Environmental Law & Lawyers

Environmental law is a complex, constantly evolving area of law, which aims to balance the interests of private property and land owners, with the public's environmental concerns.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

The EPBC Act is the Australian Governments central piece of environmental legislation. It provides a legal framework to protect and manage nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places defined in the Act as matters of national environmental significance.

Environment Lawyers

Environmental Lawyers advise on all aspects of environmental law and practice and dealing with environmental issues in respect of both land and the marine environment. Environmental Lawyers advise upon the need for consents and permits, appeals against refusals or the imposition of conditions and alleged breaches of consents.

Work handled by environmental lawyers includes:

  • advice on environmental permit applications and appeals;
  • advice on environmental impact assessments;
  • habitats advice;
  • contaminated land;
  • noise notices;
  • waste management regulation and permitting;
  • discharge and abstraction licences and offences;
  • marine and fisheries advice;
  • sewers and drains;
  • packaging regulations;
  • prosecutions;
  • environmental Regulations;
  • environmental legislation;
  • all land and environment court matters
  • water law; and
  • marine law;

Environmental law lawyers regularly help both business and private clients understand the ramifications of breaching environmental laws.

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of environmental law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Expertise in Environmental Law

Environmental law lawyers stay up to date with fluctuating environmental laws, helping private property owners, land owners and businesses ensure they remain fully compliant with all relevant regulations.  Environmental law lawyers can help their clients avoid liability for breaches to environmental law.

Environmental law lawyers are experienced in advising and defending clients in relation to:

  • Allegations of land contamination;
  • Environment Agency investigations;
  • Investigations relating to health and safety;
  • Environmental law prosecutions;
  • Pollution claims;
  • Environmental law prosecutions

Environmental law prosecutions are complex and penalties for infringing environmental laws are potentially severe. Early involvement by an experienced lawyer is often vital to minimise or avoid the consequences. Environmental law lawyers can assist you with all aspects of environmental law prosecutions from environmental protection authorities (including the Environment Agency) – defending and prosecuting cases  for both local authorities and business clients.

Environmental law lawyers offer expert advice with regard to water, land, air and noise pollution and handling and disposal of waste.

Environmental Law Lawyers can help:

  • If you experience an environmental pollution incident, they can represent you in any formal interview; and/or
  • If you have had a summons alleging pollution offences, they can advise you and represent you at Court

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of environmental law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


Further Resources - Environmental Law & Lawyers


Environmental Law & Lawyers News

NEWS, UPDATES & FURTHER INFORMATION - Environmental Law & Lawyers

What is Environmental Law?

Environmental law is a complex and constantly evolving grouping of laws, designed to balance the interests and rights of private property owners such as businesses, with the environmental concerns of the public. As a private property owner, it is important that you ensure you remain fully compliant with each new development in the law in order to avoid prosecution.

The environmental law lawyers can provide pre-emptive, practical and technical legal advice on compliance with current environmental law, as well as legal defence following alleged breaches of the environmental legislation.

Environmental legislation in Australia


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth)
An Act to preserve and protect places, areas and objects of particular significance to Aboriginals.

Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Act 1981 (Cth)
An Act relating to the conservation of marine living resources of the Antarctic and its surrounding seas.

Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 (Cth)
An Act relating to the protection and conservation of the environment in the Antarctic.

Australian Heritage Council Act 2003 (Cth)
An Act to establish the Australian Heritage Council.

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 (Cth)
An Act providing for the protection of the environment by regulating the dumping into the sea, and the incineration at sea, of certain wastes and other matter and the dumping into the sea of certain other objects and by prohibiting the dumping into the sea, and the ...

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)
An Act relating to the protection of the environment and the conservation of biodiversity.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 (Cth)
An Act to establish a Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989 (Cth)
An Act to provide for the regulation of the export, import and transit of hazardous waste.

Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 (C'th)
An Act relating to the Protection of Certain Shipwrecks and Relics of Historical Significance.

National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 (Cth)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Protection Council.

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth)
An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption.

Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997 (Cth)
An Act to establish the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Account.

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 (Cth)
An Act to provide for measures to protect atmospheric ozone

Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (Cth)
An Act to protect Australia's heritage of movable cultural objects, to support the protection by foreign countries of their heritage of movable cultural objects.

Sea Installations Act 1987 (Cth)
An Act relating to certain installations in the sea

Wet Tropics of Queensland and World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994 (Cth)
An Act relating to the conservation of the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area


Australian Capital Territory

Commissioner for the Environment Act 1993 (ACT)
An Act to establish the office of the Commissioner for the Environment.


Electricity (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) Act 2004 (ACT)
An Act to establish greenhouse gas benchmarks for the electricity industry and to encourage activities relating to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


Environment Protection Act 1997 (ACT)
An Act to provide for the protection of the environment.


Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 (ACT)
An Act relating to the use of land in the Territory


National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 (ACT)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a national environment protection council.


Nature Conservation Act 1980 (ACT)
An Act to make provision for the protection and conservation of native animals and native plants, and for the reservation of areas for those purposes.


New South Wales

Coastal Protection Act 1979 (NSW)
An Act relating to the use and occupation of the coastal region, and to facilitate the carrying out of certain coastal protection works.


Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW)
An Act to institute a system of environmental planning and assessment for the state of New South Wales.


Environmental Trust Act 1998 (NSW)
An Act to fund environmental restoration, rehabilitation, research and education and to fund land acquisition for the national parks estate; to constitute the Environmental Trust to administer the funding arrangements.


Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985 (NSW)
An Act to provide for control of the effect on the environment of chemicals and chemical wastes.


Forestry Act 1916 (NSW)
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to forestry; to provide for the dedication, reservation, control, and use of State forests, timber reserves, and Crown lands for forestry and other purposes; to appoint a commission to administer the Act, with power to sell ...


Land and Environment Court Act 1979 (NSW)
An Act to constitute the Land and Environment Court and to make provision with respect to its jurisdiction.


Marine Pollution Act 1987 (NSW)
An Act relating to the protection of the sea and certain waters from pollution by oil and other noxious substances discharged from ships.


National Environment Protection Council (New South Wales) Act 1995 (NSW)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Protection Council.


National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW)
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the establishment, preservation and management of national parks, historic sites and certain other areas and the protection of certain fauna, native plants and Aboriginal objects.


Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW)
An Act relating to the sustainable management and conservation of native vegetation.


Natural Resources Commission Act 2003 (NSW)
An Act to establish the Natural Resources Commission


Ozone Protection Act 1989 (NSW)
An Act to empower the regulation and prohibition of the manufacture, sale, distribution, use, emission, re-cycling, storage and disposal of stratospheric ozone depleting substances and articles which contain those substances.


Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991 (NSW)
An Act to constitute the Environment Protection Authority and to make provision with respect to its general responsibilities and management.


Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW)
An Act to protect the environment; to replace other environment protection legislation.


Soil Conservation Act 1938 (NSW)
An Act to make provision for the conservation of soil resources and farm water resources and for the mitigation of erosion.


State Environmental Planning (Permissable Mining) Act 1996 (NSW)
An Act to validate a State environmental planning policy regarding permissibility of mining.


Wilderness Act 1987 (NSW)
An Act to provide for the identification of wilderness and the protection and management of wilderness areas in the State.


Northern Territory

Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land, Sanctuary and Marine Park Act 1996 (NT)
An Act to acknowledge and secure the right of Aboriginals to occupy and use certain land on the Cobourg Peninsula in the Northern Territory of Australia, to vest that land in trustees for Aboriginals, to declare that land to be a national park, making certain provisions ...


Environmental Assessment Act 1994 (NT)
An Act to provide for the assessment of the environmental effects of development proposals and for the protection of the environment


Lands, Planning and Mining Tribunal Act 1998 (NT)
An Act to establish the Lands, Planning and Mining Tribunal


National Environment Protection Council (Northern Territory) Act 1994 (NT)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Protection Council.


Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act (NT)
An Act to make provision for and in relation to the establishment of Territory Parks and other Parks and Reserves and the study, protection, conservation and sustainable utilisation of wildlife.



Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld)
An Act about the protection of Queensland’s environment.


National Environment Protection Council (Queensland) Act 1994 (Qld)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Protection Council


Nature Conservation Act 1992 (Qld)
An Act to provide for the conservation of nature.


Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 (Qld)
An Act to provide for the protection and management of the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area.


South Australia

Coast Protection Act 1972
An Act to make provision for the conservation and protection of the beaches and coast of this State; and for other purposes.


Development Act 1993 (SA)
An Act to provide for planning and regulate development in the State; to regulate the use and management of land and buildings, and the design and construction of buildings; to make provision for the maintenance and conservation of land and buildings where appropriate.


Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1984 (SA)
An Act to provide for the protection of the environment by regulating the dumping into the sea, and the incineration at sea, of wastes and other matter and the dumping into the sea of certain other objects.


Environment Protection Act 1993 (SA)
An Act to provide for the protection of the environment; to establish the Environment Protection Authority.


Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 (SA)
An Act to establish the Environment, Resources and Development Court.


National Environment Protection Council (South Australia) Act 1995 (SA)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Protection Council.


National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 (SA)
An Act to provide for the establishment and management of reserves for public benefit and enjoyment; to provide for the conservation of wildlife in a natural environment


Native Vegetation Act 1991 (SA)
An Act to provide incentives and assistance to landowners in relation to the preservation and enhancement of native vegetation; to control the clearance of native vegetation.


Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (SA)
An Act to promote sustainable and integrated management of the State's natural resources; to make provision for the protection of the State's natural resources.


River Murray Act 2003 (SA)
An Act to provide for the protection and enhancement of the River Murray and related areas and ecosystems.


Water Resources Act 1997 (SA)
An Act to provide for the management of the State's water resources.


Wilderness Protection Act 1992 (SA)
An Act to provide for the protection of wilderness and the restoration of land to its condition before European colonisation.



Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (TAS)
An Act to make provision for land use planning and approvals.


National Environment Protection Council (Tasmania) Act 1995 (TAS)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Protection Council.


National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002 (TAS)
An Act for the management of national parks and other reserved land.


Natural Resource Management Act 2002 (TAS)
An Act to establish the Tasmanian Natural Resource Management Council and regional committees for natural resource management and to provide for the development of regional strategies for natural resource management


Nature Conservation Act 2002 (TAS)
An Act for the conservation and protection of the flora, fauna and geological diversity of the State; and to provide for the declaration of national parks and other reserved land.


Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Act 1987 (TAS)
An Act to protect the State waters from pollution by oil and other substances; to give effect to certain parts of the Marpol Convention.



Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (VIC)
An Act to establish a framework for the integrated management and protection of catchments; to encourage community participation in the management of land and water resources; to set up a system of controls on noxious weeds and pest animals.


Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Act 2003 (VIC)
An Act to provide for the appointment and objectives, functions and powers of the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability.


Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 (VIC)
To establish a body corporate called the Director-General of Conservation, Forests and Lands; to provide a framework for a land management system.


Environmental Effects Act 1978 (Vic)
An Act to require the environmental effects of certain works to be assessed.


Environmental Protection Act 1970 (Vic)
An Act to establish an Environment Protection Authority.


National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) Act 1995 (VIC)
An Act to establish the National Environment Protection Council (Victoria)


National Parks Act 1975 (Vic)
An Act to consolidate, amend and make further provision in the law relating to national parks and other Crown lands.


Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic)
To establish a framework for planning the use, development and protection of land in Victoria.


Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Act 1986 (VIC)
The purpose of this Act is to make certain provisions for the protection of the sea and certain waters from pollution by oil and other noxious substances and to implement the Marpol Convention.


Sustainability Victoria Act 2005 (VIC)
An Act to establish Sustainability Victoria and provide for it to be the successor in law of the Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria and EcoRecycle Victoria


Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001 (VIC)
An Act to establish the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council


Victorian Renewable Energy Act 2006 (VIC)
The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of renewable energy generation through the establishment of a scheme that provides for the creation and acquisition of renewable energy certificates and requires the surrender of renewable energy certificates.


Wildlife Act 1975 (Vic)
To promote the protection and conservation of wildlife.


Western Australia

Carbon Rights Act 2003 (WA)
An Act to provide for the creation and effect of certain interests in land in relation to the effects of carbon sequestration from, and carbon release to, the atmosphere, and for related matters


Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 (WA)
An Act for the use, protection and management of certain public lands and waters and the flora and fauna.


Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)
An Act to provide for an Environmental Protection Authority, for the prevention, control and abatement of pollution and environmental harm, for the conservation, preservation, protection, enhancement and management of the environment.


National Environment Protection Council (Western Australia) Act 1996 (WA)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Protection Council.


Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Act 1987 (WA)
An Act relating to the protection of the sea and certain waters from pollution by oil and other noxious substances discharged from ships and places on land.


Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 (WA)
An Act relating to the conservation of soil and land resources, and to the mitigation of the effects of erosion, salinity and flooding.


Waterways Conservation Act 1976 (WA)
An Act to make provision for the conservation and management of certain waters and of the associated land and environment; for the establishment of a Rivers and Estuaries Council.


Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (WA)
An Act to provide for the conservation and protection of wildlife.


Courts & tribunals and their decisions
New South Wales
Land and Environment Court of New South Wales - Decisions
A database containing decisions of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales from 1988. All decisions are selected and provided by the court. This Court deals with environmental, development, building and planning disputes and has the same status as the Supreme Court ...


Land and Environment Court of New South Wales - Homepage
Site includes practice notes and rules, planning principles, forms, speeches, papers and fact sheets. Also includes court decisions for 1999 onwards



Planning and Environment Court of Queensland - Decisions
Full text decisions of the Planning and Environment Court of Queensland from 1999 as selected by the Court. This court was constituted in 1990 and replaced the Local Government Court.


Planning and Environment Court of Queensland - Homepage
Site includes decisions from 2000, Practice directions and Planning and Environment Forms.


South Australia

Environment Resources and Development Court of South Australia - Decisions
Full text decisions of the Environment Resources and Development Court of South Australia as selected by the court since January 1997. The ERD Court deals with disputes and the enforcement of laws that relate to the development and management of land, the natural and built ...


Environment Resources and Development Court of South Australia - Homepage
Judgments and Sentencing Remarks from 2003; practice pages include Rules, Practice Directions, Forms and Fees, Court Protocols and time limits for lodgment of appeals.



Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal of Tasmania - Decisions
This database contains a number of full text decisions of the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal of Tasmania as selected by the Tribunal. The Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal is an independent statutory body set up under the Resource Management ...


Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal of Tasmania - Homepage
Site includes Tribunal procedures, Civil enforcemnt proceedings, Fees, Forms and Decisions from 2006.



Legislation administered by the Minister

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984
Antarctic Acts 
Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Act 1981
Antarctic Treaty Act 1960
Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980
Australian Antarctic Territory Acceptance Act 1933
Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954
Australian Heritage Council Act 2003
Captains Flat (Abatement of Pollution) Agreement Act 1975
Chowilla Reservoir Agreement Act 1963
Dartmouth Reservoir Agreement Act 1970
Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981
Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Acts 
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Environmental Management Charge-Excise) Act 1993
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Environmental Management Charge-General) Act 1993
Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Act 1953
Hindmarsh Island Bridge Act 1997
Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976
Koongarra Project Area Act 1981
Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement Act 2001
Meteorology Act 1955
Morgan-Whyalla Waterworks Agreement Act 1940
National Environment Protection Council Act 1994
National Environment Protection Measures (Implementation) Act 1998
National Rental Affordability Scheme Act 2008National Water Commission Act 2004
Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997
Natural Resources Management (Financial Assistance) Act 1992, section 25(1)
Ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas acts
Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989
Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Act 1995
Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Act 1995
Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000
Removal of Prisoners (Territories) Act 1923  - insofar as it relates to the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands and the Australian Antarctic Territory
Sea Installations Act 1987
Sea Installations Levy Act 1987
Sewerage Agreements Act 1973
Sewerage Agreements Act 1974
State Grants (Water Resources Measurement) Act 1970
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Act 2001
Water Act 2007
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005
Western Australia Agreement (Ord River Irrigation) Act 1968
Western Australia Agreement (Ord River Irrigation) Act 1980
Western Australia (South-West Region Water Supplies) Agreement Act 1965
Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994


Key environmental national bodies in Australia include:

Key National Bodies
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Climate Change, Environment and the Arts
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
Australian Centre for Environmental Law (ACEL)
ACEL offers environmental law and policy teaching and research in Australia at the ANU.

Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)
A non government organisation dedicated to preserving the environment.
Australian Environment Foundation (AEF)
A not-for-profit, membership-based environmental organisation which takes an evidence-based, solution focused approach to environmental issues.

Australian Network of Environmental Defenders Offices (ANEDO)
The EDO Network consists of nine independently constituted and managed community environmental legal centres spread across Australia.
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ)
A professional association for environmental practitioners.
Environment Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC)

Environs Australia
The local government environment network.
Greenpeace Australia

Lawyers for Forests

National Environmental Law Association (NELA)
A multi-disciplinary organisation serving the needs of practitioners in law, planning, natural resources and environmental management, environmental science and environmental impact assessment.
National Water Commission (NWC)

The National Water Commission is an independent statutory body within the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio.

Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council (NRMMC)

The NRMMC is the peak government forum for consultation, coordination and, where appropriate, integration of action by governments on natural resource management issues.

