Insurance Law & Lawyers

An insurance lawyer can provide advice on a wide range of insurance-related legal issues.

These include:

  • motor claims,
  • credit hire,
  • employers’ liability,
  • product liability
  • public liability insurance
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Insurance Coverage Disputes
  • Policy Wording & Drafting, and
  • Insurance Fraud
  • income protection
  • all of insurance matters

Insurance lawyers can also provide legal guidance on insurance matters such as fraud, personal injury, health and safety litigation and costs disputes.

Do you need help regarding insurance law? Would you like to make an insurance claim? If so, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Insurance Law

Despite the best efforts of insurers to make the terms of their cover crystal clear, the wording can sometimes leave room for different interpretation, particularly in unforeseen circumstances.

Insurance lawyers can resolve differences arising from interpretation and can advise in all classes of insurance business. As well as resolving the immediate dispute, insurance lawyers can also advise on the necessary revision of policy wording in order to avoid the same or similar problems in future.

Insurance lawyers also work with clients to identify and remove potential areas of doubt between insurers, reinsurers and insureds in the light of new or prospective commercial developments and legislation. Through this non-contentious work, Insurance lawyers help their clients avoid potentially costly misunderstandings and disputes.

Insurance lawyers have considerable experience in resolving personal injury claims arising from road traffic accidents, incidents at work and public liability matters.

Insurance lawyers can assist insured people and businesses pursue claims in respect of fire damage, subsidence or flooding, as well as pursuing claims made unedr Income Protection policies.

Do you need help regarding insurance law? Would you like to make an insurance claim? If so, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Insurance legislation in Australia

The Insurance Act 1973 (Cth) requires minimum levels of capital and solvency for companies wanting to enter the insurance market and for insurers in the market.

Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) regulates the way in which insurers and insurance agents and brokers carry on business and how they deal with the people they do business with and intend to do business with.

The Insurance Contracts Act 1984 applies to most insurance contracts with an Australian connection and is intended to ensure that a fair balance is struck between the interests of the insurer and the insured.

Insurance Regulators

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has the power pursuant to the 'Insurance Act 1973 to investigate a general insurer, freeze its assets or direct it to take specific action (for example, stop writing new business).

The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) is responsible for the general administration of the ICA.

Insurance contract

The formation of an insurance contract is governed by ordinary contractual principles.

Code of Practice

The General Insurance Code of Practice is a self regulatory code that binds all general insurers who are signatories to it. It has been approved by ASIC pursuant to s 1101A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Financial Ombudsman Service

If a person doesn't agree with the outcome of the insurer's Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) process, they can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service with a request that the Service resolve the dispute.

Do you need help regarding insurance law? Would you like to make an insurance claim? If so, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


Further Resources - Insurance Law & Lawyers



Insurance Law & Lawyers News

News, updates and further information - Insurance Law & Lawyers

Insurance contracts

The formation of an insurance contract is governed by ordinary contractual principles.

Do you need help regarding insurance law? Would you like to make an insurance claim? If so, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Code of PracticeThe General Insurance Code of Practice is a self regulatory code that binds all general insurers who are signatories to it. It has been approved by ASIC pursuant to s 1101A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Financial Ombudsman ServiceIf a person doesn't agree with the outcome of the insurer's Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) process, they can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service with a request that the Service resolve the dispute.

Main object of the INSURANCE ACT 1973

(1) The main object of this Act is to protect the interests of policyholders and prospective policyholders under insurance policies (issued by general insurers and Lloyd's underwriters) in ways that are consistent with the continued development of a viable, competitive and innovative insurance industry.

(2) This Act, and the prudential standards determined by APRA under this Act, achieve this mainly by:

(a) restricting who can carry on insurance business in Australia by requiring general insurers, and the directors and senior management of general insurers, to meet certain suitability requirements; and
(b) imposing primary responsibility for protecting the interests of policyholders on the directors and senior management of general insurers; and
(c) imposing on general insurers requirements to promote prudent management of their insurance business (including requirements concerning capital adequacy, the valuation of liabilities, reinsurance arrangements and the effectiveness of risk management strategies and techniques); and
(d) providing for the prudential supervision of general insurers by APRA.

If you need legal advice regarding Insurance Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Insurance Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Insurance Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Insurance Law extends to all suburbs throughout Australia.

Insurance Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Insurance Law & Lawyers Links

Reform of Liability Insurance Law in Australia - Treasury

This document digests the comprehensive programme of law reform undertaken in Australia over the past two years. The reforms were ..

International Decisions of Interest - Insurance Law - Supreme Court ..

DISCLAIMER: Subject to operation of the law, the Supreme Court (NSW) disclaims all warranties or representations regarding the relevance, ..

Professional indemnity insurance - Legal Services Board

Victoria's Legal Services Board: Working Under the Act: Professional indemnity insurance.

Trove - for 'subject:"Insurance law - Australia."'

Guidebook to insurance law in Australia / Marks & Balla ; with CCH editorial staff .. Previous ed. published as: Insurance law in Australia and New Zealand / by ..



JOURNAL. OBITUARY. Mr Ralph Jacobi AM. It is comparatively rare that one can single out a back bencher in Parliament and say of him or ..

Joinder of insurers and attachment of insurance moneys — Judicial ..

See S Warne, "Joining the Fence-Sitting Insurer as a Defendant in Liability Proceedings" (1998) 9 Insurance Law Journal 208 and Part II (1998) 10 Insurance ..

Reform of liability insurance law in Australia - Treasury

Such extensive reform to the system of tort law and insurance is unprecedented in. Australia. This report is a testament to the enormity of the task that we have ..

Driving in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Live in Victoria

Driving in Victoria. On this page: Driving laws and road rules; Driver's licence; Car registration; Car insurance; Maps and street directories ..

Australian Insurance Law Association 2011 Conference The ..

conference of the Australian Insurance Law Association. When I was a young practitioner, I quickly came to appreciate the profound effect ..

Speech to the Australian Insurance Law Assocation Annual ..


Insurance Law - Sunshine Coast Regional Council - Library

Insurance Law. Couple. Paul Holmes is a Senior Lawyer (Consumer Advocate) in the Consumer Protection Unit (CPU) of Legal Aid ..

Insurance Laws Amendment Act 1998

Insurance Laws

Amendment Act 1998. No. 35, 1998. Insurance .. An Act to amend the law relating to insurance, and for other purposes. Contents. 1...... Short ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..

4.5 At common law a potential insured was required to disclose all material facts to its insurer. This is explained in the Explanatory Memorandum to Insurance ..

Insurance Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994

An Act to amend various laws relating to insurance, and for related purposes .. This Act may be cited as the Insurance Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994.

Australian Insurance Law Association Annual Conference 5-7 April ..

Australian Insurance Law Association Annual Conference 5-7 April 2000. 1. At a conference whose theme is "Challenges of Change", the topic ..

NDIR Submission from Insurance Law Service

The Insurance Law Service ("ILS") has been providing advice and assistance to Australian consumers in relation to insurance since July 2007.

