Health Law & Lawyers

Lawyers practising in the area of health law understand how distressing and confusing circumstances can be and how you or a family member would benefit from mental health advice. Broadly speaking their approach to providing legal advice and assistance on such matters focuses on being highly sensitive to and understanding of clients’ particular needs.

If you would like legal representation regarding any aspect of health law, them please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Mental health lawyers ensure their clients rights and best interests are protected when dealing in all areas of Mental Health law.

Specialist Mental Health expertise

  • Specialist Mental Health expertise provided to clients usually includes:
  • Representation for patients and nearest relatives at Mental Health Review Tribunals.
  • Representation at mental health review board
  • Advice and assistance regarding all types of sections, including civil detention, criminal detention, and those who
    are conditionally discharged.
  • Admission for assessment and treatment
  • Supervised discharge
  • Hospital order made by the Courts
  • Hospital order with restrictions
  • Giving access to the experts who can challenge forensic and scientific evidence.
  • Judicial Review of decisions regarding individuals made by the Mental Health Review Tribunal.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of health law, then please complete you free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

One of the most common issues dealt with by mental health lawyers is the detention of patients in hospital against their will. Our specialist mental health lawyers can advise regarding the need for and likelihood of success of any appeal, to a Mental Health Tribunal or to the Hospital Managers.

Mental health lawyers also provide advice and representation with respect to the Mental Health Act and associated legislation.

Health lawyers provide specialist advice, assistance and representation in relation to all aspects of the Mental Health Law which, apart from the above, include:

  • Representation at Mental Health Review Tribunals
  • Provision of advice and assistance at Managers Hearings, and attendance at meetings
  • The rights of a detained or voluntary patient
  • Advising the Nearest Relative of their rights and roles
  • Consent to treatment
  • Aftercare provisions
  • Guardianship
  • Commissioning independent psychiatric and Social Circumstances reports
  • Lawfulness of detention and the appropriateness of treatment
  • Challenging the Decisions of Tribunals and Primary Care Trusts by way of Judicial Review Proceedings
  • Court Proceedings in relation to displacement of nearest relative
  • Human Rights Issues
  • Court of Protection
  • Prisoners requiring transfer to hospital under the Mental Health Act or the Criminal Procedure Act

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of health law, then please complete you free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The Department of Health and Ageing

The Department of Health and Ageing is the main regulatory body pertaining to health law in Australia.

It's vision is to provide "Better health and active ageing for all Australians".

The aim of The Department of Health and Ageing is to achieve their Vision through strengthening evidence-based policy advising, improving program management, research, regulation and partnerships with other government agencies, consumers and stakeholders.

Current priorities undertaken by The Department of Health and Ageing include:

  • focusing the health and aged care system more on healthy lifestyles, prevention and early intervention and a 'best practice' handling of chronic disease;
  • improving the transparency, accessibility, accountability and quality of public and private health and aged care service provision through financing and agreements with stakeholders, industry and State and Territory governments;
  • consolidating and progressing reforms to ensure choice and access to quality aged care services;
  • working together with the States and Territories to reduce duplication and gaps, and to deliver efficient, value-for-money health and aged care services through an adaptable and sustainable health and aged care workforce;
  • working towards improved health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through whole-of-government arrangements for policy development and service delivery, and improved access to, and responsiveness of, the mainstream health system;
  • improving choice for consumers through strong private sector involvement, effectively integrated with the public sector; and
  • leading a whole-of-government approach to strengthening Australia’s readiness for disease threats, national emergencies and other large scale health incidents.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of health law, then please complete you free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Health Law and legislation in Australia

The main pieces of legislation in Australia relating to health and ageing law and legislation include the following:

•     Aged or Disabled Persons Care Act 1954

•     Aged Care Act 1997

•     Aged Care (Bond Security) Act 2006

•     Aged Care (Bond Security) Levy Act 2006

•     Aged Care (Consequential Provisions) Act 1997

•     Australian Hearing Services Act 1991, subsections 8(4) to 8(8) inclusive

•     Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Act 1987

•     Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Act 2008

•     Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998

•     Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (Licence Charges) Act 1998

•     Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006

•     Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2006

•     Australian Sports Commission Act 1989

•     Cancer Australia Act 2006

•     Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Act 1961

•     Delivered Meals Subsidy Act 1970

•     Dental Benefits Act 2008

•     Epidemiological Studies (Confidentiality) Act 1981

•     Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991

•     Gene Technology Act 2000

•     Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000

•     Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995

•     Health and Other Services (Compensation) Care Charges Act 1995

•     Health Care (Appropriation) Act 1998

•     Health Insurance Act 1973

•     Health Insurance Commission (Reform and Separation of Functions) Act 1997

•     Health Insurance (Pathology) (Fees) Act 1991

•     Health Workforce Australia Act 2009

•     Hearing Services Administration Act 1997

•     Hearing Services and AGHS Reform Act 1997

•     Health Workforce Australia Act 2009

•     Home and Community Care Act 1985

•     Home Nursing Subsidy Act 1956

•     Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989

•     Industrial Chemicals (Registration Charge - Customs) Act 1997

•     Industrial Chemicals (Registration Charge - Excise) Act 1997

•     Industrial Chemicals (Registration Charge - General) Act 1997

•     Medical Indemnity Act 2002

•     Medical Indemnity (Competitive Advantage Payment) Act 2005

•     Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003, Part 3, Division 2A

•     Medical Indemnity (Run-off Cover Support Payment) Act 2004

•     Medical Indemnity (UMP Support Payment) Act 2002

•     Medical Indemnity Agreement (Financial Assistance – Binding Commonwealth Obligations) Act 2002

•     Narcotic Drugs Act 1967, sections 9, 10, 11, 13, 19 and 23 and subsection 24(1), and so much of the remaining provisions of the Act (other than sections 12

•     and 22 and subsection 24(2)) as relates to powers and functions under those sections

•     National Blood Authority Act 2003

•     National Health Act 1953

•     National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992

•     National Health Security Act 2007

•     Nursing Home Charge (Imposition) Act 1994

•     Nursing Homes Assistance Act 1974

•     Private Health Insurance Act 2007

•     Private Health Insurance (Collapsed Insurer Levy) Act 2003

•     Private Health Insurance Complaints Levy Act 1995

•     Private Health Insurance (Council Administration Levy) Act 2003

•     Private Health Insurance (National Joint Replacement Register Levy) Act 2009

•     Private Health Insurance (Prostheses Application and Listing Fees) Act 2007

•     Private Health Insurance (Risk Equalisation Levy) Act 2003

•     Private Health Insurance (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2007

•     Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2002

•     Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002

•     Quarantine Act 1908, in relation to human quarantine

•     Quarantine (Validation of Fees) Act 1985, in relation to human quarantine

•     States Grants (Home Care) Act 1969

•     States Grants (Nurse Education Transfer Assistance) Act 1985

•     States Grants (Paramedical Services) Act 1969

•     Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

•     Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Act 1989

•     Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992

•     World Health Organization Act 1947

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of health law, then please complete you free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


Further Resources - Health Law & Lawyers


Health Law & Lawyers News

NEWS, UPDATES & INFORMATION - Health Law & Lawyers

The Main pieces of Australian legislation relating to Halth Law include:

Gene Technology Act 2000 (CTH)
An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology.

Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2002 (CTH)
An Act to prohibit human cloning and other unacceptable practices associated with reproductive technology.

Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 (CTH)
An Act to regulate certain activities involving the use of human embryos.

Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth)
The Act aims to, amongst other things, promote a high quality of care and accommodation for the recipients of aged care services that meets the needs of individuals

Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Cth)
Amends the Northern Territory Self Government Act 1978 to disallow the making of laws which permit or have the effect of permitting (whether subject to conditions or not) the form of intentional killing of another called euthanasia (which includes mercy killing) or the ...

Australian Capital Territory
Guardianship and Management of Property Act 1991 (ACT)
An Act to provide for guardianship, and management of the property, of certain people.

Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 (ACT)
An Act to provide for the privacy and integrity of, and access to, personal health information, and for related purposes.

Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 (ACT)

Medical Treatment Health Directions Act 2006 (ACT)
An Act to provide for directions about the withholding or withdrawal of medical treatment, and for related purposes.

Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994 (ACT)
An Act to provide for the treatment, care, control, rehabilitation and protection of mentally dysfunctional or mentally ill persons.

Powers of Attorney Act 2006 (ACT)
An Act about powers of attorney.

Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1978 (ACT)
An Act to make provision for and in relation to the removal of human tissues for transplantation, for post-mortem examinations, for the definition of death, for the regulation of schools of anatomy.

New South Wales
Health Administration Act 1982 (NSW)
An Act to establish a Department of Health and certain other bodies; to vest certain functions in the Minister for Health and certain other bodies and persons; to provide for the transfer of certain employees; to repeal the Health Commission Act 1972.


Health Care Complaints Act 1993 (NSW)
An Act to provide for the making, resolution, investigation and prosecution of health care complaints; to constitute a joint committee of members of Parliament, the Health Care Complaints Commission and the Health Conciliation Registry and to specify their functions.


Human Tissue Act 1983 (NSW)
An Act relating to the donation of tissue by living persons, the removal of tissue from deceased persons, the conduct of post-mortem examinations of deceased persons.


Medical Practice Act 1992 (NSW)
An Act to provide for the registration of medical practitioners and medical students and the making of complaints and the taking of disciplinary action against medical practitioners; to repeal the Medical Practitioners Act 1938.


Mental Health Act 1990 (NSW)
An Act to make provision with respect to the care, treatment and control of mentally ill and mentally disordered persons and other matters relating to mental health.


Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW)
An Act to provide for the protection of personal information, and for the protection of the privacy of individuals generally; to provide for the appointment of a Privacy Commissioner; to repeal the Privacy Committee Act 1975; and for other purposes.


Status of Children Act 1996 (NSW)
An Act to re-enact without any substantive changes provisions contained in the Children (Equality of Status) Act 1976 concerning the removal of legal disabilities of exnuptial children; to provide for parentage presumptions and parentage testing procedures; to repeal the ...


Northern Territory
Medical Services Act (NT)
An Act relating to the provision and administration of medical services.


Natural Death Act 1988 (NT)
An Act to provide for, and give legal effect to, directions against artificial prolongation of the dying process.


Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995
An Act to confirm the right of a terminally ill person to request assistance from a medically qualified person to voluntarily terminate his or her life in a humane manner; to allow for such assistance to be given in certain circumstances without legal impediment to the ...


Status of Children Act 1978 (NT)
An Act relating to the Status of Children.


Queensland Legislation - Health Portfolio Acts, Subordinate Legislation & Associated Documents
Comprehensive listing of Queensland legislation relating to health issues, with links to the complete legislation at the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel.


Victorian Health Legislation
A selection of Victorian legislation relevant to health service providers.


Western Australia
Western Australian Legislation
Provides links to the legislation of Western Australia. Acts can be browsed by those in force, those no longer in force, original Acts as passed and reprints. Bills are available from 1997 (35th Parliament) onwards.

