Energy & Natural Resources Law & Lawyers

Energy and Natural Resources Law is regulated by statutes, common law, treaties, conventions, regulations and policies. The purpose is reducing or minimizing the impacts of human activity, both on the natural environment for its own sake and on humanity itself. Natural Resources Law includes land, wildlife, air, water and other resources.

Legal issues facing the energy and natural resources sector

The twin challenges of delivering energy security and reducing greenhouse emissions are hot topics domestically, within Australia and indeed globally as people become increasingly concerned by the need to ensure continuity of energy supply and the impacts of climate change and global warming. It is a complicated area, where detailed knowledge of the relevant legal issues affecting the energy sector needs to be allied to an acute understanding of the commercial challenges.

How lawyers can help energy and natural resources sector organisations with their legal needs

Lawyers can have specialist expertise in energy sector legal issues needed to advise domestic and international energy and utility companies operating in this highly regulated industry.

Energy lawyers have extensive experience and expertise in a wide range of oil, gas, electricity, nuclear and renewable and sustainable energy projects as well as planning, environment, climate change, construction, competition and planning law.

If you would like legal help regarding Energy Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry on the left, or click here.

Energy & Natural Resources Regulations

With developing technologies and a global market heavily influenced by progressive ideas, consequential CO2 and greenhouse emission issues are well promoted causes, both commercially and socially.

The primary environmental issues addressed in law and domestically are:

• delivering energy security
• reducing greenhouse emissions

An increasing awareness of environmental issues is continually expanding within Europe and other parts of the globe, with a legal framework rapidly growing, outlining rules and regulations to help address the complex area.

Energy and natural resources law consists of detailed information regarding applicable legal issues touching the energy sector, covering questionable areas in topics relating to commercial challenges with environmental implications.

Many corporate entities address additional environmental issues as a part of the companies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Specifically questioned areas in employer and business environmental CSR frameworks are:

• unnecessary energy usage
• preserve natural resources
• recycling and waste
• corporate travel

If you would like legal help regarding Energy Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry on the left, or click here.

Energy sector legal issues are encompassed in highly regulated industry areas, including; domestic energy, international energy, and utility companies.

Major players within the energy industry operate within a competitive but highly regulated framework dictated by energy and natural resources law, covering:

• oil
• gas
• electricity
• nuclear energy
• renewable energy
• sustainable energy

Through the regulatory implications of energy and natural resources law, corporate and domestic strategies are now encouraged to encompass areas such as:

• environment planning
• climate change
• construction implications
• competition
• planning law

Climate change related legal issues within a commercial environment include areas in:

• emissions trading and carbon reduction rules and regulations
• climate change levy and associated rebate agreements
• negotiations and discussions with regulators concerning issues arising regarding environmental schemes
• adjustments, applications and transfers necessary to authorise allocations in the event a business or site changes hands, starts-up or closes
• development mechanisms (CDM), and joint implementation projects (JI)
• sale and purchase of carbon credits
• carbon consultants / carbon offsetting companies
• carbon footprint management projects
• drafting and negotiating emissions trading and contracts

If you would like legal help regarding Energy Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry on the left, or click here.


Further Resources


Energy & Natural Resources Law & Lawyers News

NEWS, UPDATES, ALERTS AND FURTHER INFORMATION - Energy & Natural Resources Law & Lawyers

Legal aspects of Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law would generally include:

  • the framework of mining law: the constitution, ownership and land open for mining
  • allocation of mining rights
  • surrender, forfeiture and exemption practice and procedure judicial review
  • transfer and dealings: registration and tenement management
  • environmental issues
  • native title.

Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)
The AEMC was established to undertake rule making and market development in the National Electricity Market (NEM) and over time the gas market. The AEMC is responsible for administration and publishing of the National Electricity Rules; the rule making process under the new National Electricity Law; and providing policy advice to the MCE in relation to the NEM.
Australian Energy Regulator (AER)2
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) performs economic regulation of the wholesale electricity market and electricity transmission networks in the National Electricity Market (NEM), and enforcement of the National Electricity Law and National Electricity Rules.
Australian Solar Institute3
The Australian Solar Institute will provide much needed support for the Australian solar community, helping to retain Australian solar expertise and develop the next generation of Australian solar researchers.
CSIRO Energy Technology4
CSIRO Energy Technology looks at the ways in which the generation and consumption of energy and power affects Australia and Australians. In particular, they investigate ways in which processes can be made more efficient and better for the environment.
Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council5
ERAC is the council responsible for the liaison between the technical and safety electrical regulatory authorities of eight Australian States/Territories and New Zealand.
Index page for the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism's energy information. The Australian Government is committed to the provision of adequate, reliable and affordable energy to meet future energy consumption needs and to underpin strong economic growth, consistent with the principles of environmental responsibility and sustainable development.
Energy Reform Implementation Group: The way forward for Australia (Final Report) 7
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Reform Implementation Group (ERIG) investigated how best to encourage the development of a truly national electricity transmission system. This page links to the executive summary and main report: The Way Forward for Australia.
Energy White Paper8
The Energy White Paper aims to set durable policy directions to ensure Australia’s long-term economic prosperity and energy security. The release of the paper has been delayed following changes to the domestic and international climate change policy environment. The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism will continue to keep stakeholders and the broader community appraised on developments in producing the Government’s Energy White Paper.
National framework for energy efficiency9
The National Framework for Energy Efficiency (NFEE) aims to unlock the significant yet untapped economic potential associated with the increased uptake of energy efficient processes and technologies across Australia.
Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER)10
The Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator is a statutory authority established to oversee the implementation of the Government's mandatory renewable energy target.
REC Registry11
The REC Registry is an Internet-based registry system that supports the Australian Government's Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme by facilitating the creation, transfer and surrender of Renewable Energy Certificates.
Renewable energy target12
Through its Renewable Energy Target (RET) Scheme, the Government has pledged that by 2020, 20 per cent of Australia's electricity supply will come from renewable sources. In ten years time the amount of electricity coming from sources like solar, wind and geothermal will be around the same as all of Australia's current household electricity use. The RET expands on the existing Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET), which began in 2001.

Natural resources

AANRO - Australian Agriculture and Natural Resources Online
AANRO is an integrated knowledge discovery tool for agriculture and natural resources funded by the Australian Commonwealth and State Governments. Search AANRO for agriculture and natural resources information.
Australian Atlas of Mineral Resources, Mines & Processing Centres
The Australian Atlas of Mineral Resources, Mines, and Processing Centres aims to provide an authoritative understanding of Australia's known mineral and energy (solid fuel) assets, mines and production/processing centres (existing and planned).
Australian Natural Resources Data Library3
The Australian Natural Resources Data Library is a system for discovery of data, and information about data, stored and managed by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences on behalf of a number of organisations.
Australian offshore mineral locations map4
The Australian Offshore Mineral Locations map shows mineral occurrences and deposits within Australia's 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone and extended continental shelf.
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET)5
The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism provides advice and policy support to the Australian Government regarding Australia's resources, energy and tourism sectors. The Department develops and delivers policies to increase Australia's international competitiveness, consistent with the principles of environmental responsibility and sustainable development.
Rainfall to Pasture Growth Outlook Tool6
Access rainfall, soil moisture and pasture growth information to make more accurate grazing decisions. This Rainfall to Pasture Growth Outlook tool is FREE to use, but you must sign up first.
Resource Management [home page]7
This index page from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry provides information on activities which improve the natural resource base - soil, vegetation, water and fisheries - on which Australia's primary industries rely. Includes links relating to Resource management; Landcare; Water; Land and salinity; Vegetation; Climate change; Invasive species management; and Biofuels/Bio-energy.

Energy & Natural Resources Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Energy & Natural Resources Law & Lawyers Links

Acts administered by DERM (Department of Environment and ..

Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade .. administered by the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, and s. ... This is an Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the ..

Australian resources and energy law journal | National Library of ..

Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association. & Centre for Energy and Resources Law (Australia) & Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law.

Senior Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Senior Lawyer. Litigation; Environment and Natural Resource Regulation; Operations and Environmental Regulator; Brisbane. This role will provide high quality ..


2005 Implementation and Resourcing of Native Title and Related .. Tehan, M. 2008 Introduction Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law Vol 26 No 1. 2008. .... organisations and trusts, Discussion paper, Jackson MacDonald Lawyers, ..

Internet Resource Guide: Environmental Law

Describes Internet resources relating to Environmental Law in Australia. .. 49 (Australian Government Solicitor, 17 September 1999) .. practitioners in law, planning, natural resources and environmental management, environmental .. Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2009 and a related bill ..

Governmental Approval Process of Chinese Investment into ..

PRC-admitted Lawyer .. investing in Australia energy and resources assets. .. These concerns tend to be most pronounced in the energy and natural resource sectors. .. Major Actors of China in Outbound Investment Law and Policy Making ..

Principal Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Litigation; Environmental & Natural Resource Regulation; Operations .. on environment and natural resource laws in highly sensitive and complex legal actions, .. Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland, Environment and Resource ..

Native Title Payments

Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney General's Department, .... Mining Boom' (2008) 26 (1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 31.

2. The type of benefits to be provided - Attorney -General's Department

- It is also estimated that there are over 340 new resource development projects .... boom, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law Vol 26 No 1 2008 at p 31 ..

Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us


. Litigation; Environment & Natural Resource Regulation;Operations And .. for immediate admission, as a Barrister-at-Law or Solicitor of the Supreme Court of ... Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland, Environment and Resource ..

Ministers | NSW Department of Trade and Investment, Regional ..

As Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State and Minister for the .. In 1970, after graduating from University with a degree in law, Chris moved to The .. Shadow Attorney General, Shadow Minister for Planning, Shadow Minister for .. Major Events, Community Services and Natural Resource Management.

Social, Economic, Legal, Policy and Institutional R&D for Natural ..

by C Mobbs - 1999 - - 6.2 Core expertise of the lawyer. 65 .. 6.4 Distinctive features of natural resources and environmental law .... Energy portfolio (now Agriculture, Fisheries and ..

Department of Environment and Resource Management

The department has worked with a range of partners over the past year to recover and conserve Queensland's environment and natural resources affected by ..

Chapter 2: Changing the culture of native title

Attorney-General, Closing the Gap – Funding For the Native Title System .. Mining Boom' (2008) 26(1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 31, p 38.

The University of Sydney and AGS introduce our new Administrative ..

effective resource for students, lawyers and public servants. Program and presenters ... of Energy and Natural Resources Law. Her most recent publications are ..

Copyright Law Review Committee - Crown Copyright

80+ items – .. Attorney-General to examine the law relating to government ..

Sub No 1 - Performance Audit Services Group - Australian National Audit Office ..


Sub No 3 - Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC)


Strengthening Commercial Laws in the APEC Region

We thank colleagues from the Treasury Department, the Attorney-General's Department .. he is a specialist in natural resources and energy law. He has over 20 ..


Robert Hulls MP, and Federal Attorney General, the Hon Robert McClelland MP. The Conference received .. development in the areas of natural resource and land management .... energy & natural resources law Vol. 26 no.1 2008 : p. 1-30.

Cabinet - Queensland Government Executive Directory

30+ items – Cabinet. You can download a mail merge list of the Cabinet.

Level 15 100 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000. PO Box 15185, City East QLD ..


Level 13 400 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000. GPO Box 2454, Brisbane ..



The Committee has noted7 that "there is uncertainty about how the law .... Since the 1950s, the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (and its ... interpretation of s 51(xviii) was that of Higgins J in Attorney–General for NSW v ..

Our structure | About Queensland and its government | Queensland ..

Ministers are responsible for departments, which implement laws relating to their area of responsibility. .. Minister for Finance, Natural Resources and the Arts .. Local Government and Planning · Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister .. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities ..

Directory of Queensland Ministers and Portfolios - The Queensland ..


-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State .. justice reform, elections, judges and magistrates, JPs, law reform, Legal Aid, Public Trustee, .. Responsible for clean energy, energy efficiency and industry development, .. Minister for Finance, Natural Resources and The Arts ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..

The department has a focus on employment growth through the key economic drivers of mining and energy, primary industries and fisheries, .. The Queensland Government and key resource companies have joined .. Find out more about the coal seam gas (CSG) and liquid natural gas (LNG) .. Laws and regulations ..


- The resources industry presents a significant opportunity and challenge for .. (NNTC) said in its recent submission to the Attorney-General "it is imperative that .. Not all Indigenous land has the natural resources or potential resource, .... development and the preservation and enhancement of traditional law and custom; ..

Legal research links - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

Environment and Planning Law Association (EPLA) - An Association which aims to .. Department of Infrastructure, Planning & Natural Resources (DIPNR) - Planning Instruments. .. Sustainable Energy Development Authority ..

Australian Honours Secretariat

Member, Executive Committee, Commercial Law Association, 1982-1988. ... International Bar Association, Section of Energy and Natural Resources Law, ..

Native Title Newsletter

purposes (that is, a community that shared laws and ... were anthropologists, with a smattering of lawyers .... Energy & Natural Resources Law (2005) Vol.

References - Review of Regulatory Burden on the Upstream ..

Energy and Natural Resources Law Conference, April, Hong Kong, .. Attorney-General's Department 1980, Offshore Constitutional Settlement: A. Milestone in ..

Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989

Numbered SRs/SLIs by Year · Future Law Compilations .. of research and development relating to primary industries, energy and natural resources, and for related purposes .. Attorney-General's Department, Canberra ..


The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by providing essential .. in the maintenance and improvement of Australia's system of law and justice. .. forest industries, and addressing the challenges of natural resource management. .. The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency delivers ..

25 May 2004 Fiona Phillips The Director Copyright Law Review ..

Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and New South Wales Attorney General's department, argue that copyright in survey maps and plans is ..

Australian Libraries Gateway (ALG): Collection assessment report

Natural resources law

.... Provide the academic secretariat for the Attorney-General's Law Reform Advisory Council; Establish the Dean's ..



Family law (Victoria Online)


on family law can be found on Victoria Online. .. Federal government. Family Law Council (Attorney-General's Department, Australian Government) ..

Your Career with the Attorney General's Department of NSW

employment for law students .. Human Resources Branch, Attorney General's Department of NSW | Phone: 02 8688 8403 ... its operations on the natural ..

Joint venturing and consortium tendering - Gearing Up for Major ..

Margie has a broad background in energy, resources, construction and .. an up and coming lawyer in the energy and natural resources sector of the 2007 .. It doesn't really have any fixed meaning in law but there are four essential elements.

Acts committed to Ministers under section 5 of the Administrative ..

Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy. Authorised Betting .. Classification of Theatrical Performances Act 1978 Attorney-General .. Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws) Act. 1970 .... Natural Gas Authority Act 1967. Minister for ..

Leading practice agreements - Attorney-General's Department

Indigenous Affairs, Attorney-General‟s and Treasury for the opportunity to .... Mining Boom‟ (2008) 26(1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 31, p.

The Australasian journal of natural resources law and policy ..


Law and Policy. 1994 The Australasian journal of natural resources law and policy .. Attorney General's Information Service (AGIS). Life Dates, v. 1, no. .. Journal of energy, natural resources & environmental law; Book Natural resources ..

1930s - Department of Justice and Attorney-General - Queensland

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: ... with its larger rural base and its abundance of natural resources, was more .. never returned to politics, devoting his energies to his legal practice.


DUNNE, Mrs Vicki, Shadow Attorney-General and Shadow Minister for Water, ACT .. Associate, Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental Law ...... .. KERR, Ms Deborah, Manager, Natural Resource Management, ..

The Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts ..

Mr Rae is Chairman of the International Renewable Energy Alliance which is the .. He is a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law (Hons) University of Tasmania, .. He is a Harvard trained economist and a lawyer who began technology .. in healthcare, biotechnology, IT and energy & natural resources.

Submission from Queensland Department Natural Resources ..

- The Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy's .... power under s 51(xviii) of the Constitution to make laws for the peace, order and .. of Higgins J in Attorney–General for NSW v Brewery Employees Union (1908) ..

Chapter 2 The scope of Crown copyright - Attorney-General's ..

See also Australian Law Reform Commission, The judicial power of the ... The Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Minerals and Energy, for example ..

Appendix 1 List of submissions - Attorney-General's Department

Victorian Government. Victorian Government (Part 2*). 65. Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. 66. The Law Society of New South ..

New Brisbane Supreme and District Court - Department of Justice ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The design makes full use of natural light in all the courts, public waiting spaces and offices through a ..

New or Significant Judgments of the Federal Magistrates Court of ..

FAMILY LAW – Property – application for leave to institute proceedings out of time ... property and financial resources of liable parent – manner in which SSAT ... Construction Forestry Mining And Energy Union v Mammoet Australia Pty Ltd [2011] .. interests of the administration of justice – whether denial of natural justice.

Abbreviations and acronyms - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society .. A generic reference to damage, destruction or disruption caused by natural disasters, negligence, accidents or by .. Australian Law Reform Commission. AM .. Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ..

Questions on Notice and Answers - Queensland Parliament

150+ items – Browse Questions on Notice and Answers from 1995 to present.












Mrs E Cunningham



-General and Minister for Industrial ..




Mr S Emerson


Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy ..


Allens Arthur Robinson (AAR)

Organisation profile. AAR is an international law firm with offices throughout Australia and Asia. .. corporate/mergers and acquisitions, dispute resolution, energy and natural resources, environment, insurance, intellectual property, native title, projects, .. for lawyers to use, and easier in corporate services.

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

AGS provided a range of corporate, employment and property law ... electricity transmission and distribution networks and natural gas pipeline services. .. have been outposted to the Department of Resources, Energy and ..

Social Sciences - eResources - State Library of New South Wales

From the Attorney-Generals Australia and includes community .. energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science .. waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public ..

Chapter 06 - Legal Professional Privilege

by LP Law - 2006The Commissioner recognises that a lawyer has an obligation to a client or .. test in Esso Australia Resources Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1999) 201 .... a reference to a body corporate includes a natural person, and .... General Co v Woodside Energy Ltd [2000] WASC 204 (Unreported), GEC ..

Senior Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity - Vacancies - Careers.vic ..

Senior Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity ... Land Management, Legal, Medical and Nursing, Natural Resource Management, Occupational Health and Safety ..

Lawyers for Forests [PDF File - 703.1 KB] - Victorian Climate ..

Lawyers for Forests inc (LFF) is a not-for-profit organisation ... recently published report of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee .. Victoria has already led the nation in energy efficiency laws through the ..

Singapore's Strategic Legal Needs in the Financial Sector

foreign law firms and lawyers are allowed to operate in Singapore, in the context of ensuring .... example in innovative financial structuring, energy and resources law, .. (iii) the presence of natural persons, ie movement of the supplier, and (iv) ..

1.2 Member Profiles - Queensland Government Libraries ..

25+ items – .. Entry, Class. 1. Anti-discrimination Commission, Law, ALG.

Library Name






7. Dept. of Environment and Resource Management (DERM)


Environment ..


8. Dept. of Justice & Attorney-General Crown Law Library


Government, Law

Peter Stewart | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Peter Stewart was appointed Victorian Government Solicitor in August 2011. As one of the State's senior legal officers, Peter provides advice to .. aviation, energy, financial services, paper & packaging, pharmaceutical, property and .. Resource Centre .. Natural Justice and disciplinary proceedings following Byrne v Marles ..

Senior Compliance Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity

Senior Compliance Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity ... Legal, Medical and Nursing, Natural Resource Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Other .. Disability Services Commissioner, Emergency Services Super, Energy Safe Victoria ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..

1.5 The process the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (the Minister) must follow in making a wild river declaration is clearly set ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Indonesia - International Legal ..

- foreign lawyer admission requirements, regulation and restrictions on foreign .... (with links to Freehills)—foreign investment, energy and natural resources, ..

Green buildings and green leases | Victorian Government Solicitor's ..

The law governing commercial leases is complex and technical. .. through control of the consumption of energy and water, and management of waste. .. impact they have upon the planet's resources;; the impact the building has on its location and ... Natural Justice and disciplinary proceedings following Byrne v Marles ..

Search - Vacancies -


Medical and Nursing, Natural Resource Management, Occupational Health and .. Disability Services Commissioner, Emergency Services Super, Energy Safe Victoria .. Office of the Commissioner of Law Enforcement Data Security, Office of the .. Victorian Electoral Commission, Victorian Government Solicitors Office ..

4 Continuous Improvement and Best Practice - Department of ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. and the responsible and sustainable development of Queensland's natural and primary resources.

National Environmental Law Association WA State Conference The ..

over the last 200 years or so, the natural environment of our continent has been rapidly ... the resources available from time to time for the preservation and .... Woodside Energy Ltd is investigating the possibility of processing ..

SOLICITOR-GENERAL - Crown Law : Portal

submit to the Attorney-General a report with respect to the exercise and performance by me of the functions .. This leaves little time and almost no resources available for ... law relating to delegations and authorisations, the requirements of natural justice or procedutral .. Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources ..

Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title

Emily Gerrard, BSc/LLB (Hons), is currently a lawyer at Native Title Services .... continued use, if not expansion, of mining and energy projects. .. projects will continue to use natural resources and will require viable sites and associated ..

Directors-General and Chief Executive Officers - Queensland ..

Level 1, Qld Minerals and Energy Centre 61 Mary ... Assistant Director-General, Environment and Natural Resource Regulation 400 George St .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. 25th Floor, State Law Building ..

Legal Services Blueprint

State of New South Wales through the Department of Attorney General & Justice 2011. .. Provide cross-government access to legal resources through developing whole ... heightened awareness in the community of legal rights and of natural justice combined .. 4.9 Energy sale represents $4.1 million and ..

Patricia Lane

Senior Fellow, University of Melbourne (Centre for Energy and. Resources Law – Native Title and Resource Development Law. - LLM). Summary of .. 1998-2000: Senior Lecturer in Law, Sydney University. (fractional) (Real .. Lawson v Minister Assisting the Minister for Natural Resources (Lands). [2004] FCAFC 308 ..

Corporate Structure - Mount Isa Water Board - Queensland Water ..


of the Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy, now Department of .. lawyer with experience in water infrastructure, corporate law and corporate ..

Retail Leasing Guidelines - Department of Justice and Attorney..

If you have a legal problem, you should seek legal advice from a lawyer. The State .... of Natural Resources and Water against the .... ..

NSW Young Lawyers - Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaption

- Chair, NSW Young Lawyers Environment & Planning Law Committee .. climate change adaptation measures for large, natural, cross-border systems ... to include public facilities such as transport, water and energy. .. State and local governments and will require resources and training for implementation; ..

Attorney General's Department of NSW - LawLink NSW

The Department assists the NSW Attorney General in his role as the First Law Officer of the State. It also provides support services to enable the Attorney ..

find LEGAL answers resources, grouped by language: English

Includes a section on finding the law and legal research. .. Title: Accidents and injuries, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW .... legal rights and obligation under environmental and natural resource management law in NSW .... accounts, payment assistance, information for tenants and energy contracts.

Other Intermediate Courts of Appeal in Australia - Recent Decisions ..

DISCLAIMER: Subject to operation of the law, the Supreme Court (NSW) disclaims all .. Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Alfred [2011] FCAFC 13 .. recovery; payment claims; Payments Act; good faith; natural justice .. Lawyers: duties and liabilities; authority to compromise; counsel for the ..

Online databases - A to Z list

Online Resources - A to Z list. .. internet access to journal articles from published material on all aspects of law. .. by the Lionel Murphy Library, Attorney-General's Department, Canberra, and published by RMIT Publishing. ... renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, ..

References & Bibliography - Australian Natural Resources Data ..

Aboriginal Lands Integrated Natural Resource Management Group (2004). Integrated Natural .. Native Title Division, Commonwealth Attorney General's Department webpage ... Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (2002). South West .. Merrin Mason Law and Government Group, Department of the ..

Youth advocacy

authority over the young person's lifeteachers, lawyers, law enforcement .. Youth Advocacy is a community development process which resources the local ... Young people have the capacity, the energy and the right to take responsibility and .. materials to schools and natural meeting places in Flemington area; ..

eResources beginning with 'E' - eResources - State Library of New ..

68 resources found. ... Covers employment law in Australia. ... renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, ..

Annual Report 2009-10 Appendixes - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, B .. A Although resourced by the Attorney-General's Department, the Solicitor-General is .... unexpected demands and major challenges with energy and good humour. .. development and conduct of the national catastrophic natural disaster exercise.

Cadetships, scholarships and work experience opportunities ..

Environment and natural resources · Family, home and community · Government and .. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney-General's; Broadband, .. Prime Minister and Cabinet; Resources, Energy and Tourism; Sustainability, Environment, Water, .. Australian Law Reform Commission – Legal Internship Program ..

DHHS Tasmania: One stop resource for all government information ..

Comprehensive resource of all government information and resources in Tasmania and .. Resources, Energy and Tourism · Superannuation and Corporate Law .. Natural Resources, Environment & the Arts .. Justice & Attorney General ..

Chapter 2 - 2010-11 snapshot - Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by upholding the rule of law and by providing essential expert support to .. its national security and emergency management systems, and natural disaster relief. .. Chapter 14 discusses management of the Department's human resources.

2011 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Queensland first to adopt new electrical safety laws * .. has issued a warning to residents about the electrical safety risks posed by solar panels in flooded areas.

Submission 72 - NSW Young Lawyers - Barriers to Effective Climate ..

The NSW Young Lawyers Environment & Planning Law Committee (Committee) brings together a network .. adaptation measures for large, natural, cross-border systems such as the Murray ... such as transport, water and energy. .. governments and will require resources and training for implementation; ..

Sec 12 Natural Boundaries

Sec 4 Survey Principles and Case Law Rulings .. Comment on this case has come from the Crown Solicitor (DL 3533/1967): ... approximation for MHWM for medium to low energy beaches (that is where storm waves ... The Control of Waters Act was repealed by the Water Resources Act 1976; the later not ..


A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the local government's ... Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, area 1.996 ha, county of ..


- Maureen Tangney has been managing legal policy areas in the Attorney General's ... To reduce the Department's impact on the natural environment. Reduction in energy consumption as per the Department's Environment Policy .. Advice to government on law, justice and legal reform to enable the law to be developed and ..

