Housing Property & Development Law & Lawyers

Property Development Law

The term ‘property development’ covers a wide range of activities from buying existing properties and giving them a makeover to buying land and obtaining planning consent for the construction of a whole housing estate or business development.

Whatever form of development you undertake you need a specialist lawyer who knows what to look for to ensure that your project is successful. From establishing that you have the necessary rights to connect an electricity supply to ensuring your neighbour doesn’t have the right to stop you building on your land, the property development lawyer needs to think like a developer to predict where problems might arise.

By completing your free legal enquiry form, we will endeavour to put you in contact with a lawyer practising in the area of property development law so that you can receive ‘hands on’ advice from a lawyer who may visit your site to discover potentially critical legal issues. The advice that you receive may ensure that legal issues do not crop up during the project that affect your ability to deliver the finished product on time and on budget.

If you would like legal help from a lawyer practising in the area of housing, property and development law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Broadly speaking property development lawyers provide advice on:

  • Buying development land
  • Planning consent
  • Property and development law

Residential property developments

The laws affecting house builders are constantly becoming more complex. Legal issues constrain residential property developers throughout the whole cycle, from when you first purchase land to when you sell finished units.

Property lawyers can help you with:

  • Assessing and acquiring sensitive sites
  • Options and conditional contracts
  • Infrastructure
  • Drafting contractual agreements
  • Site assembly and plot sales
  • Planning
  • Environmental Issues
  • Management companies
  • Dealing with local council
  • Advising you with respect to development control plans
  • Advising you with respect to lending environment plans

Developing new housing estates can be a very complex business and developers should be sure to obtain specialist legal advice before buying and building upon the land to avoid any unwelcome surprises during the development.

Lawyers practising in the area of property development law generally have an abundance of experience in property development issues and all the specialist knowledge you will need to ensure that your project goes ahead without a hitch; from pre-planning to post-completion property development lawyers have the skills to see your development through. Lawyers practising in the area of property development law generally can have strong links with many professionals in the local building and development trade and they understand the practical needs of their developer clients allowing them to combine business expediency with proper legal protection.

Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can also help with:

  • Purchase and sale of sites
  • Long term Options and Conditional Contracts
  • Strategic Land purchases
  • Planning permissions
  • Highways and infrastructure agreements
  • Title issues
  • Searches and enquiries
  • Registration of your property
  • Construction documentation and warranties
  • Plot sales including the setting up of Management Companies for leasehold developments
  • Sales to Housing Associations
  • stamp duty and land tax solutions
  • property related GST advice
  • planning - including Agreements and negotiations with Council and planning departments

Lawyers practising in the area of property development law provide legal advice and services for residential property developments of all sizes, from single houses to entire housing estates. Lawyers practising in the area of property development law have experience in residential property development law.

If you would like legal help from a lawyer practising in the area of housing, property and development law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Apart from that mentioned above, Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can help you with:

Site acquisition

Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can assist with the acquisition of development sites and negotiate land purchase agreements, including contracts conditional on planning permission, options and participation agreements.

Land disposal and sales

Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can act on behalf of landowners selling land with and without planning permission and can assist in the negotiations between developers and landowners. Lawyers practising in the area of property development law are able to create the agreements and contracts needed when disposing of land.


Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can provide advice on the planning process including planning agreements and applications. Should an application be unsuccessful then we can assist with the appeal and any inquiry hearings.

sales and letting

Whether you sell finished plots or a flat development then Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can set up the necessary paperwork, schemes and even management companies or residents associations if needed.

Environmental issues

Lawyers practising in the area of property development law know the environmental issues that can affect a development and can advise accordingly. Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can often help clients with matters such as contaminated land, the Health & Safety law, and environmental law and legislation.


Lawyers can provide advice on all aspects of employment law and provide the necessary contracts that you need when taking contractors and sub-contractors on site.

Land and Property Development Disputes

Should a dispute arise before, during or after the development then lawyers practising in the area of property development law will be able to mediate and will try to settle it quickly, before any harm is caused.

Property Development

Lawyers practising in the area of property development law can advise property developers across a complete range of transactions including:

  • Acquisitions
  • Planning (we have our own in-house planning team)
  • Infrastructure and ancillary agreements
  • Joint venture loan agreements and collaboration agreements
  • Funding and mezzanine funding arrangements
  • Disposals
  • Large volume land sales

If you would like legal help from a lawyer practising in the area of housing, property and development law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Further Resources - Housing Property & Development Law & Lawyers


Housing Property & Development Law & Lawyers News

NEWS, UPDATES & INFORMATION - Housing Property & Development Law & Lawyers

How can a housing and property lawyer help me?

•Assessment of site suitability and acquisition work
•The most appropriate legal set up for site ownership
•Investigation of planning position
•Possible negotiation and drafting of option to purchase agreements
•Assisting on mortgage applications and/or dealings with lenders, joint venture partners or venture capital investors.
•On development and sale, preparation of plot sales packs
•Advice and assistance on collateral warranties and general dealings and contracts with builders

Basically, Property Law is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership in real property.

We handle all Housing, Property and Development Law matters.

Housing and Property Lawyers represent housing associations and other social landlords, property managers, managing agents, private landlords and individuals involved in a variety of housing and property transactions or disputes across Australia.

Site Acquisition & Development Law

As mentioned above, lawyers practising in the area of housing and property development law can act for a diverse client base including individual investors, developers, property companies and pension schemes.

Lawyers practising in the area of housing and property development law can act for clients in the legal processes of acquisition and disposal of sites for commercial and residential development. They have particular knowledge in the disposal of completed residential developments where their clients are given regular updates on the progress with sales and leases.

If you need a lawyer, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left.

Property Development

Lawyers practising in the area of housing and property development law advise and assist on an array of property development issues.

If you need legal advice regarding Housing Property & Development Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Housing Property & Development Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Housing Property & Development Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Housing Property & Development Law extends to all suburbs and locations Australia wide.

Housing Property & Development Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from GBCA News.


Housing Property & Development Law & Lawyers Links


Contracts and deposits - NSW Fair Trading

By law, a residential property can not be put on the market until a sale .. as possible so you can ask your solicitor or conveyancer to review it.

Guide to Purchasing - The A to Z of Home Puchase

Common Law Title. 16. Community .. or you can buy a house and land package from a developer or .. You can find out about specialist property solicitors from: ..

Restrictive covenants - Department of Planning and .. - DPCD Home

A covenant that limits the use and development of a lot to a single house .. legal practitioner or property law professional who is experienced in dealing .. to member solicitors in Victoria, practising in the relevant area of law.

Buying off the plan - NSW Fair Trading

Always read your contract and obtain advice from a lawyer or licensed .. the developer selling the property does not need to give a certificate of home warranty .. yet started; the law requires there to be home warranty insurance in place for the ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia



Property, titles and valuations (Department of Environment and ..

Information about property and titles for the Queensland public and for industry professionals. .. sell their home) the power of attorney must be registered in the land registry .. The Land Title Practice Manual provides titling law, practice and .. Clearing and development · Legislation and policy · Vegetation ..

Comlaw Home

New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant community .. Personal Property Securities (Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 .. and harmonised or 'model' laws have been developed and enacted on more than 60 issues. .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) ..

Neighbours and the Law

Centres contributed by Gina Vizza, NSW Attorney General's Department. Section on .. developing resentment towards each other and as a result, being even .. of the property. The Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (NSW) sets out the rights and .. The English system of real property law and conveyancing, although adopted ..

Property agents and managers : Department of Justice and Attorney..

All real estate agents, restricted letting agents, property developers, auctioneers and pastoral house agents must be .. There are severe penalties for breaking the law and operating unlicensed in the property industry.

Apply for a property developer salesperson licence : Department of ..

completes more than 6 residential property sales in any 12 month period .. a licensed property developer or an employment authority document. .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area.

A pocket guide to buying and selling real estate in Queensland

The laws referred to in this guide are complex and various qualifications may apply to the .. Queensland thousands of people buy or sell residential property each year. .. The Office of Fair Trading has developed the Property smart guide to help people .. information such as appointing a real estate agent and solicitor, ..

Rules about property agents charging commissions : Department of ..

By law, there is a limit to the commissions you can charge as a real estate agent, resident letting agent, auctioneer or pastoral house agent.

Apply for a corporate property developer licence : Department of ..

complete more than 6 residential property sales in any 12 month period .. A corporation is suitable to hold a corporate property developer .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area.

Conveyancing - NSW Fair Trading

If you want to buy or sell a home, land or investment property you'll have .. in 'property law' in your local area using the 'Find a Lawyer' page on the .. the land or if any planned development could effect the property (eg. local ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..

Six high-achieving Queensland women will compete for a bursary to develop their personal vision into an .. their projects accommodation and housing impacts and develop mitigation and management strategies. .. Laws and regulations ..

FAQ's - Land Services Group - South Australia Central

Why has the value of my property gone up / down? .. However before your attorney(s) can register a dealing with your house or land, the power of attorney must .. of the Real Property Act and other laws which will impact on your transaction? .. Prepare a proposal plan to be lodged with the Development ..

Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading : Who to Contact

Most homes are sold through real estate agents. .. existing services, building approvals, and property development. The council can introduce future planning schemes or by laws which could influence the building .. If you do not currently have a solicitor you are best served by asking for details of solicitors ..

Apply for a resident letting agent licence : Department of Justice and ..

Home > Property agents and managers > Licence types > Resident .. six subjects of the Property Development and Management Training .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area.

find LEGAL answers - Housing and Land - Planning and development

Find Legal Answers - Housing and Land - Planning and development. Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools ..

Application and transaction forms for property agents : Department ..

Home > Property agents and managers > Property agent forms .. Forms for real estate agents, property developers, resident letting agents (on-site .. For lawyers to cancel or shorten the normal five-day cooling-off period that ..

Legal obligations for property agents : Department of Justice and ..

Details on who needs a licence to work as a real estate agent, resident letting agent, property developer, auctioneer or pastoral house agent.


Brackenreg, Gavin, Quantity Surveying, Housing & Commercial Construction, Coolbinia .. Davis, Roger, Lawyer - Building & Construction Law, Engineering .. Building & Marine Works, Property Development, Mining Plant, ..

NSW Court of Appeal - Recent Decisions of Interest - Supreme Court ..

DISCLAIMER: Subject to operation of the law, the Supreme Court (NSW) .. definition of height; whether the requirement that development not exceed two .. sought advice from solicitor on a claim to the house on the basis of a promise by .. Real property: whether Court has discretion to alter co-owners' ..

The sale process - NSW Fair Trading

A residential property cannot be advertised for sale until a Contract of Sale .. It is important that you consult your solicitor or conveyancer about ..

Our structure | About Queensland and its government | Queensland ..

Ministers are responsible for departments, which implement laws relating .. Treasury · Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade .. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women .. Local Government and Planning · Attorney-General, Minister for Local ..

Homepage - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

NSW Attorney General, Greg Smith SC, today announced the appointment of Ms Susan O'Neill as a .. by Justice Brian J Preston to the Environment and Planning Law Association (NSW) (EPLA) Annual .. Residential Development Appeals ..

Legislation - Law Handbook


Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. other court orders; Civil Liability Act 1936 ACCIDENTS ON PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY WHO IS LIABLE? .. Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 Commercial and Other .. Legal Practitioners Act 1981 Complaints against lawyers Disputes about costs ..

Property and Development Working Group minutes - 16 September ..

Housing Industry Association. Karl Wood. Property Council of .. Director, Law Clarification, ITX Risk and Intelligence. Steve Iselin. Senior Director .. Gadens Lawyers (Urban Development Institute of Australia). Bob Dupont ..

International pro bono brokers and clearing houses

Lawyers Beyond Borders; Public Interest Law Clearing House (VIC) (PILCH .. Advocates for International Development(A4ID); American Bar ..

Property management : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

You can appoint a real estate agent to manage your rental property. .. develop and comply with a complaint handling procedure; complete an inspection report and inventory .. Residential letting property management fees ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

Baggiolegal - Lawyer - Adelaide, South Australia View details .. role in significant South Australian infrastructure and development projects, litigation .. This area of the law involves complex intellectual property issues, defamation, .. Peter Fisher Lawyers has offices in Hove and Adelaide and are available for home visits.

Property and Development Working Group minutes - 20 May 2008

South Australian Department of Housing. Cameron Steele. Gadens Lawyers (on behalf of Urban Development Institute of Australia) ..


The law about retaining walls is principally found under the common law of nuisance. .. Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. Classification of retaining walls under the Development Act 1993 (SA) .. than 1 metre may affect the stability of the neighbours land dependent upon the distance the retaining wall ..

Online information - Land and Property Information

The title search is fundamental to property development and conveyancing activities and is primarily used by solicitors, licensed conveyancers, surveyors and ..

Buying a home : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Do a budget to help you save your deposit, research the housing market and consider all the costs you might need to pay. Appoint a real estate ..

Power of attorney (Victoria Online)

Resources on power of attorney can be found on Victoria Online. .. Rate this site · Home Law & Justice Legal rights & advice Power of attorney ..

Legal Briefing - Australian Government Solicitor

Discusses the Personal Property Securities Register – a new national system regulating .. of the House of Representatives has had on particular parliamentary business. .. Examines the development of Australian common law in relation to ..

When is the Sale of Residential Premises a Taxable Supply ..

Sales of residential property are input taxed and not subject to GST if the property .. In this article Jennifer McLean, Senior Solicitor and Emily Heffernan, Article .. In the 2006 case of Toyama Pty Ltd v Landmark Building Developments Pty Ltd1 .. Statutory Interpretation for Government · The Buttigieg gig: Administrative law ..

FIRB: Foreign Investment Review Board - FAQ

General; Real Estate; Developer pre-approval for new dwellings; Foreign non- .. Acquisitions of residential real estate require prior foreign investment approval .. What if we buy jointly with our son and daughter-in-law who are Australians? .. Australian legislation is available from the Attorney General's Department's ..

Glossary - Law Handbook

Unlawful removal of a person (often a child) from their home environment. .. legal transfer of a right or an interest in property from the owner to another person. .. A set of guidelines for fair practice developed for a specific industry or occupation. .. A power of attorney (q.v.) or guardianship which continues to have effect ..

Buying and selling land in South Australia

housing values; sales history; land details; building details; ownership details .. Conveyancer's or solicitor's services may be required to draft .. may include the term 'Property Development Consultant' within their title.

Real estate agents - NSW Office of Fair Trading

Home Owners .. Builders' Continuing Professional Development · Developers · Green .. Real estate agents and salespersons – sales: Rules 20 – 28 .. Act and other relevant laws, (including laws relating to tenancy, fair trading, .. prospect engage the services of a solicitor or licensed conveyancer, or firm ..

Check if a property agent is licensed : Department of Justice and ..

Home > Property agents and managers > Licence check .. We keep a public register of all licensed property agents and registered ..

Land titles (Department of Environment and Resource Management)

.. with an accurate, secure land registry system for property ownership and other .. Land; power of attorney register; register of reserves and trustees of trust land .. register of licences and permits; register of State housing leases .. of Commonwealth land; register under part 18 of the Property Law Act 1974 ..


Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 Chapter 11 • PAMD Form 30c • V6 • October 2010 .. Development and Innovation .. This form is to be attached to a proposed relevant contract of sale for residential property to be read and signed .. waiving the cooling-off period, the lawyer's certificate must be given to the seller ..

NSW - Sydney - Northern Sydney NSW jobs - Legal, Social and ..

100 jobs – Property Lawyer (2 to 5 years PAE) .. Insolvency Lawyer 3-5 Years' PQE .. and development of commercial, retail and residential properties throughout ..

Property and Development Working Group minutes-20 October 2009

by GST Goods - 2010 Gadens Lawyers (on behalf of Urban Development Institute of Australia) .. Housing Industry Association (HIA) .. Director, Goods and Services Tax (GST) Risk and Strategy Property .. If the proposed Margin Scheme Determination becomes law the Commissioner will be able to apply method 4 both before ..

Directory of Queensland Ministers and Portfolios - The Queensland ..

Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade .. Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State .. judges and magistrates, JPs, law reform, Legal Aid, Public Trustee, business .. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women ..

Hon. John Rau, MP - Government of South Australia


General, Action for Breach of Promise of Marriage (Abolition) Act 1971. Acts Interpretation Act .. Aged and Infirm Persons' Property Act 1940. Aircraft Offences .. Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws) Act 1970 .. Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 .. Residential Tenancies Act 1995 ..

Auction laws - NSW Fair Trading

.. Builders' Continuing Professional Development · Developers · Green .. The Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 and the Property, .. that auctions of residential property and rural land are conducted in New South Wales. .. of authority to bid for that person (unless they have power of attorney).

Apply for an auctioneer licence : Department of Justice and Attorney..

sell or attempt to sell, or offer for sale or resale, any property by way of auction .. by an auctioneer, auctioneer, motor dealer or pastoral house. .. You also need to complete all five subjects of the Property Development and ..

Apply for a real estate salesperson registration certificate ..

Home > Property agents and managers > Licence types > Real estate .. these subjects from the industry-recognised Property Development and .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area.

Frequently asked questions - Strata schemes - NSW Fair Trading

I want to park in a section of the driveway that's common property. .. Our by-laws don't deal with things I think are important. .. The major difference between owning a house and owning a unit or apartment (known as a 'lot') in a .. You may want to get assistance from your managing agent or a solicitor.


Australian Government - Home Page .. The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by providing essential expert support to the Government in the maintenance and improvement of Australia's system of law and justice. .. to the government on the development of policies and programs for enhancing ..