Wilderness Society (Australia)

Environmental Law & Lawyers Updates

18 Jan - Sun-Reflecting Crops Could Ease Global Warming

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Farmers could help produce cooler temperatures and limit global warming if they grow crop varieties that reflect more sunlight into space, British researchers said on Thursday.

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18 Jan - Israeli-Palestinian conflict On Obamas table On his first day In office.

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

This war

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18 Jan - Eat Chips, Save Trash: One L.A. Guy's Almost Zero-waste Year

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Think hardcore environmentalism requires living like a monk? Not if you ask Dave Chameides, a steadicam operator living in L.A. who collected all his trash for a year and blogged about the project. Dave created less trash in all of 2008 than an average American family throws out in a week. And more impressively, he achieved this eco-feat while drinking beer and eating potato chips.

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18 Jan - Contaminated Water Kills 27 Children In Nigeria

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

At least 27 children in a village in southeastern Nigeria have died from gastroenteritis after drinking contaminated water from a communal pool, the local health commissioner said Wednesday.

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28 Dec - Ancient water source vital for Australia

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

An ancient underground water basin the size of Libya holds the key to Australia avoiding a water crisis as climate change bites the drought-hit nation.

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28 Dec - First U.S. offshore wind farm project moves forward

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

A plan to build the United States' first offshore wind farm took another step forward on Tuesday, after the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

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20 Dec - World's first solar ship

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

THE world's first cargo ship partly propelled by solar power

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20 Dec - Carbon plan fuels meltdown

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

THE national climate change adviser, Ross Garnaut, has damned the Rudd Government's carbon policy as a threat to the environment, the national budget and global prosperity.

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20 Dec - Coal Should Be Warming Concern: Scientists

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Researchers and officials concerned about global warming have focused on oil usage, but scientists on Wednesday said liquefied coal could have a greater affect on global climate change.

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8 Dec - Mugabe must go - so say religious leaders

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe must resign or be sent to The Hague for the "gross violations" he has committed, Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said.

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8 Dec - 4000 kids under 10 on mood drugs

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

UNPUBLISHED figures show that nearly 4000 children under the age of 10 were prescribed anti-depressants last financial year, including 553 children under five and 48 babies.

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8 Dec - Northrop Urges Obama: Boost Climate-Change Tech

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Northrop Grumman Corp, a top Pentagon supplier, urged President-elect Barack Obama on Friday to lead a drive harnessing technology, much of it developed for national defense, to cope with global climate change.

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24 Nov - Obama climate pledge "very positive": U.N. official

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Barack Obama's pledge to work to reduce emissions sharply by 2020 is a "huge signal" of encouragement to countries negotiating a new climate pact, the head of the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat said on Wednesday.

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24 Nov - San Francisco Plans To Be Electric Car Capital

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

San Francisco Bay Area cities promised to build the electric car capital of the United States, announcing a plan Thursday to work with start-up Better Place to put battery-powered autos on the road in 2012.

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24 Nov - Toxic beaches should shut during storms - environment groups

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Environmental groups are calling on local governments to shut beaches after storms like those seen in Brisbane in the last week due to storm water pollution.

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18 Nov - Baffled by dam plans in near pristine river

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Baffle Creek is one of the last remaining near pristine river systems in SE Qld and as such should be a candidate for 'Wild Rivers' legislative protection. Yet a dam on this beautiful river is being considered to supply Gladstone industry with water.

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17 Nov - Air New Zealand to trial biofuel weed

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Air New Zealand will make its first commercial flight using biofuels next month as it looks to cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions, the national carrier said on Wednesday.

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17 Nov - Research without death: $6m whale plan

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

THE Federal Government will spend $6 million on a whale research program which it hopes will debunk Japan's claims that whales need to be killed in order to be studied.

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17 Nov - Marches send message against global warming

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Thousands of protesters took part in Walk Against Warming in Sydney on Saturday, demanding the Federal Government set strict emission targets when it designs its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

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29 Oct - Australia's Stern review warns of runaway global warming

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Carbon emissions are rising so fast that the world has no chance of hitting climate targets, says Australian economist

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29 Oct - Cycling for Sustainability

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Cycling for Sustainability is currently preparing for its forthcoming five-week bicycle tour, which will see 17 tour members pedal from Brisbane to Newcastle (15 November 22 December 2008) visiting schools to engage youth and raise awareness about environmental sustainability and social justice issues.

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29 Oct - Walk against Woodchips

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Keri James and daughter Clover (6) have embarked on an epic 'Walk Against woodchips' from Canberra to Tasmania. They will draw community attention to the continuing destructive practice of woodchipping native forests as they pass the Eden woodchip mill on their way to the Gunns proposed pulp mill site in the Tamar valley (Tasmania). They passed through Bairnsdale on the 26th of October and reach Traralgon on the 6th of November.

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24 Oct - Mass use of electric cars four years away

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Within just four years, most Australians will be able to drive an electric car and recharge it at special plug-in points at home, the office or shopping centres.

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24 Oct - US To Boost Geothermal Energy Use On Federal Lands

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

The US Interior Department said on Wednesday it would make more than 190 million acres of federal lands in 11 western states and Alaska available to energy companies to develop geothermal energy resources for generating electricity.

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12 Oct - Uni students urged to share eco ideas

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Australian university students with ideas about sustainable energy solutions are being urged to share their earth-saving suggestions with the United Nations.

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12 Oct - Federal oppn to 'fight' Mary River dam

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

The federal opposition says it will take on the fight to stop the controversial Traveston Crossing Dam proposed on the Mary River, near Gympie in south-east Queensland.

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12 Oct - US Focus on Climate Could Ease Financial Crisis

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

If the United States focused on curbing climate change as soon as a new president took office -- or sooner -- it could help pull the world from the financial brink, environmental policy experts told Reuters.

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12 Oct - Green Building Council unveils rating tool

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

AMID the fanfare of Ross Garnaut's report on a national response to climate change, the Green Building Council of Australia has unveiled a rating tool for the commercial property sector.

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7 Oct - Conservation congress kicks off with dire warning on biodiversity

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

The world must act quickly if it is to brake an unprecedented die off of the Earth's animal and plant life that could have dire consequences for humans as well, top conservationists warned on Sunday.

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7 Oct - Indian farmers should go organic: Prince Charles

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

With a view to mitigate the ongoing climate change Prince Charles of UK appealed the Indian farmers to join the global organic club.

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7 Oct - Climate Change Threatens Australian Fisheries

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Climate change threatens Australia's A$2.1 billion (US$1.6 billion) commercial fishing and aquaculture industry, but may create new wild fisheries as tropical marine species move south as sea temperatures rise.

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28 Sep - Cuddle power nurtures little minds

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

PARENTS need to be reminded to kiss, cuddle and talk to their babies to help prevent children growing up with developmental delays and emotional disorders, the NSW Government said.

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28 Sep - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Palin's Big Oil infatuation

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

I was water-skiing with my children in a light drizzle off Hyannis, Mass., last month when a sudden, fierce storm plunged us into a melee of towering waves, raking rain, painful hail and midday darkness broken by blinding flashes of lightning. As I hurried to get my children out of the water and back to the dock, I shouted over the roaring wind, "This is some kind of tornado."

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28 Sep - The fineprint on the headstone

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Can you imagine what would happen if Australian scientists discovered 100 new species of whales and dolphins in our seas? The wires would be buzzing with the news.

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22 Sep - How Qld could save 350,000 mega litres of water every year

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Every year the average Brisbane house receives about 200 thousand litres of rain every year, most of which is piped to the ocean in storm runoff. Over 200 thousand litres is then pumped to the same house from central dams sometimes hundreds of kilometres away, only to be used and over 150,000 litres of sewage is once more pumped out to the ocean.

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17 Sep - Old Growth Forests Are Valuable Carbon Sinks

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Contrary to 40 years of conventional wisdom, a new analysis published in the journal Nature suggests that old growth forests are usually "carbon sinks" - they continue to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and mitigate climate change for centuries.

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17 Sep - Sorting the hot air from carbon offsets

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

WHEN you have changed all the light bulbs, turned off all the appliances, sold the car, bought a bicycle and transferred to GreenPower, it may seem hard to reduce that carbon footprint even further.

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17 Sep - Throw out the chemicals - an interview with Deni Hines

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Carla Grossetti talks to the entertainer Deni Hines about her passions and guilts.

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10 Sep - Choosing a more ethical way to eat

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Some think vegetarianism a lifestyle choice but one author says there are good environmental reasons for it, writes Sherrill Nixon.

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10 Sep - New Incident at French Nuclear Plant

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

A security incident has occurred at a French nuclear site already under scrutiny because of a series of safety scares over the summer, France's ASN nuclear safety authority said on Monday.

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10 Sep - Australia Troops Bring Toad Pest to East Timor - NGO

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Australia's military was accused on Tuesday of opening the gates to an invasion force of cane toad pests when it led international peacekeepers into East Timor to end a pro-Indonesia militia slaughter there in 1999.

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30 Aug - Putin accuses U.S. of orchestrating Georgian war

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of orchestrating the conflict in Georgia to benefit one of its presidential election candidates.

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27 Aug - Technology That Outthinks Us: A Partner or a Master?

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

In Vernor Vinges version of Southern California in 2025, there is a school named Fairmont High with the motto, Trying hard not to become obsolete. It may not sound inspiring, but to the many fans of Dr. Vinge, this is a most ambitious — and perhaps unattainable — goal for any member of our species.

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27 Aug - Bligh says no to north Qld shale project

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Queensland premier Anna Bligh has killed off a controversial $14 billion shale oil project in north Queensland.

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27 Aug - Volunteers knock on 1 millions doors for peace

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

On September 20, peace activists in the US will mobilize to knock on a million doors in communities across the country. Our mission is to ask our friends and neighbors to contact Congress to bring about a swift and responsible end to U.S. military involvement in Iraq.

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20 Aug - Solar scientist wins Eureka's top gong

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Nail polish and pizza ovens will help provide cheap, clean energy to the world's poor if Nicole Kuepper has her way.

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20 Aug - Beijing Enjoys Best Air in Decade, Vows to Banish Smog

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Olympic host Beijing enjoyed its cleanest air in 10 years this month and will adopt strict new measures to ensure its notorious smog does not return, a top environment official said on Tuesday.

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20 Aug - Google Puts US$10 Mln into New Geothermal Technology

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:47:27 +1000

Google Inc Tuesday said it would invest more than US$10 million in an emerging geothermal energy technology as part of its effort to lower the cost of electricity from renewable sources.

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These news come from Enviro News - Environment Society of Australia.

Registration Now Open for Naturally Good Expo 2025: Celebrating a Decade of Excellence in Natural Products

Sat, 15 Feb 2025 04:03:34 +0000

Naturally Good Expo, the leading event for the natural and organic products community, is excited to announce that registration for 2025 is now open. This special year marks the 10th anniversary of the expo, which will be celebrated with a range of new features and an exciting networking evening on the first day. The expo […]

The post Registration Now Open for Naturally Good Expo 2025: Celebrating a Decade of Excellence in Natural Products appeared first on Eco News.

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Sat, 15 Feb 2025 04:03:32 +0000

Achieved a 13.7% reduction in energy and saved 23.2% in water usage  Diverted 47% of waste from landfills while 14 tonnes of food waste were composted and donated to local farmers Dedicated significant investment in local communities, supporting education, infrastructure, and livelihoods Successfully restored coral reefs, enhancing marine biodiversity and ecosystem resilience In 2024, Six […]


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Schneider Electric signs agreement with Motion Solutions Australia and Motion Solutions New Zealand as its cobot robotics distributor in the Pacific

Sat, 15 Feb 2025 04:03:31 +0000

Motion Solutions Australia and Motion Solutions New Zealand have been appointed as Schneider Electric’s sole robotics industrial automation distributor.  Schneider Electric’s global robotics distributor program has been created to empower robotics-focused distributors to become transformation partners.  As a specialist robotics distributor in the Pacific, Motion Solutions will play a pivotal role in driving customer adoption […]

The post Schneider Electric signs agreement with Motion Solutions Australia and Motion Solutions New Zealand as its cobot robotics distributor in the Pacific appeared first on Eco News.

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How rocky headland affects coastal sand movement in popular tourist town

Sat, 15 Feb 2025 02:02:52 +0000

The Robe obelisk Photo courtesy: Patrick Hesp (Flinders University). A new study has given key insights into South Australia’s coastal management by examining how Cape Dombey’s rocky headland in Robe on the state’s Limestone Coast influences waves, currents and sand movement. By collecting real-world data over summer and winter, the Flinders University researchers have identified […]

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Avarni launches new feature to track SBTi commitments across supply chains

Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:35:32 +0000

Avarni’s SBTi Targets tracks science-based commitments in supply chains, helping businesses assess risk, report Scope 3 emissions, and decarbonize. Avarni, a leading carbon accounting platform, has launched SBTi Targets, an innovative new feature that enables companies to track Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) commitments across their supply chain. This latest enhancement provides businesses with a […]

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Beekeeping Set To Become Effortless With the Launch of a New Invention From Flow Hive, The ‘Flow Super Lifter’

Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:35:30 +0000

Flow Super Lifter in action Flow Hive Backyard beekeeping has blossomed into a national movement, with over 855,000 registered beehives across Australia. To overcome the greatest barrier in beekeeping – the heavy lifting required to open a beehive – the inventors of the Flow Hive have created and launched the Flow Super Lifter after seven years of development, […]

The post Beekeeping Set To Become Effortless With the Launch of a New Invention From Flow Hive, The ‘Flow Super Lifter’ appeared first on Eco News.

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Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:35:28 +0000

WildLand is a story of hope and regeneration, of rewilding on an epic scale and of extraordinary experiences in Scotland’s truly wild spaces. This is Europe’s largest and most ambitious conservation project, spanning 220,000 acres across 13 estates, from Loch Ness and the Cairngorm to the raw, rugged coastline of Sutherland in the far north. At […]


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Can artificial intelligence save the Great Barrier Reef?

Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:35:27 +0000

Australian researchers are designing a global real-time monitoring system to help save the world’s coral reefs from further decline, primarily due to bleaching caused by global warming. Coral reefs worldwide are dying at an alarming rate, with 75% of reefs experiencing bleaching-level heat stress in the past two years. The World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef (GBR), considered […]

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Crisafulli Government announces plan to help extinguish fires

Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:35:26 +0000

The Waste and Resource Recovery (WARR) industry has welcomed the Crisafulli Government’s announcement that it will implement a three-point plan to tackle the increasing number of dangerous battery related fires that continue to place the lives of its workers at risk every day. The plan – announced today by the Hon. Andrew Powell – aims […]

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11 new marine sanctuary areas announced for Australia’s stressed south-eastern waters

Fri, 14 Feb 2025 02:07:46 +0000

80,000 square kilometres of new marine sanctuaries announced for Australia’s stressed South-east marine region The newly expanded marine park around Australia’s sub-Antarctic territory of Macquarie Island to be finalised New oil and gas titles, including seismic blasting, to be banned from all South-east marine parks An existing marine sanctuary to be opened up to commercial […]

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These news come from Eco News.

These news come from .

These news come from .


Environmental Law & Lawyers Links

Homepage - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

NSW Attorney General, Greg Smith SC, today announced the appointment .. of her contribution to the field of Environmental and Planning Law. .. report them by email to lecourt@agd.nsw.gov.au (2:30pm 4 August 2011) .. Appeals | Court processes | Litigants in Person Guide | Mediation | On-site hearings ..

Australian law : selected websites | National Library of Australia

Main sites. (AUSTLII) - Australasian Legal Information Institute - legislation and court .. Law Internet Resources (Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library). GovPubs - a selected guide to Australian government publications, such as Acts, Hansards .. Foolkit: a lawyer's toolkit - State specific legal portal containing full text ..

Australian environmental law news | National Library of Australia

http://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn2914235. APA Citation. National Environmental Law Association of Australia. 1992 Australian environmental law news ..

Internet Resource Guide: Environmental Law - Parliament of Australia

Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) A professional association for .. National Environmental Law Association (NELA) ..

Internet Resource Guide: Transport Law .. - Parliament of Australia

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Transport Law. .. Environment and Resources Group links to general transport sites · Commonwealth Parliamentary .. this site is the home page of Countryman & McDaniel, US Customs Broker Attorneys. ... Comments to: catherine.lorimer@aph.gov.au ..

Intellectual Property Law - Parliament of Australia


; Court and Tribunal decisions, law reports etc; Key National Bodies; Key Publications; Links to Other Australian Sites (State organisations, Pathfinders, Directories etc); Overseas Sites .. Protecting subscription broadcasts (Attorney-General's Dept) .. Comments to: catherine.lorimer@aph.gov.au ..

Law and justice - australia.gov .au

The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by providing .. Index Page to Australian government law sites, including courts and tribunals, ..

Family law - australia.gov .au

The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law .. Court of Australia site provides topic based information about family law and a ..

Departments and agencies - australia.gov .au

A to Z list of government sites; Departments and agencies; Government departments .. Commonwealth Parliament; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney- .. Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities; Treasury; Courts .. Law Reform Commission · Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ..