Insurance for small business

reduce a claim by if you're under-insured. Check your policy for details. ▌What insurance do I need by law? If you employ staff, by law your business ..

Flood insurance, 08 February 2011

Insurance Law > Australian & New Zealand Insurance Law Tracker > 2011 > Issue 10, February 2011 > Flood insurance. © CCH. 1. Flood insurance, 08 ..

Free Legal Advice and Assistance: A Referral Guide

Arts. Arts Law Centre of Australia .. Insurance. Insurance Law Service .. Media and Communications. Communications Law Centre ..

Insurance Laws Amendment Act 1994

Application PART 4-AMENDMENT OF THE INSURANCE LAWS AMENDMENT ACT 1991 40. Principal Act 41. Phasing-in of capital and solvency requirements ..

SERVICES - Law Handbook

Provides free legal advice to anyone in Australia (but does not assist businesses or insurers) on all types of insurance law matters.

ANZIIF Tier 1 Insurance Broking- FSB501 Providing Customer ..

ANZIIF Tier 1 Insurance Broking- FSB501 Providing Customer Advice and FSB502 Insurance Law and Regulation for Brokers ..

Motor Accident Insurance Commission

Index page to the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) website. .. Queensland operates a common law 'fault' based Compulsory Third Party (CTP) ..

FSI 102 - Insurance Law and Regulation PLUS FSI 101 Serving the ..

FSI 102 - Insurance Law and Regulation PLUS FSI 101 Serving the Customer. Course Information. Participants who successfully complete assessments will be ..

find LEGAL answers - Consumers - Consumer protection

Title: Insurance factsheets - Insurance Law Service. About: Fact sheets covering claims for car insurance, home and contents insurance, ..

Making a claim - LawAssist : Lawlink NSW

If you decide that you want to make a claim on your insurance policy, go to the Insurance Law Service factsheet Making a claim on car ..

Insurance Laws Amendment Bill 1997 (Bills Digest 140 1997-98)

Insurance Laws

Amendment Bill 1997 .. Commencement: The Act which may be cited as the Insurance Laws Amendment Act 1997, commences on the day it ..

Trove - Australian insurance law : a first reference / Greg Pynt

Author: Pynt, Gregory John; Subjects: Insurance law - Australia.; Insurance - Australia. Summary: Explains fundamental legal principles, legislation and case law ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..


contracts are not so different from all other contracts that they should be immune from the general law regarding unfair contracts;; the duty of utmost ..

Available and Affordable - Improvements in Liability Insurance ..

Reform of Liability Insurance Law in Australia - 27/02/2004. This document digests the comprehensive programme of law reform undertaken in ..

Home indemnity insurance protects home owners against financial ..

If residential building work worth over $20000 is to be undertaken, the law requires that a builder must take out indemnity insurance in the name of the home ..

Negligence and Insurance Premiums: Recent Changes in Australian ..

In Australia the primary focus of attention with respect to tort law reform has been insurance premiums rather than the cost to the taxpayer.


issue of fact or law, is increasingly utilised.21 The American insurance industry has. 16 PL Refo, "Opening Statement: Trial Rescue" (2004) ..

Preliminary submission to Queensland Floods Commission of ..

Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ) has established an Insurance Law Service to respond to consumers with problems with general and content ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Welcome to WorkCover ..


and premiums .. Law and policy .. New work health and safety laws replaced the occupational health and safety (OHS) laws in NSW on 1 January ..

A Brief Introduction

(Third-Party Insurance) Regulation 2008. This legislation is administered by the Department of Treasury. CTP claims are also subject to the Civil Law. (Wrongs) ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Sole practitioners and law firms

Sole practitioners and law firms. On this page: Sole practitioners; Law firms; Notification of Register details; Professional indemnity insurance ..

Options Paper: Unfair terms in insurance contracts

See submissions to the Committee from Consumer Action Law Centre, Insurance Law Service. (Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc), Legal Aid ..

ANZIIF Tier 1 General Insurance Personal Accident and Sickness ..

ANZIIF Tier 1 General Insurance Personal Accident and Sickness- FSI 401 Serving the Customer and FSI 402 Insurance Law and Regulation ..


AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE LAW ASSOCIATION. 20 July 2011. Causation, Perils of the Seas and Inherent Vice in Marine. Insurance. Justice James Allsop1 ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter 6. Law Reform Recommendations by Others

6.2 In October, 1980 the report of the Law Commission of England entitled Insurance Law - Non-Disclosure and Breach of Warranty"1 was ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Principal contractor issues

Under workers compensation law, a principal contractor is anyone who .. have declared an appropriate amount of wages for their insurance ..

Internet Resource Guide: Business Law Resources

Select "Publications" for fnancial services and insurance law bulletins; Financial Ombudsman Service An industry organisation dealing with complaints relating ..

Available and affordable - Improvements in liability insurance ..

and affordability of insurance in Australia has improved markedly in recent years. This report describes the tort law reforms that have been implemented across ..

Workers' Compensation – Common Law Insurance

Workers' Compensation – Common Law Insurance. New legislation will clarify common law insurance requirements for employers and insurers ..

WorkSafe Insurance Policy

the Victorian WorkCover insurance laws. You have other legal obligations that are not set out in this Policy document and it is your responsibility to be aware of ..


purposes to amend the Motor Vehicles (Third. Party Insurance) Act, 1942-1951, the Law Reform. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1944, and certain other Acts; to ..


- Its sole function is to provide professional indemnity insurance to law practices. The LPLC and its predecessor, the Solicitors' Liability Committee, have insured ..

insurance-agents-brokers-and-contracts - Australian Law Reform ..

When the inquiry into the law governing contracts of insurance was given to the ALRC in September 1976, the law regulating insurance ..

What law applies - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Laws and prosecutions .. Most employers insure with WorkCover Queensland, while a small number of large organisations have their own ..

East Timor country brief

The introduction of land ownership, foreign investment, bankruptcy, banking and insurance laws is a priority. The Government of East Timor is also developing ..

History of Reference - Australian Law Reform Commission

law of insurance because, it was said, marine insurance was a discrete area .. considered in previous reviews, the history of marine insurance law and the MIA ..

CURRICULUM VITAE - Federal Court of Australia

Insurance law with particular emphasis on professional negligence in the areas of Insurance. Brokers, Real Estate Agents, Engineers, Surveyors,. Hospitals and ..

Glossary - Law Handbook

The standard of proof (q.v.) required in civil law (q.v.) cases, i.e. it is more probable than .. Insurance that covers claims against the insured by other persons for ..

National Profession – Model Laws Project

- Discussion Paper: National Rules for Professional Indemnity Insurance. Rule 1 Provision of cover – Australian legal practitioners and law practices. National ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia


Handbook Home; Chapters A-F. ACCIDENTS .. Complaints against insurance companies .. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LAW GOVERNING THE WORKPLACE ..

National Disaster Insurance Review - Submissions

100+ items – Australian Government - Natural Disaster Insurance Review ..







