Family Law & Relationships Lawyers

If you need help regarding a family law matter involving, divorce, partner, spouse, children, property and finances, then complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Family lawyers are lawyers or solicitors who specialise in the area of family law. Family lawyers can deal with all aspects of family law and several relationships and can offer specialist advice to people who are married, living together or in civil partnerships.

If you are considering getting divorced or separating from your partner, it is advisable to get advice from a specialist divorce lawyer. If you and your partner are proposing an amicable divorce, divorce lawyers can help you to negotiate and draw up an agreement and orders. If not, it is best for both spouses to be represented by a divorce lawyer or family lawyer.

Family lawyers can negotiate with your partner on your behalf, draw up any agreements you come to, and represent you in court proceedings.

Family Lawyers can provide you with legal advice on every aspect of family law and relationship planning and breakdown. If you need help with a family law matter, please complete your free legal enquiry form or click here.

If you want confidential advice on your rights and responsibilities of a new relationship where you want to protect yourself and your partner, or your relationship has reached the point of irretrievable breakdown, then family lawyers can help.

To receive legal help regarding any aspect of family and relationships law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

If you would like information on further help regarding any aspect of the laws in relation to family law, divorce and separation, then please click on one of the family law areas listed below:

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships

Applying for a Divorce

Financial Arrangements following Divorce

Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown

Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance

Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership

Prenuptial Agreements

Post-nuptial Agreements

Property Relationships Agreements

Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes

International Family Law

Financial Agreements, Property Ownership Disputes & Consent Orders

Child Abduction

Adoption and the Law

Surrogacy and the Law

Dispute Resolution and Mediation

Domestic Violence

Property and Finances after Separation

Spousal Maintenance

Parental Responsibility Agreements - Parenting Arrangements

Child Support

Superannuation after Separation and Divorce

Same-Sex Relationships and the Law


Further Resources - Family Law & Relationships Lawyers

Additional Information 1 - Family Law & Relationships Lawyers

Additional Information 2 - Family Law & Relationships Lawyers


Family Law and Relationships Forum

Family Law and Relationships Forum

64 Posts
55 Topics
Last post in Family Law Discussion
Dec 10 2012, 22:59 Last post

Family Law & Relationships Lawyers News


If you need help regarding a family law matter involving, divorce, partner, spouse, children, property and finances, then complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The main pieces of Family Law legislation in Australia include:

Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989
Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988
Family Law Act 1975
Family Court of Western Australia (Orders of Registrars) Act 1997
Family Court Act 1997 (Western Australia)
Marriage Act 1961
Relationships Act 2003 (Tasmania)
Civil Partnerships Act 2008 (ACT)
Relationships Act 2008 (Victoria)

Family law services

•Child contact, residence and child maintenance
•Civil partnerships and disputes
•Cohabitation agreements
•Cohabitation disputes and settlements
•Declarations of trust to regulate property ownership
•Divorce and financial settlements
•Inheritance tax issues after separation
•International aspects of separation and divorce
•Parental responsibility agreements
•Pension implications of divorce
•Pre-nuptial agreements
•Separation agreements
•Wealth protection

To receive legal help regarding any aspect of family and relationships law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Family Law & Relationships Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

These news come from .

Family Law & Relationships Lawyers Links

Family Law Courts Homepage


Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Glossary |; Links |; Sitemap; | · Contact Us. Search. Court Lists · Forms · Publications · Fees · Judgments ..


Family Law Courts - Separation and Divorce

Parties to an eligible de facto relationship which has broken down can apply to the Family Court or the Federal Magistrates Court to have financial and children's ..

Family Law Courts - Children's Matters

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Home; |; Glossary |; Links |; Sitemap; | · Contact Us. Search. Court Lists · Forms · Publications · Fees · Judgments ..

Family law

The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law through the Family Law Branch and Family Pathways Branch. These branches ..

Family Law Courts - Property and Money Matters

Applications relating to bankruptcy can be also considered under the Family Law Act if a court is dealing with financial or property order after marriage/de facto ..

Family Law Courts - Forms

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Home; |; Glossary |; Links |; Sitemap; | · Contact Us. Search. Court Lists · Forms · Publications · Fees · Judgments ..

My family is separating — what now? | Family Law Solicitors

Family Law Solicitors

. Finding a family law solicitor. You should get independent legal advice about your situation to protect your safety and so you can make ..

Guidelines for Independent Children's Lawyers - National Legal Aid

The lawyer appointed to represent and promote the best interests of a child in family law proceedings has special responsibilities. Decisions in particular cases ..

Independent Children's Lawyer - Family Law Courts Homepage

The Guidelines are intended to provide guidance to the Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL) in fulfilling his/her role. The Guidelines have also been issued for ..

Family Law Courts - Complying with financial orders

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities and explain how the law applies to your ..

Duty lawyers available for Toowoomba family law sittings

Run by Legal Aid Queensland, the Family Court Duty Lawyer Service will be available from 9.00 am at the Toowoomba Courthouse on Hume ..

Legal words used in court - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. An affidavit must be signed before an authorised person (such as a lawyer or Justice of the Peace) by way of ..

Duty lawyers available for Southport family law sittings

Run by Legal Aid Queensland, the Family Court Duty Lawyer service will be available from 9.00 am at the Southport Courthouse on the corner ..

Internet Resource Guide:Family Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Family Law. .. Current bills, Attorney-General's portfolio (provides links to Bills, Explanatory Memoranda, Bills ..

Duty lawyers available for Maroochydore family law sittings

Run by Legal Aid Queensland, the Family Law Duty Lawyer Service will be available from 9.00 am at the Maroochydore Courthouse on ..

Superannuation - Family Law Courts Homepage

How the law deals with superannuation when couples are dividing their assets after a .. The Attorney-General's Department has provided some information ..

Family law duty lawyer

Family law duty lawyer. There is a free family law duty lawyer in the Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville Family and Federal Magistrates Courts.

Collaborative Practice in Family Law - Attorney -General's Department

68. Part 1: Principles for collaborative practice in family law. 72. Part 2: The role and responsibilities of the collaborative lawyer. 80. Part 3: Suggestions for the ..

Legal information - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Home; |; Glossary .. As an emerging form of legal practice, Australian lawyers are enthusiastic about adopting ..

Service of documents - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Home; |; Glossary .. A signed Acknowledgment of Service (Divorce) from your spouse's lawyer is proof of service.

Contrasting children's participation through lawyers in family law ..

Contrasting children's participation through lawyers in family law and child protection proceedings. Nicola Ross. Lecturer, Child and Family Law at Newcastle ..

How do I apply for a divorce? - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. Swear or affirm and sign the Application for Divorce before a lawyer, Justice of the Peace or other person ..

Family Law Courts - Children's Matters

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. Information for Children · Independent Childrens Lawyer · Making arrangements work for children · Relocation ..

Best practice guidelines for lawyers doing family law work

by FL Council - 2004 - - benchmark of best practice that all lawyers practising family law in Australia should .. reflect best practice for family lawyers in all aspects of family law practice ..

A Guideline for Family Law Courts and Children's Contact Services

The Law Council of Australia – Family Law Section. •. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department. The project received funding assistance from the ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services and ..

30+ items – Home > Law and public safety > Legal services and instruments ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


Archer Bushby


One of the earliest established legal firms in Tasmania ..


Federal Magistrates Court - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. The Court process – family law .. You (and your lawyer, if you have one) must attend the first court date and ..

Duty lawyers - Legal Aid Queensland

Legal Aid Queensland provides a free family law duty lawyer service in the Brisbane Family and Federal Magistrates Courts. The service visits ..

Less Adversarial Trials - Family Law Courts Homepage

Does Division 12A of Part VII of the Family Law Act apply to your case? .. The judge, rather than the parties or their lawyers, decides what information is put ..

Lawyers, costs and legal aid

Do I need to see a lawyer? It is a good idea to speak to a lawyer experienced in family law before making any important decisions. A lawyer can ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law ..

Jump to ‎: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Local lawyers - Australian Embassy

E-mail: Speciality : Criminal/ Civil Law, Family Law Language : English, Korean, Japanese, French Contact : Mr Kim, Jin Ouk Mr Lee, Jay K.

Going to Court - tips for your court hearing - Family Law Courts ..

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Search .. In most court locations, a duty lawyer may be available to assist you on the day of your court hearing.

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law

Jump to ‎: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Family Law Pathways Network - Family Relationships Online

10+ items – Lawyers · Family Law Pathways Network · Service Providers ..

Central Coast NSW Family Law Pathways Network


PO Box 465 GOSFORD ..


Central West NSW Family Law Pathways Network


PO Box 1215 BATHURST ..


How will an independent children's lawyer help my child?

The Family Law Courts will ask Legal Aid Queensland to appoint an independent children's lawyer in cases where they consider it is important ..

Court Tour - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Search. Court Lists .. Judges, federal magistrates, other judicial officers, and often lawyers, wear robes in Court: ..

Family law

The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law through the Family Law Branch and Family Pathways Branch. These branches ..

Lawyers and family dispute resolution practitioners

Between November 2006 and March 2007,1 117 family law stakeholders in Queensland were interviewed— including lawyers,2 FDR practitioners (mediators ..

Legal Costs in Family Law Matters - Federal Magistrates Court

Jump to ‎: If you wish to dispute the fees charged by your lawyer, you need to contact the law society or ..

Family Law Courts - Complying with orders about children

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and explain how the law applies to ..

Costs Notice - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Use this brochure for information about legal costs to which Schedule 6 of the Family Law Rules 2004 applies. It provides information about: ■ lawyer and client ..

Duty of disclosure - Family Law Courts Homepage

lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide legal advice. Duty of disclosure requires all ..


- For more information, see Rule 1.05 and Schedule 1 of the Family Law Rules ... notify the client if, in the lawyer's opinion, it is in the client's best interests to ..

Financial cases where no consent to Division 12A - Family Law ..

Division 12A of Part VII of the Family Law Act applies if you consent to that Division .. If you do not have a lawyer, you will need to familiarise yourself with the ..

Natural Disaster - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have legal representation in your family law proceeding, you should consult your lawyer as soon as you can to discuss any changes in your circumstances ..

Duty of Disclosure - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Search .. A lawyer will help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, including: your duties and ..

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure .. International child abduction · Intercountry adoption · Family Law Council ..

If you can't agree on arrangements - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and explain how the law applies to ..

Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Glossary |; Links |; Sitemap; | · Contact .. Links to a page with other websites links · Attorney-General's Website ..

Natural disasters - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide ..


state laws to govern lawyer/client arrangements in Family Law matters. It then raises the question – have family lawyers taken this into account when entering ..

Contras-ng children's par-cipa-on through lawyers in family law and ..

35 children's lawyers in NSW (Australia) 2006. • family law, child protec;on and criminal proceedings. • Semi-‐structured interview format, vigne es and in-‐depth ..

Our legal system .. Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait ..

Jump to ‎: A lawyer is a person with legal training. They may choose to work in different areas of law such as criminal, family or civil law.

De Facto - Family Court of Western Australia

Specialist Family Lawyers. Law Society of WA. 9322 4911. Legal Aid WA. Information Line. 1300 650 579. Family Law Hotline ..

Family Court of Australia - Dandenong Family Law Registry

Dandenong Family Law Registry provides registry services to both the Family Court of .. Victoria Legal Aid provides a duty lawyer to the Dandenong Family Law ..

If you agree on arrangements - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. For a copy of the Attorney-General's fact sheet 'Parenting plans' visit Family Relationships Online located under ..

Notice of Ceasing to Act - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. inform a client that a lawyer intends to cease to act in seven days and; inform the Court that the lawyer has ..

Response to an Application in a Case - Family Law Courts Homepage

Lawyer's code. Filed in: Family Court of Australia. Family Court of Western Australia. Federal Magistrates Court of Australia. Other (specify). Please type or print ..

Family law (Victoria Online)

The Family Law Council advises and makes recommendations to the Attorney General concerning: the working of the Family Law Act 1975 and other legislation ..

Family Court Services (duty lawyer) - Legal Aid

Legal Aid WA offers assistance in a duty lawyer capacity to people who require urgent assistance in relation to family law matters. Family Court ..

Before you file – pre-action procedure for financial cases

- their lawyers (if any). The Family Law Rules require prospective parties to genuinely try to resolve their dispute before starting a case. Except for those situations ..

FDR practitioners and lawyers - Australian Law Reform Commission

The Commissions also note the suggestion by Rhoades and others that the Attorney-General's Department, family dispute resolution providers, the Family Law ..

About the Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission

Duty lawyers regularly attend other sittings of the Magistrates Court in Katherine, Tennant Creek and. Nhulunbuy. Free Family Law Duty Lawyer Service ..

Service Kit - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Search .. If the other party has a lawyer, that lawyer may accept service on behalf of her/his client. If the other ..

Costs Notice - Family Law Courts Homepage

lawyer and client costs – rights, duties and responsibilities. ■ party and .. (Refer to Chapter 19 of the Family Law Rules 2004.) · Lawyer and ..