South Australian Legislation - South Australia Central

4 days ago – Policies made under the Aquaculture Act 2001 (SA) or the Environment Protection Act 1993 (SA)—Browse A-Z policies or policies as made ..

Environment Protection Act 1993 - South Australian Legislation

4 days ago – Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation: Gazette 21.10.2011 p4289 .. 2009 · Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Regulations 2008—ceased .... Attorney-General's Department .. Page URL: http://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/lz/c/a/environment%20protection%20act%201993.aspx ..

Federal Court of Australia - information for litigants


. spacer arrow National, spacer arrow Australian Capital Territory .. Many of the following web sites contain links to and contact details for .. and managed community environmental law centres which provide legal ..

Federal Court of Australia - information for litigants


. spacer arrow National, spacer arrow Australian Capital .. Many of the following web sites contain links to and contact details for local state and territory branches. Arts Law Centre of Australia Arts Law gives preliminary advice and .. legal advice and representation on environmental law issues.

Our structure | About Queensland and its government | Queensland ..

Ministers are responsible for departments, which implement laws relating to .. Environment and Sustainable Resource Management cluster .. Local Government and Planning · Attorney-General, Minister for .. Explore this site ..

Comlaw Home

New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant .. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 · Social Security Act 1991 .. Australia's ten Territories are home to over half a million Australians. .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) This link will ..

Juliette Halliday | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Search this site: .. juliette.halliday@vgso.vic.gov.au. Areas of law: Government .. Law Institute of Victoria; Victorian Planning & Environmental Law Association ..

Subject Guide - NRETAS Internet Site

Link: www.nt.gov.au/nreta/environment/legislation/index.html. List of NT legislation .. Format: website. Title: Family Law System, Attorney-Generals Department ..

NSW Young Lawyers ' Environmental Law Committee - DAFF

Chair – Environmental Law Committee NSW Young Lawyers. Submission of the .. Caroline Law Email: envirolaw.chair@vounqlawvers.com.au ..

NSW Young Lawyers - Environment , Water and Heritage

BY EMAIL: EPBCReview@environment.gov.au .. The NSW Young Lawyers Environmental Law Committee (the Committee) .. fragility of Australia's landmark heritage site and the transparency of the CPRS's limits, it would ..



Oil and gas industry and national environment law - fact sheet

Oil and gas industry and national environment law - fact sheet. .. Australia is a country with large reserves of oil and natural gas, for which .. For more information go to www.environment.gov.au/epbc, email .. be addressed to Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney .. Links to another web site ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services and ..

30+ items – Tasmania Online. www.tas.gov.au Contact Disclaimer ..


Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial ..


Bishops barristers and solicitors



firm offering a range of services with ..


Service Tasmania Online: Law and public safety

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department .. ComLaw (Commonwealth of Australia Law) .. The URL for this site is http://www.service.tas.gov.au/ ..

Related websites - Attorney -General's Department

30+ items – Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department ..














Australian Law Online




International Environmental Law - Attorney -General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a .. Trade law · Foreign state immunity · International Environmental Law · Australia's maritime boundaries .. Ramsar Secretariat · UNESCO heritage site · CITES Secretariat .. International environmental law encompasses the body of rules ..

Australia's maritime boundaries and zones - Attorney -General's ..

Under international law, Australia has rights and responsibilities over its adjacent waters. The main international agreement outlining these ..

prohibited and restricted imports

by A Customs - 2004.. 6274 1666. Email: wildlifetrade@environment.gov.au .... Security Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department on telephone +61 2 6250 6666 or by e-mail to ..

departing travellers

by A Customs - 2008Australia's strict laws control the import and export of protected wildlife and .. http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/ .. http://www.environment.gov.au/ ... For more detail on this issue, visit the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department's foreign bribery web site at www.ag.gov.au/foreignbribery ..

Western Australia Department of the Attorney General


Compass Home Page " type="text/css"/> " alt="Department of the .. Government of Western Australia Department of the Attorney General .. wa.gov.au ..

Getting A Job - Pages - GraduatePrograms


mapAccessibilityContact us .. Graduate program URL: www.agric.wa.gov.au/PC_90592.html .. Landscape Architecture; Law; Marketing; Regional Planning; Science - Environmental Biology; Sustainability ... This includes advocacy workshops in criminal law, duty lawyer work and family law and ..

Property, titles and valuations (Department of Environment and ..

Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment (NROLA) Act .. If an attorney, on behalf of a principal, intends to deal with the principal's land (e.g. to sell their home) the power of attorney must be .. Topics in this site ..

South Australian Attorney -General's Department - Services

To provide legal services and advice to SA Government and to have a direct role in delivery of SA Government's broader objectives. The Crown Solicitor's Office ..

Eliza Bergin | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

skip to this pages content | skip to site navigation .. eliza.bergin@vgso.vic.gov.au .. Government & Public Law; Planning & Environment; Supreme Court of Victoria .. Eliza is an experienced planning and environment lawyer with expertise in ..

Patrick Doyle | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

skip to this pages content | skip to site navigation .. patrick.doyle@vgso.vic.gov.au .. Patrick joined the VGSO in 2009 and manages the Planning, Environment and .. Lawyers (ultimately as Special Counsel) and also had senior in-house legal ..

IP Professionals and other sites | IP Australia

Privacy Statement · Environmental management · Current Initiatives · Bulk data .. The Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA) - IPTA is the .. Law Council of Australia - The Law Council website links to the various law .. and training programs. business.gov.au - an Australian Government initiative to ..

A Practitioner's Guide to the Land & Environment Court

found on the Court's website: www.agd.nsw.gov.au/lec. If any person has any .. Environmental Law Committee at enviro.chair@younglawyers.com.au. Dr. James .. including increased use of on site hearing and concurrent evidence. The third ..

Enduring Power of Attorney Authorisation | Canberra Connect

All ACT Gov sites Advanced Search .. An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document that authorises a .. Website: http://www.publictrustee.act.gov.au ..

Katy Gallagher | Chief Minister, Australian Capital Territory | Simon ..

Katy Gallagher, Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory Visit - http://www.act.gov.au .. Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development .. to drive the development of Canberra as Australia's Solar Capital. As Attorney General Simon has initiated significant law reform in the areas of same ..

0909 Law - Study in Australia

As you can see from these examples, law is a diverse field and can be very rewarding. .. Site Navigation .. rights law, international law, corporate law, intellectual property or environmental law, among others. .. To practise as a lawyer in Australia you have to do further practical training after you complete your degree.

Speeches and Papers - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

29 September 2010, The Contribution of Women to Environmental Law in Australia, a talk given to the Women Lawyers Association, ..

Legal research links - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

Native Title Sites Australia - Federal Court website - use search facility from the Home Page. NSW Young Lawyers Environmental Law ..

Crown Law - Department of Justice and Attorney -General

Crown Law is as old as Queensland itself, and we've been the principal .. their priorities and the environment in which it operates - we share them. .. PC are able to access more information and resources on our Govnet site.

Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 - Department of ..


header. Queensland Government · Justice Gateway · Site map · Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General ..

Careers @ AGS - Current vacancies - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS recruits skilled applicants such as experienced lawyers, recent law .. See Working with us for details on our working environment and employment ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

client login · spotlight · home · help · site-map .. AGS provided a range of corporate, employment and property law advice to ... on the following link: http://www.ags.gov.au/whatweoffer/training/index.htm ... machinery of government, environmental and Indigenous law, and administrative decision making.

Australia > Attorney General's Department - Yahoo! Directory

20+ items – www.law.gov.au; Human Rights and Equal Opportunity ..


Australian Institute of Criminology


Studies crime and criminal justice in Australia




Legal information retrieval system from the ..


- Planning and Environment

by V Civil - 2012The Environment Defenders Office (EDO) is a community legal centre which .. EDO on (03) 8341 3100, or visit the Workshops' page of their website: www.edo.org.au/edovic. .. Deputy President in charge of the Planning and Environment List: Helen Gibson - Lawyer .. E-mail: vcat-admin@justice.vic.gov.au ..

Australian Environmental Websites - Centres & Institutes - The ..

"It provides lawyers, students, researchers and lay professionals with .. The WebLaw Environmental Law page by the University of Adelaide has a .. Human settlements and Water Resources. http://www.environment.gov.au .. Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) - This site has an extensive range of online ..

indigenous.gov .au - Native title lawyer wins 2010 national award

Since admission to the Supreme Court of Queensland as a solicitor 22 years .. people to be working in other areas of the legal environment. .. lawyers and future barristers, including the Law Council of Australia, .. Site map + ..

Environmental audits - Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism

explain best practice environmental management in Australia's mining industry. .. Current environmental legislation, marketing requirements and community .... environmental audit of a mining operation or site to ensure that the objectives .. lawyer experienced in environmental legislation and administrative arrangements.

Law Handbook - Legal Services Commission of South Australia ..

The Law Handbook Online contains on overview of the law in South Australia presented .. It is important to use the Law Handbook Online as a starting point only, and not as a .. power of attorney .. POWER OF GUARDIANSHIP · ENVIRONMENT · FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS .. Link to sa.gov.au - find what you're looking for ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Environmental crime

25+ items – The papers examine whether criminal law is the most ..

The nature of environmental crime


Old wine in new bottles : difficulties in the application of general principles of ..


2.5 Class 4 Proceedings in the Land and Environment Court

an applicant alleging a breach of a planning or environmental law (also known as .. If you hold a concession card, do not have a lawyer or your income is below a ... Court web-site, http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/lec/ll_lec.nsf/pages/ ..

May 2002 No. - Australian Network of Environmental Defender's ..

Jump to ý: http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/ .. Attorney-General's law site and until recently ..

In office - Gough Whitlam - Australia's PMs - Australia's Prime Ministers

Through ensuring Australia was party to international agreements, the Whitlam government initiated Australia's first federal legislation on human rights, the environment.. Crean was sworn in as Treasurer and Lionel Murphy as Attorney-General. .. Whitlam and Barnard responded to the failure of the Northern Territory Gove ..

AustLII: AustLII Databases

Journals | Law Reform | Australian Treaties | Special Projects | Hosted Home Pages ... Environment Resources and Development Court of South Australia 1996- · South .. New Zealand Lawyers and Conveyancers Displinary Tribunal 2009- · New .. Commonwealth Journal of Local Government (ComJlLocGov) 2008- ..

Chapter 20. POLLUTION - Law Handbook

Most pollution control regulation in Victoria is done by the Environment Protection .. to air and water, noise, contaminated sites, municipal waste, and the generation, handling, .. Reports can also be made online via EPA Victoria's website at www.epa.vic.gov.au. .. Lawyers for Forests: www.lawyersforforests.asn.au ..

About Australia : Legal System

Economy, business environment and industries .. The High Court of Australia interprets and applies the law of Australia, decides cases of special federal ..

Magistrates Court : South Australia : Lawyers : Foolkit

South Australian Magistrates Courts - All the Rules, important legislation, case lists and .. Foolkit - A Lawyer's Toolkit .. Email christiesbeach@courts.sa.gov.au ... Courts Administration Authority SA · Hansard SA · South Australian Legislation Site .. Enforcement of Judgements Act, Environment Protection Act, Evidence Act ..

District Court : South Australia : Lawyers : Foolkit

Foolkit links to only a selection of key information on South Australian Courts - if you can't find it here, then chances are that it is at www.courts.sa.gov.au.

NetWatch: March 2001

by A GreenshieldsURL: http://www.padv.dpmc.gov.au/ Primary Legal Materials on the Internet .. Research Resources on the Internet -Links to many sites containing Korean laws and regulations. .. URL: http://www.pac-info.com/ Environmental Law Environmental ... New York Lawyer - a chatty current legal and lawyers 'affairs' news letter.

URL: http://www. austlii. edu. au/au/special/rsjproject/rsjlibrary/ilb

by A GreenshieldsURL: http://law.gov.au/arc/ APEC Competition Policy & Law Database .. URL: http://www.apeccp.org.tw/ ecommerce: Attorney Generals Department URL: .. Asian Sites APEC Competition Policy & Law Database - country and regional .. Environmental Law The Biosafety Protocol: "The Biosafety Protocol ..

National Pro Bono Resource Centre : Western Australia

http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink.nsf/pages/goingtocourt#HeadingA .. advice, representation and community legal education on environmental matters. .. Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues (Equality Rules site) for information on WA law as it .. Network of Australian lawyers active in practising and promoting awareness of ..

Jobs and Internships in Environmental Law and Policy

EDO Seminar Series 2011—Careers in Environmental Law. Jobs and Internships in .. http://www.edo.org.au/edonsw/site/volunteer .. Lawyers with environmental law experience .. http://www.environment.gov.au/about/jobs/g ..

Weblinks | Legal Studies for Queensland

Crime and society. Australian National Security http://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/ A site that discusses the reasons for national security and special laws ..

Planned Procurements Export Agency Agency Reference ..

Microsoft Excel - ="Australian Law Reform Commission" ="ALRC ICT" ="replacement of computers" .. ="02 6275 9600" ="procurement.helpdesk@environment.gov.au" 01-Dec-11. ="Attorney-General's Department" ="AGD APP 2011/12 - 23" ="The provision of editing, ... ="Geoscience Australia" ="GAAPP23" ="Provision of Off-Site Storage ..

Speech - Immigration Lawyers of Australia Conference

Search this site .. Ross Ray QC, President Law Council of Australia Maria Jockel, Chair, Immigration Lawyers Association of Australasia and convener of the Conference. Ladies and .. So you can see we are dealing with a complex and dynamic environment. ... URL: http://www.minister.immi.gov.au ..

Australian Public Service agencies

help with using this site .. Attorney-General's Department; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries .. of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities .. Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity; Australian Commission .. This page can be found at www.apsc.gov.au/apsprofile/agencies.htm.

Other tax-related sites - Australian Taxation Office

Australia.gov.au - the Australian Government Entry Point .. social, economic and environmental challenges of the 21st century. .. ComLaw is the legal information retrieval system owned by the Australian Attorney General's Department. ... Each state and territory authority has its own laws to regulate ..

Q+A Sheet 2a Environmental Legislation

Environmental legislation is a generic term for Acts and subordinate legislation. (such as .. Commonwealth of Australia Law website at: www.comlaw.gov.au. Commonwealth ... Provides blanket protection for Aboriginal objects and sites created prior to 1876. .... The Bush Lawyer – a guide to public participation in ..

in this issue.. contact us..

Biodiversity Conservation Act: www.ea.gov.au/epbc .. Environment and Planning Law Association NSW: .. The site had frontage to a slip road off the ..

Privacy - Australian Electoral Commission

A copy of the Act is available at ComLaw.gov.au – the legal information retrieval system owned by the Australian Attorney General's Department. .. When visiting this website the AEC's site server makes a record of the .. We provide a secure environment and a reliable system but you .. Electoral Legislation ..

Australia's War - Disclaimer

By email: Use a contact from the Attorney-General's Department website .. DVA provides a secure environment and a reliable system. .. event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect .. The DVA secure website (https://secure.dva.gov.au) uses a session cookie to help manage ..

Legal Resources - Maclarens Lawyers Parramatta Merrylands

Maclarens Lawyers have put together a list of some useful resources and links to .. www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au. Law .. Land and Environment Court of NSW Online ..

ASIO - About ASIO - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) is Australia's security service. ... from the Attorney-General satisfying tests set out in the relevant legislation before .. the global security environment and whole-of-Government engagement. ... Access the site at www.blu.asio.gov.au if you are interested in subscribing.

Workplace bullying - ReachOut Australia

Jump down to: content, section menu, site menu or site info sections. .. Sexual harassment and racial hatred are also against the law. .. Call 131394 http://www.fairwork.gov.au/resources/best-practice-guides/Pages/a- ... to answer but to take it to a further level you need expensive lawyers and the effect on ..

Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title

Emily Gerrard, BSc/LLB (Hons), is currently a lawyer at Native Title Services Victoria .. experience in corporate law included advising on environmental and resources .... Land Corporation can be found at http://www.ilc.gov.au/site/page.cfm ..

AELERT handbook

Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators Conference .. www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au. Brisbane .. Anne Brosnan, Principal Lawyer, United Kingdom Environment .... investigation of unlicensed impacts upon Aboriginal sites ..

Environmental Law E-newsletter

.. guidelines can be found on the Department's website at http://www.environment.gov.au/ .. known roosting site. We appreciate that many may .. Somerford (Solicitor) or Clare Gleeson (Solicitor) on +61 8 9288 6000 if you have any queries or ..

Legal Services Arrangements in Australian Government Agencies

Barton ACT 2600 http://www.ag.gov.au/cca ... Since 1999 the operating environment for the Government's legal services has been predominantly decentralised. Subject to certain restrictions set out in the Attorney-General's Legal Services .... services, where an external provider provides lawyers on contract to work on-site ..

Persons Missing : Home of The Missing Persons Register - Law Tools

http://www.familycourt.gov.au/html/legal_advice.html *Further .. SA Law Australian legal resource site for solicitors, law students and general interest groups. .. Environmental Defender's Office an extensive number of links to government and ..

Legislation and Policies that Interact with Commonwealth Property ..