Energy market reform - Australian Government Solicitor

The drive for efficiencies in Australia's energy markets has been a major focus of .. electricity transmission and distribution networks and natural gas pipeline services. .. the National Electricity Law, a schedule to the National Electricity (South .. have been outposted to the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism to ..

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - Australian Government Solicitor

By lawyer's name .. Energy and resources .. public administration and accountability (including good decision-making and natural justice). .. We work with clients to identify and manage their administrative legal risks, provide practical legal ..

Review Mineral Resources Act - Stage 2 - Department of Primary ..

Michael Power, Law Reform lawyer, Environment Defenders Office (Victoria) Ltd .. yet overlapping stages, all of which take considerable time and energy, .. the Environment and Natural Resources Committee of the Victorian ..

Search by organisation - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Department of Mines and Energy; Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries; Department .. Department Natural Resources and Water; Environmental Protection Agency .. Existing Department Justice and Attorney-General; Department of ..

Attorney General's Department of NSW - Lawlink NSW - NSW ..

resource allocation, reviews performance and develops and analyses key project .. and morale. During Law Week 2006 the Assistant Director-General ... The AGD's environmental goals are to reduce energy usage in buildings .. the Attorney General's .. consumption (natural gas, electricity, LPG) reduced by 13 per cent.

Solicitor General : Annual Report 2009-2010 - Crown Law : Portal ..

By virtue of s 7 of the Solicitor-General Act 1983 the person holding the office of Solicitor- .. This leaves little time and almost no resources available for the conduct of ... the requirements of natural justice or procedutral fairness and the hardy perennial .. Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources ..

Annual report - Australian Government Solicitor

from government to: — support the Attorney-General in his role as First Law Officer of the Commonwealth .... new arrangements for regulation of natural gas pipeline .. energy target. Windfarms: a renewable energy resource ..


directors and national head of the Natural Resources Business Unit of the law .. Non-executive director Queensland Energy Resources Limited. • Executive director .. Ms Pearce is a partner at Butler McDermott Lawyers, specialising in family law, civil litigation, estate disputes, building disputes, criminal law and has an ..

Table 1—Alphabetical table of current Queensland legislation ..

Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State. Original .. Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2007 No. 36 [Vol ... Minister for Finance, Natural Resources and The Arts .... made by the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade on ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..

[6] Queensland Department of Environment and Resource .. Stephen Robertson MP, Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, 'More wild rivers .. Also see Ms Katherine Jones, Attorney-General's Department, ..


absolute weight. In many circumstances, the lawyer's duty to the Court .. commercial factors in the contemporary practice of law. 3. 5. It cannot ... scarce public resources and to make them available to all in society. Litigation is .. the required idealism and sense of service necessary for the natural, organic ..

EDO submission

Michael Power, Law Reform lawyer, Environment Defenders Office (Victoria) Ltd .. Environment and Natural Resources Committee of the Victorian Parliament. .. Existing energy efficiency laws at a state level, in particular the ..

Solicitor General : Annual Report 2008-2009 - Crown Law : Portal ..

This report is made and submitted to the Attorney-General in obedience to the ... professional privilege, parliamentary privilege and procedural fairness or natural justice. .. Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources ..

Administrative Services Officer, Family Law - Vacancies - Careers ..

Administrative Services Officer, Family Law .. where you will utilise your extensive experience to support two Senior Family Lawyers. .. Legal, Medical and Nursing, Natural Resource Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Other .. Disability Services Commissioner, Emergency Services Super, Energy Safe Victoria ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General 2010-2011 Annual Report

its worst natural disasters in history. The .. renewable energy sector, to ensure adequate .. State's first law officer, the Attorney-General may start and conduct .... free legal advice, fundraising events and online resources for ..

BERETTA GODOY - Attorney-General's Department

"BITs as protection tools for natural resources projects" Mining Law session, .. Press, Latin Lawyer, International Law Office, and Latin American Energy Report.

Mental Health Legal Centre Inc

In our experience. many lawyers do noT have The Time. energy. experience or inTeresT To allow clienTs To give full insTrucTions. The limlled resources of free ..

Appendix 13: Our response to environmental sustainability ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report ... as coal, natural gas, etc at power stations or other facilities not controlled by the organisation); and ... We will continue to expand its use of alternative energy sources, including the incorporation ..

legislative drafting

water, energy and resources.  wildlife protection .. practice, where lawyers advise clients in relation to the law as it stands, OCPC lawyers are .. Naturally, the main role of OCPC is to draft Bills for the. Government. However ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

Annual Report of the Attorney-General's Department for the year ended 30 June 2011. .. external scrutiny, financial management, human resource management, information .. Australia's system of law and justice and to provide advice on a range of ... its national security and emergency management systems, and natural ..

Policy and the Swing of the Negligence Pendulum - Supreme Court ..

The law of negligence is especially prone to influence by moral, social, .. in law, you must not injure your neighbour; and the lawyer's question, .... Recently, in Secretary to the Department of Natural Resources and Energy v ..

Business Directory - Sunshine Coast Regional Council

4575, Annette Law ... Bakers Lawyers, Level 1 94 Memorial Avenue .... EastCoast Human Resource Group, Ground Floor 57 The Esplanade ..

Natural Resource Models in the Rangelands

The Audit required an analysis of current natural resource management models in use by ... Resources, Mines and Energy, Brisbane ... Objective assessment – in 2002 AussieGRASS was reviewed for LWA by an expert panel ... large pastoral companies, consultants, banks, accountants, valuers, lawyers, aboriginal ..

Attorney General's Department - 6 October 2011 - Mayo Lecture

I would like to thank the James Cook University School of Law and the .. First, I would like to talk about Natural Disasters and the need to do more to ... The White Paper referred to the potential for future tensions over the supply of energy, .. Coping and security: migration, competition over natural resources ..

Report on the Legal Services to Government Panel ..

Chart 3.2 Growth of in-house lawyers. ... The VGSO is the natural home for the Panel administration because it has extensive legal practice .. Government Lawyers Forum (GLF) .... In addition to construction, mining, energy, resources and ..

Legal Aid Queensland Annual Report 2010-11

by natural disasters across the state. At one point .. Townsville lawyer Terry Browne .... The Human Resources Committee provides advice and ..

Submission - Inquiry into the Renewable Energy (Electricity ..

in environmental, planning and natural resources law since 1991. It builds upon a conference paper entitled "Legislation to Encourage Renewable Energy ..

prohibited and restricted imports

by A Customs - 2004.. of China without a permit from the Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources. ... Security Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department on telephone +61 2 6250 6666 .. Natural and manufactured gonadotrophins (including menotrophins, Follicle .. The Minister for the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency or ..

CO - NTLF - Report 6 - Appendix 1

Mr Ron Levy, Lawyer; Mr John Roberts, Senior Policy Officer. Department of Lands .. Western Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy. Mr Simon .. Mr Michael Gaden, Chairman, Natural Resources Policy Committee ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix E - Submissions received

280+ items – Appendix E - Submissions received. Name, Organisation.







1. Michael ROLFE


The Vaucluse Progress Association


3. Graeme TAYLOR


Evans Shire Council


Oil and gas overview - For Australian exporters - Austrade - Austrade

Australia is a net exporter of energy (coal and natural gas) and a net importer of oil. .. industry, particularly as demand grows for alternate energy sources. ..; Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association ..


In legal services, Indonesia has committed to permit foreign lawyers to work or take part in Indonesian law firms as employees or experts in international law3 and .. Construction, mining and energy-related services .. of agriculture, industrial, environment, natural resource management, engineering, ..

Resources and Energy at the Heart of Structural Change in ..

Minister for Resources and Energy, Minister for Tourism .. I should add, despite being here at the University of Sydney Law School, I – like Ziggy – am not a lawyer. ... Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a particular stand out in this ..

Native Title Conference 2008 | Welcome

He previously worked as a natural resource economist with the .. Trevor Close is an Indigenous commercial lawyer currently working in the resources .... Minister for Energy; Minister for Community Services; and Minister for ..

Penrith City Library - Online Resources

Statistics & Other Useful Resources .. Current leaders, Defence, International relations, Economy, Energy and natural resources, .. Law, Literature, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Science, Social Sciences and Technology. .. Murphy Library, Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department in Canberra.


as well as a commercial legal services–legal education balance. Since its .. In 1990 the then Attorney-General, the Hon Michael Duffy, constituted ILSAC for its .... practice will include banking and finance, funds management, resources, projects and energy, international and regional arbitration, and capital markets. Dr Thio ..


1.1 growth of the natural resources sector is critical for australia's economic future. 5. 1.2 timely .... the energy value chain (from fuel supply to generation over. ▪ transmission and ... (and lawyers) have long realised that it is not feasible to specify .... tory sharing', Federal Communications Law Journal, Volume 58, issue 3, pp ..

IP33 Inside front cover.indd - Australian Law Reform Commission

Energy. 127. Transport. 127. Other. 131. Royal Commissions of inquiry. 134. 4. Client Legal .. I, Philip Ruddock, Attorney-General of Australia, having regard to: ... 2–3 Should client legal privilege apply only to natural persons and not to .... privilege did not exist at all, everyone would be thrown on his own legal resources.

International law

Principles of international environmental law – protection of the atmosphere and climate change – marine resources. 23 international law in australia. How does ..

Table 1—Alphabetical table of current Queensland legislation ..

Statute Law Revision Act 1995 No. 57 ss 1–2, .. Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2004 SL .... Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Continuing the theme of natural disasters from Family Relationships .... with the fact of survival and assisting to distribute the emotional energies associated with it. .. both as a resource that supports recovery and as a system implicated in the injury ... In collaborative law processes, the lawyers, unlike FDR practitioners and ..

position description

- A legal panel of external lawyers is in place and the Victorian Government Solicitor .. expertise in general commercial and contract law, energy and resources law, .. government law (administrative law/natural justice), and a highly developed ..

Diarmuid Hannigan 236 Smith Street

Working Families, Denied Natural Iustice. Dear Good Person. .. disclosure of this letter allows the law firm Russell Kennedy and the lawyer lan. Bult to remain ..


Many Indigenous people have not felt dispossessed – their law ... The availability of independent 'arm's-length' resources for Indigenous participation in ... The leaders of the SA Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) have specific .... 'natural' disasters removing the infrastructure of local governance of White Australia ..

1 AN AUSTRALIAN RESTATEMENT? Prepared for the Australia ..

attempt to make law less unwieldy for lawyers and understandable and physically accessible for ... energies into evasion and avoidance. ... A person is not wronged who suffers accidental harm or loss through a risk naturally .... In many ways our society is cruising along unconscionably squandering resources built up by ..


and natural resource base will continue to attract illegal activity ... international law, and is subject to the right of innocent passage for ... written authority of the Commonwealth Attorney-General.4 .... Department of Resources, Energy and ..

Departments | Queensland Government


and energy .. Regional Natural Resource Management .. Department of Justice and Attorney General .. Pool fencing laws ..

Administrative Law in an Environmental Context:

- "We increasingly will have to employ land and other natural resources to maintain .. is no necessary correlation between productivity and energy resources expended. ... Such a spokesperson could include the Attorney-General but there are ..

State Government Departments Certified Agreement 2009 - CA/2010/6

Department of Natural Resources, Mines & Energy - State Valuation Service .. Director-General of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General; and Others ..

Special libraries' holdings | Libraries Australia

Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia: ADCA National Resource Centre & ... Clayton Utz Solicitors – Sydney, Corporate, Law, Yes, 0, 0 .... Department of Resources: Minerals and Energy InfoCentre, Government – State, Special, Yes ..


[CQFLPN Guide to Online Family Law System Resources]. Page 1. CENTRAL .. are funded through the Federal Attorney General's Department as part of the national .... 10 Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy. ➢ Tips To .... natural child and understanding and accepting these differences can help make life much easier.

annual report - Australian Government Solicitor

following the natural disasters in eastern Australia. We continued to advise on .. and through them supporting the Attorney-General as First Law Officer and the Government as a whole. .... Environment, energy and resources. AGS continued ..

2 Statement of Compliance - Department of the Attorney General

Similarly, the. Department provided additional resources to the Coroner's Office to cut the .. legal advice to the Attorney General on a range of law reforms, coupled with legislative .... Woodside Energy Limited and the Commissioner of Main Roads .. proposed natural gas processing precinct at James Price Point in the ..

Lions In Conflict: Ellesmere, Bacon And Coke The Years Of ..

by CJOFNEWS WALES - To a substantial degree, this transformation of the law was the work of three .. Appointed Solicitor General in 1592 and Attorney General in 1594, in both offices succeeding Ellesmere, his natural progression to the bench was ... Her advisors devoted much of their time and energy to marrying Elizabeth off, ..


We assist the NSW Attorney General in his role as the First Law Officer of the State, .. and nature of penalties under the law, observation of the rules of natural justice, ... Due for completion in late 2004, the project will deliver guaranteed energy... We developed a range of resources and information sessions to specifically ..

Policy and the Swing of the Negligence Pendulum - Supreme Court ..

The law of negligence is especially prone to influence by moral, social, .. in law, you must not injure your neighbour; and the lawyer's question, Who is my .... Recently, in Secretary to the Department of Natural Resources and Energy v Harper ..