Before you file – pre‑action procedure for financial cases

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide ..

Commonwealth Courts Portal - Family Law Courts Homepage

- the ability to electronically file supporting documents in family law cases. § access for lawyers to case information from the convenience of their own office, and ..

Attorney General's Department - Media Releases

22 August 2011 - Senate Committee endorses Government's Family Law Reform Attorney-General Robert McClelland today welcomed the ..


- They can be found in Division 15.3.4 of the Family Law Rules 2004. .. In some cases, all parties and the independent children's lawyer (if appointed) may be ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia


Accidents. Family Law Criminal Law Wills;Estates; Contested Estates, Commercial Litigation .. Beger & Co Lawyers - Adelaide South Australia View details ..

Family Court Tour – Audio Script - Family Law Courts Homepage

- This guide is mainly for people in family law disputes who must appear in Court .. Judges, federal magistrates, other judicial officers, and often lawyers, wear ..

Children and international travel after family separation

lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide legal advice. FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA ..

Subpoena - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Court of Western Australia. Other (specify). Subpoena. Family Law Rules ~ RuLe 15.17 .. if you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm.

Application in a Case - Family Law Courts Homepage

Response to Initiating Application (Family Law), or a Reply seeking orders on the same subject matter .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed) ..

A new family law process

of lawyers and courts in family disputes. The current Family law jurisdiction in Australia. 4.6. There is currently a number of courts doing family law work in ..

Experts' Conference (Prescribed Brochure) - Family Law Courts ..

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. seek clarification from the instructing lawyers or the Court concerning any question put to them; and; access ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy


in Indonesia are admitted to practice in the courts of a particular .. They also provide legal services on Family Law - dissolution of marriage and, ..

Independent children's lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

The court can make an order for the family consultant to make a family .. The independent children's lawyer may also speak to the children.

Duty of disclosure - Family Law Courts Homepage

- A lawyer will help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, including: .. For more information, see Rule 13.01 of the Family Law Rules. Full and ..

Family dispute resolution - Other ways to resolve a family law dispute

Private family law practitioners - lawyers who are registered family dispute resolution (FDR) practitioners can provide legal advice and assist in ..

Family Law Courts Natural disasters - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have legal representation in your family law proceeding, you should consult your lawyer as soon as you can to discuss any changes in your circumstances ..

Family Court Tour – Audio Script - Family Law Courts Homepage

This guide is mainly for people in family law disputes who must appear in Court before a .. officer and who do not have a lawyer to represent them. If you are ..

Duty of disclosure - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. Rule 13.15 requires all parties (except for an independent children's lawyer) to file an undertaking. The Court's ..

FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Where an order has been made for a Conciliation Conference in the Family Court, .. A Conciliation Conference is conducted by a registrar (Court lawyer).

Costs Notice - Family Law Courts Homepage

- (b) an application that includes an Initiating Application (Family Law) .. The costs that a lawyer may charge must be calculated in accordance with the Scale of ..

Lawyers - Family Relationships Online

Lawyers. The Family Relationships Online Legal Resource has been .. Family Law Pathways Networks is a coordinated network for ..

Less adversarial trials - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Does Division 12A of Part VII of the Family Law Act apply to your case? .. The judge, rather than the parties or their lawyers, decides what information is put ..

Parenting cases – the best interests of the child - Family Law Courts ..

Fact sheets from the Attorney-General's Department include information on new concepts in family law: equal shared parental responsibility; time with parents ..

Family Court of Australia - Appointments to the Family Court of ..

She joined Snyder and Fulford Solicitors in 1981 and spent four years with that firm working in areas of family law. In 1985, Ms Macmillan ..

Collaborative Law - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage. Home; |; Glossary .. and their lawyers work together to resolve a dispute without going to court. The aim is to ..

schedule 6 costs Notice - Family Law Courts Homepage

Chapter 19 of the Family Law Rules 2004.) ■. Lawyer and client costs for: 1. fresh applications. 2. a new lawyer/firm that begins acting in a ..

Duty lawyer services

Duty lawyer services are based in Queensland's magistrates and childrens .. Our Family Law Duty Lawyer Service provides assistance to self ..

Family law and superannuation

FAMILY LAW COURTS .. a lawyer who must sign a certificate stating .. This fact sheet explains how the law deals with superannuation when couples divide ..

Community Info - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

Law and Employment; Law and Families; Laws and Legislation; Law and Marriage; Law and Senior Citizens; Law and Young People; Lawyers ..


Each party or their lawyer must complete and sign a separate Annexure to Draft. Consent Parenting Order as required by Rule 10.15A Family Law Rules. Please ..

FAMILY LAW COUNCIL Improving responses to family violence in ..

The Law Council of Australia and the Family Law Council co-operate to revise the booklet "Best Practice Guidelines for Lawyers Doing Family Law Work" to ..

Going to court & getting a lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

In family law they are called Independent Children Lawyers (they used to be called Child Representatives). For example: you may want to go ..

Notice of Discontinuance - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Court of Western Australia. Federal .. Family Law Rules ~ RuLe 10.11. Notice of .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). Part B ..


5 See for example, Jonathan Dickens, 'Risks and Responsibilities: The Role of the Local Authority. Lawyer in Child Care Cases' (2004) 16 Child and Family Law ..

Family Court of Australia - Complaints and feedback (Family Law ..

This summarises the complaint and feedback procedure for the Family Law Courts. .. The Court does not handle complaints about lawyers, including lawyers ..

Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia


-General's Department- Current issues, Gazettes, ComLaw, Family Law, Australian Law Online etc. Constitution - Full text. Family Court of Australia ..

Family Law Courts - Forms in alphabetical order

An alphabetical listing of all forms used in the Family Law Courts, with explanations as to .. Notice of intention to withdraw as lawyer (Federal Magistrates Court) ..

Inaugural Family Law System Conference - Attorney-General's ..

The Attorney-General Robert McClelland has highlighted the need for continued development of the family law system to minimise litigation, ..


1. In July 2008 the Attorney-General convened a roundtable of representatives of key organisations in the family law system. Participants at the roundtable were ..

Divorce Service Kit - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a .. Family Law Act 1975 – the law in Australia which covers family law matters. Family Law ..

LRRES - M A Legal 1300 887 391, COUNSEL - Mr Strum. 2) Woods R M .. Duration : 4 days. ICL - Lampe Family Lawyers (03) 9326 3811, COUNSEL - TBA ..

Application for Final Orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

by C Part - - Family Law Rules ~ RULE 15.08. Filed in: .. Family Court of Western Australia. Federal .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm.

Duty lawyers available for Maroochydore family law sittings

Duty lawyers available for Maroochydore family law sittings. 25 November 2011 11:45 AM. A free family law legal advice service is available for people who are ..

[2011] FamCA 532 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

[2011] FamCA 532. FAMILY LAW – PROCEDURAL – application to discharge the Independent. Children's Lawyer. Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). APPLICANT: ..

Lawyers - find LEGAL answers

About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..

Application – Contravention - Family Law Courts Homepage

under Division 13A of Part VII of the Family Law Act (for example, an order affecting children); or .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). Part C ..

Chapter 19 Costs Notice - Family Law Courts Homepage

in a lawyer's office and the costs (referred to as disbursements) paid out for .. You can view Schedule 3 of the Family Law Rules via the legislation section at ..

Attorney-General's Inaugural Family Law System Conference 19 ..

Geoffrey Sinclair, Chair Family Law Section. As family lawyers we are required to consider and follow the law. The Family Law Act 1975 (the ..

Application in an Appeal - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RULE 22.36. Application .. in Australia? if you give a lawyer's address, include the .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed) ..

Best Practice Guidelines for Lawyers Doing Family Law Work

by FL Council - - lawyers should aspire in Family Law proceedings and in pre-application negotiations. .. reflect best practice for family lawyers in all aspects of family law ..

Family Law Conferencing How to reach an agreement over a family ..

child abuse, mental illness or other matters of concern. Please let your solicitor know if you have concerns about taking part in a conference. Family Law and the ..

Dispute resolution choices - Australian Institute of Family Studies

olution practitioners from Chadstone Family Relationship. Centre, Legal Aid Queensland lawyers involved in fam- ily law conferencing, and collaborative law ..

Parenting orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

It includes information, pursuant to section 65DA(2) of the Family Law Act 1975, .. If you are unsure about any of the terms or obligations, ask your lawyer if you ..

pre-action procedure for financial cases - Family Law Courts ..

their lawyers (if any). The Family Law Rules require prospective parties to genuinely try to resolve their dispute before starting a case. Except for those situations ..

The Conciliation Conference - Family Law Courts Homepage

lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Court cannot provide legal advice. A Conciliation Conference (the ..

your propertyafter a - Legal Aid Queensland

Family Law Courts. Our program is carried out by experienced and qualified family lawyers who have specialist training in arbitration. Decisions are made in line ..

Slides - Associate Professor Helen Rhoades, Melbourne Law School

Microsoft Powerpoint - 2003 inquiry & proposed Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) .. Gain an understanding of how family lawyers and family dispute resolution ..

Notice of Appeal filed on - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RULE 10.11. Please type or print .. Family Court of Western Australia. Federal .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). 2 ..

Hon. Robert McClelland MP Attorney-General

She joined Snyder and Fulford Solicitors in 1981 and spent four years with that firm working in areas of family law. In 1985, Ms Macmillan ..

Family law update: Roundup of developments in family law

The Attorney-General, Mr Robert McLelland, has flagged the possibility that alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the family law context will be boosted ..

Application for Final Orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RULE 15.62. Please type or print .. Family Court of Western Australia. Filed on .. Given names. Independent children's lawyer family name ..

Notice of Appeal - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RuLe 22.02 .. notice must be filed at the Family Court Registry closest to that court of summary .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the ..

FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA - Family Law Courts Homepage

- If you or the other party have lawyers representing you, they will also take part in .. The Family Law Rules 2004 require parties to make full and frank disclosure ..

Building Integration Across the Family Law System

2003 inquiry & proposed Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental .. Gain an understanding of how family lawyers and family dispute resolution practitioners ..

Notice of Appeal - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ Rule 22.02. Please type or .. Family Court of Western Australia. Federal .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm.

Subpoena - Family Law Courts Homepage

lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide legal advice. information for named person ..

Law Handbook - parenting, family law

lawyer (Family Law Act s.68L) called an inde- pendent children's lawyer. An independent children's lawyer should be appointed in any case where: • there is so ..


heralding of a significant change in the delivery of family law in Australia. In his second reading speech the Attorney-General said, inter alia: Nor would simply ..

How will an independent children's lawyer help my child?

How is an independent children's lawyer appointed? The Family Law Courts will ask Legal Aid Queensland to appoint an independent children's lawyer in ..

Application for Final Orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

- by C Part - - Family Law Rules ~ RULE 15.08. Filed in: .. Family Court of Western Australia. Federal .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm. State ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

FURZE, Ms Jennifer, Acting Senior Legal Officer, International Family Law Section, Attorney-General's Department. GANLY, Ms Paula ..

Panel: The Australian family law reform package

- Mr Kym Duggan, Attorney-General's Department. Kym Duggan has been the Assistant Secretary of the Family Law Branch in the Civil Justice Division of the ..

[2011] FamCA 439 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Legal Aid NSW Sydney. Central Family Law. FILE NUMBER: SYC. 8702 of 2007. DATE DELIVERED: 6 June 2011 ..


information about students involved in family law proceedings. The following guidelines are accordingly issued to assist teachers asked by a parent or solicitor to ..

Applying for legal aid - FAQs about legal aid

The Family Dispute Resolution program is a lawyer assisted mediation process, giving people with the opportunity to reach an agreement about some family law ..


- As a lawyer, you will represent the interests of legally aided clients in family law and related matters. The work is challenging and complex, but rewarding.

The Family Law Violence Strategy - Attorney-General's Department

Research on allegations of family violence and child abuse in family law proceedings. 8. The Attorney-General wishes to ensure that any changes are grounded ..

Out of the Maze - Attorney-General's Department

Attorney-General. Parliament House. Canberra. Dear Minister and Attorney-General. I now present to you the Report of the Family Law Pathways Advisory ..

Attorney General's Department - 23 December 2010 - Family Law ..

Attorney-General Robert McClelland today announced the appointment of a new member to the Family Law Council, and the re-appointment of ..

Family Dispute Resolution - Australian Law Reform Commission

21.9 This chapter considers the role of FDR in resolving family law .. ADR in the family law system, lawyers, courts and state-based child protection and family ..

Conference of experts - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Division 15.5.7 provides that if two or more parties to a case in the Family Court .. seek clarification from the instructing lawyers or the Court concerning any ..

Attend by electronic communication - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RULES 3.08, 5.06, 12.12, 22.39 .. Family Court of Western Australia .. 2, Independent children's lawyer family name, Given names ..


conference partners, Illawarra Family Law Pathways Network, a national conference in Kiama—FREE of charge. MCLE points apply. The Federal Attorney ..