Abacus Australian Mutuals




Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd




Complaints about insurance company decisions - LawAssist ..

Before making a claim against an insurance company in the CTTT or the Local Court you should get legal advice. The Insurance Law Service provides legal ..

The duty of utmost good faith - Law Handbook

The Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) writes into every insurance contract a statutory obligation on .. Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F ..

Reform of liability insurance lawin Australia

Such extensive reform to the system of tort law and insurance is unprecedented in Australia. This report is a testament to the enormity of the task that we have ..

Complaints against insurance companies - Law Handbook

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) provides a dispute resolution scheme to help people in disputes with their insurance companies.

IFC37/2011 - Submission by Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW

national Insurance Law Service hotline through a I300 number which provides .. through the Credit and Debt Hotline and the Insurance Law Service national ..

Submission: Inquiry into the operation of the insurance industry ..

including New South Wales Legal Aid, Queensland Legal Aid, the Insurance Law Service and. Caxton Legal Centre. Data for this report was ..

Personal insurance in Australia - Australian Law Reform Commission

In group life insurance, the necessity for underwriting is less strong because of the law of large numbers and the reduced likelihood of adverse selection.

Other Intermediate Courts of Appeal - Insurance - Supreme Court ..

Featured below are recent and historical decisions of interest in the area of Insurance Law. To locate decisions in other areas of law, please ..

East Timor profile - For Australian exporters - Austrade - Austrade

There is no collateral law and no form of regulated security against which borrowers can apply for credit. There is no insurance law or ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..

11.28 In its submission, the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) drew attention to the sections of its report into the Marine Insurance Act ..


Rich Text Format - Insurance law is very complex and carries a lot of baggage. The insurance transaction is deceptively simple and relatively cheap but I think that it should be ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..

7.7 At common law if an insured breached its duty of disclosure obligations or made a misrepresentation, the insurer could avoid the contract.112 This applied to ..

FSI101 Serving the Customer PLUS FSI102 Insurance Law and ..

FSI101 Serving the Customer PLUS FSI102 Insurance Law and Regulation. Specialist Knowledge. General Insurance, Generic Knowledge, Insurance Broking ..

Insurance Contracts ALRC Report 20 - Australian Law Reform ..

ALRC Report 20 (tabled December 1982) examined the adequacy and appropriateness of the law of insurance contracts, given that it was a ..

Trove - MacGillivray on insurance law relating to all risks other than ..

30+ items – MacGillivray on insurance law relating to all risks other than ..

Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Principal Registry Library


May not be open ..


Attorney-General's Department. Lionel Murphy Library


Not open to the public



Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI) .. the Financial Industry Complaints Service, and the Insurance Ombudsman Service. This service ..


(a) the requirement of Insurance Brokers to meet the standards established at general law and statute, in particular the Insurance. (Agents & Brokers) Act 1984, ..

Submission: Inquiry into the operation of the insurance industry ..

developing a service contact list for people affected by the floods; and. • working on law reform and policy issues concerning flood insurance ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. The Present Law in New South Wales

2.16 The law does offer a means of overcoming the problem of double insurance, namely, a single policy covering the interests of both parties ..

The insured's duty of disclosure - Law Handbook

Under the duty of disclosure, a person applying for insurance must disclose relevant information to the insurer before a contract is entered into.

Insurance and legal industry associations | Business and industry ..

List of key business and industry associations for Queensland's insurance and legal industries.

Home building contracts - NSW Fair Trading

By law, the written contract you sign must contain: .. contractor's obligation to give a certificate of home warranty insurance if the contract value ..

Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc submission to the …

advice, advocacy and education service specialising in personal credit, debt, banking and insurance law and practice. CCLC operates the Credit & Debt Hotline, ..


- (2) Professional indemnity insurance for a law practice must may be underwritten on the basis of: (a) coverage of a the law practice, including ..


Public liability insurance and tort law reform in NSW. • The level and availability of compulsory third party motor accident insurance in. NSW. • The changes to the ..

Submission: Inquiry into the operation of the insurance industry ..

together with other reforms to insurance law to prevent a repeat of the .. A sustainably funded insurance law service be permanently part of a ..

Available and affordable - improvements in liability insurance ..

comprehensive programme of tort law reform described in the previous chapter. .. In Australia, the Insurance Act 1973 established prudential regulation of the ..

COAG National Legal Profession Reform

The proposed framework for professional indemnity insurance for Australian legal practitioners and law practices2 involves high level principles being set out in ..


insurance laws of their respective jurisdictions, have reached the following understanding: Defi nltions. For the purposes of this Memorandum of Understanding, ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Issues Paper on section 54

The IC Act had its origins in 1976 with the Attorney-General expressing concern with the lack of uniformity between the insurance laws of the Territories and the ..

Internet Resource Guide: Health Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Health Law in Australia. .. Australia Act 1973 (previous title Health Insurance Commission Act 1973) ..

Trove - General principles of insurance law / E.R. Hardy Ivamy

40+ items – General principles of insurance law / E.R. Hardy Ivamy. General ..

Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Principal Registry Library


Bond University. Bond University Library. John and Alison Kearney Law Library


Supreme Court : Negligence

Speech by the Honourable Justice Peter Underwood to the Australian Insurance law Association National Conference, Hobart 4-6 August ..

Guide to Purchasing - The A to Z of Home Puchase

Common Law Title. 16 .. mortgage originators/managers and insurance companies) how much .. conveyancers carry professional indemnity insurance and are ..


In the case of insurance, powers and responsibilities are split between the states, territories and the Commonwealth. The common law, including the law of ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Panel Members

Prior to joining Clayton Utz in 1997, Nancy was an insurance/ financial services specialist with another leading law firm for almost 12 years.

find LEGAL answers - Motor Vehicles and Traffic Offences - Car ..

About: Online extract from The law handbook, Chapter 3 - Accidents and compensation. Covers what to do after an accident, car insurance, ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..

183 Sutton, K. 1999, Insurance Law in Australia, 3rd edn, LBC Information Services, Sydney, page 113. See also Fotheringham, Michael, 'The insurance ..

Insurance Council of Australia - Submission: An Australian ..

27 March 2009. Dear Mr Writer. AN AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAW. 1. The Insurance Council of Australia Limited (Insurance Council) is strongly supportive of ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..

5.5 In its report on 'Insurance Contracts,' the ALRC recommended a standard cover regime be introduced into Australian insurance law. The ALRC stated that: ..


Introduction. 1. This is the Law Council's written submission on the second stage of the. Review of the Insurance Contracts Act (the "Review"), which covers the ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter 3. The Source of the Problem

Report 34 (1983) - Community Law Reform Program: Second Report - Insurance Contracts: Non-Disclosure and Misrepresentation Chapter 3.

Tourism and travel


for Australian travellers, including information on travel health, travel insurance, .. the community and maintaining appropriate compliance with Australian law; ..

Community Law Reform Program: Second Report - Insurance ..

Report 34 (1983) - Community Law Reform Program: Second Report - Insurance Contracts: Non-Disclosure and Misrepresentation ..