Please note that there may be other legislation or policies not listed below which .. http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/fi .. The Assessment of Site Contamination NEPM is particularly relevant in the context .. http://www.environment.gov.au/about/c .. While the Attorney-General's Department is responsible for the Legal ..

Paton Hooke, Solicitors Taree, Lawyers, Local Government Law ..

The Land and Environment Court has the power to hear cases involving land anywhere in New .. For further information see http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lec ..

German Law Firm Australia, German Lawyers

German law firm in Australia with German lawyers offering legal advice in business law, commercial law, personal .. Land and Environment Court: http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lec .. Notary Locator - Visit this site to find Notaries in your area.

The Right to a Discrimination-Free Workplace


prohibiting discrimination in the workplace in Australia date back to 1966 ... s/he prepares a report to the Attorney-General that is tabled in federal parliament. ... the applicant was the only female employee on a building construction site. .. This conduct nevertheless formed part of a 'hostile work environment' that was ..

Commonwealth of Australia - Water Efficiency Labelling and ..

You are not permitted to use the WELS web site to sell a product or service or .. Attorney-General's Department .. National Circuit Barton ACT 2600. Australia www.ag.gov.au/cca .. Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage .. Companies breach water efficiency and labelling laws ..

Family law kit - Australian Federal Police

So, if you would like more information about the Family Court of Australia or the .. you look at their websites - www.familycourt.gov.au or www.fmc.gov.au. .. you or your solicitor should provide an original sealed copy to the AFP Family Law .. can check on the website of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, ..

APEC Privacy


to the Attorney-General's Department as the Information Law and Policy Branch. .. to the website of the Attorney-General's Department (www.ag.gov.au). .. APEC is a diverse environment which is made up of 21 member ..

The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO ..

finance.gov.au .. Environmental Sustainability of ICT ... The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws .. Attorney General's Department .. Key AGIMO Roles and Responsibilities (AGIMO Blog) [ External Site ] ..

35999 PAGES

by BAS D’Hagé - 1997 - Lawyers On Warships: Oxygen Thieves or Weapons. Systems? ... scheme which operated in Australia in the 1950s. Under the ... environmental law, international relations and domestic .... work sites was substantially behind the December ..

Environmental Action for Service Stations

lawyer, the legislation, DECC or your local Council. While reasonable .. Website: www.environment.nsw.gov.au. DECC is pleased to ... In some cases breaking environmental law carries .... stormwater drains on or near your site are located.

Children | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..

smartraveller.gov.au. Every traveller, every trip. 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre +61 2 6261 3305 (outside Australia) or 1300 555 135 (within Australia) ... foreign country should consult a lawyer to resolve child custody and other family law issues .. Find out about the political, cultural and economic environment of your ..

MEMBER (AM) - Governor-General of the Commonwealth Of Australia

successful nomination of the site as a World Heritage Site, finalised in 2010. Under her .. environmental law, and to legal education. Chief Judge at .. President, New South Wales Division, National Environmental Law Association, 1988-1991; ..

Legal Officer

defencejobs.gov.au/airforce/jobs/LegalOfficer .. A unique opportunity for lawyers to broaden their experience in the areas of .. environmental law, management of common law claims and on government .... accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this website or on any linked site.

Mining Agreements: Content Ideas

To the extent allowed by law, expressly disclaim all and any liability and responsibility to .. Web site: www.nntt.gov.au... Environmental and Cultural Heritage .

HSC Online - Australian food industry web sites

The Food Legal Bulletin is a feature site of Food Legal - Australian lawyers and Consultants site. .. http://www.daff.gov.au (external website). The ABC National ..

Australian Government E-security Review; Submission to the ..

This site (privacy.gov.au), which only contains information related to the OAIC's .. Topic(s): Technologies | Law enforcement and national security .. Review; Submission to the Attorney-General's Department (August 2008) .. b) an increasingly hostile online security environment, which does not respect ..

A Guideline for Family Law Courts and Children's Contact Services

Administration, Attorney-General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posted at http://www.ag.gov.au/cca. Job No. 4473 ..

SEEK - Commercial + Planning Lawyer Job in Geelong & Great ..

Corporate & Commercial Law, Top regional firm - high quality .. Property Transactions, Local Government and Environmental Law for a .. To find out more about Warrnambool see the City site: www.warrnambool.vic.gov.au ..

WebLaw - Constitutional Law

Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865: This Act passed by the Imperial (British) Parliament .. as may be referred to it by resolution of the Assembly or the Attorney-General. .. The site aims to provide factual information about constitutions, in Australia and .... The External affairs power and environmental protection in Australia ..

National Pro Bono Resource Centre : Queensland

Arts Law; Community Legal Centres — General; Consumer Debt/Credit; Court Matters .. Discrimination; Domestic Violence; Employment; Environment; Family Law .. 'How to complain' guide (including links to relevant sites); Online complaint form .. http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink.nsf/pages/goingtocourt#HeadingA ..

National Pro Bono Resource Centre : Victoria

http://www.itsa.gov.au. Statutory forms for bankruptcy; Debt agreement information; Legislation. See also: National Children's and Youth Law Centre for ..

Environmental crime in Australia

by S Bricknell - .. be found on the. Australian Institute of Criminology website at http://www.aic.gov.au .. environmental laws were not enacted in Australia until the 1970s and in ..

Regulation : enforcement and compliance

by R Johnstone - - e-mail: aicpress@aic.gov.au .. lawyers and other interested groups to discuss and debate all issues .. widely on issues of safety, health and environmental regulation. .. remedies, street-level drug enforcement and policing public housing sites from .. Australia. He is a former legal practitioner with a commercial law firm in ..

Improving environmental performance, preventing environmental ..

Environmental law—Australia. 5. Environmental protection— .. Email: aicpress@aic.gov.au .. Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, for the financial ..

Independent review of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity ..

Name of organisation: NSW Young Lawyers Environmental Law Committee .. the submitting organisation or individual will be published on the web site. .. be sent via email to epbcreview@environment.gov.au or posted to: ..

The Australian International Lawyer - Law Society of New South Wales

Australia and distinctive contributions made by Australia to contemporary international legal issues during September 2009. International Environmental Law ..

Life in Australia

Attorney General's Department .. This publication is also available online at www.immi.gov.au. ... required to obey Australia's laws, which have been put in place by democratically elected governments ... for the environment, lending a hand and working together in times of need in pursuit of the .... Once the site of the new ..

A Guide to the Australian Government - October .. - Directory.gov.au

Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. 456. The Treasury ... Content of www.directory.gov.au ... Minister Assisting the Attorney-General on Queensland .. for the Australian Government's legislation program. Chair ..

Legislation - australia.gov.au

Acts and Legislation (ComLaw). The ComLaw site provides a search facility for legal information. ComLaw contains Commonwealth Acts, as well as other ..

Departments - australia.gov.au

The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by providing .. and legislation to protect and conserve Australia's environment and heritage.

Civil rights - australia.gov.au

Research aids include links to the legislation and a history of the Act. .. The privacy.gov.au site will be maintained until a site incorporating all OAIC material is ..

Australia and International Treaty Making

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. before any treaty action is taken which would bind Australia under international law. .. environmental, social and cultural effects of the treaty action; the obligations .. from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Attorney General's Department.

About Australia: Democratic rights and freedoms

Economy, business environment and industries .. As the highest law in Australia, the Constitution specifically protects certain rights and freedoms, including trial ..

Negotiating Treaties - Treaties in the Global Environment

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally ... The United Nations, of course, has such a web-site but under a "user-pays" system it .. it to the Office of International Law in the Attorney-General's Department, and to me.

National environment law: project assessments basics - fact sheet

The basics—environmental impact assessments and approvals of .. go to www.environment.gov.au/epbc/publications/epbc-act-fact-sheet.html .. Australia's main national environment law is the Environment .. be addressed to Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney .. Links to another web site ..

Weblinks | Legal Studies for Queensland

http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/OQPChome.htm. Government .. Lobby or pressure group web site used to complete Exercise 3.3 ... Powers of Attorney and wills ... Contains all State and Commonwealth environmental laws in full. ^top^ ..

indigenous.gov.au - Legal award recognises NT opportunities says ..

Browne is not just supporting land rights as a lawyer. .. lawyers and future barristers, including the Law Council of Australia, External site link ..

in this issue.. contact us..

Case Law NSW: www.agd.nsw.gov.au/caselaw .. Environment and Planning Law Association NSW: ... north east of the site was a living area zone containing ..

Janine Hebiton | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Search this site: .. janine.hebiton@vgso.vic.gov.au .. She specialised in environmental law and general litigation and conducted Magistrates' Court proceedings ..

Home | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

skip to this pages content | skip to site navigation .. an excellent opportunity to work across a broad range of issues and experience unique areas of law.

Priscilla Wong | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Search this site: .. priscilla.wong@vgso.vic.gov.au .. University of Melbourne and has a particular interest in international human rights and environmental law.

Disability Rights Links

Of course, linking to a site or page does not mean we necessarily agree with or .. Please let us know (email disabdis@humanrights.gov.au) if you have .. Attorney-General's Department disability discrimination page .. US Department of Justice Disability Rights Legislation links and ADA home page ..

Papers: Human Rights and Climate Change Background Paper


navigation .. Upholding Australia's Human Rights Obligations in Climate Change Responses .. As articulated by the UK Secretary of State for the Environment, 'socially, .. The modern human rights system is founded in international law. .... Human Rights (Submission to the ACT Attorney-General for consideration in ..

Social Justice Reports Index


navigation .. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner is required to report annually to the Attorney-General regarding the exercise and enjoyment of human rights by Australia's Indigenous peoples. .. for the administration of Indigenous affairs, in a post-ATSIC environment, and considers ..

Regulatory and advisory bodies | IP Australia

Skip to content Australian Government - IP Australia .. About this site .. Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys; Patent and Trade .. for stakeholders from governments, lobby groups and society to discuss matters of IP law. .. assist@ipaustralia.gov.au (general enquiries only) ..

NetWatch: December 1997 - [1997] MurUEJL 27

by A GreenshieldsURL: http://indrel.agps.gov.au/. Internet Sites for Lawyers Computerised Legal Research By Ron Huttner. A well organised directory of Australian, and other, ..

Legal Officer

CALL 13 19 01 defencejobs.gov.au/army/jobs/LegalOfficer. Document generated on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 10:05:22 PM. Legal Officer. • Full Time ..

Links - Australian Taxation Office

Links to other useful Government and tax related sites. .. Law, rulings & policy .. Australia.gov.au - the Australian Government Entry Point .. with the demographic, social, economic and environmental challenges of the 21st century. .. retrieval system owned by the Australian Attorney General's Department.

Freedom of Information Contacts


to the Attorney-General's Department as the Information Law and Policy Branch. .. to the website of the Attorney-General's Department (www.ag.gov.au). ... Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and ..

Law enforcement and national security

This site (privacy.gov.au), which only contains information related to the OAIC's privacy ... "In the current environment there. .. Secretary Criminal Law Branch Attorney-Generals Department Robert Garran Offices Nation.

Job opportunities - Department of Justice and Attorney-General


header .. Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Operating environment and associated challenges · Toward Q2: .. area please email Crown Law recruitment at crownlaw@qld.gov.au.

Making an enduring power of attorney - Department of Justice and ..


header .. To make an enduring power of attorney you must be an adult .. of Attorney form, or pick one up from newsagents or legal stationers .. of attorney form with the Land Titles Office, Department of Environment and ..

Law in Queensland - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

This type of law is designed to protect our environment. Laws are .. of Justice and Attorney-General department implements all the state's laws.

Neighbours and the Law

Centres contributed by Gina Vizza, NSW Attorney General's Department. Section on major project approvals (p 48) by Kirsty Ruddock, Environmental Defender's Office NSW. .... the park has 20 or more sites occupied by persons under tenancy ... For more information about mediation go to: www.cjc.nsw.gov.au and ..

Hot Topics 60 - Australian Legal System

Barristers – solicitors – Who pays for solicitors and barristers? ... at www.aph.gov.au/senate/ .. protection of the environment .. make laws in Australia (referred to as 'domestic law') that .. Information about international law can be found at the website of the United Nations: www.un.org and see Hot Topics 31: International ..

About us - AGD Law Libraries : Lawlink NSW


Courts Library I Downing Centre Library I Industrial Relations .. and Environment Court Library | Dust Diseases Tribunal Library .. The rules are available on the Library's Lawlink site or in hard copy on .. www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lcl .. of the NSW Attorney General's Library and the Compensation Court ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Senators Elect

Skip to section navigation Skip to content Commonwealth of Australia Coat of Arms Parliament of Australia - Senate Photo of the Senate .. Community environmental lawyer, Environmental Defenders Office (Qld) Inc., 2002– .. Website feedback: web.senate@aph.gov.au .. Parliament of Australia Web Site Privacy Statement ..

100527 WRB Resume (Indigenous) - Federal Court of Australia

and sacred sites ('Flooded Dreams'). Prior to being a consultant I .. Practical Legal Training Program – College of Law, Sydney. ▪ Spanish for .. Covering a wide range of law including native title, Indigenous, environmental, administrative .. http://www.hreoc.gov.au/social_justice/nt_report/ntreport07/index.html). ▪ Delivered ..

Papers and publications - Federal Court of Australia

presented by Justice Steven Rares at the 2011 Biennial Mini Conference of the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (NSW ..

Legal Services - South Australian Attorney-General's Department

Commercial Law. Administrative and Environmental Law. Litigation. Native Title. Advising. The Crown Solicitor's Office also provides conveyancing services (for ..

Power of attorney and advance directives .. - South Australia Central

Government of South Australia. Search. sa.gov.au find what you're looking for - logo .. Find out more about power of attorney from the Legal Services Commission of South Australia. Buy a kit and get .. Law Handbook - Legal Services Commission of SA .. How likely are you to recommend this web site to someone else?

Legal Briefing - Australian Government Solicitor

Papers by AGS lawyers. spacer .. To arrange supply, contact ags@ags.gov.au. .. Provides an outline of the core provisions of the Environment Protection and ..

News Archive - Australian Government Solicitor

Developments in Commonwealth environmental law .. Lawyer T 08 9268 1125 F 08 9268 1771 justin.jones@ags.gov.au .... We hope you'll find the information on the site interesting and useful, and that you'll be able to find ..

Australian Federal Attorney-General - Pandora Archive - Preserving ..

Pandora : Australia's Web Archive National Library of Australia and Partners .. Entertainment, Environment, Environmental Protection, Ethnic Communities & Heritage .. and Mapping, Geology, Government & Law, Government Indigenous Policy .. sites archived by the National Library of Australia to webarchive@nla.gov.au.

Law - eResources - Browse categories

AGIS Plus Text - Attorney-General's Information Service .. constitutional law, criminal law, environmental law, copyright law, family law, legal aid and human rights. 140 peer reviewed law journals from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific .. The site provides links to publications of the Commission including reports, ..

DPIPWE - Chemical Legislation

Within Tasmania, State legislation controls the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals. .. Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment .. Visit the APVMA Website at: www.apvma.gov.au You are now leaving our site. .. of the Australian Attorney General's Department: www.scaleplus.law.gov.au You ..

DPIW - Land Titles Office

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment .. This is achieved by the development and administration of legislation governing land ..

Justice, prison & probation | wa.gov.au

Government of Western Australia .. Legal procedures, legislation & reports .. The Department of the Attorney General provides information on court procedures, tribunals, .. This site details facts about a jury, how jury duty works, and information for employers, excusal from jury duty and more. .. Environmental matters ..

Birth | wa.gov.au

This site has information on enduring powers of attorney, birth, death and .. and responsibilities under Western Australian law, the Department of the Attorney ..

15 June 2011 The Hon Anna Bligh Premier and Minister for ..

deputypremier@ministerial.qld.gov.au. Ms Kate .. EDOs are non-profit community legal centres that work on environmental law matters of ..

Useful Links - Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices


Issues Calendars; ACT Legislation; ACT Government; ACT .. ACT Legislation (legislation.act.gov.au); ACT Consolidated Regulations ... Lawyers for Forests (lawyersforforests.asn.au); Freedom of Information Law resources site ..

departing travellers

by A Customs - 2008Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts + 61 2 6274 1111 (ph) http://www.environment.gov.au/. Heritage-listed items. Yes ..

NetWatch: December 1997

by A GreenshieldsURL: http://www.aph.gov.au/hansard/conv/hancon.htm Australian Industrial Relations .. http://indrel.agps.gov.au/ Internet Sites for Lawyers Computerised Legal Research .. Environmental Law Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum URL: ..

http://www. murdoch. edu. au/elaw/issues/v11n1/netw111. html _

by A GreenshieldsOpenDocument Legal Profession Model Laws Project http://www.law.gov.au/www/ ... the Commonwealth Attorney Generals Department http://www.law.gov.au/www/ .. "This site contains additional links to sources of commentary and practice .. provides a comprehensive guide to researching the complex environment of the ..

Supreme Court : South Australia : Lawyers : Foolkit

South Australian Supreme Court â€" All the Rules, important legislation, case lists and .. Their excellent web site has all of the current information for lawyers, the public, schools .. Email for searches only: probate@courts.sa.gov.au ... Enforcement of Judgements Act, Environment Protection Act, Evidence Act, Fair Trading ..