Discrimination & harassment (Victoria Online)


on discrimination and harassment can be found on Victoria Online. .. Disability Rights, Human Rights, Legal Information, Racial Discrimination and ..

Annual Report 2008-09

the Advisory Board for the UWA Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. Ms Cook graduated from the. University of Western Australia with a ..

NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010

being Secretary of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-. General .. for the Australian Taxation Office, the NSW Law ... the natural environment. Reduction in energy consumption as .... material and financial resources properly, effectively ..

Information on the web The Parliament of New South Wales is made ..

laws, facilitating more informed policy-making and .. The Law and Justice Committee focuses on legal and constitutional issues. .. Attorney General, industrial relations, emergency services, corrective .. commerce, infrastructure and planning, energy and utilities, natural resources, transport, tourism, public administration ..

Latest News Archive 2006 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

Tirkandi Inaburra is funded by the NSW Attorney General's .. Members of the public can find out more by contacting Law Access NSW on ph: 1300 888 529. ... and practitioners in the field,; a register of Indigenous justice resources; and .. through the provision of large public spaces filled with natural light.

Appendix A1 Justice statutory offices and bodies

Attorney-General and Solicitor-General Act 1972 .. Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws) Act 1970 .... consumption of energy and other resources.

Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2 ..

The short title of the bill is the Natural Resources and Other Legislation. Amendment Bill .. amend the Geothermal Energy Act 2010 (Geothermal Energy Act) and .... effectively limited by this amendment to accountants, lawyers and valuers ..

Queensland Government Gazette

"local law" means Council's Natural Assets Local Law 2003. ... Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of land .... Note.—Applications for positions within the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, should include the original, plus .. Director, Energy Markets and Policy (c) ..

Submission Inquiry into the approval process for renewable energy ..

advocate for individuals and groups in Victoria who want to use the law and legal system .. Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Victorian Parliament .. who support renewable energy generation in Victoria, as lawyers, we have a ..


Senator Wong, Minister for Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Water .. Australia's law and justice framework and its national security and emergency man- agement system. Program 1.1 Attorney-General's Department Operating .... government is injecting significant resources towards legal assistance ..

7.65%pa*1 7.40%pa - Queensland Government Bookshop

Overgrown and Unsightly Allotments Local Law 2004. Inspection. 5. .... registered in the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, area 5.39 ha .... Lawyers, psychiatrists, and other persons with knowledge and skills in mental ..

Commonwealth Marine Protected Areas – Displaced Activities ..

- Characterisation as a law with respect to acquisition 15 .. MPAs are intended to assist in the conservation of natural and cultural assets. .... For example, in Commonwealth v WMC Resources Ltd, both Toohey J and Kirby J (in the ... Industry and Energy v Davey[31] and Bienke v Minister for Primary Industries and Energy.

Courts - Community - Government of South Australia

Andrew Rogers Business & Personal Lawyers View details .. Tags: law, courts .. management of land, the natural and built environment and natural resources.

Profiles - Office for Ethical Standards and Professional Integrity

Managing Solicitor MedicalPanels SA Department .. Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure .. Department for Environment and Natural Resources ..

State responsibility - Law Handbook

In this role, the State Parliament has passed many dozens of laws that affect the environment. .. AND PAYMENTS POWERS OF ATTORNEY PRISONERS PRIVACY AND .. Mining (Mining Act 1971, Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act .. Act 1991);; Land care (Natural Resources Management Act 2004).

Annual Report 08–09

I have pleasure in presenting to you the annual report of the Attorney General's .. To reduce the Department's impact on the natural environment (page 139). A five per cent reduction in energy consumption per square metre and 10 per cent .. Complete the implementation of recommendations made by the Law Reform ..

Accessing land for public purposes in Samoa

acquires land. Due process of law and procedures are often not adhered ... Management in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. 2 Land can be ... and there is no incentive for the village to economise with either resource or energy use. As a result, the .... Aumua Ming Leung Wai, Attorney General. - Le'aula ..

Judicial review - Attorney-General's Department

This Consultation Paper reflects the law as at 20 April 2011. .. Submissions provide an important resource for the authors of a final report that are most .... Justice Act 2001 applies to 'a natural or juristic person, other than an organ of state, .. the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia and the Australian Energy Regulator.

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee:Wild Rivers ..

1.3 Division 1 of Part 2 of the Queensland Act sets out the process which the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (Minister) must ..


NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ASSOCIATION .. without consideration of the consequences of depleting the natural flows in the river .. other things, a failure to recognise the significance of the resource - perhaps not .... intellectual energy in seeking to maintain, in the public forum, the position which it ..

Annual Report 2008 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..

The Crown Solicitor is the most senior officer in Crown Law, handling the most difficult ... Licensing Court to deny natural justice to K-Generation. This was said to .. areas of planning and environment, native title and resources and commercial dispute .... used in New Zealand and is now being trialled by Ergon Energy.

Attorney General's Department - 10 March 2011 - Address to the ..

As Attorney-General, the national security responsibilities of my .. you look at the impact of its resource requirements on our economy, .. between security, intelligence and law enforcement agencies. ... I have often been asked 'why natural disasters are considered to require a national security response?' ..

Review of Approval Processes in Western Australia

The resource sector (mining and petroleum) is the key economic driver for the Western .... Since the great mineral and energy developments of the 1960s and 1970s, ... A proposed Department of Natural Resources would better support the .... Mr Mark Gregory, Partner MinterEllison Lawyers, Native Title Resources Law.

Client Legal Privilege and Federal Investigatory Bodies

This Discussion Paper reflects the law as at 31 August 2007 ... control and immigration. 145. Communications. 151. Environment. 153. Defence. 154. Energy. 155 .. I, Philip Ruddock, Attorney-General of Australia, having regard to: • the fact that .... however, does naturally prompt a consideration of the privilege in its wider ..

Report - The National Native Title Tribunal

- Mr John Gaden, Chairman, Natural Resources Policy Committee, .. Mr Robert Goreing, Chief Executive Officer, South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy Inc .. Mr David Kempton, Lawyer, Cape York Cattle Industry ..

Annual Report 2008-09 Overview - Attorney-General's Department

We reconfigured the Department's resources to address security and natural catastrophes to align with the Smith Review and .. Constitutional Policy and Constitutional Law functions have also been brought ... and consolidated accommodation from several older buildings to one energy efficient building.

07.08.09 - [98] Natural Resources

Director, Department of Environment and Resource Management, ... Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade intends to .... Department of Justice and Attorney-General. J. 156/09. Crown Law ..

Legal Aid Queensland submission Legal Aid Queensland ..

Anti-discrimination lawyer. • Domestic violence .... corporation or government entity.14 The imbalance in the legal resources available to the complainant and ..

Emergency & Legal Services - Community - Government of South ..

Transport, travel and motoring · Water, energy and environment · Housing, property and .. Environment & Natural Resources · Health & Medical Services · Sports, .. Emergency Services · Fire Services · Lawyers & Solicitors · Legal Aid · Legal ..

Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2005

Law Act 1974, Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003, Surveyors Act. 2003, Transport .. Department of Natural Resources and Mines (NR&M) land registry operations. .... prosecute;. • remove the power of the Minister or Attorney-General to ... SunWater. •. Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU)– ..

Anne Dalton & Associates

- This is an aspect which is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain in law firms, .. tenders for leaseholds, electronic auctions of natural resources and complex .. Energy and resources-projects Anne has been the lead probity practitioner on .. He has extensive experience as a Government Lawyer and as an adviser in ..

Bc_define_criteria(7) - Boards and Committees

Microsoft Excel - 39, BOARD OF THE LAW AND JUSTICE FOUNDATION, Attorney General. 40, BOARD OF THE .. 73, COAL COMPETENCE BOARD, Minister for Resources and Energy. 74, COAL ... 201, NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION, Premier ..

Emergency & Legal Services - Business - Government of South ..

Transport, travel and motoring · Water, energy and environment · Housing, property and land .. Environment & Natural Resources · Health & Medical Services · Science & Technology .. Consumer Services · Lawyers & Solicitors · Legal Aid ..

Tardent v Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water [2008 ..

Mr G Smith, Principal Legal Officer, Department of. Natural Resources and Water, for the respondent. .... Resources, Mines and Energy ... appellant, either through his own research or on advice from lawyers, had concluded ..

Attorney-General's - Potential audits

Climate Change and Energy Efficiency .. Resources, Energy and Tourism .. AFP has systems that effectively support the full range of its law enforcement operations ... A key output from the National Partnership Agreements for natural disaster ..

Judges' Speeches

The report continued 'However, where an in-house lawyer provides .. The Law Reform Commission proceeded to refer to a judgment of .. Gaudron and Gummow JJ in Esso Australia Resources Limited v .. 'If the party is a natural person and not legally disabled then the affidavit must be made by the party.

Hot Topics No 63 - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. .. law that says how much energy is to be generated from renewable sources to criminal sanctions for breaching pollution licences. .. Coal, oil, natural gas and uranium are all fossil fuels ..

Learn - About Climate Change - Ready and Able

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. These gases trap energy in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer and can be caused by: .. to the landfill and you help save natural resources such as trees, oil and aluminium. .. All Australian States and Territories' laws require refrigerators, freezers, clothes ..


by F Kingham - development of international environmental law which will .... further training for judges, lawyers and public .. Energy and Natural Resources and the Ministry ..

QLAC 0005

Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade .. Neither party was represented by counsel or solicitors at the hearing, save that the .. and at law, not a decision of the sort contemplated by s64 of the ..

Judges' Speeches

the mystery lawyer, Alan Robertson SC, courteously apologised to the man in the ... a role into which your Honour stepped naturally and a role which your Honour ... a publication described as the ideal resource for anyone who has ... It was through your Honour's relentless energy and enthusiasm that the ..

Copyright Law Review Committee - Attorney-General's Department

- 64 Victorian Government. 65 Queensland Department of Natural QNRM&E. Resources, Mines and Energy. 66 The Law Society of New South ..

Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title

resource project to be concluded since the Mabo decision. Covering some .. Dr Senior is a Perth-based lawyer and accredited mediator who has been closely .... Elders usually attended sessions and they naturally needed breaks so that .. individuals, having devoted so much time and energy to the negotiations, became ..

Management and Acountability - Attorney-General's Department ..

Geoff McDonald PSM, National Security Law and Policy Division ... resource allocation changes; governance changes within the department and portfolio; and changes in the .... People, Information and Technology Division have contributed directly to managing natural disaster .... hotels in Queensland and the energy ..

Marriage Celebrants Program: Better Management through Fees ..

Extension of Energy Efficiency Opportunities to Electricity Generators Regulation Impact Statement – Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism .. through Fees Regulation Impact Statement – Attorney-General's Department .. place on a Saturday afternoon there is a natural limitation on the number of ..

Doing business in Azerbaijan - For Australian exporters - Austrade ..

For more information, go to the Attorney General's Department on foreign bribery. .. be introduced and the existing laws must be appropriately amended. .. information on energy, natural resources fields, and areas located ..

Submission 64 - Attorney-General's Department - Barriers to ..

Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements. 4. Critical .. emergency management community is essential to allocating resources effectively in order to optimise .... of discussion do not contravene competition laws. .. Climate Change and Energy Efficiency on upcoming climate change initiatives.

THE HON MARK DREYFUS QC MP Parliamentary Secretary for ..

Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. ADDRESS TO THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ASSOCIATION, MELBOURNE ... will also be required to take account of regional natural resource ..

Mosman Council: Trees

Stormwater · Water conservation · Documents and Resources .... However, the Attorney General has recently undertaken a review and made a number of .. website states that under the new laws to commence on August 2, 2010, the Act will: .. value (visually, culturally, naturally or ecologically) within the Urban Forest.


Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006


-General's Department, Canberra. Contents. 1. ... Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Act 1987 165. Product Grants ... Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 190 .... (ii) a payment to which section 12‑325 of that Schedule applies (natural resource payments).

News Archive - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS has been advising on public sector employment law and workplace relations .. Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, yesterday announced the .... Act (promoting efficient, effective and ethical use of Commonwealth resources). .... You can get the report or further information about energy reform, and ..

About the Department

We assist the NSW Attorney General in his role as the First Law Officer of the State, .. the level and nature of penalties under the law, observation of the rules of natural justice, .... locate reliable and up-to-date legal information resources on the internet. ... In accordance with the Government Energy Management policy, the ..

Part 2: Expense Measures Attorney‑General's - Budget papers

Africa — law and justice frameworks — Australian assistance .... Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, -, -, -, -, - .. such as electricity, communications and water supplies, to protect against natural disasters, accidents and terrorism.

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

Act to operate notwithstanding anything in existing laws. .. Certification by Attorney-General concerning the disclosure of information 21 .... (a) that a breach of the rules of natural justice occurred in connection with the .... under Division 2 of Part 5 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 or decisions ..

Attention News Editors/Chiefs of Staff - Ministerial Media Statements

Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations .. safety laws effective tomorrow (1 December) and highlight "green" housing requirements in ..

NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010

and Attorney General of New South Wales for the 2009/10 financial year. This report has been prepared ... In May 2010 Law Week took to the streets in cities and towns around New South ... of increased quality, as well as resource effectiveness, to offender .... the natural environment. Reduction in energy consumption as ..

