms contribute their time and expertise free of charge: Allens Arthur Robinson ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

It follows that the power 'extends to laws prescribing the industrial rights and obligations of corporations and their employees and the means by which they are to ..

THE PHILIPPINES - International Legal Services Advisory Council

the Commonwealth, or any of their officers, employees or agents and contributors for .... English is the language of the law and lawyers in the Philippines.8 ..

9 OLDER PEOPLE IN THE WORKFORCE 9.1 Introduction There are ..

Some are state laws, which only cover people in NSW, and others are federal .. lawyer or union. Awards usually cover the following conditions of employment: ..

Justice and Attorney-General - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Jobs 1 - 18 of 18 – Senior Legal Officer, Justice & Legal, PO5, Justice and Attorney-General, Temporary .. You can search for jobs using any of the fields below.


I also start by thanking the Australian Labour Law Association for extending to me the honour of being the Keynote speaker at this conference.


understanding and acceptance of equal opportunity in employment; it may report to the Attorney-General about laws that should be made by the ..

Section E – Classification Structure - Australian Electoral Commission

On this page: 14. Eight Level Classification Structure; 15. Lawyers .. local titles or designations (such as Legal Employees, Accountants etc.) ..

"What is Legal Work

- (c) any professional misconduct of a solicitor employed by the practice to provide legal services is reported to the Law Society Council promptly after the solicitor ..

2010-11 to 2011-12 - Legal Aid

Service Aboriginal Corporation, the Law Society of WA and the. Legal Practice Board, with the aim of improving the recruitment and retention of lawyers in ..

TR 2000/5 - Income tax and fringe benefits tax: costs incurred in ..

Refer to the ATO Legal Database (http://law.ato.gov.au) to check its currency ... a lawyer or any other representative employed during the negotiation process); ..

Women Lawyers Association of NSW - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW

Women Lawyers Association of NSW .. It is now widely recognised that women in all forms of employment have imposed upon them difficulties ..

Traineeship Program | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

The role of a Trainee Lawyer with the VGSO is wonderfully diverse, .. hours, part-time employment, maternity/parental leave and other generous leave provisions. .. Trainee Lawyers also receive training through the College of Law and Leo ..

Freedom of Religion and Belief in the 21st Century

- NSW Young Lawyers is made up of law students and legal practitioners who are in ... The area of employment is another key situation where freedom of religion ..

News 2010 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

24/09/10, ADB breakfast seminar for lawyers [ Small PDF icon .. and harassment, OH&S, employment law and management of a legal practice.

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Education, Employment ..

Except where leave of the court is granted, lawyers are excluded from ... The Employment Law Centre of Western Australia told the committee ..

PAMD Form 32a: Lawyer's certifications

Department of Employment, Economic. Development and Innovation (DEEDI). Lawyer's certifications. Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000. This form is ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Vietnam - International Legal ..

- Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm names. Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice ..


admission of overseas qualified lawyers to practise the law of Australia. ... do articles but will be required to be employed as a law clerk for between six and ..

Law Profession Submission_final

- It played a prominent part in consultation for the current code of industrial law ... Prior to Ai Group Legal coming into existence, some solicitors employed by Ai ..

Litigation Notes No 12 - Australian Government Solicitor

Jump to ‎: Virginia Masters Senior Lawyer .. the employment relationship has ..

Power of attorney (Victoria Online)

Resources on power of attorney can be found on Victoria Online. .. Rate this site · Home Law & Justice Legal rights & advice Power of attorney ..

8667.0 - Legal Practices, Australia, 2001-02

This consisted of 36124 solicitors/barristers and 57628 other staff. Solicitor practices accounted for 84.5% of the total employment in the legal ..

Lawyers, Dispute Resolution – Perth

- Lawyers work across practice areas including administrative law, employment and industrial relations, compensation, debt recovery, migration, taxation, customs ..

Justice Portal : Home

Asbestos in Tasmania · Australian Consumer Law · Integrated Law Library Services .. Workplace Standards Tasmania · Employment information for Tasmanians ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Cambodia - International Legal ..

- Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm names. Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice ..

News 2011 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

15/05/11, Lawyers make a song and dance of Law Week [ Small PDF icon .... into former Labor MPs Karyn Paluzzano and Angela D'Amore and members of ..

Work – Unfair Dismissal | Ombudsman NT


is complicated – get advice from a lawyer, the Department of Employment and .. information about requirements of dismissal (e.g. notice) under federal laws.

Other complaint handling bodies - NSW Ombudsman

Australian Government-funded disability employment and advocacy services. .. and enforces compliance with Australia's workplace laws. .. types of professional misconduct cases against solicitors or barristers and hear retail ..

Eligibility for Jury Service - Law Reform Commission of WA

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia – Selection, Eligibility and Exemption of .. Officers and employees of the Department of the Attorney General and ..

Industries and occupations


, rulings & policy .. If you are employed as an articled clerk or other paralegal, lawyer or solicitor, this guide will help you to work out what you can claim in ..

Indigenous Affairs Resources

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Indigenous Education .. Attorney-General's Department. Indigenous Law and .. UNSW Faculty of Law. Indigenous Peoples and the Law - Parliamentary Library ..


It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as .. General legal advice, child support, financial counselling & employment law ..

Small Business Development Corporation - Home page

Our Vision and Mission · Employment Opportunities · Strategic Partnerships · Small Business .. Australian Consumer Law · Trade Measurement · Red Tape ..


New South Wales Law Reform Commission .. Attorney General for New South Wales .... Lawyers in private practice who are employed or engaged in the ..

Legal briefing 71top - Australian Government Solicitor

departments and other Commonwealth bodies, and APS employees and other. Commonwealth .. briefing often involve government practice, as well as law.

Legal Services Country Profile – Philippines - International Legal ..

- Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm names. Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice ..

Legal briefing - Australian Government Solicitor

by P Vermeesch - Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government ... course of APS employment, must comply with all applicable Australian laws. Under s ..

