Industrial Relations Law & Lawyers
All organisations and industries are affected by Industrial Relations law issues. The very fact that an organisation engages staff leads to duties to comply with ever changing legal obligations, and to balance those duties against operating a working environment which allows staff morale and performance to flourish. The effective resolution of these issues demands a blend of legal knowledge and practical business awareness, tailored to the employers industry and culture. Our Employment and Industrial Relations lawyers support employers with these issues across a wide range of industries and sectors.
If you need legal help regarding any aspect of Industrial Relations Law or employment law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Australia’s workplace relations laws - Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs)
Since the 1990s, significant changes have been introduced to Australia’s workplace relations laws. Current legislative reform seeks to maintain a strong safety net for employees while at the same time providing greater flexibility and choice for employers and employees at the workplace level.
In March 2008, the Australian Government introduced transitional measures to phase out key provisions in the existing workplace relations laws (the Workplace Relations Act 1996, the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005 and the Workplace Relations Amendment (A Stronger Safety Net) Act 2007). Notable among these reforms is the phasing out of Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs).
The Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard
The Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard sets out the statutory minimum terms and conditions of employment that apply under the federal workplace relations system.
If you need legal help regarding any aspect of Industrial Relations Law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Presently, the guaranteed legislated minimum entitlements are:
- minimum rates of pay and casual loadings.
- maximum ordinary hours of 38 hours per week (plus reasonable additional hours)
- four weeks of paid annual leave (with an additional week for shift workers)
- ten days of paid personal/carer’s leave (with provision for two additional days of unpaid carer’s leave and two additional
days of paid compassionate leave per occasion) - 52 weeks of unpaid parental leave (which may be taken as maternity, paternity or adoption leave)
Fair Work Australia
Fair Work Australia is the national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions relating to:
- the safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions
- enterprise bargaining
- industrial action
- dispute resolution
- termination of employment
- other workplace matters.
Industrial Relations Lawyers
Industrial Relations Lawyers recognise that good industrial relations are key to a successful business. The requirement that employers must consult employee bodies on a wider range of matters than ever before means that effective communication and liaison with such bodies and trade unions is increasingly important.
Industrial Relations Lawyers can advise on:
- managing relationships with trade unions and employee consultative bodies
- dealing with trade union recognition applications
- strategies for working with trade unions
- strategy, communications and representation before the commission
- avoiding or managing industrial action and its consequences
- works councils, information and consultation committees and other representative bodies – including structures, election processes, confidentiality and training of managers and employee representatives
- employment legislation, such as the Public Service Act, the Workplace Relations Act, the Fair Work Act,
- the Commonwealth long service leave legislation
- anti-discrimination laws
- transitional issues associated with repeal of the Workplace Relations Act
- draft, negotiate and interpret enterprise agreements, individual employment contracts, determinations under the Public
- Service Act and consultancy agreements
- advise on appointments, workers’ compensation, disciplinary matters, underperformance matters, workplace discrimination,
- termination of employment and redundancy
- occupational health and safety
- provide specialist advocacy before disciplinary tribunals, courts and Fair Work Australia
- advise and assist with employment and industrial relations issues associated with outsourcing, privatisation and machinery of government changes
- advise and assist with employment disputes.
If you need legal representation regarding any aspect of Industrial Relations Law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Further Resources - Industrial Relations Law & Lawyers
News, updates and further information - Industrial Relations Law
Workplace Relations Amendment (Australian Workplace Agreements Procedures) Bill 2000
The Workplace Relations Amendment (Australian Workplace Agreements Procedures) Bill 2000 was introduced into the House of Representatives on 28 June 2000.
The Workplace Relations Act 1996, as amended by the Workplace Relations Amendment Act 2005, popularly known as Work Choices, was a Legislative Act of the Australian Parliament that came into effect in March 2006 which involved many controversial amendments to the Workplace Relations Act 1996, the main federal statute which regulated industrial relations in Australia.
Work Choices was passed by the Howard Government in 2005 and was designed to improve employment levels and national economic performance by dispensing with unfair dismissal laws for companies under a certain size, removing the "no disadvantage test" which had sought to ensure workers were not left disadvantaged by changes in legislation, thereby promoting individual efficiency and requiring workers submit their certified agreements directly to Workplace Authority rather than going through the Australian Industrial Relations Commission. It also significantly compromised a workforce's ability to legally go on strike, requiring workers to bargain for previously-guaranteed conditions without collectivized representation, and significantly restricting trade union activity and recruitment on the work site.
Minimum wages
Minimum wages for employees are set out in Australian Pay and Classification Scales (Pay Scales), which are part of the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard.
Employees are guaranteed the basic rate of pay for their classification as specified in the applicable Pay Scale. Employees not covered by a Pay Scale are guaranteed the Federal Minimum Wage (except for a junior, trainee or employee with disability, as defined in the Workplace Relations Act).
The Australian Fair Pay Commission sets and adjusts the Federal Minimum Wage and minimum and classification wages in Pay Scales.
The Australian Fair Pay Commission also has responsibility for Special Federal Minimum Wages for juniors, trainees, apprentices, and employees with a disability, and the wage loading for casual workers.
After 2010 a new independent umpire, Fair Work Australia, will be responsible for adjusting minimum wages.
Awards and award modernisation
Awards are legally binding instruments that set out minimum terms and conditions of employment for employees in specified businesses, occupations or industries.
Awards are made by a national tribunal, the Australian Industrial Relations Commission. They typically deal with matters such as hours of work, public holidays, monetary allowances, shift work or overtime loadings, annual leave loadings and penalty rates.
Part 10A of the Workplace Relations Amendment Act 2008 sets out a process for award provisions to be modernised and made simpler and more flexible and specifies certain requirements for modern awards. The award modernisation process is expected to be complete by 2010.
Together with a system of National Employment Standards, modern awards will guarantee the safety net protections for employees when the proposed new workplace system comes into effect in 2010. Setting, adjusting and reviewing awards will then become the responsibility of Fair Work Australia.
Workplace agreements
The Transition to Forward with Fairness Act prevents the making of new AWAs; however, AWAs made prior to the implementation date of the March 2008 legislation will remain in force until terminated or replaced.
To provide transitional arrangements for employers who currently use AWAs, the legislation allows for Individual Transitional Employment Agreements (ITEAs). ITEAs have a nominal expiry date of no later than 31 December 2009.
On and from 1 January 2010, a system of statutory National Employment Standards and modern simple and flexible awards will be in operation to protect employees and there will be no individual statutory employment agreements in any form.
ITEAs must not disadvantage an employee against an applicable collective agreement, or where there is no collective agreement, an applicable award and the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard. This is known as the ‘no disadvantage test’ introduced in March 2008.
Similarly, collective agreements must not disadvantage employees in comparison with an applicable award and the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard.
Both collective and individual transitional employment agreements commence when they are lodged with the Workplace Authority. After 2010 responsibility for reviewing and approving agreements will pass to Fair Work Australia. Workplace agreements can only deal with matters that are about the relationship between the employer and the employee.
It is unlawful to apply duress or coercion in relation to workplace agreements (for example, by attempting to force an existing employee to sign an agreement).
Freedom of association
The Workplace Relations Act recognises a legitimate role for unions and employer organisations. Freedom of association laws ensure that an employer cannot dismiss an employee because he or she is, or is not, a member of a union. All employees have access to remedies for breaches of freedom of association provisions. The right to take lawful industrial action when negotiating a new workplace agreement is also protected by law.
Right of entry
The Workplace Relations Act also defines the circumstances in which union officials have a right of entry into workplaces and empowers the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to deal with abuses of the right of entry system.
Industrial action
In certain circumstances an employee or an employer may engage in protected industrial action. Employees or unions cannot be held liable for protected industrial action (unless it involves defamation, personal injury, damage to property or the unlawful use of property). For industrial action to be protected a number of statutory criteria must be met, including that the industrial action taken is in pursuit of claims sought as part of the negotiation of a collective agreement and a secret ballot has authorised the taking of the action.
The Workplace Relations Act also provides that payments are not to be made to an employee or accepted by an employee in relation to a period of industrial action.
Subject to limited exceptions, the Trade Practices Act 1974 prohibits and penalises secondary boycotts, including union boycotts, aimed at causing substantial loss or damage. A secondary boycott occurs when industrial action is directed against a third party in order to prevent the third party dealing with the primary target of the industrial action.
Finally, the Workplace Relations Act contains safeguards to protect against disputes between unions (demarcation disputes) that might impede business operations.
Unfair dismissal and unlawful termination
The Workplace Relations Act contains provisions protecting employees from losing their job unfairly (unfair dismissal) or because of a prohibited reason (unlawful termination).
The unfair dismissal provisions provide employees with protection from harsh, unjust or unreasonable dismissal. However, the following types of employees are excluded from the unfair dismissal protections:
- employees employed by businesses with 100 or fewer employees
- employees who are dismissed for genuine operational reasons
- seasonal workers.
- employees engaged for a specified period of time or to perform a particular task
- employees serving a six month qualifying period
- employees on probation
- casual workers engaged for a short period
- trainees
- employees who are not employed under an award or workplace agreement and earn more than $101 300 a year.
The unlawful termination provisions apply to all employees regardless of the size of their employer’s business. The unlawful termination provisions provide protection from termination on grounds such as trade union membership, family responsibilities, pregnancy, marital status, temporary absence from work due to illness and for discriminatory reasons such as gender, age and race or nationality.
The Workplace Ombudsman undertakes compliance and enforcement activities for the national workplace relations system, including assisting employees with suspected breaches of the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard and the provisions of awards and workplace agreements. After 2010 the Workplace Ombudsman will be subsumed by Fair Work Australia.
A new workplace relations system
The Australian Government began to develop a new workplace relations system with the introduction of its transitional reform measures in March 2008. These measures initiated the award modernisation process and removed the power to make new AWAs.
The Government is drafting new legislation which is expected to be introduced into parliament in late 2008, enabling the commencement of a simpler, fairer and more flexible workplace relations system by the start of 2010.
The key elements of the Government’s new workplace relations system will be:
- collective enterprise bargaining, with no provision for statutory individual agreements
- a safety net of legislated minimum employment standards and modern awards
- the right to freedom of association and genuine workplace representation
- grievance and dispute settlement procedures and freedom from discrimination
- a new independent umpire – Fair Work Australia
- balanced laws which provide protection from unfair dismissal in a way which addresses the particular circumstances and concerns of small business
- a uniform national workplace relations system for the private sector
The new workplace relations system will encourage employers and employees to adopt flexible and modern workplace arrangements which enable workplaces to be productive and competitive, leading to greater employment opportunities and strong and sustainable economic growth.
Summary of legislation regarding Industrial Relations Law
Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth)
An Act to require certain employers to promote equal opportunity for women in employment, to establish the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency and the office of the Director of Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace.
Fair Work Act 2009
This act creates a national workplace relations system that is fair to working people, flexible for business and promotes productivity and economic growth.
Legislation in the Employment and Workplace Relations Portfolio
Links to the Workplace Relations Act 1996, Acts and Bills amending it, and other legislation administered by the Dept of Employment and Workplace Relations
Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1991
The objects of this Act are to secure the health, safety and welfare at work of employees of the Commonwealth and of Commonwealth authorities; and to protect persons at or near workplaces from risks to health and safety arising out of the activities of such employees at work
Workplace Relations Act 1996
An Act relating to workplace relations, ensuring that the primary responsibility for determining matters affecting the relationship between employers and employees rests with the employer and employees at the workplace or enterprise level
Workplace Relations Amendment (Termination of Employment) Act 2001 (CTH)
An Act to amend the Workplace Relations Act 1996 so far as that Act relates to termination of employment, and for related purposes
Australian Capital Territory
Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT)
The Discrimination Act from the Australian Capital Territory has as its objective to (a) eliminate, so far as possible, discrimination in the areas of work, education, access to premises, the provision of goods, services, facilities and accommodation and the activities of ...
Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA)
An Act to regulate the administration of the public sector in the Australian Capital Territory. Available in historical versions from September 2001 to current.