Key National Bodies inlcude:

Standing Committee on Health and Ageing - Examines health legislation and related issues
Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs- Examines health legislation and related issues.
Australian College of Legal Medicine
Australian and New Zealand Institute of Health, Law & Ethics (ANZIHLE)
An independent, national organisation active in exploring the legal and ethical aspects of health care and promotion.
Australian Medical Association. Policy page
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
Includes information relating to the 2001 National Competition Policy review of radiation protection legislation
Department of Health and Ageing
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Established by the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992, the NHMRC, amongst other things, considers ethical issues relating to health.
NHMRC Licensing Committee: oversees the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 and the Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2002, including the review of the Acts.
Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC)
Also known as WorkSafe Australia . Includes texts of national standards, model regulations and national codes of practice
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (PGTR)
Established by the Gene Technology Act 2000, the regulator oversees the national scheme to regulate genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
Regulates medicines and medical devices in Australia.
Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Authority (Joint Australia-New Zealand regulatory scheme for therapeutic products, currently on hold)
University of Sydney. Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine
University of Tasmania and University of Melbourne. Centre for Law and Genetics

If you need legal advice, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a lawyer nearest you.

Our free legal enquiry service extends to all suburbs Australia wide!

Health Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Health Law & Lawyers Links

Internet Resource Guide: Health Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Health Law in Australia.

Women In Health Law - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW

I suppose you might think it was a good thing that the nomenclature of the now accepted conglomerate "Health Law" had not been adopted ..

WA Health - Public Health - Legislation

WA Health legislation, Western Australia legislation, health regulations, WA new public health act.

Mental Health Act 1986 Home - Victorian Government Health ..

Mental Health Act 1986 Home - Department of Human Services Victoria, Australia, Mental Health Services, State Government Information.

Public Health Act 1997

This is a republication of the Public Health Act 1997 (including any amendment made under the. Legislation Act 2001, part 11.3 (Editorial ..

Mental Health Law Centre, WA (MHLC)

Welcome to the ACCC > The ACCC > Consumer & business directory > Consumer & business directory quick links > Mental Health Law Centre, WA (MHLC) ..

Mental Health Act 2000

Mental Health Act 2000. Reprinted as in force on 1 October 2011. Reprint No. 4E. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary ..

Legislation - NSW Department of Health

The Mental Health Act 2007 came into effect on 16 November 2007, when the Mental Health Act 1990 ceased to have effect. The objects of the ..

Health legislation: Health Legislation - Victorian Government Health ..

[The Act references below refer to actions that may be exercised by the Secretary to the Department of Human Services (via Public Health)] [PART III - Works ..

LawHandbook - Health - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

The Law Handbook. Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales. 11th edition. Health Law. 28. Authors. Indraveer Chatterjee, HIV/AIDS Legal Centre ..

Occupational safety and health - Safety, Health and Injury ..

Safety and health in Western Australian workplaces is regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 and supported by the Occupational Safety and ..


The opportunities being created by modernisation of public health laws to clarify the application of public health and related laws to remote communities.

ACT Health - Mental Health ACT

The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) provides a 24-hour, seven day a week service used for assessment and treatment of mentally ill people in ..

Pub health prelims

by I Bidmeade - 1997 - - 26 The role of local government with respect to public health laws. 79 .. outline current trends and future directions for public health law reform;. • identify key ..

378-Health Act

1.3 Previous Reviews of the Health Act ....................................................................1. 1.4 The Purpose of the Discussion Paper.

Hot Topics 64 - Health and the Law

health privacy in a federal system – the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) – state and territory .. federal law (the National Health Act 1953 (Cth) which establishes the ..

Mental Health Act 2007 - NSW Legislation

Mental Health Act 2007 No 8. NSW Crest. Status Information. Currency of version. Current version for 1 July 2011 to date (accessed 12 ..

Mental Health Act Review

A systematic review of research relating to the Mental Health Act (1983) · Application of Rights Analysis Instrument to Australian Mental Health Legislation ..

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Work Health and Safety Act. 2011. Reprinted as in force on 1 January 2012. Reprint No. 1. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary ..

Health Act 1937

Queensland. Health Act 1937. Reprinted as in force on 24 November 2011. Reprint No. 6C. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland ..

Current Trends in Mental Health Legislation

In order to ascertain the position of Western Australia's mental health laws in the .. mental health law in Scotland, as well as that in England, Canada, New ..

Review of the Mental Health Act 1986 - Department of Health

(the Act) led reform of Australian mental health legislation. .. health law in Australia and is no longer entirely in step with contemporary approaches to the care ..


operating at the time that the Mental Health Act 1996 was proclaimed (in .. f) Evaluating and monitoring existing laws, legal and mental health service standards ..

1234 dhs health act 1958 text

The aim is to develop a new core public health Act that is modern and .. The Health Act 1958 is the principal legislation aimed at protecting and promoting public ..

Other Intermediate Courts of Appeal - Health Law and Medical ..

Featured below are recent and historical decisions of interest in the area of Health Law and Medical Practitioners. To locate decisions in other ..

Information for Tobacco Retailers and Consumers - NSW Health

Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 - NEW | Features of the Public Health (Tobacco) Act .. The Act also transfers provisions in Part 6 of the Public Health Act 1991 ..


1. The Mental Health Law Centre (WA) Inc. The Mental Health Law Centre (WA) Inc. is an independent not for profit community legal centre (CLC) with charitable ..

Model work health and safety Act

The model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act is the result of a comprehensive national review into work health and safety laws across Australia, which involved ..

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Legislation

AHPRA was formed by an Act of Parliament and is bound by the Health Practitioner .. Queensland, Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 ..

Centre for Public Health Law

Option 3: Model Emergency Health Powers Act for adoption as required by individual states and .. Human Rights Principles in Australian Public Health Law. 21 ..

Occupational health and safety

On 4 April 2008, the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations announced a national review into model Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Laws.

Mental health laws and involuntary patients | Better Health Channel

The 'Mental Health Act 1986' states that every involuntary patient must be given a written statement of their rights. If they need help to exercise those rights, the ..

Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 (NSW) - Lawlink NSW

2.1 The Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 (NSW) ("the MHFPA") and the Mental Health Act 2007 (NSW) ("the MHA") are the major ..

ACT Health - Review of the Mental Health (Treatment & Care) Act ..

The purpose of the Review of the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994 (the Act) is to ensure the Act reflects best practice in mental health law, as it has ..

Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995

Workplace Health and Safety. Act 1995. Reprinted as in force on 6 June 2011. Reprint No. 9E. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland ..

Mental health laws that require dangerousness for involuntary ..

by MM Large - - ORIGINAL PAPER. Matthew M. Large Æ Olav Nielssen Æ Christopher James Ryan Æ Robert Hayes. Mental health laws that require dangerousness for ..

Promoting balance in the forensic mental health system

Review of the Queensland Mental Health Act 2000 Final Report – December 2006 .. Finally, I thank the members of the Mental Health Act Review Team, who ..

Mental Health Law Centre - Department of Health - Government of ..

The Mental Health Law Centre is a Statewide Community Legal Centre specialising in mental health law. It is an independent community ..

Department of Mines and Petroleum - Mining Safety and Health

Construction work at some mine sites may be subject to an "instrument of declaration", under which provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 ..

Queensland's new work health and safety laws - Workplace Health ..

Introductory page to Queensland's new work health and safety laws, covering frequently asked questions, news, topics, resources, legislation, ..

South Australia MENTAL HEALTH ACT 1993

a mental illness; to repeal the Mental Health Act 1977; to amend the Adoption. Act 1988; the .. Mental Health (Transitional Provision) Amendment Act 1994 No.

Mental Health Act 1996

The Act governing the care and treatment of persons with mental illness, the protection of patients and the public, and the minimisation of adverse effects of ..

Mental Health Legal Centre Inc: Comments on HREOC Discussion ..

Living Wills may have the benefit of clarifying a gray area in mental health law. If a person is deemed not capable of consenting to treatment, but is not overtly ..

Mental Health Act 1986 - Department of Health

Legislation - Department of Health Victoria, Australia, Mental Health Services, State Government Information.

ACT Health - Smoke-Free

The ACT's smoke-free legislation is an important and vital step towards achieving the goal of improved public health. Achieving this goal is expected to deliver ..

Exposure Draft Mental Health Bill 2010

stakeholders and community members to provide feedback on the proposed new Mental Health Act. After considering this feedback, the Bill will be finalised ..

ACT Government Health Information

An organisation that provides a range of co-ordinated health and community health care services.

Trove - Australian health law bulletin

Australian health law bulletin. Creator: Prospect; Subjects: Medical laws and legislation - Australia - Periodicals.; Environmental health - Law and legislation ..

Review of the Mental Health Act 1986 - Department of Health

Mental Health Act 1986 that that there is a high level of interest in this complex .. There is an underlying principle in health law that a person with the capacity to ..

ACT Health - Community consultation: have your say


Government Health Directorate Australian Capital Territory Health Information .. Community consultation helps ACT Health make informed policy decisions ..

Legal information and your rights | People with disability ..

The impact of mental illness on your decision-making capacity, implications of Queensland's Mental Health Act 2000, legal services for people ..

Voluntary Patients in Authorised Hospitals

and rights under the Mental Health. Act 1996. This pamphlet helps answer any questions you might have about .. Mental Health Law Centre. Phone. 9328 8266 ..

Yours Rights under the Mental Health Act 1996

the Mental Health. Act 1996. Published by the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist. © Department of Health .. obtain legal advice (The Mental Health Law. Centre, can ..

General duty of care

The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 provides for the promotion, co-ordination, administration and enforcement of occupational safety and health in ..

Mental Health - ACT Health -

Results 1 - 11 – The Mental Health Services Plan articulates a clear vision for an integrated mental health sector in the ACT and for establishing a coordinated ..

Mental Health Act 2007

Contents. Page. New South Wales. Mental Health Act 2007 No 8. Chapter 1. Preliminary. 1. Name of Act. 2. 2. Commencement. 2. 3. Objects of Act. 2. 4 ..

People Referred for a Psychiatric Examination Under the Mental ..

Other pamphlets available include: The Mental Health Review Board,. Information on the review process. The Council of Official Visitors. The Mental Health Law ..

Health Legislation Amendment Act 2011

Queensland. Health Legislation. Amendment Act 2011. Act No. 41 of 2011 ... Public Health Act 2005, the Public Health (Infection Control for Personal ..

Occupational Health & Safety - WorkSafe Victoria

In Victoria, workplace health and safety is governed by a system of laws, regulations and compliance codes which set out the responsibilities of employers and ..

HEALTH ACT 1911 - City of South Perth

HEALTH ACT 1911. CITY OF SOUTH PERTH. HEALTH LOCAL LAWS 2002. Made by the Council of the City of South Perth under section 342 of the Health Act ..

Purpose of the Act - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Information on the purpose of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995.


the Mental Health Act 1996) complain to the Council of Official Visitors, who may also support you in making an application for a review by the Mental Health ..


That the lecture is in the field of health, law and ethics is also specially warming to me. Virtually from the start of my public career in the Australian Law Reform ..

Modernising Public Health Law

Why do we need public health laws? ∎ Because we've always had them! ∎ Laws provide authorisations to plan and undertake responsibilities & functions ..

National Registration and Accreditation Scheme: Australia's Health ..

The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law) is contained in the Schedule to Act B and can be accessed online at: ..

National Health Act 1953 - Comlaw Home

Items 20 - 55 – 310) and the National Health Act 1953 (Amendment) Regulations (Statutory Rules 1993 No. 274). This Act was modified by the National Health ..

Mental Health Act 1986

Version No. 098. Mental Health Act 1986. No. 59 of 1986. Version incorporating amendments as at 24 August 2010. TABLE OF PROVISIONS. Section. Page ..

The Secretariat Review of ACT Mental Health Act Mentalhealth ..