Careers with Crown Law - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Careers with Crown Law. Working with us means working with the most experienced government lawyers in the state. The variety and calibre of ..

Submission from Dwyer Lawyers - Treasury

Law (Sydney) LL. .. contribute to changing the conditions of labour so that the master-servant .. improving employment opporttmities and real wage levels; ..

Thailand [DOC 128KB] - International Legal Services Advisory Council

- Employment of local lawyers. Local firm association. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice. Local law. Home law. Foreign law. International law ..

AR 2001-2002: Chapter 3 - Adminstrative Decisions Tribunal ..

The High Court's decision in Barwick v Law Society of New South Wales [2000] .. Three of the cases, involving four solicitors, were about solicitors ... matter the person's medical and work history is relevant, including whether ..

Student Employment Opportunities - Legal Profession Admission ..

6 days ago – Student Employment Opportunities .. Sid Hawach Solicitors. Law Clerk .. Notice to all Students-at-Law seeking employment in a law practice ..

Our Work - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania

Our duty lawyer service operates in the Magistrates Courts. .. workers and retirees, on varied topics such as employment law, negligence and family law. As part ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Practical legal training for solicitors is different from that for barristers. .. Criminal law; Employment and industrial relations; Ethics and professional responsibility ..

Work Out Your Rights - Info for Employees

We also cover recruitment and employment agencies. .. about your rights under federal anti-discrimination law and explain how you can make a complaint. .. You don't need a lawyer to make a complaint or participate in conciliation. However ..

Report 117 (2007) - Jury selection - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

4.17 In common law jurisdictions, the question of eligibility or otherwise .... 4.48 Clearly, this head of ineligibility applies to lawyers employed or ..

Illawarra Legal Centre - Attorney-General's Department

- Our lawyers at the ILC often provide advice in employment law matters. We come across numerous matters where a client has clearly been underpaid by ..

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..

It affects everything from employment opportunities to access to vital .. Our domestic laws meet our obligations under these treaties and target ..

Power of Attorney - Department of Justice

Provides information about the different types of Powers of Attorney that exist and .. If you appoint a General Power of Attorney and then lose legal capacity at a ..

Senior Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Senior Lawyer. Litigation; Environment and Natural Resource Regulation; Operations and Environmental Regulator; Brisbane. This role will provide high quality ..

Submission - Inquiry into Legal Aid and Access to Justice

- The presence and support of a pro bono lawyer may make it easier for other .. Ideally the employment of a specialist pro bono lawyer is accompanied by a ..

Attorney-General's Department - Web Resources

Key web pages and entry points for the Attorney-General's Department .. An Act relating to the Review on Questions of Law of certain Administrative Decisions. ... Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 ..

Attorney General's Department of NSW

The Crown Solicitor's Office (CSO) employs more than 300 staff, and has 10 legal .... of employment law and industrial offences and has, as its primary objective ..

Careers @ AGS - Working with us - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS is a law business working for the public interest. Our lawyers generate revenue by working with clients at all levels of government – including ministers – on ..

SOLICITOR-GENERAL - Crown Law : Portal

The former Federal Court judge and Solicitor-General of South Australia, the late Bradley Selway, has said that the Crown is not only subject to "the rule of law" ..

Home - JobsNSW


NSW .. Support Program Centres · NSW Police Force · Ageing, Disability and Home Care · Senior Solicitor Inquiries Group, Crown Solicitor's Office ..

NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010

Crown Solicitors Office. Law Society Employment Law Committee. Alice Paul, Senior Solicitor, Crown Solicitors Office. Law Society Government Solicitors ..

Welcome to the Department of Justice - Department of Justice

6 days ago – Skip Navigation; Jump to Navigation; Home · Site map · Accessibility · Employment · Contact · Feedback · Help ..

Lawyer – Dispute Resolution, Adelaide

- Lawyer – Dispute Resolution, Adelaide .. review matters, public sector employment law, information access issues including freedom of information and privacy, ..

Legal Professionals New South Wales (NSW)

Legal professionals have traditionally been divided into barristers and solicitors and can be self- employed or employed in private legal practices, government ..

Attorney General's Department - 26 August 2009 - ANU Law ..

It is the prospect of genuine employment and good health: a life of choices ... There are many examples of how law students and lawyers help ..

New or Significant Judgments of the Federal Magistrates Court of ..

INDUSTRIAL LAWEmployees eligible for membership of industrial ... debtor and the trustee in bankruptcy – petitioning creditor a firm of solicitors – debtor a ..

Submission - Inquiry into Legal Aid and Access to Justice

- The lawyers on secondment develop skills in areas of law in which there is a ... governance or employment law matters), or administrative assistance such as ..

Submission 71 - Peter Bollard and Associates - Business and ..

commercial law. • property law. • employment law. • personal injury law. However the current regulatory system prevents lawyers in these fields from advising on ..

Solicitor General : Annual Report 2009-2010 - Crown Law : Portal ..

By virtue of s 7 of the Solicitor-General Act 1983 the person holding the .. In not a few cases agencies use their own officers and employees ..

Lawyers 2000

If you are employed as a lawyer, this guide will help you to work out .. for solicitors, articled clerks, law clerks and other paralegals who are ..

Untitled - Lawlink NSW - NSW Government

AnnuAl RepoRt 2007– 08 Attorney General's Department of NSW. Client SeRviCeS .. and practical training courses in law provided by universities and colleges. .. to combine full-time study with paid employment, working at the CSO ..

Ethical conduct a priority for Justice and Attorney-General ..

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. ethical and professional conduct by employees throughout the organisation.

Our structure | About Queensland and its government | Queensland ..

Ministers are responsible for departments, which implement laws relating to .. Employment and Economic Development cluster. Department, Minister. Local Government and Planning · Attorney-General, Minister for Local ..