New South Wales
Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW)
The objects of this Act are: to provide a framework for the conduct of industrial relations in NSW that is fair and just, to promote efficiency and productivity in the economy of the State, to promote participation in industrial relations by employees and employers at an ...
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW)
A NSW Act to secure the health, safety and welfare of persons at work; to repeal the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1983; and for other purposes.
Workers Compensation Act 1987 (NSW)
A NSW Act to provide for the compensation and rehabilitation of workers in respect of work related injuries; to repeal the Workers’ Compensation Act 1926 and certain other Acts; and for other purposes.
Northern Territory
Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment
Links to NT official sites containing relevant public sector employment conditions and legislation.
Industrial Relations Act 1999 (QLD)
An Act relating to industrial relations in Queensland.
South Australia
Fair Work Act 1994 (SA)
An Act about the relationship of employer and employee in South Australia.
Industrial Relations Act 1984 (TAS)
An Act to provide for the establishment of a Tasmanian Industrial Commission having a jurisdiction to hear and determine matters and things arising from, or relating to, industrial matters, including the making of awards, the conduct of hearings and the settling of disputes, ...
Industrial Relations Victoria: Legislation
Part of IRV's website, this page contains links to all the legislation administered by Industrial Relations Victoria, and also links to other relevant industrial relations legislation
Western Australia
DOCEP Legislation
Contains a pathway linking to Western Australia's industrial legislation: Industrial Relations Act 1979, Long Service Leave Act 1958, Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993, Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972, Workplace Agreements Act 1993
Canada Labour Code
An Act to consolidate certain statutes respecting labour in Canada
Workplace Authority
This site replaces the WageNet site as a result of the introduction of the Fair Work system on 1 July 2009, changing the role of the Workplace Auythority. The Workplace Authority accepts lodgement of employment agreements and provides information on Federal awards.
New South Wales
Awards online
This DIR site presents NSW awards both alphabetically, and fully searchable using an Advanced Search feature. It also lists pay rates, conditions of employment by industry, and includes the State Wages Cases.
Northern Territory
Enterprise Bargaining/Workplace Agreements
List of NT awards with link to Wagenet for full text, and pdf format full text of NT certified agreements
Wageline is a Queensland statewide information and advisory service provided by the Department of Industrial Relations. Information on awards, rates of pay, hours, conditions of employment
Wageline: Index of State awards
State awards applying in Queensland. Each award accompanied by may showing coverage. Most Awards link to Summary Sheets. All awards are current and contain the latest rates of pay and conditions.
South Australia
State awards and rates of pay
Only Awards made under the South Australian Industrial and Employee Relations Act are available from this site. Access by industry, or by searching for keyword
Industrial awards
Tasmanian industrial awards in pdf format, both public and private sector awards
Western Australia
Awards [Western Australia]
Western Australian industrial awards, indexed alphabetically and searchable. The site also contains The Standard Long Service Provisions for W.A. and a weekly update of awards and agreement matters heard by the W.A. Industrial Relations Commission
Courts & tribunals and their decisions
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Decisions
Decisions made by the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission since 1985
AIRC decisions
Decisions of the AIRC from July 2000
Australian Industrial Relations Commission Decisions
This database contains the full text decisions of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission from 1983 to 2000
Industrial Relations Court of Australia [decisions, 1994-2000]
This database contains decisions of the Industrial Relations Court of Australia from its commencement in 1994 to March 2000. The decisions are as provided by the Court
New South Wales
Caselaw NSW: Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales
Decisions of the IRC of NSW from 2000, hosted by the Attorney-General's Department.
New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission [decisions]
This database contains selected full text decisions of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales and its predecessors since 1985. The name of the Commission has changed over time. Up to 1992, it was known as the Industrial Commission. From 1992 to 1996, there ...
Queensland industrial relations system
Information about the industrial relations system in Queensland. Links to wage and award information, recent decisions, Cours and Commission, relevant Acts and Regulations, practice notes etc.
South Australia
South Australian Industrial Relations Tribunals: decisions
The Recent Decisions Page contains decisions of the Court, Commission and Tribunal, handed down since 27 September 2001. After about five months, the decisions are found on AustLII. The State Wage Case June 2001 has been added to this Page as well as The Clerks (SA) Casual ...
Western Australia
Western Australian Industrial Gazette
Electronic copies of the Western Australian Industrial Gazette from Volume 76 (January 1996) to the present are freely available from this site.
United Kingdom
Industrial cases reports express
The Industrial Cases Reports Express is designed to bring you previews of The Industrial Cases Reports before they become available in print form, alerting you to new precedent setting cases from different British and European courts
Northern Ireland Industrial Tribunal decisions
Decisions of the Industrial Tribunals of Northern Ireland registered and publicly available since 1 January 2002. Cases via BAILLI (British and Irish Legal Information Institute).
United Kingdom Employment Appeals Tribunal
This database contains Full Hearing judgments from 1999 of the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) which are transcribed or handed down by the Tribunal.
ACIRRT monitors and analyses the changing nature of work in Australia. The Centre offers research and training, and provides its newsletter and research papers on this site.
Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law
he activities of the Centre include teaching, research, organising seminars and conferences, and the publication of a working paper and monograph series on aspects of labour law. This website also provides links to other sites of interest in the area of employment and labour ...
National Institute of Labour Studies
NILS is a multi-disciplinary research organisation that specialises in labour market research. Its Working Papers are provided on this site. Major areas of specialisation are: industrial relations reform; the changing nature of employment arrangements; job-related training; ...
ACTU: Australian Council of Trade Unions
The ACTU homepage contains information on current campaigns, policies, OH&S, and links to related sites.
Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD
The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) to the OECD is an international trade union organisation which has consultative status with the OECD and its various committees. The site includes its policy statements and some publications.
South Africa
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
Links to COSATU's publications, including its newsletter, affiliates, policies and other labour links
United Kingdom
Labour Research Department
The Labour Research Department (LRD) is an independent, UK trade union based research organisation. There are links to sites of interest to trade unionists, information on pay and prices,and latest issues of LRD's publications. Around 2,000 trade union organisations, ...
Organisations - Government
Sex discrimination
The Sex Discrimination Commissioner undertakes research, policy and educative work designed to promote greater equality between men and women. Recent projects have concentrated on equal pay for male and female workers, the career options for women in the finance industry.
Australian Industrial Relations Commission
Contains decisions of the AIRC, legislation, annual reports and other information on the AIRC
Australian Workplace
Australian WorkPlace has Australian government information on employment, workplace relations, government assistance, jobs, careers, training and wages. It contains links to relevant Acts and bills
Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency
EOWA’s role is to administer the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Commonwealth) and through education, assist organisations to achieve equal opportunity for women.
Office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council
The key role of the ASCC is to provide leadership and coordination for national efforts to prevent workplace death, injury and disease. The website contains publications, the Act, and information on OH&S
New South Wales
NSW Anti-Discrimination Board
The Anti-Discrimination Board was set up in 1977 to administer the Anti-Discrimination Act (NSW). It investigates and conciliates complaints of discrimination, harassment and vilification. The Board is impartial in this process. It does not take sides. The Board tries to ...
NSW Office of Industrial Relations
The NSW Office of Industrial Relations website contains awards, pay rates, workplace rights and responsibilities, legislation, issues and policy details etc.
Office of the Director of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment
The ODEOPE website contains official information on women in the NSW public sector, including maternity leave, pay claims, networks, publications and statistics
Workcover New South Wales
WorkCover NSW manages the State's workplace safety, injury management and workers compensation systems. The Authority administers the Workers Compensation Act 1987, Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, the ...
Queensland Department of Industrial Relations
Homepage of the Queensland DIR, with an information and advice page, legislation, publications and links to other industrial relations sites.
Industrial Relations and State Service Management
Industrial Relations and State Service Management provides advice on employment and management policy; employment legislation; research, analysis and policy development information on industrial relations issues etc.
Industrial Relations Victoria
Contains information for employers and employees, public sector employment, legislation, leave entitlements etc. as well as a Victorian Government response to the Federal Government WorkChoices industrial relations changes.
Western Australia
Labour relations
Links to many sources for WA labour relations information, such as awards, publications, services and an online newsletter
If you need legal help regarding any aspect of Industrial Relations Law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
If you need legal advice regarding Industrial Relations Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Industrial Relations Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Industrial Relations Law.
Our free legal enquiry service for Industrial Relations Law extends to all suburbs and locations throughout Australia.
Government loses bid to stop rail union industrial action
Sun, 16 Feb 2025 03:56:07 +0000
Sydney train commuters have been urged to plan ahead with more industrial action expected to hit the city's rail network on Monday.
Sydney's train travellers endure yet another day of delays
Fri, 14 Feb 2025 08:36:11 +0000
The state government is taking urgent legal steps to stop further industrial actions by the rail unions, after pay negotiations collapsed.
More Sydney train disruptions due to ongoing industrial dispute
Fri, 14 Feb 2025 03:46:23 +0000
Delays are expected to worsen after hundreds of trains drivers and guards didn't show up for work, following a collapse in pay negotiations with the state government.
Sydney train chaos could shift public opinion towards driverless trains
Tue, 11 Feb 2025 18:09:04 +0000
A public transport expert says industrial action planned for Sydney's train network could shift public opinion about driverless trains, as some delays are paused on the city's rail network today.
Jacqui Lambie rails against unfair dismissal laws, says staffer 'painted nails at their desk'
Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:29:59 +0000
Senator Jacqui Lambie has railed against unfair dismissal laws, after herself facing a Fair Work case against a former staffer who claimed they were unfairly dismissed.
NSW government drops Fair Work Commission bid against train unions
Tue, 21 Jan 2025 20:44:02 +0000
The unions withdrew all notified industrial action, except for things like wearing badges, while the government also ended its legal bid to block protected industrial action. This is where the stand-off is at and what could happen next.
Government seeks 'urgent intervention' amid psychiatrist resignation threats
Mon, 20 Jan 2025 03:02:27 +0000
The NSW government says it will take the state's public sector psychiatrists to the Industrial Relations Commission over their mass threats to resign on Tuesday.
What's behind the dispute that has thrown Sydney's rail network into disarray
Thu, 16 Jan 2025 04:09:31 +0000
The Fair Work Commission has suspended the protected industrial action impacting Sydney's train system until next week. But what do the unions want and what is being offered?
Minns says NSW will seek industrial umpire arbitration for rail dispute
Thu, 16 Jan 2025 00:58:14 +0000
The NSW Premier says industrial action has gone on long enough and their pay offer to the rail union is generous enough.
Why the majority of NSW's public psychiatrists plan to resign next week
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 23:19:57 +0000
Next week, more than two-thirds of NSW's psychiatrists working in its public hospital sector are set to resign, potentially causing serious harm for the state's healthcare system. But how did we get here?
Commission suspends Sydney train industrial action until next week — as it happened
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 20:27:52 +0000
The Fair Work Commission has ordered industrial action be suspended across Sydney's train network from 6.30pm today until next week.
Trains delays expected to continue as commission ruling takes effect
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 18:55:33 +0000
More than 600 morning Sydney train services have already been cancelled as thousands of would-be commuters heeded calls and opted to work from home to avoid the rail chaos.
Sydney commuters warned to expect train delays over coming days
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 08:59:49 +0000
Train commuters have endured travel chaos as industrial action brought the system to a standstill, with worse expected.
NSW Government say way forward in train dispute is for union to accept offer
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 03:03:43 +0000
The NSW Government says they have put forward an offer to the rail union and they say the only way forward in the industrial dispute is for them to accept it.
New pay offer to Sydney rail workers could be rejected
Tue, 14 Jan 2025 08:50:17 +0000
The NSW government's new offer is less than half of what unions are demanding, with industrial action still set to resume this week.
Sydney Trains employees offered 13 per cent pay rise
Tue, 14 Jan 2025 03:33:35 +0000
Sydney Trains employees have been offered a 13 per cent pay rise over four years as part of the NSW government's attempt to resolve a long-running industrial dispute with the state's rail union.