Misleading & deceptive conduct

There are laws in place to protect you from false, misleading and .. such as credit, banking, investments, superannuation, or insurance, the ..

Insurance Contracts Act 1984

Certain other laws not to apply ............................ 15. Part III—Insurable interests. 17. Division 1—General insurance. 17. 16. Insurable interest not ..

Law and the Determinants of Property-Casualty Insurance

modelling the impact of the law on insurance demand. The current insurance literature has also only estimated the determinants of demand using either small ..

PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE - Review of the Law of Negligence


Tort Law Reform In Australia - Address To The London Market At ..


Legal Services Board of Victoria: Community legal centres

Professional indemnity insurance · Legal profession rules · Continuing .. who holds a practising certificate as a principal of a law practice.

WorkCover WA

14 Dec 2011 - An amendment Bill will be brought to Parliament early in 2012 to clarify the workers' compensation common law insurance ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter 2. The Issues for Reform - Illustrations ..

Report 34 (1983) - Community Law Reform Program: Second Report - Insurance Contracts: Non-Disclosure and Misrepresentation Chapter 2.

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..

9.2 At common law, a joint insurance policy means the co-insureds are indemnified in respect of a joint loss. Such a policy is different from a ..

Submissions received by the Committee - Parliament of Australia

Inquiry into the operation of the insurance industry during disaster events .. 35, Choice, the Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia and ..


Rich Text Format - The title of Prof D R Thomas' recent, edited book Marine Insurance: The Law in Transition (2006) indicates something of the dilemma with the ..


The following legislative and regulatory instruments form the basis of reforms to liability insurance law undertaken by Australian governments. Commonwealth of ..

30 April 2010 Unfair Terms in insurance contracts: Options Paper ..

1 See submissions to the Senate Committee from Consumer Action Law Centre, Insurance Law Service. (Consumer Credit Legal Centre ..

Certificate IV in Insurance Broking Details

The course incorporates the Tier 2 short course for Insurance Brokers including insurance law and regulations, compliance requirements, retail insurance ..


Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia, Footscray. Community Legal Centre, the Insurance Law Service and National. Legal Aid.

Natural Catastrophe Insurance Programs - Natural Disaster ..

Rich Text Format - On July 9, 2001, China Taiwan revised and enlarged the Taiwan Insurance Law. On November 30, 2001, the competent authority announced the "Taiwan ..

Workers' compensation - common law insurance - WorkCover WA

14 Dec 2011 - An amendment Bill will be brought to Parliament early in 2012 to clarify the workers' compensation common law insurance obligations of ..

Insurance law in Australia / by Kenneth Sutton | National Library of ..

Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Author: Sutton, K. C. T. (Kenneth Coleridge Turvey), 1926-; Format: Book; cxix, 1414 p. ; 25 cm.

Lawlink NSW: Review of the Legal Profession Act Final Report ..

However, the Law Society suggested that both professional indemnity insurance and membership of the Fidelity Fund might be made voluntary if the market was ..

Bills Digest 87, 2011-12 - Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2011

insurance companies are basically a law unto themselves when it comes to paying out on contracts. Worse, they may even be quick to rely on ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act – Final Report on second ..

33 Sutton, K. 1999, Insurance Law in Australia, 3rd edn, LBC Information Services, Sydney, paragraph 3.37. 34 Sections 2, 3 and Schedule 1 of the Statute Law ..

Council Members - Professional Standards Council : Lawlink NSW

Brian Rayment was admitted to the NSW Bar in 1970 and practices throughout Australia, specialising in insurance, transport law and general ..

Commercial/Property Law (Litigation) Practice Group - Crown ..

Commercial/Property Law (Litigation) Practice Group .. providing representation in relation to a range of insurance law and privatisation ..

Submission: Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer ..

Submission in response to the. Inquiry into the Trade Practices Amendment (Australian. Consumer Law) Bill 2009 by. Insurance Law Service. A project of the ..

Compliance & Legal Services

Debt Recovery manages the recovery of insurance claims paid under the .. construction and insurance law issues and disciplinary proceedings against ..

INSURANCE - Law Handbook

Many groups, whether incorporated or unincorporated, are likely to need, and in some cases, must have, insurance. This section deals with ..


Available and affordable — Improvements in liability insurance following tort law reform in Australia (December 2006), Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, ..

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Amendment (Midwife ..

Law Amendment (Midwife Insurance. Exemption) Regulation 2011 under the. Health Practitioner Regulation National Law. Page 1 ..

Buying into a strata scheme - NSW Fair Trading

What are the by-laws/lifestyle restrictions? .. areas, building and public liability insurance and repairs and maintenance of common areas.

Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc submission to the …

the Insurance Law Service, a national service assisting consumers with disputes with their insurance company. CCLC took over 17000 calls for ..

Public Liability Insurance Brochure - Group Insurance for not-for ..

The strategy included tort law reform to address the causes of increasing premiums, exemption from insurance duty on public liability policies for ..

Business Victoria - Starting and Managing a Business - Public Liability

Public liability insurance covers your potential liabilities to third parties for personal injury or .. Statute laws impose a 'duty of care' upon certain people, including ..

Submission 2 - Legal Access Services

- The insurance component, which may be used to defend or pursue a matter (there will be exempt clauses, such as family law issues) is funded through private ..

Legislation - Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Written laws which impact on the Insurance Commission in the performance of its functions include: Civil Liability Act 2002 (WA); Corruption ..

Testing children and access to insurance - Australian Law Reform ..

M Otlowski, Discussion Paper No 1: Implications of the Human Genome Project for Australian Insurance Law and Practice (1997) Centre for Genetics and the ..

Protecting and Promoting Consumer Interests

Rich Text Format - The first was the passing into law of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984, which had the major impact of reforming and modernising insurance law so that a fair ..

Taxation of life insurance companies

This is module one in. For more information. 1 January 2004 a series of seven on. ATO staff can contact life insurance companies. OCTC PWD New Law team ..

Making a claim - LawAssist : Lawlink NSW

How to claim on your insurance. If you decide that you want to make a claim on your insurance policy, go to the Insurance Law Service factsheet Making a claim ..

National Library Of Australia | Guides - J

Banking, insurance, commerce, patents. 7. Agriculture, industry, public nuisance -- 8. Labor, welfare, sanitation. "Contains almost all principal laws and orders of ..

Trove - Law of insurance / by Poh Chu Chai

Principles of insurance law; v. 2. Life, motor and workmen's compensation insurance. Bookmark:; Work ID: 11025762 ..

Disability discrimination and insurance

Although it is a long time now since I studied insurance law, I can at least still recall the principle that insurance contracts ought to be approached with the utmost ..

Council Members - Professional Standards Council : Lawlink NSW

Brian Rayment was admitted to the NSW Bar in 1970 and practices throughout Australia, specialising in insurance, transport law and general commercial law.

Suncorp Metway Ltd - Review of the Insurance Contracts Act ..