Memorandum of Understanding between Department of Justice and ..

The Electrical Safety Office, Department of Justice and Attorney-General ... the cost-effective use of resources with respect to enforcing regulatory requirements arising under the .. where natural gas or LP gas is used as part of the work process. .. products including geothermal energy and Greenhouse Gas streams.

Annual Report 2001-2002

I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report of the Attorney General's Department of NSW for the year .. law, observation of the rules of natural justice, .. Corporate Human Resources. 81 .... The Department finalised Energy Performance ..


Justice and Attorney-General. Local Government, Sport and Recreation. Main Roads. Mines and Energy. Natural Resources and Water. Premier and Cabinet ..


Attorney-General and Minister for Justice. • Minister for Transport and Main .. Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. • Minister for Child Safety ..


Attorney General's Department, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posted at .. These risks – from natural disasters, to equipment failure and crime – can damage .... Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism .... maintenance and improvement of Australia's system of law and justice and its national security and ..

Drafting Direction No. 3.3 Application of Acts in relation to various ..

Rich Text Format - The Attorney General's Department has advised that, when the expressions .. the Office of International Law (OIL) has advised (opinion 95/082912 dated 26 .. or conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, .. and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, ..

Risk management - Austrade

Reports & Resources .. Your bankers, lawyers, insurers and accountants should also be able to give you knowledgeable .. Political upheaval may occur due to economic factors, natural disasters, civil disorder or revolution .. Some types of exports may be prohibited under local laws or due to trade embargoes or other ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Vulnerabilities to trafficking in ..

by J LindleyDuring consultations in 2007, Pacific law enforcement agencies highlighted to ... A lawyer from Papua New Guinea reflected the views from a forum and other ... Testimony before the US Senate energy and natural resources ..

Mental Health and Family Law - A Question of Degree

A cornerstone of the solicitor and client relationship is a legal presumption that .. making large purchases regardless of financial resources;; Dramatic mood swings; .... approved further assessment on the basis of affording the father natural justice. ... The trial judge stated "She still seems lacking in energy, ..


At the Conference Federal Attorney General Robert. McClelland spoke .. Tan from Griffith Law School and Solicitor, Ms Virginia .. knowledge and science of natural resources as .... Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal, vol.28, no.2, ..


LENNARD, Mr Michael, Senior Government Lawyer, Office of International .. Environment Australia, Nature Conservation House, Cnr Emu Bank .... agreement under which member countries of the International Atomic Energy Agency .. expertise and in supporting the provision of appropriate resources, such as experts to ..

Its time to shine!!

Inspection. 4. A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the ... electromagnetic energy in all its forms on, from, over, under ... The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources, .... Applications for positions within the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, should include the original, plus ..

Table 1—Alphabetical table of current Queensland legislation ..

Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of .. Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1 ... Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2010 No. 12 s 1 .... Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Regulation (No.

EPA Board Members - EPA Tasmania

Secretary - Law Department, Secretary Attorney-General's Department during .. environmental and natural resource management; representing employers on a .. globally on sustainability issues relating to water and energy infrastructure.

Charters Towers Court House - CHIMS (Department of Environment ..

Environment and Resource Management .. Themes, 7 Maintaining order / 7.1 Policing and maintaining law and order .. of Mines and Energy and the Department of Natural Resources. .. It houses the offices of the Department of Justice and Attorney General and other government department tenancies.

Overall Effectiveness Report - DAFF

Increased awareness and understanding of natural resources issues;; Adoption of .... The department worked closely with DFAT and the Attorney-General's ... to Japanese Feed and Food Laws and the proposed US Bioterrorism Rules. ... papers on agricultural, natural resources, and energy and minerals issues. Following ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

to ensure federal and State law enforcement and national security bodies are able ... The Centre is the Government's central crisis coordination resource and ... Government response to natural and .... from the banking and finance, energy, ..

Law Seminar 2008: The Importance of Australia's engagement with ..

Legal Research & Resources navigation .. The typical role of an international lawyer over the last few years, whether in Australia or in the UK, ..

EDO submission

Michael Power, Law Reform Lawyer, Environment Defenders Office ... natural resources — especially water — poses a direct threat to agricultural .. mining may seem in the short-term, continued reliance on these high emitting energy sources ..

Our people

Attorney General's Department of NSW. Annual Report 2006– .. ensure that the Attorney. General's .. skills, perspectives and energy our staff contribute to our ... equitable legal system of courts, tribunals, laws and other .. resources, and equitable access to services. Corporate .. the impact its business has on the natural ..

Purchasing legal services - Attorney-General's Department

I would also like to thank all those in government and in private legal firms who gave ... focusing skilled resources around a much smaller number of panels and .... determining where we focused our own energies. In fact all the .... the faster rise in the cost of professional remuneration and the natural growth in the economy ..


and mentors a team of young lawyers to provide legal services covering a .. Mr Ou is interested in cross-border transactions, specifically in the energy and .. is Deputy Division Director of the Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources ..

Chapter 11 Management of Crown copyright - Attorney-General's ..

intellectual property it holds, and to ensure that agency resources are put to productive .... Law Reporting Advisory Board to advise the Attorney-General.71 .... Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy argued that a ..

Sheet1 - Emergency Management Australia

Microsoft Excel9, 09/16936, National Catastrophic Natural Disaster Exercise ... Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ( CCAMLR ) - General - Part 14 .... 299, 09/17861, Native Title Unit - Future Acts - Geothermal energy - Application of .... 716, 09/18810, OLSC - Attorney-General - First Law Officer Meetings with AGS - 2008 ..

Council Spring Parlynet Weekly Book 5 2000

by L COUNCIL - Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for Ports and .. Attorney-General, Minister for Manufacturing Industry and .. Environment and Natural Resources Committee — (Council): The Honourables R. F. Smith and E. G. .. Law Reform Committee — (Council): The Honourables D. G. Hadden and P. A. Katsambanis.

Australia-China Legal Profession Development Program 2009

- Madam He leads and mentors a team of young lawyers to provide legal .. Mr Ou is interested in cross-border transactions, specifically in the energy and .. the Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection within ..

Objective: Legal services are sustainable and deliver value

EROs are solicitors and barristers in private practice and are independent .. Key in-house legal information resources are freely available to our law firms .. We reduced our annual water use by 23.8 percent and our energy use by .. our own offices and staff were affected by the natural disasters in 2010-11.

Official Committee Hansard

BARTLEY, Mr Scott William, Manager, Resource and Environment Tax Unit, .. IMLE, Mr John F., Energy Consultant representing Oceanic Exploration Co. .. International Law, Attorney-General's Department . ... opinion makes clear that at least since 1985 concepts of so-called natural prolongation have ..

LawHandbook - Complaints - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales. 11th edition .. Contact points and internet resources for this chapter begin on page 281. If the complaint .. energy and cost involved may be such that it would be .. Appeals Tribunal Act, the federal Attorney-. General .... natural justice or procedural fairness. • whether ..

3. Describing the rangelands - Australian Natural Resources Data ..

The continual natural erosion of the landscape and the reworking of ... other policies at the time and the more recent native title laws, have seen great .... replace the right to negotiate where the Attorney-General determines that the proposed .... energy and mineral resources: Western Australia alone produced 36% of the ..


ISSUED BY THE MINERALS AND ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF .. lawyer in the Australian Securities .. has lectured in Natural Resources law ..

Overview - Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2008-2009

to promote and preserve the rule of law in accordance with the priorities of the .. We reconfigured the Department's resources to address security and natural catastrophes to align with the Smith Review and the. Prime Minister's .... consolidated accommodation from several older buildings to one energy efficient building.

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2009-2010

of sources, including natural disasters, criminal activity, terrorism, .. common law. Law derived from custom and judicial precedent (case law) rather than from legislation. .... Table 1: Attorney-General's Department resource statement, 2009–10. 29. Table 2: .... energy use see ecologically sustainable development. Engage: ..


Kerrin Stewart (Senior Legal Officer). • Danni Nicholas-Sexton (Attorney-General's Department Graduate) .... If a coercive information-gathering power is used in connection with a specific ... Sharing resources and experience .. Decision Making: natural justice, guide 2 in the Council's series of best-practice guides ..

Environmental problems in Indonesia : a review

by a seminar on the problems of environment and natural resources in Asia-. Pacific as .. No. 4) as: the entry or introduction of living organisms, matters, energy, and/or necessary .. and 203 of the Penal Law, and further in article 22 of Act No. 4/1982, and ... law-enforcerspolice, public prosecutors, judges and lawyers.

Legal Briefing No 78 - Australian Government Solicitor


justice and the 'hearing rule' – fundamental principles and recent developments ... decision-making involving significant use of public resources. .... Country Energy v Williams; Williams v Director-General National ..

Chapter 3: Towards a just and equitable native title system

As I discussed in Chapter 1 of this Report, there was a new energy and a .. The Attorney-General has advanced reforms to the native title system aimed at fostering ... traditional ownership of our lands, territories and resources. Further .. find continuous observance of laws and customs, or to make orders about particular ..

Disability Service Plan whole-of-government annual progress report

Rich Text Format - (Department of Justice and Attorney General) .. (Department of Natural Resources and Water -- action also undertaken by majority of departments) .... The Department of Mines and Energy has initiated strategies to promote the agency as an ..

Vacancies -

Jobs 1 - 6 of 6 – Senior Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity, Legal, VPSG5, Department of Justice .. Natural Resource Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Other .. Super, Energy Safe Victoria, Environment Protection Authority, Essential ..

Section 1 Annual Report 08–09_TEXTONLY

I have pleasure in presenting to you the annual report of the Attorney .. laws which support the community .. efficient use of resources. .. on the natural environment (page. 139). A five per cent reduction in energy consumption per square ..

Answers to Questions on notice - Department of Agriculture ..

(including aquatic animal) and Plant Health, Natural Resource. Management .. Does the Department/agency have an in-house legal section? If so, what was .. Chambers Westgarth, Adept Associates, Malleson Stephen Jaques, Attorney .... (Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Energy) for diagnostic testing. The ..

Annual Report 2009-10 Performance Reports - Outcome 2

The online teaching resources focused on natural disaster education and .. banking and finance, communications, energy, water, and transport. .... On 11 March 2010, the Attorney-General tabled the Australian Law Reform ..

Recent Australian Publications September 2011 – Alphabetic ..

The Resources and Energy Law Association. .... Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Levy proposal 2010/2011 : thirty ..

Public Interest Determination No. 1

Materials and resources .. Topic(s): Law enforcement and national security | Health .. (f) Where the Director, with the consent of the Attorney? .. It is bound by the rules of natural justice and is not required to conduct any .. Relations ACT Department of Primary Industries and Energy ACT Department of ..

Corporate Governance - Australian Law Reform Commission

The Minister responsible for the ALRC is the Attorney-General of Australia. Under s 20 of the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 (ALRC Act), the .... established by the President which satisfy the principles of natural justice. .. control and promoting efficient, effective and ethical use of Commonwealth resources.

Titles Aa-Ap (State Library of Queensland)

Information for those working in the field of policing and federal law .. of the Lionel Murphy Library, Attorney-General's Department, Canberra, .. Deals with natural and cultural resources of significance to Indigenous peoples of Australia. ... the environmental and economic aspects of non-nuclear energy.

Australian Energy Market Act 2004

Administered by: Resources, Energy and Tourism .. Attorney-General's Department, Canberra .. Part 2—Application of energy laws as laws of the Commonwealth 7 .... Western Australian pipeline means a pipeline (within the meaning of the National Gas (Commonwealth) Law) for transporting natural gas ..

Trove - for 'weppner'

This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.954). Street ethnography : selected studies of crime and drug use in natural settings / Robert S. Weppner, editor: Weppner, Robert S: [ Book .. (Interview): Brief: [ Article : 2009 ]: Keywords: Law; Attorneys; Legal services . .. Materials science, energy & environment / Prof.

Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel

and Energy and Minister for. Trade ... admitted solicitor with an honours degree in law from the .. Publishing Unit for the Department of Natural Resources ..

Mining Act 1992 - NSW Legislation

237 Need to protect natural resources etc to be taken into account ... Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011 No 27, Sch 2.32 [1] (not commenced .. and Energy, except section 293; section 293, the Attorney General ..

Department of Justice Annual Report 2009-2010

I am pleased to submit the Attorney-General's Department 2009-10 Annual Report .... violent offender rehabilitation and targeted law enforcement - helping to .... Department has been working with the Department of Transport, Energy and .. natural resource is crucial to our wellbeing and therefore the current four per cent ..

NSW Law Reform Commission Annual Report 2008-09

2008 and to focus my energies on the need to revitalise the NSW Law .. and timely advice to the Attorney General – in practice this means providing .. penalties will have an impact on the community and as such deserve full and well resourced .... Naturally, there are many differing, often conflicting, views advanced by the ..

Fulfill you legal obligations | Business development | Queensland ..

It might be a good idea to seek outside help during this time. Some of the professionals who can help you are: legal experts (lawyers, solicitors); accountants and ..


accumulation of those funds in Natural Wealth Accounts in. Timor Leste .. Speech delivered by the Attorney. General, the .... assessment or as part of a Graduate Diploma in Energy and · Resources Law ; Master of Commercial Law ; Master of ..


to be Attorney-General and Minister for Justice of Queensland;. The Honourable PAUL .. to be Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy of Queensland;. The Honourable .... Children Services Tribunal Act 2000 Choice of Law (Lim ..