Are Australian traffic controllers really earning $200k per year?
Thu, 09 Jan 2025 23:17:28 +0000
Politicians and news outlets claim Australian traffic controllers are earning $200,000 per year. The ABC has crunched the numbers to see how credible these claims are.
How will new underpayment laws be enforced?
Fri, 03 Jan 2025 02:16:12 +0000
Under new laws, deliberately underpaying employees will be a criminal offence. Fair Work Ombudsman Anna Booth explains how cases will be investigated and prosecuted.
Australians work some of the longest hours in the world. This law might change that
Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:48:53 +0000
When workers got the right to disconnect from work, business groups were concerned about the uncertainty it would bring. Almost six months in, everyone is still working things out.
Sydney New Year's Eve fireworks to go ahead with limited industrial action
Tue, 24 Dec 2024 01:39:40 +0000
The rail unions and the NSW government have reached a resolution that will see Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks go ahead with limited industrial action on the rail network.
Sydney businesses take on train unions in bid to stop NYE strikes
Sun, 22 Dec 2024 07:26:23 +0000
A handful of Sydney businesses follow the lead of the Minns government and have applied to the Fair Work Commission to put an end to train work bans.
Matilda Djerf apologises to clothing brand staff after bullying claims
Wed, 18 Dec 2024 03:53:40 +0000
The Swedish influencer and clothing brand CEO responds to body-shaming and bullying allegations against her.
Qantas agrees to $120m in compensation for illegally sacked workers
Tue, 17 Dec 2024 07:42:58 +0000
Qantas and the Transport Workers Union have agreed to set up a compensation fund for payments to be sent to 1,820 impacted former employees who were outsourced by the airline.
More than 90,000 bins at risk of being uncollected before Christmas over pay
Tue, 17 Dec 2024 01:02:24 +0000
One south-east Queensland council is in a pay dispute with unions, which could see tens of thousands of bins left uncollected until next year.
Majority of Qantas flights 'on time' despite strikes by engineers
Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:11:36 +0000
Hundreds of Qantas engineers have stopped work for 24 hours at major airports around the country as a long-running pay dispute between the airline an unions threatens to disrupt thousands of travel plans.
These news come from ABC News.
Industrial relations - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Workplace Consulting Queensland is a fee for service unit that specialises in business improvement strategies, employee relations, industrial relations and ..
Internet Resource Guide: Australian Employment Law Resources
Includes text of awards, agreements etc; Gadens Lawyers (Law firm) Select "Publications" to access its Workplace relations update and other related industrial ..
Industrial Relations Act 1999 - Department of Justice and Attorney..
In Queensland the primary legislation that governs the state industrial relations system is the Industrial Relations Act 1999 (PDF, 1.9 MB) which ..
Amendments to industrial relations legislation - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act and the Local Government Act to provide more stability and ..
Legislation - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General administers the Industrial Relations Act 1999 as well as other legislation.
Recovering unpaid wages - NSW Industrial Relations
procedure set out in the NSW Industrial Relations Act 1996, Annual Holidays Act 1944 .. accountant or lawyer may be able to provide assistance and advice.
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations - Department ..
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. The Attorney-General is the state's first law officer and a member of Cabinet. The portfolio ..
Law and penalties - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
In support of Queensland's Industrial Relations Act 1999, three codes of practice have been developed for the building and construction ..
What law applies? - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Jump to ý: On 2 December 2005, the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005 was ..
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations media ..
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations media statements 2010. Search ..
Long service leave - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. to an employer. Entitlements for long service leave are provided for in the Industrial Relations Act 1999 .
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations media ..
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations media statements 2009. Search ..
Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland - Department of Justice ..
.. Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Private Sector Industrial Relations (PSIR) provides advice to government on industrial relations legislation and policy, and facilitates its implementation. PSIR also ..
Employment Law Forum 2011 - Australian Government Solicitor
and our lawyers have had critical input into all of the recent employment and workplace relations law reforms, as well as advising a large ..
Compliance - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General has a responsibility for improving compliance with Queensland's industrial relations laws and ..
Industrial Relations Commission - Purpose and Functions ..
The Industrial Relations Commission conciliates and arbitrates to .. within which the Attorney General, as the first law officer of the State, ..
What we offer - Areas of law - Employment and workplace relations
We have acted as solicitor in many of the landmark workplace relations cases in .. Please see also AGS employment and workplace relations law publications.
Job opportunities - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
ensuring observance of state and federal awards and agreements and Acts administered by JAG, such as the Industrial Relations Act 1999 ..
AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight
Historically, Commonwealth laws regulating aspects of industrial relations .. as amended by the Work Choices Act. The Attorneys-General of Tasmania, the ..
Industrial Relations Act 1996 - NSW Legislation
Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17 .. Attorney General, sections 147, 148 (except in relation to the appointment of Commissioners), 149, 150, ..
Free legal services on offer to flood victims - Ministerial Media ..
-General and Minister for Industrial Relations The Honourable Cameron Dick. Friday, January 21, 2011. Free legal services on offer to flood victims ..
What is a workplace incident? - Department of Justice and Attorney..
The Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General (JAG) administers the Industrial Relations Act 1999 and other legislation dealing ..
Industrial Relations Amendment Bill 2005 - Department of Justice ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The then Minister for Employment, Training and Industrial Relations Tom Barton .. 2005, being the Industrial Relations Amendment Act 2005 and commenced on 1 September 2005.
On the spot fines and legal proceedings - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. An employer's history of compliance with industrial relations laws may also be considered to decide if a ..
Industrial Relations Act 1999 - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Miscellaneous Justice Services forms including Retail shop leases, appeal costs funs, Legal Profession Act and Regulation, personal injury, ..
Homepage - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Health and Safety Queensland. Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Executive Officers: know your responsibilities under the new laws ..
Industrial Relations and Employment Law -
Back to: Home > Portfolios: Attorney-General > Other Portfolio Bodies, Committees, .. Solicitor > MELBOURNE > Industrial Relations and Employment Law ..
Long service leave frequently asked questions - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The Industrial Relations Act 1999 provides for certain leave entitlements to transfer from one employer ..
Relations Act 1999 or decisions of an industrial tribunal of competent .. 686 and 687 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 apply if there is a conflict with an act, ..
Circular No. 1/02 Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1999
The Industrial Relations Amendment Act .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 on 3 .. lawyer. Legal representation will not be permitted, even with the parties' consent, ..
Home - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Electrical safety · Industrial relations · Workplace health and safety · Workers' .. New laws that will come into effect on 23 February 2012 mean any couple ..
Output 6 – Private Sector Industrial Relations Services - Department ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Law and justice in education · Law and justice in the workplace · Law and justice careers · Mock trials ..
Queensland moves to national industrial relations system for the ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. On 31 December 2009 Queensland legislation referred state industrial relations powers for the private sector to .. The new national industrial relations system applies to all Queensland ..
Private Sector Industrial Relations Services Output Performance ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Operating under the Industrial Relations Act 1999 the Private Sector Industrial Relations division works ..
Law in Queensland - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
In Queensland, the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations is responsible for a range of agencies, including Legal Aid ..
Issued by the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations .. 687 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 apply if there is a conflict with provisions of an act, ..
Legislation - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Links to information on Workplace health and safety legislation, including how the legislation .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..
Workplace prosecutions - publishing policy - Workplace Health and ..
This policy details the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's .. health and safety, electrical safety and industrial relations laws by: ..
What are workplace inspections? - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. any matter or incident relating to compliance with the Industrial Relations Act 1999 (PDF, 1.9 MB).
agreements made under Chapter 6, Part 1 of the Industrial Relations Act. 1999 or .. Chapter 2, Part 3 Industrial Relations Act 1999 (Long Service Leave) ..
Reps Chapter Appendix Template
Mr Tom Roberts, Senior National Legal Officer, Construction and. General Division .. Mrs Jennifer Hunt, Solicitor, Workplace Relations and Corporate. Ms Vicki ..
Work out your long service leave - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General ... employee's long service leave payment, the Industrial Relations Act 1999 stipulates the employer must ..
Comlaw Home
New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant community .. Education, Employment and Workplace Relations · Prime Minister and Cabinet .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) This ..
HR and IR information guide - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The legislation includes the Industrial Relations Act 1999 , the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 and the ..
Forms and publications - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
.. Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 - a guide for public sector agencies (PDF, 199.6 KB) ..
Workplace harassment - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Details the workplace health and safety requirements for workplace harassment. .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Prevention of Workplace Harassment Advisory Standard 2004 · Industrial Relations · Risk management .. workplace harassment, and your obligations under the law you must ..
FAQ - Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
Who would you recommend as a lawyer or industrial advocate? .. In relation to matters under the Industrial Relations Act 1999 it does not cost you any more ..
find LEGAL answers - Employment - Employment
Jump to ý: Title: Employment, Vol 3, Lawyers practice manual, NSW. About .. About: Contains the Workplace Relations Act and related ..
Our department - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The portfolio of the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. The Attorney-General is the state's first law officer and a member of ..
Act). - l NSW lndustria! Relations (NSWER, formerly the Office of Industrial Relations) consulted closely with the then Attorney Genera|'s Department during the ..
Our ministers - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations, Hon.
Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland - Queensland Government ..
Search · Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Level 25, State Law Building .. Public Sector Industrial and Employee Relations ..
Queensland's industrial relations system - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The Industrial Relations Act 1999 sets out certain rights and obligations for employers and employees ..
Workplace partnership and productivity - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Clients assisted regarding complexities of commonwealth industrial relations legislation, 16 829 ..
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Comlaw Home
An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes. Administered by: Attorney-General's; Education, Employment and Workplace ..
Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..
Six high-achieving Queensland women will compete for a bursary to develop their personal vision into an initiative to benefit primary industries and rural ..
Directives - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Under section 54 of the Act the industrial relations Minister may issue directives about the remuneration ..
Work, family and lifestyle - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The Industrial Relations Act 1999 directly prescribes rights and obligations for employers and ..
Circulars - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations introduced legislation for amendments to the Holidays Act 1983.
Workplace consultation - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
The Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (PDF, 766 kB) .. to the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations about policies, ..
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Comlaw Home
Workplace Relations Act
1996, 25/11/1996, 30/06/2009, Amending item not .. by: Attorney-General's, Education, Employment and Workplace Relations ..
Attorney General, 2 Apr 2007, 5 Sep 2008, 1yr 5mths 4days .. Minister for Industrial Relations, 11 Sep 2008, 4 Dec 2009, 1yr 2mths 24days .. Bachelor of Economics 1982, Bachelor of Laws 1983 and Master of Laws 1994.
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Comlaw Home
An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes. Administered by: Attorney-General's; DEWR. Prepared 16 Dec 2005 by OLDP ..
– CALL OFF THE FUNERAL .. In my view, lawyers can be generally proud of the contribution which labour law has made to the ..
Legislation | NSW Government DFS
Hairdressers Act 2003 No 62. Industrial Arbitration (Special Provisions) Act 1984 No 121. Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17 (except parts, the Attorney General) ..
History of NSW Industrial Relations - NSW Industrial Relations ..
[6] The Attorney General continued to administer industrial relations legislation until 1911, when the Minister for Labour and Industry took up this ..
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Comlaw Home
An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes. Administered by: Attorney-General's; DEWR. Prepared 31 Mar 2006 by OLDP ..
Directive 14/10: Motor Vehicle Allowances
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER. FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. 1. TITLE: .. Relations Act 1999 or decisions of an industrial tribunal of ..
Consumer & business directory—quick links - ACCC
60+ items – ACT Magistrates Court. The Magistrate Court deals with a wide ..
Administrative Appeals Tribunal, ACT (AAT)
Administrative Appeals Tribunal, SA (AAT)
Workplace Relations & Regulatory Compliance | Victorian ..
Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO .. Our team provides advice to Government in all areas of workplace relations and equal opportunity law, ..
6.3 Contract work - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
These records must be made available for inspection by persons authorised under either the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Commonwealth) ..