Other State Courts : Queensland : Lawyers : Foolkit

Foolkit - A Lawyer's Toolkit .. Queensland 1 land court mental health review tribunal planning and environment court coroner. Government Solicitors. Crown Law. web site. Level 10. State Law Building .. Email: crownsol@agd.nsw.gov.au ..


posted at www.ag.gov.au/cca .. Remediation and Validation of former Clandestine Drug Laboratory Sites (Guidelines). .. These Guidelines have been prepared by the Attorney-General's .. health and/or environmental legislation or regulations of that jurisdiction, to take ... Guidelines and local legislation and regulations, ..

The Wit and Wisdom of Jeff Manny. Part 3, the Passion of the Manny ..


out about advertising on RiotACT Enter a giveaway Contact a site administrator .. to: wilkie.andrew@bigpond.com.au, wayne.swan.mp@aph.gov.au, .. presidentobama@yahoo.com, Paul Colagiuri Lawyer, PORTER, Phil. ... but I haven't done anything illegal in our laws, I just have expressed my mind ..

Andrew Tink to talk at Chatswood Library - Hobbies & Craft - Events ..

ormer Shadow Attorney General and Shadow Leader of the House in New South Wales .. Visit www.willoughby.nsw.gov.au/Library or call 9777 7900.

Talks@Willoughby presents Arwa El Masri - Learning - Events ..

Lindfield Bookshop will provide copies of the book for purchase at the talk. Bookings are essential for Talks@Willoughby, visit willoughby.nsw.gov.au/Library/ or ..

National News | smh.com.au

Practise what we preach: father of reconciliation attacks two-faced Australia .. Philip Dorling THE Australian Taxation Office and federal law enforcement ..

Residential noise in Victoria

Noisy neighbours; Residential noise and the law; If your problem isn't easily .. Section 48A of the Environment Protection Act 1970 (EP Act) makes it an .. EP Act. You should consult a solicitor if you are considering this course of action. .. Noise from equipment used in normal working hours and other site ..

Naomi Martin | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

skip to this pages content | skip to site navigation .. naomi.martin@vgso.vic.gov.au .. Naomi is an experienced administrative lawyer with a broad-ranging practice .. her legal career in Western Australia at boutique law firm Hardy Bowen Lawyers, .. law and litigation matters including mining, building, planning, environment ..

James Ruddle | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

skip to this pages content | skip to site navigation .. Ruddle@vgso.vic.gov.au .. Over a 32 year career in government law, James has developed a very .. Lawyers for Forests Inc v Minister for the Environment Heritage and the Arts [2009] ..

ABC Queensland

ABC Local - For the latest news and features, special sites, podcasts, internet radio .. The laws were introduced at the end of last year but only today will the fines be .. Then, Environment Minister Vicki Darling reveals how many people have .... the website - or visit the Bureau of Metereology website www.bom.gov.au/qld ..

Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery

Just another WordPress.com site .. Abbott's vision for Australia, like his thinking, is not real. .. The Napkin Deal was an agreement between tobacco industry lobbyists and political influentials that altered the basics of tort law in .. Brown invited trial lawyers, representatives of the California Medical ... A cleaner environment?

We need to be careful so all are equal under the law | Article | The ..

Has Woodside hit its price point on the environment? - ... Paul Lucas is the Queensland Attorney-General. ... If a half dead tree has a scratch on it , it is treated like a sacred site .... The Victorian Law Reform Commission puts it very well in the following link http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/home/newsroom/ ..

Biggest moments of 2011 #23 Marrickville invades Israel | Article ..

Has Woodside hit its price point on the environment? ... This was the moment when Australia realised that the majority of ... way in which a rich and popular person can evade the law with the right lawyers and publicity. ... Made by the company that this year tipped a lot of money into a R&D site in Tel Aviv?

For Nurses and Midwives

Postdischarge Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors and the. Likelihood of Early .... sive language have frequently been brought under laws relat- .... Attorney-General's Department. .... http://www.health.vic.gov.au/acute-agedcare/delirium-cpg.pdf. Cook .... and later to the John Hunter Hospital site as part of Hunter ..

Patch Monday by ZDNet Australia

Nobody's safe as Stilgherrian turns his laser focus onto Australia's IT industry in ... Twitter and applications beyond the standard operating environment (SOE). .. Are we missing the bus on Gov 2.0 data? .. competitive internet is over," says author and telecommunications lawyer, Tim Wu. ... Tough titties: Govt sites stormed ..

QLD grant take-up rate needs a boost

16 hours ago – brisbanetimes.com.au; Web; Domain News .. More information about the boost can be found at boost.treasury.qld.gov.au. Comment at the ..

More language nitpicking

See, I think that isn't quite right, but I'll wait for a proper lawyer to weigh .. AIUI, international law on refugees exempts them from normal visa .. it was a deliberate attempt to get around Australia's international law .. in the context of the camps the gov't set up (when was that, 2000? ... Switch to our mobile site.

80024 Matching Organisations Found

1567 CSE-W Arthur Fisher Ltd, 1568 CSIC Environment Engineering Co. .... 4385 McIlwain Civil Engineering Pty Ltd, 4386 McInnes Wilson Lawyers, 4387 MCK .. 4514 Mine Safety Appliances Company, 4515 Mine Site Technologies Pty Ltd, 4516 ... 4721 NAON I&T CORPORATION, 4722 Narae Patent & Law Firm, 4723 ..


CS03-08/09 City of Wanneroo Standing Orders Amendment Local Law 2009 194 .. CS05-08/09 Proposed Lease to Alta-1 - Community Purpose Site - Lot 990 .... The DSP depicted an Environmental Protection Area (EPA) of about five to six .... Acrobat Professional 9 Gov Lic 4.5 – IT Services .... Minter Ellison Lawyers ..

WebLaw - Environmental Law


Protection Authority of Western Australia: Site includes links to legislation, policies, environmental impact assessments, media releases and ..

WebLaw - Constitutional Law

The role of the Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs is to carry out . .. The site aims to provide factual information about constitutions, in Australia and .... The External affairs power and environmental protection in Australia ..

NSW Legislation

www.legislation.nsw.gov.au .. Frequently accessed legislation: Crimes Act 1900 · Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 .. This is the official NSW Government website for online publication of legislation and is provided and ..

Site Contamination Law

Site contamination presents an array of complex legal issues but has been .. will be taught by one of Australia's foremost environmental lawyers, Professor Rob ..


Since its inception, ACEL has established itself as the leading centre for environmental law and policy teaching and research in Australia. ACEL's postgraduate ..

Master of International Environmental Law - Macquarie University

The Master of International Environmental Law gives you the opportunity to join world-class reseachers on .. International students please visit the Macquarie International site. ... Email: alexander.zahar@mq.edu.au ..

Postgraduate Certificate of Environmental Law - Macquarie University

The Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Law is available to both lawyers .. Site Publisher: Macquarie University, Sydney Australia | Last ..

Erika Techera@Macquarie Law

Erika is a member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law and World .. Site Publisher: Macquarie University, Sydney Australia | Last ..

NetWatch: December 1997

by A GreenshieldsA well organised directory of Australian, and other, legal sites. URL: http://www.law.unimelb.edu.au/research/research.html Queensland Building Tribunal decisions have .. Environmental Law Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum URL: ..

Courses available at Murdoch University in Perth Australia


Indigenous Studies (BA) · Australian Migration Law and Practice (GradCert) .. Environmental Assessment and Management (PostGrad Cert) · Environmental ..

URL: http://www. law. ecel. uwa. edu. au/crc/publications/statistical ..

by A Greenshields - 1999URL: http://www.gov.au Indigenous Law Resources links to a substantial amount of .. People (AustLII site) URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/IndigLRes/ URL: .. URL: http://www.cpradr.org/ Environmental Law ECOLEX: a gateway to ..

Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental Law

Welcome to the CREEL Web Site. Enquiries: Phone: +61 3 8344 6938 Email: law-creel@unimelb.edu.au. Join the CREEL mailing list here ..

Page Not Found - Melbourne Law Masters

We apologise if you reached this page through a link on our site. Please let us know by emailing law-ithelp@unimelb.edu.au and we will fix the ..

AustLII: AustLII Databases

Journals | Law Reform | Australian Treaties | Special Projects | Hosted Home Pages ... Environment Resources and Development Court of South Australia 1996- ..

New South Wales Consolidated Acts

This database contains consolidated legislation of the State of New South .. No warranty is given that any New South Wales legislative material located on this site, or on .. URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/

Australian Institute of Criminology - Environmental law

The first true environmental laws in Australia were enacted in the 1970s. .. of links to national and international environmental law sites.


Environmental law is a relatively new and innovative area of law. It has been .. political changes both internationally and within Australia;. 4. .. through the site.

Methods to achieve net environmental gain in the course of ..

by H Lavery - 2011A Site Selection Process for Environmental Offsetting Purposes in. Queensland … .. The Environmental Law Roundtable of Australia and New Zealand and ..

Comlaw Home

Looking for information on recent changes in the law? New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant community interest right now include: ..

sustainable development law in china 9-20 july 2012

appointed as Emeritus Professor in Environmental law at the .. Heritage site of the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing .. law.professional@sydney.edu.au ..

International Web sites - Centres & Institutes - The University of ..

Jump to ý: http://www.info.dfat.gov.au/treaties .. the environmental law information holdings of ..

Law - Monash University Library

Has links to over 160 international sites, environmental studies Web pages and ... Legal Words and Phrases, and to full-text law report series on LexisNexis AU.

Environmental Protection Law : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The ..

As environmental law has only recently received professional and academic attention, .. Unit web page, http://www.law.uwa.edu.au/117285 ..

Environmental protection law > Faculty of Law: The University of ..


protection law development course with the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia. .. the UWA website. UWA Website, The Sub-site, People, UWA Expertise, Structure, Intranet. Submit My Search ..

Law and justice - australia.gov.au

National Library of Australia guide to internet sites for Australian law. It provides a diverse range of information on Australian law resources as well as providing ..

Mr Paul Leadbeter | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

Paul teaches in the areas of environmental law, international environmental law, .. "Site Contamination and the Planning Process in South Australia" (2002) 8 ..

The University of Adelaide Law Library | Environmental Law

This site contains links to Australian sites with an environmental focus. .. is to obtain and exchange information about environmental laws across Australia.

UTS: Contaminated Site Assessment, Remediation and ..

Using a modern browser that supports web standards ensures that the site's full .. Building 4, cnr Harris Street and Thomas street, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia .. practitioners, contaminated site auditors and experts in environmental law.

UTS: Dr Sophie Riley - law at UTS

Mailing address: PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia. Edit your profile .. The Georgetown International Environmental Law .., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. .. 198-210. View/Download from: UTSiResearch | Publisher's site ..

Compliance - UNSW Sustainability

The UNSW Environment Law Compliance Register sets out the key .. the online tool for reporting hazards or environmental incidents on any UNSW campus or site. .. nd relevant documents go to Resources or contact greenlab@unsw.edu.au.

About us - UNSW Sustainability

He is responsible for UNSW's sustainability strategy, sustainability reporting, environmental law compliance including UNSW greenhouse gas & carbon ..

ANU Law Students' Society [ anulss.com ]

The Conference is home to the national finals of 6 legal competitions. Over 350 .. For more information visit alsaconference.com.au. We can .. Site by Dendora ..

Internet Resource Guide: Environmental Law - Parliament of Australia

Jump to ý: Congressional Research Service reports on environmental and related topics .. Links to Overseas Environmental Law Sites ..

Useful Links - Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices


Issues Calendars; ACT Legislation; ACT Government; ACT Environmental and Related .. Bills List and Bills Summary (legislation.act.gov.au/b/default.asp) ... Law resources site (law.utas.edu.au/foi/bookmarks/FOI_index.html) ..

Rural landholder's guide to environmental law in NSW

Acknowledgments. This booklet is based on a 1999 publication entitled Your Land Has Rights, prepared by the Environmental Defender's Office NSW (EDO) on ..

Rob Fowler Home Page - University of South Australia

Appointed as Adjunct Professor in the Law School, University of South Australia in August 2008; held Chair in Environmental Law at UniSA from 2002 until ..

Jennifer McKay - Online Staff Support - University of South Australia

http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/hkub/ teaching web site for Corporations and Partnership .... Environmental and Planning Law Journal vol 17 no 3, p165-175 ..

Simon Marsden - Flinders University

Assoc Prof - Flinders UniversityDr Simon Marsden was educated in the UK and Australia, and is Associate .. and gave advice on site contamination, conservation and access to .. LLM Environmental Law (with distinction), University of Aberdeen, 1994 ..

Dr Chris McGrath - School of Geography, Planning and ..

How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of an Environmental Legal System (Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2010). book cover. McGrath C, "Australia's ..

International Law - Legal Resources

URL: www.deakin.edu.au/buslaw/law-research/subject/international.php .. Great site. Globelaw - International Environmental and and Transnational Law ..

Law, Deakin University

Deakin University Australia .. Deakin's courses in law have a distinct orientation towards commercial law and the professional practice of law. .. Commercial Law, Health and Biotechnology Law, Environmental Law and International Law. .. For further information please visit the School of Law web site.

World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII)

Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law .. NALSAR Media Law Review 2010- (LIIofIndia); NALSAR Environmental Law and Practice Review 2011- (LIIofIndia); Indian Journal .. Link added: >> Seychelles >> Major Law Sites ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Home

With the Family Court increasingly reliant on reports, this seminar will enunciate the different types of reports used in the family law environment, including, those ..

LAW00118 Environmental Law - Southern Cross University (SCU)

Environmental law

impacts on many areas of practice. It encompasses laws .. Maintained by Publications Officer - Web [matrix-admin@scu.edu.au | Site admin ..

Professor Murray Raff : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra

University of Canberra : Australia's Capital University .. Faculty Merger News · Welcome to the School of Law · New BGL Students Orientation Site (MOODLE) .. His conference paper Environmental Law Inaction Throws into ..

About the Authors - Contaminated Sites Law & Policy Directory

David is Special Counsel (Environmental Law) with the Adelaide office of trans-Tasman law .. Management and Compliance at the University of South Australia.

Dr Philippa England - Griffith University

15+ items – Planning and environmental law; Climate change law; Local ..

From Revolution to Evolution: two decades of planning in Queensland' (2010 ..


Doing the Groundwork: State, Local and Judicial Contributions to Climate ..


Program and speakers - Griffith University


Degrees. Wild Law 2011 · Program and speakers · Conference .. Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe, Griffith University, - "The law and sustainable futures" .. NSW Land and Environment Court - "Internalising Ecocentrism in Environmental Law" .. Jurisprudendce and Eco Spirituality - Terra Australias Legitimus - Australia's ..

Queensland Legislation

Problems viewing this site · Link to Queensland Government (www.qld.gov.au) · Home | Glossary | Site .. A list of reprints of Acts, and their subordinate legislation, as in force currently, with links to previous reprints as in force from time to time.

Peter Lawrence - Faculty of Law - University of Tasmania, Australia

University of Tasmania, Australia .. Lawrence@utas.edu.au .. P. Lawrence 2007 * Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 10 APJEL no 4 183-209; APEC ..

Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia

Main sites. (AUSTLII) - Australasian Legal Information Institute - legislation and court .. District Court, Local Court, Land and Environment Court, Coroners Court, ..

Sharon Beder's Publications

CCA-Treated Timber Web Site .. Sharon Beder, Environmental Principles and Policies, UNSW Press, Sydney, and Earthscan, London, 2006. .. Sharon Beder, Drowning in Greenwash, alive Australia, Spring 2009, pp. .. the Environment and the Law, National Environmental Defenders Office Network, Sydney, 1998, pp. 1-8.

Postgraduate Degrees - School of Earth & Environmental Sciences ..

These areas have major relevance to Australia and surrounding region. .. Environmental Policy, Environmental law, Remote Sensing and GIS, ..

South Australian Legislation - South Australia Central

4 days ago – Acts of the Parliament of South Australia—Browse A-Z Acts or Acts as .. under the Aquaculture Act 2001 (SA) or the Environment Protection Act ..

LexisNexis Products and Solutions

LexisNexis Australia, a leading global provider of legal, government, corporate information solutions to professionals in law firms, corporations, academic ..

Mr Jeff McGee / Researcher Profiles / Staff / The University of ..

The University of Newcastle, Australia. University .. I teach into the Environmental Law, Public Environmental Law and Contracts courses in the Law School.

ECU | Mrs Rehana Khan : Lecturers : Staff : About : School of Law ..

The following access keys are available throughout this site. The number one will bring you back .. Email: r.khan@ecu.edu.au. Campus: Room: .. Current teaching: Administrative Law;; Environmental Law and Administration.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (the ..

Cost recovery under national environmental law .. proposed urban and commercial development on a 850 hectare site at West Menai, Sydney, NSW . .. Draft description of the Giant Kelp Forests of South East Australia Ecological Community ..

UNE - Library - Legal databases

AGIS Plust Text provides access to legal journals for Australia, New .. a comprehensive, global source of information on environmental law. .. site for Australian and other jurisdictional law materials available on the Internet.