Review of ACT Mental Health Act. Dear Sir/Madam. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the 'The Review of the ACT ..

"Health law in South Australia : a manual" by Ian Bidmeade and ..

by I Bidmeade - 1989 - - This manual is in part an attempt to inform those working in the South Australian health system, and those who enter it occasionally, of the new health laws.

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009

Queensland. Health Practitioner Regulation. National Law Act 2009. Reprinted as in force on 1 July 2010. Reprint No. 1. This reprint is prepared by the Office of ..

Tobacco Laws - Queensland Health - Queensland Government

By law and popular demand the Queensland Government has the nation's toughest anti-smoking laws. Laws in Queensland include smoking ..

Review of the Public Health Act 1991 - Issues paper

Overview of the NSW Public Health Act 1991 and Regulations. 10. 2.5 .. the consultants in their paper Reform of Public Health Law in NSW have been ..

Department of Health - Legislation

The Mental Health and Related Services Act is the legislation that governs the .. The Model Mental Health Law was also developed at this time, establishing a ..

Mental Health Act | Mental Health

The Mental Health Act provides for voluntary and involuntary hospital admission; Initial, Continuing Care and Community Treatment Orders; Authorisations for ..

Public Health Bulletin South Australia ~ Department of Health

Influenza A (H1N1) (swine origin): perspectives under national and international law. Legislating for public health risks: a way forward for public health law?

Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991

Notation: The Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 was modified by the Occupational Health and Safety (Safety Arrangements) Regulations 1991 (SR 1991 ..

Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994

Australian Capital Territory. Mental Health (Treatment and Care). Act 1994. A1994-44. Republication No 46. Effective: 12 December 2011 ..

The Way Forward - Department of Health

Review of the Mental Health Act 1996 and Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired .. existing Mental Health Act against the 25 UN Principles, to identify best practice, ..

Mental health :: SA Health

Find mental health services for adults and children in Adelaide and country SA. .. Mental Health Act 2009 · Mental Health and Wellbeing policy (PDF 174.45Kb) ..

Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act & Regs

The objects of the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act and Regulations include: to secure the health, safety and welfare of persons at ..

Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999

Coal Mining Safety and Health. Act 1999. Reprinted as in force on 1 January 2012. Reprint No. 4A. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland ..

Health and Safety Laws - General Module - Safe at Work

Key Point Victoria's occupational health and safety laws aim to make workplaces safer and prevent work-related deaths, injury and disease.

What law applies - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Responsibilities of employers, building owners, householders, renovators and asbestos removalists regarding asbestos.

Health Act 1911 - Department of Health

As at 27 May 2008. Version 14-f0-00. Extract from, see that website for further information. Western Australia. Health Act 1911 ..

Review of the Mental Health Act 1996 &

Review of the Mental Health Act 1996 &. Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Defendants) Act 1996. Protection of Patients Rights (Part 7 & 10 of the MHA), including ..

Health Policy, Regulations & Standards - City of Sydney

City of Sydney Environmental Health Officers regularly monitor food hygiene practices within food businesses for compliance with the Food Act 2003 and the ..

Clinical Ethics - NSW Department of Health

Occasionally, health professionals and patients may disagree about .. in clinical ethics, clinical practice, law, philosophy, and community and ..

ACT Health - Women's health

ACT Health

fact sheets for expectant mothers and health professionals containing important information, including preconception information, antenatal tests for ..

Public Health Act 2005

Public Health Act 2005. Reprinted as in force on 1 January 2012. Reprint No. 3C. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel ..

Public Health Regulation 2005

Public Health Act 2005. Public Health Regulation 2005. Reprinted as in force on 1 January 2012. Reprint No. 2E. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the ..

ACT Health - Support groups & counselling

headspace ACT is a youth mental health service for young people aged 12-25 and their families to receive mental health and/or alcohol and other drup support ..

The Way Forward - Department of Health

In early October 2003, a synthesis of the review of the Mental Health Act 1996 .. Reviewer of the Mental Health Act 1996 and Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired ..

Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999

and Health Act 1999. Reprinted as in force on 1 January 2012. Reprint No. 4A. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel ..

Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 - Queensland Government

Links to information on the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995, it s purpose, who is covered and who is not covered.

National Health Act 1953 - Comlaw Home

National Health Act 1953. Act No. 95 of 1953 as amended. This compilation was prepared on 1 February 2011 taking into account amendments ..

Project Services - Queensland Government Executive Directory

Business and Financial Services; Housing Portfolio; Program Managers; Professional Services Portfolio; Health Law and Order Portfolio ..

Involuntary Detained Patients

9226 3266. Freecall 1800 999 057. Name. Mental Health Law Centre. Phone. 9328 8266. Freecall 1800 620 285. Name. Mental Health Review Board. Phone ..

Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 - Privacy NSW ..

The HRIP Act contains 15 health privacy principles (HPPs) outlining how health information must be collected, stored, used and disclosed.

Disposal of the Deceased - NSW Health

The Public Health Act 1991 and Public Health (Disposal of Bodies) Regulation 2002 regulates the handling of bodies both by funeral industry ..

Department of Health and Ageing - COAG Independent Review of ..

The members of the Committee are former Australian Health Minister, Dr Neal Blewett AC, public health law academic Dr Chris Reynolds, ..

MENTAL HEALTH LAW CENTRE WA - Attorney-General's Department

The Mental Health Law Centre (WA) Inc. is an independent not for profit community .. employed in government solicitor or public prosecutors offices, legal aid ..

Health care decisions for others - Department of Justice and ..

The laws contain the health care principle which provides that health care decisions should be made by an attorney in a way least restrictive of ..

Hot Topics 64 - Health and the Law

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. 1 Overview of health law in Australia. Role of the Constitution, parliament and courts – regulating doctors ..

Power of attorney - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

you sign a form giving power of attorney to the person of you choice .. health attorney, a guardian or administrator appointed by law or Court.

Mental health laws and involuntary patients | Better Health Channel

It is your right to obtain legal advice and have a lawyer to represent you. Call: The Mental Health Legal Centre (03) 9629 4422 or toll free on 1800 555 887.

find LEGAL answers - Health - Mental health

Title: Disability law, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About: Covers procedures under the Mental Health Act 2007; voluntary and ..

Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia

Lawlink (Attorney General's Department) - Information on New South Wales law and crime, as well as links to the Attorney General's Department portfolio ..


disciplinary matters handled by his office involve issues of lawyer mental ill health.3. 4. It is also important to note that it is from the ranks of the legal profession ..

Eve Bignell | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. before joining TressCox Lawyers, where she completed her articles and settled in the health law team. Eve built ..

Statutory health attorney factsheet

Statutory Health Attorney, although you must be over 18 and capable of making decisions about health care. The law lists those who can act as a Statutory ..


Rich Text Format - Studies undertaken in Australia into the mental health of legal practitioners has .. matters handled by his office involve issues of lawyer mental ill health.3 ..

Statutory health attorney - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

A statutory health attorney is someone with automatic authority to .. is an independent statutory official authorised by law to make health care ..

Guardianship forms and publications - Department of Justice and ..

Statutory Health Attorney (Chinese) (PDF, 121.8 KB) .. Queensland Government Response to the Queensland Law Refrom Commission ..

find LEGAL answers - Health - Health

Jump to ‎: Title: Australian health and medical law reporter. About: Covers the registration of practitioners, the management of ..

Consent to Treatment Procedures - ACT Health - ACT Government

8.1 Health Attorneys: the role of family and friends: . ... both statuary and common law advance directives are legally effective in the ACT. Note: The approved ..


Mental Health Policy – v1.0. Introduction. 1.1 This policy sets out the Board's approach to lawyers with mental impairments (as defined in clause 4.3.7 below).

The Guardianship Board of South Australia :: Board members

Mr Moore was the co-founder of the Woomera Lawyers Group. .. She has experience in the area of mental health and the criminal law, including the Mental ..

Hayley Petrony | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

There, she worked predominantly as a lawyer in the health industry, with a .. and frequently acts as Chair for Employment Law and Health Law conferences, ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Latest News

The Board has also developed a new Mental Health Policy, which sets out the Board's approach to lawyers with mental impairments. The purpose of this policy ..

Form 4 Advance Health Directive

breach of the law. Under the Queensland .. give someone enduring power of attorney to make health-care decisions on your behalf. Note: This person will not ..

Power of attorney and advance directives - Government of South ..

Find out more about power of attorney from the Legal Services Commission of South Australia. .. Medical power of attorney and anticipatory direction forms are available from SA Health. .. Law Handbook - Legal Services Commission of SA ..

Scanned Document - Attorney-General's Department

service along with the health centre has endeavoured to implement an 'integrated care approach' whilst adhering to privacy laws and lawyer client privilege ..

Mental Health and Family Law - A Question of Degree (Text Only)

Mental Health and Family Law - A Question of Degree1 .. A cornerstone of the solicitor and client relationship is a legal presumption that an ..

Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland - Department of Justice ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. WHSQ enforces workplace health and safety laws, investigates workplace fatalities, serious injuries, ..

Rights Responsibilities & Rhetoric - Conference Program

Senior Mental Health Lawyer, Human. Rights & Civil Law Service (Vic). Legal representation before the Mental Health Review Board, acting upon instructions of ..

Powers of Attorney | Public Trustee - ACT

continues to be valid even if you lose legal capacity due to disability or illness;; may empower your attorney to make financial, property, lifestyle and health ..

Dementia - early planning will help | Better Health Channel

Preferred health & Medical Information website in Australia; Approved .. Solicitor; The Law Institute; Legal Aid; The Public Advocate or Public ..

Enduring power of attorney - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Statutory health attorney · Health care decisions for others .. Queensland Government's initial response to the Queensland Law Reform Commission's Report: A ..

Process of reform | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

Australian Law Reform Commission .. and social service professionals; academics and practising lawyers with expertise in privacy, health law and e-commerce; ..

Queensland Law Reform Commission

Published by the Queensland Law Reform Commission, September 2010. Copyright is .. Appointment of an attorney under an advance health directive.

Job opportunities - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. of risk existing at a workplace and compliance to workplace health and safety ..

Powers of Attorney Act 1998

advance health directives and statutory health attorneys. Editor's note—. The Property Law Act 1974, part 9 (Powers of attorney) was repealed ..

Legal information and your rights | People with disability ..

Queensland Mental Health Law Clinic provides free legal services to .. of Queensland staff the clinic, supervised by an experienced lawyer.

Older people and the law

Jump to ‎: Attorneys, carers and others who assist .. the Department of Health and Ageing118 to ..

Making an enduring power of attorney - Department of Justice and ..

Statutory health attorney · Health care decisions for others .. The Queensland Government's initial response to the Queensland Law Reform ..

Powers of Attorney in New South Wales

The Powers of Attorney Act 2003, which commenced on 16 February 2004, makes changes to the law governing powers of attorney in New South Wales, ..

Join the Specialist Reserve: Royal Australian Air Force


, Legal, Lawyer, Chaplains, Journalist, Photographers. The RAAFSR provides the Air Force with trained professionals with specialist qualifications.

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Applying for a Practising Certificate

An Australian lawyer (i.e. a person admitted to the legal profession in .. be the case, it may require the person to undergo a health assessment.

SAT Member Profiles

Murray Allen is currently President of the Mental Health Review Board. .. As a solicitor, he was a partner in a leading national law firm and, later, a multi ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Guardianship - Consultative ..