[2011] FamCA 484 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). APPLICANT: Mr Cousins. RESPONDENT: Ms Chapman. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Legal Services. Commission ..

the case assessment conference - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Court cannot provide legal ..

Have you been married less than two years? - Family Law Courts ..

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees:Family Law Legislation ..

HENDERSON-KELLY, Ms Sandra, Principal Legal Officer, Family Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department. KASPIEW, Dr Rae, Senior ..

Women's Legal Service Victoria - Attorney-General's Department

- Commonwealth Attorney General's Department. November .. Our principal areas of work are family law, family violence and victims of crime compensation.

find LEGAL answers - Wills and Estates Wills

Jump to ‎: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Family Court Bulletin - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Through this publication, I plan to inform you about trends in family law, the work of .. The judge, rather than the parties or their lawyers, decides how the trial is ..

Improving the Family Law System for all - Attorney-General's ..

Attorney-General Robert McClelland has requested that the Family Law Council examine how the family law system can be improved to better ..

Family and children's service - Family dispute resolution at Legal Aid ..

A lawyer will help you decide what the issues in dispute are and will also help you decide what might be reasonable, within the law, to sort ..

Application for Divorce Kit - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide ..

Bankruptcy - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RULES 26.09 and 26.15 .. Family Court of Australia .. The contact address (address for service) in Australia (if you give a lawyer's address, ..

Court Documents & Proceedings - Family Court of Western Australia

by R Warrek - 2006If they are a solicitor for a party, they must be on the record or file a Form 8 Notice of Address for Service. Who can witness Family Court forms? In Australia ..

MoU between DoCs and The Legal Aid Commission

independent children's lawyers appointed for children and young persons in proceedings under the Family Law Act 1975 being conducted in NSW. The purpose ..

Family Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

As a lawyer, you will represent the interests of legally aided clients in family law and related matters. The work is challenging and complex, but rewarding.

PROPOSED CHANGES TO PROPERTY .. - Family Court of Australia

may be rebutted, such as: earlier acquired property, special skills etc. 1 Property and Family Law - Options for Change, Attorney-General's Department, 1999.

Key Issues from the ALRC Family Violence Inquiry - Australian Law ..

[6] Secondly, the Family Law Council provided an advice to the Attorney-General on the impact of family violence on children and on parenting, ..

Our legal system .. Information for Women

Jump to ‎: A lawyer is a person with legal training. They may choose to work in different areas of law such as criminal, family or civil law.

Children and family law - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ..

Nor must children be represented by an adult in 'welfare' or family law proceedings, .. Child advocacy is a strange kind of representation for lawyers to provide.

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms

by R Kaspiew - 2009 - - with both parents is given adequate priority in the family law system", lawyers and service provision professionals, 2008 and 2009. 235 ..

FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA - Family Law Courts Homepage

- produce the documents to the subpoena clerk at the family law registry specified on .. If you object to the parties or independent children's lawyer inspecting or ..

find LEGAL answers [College of Law Practice Papers online.. ]

Description: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..


by NSWY LAWYERS - 2001 - 2001 Annual Family Law. One-Day Seminar. Sydney. NSW YOUNG LAWYERS. 10 MARCH 2001. The Honourable Alastair Nicholson, AO RFD. Chief Justice ..

compliance with parenting orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

attend family dispute resolution. ■ apply to a family law court. seek legal advice. You should seek legal advice before deciding what to do. A lawyer can help ..

Family Law Courts introduce eFiling - 13 Aug 2008

"Lawyers with family law matters in the Family Court, the Federal Magistrates Court or the Family Court of Western Australia will be able to file ..

Filed at - Family Law Courts Homepage

by C Part - - Family Law Rules ~ RULE 15.17. Please type or print .. Family Court of Western Australia .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm.

Marriage, families & separation

Use this brochure for information about legal costs to which Schedule 6 of the Family Law Rules 2004 applies. It provides information about: ▪ lawyer and client ..

"C" – FORMAT OF CONSENT ORDERS - Family Law Courts ..

- All parties, including the independent children's lawyer (if any) must sign .. Parenting Order as required by Rule 10.15A Family Law Rules.

Chapter 13 Family Law Duty Lawyer Service Guidelines

Family Law Duty Lawyer Service Guidelines. 1. Duty Lawyer Service. A Family Law Duty Lawyer Service is provided by the Northern Territory Legal Aid ..

Is a family report being prepared for your family law matter?

How will an independent children's lawyer help my child? .. Everything you need to know about a family report. Print version: Is a family report ..

Notice of Address for Service - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Court of Western Australia. Federal .. Family Law Rules ~ RULE 8.05(3). Address for .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm.

Response to divorce - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family name. Given names. Part B The respondent. 2. Name. Family name. Given names. 3. Address for service (no lawyer) Complete this part ..

Attend by electronic communication - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Rules ~ RULES 3.08, 5.06, 12.12, 22.39. Please type or .. Family Court of Western Australia. This form .. Independent children's lawyer family name ..

Family law publications - Attorney-General's Department

This page contains information for use by practitioners working within the family law system: From time to time the Attorney-General's ..

Duty lawyers available for Rockhampton family law .. - Announcement

Run by Legal Aid Queensland, the Family Court Duty Lawyer Service will be available from 9 am at the corner of East and Fitzroy Streets, ..

Collaborative practice in family law : a report to the Attorney-General ..

Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Author: Family Law Council (Australia); Format: Book, Online; 102 p. ; 25 cm.

Attorney General's Department - 24 March 2011 - Launch of the Law ..

Collaborative lawyers sign a contract that says neither they, nor anyone .. And so collaborative practice is already well known in the family law ..

Family Law Council - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. The Family Law Council is a statutory authority established under ..

Legal Costs in Family Law Matters

contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. .. Usually, parties who are involved in family law proceedings pay their own ..

Family Law Pathways Network S.A. Terms of Reference

Family Law lawyers. • Child Support Agency, and. • Centrelink. 1.2 Aim. The overarching aim of the Network is to improve collaboration and coordination ..


FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA .. (See Part 10.4 of the Family Law Rules) .. Signed by the Applicant's lawyer Signed by the Respondent's ..

21. Family Dispute Resolution

service providers, lawyers and other professionals in the fields of family law, child protection and family violence. As Part F of this Report indicates however, ..

Duty lawyers available for Rockhampton family law .. - Announcement

Duty lawyers available for Rockhampton family law sittings. 7 November 2011 11:11 AM. A FREE family law legal advice service is available for people who are ..

[2011] FamCA 577 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Mr Harris (solicitor) of. Family Law Doyle. Keyworth & Harris. SOLICITOR FOR THE INDEPENDENT. CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Mr Kingston (solicitor) of. Norman ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Business

80+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


AIC Tasmania


Representing specialist conveyancers in the state


Checklist of questions to ask your lawyer

if you think you may be entitled to legal aid, mention this to the lawyer. Not all lawyers take legal aid work. •. If your matter involves family law proceedings, the ..

[2011] FamCA 148 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

all solicitors attendances according to the family law scale associated with the matter as may be found reasonable after 20. December 2011. IT IS CERTIFIED: 5.


Attorney General's Department .. In family law, these early intervention services allow people to access advice early in the process and ..

2008-09 Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Solicitor s ..

- The annual solicitors' workshop for Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS) unit solicitors was held at the Heritage Hotel in Canberra on 10 and 11 ..

Duty lawyers available for Toowoomba family law .. - Announcement

Duty lawyers available for Toowoomba family law sittings. 25 November 2011 11:47 AM. A free family law legal advice service is available for people who are ..

Attorney General's Department - 15 February 2011 - Strong ..

Attorney-General Robert McClelland today said there has been a strong community response to the Gillard Government's draft Family Law ..

Employment Opportunities - Country Lawyers - Legal Aid

In any one day you might find yourself being a duty lawyer, assist in restraining order matters, providing legal advice on family and civil law ..

Preparing an affidavit - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Any affidavit you file in court to support your case must be served on all parties, including the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). When do I file an ..

[2011] FamCAFC 211 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

FAMILY LAW – APPEAL – Appeal against decision of a Federal Magistrate .. argued – Parties' and Independent Children's Lawyer's applications for costs ..

Application for Final Orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

by C Part - - Family Law Act 1975. Please type or print .. Family Court of Western Australia. File number. Filed at .. About the independent children's lawyer (if appointed). 2 ..

Indigenous families - Family separation and family law bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010The low number of Indigenous family law workers makes access more .. Family Law Pathways Advisory Group. .. Australian Family Lawyer v.

Executive Summary Family Violence and the 2006 Family Law ..

by S Wendt - FOR THE AUSTRALIAN ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Family Violence and Family Law in Australia. The Experiences and Views of Children and ..

Launch of the Dandenong project Family Law initiative

That is why my focus since becoming Attorney-General has been on developing a better and more integrated family law system for Australian ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships ..

Jump to ‎: Also covers family law, accidents and compensation including workers compensation, tenancy, dividing fences, retirement ..

RIVERINA FAMILY LAW PATHWAYS .. - Family Relationships Online

Line, Family law lawyers, Child Support Agency, and Centrelink. The Networks contribute to the family law system by: • assisting with maintaining appropriate ..

[2011] FamCA 563 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s 60CC. APPLICANT: Mr Toby. RESPONDENT: Ms Toby. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Legal Services. Commission of SA ..

Family Court of Australia - Magellan program

The Magellan program was developed to deal with Family Court cases involving .. of resources such as the appointment of an independent children's lawyer ..

Magistrates' Court of Victoria - Applying for an Intervention Order

If there are family or criminal law matters you want to discuss, you can talk to your lawyer at court, the duty lawyer or ask the applicant support worker for more ..

Attorney General's Department - 10 May 2010 - Appointments to the ..

Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, today announced the .. Mr Harman and Ms Turner bring significant expertise in family law to the Court, ..

Family Violence —A National Legal Response Volume 1

undertake a comprehensive review of specified family violence laws and legal .. At its meeting of 16–17 April 2009, the Standing Committee of Attorneys- ..

Legal information on family law

Family Law Courts web pages. Books in public libraries tab. This lists books and resources that are available in your local library (see over). Lawyers' Tools tab ..

Senior lawyer - Domestic Violence - Family Law

- As a senior lawyer, you will represent the interests of legally aided clients in domestic violence and family law matters. You will mentor staff, liaise and maintain ..

Costs and ethics of collaborative law processes - National ..

- The Canberra lawyers were very proactive in promoting their new practice to cater for family law clients, creating a new professional identity and offering an ..

RIVERINA FAMILY LAW PATHWAYS .. - Family Relationships Online

vices, Men and Family Relationship Services), Family Relationship Advice. Line, Family law lawyers, Child Support Agency, and Centrelink.

Our People - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania

Jemma Dibley was appointed the Northern Safe at Home Lawyer. She will also be assisting the Family Practice in the North. A second criminal lawyer, Rebecca ..

[2012] FamCA 9 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia


FAMILY LAW COUNCIL Contents - Attorney-General's Department


Senior lawyer - Child Protection - Family Law

- As the senior lawyer, you will represent legally aided clients and will prepare cases and advocate for children's best interests in child protection and family law ..


Many people are unable to afford a lawyer to help them to resolve family disputes. They can be at a disadvantage because the law is complicated and court ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Business - Government of South Australia


Accidents. Family Law Criminal Law Wills;Estates; Contested Estates, Commercial Litigation .. Beger & Co Lawyers - Adelaide South Australia View details ..

The economic benefit of lawyer assisted alternate dispute resolution ..

This paper will present key findings on the economic benefit of lawyer-assisted dispute resolution processes in family law matters in legal aid commissions ..

Attorney General Letter

- The Howard Government's strong commitment to families is reflected in our response to the report of the Family Law Pathways Advisory Group "Out of the Maze ..

Attorney General's Department - 4 May 2010 - Address to the Family ..

Attorney General's Department .. Review of Family Violence - Family Law System. Within my portfolio I have also been working to ensure that ..



Our Work - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania

Our Family Law duty lawyer service, under the special program funded by the Commonwealth which began in March 2005, offers special but limited assistance ..

Family Law Reform Act 1995 : Can changing legislation change ..

by H Rhoades - Family Court judges and judicial registrars, and family law solicitors (including private and .. Many lawyers appear to be tired of family law reforms like the ..


Independent Children's Lawyer/child representative training conducted by the. Family Law Council. ▪ Extensive knowledge of family law practice and procedures ..

Duty lawyers available for Ipswich and Southport family

Duty lawyers available for Ipswich and Southport family law sittings. 29 November 2011 1:32 PM. A free family law legal advice service is available for people ..

Contacts for international child abduction and access

International Family Law Section Access to Justice Division Australian Government Attorney-General's Department CANBERRA. Telephone: ..


- their lawyers (if any). The Family Law Rules require prospective parties to genuinely try to resolve their dispute before. starting a case. Except for those situations ..