Thiriet, Dominique - JCU

All JCU, This site only, Within this area .. Environmental Law and Policy .. 'Flying Fox Conservation Laws, Policies and Practices in Australia ..

Explainer: Australia's carbon price mechanism in six dot points


emissions trajectoryAustralia has committed .. Professor of Climate and Environmental Law at University of Sydney .. say: "Read the full article at The Conversation" with a link back to the article page on our site.


Safety and. Environmental Health. Law 265. Unit Coordinator Dr Jennifer. Westaway ... Students are required to regularly check the FLECS-Blackboard site for any announcements.11 .. access the unit materials via http://oasis.curtin.edu.au ..

Consultancies & Directorships | Gerry Bates Environmental Law

As an Adjunct Professor of the Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law (ACCEL) at the University of Sydney http://sydney.edu.au/law/accel/ I come ..

Useful web links - Byron Environment Centre

If your web site provides useful environmental infomation and you would like a link ... programs and legislation to protect and conserve Australia's environment ..

Professor Steven Freeland | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Member of Committee on Transnational Enforcement of Environmental Law, .. in Halsbury Laws of Australia Volume 14, 2011 LexisNexis Australia, pages ..

Master of International Environmental Law - myfuture: Australia's ..


career information & exploration service .. Sites. The Master of International Environment Law is available to both lawyers and non-lawyers and is ..

Michael Najem - The University of Notre Dame Australia

Email: michael.najem@nd.edu.au. Phone: 02 8204 4300 .. In 2010 Michael lectured in Environmental Law at Notre Dame as a sessional lecturer. Michael has ..

Corporate Social Responsibility: Impact of globalisation and ..

by K Kercher - 2007 - - corporations should achieve in relation to social and environmental issues, ... In Australia, the traditional view is that case law and corporations legislation does not .. Allens Arthur Robinson Corporate Governance Site, 'Directors' duties ..

Learn Environmental Sustainability and conservation, online, at ..

Other ACS Sites · Australian .. Foundations of Environmental Law, Making International Laws (Treaties and Customary Law), Milestones in .. Aus: 07 5562 1088 ..

Charles Darwin University

Latest searches. Interested in studying environmental science? .. Learning more about studying law at CDU? .. CDU's online learning environment. Most of ..

Faculty of Law - Yahoo Directory

Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Australia > Australian Capital .. www.federallawreview.com.au; Australian Centre for Environmental Law ..

Jabiluka Online Resource - Laws


Protection Legislation http://www.lpe.nt.gov.au/dlpe/enviro/ .. The Aboriginal traditional owners of the site of the proposed Jabiluka uranium mine ..

environmental law - Lawyers Weekly - Breaking legal news, views ..

60 items – Showing related tags and posts across the entire site. .. Two of the world's leading environmental lawyers say Australia must put a price on carbon or ..

International Environmental Law Symposium: Success! | Woroni

Entitled "Towards Rio+20: Contemporary Issues in International Environmental Law", the symposium attracted some of Australia and New ..

Agriculture, Environmental & Related Sciences | Learning ..

20+ items – Agriculture, Environmental & Related Sciences. 36 resources ..

Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE)




Centre for Climate Law and Policy


ANU College of Law

Websites – Primary Industries - Board of Studies NSW

- Summary. www.edo.org.au/edonsw. Environmental Defender's Office. This site contains a number of fact sheets relating to environmental legislation and other ..

Legal & Secretariat

UB Home · Go to Quickfinder · Go to our Contacts Page · Search our site · Go to Internal site .. The Legal Office within the Corporate Services Portfolio provides legal advice and services to .. matters, commercial and corporate law and sustainability and environmental law. .. http://guerin.ballarat.edu.au/vco/legal/index.shtml.

Guidelines for Erosion & Sediment Control at Building Sites in the ..

to reduce the environmental impacts of their building activities, and to .. minimisation of site disturbance and duration of .. pieces of legislation that control the way in which soil .... Western Australia and the South West Catchments Council.

CRC CARE - Research - Rob Fowler


Map; Print Page; Larger Text; Smaller Text. Home .. Chair in Environmental Law, University of South Australia; Chair, Environmental Defenders' Office (SA) ..

Sustainability-related courses

ANU: ACEL Courses in Environmental Law .. the Australian Centre for Environmental Law (ACEL), ANU. .. Environmental Management: www.isrd.cqu.edu.au. Charles .. to provide an introduction to this vital area of learning and a site where ..

Synopsis of the Queensland Environmental Legal System

by C McGrath - 2006 - - National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry. McGrath .. Environmental lawAustralia. 3. .... Australia currently has 16 World Heritage sites ..

Weblinks | Legal Studies for Queensland

A site that discusses the reasons for national security and special laws. ABC websites http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2006/s1556744.htm. Article on ..

Protecting the environment

Jump to ý: In recent years, Australia's foreign aid program has focused on helping .. The Environmental Law Training program, conducted under the .. by a field trip to one local site of environmental damage.

Jobs and Internships in Environmental Law and Policy

EDO Seminar Series 2011—Careers in Environmental Law. Jobs and .. http://www.edo.org.au/edonsw/site/volunteer · s.php , and send with a ..


E-Learning in Corporate Law: The Value-Add of Online Resources. .. Area: Protected by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999? .. The Multicultural Trade Mark: The Registration in Australia of Trade Marks with .. Poltergeist and Unique Reputation as Local Murder Site - The Obligations of ..

New Environmental Case in the International Court of Justice - Tim ..

Peregrinations in International Law .. Around a dozen cases involving environmental issues have been .. to be approved by the site owner before your comment will appear. .. 2002-11 The University of Sydney, Australia ..

Bachelor of Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) - Local ..

Skip to content; Site map .. instruction in earth science, quantitative methods and environmental law, to equip students for careers in wildlife and .. Please see www.latrobe.edu.au/international/exchange for more information ..

environmental law

Be aware of your legal responsibilities under the various environmental laws. .. A contaminated site is an area of land, including underground or surface water that has the .. at a national level that address air quality throughout Australia.

Position paper: towards a National Climate Change Adaptation ..

Position Paper – National Adaptation Framework for the built environment ... legislation, a program, an agenda, a decision outcome, or an institution. .. Australia, which sets out the policy agenda for coordinating national efforts. .... settlements and infrastructure more than elevated sites (Climate Commission Ch 2: Risks ..

School Home - School of Accounting & Finance - Charles Sturt ..

We have an active research profile in accounting and law, including areas .. Accounting and Small Business, Environmental Law, International ..

ch12 - The Environmental Law Handbook

Some highly significant Aboriginal sites in Australia (such as Uluru .. Go to Chapter 15 for more information on national environmental laws.

GreenSanta Media releases

Environmental Law

Bora Laskin Law Library - Links - Canada .. www.ecosustainable.com.au/links.htm .. www.ahc.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=161 - Cached ..

Property Council of Australia - Environmental law


needs to rethink and modernise its approach to the three tiers of government .. Australia's cities should be great by design, not by accident ..

Identification and Management of Contaminated Land

In general, the environmental laws impose a legal duty on owners, occupiers and financiers ... There are basically three stages of site investigation in Australia: ..

19 April 2010 Caroline Williams Executive Officer Environment and ..

2 Australian Centre for Environmental Law, ANU, The State of .... <http://www.edo.org.au/edonsw/site/part3a_article.php> on 19 April 2010.

Sustainability - Horticulture, environment and sustainability - Subject ..

Swinburne University of Technology - Melbourne Australia .. Site index and search .. Multi-disciplinary database, includes full text articles on environment .. Sustainability science · Sustainable Development Law and Policy ..

Biodiversity in Environmental Management Systems

- A network of independent community environmental law centres is available through the Environmental Defenders Office online at http://www.edo.org.au/ .. preservation and management of National Parks, Historic sites and other areas; and ..

Home - Environmental Defender's Office Western Australia

Welcome to the website of the Environmental Defender's Office of Western Australia (Inc). You can use this page to view our environmental law fact sheets, read ..


by S Edmonds - - The availability of primarily legal materials in Australia is improving so that both .. This occurs at web sites maintained by the Commonwealth Parliaments and ... Constitutional Law, Torts, Environmental Law, Intellectual Property (although this ..


Regulating wind farms out of Victoria

Victoria has recently amended its planning laws and regulations to restrict .. Director of the Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental Law at University of .. at The Conversation" with a link back to the article page on our site. ... now let's aim higher · Australia's draft energy white paper misses the big ..

Want a new TV for Christmas? What will you do with the old one?


the only significant piece of environmental legislation to come into law recently. .. New sites will have to be developed, or waste transported further .. to be recycled should be recognised in Australia's approach to product ..

Legislation - Environment, Water and Heritage


A-Z · What's new .. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 .. the Australian Governments central piece of environmental legislation. .. Western Australia Agreement (Ord River Irrigation) Act 1968 ..

Environment, Water and Heritage

The fourth national assessment of the state of Australia's environment was has been .. processes to be considered for listing under national environment law.

Local government and Australian environment law - EPBC Act

Local government and Australian environment law - EPBC Act. .. The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 ( EPBC Act) — Australia's national environment law — makes ... Links to another web site ..

Briefin g Pap er N o. 5 N o vem b er 2 0 07

by R White - - organisational matters relating specifically to environmental law enforcement. The paper ... main site in which the harm is apparent (built or natural environment); and ... such as with the USA, Canada and Australia, there will be great variation ..

Gary Meyers - Faculty of Law - University of Tasmania, Australia

University of Tasmania, Australia .. Email, MeyersG@utas.edu.au .. Doctrine to Include Protection of Wildlife G.D. Meyers 1989 * 19 Environmental Law 722 - ..

Antarctic environmental planning and management: conclusions ..

by L Kriwoken - 1991 - - Planningand management legislation. 3. Australian ten-year .. (Australia 1988), involves a growing environmental im .. impact legislation, including land and water resources planning .. from other sources that these sites are accorded insuffi- ..

Professor Simon Molesworth AM QC - Monash University

He is also an Honorary Chairman at MC/CFS Australia Ltd. Until June .. Professor Molesworth's interest in environmental law developed while undertaking a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws at Monash. .. On our site ..

LAW5136: International environmental law 506

International environmental law 506. .. LAW5136. Faculty of Law. 18 February 2011 30 January 2012 .. In addition Australia has already felt the effect of international obligations in respect of world heritage sites and climate change.

Environmental law for business - Monash University

Undergraduate - UnitBTF3100 - Environmental law for business .. An introduction to environmental law in Australia with special .. On our site ..

Professor Michael Jeffery, QC | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Michael Jeffery is currently a Professor in Environmental Law at the .. The Role of Industry in Reducing Australia's Dependence on Coal, ... Decrease font size; Increase font size; Print this page; Site map · Email this page ..

Doctor Laura Horn | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Her key area of research is international environmental law. .. (member); National Environmental Law Association of Australia (member) .. Decrease font size; Increase font size; Print this page; Site map · Email this page ..

School of Law | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Professor Michael Adams, Head of School, School of Law, UWS .. social justice, environmental law and an overarching research into .. Law@uws.edu.au .. Decrease font size; Increase font size; Print this page; Site map ..

School of Law - James Cook University

All JCU, This site only .. The School of Law at James Cook University aims to produce multi-skilled, versatile and ethical graduates. .. the rule of law and role of law in its social, economic, environmental and political contexts.

Law Subjects - JCU

All JCU, This site only. Home · School of .. Criminal Law LA4011:03 Environmental Law .. LA4036:03 Indigenous People and Law in Australia ..

1994 - Volume 1 - JCU

All JCU, This site only, Within this area .. International Human Rights and the High Court of Australia .. region, such as natural resources law, environmental law, coastal management and maritime law, and Aboriginal rights.


I am particularly interested in additional comprehensive LAW sites and in sites ... own personality, reflecting the circumstances of its creation and environment, and its .... Tadic (HBO), Colin Webb (National Library of Australia) and Herbert J.

Environmental Impact: A Preliminary Citation Analysis of Local ..

New academic programs in environmental science prompted a citation analysis of local faculty ... A listing of faculty publications was also consulted on the TIEHH Web site. ... 6(3): http://libres.curtin.edu.au/libre6n3/johnson.htm. .. Quality assurance, good practice, regulation, and law; Use of undisturbed soil columns under ..

Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Sydney Law School is Australia's premier global law school, preparing .. a World Heritage site of the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, ..

Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law (APJEL) - Centres ..

Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law (APJEL). The Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law (APJEL) is published in two issues each ..

ECU | Centre for Ecosystem Management : Research showcase ..

The following access keys are available throughout this site. .. to populations of species and ecological communities, to environmental law and to peoples beliefs and attitudes to the past and the possible future. .. Email: w.stock@ecu.edu.au ..

639 Date Received - Parliament of Australia

environmental obligations. I urge the Committee to consider how Australia can fully meet its obligations under international environmental law. Institutional ..

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Compliance - Flinders ..

Flinders is a leading international university in Australia with a record of .. Environmental law has evolved in western industrial societies as a ..

Brendan Grigg - Flinders University

Mr - Flinders UniversityGrigg, B.L., 2011. Environmental Civil Penalties in Australia: Towards deterrence?. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 28(1), 36-54.

Chris Reynolds - Flinders University

At Flinders Chris taught Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, and Law .. Environmental Law and Policy at the University of South Australia, ..

CSRM > About Us > Our People > Katie Bryant

Email: k.bryant@uq.edu.au .. BA (Japanese) from the University of Queensland and also holds a Masters of Environmental Law (Australian National University).

Dr Kala Mulqueeny - Faculty of Business, Economics and Law - The ..

Before joining the ADB, Dr Mulqueeny was the Environmental Law Fellow at .. Law and Organizations She has worked for leading law firms in Australia and the United States, in project finance, and environmental and energy law. On this site ..

Dr Andrew Sneddon - School of Social Science - The University of ..

Member, International Scientific Committee for Legal, Administrative and .. heritage services in a timely manner and within a commercial environment. .. Andrew has extensive practical archaeological experience, both in Australia and abroad. .. Heritage Assessment and Advice for a number of CSIRO sites in Southeast ..

UNE - Library - Online legal research at UNE

The NSW Legislation site provides the most current version of NSW ... Go to the Law databases and click on LexisNexis AU. .. 'Local Government Planning & Environment Volume B' and then on + next to 'Coastal Protection'.

Murray-Darling water a focus of international legal interest

"The rest of the world is looking to Australia and the Murray-Darling .. of the Research Institute of Environmental Law at Wuhan University, .. of Law at the University of NSW ("Groundwater and property: a site of contestation").

UNE - Current Students - Links

Armidale, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA .. Go to the IT Services student page to find out more http://www.une.edu.au/it-services/students/ .. as areas such as environmental law, human rights, international law, taxation and ..

Study at home Certificate in Environmental Studies -foundation ..

What is Environmental sustainability, studying environmental management for environmental .. Types of Employment for Environmental Scientists; Introduction to Environmental Assessment; International Environmental Law .. Dealing With Chemical Problems; Physical Plant Effects On Degraded Sites .. Aus: 07 5562 1088 ..

Environmental Assessment: conducting surveys, preparing reports

Other ACS Sites .. Foundations of Environmental Law, Making International Laws (Treaties and Customary Law), Milestones in ... Aus: 07 5562 1088. Int: +61 7 ..

Environmental Law Publishing

This website provides simple explanations of the environmental legal system in Australia, particularly in the State of Queensland. It is an educational site ..

ENVIRONMENTAL LITIGATION - Environmental Law Publishing


SCU - Environmental Science and Management - Environmental ..

Study Environmental Science (coastal management, fisheries and .. resource economics, environmental law, and environmental impact studies and .. Science and Management [jerry.vanclay@scu.edu.au] Site admin^ ..

Bachelor of Environmental Science, Bachelor of Laws - SCU Course ..

To qualify for the Bachelor of Environmental Science, Bachelor of Laws a total of .. Admission, Enrolment and General Enquiries, www.scu.edu.au/enquiries .. The portal includes unit learning sites and information sites where students can ..

Managing environmental regulations for the 21st century ..

by T von der Heidt - 2008 - - Furthermore, environmental regulation in Australia is complicated by the .. site contamination, water pollution, and biodiversity conservation. ... regulatory harmonisation, i.e., a reduction of the differences in laws and policies between two ..

D3A 2011 - Faculty of Law - The University of Western Australia

Rich Text Format - Environmental Law is developing rapidly, and the unit aims to give a foundation in .. at: http://www.law.uwa.edu.au/cpd/environment and on the unit WebCt site.

LAWS3302 Environmental Law S1 2011 - Faculty of Law - The ..

Rich Text Format - As a trial, chapter 1 of the Reader will be available on the Unit WebCT site. .. G Bates, Environmental Law in Australia, LexisNexis Butterworths, 7th edn 2010.

WebLaw - Law of the Sea

10+ items – .. e-Commerce Law, Environmental Law, European Union Law ..

Admiralty Act 1988 (Cth)


An Act relating to ..


Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act 1990 (C'th)


An Act to establish an ..


WebLaw - what is WebLaw

WebLaw is a legal researcher's first choice for accessing online Australian legal .. The sites are checked and updated each month. .. Environmental Law, University of Adelaide .. Media and Telecommunications, National Library of Australia ..