Victoria's guardianship laws showing their age · Guardianship - Background facts .. Catherine Leslie, Lawyer/Policy worker, Mental Health Legal Centre (MHLC) ..


MEMBERSQETHE NORTHERN TERRITORY LAW REEQRM COMMITTEE ... cannot empower the attorney to make decisions relating to the donor's health ..

Seminars - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW

John McDonnell, Assistant Crown Solicitor delivered an entertaining presentation on delegation issues. Health & Safety in the Workplace: The Employment Law ..

Advance health directives - Department of Justice and Attorney..

.. to the Queensland Law Reform Commission's Report: A Review of .. An advance health directive also enables you to appoint an attorney for ..

Ethics Seminar: The State as Model Litigant | Victorian Government ..

In addition, it will explore the distinction between the lawyer's duty of confidentiality .. law, coronial law, causation, evidence law, tort law and mental health law.

Terms of Reference - Parliament of Victoria - Law Reform

Powers of attorney are legal documents that help people plan for future financial, health and lifestyle needs. They allow a person (who the law ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Law, medicine and criminal justice

A code of health rights and responsibilities : the adequacy of existing .. Howard Bell, Senior Legal Officer/Solicitor, New South Wales Police ..

Comlaw Home

New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant community interest right now .. Healthcare Identifiers (Consequential Amendments) Act 2010 ..

Work Health and Safety law courses - Australian Government Solicitor

2 hour session. COST. $395 (GST inclusive). Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government. Work Health and Safety law courses ..

Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) - Advance Care Planning Online

You may also choose to appoint a health attorney to make decisions about medical .. The law does not place limits on how many attorneys you can appoint, but ..


My lawyer's eye discerned that medical malpractice was not classified as a ... in Issues Paper 13 (Summer 2000), Australian Institute of Health Law and Ethics.

Health care decisions - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

.. to the Queensland Law Reform Commission's Report: A Review of .. A Statutory Health Attorney many be a spouse, close relative or carer ..

Review of the Mental Health Act 1996 &

A/Director Office of Mental Health, Consultant Psychiatrist & past Chief Psychiatrist. Ms Robyn Ayres. Mental Health Law Centre, Lawyer with client contact ..

LawHandbook - Health - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

28 Health law 717. Contact .. The tribunal sits as a panel of three, including a lawyer, a psychiatrist and ... Inquiries about mental health law can be directed to ..

Home - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. New laws that will come into effect on 23 February 2012 mean any couple (regardless of sex) can have their relationship ..

Lawyers | Ombudsman NT

Initial complaints about the conduct of solicitors or about the manner or cost of services should be made to: Law Society Northern Territory. 1st Floor, Paspalis ..

Adult Guardian - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Statutory health attorney · Health care decisions for others .. The Queensland Government's initial response to the Queensland Law Reform ..

Information to include in an advance health directive - Department of ..

Statutory health attorney · Health care decisions for others .. initial response to the Queensland Law Reform Commission's Report: A Review of ..

Enduring Guardianship in NSW - Your way to plan ahead - Office of ..

An eligible witness is a NSW solicitor, NSW barrister, Registrar of the Local .. This may assist family members, enduring guardians, health care ..

Department of Health WA Human Research Ethics Committee ..

She teaches health law, torts and research ethics to law students and in other .. She currently practices as a commercial lawyer, with particular expertise in ..

Workplace harassment - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Details the workplace health and safety requirements for workplace harassment. .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. workplace harassment, and your obligations under the law you must consider and understand ..

Health and wellbeing - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. Employee health and wellbeing is recognised as a driver of ..

Choosing an attorney - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Statutory health attorney · Health care decisions for others .. The Queensland Government's initial response to the Queensland Law Reform ..

Appendix 2. Agencies, Organisations - Australian Law Reform ..

N Dobbie and X Devine, Dobbie and Devine Immigration Lawyers. Sydney .. Centre for Women's Health; Victorian Women Lawyers Law Reform Committee.

Guardianship review. Queensland Law Reform Commission.

The Law Reform Commission has been asked by the Attorney-General to review .. and Administration Act 2000 (Qld) and the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 (Qld). .. Powers of Attorney including Enduring Powers of Attorney, Statutory Health ..

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - AHPRA Senior ..

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which .. under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (the National Law) as in force in .. years' experience both as a solicitor principal and as a government lawyer.

Frequently requested documents - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. Requests for access to health records must be in writing and directed to the office of the medical superintendent ..

Advance Health Directives

Am I required to discuss my Advance Health Directive with a lawyer before .. Under the common (or judge made) law, it is possible to make a "living will". This is ..

Mental health law in New South Wales / [Hon. Greg James QC ..

APA Citation. James, Greg & NSW Young Lawyers. 2011 Mental health law in New South Wales / [Hon. Greg James QC] NSW Young Lawyers, Sydney : ..

Attorney General Mental Capacity

- Some years ago, Queensland lawyer and bio-ethicist the late Jennifer .. to civil law and, thus, it does not consider the Mental Health (Criminal Procedures) Act ..

Family law (Victoria Online)

Rate this site · Home Health & Community Families Family law .. Family Law Council (Attorney-General's Department, Australian Government). The Family Law ..

Family law

The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law through the Family Law Branch and Family Pathways Branch. These branches ..

VRB - VRB Members' Biographies

She has practised as a solicitor in private practice and for the Legal Aid Commission representing clients in criminal, prison and mental health law. She has ..

Queensland's new work health and safety laws - Workplace Health ..

Introductory page to Queensland's new work health and safety laws, covering frequently asked .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

The Older People and the Law handbook is a free publication about legal issues facing seniors, produced by NSW Young Lawyers - Law ..

Power of attorney (Victoria Online)

Resources on power of attorney can be found on Victoria Online. .. Rate this site · Home Law & Justice Legal rights & advice Power of attorney ..

Making an advance health directive - Department of Justice and ..

Statutory health attorney · Health care decisions for others .. initial response to the Queensland Law Reform Commission's Report: A Review of ..

fact sheet - Australian Government Solicitor

safety laws based on the Model Work Health and Safety Bill. .. fact sheet. Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government. 1 ..

Privacy service providers

AW Law AW Law Brisbane lawyers provide a full range of compliance and risk .. Better Life ICT * Health Privacy and Security Analysis.

Terms of reference. Guardianship review. Queensland Law Reform ..

(a) the law relating to decisions about personal, financial, health matters and special .. the scope of the decision-making power of statutory health attorneys; and ..

The Appeals ProcessMHRT - Queensland Mental Health Review ..

The decisions listed above can be appealed to the Mental Health Court. .. 07 3234 0703; A solicitor, visit the Queensland Law Society for a list of practitioners ..

Health Information: Disclosure and Access Policy

Legal and Administrative Law Unit .. legal and ethical obligations to maintain the confidentiality of patients' health information. ... Access by patient's lawyer ..

Managing risk - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Legislation · Codes of practice · Queensland's new work health and safety laws · Prosecutions ..

Law and justice

Index Page to Australian government law sites, including courts and tribunals, legislation, case law and commonwealth, state and territory Attorneys-General ..

Careers with Crown Law - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Careers with Crown Law. Working with us means working with the most experienced government lawyers in the state. The variety and calibre of ..

Biographical information - Part-time Members - MRT-RRT

Diane Barnetson is currently a Member of the NSW Mental Health Review Tribunal, .. She has worked in private legal practice and as a corporate lawyer with a ..

Submission - Select Committee on Mental Health

These are primarily concerned with issues of the adequacy of service delivery. The MHAS is staffed by solicitors who are expert in matters of mental health law, ..

Fair and Safe Work Queensland - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Industrial Court and Commission System · Output 9 – Workplace Health and Safety Services (including Workers' .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report ..

Queensland Government initial response to the Queensland Law ..

attorney and advance health directives. • recognising enduring powers of attorney made in New Zealand. • various legislative changes clarifying the law.

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committee: Legal Aid - Report 3

West Australian Association for Mental Health Inc. Ms Helen Lynes, Executive Officer. Mental Health Law Centre. Ms Kerry Marshall, Solicitor. ADELAIDE, 20 ..

Speeches by The Hon Michael Kirby - High Court of Australia

Of 'Sham' and Other Lessons for Australian Revenue Law, Melbourne University Law ... Valencian Community Ministry of Health, Valencian Foundation for ..

Mental Health Review Tribunal

The Mental Health Advocacy Service provides free legal aid for many types of hearings. Alternatively, the client can engage a private lawyer, ..

Family Law Courts - Complying with orders about children

A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and explain how the law applies to your case. A lawyer can also explain and help you ..

Prescribed Power of Attorney

of Attorney Act 2003 to do on my behalf anything I may lawfully authorise an attorney to do. .. (2) A power of attorney cannot be used for health or lifestyle decisions. The principal .. you may need to make a power of attorney under their laws.

Legal Books Online

The Law Handbook: Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales 11th edition .. of the peace, notice to attend court, passports, and powers of attorney. .. Health law covers mental health, hospital treatment under the ..

FAMILY LAW COUNCIL Improving responses to family violence in ..

6.9.7 Family violence and mental health ....................... ... the booklet "Best Practice Guidelines for Lawyers Doing Family Law Work" to incorporate ..

Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria List Members ..

2010), the lawyer member of the Physiotherapists Registration Board of Victoria and the Mental Health Review Board of Victoria. Carmel teaches in the Leo ..

Without Prejudice Issue 37 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink ..

His death prompted much discussion in the media about lawyers and substance .. abuse in the legal profession is intimately linked to mental health issues.

Patient RightsMHRT - Queensland Mental Health Review Tribunal ..

Tribunal hearings are informal and you are not expected to have a lawyer. .. The Tribunal is required by law to apply the principles of the Mental Health Act 2000 ..

Mental Health Law Centre (WA) - Attorney-General's Department

- MENTAL HEALTH LAW CENTRE (WA) Inc. ABN 40 306 626 287. 3 November 2011. Privacy and FOI Policy Branch. Department of the Prime Minister and ..


Recently in Australia the federal Attorney-General and the federal Minister for Health asked the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Australian Health ..

Enduring Power of Attorney (guardianship) FAQs — Office of the ..

For example, where you will live, how your health care should be .. fact sheet Enduring power of attorney (financial) , or Take Control - a guide to powers .. Forms are available from most newsagents and legal stationers, and ..

11-12 JAG State Budget Highlights - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. ... state and territory has its own workplace health and safety laws.

Law Handbook Online - South Australia


Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. Complaints against lawyers .. banking and financial services · Complaints against health and community services ..


Minister for Health Mr Jim McGinty MLA, by the State Solicitor's Office, .. There clearly is a need to clarify and, as appropriate, modify the law in this area. Some ..

Our governance framework - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. general principles and health care principle; the Queensland Law ..

Inquiry into Vexatious Litigants - Parliament of Victoria - Inquiries

Ms Irene Chrisafis, Lawyer, Litigation Lawyers Section, Law Institute of Victoria .. Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health - pdf 87.32 Kb ..

Mandatory reporting of child abuse - Resource Sheet - National ..

Child maltreatment and family law · Child abuse and multimedia .. the provision of health care, welfare, education, children's services, .. practitioners or arbitrators, and lawyers independently representing children's interests.

About the Northern Territory Magistrates Court

Each Magistrate is a Magistrate of the Work Health Court, established by the Work Health Act. .. Decisions made by the Tribunal are enforceable by law. .. It comprises a legal member (a qualified lawyer or Magistrate), a medical member (a ..

find LEGAL answers - Health - Drugs

Jump to ‎: Title: Criminal law, Vol 1, Lawyers practice manual NSW. About: Information on police interviews, bail applications, sexual ..