6 Employment obligations and contract work - Department of Justice ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Since 1 July 1999 all outworkers are employees as defined by the Industrial Relations Act 1999, people ..
6.5 Responsibilities of prime contractors - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Section 378 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 (Queensland) makes payment of wages due by a ..
Resolving complaints through external agencies - Workplace Health ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General – Workplace Health and Safety .. Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (State Government Employees) .. situations that fall within the scope of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995: ..
The Industrial Relations Commission's Power of Private Arbitration ..
"The Industrial Relations Commission's Power of Private Arbitration" by Justice Giudice, First Annual General Meeting of the Australian Labour Law Association, ..
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Comlaw Home
An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes. Administered by: Attorney-General's; DEWR. Prepared 27 Mar 2006 by OLDP ..
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment ..
Ms Catherine Waterhouse, Senior Government Lawyer, Bargaining and Industrial Action Section, Workplace Relations Legal Group ..
Australian Labour Law Association Paper
judges, are involved in industrial relations and/or labour law on a daily .. imagination by practising lawyers in the area: particularly evidenced ..
Work – Unfair Dismissal | Ombudsman NT
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations can help with information about requirements of dismissal (e.g. notice) under federal laws. They can ..
Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia
Foolkit: a lawyer's toolkit - State specific legal portal containing full text .. Coroners Court, Drug Court, Industrial Relations Commission, Dust Diseases Tribunal, ..
Administration of the Industrial Court and Commission System ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Section 38C of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 requires a full ..
New Agency Guidelines For Legal Representation
Department of Industrial Relations prior to engaging the services of external lawyers, barristers, consultants or Crown Law for representation in the Industrial ..
1980s: expansion and contraction - Department of Justice and ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. legislation was introduced including the new Industrial Relations Act ..
Child employment - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 · Industrial Relations Regulation 2000 (PDF File, 769KB) · Child ..
Litigation Notes No 12 - Australian Government Solicitor
Jump to ý: Australian Industrial Relations .. of the Workplace Relations Act ..
and then some, lawyers (who for the most part made up the Conciliation and .. Secondly, I learned that industrial relations law could often be quite complex ..
Direction 16/10 - International Travelling, Relieving and Living ..
Sections 686 and 687 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999. 4. .. Issued by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. Circular ..
List of Attorneys-General - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. 10.12.1859–30.08.1865 PRING, Ratcliffe Attorney-General .. FOLEY, Matthew Joseph Attorney-General, Minister for Justice and Industrial Relations, and Minister for The Arts ..
About us - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. 6 – Private Sector Industrial Relations Services · Output 7 – Public Sector Industrial and Employee Relations Services .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 ..
Industrial relations - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 - Department of ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Private Sector Industrial Relations Services · Output 7 – Public Sector Industrial and ..
Annual reports - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Asbestos - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. materials has been updated to reflect the changes to legislation effective from 1 January 2009.
3 Tendering Ethics - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Inherent in the adoption of this standard is a commitment to deal only with industry parties whose standards of performance and behaviour ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General: Budget Paper 5 ..
The Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations has responsibility for ... By the same General Ruling, as required under the Industrial Relations Act ..
Director-General's message - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. wages and conditions, administering industrial relations legislation, ..
Employment Law Forum 2010 - Australian Government Solicitor
matters, and our lawyers have had critical input into all of the recent employment and workplace relations law reforms, as well as advising a large number of ..
Bereavement Leave - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER .. Section 54(1) of the Public Service Act 2008. 4. .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 apply if there is a conflict with an act, ..
Public holiday dates for 2010-2014 - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. From Christmas Day 2011, the Holidays Act provides for an extra public holiday to be .. on the same day in 2011, the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations approved a ..
Unfair Dismissals - Frequently Asked Questions Industrial Relations ..
Industrial Relations Commission Website .. The Registry cannot give names of lawyers, however the Law Society of NSW may be contacted for ..
Strategic Policy, Legal and Executive Services - Department of ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Codes of practice - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Queensland's Industrial Relations Act 1999 and associated legislation establishes a regulatory framework providing significant minimum ..
Quality Part-Time Work for Lawyers
Industrial Relations Victoria Department of Innovation, Industry & Regional Development. An effective .. Robinson Gill Lawyers – Quality part-time work in law ..
5.1 Government agencies' responsibilities - Department of Justice ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. An industrial inspector may investigate breaches of industrial relations legislation (ie the Industrial .. The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Registry is responsible for the ..
Justice reform - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. In Queensland, the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations is responsible for a range of agencies ..
6.1 Awards and legal obligations - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 (Queensland) or Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Commonwealth) or other ..
Into the future - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations on 12 August 2010 and ..
Justice Portal : Home
Review of the Residential Tenancy Act 1997. .. Tas-Discrimination News - newsletter of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner · Workplace Standards Tasmania ..
Appendix 5 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
This Act established a statutory body or authority that is part of the portfolio of the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations ..
State Government Departments Certified Agreements 2009 ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. cultural leave entitlements in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act 1999 are encapsulated in the ..
Law Society Regional Offices - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Queensland's district law associations - Department of Justice and ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
10-11 JAG State Budget Highlights - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. Back to ..
Industrial Relations Act 1999, this Directive prevails over an industrial .. Industrial and Employee Relations, Department of Justice and Attorney-General, a ..
The LIA Review Secretariat c/- Attorney-General's Department ..
(LIA), established by the Attorney-General, the Hon Robert McClelland MP. .. Workplace Relations Act 1996 as well as orders made by the AIRC in proceedings ..
Appendix 5: Acts Administered by the Attorney-General and Minister ..
This Act established a statutory body or authority that is part of the portfolio of the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. Back to ..
Our governance framework - Department of Justice and Attorney..
She is the department's chief executive, responsible to the Premier and the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations for leading ..
An overview of the federal legislation - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) has lost its long-standing powers to set ..
Our people - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Private Sector Industrial Relations Services, 191 ..
Directive No. 11/09 - Transfer and Appointment Expenses
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER .. the Industrial Relations Act 1999 apply if this directive conflicts with an act, regulation or industrial instrument. 9.
Board of Management - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Premier and the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations.
AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight
'The lawyers who will work on the service are fully qualified and can provide ... the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, the Australian Law Reform .. The Industrial Law Committee ran a successful seminar series on ..
Forms and publications - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is the government agency responsible for administering justice, industrial relations and safety services in ..
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Comlaw Home
An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes. Administered by: Attorney-General's; DEWR. Prepared 01 Mar 2007 by OLDP ..
Law and justice in Queensland - Department of Justice and Attorney..
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is the government agency responsible for administering justice, industrial relations and safety services in ..
Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report - Department of Justice and ..
Communication objective · Letter of compliance · Overview · Director-General's message · Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations ..
Timeline of Industrial Relations - NSW Industrial Relations
The Attorney General continued to administer industrial relations legislation until 1911, when the Minister for Labour and Industry took up this ..
2010 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Minister for Industrial Relations Cameron Dick today warned ... Attorney-General flags even tougher laws for dangerous sex offenders * ..
Industrial relations update: The referral of powers and the Fair Work ..
1. Introduction. A new national industrial relations .. industrial laws enacted in 2009 (the. Fair Work Act) .. legislation, Attorney General, Hon ..
Appointments - JobsNSW
recently passed by the NSW Parliament has repealed the .. have been included in the Industrial Relations Act 1996 that deal with promotional and disciplinary .. Attorney General and Justice, Department of, Manager Learning and ..
2009 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Queensland Parliament tonight passed new industrial relations laws that will allow the state to join a national industrial relations system ..
Managing risk - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland. Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Laws and prosecutions · Legislation · Codes of ..
Our key people - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Trading hours - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
It is illegal to advertise that a shop will be open outside the hours permitted by the Act or an Order of the Queensland Industrial Relations ..
Pay equity in Queensland - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. In 1999, the new Industrial Relations Act 1999 provided for 'equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value', ..
General construction induction training - Workplace Health and ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Requirement under the law for general construction induction · Obtaining a General Safety ..
Industrial Relations news - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Legislation has been introduced into State Parliament that will allow for the .. The Public Sector Industrial and Employee Relations Division is ..
Output 8 – Administration of the Industrial Court and Commission ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Industrial Registry operate under the Industrial Relations Act 1999 .
Workers' Accommodation Act 1952 - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. contrary provision of any award or industrial agreement made under Industrial Relations Act 1999 (PDF ..
Acts committed to Ministers under section 5 of the Administrative ..
Minister for Industrial Relations. Encroachments Act 1944. Attorney-General. Enforcement of Judgments Act 1991. Attorney-General. Environment Protection Act ..
Directive No. 9/09 - Domestic Travelling and Relieving Expenses
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER .. Section 54(1) of the Public Service Act 2008. 4. .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 apply if there is a conflict with an act, ..
Background | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission
40.10 The website of the Attorney-General's Department (AGD) indicates that: .. In addition, under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth), privacy protection is ..
Directive No. 10/09 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER. FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. 1. .. Sections 686 and 687 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999. 4. APPLICATION: ..
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER. FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS .. Industrial Relations Act 1999, this directive prevails over an industrial instrument to ..
Direction 15/10 - Domestic Travelling & Relieving Expenses
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER. FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. 1. TITLE: .. Relations Act 1999 or decisions of an industrial tribunal of competent ..
TD/2010/39 - Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
.. of parties is found at s. 319 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 (the .. (2) The party or person may be represented by a Lawyer if, and only if - ..
Review of neighbourly relations - dividing fences - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Law and justice in education · Law and justice in the workplace · Law and justice careers · Mock trials ..
Commercial and public law - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW
In 1992, however, the national Law Admissions Consultative Committee published the .. Practical legal training for solicitors is different from that for barristers. .. Criminal law; Employment and industrial relations; Ethics and professional ..
find LEGAL answers - Employment - Awards
Title: A new national industrial relations system .. investigates workplace complaints and enforces compliance with national workplace laws.
09-10 JAG State Budget Highlights - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. Back to ..
Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Education, Employment ..
Mr Richard Calver, National Director Industrial Relations. Yum! .. Mr Bill McNally, Partner - W. G. McNally Jones Staff, Lawyers. CPSU .. Mr Peter Cully, Branch Manager, Workplace Relations Legal Group. Mr David Bohn ..
Report of the National Inquiry into Pregnancy and Work - HREOC ..
That the Attorney-General amend the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) to .. That the Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and ..
How to confuse a lawyer - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Crown Solicitor's review - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
.. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year. .. Crown Law's future is again founded in another year of positive financial ..
Hunter Water Act 1991 No 53 · Industrial Arbitration (Special Provisions) Act 1984 No 121 · Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17 (except parts, the Attorney ..
Beauty therapist fined over pay dispute - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. guilty in her absence to breaching sections 666, 370, 366 and 662 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999.
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Comlaw Home
An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes. Administered by: Attorney-General's; DEWR. Prepared 19 Jul 2005 by OLDP ..
Financial snapshot - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. The functions and responsibilities for Industrial Relations, Workplace Health and Safety and ..
Industrial Relations Regulation 2011 Explanatory Note
Section 709 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 empowers the Governor in. Council to .. Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) wrote to relevant employer and ..
Policy, Legislation and Legal Services Output Performance ..
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. to the portfolio of the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations was carried out by ..
Letter of compliance - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Honourable Cameron Dick MP Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations State Law Building Brisbane Qld 4000. Dear Attorney ..
the Industrial Relations Act 1999 apply if there is a conflict with an act, .. Issued by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ..
Our History - Industrial Relations Commission : Lawlink NSW
The Court of Arbitration, established by the Industrial Arbitration Act .. under the administration of the Department of Attorney-General and of ..
Media centre - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Court and Tribunal Transcripts - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW
Banner - Department of Justice and Attorney General .. For matters heard in the Industrial Relations Commission order transcripts directly from ..
QLRC Cover R65vol2 Split - Queensland Law Reform Commission.
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. In accordance with section 15 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1968 (Qld), the Commission is pleased ..
By rule of law.. (history of JAG) - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Appendices - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law .. the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations as at 30 June 2010 ..