Fair trading forms : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

.. Australian Consumer Law · Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 · National .. Property agent appointment and transaction forms for buying and selling real estate. Residential parks (Manufactured homes) .. for real estate agents and salespeople, resident letting agents, property developers, etc.

Latest media releases

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney-General's; Defence; Education, .. Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs; Finance and .. Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) led by managing director, John Harvey. ... Government to Amend Law to Allow ATO to Hold Refunds Pending ..

Permit Conditions and General Update on Planning Law | Victorian ..

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. In this newsletter, we report on some recent case law in relation to validity of planning permit conditions. .. land that required payment of a levy under an approved development .. Pyx Granite Co Ltd v Ministry of Housing and Local Government [1958] 1 QB 554 (Pyx Granite).

What is a cooperative? : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Property agents and managers .. Home > Associations and non-profits > Cooperatives > What is a cooperative? .. to members produce by providing: market research and development; packing, grading and transport services ..


conveyancing work for residential, commercial and rural property. Conveyancers are .. local area using the 'Find a Lawyer' page on the Law. Society's website ..

Property and Development Working Group minutes - 5 April 2011

Minutes of the Property and Development Working Group meeting held on 5 April 2011. .. Director, Law Clarification, ITX Risk and Intelligence ..

Common questions about fences - Law Handbook

Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. ALLOWANCES AND PAYMENTS POWERS OF ATTORNEY PRISONERS PRIVACY AND .. unchanged in virtually all cases [Fences Act 1975 s 17 and Real Property Act Part 7A]. .. and wire fences) will generally require development approval from the local council.

List of legislation - NSW Fair Trading

The list below shows you the range of laws NSW Fair Trading administers. .. Parliament, you can visit the Parliament House website www.parliament.nsw.gov.au .. register, jointly with the Attorney General and the Minister for Finance and Services .. Property, Stock and Business Agents Regulation 2003 ..

Property crime

Property crime is one of the most common crimes experienced by .. households in Australia had at least one break-in to their home, garage or shed. ... The Crime Prevention Division of the NSW Attorney-General's Department .. graffiti. The project aimed to redirect graffiti artists from illegal to legal work and develop their ..

Property and Development Working Group minutes - 5 April 2011

Director, Law Clarification, ITX Risk and Intelligence .. Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Property and Development Working Group (PDWG) ..

The Impact of the Law of Inheritance on the Family

by AA PREECE - - developments and likely future developments in the relationship. The transfer of property in .. governing succession to property on death and family law and their administration. Both were .. home, is held by the spouses or partners as joint tenants, which means that the house passes .. Queensland Lawyer Vol. 14, Pt. 3,pp ..

The Property Development Working Group - membership

The Property Development Working Group is a consultative forum that .. Gadens Lawyers on behalf of Urban Development Institute of Australia ..

Birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, etc.

Australian Government - Home Page .. Family policy and research · Family resources · Housing and property · Multicultural .. The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department has primary responsibility for developing and ..Law System and better understand their rights and responsibilities following separation.

Directors-General and Chief Executive Officers - Queensland ..

A/Deputy Director-General, Communities' Property Portfolio Level 8 .. Deputy Director-General, Housing and Homelessness Services Level 13 .. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. Mr Mark .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. 25th Floor, State Law Building ..

Justice Portal : Home

Review of the Residential Tenancy Act 1997. .. Information about the Department · Legislation Development and Review · Information for Media · Annual Report ..

Special events : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

seek clear and early instructions from property owners about if they will let .. involve your staff in its development and decide who will handle complaints .. to impose stricter house rules on Schoolies, anti-discrimination laws ..

ACT Government Entry Point


to Canberra, .. Tough new laws to protect children from child sex offenders .. childcare centres or playgrounds under tough new legislation introduced by Attorney General, Simon Corbell, .. Have your say on ABC Flats redevelopment ..

Adjudicator's decisions - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

.. to a privacy policy which may or may not be developed based on the Privacy Act. The .. Section 180(7) of the BCCM Act states that a by-law must not be .. contrary to the sustainable housing initiatives under the Building Act 1975. .. Body corporate bylaws generally regulate parking on common property.

About Australia: Democratic rights and freedoms


· About Australia; Democratic rights and freedoms .. Laws are developed by the executive and must be approved by both houses of parliament. .. circumstances, the free exercise of any religion, and just terms for acquisition of property. .. human rights training to judges, lawyers and prison and government officials.

Property and Development Working Group charter - Australian ..

The forum name was later changed to Property and Development Working Group. Category: .. Housing Industry Association. Peter Jones .. Gadens Lawyers on behalf of Urban Development Institute of Australia. Elizabeth .. Mike Howard - Director, Law Clarification, Risk and Intelligence, Indirect Tax ..

Appointments - JobsNSW

Ageing and Disability, Department of, Legal Officer Grade I-III, 94826, 24/01/2012 .. Land and Property Management Authority, Senior Lawyer, Legal Services, ... Housing NSW, Program Development Coordinator, Clerk Grade 7/8, Head ..

Family law (Victoria Online)

Resources on family law can be found on Victoria Online. .. Water · Government & Economy · Health & Community · Law & Justice · Property & Planning · Transport & Vehicles .. Child Support Agency (Australian Government) - home page .. Family Law Council (Attorney-General's Department, Australian Government) ..

Apply for a trainee auctioneer licence : Department of Justice and ..

Home > Property agents and managers > Licence types > Trainee .. the following subjects of the Property Development and Management .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area.

Business Directory - Sunshine Coast Regional Council

Home > About Sunshine Coast > Business Directory .. Print and Radio, - Website Development and Web Hosting, - Environmental Products, - Food .. Real Estate Agents - Commercial, - Real Estate Agents - Residential, - Retirement .. 4575, Annette Law .. Bakers Lawyers, Level 1 94 Memorial Avenue ..

About Australia: Legal System

The common law system, as developed in the United Kingdom, forms the basis of .. The federal Attorney-General's Department is responsible for administering ..

Legal Bulletin issue 14 - Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal

Home Building Amendment (Home Warranties) Act 2006. 2. .. Strathfield Real Estate (Management) Pty Ltd v Dushyanthira & Ors [2007] NSWSC 225 .. Brunet Development & Construction Pty Ltd ("the builder") made an .. the decision to rely solely on the Hall report was his alone or that of his lawyers.

Law Handbook- legal documents

attorney – see Power of attorney on page 26) have additional .. property of value is assessed according to the value .. a bank statement with current residential address. Children born ... planning and development in each local govern- ..

13 FAMILY LAW 13.1 Introduction Family relations can be complex ..

You may regard yourself as separated but still be living in the same house. .. The Federal Magistrates Court has developed an online divorce application to simplify ... advice from your lawyer about how to identify and value such property.

Shelter - Hot Topics 57 - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. state Library of .. HousingLaw and legislation – New South Wales. 2. .. Most, but not all, privately rented accommodation is in ... The Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 ..

Home - chrc

Proposed New Local Laws .. The ABCD of Community Development .. Man critical after Sydney house fire · Wall St falters as Greece nears default · Milan .. Watson's US lawyers take aim at Qld police · Syrian forces launch assault on Hama ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

reference guide to developing clearer laws and launch of a Clearer Laws website. .. to the Attorney-General's Department from the Department of Families, Housing, ... coordination, finance and property services, business planning and ..

The Property Development Working Group - membership

The Property Development Working Group is a consultative forum that .. executives and senior representatives of the property industry with a .. Housing Industry Association .. Gadens Lawyers on behalf of Urban Development Institute of .. Mike Howard - Director, Law Clarification, Risk and Intelligence, ..

Absentee landowners in the Cook Islands: consequences of change ..

by R Crocombe - regular reviews of land tenure laws to ensure they .. careful design of land registration systems to .. residential land in commercial centres .. of infrastructure developments such as roads, airports, ports and other public facilities, .. Many also give power of attorney or proxy voting rights to a co-landowner living overseas, ..


development that can be approved under the State's planning laws. The advent of .. new life into the real property development industry. It may, in .. multi-storey in town house style where all Lots extend in unlimited height and depth ... and will, on proclamation of the Attorney-General, prevent any further application ..


A competent professional, such as a solicitor, should prepare your .. NOTE: Where a Caveat is lodged without reasonable cause, the law .. property. Restrictive Covenant: A restriction on the use or enjoyment of ... the Town Planning and Development Act or otherwise, then it will be ... Albert Facey House ..

Current Projects and Achievements - SCAG : Lawlink NSW

Personal property securities law reform .. such as family breakdown, credit and housing issues, discrimination, and exclusion from .. Ministers, Attorneys-General agreed to establish a Working Group to develop a proposal ..

Real life story about reading your residential property contract of ..

Home > Consumers > Real life stories > Residential property contract of sale .. The developers told Garry and Louise that they were going to .. The State of Queensland (Department of Justice and Attorney-General) 2012.

Index to awards and contract determinations - Industrial Relations ..

1555, Crown Employees (Aboriginal Housing Office) Award 2007 .. 232, Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor's Office, Office of .. 1576, Crown Employees (State Emergency Service) Learning and Development ..

Property and Development Working Group minutes - 21 October 2008

South Australian Department of Housing. Cameron Steele. Gadens Lawyers (on behalf of Urban Development Institute of Australia) ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Business - Government of South Australia

Beger & Co Lawyers - Adelaide South Australia View details .. South Australian infrastructure and development projects, litigation and commercial transactions. .. This area of the law involves complex intellectual property issues, .. Peter Fisher Lawyers has offices in Hove and Adelaide and are available for home visits.

Department of Justice - Policy Coordination - Construction Contracts ..

Scott is an experienced, practical dispute resolution lawyer. .. airport, commercial construction, housing development scheme and industrial ..

Development Side Deed - Housing NSW

BLAKE DAWSON WALDRON. LAWYERS. Development Side Deed. Bonnyrigg Development Pty Ltd. ACN 122 647 433. Becton Property Group Limited ..

Law Handbook - parenting, family law

and de facto partners inherit property in certain .. The Family Law Act in 2006 developed these ... The lawyer's role is not to act as the child's legal .. home. Women always get the kids. Many men believe that they have little chance of obtain- ..

Document and plan lodgements - Government of South Australia


, property and land .. Checking a lodged power of attorney .. caveats; liens; orders of court; warrants of sale; power of attorney (private individuals only).

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

a Quick reference guide to developing clearer laws, which provides a .. resolution, conciliation and arbitration for children, property and .. In July 2010, the Attorney-General and the Minister for Families, Housing, Community ..

FENCES - Law Handbook

Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. You do not have the right to go onto your neighbour's property to do fencing work. .. represent themselves unless both agree to have lawyers present (Magistrates Court Act 1991 s 3). .. wire fences) will generally require development approval from the local council.

Law reform (Victoria Online)

Australian Law Reform Commission - home page .. On 24 March 2011, Attorney-General Robert McClelland referred the National Classification .. as the centralised agency for developing, monitoring and co-ordinating law reform activity in Victoria. .. Intellectual property; Law reform; Legal documents · Privacy · Road rules ..

Home indemnity insurance protects home owners against financial ..

If residential building work worth over $20000 is to be undertaken, the law requires that a builder must .. If a builder owns the property to be built, extended or renovated, indemnity insurance .. developments and fully leased retirement villages); or. ► .. wish to ask their settlement agent or conveyancing lawyer to ensure ..

Submission 72 - NSW Young Lawyers - Barriers to Effective Climate ..

The NSW Young Lawyers Environment & Planning Law Committee .. attention paid to developments that house vulnerable members of society such as .. The failure to include property resilience and durability in the BCA (in ..

Speeches - Address to Australian Charity Law Association Annual ..

Address to Australian Charity Law Association Annual Conference .. a charity has been developed by the common law over centuries. ... into Parliament House earlier this week as part of the Tax Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Number 7. .. about the real estate killing now,a nd the corporate take-over… and ..

Disputes with a builder or tradesperson - Government of South ..


applications .. Find out about Residential Tenancies. Help us improve our website by completing our survey. My tags. Housing, property and land .. resolution may be accessed by law enforcement authorities or by an order of a court. .. At the trial neither party is permitted to have a lawyer present unless both ..

Family home and law - AIFS Conference Paper - Australian Institute ..

explores the attitudes and practices of experienced family lawyers in relation to the .. Kovacs, "Matrimonial Property Law Reform in Australia: The Home and .. Kendig, "Towards Developing Australian Housing Indicators" in Family Wellbeing: ..


Mr David Miles AM is a lawyer and company director .. property lawyer, specialising in commercial technology and .. Housing and Regional Development.

Ombudsmen (Victoria Online)

Home Law

& Justice Roles & tasks Ombudsmen .. Commonwealth Ombudsman is also the Ombudsman for the Defence Force, Immigration, Law Enforcement, ..

Annual report - Australian Government Solicitor

support the Attorney-General in his role as First Law Officer of the Commonwealth. — operate efficiently as a .. Commonwealth's overseas properties. 54 .. development of Commonwealth constitutional policy. This uniquely ... AGS lawyers working in-house at the Department of Climate Change advised ..

- Daily Law List

Please note: The law list for the next working day is published each day between 4.00 .. 2:00 PM C5967/2011 Rino Corelli v Stonehaven Homes Vic P/L .. 9:30 AM D1093/2011 Freddi and Company P/L v Mintoo Property Developers P/L , Mr Francesco Mosca, Mrs Giuliano .. 9:30 AM J156/2011 Moy Koo v Grigor Lawyers ..

Searching and purchasing data - Government of South Australia


Citizens and your rights · Crime, justice and the law · Health and wellbeing · Arts, sport and leisure · Emergency, safety and infrastructure .. Housing, property and land .. the hundred and township book; the power of attorney index; viewing and .. Property sales data collected by the Government for the development and ..

Resolving property disputes - An Anglo-Australian contrast

by MR Wood - 2002 - canvasses recent developments in this area of law in Australia and also in .. and provides for young Commonwealth lawyers to gain some experience in another .. application of the House of Lords' decision in a case called White –v- White ..

Statewide wind farms amendment - Government of South Australia


, property and land · Building and development · Building and .. renewable energy facilities in development plans across the state to ensure they are ..

Human Rights: Discrimination in Employmeny on Basis of Criminal ..

3 What do discrimination laws say about taking a person's criminal record into .. it may report to the Attorney-General about laws that should be made by the .. The Commission's primary goal is to work with stakeholders to help develop .. such as low levels of education, health problems, housing problems and lack of work ..

Annual Report 2010–11 - Attorney-General's Department

Annual Report of the Attorney-General's Department for the year ended 30 .. This is the Secretary's report to the Attorney-General and the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice .. reference guide to developing clearer laws and launch of a Clearer Laws ... coordination, finance and property services, business planning and ..

Government Lawyers' Conference, Law Institute Victoria

Government Lawyers' Conference, Law Institute Victoria .. property rights; right to liberty and security; humane treatment when deprived .. laws and policies, improving the delivery of services and developing a human rights culture in Victoria. .. Advocacy Case Study: Person living in public housing avoids ..


I am a practising solicitor who provides legal services to owners of .. In the UK and in many states of the US, community style living is the dominate form of residential .. property. Recent experiences show that the Federation of Community Legal .. This same development also created a separate committee outside the ..

Subject Guide - NRETAS Internet Site

Title: When can I be sued if I injure someone or damage their property? .. Published on Law Stuff : know your rights, by The National Children's and Youth Law .. about discrimination, goods or services, pollution, lawyers, housing or any other matter. ... The National Native Title Tribunal works with people to develop an ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Home

.. by Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon, and the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice .. and safety in indigenous communities; and the design development, .. on the wrong side of the law are not necessarily understood for their ..

Type of property agent licences issued in Queensland : Department ..

Anyone conducting business as a real estate agent, resident letting agent, property developer, auctioneer or pastoral house agent in ..

find LEGAL answers resources, grouped by language: English

Title: Accidents and injuries, Vol 2, Lawyers practice manual NSW .. Title: Agency agreements: for the sale of residential property .. About: Covers the historical development of animal law, the legal status of animals, animal ..

Publications & research - AGS publications - AGS legal notes ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. This newsletter, publishing generally three times a year, will focus on current and developing litigation in Australia. .. The High Court decided that the Defence Housing Authority ('the DHA') was .. was confined to ensuring that State laws did not follow the persons or property of a ..

find LEGAL answers - Housing and Land - Strata title

Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. About: Sources of land law in New South Wales, types of land ownership including old system ..

Who we are. What we do.

has developed a wealth of experience in dealing with the .. We employ specialist solicitors, accountants and investments staff .. If you die intestate – that is without leaving a Will – your estate is divided according to the laws of ... The residential property that Mr William had been living in had a work order placed on it by ..

Housing- Conference speakers

Department of Housing, Local Government and Regional Services .. of private industries, in the construction and property development areas. .. Sam Sangster is a lawyer and accountant with extensive senior commercial ..

Table of Cases — Judicial Commission of New South Wales


Attorney-General v John Fairfax & Sons Ltd and Bacon (1985) 6 NSWLR 695 [9-0340], .. Barrett Property Group Pty Ltd v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd [2007] FCA 1509 .. Cassegrain v Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia Ltd [2003] .. Darwalla Milling Co Pty Ltd v F Hoffman-Law Roche (No 2) (2006) 236 ALR ..

Service Tasmania Online: What's New

30+ items – Home >. What's New (sites added in the last 14 days). Search ..