Employment Law Forum 2011 - Australian Government Solicitor

We are also preparing for the Work Health and Safety legislation, with .. Senior Executive Lawyer, Dispute Resolution, AGS Melbourne ..

Legal Officer | Defence Jobs

A unique opportunity for lawyers to broaden their experience in the areas of .. Civil law tasks include provision of advice on occupational health and safety, ..

Research Integrity - Australian Research Council (ARC)

ARIC-NHMRC, established under s39 of the National Health and Medical .. Mr Brent has broad experience in administrative law, tribunal processes .. Ms Hamblin is a partner in the Health Group of HWL Ebsworth Lawyers.

Mental Health Legal Centre Inc

Only The ATTorney-General should be able To apply To have a person declared a vexatlous liTlganT. lT is The experience of The l\/lenTaE Health Legal Centre ..


My lawyer's eye discerned that medical malpractice was not classified as a ... in Issues Paper 13 (Summer 2000), Australian Institute of Health Law and Ethics.

News 2011 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

19/10/2011, Next stage in work health and safety reform [ Small PDF icon 118kb] .. 15/05/11, Lawyers make a song and dance of Law Week [ Small PDF icon ..

ORN Y R N N A - Department of Health and Ageing

by H Watchirs - 1996 - mental health), legal aid lawyers, carers, independent members of mental health tribunals and guardianship boards, and officers from relevant State and ..

Appendix J: The impact of compensation on health outcomes and ..

- the size of a person's award for compensation under the common law is ... Used multivariate analysis to analyse health outcomes, lawyer engagement, fault ..

Our ministers - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Mr Lucas, 49, a solicitor prior to entering Parliament, has Bachelor degrees in Economics and in Law and a Master of Business Administration.

Procedural Fairness - The Hearing Rule | Victorian Government ..

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. The common law duty to act fairly in the making of administrative decisions is subject only to the .. health panels in the new Health Professions Registration Act 2005) there is explicitly no right ..

Workplace health and safety compliance - Department of Justice ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. to have contributed over $2 million in value toward improving health and safety in Queensland workplaces.

Boards and committees - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. The Workplace Health and Safety Board is the principal source of ..

Our policies - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Court and Commission System · Output 9 – Workplace Health and Safety Services (including Workers' Compensation Policy) .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report ..

Enduring Power of Attorney Information Kit

State Law Publisher. Ground Floor, 10 William .. An enduring power of attorney is a legal document which allows you. (the donor) to appoint a .. to make personal, lifestyle or treatment (medical and health care) decisions on your behalf.

Crime and mental health law in New South Wales : a practical guide ..

2010 Crime and mental health law in New South Wales : a practical guide for lawyers and health care professionals / Dan Howard, Bruce Westmore LexisNexis ..

Current Trends in Mental Health Legislation

mental health law in Scotland, as well as that in England, Canada, New Zealand .. nurses, psychologists, lawyers, religious groups and carers' associations.

Mental Health Review Tribunal - Department of Justice

The Tribunal was established under the Mental Health and Related Services Act 1998 .. with the Act.Decisions made by the Tribunal are enforceable by law. .. It comprises a legal member (a qualified lawyer or magistrate), ..


That the lecture is in the field of health, law and ethics is also specially .. given to the Law Reform Commission by the Federal Attorney-General required it to ..

Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland - Queensland Government ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland. Level 25, State Law Building .. Public Sector Industrial and Employee Relations; Workplace Health and Safety Queensland; Electrical ..

"What's Your Excuse?" Exploring the myths around contemporary ..

aggression in health services. Jonathan Gray. Senior Lawyer,. Legal Services & Investigations. WorkSafe. Graham Dent. Partner,. Sparke Helmore, Lawyers ..

Older people and the law

Older people and the law ... Recognition of powers of attorney by service providers ............................. 100. Advance health care planning .

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special ..

Council of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated .. Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Health Community Council ..

Crime and mental health law in New South Wales : a practical guide ..

2005 Crime and mental health law in New South Wales : a practical guide for lawyers and health care professionals / Dan Howard, Bruce Westmore LexisNexis ..

Glossary - Law Handbook

The standard of proof (q.v.) required in civil law (q.v.) cases, i.e. it is more probable .. on the performance of mental health services and the welfare of their patients. .. In a solicitor's bill, a disbursement may include payments made on lodging ..

Privacy Policy | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


information is personal information concerning any identifiable individual's .. or developments in law that the VGSO believes may be of interest to them.

Changing or revoking an advance health directive - Department of ..

Statutory health attorney · Health care decisions for others .. initial response to the Queensland Law Reform Commission's Report: A Review of ..

What about me? Self care for workers in the family law context ..

A local family lawyer who attended that meeting said that she felt almost "physically ill" when passing by the local Family Law Court registry due ..

Contribution to national reforms - Department of Justice and Attorney..

The national harmonisation of occupational health and safety (nationally uniform Occupational Health and Safety laws, comprising a model Act, ..

Study WA - Useful Information - Where to go for help

Safety and security – personal safety tips and overview of Australian laws. Health – getting medical help and insurance for overseas students. .. Legal representation is available through lawyers working for Legal Aid and private lawyers.

Victorian Women Lawyers - PDF - 638KB - 6pgs

Women Lawyers Association and Women's Barristers Association. .. In addition, health checks may provide a disincentive to potential applicants who are ..

Construction company fined $200000 over workplace fatality ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. The prosecution was brought by Workplace Health and Safety ..

Fiji Law Society, A Message for the Young Lawyers of Fiji

But then it was explained to me that anything to do with lawyers must have an .. Can we in the law ever approach the nobility of the healthcare professions?

Surrogacy - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

New surrogacy laws for Queensland .. reasonable costs, including medical, for the child; certain health, disability or life insurance premiums; ..

Work for us - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. working conditions; Health and well-being; Non-financial incentives ..

Forms and publications - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Output 9 – Workplace Health and Safety Services (including Workers' Compensation Policy) .. Brochure - New surrogacy laws for Queensland (PDF, 116.3 KB) ..

Search by organisation - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Existing Department Justice and Attorney-General; Department of Employment and Industrial Relations; Workplace Health and Safety. Queensland Health ..

Our objectives - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Work with the Australian Government and other states to improve national consistency in workplace health and safety laws, workers' ..

Submission 305 - Australian Lawyers Alliance - Disability Care and ..

before the law for all individuals .. Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association, .. on the basis that compensation is 'bad for health', should be viewed with caution.

Enduring Power of Attorney

You are here: Law Compass > Public Advocate Home > Enduring Power of Attorney, Print Page .. Advance Health Directives .. An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is a legal agreement that enables a person to appoint a ..

Cairns company prosecuted over workplace safety incident ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. The investigation by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland ..

Crane Safety Warning - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland urges employers and crane ..

Mental Health Tribunal : Links

A list of external websites related to the work of the Mental Health Tribunal. .. They can assist you with legal representation and their lawyers can act for .. Law Society of Tasmania · National Association of Community Legal ..

Support for victims of crime - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Hospital and doctor services; Queensland Health State Wide Sexual .. Queensland Law Society ..

Inquiry into Vexatious Litigants - Parliament of Victoria - Law Reform

Mr Ben Schokman, Human Rights Lawyer, HRLRC; pdf Mental Health Legal Centre - pdf 45.29 Kb Mr Martin Thomas, Policy Officer; pdf ..

2012 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. operating under national model work health and safety laws for the first time.

Children | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..


the safety and security situation, local laws and health issues in the countries .. country should consult a lawyer to resolve child custody and other family law ..

Toward Q2: Tomorrow's Queensland - Leading by example ..

Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General directly contributes toward the .. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) delivers a range of preventative health initiatives.

List of Participants | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

Sarah McKinnon, Principal Government Lawyer, Bargaining and Coverage Branch, Workplace Relations Legal Group, Department of ..


are staffed by a mix of lawyers, community educators, .. law reform projects that are preventative in outcome and that ... Her health problems worsen, one of ..

Submission 13 - (Hon) Graham Mullane

- Of the lawyers surveyed in those areas of NSW, 60% did family law work, 48% did .. In the 80's the State Health Department had a complex computerised ..

Substitute decision making and older people

by D Setterlund - 1999 - - suggested that Power of Attorney was the most abused legal document in. America. Similarly .. The law upholds the rights of older people to protection from abuse and .. type of health care received and accommodation choices. Guardian- ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links - ACCC

50+ items – Consumer & business directory—quick links. Psychological ..

Action for Community Living, VIC (ACL)


The ACL is a statewide cross ..


Community Legal Service, (Darwin NT) DCLS


Darwin Community Legal ..


Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

The Older People and the Law handbook is a free publication about legal issues facing seniors, produced by NSW Young Lawyers - Law Society of NSW.

ATTACHMENT 1 - Areas of Practice

The Crown Solicitor's Office offers a wide selection of areas of practice. .. Guardianship & Mental Health - the section provides counsel to appear in appeals to .. Environmental and Planning Law - as well as the summary prosecutions referred ..

Lawyers - find LEGAL answers

About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional responsibility, ..

Women's Legal Service Victoria - Attorney-General's Department

- Our principal areas of work are family law, family violence and victims of crime .. 2 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Homeless people in SAAP: ..

Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusions

Generally inquiries will arise when the health service is uncertain of its position with respect to a treatment .. law and under the Medical Treatment Act 1988.

Justice Portal : Home

Asbestos in Tasmania · Australian Consumer Law · Integrated Law Library .. Mental Health Tribunal · Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal ..

Collaborative Practice in Family Law - Attorney-General's Department

Part 2: The role and responsibilities of the collaborative lawyer. 80 ... psychologists, mental health professionals, mediators and financial advisers. The stated ..

Hot Topics 60 - Australian Legal System

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. 1 overview. Why do we .. International law – adversarial and inquisitorial – customary law – legal system principles. 5 how law ... occupational health and safety laws;. > Human Rights and ..


An American law professor has advocated a "professional paradigm shift", ... accredited doctors and lawyers from providing certain kinds of health care or legal ..

Legal Assistance - Department of Justice

You can get information about how to choose a lawyer and find details of lawyers through the Law Institute of Victoria, including online in the Find a lawyer ..

Hemmant company prosecuted over workplace safety incident ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. The investigation by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland ..


9 Attorney-General's Department, A guideline for family law courts and ... schools could enhance individual's capacities for healthy relationships, provide ..

Recruitment company prosecuted over workplace fatality ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. The investigation by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland ..

Law Society Regional Offices - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Bundaberg Law Association. Contact Allan Keleher Charltons Lawyers. Phone +61 7 4152 2311. Fax +61 7 4152 0848. Email ..

Review of Australia's Mutual Assistance Law and Practice ..

Submission to the Attorney-Generals Department October 2006 .. Law Reform Commission and Australian Health Ethics Committee into the ..

Appendix A – List of submissions1

Mazengarb Barralet Family Lawyers. 37. Professor .. Logan Women's Health Centre. 497. Ms Debbie .. NSW Young Lawyers Family Law. Committee. 748 ..

First Report - A national approach to mental health – from crisis to ..

EPSTEIN, Ms Merinda Jane, Policy Officer, Mental Health Legal Centre Inc. .. Ms Vivienne Margaret, Lawyer and Policy Worker, Mental Health Legal Centre ..