Attorney-General's Department, Annual Report 2007-2008

from a range of sources, including natural disasters, criminal activity .. common law. Law derived from custom and judicial precedent (case law) .... Management and accountability—human resource management (pages .... energy policy, 243 ..

Yin-Kuan Ho | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Yin-Kuan is a Senior Solicitor in the Commercial, Property & Technology .. and financing of renewable energy projects including the Mumbida Wind Farm in .. "I really enjoy seeing first-hand how law and public policy intersect." .. Resource Centre .. Natural Justice and disciplinary proceedings following Byrne v Marles ..


Air & space lawyer. Hein Online: Vol. ... Hein Online: See Australian resources & energy law ... Australasian journal of natural resources law & policy. AGIS Plus ..

Attorney General's Department - 11 June 2010 - Address to the ..

This capability has proven invaluable to the US in combating organised crime through combining the resources of federal law enforcement ..

Human rights and euthanasia

George Zdenkowski, Associate Professor of Law, and Director of the Human ... These issues are more acute in the Northern Territory which is notoriously under-resourced in .. legislation prepared by the Northern Territory Attorney-General's Department is ... apparently, to entrench the natural law basis of the right to life.


McClelland (Federal Attorney-General), David Allen .... title holders laws; share or exchange natural resources; .. Energy Of Australia Pty Ltd and Mitsui- ..

Lawlink Corporate - LawLink NSW

AnnuAl RepoRt 2007– 08 Attorney General's Department of NSW. CoRpoRAte .. resource allocation, reviews performance, and develops and analyses key project submissions. .. Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review. Ministerial ... the Department's commitment to reducing its impact on the natural environment.


For the Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committee. July 2008 .. responding to vexatious litigation and to prevent scarce legal resources from being .. Attorney-General to have a vexatious litigant declaration made against them. .. vexatious litigants is just as important as the nature of the legal test that is to be applied. 11.

94020 NSW AGD annual report

energy management and purchasing policy .. ANNUAL REPORT 2007d08 Attorney General's Department of NSW ... Legislation, Policy & Criminal Law .... Human Resources Branch supports the Staff with Disabilities Network. ... to reducing its impact on the natural environment by consolidating and formalising current ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2008-2009

Annual Report of the Attorney-General's Department for the year ended 30 June 2009. .. external scrutiny, financial management, human resource management, .. to promote and preserve the rule of law in accordance with the priorities .. to address security and natural catastrophes to align with the Smith Review and the ..

Papers: Human Rights and Climate Change Background Paper

The modern human rights system is founded in international law. .... The focus on shifting energy sources to low carbon alternatives is likely to mean the more .... Brown, Oli and Crawford, Alec, Natural Disasters and Resource Rights .. Related Human Rights (Submission to the ACT Attorney-General for consideration in ..

Doing business in Vietnam - For Australian exporters - Austrade ..

Clean energy to Vietnam ... For more information, go to the Attorney General's Department on foreign bribery. .. a small number of exports, which are mostly processed from natural resources and agricultural products. .. The problem stems from insufficiencies in the code of law, inadequate enforcement of ..

Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 2 ..

Popular titles · Key resources · Popular categories · Law by territory · Other .. Attorney-General's Department, Canberra .. Schedule 2—Application of the Australian Consumer Law 264 .. Australian Energy Market Act 2004 378 .... (c) the natural tendency of which is to induce persons to acquire the goods.

Financial advice (Victoria Online)


on financial advice can be found on Victoria Online. .. Home Law & Justice Legal rights & advice Financial advice .. Services include will preparation, Enduring powers of attorney (financial), deceased estate administration, .. IT & communications · Science & research · Trade, imports & exports · Utilities & energy ..

Shades of Green? Proposals to Change Commonwealth ..

Environmental lawyer Professor Rob Fowler considered the question ... That is that species are to be conserved in their natural habitats and .... Refer URL


- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 ... Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade .. the extent administered by the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations and the ..

Resource counts - Trove

A "work" (or "resource") may be as simple as a newspaper article or as complex .. Attorney-General's Department. .. [NACAP] 12324; Australian College of Natural Medicine Pty Ltd. Endeavour .. [NJHS] 1903; Australian Law Reform Commission. .... Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources - Transport Division.


Secretary for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Trade, ... dated 7 September 2011, from Mr Bruce Doyle, President, Queensland Law Society to the Deputy Premier and Attorney-General regarding Queensland courts ..

Assembly Parlynet Extract 15 August 2000 from Book 1

Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for Ports and .. Attorney-General, Minister for Manufacturing Industry and .. Environment and Natural Resources Committee — (Council): The Honourables R. F. Smith and E. G. .. Law Reform Committee — (Council): The Honourables D. G. Hadden and P. A. Katsambanis.

Native Title Conference 2007 | Welcome

Annie Keely is a lawyer who has worked in the native title and land rights field .... and also specialises in resource law, criminal law, human rights and planning law. .... water and natural resources and, while this relationship is widely .... The Department of Mines and Energy has embarked on a program of ..

30 June 2009 - Department of Environment and Resource ..

about ways to improve vegetation clearing laws. The Vegetation ... services that support sustainable natural resource management .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General to improve .. Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy ..

Speakers' Abstracts and Biographical Notes

Advisory Council, the Chairperson of Aboriginal Enterprises Mining Exploration Energy. Limited and Presiding Member of the Alintjara Wilurara Natural Resource .. the many lawyers and professionals that claimants had to deal with before and during .... She teaches and tutors students in Aboriginal studies and law at UNE ..


Board Member, Energy and Water Ombudsman, 1994-2002. Founding .. Current Special Projects Lawyer, West Heidelberg Community Legal Service. .... Chief of Staff, Minister for Environment and Natural Resources, South Australian ..

Doing Business in Brazil

2. check with primary sources in respect of third party submissions; and .... base and huge natural resources. On the other, it .. financial transactions tax and a Fiscal Responsibility Law which curbed the excesses of the states. .... Regulatory agencies currently exist in the areas of power energy (ANEEL), oil and gas. (ANP) ..

cyber scammers beating the law

Attorney-Generals. their assistance in providing .. natural resource management and risk management are also .. energy and alternative fuels, such as biofuels ..


The Attorney General's Department has a critical role in justice, human rights .. Law Officer of the Crown in the development of legislation and provision of ... resources are used efficiently. A highly .. to automatically respond to the available level of natural light. .. As well as energy and Greenhouse gas performance, the ..

Clean Energy (Customs Tariff Amendment) Bill 2011

Popular titles · Key resources · Popular categories · Law by territory · Other sources of Australian law · What's New .. Numbered Acts by Year · Future Law Compilations .. Administered by: Attorney-General's. For other related .. Division 3—Compressed natural gas compressed for certain uses 6. Division ..

Queensland Government Gazette

4.1 Ergon will so far as it is lawfully bound to do comply with all laws regarding the .... of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, area 4848 m2, county of Stanley, parish of .... and Attorney-General and the Commissioner of Police, Queensland ..


replaces it with version 12 of the Development Control by-laws. ENDNOTES. 1. Made by ... Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, area 1278 m2, county of .... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL .OTE ˆ!

A to Z list of government sites

The functions of the The Family Law Council are to advise and make recommendations to the Attorney-General concerning the workings of the Family Law Act and other .. primary producer or natural resource management groups to develop skills .. sodium and energy, and increase the fibre, wholegrain, fruit and vegetable ..

Queensland Government Gazette

1. Inspection. 4. A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the .. Lot 114 on DG112) registered in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines ..

ENVIRONMENT - Law Handbook

This means that matters such as air and water quality or resource exploitation are left for the States to regulate. Whilst the States may have ..

Intergenerational Report 2010 - Full Report

Attorney-General's Department. 3-5 National Circuit .... Population growth is a function of natural increase and net overseas migration. .... Australia's mineral resources and commodities to global markets. National .. establishment of the Australian Energy Market Operator in 2009, revised laws governing ..

Human rights (Victoria Online)


on human rights can be found on Victoria Online. .. Disability Rights, Human Rights, Legal Information, Racial Discrimination and Sex Discrimination ..

Access to Justice in Environmental Law - An Australian Perspective ..

The Act could only be enforced by the Attorney-General with some limited rights .. to have a significant impact on the natural environment, a statutory regime for its ... for Resources & Anor [28] the Australian Conservation Foundation and a .. Against RCD Inc v Minister for Primary Industry and Energy [40].

Trove - Mining and the environment in Queensland : where the law ..

Published in. Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy, v.6, no.2, 1999, p.149-173 (ISSN: 1320-5323) .. Attorney-General's Department.

1 Submission to the National Human Rights Consultation1 Helen ..

make declarations of incompatibility or inconsistency between a law and the protected right is likely .. declaration of incompatibility, in my view as a constitutional lawyer, has .. Global concerns about civil liberties and natural justice have been ... whether the resources available have been optimally or equitably allocated?

27.03.09 - Gazette

The Honourable KERRY GERARD SHINE, as Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and. Minister .. Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for ... inistrative. Arrangements) National Law Act 2008 ..

Petroleum Services Directory Production -


expertise and global resources specialising in the natural resources, energy, sector. ... Beach Petroleum, Cooper Energy, Eagle Bay Resources, Geodynamics .. Santos Limited, ILUA Team/South Australian Attorney General's Department, .... Finlaysons is a leading Adelaide commercial law firm providing a full range of ..

30.04.10 - Gazette

exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Natural Resources,. Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade from 27 April 2010 until. 1 May 2010. .... Lawyer, Commercial Law Team, Legal Services, Corporate. Services, Water and ..

Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law > Faculty of Law: The ..

Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia.

Recent publications > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

Download the latest newsletters in consumer law. Consumer Credit Legal .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Alumni · News and ..

Transport and legal issues for mining, energy and natural resources ..

Climate change and mining, energy and natural resources at the University of Western Australia.

Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law staff profiles > Faculty of ..

research, profiles, staff, centre, mining, energy, natural, resources, law, uwa.

Mining law > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, · AMPLA Limited and; Department of Industry and Resources. CANCELLATION POLICY ..

Graduate Diploma in Energy Law (20370) > Faculty of Law: The ..

Course enquiries. Mr John Chandler, Associate Director, Centre for Mining Energy and Natural Resources Law Telephone: (+61 8) 6488 1907 ..

Professor Adrian Bradbrook | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources (ed), Oxford .. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 26: 526-552 (2008) (with ..

Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources | IMER Expertise

Legal aspects of the promotion and development of renewable energy resources and energy efficiency. Mining, energy and natural resources law. Native title ..

Australian oil and gas law > Faculty of Law: The University of ..

The workshop will be led by Mr John Chandler, Associate Director of the Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. Other participants will include: ..


'International law and Australian sovereignty in Antarctica', Gillian Triggs (1986). • 'Handbook of Natural Resources and Energy Economics: ..


Rich Text Format - The Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resource Law is about to commence its third year of operation. The University of Western Australia wishes to appoint ..

LAW3441 Natural Resources Law - University of Southern ..

What regulatory aspects of energy and resources law do these governments affect? Energy and natural resources law is an increasingly specialised field of ..

Staff profiles > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

110+ items – .. Centre for Mining Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

Allen, Asst/Prof Judy


Assistant Professor


6488 3437


judy.allen ..


Allison, Mr Simon


Casual Teaching




J - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

380+ items – Library home | Catalogue | Resources | Services | Help ..

J Afr L


Journal of African Law


J Affordable Hous & Cmty Dev L


Journal of Affordable Housing and ..


Holdings: Journal of energy & natural resources law

Other Titles: Journal of energy and natural resources law. J. Energy Nat. Resources L. Other Authors: University of Dundee. Centre for Energy, Petroleum and ..

Dr Alex Wawryk | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory


of Energy and Natural Resources Law. 2002 , University of Adelaide Law School, Bonython Prize for the Best Orginal Postgraduate Thesis.

richard.bartlett - UWA Staff Profile > The University of Western ..

Biography: Office: Law Link Building Room 2.30; Key research: His .. for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law in the Faculty of Law.

Professor Gillian Triggs - Sydney Law School - The University of ..


Energy and Resources Law, Law of the Sea, Territorial Sovereignty, .. Law, the International Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law ..

Lee Godden on The Conversation

Director of the Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental .. (2010) and Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources, (2010).

Publications - Staff Profile

20+ items – Godden, 'Property and the law in energy and natural resources' ..

J. Rae, M. Gunther and L. Godden, 'Governing tropical forests: REDD+ ..


L. Godden, M. Langton, O. Mazel and M. Tehan, 'Accommodating Interests in ..


Energy resources - University of Sydney

Global Energy and Resources Law is an exciting addition to the .. "Australia's position as a supplier of energy and natural resources calls for ..

Law - Postgraduate and Honours Expo 2011: Future Students 2012

The Law Faculty invites you to find out more about our new .. The Director of the Centre for Mining Energy and Natural Resources Law will ..

Oil and gas agreements > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

The coursewill be led by John Chandler, Associate Director, Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. John is a dynamic and ..