4.2 Condition of Tender - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
This may include a copy of any letter to the Australian or Queensland Industrial Relations Registry or their equivalent in other jurisdictions.
Contact Us - Industrial Relations Commission : Lawlink NSW
Industrial Relations Commission Website .. Please contact your solicitor or legal representative for legal advice. The NSW Law Society provides a list of accredited legal specialists. If you would like to be referred to a lawyer..
Total - Federal Court of Australia
Rich Text Format - Attorney-General. Parliament House. Canberra ACT 2600. Dear Attorney-General. I have pleasure in submitting the Annual Report of the Industrial Relations ..
Queensland Regulatory Simplification Plan - Department of Justice ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. In addition, the Department has responsibilities for services to support a fair and equitable industrial relations system, safe work ..
Fatigue - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
The effects of fatigue in the workplace, including what laws apply and how to effectively manage .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..
The Edge
Employment, Industrial Relations and. Administrative law in the United. Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and. Australia. Joanna currently advises the Attorney- ..
Output 3 – Policy Legislation and Legal Services - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Director-General's message · Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Department of Justice and Industrial Relations
I have also provided a copy of this report to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Hon. Brian Wightman MP; the Minister for Workplace Relations, Hon ..
Workplace health and safety codes of practice - Workplace Health ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Four codes of practice under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 will be repealed from 1 January 2012.
Index to awards and contract determinations - Industrial Relations ..
Industrial Relations Commission Website .. 232, Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor's Office, Office of the Legal Aid ..
Governance - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Output 6 – Private Sector Industrial Relations Services · Output 7 – Public Sector Industrial and Employee Relations Services .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report ..
Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW
Lawyer Regulation in Australia .. Civil litigation; Commercial and corporate; Consumer law; Criminal law; Employment and industrial relations ..
Community Legal Services - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Attorney General's Department - 10 May 2010 - Appointments to the ..
Mr Harman and Ms Turner bring significant expertise in family law to the .. with the Australian Industrial Relations Commission since 1995.
The smart career choice - Department of Justice and Attorney..
choice. Focus on a career in law, industrial relations and safety with the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Through a career with the department you ..
Our structure | About Queensland and its government | Queensland ..
Ministers are responsible for departments, which implement laws relating to their area of responsibility. .. Local Government and Planning · Attorney-General, Minister for Local .. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations ..
Union right of entry - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. an entry permit under the Commonwealth Fair Work Act 2009 or Industrial Relations Act 1999.
2008 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Employment and Industrial Relations Minister John Mickel has urged .. New on-the-spot fines for breaches of electrical safety legislation take ..
Boards and committees - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. The Commissioner advises the Minister for Industrial Relations on electrical safety matters and ..
Child employment in the entertainment industry - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 · Industrial Relations Regulation 2000 (PDF File, 769KB) · Child ..
Circular 1998/1: Workplace Relations Act 1996 - Impact on APS ..
Subsection 170CM(4) of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 is in identical .. In October 1994 the Attorney-General's Department advised that ..
11-12 JAG State Budget Highlights - Department of Justice and ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Government places such high importance on workplace health and safety and industrial relations.
Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner
If you have a query about a breach of industrial relations law, agreements, awards, .. There are also lawyers, analysts and support staff throughout our offices ..
1860s: the birth of Queensland law - Department of Justice and ..
.. Director-General's message · Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year. .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. The Attorney-General in the first Parliament was responsible for the drafting of all the ..
Laws and prosecutions - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Links to information on Workplace health and safety legislation, inspections, prosecutions and .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..
Law and justice in the workplace - Department of Justice and ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. The Queensland Government has referred the state's industrial relations powers for ..
Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005. Workplace .. Re Betfair Pty Ltd and Department of the Attorney General [2007] WAICmr 7. 1 ..
Expert Roundtable Members - Australian Law Reform Commission
Sarah McKinnon, Principal Government Lawyer, Bargaining and Coverage Branch, Workplace Relations Legal Group, Department of Education, Employment ..
Section 7 and 8 Statements - ACT Government Chief Minister and ..
- Minister for Industrial Relations. Annual Leave Act 1973, except administration provisions that are the responsibility of the Attorney-General. Dangerous ..
Queensland Government employees - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Rulings issued under the Public Service Act 2008 by the Public Service Commission Chief Executive and the Minister responsible for industrial relations on matters relating to the ..
Kitching, Megan Anne - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Megan Anne Kitching, being an employer under the Industrial Relations Act 1999, was prosecuted for five breaches of the Act relating to her ..
Queensland Law Reform Commission - Department of Justice and ..
Communication objective · Letter of compliance · Overview · Director-General's message · Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations ..
Government appoints expert to head Industrial Relations review
Commerce Minister Troy Buswell today announced leading industrial relations lawyer Steven Amendola would head the State Government's review of the ..
Catherine Roberts | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO
Catherine is an Acting Managing Principal Solicitor leading a team of .. rights, anti-discrimination and workplace relations laws, as well as the workings of ..
Child Employment Act and Regulation - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 · Industrial Relations Regulation 2000 (PDF File, 769KB) · Industrial ..
Delivering a fair, safe and just Queensland More Information
justice, industrial relations and safety .. The State of Queensland (Department of Justice and Attorney-General) August 2010. .. For inquiries about laws on child ..
Industrial Relations Act 1988
Administered by: Attorney-General's; Education, Employment and Workplace .. Certain actions not to lie under other laws in relation to certain industrial action ..
The Industrial Relations Amendment Bill amends the Industrial Relations Act and implements proposals that have been prepared jointly by the Attorney General ..
Electrical safety - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Electrical safety legislation .. What does the law say - electrical suppliers & distributors .. Those working in the electrical industry can update their knowledge on current electrical safety codes of practice, ..
Litigation Notes No 14 - Australian Government Solicitor
Historically, Commonwealth laws regulating aspects of industrial relations .. as amended by the Work Choices Act. The Attorneys-General of Tasmania, the ..
Our objectives - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Implement new laws for managing neighbourhood disputes. .. Provide strategic industrial relations advice in support of the Government's ..
Glossary - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Department of Employment and Industrial Relations ..
Speeches by The Hon Michael Kirby - High Court of Australia
Of 'Sham' and Other Lessons for Australian Revenue Law, Melbourne University Law ... The University of Sydney, Kingsley Laffer Industrial Relations Memorial ..
Allocation of the Administration of Acts 2011 (No .. - NSW Legislation
1984 No 121. Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17 (except parts, the Attorney General). Industrial Relations Advisory Council Act 2010 No 76 ..
Performance framework - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Queensland's first Solicitor-General - Department of Justice and ..
.. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year. .. The first Solicitor-General for Queensland was Thomas Joseph Byrnes (pictured). .. and the Solicitor-General was the head of the Crown Law Office.
Victorian Law Reform Commission - Commissioners
He was previously Principal Community Lawyer and Legal Program Manager at .. Legal Centre and worked in employment and industrial relations law. He has ..
Public Sector Industrial and Employee Relations Services Output ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Law and justice in education · Law and justice in the workplace · Law and justice careers · Mock trials ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General - Queensland State ..
The Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations has responsibility for this .. Crown Law will continue the untying of work in accordance with the 2005 ..
Blackadder: An analysis - Paper for NSW Young Lawyers: A Division ..
Paper for NSW Young Lawyers: A Division of the Law Society of NSW .. The union took proceedings in the Australian Industrial Relations ..
Unfair Dismissals - Industrial Relations Commission : Lawlink NSW
Industrial Relations Commission Website .. Court Costs; The Legislation; Frequently Asked Questions .. The application can be lodged in person or by mail and through your solicitor, agent or union representative. As of 15 ..
7.1 Contractors, subcontractors, agents - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. commercial sanctions; remedies under the contract; penalties applicable under the relevant law or statute. .. Department of Employment Training and Industrial Relations within three ..
Hairdressing, nail and beauty - Workplace Health and Safety ..
In order to understand the workplace health and safety requirements for hairdressing, and your obligations under the law you must consider ..
Service Delivery Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney..
The Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations has responsibility for the .. This stage involves development of a new Criminal Justice Procedure Act, ..
CANDIDATE INFORMATION KIT Government Lawyer GL Band 2 ..
Lawyers with varied backgrounds from law enforcement to workplace relations specialists. The agency also employs analysts and support staff, ..
Centrepoint Health Club Services Pty Ltd - Department of Justice ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industry: Fitness Industry. Defendant: Centrepoint Health Club .. s.366 Industrial Relations Act 1999 ..
2008 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
New on-the-spot fines for breaches of electrical safety legislation take .. Employment and Industrial Relations Minister John Mickel has urged ..
ANZAC Day Trust Fund - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Output 7 – Public Sector Industrial and Employee Relations Services ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Law and justice in education · Law and justice in the workplace · Law and justice careers · Mock trials ..
Softa, Nadia trading as King Rooster - Department of Justice and ..
.. Contact us · Help. Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Cairns Industrial Magistrates Court .. s.670(1) Industrial Relations Act 1999. Plea: ..
Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990 - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 · Industrial Relations Regulation 2000 (PDF File, 769KB) · Industrial ..
Get out there - May 2011 : Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General provides .. services to ensure employers are meeting Queensland´s industrial relations laws.
QLRC Cover R65vol3 cover Sptil - Queensland Law Reform ..
To: The Honourable Cameron Dick MP. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. In accordance with section 15 of the Law Reform Commission Act ..
New Anti-Discrimination Commissioner a respected human rights ..
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations .. to the Queensland Law Reform Commission and the Queensland Law Society Council.
Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Explanatory Note
administered by the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations. These Acts include: •. Acts Interpretation Act 1954. •. Appeal Costs Fund Act 1973 ..
Queensland's new work health and safety laws - Workplace Health ..
Introductory page to Queensland's new work health and safety laws, covering frequently .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General .. Electrical Safety · Industrial Relations · Workplace Health and Safety Board · Industry ..
2000s: into the third millennium - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. the Honourable Cameron Dick MP who has also taken on the role of Minister for Industrial Relations.
Our policies - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. conditions of employment and advice about major industrial relations issues affecting the Queensland public sector.
Resolving tree and fence disputes - Department of Justice and ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Sector Industrial Relations Services · Output 7 – Public Sector Industrial and Employee .. The new Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 commenced on 1 .. your neighbour find the best solution and keep your neighbourly relations intact.
Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment s 5. No. 14, 1995 department authorised by the chief executive; or. (c) if allowed by this Act—a lawyer or agent.'.
Constitutional Aspects of Judicial Independence — Judicial ..
The commission might consist of judges, lawyers, knowledgeable laymen. ... See the Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996 (Cth).
Strategic Plan 2011-15 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Directive 17/09 - Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND. MINISTER FOR INDUSTRIAL. RELATIONS. In accordance with section 52(3) of the Public Service Act 2008 and ..
Department of Justice and Attorney-General - Queensland ..
Hon Paul Lucas MP, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special .. of State · Hon Cameron Dick MP, Minister for Education and Industrial Relations .. Council of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated ..
Allocation of the Administration of Acts - NSW Legislation
Jump to ý: Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17, sections 147, 148 .. 383, 407 (in relation to provisions administered by the Attorney ..
The department's services - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Holidays Amendment Act 2010 - Department of Justice and Attorney..
0. On 14 September 2010 the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, Cameron Dick introduced legislation into parliament which ..
4. Implementation and industry consultation - Department of Justice ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 · Industrial Relations Regulation 2000 (PDF File, 769KB) · Industrial ..
Media statements 2011 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General and the former Department of Employment and Industrial Relations.
Appendix 4 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Queensland Industrial Relations Commission2. Electoral Commission of Queensland2. Queensland Law Reform Commission2. Electrical ..
Hairdresser takes a short cut with wages - Department of Justice and ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. of breaching section 666 of the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999. .. Regional Manager for Industrial Relations with the Department of Justice ..
Dividing fence disputes questions and answers - Department of ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Sector Industrial Relations Services · Output 7 – Public Sector Industrial and Employee .. The Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 (the Act) commenced on 1 ..
industrial Relations Act 1999, this Directive prevails over an industrial .. Issued by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ..