FAMILY LAW COUNCIL - Attorney-General's Department

- Family Law Branch Attorney-General's Department. Canberra, Aust. Capital Territory. 20 February 2007. 19 February 2010. Deputy Chief Justice John Faulks ..

Attorney General's Department - 2 May 2011 - Graduation: Family ..

Attorney General's Department .. Associate Professor Helen Rhoades, Chairperson, Family Law Council Distinguished guests. Ladies and ..

13 FAMILY LAW 13.1 Introduction Family relations can be complex ..

New South Wales Young Lawyers. Page 98. 13. FAMILY LAW. 13.1 Introduction. Family relations can be complex at the best of times whether you are involved ..


Years of Practice in Family Law ………….…………………………………………………………… Barrister and Solicitor Practice □. Barrister Practice only □ ..

Parental responsibility and time - Australian Institute of Family Studies

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms. Parental responsibility and time: Perspectives and practices of lawyers and other service providers. 9 Parental ..

Increased pay to attract private lawyers to represent Legal Aid clients

FROM 1 July, fees paid to private lawyers who do criminal law work .. into line with the $120 hourly rate paid to lawyers doing family law work.

Hunter Valley Family Law Practitioners Association Conference

Home24 October 2008 - Hunter Valley Family Law Practitioners Association .. Lawyers, as wise counsel and advisers, are central to ensuring a ..

Family Law: Federal Magistrates Court of Australia

In family law, the Court shares jurisdiction with the Family Court of Australia .. If a client wants to dispute the fees charged by their lawyer, they ..

Family Law Council - Terms of Reference - Attorney-General's ..

Family Law Council - Terms of Reference. The Attorney-General has issued the Family Law Council with the following Terms of Reference: ..

Hahertnann & Associates Family Lawyers,

Those Federal Magistrates determining family law matters who accepted a .. likely that the assessment would rely heavily upon the view of the lawyers for the ..

chapter 19 costs Notice - Family Law Courts Homepage

in a lawyer's office and the costs (referred to as disbursements) paid out for work done in .. with the Scale of Costs in Schedule 3 of the Family Law Rules if the: ..

Search - Family Relationships Online

Records 1 - 10 of 65 – a Family Law Pathways Network. Search Keywords ..

For Children and Teenagers - Lawstuff know your rights


Organisation ..


Violence and Family Law


Organisation: Attorney ..


Family Court Bulletin - Family Court of Australia

Supporting the strengthening of Zimbabwe's family law court system. In 2010 .. the Zimbabwean Magistrates Court, women lawyers and human rights lawyers.

Acknowledgment of service (divorce) - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Court of Western Australia .. Marriage, Families & Separation brochure. Other (give details): .. I am the lawyer for the person served.

Senate Committee endorses Government's Family Law Reforms

Senate Committee endorses Government's Family Law Reforms. 22 August 2011. Attorney-General Robert McClelland today welcomed the ..

Best practice guidelines for lawyers - Legal Aid Queensland

Jump to ‎: .. domestic and family violence in the home .. Best practice guidelines for lawyers.

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009 - Jump to ‎: The family law reforms .. most family lawyers interviewed in ..

Independent children's lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

Independent children's lawyer. Family Law Services. Status. Full time – temporary until 30 June 2010 (with extension a possibility). Location. Brisbane. Contact ..

ID Proposal Template - Attorney-General's Department

Cost effectiveness. Lawyer assisted mediation. Screening. Experience of FDR practitioners. Relationships with family law networks. Training and development ..

SYNERGY 2011 - Family Relationships Online

Family Services Australia. Dr Tom Altobelli Federal Magistrate. Mary Gleeson Legal Aid Commission. Mary Gleeson has been a family law solicitor for 20 years, ..

Application for Divorce Kit - Family Law Courts Homepage

should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the .. Filing – the procedure of lodging a document at a family law registry.

Our services - Legal Aid Queensland

Family law duty lawyer services are available in the Brisbane and Townsville Family Courts and Federal Magistrates Court. The duty lawyer ..

Family Matters no. 82 2009 - Publications - Australian Institute of ..

6 days ago – Abstract | Full text (PDF 1.55 MB); Children's participation in family law disputes: The views of children, parents, lawyers and counsellors / Judy ..

Last month at Legal Aid Queensland - December 2011

Our family law duty lawyers helped 204 unrepresented people get through their day in the Family Law Courts. We approved aid for 294 ..

Government response to the Family Law Pathways Advisory Group ..

People come into the family law system in a myriad of ways - the first point of contact may be a lawyer, court staff, a government agency or a ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..

[6] Family Law Council, Improving responses to family violence in the .. [8] The Attorney-General's Department subsequently indicated that ..

Attorney-General's Department - Web Resources

The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law through the Family Law Branch and Family Pathways Branch. These branches ..

Legal problems we can help you with

Our independent children's lawyers unit has lawyers in our Brisbane office who specialise in representing children in family law matters.

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. The NSW Young Lawyers' Pro Bono and Community Services .. Ch 13 - Family law ..

Genuine effort in family dispute resolution - Australian Institute of ..

Section 60I of the Family Law Act 1975 (the Act) as amended by the .. this latter provision has made parties and their lawyers particularly ..

FAMILY LAW COUNCIL - Attorney-General's Department

Dear Attorney-General,. In accordance with sub-section (9) of section 115 of the Family Law Act 1975, I have the honour to present to you the Annual Report of ..

[2011] FamCAFC 237 FAMILY LAW APPEAL Application for Notice of

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Family Law Rules 2004 (Cth). APPELLANT: Mr Leonard. RESPONDENT: Ms Timmins. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: ..

find LEGAL answers [Lawyers practice manual NSW.. ]

Description: Information about lawyer/client relationship, criminal law, .. Also covers family law, accidents and compensation including workers ..

Family dispute resolution and family violence - Australian Law ..

This could be provided, for example, in the best practice principles for family lawyers developed by the Family Law Council. The third issue, the inadequacy of at ..

Last month at Legal Aid - September 2011

Our family law duty lawyers helped 170 unrepresented people get through their day in the Family Law Courts. We approved aid for 671 ..

Last month at Legal Aid Queensland - October 2011

Our family law duty lawyers helped 206 unrepresented people get through their day in the Family Law Courts. We approved aid for 370 ..

[2011] FamCA 489 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). APPLICANT: Mr Stanley. RESPONDENT: Ms Ayreton. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Adey Lawyers. FILE NUMBER: ADC ..

Last month at Legal Aid Queensland - November 2011

Our family law duty lawyers helped 196 unrepresented people get through their day in the Family Law Courts. We approved aid for 392 ..

the family law courts and your privacy

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide ..

Collaborative Law: Lessons learned from the Australian Capital ..

The Canberra lawyers were very proactive in promoting their new practice to cater for family law clients, creating a new professional identity and offering an ..

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms: Summary report ..

by R Kaspiew - - Jump to ‎: Many professionals in the family law system say that many parents, particularly ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Guardianship

Jump to ‎: Title: Disability law, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About: Covers procedures under the Mental Health Act 2007; ..

Submission: Inquiry into Access to Justice

services, including information and advice, family dispute resolution, duty lawyer services and grants of aid for litigation in Commonwealth law matters.

Attorney General's Department - 20 May 2010 - Interview ..

In one of the most radical changes to the Family Law system, the Federal Attorney-General is proposing to introduce from next year a system ..

appeal Procedures ~ single Judge - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide ..

Children - protection - Family law and children at risk of harm

Both family law and protection and care laws focus on protecting .. Appoint an Independent children's lawyer (ICL) in the Family Court to act in ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy

List of lawyers in Serbia .. Area of Specialisation: Civil, Family, and Commercial Law, Patents, Trade Marks Languages: English, French and German. Mr Djurdje ..

Basics family law and de facto relationships / presented by David ..

Dura, David. and Harland, Alexandra. and NSW Young Lawyers, the Law Society of NSW. Basics family law and de facto relationships ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships De facto ..

Jump to ‎: About: Covers most aspects of the law relating to de facto relationships. Property, maintenance, financial agreements, ..

Canadian Experience, Family Relationships in Transition ..

family law arbitration has been controversial. Traditionally, arbitration of family law cases was done by psychologists and lawyers, but there are people who want ..

Newsletter template 2011 2 - Family Relationships Online

Family Law Conference. Friday 20 May 2011. 9.00am—4.00pm. Novotel Pacific Bay Resort. Coffs Harbour. • Jane Corcoran: Family Lawyer, Legal Aid ..

Legal Aid Queensland Annual Report 2010-11

Seminars conducted this year covered criminal law, family law and civil justice topics. Our program aims to ensure that our lawyers remain up to date and have ..

Affidavits and statutory declarations - Legal Aid Queensland

Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme .. Information about lawyers .. the court to hear about your matter must be in an affidavit (e.g. family law matters).

Role description

- As principal lawyer, you will lead a busy team of legal and administrative staff to .. and civil cases, including duty lawyer services in the criminal and family law ..

family law council news

family law council news • issue 35 — Autumn/Winter 2003. Council considered a draft of the Best Practice. Guidelines for Lawyers Doing Family Law Work (the ..

Family lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

family law disputes through family dispute resolution processes before they go to court. As a lawyer, you will represent legally-aided clients' interests in family ..

Blank A4

- Chair, NSW Young Lawyers Family Law Committee. Human Rights and Family Law Committees. NSW Young Lawyers ..

Lawyer List - Australian High Commission

ASIA LAW CORPORATION LAWYERS & NOTARY PUBLIC .. Trademark and patent and family law, and all general legal and national service matters.


Prepared by a Family Law Council Sub-Committee for consultation (June 2006). ii. 1.9. Lawyer-Lawyer Communications Between Meetings ..................

Family Court of Australia - Melbourne Family Law Registry - Services

Melbourne Family Law Registry - Services. .. Family Court of Australia Logo .. Victoria Legal Aid provides a duty lawyer to the Melbourne Registry to provide ..

Senior lawyer - WLA - Family Laq

- As a senior lawyer you will represent legally aided women in family law, domestic violence, anti-discrimination and child protection matters. You will mentor staff, ..

Compliance with parenting orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

attend family dispute resolution. ■ apply to a family law court. Seek legal advice. You should seek legal advice before deciding what to do. A lawyer can help ..

PARENTAL CHILD ABDUCTION - Attorney-General's Department

115(3) of the Family Law Act which states: It is the function of the Council to advise and make recommendations to the. Attorney-General, either of its own motion ..

CQFLPN SERVICE DIRECTORY - Family Relationships Online

- The Central Queensland Family Law Pathway Network (CQFLPN) is an initiative of the Australia Government Attorney General's Department. The overarching ..

Family Law - Children Factsheet

Important changes have been made to the Family Law Act (Cth) concerning .. Otherwise you may choose to seek the assistance of a solicitor.

Appendix D - Public hearings, informal consultations & visits

Attorney-General's Department. Mr Kym Duggan, Assistant Secretary, Family Law Branch, Family Law and. Legal Assistance Division. Ms Philippa Lynch, First ..


- I, Rebecca Anne Boreham, lawyer, of .. 1 I have been the lawyer in the Mildura branch office of the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service ..

the resolve to resolve — embracing adr to improve access to justice ..

course, family law ADR practitioners would also need to meet the family law accreditation requirements. The development by the Attorney-General's Department ..

1300 65 11 88 Legal Aid Queensland offices

Aid, the Domestic Violence Unit and family lawyers. We can also refer you for .. to work in different areas of law such as criminal, family or civil law. In Australia ..


Independent children's lawyer. Family Law Services. Status. Full time permanent. Location. Brisbane. Contact. Doris Chan 07 3238 3471. Salary details ..

Family Court Bulletin - Family Court of Australia

eFiling commences in Family Law Courts. Phase one of electronic filing (eFiling) commenced on. 16 August 2008. It is now possible for lawyers to file ..

FAMILY LAW COUNCIL The Family Law Council- Submission to the ..

the working of legal aid in relation to family law; and. • any other matter relating to family law. Council's advice and recommendations to the Attorney-General ..

Independent children's lawyer (ICL) in the Family Court - Legal Aid

The independent children's lawyer's job is to look at all of the evidence in the case and tell the court what they think is in the best interests of the ..

Letters of Advice - Attorney-General's Department

The following are Letters of Advice the Family Law Council have provided to the Attorney-General: Letter of Advice on the Rastall & Ball ..

Same-Sex Reforms - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a .. educational assistance, superannuation, family law and child support.

Attorney General's Department - March 2011 - From the Desk of the ..


-General visiting Christchurch, New Zealand .. The Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 removes ..


Comments on this discussion paper should be sent to: Consultation Secretariat. Family Law and Legal Assistance Division. Attorney-General's ..

Referral Services for Clients - Family Relationships Online

Under the Family Law Act 1975, communications made in FDR to a FDR .. Attorney-General's Department for inclusion on the Family Dispute ..