Lawyers - find LEGAL answers

About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, including .. wills and estates, administrative law, immigration law, employment, ..

Workplace Relations & Regulatory Compliance | Victorian ..

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO. Search this site: Login · Contact .. Employment Law Workshops 2011. 15 June 2011. Click here to view the ..


- Pre-registration Employment Requirements for Patent Attorney Registration ... of a patent specification according to the laws and practices of Australia and other ..

Biographical information - Full-time Members - MRT-RRT

Paul Fisher practised as an administrative lawyer for over 10 years, chiefly with ... Charlie Powles was employed at the Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre ..

Homosexual discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW

What does the law say about homosexual discrimination? .. in employment — when you apply for a job or for a licence or registration to .. from shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, the police, public transport, ..

Submission on Independent Contracting and Labour Hire

The reality though is that any competent lawyer can take almost any form of employment relationship and reconstruct it as something that the common law would ..

James Ruddle | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court, Grad Dip Legal Management (Melb). work+61 3 8684 0470. James.Ruddle@vgso.vic.gov.au. Areas of law: ..

Law graduates and articled clerks - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Law graduates and articled clerks .. See Working with us for details on our working environment and employment ..

About Crown Law - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

The Crown Solicitor is Crown Law's most senior officer, handling the most .. and the Executive and handles indemnities for Crown employees.

Zoe Jones | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Zoe joined the VGSO as a trainee lawyer in 2009 and was admitted as a Solicitor in 2010. With an interest both in Administrative law and Commercial & Property ..

Support for Indigenous Law Students - Department of Justice


law students and graduates with mentoring and employment .. "Indigenous lawyers are under-represented in the legal profession, despite ..

Leang Thai | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. Areas of law: .. a secondment with the Office of Public Prosecutions, where she gained experience in Criminal Law. .. Employment Law Workshops for 2011 · Just give me one good reason.

UTAS LMD Jrnl Cov Vol 9

by S Tjandra - 2009 - - Order, Indonesian labour law has been transformed from a corporatist model, .... Some unions, with assistance from labour lawyers at the Jakarta Legal Aid ..

Position Description

- State Law Building 50 Ann Street Brisbane Q 4000 | GPO Box 5221 Brisbane Q 4001 .. legal matters handled by Senior Principal Lawyers within Crown Law. .. You will work in a flexible organisation with fantastic employment conditions.

ComLaw - LegalAdvice

How should I choose a private lawyer? .. and benefit issues); women's issues such as family law, violence against women, discrimination and employment.

Background | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

(c) the terms and conditions of employment of the employee; .... of carrying out the obligations and specific rights of the controller in the field of employment law ..

SAT Member Profiles

As a solicitor, he was a partner in a leading national law firm and, later, a multi .. Prior to her appointment to the SAT, Felicity was employed by Legal Aid WA.

Legal Costs in Family Law Matters - Federal Magistrates Court

Legal Costs for Family Law Matters in the Federal Magistrates Court. .. How can I dispute the fees charged by my lawyer? ... Employment Enterprise Agreement (PDF) Employment Opportunities Federal Magistrates Freedom ..

Law Handbook- legal documents

such as employment, contracts, torts, family law, intellectual property, social security and civil lia- bility, to name just a few. These are the tools that lawyers use ..

Criminal convictions - Legal Aid Queensland

If you go to court and you tell the court you have broken the law (you plead guilty) or, even if you .. you've been charged, been to court, been convicted etc, ask a lawyer for legal advice. ... Blue card - employment screening ..

Jessica Cleaver | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

She then moved to the Australian Government Solicitor and worked in the employment and administrative law team where she primarily worked on ..

Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice

practice as opposed to the level of funding provided to lawyers undertaking legal aid work. As mentioned above, the demand for employment law referrals has ..


Convener – Employment Law. Committee. NSW Society of Labor Lawyers. 11.45 – 12.30 pm Mr John Cahill. Mr Bill McNally. Ms Sue Walsh. General Secretary ..

Issues for Universities - Australian Government Solicitor

by their employees in the course of their research activities.3. It has significant implications for Intellectual Property as well as Employment Law in Australia. 12.

More than just a legal adviser | Victorian Government Solicitor's ..

VGSO lawyers have significant experience across many areas of law. .. Sourcing the right legal services can be challenging, particularly if the specific nature of your .. Employment Law Workshops for 2011 · Just give me one good reason.

Internet Resource Guide:Civil and Human Rights Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Civil and Human Rights law. .. A network of Australian lawyers interested in furthering awareness and advocacy ... Formerly the Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act 1986 ..

NSW Court of Appeal - Decisions of Interest - August to December ..

DISCLAIMER: Subject to operation of the law, the Supreme Court (NSW) disclaims all ... Employment; meaning of in the 'event of redundancy' ... Obligations of confidence; plaintiff's solicitor had acted for other parties against ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department


-General's Department Latest News .. financial reporting obligations for small co-operatives under the proposed new Co-operatives National Law.

Work-life balance policies and potential problems - Department of ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Queensland Government employees .. Easter, Anzac Day and Labour Day Trading Hours 2011 .. Carmen and Deidre are all legal secretaries in the Finance division of a large law firm.

Paralegals in legal aid

are likely to be very similar to those of paralegals employed in private practice. .. area of law and then structuring it and presenting it in a way non-lawyers can ..

Statutory Declarations - Department of Justice

a justice of the peace or a bail justice; a public notary; an Australian lawyer (within the meaning of the .. a person employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004 with a classification that is .. Law Courts, Melbourne VIC 3001 ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Fair Work Bill 2008

3 M Mourell & C Cameron 'Neither simple Nor Fair restricting legal representation before Fair Work Australia" Paper presented at Australian Labour Law ..

2008-09 Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Solicitor s ..

- 2.10 Kym mentioned a recent initiative in W.A where the Country Lawyers Program saw lawyers employed by the legal Aid Commission undertaking a ..