Background and overview - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Privacy, Health Information and Employee Records: Implications of ..
words of the Attorney-General, when the Amendment Act was passed: 'While employee .. Subject to Federal and State or Territory Workplace Relations laws, ..
Neither attorney nor general - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Letter of compliance · Overview · Director-General's message · Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 ..
Directive 5/07 - "Long Service Leave" - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. This new sentence is in line with the requirements of section 14(5) of the Industrial Relations Act 1999.
News 2011 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW
15/05/11, Lawyers make a song and dance of Law Week [ Small PDF icon 21kb] ... "With significant changes in the jurisdiction of the NSW Industrial Relations ..
Industrial Relations (Tribunals) Rules 2011 Explanatory Note
Section 338 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999. Policy objectives and .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Office of Fair and Safe Work. Queensland) ..
Careers for Judicial and Other Statutory Officers - Lawlink Corporate ..
The Attorney General has approved a list of personal and professional .. Supreme Court Act 1970 · Industrial Relations Act 1996 · Land and ..
Lawlink NSW: 6. Visual Surveillance in the Workplace
In making this reference the Attorney draws the Commission's attention .. to .. It therefore recommended that industrial relations legislation be ..
Forms and publications - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The Industrial Relations Act 1999 was developed as a result of a review commissioned by the ..
Client focused solutions - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Crown Law acted for the Attorney-General and instructed counsel to appear on .. Crown Law was also featured in a number of legal industry ..
8 Standard conditions of tender - Department of Justice and Attorney..
This Code will apply to all contracts for the supply of textile, clothing, footwear and related goods and components to government agencies and ..
General changes for trees - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Sector Industrial Relations Services · Output 7 – Public Sector Industrial and Employee .. The Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 (the Act) commenced on 1 ..
Your legal responsibilities - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (PDF, 766 KB) , Queensland employers have an obligation to ensure the workplace health ..
Construction company fined $200000 over workplace fatality ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. The appeal was heard before Industrial Relations Commission President David Hall on 1 September 2010 and a decision handed ..
Private Employment Agents - Department of Justice and Attorney..
Review of the Private Employment Agents Act 1983. The then Department of Industrial Relations developed a draft Public Benefit Test ..
Sunshine Coast hairdresser fined over pay shortfall - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. 666 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 in the Maroochydore Industrial Magistrates Court late last year.
Departments and agencies
Commonwealth Parliament; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney-General's; Broadband, .. Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Agencies ..
Discrimination and Sexual Harrassment Complaints
The Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 prohibits sexual harassment, which .. the ombudsman, lawyer, community organisation, the Industrial Relations ..
Our finances - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Statements for the former Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (DEIR).
Appendix 2 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
Manufacturer fined over pay dispute - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. found guilty in his absence of breaching section 666 of the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999.
Frequently requested documents - Department of Justice and ..
Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Industrial Relations Commission, Royal Commissions and various tribunals throughout Queensland.
Deacon's lawyers seminar on women and workplace issues
130+ items – .. Deacon's lawyers seminar on women and workplace issues, ..
Chairman of Deacon's Melbourne office, Peter Beaumont, National Workplace ..
It gives me great pleasure to address the Deacon's Work and Family 2003 Forum
Eligibility for Jury Service - Law Reform Commission of WA
President or Commissioner of the Industrial Relations Commission. 67 .. Industrial Relations Act 1979; ... jurors and lawyer-jurors are not at all known to those ..
Terms of reference. Guardianship review. Queensland Law Reform ..
A review of the law in relation to the General Principles, the scope of .. the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations amended the terms of reference ..
Attorney-General marks Legal Aid milestones - Ministerial Media ..
-General and Minister for Industrial Relations The Honourable Cameron Dick. Wednesday, December 09, 2009. Attorney-General marks Legal Aid ..
Townsville company fined over workplace fatality - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Letter of compliance · Overview · Director-General's message · Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 ..
The Constitution and the National Industrial Relations System .. The first theme involves the application of federal industrial laws in relation to the ... rise in Re State Public Services Federation; Ex parte Attorney-General (WA) in 1993.68 In ..
FEDERAL INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS LAW. The Fair Work Act 2009 commenced on 1 July 2009. The Fair Work Act 2009 generally applies to ..
Directive 26/10: Paid Parental Leave
ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER. FOR INDUSTRIAL .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 or decisions of an industrial tribunal of competent jurisdiction. 8.
Operating environment and associated challenges - Department of ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. volumes and types of intervention strategies; Improving and maintaining public confidence in the justice and industrial relations systems ..
Impartial and independent advice - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Crown Law 2009-10 Annual Report .. Under the state industrial relations system, the key information ..
GOC Employment and Industrial Relations Guidelines
Update of name of agency to Public Sector Industrial and. Employee Relations Division of the Department of. Justice and Attorney General. Update legislation to ..
Unfair dismissal | Fair Work Australia
Overview of the unfair dismissal laws; Making an unfair dismissal remedy application; Objecting .. The national workplace relations system covers: .. In certain circumstances, FWA may also make a costs order against a lawyer or paid agent ..
Anzac Day Act 1995 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
The Anzac Day Act 1995 (PDF, 80 KB) provides for the commemoration of Anzac Day on 25 April and gives power to the Anzac Day Trust to ..
Budget highlights - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Introduction: a new state · 1860s: the birth of Queensland law · 1870s: .. Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year.
New laws shine light on electrical safety - Department of Justice and ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. message · Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations · This year. .. Mr Leverton said the new laws were developed in consultation with the retail industry and aim to address ..
Swearing in Ceremony of the Honourable Jeffery William Shaw QC ..
6 Yours has been a distinguished career in the law and in public life and .. of proposed changes to industrial relations legislation that were before the House. .. 16 In Government, you served as Attorney General and Minister for Industrial ..
Chronology of Fair Work: background, events and related legislation
Similarly, labour lawyers Peter Punch and Mick Sheils doubted that there would .. High Court determines that the Workplace Relations Act (amended by 'Work ..
Scanned Document - Legislation Policy and Criminal Law Review ..
iévhich were issued by the then Legislation and Policy Division of the Attorney General's Department. 6
About Us - Queensland Industrial Relations Commission - Queensland
The court is the final appeal court for claims for unpaid wages and prosecutions under the Industrial Relations Act 1999 where the penalty does not exceed 40 ..
Safety in your generation luncheon
Assistant Director OHS Legal Advisor, Project Harmony Gordon Henderson has 20 years' experience as a workplace relations lawyer specialising in OHS law, ..
Pastoral Workers' Accommodation Act 1980 - Department of Justice ..
Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Industrial Relations Act 1999 · Industrial Relations Regulation 2000 (PDF File, 769KB) · Industrial ..
legislation and industrial relations generally. A lawyer, Ms Brazeau previously worked for the federal. Government of Canada in the Department ..
Industrial Relatons Court of Australia Annual Report 2003-2004
Attorney-General. Parliament House. Canberra ACT 2600. Dear Attorney-General. I have pleasure in submitting the Annual Report of the Industrial Relations ..
Beveridge, Robert Pieter - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Robert Pieter Beveridge, being an employer under the Industrial Relations Act 1999, was prosecuted for failure to pay wages and occupational ..
WebLaw - Industrial Law
Workplace Relations Act
1996: An Act relating to workplace relations, ensuring .. of the IRC of NSW from 2000, hosted by the Attorney-General's Department.
Industrial Relations Lawyer / Jobs / Degrees to Careers / Students ..
Industrial Relations Lawyer. - search for more Jobs. Industrial relations lawyers represent employers, employees, unions and labour ..
Lawyers and Industrial Relations: a Post Script - ANU College of Law
by JE Isaac - Lawyers and Industrial Relations: a Post Script. By. J E Isaac. •. My 1974 paper reviewed the development of the 'new province for law order' designed mostly by ..
Professor Joellen Riley - Sydney Law School - The University of ..
Joellen is a Fellow of the Commercial Law Association. .. C & Riley, J, 'Industrial Legislation in 2009' (2010) 52(3) Journal of Industrial Relations 275-287; Riley, ..
Master of Labour Law and Relations (MLLR) - Future students - The ..
The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. professional life draws together both law and practice in the field of industrial relations. .. Entry to the MLLR is open to both lawyers and those with relevant degrees in other ..
ACT - Australian Labour Law Association
The ACT Chapter of the Australian Labour Law Association and the Industrial Relations Society of the ACT held a seminar on Tuesday 13th ..
Workplace and employment law - Postgraduate .. - Monash University
For non-lawyers working in law-related fields (including industrial relations practitioners, human resource practitioners, industrial officers, ..
South Africa Industrial Relations & Labor Law - AustLII
15+ items – Contributors: [ADB] DIAL. SAFLII. AustLII. [Databases] [Recent ..
Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA) [Search ]
Provides broad ..
Industrial Relations Network (IR-Net) [Search ]
Provides labour law ..
Law, Deakin University
Deakin's courses in law have a distinct orientation towards commercial .. as a lawyer with departments or authorities; industrial relations as a ..
Manager, Legal and Compliance Services: Richard Taylor
He is a member of the Law Society of NSW, the Industrial Relations Society of NSW and the Australia & New Zealand Education Law Association.
Professor Andrew Stewart | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory
Andrew is the President of the Australian Labour Law Association, Deputy Dean at Adelaide Law .. Employment law and workplace relations ..
Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO - Sydney Law School - The ..
Ron was also the inaugural president of the Australian Labour Law .. McCallum, R, McCallum's Top Workplace Relations Cases: Labour Law and the ..
Genuine industrial dispute: Victoria v Australian Industrial Relations ..
by G McCarry - 1996 - Faculty of Law. 1-1-1996. Genuine industrial dispute: Victoria v Australian. Industrial Relations Commission & ALHMU;. Attorney General for Queensland v ..
Events Archive - Australian Labour Law Association
The Australian Labour Law Association hosted the 19th ISLSSL World .. Justice F L Wright, President of the Industrial Relations Commission ..
Professor Rosemary Owens | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory
She is an active member of the Australian Labour Lawyers Association and has .. Industrial Relations Society of South Australia (Inc)- Member ..
Bachelor of Laws | Degree Finder
The Law School offers a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB) which can be .. Labour and Industrial Relations Law, Human Rights and International Law. .. Those who become lawyers may become involved in court work or may ..
Professor Marilyn Pittard, Monash Law
Marilyn Pittard is Professor of Law in the Faculty of Law at Monash University, in both the undergraduate and postgraduate law programmes. .. and publishes extensively in labour law and industrial relations journals.
Queensland - Australian Labour Law Association
Melbourne Law School Australian Labour Law Association .. ALLA would like to thank the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission for ..
Workplace and Employment Law 2012 - postgraduate law ..
For non-lawyers working in law-related fields (including industrial relations practitioners, human resource practitioners, industrial officers, ..
New South Wales - Australian Labour Law Association
Melbourne Law School Australian Labour Law Association .. President Lawler of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to addressed us on the role, ..
Workplace and employment law - Postgraduate .. - Monash University
For non-lawyers working in law-related fields (industrial relations practitioners, human resource practitioners, industrial officers, management ..
Industrial relations and the sociological study of labour law
by AD Frazer - 2009 - law on the part of both disciplines. While labour lawyers have drawn on empirical research in industrial relations as the context for doctrinal analysis, and ..
employment relatIons and the laW 2011
known as Industrial relations and the law) has been conducted by the .. and lawyers with extensive knowledge and experience in the area of employment law ..
rob-guthrie - Staff directory | Curtin Business School
·Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of WA and High Court of Australia · .. Converging themes in industrial relations laws: an examination of the ..
I - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)
410+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. I. Abbreviation, Title.
Insurance & Reinsurance Law International
I Comm (SA)
Industrial Commission, SA
University Secretary's Department : Melbourne Law School ..
Donor: AMPLA – the Resources and Energy Law Association .. in Labour Relations Law or the Masters degree in Labour Relations Law.