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Regulations 2012


Australian Government Attorney-General's Department: native title


Consultation guide

Authorised activities of pastoral house licensees under property agent licence .. livestock, chattels and property), property developers, motor dealers, .. Occupational Licensing Law in Queensland by November 2010 and ... lawyers in relation to proposed purchases of residential property) in part 6 of the Property Agents ..

China - Purchase registration of property in China - Rules for ..

are not married and have their names registered on a title for a house? .. cohabitation is technically unlawful in China, however current property laws and title .. down" initiated by the seller/developers who have not yet completed payment for their own .. actual procedures, and the original copy of Power of Attorney.


the State of Victoria, solicitor/policy development worker, .. law reform and policy development initiatives relevant to the work of FVPLS Victoria. 2 .. post relea.se housing and general support to women and their children who have .. required with the division of matrimonial or defacto property following separation. 12 ..

Children and families - Hot Topic No 62 - find LEGAL answers

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. 1 government and families .. Towards consistent, national family lawdevelopments in family law since 1975 – the .. proceedings – how the court decides property and financial issues – property and .. private homes should not be subjected to any form of governmental ..

City of West Torrens - Independent DAP member profiles

Trevor was Chairman of the Council's Planning and Development .. A practicing lawyer for more than 30 years, Michael has spent the past 25 .. He is currently an in-house legal counsel focussing on national rail infrastructure projects. .. Lost, stray and abandoned dogs · Number of dogs on a property ..

SAT Member Profiles

As a solicitor, he was a partner in a leading national law firm and, later, a multi .. with the professional development training programs conducted by the Institute of .. housing policy, sat as a member of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal and, .. of Arts), Law and Master of Law (Intellectual Property) from Murdoch University.

An Introduction to the Human Rights Act

International law: customary (practice and opinio juris) and treaties. States Parties ratify .. Compatibility statements of Bills by Attorney-General. – Legislative .. considered and respected in carrying out all functions, and developing. & evaluating .. housing property, as the lease had been in her mother's name. The children ..


<<insert stage of development>> as described in the Housing Development Guide. .. Parts of these documents are licensed from the Law Society of the Australian Capital .. The Deposit becomes the Seller's property on Completion. .. or as the Seller's Solicitor directs in writing and payment in accordance with that direction ..


are staffed by a mix of lawyers, community educators, social workers .. governmental reference group that developed policies and protocols .. and finalised over 580 law reform projects. .. Housing (DOH) property for which she is head tenant.

eTendering - Home

+ Department of Justice and Attorney General .. Development Corporation; › Land and Property Management Authority; › Landcom; › Redfern-Waterloo Authority ..

Links - southaustralia.biz - Home

Housing Industry Association - http://hia.com.au/ .. Department of Trade and Economic Development (DTED) 1800 188 .. Institute of Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia - www.ipta.com.au. Law Society (SA) - http://www.lawsocietysa.asn.au .. Property Council of Australia - www.propertyoz.com.au ..

Common scenarios and problems - Law Handbook

Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. AND PAYMENTS POWERS OF ATTORNEY PRISONERS PRIVACY AND .. The neighbour (A) who proposes to fill (after obtaining development .. Encroachment – My neighbour's retaining wall is on my property or my wall retaining wall is on my neighbour's property ..

Building your new home

Real Estate and Business Agents .. developer or at Landgate whether .. home? Consider the desired orientation, and that frontages and clearances are sufficient to .. The builder is required by law to .. insurance companies, solicitor, ..


Parts of these documents are licensed from the Law Society of the Australian Capital .. Annexure A – Housing Development Guide (includes Specimen Crown Lease) .. The Deposit becomes the Seller's property on Completion. 2.3 .. or as the Seller's Solicitor directs in writing and payment in accordance with that direction ..

Fence Fact Sheet - Maroondah City Council

A common boundary fence is one that lies between two adjoining properties. .. of an existing fence we suggest that you contact a community legal centre or a solicitor. .. Note: The Residential 1 zone is the primary planning scheme zone for residential development within Maroondah. .. Animals, Local Laws & Permits ..

LIAC Subject Headings Scheme

Family law - Property Gay men and lesbians .. Conveyancing Housing Boarding houses. Nursing homes. Residential parks .. Planning and development .. Lawyers Legal costs. Legal dictionaries. Legal forms. Legal services ..

Harmonisation of legal systems

House of Representatives. Standing Committee on ... Recent national developments . .. Personal property securities law and financial services regulation. ... A power of attorney granted by an individual in New South Wales (and possibly in ..

Bonnyrigg Housing PPP contracts summary

General indemnities by the Project Company and the Development Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 3.2 ... Changes in law. .. housing" (public, community or aboriginal housing) properties,. 822 of them owned by ... St George. Power of Attorney ..

Bonnyrigg Living - Housing NSW

New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation. Bonnyrigg .. 2.5 Compliance with Law .. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ..

Frequently asked questions (for members of the public) - Privacy ..

My real estate agent advertised how much my house sold for without my consent. .. should contact the Legislation & Policy Division of the NSW Attorney General's Department .. There are currently no laws that specifically restrict the use of .. with this issue through the use of its development control powers.


In July 2008 the Attorney-General convened a roundtable of representatives of .. One recommendation from the roundtable was that a blueprint be developed for ... Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, the ... 23 The Family Law Act 1975 already provides for arbitration of property ..


Parts of these documents are licensed from the Law Society of the Australian Capital .. <<insert stage of development>> as described in the Housing Development Guide. .. solicitor. Authorised Delegate of the. Land Development. Agency signature: .. residential property and the grant of the Lease will be the first grant of a ..

Fair Comment Issue 7 - NSW Fair Trading

Ministers also welcomed the opportunity to work together to develop a .. National personal property securities law reform – opportunity for public comment. On 16 May the Commonwealth Attorney General released a consultation .. The system was implemented in Fair Trading's Home Building Service in November 2007.

Queensland Government response to the report on the review of ..

Remove the requirement for property developers and their .. Form 30c that are attached to residential property contracts. .. It is noted that local government by-laws cover the operation of business premises. ... the licensee's accountant or lawyer, and not necessarily the licensee's place of business.

Inquiry into older people and the law - Australian Securities and ..

The Federal Attorney General, the Honourable Philip Ruddock MP, has asked the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional ... 5.3 The collapse of the property development group, Westpoint, involved more ..

Family Violence Report - Attorney-General's Department

- An advice on the intersection of family violence and family law issues ... 6.6 The Attorney-General facilitate the development of the Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse database to house and disseminate the family ... …conduct, whether actual or threatened, by a person towards, or towards the property of, ..

National Commission of Audit Report - Chapter 3

the export market development grants scheme; non means tested childcare cash rebate .. Housing Authority; the Legal Practice of the Attorney-General's Department; the .. These services include construction and property management, land ..

PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW - Attorney-General's Department

Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, the Hon Brendan O'Connor MP; and the .. family and international law; international adoption; international child abduction; .. Indigenous justice; legal assistance; native title; personal property securities; .. Development and Local Government in the Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio ..

Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Amendment ..

The Bill seeks to introduce the national uniform law on residential tenancy databases .. fairly for the benefit of those investing in the residential property rental sector. .. party was established by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General .. (SCAG) and the MCCA to develop national uniform legislation and maintain ..

Marital property - Research paper - Australian Institute of Family ..

by G Sheehan - - A recent Government discussion paper on property and family law reform, the .. the Federal Attorney- General reported the outcome of consultations on this paper. .. is currently divided, and how trends in the division of property have developed, .. The 1997 social security non-home owner Pension Assets Test was used to ..


Items 141 - 147 – Following a number of corporate collapses in the property sector, ASIC in ... Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) if appropriate, to develop a ..


Attorney-General's Department .. The Attorney-General's Department's Submission to the Joint Standing .. Delegations under the applied law scheme . .. Economic Development: a Cooperative Approach. .. Commonwealth use and the former Clunies-Ross family home on Home ... other Commonwealth properties.

Life in Australia

The Interpreter Symbol is a national public information symbol developed by the .. centres, housing and employment offices, local councils and migrant .. democracy and the rule of law, equality under the law, equality of men and ... does not mean that everyone is the same or that everybody has equal wealth or property.

(previously Law Department) - Public Record Office Victoria online ..


, Contact Us, Site Map. Agency VA 2825. Attorney-General's Department (previously known as the Law Department) .. the provision of legal and policy advice to the Attorney-General and the development and co-ordination of Government .. In 1985 the Department of Property and Services (VA 430) assumed ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

Kym Duggan PSM, National Security Capability Development Division. David Fredericks, Priorities .. Stephen Lutze, Finance and Property Division. Greg Manning, International Law and Human Rights Division. Geoff McDonald PSM .. the Attorney-General and the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice. The Department's ..

Apply for a property developer (sole trader) licence : Department of ..

complete more than 6 residential property sales in any 12 month period .. You may conduct the business of a property developer either alone or .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area.

Australasian Law Teachers' Association Conference

Rich Text Format - Then there are those laws which a lawyer may have to invoke or apply .. to the development of a common law of real property for all of England. ... housing, social security, neighbourhood issues and consumer credit law.48 ..

Proposals for mandatory fitting of safety switches on all residential ..

(the Plan) was developed by the Electrical. Safety Board .. on power circuits in rental properties within six months of any new residential tenancy agreement, with .. This law applies to any home .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..

Family Violence —A National Legal Response Volume 1

At its meeting of 16–17 April 2009, the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General agreed that .. evidence laws, in particular the development of model sexual assault .. Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, relevant .. (g) damage to property, irrespective of whether the victim owns the property; ..

Access to Premises

Text of the Standards and background material (Attorney-General's Department site .. to people with disability and meet the requirements of discrimination law. .. Archive documents on the Background and history of development of the standards .. The DDA does not cover housing issues as comprehensively as it covers ..

Juvenile Justice: Some Recent Developments Briefing Paper No 5/99

directed at property; is not 'organised'; when drug-related predominantly involves the .. children under 14 from the full force of the criminal law, allowing for a .. The NSW Attorney-General's Department in 1996 reviewed juvenile crime statistics ... more readily than to the acts of children who come from homes where moral ..

Fact Sheet 11 - Intellectual Property

Australian Government, Department of Families, Housing, Community .. your intellectual property at the early stages of developing your business. .. Get the advice of a trade mark attorney or an intellectual property lawyer ..

Getting help for financial hardship : Department of Justice and ..

Property agents and managers .. If you are having trouble making home loan repayments due to unforeseen circumstances, .. Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (Queensland .. The State of Queensland (Department of Justice and Attorney-General) 2012.

ACT Planning and Land Authority - Lease transfer

Home Buying, selling and leasing propertyLease transfer .. Your lease contains a building and development covenant, which requires you to .. by the ACT Law Society should discuss them with their lawyer for advice.

The Property Development Working Group - membership

The Property Development Working Group is a consultative forum that provides Australian Taxation Office (ATO) senior .. Housing Industry Association .. Gadens Lawyers on behalf of Urban Development Institute of Australia .. Mike Howard - Director, Law Clarification, Risk and Intelligence, Indirect Tax ..

find LEGAL answers - Housing and Land - Housing

Jump to ‎: Covers the Real Property Act, covenants and easements, .. strata schemes development and management legislation, ..

Register of Surplus Commonwealth Land - Department of Finance ..

Graduate Development Program .. Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – Superannuation) Act 2008 .. Attorney General's Department .. Land Potentially Suitable for Housing and Community Outcomes .. At the time of publication, properties on this register are considered by the ..


In addition, the Centre undertakes community development activities .. than 200 volunteer solicitors, barristers, academics, trainee lawyers, law clerks and law students ... property proceedings see the aged parent investor in the family home ..

Final - National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance ..

Duty lawyer service means advice and representation services provided at a court or tribunal .. c) developing effective mechanisms for collecting data that includes .. total income in relation to objectively referenced costs of housing and .. property, to allow recovery of the contribution upon sale or transfer of the property.

Acts, bills & legislation (Victoria Online)

ComLaw - Commonwealth of Australia Law (Attorney-General's Department, Australian Government) - home page. ComLaw is an integral part of the Australian ..

Full Version - Lawlink NSW - NSW Government

Director General Department of Justice and Attorney General .. In line with this, thirty law reform bills were developed and considered by Parliament .. Corrective Services NSW has also collaborated with the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office to .. to reduce crimes against people by 10% and crimes against property by 15% ..

Big boost in affordable community housing in East Coburg - Premier ..

"The development also includes property management and tenant services for all of the community housing properties, with a Place Manager ..


Property & Planning Lawyer Ph. (08) 8522 4543 incorporating the .. 2011 is intended to be developed as a "township" and incorporating residential occupation.

Youth advocacy

authority over the young person's lifeteachers, lawyers, law enforcement .. Youth Advocacy is a community development process which resources the local .. security, housing, health, education, transport, property, recreation, gender, race, ..

Papers: Human Rights and Climate Change Background Paper

The modern human rights system is founded in international law. .. However, as the major human rights treaties were developed before climate change .. Closer to home, a recent report by Friends of the Earth International predicts that as a ... unsafe or involuntary return or resettlement; and issues of property restitution.

Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) - Department of Finance ..

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – Superannuation) Act 2008 .. Home >> Land, Property and Asset Management >> Government Business .. in place by initiating change and contributing to policy development. .. Australian Government Solicitor [ External Site ] ..

Corporate - eTendering - NSW Attorney General's Department - Home


Hunter Development Corporation; › Land and Property Management Authority .. Email link Print this page Reduce font size Increase font size. Home. Home. Welcome to the NSW Attorney General's Department eTendering Website.


inevitably leads to divergent developments in all fields of law, including native .. New Zealand Court of Appeal, in the case of Attorney-General v Ngati Apa5 .. homes and were offered compensation for the loss of their homes and crops. .. existing property rights, and that Indigenous people were in fact capable of having ..


Parts of these documents are licensed from the Law Society of the Australian .. <<insert stage of development>> as described in the Housing Development Guide. .. Seller or as the Seller's Solicitor directs in writing and payment in accordance with .. residential property and the grant of the Lease will be the first grant of a ..

Media releases - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

This is a list of media releases issued by the Attorney General in 2009. .. 22/12/09, Pre-purchase property inspections - Letter to the Editor [ Small PDF icon 14kb]. 20/12/09, New laws to resolve neighbourhood rows over hedges .. 07/05/09, House-breaking child sex offenders to face life [ Small PDF icon ..

Annual Report 2009-10 Performance Reports - Outcome 1

Progress has been made on the development and implementation of Australia's Human .. In the areas of specialist support to the Attorney-General as First Law Officer and .. The reformed personal property securities system, including a national register, ... The Department worked with the Department of Families, Housing, ..

Glossary of property terms - Government of South Australia


, property and land .. Enduring power of attorney - a Power of Attorney that permits the donee or attorney to continue to act for the donor even though ..

Letter template

Rich Text Format - Councils may have up to 11 different zones in residential areas alone. .. As well, the proposal will see the number of definitions of development reduced .. to determine if a unit block or townhouse can be constructed in a neighbouring property. Some home owners even hire lawyers at a high cost to sift through a myriad of ..

ACT Government Structure 2011-2012 Budget

ATTORNEY-GENERAL. - MINISTER FOR .. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY. - MINISTER FOR .. Land development. Major land and property project facilitation .. Planning, development and building control .. Housing assistance services ..

eTendering - Department of Justice and Attorney General


of Planning - Corporate; › Hunter Development Corporation; › Land and Property Management Authority .. Home; Department of Justice and Attorney General ..

Annex: Contributors to the case studies Process Members of the ..

Jim Fingleton, Development Law Consultant, in collaboration with AusAID Pacific Land .. 7 Maori land ownership and management in New Zealand .. Brenda Heather-Latu, Consultant, Samoa (former Attorney General, Samoa) .. Eric Gorapava, undersecretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey, Solomon Islands ..

Attorney General's Department - intercountry adoption - Department ..

The Commonwealth Government has in 2006 developed a new department within the Family Law Branch of the Attorney – General's ..

Fremantle Community Legal Centre - City of Fremantle

Economic Development Working Group .. Heritage listed properties in the City of Fremantle .. Tenancy assistance and Department of Housing information. .. We have a duty lawyer service which includes some representation and follow up ..


The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) encourages parents to resolve disputes without going to .. Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. with the care, welfare and development of the child [Family Law Act 1975 s 69C]. .. The primary role of an independent children's lawyer is to provide to the court information ..


will be taking expert legal advice by a qualified Planning Lawyer prior to the public hearing in this regard and seeking .. a property boundary in a number of rural type zones without being .. buildings that are used to house such development.

Date Range - Land Development Agency

solicitor. Authorised Delegate of the. Land Development. Agency signature: .. Completion must take place in Canberra at the ACT Law Society Settlements Room .. Contract is not a sale of residential property and the grant of the Lease will ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

Only applicable to countries eligible for Official Development Assistance. AUSAVDISPLAN .. Law derived from custom and judicial precedent (case law) rather than .. child exploitation and online intellectual property infringement. .. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. FSP ..

Residential tenancy databases - Australian Law Reform Commission

Interaction with State and Territory Laws - Residential tenancy databases .. The purpose of such databases is to enable real estate agents to assess .. Attorneys-General (SCAG) to establish a joint Residential Tenancy Database Working Party. .. The Working Party recommended that states and territories develop agreed ..

New laws - Premier of Victoria

You are here: Home - Announcements - Bills passed into law .. including updating the conflict of interest obligations on a Real Estate agent when .. This Act makes minor technical amendments to three Acts within the Attorney-General's portfolio. .. This Act establishes a new Public Transport Development Authority as a ..