Alicia Robson | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Alicia commenced work as a paralegal at Oakfair Lawyers whilst at university and .. Oakfair Lawyers is a general practice firm and Alicia was involved in family law, .. and on personal injury and employment matters for a medico-legal practice.

AR 2002-2003: Chapter 6 - Adminstrative Decisions Tribunal ..

These provisions relate to the employment by legal practitioners of .. Wales Law Reform Commission report, Complaints against lawyers: an ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Practising in Victoria

An Australian lawyer, i.e. a person admitted to the legal profession in .. a person acting in the course of their employment with the Crown or a ..

Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union ..

- The Tasmanian Barristers and Solicitors Award covers administrative and Law Clerks in the legal industry in Tasmania and the WA Clerks' (Bailiffs' Employees) ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Education, Employment ..

Employment Law

Centre of WA. Ms Toni Emmanuel, Principal Solicitor. Ms Sara Kane, Manager. Mr Michael Geelhoed , Paralegal & Volunteer ..

LB 85 FINAL.indd - Australian Government Solicitor

Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government .. and other Commonwealth bodies, and APS employees and other .. well as law.

Tranche Two AML Legislation - The Law Council of Australia

The application of the Act to in-house and government lawyers ....... .. . .... laws;. ➢ family law ad. ➢ probate work; and. ➢ employment law work, in particular a ..

This template for a Statutory Declaration has .. - Legal Services Board

- During my employment at [employer] I was supervised by [supervisor's name, position]. [supervisor's name] is a qualified lawyer in [jurisdiction] and was admitted ..

Employment Law - Workers Compensation Factsheet


- Workers' Compensation .. If you have a legal problem you should talk to a lawyer before making a decision about what to do.

Alternative dispute resolution - Australian Government Solicitor

Areas of law, Menu Plus. spacer .. The Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Hon. .. and common law claims, and administrative and employment law issues.

Chapter 06 - Legal Professional Privilege

There is a large body of case law dealing with issue of severance or .. Miodrag, an admitted lawyer, is employed by ABC Co. as Company ..

Legal professional privilege: recent judgment affects in-house ..

The lawyer lacks that independence if the lawyer's advice is at risk of being compromised by the nature of his/her employment relationship. If the personal ..

Gladstone Regional Council - Community Advisory Service - Legal ..

The Solicitor is able to provide assistance in the form of advice and assistance with .. Employment law; Neighbourhood disputes; Other miscellaneous matters.

Neville Wran – A Lawyer Politician – Reflections on Law Reforms ..

solicitor. Neville Wran increasingly concentrated on industrial law, developing the ... During his 13 years as the Labor Leader, Neville Wran led his party to ..


Environmental Law Standing Committee, Law Association for Asia and the Pacific. The Honourable .. Law Society Employment Law Committee. Alice Paul ..

Department of the Attorney General Annual Report 2009/10

support the Attorney General, the Government and its agencies. Parliament .... award for her pro bono work with the Employment Law Centre.

Power of attorney and advance directives - Government of South ..

Find out more about power of attorney from the Legal Services Commission of South Australia. Buy a kit .. Law Handbook - Legal Services Commission of SA ..


Attorney-General Philip Ruddock today announced the appointment of eight new federal magistrates. .. broadcasting issues and employment law. Prior to ..


CANBERRA OFFICE EMPLOYMENT REGISTER. Lawyers. AGS Canberra welcomes contact from lawyers who are looking to gain experience within AGS's ..

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and ..

6. Australian Law Librarian's Group. 7. Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs. 8. Arts Law Centre of Queensland Inc. 9.

OPAL - FirstConsolidatedDraft (AP065891.DOC;1)

- 2005 NSW Young Lawyers, a division of the Law Society of New South Wales. ... particularly in the areas of privacy, employment, elder abuse, family law and ..

NAT 2327 Lawyers.indd

specifically for solicitors, articled clerks, law clerks and other paralegals who are employees in the public or private sector – employee lawyers. Taxation Ruling ..

Attorney General's Department - 4 May 2011 - Attorney-General ..


-General announces new ILSAC members .. I am looking forward to working with ILSAC and Australian law firms to encourage .. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations; Austrade; AusAID ..

The Guardianship Board of South Australia :: Board members

He ran his own successful law firm Moore Law for more than 20 years. .. Mr Shephard was employed from 1976 to 1999 as a solicitor at the ..

Age discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW

It is generally against the law in NSW to treat you unfairly or harass you because of .. in employment — when you apply for a job or for a licence or .. shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, police, public transport, ..

Submission 36 - Public Interest Law Clearing House

- The Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc (PILCH) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Attorney-General's Department in relation to the ..

Budget Estimates 2011-2012

AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT SOLICITOR. Question No. 22. Senator Pratt asked .. and agencies, such as commercial and employment law b. legal training for ..

Legal Services to the Commonwealth - Attorney-General's Department

the Logan review of the Attorney-General's Legal Practice. In November .... The expertise developed in relation to the new areas of employment law brought ..

Singapore's Strategic Legal Needs in the Financial Sector

foreign law firms and lawyers are allowed to operate in Singapore, in the ... persons and these firms accounted for 21 per cent of sector employment and 30 per ..

Legal Profession - Department of Justice

The Act outlines educational qualifications that legal practitioners (solicitors and .. The Legal Profession Act 2004 provides that a person must not practise law in ..

Legal Profession Admission Board

The Board also registers Students-at-Law who on passing the .. in Law and satisfy the academic requirements for Admission as a Lawyer.

COPYRIGHT LAW REVIEW COMMITTEE: Report of the Committee ..

OF THE. Committee Appointed by the Attorney- ... Q.C., M.P., Attorney-General of the ... The primary end of the law on this subject is to give to the author .... made in the course of an author's employment by another person under a contract of ..

Australian Government Solicitor AGS provides legal and related ..