Exodus of 'mineral rights' from the South African Mineral Law ..

by PJ Badenhorst - 2011 - Badenhorst, P.J. 2004, Exodus of 'mineral rights' from the South African Mineral Law, Journal of energy and natural resources law, vol. 22, no.

The business of bioenergy > Bioenergy: The University of Western ..

Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. The Centre aims to stimulate education and research on legal issues arising in relation ..

Professional development courses : Energy and Minerals Institute ..

The Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law stimulates education and research on legal issues in the mining, energy and natural ..

Founders of ALOS - the Adelaide Law School - The University of ..

Academic staff from The University of Adelaide Law School are involved in the .. Legal Centres; Associate Editor, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law ..

LAWS7980 Commercial Property - TC Beirne School of Law - The ..

David's teaching and research interests include real property law, commercial leases, and energy and natural resources law. He has published widely in these ..

Professor Judith Gardam | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

"Energy and the Law of Armed Conflict" 15 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 87-96 (1997). "Legal Restraints on Security Council ..

CREEL : Publications - Centre for Resources, Energy and ..


Role of Law in Economic and Social Sustainability' (2008) 26(1) Special Edition: Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, Indigenous ..

Details: Property and the law in energy and natural resources /

Property and the law in energy and natural resources / Aileen McHarg .. [et al.] Different views of the cathedral : the literature on property law theory / Jonnette ..

Faculty contact details : UWA Handbook 2012 : The University of ..


Handbook 2012. Faculty of Law .. Faculty home page, .. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

Mr John Chandler - UWA Staff Profile > The University of Western ..

Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. Contact details. Address: Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

Pieter Badenhorst - School of Law

Badenhorst "Exodus of 'Mineral Rights" from South African Mineral Law" 2004 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law vol 22 218.

Professor Gillian Triggs - Profile - United States Studies Centre

Australia - United States Climate, Energy and Water Nexus Project .. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law and the Law and Development Review.

Graduate Diploma in Environment, Energy and Resources Law

The environment, energy and resources law program provides an insight .. development and utilisation of natural resources and energy; Their ..

Faculty of Law > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

Consumer Research. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. Crime Research Centre. Future Students: Start your journey with Law here.


Policy and Practice' (2008) 26 (1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law. Research books. *Langton, M., Tehan, M., Palmer, L., Shain K. and Mazel, ..

Collaborations across campus : Energy and Minerals Institute : The ..

Centre for Exploration Targeting · Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Centre for Energy · Centre for Offshore Foundation ..

The right to convert exploration licences to mining leases in ..

by J McConvill - 2011 - Journal name, Journal of energy and natural resources law. Volume number, 21. Issue number, 3. Publication date, 2003-08. Start page, 241 ..

Staff research profiles : Climate Science : The University of Western ..


mitigation of climate change. Agricultural and Resource Economics, School of .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Centre for ..

International oil and gas law > Faculty of Law: The University of ..

The course will be led by John Chandler, Associate Director, Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. John is a dynamic and ..

Mineral rights are dead! Long live mineral rights! - Deakin Research ..

by PJ Badenhorst - 20122001 Obiter 119; "Exodus of 'mineral rights' from South African mineral law" 2004 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 218.) It will ..

Climate change law and emissions trading > Faculty of Law: The ..

Mining law professional development course with the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia. .. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources ..

Meet some of the team helping to world-class LNG solutions.

collaboration in the WA Energy. Research Alliance. John Chandler – Associate. Director, UWA Centre for Mining,. Energy and Natural Resources Law ..


Property and the law in energy and natural resources(Show details) .. Property and the law in energy and natural resources(Show details) ..

The University of Adelaide Law Library | Environmental Law

Australian Department of the Environment and Water Resources A site maintained by the Department of .. Journal of energy & natural resources law · Journal of ..

Climate change scepticism under the spotlight | University News ..


doing research at UWA's Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, will also discuss economic growth in a clean energy future.

Jennifer McKay Home Page

Water Resources Law and Policy institutional arrangements comparative .... practice that need reform, Energy and Natural Resources Law vol 19 , no 4 329-343 ..

External Academic Vacancies

10+ items – [ UWA Home Page | Human Resources ]. The Job Vacancies site ..




Position Title








Assistant Professor - (Physical Geography - Coastal Processes)






Associate Professor/Professor (Co-Director)




CSRM > About Us > Our People > Joni Parmenter

Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law Vol 26 No 1. 2007. Water, Communities and Mineral Resource Development —Understanding the Risks and ..

Register your interest in our resources law network > Faculty of Law ..

Faculty home Current Students Staff · UWA Home · Faculty of Law · Research · Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law; Register your ..

Water resources law workshop > Faculty of Law: The University of ..

Water resources law development course with the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia. .. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources ..


Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Centre for. Alex Gardner. 6488 2483 ... Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Centre for. Richard Bartlett ..

Proposal to Establish a U WA Research and Training Centre

Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources law l Title. of cenue: URL of centre; 2. Proposed director's name ..

New Dean for Law School - News and Events - University of Sydney

Gillian Triggs, an expert in international law and a barrister in the Victorian Supreme .. energy and resources law, law of the sea, territorial sovereignty, .. Law and the International Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law.

Colin Filer - Crawford School - ANU

by C Marketing - 2011[PDF, 2797KB]' Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 26(1): 120-150. Filer, C. and M. Macintyre, 2006. 'Grass Roots and Deep Holes: ..

Water Resources Law > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

Commonweatlh funding for research into water resource law. A lawyer, Professor Alex .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Alumni ..

CREEL : Presenter Biographies - Centre for Resources, Energy and ..

Institute for Sustainable Resources and Faculty of Law ... on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law.

Water resources law conference > Faculty of Law: The University of ..

A conference hosted by The National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and The Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. We also ..

CREEL - Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental Law ..

ALC/CREEL Forum: Water, Energy and Climate Change Futures: Australia .. Centre for Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law, ..

Pieter Badenhorst - School of Law

Badenhorst "Exodus of 'Mineral Rights" from South African Mineral Law" 2004 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law vol 22 218. Badenhorst "Nature of ..

Professor Owen Anderson - Staff Profile

M. Program in International Energy, Natural Resources and Indigenous Peoples Law. He is a former Vice President for Model Contracts for the ..

UWA Handbooks 2009 - Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law at UWA welcomes you to undergraduate study. The study of law is .. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

Australian Law Journal Abbreviations Guide - Subject & Research ..

Library & Online Resources .. AELJ, Atomic Energy Law Journal. A Fem LJ, Australian .. AJNRLP, Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy ..

Winthrop Professor of Law

Research Centre, the Centre for Mining, Energy and. Natural Resources Law, the Centre for Advanced. Consumer Research, the Global Studies Research ..


- .. 'Poverty in the Midst of Plenty: Aboriginal People, the 'Resource Curse and Australia's Mining Boom' 26(1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 31.

Research > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

Research Centres and initiatives. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Consumer Research Unit · Crime Research Centre ..

L07AA Graduate Diploma in Environment, Energy and Resources Law

professionals in government and the resources, energy and environment sectors .. Water Law and Natural Resources Management (Formerly Water Law) # ..

Dr Simon Butt - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Comparative law – particularly transplanting legal norms between .. the Law in Energy and Natural Resources, Oxford University Press: Oxford ..


Journal: Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law. Volume: 26. Issue: 1. Page numbers: 31-65. Author(s): Super Search, Source this item ..


Global Energy & Resources Law with. Professor Gillain ... assessment, natural resource .... LLM Program in Energy, Natural Resources & Indigenous. Peoples ..

Water Resources Law publication > Faculty of Law: The University of ..

Water Resources Law order form [PDF, 98.8 KB] Updated .. Water Resources Law book cover .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

L07AA Graduate Diploma in Environment, Energy and Resources Law

The graduate program in environment, energy and resources law .. development and utilisation of natural resources and energy; Their ..

School of Law Newsletter

Australia - and internationally - in issues ranging from the environment, natural resources and energy to rural law, justice and governance.' ..

Advisory Board | Curtin Business School

Business Law and Taxation .. of KPMG Perth's Japanese Business Practice and is a member of the KPMG's national Energy and Natural Resources tax group.

Legal Aspects of Ecosystem-Based Management of the Marine ..

Washington D.C., Dec 1-3, 2010. •European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. •Journal Energy and Natural Resources Law. Thank You!

Exchange Journal - The Macquarie Globe ::


of Calgary's Faculty of Natural Resource Law, it was inevitable that I .. submissions for the Journal of Energy and Natural Resource Law.


Indigenous people and their links with natural resources law, land and ... Journal: Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal. Volume: 29 ..

Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence

by T Hunter - 2011 - 13 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 258, 266. 63 Energy Charter Secretariat, The Energy Charter Treaty: A Reader's Guide (2009), 15. 64 Energy ..


serves on the Editorial Board of the Utilities Law Review and on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources ..

QUT - Graduate Certificate in Applied Law

4 days ago – Hear from health law researcher Ben White about our research programs .. areas such as environmental, natural resources and energy law.

The Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy ..

The Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy is a refereed journal .. toxic substances and radiation control, climate change and energy use; ..

Herzog, Fox & Neeman Internship - Faculty of Law - Monash University


energy and natural resources of Israel; and Yaakov Neeman, author of numerous books and articles on tax law and respected tax advisor to ..

Legal Services - Information Statement

Executive Director (Finance And Resources) .. Centre for; Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Centre for; Musculoskeletal Studies, ..

Electric power interconnection in North-East Asia: Towards a North ..

by AJ Bradbrook - 2002 - - Citation: Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 2002; 20 (2):135-143. Publisher: Section on Energy and Natural Resources Law of the International Bar ..

Community - Staff Profile

'Introduction: A sustainable future for communal lands, resources and .. (2008) 26 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 1-30.

Area of study | UNSW LAW

Environmental law is the dynamic body of law providing the frameworks and .. markets, renewable energy, environment and development, natural resource ..

A statement of principles for a global concensus on sustainable ..

by AJ Bradbrook - 2001 - - Citation: Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 2001; 19:143-163. Publisher: International Bar Association Section on Energy & Natural Resources Law ..

Advisory Board - Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental ..


energy and natural resources developments in Australia, as well as .. Pieter Badenhorst is currently an Associate Professor of Law at Deakin ..

CREEL Annual report 2009 090810 - Centre for Resources, Energy ..

Energy & Natural Resources Law, the Australian Resources and Energy. Law Journal and the Legal Education Review. Professor Michael Crommelin AO ..


Brereton, D. and Parmenter, J. 2008. 'Indigenous employment in the Australian mining industry', Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 26 (1): 66–90.

Crime Research Centre > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

Crime Research Centre at the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia. .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Alumni ..

Publications : ARC Federation Fellowship : The University of ..

(2010), Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources, Oxford University Press, London, 236-254. Crouch, M., 'Indonesia's National ..

Our Researchers

Research Interests: Environment law, Business law, Industrial relations, .. Research Interests: Energy and natural resource economics.

Environmental Management - Environment - Subject Guides at ..

20+ items – A guide to resources for the study of the Environment.

Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management


ANR Index: Agriculture and Natural Resources Index


Property in Natural Resources - LAW589 - 2012 Course Handbook ..

How are natural resources such as energy, water and food .. to those interested in the development and litigation of natural resources law.

Darwin law graduate returns as associate professor

He completed a Graduate Diploma in Energy and Natural Resources Law at the University of Melbourne where he is currently completing his ..

J - Law abbreviation results - Library - La Trobe University

Full Title: James Cook University Law Review. Available: In Print. Abbreviation: JERL. Full Title: Journal of Energy & Natural Resource Law ..

Law Research Report contents.indd

To extend the Law Faculty's specialised collection of research and teaching materials relating to energy, natural resources, environmental law, and native title; ..

UWA Law Review > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

UWA Law Review from the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia. .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Alumni ..

Curriculum Vitae - law school - University of Melbourne

- Joint Editor Special Edition Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 26(1) (2008). 122. Editor, Legal Service Bulletin (1988) Vol 13 No.1;. 123. Editor, Legal ..

Environmental Law - Environment - Subject Guides @ Academy ..

This is the "Environmental Law" page of the "Environment" guide. .. energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater ..

Journal Papers & Book Chapters

05/2008, Brereton, D & Parmenter, J, Indigenous Employment in the Australian Mining Industry, Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 26(1), 66-90 ..

Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (LW54)

into emerging issues within exciting areas such as environmental, natural resources and energy law. You will gain knowledge of contract law, ..

Environmental protection law > Faculty of Law: The University of ..

Environmental protection law development course with the Faculty of .. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources; The workshop will ..

The role of the Common Law in promoting sustainable energy ..

by AJ Bradbrook - 2010Citation: Property and the law in energy and natural resources / Aileen McHarg .. [et al.] (eds.), pp.391-412. Publisher: Oxford University Press. Issue Date: 2010 ..


by A Gardner - - Alex Gardner. [with research assistance from Vivian Chung]. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. University of Western Australia Law School ..

Associate Professor Colin Filer - Researchers - ANU

Filer, C 2008, 'Development Forum in Papua New Guinea: Upsides and Downsides', Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 120-150.

Research strengths > Research: The University of Western Australia

6 days ago – Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Plant Energy .. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Centre for ..

Enviro Fest 2011 : Sustainable Development : The University of ..