Master of Health Law - myfuture: Australia's career information service

This course is a flexible program providing both Law graduates and health care .. It is recommended for lawyers, doctors, nurses, dentists and other health ..

Parliament of Victoria - Inquiries

Mr Bill O'Shea, Council Member Mr Andrew Closey, Solicitor, Criminal Law and Litigation Lawyers Section; pdf Health Services Commissioner ..

How To Use This Kit - SA Health Publications

by L BRARlANthe Public Advocate or the Law Society of SA for a list of lawyers practising in this area. .. or other aspects of your health and welfare. These other persond ..

Our department - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

The Attorney-General is the state's first law officer and a member of .. Committee – Workplace Health and Safety; Neurology/Neurological ..

Appendix 2 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: Queensland .. Workplace Health and Safety Board Report 2009–10 ..

Queensland's district law associations - Department of Justice and ..

Bundaberg Law Association. Contact Ms Sharon Ferguson. Organisation Highland Ferguson Lawyers. Phone +61 7 4153 3100. Fax ..


In 1983 he became Minister for Health in the Hawke government and .. Reynolds is a lawyer, with postgraduate qualifications in public health and a PhD from .. health law and policy, and he has advised the Australian Government and state ..

Australian Immigration Fact Sheet 36. Adopting Children From ..

The Australian Government, through the Attorney-General's Department, has the .. criteria concerning partner relationship status, age, citizenship and health. .. in the best interests of the children, and according to consistent law and practices.

National uniform legislation—Official versions - Australasian ..


Committee and approved by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General on 8 .. This is the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law prepared by the ..

The Australian Consumer Law - Consumers 2011 - Speakers

Australian Consumer Law Logo .. Katherine Lane, Principal Solicitor, Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW); Shivanthi .. Kathy Dennis, Assistant Secretary, Research, Regulation & Food Branch, Department of Health and Ageing; Richard ..

Indigenous Affairs Resources

Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH). .. Attorney-General's Department .. Indigenous Peoples and the Law - Parliamentary Library ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links

80+ items – .. business directory—quick links. Disability or ill health.

ACT Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services


The ACT ..


AED Legal Centre


AED Legal ..


Work – Unfair Dismissal | Ombudsman NT

This area is complicated – get advice from a lawyer, the Department of .. help with information about requirements of dismissal (e.g. notice) under federal laws.

About Crown Law - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Crown Law's Executive Management Group (EMG) support the Crown Solicitor in the development and implementation of long-term business ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links

50+ items – Commonwealth logo and the ACCC logo. INFOCENTRE: 1300 ..

Action for Community Living, VIC (ACL)


The ACL is a statewide cross ..


Community Legal Service, (Darwin NT) DCLS


Darwin Community Legal ..


Queensland Law Reform Commission

Published by the Queensland Law Reform Commission, September 2008. ... Attorneys appointed in advance by the adult. .. Statutory health attorneys .

Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 - Department of ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Court and Commission System · Output 9 – Workplace Health and Safety Services (including Workers' Compensation Policy) .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report ..

Indemnity for Queensland Health Employees and Other Persons HR ..

pregnancy, Queensland Health is to appoint and instruct solicitors to provide .. rights at law, pending the decision regarding indemnity, Queensland Health may ..

Preventative Health Taskforce - References

Handsley E, Nehmy C, Mehta K, et al., Media, public health and law: A lawyer's primer on the food advertising debate. Media and Arts Law Review, 2007. 12(1): ..

Pages - About the Attorney-General

Nicola is an honours law graduate, who worked as an industrial lawyer, union .. As the Health Minister from 2007 to 2011, Nicola oversaw major reforms to ..

Dr1 5B.indd

have their Will checked by a lawyer or community legal centre, or through. Law Access (phone: 1300 888 529) to ensure that it is valid. If your Will is .. But Living Wills are likely to have a strong influence on health care providers when making ..

National Human Rights Consultation Report - Chapter 7

Once these were identified, the government should seek to amend the laws, policies and .. The idea of an audit was raised mainly by lawyers, academics and people ... Submission; Law Council of Australia, Submission; Mental Health Legal ..

Master of Health Law - Course search - The University of Sydney

The Master of Health Law (MHL) is designed for lawyers or non-lawyers who wish to upgrade their qualifications for the purposes of career advancement or ..

Graduate Diploma in Health Law - Course search - The University of ..

The course offers both lawyers and health professionals insight into the area of health law, providing a unique opportunity for dialogue between the legal and ..

Graduate Diploma in Public Health Law - Course search - The ..

The Graduate Diploma in Public Health Law (GradDipPubHL) is designed lawyers or non-lawyers who wish to upgrade their qualification(s) for the purposes of ..

Master of Health Law (MHL) & Graduate Diploma in Health Law ..

"As a health professional without any prior training in the law, .. degree will be of particular interest to lawyers with a health/professional liability ..

WebLaw - Health Law

20+ items – Health Law. Legislation : Cth | ACT | NSW | NT | Qld | Vic | WA ..

AB v The Attorney-General for the State of Victoria [2005] VSC 180


Breen v Williams (1996) 186 CLR 71


Health Law, POSTGRADUATE SPECIALISATION - Course search ..

Other units explore the fields of public health law, mental health law, and global health governance. The specialisation attracts lawyers, health executives and ..

The Sydney Advantage - The Sydney LLM & Postgraduate ..

The Sydney Advantage - The Sydney LLM & Postgraduate Coursework Law @ Sydney. The Sydney Law School is a market leader in ..

BOOK REVIEW - QUT Law and Justice Journal

of health law. Dan Howard and Bruce Westmore, Crime and. Mental Health Law in New South Wales: A. Practical Guide for Lawyers and Health Care ..

Law Journal - Legal Resources

Rankings based on number of citations, hosted by Washington & Lee Law School .. Hastings Law Journal; Health Lawyer; Health Law Journal; Hong Kong Law ..

On Capacity - Promoting structured pro bono by

health staff and private lawyers in Mildura, Morwell, Ballarat, Albury/Wodonga and .. community legal education and engages in law reform activities. For more ..

I will survive: strategies for improving lawyers' workplace satisfaction1

by J Finlay-Jones - 2 -. The Problem in America. Practising law is dangerous for your health. Many studies over the past two decades show lawyers in the. United States suffer poor ..

Erica Grundell - Staff Profile

Erica Grundell completed Arts and Honours Law degrees from the University of .. for two years as solicitor to the Victorian Mental Health Review Board. .. She is previous co-author of the chapter on mental health law in the ..

Marie Bismark on The Conversation

Experience. Health lawyer, Buddle Findlay 2006 – present; Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne 2010 – present; Harkness Fellow ..

Who We Are - Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics ..

The Law and Public Health Group is a multi-disciplinary team, with the .. an advisor to the Victorian Minister for Health, and a practicing lawyer.

Professor Roger Magnusson - Sydney Law School - The University ..

His research interests are in health law, policy and bioethics, and in ... Horizons for Lawyers and Sports Administrators, proceedings of the 3rd ..

International consultation confirms national public health law ..

International consultation confirms national public health law .. (UNAIDS), Tinyade Kachika (lawyer, Malawi), Adila Hassim (AIDS Law Project, ..

MIPS/AVANT Medical Law Tutorial Program Clayton and Gippsland

15+ items – Monash University > Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences ..

Andrew Rakowski



, Mediator, Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria


Elizabeth Kennedy


Corporate Counsel, Epworth Health Care


Professor David Studdert - Staff Profile

Archive · law@melbourne Archive .. RAND (Santa Monica, USA), a policy advisor to the Victorian Minister for Health, and a practicing lawyer.

Law students academic excellence awarded

Mary McComish Prize in Ethics and the Law - Michelle Burge. First Place in Occupational Safety and Health Law - Sydney Chesson ..

Academic research interest & supervision .. - ANU College of Law

by HDR Director - 2010 Bioethics and Health Law. Public Health Law and policy. .. young people and the justice system, legal interpreting and lawyers and the legal ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Lindy Willmott

Professor - Faculty of Law, Law SchoolShe is also co-editor of the Health Law and Guardianship section of the Queensland Lawyer. She has had experience in practice in the area of Securities Law ..

Mr Gerry Cleveland

He has also worked as a solicitor at both the Consumer Credit Legal Service as well as the Mental Health Law Centre in Western Australia (WA). Gerry provides ..

Andrew McGee on The Conversation

Lecturer, Faculty of Law at Queensland University of Technology .. Technology, and a member of the Faculty's Health Law Research Program. .. present; Lawyer, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, 111 George ..

Introduction to the faculty - Faculty of Law - Monash University

Monash Law's postgraduate program endeavours to provide further education to lawyers and non-lawyers to assist them to update .. committed to advancing research in specialist areas of the law, including mental health law, ..

Paula O'Brien - Staff Profile

Paula works in two main areas: public health law and public interest law. .. interest lawyering in Australia, in particular through changes to law ..

DO WE REALLY WANT TO KNOW .. - QUT Law and Justice Journal

by INALAW SCHOOLS - - Sample of Practicing Lawyers' (1995) 10 Journal of Law and Health 1. See also: R B Allan,. 'Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Lawyers: Are We Ready to Address ..

Elizabeth Handsley - Flinders University

Prof - Flinders University Media, public health and law: A lawyer's primer on the food advertising debate. Media and Arts Law Review, 12(1), 1-20. Handsley, E., 2006.

Members : Civil Justice Research Group : The University of Melbourne

.. Health, where he is Deputy Head, and the Melbourne Law School. .. an advisor to the Victorian Minister for Health, and a practicing lawyer.

Rethinking Mental Health Laws - Faculty of Law - Monash University

She is a qualified lawyer and graduated from Mannheim University, Germany. She also has a Master of Bioethics and Health Law from Otago University, New ..

Law - Career Development Centre - La Trobe University

Health Law. Solicitor; Barrister; In House Legal Council; Policy Advisory. Law firms; Insurance companies; Health Maintenance Organisations ..


by M EPSeligman - - Why Lawyers Are Unhappy 51 entails societal, as well as personal, costs. Indeed, the creation of law itself is in one sense bound up with the health of judges, ..

LAWS3324 Medicine and the Law - S2 2011 [RTF - Faculty of Law ..

Rich Text Format - introduce a number of issues that may confront lawyers practising in health law;. identify certain of the bioethical, social, political and economic foundations for, ..

Courting the Blues: - Council of Australian Law Deans

relevant to the Australian situation (although no research had been done on the mental health of lawyers and law students in Australia to show this). In response ..

Our Team - Monash University - Faculty of Law - Monash University

She is a qualified lawyer and graduated from Mannheim University, Germany. She also has a Master of Bioethics and Health Law from Otago University, New ..

Health Law

health professions. Other units explore the fields of public health law, mental health law, and global health governance. The program attracts lawyers, health ..


a non-lawyer intending to acquire legal knowledge within a specialist sphere such as Environmental Law or Health Law, the Sydney Law School aims to deliver ..

UTS: Law - browse all undergraduate courses - undergraduate ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

343AA Graduate Diploma in Health and Medical Law

Melbourne Law School's health and medical law program is open to lawyers in the medico-legal area and to doctors and other health professionals and ..


Relationship with other law Division 2--Revocation by principal 16. Advice of .. Who is the statutory health attorney CHAPTER 5--EXERCISING POWER FOR A ..

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Mentally Ill in Queensland Correctional ..