Rich Text Format - AGS commercial lawyers provide legal services and strategic commercial advice ... administrative law, commercial disputes, tax and customs, employment and ..

Attorney General's Department - 7 September 2011 - Lionel Murphy ..

Our hosts this evening – the ANU College of Law and in particular .. tonight - a great Labor leader, an accomplished Attorney-General and an ..

Identity Cards

Roy Jordan, Law and Bills Digest Section .. In June 1985 the Hawke Labor Government released a paper entitled Reform of the Australian Tax ... Ewart Smith was Deputy Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department.

Legal Services Country Profile – Australia - International Legal ..

- in New South Wales, after two years as an employed solicitor and the completion .. lawyers admitted in any State or Territory of Australia are able to practise law ..

Legal Officer

Legal Officer. • Reserve. A unique opportunity for barristers and solicitors to broaden their experience in the areas of Civil, Administrative and International Law ..

Steve Lancken Resume March 2011

from 1981 as a litigation lawyer in Sydney, when his work covered Commercial .. Workplace Disputes; and Employment Law (including discrimination, ..

Legal Officer

A unique opportunity for barristers and solicitors to broaden their experience in the areas of civil, administrative, international and operations law. Job Details ..

Blackadder: An analysis - Paper for NSW Young Lawyers: A Division ..

Paper for NSW Young Lawyers: A Division of the Law Society of NSW .. At other levels, it deals with the changing nature of employment as ..

Employment and workplace

You'll find information on pay, awards, employment, leave, termination and .. and services include online services, calculators and superannuation law.

Legal Support at the VGSO | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office ..

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO. Search this site: .. To view the further Benefits and Entitlements offered to VGSO employees please click here.

Civil rights

Home · Services · People · Topics · Life Events · About Australia · Directories · Publications · News and Media. You Are Here; Home -; Topics -; Law and justice ..

Speeches on Sex Discrimination Issues

(The significance of the Survey of Household Income and Labour Dynamics in .. Speech delivered by Pru Goward, at the NT Criminal Lawyers Conference, ..

FAQ - Office of the Director of Public Prosections


prosecutes those offences committed against the laws of the State of .. There are two types of lawyers in the ODPP - prosecutors who .. They are government employees who conduct prosecutions on behalf of the State.

Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice

main office is located in Rockingham, with staff offices in the Law School building at .. Supervising Solicitors who had control of the legal practice and teaching clinic and .. Services 2002, Department of Consumer and Employment Protection ..

Report 02.06 Controlled disclosure of criminal record data - Report ..

Report to the Attorney-General pursuant to section 63(3) ... social well-being or on their prospects for employment, more recent laws have effectively ensured ..

Administrative Decision Making - Delegations and Avoiding Bias ..

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. The law does actually write down that that is the test and it adds another test .. if you are known to .. of the panel on the ground of apprehended bias due to his Australian Labour Party links.

Areas of Practice - Department of the Attorney General

Areas of Practice. The following is an overview of the State Solicitor's Office key practice areas: .. Industrial and employment law disputes.

Understanding and preparing for conciliation

If you want to bring a lawyer or another type of advocate to conciliation, you need to .. anti-discrimination training;; reinstatement to a job or an offer of employment; and/or .. is resolved, the Commission will finalise the complaint under the law.

Powers of attorney — Office of the Public Advocate, Victoria, Australia

Powers of attorney are legal documents that let you choose .. under Part 3 of the Public Sector Management and Employment Act 1998 with a ..

Profiles - SAT

Justice Chaney was first employed by Northmore Hale Davy and Leake (now .. has extensive experience as a solicitor, primarily in commercial and public law.


lawyers associations throughout Australia. Our membership is diverse and ... Increasing the employment rate of women. ▪ Maintaining talent.

Contact details for other offices

The Law Society also provides information to the public including a referral to lawyers practicing in specific areas of law in the most convenient location. It refers ..

NSW Court of Appeal - Recent Decisions of Interest - Supreme Court ..


: negligence; plaintiff obtained order under Family Provision Act 1982 ... Administrative law: jurisdictional error; employment law; unfair ..

Scanned Document

processes in which a lawyer or law graduate employed in legal related services may be engaged. Advantages of a compulsory unit in ADR. The adoption of ..

Without Prejudice Issue 44 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink ..

The lawyers were the ones who advised on the deals, approved the .. an issue personal to them (e.g. reviewing an employment contract).

Alison O'Brien | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Government Lawyer's Section, Law Institute of Victoria. Recent Achievements: Alison was recently awarded the LIV Government Lawyer of the Year Award.

Senate Standing Committee on Legal & Constitutional Affairs ..

employment, such as parental leave and portable long service leave, secondments, and other initiatives under the Victorian Attorney-General's Community Law ..

find LEGAL answers - Accidents and Compensation - Workers ..

About: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, including .. wills and estates, administrative law, immigration law, employment, ..

Submission of the Law Council of Australia to the House of ..

Some labour law factors including employment type (such as full and part .. For example, in New South Wales when the incomes of solicitors with less than one ..

Position Description Template

- POSITION TITLE: SENIOR LAWYER .. relevant to the CMC's work, such as administrative, local government and employment law, will be favorably regarded] ..

Discrimination in Employment and Occupation

What does international law say about discrimination in employment? .. of the complaint, including recommendations for action, for the federal Attorney General.

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships - Family law

Jump to ‎: Title: Lawyers practice manual NSW .. credit and debt, wills and estates, administrative law, immigration law, employment, ..


His early employment was in the merchant navy and in trade union office. .. the scenes on insurance law reform would be unknown to most lawyers and citizens.

Our governance framework - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report ... in the former Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (DEIR) a position he held since August 2005.

Address to the Australian Labour Law Association - Media Centre

Address to the Australian Labour Law Association. Address to the Australian Labour Law Association's Fourth Biennial Conference, Friday 3.00 ..

Trove - for 'subject:"Employee rights - New South ..