Australian Law

Jump to ý: The Arts Law Centre of Australia. AussieLegal .. Contains the most full text legislation and court decisions of the Internet sites.

NSW Government | Your gateway to the NSW Government

nsw.gov.au - Your gateway to information and services in New South Wales. Site Navigation. Home · Information .. Business and industry. Laws and regulations, doing business in NSW. .. Environment and resources. Waste and recycling, find ..

Department of Planning - NSW Government

Provide feedback on major development proposals, State significant sites and .. The NSW Government announced changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy .. Policy and Legislation .. Creating Australia's best planning system ..

Australia's University Jobs Website - www.UniJobs.com.au

QUT Law Professor honoured with an Order of Aus. ... Arts with your expertise in research and to be an important part of a creative and dynamic environment.

UTS: 76024 Environmental Law - Law, UTS Handbook

Using a modern browser that supports web standards ensures that the site's full visual .. PO Box 123. Broadway NSW 2007. Australia telephone +61 2 9514 2000 .. As a field of study, environmental law deals with the rules, relationships, ..

UTS: 77794 International Environmental Law - Law, UTS Handbook

Using a modern browser that supports web standards ensures that the site's full .. PO Box 123. Broadway NSW 2007. Australia telephone +61 2 9514 2000 .. The impact of international environmental law on domestic legal systems is also ..

Master of Environmental Law - Macquarie University

The Master of Environmental Law promotes comprehensive knowledge of relevant laws in context, fostering a broad .. International students please visit the Macquarie International site. ... Email: alexander.zahar@mq.edu.au ..

Laws / Areas of Study / Degrees to Careers / Students / The ..

Students who study the Bachelor of Laws at the University of Newcastle .. the types of activities available to law students, explore the School of Law site. .. Department of Justice (Australia) · Environmental Protection Agency ..

Community Engagement / The University of Newcastle Legal Centre ..

The University of Newcastle, Australia .. Public Interest Environmental Law Clinic. A clinic staffed by an Environmental Law Lecturer and students studying ..

Environmental Legislation and Planning (ENVS2010) / Course ..

Examines the basis for environmental law in Australia and concentrates on the current NSW environmental planning and pollution control ..

Blawgers Unite - Staff Seminar 5 March - Tim Stephens

Links etc still at www.law.usyd.edu.au/~luken/japaneselawlinks.html, but now .. Monbiot's postings appear also on his own site – www.monbiot.com. .. of important developments, principally in international environmental law.

Ocean Acidification: A Litmus Test for International Law - Tim Stephens

This is of particular concern for Australia which has one of the most significant .. environmental problems has so far avoided international regulation. .. need to be approved by the site owner before your comment will appear.

The Future of International Environmental Law - Tim Stephens

We are at a critical turning point for international environmental law. .. Is the process of international environmental law-making too ... (If you haven't left a comment here before, you may need to be approved by the site owner before your comment will appear. .. 2002-11 The University of Sydney, Australia ..

CRC CARE - Students - Elizabeth Brandon

Development and harmonisation of domestic site contamination law: The role of .. a solicitor, Elizabeth worked as a trainee solicitor in Canada, Australia and the UK. .. possibly leading to less environmental harm, fewer health issues, a lighter ..

CRC CARE - Research - David Cole

Contaminated sites law and policy - Australia. Research Expertise. Environmental Law and Policy (Environmental Impact Assessment; de-forestation in SE Asia; ..

Bachelor of Laws | Undergraduate Degrees | Bond University | Gold ..

Bond University's law program equips students for a career in the legal profession, business, industry or government, both within Australia and overseas.

Green Taxes : Legal and Policy Issues in Using Economic ..

by R Buckley - 1991 - - It has been accepted for inclusion in Revenue Law Journal by an authorized ... Environment (1990a) Environment Institute of Australia; Buckley, "Overview: Economic .... Definition. Charges imposed for permission to release wastes off-site, ..

HSC Online - Globalisation

Foreign investment is flowing to areas such as Australia and North Asia. .. in least costly sites and provide the infrastructure for such activities to take place. .. Environmental laws were initially relaxed to entice BHP to begin ..

Home | Charles Sturt University


Science .. Video | A student from Singapore talks about her experience in Albury-Wodonga, Australia. A health science (podiatry) student from ..

Rosemary Rayfuse | UNSW LAW

She is a member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, Co-Chair of its Working Group on High Seas Governance and a member of its Arctic Task ..

Envirolinks : The Institute of Environmental Studies

Australian Centre for Environmental Law (ACEL) - This Centre is a collaborative .. Information at this site includes Biodiversity and Australia, Using Biodiversity ..

Weblinks | Legal Studies for Queensland

A site that discusses the reasons for national security and special laws. ABC websites .. Search engine for legal cases and legislation throughout Australia's courts. ... Contains all State and Commonwealth environmental laws in full.

Bachelor of Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology ..

Skip to content; Site map .. ecology is combined with instruction in earth science, quantitative methods and environmental law, to equip students .. Please see www.latrobe.edu.au/international/exchange for more information ..

University of Notre Dame Australia - Units: Law


in a collaborative group context and structured site visits to local legal institutions. ... Administrative Law A focuses on the development of the law in Australia, ... international environmental law; and international law and the use of force.

GERRY BATES: Environmental Law, Environmental Law Courses ..

Dr. Bates is well known in Australia for his standard university text 'Environmental Law in Australia', now in its 7th edition. He is also the founder and ..

Environmental Protection Authority


Protection Authority. .. Environmental Impact Assessment · EIA process · Referral of Proposals and Schemes · Guides for proponents · EPA ..

NetWatch: December 1997 - [1997] MurUEJL 27

by A GreenshieldsAsian Sites; Conference Papers; Directories and Internet tools; Email Lists, Discussion Forums and Archives; Environmental Law; Family Law; Gender Issues ..

NetWatch September 2000 - [2000] MurUEJL 25

by A GreenshieldsURL: http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/index.html. Law Search Online from Ausinfo Search or browse across Australian Commonwealth Government sites.

ISBN 064220960X. URL: http://law. gov. au/mpl

by A GreenshieldsThe site includes selected articles and abstracts. URL: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/petroleumlaw/html/journal.htm Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum URL: ..

NetWatch December 1996

by A Greenshields - 1996URL: http://www.agps.gov.au/ Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Issues Section</A> (Australia) This site includes: Human Rights and .. Law Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)Articles and press ..

Chrisopher Shanahan

"Preferred Legal Outcomes for Contaminated Sites in Western Australia", paper on proposed amendments to the EnvIronmental Protection Act 1987 (WA), ..

Course Options for 2012 - ANU - ANU College of Law - ANU Legal..

1407. LEGW8136. Elective: Stream B. Planning and Environmental Law Practice. 3. 1408. LEGW8137. Elective: Stream B. Administrative Law Practice. 3. 1876 ..

The Age - Business, World & Breaking News | Melbourne, Australia

Read National News from Australia, World News, Business News and Breaking .. Entertainment; Environment; Exec Style; Life & Style; Money; National Times; Rugby .... Today's Money Rates Partner site .. Are region-free DVD players legal?

Law Subjects - Office for Environmental Programs

If you would like to undertake a Law subject as part of your degree, besides LAWS70068 Environmental Law, you must make an application to ..

Welcome to the Graduate Environmental Program Blog site

Welcome to the Graduate Environmental Program Blog site. .. Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/ .. democracy, Australian politics, money, law, gender, climate change, economics and more.

School of Law - Staff

Deakin University Australia. Faculty of Business and Law School of Law - Staff .. Property including: water rights, indigenous environmental law, and the .. acknowledges the traditional land owners of present campus sites.

lAw 2012

Course Guide. 2012 undergraduate career booklets. Web site. Talk to us. Visit us .... commercial law – it is one of the few in Australia with this specific and exclusive focus. Additionally, there are .. into the community legal centre environment.

August edition USE THIS ONE.pub - the Adelaide Law School - The ..

During July 2011, a number of Environmental. Law students embarked on a field trip to central South Australia to visit mining sites ..

Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources | IMER Expertise

Anne Oprean on +61 8 8313 1448 or email: imer@adelaide.edu.au .. Rapid evolution of plants in novel habitats, including mine sites. Indigenous Issues - .. Environmental law, including planning, environmental protection and water law ..

Queensland Government

How do I find out about the law in Queensland? .. Recognise Queensland's ClimateSmart champions who show environmental leadership in ... Explore this site ..

Home - Brisbane City Council

Contact Council · Contact Lord Mayor · Contact Councillors & wards · Have your say · Change of address · Council's mobile site · Privacy & legal ..

EDO Fact Sheet 1.2 How can I find environmental laws?


is the main source of environmental law in Australia. Legislation (also called statute law) refers to the Acts and regulations which are made by State ..

EDO NSW - Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices

The Environmental Defender's Office Ltd is a not-for-profit community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental law. The EDO has an active program of .. Link to Green Power web site. The EDO supports the .. ANEDO Submission on Light Vehicles CO2 Emissions Standards for Australia 30 November 2011 ..

L - Databases - Library resources at Griffith University

2 days ago – Land and Environment Notes (via LexisNexis). Icon .. A free internet site providing links to legislation, regulations, case law, court lists, court .. Laws of Australia is an Australian leading legal encyclopedia with comprehensive ..

Dr Afshin Akhtarkhavari - Griffith University

International Environmental Law; International Dispute Settlement .. the Curriculum of Law Schools in Australia' (2006) 16(1&2) Legal Education Review, 75-98.


by MA Gane - 2011A Site Selection Process for Environmental Offsetting Purposes in. Queensland … .. The Environmental Law Roundtable of Australia and New Zealand and ..

The function of property in creating an effective legal regime for ..

by R Maguire - 2009 - In: New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law. Conference .. of Technology, 2 George Street, GPO Box 2434 Brisbane Qld 4001 Australia, + 61 7 3138 5201, ... offset sites is crucial for ensuring that the provision of the ecosystem services ..

Robin Warner Staff Profile - Australian National Centre for Ocean ..


Map · Campus Map · A-Z Index · Staff Intranet · Contacts .. Email: rwarner@uow.edu.au .. During her Defence Force legal career, Captain Warner occupied a wide range .. Dr. Warner is a member of some key professional bodies including the IUCN Commission of Environmental Law (Oceans, Coasts ..

Suppression of dissent: documents

The Kumarangk Legal Defence Fund web site documents (among other .. why environmental scientists are afraid to speak out," from Habitat Australia, 1992.

Behind the News - ABC.net.au

The aim is to fix environmental problems and provide food and wealth .. stories of love, loyalty, duty to country and Aboriginal custom and law.

Environmental law education gets a boost in China

University of South Australia .. A career passion for the value of environmental law has now .. This site will work and look better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.

Australian scholarships - University of South Australia

10+ items – University of South Australia. Jump to Content. Resources and ..

Scholarship name



Research area



Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation


Chemical ..


Joyner Scholarship


Creative arts ..


EPA :: Environment Protection Authority South Australia

EPA :: Environmental Protection Agency South Australia. Home · Contact .. Water Quality Air Quality Noise Radiation Site Contamination Waste Legislation ..

City of Ballarat Home Page

Human Resources Advisor · Coordinator Environment Programs · Assessment & Care .. Local Laws · Tenders · Public Notices · Rates and Valuations .. Guide to preparing a site analysis · Guide to lodging planning permits · Guide to obtaining a planning .... The Phoenix 25 Armstrong Street Ballarat, 3350 Victoria, Australia ..

Environmental Law - Law - LibGuides at Macquarie University

This is the "Environmental Law" page of the "Law" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader Users Skip to Page Navigation Skip to Page .. Last update: Nov 29, 2011 URL: http://libguides.mq.edu.au/law Print Guide RSS Updates ShareThis ..

Asia Pacific journal of environmental law | National Library of Australia

APA Citation. Australian Centre for Environmental Law 1996 Asia Pacific journal of environmental law http://www.law.usyd.edu.au/ext/journals/index.php/index ..

Home | Australian Policy Online

15 hours ago – 31 January 2012Australia should be proactive in exploring new opportunities for ... Law must navigate the seas of social media .. 27 January 2012Paul Hawken is an environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist and author.

Useful Links - Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices


Issues Calendars; ACT Legislation; ACT Government; ACT .. ACT Government Page (act.gov.au/CAP/accesspoint?action=menuHome); ACT ... ACT - Law Society of the ACT Pro Bono Clearing House (pdf) (lawsocact.asn.au/ ..

Find a Barrister@nswbar.asn.au

Thomson Reuters - www.thomsonreuters.com.au ... Local Courts, Local Government/Environmental Law, Medical Negligence .. Click here to print this page ..

Judicial review today Climate change and environmental planning law

Email info@ludlows.com.au ... environmental law and climate change ... Website www.christianmeditationaustralia.org www.wccm.org. Enquiries Richard ..

Australian Environmental Websites - Centres & Institutes - The ..

The WebLaw Environmental Law page by the University of Adelaide has a number of useful features such as. a list of .. http://www.nsw.gov.au/information-about/environment-resources. Office of .. http://www.sba.asn.au/sba/ ..


Changing Environment has been conducted under the auspices of the Council of Australian. Law .. website access (http://www.cald.asn.au/legal_educ.html).


Lawyers for Forests acknowledges the generous support of the Victoria Law Foundation. .. from the LFF website (www.lawyersforforests.asn.au) and the Victoria Law Foundation ... Other Vital elements of an Environmentally-Friendly Law Firm ..

The Future of Environmental Law

The Environmental and Planning Law Group of the Law Council of Australia is holding its 2nd Environmental Law Symposium at the Westin Hotel in Sydney on ..

The Law Council of Australia

The Law Council of Australia is the peak national representative body of the Australian legal profession, and represents about 56000 legal practitioners nationwide. .. Presidents Medal · Australian Young Lawyer Award · Australian Young Environmental Lawyer of the Year Award ... http://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/index.cfm.

Professional associations | Graduate Opportunities

In other fields, membership of a particular professional body may be a legal requirement to be able to .. The associations in bold have profiles on the GO website -- just click their title to view profile. ... Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand ... www.aiia.asn.au. LAW. Australian Law Student's Association (ALSA) ..

Find your local CLC - National Association of Community Legal ..

227 results – National Association of Community Legal Centres. Home · About ..

Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRC)


Address 292 Wellington Street ..



Defender's Office (ACT) Inc


Address Level 1 14 Childers ..


Subject Guide - NRETAS Internet Site

Their website explains which laws are administered and includes a range of information sheets. ... Link: www.nt.gov.au/nreta/environment/legislation/index.html. List of NT legislation on ... Link: www.alhr.asn.au/html/main/asylumseekers.html ..

- Law

Career Advice Blog. bookmark page. industry contacts for .. Law .. www.actlawsociety.asn.au. Australian and New .. National Environmental Law Association ..

Dog and Cat Management Board - Dogs 'n Cats SA

The Act defines the legal status of cats, provides for non-compulsory identification .. between the Local Government Association and the Minister for Environment and .. URL: http://www.dogsncats.asn.au/site/page.cfm?u=800 ..

Auditing Guidance Statement AGS

Website: www.aarf.asn.au .. Guidance on the Application of AUS 402 "Risk Assessments ... compliance with environmental laws and regulations, the auditor's ..

Weblinks | Legal Studies for Queensland


Studies for Queensland, Books 1 & 2 teacher website .. http://www.alla.asn.au/ .. Law Stuff http://www.lawstuff.org.au. Website designed to inform young people about ... Contains all State and Commonwealth environmental laws in full.

WMAA - Working Groups - VIC - Young Professionals - Partnerships


: vic.youngengineers.com.au .. Website: http://www.awa.asn.au .. Young Professionals Group, Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association ..

debrief - Law Society of New South Wales

Visit the Law Society's website. (www.lawsocnsw.asn.au) to check out the issues paper on the ... the Environmental Law Committee participated at the Berry ..

The Assocation of Consultants in Access Australia

Achieving accessibility of the built environment for people with a disability, ACAA .. Legal outcomes - an archive of outcomes of conciliation conferences, .. you think should be included on this site, please email it to secretary@access.asn.au ..

Code of Banking Practice

The Code is not legislation but when your bank adopts the Code, it becomes a .. and updated to take account of changed practices and the banking environment. .. on the Australian Bankers' Association (ABA) website www.bankers.asn.au.

About - Civil Liberties Australia

We review proposed legislation, to make it better, and keep watch on ... Actions and activities are reported regularly on the website, www.cla.asn.au .. analysis of international human rights law in relation to climate and environment change; ..

Home - LG Online


Opinions. Submit a question for our legal experts King and Co. .. qldcouncils.com.au. • 2012 Local Government Elections. • Councillor Webdesk ..

QLDBAR Database

Email, chriskershaw@qldbar.asn.au, First called to Bar, 1/11/2011 .. Name, Mr Chato Page, Counsel Type, Junior Counsel ... Building and Construction; Criminal; Industrial/Employment; Local Government/Environmental Law (incl Planning ..

National Environmental Law Association WA State Conference The ..

So, in respect of laws pertaining to the environment, the court's role can ... (b) any sacred, ritual or ceremonial site which is of importance and ..