YOUR PANEL; Prof David Hodgkinson: Associate Professor, Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, and Associate Professor, ..

Robert Volterra

Law of Natural Resources). University of London, SOAS and ... related to an energy and petrochemical manufacturing agreement;. • Barmek v the Republic of ..

Associate Professor Maureen Tehan - Staff Profile

'Introduction: A sustainable future for communal lands, resources and .. (2008) 26 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 1-30.

Law Electronic Journals - Monash University Library

1968 to 1985 HeinOnline Law Journal Library (connect | more information). Natural resources, energy, and environmental law . 1988 to 1998 HeinOnline Law ..

Research Supervisor Profile for Professor Gillian Triggs - Research ..

15+ items – Gillian's research interests include Public International Law; ..

G Triggs, "Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Consultation in Minerals and ..


G Triggs, "Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol: Australia's Strategy" in ..


Faculty of Law - Directory

Staff in sub-sections. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Consumer Research Unit · Crime Research Centre · Law School ..

Social issues - Environment - Subject Guides at UNSW Library

15+ items – A guide to resources for the study of the Environment.

Environment Complete


Offers deep coverage in applicable ..


APAFT: Australian Public Affairs Full Text


Essential source for any Australian ..



by R CULLEN - - (1988) 6 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 213. .. with one another. 2 C Howard, Australian Federal Constitutional Law (3rd ed 1985) 96.

Environmental Law Seminars - CLE 2003

Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources, Oxford University Press: Oxford (2010) 236-. 254. Refereed Journal Articles ..


Energy and Natural Resources Law, 26 (1) 31. Levin, Adam 2007 Improvements to the tax and legal environment for Aboriginal community organisations and ..

Research Areas | Engineering

Sustainable energy and effective use of our natural resources are amajor .. Science, Law,Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, the College of Fine Arts ..


Energy Dialogue Meeting hosted by the USSC, ACCEL and Energy .. Resources Law address. ... conservation and natural resource laws ..

Adoption of international environmental standards by transnational ..

by AS Wawryk - 2002 - - Citation: Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 2002; 20 (4):402-434. Publisher: International Bar Association. Issue Date: 2002. ISSN: 0264-6811 ..


by B Bhasin - - This article evaluates the innovative Contract of Work (CoW) system of law and .... Need Reform", Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, Vol.19 No.4, ..

Alphabetical Listing


Staff (Civil and Resource Engineering) (School of Civil and Resource Engineering) .... Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Centre for (Faculty of Law) ..

Research Output for Pieter J Badenhorst - Publications Collection

Badenhorst, P.J.* (2004) Exodus of 'mineral rights' from the South African Mineral Law, Journal of energy and natural resources law, vol. 22, no ..


Journal: Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law. Volume: 26. Issue: 4. Page numbers: 526-552. Author(s): J Bradbrook, G Gardam, ..

Office of Governance Services - Council - Edith Cowan University


particularly on financial services and the energy and natural resources sector. ... Neil has honours degrees in Jurisprudence and Law from the University of ..

Independent expert panel appointed to investigate uranium ..

- .. in nuclear, coal and hard rock mineral sectors. John Chandler. UWA. Director of the Centre of Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law.

Environment, Energy & Resources - TC Beirne School of Law ..

Environmental, Energy and Resources. The legal regulation of the environment and the exploitation of natural resources is a vital and dynamic area of law and ..

Climate Change Policy in WA, Australia and the World: What Next ..

Australian Government: Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency .. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, UWA ..

Home - Environment - Subject Guides at UNSW Library

A guide to resources for the study of the Environment. .. renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law.

principles of oil & gas law

oil and gas law, the basic reference in the field, and founding editor of the. Journal of energy and natural resources law. professor daintith took his law degree at ..

PUBLISHED RESEARCH - law school - University of Melbourne

of Law in Economic and Social Sustainability' (2008) 26. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 1-30. Goggin, G, Gibson, M, Greenfield, C, Kenyon, A, ..

ANU - National Europe Centre Archive - NEC

Dr Dale Bucks, Program Leader, Natural Resource Management, US .... Energy and Natural Resources Law of the UWA Law School and to ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Iceland - Legislation

Topics include industry, energy and natural resources, regional matters, .. imports and foreign investments, insurance, company law (on Ministries of Industry ..

Saving WA's wetland wonders

the Centre of Mining, Energy and Natural Resources. Law in UWA's School of Law. While the Federal Government's Water Act of 2007 established the facility for ..

Comparative Law as an Instrument in Transnational Law: the ..

by T Hunter - 2009 - Comparative law methodology and functional analysis. Upstream offshore petroleum20 regulation is based on internationally recognised natural resources ..

Professor Tim Lindsey - Staff Profile

40+ items – 'Law Reform in Developing and Transitional States', (1 ed, ..

Human rights and Islam in South East Asia: The case of Indonesia' in H ..


S. Butt and T. Lindsey, 'Who owns the economy? Property rights, privatization ..


Curriculum Vitae - United States Studies Centre

Chair, Academic Advisory Group, Section on Energy and Resources Law, ... Administration, (2002) 20(1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 40-49 ..

Lawyer and economist tackle groundwater issues | University News ..

Professor Gardner regularly teaches water resources law for the UWA Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law and is the lead ..

Centre for Customs and Excise Studies, Canberra, Australia ..

Natural Resources

Management (including Forestry research, Fire .. International Public Law/Economics, Human Resources Development, Information & Communication Technology), Natural Resource management (Energy & Mining) ..


- The ALC jointly publishes the Australian Journal of Asian Law (AJAL) with the University of Washington at Seattle and .. China's energy and natural resources ..

Speaker Biographies

finalising her PhD Thesis on 'Jurisdictional Limits of the Energy Charter .... He was Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Petroleum and Natural Resources Law ..

Business and Management subject guide

Some resources require a DET username and password. .. WebLaw which includes the categories Corporations law and e-Commerce law. ... renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, ..

Explore our new eResources | UTS Library


ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, .. environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.

Collaborations > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

Information about collaborations at the Faculty of Law at UWA. .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Alumni · News and events ..

Concessions grants and funding > Faculty of Law: The University of ..

Information about concessions at the Faculty of Law at UWA. .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Alumni · News and events ..

Journals & News - Marine Science Research Guide - LibGuides at ..

Ocean development and international law .. AANRO - Australian Agriculture & Natural Resources Online .. Covers agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater ..

A/Prof Alex Gardner : Home Page : UWA Research Profile

Gardner, A. (EDIT 1993, The Challenge of Resource Security: Law and .. of Registratration & Caveats', Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal, 25, 1, pp. .. Gardner, A. 1994, 'Current Developments in Natural Resources Law and ..

Transport and Logistics subject guide

Some resources require a DET username and password. .. legal information gateway WebLaw which includes the category Corporations law. .. renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, ..

Policy and business : Energy and Minerals Institute : The University ..

Further information. In The Zone. Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law. The business of mining and energy can be complex.

Event management subject guide

Some resources require a DET username and password. .. legal information gateway WebLaw which includes the category Corporations law. .. renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, ..

Heading 1

Journal of Energy and Natural Resources. Law. J Ind Rel. Journal of Industrial Relations. Available Online. 331.1 P3. Cairns. Townsville. JIWLP ..

Research Report - law school - University of Melbourne

of Law in Economic and Social Sustainability' (2008) 26. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 1-30. Goggin, G, Gibson, M, Greenfield, C, Kenyon, A, ..

imageREAL Capture

by IH Williams - 1998 - - New Zealand" (1991) 9 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law I, 16-21; McLean,. "New Zealand's Resource Management Act 1991: Process With ..

Official Publications: Research Expertise and Publications - Law ..

Agricultural and Resource Economics ... Regulating Energy and Natural Resources, ed B. Barton, L. Barrera-Hernandez, A.R. Lucas and A.

Finding theses > Faculty of Law: The University of Western Australia

Finding theses at the Faculty of Law. .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Alumni · News and events · Current Students · Staff ..


by AG Thompson - Trading Market (2004) Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, November 2004 from 465. 3. Wostmann A – Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections Enatres ..

CLIMATE CHANGE IssuE: Vegetation & Carbon Offsets Power ..

use of energy and resources, as well as its .. ramifications for food production and natural ... As an environmental lawyer, I have a particular interest in how ..

Queensland's most comprehensive mining law course offered at UQ ..

"The lawyers presenting the Mining & Natural Resources Law course .. a preeminent Australian energy and resources lawyer, Ian Briggs, one ..

New and upgraded databases for 2012! | UTS Library


renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater .. waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, ..

Annual Report 2009

IMER aims to support and develop mineral and energy resources-related research at the University across the spectrum of its activities from science and engineering areas to law, economics and social .... natural gas power plant, with positive ..

Geographic Research Methods - Geography - Subject Guides ..


renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater .. environmental law, public policy, social impacts and urban planning.

An American Perspective - News and Events - University of Sydney

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. of the John B. Turner LLM Program in Energy, Natural Resources & Indigenous Peoples Law, ..

The Future of Law at UWA

Mining, Energy and Natural. Resources Law. Director: Richard Barltett. Stimulates education and research on legal issues relating to mining, energy and natural ..

Export Controls of Natural Resources and Foodstuff in the Context of ..

Resources and Energy in the. Context of .. Shortage and high prices of natural resources and foods. • Increase .. Jackson (Law of GATT) states that it does not ..

Publications - Centre for Health and Society

Langton, M. L. L. 2010, The Resource Curse: New outback principalities and .... and social sustainability', Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, vol.

Shop trading hours in Western Australia > Faculty of Law: The ..

Current issues in consumer law and policy development course with the Faculty of Law at the .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

Sustainability Hub: Libraries


renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater .. waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, ..

Infrastructure and Community Development : Energy and Minerals ..

Associate Director, Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resource Law .. Climate change, water resources and community expectations are ..

Water Law and Natural Resources Management .. - Subject Details

2011. Water Law and Natural Resources Management (formerly Water Law) LAWS70185 .. Graduate Diploma in Environment, Energy and Resources Law 528; ..

ESOL subject guide

Some resources require a student username and password. .. Plain language series about recent changes and current debates in the law. ... renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, ..

Alphabetical listing of websites > The University of Western Australia ..


Characterisation and Analysis (CMCA) · Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law · Centre for Musculoskeletal Studies · Centre ..

Legal Resources

Faculty of Business and Law Legal Resources .. Corporate Tax, E-Commerce, Employment/Labour, Energy/Natural Resources, Environment, ..

Volume 34 (2008-2009) > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

UWA Law Review volume 25 issue 1 from the Faculty of Law at the University of Western .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

Getting Started - Environment - Subject Guides @ Academy Library ..

Environment Tags: biogeography, climate change, environmental law .. renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater ..

Bright minds inspired By generosity

30 change of climate for sydney law school: new course focuses on global energy and resources law .... poor nutrition has impacted natural cycles and immune ..


Book: Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources. Publisher: Oxford University Press(Oxford). Authors(s): Editors(s): A McHarg, ..

LAWS7850 – Special Topic B – Mining & Natural Resources Law ..

LAWS7850 – Special Topic B – Mining & Natural Resources Law .. Simon is a partner in the Energy and Resources Group in Brisbane and joint leader of Minter ..

Dr Cameron Holley@Macquarie Law

Cameron joined Macquarie Law School in 2011. .. Government section, and their Energy and Resources sections. His research is in the broad fields of environmental law, natural resources law and water law, with a focus on ..

Growing concern over negative environmental and social impacts of ..

by AA Faruque - 2006 - - 1. Thomas Walde, 'Environmental Policies Towards Mining in Developing Countries' (1992) 10. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 327, 328-329. 2 ..

Volume 30 (2001-2002) > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

UWA Law Review volume 30 issue 1 from the Faculty of Law at the University of Western .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

James McConvill - Publications Collection

Bagaric, Mirko and McConvill, James (2005) Refugee law: the irrelevance ... uniform model, Journal of energy and natural resources law, vol.

Volume 26 (1996) > Faculty of Law: The University of Western ..

UWA Law Review volume 26 issue 1 from the Faculty of Law at the University of Western .. Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law ..

The University of Sydney and AGS introduce our new Administrative ..

of Energy and Natural Resources Law. Her most recent publications are. International Law: Contemporary. Principles and Practices (2006), and. International ..

Mukund Narayanamurti - Alumni in profile, Deakin University


reorganizations in the infrastructure, energy and natural resources, .. in International Tax at the Law School of the University of Melbourne, ..

The cartography of law Finding directions in natural resource ..

by P Martin - 2000 - - about the law and natural resources management is to embed them into a model .... where energy or resources are being wasted, or where redirection of ..

Agriculture, Environmental & Related Sciences | Learning ..

20+ items – Agriculture, Environmental & Related Sciences. 36 resources ..

Centre for Climate Law and Policy


ANU College of Law


Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM)


The University of New ..


Research Output for Mirko Bagaric - Publications Collection

Bagaric, Mirko and Arenson, Kenneth (2007) Criminal laws in Australia, .... uniform model, Journal of energy and natural resources law, vol.

Why production theory and the Second Law of .. - Curtin University

by R Kümmel - - ing the economic role of natural resources and energy. (Actually, it is ... lation of the the Second Law within the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamics ..

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