1 - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Chapter 22 of the Family Law Rules 2004 sets out the procedure for an appeal .. The respondent and any independent children's lawyer files a summary of ..

find LEGAL answers - Courts and Tribunals Family Court

Jump to ‎: About: Commentary on the Family Law Act and practice and procedure and .. Title: Australian family law and practice ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Jump to ‎: Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms. .. parents, relationship services professionals, lawyers and the courts to ..

Family Law : pre action procedure / presented by Thomas Altobelli ..

Altobelli, Tom and Brazil, Raymond. and Hauptmann, Marilyn. and NSW Young Lawyers. Family Law : pre action procedure / presented by ..

Family Court of Australia - First Instance Judgments

Note: Section 121 of the Family Law Act 1975 makes it an offence, except in very .. Role of Independent Children's Lawyer and recommendations made by them ..

[2011] FamCA 574 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Ms Hiczewski in person. SOLICITOR FOR THE INDEPENDENT. CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Mr Couper (solicitor) of Couper Geysen. Family & Animal Law ..

[2011] FamCA 829 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). APPLICANT: Mr Witnall. RESPONDENT: Ms Brixton. INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER: Robert Halliday. FILE NUMBER: DGC ..

find LEGAL answers - Housing and Land Conveyancing

About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..

Comlaw Home

Administrative Arrangements Order · Family Law Regulations 1984 .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) This link will ..

2011 lawyers - Australian Embassy

- All the lawyers listed below have jurisdiction throughout France and may .. Legal Advice and Litigation : Civil Law (Contracts, property, Family law), Labor and ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Child sexual abuse : justice ..

This conference seeks to provide academics, researchers, lawyers, policy makers and .. Family law council : family law and child protection ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Lawyer Regulation in Australia .. Ethics and professional responsibility; Family law; Lawyers' skills; Planning and environmental law; Problem ..

Appendix C – List of exhibits1

'Experiences of family law attorneys with current issues in divorce practice', Family Relations, Vol 51, p. 325-334 (Provided by Prof. Sanford L. Braver, Professor ..

Quality Part-Time Work for Lawyers

knowledge is power. To remain competitive, law firms need highly skilled professionals. And many lawyers, particularly those with family responsibilities ..

Out of the Maze - Attorney-General's Department

Dear Minister and Attorney-General. I now present to you the Report of the Family Law Pathways Advisory Group and commend its 28 recommendations to you ..

'The Teaching of Diverse Models of Mediation in Australian Law ..

Education in the subject mediation/ADR, and in other law subjects that teach of mediation (such as Family Law), affect "Lawyers'. Standard Philosophical Map" ..

appeal procedures ~ from decisions of federal magistrates

lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide legal advice. Leave to appeal – in certain ..

Family Law - proposals for change | HSC Legal Studies: News Watch

Family law matters are to be handled entirely by the Family Court of Australia, in changes announced by the Federal Attorney-General Robert ..

Dictionary of legal terms - F

54 records – The scale of fees which lawyers may charge for acting for clients in family law matters in the absence of any written agreement between the lawyer ..


There are few more difficult or more important challenges for the family law .. This theme seems helpful whether we are thinking of a lawyer interviewing a client, ..

separated, but living under one roof? - Family Law Courts Homepage

should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide legal advice. family court of ..

Need help to sort out a family law problem?

How will an independent children's lawyer help my child? .. Is a family report being prepared for your family law matter?

Having a grandchild in your care - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania

the child are the most important thing in any family law case. It is not the parents' .. lawyer face-to-face in private, or obtain an advice session over the phone.

SAT Member Profiles

As a solicitor, he was a partner in a leading national law firm and, later, a multi .. which she specialised in international family law and medico-legal matters, ..

Fact Sheet 3 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Solicitors may sometimes talk about solicitor/client costs and party/party costs. .. An order for party/party costs is very rare in family law matters, ..


PIRANI, Mrs Toni, Assistant Secretary, Family Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department ......... 56. PRICE, Mr Clive Gordon, Member, ..

Family lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

family law disputes through family dispute resolution processes before they go to court. As a lawyer, you will represent the interests of legally-aided clients in ..

Regulated Costs - Family Law Matters - LawLink NSW

[Warning: If you instructed or continued to instruct a lawyer after 30 .. Costs in "family law matters" are, to some extent, regulated by legislation.

References - Legal Aid Queensland


Parenting orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family Law Courts cannot provide ..

Fact Sheet 9 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

[If your dispute relates to Family Law matters, you should contact our .. If a client is not happy with the costs that their lawyer has charged, they ..

Attorney-General's Portfolio - Questions on Notice 09/10 ..

ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT .. Women's Family Law Support Service *. 13. .. Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia * ..


Attorney-General Philip Ruddock today announced the appointment of eight new federal .. appearances in the Supreme Court, Family Court and Federal Court.

Submission: Inquiry into Australia's Judicial System and the Role of ..

Attorney-General has indicated that his aim in doing so is: .. decisions of the Federal Magistrates Court in non-family law matters and from State and Territory ..

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ..

Submission to the Senate Inquiry (Family Law). By George Potkonyak, solicitor. Successive Parliaments have attempted on numerous occasion to "fix" the ..

Role description

- Lawyer. Rockhampton Domestic and Family Violence Integrated Response, .. of law associated with a client's domestic or family violence, such as family law, ..

Supporting partners - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. Rate this .. LAQ's Family Law Services provide specialist services in child support, child ..

FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA - Family Law Courts Homepage

Where an order has been made for a Conciliation Conference in the Family Court, .. A Conciliation Conference is conducted by a registrar (Court lawyer).

How to use this AVERT Family Violence Training Package

Contact us. Inquiries regarding the licence and any use of this resource are welcome at: Assistant Secretary. Family Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department ..

Lawyer - Legal Aid Queensland

Lawyer. Family Law Services. Status. Full time — temporary and permanent. (see 'Additional information'). Location. Brisbane. Contact. Kyle Terrance (07) 3238 ..

Application for Final Orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Family Law Rules ~ RULE 5.01 .. Family Court of Western Australia. Federal Magistrates Court .. If you give a lawyer's address, include the name of the law firm.

INITIATING APPLICATION (Family Law) Part A: The orders sought

Family Law, available at .. If the applicant is filing this application without a lawyer, this part need not be completed. However the ..

Speeches by The Hon Michael Kirby - High Court of Australia

Of 'Sham' and Other Lessons for Australian Revenue Law, Melbourne .. Family Law, Conflicts of Law & Same-Sex Relations, Twelfth National Family Law ..

ANDREW PAVONE CONSULTING 6 February 2009 Federal Courts ..

of the day. The Family Law Courts is the mechanism in which this occurs and family lawyers are notorious for "guimning up" the system.

Law and justice


their local area such as Legal Aid, Community Legal Centres, Family Relationship Centres, .. The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by .. law and commonwealth, state and territory Attorneys-General departments ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Submission ..

The vast majority of India's one million lawyers provide consumer services, typically in areas such as family law, wills and personal injury. Australian lawyers do ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

In 1992, however, the national Law Admissions Consultative Committee .. Ethics and professional responsibility; Family law; Lawyers' skills; Planning and ..

Southern Grampians Shire Council - Legal Services

Maddens Lawyers, regional Victoria's leading law firm, has offices in .. Law, Commercial Disputes, Property & Conveyancing, Family Law.

Complying with orders about children - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and explain how the law applies to ..

Improving Legal Services The 2004-05 Budget continues the ..

- The new funding includes a component to provide a new duty lawyer service to assist those people who seek to represent themselves before the Family Court ..

Accounting for family lawyers / presenters: Phil Camens .. [et al ..

Camens, Phil. & Law Society of South Australia. 2004 Accounting for family lawyers / presenters: Phil Camens .. [et al.] Law Society of South Australia, ..


C That will not happen as long as the judges of the family court and lawyers are .. I rang 3 Family Law specialists in the Geelong Region, they did not know what ..

What about me? Self care for workers in the family law context ..

This is particularly so for family lawyers who, as a profession, do not have a tradition of structured supervision and de-briefing. The Albury-Wodonga Family Law ..

Our People - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania

He had undertaken the task of bringing all our family lawyers together into a .. a lot in changing the way we looked at our family law practice by the time he left.



may specialise in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or criminal law.

Notice of Child Abuse or Family Violence - Family Law Courts ..

Items 14 - 21 – FORM 4 Family Law Rules ~ RULES 2.04B and 2.04D. About the parties. Part B .. 4 Independent children's lawyer family name. Given names ..

Family Law Council - Litigants in Person - Final Report - August 2000

- by LIN PERSON - 2000 - FAMILY LAW COUNCIL. LITIGANTS IN PERSON. A Report to the Attorney-General prepared by the Family Law Council. August 2000. FAMILY LAW COUNCIL ..

A N N U A L R E P O R T L E G A L A I D - Legal Aid

an extensive Family Court Duty Lawyer service. Commission staff, together with Family Court judicial officers, counseling and administrative staff, have worked in ..

Family law and superannuation

Family Law

Courts logo links to the homepage .. that both you and your former partner instruct a lawyer who must sign a certificate stating that independent legal ..

Lawyer - Tags - Government of South Australia

Pederick Lawyers specialises in Family & Defacto Law, Consent Agreements, Pre-Mediation Advice, Children's Issues, Property Settlements ..

Consent orders - Legal Aid Queensland

Although you do not need a lawyer to complete the consent order .. it to your local magistrates court registry or the family law courts registry.

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Care and ..

Find Legal Answers Family Law and Relationships Care and protection .. Title: Children, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About ..

family court of australia - Family Law Courts Homepage

- Chapter 22 of the Family Law Rules 2004 sets out the procedure for an appeal .. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and ..

The Representation of Children and Young People's Views in ..

10 Children's Participation Discussion Paper, Family Relations Act Review, Ministry of Attorney-General Justice. Services Branch, Civil and Family Law Policy ..

Family Law Courts Fact Sheet

This fact sheet explains how the law deals with superannuation when .. where the Attorney-General has approved a fund using a different valuation method.

Submission - Inquiry into Legal Aid and Access to Justice

- The Family Law Council (the Council) is a statutory body whose function is to advise and make recommendations to the Attorney General in relation to: ..

Head Note - Legal Aid Queensland

Jump to ‎: Di has been a Family Lawyer with .. Queensland in all areas of law.

Preparing an affidavit - Family Law Courts Homepage

do. If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. The Family. Law Courts cannot ..

Response to Family Law Amendment (Family Violence) Bill

Family Law Branch. Attorney-General's Department. 3 - 5 National Circuit. BARTON ACT 2600. Dear Officer,. The Australian Children's Commissioners and ..


interlocutory proceedings until after the appointment of the Independent Children's. Lawyer ─ Appeal dismissed. FAMILY LAW ─ COSTS ─ Where the appeal ..

AllegAtions of fAmily violence And child Abuse in fAmily lAw ..

the family law process (Attorney-General's Department, 2006a, p. 1). These objectives have raised many challenges for family law researchers, policy makers, ..

Grandparenting and the 2006 family law reforms - Family Matters No ..

by L Qu - The Family Lawyers Survey, conducted in 2008 (FLS 2008), was an online survey. It focused on views of family lawyers on the 2006 family law reforms, with 319 ..

Australian Government law sites - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. of Public Prosecutions · Family Law Council · Australian Law Online ..

Divorce - how to get one - Legal Aid Queensland

Most people apply without using a lawyer. You can get a free divorce kit from the family law courts website, which has all the forms you need or ..

Dementia - early planning will help | Better Health Channel

Dementia patients and their families will be helped by early planning. Planning .. Solicitor; The Law Institute; Legal Aid; The Public Advocate or Public Guardian ..

Child protection and family law… Joining the dots

by D Higgins - 2011 - is possible for both the child protection system and the federal family law .. lawyers and courts—than families without these concerns (see Kaspiew et al., 2009, ..

Applying for legal aid - Application for legal representation

Family Law Application Form .. If you need a lawyer to represent you, fill in the form, and bring or send it to your local Legal Aid WA office.

Report: Inquiry into Access to Justice

Attorney-General's Department. BALSAMO .. Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service Victoria. BRYANT .. EDWARDS, Mr Peter, Policy Lawyer ..


family law system, a key part to strengthening our family law system is to ensure that all of the components of the system including the courts, lawyers, ..

Attorney General's Department - 10 June 2009 - Bendigo Law ..

As Attorney-General, I have responsibility for not only a broad range of areas including family law, administrative law, human rights, bankruptcy ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Gay men and ..

Jump to ‎: About: Covers most aspects of the law relating to de facto relationships. Property, maintenance, financial agreements, ..

Alternatives to best interests advocacy - Australian Law Reform ..

In the team approach, the lawyer is not required to investigate directly and assess .. In a 1989 report Representation of Children in Family Law Proceedings, the ..


- Section 123 of the Family Law Act 1975 (the Act) provides that the Judges of the .. rules so that the Family Court will no longer regulate lawyer/client costs for; ..

Legal Aid Program - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a .. in criminal, family and civil law matters arising under their own laws in ..

Our Services - Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania

This service enables you to speak to a lawyer regarding a criminal or family law matter. If you are at the Magistrates Court the Duty Solicitor may ..

Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service Victoria ..

area of family violence including a 2010 report by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) on family violence.11. 2 Commonwealth Attorney General's ..

Changes to the Commonwealth Family Law Act

This Site: Family law principles .. an 'independent children's lawyer' and has a stronger role; the family law courts can now all make decisions ..

Applying to the court for orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. FAMILY LAW COURTS. FACT SHEET ..

Initiating Application kit - Family Law Courts Homepage

INITIATING APPLICATION (Family Law) .. to eFiling InitiatingApplicationsin Family Law, available at .. Prepared by, Lawyer's Code ..

Summary papers and Powerpoint presentations from ADR Research ..

Mandatory dispute resolution and the 2006 family law reforms. Use .. The economic benefit of lawyer assisted ADR in family law matters – Mr Alan Kirkland, ..

Litigants in person in the Family Court of Australia

by J Dewar - - 'Unbundling of legal services and the family lawyer' (1994) 28 Family Law Quarterly 421; and for a discussion of 'men's groups' and the support services they ..


- A range of other information material about the family law system is also ... The Attorney-General's Department has prepared a brochure that can be used to ..

About Legal Aid WA - History and services

It relied heavily on private lawyers working for free. .. ALAO provided legal aid on Commonwealth matters like family law and bankruptcy and ..

Legal Resources - Legal Resources

It provides an overview of a range of civil, criminal and family law topics regularly encountered by lawyers working with clients in the legal aid ..

New Judge for the Family Court of Western Australia


General Christian Porter today announced the appointment of Mr Simon .. In 1985, he continued to specialise in family law as principal and managing ..

Research on post-separation violence and the impact of family law decision making, .. Lawyers and family dispute resolution practitioners: achieving the ..

Family law: the lawyerâ•ficlient relationship, procedural justice and ..

by J Howieson - 2007 - Howieson, Jill (2007) "Family law: the lawyer–client relationship, procedural justice and the dispute resolution process," ADR. Bulletin: Vol. 10: No. 2, Article 6.

QUT | Staff Profiles | Margaret Voight

Mrs - Faculty of Law, Legal PracticeDoctorate Student (family law). Legal Practitioner (Supreme Court Queensland & High Court of Australia). Volunteer Legal Practitioner – Community Legal ..

Family law dispute resolution : procedural justice and the lawyer ..

It also profiles family law clients in terms of their emotional adjustment to the divorce and their perceptions of the family lawyers assisting them to resolve their ..

WebLaw - Family Law

5+ items – Family Law. Legislation : Cth | WA; Courts & tribunals and their ..

Courts & tribunals and their decisions


Judgments of the Family Court from ..




Statistical Snapshot of Family Law

Including Lawyers in Family Law Mediations:

by RM Field - 2004 - - Effects of a Lawyer on Mediation. Outcomes in Japan' (1999) 13 International Journal of Law Policy and the Family 52 at 53. 37 Lichtenstein above note 2 at 20 ..

"Family law" by Jill Howieson

by J Howieson - 2007 - Family lawyers are charged with exacerbating family law disputes and making them adversarial and embittered. Indeed, the various reports that have informed ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 68LA Role of independent ..


ACT 1975 - SECT 68LA. Role of independent children's lawyer. When section applies. (1) This section applies if an independent children's lawyer ..

Meyer Partners Family Lawyers - College of Law


. Job Type: Full Time Level: Post Admission. Address: Level 14, 59 Goulburn Street Sydney. Meyer Partners is a specialist family law firm in the Sydney ..

Australian Lawyers and Social Change – 30 .. - ANU College of Law

The focus of the conference was the role of law and lawyers in society, .. Family law has changed almost beyond recognition since 1974 as a result of ..



Counting the Costs Forum Notes - Australian Domestic and Family ..

Women are sometimes told by lawyers not to raise issues of violence. • Changes to the Family Law Act in 2006 around exemptions for domestic violence make it ..

Legal Job Vacancies

The aims of the Family Law Duty Lawyer Scheme will be to provide advice and .. To provide family law duty lawyer services at the Family Court and Federal ..

Promoting best practice in family law - Monash University

Groundbreaking research by Monash dean of Law Professor Stephen Parker aims to formulate a code of best practice for family lawyers. By Fiona Perry ..

Lawyers post-ADR: mediation and collaborative law

by A Ardagh - 2007by the Commonwealth Attorney-. General and the Chief Justice of the. Family Court. The Family Law Council. Report Collaborative Practice in Family ..

Associate Professor Judith Cashmore AO - Sydney Law School ..

Cashmore, J & Bussey, K, 'Perceptions of children and lawyers in care and protection proceedings' (1994) 8 International Journal of Law and the Family ..

The Behaviour of Family Lawyers and the Implications for Legal ..

by JH Wade - 1989 - - to which law school equips them to be legal practitioners. The record which follows, describing the patterns of be- haviour of some family lawyers, is based ..

Family lawyersâ•Ž attitudes to ADR

by T Altobelli - 2005A recent survey of New South Wales. Accredited Specialists in Family Law has collected data about the use by this influential group of lawyers of ADR processes ..

Kheir Lawyers - College of Law

Exciting opportunity is available for a Junior solicitor at Kheir Lawyers. We are seeking to employ a solicitor in our growing family law practice. Your duties will ..

Laws and Legal Practice - Flinders University

Our Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice satisfies the academic and practical .. Family Law Solicitor; Lawyer; Legal Officer; Legal Researcher ..

How can family lawyers effectively represent their clients in ..

by D Cooper - 2007 - - Cooper, Donna & Brandon, Mieke (2007) How can family lawyers effectively represent their clients in mediation and .. Australian Journal of Family Law, 21(3), pp.

LAW7432: Non-Adversarial family law

Non-Adversarial family law. .. examining our adversarial legal system and how family lawyers operate (and are perceived to operate) within it.

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - REG 19.10 Costs orders against lawyers


RULES 2004 - REG 19.10. Costs orders against lawyers. (1) A person may apply for an order under subrule (2) against a lawyer for costs thrown ..

New South Wales - College of Law

T.A Chauvo Solicitor. Mon 30 Jan. We are a small law firm located in Marrickville specialising in property, business acquisitions,and family law.

Ly Lawyers - College of Law

Ly Lawyers is a firm specialising in criminal and family law. We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated student to employ as a clerk/paralegal in our ..

Legal Terminology, Law, Assistant, language, correspondence course

Family Law Lawyers

, Litigation Lawyers, Malpractice Lawyer, Medical Malpractice Lawyer, Patent Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer, Securities Lawyer, Social ..

Enhancing inter-professional relationships in a changing family law ..

personnel (then known as PDR practitioners) from four well known dispute resolution programs operating in the family law system and family lawyers who had ..

Dr Becky Batagol, Monash Law

Lawyers and Family Dispute Resolution' (2008) 8 Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal 24-45 (special edition on ..


by DRB BATAGOL - - Popularly, lawyers are conceived of as relentlessly adversarial. In the context of family law, the model of compulsory family dispute resolution currently practised ..


by A ARDAGH - - Place of Collaborative Law in the New Family Law System. 239 the legal profession.2 The large number of lawyers having undertaken mediation and other ADR ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - REG 8.02 Independent children's lawyer


RULES 2004 - REG 8.02. Independent children's lawyer. (1) A party may apply for the appointment or removal of an independent children's lawyer ..

Ms Zoe Rathus AM - Griffith University

'How Judicial Officers are Applying new Part VII of the Family Law Act: A Guide to Application and Interpretation', (2008) 20(2) Australian Family Lawyer, 5.

Field, Rachael --- "Federal Family Law Reform in 2005: The ..

by R FIELDD Lawyers Assisting Women In Informal Family Dispute Resolution: Coach, Advocate .. The Government's proposed New Family Law System[1] will potentially ..

Belinda Fehlberg - Staff Profile

In this capacity, Belinda was the Institute's observer on the Federal Attorney-General's Family Law Council. She was the Law Faculty's ..

Sponsorship - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

The TC Beirne School of Law wishes to acknowledge and thank the .. Bulley; Corrs Chambers Westgarth Lawyers; The Family Law Practitioners' Association of ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - REG 19.22 Lawyer's itemised costs ..


RULES 2004 - REG 19.22. Lawyer's itemised costs account. (1) An itemised costs account (the account ) must specify each item of costs and ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - SCHEDULE 6 Costs -- rules before 1 ..

(a) party/party costs for applications that are not covered by Chapter 19; and. (b) the charges of lawyers in family law cases that commenced before 1 July 2008 ..

Ingleby, Richard --- "Translation and the Divorce Lawyer: Simulating ..

by R INGLEBYThe first is the importance of the legal profession to both theoretical and practical aspects of family law.1 As Smart states,. Solicitors are central to the whole ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Donna Cooper

by D Cooper - 2011Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner registered with Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department. Queensland Law Society Family Law ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Family Law Essentials Topics

This seminar addresses core practical issues in Family law and will provide guidance in .. Topic 3: Collaborative Practice - an alternative for all family lawyers ..


These are lawyers who work for themselves or for a "law firm" or "legal practice". .. The Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1997, is the principal ..

Summer Term 2011/2012 - UNSW Law

JURD7540. Special Elective: Family Law Clinic *(Please see note below). 6. Law, Lawyers & Society. LAWS8081. Advanced Issues in International Law. 6 ..

Marriage, Divorce, and the Catholic Lawyer

by P Quirk - 2002 - at the 2002 Australian Christian Lawyers Conference hosted at Bond .. How It Might Be of Interest to Family Law Reformers', (2002) 4 Journal of Law &. Family ..

Dr Don Fleming : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra

Fleming D, The National Legal Aid survey: a snapshot of solicitors, family law and legal aid, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual ..

thematic review 2 - Australian Domestic and Family Violence ..

care parenting arrangements since the 2006 family law reforms: report to the Australian Government, Attorney-. General's Department, Social ..

Graduation from The Applied Law Programs - College of Law

Mrs Paul will be well remembered in the legal profession, having worked as a solicitor for 25 years and was a member of the Family Law ..

2547 LawBooklet.17 - Law School Careers Office - University of ..

Lawyers may specialise as a solicitor or barrister. Solicitors can work in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries ..

Non-Adversarial family law - Monash University

Non-Adversarial family law. .. This unit will offer experienced family and child protection lawyers, family dispute resolution practitioners, child ..

SEMESTER 1 2012 - UNSW Law

LAWS3240/JURD7540 SPECIAL ELECTIVE D : FAMILY LAW CLINIC. • Course Dates: .. Prerequisites– LAWS1210/JURD7110 Law, Lawyers and Society; ..

Hume Riverina Community Legal Service Placement Experience ..

placement, an integrated service system with a focus on family law (including exposure to .. Legal Aid family lawyer) and a robust, friendly team environment.

Renting your judge

by G Wilson - 2000The concept of a retired judge providing services to family law clientele and their lawyers via a variety of ADR techniques remains relatively untried in Australia.

The New Family Dispute Resolution System: Reform Under the ..

by S Nicholls - 2007 - - 2. An Overview of the New Family Law System. [1] A media release on the 10th May 2006 from Attorney-General Phillip Ruddock called the ..

Dr Renata Alexander, Monash Law - Monash University

An analysis of case law on family violence under the Family Law Act .. (Eds.) Springvale Legal Service's Lawyer's Practice Manual Victoria.

"Family lawyers' attitudes to ADR" by Tom Altobelli

by T Altobelli - 2005The hypothesis was that lawyers were using ADR in family law with greater frequency, that they were becoming sophisticated consumers of ADR services, and ..

Resources | Australian Learning and Teaching Council

Gangsters, Statesmen and Their Lawyers: The Rule of Law on .. Best Practice Guidelines: for lawyers doing family law work, 2nd edition (2010) ..

E Law: Lawyers and Dispute Resolution: What Do They Think And ..

by BA Archie Zariski An indication of the wide range of parties concerned with lawyers' ... Family Law Solicitors", Australian Dispu te Resolution Journal, vol 7, no 1 ..

SRC Legal Service |

The solicitor can assist you with a wide range of legal issues such as: Family law (advice only); Criminal law; Domestic violence; Employment law; Credit & debt ..

Chase, Kathy - College of Law

Kathy commenced work as a solicitor at E & A Lawyers in 2002, undertaking the firm's family law work, as well as a majority of the litigation work. Prior to working ..


("the Family Law Act"). It has traditionally been the role of the Attorney-General as. First Law Officer of the Commonwealth to defend the Court ..

12012 The Nuts and Bolts of Family Law - College of Law

This annual seminar focuses on current issues and practical aspects of family law practice. Chair: Kathy Matri Principal, Brazel Moore Lawyers. Speaker: Susan ..

richard.mahler - Staff Search

Queensland Law Society Family Law Practitioners' Association of Queensland Downs and South West Queensland Law Association Australasian Law Teachers ..