2009, in relation to the interaction between Section 15 of the Insurance Contracts Act (ICA Act) and the new Australian Consumer Law provisions. Suncorp ..

Public liability insurance advice for not-for-profit organisations

The strategy included tort law reform to address the causes of increasing premiums, exemption from insurance duty on public liability policies for ..


COX, Ms Karen, Coordinator, Insurance Law Service, Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc. ..... 16. HOLMES, Mr Paul Richard John, ..

Download - Review of the Insurance Contracts Act - Treasury

Rich Text Format - submission in repsect of the draft Bill amending the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (CtH). Samantha Traves, Faculty of Law, QUT. Insurance Law ..

Speeches by Justice Hayne AC - High Court of Australia

xKeynote Address - Australian Insurance Law Association - National Conference - Melbourne, Thursday, 17 October 2002 - Litigation in the Age of Statutes" ..

ACT Planning and Land Authority - Building insurance and warranties

Insurance and warranty protection requirements. .. Statutory warranties are implied by law whether or not they are detailed in the contract ..

Senior Lawyer, (PO5)

The Legal and Administrative Law Branch is the provider of all legal services and advice to the .. law; employment law; insurance law and negligence. For more ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter Eleven - Professional Indemnity Insurance ..

SMIF is administered by the company under the Act. The company is LawCover, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Law Society. 11.3 The insurance ..

LawCover Insurance Pty Limited LawCover Pty Limited 26 July 2010 ..

1.1 LawCover Insurance Pty Ltd (LCI) is an APRA authorised insurer and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Law Society of New South Wales.

Fact sheet 2 - Professional indemnity insurance requirements for ..

Fact sheet 2 - Professional indemnity insurance requirements for .. Practitioners who wish to practise Australian law overseas should contact ..

Submission from Margaret Otlowski, Professor, Faculty of Law ..

1 See for example, M Otlowski, Implications of Genetic Testing for Australian Insurance Law and Practice, Centre for. Law and Genetics, Occasional Paper No.

COAG National Legal Profession Reform - Attorney-General's ..

- The proposed framework for professional indemnity insurance for Australian legal practitioners and law practices[2] involves high level principles being set out in ..

Non-Delegable Duties and Vicarious Liability - Review of the Law of ..

law principles applied in negligence to limit liability arising from personal .. reason, many view vicarious liability simply as a form of liability insurance, intended ..

Consultation Paper - Unfair Terms in Insurance Contracts

However, UCT laws do not currently apply to insurance contracts. In this regard, this draft regulation impact statement has been released for ..

Lawyers in Qatar - Australian Embassy

Areas of Practice: Banking & Finance, Company Law, Agency and Distribution, Joint Venture, Construction Contracts and Insurance Law ..

February 2007

regulatory framework relevant to the insurance industry. • IDR – Internal Dispute Resolution. Insurance companies are required by law to have ..

Community Law Reform Program - Law Reform Commission ..

In past years the Community Law Reform Program has looked at a wide variety of matters including insurance law, conscientious objection to ..

By June this year the insurance industry had received more than ..

all Australian household insurance policies. "We know what needs to be fixed if Australians are going to get a fair go from their insurers," says the Insurance Law..

Create a Dept. - Review of the Insurance Contracts Act - Treasury

Rich Text Format - This is one of the most complex and litigated areas of insurance law in appellate courts. Attached to this paper are. a table of legislative options (Schedule 1); ..

Submission: Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer ..

TRADE PRACTICES AMENDMENT (AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAW) BILL 2009. The Insurance Council of Australia Limited" (Insurance Council) refers to your ..

Interpreting the law - WorkSafe Victoria

Interpreting the law - WorkSafe publishes various public rulings, which interpret the law for employers and workers, so it is easier to understand.

Public Hearing Tuesday 27 September 2011 10am-1pm

Bridget Burton. • Greg McDougall. Insurance Law Service. • Karen Cox. Legal Aid NSW. • David Coorey. Legal Aid Queensland. • Paul Holmes ..

Sections 54 and 40 of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)

'Claims made - The Australian experience', Australian Insurance Law Bulletin, vol. .. Clarke, J., 'After the dust settles on Antico: FAI v Perry lives', Insurance Law ..

Business structures - NSW Fair Trading

Private companies are regulated under the Corporations Law which sets out substantial obligations for company directors. Establishment and ..

Lawyters Lisbon - Australian Embassy

Areas of Practice: Administrative and Environmental Law; Taxation, Insurance, Commercial, Industrial Property and Contract Law; Litigation, Civil and Family ..

Consultation Paper – Unfair Terms in Insurance Contracts - Treasury

- In response, the section was amended in 1994 through the Insurance Laws Amendment Act (No 2) 1994, to reflect the wording outlined in section 1.6 above.

General Insurance (Personal Advice) Details

Common law and insurance, Laws relating to insurance, The Corporations Act 2001, Laws relating to consumer protection, The regulators, Insurance Industry ..

AAT Annual Report 2005-2006 Appendix 8

Australian Insurance Law Association - Northern Territory Branch - Seminar (Published in the Australian Insurance Law Bulletin: (2006) 21(8) ..

List of Lawyers Dubai & the Northern Emirates

and Transport Law, Insurance, Litigation Support and Arbitration, Capital Markets, Sports, Entertainment and. Media Law, Real Estate and Construction.

COAG National Legal Profession Reform - Attorney-General's ..

- The proposed framework for professional indemnity insurance for Australian legal practitioners and law practices[2] involves high level ..

Fundamentals of business law / M. L. Barron | National Library of ..

Contract law; Property law: mortgages, leases and licences; Insurance law; pt. 3. Consumer law; Sale of goods; Consumer protection legislation; Consumer ..

Public Liability Insurance - Parliament of Australia

Proposed law will let people say sorry Press release by the SA Treasurer, Hon Kevin Foley, 13 August 2002. Tas. Tackling the cost of insurance. Press release ..

The exclusion of insurance contracts - Parliament of Australia

The Consumer Action Law Centre described the total exclusion of insurance contracts from the provisions of the bill as 'excessive', ..


Commercial Law Association of Australia - 1995 – 2000 - member. Australian Insurance Law Association - 1995 - member. Australian Plaintiff Lawyers ..

Submission: Inquiry into the operation of the insurance industry ..

Insurance Law Service. Following the initial response, LAQ established a new collaborative Insurance Law. Service to help clients experiencing delays in getting ..

(NSW) Inc - Attorney-General's Department

- CCLC also operates the Insurance Law Service, a national service assisting consumers with disputes with their insurance company. CCLC took over 15000 ..

Financial System Inquiry (Wallis Report) - Mergers and Acquisitions

- Ø Banking and insurance laws should be amended to make it clear that the only competition assessment of a merger should be under the Trade Practices Act ..

Submission: Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer ..

Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Bill 2009 (the Bill). In this supplementary submission the Insurance Council wishes to ..

- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Amendment (Midwife ..

by leave . Cler~at the Table: ~~ . Health Practitioner Regulation. National Law Amendment. (Midwife Insurance Exemption). Regulation 2011 ..