Asbestos - A home renovator's and tradesperson's guide for minor ..

This document was developed by Queensland Health and the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Workplace. Health and Safety Queensland) and is ..

•LA O.Victoria Legal Aid

House of Representatives Standing Committee^ on Legal and .. 61820 duty lawyer services across a range of courts. • 56448 legal .. property and accommodation .. preventative strategies being developed by state consumer agencies.

REVIEW OF THE PROPERTY LAW ACT 1958 Consultation Paper

Chapter 1: The Commission's Review of Property Laws .... 7. The two-stage ... Co-operative Housing Societies Act ...................48. Represented ... into account in developing our final report to the Attorney-General. The Property ..

t3fiEC2fi'it lawyers

t3fiEC2fi'it lawyers. DpAC J PRINCIPAL. The Presiding Member OHN VOUMARD. Development Policy Advisory Committee soL1c1T0R$ ..

Attorney-General (Victoria Online)

Resources on the Attorney-General can be found on Victoria Online. .. Rate this site · Home Law & Justice Roles & tasks Attorney-General ..

City of Ryde

Location of the property. We need this to correctly identify the land. Unit No. .. Power of attorney, executor, trustee, company director, etc). Page 2. City of Ryde – Application to Modify Development Consent – NSW Housing. Page 2 of 3. 13/07/ ..

Apply for a real estate agent (business letting) licence : Department ..

Home > Property agents and managers > Licence types > Real estate .. these subjects from the industry-recognised Property Development and .. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a list of JPs in your area.

Buying into a Community Title - Law Handbook

Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. irrespective of the number of lots, or if the plan contains a development lot, or if the common property or ..

Legislation Proposed for Introduction in the 2012 Autumn Sittings

Committee of Attorneys-General to introduce an R 18+ category for computer games into .. FAMILIES, HOUSING, COMMUNITY SERVICES AND INDIGENOUS AFFAIRS .. Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (TRIPS Protocol Implementation) Bill .. patented pharmaceuticals for export to developing countries in cases of ..

Defence Housing Australia

use or sale requires prior written permission from the Attorney-General's Department. .. Trade Practices Act and planning and environmental laws). .. real estate agents, pastoral houses, auctioneers, property developers, motor dealers and ..


representing the Attorney General, Minister for Citizenship, Minister for Regulatory Reform, and Vice .. 9135 HOUSING NSW DEVELOPMENTS—Mr Victor Dominello to ask the Minister .. 9180 MALICIOUS DAMAGE TO PROPERTY—Mr Geoff Provest to ask the ... have a chance of making claims against the Law Society?

Law support services | wa.gov.au - Home | wa.gov.au

You are here. Home › Community safety › Law support services .. The Department of the Attorney General has provided that support at this link. Court Support ..

Civil Law (Sale of Residential Property) Act 2003

This Act is the Civil Law (Sale of Residential Property) Act 2003. 2. Commencement .. development of the land (a 'developer's holding lease'). 9. Meaning of .. lawyer), or a family member of the seller (or the seller's agent or ..

Foundations of Governance

APS Commission Home page .. amounts of information concerning individuals, the development of Government policy, .. the common law duty of loyalty and fidelity, and the equitable duty of confidence. .. Statement of Intellectual Property Principles .. Further information is available here on the Attorney-General's website.


Parts of these documents are licensed from the Law Society of the Australian .. Annexure A – Housing Development Guide (includes Specimen Crown Lease) .. The Deposit becomes the Seller's property on Completion. .. Seller or as the Seller's Solicitor directs in writing and payment in accordance with ..

October 2011 The Presiding Member Department of Planning ..

will be taking expert legal advice by a qualified Planning Lawyer prior to the public hearing in this regard and seeking .. a property boundary in a number of rural type zones without being .. buildings that are used to house such development, ..

About Defence Housing Australia - DHA Investor Insights

In order to achieve the 'great Australian dream' of property ownership, many .. A former corporate lawyer, Mr Levitt believes that housing affordability is one of .. of Australia's largest lending institutions and property developers as its partners, ..

From the Minister for Housing - Premier of Victoria


From the Attorney-General · From the Minister responsible for the Aviation Industry .. New community housing has been officially opened by the Minister for .. A new development at Doncaster will provide secure, affordable accommodation for .. the locations of 432 new social and public housing properties to be allocated ..

Freedom of Information - History of the FOI Act

The commencement of the Act marked a fundamental change in the law relating to .. by all who have a concern for the development of open government in Australia. .. social security and repatriation benefits, legal aid and housing grants. .. was the property of the Crown which the Crown could disclose or withhold at will.

Development of the Community Title: Staging and .. - Law Handbook

The Community Titles Act 1996 allows for the future development of a scheme in two ways: .. Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. ALLOWANCES AND PAYMENTS POWERS OF ATTORNEY PRISONERS PRIVACY AND .. primary lots, primary common property and a primary community corporation.

bc_define_criteria(7) - Boards and Committees


Harassment and sexual harassment - Anti-Discrimination Board ..

What does the law say about sexual harrassment? .. banks, lawyers, government departments, police, public transport, local councils, .. when buying or selling real estate;; when taking part in sport — this covers people .. If you are harassed somewhere else (for example, in your home or on the street), you ..

- m Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic) inc Cheryl Scarlett ..

Clearing House and SouthPort Community Legal Centre. Inquiries .. number of CLCs in Victoria have developed innovative programs for delivering legal .. and property issues, debt and financial issue, wills, power of attorney, funerals, organ ..

Land registry forms (Department of Environment and Resource ..

1 & 24, 26/03/07, Transfer with property information, PDF file format icon Download (PDF .. revocation of power of attorney, PDF file format icon Download (PDF .. Heritage in Queensland · Queensland Heritage Register · Archaeology · Development · Mapping and .. Queensland Government home page.

Title search or copy of document or plan (Department of ..

.. unallocated State Land; power of attorney register; register of reserves; register of licences and permits; register of State housing leases; register of foreign ownership of land; register under part 18 of the Property Law Act 1974 .. Clearing and development · Legislation and policy · Vegetation communities ..

1920s: boom and bust - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Law and justice in Queensland · Law and justice at home · Law and justice in .. Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. It was also driven by the quest to develop Canberra as the national capital. .. finance, property and public administration, all of which increased ..

Land Sales Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2011 Explanatory Note

large-scale residential unit developments which have longer than normal construction .. Consistency with policy objectives of authorising law. The amendment .. (b) protect the interests of consumers in relation to property development. .. Consultation has occurred with DLA Piper Australia, solicitors for the developer.

Abbreviations and acronyms - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure .. Australian Law Reform Commission. AM .. Australian Agency for International Development .. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs .. World Intellectual Property Organization ..

Abbreviations and acronyms

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure .. Australian Law Reform Commission. AM .. Australian Agency for International Development .. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs .. World Intellectual Property Organization ..

Courtnet JL CASE NUMBER XREF - Lawlink NSW


Aboriginal Community Patrols Program - Attorney-General's ..

- provide a reference for policy and program developers and service providers .. law and justice outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. ... both the private and in-house practice who have demonstrated expertise in providing ... Balund-a is a working rural property located about 70 kms west of Casino, ..

Current Projects and Achievements - SCAG : Lawlink NSW

The development of a harmonised personal property securities (PPS) law and .. On 14 December 2009, the Commonwealth Minister for Home Affairs released a .. Following a public consultation, Attorneys-General agreed to a set of 15 ..

Submission 72 - NSW Young Lawyers - Barriers to Effective Climate ..

- Chair, NSW Young Lawyers Environment & Planning Law Committee .. with particular attention paid to developments that house vulnerable members of .. The failure to include property resilience and durability in the BCA (in ..

Bonnyrigg Living - Housing NSW

Bonnyrigg Development Pty Limited ACi\I 122 647 433. Westpac .. (b) in relation to anything that could be prohibited or restricted by law if a Government ..

Property and Development Working Group minutes - 20 October 2009

Gadens Lawyers (on behalf of Urban Development Institute of Australia). Tony McNamara. Australian Property Institute (API). Jock Kreitals. Real Estate Institute ..

AIATSIS Seminar Series 2010/2

Township leasing has been a relatively recent development in the land rights regime .. housing and housing services, including property and tenancy .. criminal lawyer, a human rights lawyer and a legal adviser, the latter two ..

Women's Legal Service Victoria - Attorney-General's Department

- WLSV also ensures that clients' experiences inform the development of ... because their family law matter involves a property settlement or their home has ..

Objective 5: Create a supportive work environment .. - Housing NSW

Housing NSW Annual Report 006/07. Objective 5: Create a .. to develop a prevention of workplace bullying policy. ... Housing NSW properties. The report .. government lawyers and distinguished guests. .. 006 NSW Law Society Equality of ..

Search for Legislation (Victoria Online)

Results 1 - 10 of 82 – Home .. ComLaw - Commonwealth of Australia Law (Attorney-General's Department, .. The Board of Taxation advises the Government on the development and implementation of taxation legislation and the ..

Bonnyrigg Living - Housing NSW

Private Property Development Clauses under power of attorney in the presence of: Signature of ... requirements pursuant to applicable Laws,. Consents, Policy ..

BUYING A HOME - Law Handbook

The purchase of a home is probably the biggest financial .. A title is the right to ownership of real property (i.e. land). Prior to the development of the Torrens Title system for registering land .. insists on using a contract drafted 'by our lawyers to suit our clients', expert advice should definitely be sought.

Older People and the Law - Attorney-General's Department

- House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs .. Following a number of corporate collapses in the property sector, ASIC in 2007 .. Key features of the guides include the development of eight regulatory ..

Justice, prison & probation | wa.gov.au - Home | wa.gov.au

The Department of the Attorney General provides information on court procedures, .. Here you will find information on the law, getting help, about Legal Aid Western .. If you feel intimidated or afraid of being a victim of personal or property .. The Supreme Court has developed this website to supply those interested in a brief ..

Community Legal Education Solicitor - research, design and ..

great deal of traditional law institutions and methods that are effective in dealing with .. All of the other relevant areas (such as housing, health .. take notice of programs that have already been developed by ... People and Property Law, ..

National Human Rights Action Plan - Attorney-General's Department

We congratulate the Attorney General's recent pledge to provide the. HRLRC with .. informed feedback on the development of laws impacting vulnerable members of the community. .. Property in marriage (15593 matters);. 4. Tenancy .. (for example, the right to adequate housing and the right to social security). The ..

Appendix - Victorian Law Reform Commission

Submission endorsed by Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association .. Australian Property Group of the Law Council of Australia .. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Housing Mobility and .. Bradbrook, Adrian, 'The Development of an ..

Courts - Community - Government of South Australia

Andrew Rogers Business & Personal Lawyers View details .. disputes, and the enforcement of the laws, that relate to the development and management of land, ..


- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD. Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc PILCH. Trade Practices Act .. We commend the Attorney-General on his initiative in undertaking the consultation. 1.2 SRV is a ... (a) taking or misusing funds or property without permission;. (b) abusing joint ..

The Department of Housing - The Department

New Legal Framework (Housing Management Agreements) .. tenancy publications, and advocating for improvements to law and policy for the benefit .. alternative to professional management of rental properties by Real Estate Agents. .. The Department for Community Development aims to advance the general wellbeing ..

Consumer Services - Community - Government of South Australia

Beger & Co Lawyers - Adelaide South Australia View details .. Information for young consumers on renting a house or flat, getting credit, buying a car, .. Our Attorney firm provides Intellectual Property Services - Patent, Trademark, and Design .. the role of women in the social and political development of South Australia.

NSW Government Justice and Attorney General Annual Report 2010

development of a just and safe society through a legal .. Maureen worked for the Australian Taxation Office, the NSW Law ... $750000 and applications for property settlements and ... reduce crime in public housing areas, reducing alcohol ..

The Public Trustee - Real Estate Sales

Refurbish this Solid Home only a Stones Throw to Everything! Situated .. Unique Chance to Secure Major Parcel of Logan City Land for Possible Development ..

Lawlink NSW: Related legal services and agencies

The Office of the Sheriff has broad responsibility for the enforcing the civil law of New .. Levy of property (to recover a debt); Possession (to obtain vacant possession) .. of sentencing, and developing the skills and knowledge of judicial officers .. of income support, housing, order enforcement, counselling and other needs ..

Your Home39large font - Housing NSW

in mathematics and law, and worked as a corporate lawyer, a university lecturer and as a small business owner before .. development activities people want in the area. .. because the property is too big for your household. If we need to ask ..

Building and construction to the United Arab Emirates - For ..

Firstly, there has been a shift away from residential and commercial construction .. Even in Dubai which has experienced a major property decline, more than .. The Abu Dhabi Tourism Development & Investment Company, which .. to providers of professional services, such as lawyers and accountants.

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..

crime prevention measures; law enforcement measures; measures relating to treatment .. It will provide opportunities for personal development and connect people with .. Home assessments would be conducted with assistance provided for ..

Planning for the Future - People with Disability

See legal centres and law societies in your state or territory in the list below. .. IDRS will refer people to lawyers specialised in this area. .. This examination process is developed and assessed by industry experts. ... Residential Property Ownership for disabled persons in Western Australia, Deacons, ..

Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title - AIATSIS

title in supporting Indigenous development and well-being. .. 7 Attorney-General's Department and Department of Families, Housing, ... 'capacity to effectively exercise their valuable property rights' for the provision of public housing ..

Judges' Speeches

Of course in relation to real property law in South Australia, and .. to developing and enacting laws referable to personal property .. On 11 April 2006 the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General ... Closer to home, the New Zealand system is an electronic system offering a centralised, electronic register.

Submission 36 - Public Interest Law Clearing House

- Submission to the Attorney-General's Department on the Strategic Framework for .. The Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc (PILCH) welcomes the ... service delivery, community development, and stakeholder partnerships. ... some property claims, wills and estates matters and professional negligence claims.

Surveillance in public places.rtf - Victorian Law Reform Commission

development and law reform activities. .. employs an administrator, a casework lawyer, a community legal education lawyer .. privately owned properties. One of ... homeless are not only denied access to adequate housing, but also face an ..

Crown Law Office - Commonwealth Government Records about the ..


Right arrow .. Ch 2 Early Commonwealth Years, 1911–21 · Ch 3 George Pearce and Development, 1921–37 · Ch 4 World War .. The Commonwealth Crown Solicitor's Office was established in 1903. .. between the Commonwealth and the States;; conveyancing and property work involving the Commonwealth or an ..

Ipswich City Council - Dogs

Ipswich City Council, through its permits, Local Laws and animal programs, .. any property boundary and at least 12 metres from any residential building .. of Justice and Attorney-General have developed a Neighbourhood ..

Land Development Agency - Land Sales Information

The Land Development Agency (LDA) sells residential land in a variety of .. their residential address, solicitor details and the type of lease they ..

Cultural Appropriateness with Teeth – the Promise of ..

Kimberley Land Council lawyer 1999-2008 (including senior lawyer for Miriuwung and .. Native Title is 'Not Simply a Legal Doctrine Relating to Real Estate'. ... encompassing housing, economic development, health, law and order and ..

Other types of law - Youth Central

It helps lawyers, judges and other legal personnel to interpret the law. .. Transport · Health & Relationships · Housing & Accommodation · Know Your Rights .. that are most relevant to individuals (e.g. laws dealing with property ownership or .. within the boundaries of the state whose parliament or courts developed the law.


Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. AND PAYMENTS POWERS OF ATTORNEY PRISONERS PRIVACY AND .. Development of the Community Title: Staging and Tiering .. Regardless of the type of community title, both divide land to create lots and common property in a similar manner to strata titles.

Submission to the Equal Opportunity Review (pdf 94KB)

The obligation of all Australian governments to guarantee, by law, equal and effective .. Attorney Generals Equal Service Guidelines launch statement .. including SAAP, THM, rooming house and community housing properties. .. development, implementation of the Home essness Assistance Service Standards as ..

Rezoning boosts residential and commercial land supply in ..

Rezoning boosts residential and commercial land supply in Melbourne's .. Planning Minister Matthew Guy has approved the development of ..

Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title - AIATSIS

a solicitor with the Dunhill Madden Butler, Barristers and Solicitors, Brisbane. Michael .. Since the Mabo Decision in 1992 there has developed a native title language. .. requested that it consist of the transfer of property or the provision of goods or services. .. An amendment which has been accepted by the House of ..

Attorney General's Department - Archived Media Releases 2009


-General, Robert McClelland and Minister for Home Affairs, Brendan .. 26 November 2009 - Personal Property Securities Law Passed .. today welcomed progress in the development of new uniform commercial arbitration legislation.

New community housing for Oakleigh - Premier of Victoria

.. From the Attorney-General · From the Minister responsible for the Aviation .. Minister for Housing Wendy Lovell has officially welcomed new .. more than 9100 publicly owned housing properties," Ms Lovell said. The Oxford Street homes were developed with $17.2 million in Nation Building funding.


In practice as a solicitor and barrister, in my work in the Australian Law Reform .. both as to the nature of the law of torts and to the way it was developing 11 . .. the House of Lords and the English Court of Appeal), the Commonwealth Law ... See for example, "Property Damage or Economic Loss" (1996) 4 Tort L Rev 177; ..

Internet Resource Guide: Indigenous Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Indigenous Law. .. Attorney-General's Department. .. of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) .. Articles, case notes and legislative developments.