Non-adversarial advocates and gatekeepers : lawyers, FDR ..

by DM Cooper - 2008 - - The compulsory dispute resolution requirements in family law parenting cases create new roles and obligations for both lawyers and family ..


Family Law

Act 1975. 1 Subsection 4(1) (definition of child representative ). Repeal the definition. 2 Subsection 4(1). Insert: "independent children's lawyer" for a ..

Alan Davidson - Law Firms

Goad and Goad Lawyers Services include: Family Law, Real Estate, Business and Corporate, Criminal and Young Offender, Wills and Estates, Civil Litigation.

Free Legal Services / The University of Newcastle Legal Centre ..

Debt; Family law; Victim's compensation; Employment; Criminal law; Discrimination; Wills, powers of attorney, enduring guardianship; Motor vehicle accidents ..

Dr Renata Alexander - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Alexander, R., 2009, Behind closed doors: Family violence cases under the Family Law Act outlined and analysed, Australian Family Lawyer ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - REG 19.04 Notification of costs


RULES 2004 - REG 19.04. Notification of .. (2) Immediately before each court event, the lawyer for a party must give the party a written notice of: ..

LEC - Subject Pages - Family Law - Teaching Staff

Alexandra Harland is an Accredited Family Law Specialist with 14 years family law experience. She is a senior duty solicitor with the Legal Aid ..


made under the Family Law Act 1975 TABLE OF PROVISIONS CHAPTER .. Responsibility of parties and lawyers in achieving the main purpose PART ..

When Rolls Royce and Holden Justice Collide - QUT Law and ..

court in Australia dealing with family law matters. Its creation followed years of debate between the Commonwealth Attorney-General and the Chief Justice of the ..


The centre is also a clinical program for the UNSW Law School. .. LAWS3305 Clinical Program Employment Law · LAWS3340 Family Law Clinic .. Students enrolled in the course LAWS6210 Law, Lawyers and Society are also given the ..


Section 123 of the Family Law Act 1975 (the Act) provides that the .. rules so that the Family Court will no longer regulate lawyer/client costs for; ..

Griffith University | 7142LAW: Family Law Practice

An entry-level lawyer who practises in family law should be able to apply for dissolution of marriage, and advise and take action in relation to parenting matters, ..

Family Law Assistance Program - Faculty of Law - Monash University

The Family Law Assistance Program (FLAP) is a self-help clinical legal .. and funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General's Department.


Australia's Family Law System now emphasises the use of family dispute .. Mediation That Centralises the Role of Lawyers as Advocates for ..

Family Law - College of Law

To graduate with the Master of Applied Law (Family Law) degree you must .. of Law) and be admitted to practice as a lawyer in an Australian jurisdiction.

The Family and Civil Law Needs of Aboriginal People in New South ..

Solicitor-in-charge. Family law solicitor. 26/3/2008. Legal Aid. Melissa McKenzie. Legal Support Officer. 25/3/2008. Legal Aid. Ifran Yusef. Civil law solicitor. 25/3/ ..

Dr Renata Alexander - Faculty of Law - Monash University

Prior to that she taught undergraduate family law on a sessional basis. .. She worked as an in-house family lawyer/solicitor with Victoria Legal ..

Dr Adiva Sifris, Monash Law

Gerber P and Sifris A, The wind of change is blowing' in Law in .. and after the 2006 reforms' (2010) 21(2) Australian Family Lawyer 11-18.

Associate Professor Lisa Young Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law ..

She is admitted as Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Western Australia and the High Court of Australia. Lisa practised property and family law in ..

Dale Bagshaw Home Page

June 1995 - June 1998: Appointed by the Commonwealth Attorney-General to the Family Law Council. Advisory to the Attorney-General on the Family Law Act ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - SCHEDULE 3 Itemised scale of costs


RULES 2004 - SCHEDULE 3 .. Part 1 Fees for lawyer's work done .. Time reasonably spent by a lawyer on work requiring the skill of a lawyer ..

QUT | Law | Sponsors of the Faculty of Law Australia Pty Ltd Eardley Motteram Lawyers Ebsworth & Ebsworth Lawyers Family Law Practitioners' Association of Queensland Freehills ..



as advocate 21.15. Advocacy certificate 21.16. Counsel as advocate CHAPTER 2--Family law and child support proceedings PART 22--GENERAL ..

Dr Becky Batagol - Researcher Profile - Monash University


and Family Dispute Resolution, Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, vol 8, issue 1, Queensland University of Technology ..

President's message - The Law Council of Australia

Practice Guidelines for Lawyers Doing. Family Law Work. The Guidelines, launched by Commonwealth Attorney-. General Robert McClelland, provide ..

Four myths of family law

by J Wade - 2002 - Four Myths of Family Law. John Wade Professor. Law School, Bond University. Family lawyers are often cornered in taxis, elevators and supermarkets by people ..

'Waiting in the Wings': The Suspension of Queensland Lawyers

by L Stallybrass - 2003 'Waiting in the Wings': The Suspension of Queensland Lawyers - Abstract from the QUT Law & Justice Journal Vol 3 No 2 2003. .. Rights & Responsibilities of Sperm Donor Fathers in Australian Family Law · Legal Ethics is ..


Even those lawyers who categorise themselves as "general practitioners" in fact concentrate more on certain areas than others - generally family law, civil ..

Career pathways | UNSW LAW

Barristers are lawyers that advocate for clients in the courtroom. .. practice or a large firm which specialises in a certain field such as environmental or family law.

Mr Ross Hyams - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Hyams, R. L., Blizzard, M., 2008, Lawyers Practice Manual - 2.5 Property applications under the Family Law Act, Looseleaf Services - update 95, Law Book Co, ..

E Law: It's the Process that Counts - Professionalising Mediation in ..

Of course, lawyer-mediators are not the only ones covered by the 1996 amendments to the Family Law Act. Neither are lawyer-mediators the only group of ..

Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Postgraduate Law @ Sydney – The Sydney LLM & Coursework .. Sydney Law School is set to deliver some exciting initiatives in Family Law for 2012.

Ms Trish Mundy - Griffith University

Her current research interests include the attraction and retention of lawyers in rural, .. 'Aboriginal women and family law', The Law Handbook, Eighth Edition, ..

Professor Reg Graycar - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Appointment of Judges, Family Law Council submission to the Attorney-General, December 1993 (I assisted the Director of Research in finalising this ..

Students at KLC | UNSW LAW

To develop students' awareness of the role of lawyers in practice in the legal system. .. LAWS3305 Clinical Program Employment Law · LAWS3340 Family Law ..

2007 Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305) .. Hansons Lawyers Prize for Family, Children and Welfare (LLB303) ..

Family Law Assistance Program - Monash University

The Family Law Assistance Program is a self-help clinical workshop .. and funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General's Department.

Collaborative lawyering - some preliminary thoughts for Australia

by J Wade - 2006 (A) Collaborative Lawyering – Sociological and Historical Contexts .. charismatic presenters at the multiple Australian family law conferences; ..

Dr Danielle Tyson, Arts, Monash University

2009-2010: Provision of research into family violence since 2006 Family Law Reforms, Attorney General's Department Tender. (Professor T ..


accredited family law specialists in the whole of Queensland. • Was admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1987. • Was also admitted as ..

Mr Ross Hyams, Monash Law - Faculty of Law - Monash University

The family law amendment (share parental responsibility) act 2006: a study of .. Editor, Family Law Section of Lawyers Practice Manual Victoria ..

Family Law and French Law in Vanuatu: An Opportunity Missed ..

by FLI VanuatuWith reference to selected areas of family law, it explains how a more .. Lawyers may bring matters of custom to the attention of the courts, but any claims based ..

Supporting the Participation of Victims of Domestic Violence in Family

Faculty of Law Equity Chair. • President, Women's Legal Service, Brisbane. • Formerly: Family Law solicitor. Women's Legal Service solicitor. Intake Officer ..

The Voices of Children in Family Law Disputes

This seminar will examine whether and how children should be involved in the process of resolving family law disputes, and how lawyers represent children in ..

Family Law (LAWS5063) / Course Handbook / The University of ..

This course will introduce students to the law regulating family .. and property division on separation; role of family lawyers; law reform.

FAMILY LAW RULES 20042003 No. 375 - RULE 8.03 Lawyer ..


RULES 20042003 No. 375 - RULE 8.03. Lawyer — conflicting interests. A lawyer acting for a party in a case must not act in the case for any other ..

UWA Staff Profile > The University of Western Australia: The ..

Howieson, J. Family Law: the lawyer-client relationship, procedural justice and the dispute resolution process, ADR Bulletin, Volume 10, ..

Mr Malcolm Bennett, Monash Law

I initially practised with the then Victorian Government Solicitor who .. As I direct students in practical aspects of Family Law, my expertise is in ..

LAWS3376 Introduction to Family Law S1 2011 - Faculty of Law ..

- These topics and a number of other aspects of family law are available for study in ... Australian Family Lawyer, Family law Section, Law Council of Australia ..


by C PARKER - - decency.14 However it is recognised that in rare cases the lawyer may choose to ... (1998) for an important analysis of the consequences in family law practice.

Educating lawyers in ADR

by L Boulle - 2005 - Boulle, Laurence (2005) "Educating lawyers in ADR," ADR Bulletin: Vol. 8: No. .. between client and lawyer in which the .. of areas: commercial, family, native ..

Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information service


. A solicitor may specialise in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or criminal law.


by D Cooper - 2008 - - She is a registered family dispute resolution provider with the Commonwealth Attorney-General's. Department and chairs family law conferences for Legal Aid ..

Law - Career Development Centre - La Trobe University

Improve all forms or writing skills. Consider College of Law while working within your related corporation. Family and Juvenile Law. Solicitor ..


by JH Wade - (A) Collaborative Lawyering – Sociological and Historical Contexts in Australia .. charismatic presenters at the multiple Australian family law conferences; no ..

Collaborative practice â•fl â•ŸWe already do thatâ•Ž

by L Lopich - 2007 - experience practising family law,. Minnesota lawyer and mediator Stuart. Webb clearly did not believe that he could practice collaborative law in his role as a ..

Close Hello, my name is Craig Burgess, I'm a lecturer at the ..

The title of today's program is 'So you want to become a lawyer'. .. found that being a smaller firm with only 2 solicitors, I had to practice not only in Family Law, ..

Queensland Law Society presents the 2nd annual Gold Coast ..

Two practical sessions for criminal lawyers. • Presentations devoted to family law issues such as the national de facto legislation and managing self represented ..

Areas of Practice Covered in the Practical Training Course (PTC)

While the National Competency Standards for Entry-Level Lawyers propose .. Family Law 1 is a compulsory area in the PTC because it provides a practical and ..

Events Calendar | Family Law Conference

Family Law

Conference. « back to event listing. Morning Chair: Frances Fox, Principal, Macpherson + Kelley Lawyers. Afternoon Chair: Barry Berger, Partner, ..

ANU - STUDYAT - Family Law Practice

The Family Law Practice course is delivered by experienced teachers who are practicing family lawyers. The course aims to prepare law graduates to practice in ..

Collaborative law overview â•fl towards collaborative problem ..

by R Lopich - 2009parties may and often do (particularly in non-family law matters) have lawyers present but generally the lawyers do not actually engage in the mediation process.

Contact & relocation: focusing on the children: conference report

by S Newell - 2006Sue Creak is an accredited Family Law Solicitor who has been in practice since 1981. She currently practises in Byron Bay, representing children, males (both ..

About KLC | - Kingsford Legal Centre - UNSW

Students work with centre lawyers in acting for members of the local community who .. LAWS3340 Family Law Clinic .. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society ..

Opportunistic research: making the most of a captive audience and a ..

by C Doran - 2003family law solicitors at the conference was in excess of 200. Whether the attendance at this particular session reflected a particular attitude of attendees towards ..

When Does it End? The continuation of family violence through the ..

better lawyer that actually knew more about family law. Satisfaction with legal representation generally and with the court process. Women who ..

Central Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Unit

An innovative approach to indigenous family violence: Central Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Unit. Ms. Olivia Henderson, CAAFLU, Senior Lawyer, Central ..

The Social Responsibilities of Lawyers: The Future of Regulation

rules of the state registered lawyers associations, the Law Institute of Victoria and .. confined to criminal and family law cases and strict means and merits tests ..

Family law in the future - [1999] AltLJ 19; (1999) 24(3) Alternative ..

by R Alexander - - Family law in the future. A feminist family lawyer's crystal-ball gazing. Renata Alexander Renata Alexander is an accredited family law specialist in Melbourne.

Four Evaluation Studies of Family Mediation Services in Australia

by J Wade - 1997 - - It has been accepted for inclusion in Law papers by an authorized administrator .. with family lawyers unless and until the conflict actually entered a courtroom).

FAMILY LAW RULES 20042003 No. 375 - RULE 19.18 Lawyer and ..


RULES 20042003 No. 375 - RULE 19.18. Lawyer and client costs. The maximum amount of costs that a lawyer may charge and recover from a ..