Multilingual Websites

Home or car insurance. This free legal service will give you advice on insurance law or resolving a dispute with an insurer.

Eve Bignell | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Prior to joining the VGSO, Eve spent two years at Wotton + Kearney, a boutique insurance law firm, where she broadened her litigation experience in the fields of ..

Show details for Adelaide Institute of TAFE - Australian Securities ..

All code of practice Training PLUS INS031 (Insurance Principles) AND INS041 (Insurance Law & Regulation) Tier: 2. Certificate III in General Insurance Tier: 2 ..

QBE Insurance Group - Submission: An Australian Consumer Law ..

An Act to reform and modernise the law relating to certain contracts of insurance so that a fair balance is struck between the interests of insurers ..

All about conditional registration (Motor Accident Insurance ..

Search Motor Accident Insurance Commission .. The definition of a road under Queensland law is much broader than many people realise.

Lawlink NSW: Chapter 7. Reform in Relation to Non-Disclosure ..

The difficulty is to achieve reform in the interests of insured persons, yet preserve a fair balance between insurer and insured. The law must try ..


sentencing, workers compensation, negligence, misleading or deceptive conduct, taxation, bankruptcy, corporations law, insurance law, voting ..

Consultation Paper – Unfair Terms in Insurance Contracts - Treasury

In response, the section was amended in 1994 through the Insurance Laws Amendment Act (No 2). 1994, to reflect the wording outlined in section 1.6 above.

About the House Magazine, May 2010: Parliament of Australia ..

"We know what needs to be fixed if Australians are going to get a fair go from their insurers," says the Insurance Law Service's principal solicitor ..

Trove - The law of liability insurance / Justice Derrington, Ronald S ..

The law of liability insurance / Justice Derrington, Ronald S. Ashton; Author: Derrington, Desmond Keith, 1930-; Subjects: Liability insurance- Australia.; ..

Principles of Risk Management Details

Introduction; The trade practices Act (1974); Formation of insurance contract; Basic concepts of insurance law; The Basic Principle; Insurable Interest; Duty of ..

ANZIIF Tier 1 Life Insurance and Superannuation-FSL501 Serving ..

ANZIIF Tier 1 Life Insurance and Superannuation-FSL501 Serving the Life and Superannuation Customer and FSL502 Life Insurance and Superannuation Law ..

Scanned Document

Discussion Paper: Professional Indemnity insurance. Please find below the Law Society of South Australia's comments in relation to COAG's Discussion Paper ..

Supreme Court : Underwood

Speech delivered to the Australian Insurance Law Association on Thursday 10 November 2005, now published in the Journal of Judicial ..

Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) - Submission: An Australian ..

Credit & Debt Hotline: 1800 808 488. Insurance Law Service: 1300 663 464. Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) Inc ABN: 40 506 635 273 ..

Review of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth): Issues Paper on ..

law—which still applies in relation to contracts of marine insurance (see discussion below)—could .. This approach is adopted by the Insurance Law Reform Act ..

23 APR zani RECEIVED - Review of the Insurance Contracts Act ..

There was no contract of insurance, or policy wording involved, and hence the Insurance Contracts Act and the principles of insurance law did not apply ..

AGS Canberra

- .. corporate governance, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Intellectual Property (IP), asset sales, probity, funding agreements, insurance law, ..

Conflicts of Interests between Claimholders, Lawyers and Litigation ..

by V Waye - 2007 - - might be resolved using analogies drawn from insurance case law and practice. .. Ross Y Ethics in Law: Lawyers' Responsibility and Accountability in Australia ..

International legal expert to speak on marine insurance reform - UQ ..

Professor Merkin is a consultant for international law firm Norton Rose Group, President of the British Insurance Law Association and Research ..

Associate Professor Dr Kate Lewins Homepage

Kate is the editor of the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand .. LAW350 Civil Procedure; LAW319 Insurance Law; LAW339 Shipping Law ..

Laws and Legal Practice - Flinders University

Our Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice satisfies the academic and .. Graduate Insurance Lawyer; Graduate Law Clerk; Graduate Lawyer ..

2007 Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A .. Deacons Lawyers Prize for Insurance Law (LLB356); Deacons Lawyers Prize for ..

A - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

.. (USA) Second Series 1938-. A Bus L, Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia) ... AILA, Australian Insurance Law Association ..

12031 Current Issues in Insurance Law - College of Law

This timely refresher will bring practitioners up to speed on a number of essential issues in insurance law. Chair: Tricia Jackson Solicitor and Lecturer, The ..


Government agencies: section 36(1) WA government lawyer Division 2 -- Continuing professional .. Professional indemnity insurance: section 162 28.

DEAN'S AWARDS CEREMONY 2011 - Dean's Welcome, Law ..

Awarded for the best academic performance in the unit LAW332 Commercial Law Lindon McKenna. Australian Insurance Law Association ..

melb law brochure.indd

Victorian & NSW Solicitors: If this particular educational activity is .. 30 years' experience of insurance law, including 17 years as an insurance company Claims ..

Sample Cover Letter – Law (Clerkships)

out by my record, including of 80% in Property Law and 74% in Insurance Law. I first become aware of Lawyers Plus when following your effective involvement ..


Show cause procedure for removal of lawyer's name from local roll following foreign regulatory action .. Giving information to Law Society for insurance 380.

I - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

410+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. I. Abbreviation, Title.




& Reinsurance Law International




Inter-American Law Review


Alan Davidson - Law Firms

McCabe Mack Poughkeepsie NY Attorneys at Law. Litigation for Business, Banking, Insurance, Injury, Products, Wills, Criminal, Divorce, Land/Environmental, ..

Australian Lawyers and Social Change – 30 .. - ANU College of Law

The focus of the conference was the role of law and lawyers in society, ... but it has also dealt with such areas as privacy, evidence, insurance law, human ..

Mr Paul Leadbeter | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

Paper presented to Breakfast Briefing Australian Insurance Law Association (SA Division) 21 March 1997, Adelaide. Environmental Dispute Resolution - An ..

Murdoch University: Handbook | Unit Details | LAW319 Insurance Law

Description, An understanding of insurance law is important for both commercial and litigation lawyers. Most major commercial litigation involves at least one ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education The Complete Rule 42 ..

Banking and Finance Lawyers; General Practitioners; Commercial Lawyers; Insurance lawyers and executives; Solicitors in General Practice; Commercial ..

LAWS3383 Insurance Law - S2 2011 - Faculty of Law - The ..

Rich Text Format - conflict issues for a lawyer acting for an insured on the instructions of an insurer;. the extent to which general insurance common law and equitable concepts are ..

Scholarships & awards | UNSW LAW

140+ items – UNSW Law Annual Awards ceremony recognises academic ..

Course Code



Course Description











Australian Climate Law




Acevedo Ferrer





of Armed Conflict


Luke David




Law Prizes - Current Students @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers for Property and Trusts A; Alumni .. Law; Deacons Prize for Insurance Law; Deacons Prize for Occupational Health ..