Legal Briefing 83top.indd - Australian Government Solicitor

(House of Representative members only) will remain within the remit of the .. Without detriment to the other principles, agencies should develop and maintain .. and public property (the term 'public money' is defined to mean, among other ..

Victoria's public housing waiting list falls - Premier of Victoria

"Better management of vacant property is clearly yielding dividends by making more housing available to those who need it," Ms Lovell said.

Contract for the sale of land - 2005 edition - Housing NSW

Osborne Lawyers Pty Limited .. A real estate agent is permitted by legislation to fill up the items in this box in a sale of .. strata development contract or statement .. expert appraisal or mediation (for example mediation under the Law Society ..

Housing SA

Social Housing and Homelessness, Mark Arbib both attended the event .. Development Team held a workshop at Families. SA Marion .. the prestigious Law Society of South Australia. Justice Award. .. pro bono lawyers are currently working with the. Housing .. model tenant in addressing the rent and property condition.

The First Assistant Secretary Social Inclusion Division Attorney ..

payments under both land rights and native title laws. .. Indigenous perspectives on property rights and on how the powerful in Australian society, .. for Social Development (UNRISD) on a project Identity, Power and the Rights of Indigenous .. Examples might be decisions to invest in forms of employment, housing, health ..

Submissions made by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ..

Submission to the Northern Territory Law Reform Committee inquiry into Aboriginal .. An overview of recent developments in Indigenous policy which are relevant to .. Click here to access Attorney-General's Department's Second Discussion .. the different cultural bases of native title from that of non-Indigenous property ..

Tasmania Online: Social and community services > Business

110+ items – Home > Social and community services >. Business. All ..

Abbeyfield Society housing and hostels


Abbeyfield houses provide ..


About Conscious Living


Bill Underwood is an author in the field ..


Procurement - Department of Finance and Deregulation

Get to Know Us · Graduate Development Program .. The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – Superannuation) Act 2008 .. Property Management Guidelines .. Attorney General's Department .. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ..

Our Ref: RJH:MD:17206/O3 I§,"§';Z°,Z'Rf,°§i'uii'-'-"°"' iifii'-'Sim

Re: NOTICE OF APPEAL - PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION .. (Personal Injuries taw 8: Family Law). _ Robert .. Filed by: Jones Leach Hawley, Lawyers .. When the Appellant purchased the land in October 2002 the house and the ..

Australia's Framework for Law and Justice Engagement with the ..

corruption and serious crimes that can impede development. Access to .. Attorneys-General, public prosecutors and defenders, ombudsmen, the legal profession, correctional .. housing. Such weaknesses have a significant dampening effect on all economic activity, .. protecting their personal property and livelihoods.

TREES - Law Handbook

The law about neighbours' rights and responsibilities for trees is covered by the common law of nuisance. .. Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. PRIVACY · USE OF LAND · DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIONS · POTENTIAL DANGERS .. remove any part of the root or branch that is not on his or her property.

Residential Development Code - Law Handbook

It includes minor residential developments which homeowners commonly undertake to improve their properties. Examples include sheds up to ..

Legal Briefing No 90 - Australian Government Solicitor

In this briefing we discuss the key issues in relation to the law of water rights in .. The development of the concept of 'property' in water or water rights is ... These issues were considered by the High Court in Re Residential ..

Housing NSW - eTendering - Housing NSW - Home

+ Department of Justice and Attorney General .. Regional Development and Tourism, State Fleet, State Library of NSW, State Property Authority .. A User Guide has been developed by Housing NSW that covers the steps a potential tenderer ..

Seniors' rights - Government of South Australia


and help at home · 2. Concessions and .. The Seniors and the Law booklet (PDF 1.5MB) has information about: common legal .. In some cases, they may be able to refer you to a solicitor who can represent you for free. For more .. Policy development, advocacy and representation - Council on the Ageing. Related ..

Qggi - Victorian Law Reform Commission

But the introduction of Part Vla of the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW) in that year recognised ... be consistent with developments in the law of unjust enrichment to deal with the related .. He also secured title 1:0 the house, as it had become a .. significant way on the radar screens of private lawyers, at least in their capacity ..

Appendix 5 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Acts Administered by the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations as at 30 June 2010 .. the Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women, and the .. administered by the Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development) .. Property Law Act 1974 ..


Missions contemplating the purchase of property in O'Malley for use as a diplomatic .. as offices or residential premises subject to the requirements of Australian law. .. seek the advice of a local lawyer early in the process of purchasing property. .. is responsible for planning and control of development within National Land ..

Annual Report 2008-09 Output 1.1 - Attorney-General's Department

Family law, federal courts and tribunals, civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution .. access to the federal family law courts on property settlement and .. together expertise and focusing on the task of developing a strategic .. Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, of a range of new ..

Residential tenancy databases - Australian Law Reform Commission

The purpose of such databases is to enable real estate agents to assess .. of Attorneys-General (SCAG) to establish a joint Residential Tenancy Database Working .. The Working Party recommended that states and territories develop agreed ..

Hot Topics 67 - Prisoners - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

specific legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. .. separation and segregation – searches – personal property – discipline .. metropolitan and local prisons housing reception, ... matter; delays; the development of a relationship of ..

2 Statement of Compliance - Department of the Attorney General

Report of the Department of the Attorney General for the financial year ending .. The Department makes a significant contribution to policy development, law .. legislation in each House of Parliament. .. property and person also declined.

' Page 1 ofl

Attorney-Genera|'s Department Disclaimer: The information in this e-mail .. At present there is one home on the property. Our sons are both ..

Ipswich City Council - Roaming Dogs

Dogs must be confined to the owner's property at all times - dogs are not allowed to roam. .. Council has developed a letterbox drop style of form which you may wish .. a means of confinement is not permitted under Council's Local Laws. .. Start when you are at home and then go out for increasingly longer ..


by S Robinson - Gadens Lawyers, Brisbane. 3. Professor, Faculty of .. assumptions behind the development of those laws and whether those laws are effective .. residential property, the rationales for instigation of different laws is by no means uniform and ..

Clinical programs KLC | UNSW LAW

Domestic Violence; Discrimination; Housing; Wills and Estates; Employment .. To develop students' awareness of the role of lawyers in practice in the legal ..

About Us | UNSW Built Environment

City Futures is dedicated to developing a better understanding of our .. Architectural Computing · Architectural Studies · Construction Management and Property .. Have you moved home, or thought about it since turning 50?

Vendor Disclosure - University of Tasmania Faculty of Law

Justice of Tasmania), Mr Paul Turner (appointed by the Attorney-General), Mr Philip ... residential property has been developed to promote vendor disclosure.

Planning and Law | UNSW Built Environment

UNSW Bachelor of Planning/Law. .. You Are Here: HomeUndergraduate DegreesDual Award Degrees .. Planning · Property and Development · Sustainable Development · Urban .. LAWS6210, Law, Lawyers and Society, 6 ..

Is mandatory disclosure an effective consumer protection ..

by E Miller - 2006 - protection mechanism in residential property transactions, the largest ... business district that specialised in acting for large developers, whilst Lawyer 2 was a ..

Professor Adrian Bradbrook | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources (ed), Oxford University Press, .. The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (ed), Cambridge University .. and Design, Canadian Institute of Resources Law, Calgary, 1992. .. A Manual of the Victorian Residential Tenancies Act, Law Book Co, ..

E LAW | Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law

by A GreenshieldsFamily Law; Gender; Health; Housing Property and Development; Human Rights; Indigenous Peoples .. Attorney Generals Department: Publications ..

Sharon Christensen - QUT | Staff Profiles - QUT Home

by S Christensen - 2011Sharon Christensen is currently the Gadens Professor in Property Law and teaches .. has been a consultant to Gadens Lawyers in their property and commercial .. Sustainable Development, Property Rights, Natural Resources Law, Climate ..


by S CHRISTENSEN - - Gadens Lawyers, Brisbane. .. introduced statutory regimes for seller disclosure in residential property transactions .. (2005) 11 Australian Property Law Journal 116. .. property system began to emerge with the development of relaxations and ..

Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning : 6. Property and ..

Bachelor of Property and Construction/Bachelor of Laws .. or property profession including large commercial developments, housing, historic building .. The program is structured to provide lawyers with a comprehensive program to serve the ..


by L MarasingheFirst, there was the assumption that the freedom to own property was immutable ... The draft "enables persons other than attorneys-at-law to appear, plead or act before ... Besides the power to vest any Agency house in the Government, the ..

SSGM Seminar Series: Rebecca Monson - Change of date - 24/11/11

program on law, governance and development. Prior to joining the ANU she worked as a pracƟsing lawyer in both the private sector and .. management; and housing, land and property rights. Her academic work draws on ..


by A Greenshields.. Lee Librarians- Law, Murdoch University Australian legal sites and developments .. Gender * Health & Medical Law * Housing Property & Development * Human ... "A guide and directory to the world's leading lawyers in over 170 countries.

UTS: Housing - undergraduate study at UTS

.. Architecture, Design, Project Management, Property Development .. UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism .. UTS offers affordable student housing at four residences, all within 10 ..

Open Access to Public Sector and Geospatial .. - OAK Law Project

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility. Studies. Discussion Leaders .. Section Geo Information and Land Development .. Neale is a leading lawyer in information technology, biotechnology and intellectual property law with ..

Units of study - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Property law and commercial law are two key sources of rights and .. LAWS3004 Assessment: Interim assessment (40%) and take-home exam (60%) ... This unit aims to develop the general skills of comparative lawyers, ..

When is Income under Long-term Contracts Derived?

by TH Teck - 2002 - examined. Some common law cases on long-term contracts are also surveyed to .. The solicitor was held not to have derived or earned his fees until one .. that a housing developer had received in respect of uncompleted property were ..

MS EMMA GOLLEDGE - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW

- She teaches Housing Law and is an active researcher with the Australian Housing .. Monica was previously a solicitor in private practice with Deacons and has worked at .. Bill developed municipal youth services in Melbourne in the 1970s and in .. Brendan Edgeworth teaches Housing Law, Property, Equity and Trusts 1, ..

the sydney law review

by R Walker - 2005 - Nicholls,3 as well as by a legion of distinguished academic lawyers.4 I am not confident ... engaged in property development through a family company, Consul. Mr Grey ... solicitor. The majority of the House of Lords thought that the judge's ..

WebLaw - Thesaurus

25+ items – Select WebLaw Subject Guide, Administrative Law ..

Accidents and Compensation


Emergency services. Insurance Negligence ..


Culture and Recreation


Arts law. Associations Gambling Sport Tourism


Negotiating Development: The Interaction of Formal and Informal ..

by KJ Ruming - governments, employ consultants and lawyers to promote and protect their claims .. development of residential property, in the majority of instances there is no ..

LAw And deveLopment

sydney.edu.au. the focus of this issue of JuristDiction is law and development .. young solicitors to develop their skills in the legal profession and .. housing and livelihoods), and the impact of development ... Law, and real property. • George ..

Managing Major Repairs in Residential Strata Developments in New ..

by H Easthope - 2009 - Architects and Cathy Sherry from the Faculty of Law at UNSW for their expert advice. .. thousands of residential properties, amounting to billions of dollars in assets .. professional consultants (such as quantity surveyors, engineers, lawyers).

Executive short course presenter biographies - ANIPP - ANU

by A Dean - 2012 She is developing the new discipline of Integration and .. She spent several years as an agency in-house counsel and head of the in-house legal unit team. .. in the Attorney-General's Department's intellectual property area, which involved .. Lauren also values and enjoys teaching law to non-lawyers.


properties are rented. .. shared house with four bedrooms, a pool .. mean that a common law lawyer should ... other developed countries in continental ..

The impact of property title type on residential property returns

by C Eves - 2008 - - major canters, while reducing the time and cost for residential property developers. A cross lease is created when an existing freestanding residential property ..

The Moran Family Story

A rival nursing home operator said of him, "Doug's a real estate developer who ... sons Shane, a lawyer, Peter, who runs the real estate arm of the business, Mark .. The Moran children are strong-minded, with talents including law, real estate, ..

J - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

380+ items – Library home | Catalogue | Resources | Services | Help ..

J Afr L


Journal of African Law


J Affordable Hous & Cmty Dev L


Journal of Affordable Housing and ..


WebLaw - Children & the Law


Occupational Health & Safety Law, Policing, Privacy, Property Law, Sports Law, Taxation ... Staffed by experienced attorneys and advocates, and assisted by USD law .. information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide. .. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous ..

UNSW Handbook Program - Law - 4790

go to UNSW home page .. Students will acquire a sound knowledge base in the discipline of Law due to their completion .. LAWS2381 Property, Equity & Trusts 1 (6 UOC); LAWS2382 Property and Equity 2 (6 .. be expected to make to the development of the candidate's capacity as a lawyer and understanding of the law.

Patricia Blazey, Business and Economics, Macquarie University

Admitted as a Solicitor and Barrister NSW, ACT, High Court of Austalia; .. Fiscal Incentives And Regulatory Regimes – Current Developments – Policies .. P Blazey P Gillies 'Sustainable Housing in Australia – Fiscal Incentives and .. and YiJun Tian 'Intellectual Property Law in China"' in Blazey and Chan ..

Real estate development industry structure: Is it competitive and why?

by E Coiacetto - 2006 - - What factors structure real estate development industries? ... lenders) may need to be funded from highly expensive sources like solicitors .. Builder-developers dominate residential development in the UK and are ..


by L GRIGGS - 'Historically, property lawyers would have tended to ignore any possible human rights aspects to their work. .. journey in the House of Lords, but which for Pye and the English Government .. Pye, professional real estate developers, failed ..

Urban Planning : Melbourne School of Design : University of ..

Home - Urban Planning Profile .. engineering, public health, development studies, social work, law, and other subjects of their choosing are available .. property valuers, real estate developers, lawyers and sociologists.

UNSW LAW Internship Program positions available for Semester 1 ..

- Interns at Arts Law support the solicitors and senior solicitors in a variety of ways. .. Experience and/or knowledge of intellectual property law is preferable. .. As part of the Master of Social Development and in partnership with the .. The intern will assist the NAAJC with: para-legal work on social security and housing files, ..

Twining, William --- "Developments in Legal Education: Beyond the ..

by W TWININGAcademic lawyers have been increasingly involved in law reform activities. .. an increasing interpenetration of professions, the institution of in-house trainers, and .. such as commercial law, international trade and finance, intellectual property ..

Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

Smith distinguishes several stages of social development culminating in .. paragraph 8 relates to the stage at which land has become private property. .. reward of the eminent teacher bears no proportion to that of the lawyer or physician; because .. (These days education in law and medicine is subsidised, but the length of ..

News | The University of Sydney

You are here: Home / Sydney Law School / News & Events .. private enterprise, primarily in the urban, community, housing and development sectors. .. through our sponsors the NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General and SJB Urban. .. new regulatory regimes for personal property securities and for arbitration of ..


held a seminar chaired by Brett Williams on 'Intellectual Property and. Development in the WTO Doha Round' with a presentation by Jayashree. Watal of the WTO's Intellectual .. hosted with the International Law Association a stimulating public lecture by Geoffrey .. House for Mongolian Prime Minister and mining industry ..

JD courses | UNSW LAW

JURD7110, Law, Lawyers & Society. JURD7111, Criminal .. Economics and Law. JURD7321, Foundations of Intellectual Property Law .. JURD7365, Globalisation, Development & HR. JURD7368 .. JURD7413, Housing Law. JURD7414 ..

RHD Student profiles - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

Her interest in this area has developed over many years. .. I am a member of the German-Australian Lawyers Association and of the White Ring .. Project Title: The protection of property rights and interests under international law and Australian .. and Practice, as well as on the Board of Inner-North Community Housing Inc.

Gerber, P --- "How to Stop Engineers from becoming Bush Lawyers ..

by P Gerber - In Australia and New Zealand, the term 'bush lawyer' is used to refer to those, .. In the 1960s teaching law to non-law students was considered to be beneficial in "developing .. Morris reports on the teaching of law to building and real estate ... to convert an inner city office block into residential apartments.

ARI - Adelaide Research & Innovation

He also held a part time academic role with the University's Law School during 1999-2007, .. Duane was key in managing the development of the system by the .. involved in monitoring the protection of the Commission's intellectual property assets; .. Since 2000 Rosanne worked as an in-house lawyer with the Australian ..

Housing affordability and the economy: a review of labour market ..

been recently 'surrounded' by new up-market housing developments that ... highly knowledge-intensive jobs (e.g. lawyers and chartered accountants) to semi- ..

Submission to Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination ..

Discrimination Laws Discussion Paper .. Tina Bruno, Solicitor, Northern Community Legal Centre Inc, SA. 11. .. Community Development Services Inc, Stanthorpe Qld. 14. .. Donna McAlpine, Senior Caseworker, Out of Home Care Team .. aided matters (for example, property division) may contribute to ..

How Indefeasible is Your Strata Title? Unrosolved Problems in ..

by C Sherry - 2010 - also a Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Act 1986. 2 .. by-laws that relate to both community property (common property) and individual .. animals, those that would exclude public housing or those based on 'race or .. Strata lawyers tend to treat exclusive-use by-laws as a way of formalising rights ..

School of International, Political & Strategic Studies - Event details ..

Negotiating Property and Authority: Men, Women and the Transformation of .. she teaches in the postgraduate program on law, governance and development. Prior to joining the ANU she worked as a practising lawyer in both the private .. of disaster and emergency management; and housing, land and property rights.