Michael Taussig --- "In the news" [1997] LawIJV 35; (1997 .. - AustLII

Michael Taussig, family law practitioner and senior partner with Barker Gosling. .. Only the third solicitor to be appointed QC in modern times and the first ..

Australian Families Research Bulletin

Questions about the law's role in revealing biological parenthood. ∎ Dispute resolution and cultural change for. Australian family lawyers. ∎ How absent ..

imageREAL Capture

which she envisaged might arise in working for a firm of solicitors acting for one party to a family law dispute after she had previously been engaged by another ..

Subscription Journals - Legal Resources

The Adelaide Law Review; Admin Review; Alternative Law Journal; Australian Company Secretary; Australian Family Lawyer; Australian ..

What is it about me? What is it about mediation?

by J Howieson - 2010benefited most family law matters;. • 33% of clients in the sample reported that their lawyers had not referred them to an interest-based ADR/FDR process.

To enable or relieve? specialist lawyers' perceptions of client ..

by M Robertson - 2005 - - It reports on the findings of a limited qualitative study involving accredited specialist lawyers in the areas of personal injury and family law. The interviews that ..


by M AKScott - - courses in Collaborative Law offered by University of Technology, Sydney from July 2005 to. February 2008. 7. Stuart Webb, Family Lawyer/mediator in ..

Lani Blackman, Representing Children and Young People: A ..

aspects of the lawyer/client relationship (Part 1), case management (Part 2), and aspects of specific jurisdictions - criminal law, family law, care and protection, ..

Some synergies between practical legal training and recruitment ..

4 See tbr example: Lawyers ofthe Alice, Aboriginals and Whitefellm' law, Jon .. 8 The PresenceofJustice— Recruitment ar|d retention issues in WA's Family ..


by M KORN - LLB (University of Western Ontario) LLM (York), Barrister & Solicitor, Mediator. Marion has a. Family Law practice in Toronto, Canada, restricted to mediation, ..

recipients utilise the funds according to the wishes of the donors)

from a gift from the family & friends of the late Maria De Donatis, a graduate of the. University of Queensland Law School and a solicitor of the Supreme Court of ..

Lawyer - Office and Administration - On The Job

A solicitor may specialise in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or criminal law. Lawyer ..

imageREAL Capture

responsibilities are under the Family Law. Act, she is out there," she said. I. CHRISTINE GILES. DEDICATION RECOGNISED. Not all of solicitor Susan Ruffin's ..



. A solicitor may specialise in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or criminal law.

The Honourable Chief Justice Diana Bryant - Monash University

Born in Perth, Chief Justice Bryant is a third-generation lawyer who graduated .. Through her family law practice, she also handled bankruptcy, ..

Clinical program - Griffith University

Advanced Family Law – Clinic Offered in conjunction with Caxton Legal Centre with financial support from the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.

Prizes for student achievement in the School of Law

by E Robinson - 2008 de Groots Wills & Estate Lawyers Prize, Clare Manley. Dean's Prize - Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Law, Joseph Brighouse. Family ..

The family law dispute resolution spectrum | QUT ePrints

by DM Cooper - 2007 Cooper, Donna M. (2007) The family law dispute resolution spectrum. .. that both dispute resolution practitioners and family lawyers require a ..

Dr Adiva Sifris, Monash Law

Attorney of the Supreme Court of South Africa Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria Mediator in Family Law ..

Professor Patricia Easteal : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra

.. practice of the law, specifically in the areas of criminal law, family law, .. Easteal, Patricia 1999/2000, Women, Law and Cultural Contexts: ..


of Law, Lawyers and Justice examines the nature and structure of the legal ... particular time shapes notions of legal personality, the recognition of 'family' and ..

Project Partners - JCU

help from one of our duty lawyer services (including in the Magistrates, Family and Federal Magistrates Court,and, through the independent ..

School of Law - Current students

for the best student in Family Law . Monahan and Rowell Lawyers Prize for the best student in Health and Biotechnology Law. for the best ..

Free member seminar: Shari'a law in Australia's secular system ..

Counsel of Neumann & Turnour Lawyers. 5:50pm–6:10pm. Family law. This session will provide an overview of the key features of Islamic marriage and divorce ..

A - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

Australian Family Lawyer. AFLB, Australian Family Law Bulletin (Butt). AFLCSH, Australian Family Law Child Support Handbook ..

Introduction - ePublications@bond - Bond University

The purpose of court-connected mediation from the legal perspective. 30. Lawyers post-ADR: mediation and collaborative law. 32. Family law: the lawyer–client ..

Law Undergraduate Courses 2012 - James Cook University

litigation and dispute resolution and family law. Within about. 12 months of completing their degree, graduates can apply for admission as a solicitor. However ..

imageREAL Capture

by JH Wade - - family law disputes." One predictable result is that income-derived prestige does accrue to. 2 The image of family lawyers outside the legal profession as ..

Elspeth McInnes Home Page

McInnes E. 2011 'Madness in Family Law: Competing Discourses on Mothers' .. Experiences Before and After the 2006 Reforms' Australian Family Lawyer Vol.

Faculty of Law 2009 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of ..

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A .. year of study); Hansons Lawyers Prize for Family, Children and Welfare (LLB303) ..

Research Supervisor Profile for Professor Reg Graycar - Research ..

60+ items – Reg's research interests include Administrative Law; Feminist ..

Reg Graycar and Jenny Morgan, "Equality Rights: What's Wrong"? in ..


Reg Graycar & Jenni Millbank, "From Functional Family to Spinster Sisters ..


FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 2003 NO. 375

In setting a standard for lawyers practising in the Court, the rule recognises that particular skills and a particular approach is required by advocates in family law ..

2008 Prizegiving Ceremony - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Harmer's Workplace Lawyers Prize for Anti-Discrimination Law. Ines Nurboja. Mr Justice Stanley Vere Toose Memorial Prize for Family Law ..

Marketing charitable bequests to lawyers

by M McGregor-Lowndes - 2010 - Of course, the inclusion of a bequest in a will can be problematical in. Australia because of each jurisdiction's family provision laws. Lawyers must inform will- ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Dispute Resolution in Family Law ..

Dispute Resolution in Family Law. .. note that this course is not, of itself, sufficient for accreditation as either a Collaborative Law lawyer or FDR practitioner.

The Law Institute --- "Institute Update" [1997] LawIJV 21; (1997) 71(1 ..

by GL SPEAKERS'TROPHYThe function was very successful with 110 corporate lawyers and their guests .. Members of the Section, judiciary and the Family Law Bar were invited to ..

Finding career information | Australian Law Postgraduate Network

The NSW Young Lawyers has a useful booklet on starting out as a lawyer in .. If you have just completed a thesis, say, on the family law in South Australia, you ..

DEAN'S AWARDS CEREMONY 2011 - Dean's Welcome, Law ..

Awarded for the best academic performance in the unit LAW370 Family Law Shawn Koy. Shine Lawyers Prize for Torts Awarded for the best ..

Academic Directory | Australian Law Postgraduate Network

D.R. Journal, 93-114; 'New and Recycled Services by Family Lawyer - Responding to a World of Change' (1997)11 Aust. Journal of Family Law, 68-99; 'Family ..

Organisation Chart

Articled Clerk. Family Law. Lena Nedelkovski. Solicitor. Family Law. Pat Pringle. Senior Associate. Family Law. Ivan Kruber. Associate. Family Law. Lucy Luong ..


FAMILY LAW AMENDMENT (SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) ACT 2006 - NOTES. Act No .. Attorney-General's Department, Canberra ..

http://www. murdoch. edu. au/elaw/issues/v10n4/netw104. html _

by I AustraliansOpenDocument * Family Law Online Provided by the Commonwealth Attorney General's Department, Family Law Online is designed to provide access to family ..


Issued by the Authority of the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice. Family Law Act 1975. Family Law Regulations (Amendment). Subsection 125(1) of the ..

Federal Magistrate Court - ordered property conciliation at ..

by M Brandon - 2006 - - social science or law background with experienced family lawyers was chosen over a solo model. Initially a group of family law specialists and RAQ mediators ..

imageREAL Capture

them because of the doctrine of bias. Such a situation occurred in a family law case a couple of years ago. In that case the lawyer was in a relationship with the ..

QUT | LJJ | Analysis of the Operations of the Federal Magistrates ..

by S Doig - 2003 Commonwealth Attorney-General, D Williams, 'State of the Nation Address' (Paper presented at Tenth National Family Law Conference, ..

imageREAL Capture

Ethics Committee. CONFLICT OF INTEREST (1). In a family law matter, the wife (a solicitor) represented herself while her husband was represented by legal firm ..

An Examination of Jewish Divorce Under the Family Law .. - AustLII

by A WILLIAMSONLegislation proposed by the Family Law Council in 2001 to resolve this situation was rejected in 2004 by the Attorney-General. This article examines the reforms ..

QUT | Law | Careers in Law and Justice

Description of careers in law and justice, match your desired career, double degree .. or once admitted as solicitors, easily find work in the UK and USA. .. in family, health, drugs, domestic violence, economic development, ..

Therapeutic Divorce: The Scope and Means of Implementing ..

Collaborative practice was developed by Stuart Webb, a family lawyer in Minneapolis. See Pauline. Tesler, 'Collaborative Family Law' (2004) 4(3) Pepperdine ..

Wade, John --- "Arbitral Decision-Making in Family Property ..

by ADMINF PROPERTY 240 expert family lawyers in Australia, acting as arbitrators, wrote .. of the most respected and "expert" family law specialists in the nation have ..

Family Law Act Reform - Australian Domestic and Family Violence ..

by R Braaf - - The Federal Government's Family Law Violence Strategy (Attorney General's Department 2006a), which is specifically focussed on family violence issues for ..

Postgraduate Applied Law Programs - College of Law

the junior lawyer looking to focus in a selected area of law. an experienced practitioner .. Family Law Wednesday February 1 at 12:00pm AEDT*. Wills & Estates ..

FrAgAr FAmily. hArmErs WorkplAcE lAWyErs. hWl EBsWorth lAWyErs. iAn Ellis-JonEs lAWyEr. innEr city lEgAl cEntrE. innEr WEst lAW sociEty. lAW sociEty oF ..

Law Journal - Legal Resources

The Adelaide Law Review; Admin Review; Alternative Law Journal; Australian Company Secretary; Australian Family Lawyer; Australian Feminist Law Journal ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Australia - Law Journals - Legal ..

Daily judgment summaries (on LexisNexis); Australian Family Lawyer [Search ] Published by Law Council of Australia Family Law Section, by subscription (on ..

Community Access to Legal Information

by E McKibbin - 2000find out more about his family law issue We know in some country towns tbe. LIAC poster is in tbe local solicitor's office. There is little doubt that members of the ..

Mr Ross Hyams, Monash Law - Monash University

Family Law Nutshell. (with Monohan, G.) Thomson .. Hyams R, 'On Teaching Students to "Act Like a Lawyer": what sort of Lawyer?' (2008) 13 ..

'Waiting in the Wings': The Suspension of Queensland Lawyers ..

by S Doig - 2003 Federal Magistrates Service in Qld Family Law .. the contribution of the newspaper in exposing deficiencies in the system of lawyer regulation.

Professor Patrick Parkinson AM - Sydney Law School - The ..

Parkinson served from 2004-2007 as Chairperson of the Family Law Council, an advisory body to the federal Attorney- General, and also ..

New Book Releases from Law Staff - Monash University

Congratulations to the following Law Faculty Academic Staff whose .. studies to outline strategies for family lawyers, child legal representatives, ..

Rachel Spencer Home Page

Rachel completed her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws at Adelaide .. District, Supreme, Industrial and Family Courts), insolvency, criminal law, family law, .. It's The Vibe: The impact of the lawyer's image on access to justice, Law Society ..

QUT Law & Justice Journal Vol 3 No 2 2003

by L Stallybrass - 2003 Federal Magistrates Service in Qld Family Law · Charity Law's .. 'Waiting in the Wings': The Suspension of Queensland Lawyers. Linda Haller ..


by S Charlesworth - 2010 - for leaving law firm practice for both men and women, although work/family reasons .. The Victorian Women Lawyers association (VWL) has been concerned for ..

Meet the Writers - College of Law

Meet Ian Serisier (Special Counsel), at Swaabs Attorneys. Ian is the content writer for the Family Law Practice Program for the topic Advanced Issues in Family ..

Job listing

Duty Solicitor, Criminal Law Practice Division, Legal Services Commission, .. has provided advice and assistance on matters including family law, tenancies, ..

We Speak Your Language

Monday, 17 February 2025
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NEW Family Law Section
Our new family law section covers every legal aspect of family law. If you are going through a separation and would like to know your rights entitlements with respect to property and children, then please complete your Free Legal Enquiry Form to be put in contact with the best lawyer for your legal matter.
A new family law section covers all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:
We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:
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  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
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IF you have a legal matter, whether it be family law, conveyancing, property law, compensation law or any other matter requiring personal legal services, then enquiry today - and get the legal help you deserve!

Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

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Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

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It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

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