2008 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A .. Safety Law (LLB316); Deacons Prize for Insurance Law (LLB356); Faculty Advisory ..

UTS: Adjunct professors - law at UTS

Ian is a well known financial services lawyer and has practised for over .. Indemnity Insurance Law" and the monograph "Australian Insurance ..

Faculty of Law 2009 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of ..

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A .. Safety Law (LLB316); Deacons Prize for Insurance Law (LLB356); Faculty Advisory ..


Requirements for professional indemnity insurance for interstate legal practitioners 16. Register of local practising certificates 17. Government lawyers – general ..

QUT | Law | 2004 Prize Recipients

Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association Prize - Fundamentals of Torts. Naomi Cameron .. Macrossans Lawyers Prize - Insurance Law ..

E Law:

by L Haller Lawyers are different to nurses the detractors say, and the Law Society must be allowed to .. Lower administrative costs and cheaper insurance ..

1 Motor Accident Insurance Amendment (No. 2) MOTOR ACCIDENT ..

2 Motor Accident Insurance Amendment (No. 2) The canvassing of CTP claims by lawyers through this process is limited to a small number of legal firms.

Insurance Law : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The University of ..

LAWS9504 Insurance Law [PG] .. promise to indemnify, subrogation, the duties of a lawyer when retained by an insurer and double insurance.

'Proportionate Liability – Is it achieving its aims?'

AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE LAW ASSOCIATION SEMINAR. 2 December 2010. 'Proportionate Liability – Is it achieving its aims?' The Hon. Justice Cameron ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Insurance Law /The insurance ..

Insurance Law

/The insurance Industry/The Insurance Contract/Insurance Industry .. General Practitioners; Insurance lawyers and executives; Securities dealers ..


Requirement for professional indemnity insurance 99. .. Show cause procedure for removal of lawyer's name from local roll following foreign regulatory action ..


Division 3-Other provisions relating to insurance contracts 25. .. Protection of attorney and third persons where power of attorney is revoked 111. .. Division not to affect revocation under other laws Subdivision 2-Revocation by donor 125I.

08 Insurance Law:CLE

both the Guide to the Worldʼs Leading Insurance and. Reinsurance Lawyers and the Guide to the Worldʼs. Leading Women in Business Law 2010 as one of ..

Mr Justin Beirne - Catholic Education Council - Archdiocese of ..

He was admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland in April 1997. .. He acts in the areas of Insurance Law, Risk Management and Litigation on ..

Vanessa Moss - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch University

She is also the Co-ordinating Editor of the Lawyers Practice Manual WA, .. law firms and practised in the areas of commercial litigation, and insurance law.

Sarah Derrington - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

25+ items – Professor of Law; Director, Marine and Shipping Law Unit ..

S Derrington, 'Towage Contracts in Australia - Does Your Contract Say What ..


S Derrington, 'My Ship, My Castle: The Forfeiture of Property Rights in the ..


Master of Health Law - Course search - The University of Sydney

The Master of Health Law (MHL) is designed for lawyers or non-lawyers who wish to upgrade their .. Additional incidental fees and health insurance. For some ..

Secrets, half-truths and deceit in mediation and negotiation â•fl ..

by K Lauchland - 2007 - The solicitor was acting for a client in a compulsory statutory mediation to resolve a .. from the insurance company representatives: his client had just discovered he had .. happening in connection with the practice of law that falls short of the ..

DEAN'S AWARDS CEREMONY 2007 - Dean's Welcome, Law ..

Australian Insurance Law Association Prize for Excellence in Insurance Law Awarded .. Awarded for excellence in the unit LAW363 Employment Relations Law ..

Mr Nigel Wilson | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

Nigel Wilson was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in 1992 in the .. Insurance Law (LAW 7098) (Course Co-ordinator) (Masters programme) ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education

The Mandatory Rule 42 for All Lawyers. Thursday, 23 February .. Insurance Law /The insurance Industry/The Insurance Contract/Insurance Industry Regulation ..

Clinical Advisory Board - Monash University - Faculty of Law ..

She has previously worked as a community lawyer and educator at Western executive, historian and insurance industry archivist.

The insurance crisis - Don't forget the victims

by D Field - 2002 - It has been accepted for inclusion in Law papers by an authorized administrator of .. ter is reported to the insurance company, and its lawyers take over. So from ..

imageREAL Capture

company. The insurers choose the lawyers to negotiate and appear for the insured. They pay these lawyers and how these law- yers perform decides whether ..

Pierre-Jean Bordahandy Home Page

Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (MLAANZ) .. Law; Private International Law and Comparative Law; Export Trade Law, Insurance Law, ..

Faculty: Law (Sydney Law School) J

gifts of many colleagues and members of the Environment and Planning Law Association. .. P0171 Blake Dawson Waldron Prize in Banking & Insurance Law. 1 ..

B - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

380+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. B. Abbreviation, Title.



Barber's Gold Law Cases (S Afr) 1883-1903


B & Ad


Barnewall and Adolphus' King's Bench Reports 1830-1834


Prizes for student achievement in the School of Law

by P Wickins - 2006 Rowena Kennedy. Macrossans Lawyers Prize for Industrial Law, Phuong Duong. Macrossans Lawyers Prize for Insurance Law, Anthony Pitt ..

Graduate Diploma in Health Law - Course search - The University of ..

The Graduate Diploma in Health Law (GradDipHL) is designed lawyers or .. Student Visa must have appropriate health insurance for the duration of their ..

Misrepresentation and misleading or deceptive .. - Lecture Notes

We have seen what the law requires for formation of contract and what are the ... a contract lawyer's perspective) situation with Mr Gadzhis sitting tight and the ... He wanted an insurance policy which would cover him if he had an accident.

Dr Don Fleming : Faculty of Law : University of Canberra

Volunteer solicitor, ACT Law Society Lunchtime Legal Service (1991-95) .. with NRMA Insurance investigating the effect of reforms to the law of ..

Corporate & Commercial Law Specialisation | UNSW LAW


seeking to upgrade their commercial and regulatory skills can select .. Superannuation and Insurance · Global Issues in Competition Law and Policy ..

Murray Thompson - Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law ..

by C Restrom - 1995sented to bodies such as the Insurance Institute of New South Wales, the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand and a variety of professional ..

Negligent liability in sport

by N Schot - 2005 - - It has been accepted for inclusion in Sports Law eJournal by an ... 108 Chris Merritt, 'Insurance Crisis not lawyers' fault: Report' 22nd October 2004 Australian ..

Legal and Political Blogs - Legal Resources

URL: .. Networking site including various legal groups such as 'Aussie Lawyers in London .. Blog about professional negligence, discipline, indemnity insurance, fees, ethics, ..

E - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

240+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. E. Abbreviation, Title.

E & A


Grant's Error and Appeal Reports (Ontario, Can) 1846-1866




East African Law Journal


Research Supervisor Profile for Professor Barbara McDonald ..

30+ items – Barbara is a consultant to Freehills lawyers. She is also a ..