The article concludes by making recommendations for how the law and .. serious charges (Attorney General Pardon)18 or referral to the Mental Health Court ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Health and Medical Law - LAWS3401


and Medical Law is a relatively new and growing discipline in Australia. .. paths available for lawyers interested in the field of health and medical law ..

LLB Students - Macquarie Law School

LAW 208 Law, Lawyers & Society, LAW 214 Jurisprudence .. Health Services, including NSW Justice Health and hospitals; Legal Practitioner ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Tracey Carver

by T Carver - 2011However her research interests also include the areas of health law and legal .. board of Precedent - the professional journal of the Australian Lawyers Alliance.

Michelle Taylor-Sands - Staff Profile

Michelle Taylor-Sands is a senior lecturer in Melbourne Law School at .. Michelle primarily publishes in the areas of civil justice and health law and bioethics. .. Prior to becoming an academic, Michelle was as a senior lawyer ..

The mental health of Australian lawyers - University of Sydney

The mental health of Australian lawyers: A challenge for the law schools and the profession. Ian Hickie AM MD FRANZCP FASSA. NHMRC ..

Peter MacFarlane Home Page

MacFarlane P; Health Law - Commentary and Materials, Federation Press, 2000 .. Ross Y and MacFarlane P; Lawyers' Responsibility and Accountability ..

School of Law Newsletter

Lawyer on Operations'. Justice Michael Kirby. Stephen Gageler, SC. New Health Law Focus Group. A number of academics in the law school ..

School News - School of Law

by C Cook - 2010Learn about what's happening in the School of Law ..

Dr Sonia Allen is awarded research fellowships


The School of Law ..


Women Lawyers and Barristers inspire Deakin students


In June 2011, Deakin ..


Mr Michael Barnett | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Prior to that he worked as a solicitor in practice, a policy lawyer and a tribunal .. mental health law (currently undertaking PhD on comparative ..

Professor Joellen Riley - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Joellen is a Fellow of the Commercial Law Association. ... Employment: Issues for Lawyers' Tristan Jepson Memorial Symposium: Mental Health and the Legal ..

KATIE ELKIN LLB(Hons) - Centre for Health Policy, Programs and ..

Western Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Melbourne, lawyer member and .. Australian Health Law Bulletin, editorial panel member (2008-present) ..

UTS: Thinking about uni? - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

law newsletter 06_v2

Obesity is therefore a serious public health concern and the role that law might play in obesity prevention is a legitimate question for health lawyers to consider.

m acquarie law school

intellectual property law, health law and .. local communities, lawyers working with .. health and medical law; criminal law; international and comparative law ..

So You Want to be an Environmental Lawyer

say that someone is an environmental lawyer? .. benefit of human health and welfare. .. A large corps of so-called "environmental lawyers" has developed to ..

Depression a disabling problem in legal profession - study | UNSW ..

The survey of 2413 lawyers included 738 students from 13 law schools .. approach to active management of this common health problem.

23rd Lionel Murphy Memorial Lecture

- I happen to be convinced that the law is fundamental to good public health which included prevention. We need more public health lawyers such as Jonathan ..

News and events - School of Law

10+ items – URL: ..

Dr Sonia Allen is awarded research fellowships


The School of Law ..


Women Lawyers and Barristers inspire Deakin students


In June 2011, Deakin ..



- Studies demonstrating greater problems of depression, mental health and substance abuse among law students and lawyers were referred to as indicative of ..

Law, Deakin University

Deakin's courses in law have a distinct orientation towards .. stimulating electives such as Chinese Commercial Law, Indian Commercial Law, Health .. As alternatives to practising as a barrister or solicitor, law graduates may ..

The Effect of Witnesses, Attorneys, and Judges on Civil Commitment ..

by RD Miller - 1983 - - In a previous study, we investigated the impact of full-time attorneys for both ... health officials; 5 (5.5%) were law enforcement officers; and 3 (3.3%) were ..

Vivienne Bath is Senior Lecturer in Law, Faculty of Law, University of ..

Law, University of Sydney, Director of the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at the .. (since 2007),. Deputy Chair of China Health Law Association (since 2007).

Lazy euthanasia

texts makes statutory law dif- .. the lack of specific law makes .. the area of medical law. Health lawyers, he said, tend to come in two flavours - those who do ..

Law's role in the global response to HIV/AIDS - News and Events ..

On Thursday 28 October, the Centre for Health Governance, Law .. For those with an interest in health law, Sydney Law School offers a ..

About - Centres & Institutes - The University of Sydney

Centre for Health Governance . .. It is based in the Sydney Law School at the University of Sydney, but is an inter-disciplinary .. Dr James Thomson, University of Western Australia and Office of the WA Attorney-General, Perth.

12015 Property Rights over Human Gametes - Is a .. - College of Law

She was admitted to practice as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of WA in .. Claire is nearing completion of a Masters of Health Law (MHL) at the ..

UTS: Australian tertiary admission rank (ATAR) - undergraduate ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered ..

Dr Rita Shackel - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Rita has worked as a lawyer, legal policy officer and academic in a range of settings .. 32nd Congress of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health, ..


Thus, the same general principles would apply to a lawyer teaching a course in health, law and ethics within the Faculty of Medicine as they would to a scientist ..

Sydney lawyer heads international academy - News and Events ..

Sydney lawyer heads international academy .. taken up a prestigious position as head of an international group focusing on mental health law.

Can law help to prevent cancer and to improve cancer treatment ..

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. Public health lawyers and regulators need a workable model that not only identifies the main ..

Kaye Mehta - Flinders University

Ms - Flinders University Handsley, E., Nehmy, C.S., Mehta, K.P., & Coveney, J.D., 2007. Media, public health and law: A lawyer's primer on the food advertising debate.

Bachelor of Laws | Degree Finder

The Law School offers a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB) which can be .. Finance; Health Sciences; International Studies; Mathematical & Computer Sciences .. Barrister, Business Lawyer, Community Legal Services Officer, ..

Bachelor of Laws

Required, LAW208, Law, Lawyers and Society, 3 .. institutions; community legal centres; public interest advocacy bodies; health services, including hospitals ..

Notes to Lindy:

by MS Keeperbeing members of the Health Law Program. The conference brought together lawyers, doctors, scientists, ethicists, philosophers, allied health professionals, and ..

Ben White - Academic Directory | Australian Law Postgraduate ..

(2005) Queensland Lawyer (forthcoming) (editorial); Ben White and Lindy .. Australian Health Law Bulletin 37; Lindy Willmott and Ben White 'Harvesting Sperm ..

Fraud and the Outlier Scam

Even so, health law attorneys say the case (about outlier payments by state authorities in Florida) may face an uphill battle. Attorney John Reiss of Saul Ewing in ..

LW338 Mental Health Law LW338 Mental Health Law

This is the "LW338 Mental Health Law" page of the "LW338 Mental Health Law" guide. .. Lawyers Practice Manual WA (Legal Online) ..

UTS: Postgraduate course information - Law, UTS Handbook

The UTS: Law postgraduate program has grown dramatically and is constantly .. Participation in postgraduate study may entitle lawyers to mandatory continuing .. family law and dispute resolution; global business law; health law and policy ..

Conflict transactions in the guardianship system

by B White - 2008system. Queensland Lawyer, 28(6). pp. .. Health and guardianship law .. Before turning to this decision, this editorial considers briefly the law relating to conflict ..

UTS: C10131v4 Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws ..

The law is of special importance in many areas of medical science, including medical and health practice, medical and biological research and industrial and ..

Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB - Future ..

Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB .. in specialist areas such as Intellectual Property, Environmental Law, Health Law, ..

Western Australia - Australian Labour Law Association

Melbourne Law School Australian Labour Law Association .. WA), Dean Ellis (Industrial Officer/Lawyer with the Health Services Union) and ..

Master of Laws / Graduate Diploma in Law - Sydney Law School ..

160+ items – The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School Handbook ..

LAWS6011 Administrative Law


compulsory for MALP students


LAWS6014 Advanced Financing Techniques


A LAWS6038 or LAWS6046 or ..


UNSW Continuing Legal Education The New Occupational Health ..

employment law • bullying in the workplace. 4.30pm. Topic 4: Occupational Health & Safety Prosecutions Speaker: Brigid CALLANAN, Lawyer, Freehills, and ..

Depression in Australian Law Schools - ALSA

FOREWORD. Thank you to the Australian Law Students' Association for taking the issue of depression and mental health seriously. I am sure this handbook will ..

Bachelor of Laws - Macquarie University

Learn the role of law in society and develop a sense of social responsibility. .. concern such as consumer law, environmental law, health law and information technology law. .. Required, LAW208, Law, Lawyers and Society, 3 ..

Australian Environmental Websites - Centres & Institutes - The ..

Centre for Health Governance . .. "It provides lawyers, students, researchers and lay professionals with annotated links to .. The WebLaw Environmental Law page by the University of Adelaide has a number of useful features such as. a list of ..

Medical Litigation LAWS70225 - Subject Details

It is taught by Bill Madden, a lawyer specialising in medical litigation, co-author of two health law texts and a regular writer and presenter on ..

Professor Terry Carney - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

.. on Child Welfare Practice and Legislation (1982-84), on Health Law .. Health in New South Wales, University of Sydney Faculty of Law: ..

About Professor Julius Stone - Centres & Institutes - The University ..

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. Health Law @ Sydney Law School · HealthGov · Ethics and Health Law News · Contact Us ..

Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO - Sydney Law School - The ..

McCallum, R, "The Role of the Criminal Law in 21st Century Australian Occupational Health and Safety Regulation." in Australian Mining and Petroleum Law ..

Assoc/Prof Judith Fordham - UWA Staff Profile > The University of ..

She is a past President of the Criminal Lawyers Association of WA and the Australian & New .. CCH Health and Medical Law Reporter, 1992-5 - WA Contributor ..

Graduate Diploma in Public Health Law (GradDipPubHL) - Future ..

Those with a particular interest in public health law may enroll in the .. in the program is open to both lawyers, health professionals working in ..

Latest Sydney Law School News - University of Sydney

Jump to ‎: .. run by lawyers and judges). .. Health Law at Georgetown ..

UTS: Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws (C10126v5 ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

Corporate, Securities and Finance Law - Sydney Law School - The ..

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School Handbook .. Securities and Finance Law · International Business Law · Public Health Law .. the LLM program, but also to lawyers, regulatory staff or compliance professionals.

Kyoto and Tokyo Seminars in Japanese Law - Centres & Institutes ..

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. Health Law @ Sydney Law School · HealthGov · Ethics and Health Law News · Contact Us ..

Valerie Williams - Faculty of Law - University of Tasmania, Australia

The thesis examines mental health with its competing paradigms and concepts, .. law students negative attitudes and the improving of lawyers representation of ..

507AA Master of Health and Medical Law - 2012

Melbourne Law School's health and medical law program is open to lawyers in the medico-legal area and to doctors and other health ..

UTS: Postgraduate coursework for law graduates - law at UTS

corporate and commercial law,; health law and policy,; international law, .. Qualify as a patent or trademark attorney with a Masters, Graduate ..

12040 Current Issues for Government Lawyers - College of Law

College of Law - Corporate Home .. The College of Law City, St James Centre .. The NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 takes effect from 1 January 2012.

Current Healthgov Members - Health Sciences - The University of ..

Margaret Grant, Graduate Lawyer & Consultant - Health Sector, Chamberlains Law Firm Dr Gulin Fethiye Gedik, WHO, Western Pacific Region ..