Know your entitlements : a guide to employment in New South Wales / NSW Young Lawyers: NSW Young Lawyers: [ Book : 2005 ]: Keywords: Employee rights .. manuals, etc.; Labor laws and legislation - New South Wales - Handbooks, ..


for uniform national POA laws through the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General .... Recommendation 17: Witnessing by a representative's employees ..

Media Statements - Statements - Attorney General recognises ..

Title. Attorney General recognises champion of workplace laws .. "Ms Maddern works pro bono with the Employment Law Centre to offer legal ..

Fremantle Community Legal Centre - City of Fremantle

We have a duty lawyer service which includes some representation and follow up for the restraining order lists at the Fremantle Registry of the Magistrates Court.

Labour law for corporate lawyers - Monash University

an understanding and working knowledge of labour law which are of particular significance to corporate lawyers in carrying out their ..

ACT - Australian Labour Law Association

Melbourne Law School Australian Labour Law Association. Links: University Homepage, About the University, Students, Research, Community ..

Events Archive - Australian Labour Law Association

The Australian Labour Law Association hosted the 19th ISLSSL World Congress in Sydney from 1-4 September 2009. As always, the Congress ..

Workplace and employment law - Postgraduate .. - Monash University

The workplace and employment law specialisation provides students with .. For non-lawyers working in law-related fields (including industrial ..

Frances Gibson | UNSW LAW

Frances Gibson completed an Arts/Law Degree at the Australian National University. .. a year in private practice as a lawyer at a medium sized law firm Pigott Stinson. .. Legal Education Initiative Grant for Clinical Program-Employment Law ..

Professor Joellen Riley - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Riley, J, 'Alternative actions in the light of Work Choices: Implied terms', New South Wales Young Lawyers Employment and Industrial Law One Day Seminar, ..

Australian Labour Law Association - Centre for Employment ..

Australian Labour Law Association. The Centre for Employment and Labour Relations is the administrative home of the Australian Labour Law ..

Queensland - Australian Labour Law Association

The Queensland Chapter of the Australian Labour Law Association enjoyed a Seminar entitled 'Award Modernisation' on Thursday 7 August at ..

Programs | UNSW LAW

The Master of Business Law is designed for non-lawyers involved in the private, .. sectors where business law issues are relevant to their employment.

Workplace and employment law - Postgraduate .. - Monash University

The workplace and employment law specialisation provides students with a .. For non-lawyers working in law-related fields (industrial relations ..


The centre is also a clinical program for the UNSW Law School. .. domestic violence, discrimination, housing, employment, criminal law, credit and debt .. Students enrolled in the course LAWS6210 Law, Lawyers and Society are also given ..

Faculty: Law (Sydney Law School) J

gifts of many colleagues and members of the Environment and Planning Law Association. .... P0625 Harmers Workplace Lawyers Prize for Labour Law. 1 ..

Professor Rosemary Owens | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

She is an active member of the Australian Labour Lawyers Association and has been a member of the National Executive. Professor Owens ..

Colin Fenwick - Staff Profile

Director, Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law .. to 2008 Colin also worked (part time) with Minter Ellison Lawyers, Melbourne.

Professor Marilyn Pittard - Faculty of Law - Monash University

Marilyn Pittard is Professor of Law in the Faculty of Law at Monash University, with responsibility for labour and employment law in both the ..

Workplace and Employment Law 2012 - postgraduate law ..

About the Workplace and Employment Law specialisation .. For non-lawyers working in law-related fields (including industrial relations ..

Australian Labour Law Association

The two workshops ('2010 Labour Law Teaching Workshop' and 'Doing Empirical Research in Labour Law' ) held at the University of Adelaide ..

The Sydney LLB Advantage - Undergraduate Law @ Sydney ..

The Sydney LLB Advantage - Undergraduate Law @ Sydney .. Sydney Law School graduates hold one of the best employment records within ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - South Africa - Industrial Relations ..

15+ items – Only WorldLII Catalog >> Industrial Relations & Labor Law ..

Basic Conditions of Employment Act 1997 [Search ]


Full text in different ..


Industrial Relations Network (IR-Net) [Search ]


Provides labour law ..



by G Patmore - 2010 - As well, labour law has traditionally been seen as balancing the protection of employees' rights with efficiency goals. In taking this approach, labour lawyers ..

Dr Belinda Smith - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

'Work and Family – A Gender Issue and More for Labour Lawyers' (2007) 20(1) Australian Journal of Labour Law 92-103. 'Not the Baby and ..

Prizes - Current students - The University of Sydney

70+ items – The Sydney Law School is undertaking a major review of all ..







Aaron Levine Prize


Proficiency in Criminal Law


Andrew M. Clayton Memorial Prize - Clayton Utz


Proficiency in Federal ..




Employment Online @ Sydney Law School - Current students - The ..

The Sydney Law School also emails students employment opportunities and .. Auyeng Hencent & Day, a boutique law firm with four lawyers has vacancies for ..

Alan Davidson - Law Firms

American Immigration Lawyers on the World Wide Web Links to the home pages .. employment law, health law, oil and gas, environmental law, and media law.

Master of Labour Law and Relations (MLLR) - Future students - The ..

The Master of Labour Law and Relations (MLLR) is a coursework degree .. Entry to the MLLR is open to both lawyers and those with relevant ..

Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO - Sydney Law School - The ..

Ron was also the inaugural president of the Australian Labour Law Association, and he served in that role from February 2001 to November 2009. As President ..

2547 LawBooklet.17 - Law School Careers Office - University of ..

employers and enjoy a high rate of employment uptake after graduation. Australia's legal system is based on English common law. Lawyers are trained to ..

The WA Country Lawyers Program Addressing Vacancies in ..

Co-ordination Team. Country Lawyer. MOU with each participating Agency. Professional development and support. All CLP lawyers are employed by Legal Aid ..


by A Daly - - legal professionals all law graduates are lawyers, not only the majority who obtain employment as legal practitioners. The third reason for adopting a broader ..