BE Surveying | Surveying and Spatial Information Systems

Australians own an estimated $1000 billion in real estate. .. development project, working with town planners, lawyers and developers to design and .. the transformation of rural land into sustainable and attractive residential and rural estates.


Eligibility for property developer director's licence Division 6--Motor dealer's licence 44 .. Defence Housing Authority is eligible to obtain particular licences Part .. Liability to punishment under s 149 or 150 additional to other liabilities at law .. (Queensland) Act Part 2--Independence of lawyers and particular valuations 366 ..

Curriculum Vitae - law school - University of Melbourne

- Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Courts of Victoria (1979), NT (1984), SA (1985), .. in Cooke, Elizabeth (ed), Modern Studies in Property Law Volume 4 Hart Publishing ... Consultation by Department Of Families, Housing, Community Services And .. Indigenous Community and Economic Development and Tax Policy ..

thematic review 2

australian Law reform commission (aLrc) and New South wales Law reform .. intersection of family violence and family law issues, attorney-General's Department, canberra .. Long c 2010, Post-separation parenting arrangements and developmental ... often driven by child support obligations and property ..

Whitehead, Peter --- "Powers of Attorney Reform in NSW" [2004 ..

by P WHITEHEADThe proposals for law reform were developed by a NSW Government committee .. Land and Property Information, Attorney General's Department, Guardianship Tribunal, .. The Act defines this to mean housing, food, education, transportation, ..

Potential PhD supervisors

15+ items – Faculty of Business and Law. USQ Home > Faculty of Business ..







Dr Julie Cotter


PhD Qld


Professor (Accounting)


Panel 1: Governance - ANU College of Law

'UNTAET Regulation One:The Development of East. Timor's Judicial .. 3.30pm. Panel 3: Property & Resources. Speakers .. 'Restitution, Refugees and Housing Rights: .. (Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department). 9.00am ..

Prominent MBA alumni

She joined Masonic Homes in 1993 where she soon demonstrated her flair for .. a highly successful and award winning Queensland based, property developer. .. as CEO of McInnes Wilson Lawyers, Queensland's third largest law firm where ..

UNE - RRLJC - Themes

2012 Rural and Regional Law and Justice Conference .. and retention of lawyers and other legal professionals in rural and regional areas, .. of cultural products, intellectual property etc and access to indigenous lands and resources. .. The development of Indigenous services (in law, health, housing and ..


*Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Housing and ESC Rights Law .. development proposal by Berlyn Properties Pty Ltd to turn the caravan park into a .. Malcolm Langford is a human rights lawyer with the Centre on Housing Rights and ..

The Challenge for Asian Jurisdictions in the Development of ..

by M Findlay - - international criminal law and its jurisprudence are said to be based. .. influencing the development of international criminal justice. ... counsel, a more meaningful role for defence attorneys during the pre-trial and ... management companies with their growing control over housing development in urban areas of China.

80917 Pathways Report f/a - Attorney-General's Department

by L Gilmore - 1999 - primary role of the States and Territories for law enforcement, .. This collaboration will develop the right crime prevention and .. National Housing Strategy. .. and physical harm suffered by the victims of both property and personal crimes ..

WebLaw - Human Rights

Select WebLaw Subject Guide, Administrative Law, Biotechnology Law, Children .. of property tribunal; mental health tribunal; residential tenancies tribunal; . .. lawyers active in practising and promoting awareness of international human .. is a human rights education program developed by the Human Rights and Equal ..

The Effectiveness of Strategies for Crime Reduction in Areas of ..

by B Judd - issue in the public housing estate regeneration programs that have emerged in all states of .. on the large estates, this form of public housing development ceased with the .. law enforcement methods such as increasing police patrols and a 'zero .. illustrated below in Figure 2, again with public housing properties shown in ..

Chrisopher Shanahan


he developed its inaugural Jurisprudence Course and taught Property and Evidence. .. as Chairperson and continues to have an interest in public housing issues. .. No.4 Newsletter of the Western Australian Criminal Law Association p.7; ..

Undergraduate courses | UNSW LAW

140+ items – Home › Current Students › My academic life › Courses ..




in the Information Age 2.0




Sport, Law & Society


forging AheAd: gLoBAL energy And reSourceS LAw

that night 17 years ago, the commercial lawyer ... Laws and property rights underpin .. in-house legal team of Shell Development (Australia) — a job she ..

WebLaw - Browse

Select WebLaw Subject Guide, Administrative Law, Biotechnology Law, Children & the Law .. Power of attorney .. Housing, Property and Development ..

Urban Planning

development companies, and housing and community advocacy. .. scientists, economists, property valuers, real estate developers, lawyers and sociologists.

Vendor Disclosure - University of Tasmania Faculty of Law

of Tasmania), Mr Paul Turner (appointed by the Attorney-General), Mr Philip Jackson ... residential property has been developed to promote vendor disclosure.

Role of Law and Legal Institutions in Cambodia Economic ..

by S Sok - 2008 - development of a functional and credible legal system. .. Bilateral Trade and Intellectual Property Rights Protection Agreement .. Lawyers Training Centre .. Differentiation Hypothesis, then we would see a halfway-house in which some ..

Submission to the Attorney-General's .. - Redfern Legal Centre

to the Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws .. casework, information and a range of community development services to their local or ... Maree strongly felt that they had been denied the property because of their sexuality .. house to be beautiful and has spent lots of time decorating it.

A Sad State of Repair – Liability for Maintaining Leased Business ..

by P Rowland - - landlord should repair non-residential premises at the start of or during the .. Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, September-October. 1990, pp335-347 at 335. 11 .. found in current commercial leases were developed by solicitors to protect ..

UTS: Student support - undergraduate study at UTS

.. Architecture, Design, Project Management, Property Development .. UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism .. While you're at uni, you have to juggle study, work, home, finances and ..



OF PROPERTY AMENDMENT (SALES OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY) BILL 2006 .. for Justice and Attorney-General argued 'more consultation was necessary'. .. The government proposes this discussion paper be developed and ..


and facilitate the enforcement of tax laws against property owners who deal .. International Developments in Trusts Law (Kluwer Law International, 1st ed, 1999) 1-2. ... Civil lawyers, who, unlike the English delegates to the Convention, favoured the .. could, after his death, live in his house for the rest of her life in return for ..

Calendar of Events - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

Prior to this recent appointment, Julieanne developed..moreJulieanne Alroe .. More Information: The TC Beirne School of Law will host a cocktail reception at Customs House on .. Presenter: Mr Tom Joyce - UQ Copyright and Library Lawyer .. of the general law and statutory protection of intellectual property in Australia.

Our management staff - ICM - The University of Sydney

Property Portfolio Management and Student Housing .. Andrew worked previously as a lawyer at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and has taught law at the University of Queensland. .. strengths in management, selection, divestment and development of most forms of real estate.

International internship programs and organisations - Monash ..

A background in law (particularly human rights law) or international relations to a graduate .. The Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development program (AYAD) places .. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South, .. The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions is an independent, ..


150+ items – New South Wales Consolidated Regulations. [Index] [Table] ..

Subsidiary agency


Parent agency


Administrative Decisions Tribunal


Department of Justice and Attorney General


14 Elder Law:CLE

Elder Law and Retirement Accommodation Update. Thursday 1 .. of the challenges lawyers will increasingly face .. Continuing Professional Development. Never Stand .. involving loans, gifts and property transfers .. Nursing home regulation ..

RMIT University Short Courses and Single Courses, Courses in ..

The course covers a range of topics designed to develop basic proficiency in .. with a solid introduction to standard residential building design and drafting procedures, ... It examines law in its historical, philosophical, social and political context and .. safety personnel, educators, and attorneys will benefit from this course.

Clinical Legal Education GUIDE

to guide and support students in identifying, developing and applying ethical legal .. This elective course, open to later year law students who have completed Property Law and .. Contact: John Alati, Solicitor / Clinical Legal Education Coordinator, Welfare .. elective topic Housing Law if they wish to be placed at TIAS.

Malcolm Langford 2006

- Malcolm is a human rights lawyer and Senior Legal Officer at. the Centre on Housing Rights and Eviction (COHRE), an. international .. helped pioneer the development of new international legal. standards, for .. 'Slum-Dwellers Rights to Life & Property: Öneryildiz v Turkey', Housing & ESC Rights Case Law. Update, Issue ..

UTS: Professor Larissa Behrendt - Jumbunna

Professor, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning .. She is the Professor of Law and Director of Research at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of .. and Torres Strait Islander communities: the development of a legal framework .. which Aboriginal title is taken as the superior property interest over Sydney.


by R Johnstone - 2003 - - Ms Anne Trimmer Partner, Minter Ellison Lawyers; President, Law .. with the employers' interviews; University of New South Wales for housing Sumitra ... of knowledge include: contract, tort, real and personal property, equity (including ..


law reform body comprising academic lawyers, judges and practitioners that has produced .. constitutional law and property law. Her background includes ... community development with public housing communities, with prison reform and ..

Linkages between housing, policing and other interventions for ..

part of its programme of research into housing and urban development, which it hopes will be of value to ... Crime Prevention Division, NSW Attorney Generals Dept. CPQ .. Superlots: large tracts of public housing under a single title (not Torrens) with properties not ... services and law enforcement agencies. The third ..


by KS Galloway - 2006 - economics; feminist legal theory; Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000. (Qld); Retail Shop Leases Act .. 'Legislating Conscience' into Residential Land Contracts . ... In the development of contract law, statutory changes were gradually .. law by lawyers and jurists alike is a reflection of classical principles. In light of ..

UTS: City campus - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

kingsford legal centre eBulletin winter 2009

the housing properties of the La Perouse Aboriginal .. an Aboriginal community development worker .. matters and as a housing lawyer at Paddington Law ..

UNSW Handbook Faculty Centres and Units

go to UNSW home page .. AustLII is operated jointly by the Faculties of Law at UNSW and at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). .. education and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for lawyers and other professionals. .. of the US FTA on intellectual property laws, and effectiveness of privacy laws.

Publications | UNSW LAW

J. Gray and B. Edgeworth, (2003), Property Law in New South Wales, Sydney, .. under the Real Property Acts: Recent Developments", 21 Bond Law Review 26-42. .. B. Edgeworth, (2006), "Access to Justice in Courts and Tribunals: Residential.. "Property Law" definitions, Dictionary of Australian Property Law, Sydney, ..


by C JONES - - school and had returned home for the mid-semester break. We had .. was indeed a landmark case in the development of the law relating to the Treaty of ..

Ross Smith Secondary School

- It is set among new housing developments as well as older homes and .. This hands-on approach created an awareness of what the law is, how to access .. The offender sits at the bar table with his/her lawyer and may have a relative sitting ..

UTS: UTS campuses - undergraduate study at UTS

.. Architecture, Design, Project Management, Property Development .. UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism .. feel secure and supported, along with services to help with housing, ..

PUBLISHED RESEARCH - law school - University of Melbourne

Ali, P and Chang, A, 'Securitizing Intellectual Property, with some Comments on ... Developments of Labour Law and Industrial Relations in China' in B .. Barber, R, 'Protecting the Right to Housing in ... Property Lawyer 295-321. Sarmas, L ..


by KN Toms - - In Britain and in countries that have inherited the "common law system" , the true fiscal cadastre on the Continental lines has never developed. In these "common .. cadastral surveying and land registration have not generally been subject to reform. Exceptions ... ATTORNEY-GENERAL, TREASURER, Housing. Irrigation.


by D GLASGOW - - Panel4 and Lawyers for Animals;5 major national law firms conducting pro bono work relating to .. concerned with the legal status of animals as property;25 indeed some argue .. such as great apes, have a highly developed consciousness and ability to suffer, so our ... housing hens is clearly needed'.116. 2. Progress ..

Reserving the right: contemporary rights defence movements in the ..

This dissertation argues for its significance in the development of law and of .. One specific emphasis is on the defence of private property rights, especially in the areas of consumer protection and the protection of housing and land., .. as a tool to attack the party-state — specifically by lawyers and legal campaigners — and ..

Flinders News > School of Law

You are currently browsing the archives for the School of Law .. played a key role in the development of the Flinders Law School. Mr Johnston's working life covered all aspects of the law - in addition to being a leading lawyer, .. for University Teaching ceremony at the Sydney Opera House on 16 August.

UTS: Kuring-gai campus - undergraduate study at UTS

.. Architecture, Design, Project Management, Property Development .. UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism .. of land zoned residential that surrounds the Kuring-gai campus.


Launch of South Australian Housing Legal Clinic – Adelaide, South Australia .. Source: Nassim Arrage, Solicitor, Tenants Union of NSW .. It is widely known that the re-development will impact adversely - financially, socially and emotionally - .. Bryan Kavanah , Director Land Values Research Group http://www.lvrg.org.au/ ..

Geelong Lawyers' Collection - Deakin University

Geelong Lawyers' Collection: Vautin Hilary Andrews .. He built up a practice based on property, business, probate and .. With accountant, R. G. Farrow, he helped to establish a substantial number of Co-Operative Housing Societies, .. skill, developed substantial common law and matrimonial law areas of ..

Property Object - Munich2 - Final2

by R BENNETT - - in the Victorian property development sector as both as a cadastral and engineering field .. practice of a property lawyer supports this view because standard enquiries cover specific rights .. Residential and retail landlord and tenant rights ..

Planning for the Future: Arrangements for the Assistance of People ..

by A Economics - - Lawyers have a responsibility to help to explain and utilise legal planning tools which .. institutional and administrative arrangements, laws and mechanisms for independent .. life expectancy over the last 50 years: more people with developmental .. housing options and support services, bearing out the international ..

News | The University of Sydney

This event is presented by the Sydney Centre for International Law, Sydney Law ... for the Right to Housing' 13 Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal ... This seminar will focus on current issues in Intellectual Property Law in China ..

E LAW | Title Index

Bringing Them Home the ALSWA Way (Refereed Articles, December 2004), .. Canada (Attorney General) (Current Developments, June 2004), Sonja ... Intellectual Property Law and the Protection of Indigenous Folklore and ..

Alternative Intellectual Property?: Indigenous Protocols, Copyleft ..

by K BOWREY - - The challenge is for us as lawyers to find, or to make, such a space. .. from recent 'private law' developments in intellectual property law – from copyleft. .. impermeable set of fixed categories, housing sets of commands that dictate social life. .. As a matter of formal law intellectual property legislation is silent on the issue of ..


The Law Refonn Committee of South Australia was established by. Proclamation .. relationship sliail, for any purpose relat2d to succession to property or to the .. a solicitor, be primu facie evidence that the person named as the .. In a field in which science is still developing any section ... Housing Improvement Act. s. 44.

Verbatim - Flinders Law School News

Dr Marinella Marmo and Dr Evan Smith (an adjunct of the Law School) .. the internal documents of the Home Office held at the National Archives in London. .. SA have combined to develop the Southern Justice Network (SJN), .. and Law Directory, and welcomed the Honourable Justice Kourakis, who ..

An Active Approach to Studying Law ANU COLLEGE OF LAW

develop in other contexts to preparing yourself .. An Indigenous organisation providing legal advice, duty lawyer assistance, representation and referral for Aboriginal and .. management of property; mental health; residential tenancies; small ..

Marketing Campaign Lifts the Bar For McCullough Robertson | UTS ..

Queensland's largest law firm, McCullough Robertson, appointed Bayly Willey .. positioning the firm's lawyers as experts in their field and reaching existing and .. Thought leadership success have property development partner Ian Hazzard has .. Initiative, which involved construction of 1000 new affordable housing units.

School of Taxation and Business Law (ATAX)

developments in Taxation, Business Law and Accounting. .. Dale Boucher was a Solicitor and Consultant in Canberra for several .. Chaired Audit Committees for the ACT Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services .. taxation law, especially taxation of intangible property; goodwill; GST; tax ..

Abstracts - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of Queensland ..

It is entirely proper for us – lawyers and jurists – to be interested in law's malleability, but .. based on divergent cultures and trajectories of economic development. .. The background for discussion is recent litigation that ended in the House of ..


Adobe PostScript - by VB Ciesielski - 1990 - - Keywords: Expert Systems, Law, Legislation, Regulations, Rule Systems. Abstract .. Expert Systems were developed for regulations and .. prepares simple legal documents such as wills, residential leases and powers of attorney[6]. ... not clear at this stage whether this is an inherent property of legislation or whether ..

Human Rights and the World Bank: Practice, Politics, and Law ..

by D Kinley - 2006 - - The World Bank Legal Review: Law, Equity, and Development: 353-383. .. to adequate health care, nutrition, housing, and education (as well as the ... 46 See, for example, World Bank Operations Evaluation Department, "Cultural Properties ..

RMIT - Douglas, Ms. Kathy

Graduate School of Business & Law .. Legal Structures in Housing Developments .. Douglas K, 'The Teaching of ADR in Australian Law Schools: Promoting .. Kathy Douglas is a lawyer who has worked at RMIT for a number of years.

'Human Rights 2005: The Year in Review' Conference - Monash ..

Bio: In the course of his five decade career as a lawyer, legal educator, .. Presentation paper - 'Poverty, Development, Business and Human Rights' .. spending on health, housing and education were undertaken for the purpose of a .. he teaches in Property Law, Access to Justice and Constitutional Law.

Policy Engagement - ANU College of Law - ANU Home

.. supported by the Attorney-General's Department, to gauge people's .. Developing Indigenous cultural and intellectual property protocols for .. Ltd. and Jumbunna House of Learning (University of Technology Sydney).