Western Australia - Australian Labour Law Association
The WA State Chapter in conjunction with the Industrial Relations .. Services Union) and Nick Ellery (Australian Labour Law Association, Corrs ..
Dr Shae McCrystal - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney
The Coalition Industrial Relations Changes and Poverty in the ACT', .. the Industrial Relations Society and Australian Labour Law Association, ..
Australian Journal of Labour Law - Centre for Employment & Labour ..
Industrial Law Journal, United Kingdom .. Articles: Anna Chapman, Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, Melbourne Law School, ..
Floyd, Dr Louise- JCU
Employment Law in a Nutshell (Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2010) .. "Workplace Relations: Employment and Industrial Law" in Australian ..
Events Calendar | Employment and Industrial Relations Law ..
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Lawyers .. Employment and Industrial Relations Law - Practice & Procedures (May 2012). « back to event ..
ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT 1954 - SECT 36 36 Meaning of ..
federal industrial instrument see the Industrial Relations Act 1999, schedule 5. .. lawyer means a barrister, solicitor, barrister and solicitor or legal practitioner of ..
Major Events - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law
Australian Labour Law Association · Fair Trade, Corporate .. The Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law is co-hosting a Symposium .. practitioners in workplace relations and labour law to gain an insight into the ..
Employment Law and Industrial Relations - College of Law
Employment Law and Industrial Relations Seminar Papers. 10/146 .. May 2010, Workplace Law Reform for Business Lawyers (The IR Laws) A paper by ..
Traineeship Programs (Qld)
Employment and Industrial Relations Practice Planning and .. Lawyer's Skills. An entry level lawyer should be able to demonstrate oral communication skills, ..
New Australian Industrial Relations laws go live
If you have any concerns on the new industrial relations laws you may also wish to seek advice from an industrial relations lawyer. Tweet ..
Australian Lawyers and Social Change – 30 .. - ANU College of Law
The focus of the conference was the role of law and lawyers in society, .. Dr Isaac's chapter on "Lawyers and Industrial Relations", sadly, is now largely of ..
LEC - Subject Pages - Australian Constitutional Law - Useful Links
Constitutional Policy Unit - Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department .. Victoria v Commonwealth ("Industrial Relations Act Case") (1996) ..
E&B student beats out young lawyers to claim prestigious McCallum ..
The McCallum Medal is an annual public speaking event for young lawyers and students interested in employment law and industrial relations.
Workplace relations reform: summary and constitutionality - USQ ..
by A Gray - 2006 - Gray, Anthony (2006) Workplace relations reform: summary and constitutionality. Queensland Lawyer, 26 (5). pp. 257-267. ISSN 0312-1658 ..
Law, La Trobe University
Choose from eleven professionally accredited law programs. .. equal opportunities officer, intelligence analyst, industrial relations officer, immigration officer, .. Admission as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria requires the ..
Law, La Trobe University
Undertaking Honours in Law can further sharpen your analytical, .. barrister, judge's associate, litigation manager, patent attorney, law librarian, lecturer, equal opportunities officer, intelligence analyst, industrial relations officer, immigration ..
Colin Fenwick - Staff Profile
Director, Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law .. From 2004 to 2008 Colin also worked (part time) with Minter Ellison Lawyers, Melbourne. Areas of .. Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations ..
Academic Directory | Australian Law Postgraduate Network
Australian Workplace Relations Law and Practice after the 2006 Work Choices .. New South Wales Young Lawyers Employment and Industrial Law One Day ..
Industrial Relations & Labour Law: Is there a Disciplinary Divide?
Microsoft Powerpoint - 1. Industrial Relations & Labour Law: Is there a Disciplinary Divide? Andrew Frazer Faculty of Law University of Wollongong. 2. Paradigms of Legal Scholarship ..
Ms Anna Chapman - Staff Profile
Archive · law@melbourne Archive · Alumni and .. Joint Director of Studies, Graduate Program in Labour Relations Law. Anna Chapman is a ..
Law Undergraduate Courses 2012 - James Cook University
Associate, Miller Harris Lawyers, Cairns. I chose to study .. solicitor. I practise in civil litigation in areas including personal injuries, ... Industrial Relations Law ..
WebLaw - Sports Law
Recreation Grounds (Regulations) Act 1931 (SA): An Act to enable the .. the form of agreement prescribed under the ACT Fitness Industry Code of Practice.
Publications and Papers
- A Note on Cases Relating to Section 127 of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 .. Australian Labour Law Association (ACT Chapter) and Industrial Relations ..
Associate Professor Anthony Forsyth
.. and developing models for partnership-oriented workplace relations .. Teaching Anthony is teaching Workplace Negotiation, Labour Relations Law, .. Law, Presentation to the Union Lawyers and Industrial Officers NSW, ..
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - AustLII
Rich Text FormatAttorney-General's Department, Canberra. Contents. 1 Short title 1 .. Schedule 5--Renumbering the Workplace Relations Act 1996 756. Workplace Relations Act ..
History - Accounting & Finance @ UOW
The School was also responsible for teaching law to non-lawyers as part of the .. of accountants, managers and those specialising in industrial relations. As the ..
Publications and Papers
- A Note on Cases Relating to Section 127 of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 .. Seminar for the Australian Labour Law Association (SA Chapter), Adelaide, ..
Bargaining the Qantas way: how not to run an industrial dispute
Clive Thompson is a workplace relations lawyer and mediator who teaches negotiation skills and change management at the UNSW Law ..
Faculty of Business and Law - Deakin University
Law is a challenging and intellectually demanding discipline that is .. Deakin's Bachelor of Laws is designed to produce first-class commercial lawyers. .. Securities Commission); industrial relations; public administration, ..
Kingsley Laffer Industrial Relations Memorial Lecture - News and ..
Secondly, I learned that industrial relations law could often be quite complex and technical. This was especially so in federal matters where ..
Joseph Catanzariti - The University of Sydney Business School
.. advising on all aspects of employment law and workplace relations, .. As one of Australia's most accomplished workplace relations lawyers, ..
Archived Papers - College of Law
Crossing Borders .. Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 .. Employment Law and Industrial Relations Seminar Papers ..
Allocation of the Administration of Acts 2011 (No .. - NSW Legislation
1984 No 121. Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17 (except parts, the Attorney General). Industrial Relations Advisory Council Act 2010 No 76 ..
Testimonials - Monash University - Faculty of Law - Monash University
Master of Laws (Employment and Workplace Relations) .. GDLP and Practical Legal Training with Gilchrist Connell Lawyers in Adelaide, SA, ..
Legal issues
The Solicitors do not provide legal advice on personal matters. .. If you have a query regarding employment or industrial relations law, you should in the first ..
Master of Labour Law and Relations - Course search - The ..
The Master of Labour Law & Relations (MLLR) equips candidates with .. degrees in other disciplines who wish to specialise in employment and industrial law. .. Practising solicitors are required to obtain 10 units of MCLE annually in order to ..
A - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)
A Bus L, Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia) .. ADIR, Department of Industrial Relations (Australia) Library, Canberra ..
Student Testimonials
"The Master of Business Law (MBL) has given me comprehensive and .. who want to have high level qualifications but do not want to be lawyers. As Industrial Relations laws change and legal budgets shrink, there is a ..
Griffith University | 7157LAW: Employment & Ind Rel Practice
An entry-level lawyer who practices in the area of employment and industrial relations should be able to advise clients on the relevant law and procedures, ..
Brendan Avallone - Melbourne Law Masters
I was attracted to workplace relations law because it plays such a big .. law I completed my articles of clerkship with Minter Ellison Lawyers.
Download - AustLII
Attorney General) Anzac Memorial (Building) Act 1923 No 27 Australia Acts .. No 121 Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17 (except parts, Attorney General) ..
UTS: Law Advisory Board - law at UTS
Elizabeth has campaigned for workplace flexibility, paving the way for other lawyers .. (Legal and community member) Director General of the Attorney .. occupational health and safety, industrial relations law, State and Local ..
Employment Law and Industrial Relations - College of Law
Crossing Borders .. Employment Law and Industrial Relations Seminar Papers. 09/39 .. An Analysis of Changes to Workplace and Employment Law ..
Howe, John --- "The Broad Idea of Labour Law: Industrial Policy ..
by J Howe - As noted earlier with regard to tariff protection, labour lawyers would ... Moreover, a number of studies by labour law and industrial relations ..
Labour law for corporate lawyers - Monash University
Postgraduate - UnitLAW7215 - Labour law for corporate lawyers .. the legal regulatory framework under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 ..
Reconceiving Labour Law: The Labour Market Regulation Project
by AD Frazer - 2008 - - This paper reviews the recent work by Australian labour lawyers that has .. Weiss (eds) Changing Industrial Relations and Modernisation of Labour Law (2003) ..
lAw 2012
a barrister or solicitor. Alternatively, Law graduates may enter other industries such as business, government service, industrial relations, law reform or public ..
Graduate Certificate in Employment Law
Employment law course - Gain specialist skills in industrial relations or human .. of the Peace, Commission of Oaths or declarations, Public Notary or a Solicitor.
BusEco Bulletin
A Research "Round-Table" to review and discuss Employment Relations (ER) .. industrial relations parties should not simply rely on the new law to promote good .. it is advisable to try to keep lawyers out of the practice of industrial relations.
19th Annual Labour Law Conference, 1 August - Workplace ..
Leading labour law and industrial relations researchers and .. Riley, Professor of Labour Law, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney ..
Sponsors Seminar - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law
industry, with over 8 years experience in workplace relations and employment law. At present she leads a team of approximately 36 lawyers, ..
Business Law: Future Students 2012
A major in Business Law will provide you with a solid understanding of the Australian legal system .. business management, international trade and industrial relations. .. lawyers they will also have the opportunity to make use of the UWA Law ..
The legislation that is being viewed is valid for Sessional ..
Legislation revoked Schedule 1 - Administration of Enactments Part 1 - Minister .. 25 - Minister for Workplace Relations Schedule 2 - Legislation revoked .. Royal Management Act 1986 PART 3 - Attorney-General/Minister for ..
Faculty of Business and Law - Deakin University
The Faculty contains five schools - Accounting, Economics and Finance; Law; .. Deakin's Bachelor of Laws is designed to produce first-class commercial lawyers. .. industrial relations; public administration, teaching (at a university) or in law ..
School Board - Daramalan College
Lisa is a member of the Industrial Relations Society of the ACT, the Women's Lawyers Association of the ACT and is a past councillor of the ..
by A Daly - - Government Solicitors Office, Law Council of Australia, Law Society of the ACT, Law. Society of ... intellectual property and industrial relations) (see Table 5).
Alexandra George | UNSW LAW
Dr Alexandra George joined the UNSW Law Faculty in September 2007, having .. has practised as an intellectual property and media lawyer, was Associate to .. in the Federal Court of Australia and the Industrial Relations Court of Australia, ..
E Law: Use (Abuse) of S.51(35) of the Australian Constitution
The Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cwth) has been drafted to be consistent with .. the High Court in SPSF ex parte Attorney General (the SPSF case) [17] when ..
Victoria - Australian Labour Law Association
Melbourne Law School Australian Labour Law Association .. Fair Work Australia) discussed ' Understanding industrial relations challenges in ..
Associates - Asian Law Centre
He has been a practicing lawyer since 1996, primarily in criminal law, .. He has studied labour law and industrial relations at the University of ..
Renuka T. Balasubramaniam | Refugee Conference 2011
Renuka T. Balasubramaniam , Director, Lawyers for Liberty, Malaysia. Renuka T. .. Solicitor. After three years of employment specialising in Industrial Relations and Administrative law, she set up a sole proprietorship in 2007.
Constitutional Law Conference :
Petroleum Law Association Year Book by David Jackson QC and Stephen ... Five proceedings involving the "roping in" provisions of the Industrial Relations Act ..
Dr Belinda Smith - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney
After working at the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and the .. Lawyers' (2007) 20(1) Australian Journal of Labour Law 92-103.