Floyd, Dr Louise- JCU

Employment Law

in a Nutshell (Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2010) .. "Workplace Relations: Employment and Industrial Law" in Australian ..

So you want to be a lawyer

by C LAWYERSCorporate lawyers are solicitors employed by a business rather than a law firm. They work in banks, manufacturing businesses and even tourism companies. In ..

Employment and Labour Relations Law

Major shifts in laws governing the workplace and labour force in .. need for knowledge and analysis of employment and labour relations law.

Students at KLC | UNSW LAW

To develop students' awareness of the role of lawyers in practice in the legal .. Clinical Legal Experience · LAWS3305 Clinical Program Employment Law ..

QUT | Law | Sponsored prizes/bursaries not requiering an ..

Central Queensland Law Association Bursary - Legal Foundations A .. LWB308 Australian Employment Law (an annual prize to perpetuate the ..

Industrial Relations Lawyer / Jobs / Degrees to Careers / Students ..

Industrial Relations Lawyer. - search for more Jobs. Industrial relations lawyers represent employers, employees, unions and labour ..

Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information service


provide advice, write documents and conduct negotiations on legal matters, .. A judge presides over civil and criminal proceedings in courts of law, making .. Included are jobs associated with administration of the legal system, public ..

Summer Term 2011/2012 - UNSW Law

Clinical Legal Experience - Employment Law. 12. Law, Lawyers & Society; Litigation 1. LAWS3240/. JURD7540. Special Elective: Family Law Clinic *(Please ..

Young Lawyers' McCallum Medal Presentation - ANU College of Law

Medal Presentation Competition organised by the NSW Young Lawyers' Employment and Industrial Law Committee in Sydney. Her written paper was titled 'The ..

Current Grants - Asian Law Centre


, Civil Society and the State in Post-colonial Malaysia, 2009-2012 .. ARC Discovery Grant - "Enforcement of Chinese Employment Law: ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Employment Law: Current ..

Employment Law

: Current Issues in the Workplace. .. may walk out the door with Senior Employees Speaker: Stephen TREW, Partner, Holding Redlich Lawyers ..

Bachelor of Laws - Courses and Programs - The University of ..

The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree is your passport to exceptional success in the employment market: as a barrister or solicitor in private practice, as a ..

Society of University Lawyers

Welcome. SOUL is a not-for-profit association of in-house university lawyers. .. student rights and student misconduct, contractual matters and employment law.

Faculty of Law - Monash University

5 days ago – Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law ... LAW7213 Law of the internet; LAW7215 Labour law for corporate lawyers; LAW7218 International ..

Victoria - Australian Labour Law Association

The Victorian Chapter of the Australian Labour Law Association held a Panel Discussion 'From WorkChoices to Forward with Fairness: ..

Clinical programs KLC | UNSW LAW

Students work with centre lawyers in acting for members for the local community .. Wills and Estates; Employment; Debt; Criminal Law; Victims Compensation ..

employment relatIons and the laW 2011

and lawyers with extensive knowledge and experience in the area of employment law, including the renowned Professor Ron McCallum AO. Students will be ..

2007 Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305) .. Harmers Workplace Lawyers Prize for Law of Employment (LLB330) ..

Major Events - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law

Mr Cohen has had an extensive and distinguished career as a labour lawyer, negotiator, and mediator. During the period 1966-2005 he was a ..


by RE Marks - - seniority of the lawyer, stage of the litigation process, and the duration of the activity, as well as by non-labour inputs. For this monograph the relevant questions ..

The Broad Idea of Labour Law:

by J Howe - 2010 - Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, Melbourne Law School, .. Labour Law and the "Future" of Labour Lawyers', in C. Barnard, S. Deakin and G.

E&B student beats out young lawyers to claim prestigious McCallum ..

The McCallum Medal is an annual public speaking event for young lawyers and students interested in employment law and industrial relations.

Mr Egbert Groen / Researcher Profiles / Staff / The University of ..

His research interests are in the areas of employment law and consumer ..Labour law, Consumer Production Law, Teaching law to non-lawyers and e-law ..

2008 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305) .. Harmers Workplace Lawyers Prize for Law of Employment (LLB330) ..

Papers/Audio CDs - Employment Law

Papers/Audio CDs - Employment Law .. Ross Jackson of Maddocks Lawyers examines how employers are increasingly extending their control over the time ..


Encouragingly for foreign lawyers, the reference to 'Chinese practising law- yers' formalised their existing practice, under which Chinese lawyers employed ..

Corporate, Securities and Finance Law - Sydney Law School - The ..

Employment Law

Advocacy, 6, A undergraduate law degree or .. previous knowledge and is available to non-lawyers and to lawyers who have ..

Faculty of Law : 8. Careers for law graduates

General information for students in the Faculty of Law .. 8.1. Careers and employment.. They usually write opinions for solicitors on doubtful points of law or ..

Faculty of Law 2009 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of ..

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305) .. Harmers Workplace Lawyers Prize for Law of Employment (LLB330) ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education The Complete Rule 42 ..

This seminar offers all solicitors who hold current Practising Certificates the .. Law, Commercial Litigation, Property Law and Taxation; Employment Law ..

read on - School of Law

Jack Haldane was employed as a legal intern with Deakin University's in-house legal team, the University Solicitor's Office (USO) in 2010.

Reconceiving Labour Law: The Labour Market Regulation Project

by AD Frazer - 2008 - - Reconceiving Labour Law: The Labour Market Regulation Project. Abstract. This paper reviews the recent work by Australian labour lawyers that has embraced ..

School of Law - Staff - Deakin University

Interface between Labour Law and Company Law. Work history. Barrister-at-Law (Present); Magdwicks Lawyers, Melbourne; Mayer, Brown, ..