Charity Means Business – Commissioner of Taxation v Word ..

by IAN MURRAY - Lawyer, Blake Dawson and Sessional Lecturer, Law School, Murdoch University. .. Property Trust v Fern Tree Gully Corporation (1952) 85 CLR 159 at 187 (Fullagar J). .. and Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, .. the spread of Christianity, particularly across developing countries.


and developments in our research deal with fundamental issues of our times, such as the .. Law and social theory; property law; housing law. Gary Edmond, Senior ... high quality professional education for lawyers and other professionals.

1 National Human Rights Consultation Secretariat Attorney ..

International Refugee and Migration Law Project at the Gilbert + Tobin ... HRA provides an important opportunity for Australia to 'bring home' its international .. would likely be considered during the course of policy development and legislative .. training, without proper management and oversight, with poor information ..

Senior Management Group | Introducing Bond | Bond University ..


; > About Bond; > Introducing Bond; > University Governance; > Senior Management .. He has developed and taught courses in Management Accounting, Cost .. (Queensland Law Society) and the Gold Coast District Law Association. .. other commercial and retail properties around Australia and the Pacific Rim.

Audit Report on the Marshall Islands Development Bank

of the Compact of Free Association, Federal and Republic laws, Bank policies .. complete and current; and (3) ensure that management fees were charged on all properties .. Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture; and two attorneys in private .. increase employment and production, improve standards of housing, ..

Ray Green


and Institutional Developments .. coastal sites proposed for resort, residential, commercial and recreational land uses - Project partially built to plan. .. including wetland biologists, soil scientists, land use attorneys and others as the .. to develop a scenic roads preservation law and included as an appendix in the ..

UTS: Academic help - undergraduate study at UTS

.. Architecture, Design, Project Management, Property Development .. UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism .. Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning is the student services centre ..

EHL News > Flinders Law School

You are currently browsing the archives for the Flinders Law School category. .. as well as the development of new methodologies and approaches to teaching, and .. the tension between private and community interests in property". .. lawyers, policy makers, housing providers and housing consumers.

Clark, Eugene --- "Book Review - Geographic Information Science ..

by W SussexJournal of Law, Information and Science (JLIS) .. natural resources management, housing, agriculture, energy, commerce, security, elections, .. Recognising that many readers of this work will be non-lawyers, the author provides a .. have been impacted by developments of the World Intellectual Property Organisation and ..

Sunrise or Sunset? - ANU College of Law

unusually long view of the development of the administrative law project, its .. ally been known as individual rights to life, liberty and property, to .. As administrative lawyers, we live in interesting times. .. Court in Eshetu4 to bring this home.

2012 Unit of Study Descriptions: Juris Doctor

Students will develop the skills of rules based reasoning and case law .. Property law and commercial law are two key sources of rights and .. Assessment: Interim assessment (40%) and take-home exam (60%) (subject to .. Furthermore, it examines lawyers' duties to clients the Court and third parties, and the ways in ..

Righting the Wrongs of Homelessness

Libby Penman, Secondee Solicitor, Public Interest Law Clearing House ... government can develop and deliver more responsive, efficient, effective and ... any reasons as to why she was required to vacate the property and did not allow her ..

Regulatory Property and the Jurisprudence of Quasi-Public Trust

by K Gray - This development comprises a significant contribution to the modern .. See Charles A Reich, 'The New Property' (1964) 73 Yale Law Journal 733. .. mean — 'neither more nor less'.26 As the Commonwealth Solicitor-General contended before .. California Housing Securities Inc v United States, 959 F2d 955, 958 (1992).

SJP Semester 1 2012 internship positions: - UNSW Law

intellectual property in digital artefacts, decision‐making technologies in .. National Affordable Housing Summit, Anti‐Poverty Week, Community Tax .. environmental lawyers, scholars, conservationists, policy makers and resource developers.

Professor Phil Evans Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch ..

Contract Law; Trade Practices Law; Intellectual Property Law; Evidence .. Contracts Between Traditional Legal Rules and Developed Legal Systems; 18 -21 April 2010, .. and Resolving Commercial Disputes, Legal Skills and Ethics for Lawyers", .. "Opinion Evidence and Surveying Professionals-Devenish v Prima Homes" ..


I will develop this point further when talking below about .. intellectual property lawyers can (and do) apply their special expertise at both front and .. housing boom punctured and the US economy in deep deficit, the pendulum might be ..


adequate housing as developed in international human rights law and in other ... out essential repairs and maintenance to ensure that the properties were habitable. .. Similarly, in Gosselin v Quebec (Attorney General) [2002] SCC 84 the ..

UTS: About UTS - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

Litigants in person in the Family Court of Australia

by J Dewar - - Cate Banks, PhD candidate, Faculty of Law, Griffith University.  Family .. high levels of distrust of lawyers and the legal profession. .. respond to the needs of litigants in person, suggesting a need for the development .. 2 Abandonment of claims seems especially likely in relation to property, where legal aid is available in ..

UTS: What's on - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

Newsletter - ANU College of Law

She will speak on the history and development of the International. Criminal .. law was spent in Canberra, as an officer of the Attorney-General's .. 'Restitution, Refugees and Housing Rights: International Property Norms in ..

UTS: Student life at UTS - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

Community Legal Centres lead on law reform, La Trobe University

La Trobe University research into law reform activities of Community Legal Centres in .. Prison issues ranged from the loss of property, phone call access, drugs in .. lawyers or community development workers at the CLCs were consistent. .. e.g. concerns about home detention;4 the parliamentary committee report on the ..

Working with Aboriginal people and communities - a practice resource

existing practices to develop a resource that .. It has been developed to improve service delivery to .. Attorney General established a National .. Bringing them home, was tabled in .. We apologise for the laws and policies of successive ..


innovative features in the development of company law which were specific to the. Australian .. auctioneers who dealt in a wide range of goods, animals, real estate and shares. Not all of ... cities and then seek to subdivide and auction housing lots. The scale of .. The Attorney-General William Shiels described the object ..

Class Search by Teaching Period

LAWS1210 · Law, Lawyers and Society, 6 .. LAWS3021 · Foundations of Intellectual Property Law, 6 .. LAWS3300 · Administrative Law (Housing) Clinic, 6 ..

Developments in the Private Security Industry in Australia

by T Prenzler - 2008 - - Police necessarily retain the major role in enforcing the law after crimes have been .. public/private partnerships and developments in industry regulation. ... property owners for the safety of visitors and staff, improvements in security .. as in-house guarding and station monitoring. .. Attorney-General Philip Ruddock ..

The Impact of Property Law and Contractual Principles in Taxation ..

by G Hart - 2004 - transaction must be valid in terms of property law for it to be valid in taxation law .. trial judge held that in general, services provided by a solicitor are entire ... venture with a corporate taxpayer subject to a 30% rate to develop land for housing ..

UTS: Staff communication - University of Technology, Sydney

6 days ago – New academic staff development program ... Mike Grewcock, author of Border Crimes and UNSW law lecturer; Edwina Lloyd, lawyer for Indonesian boat crew jailed on 'people smuggling' charges; and .. 2010 according to the National Crime Records Bureau, a part of the country's Union Home Ministry.

UTS: DAB - News & Events - Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building

A group of postgraduate students in Planning and Property Development received a Highly .. if Papua New Guinea introduce proposed changes to the country's mining laws. .. UTS: Symposium Explores the Australian Housing Affordability Crisis ... at a packed Forum held at Corrs Chambers Westgarth lawyers on 19 May.

E Law: Report of the Western Australian Ministerial Committee on ..

by M DharmanandaThe committee comprised lesbian and gay legal academics, lawyers, community rights .. Provision of property rights for same sex de facto spouses; .. For instance, a lessor can deny a same sex couple access to housing on the basis of their .. a community education anti-vilification strategy developed in consultation with ..

Faculty of Law

and social development is best honed when student views are recognised, appreciated and shared. The Law .. with the professional education of lawyers and those engaged in the taxation profession. .. home examinations, research projects, class participation, essays and ... LAWS1081 Property, Equity and Trusts 1 ..


by W DUNCAN - .. Solicitors. ∗∗. Gadens Professor of Property Law, Queensland University of Technology and Consultant Gadens. Lawyers. .. ing a complaint by a tenant of a bug infested dwelling house which the tenant claimed was unfit ... potential as a development site and expenditure on structural repairs to such old buildings could ..

Law Research Report contents.indd

Operations, Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law, Melbourne. (2004). Kenyon, A .. Hedge Fund Investments in the Developing Market for .. Property in the New Millennium: Essays in Honour of. William R ... Lessons from the US Audio Home ..

UTS: In the big city - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

Newsletter 37 inside 1 EDITORIAL 2 news 2 Recent event 3 ..

Rich Text Format - Advancing women's rights through human rights law: possibilities and .. An Indigenous Family Violence Prevention Strategy will be developed in .. by Simone Cusack, Public Interest lawyer at the Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc .. the primacy that domestic courts afforded LF's rights to property and privacy, ..

UTS: Clubs - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

Human Rights, Social Responsibility and Regulation of International

and the Regulation of International Business: The Development of .. Kent Law School, University of Kent at Canterbury, .. and limits the ethical agenda to the protection of private property and basic market freedoms. ... This can be done by way of duties imposed on firms and their home governments to ..

This file was downloaded from: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/46059/

Identity Fraud and Land Registration Systems: An Australian Perspective .. in the National Electronic Conveyancing System (NECS) that is currently under development. .. This paper will use the definition from Model Criminal Law Officers' ... person to convince three lawyers to arrange mortgages over homes that the ..

CASE NOTE WURRIDJAL V .. - Melbourne University Law Review

Commonwealth was an 'acquisition of property' for the purposes of s 51(xxxi) of ... 3 Ibid; Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, .. Brennan, 'Economic Development and Land Council Power: Modernising ... regional Land Council acting as the instructing solicitors.62 That was not the case ..

E Law:

by L Curran - - It is the writers' view that lawyers must be more prepared to think .. have developed over time to ensure the best possible outcomes for .. In a Bega pilot undertaken as a part of the same study, housing was the .. 159 of those clients were borders or lodgers and 108 were in private rental accommodation.

Newsletter 24 Autumn 2006 Australian Domestic and Family ..

- Dianne Hamey, Solicitor (Law Reform), Women's Legal Services New South Wales. .. Recent changes and developments in the Family Court ... Their 18-month-old baby witnessed the attack and was left home alone with his deceased .. Police had attended the property earlier that night in relation to domestic violence.

Confidence in the Courts The Right Not to Have a Lawyer

The law is clear that natural persons have a presumptive right to appear for .. (1995) 86 LGERA 389; compare Bay Marine Pty Ltd v Clayton Country Properties Pty ... This was noted as particularly the case in specialist areas such as housing: ..

The Development of an Appropriate Regulatory Response to the ..

by JH Farrar - 2009 - helped contribute to the housing bubble, house prices had been increasing for many years prior to this.10 .. Crisis' (2009) 30 (2) Company Lawyer 61. 22 ..

Visit by The Hon Justice Michael Kirby Senior Academic Staff ..

2008 Shine Lawyers Torts Moot hosted at the QUT Law School in Brisbane. .. Program – a program developed by the Minister for Women and supported through the .. Lindel House (BCom/LLB 2003), Lawyer with UBS Investment Bank .. Jones (BSc/LLB 1998) as Partner, Commercial Real Estate; and Rita Chowdhury ..

Past Events - Asian Law Centre

Skip to navigation; Skip to content; University home page ... in Japanese corporate society, and discusses the future of corporate in-house attorneys in Japan. .. In light of his extensive experience in Intellectual Property Law, Judge Hiroki .. Australian courts have been slow to develop administrative law doctrine, Trevor ..

Alumni Newsletter - ANU College of Law

with its strategic planning, and working with the College to develop cutting- edge ideas .. law, and socio-legal issues around housing. .. He is a corporate and commercial lawyer, was previously a ... Property firm in Japan.


by S Liebenberg - - drafting of the property clause facilitates (rather than frustrates) property and land .. adequate housing; health care services, including reproductive health care; .. and when developing the common law or customary law, every court, tribunal ... applicants and their attorneys are also given an opportunity to comment on the ..

REPORt - the Adelaide Law School - The University of Adelaide

Outreach Service (ALOS). the funding was provided to develop and trial .. HOuSINg / HOuSINg aPPEaLS .. as a practising lawyer. there are so many decent ..

UTS: Joining in, speaking out - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

National Strategy to Promote Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres ..

The use of the term Indigenous has evolved through international law. .. resource development; law and justice issues; reparation, compensation and resolution .. ¹ The Council notes that many lawyers, academics and members of the judiciary .. Recognition of the intellectual property rights of the first peoples of Australia ..

Law Electronic Journals - Monash University Library

ABA journal of affordable housing & community development law . .. Akron intellectual property journal . ... Attorneys for the Rights of the Child newsletter .

Price discrimination – What role for intellectual property

This paper takes a lawyer's view of those rights and their exercise. One issue is how .. If the licensor has already developed the market in one geographic territory or refined its .. Both the law that defines intellectual property and the law ... The incentives explanation breaks down when market division is in-house: a single ..

Bing, Jon --- "Perspectives for the Development of Computers and ..

by J BingActually, one may use the background knowledge of intellectual property law as a .. which may be unfamiliar to the computer scientist, but meaningful to a lawyer. .. The details of the system, or the law of housing aid, is in our context of little or ..

"Understanding the Evolution of Land Administration Systems in ..

by L Ting - - speedier consolidation of informal property law." and .. The lawyers discovered that by .. the residential development process that was rapidly occurring at the ..

UTS: Job vacancies - Get work ready, University of Technology ..

170+ items – After hours emergency contacts · Dot · Student services home ..



Tipstaff to the Chief Justice of New South Wales


Chief Justice's ..




Web marketing person


Shelving Solutions


UTS: Studying at UTS - undergraduate study at UTS

.. Architecture, Design, Project Management, Property Development .. UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal Journalism .. new student accommodation and sporting facilities already complete.

E Law: Human Rights and Social Justice: A frontline perspective ..

by T Ellis - - Eviction from Homeswest properties is not called ethnic cleansing. .. Why don't you just get an education, a home, stop drinking, stop taking .. These three rights are seen as providing the most basic form for the full development of an .. "Second Class lawyers for second class Citizens" in Alternative Law ..


- Civil Initiatives for Development and Peace (Cividep-India) .. often working with support from the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights to take cases to the .. Dela is working for Trade Union Rights Centre as a labour lawyer. .. to advocate community property rights for fishing communities and the fisherfolk.

Taking back the castle: how Australia is making the home safer for ..

Rich Text Format - by L McFerran - - They were glad to secure a derelict house, to receive donated food and clothes, .. This paper examines the development of models that have expanded ... in 2002 the Attorney-General asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission to review ..

Negotiating Development Control: using Actor-Network Theory to ..

environmental condition – Development Control Plan 100 – Quality Housing .. including networks of planning and property development. .. possibility that one thing (an actor) may stand for another (a network) (Law, 1992). .. local governments, employ consultants and lawyers to promote and protect their claims in the ..


Department of Disability, Housing & Community Services, Domestic .. person towards, or towards the property of, a member of the ... which for quite some time has troubled many law students, lawyers – and judges! ... Committee to guide the development and implementation of the Family Court's Family ..

The Well Being of Children Following Parental Separation and ..

conflict-free homes have been found to have fewer behavioural problems than .. Children's resilience can be developed and cultivated by the positive action of ... Child Support Scheme, it is likely that property will be more evenly divided, .. In her interviews of 117 family law stakeholders (including lawyers, Family Dispute ..


Tax Law and Policy for Indigenous Economic Development. Miranda .. been the recognition of native title and other property rights and appropriate .. by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ... and Levin of Jackson McDonald Lawyers (Levin 2007) have also proposed variants ..

Speaker-Info-for-web-3.rtf - The University of Western Australia

Rich Text Format - Wayne has worked as a boilermaker, a lawyer and as the Executive Director of the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre. .. For the past five years Shane has been working within the housing sector with various roles in the .. With over 23 years experience in property development Greg Dodd has comprehensive ..

This file was downloaded from: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/42577/

by WM Dixon - 2009 - complicated with the enactment of the Property Law (Mortgagor Protection). Amendment Act .. a receiver under a delegated power or by the mortgagee acting as attorney for the .. a mortgage is a prescribed mortgage if it is a mortgage over residential land and the ... $10000000 in order to develop the property further.

The Social Responsibilities of Lawyers: The Future of Regulation

rules of the state registered lawyers associations, the Law Institute of Victoria and the ... Such services deploy the private law forms of property, contract, the .. In addition, the larger firms are developing their own in-house training programs.

Published Works 2008 - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Bennett, B, Health Law's Kaleidoscope: Health Law Rights in a .. Centre of Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law: Sydney (2008) .. of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs .. Boer, B, 'Article 3: Identification and Delineation of World Heritage Properties' in F Francioni (ed), ..

First Submission Notification

Property Law Value 0.5 100 .. Teachers and students also indicated a need to develop some new units, dealing with present issues. .. Parliament House), Quality Circles, Police stations, Legal aid offices, Lawyers' offices, National Library, ..