Cairns Wet Tropics Volunteers - Community Voluntees Groups in ..


: www.austrop.org.au .. Website: www.cassowaryconservation.asn.au .. a legal service and representation in public interest environmental law matters ..

Community Legal Centres NSW - On the record - the e-bulletin

Jump to ý: The Environmental Defenders Office NSW produces a weekly .. Website: www.iarc.asn.au ..

The Ai Group Environment and Energy team is here to help you

Are you confident your business is complying with environment legislation? Need guidance on how to .. or sustainablebusiness@aigroup.asn.au to discuss how we can help improve .. 15 On-site environmental training tailored to your needs ..

23 May 2011 PDF Print version

New Environment Law Guidelines .. website to download and return a completed registration form. .. 9270 or michael@winesa.asn.au.

Truly Green Certification - Environmental Management - GASAA ..

The course also includes over $2500 of third party software (including law guides and .. to Law Guides, an online site that provides information on environmental laws .. Linked In: GASAA · External Link: www.gasaa.asn.au/index.php?format ..

LAW SOCIETIES - Browse Referral List

Fax: (02) 6247 3754. Email: mail@actlawsociety.asn.au. LAW SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Visit Their Website. Phone: (08) 9322 7877. Fax: (08) 9322 ..

Useful web links - Byron Environment Centre

If your web site provides useful environmental infomation and you would like a link placed here, or if your link requires updating, email details to .. Up to date, easy to understand info on environmental law. ... http://www.ccsa.asn.au/nic/ ..

Australian Water Association Home Page

Our membership is diverse and includes engineers, scientists, consultants and environmental experts as well as large water utilities and private sector ..

Four Wheel Drive South Australia (South Australian Association of ..

E-mail: secretary@4wdsa.asn.au .. Areas in South Australia handbook has been developed by the Department for Environment and Heritage in conjunction with ..

Four (4) Wheel Drive NSW & ACT :: Representing 90+ clubs ..

It represents 94 clubs ( link here to club page ) with approximately 4500 members and their families. .. To promote conservation of the natural environment. 4. .. If we don't work at maintaining and improving legislation, regulations and ..

An Active Approach to Studying Law ANU COLLEGE OF LAW

Check the web site for the Law Society in the State or Territory for local information .. W: http://www.actlawsociety.asn.au/ .. environmental law questions.

Protecting Human Rights in Australia

Environment and human rights. • Health rights .. site, www.piac.asn.au, for ideas on ... laws. The High Court, which is the court that applies constitutional law, ..

Age Of Consent:

The issue: The right balance between laws and youth .. www.galewa.asn.au .. environmental factors, but usually fixed .. visit our website at www.galewa.asn.au ..


A revamped website for educators at teaching.financialliteracy.gov.au explains how financial .. E-mail: christine.reid@vcta.asn.au .. and secondary school teachers through the many complex legal issues that arise in the school environment.

What do I do when..? - Youthlaw

Email: info@youthlaw.asn.au. Website: www.youthlaw.asn.au. Page 5. Acknowledgements. Youthlaw gratefully acknowledges the support of the Victoria Law ..

Home - Master Builders

Health, safety & environment · New health & safety laws · Getting the basics right .. Laws, codes & regulations · Australian Standards · Building Act · Building and ..

Australian Industry Group > Home

In order to bring you the best possible user experience, this site uses Javascript. .. Salary and Benefits Survey; Ai Group TV; Ai Group Legal; Redundancy Survey 2011 .. Environment & energy · Energy and Sustainable Business Help Desk ..

National Environmental Law Association - Organisations--Business ..

Many of our new features on this site may not be supported by your current browser (Internet Explorer 6). .. Print this page Print. Report an error about the listing details of National Environmental Law Association Report a .. www.aapp.asn.au ..

Conservation Council of Western Australia | Western Australia's ..

Search: Western Australia's voice for the environment since 1967. About · What we do · Our Successes · Constitution · Policies · Annual Reports · Work for CCWA ..

National - Building Service Contractors Association of Australia


to provide a conducive environment to enable member companies to be secure, .. top of changes in award requirements, legislation, health and safety issues, ..

KESAB environmental solutions

welcome page, news flash. .. About Clean Site · Are you a home renovator? Enviro checklist · Demonstration site · What's new · Project partners · Contact us ..

Blackstone Society

Perth Law Careers Fair .. Welcome to the Blackstone Society website. Blackstone is the official law students' society at the University of Western Australia and .. These roles offer students an invaluable opportunity to work in a team environment, develop leadership .. Website Enquiries: it@blackstone.asn.au.

Caring for Queensland's Wild Rivers

increasingly accepted general principle of environmental policy, law, and management".6 It is a means .... www.wilderness.org.au :: www.indig-enviro.asn.au :: ..

AFTA submission _final again_

page 1. International Law Briefing Committee and Commercial Law Section .. jkummrow@liv.asn.au .. human rights, labour and environment protection laws.

DSAA - Direct Selling Association Australia

Welcome to our website which we want to be the definitive source of .. Business given more time to prepare for new consumer laws, but direct selling sector ..


en-AU English (United States) .. Defence, Law Enforcement, Compliance, Business, Academe, and ICT. .. at Intelligence 2012 concern: anticipating risks in the operating environment; and .. Try the new Website Blog in the members area ..

10 November - Health Act Review Submission.DOC

www.liv.asn.au page 1. Administrative Law & Human Rights Section. To: Dr Jacqueline Goodall ... environmental legislation, etc.) is effective enough to cover ..

Platypus Care - A Program of the Australian Platypus Conservancy

Australian Platypus Conservancy · About the APC · Current Projects · Legal Status .. Website designed by John Kent .. a wide range of research projects, conservation programs and environmental education initiatives. .. to the Conservancy's Platypus Care program by visiting the special website www.platypus.asn.au/care ..

Judge for yourself

the Judicial Commission of NSW, the Law Foundation of South Australia and the Law ... court system. The High Court, Canberra Photo: Steve Wray - Dept. of Environment & Heritage .... website at: www.news.com.au. .... www.jca.asn.au ..

URL: http://www. state. gov/www/global/legal_affairs/legal_adviser ..

by A GreenshieldsURL: http://frli.law.gov.au/cgi-bin/FRLI.cgi Lawsearch Online: a service .. Translations of laws are unauthorised and the site includes disclaimers clearling offering ... URL: http://www.lawsocnsw.asn.au/ International ADR (Alternative Dispute .. URL: http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/index.html Environmental Law Oceans and ..

NRM fsx6-5.indd

A number of councils, state government agencies (www.decc.nsw.gov.au; .. Website: NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) ... www.walga.asn.au/news-publications/publications/nrm/lg_nrm_factsheets. Community Environmental Education. Rural Landholder's Guide To Environmental Law In New South Wales, 2nd ..

WA Rifle Association - Welcome to the West Australian Rifle ..

Service Class any legal unmodified military rifle up to 7.62mm. .. If you are interested in competitive rifle shooting take some time to look around our site.

Western Australian Bar Association - Home

In that environment, talented, younger, barristers can be developed by peer .. member of the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council of Australia.

South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit


15500 CFS Volunteers state-wide http://www.fire-brigade.asn.au .. 56 Department of Environment & Natural Resources Units 46 SA Metropolitan Fire Service ..

Internet Subject Links

Property law website regarding Residential Leases. Law Institute of Victoria: Legal Practice Management Section. www.liv.asn.au/sections/lpm/. LPMS aims to ..

Job vacancies — Australian Council For International Development

30+ items – Search Site .. Page last updated 31 January 2012 ..







Disaster Risk Reduction Education in Vanuatu - Technical Writer


Save the ..


Disaster Risk Reduction Education in Vanuatu - Baseline Study


Save the ..



Email: mavic@mavic.asn.au. Researched and .. and advice that helped to create this kit, generously given by Arts Law .. Please go to the website for current information .. Conservation covers the management of the environment surrounding ..

Removal and disposal - Asbestos Industry Association online

In Queensland , asbestos removal and disposal are regulated by law. Make sure you read this ... of the code. Link to Environmental Protection Agency website ..

TNPA_S3084_Newsletter Issue 14_4.2.11.indd

pieces, including Major changes proposed to federal environmental laws by Hawke review, N. Thomas & T. Kwok .... Paper, can be found on my website, onlyoneplanet.com.au. .... Please send contributions to admin@tnpa.asn.au (attention: ..

A3P | About AP3

AFPA's website can be found here. .. [more]; Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications Inquiry into 'The Carbon ..

Australian Horse Alliance

Fact Sheet - Environmental Arguments .. This website was established to expose the forces that are attempting to .. The site is presently under construction. .. riders with regard to Local Government, State and Federal policies and laws ..

Know Your Rights - Barrington-Gloucester-Stroud Preservation ..

A summary of his advice is available on their website, together with an ABC radio .. Ask for a request for access to your property to be mailed to you – the law states .. to Environmental Law in NSW" which gives more explanation of your rights.

Links | Balcombe Estuary Rehabilitation Group

http://www.mornpen.vic.gov.au/Files/IM_BushlandBrochure.pdf. Mornington .. http://www.meafec.asn.au/. Southern .. –This site provides the contact details for the Friends Groups of Victoria's National Parks and Reserves. .. an independent, non-profit, public interest legal service specialising in environmental law.

Persons Missing : Home of The Missing Persons Register - Law Tools


Aid Office of the Australian Capital Territory Ph: 02-6243-3411 .. Law Society of NT Ph:08-8981-5104 F:08-8941-1623 Email:lawsoc@lawsocnt.asn.au .. Office an extensive number of links to government and environment sites.

TIA & the Environment

http://www.environment.gov.au/settlements/waste/ewaste/index.html · http://www.productstewardship.asn.au/. Legislation generally: ..


finding a house and house mates, your legal obligations .. reduce your environmental footprint. .... Business Affairs site www.ocba.sa.gov.au, scroll down ..



: www.acfonline.org.au. Austrop .. Website: www.cassowaryconservation.asn.au .. and contribute to community education on environmental law issues.

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights ALHR

Issues addressed by ALHR include anti-terrorism laws, refugee and asylum seeker .. law, tenancy, anti-discrimination, crime, corporations, land and environment, .. Certain links in this site connect to other web sites maintained by third parties ..

Sustainable Business Australia


group promoting commercial solutions to environmental challenges. .. speed on storage and handling of dangerous goods laws covering DG classification, .. our newsletter TWTW (The Week That Was) and the website in the coming days.

National Pro Bono Resource Centre : Victoria

General Legal Information for the Community Law website. « Back to top .. http://www.fics.asn.au. Lodge a ... Environmental Defenders Office. Community legal ..

www.qtu.asn.au :: Home

Union worries over new health and safety law .. For Our Future website · Get involved in the national campaign for better public school ... To contact QTEC call 07 3512 9000 or email qtec@qtu.asn.au .. Social & Environmental Networks ..

Links : Sustainable Insight Pty Ltd

80+ items – Making Your Home Sustainable by Derek Wrigley (144 page ..

Sustainable Insight Blog



Address: http ..


Fisheries Research and Development Corporation



Address: http ..


Introduction - Essentials Publications

www.epa.gov.au The Environmental Protection Agency www.lsssa.asn.au The Law Society of SA. A range of issues is available on this site. Note that the ..

2010 and 2011

Website: www.ena.asn.au .. varnish), which is made in Australia, and has ISO 14001 Environmental accreditation. .. territory legislation and regulation.


Internet: www.lawsocact.asn.au/content/public2/public2.asp. For people who need legal assistance, and who cannot afford professional legal fees, but who are ..

Health and Safety - Australian Council of Trade Unions

A safe and healthy working environment; Know what health and safety hazards they are exposed to at work and a right to .. Harmonisation was an attempt to standardise all OHS rules and legislation across the country. .. Safe At Work website ..

BARRISTERS - Australia's online business .. - Atozpages.com.au


: email mglossop @ q-net.net.au. Bender Legal (BARRISTERS) .. including contractual disputes, Administrative law, Environmental and planning law, Insurance ... Contact: Lucia Hawkshaw Website: email lxhawks @ qldbar.asn.au ..

Privacy Policy - AFIF - Australian Federation of International ..


complying with laws and requirements of government agencies and statutory .. other membership services listed on AFIF's website (www.afif.asn.au). .. AFIF will take steps to keep the Personal Information it holds in a secure environment.

Legislative Roles of Mayors, Presidents, Councillors and CEOs

empowered by state legislation which in Western Australia is the Local ... WALGA website at www.walga.asn.au or the Department of Local Government ..

National Review into Model Occupational Health and Safety Laws

ABN 85 005 260 622 www.lawcouncil.asn.au .... 31. Law Council Submission - National Review into Model OHS Laws. Page 2 .... the contractor is the best person to determine the safety of the environment in which they operate and the tools ..

NetWatch December 1998 - [1998] MurUEJL 25

by A GreenshieldsAustralian legal sites and developments .. Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) A comprehensive .. A Guide to Japanese LawThis site will provide you with information on .. URL: http://www.lawasia.asn.au/lawasia/ ..

Useful Links

www.edo.org.au/edosa. The Environmental Defenders Office's (EDO's) excellent website. .. This is an online version of the Law Handbook – a non lawyer's guide to law in SA. It has a chapter on .. http://www.lawsocietysa.asn.au/. The SA Law ..


Website: www.aasw.asn.au .... to social, economic, environmental and political resources .. under law and equal opportunity respect for others ..

journal of

Website: www.aes.asn.au. Intending contributors .. appropriate policy and legislation to stem the tide. .... flows within its operating environment. This enhances ..

Stormwater Industry Association


and policies that minimise adverse environmental, social and economic impacts. .. to influence stormwater policy, legislation and industry guidelines at local and .. Return to top of page. SIA National GPO Box 1261 Canberra ACT 2601. Phone: 1800 761 777 Fax: 1800 659 382 Email: NationalAdmin@stormwater.asn.au.

all - Conservation Council of South Australia

111 results – Despite the rhetoric of more accountable aquaculture laws, the recent decision .. to say in the submission go to the CCSA website at: www.ccsa.asn.au or phone .. However, despite successive Premiers and Environment Ministers ..

Subject Index to South Australian Legislation

Aboriginal sites and relics see Aboriginal cultural heritage .. Adelaide Show Grounds (Regulations and By-laws) Act 1929 .. Environment Protection Act 1993 ..

Environment - Master Builders Association of NSW

Our poster is still in demand today and provides a useful environmental management .. tool to assist the concreting industry in complying with NSW environmental laws. .. members on preventing soil run-off from construction sites and preparing soil and .. please call (02) 8586 3555 or email us on housing@mbansw.asn.au ..

Murray Cod

During the courtship ritual a spawning site is selected and cleaned — hard .... It is hard to imagine a more different environment to that which exists through .. Murray cod are excellent eating in the smaller legal sizes, up to around ... Online at: http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/species/m-peelii- ..

The Australian Institute of International Affairs

very broad practice, predominately in environmental law and public law, including .. Phone: (03) 9654 7271; Fax: (03) 9654 6605; Email: events.vic@aiia.asn.au ..

Environmental Management Systems Association Inc - Home

The environmental policy; Environmental aspects, impacts and legal obligations .. Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO) ... and maintain an EMS that conforms to the ISO 14001 standard - email contact@ems.asn.au ..

Australian Education Union: How to find and contact us

Email: melbourne@aeuvic.asn.au. Website: www.aeuvic.asn.au. The AEU office is close to Victoria Park station on the Epping and Hurstbridge lines, and to bus ..

Agribusiness Association of Australia

Please take the time to look around this site for information about Agribusiness in Australia, investing in agribusiness, or the .. www.environment.sa.gov.au ..



Lawyers for Forests acknowledges the generous support of the Victoria Law Foundation. .. from the LFF website (www.lawyersforforests.asn.au) and the Victoria Law Foundation ... Other Vital elements of an Environmentally-Friendly Law Firm ..

Lawyers for Forests


for Forests needs your help to continue its work. .. increasing scrutiny of laws and policies concerning native forests and related environmental issues; ..

The Law Council of Australia

Presidents Medal · Australian Young Lawyer Award · Australian Young Environmental Lawyer of the Year Award ... Site designed and developed by ZOO Adveritsing. Links Contact Us Privacy Policy. http://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/index.cfm.

How do I find a lawyer?

The Website of your local Law Society or Bar Association can help you find a lawyer in .. http://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/information/for-the-public/find-a-lawyer.cfm.

For Foreign Lawyers

Information on frequently asked questions from foreign lawyers. .. Australian Young Lawyer Award · Australian Young Environmental Lawyer of the Year .. Site designed and developed by ZOO Adveritsing · Links Contact Us Privacy Policy. http://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/information/foreign-lawyers/foreign-lawyers_home.cfm.

Law Institute of Victoria - Property & Environmental Law

Young Lawyers Journal .. Focuses on all areas of property and environmental law, covering practice, procedure, legal .. Email: members@liv.asn.au ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Home

National Costs Lawyers Conference .. enunciate the different types of reports used in the family law environment, including, those directed under sections11F, ..

Law Institute of Victoria - LIV Directories

It encourages an open and cooperative environment, where both parties and their lawyers work towards a fair solution without resorting to litigation.

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If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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