The University of Adelaide Law Library | Subject guides
AustLII [subject] libraries are a collection of web-based law resources covering .. law; Media law; Military law and Peacekeeping; Asian law; and Workplace Relations. .. It provides lawyers, students, researchers and lay professionals with ..
The new national OHS reform – are you ready? - ACPET - National ..
Mark Branagan (Thomsons Lawyers) has over 20 years of experience as a workplace lawyer and is an accredited specialist in Workplace Relations Law.
5568 Law Matters
Labour Law Association hosted a seminar on the. Workplace Relations Act 1996 and the need for change. Attorney-General and Minister for. Industrial Relations ..
WORKING AROUND WORK CHOICES - Melbourne University Law ..
South Wales; Consultant to Harmers Workplace Lawyers. 1 The reforms were introduced by the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005 ..
Tactics of labor struggles
by K Smith - - It is rare for an individual worker to mount a case through the tribunal, let alone to do so without a lawyer well versed in industrial relations law. This means that ..
Marxist Interventions
The MUA allege Patrick breached the WRA and other industrial law when they dismissed their entire ... the new Workplace Relations Act (1996) and the secondary boycott provisions of the Trade .. Attorney General's Department, p.391. 12.
Graduate Certificate in Employment Law: Curtin University
Develop a thorough understanding of the legal and practice aspects of employment law and industrial relations.
The legislation that is being viewed is valid - AustLII
Interpretation The Acts Interpretation Act 1931 applies to the interpretation of this order .. 4 ATTORNEY-GENERAL MINISTER FOR JUSTICE AND INDUSTRIAL .. OF JUSTICE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Access to Neighbouring Land Act ..
Workplace bullying and harassment cases are regularly reported in the media and .. is Chairman and Senior Team Leader at Harmers Workplace Lawyers. .. work, industrial relations, antidiscrimination law and legal studies.
Work Choices Analysis - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations ..
Australian Labour Law Association · Fair Trade, Corporate .. The Impact of the New Industrial Relations Laws on Work and Family", in Julian ..
WebLaw - Industrial Law
Workplace Relations Act
1996: An Act relating to workplace relations, .. Workplace Relations Amendment (Termination of Employment) Act 2001 (CTH): An Act ..
- - -AustLII - Workplace Relations Law Library
This library includes databases of Workplace Relations law available on AustLII. Catalog and Websearch enables searches of Workplace Relations materials on ..
Relationship of this Part to Industrial Relations (Ethical Clothing Trades) Act 2001 CHAPTER 3 - INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES PART 1 - CONCILIATION AND ..
Introduction to Employment and Industrial Relations Law
Introduction to Employment and Industrial Relations Law is a Law & justice postgraduate unit offered by Griffith University through Open Universities Australia.
Consultants PART 3--AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION Division 1--Establishment of Commission 61. Establishment of Commission 62.
LAW00104 Employment and Industrial Relations Law - Southern ..
A knowledge of employment law, industrial law and industrial relations is very important for legal advisers. The ability to identify and resolve problems in this ..
Australian Journal of Labour Law - Centre for Employment & Labour ..
The Journal is designed to be of service both to the academic community and to practitioners in labour relations law and labour relations.
Work Choices Analysis - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations ..
S. Cooney, J. Howe and J. Murray, 'Time and Money Under Work Choices: Understanding the New Workplace Relations Act as a Scheme of ..
Major Events - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law
These events bring together scholars, practitioners of labour law, industrial relations and human resource management, and members of the ..
Master of Labour Law and Relations (MLLR) - Future students - The ..
The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. whose professional life draws together both law and practice in the field of industrial relations.
Industrial Relations and the Law: The New Industrial Relations ..
by J Teicher - 2004 - - In Australia, the academic field of industrial relations emerged from law, .. The centrality of law in industrial relations scholarship is underpinned by the core ..
Contemporary workplace relations law - Monash University
the development of the Australian federal system for regulating workplace relations, industrial disputes and minimum conditions of employment, ..
Principal object of this Act 4. Definitions 5. Who is an employee 6. Who is an employer 7. What is an industrial matter 8. Provisions about appointments and ..
Sponsors - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law
28 July. Speaker: Ms Natalie James, Workplace Relations Legal Group, DEEWR Topic: The Fair Work Act: The first 12 months ..
University of South Australia > Course > Workplace Relations Law
The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the law of workplace relations in Australia. The course builds on skills acquired in earlier ..
Staff Publications - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law
'Protections in relation to dismissal: From the Workplace Relations Act to the Fair .. The Impact of the New Industrial Relations Laws on Work and Family' in J.
The University of Adelaide Law Library | Industrial Relations Law
The IR changes report card - Review of the Commonwealth's proposed changes to Industrial Relations Law. Australian Industrial Relations ..
Dr Shae McCrystal - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney
The Coalition Industrial Relations Changes and Poverty in the ACT', delivered at the Poverty and the Law Forum for National Poverty Week, ..
Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO - Sydney Law School - The ..
Evidence; Litigation; Individual Employee Relations; Collective Employee Relations; Employment & Industrial Law; Labour Law; Comparative Industrial Law ..
Peter Reith, Tony Abbott and the industrial relations maze
"Julia Gillard's retrograde changes to workplace relations law are slowly burning our economy and in time the voices of embattled business will ..
Professor Joellen Riley - Sydney Law School - The University of ..
Riley, J, 'Teaching Labour Law in a Common Law Jurisdiction' (2012) 28(1) International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 71-79 ..
The University of Adelaide Law Library | Past Exams
25+ items – Home | Faculties & Divisions | Search. The Law Library. You are ..
Administrative Law
1998 ; 1999 ; 2000 ; 2001 ; 2002 ; 2003 ..
Anti-discimination and equality law
Certain actions not to lie under other laws in relation to boycott conduct 165. Certain actions not to lie under other laws in relation to certain industrial action ..
Employment Essay - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations ..
by B Waugh - 2010 - been displaced. Through the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) ('WRA') and as amended by the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005 ..
Associate Professor Anthony Forsyth
Teaching Anthony is teaching Workplace Negotiation, Labour Relations Law, and Workplace Law in both the undergraduate and postgraduate ..
New Australian Industrial Relations laws go live
The New Year in Australia brings new industrial relations laws. The Federal Government's Fair Work changes – the new National Employment ..
WorldLII - Categories - Subjects - Industrial Relations & Labor Law
Search: All WorldLII Catalog. Only WorldLII Catalog >> Industrial Relations & Labor Law. All WorldLII Databases. Law on Google ..
Employee Relations Law : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The ..
LAWS8555 Employee Relations Law [PG] .. Part two outlines the federal and state legal systems of industrial relations that provide for the ..
Professor Andrew Stewart | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory
Andrew's main interests lie in employment law and workplace relations, contract law and intellectual property. His most recent publications ..
Ms Anna Chapman - Staff Profile
Joint Director of Studies, Graduate Program in Labour Relations Law. Anna Chapman is a senior lecturer in the Law School and a member of ..
Student Research Prizes and Awards - Centre for Employment ..
Caroline Kelly, an LLB student at the Melbourne Law School, was the winner of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission Award for 2010.
Graduate Certificate in Employment Law
Employment law course - Gain specialist skills in industrial relations or human resource management. Online course delivered by Curtin University. Learn more.
Graduate Certificate in Employment Law: Curtin University
Develop a thorough understanding of the legal and practice aspects of employment law and industrial relations.
Workplace Relations Act 1996 - AustLII
Rich Text FormatThe principal object of this Act is to provide a framework for cooperative workplace relations which promotes the economic prosperity and welfare of the people ..
Terms used PART II -- The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Division 1 -- Constitution of the Commission 8. Constitution of Commission 9.
Master of Labour Law and Relations - Course search - The ..
The Master of Labour Law & Relations (MLLR) equips candidates with .. degrees in other disciplines who wish to specialise in employment and industrial law.
Graduate Certificate in Employment Law - Curtin Courses Handbook ..
308115 v.3 Graduate Certificate in Employment Law .. Employment for graduates is mainly in the industrial relations or human resource ..
Industrial Relations Lawyer / Jobs / Degrees to Careers / Students ..
Industrial Relations Lawyer. - search for more Jobs. Industrial relations lawyers represent employers, employees, unions and labour ..
In the Media - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law
Joo-Cheong Tham published several opinion pieces on industrial relations, anti-terrorism laws and political campaign financing. Among his ..
John Howe - Staff Profile
Associate Professor John Howe is Director of the Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law at the Melbourne Law School.
Industrial Law - By Jurisdiction - Victoria - AustLII
Information about workplace relations in Victoria under the federal industrial relations legislation (Business Victoria); Vic - The Office of Public Employment ..
by A GRAY - - "corporations power" in order to pass planned industrial relations laws. .. arose to some extent in Victoria v Commonwealth (Industrial Relations Act Case);8 ..
by G WILLIAMS - - are: could a single national law for the regulation of industrial relations be passed .. Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 (Cth), the Industrial Relations Act 1988 ..
Law Subjects - JCU
LA4019:03 Conveyancing and Drafting LA4020:03 Employment, Workplace and Industrial Relations Law LA4021:03 Competition Mooting ..
Professor Richard Johnstone - Griffith University
10+ items – Richard Johnstone is a Professor in the Griffith Law School, ..
Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation, Federation Press, 2006, (with G ..
Regulating Workplace Safety: Systems and Sanctions, Oxford University Press ..
Crown bound by Act PART II - Tasmanian Industrial Commission Division 1 - Constitution, &c., of the Commission 5. 5. Constitution of the Commission 6. 6.
Fair work? It's all about political spin in industrial relations
Reader and Associate Professor, Law School, Faculty of Law and .. shied away from making substantial changes in industrial relations law.
UNSW Handbook Course - Industrial Law - LAWS3027
It seeks to set contemporary developments up to and including the recent wide ranging amendments to Australia's workplace relations laws in the context of the ..
Industrial relations Views & Research - The Conversation
Former BHP Billiton Chairman Don Argus has blamed inflexible industrial relations laws for Australia's lagging productivity, describing the ..
LAW363 Employment Relations Law - Handbook - Murdoch University
Topics: roles of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and the Employment .. Western Australian law and practice, occupational health and safety ..
His Master's Voice? Work Choices as a Return to Master and ..
by M GARDINER - This amended the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) which remained .. [VOL 31:53 industrial relations legislation, which was introduced in Parliament on ..
Case law - Industrial Relations (Comparative) - LibGuides at Curtin ..
This is the "Case law" page of the "Industrial Relations (Comparative)" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader Users Skip to Page Navigation ..
Law and legislation - Employment relations - Library guides at ..
Contents: Workplace Relations Act; Workplace relations regulations; rules of the Industrial Relations Commission; extracts of Federal Court ..
Industrial Law - AustLII
Includes a newsletter with the latest industrial relations decisions and develoments, cases and legislation linked to the AustLII database, plain English ..
by P Gollan - 2005 - - the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) could be amended to incorporate a new model .. drawing upon the disciplines of labour law and industrial relations.
by R Mitchell - - the enterprise bargaining process in the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) (WRA) .. Federal Labor government's Industrial Relations Act 1988,22 which was ..
Submission - Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law ..
Inquiry into Workplace Agreements. Submitter: Richard Mitchell and Joel Fetter. Organisation: Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law. Address: ..
South Africa Industrial Relations & Labor Law - AustLII
15+ items – Contributors: [ADB] DIAL. SAFLII. AustLII. [Databases] [Recent ..
Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA) [Search ]
Provides broad ..
Industrial Relations Network (IR-Net) [Search ]
Provides labour law ..
Events Calendar | Employment and Industrial Relations Law ..
This program provides an overview of Fair Work Australia (FWA), unfair dismissal and unlawful termination applications to FWA, common law claims for wrongful ..
Submission to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations ..
by C Fenwick - 2004 - Relations, the Honourable Kevin Andrews, MP concerning. A Ministerial Review of the. Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth). December 2004. This submission ..
Regulation of Employment Relationships
It provides you with an opportunity to learn about the system of laws which regulate .. necessary to deal with employment relations law in the workplace. Top ..