2011 program - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

Mr John Page, Reconceptualising property: towards a sustainable paradigm. .. Please check again regularly as this is page currently being developed. .. Corruption Prosecutions on the 50th Anniversary of the Attorney Generalship of Robert F. .. I illustrate this tension with a discussion of disputes over compulsory housing ..


develop new communities that deliver a mix of homes, commercial and social facilities .. Victor Di Felice – Special Counsel, Property Law,. Harwood Andrews ..

Home - Databases by Title: A to Z - UWS Subject Guides at ..

Compiled by Commonwealth Attorney-General's Dept, AGIS Plus Text is an .. on the expertise jointly developed by Jumbunna Indigenous House of ... law, business law, taxation, property, torts, family and industrial law.

Writing Theses and Reports - An Acronym for Structure in the ..

by J Wade - 1999 - It has been accepted for inclusion in Bond Law Review by an authorized .. cultures of people called 'lawyers' actually do, and whether they do anything different .. of Legal Ed 167; ABA, Legal Education and Professional Development – An Educational .. matrimonial property, behaviour of Supreme Court judges, morale in ..

Intellectual Property Protection in Hong Kong and the Peopleâ•Žs ..

by D Lam - 1994 - conveniently to the three traditional areas of intellectual property law: .. According to Pendelton this is the stage of development whereby science and technology is .. employment, housing while totatly silent on protecting private property rights. .. untenable given the technical excellence of local lawyers.36 It is conceivable ..

An Insecure Climate for Human Security? Climate-Induced ..

by J McAdam - - developing international law to new .. whether one is displaced or at home; and .. by international lawyers. ... rights to the benefits of culture; to property; ..

Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW

NSW Attorney-General, the. Hon John Hatzistergos MLC at NSW Parliament House. 2007 Constitutional. Law Conference. Heydon of the High Court and the ..



OF PROPERTY AMENDMENT (SALES OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY) BILL 2005 .. for Justice and Attorney-General argued more consultation was necessary. .. The government proposes this discussion paper be developed and ..

Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW

welcome Edwina MacDonald from the federal Attorney-. General's .. Cassandra Goldie continues to develop the field of homelessness and .. as a Constitutional Law Teacher's Clearing House and resource .. services, intellectual property ..


Property Law Association, and the Law Society of .. supported plans for the development of the Law. School. .. democracy and humanitarianism at home, firmly ..

UTS: Site map - undergraduate study at UTS

UTS: Information Technology – Games Development, Programming, Business .. UTS: LawLawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

Does the expansion of judicial review pose a threat to democratic ..

The AIAL 2011 National Administrative Law Conference: ... administrative decisions made under an enactment; Attorney-General Ellicott said the .. 8 House of Representatives Hansard, 28 April 1977, Second Reading .. Meanwhile Deane J on the Federal Court had developed his ideas of natural justice to include fact ..

UTS: Professor Larissa Behrendt - Centre for Research in Learning ..

Professor, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning .. Regional governance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: the development of a legal .. Aboriginal Property Rights and Nationalist Myths' in Bain Attwood and .. trust; A forum on fiduciary relationships, Irwin Law, Toronto, Canada, pp.


Planning and building - Brisbane City Council

Home. Planning & Building .. You can find planning rules, laws and regulations for property development in City Plan 2000, lodge a plumbing ..

Smoke alarms - Government of South Australia


, property and land. Housing, property and land · Building and development · Residential building regulations · Safety regulations around the home ..

Planning and Development - Brisbane City Councils

Links to building and development information for builders, developers and .. that property and application enquiries and lodge a development submission .. Land and house sale and purchasing and similar type decisions should not rely .. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws ..

Training courses on offer - Government of South Australia


, property and land · Customer entry points and contacts · Community .. Report and case management writing skills; Developing workable by-laws and ..

Housing Law - Lawlink Libraries : Lawlink NSW

Housing, Property and Development (LawAccess Online) Links to publications and organisations. Property Law (Weblaw) Extensive links to ..

Department of Local Government and Planning


Government approach to growth management, planning and development across .. Queensland's new plumbing laws will save time and money for licensees, ..

find LEGAL answers - Housing and Land - Planning and development

The Legal Information Access Centre will be closed from 1 August. .. Title: Residential development appeal process in the Land & Environment Court .. rights, farming practices, agistment, sharefarming, property boundaries, ..

Land and property | Environment, land and water | Queensland ..

Queensland Government home .. Search for property information, land titles information and land .. Property searches for road development ..

Plans - Land and Property Information

In defining new parcel boundaries, the plan creates the legal identity of the land. .. house developments and; community plans: which depict the development of ..

Guide to Purchasing - The A to Z of Home Puchase

must not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice. .. a house and land package from a developer or .. Buying off a plan means buying a property, usually a ..


She is chair of the Law Institute Property Law Advisory Committee and a member of .. in the design and planning of major projects and housing developments.

Building regulations & codes (Victoria Online)

Home Property

& Planning Building & construction Building regulations & codes .. and building (Department of Planning and Community Development, Victoria) .. the laws and regulations that affect domestic building, and the ongoing care for ..

Neighbours and the Law

developing resentment towards each other and as a result, being even .. of the property. The Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (NSW) sets out the rights and .. The English system of real property law and conveyancing, although adopted ..

Fencing, boundary and encroachment disputes - Government of ..


, property and land · Building and development · Land, boundaries, .. is no legal requirement for a fence to be erected between neighbouring land.

Contracts and deposits - NSW Fair Trading

If you want to buy a home, land or investment property you'll have to sign a sale contract. The legal work involved in preparing the sale contract, ..

Good practice library - Government of South Australia

On this page you'll find resources developed by community housing .. Tenants are required to fill out a community housing property inspection form (Excel 44KB) .. ensuring that all tenancy related by-laws, policies and procedures are ..

Home building contracts - NSW Fair Trading

By law, the written contract you sign must contain: .. The developer/builder who sells residential property off-the-plan does not need to attach a ..

Restrictive covenants - Department of Planning and .. - DPCD Home

Where can I get legal advice on restrictive covenants? .. A covenant that limits the use and development of a lot to a single house is a common type of .. a legal practitioner or property law professional who is experienced in ..

Buying off the plan - NSW Fair Trading

the developer selling the property does not need to give a certificate of home warranty insurance if the building work has not yet started; the law ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia



We Have Moved! | Planning in South Australia

Skip to home page; Skip to main content. Skip to site search; Skip to site navigation; Skip to site map; Skip to legal notices .. Development and development applications .. Amendments to development plans (DPAs) ..

Role Description

- Housing & Property also specialises in Property Services including acquisitions, sales, development, demolition, relocation, legal and ..

Home - Brisbane City Council

2 days ago – Home page of the Brisbane City Council's website. .. PD Online - property development & application search tool · City Plan, zones & codes · Online mapping tools · Standard drawings · Flood .. Laws & permits for businesses ..

Heritage listed properties - Government of South Australia


, property and land · Building and development · Building and .. that are protected under the Heritage Places Act 1993 and the Development Act 1993.

Media release

infrastructure, property and land development and housing delivery. Lorna Gelbert. Ms Gelbert is a law partner in Madgwicks with over 35 years ..

Comlaw Home

New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant .. Personal Property Securities (Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 .. and harmonised or 'model' laws have been developed and enacted on more than 60 issues. Work is ..

Homepage - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

bullet Residential Development Appeals bullet Legal referral guide bullet LawAccess NSW provides free legal information and referrals. Phone: 1300 888 529 ..

Pool Safety - Department of Local Government and Planning


Plumbing & Building Pool safety .. You can still register your property's pool online or by ringing the Pool Safety Council on 1800 340 634. .. The new pool safety laws apply to pools associated with houses, townhouses, .. Information to assist pool owners to develop a pool safety management plan and details of how ..

Pool safety register - Department of Local Government and Planning

Property search The pool safety register has been developed under the new pool safety laws. The register is being populated with .. Laws & Codes · Resources · Home · Plumbing & Building · Pool safety Pool safety register ..

Online development plans - Government of South Australia


, property and land · Building and development · Building and .. All development plans must be read in conjunction with any development plan ..

Property Ownership | Canberra Connect

Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate .. required to claim tax depreciation for alterations and construction on your residential property.

Housing - Premier of Victoria

The Coalition Government is committed to providing a housing system which supports .. further developing Victoria's not-for-profit housing association sector, and .. public housing properties; Tightened the laws to evict public housing tenants ..

City of Joondalup > Develop > Approvals and Regulations ..


Fences. Private Property Local Law 1998. These local law requirements do not apply if an agreement has been reached between owners over the ..

Legislation - Law Handbook


Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. other court orders; Civil Liability Act 1936 ACCIDENTS ON PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY WHO IS LIABLE? .. Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 Commercial and Other ..

Development Applications

A Development Application (DA) is an official request to Council for permission to carry out development. .. The law introduces disclosure requirements for individuals or entities with a .. The SEPP can be downloaded at www.planning.nsw.gov.au/housingcode. .. Property: Lot 1 DP 654857, 64 Macquarie Street, Liverpool ..

Residential building regulations - Government of South Australia


, property and land. Housing, property and land · Building and development .. Building and development requirements for bushfire prone areas ..

Foreign Investment Policy in Australia — A Brief History and Recent ..

supply of new housing (ie, new developments - house and land, home units, .. cumulative effect is therefore to maintain greater stability of house prices and the .. registered under Chapter 5C of the Corporations Law, provided such ..

National Rental Affordability Scheme - Information for investors

Partnering with not for profit housing providers; Property and tenant ..property developers and not for profit housing organisations to work .. The Australian Government has no legal or equitable claim over an NRAS property.


Statement about development applications affecting the property. • Statement about .. Section 18 Civil Law (Sale of Residential Property) Act 2003. 7. Australian ..

Landcom : Landcom FAQs

What do I do to register my interest for property in a particular area? .. Landcom plans new developments and creates new residential and industrial .. Ask your solicitor to contact Landcom's Legal Section on (02) 9841 8600 for further advice.

House and land packages - Government of South Australia

Most house and land packages are available within housing developments. .. the contract you should seek independent and professional legal advice and ..

Buying & selling property (Victoria Online)

Home Property

& Planning Real estate & property Buying & selling property .. (youthcentral, Department of Planning and Community Development, Victoria) ..

Building and development applications - Government of South ..

Find out about Residential Tenancies. .. Housing, property and land · Building and development .. Development applications with a building component ..

Six star energy efficiency requirements for new homes - Government ..


, property and land · Building and development · Residential .. From September 2010 all new homes and extensions built in South Australia need to ..


The law about retaining walls is principally found under the common law of nuisance. .. Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. Classification of retaining walls under the Development Act 1993 (SA) .. than 1 metre may affect the stability of the neighbours land dependent upon the distance the retaining wall ..

Off the plan - Government of South Australia

Most developers have a range of house designs that you can choose from and .. by-laws and articles as these can affect how you can use the property - eg no ..

Home - Logan City Council

Animal Keeping Local Laws · Animal Management Centre · Animal Management .. Property Conveyance Searches · Request for Development Information ..

residential boundary fences

public pedestrian way, meaning any property boundary of a block adjacent to unleased Territory land. .. information for approval of residential estate development. All DAs must comply ... Territory and Municipal Services Legal Art Program ..

Home warranty insurance - NSW Fair Trading

a 'spec' builder before starting any residential building work on a property owned .. there is no legal requirement for home warranty insurance to be obtained. .. Conversely, construction of a new multi-unit residential development (where the ..

Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading : Who to Contact

Buying a house means that you will need to deal with some or all of the following: .. Seek legal advice before entering into any agreement to list a property for .. existing services, building approvals, and property development.

About building and development - Government of South Australia


, property and land. Housing, property and .. Development approval is a legal document that allows a development to occur. Development approvals ..

When is the Sale of Residential Premises a Taxable Supply ..

Sales of residential property are input taxed and not subject to GST if the .. In the 2006 case of Toyama Pty Ltd v Landmark Building Developments Pty Ltd1 , the ..

FIRB: Foreign Investment Review Board - FAQ

General; Real Estate; Developer pre-approval for new dwellings; Foreign non-residents .. your proposed acquisition is exempt and if in doubt, seek legal advice. .. Any acquisition of residential property by way of an inheritance (settlement of a ..

Drainage - stormwater | Moreton Bay Regional Council


/ Living / Property ownership. Drainage easements. A drainage easement, generally in urban development, is a legal encumbrance on the property, taken ..

Gladstone Regional Council - Home

Planning Applications · Planning & Development Application Tracking .. Cr Col Chapman said Council would increase parking patrols by Local Law ..

Apply for a real estate agent (affordable housing) licence ..

Licence check · Legal requirements .. Home > Property agents and managers > Licence types > Real .. To qualify for this licence you must complete these subjects from the industry-recognised Property Development and ..

Technical building rules for construction work - Government of South ..


, property and land · Building and development · Residential building .. No development, including building work, can be undertaken in South Australia ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..

Six high-achieving Queensland women will compete for a bursary to develop their personal vision into an .. their projects accommodation and housing impacts and develop mitigation and management strategies. .. Laws and regulations ..


18. (a). Median house prices...................................................... 19. (b). Resource development and population increase.

Home - Sutherland Shire Council


Enquirer. What development controls apply to your property? Use Development Enquirer to find out. DA Tracking ..

Pool safety laws - Department of Local Government and Planning

Home · Plumbing & Building · Pool safety Pool safety laws .. There is now one pool safety standard, the Queensland Development Code .. buying or leasing a property with a pool (pool safety certificates are valid for one year ..

Redland City Council

Apply for Round 2 Community Grants and Regional Arts Development Fund before 2 March. .. Local law documents on various topics .. PD Online Property ..

City Plan, zones and codes - Brisbane City Council

All building and development in Brisbane is directed by the Brisbane City .. PD Online - property development & application search tool · City Plan, .. Home · Planning & Building · Planning guidelines and tools .. a strategic plan - the vision for the way the city will develop; the rules - practical rules and legal ..

The Building Code of Australia - Government of South Australia


and architects .. Housing, property and land .. Standards Australia has developed over 7000 Australian Standards and associated publications, ..

Standards in Rooming House and Rental Accommodation ..

The Department of Human Services, Division of Housing and Community Building, has developed two fact sheets to give guidance on legal requirements for ..

Hurstville City Council - Property Damage

You are here: Home /; Building & Development /; Neighbour disputes /; Property Damage .. Property damage may result from a large range of actions or failure to take .. This law is enforced in civil proceedings by one neighbour against the other .. On larger and more complex developments, further dilapidation inspections ..

Buying land - Government of South Australia


, property and land · Building and development · Land, boundaries, surveying .. your mind and withdraw from the purchase without legal repercussions.

Cairns Regional Council Homepage


, regulations & forms .. Contact us online · Development applications online · Impounded pets · Maps .. Check local laws & policies .. Look after your own backyard, tip out water around the home & protect .. Storm Tide Property Search ..

Developer responsibilities for affordable housing - Government of ..


, property and land .. Developer responsibilities for affordable housing .. Development applications submitted for assessment that include affordable ..

Property condition and maintenance - Government of South Australia

The property must meet all legal requirements affecting the property - eg building regulations. .. If the property fails to meet minimum standards the Housing Improvement Branch can assess the property and place a .. Development Act 1993 ..

FAQ's - Land Services Group - South Australia Central

Why has the value of my property gone up / down? .. Once it is completed it is a legal document and able to be used. However before your attorney(s) can register a dealing with your house or land, the power of attorney must be .. Prepare a proposal plan to be lodged with the Development Assessment ..

Ipswich City Council - PD Online

PD Online Home .. Ipswich City Council reserves all other intellectual property rights. .. is to assist customers in tracking progress of the Development Applications. .. All matters relating to this website are governed by the laws of the State of ..

Residential development code updates - Government of South ..


, property and land. Housing .. The residential development code was introduced to make faster and cheaper planning and building approvals for home ..

Building and construction essentials

Basic topics. Property and Development Working Group meeting minutes .. Advanced topics. Personal services income (80/20 rule or Contractor tax law) ..

Grants for people buying property - Government of South Australia


, property and land .. If you are a first time home buyer planning to build or buy your first property you may be eligible for the first home owner's grant of ..

Professional development - Government of South Australia

3. Property Location Browser .. Housing, property and land .. conveyancing; the legal industry; the finance industry; local government; studying real estate, ..

Amalgamating land - Government of South Australia


, property and land · Building and development · Land, boundaries, .. This does not amalgamate land because the legal definition of the land will not ..

South East Queensland Regional Plan - Department of Local ..

Home Planning & Development Regional planning South East .. The tool shows which of the three regional land use categories applies to the property. .. amended to provide a statutory, or legal, basis for regional planning.

City of Ballarat Home Page

1 day ago – Backspace · Arts & Cultural Development Strategy · Art Gallery of Ballarat .. Application Forms · Appointment Service · Owner-Builder Laws · Fencing ... your property address within the City of Ballarat municipality via the City ..

Housing SA, Community Partnerships and Growth

help ensure that Community Housing Co-operatives meet all necessary .. Co-operatives are required to either adopt this model by-law or develop their own.

Consumer protection

Australian Government - Home Page .. that individuals and businesses comply with the Commonwealth competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws.

The City of Unley - Planning and Building

If you want to change the use of a property you will need Development Approval. .. If you want a list of House Energy Rating Assessors, please click here. .. and a link to Legal Services Commission's brochure on "Fences and the Law".

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Monday, 17 February 2025
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IF you have a legal matter, whether it be family law, conveyancing, property law, compensation law or any other matter requiring personal legal services, then enquiry today - and get the legal help you deserve!

Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
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If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

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Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

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It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

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If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

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