LEGAL PROFESSION ACT 2004 - AS AT 8 JULY 2011 - ACT 112 ..

Prohibition on employment of certain lay associates 19. .. Show cause procedure for removal of lawyer's name from local roll following foreign ..

Professor Marilyn Pittard, Monash Law - Faculty of Law - Monash ..

Co-convenor, Victorian chapter, Australian Labour Law Association. Elected committee member, Australian Labour Law Association ..

Dr Joanna Kyriakakis, Monash Law

Previous Employment. Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, Monash University Solicitor, Tolis and Co, Lawyers, South Australia Solicitor, Women's ..

Curriculum Vitae - La Trobe University

- Janet Loughman Principal Solicitor, Women's Legal Services NSW phone (02) 9749 .. developing and coordinating new subject Employment Law conducted by ..

News | The University of Sydney

2-3.15pm: Developments in Australian labour law - Professor Joellen Riley. .. Lawyers/barristers: attendance at this seminar is equal to 3 MCLE/CPD unit.

Associate Professor Anthony Forsyth

Comparative labour law is another major focus of Anthony's research. ... to the Union Lawyers and Industrial Officers NSW, Annual Labour Law ..

Corporate Lawyer / Jobs / Degrees to Careers / Students / The ..

Corporate Lawyer. - search for more Jobs. Corporate lawyers advise and represent corporations on legal issues relating to areas such as tax, contracts, patents, ..



-General's lawyer may act for more than one party 55G. Commonwealth may charge for services of Attorney-General's lawyer 55H. Lawyers employed ..

Northern Territory Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information ..


Opportunities. Solicitors may work in private legal practices, either on their own or in a partnership. They may also work in state, territory or federal ..

Traineeship Programs (Qld)

maintain trust and general account records according to law and good practice, to the extent usually permitted and expected of an employed solicitor. This topic ..

Five practical tips on how to be actively involved in the contracting ..

This means choosing a lawyer you can trust, with whom you can .. industries, for example construction law, employment law, mining law, property law, family law, criminal law, agri-business law. .. The lawyer knows the law.

Ms Carol Andrades - Staff Profile

Carol Andrades is a consultant to Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers. .. the fields of discrimination law, industrial law and employment law and has ..

Employment opportunities - School of Law

by C Cook - 2010Employment opportunities. Employment with Weinberg Lawyers - Commercial Litigation Paralegal (3rd year + law student). There is a 1-2 day per week position ..



need international and comparative legal training to respond to ... and finance law, insolvency and labour law, ADR and lawyering.


We are pleased to invite educators, lawyers, school administers, and other .. worked in private practice in a number of firms as an industrial/employment lawyer ..

School of Law - Staff - Deakin University


history. In-house corporate lawyer; Assistant Lecturer / Lecturer, Monash University; Sessional Lecturer and tutor, University of Melbourne ..


Relations and will assist unrepresented litigants and employment lawyers advise and represent clients in this area of law. LAUNCH OF 10TH EDITION. OF THE ..

Western Australia Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information ..

To become a lawyer you usually have to complete a law degree at university. To get .. Barristers are self-employed but normally practise in chambers with other ..

Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation - Melbourne University ..

housing law all become potentially relevant. A second and related change involves a commitment to legal pluralism: labour lawyers need to understand ..

Legal Policy and Procedure

- (4) Legal officers and external legal consultants are employed or retained to undertake legal work under the direction of the University Solicitor. Division 2 Legal ..

Students at KLC | beta.klc.unsw.edu.au

To develop students' awareness of the role of lawyers in practice in the legal .. Clinical Legal Experience · LAWS3305 Clinical Program Employment Law ..

Unit Handbook, Units Indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law

index-byfaculty-law .. LAW4132 Law of employment 406; LAW4133 International law seminar: International public order ... and vulnerable people; LAW7331 Lawyers' responsibilities; LAW7332 Principles of construction law ..

Law Prizes - Current Students @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers for Property and Trusts A; Alumni .. Lawyers Prize for Law of Employment; Hennikers Solicitors Prize for Law of ..

Parker, Christine --- "An Oversupply of Law Graduates? Putting the ..

by C PARKERDemand for lawyers is rapidly becoming internationalised,35 and it has already been emphasised that law graduates are employed in many areas other than ..

SEMESTER 1 2012 - UNSW Law

Prerequisites– LAWS1210/JURD7110 Law, Lawyers and Society; .. Requirements: Intensive and Employment students are required to attend the Centre 2 days ..


Advising public and private sector clients on the full range of employment law issues .. Western Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Melbourne, lawyer ..

Finding career information | Australian Law Postgraduate Network

work in the legal profession; para-legal work in private enterprise ... of over 11000 law vacancies including jobs for lawyers, solicitors, legal secretaries, legal ..

rob-guthrie - Staff directory | Curtin Business School

Workers Compensation and related employment laws. top .. ·Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of WA and High Court of Australia ·. Currently a ..

Conferences | Employment Law Conference 2012

Hear from experienced practitioners and get the essential employment law update before the end of .. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Lawyers ..

LAw And deveLopment

particular interest to corporate and tax lawyers and .. jurisprudence and in international human rights law .... school, which will teach valuable employment skills ..

Award interpretation is a franchisee responsibility

4 days ago – Employment lawyers have a range of legal tools which assists them in .. law practice in Brisbane, Queensland specialising in employment law.

Ms Paula O'Brien - Staff profile, La Trobe University

Paula completed her articles and worked as a lawyer at Minter Ellison Lawyers in .. Her primary practice areas were administrative law and employment law.

Human Rights Lawyer / Jobs / Degrees to Careers / Students / The ..

Human rights lawyers are employed by charities and welfare groups, private law firms, lobby groups and government agencies. Their role is ..

Job listing

The Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology .. Duty Solicitor, Criminal Law Practice Division, Legal Services Commission, ..

We Speak Your Language

Monday, 17 February 2025
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