Law Prizes - Current Students @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers for Property and Trusts A; Alumni .. Prize for Occupational Health & Safety Law; Faculty Advisory Committee Prize ..

Student Research Projects - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Strategy, Rupture, Rights: Life, Law and Resistance in Australian Immigration Detention. Johns, F. Fleur Beaupert. Australian Mental Health ..

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Health and Human Rights ..

Mr Grover is a practicing lawyer in the Bombay High Court and the .. of summaries of international case law concerning the right to health.

special collection - family law


and family dispute resolution practitioners: achieving the child-focused .. Family Law as a determinant of child health and welfare: shared parenting, ..

Faculty of Law : 8. Careers for law graduates

They usually write opinions for solicitors on doubtful points of law or procedure; .. health and safety problems; or help administer the Family Court of Australia.

16 New OH&S Law:CLE

The New Occupational Health and Safety Law including mandatory Reg 176 .. a series of quality short courses assisting lawyers, accountants ..

Commercial Law - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Fundamentals of Commercial Law, 6, A This unit assumes no previous knowledge and is available to non-lawyers and to lawyers who have not ..

Rob Greig

In February 2006 he was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme .. Additionally, Rob has a strong interest in occupational safety and health law.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Laws ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

The National Graduate Law Conference

Commonweath Attorney-General's Department. 10 am. Morning tea. 10.15 am Parallel HDR Presentations. Law and Mental Health Issues. Chair: Mark Nolan ..

Master of Health Law - myfuture: Australia's career information service

This course is a flexible program providing both Law graduates and health care .. It is recommended for lawyers, doctors, nurses, dentists and other health ..

Gerber, P --- "How to Stop Engineers from becoming Bush Lawyers ..

by P Gerber - Existing Scholarship on the Theory of Teaching Law to Non-lawyers ... and any statutorily required insurances such as for workers' health and ..

Freedom to Tinker: Patent Law and Scientific Research

Dr Warwick Neville, Solicitor, Bioethicist, and Researcher, RegNet, The Australian National University, Patent law, Health Care and Access to Essential ..

Paula O'Brien on The Conversation

Paula O'Brien researches in two areas: public health law and public .. interest lawyering in Australia, in particular through changes to law ..

UTS: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws (C10125v7 ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

School of Law - Current students

for the best student in Family Law . Monahan and Rowell Lawyers Prize for the best student in Health and Biotechnology Law. for the best ..

ACIPA Events - Conferences

Dr Warwick Neville, Solicitor, Bioethicist, and Researcher, RegNet, The Australian National University, Patent law, Health Care and Access to Essential ..

Rebecca Welsh | UNSW LAW

Rebecca is actively involved in NSW Young Lawyers as Vice-Chair of the Public Law and Government Committee and member of the Mental Health Executive ..

Marie Bismark - Staff Profile

Dr Marie Bismark is dually-trained as a doctor and lawyer. .. Marie works as a Consultant to Buddle Findlay's health law team and serves on ..

WebLaw - Children & the Law

Staffed by experienced attorneys and advocates, and assisted by USD law student .. Department of Health & Human Services, Tasmania: The Department of ..

This file was downloaded from:

by J Duffy - 2011raised concerns about the psychological health of Australian law students.2 ... (1) helping lawyers feel and perform better in general, and (2) weakening the ..

UTS: Communication - browse all undergraduate courses ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

UTS: Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws (C10131v4 ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

Judge's Associateships : Law School Careers Office : The University ..

Melbourne Law School Internships: Information for Current Students .. (Attorney-General), the Hon Nicola Roxon MP (Minister for Health), ..

A - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

A Bus L, Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia). A Bus L Rev ... AHMLR, Australian Health and Medical Law Reporter ..

Law Electronic Journals - Monash University Library


economics, policy, and law . 2006 to present Cambridge Journals Online (connect | more information); 01/01/2006 to 1 year ago ABI/INFORM Global ..

Rethinking Mental Health Laws: Developing Model Frameworks

by B McSherry - - basis that mental health laws based on rights simply switch the control of individuals with mental illnesses from doctors to lawyers. There is also a growing ..


Syllabus: Whereas law is commonly studied as a body of doctrine or rules, Lawyers, Justice and Ethics makes a critical and contextual examination of legal ..

Ron McCallum

Ron's advice on occupational health and safety law has been solicited by .. In addition to being an industrial lawyer, Ron is an advocate for the rights of persons ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Tina Cockburn

Associate Professor - Faculty of Law, Law SchoolHealth Law; Elder Law; Equity; Trusts; Tort Law – particularly Medical .. Journal of Law and Medicine p653-665; Hamilton B, Cockburn T, (2008) Solicitors taking ..


Graduate to work in the development of mental health and legal policies, in legal-psychological research, or as a lawyer in corporate, social or clinical ..

Health law - Centre for Legal Governance - Macquarie University

Health and medicinal law research projects page. .. project involves a team of philosophers, lawyers and surgeons from Macquarie University.

Professor Andrew D Mitchell - law school - University of Melbourne

International Law Association (ILA) International Committee on International Trade Law .. ‗Introduction' in Andrew Mitchell et al (eds), Public Health and Plain ..

Business Law - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Health Law and Public Health students should enrol in LAWS6881 .. program, but also to lawyers, regulatory staff or compliance professionals.

WebLaw - Thesaurus

25+ items – Select WebLaw Subject Guide, Administrative Law ..

Accidents and Compensation


Emergency services. Insurance Negligence ..


Culture and Recreation


Arts law. Associations Gambling Sport Tourism


WebLaw - Corporations Law


Media and Telecommunications, Native Title, Occupational Health & Safety Law, Policing .. Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation and the Faculty of Law .. Australian Corporate Lawyers Association: The key objective of the ..

Emeritus Professor Hilary Astor - Sydney Law School - The ..

Professor Astor joined the Faculty of Law at Sydney in 1986. .. resolution practitioners and family lawyers and conflict handling in universities. .. invited paper to NSW Health Open Cultures, Safer Cultures Seminar, Sydney ..

Sports Law

Melbourne Law School's internationally renowned sports law program .. Dr Harcourt, who is teaching Sport, Health and Medical Law in June ..

Free Legal Services / The University of Newcastle Legal Centre ..

Debt; Family law; Victim's compensation; Employment; Criminal law .. Neighbour disputes; Public interest matters; Mental health; Social security .. These sessions are staffed by UNLC solicitors and current law students.

Constructions of Health

15th World Congress of Medical Law (Sydney, 2004) and at two Joint ABA/ANZIHLE Conferences -. Contesting Freedoms in Health Care: ..

Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of Bachelor of Laws ..

In this commerce and law degree you'll develop a comprehensive understanding of all .. Required, LAW208, Law, Lawyers and Society, 3 .. Environmental organisations; Health services including hospitals; Large national ..

APLN People - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

Matthew is Professional Support Lawyer to the national Construction and Major .. He was a member of both the Australian Institute of Health Law and Ethics and ..

UTS: Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws (C10136v6 ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

Pushing the Boundaries: Realising Rights Through Mental Health ..

by T CARNEY - - lawyers. 11 and ascribing them with a legal meaning. However, the formal legal .. Principles in Mental Health Laws in Europe' (2006) 12 Psychology, Public ..

Hume Riverina Community Legal Service Placement Experience ..

Albury and once a week to the Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service. The centre also has a family violence duty solicitor to provide legal information, ..

imageREAL Capture

the health experts wi*ll"prescribe~ our health laws;:and', no doubt, lawyers would frame and enact all the laws of procedure and for the adrnlnistration of justice.

Interveners or Interferers: Intervention in Decisions to Withhold and ..

by L WILLMOTT - - and defamation cases.6 Intervention has also been an issue in health law ... In addition to the rules outlined by Brennan CJ in Levy, Attorneys-General are ..

UNE - Staff - Dr Donella Piper

Lecturer - Faculty of The Professions, School of Law Lecturer, Faculty of The Professions, School of Law ..Lawyer(NSW)(ACT)(High Court). Research interests. Health Law & Medico-legal issues ..

Linda Starr - Flinders University

Health law

and its impact on nursing practice; forensic nursing; correctional nursing .. Medico-legal issues; criminal law, forensic nursing, elder abuse, prisons and health care/workers, professional regulation. .. Women's Lawyers Association ..

Legal Terminology, Law, Assistant, language, correspondence course

Understanding the Nature and Scope of Law and Lawyers .. (West Publishing, 1990) a lawyer is "a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor ..

Ms Paula O'Brien - Staff profile, La Trobe University

You are here: University home > La Trobe Law School > About the School .. Paula completed her articles and worked as a lawyer at Minter Ellison .. She acted for various health professional regulatory agencies and other public sector clients.

Non-Exhaustive List of Internship Possibilities - the Adelaide Law ..

International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), New York .. Pan American Health Organization, Legal Division, Washington D.C., U.S.A. Planned ..

Professor Mary Crock - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Admitted to Practice as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of .. of Law and Psychiatry (Special Issue: Migration, Mental Health and ..

Howard, Michelle --- "Principles for substituted decision-making ..

by M HOWARD - Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal .. Mark is her statutory health attorney by virtue of the operation of the Queensland guardianship ..

Research Report 2005 - Law

40+ items – .. WARP Help. Research Report 2005 - Law. Journal Article.

Dal Pont, G, 'Negotiating Lawyers' duties', Law Institute Journal, April 2005 pp ..


Dal Pont, G, 'Beating Back Affluenza', Law Institute Journal, December 2005 pp ..


OLoughlin_Paper.doc - CATL - The University of Western Australia

- by C O’Loughlin - That law students' mental health declines during their years of study has been ... of lawyers' health and lives, and its impact on law firms and client services.

at the University of Sydney

Pathways to Law @ Sydney – Combined Law Transfer. 5 .. human rights, health and the environment. .. health law, feminist legal studies, employment and ..

UTS: Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication ..

UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism · UTS: Nursing, Midwifery & Health – Registered Midwifery, Registered ..

Have your records been doctored? - Speakers

He has been practicing in the health law area for over twenty years and is a remember of a fifteen lawyer health industry team which ..

National Rural/Regional Law and Justice .. - School of Law

5+ items – URL: ..

Ms Olivia Henderson


Central ..


Dr Lesley Hardcastle Dr Terry Bartholomew Professor Joe Graffam


Deakin ..


Australian Law Journal Abbreviations Guide - Subject & Research ..

A Bus L, Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia) .. ACL, Australian Corporate Lawyer .. AHLB, Australian Health Law Bulletin, E-JOURNAL ..

Seminars and Events - Centres & Institutes - The University of Sydney

Centre for Health Governance . .. For other events please visit the Sydney Law School Events page ... looked at the way in which the dynamic Chinese movie industry saw the law and lawyers in China during this period.

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Monday, 17 February 2025
Legal Advice News
Welcome to Australia’s number one legal advice website.
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For a full list of all legal areas covered please visit our Legal Advice Areas page.
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NEW Family Law Section
Our new family law section covers every legal aspect of family law. If you are going through a separation and would like to know your rights entitlements with respect to property and children, then please complete your Free Legal Enquiry Form to be put in contact with the best lawyer for your legal matter.
A new family law section covers all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:
We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:
  • Resolving problems with your relationship
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  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
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IF you have a legal matter, whether it be family law, conveyancing, property law, compensation law or any other matter requiring personal legal services, then enquiry today - and get the legal help you deserve!

Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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Disclaimer: there are advertising laws affecting personal injury claims. By using this site you agree to the Terms of Use.