The impact of the Civil Liability legislation on the fundamental policies and ..


Princesses Privacy and Paparazzi" (2005-2006) 50 New York Law School Law ..


Council - Queensland Institute of Medical Research

past president Medico-Legal Society of Queensland and Australian Insurance Law Association and former legal member Australian Health Ethics Committee.


Requirement for professional indemnity insurance 69. .. Show cause procedure for removal of lawyer's name from local roll following foreign regulatory action ..

Leadership & Management - Tara Anglican School for Girls

Martin is a partner at CKB Partners, Lawyers & Consultants, specializing in insurance law. Martin's wife Meg is an old girl of Tara. Their three daughters also ..



practitioners and interstate legal practitioners to be officers of Supreme Court 5A. .. Indemnity insurance Division 2 - Solicitors' Mutual Indemnity Fund 39.

The Lawyer as Gatekeeper: Is There a Need for a Whistleblowing ..

by C Pippel - 2004 - - Failure of HIH Insurance Part 2 at 3.7 (reporting losses of $3.6 billion and $5.3 billion) .. Business Lawyer 1403 (stating that 'the question is not why did some ..

The insurance crisis- Don't forget the victims

by D Field - 2002 - The modern law of negligence winch has developed from that landmark .. ter is reported to the insurance company, mad its lawyers take over. So from Day 1 ..

DEAN'S AWARDS CEREMONY 2009 - Dean's Welcome, Law ..

Australian Insurance Law Association Prize Awarded for excellence in the unit LAW319 Insurance Law Ashlee Watts. Brett Davies Lawyers ..

What Students Say - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

He then combined working as a lawyer in the field of migration law with acting as .. in Maritime and Shipping Law, International Trade Law and Insurance Law.

Nishimura & Asahi - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

Nishimura & Asahi employ over 484 Japanese attorneys, and several .. law and also have strengths in Intellectual Property, Insurance law, Acquisitions and ..

Chartis Expatriate Medical Expenses Claim Form

myself), other insurers and reinsurers, insurance reference bureaus, law enforcement agencies, investigators, lawyers, assessors, repairers, advisors and the ..

Science and Uncertainty - Science and Regulation

Address to Australlan Insurance Law Association Conference. Aust. Law News 23,19-21. Rankin, M (1989) The wilderness advisory commmittee of British ..

1 Motor Accident Insurance QUEENSLAND MOTOR ACCIDENT ..

Consultation The Insurance Commissioner has consulted widely with .. of Labor Lawyers; · Australian Insurance Law Association; · ALP Law and Law ..


by J Corkery - 2002 - When I observe an insurance company lawyer harassing a rape victim in a deposition, or a mob lawyer intimidating a witness, or an attorney aggressively ..

Other - Legal Resources

These are available to all Deakin Law Staff and Students and other subscribers. .. Plaintiff: Journal of Australian of Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association .. Law Review and Technology Journal; Connecticut Insurance Law ..

Online Seminars - College of Law

Complies with Rule of the Law Society Professional Conduct and Practice Rules in the area of Ethics and Professional .. Directors Duties / D & O Insurance + Podcast .. Presented by Stephen Booth, Coleman Greig Lawyers ..

Legal Terminology, Law, Assistant, language, correspondence course


with the areas of. Family Law; Bankruptcy; Insurance; Accident Compensation .. Understanding the Nature and Scope of Law and Lawyers. Lawyers are legal ..

Enhancing Corporate Accountability through Contextual Ethical ..

The collapse of Enron in the United States and of HIH Insurance in Australia, along with .. significant Australian examples of corporate lawyers' failings. Thirdly ..

Professor Harold Luntz - Staff Profile

Archive · law@melbourne Archive .. Harold Luntz is an Emeritus Professor in the Law School. .. recipient of the John G Fleming Memorial Award for Torts Scholarship and in 2003 was awarded the AILA Insurance Law Prize.

Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

He was admitted as a solicitor in New South Wales .. In recognition of his expertise in insurance law and wide commercial experience, Alan became the initial ..

Stephen Lancken - Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies - The ..

.. litigation lawyer in Sydney, when his work covered Commercial Litigation; Aviation Law; Insurance; Professional Indemnity & Personal Injury; ..

Law Students Internship Opportunities World Food Programme ..

World Food Programme, Legal Office .. of attorneys and staff with diverse educational and professional backgrounds. .. Maritime, Transport & Insurance Law.

Client View

Property Law Update and Rule 42 for Property Lawyers (FEB 2012) .. retail leasing, strata law, home building, energy efficiency and home warranty insurance.


by R Mortensen - 2002 - Queensland Lawyer 151, 154; Geraldine Gray, 'The Changing Face of Legal Practice and Impli- cations for Professional Indemnity Insurance' (1999) 11 ..

WebLaw - Sports Law

Sporting Injuries Insurance Act 1978 (NSW): An Act to establish a scheme for the .. ANZSLA (The Sports Law Association): ANZSLA's mission is to facilitate ..

Western Australia Legal Profession Act 2008 Legal Profession ..

Government agencies: section 36(1) WA government lawyer 15 Division 2 .. Requirements for professional indemnity insurance: law practices 72 88.

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Personal Injury

General Practitioners; Commercial Lawyers; Insurance lawyers and executives; In-house Counsel; Knowledge Managers; Solicitors in General Practice ..

Career options: Law

knowledge and skills required for admission as a barrister or solicitor in every .. Insurance. Legal publishing. Private legal practice. Intellectual property ..

Pamela Hanrahan - Staff Profile

She is Director of Studies of the Law School's graduate program in Banking and .. Pamela has extensive experience as a commercial lawyer with expertise in .. insurance regulation, corporations law and securities offerings.

Legal Profession Act 2004 LEGAL PROFESSION REGULATION ..

Roll of local lawyers—section 32 of the Act PART 5 - LEGAL PRACTICE BY AUSTRALIAN .. Professional indemnity insurance—section 196 of the Act 47.



and equity preserved 14C. Matters to which trustee .. Application of insurance money 43. Maintenance and .. Powers of attorney 59. Implied indemnity 60.

WebLaw - Corporations Law

Australian Corporate Lawyers Association: The key objective of the Australian ... These interests range from insurance law to corporate tax law, corporate ..

UTS: Essential Writing Skills for Lawyers - law at UTS

Using plain language has become an essential skill for lawyers who .. workshops in the legal, banking, insurance and engineering sectors.

Legals for Documentary AFTRS Open

One of Melbourne's most experienced documentary lawyers, Shaun Miller, will explain the .. Insurance Law – The types of insurances that need to be secured ..

Gerber, P --- "How to Stop Engineers from becoming Bush Lawyers ..

by P Gerber - Existing Scholarship on the Theory of Teaching Law to Non-lawyers. Although the model .. Legal issues relating to insurance. 10. Dispute ..

The University of Adelaide | Adelaide Law School Sponsors and ..

2001Prize Awarded. AILA (Australian Insurance Law Association) ..

AMPLA - The Resources and Energy Law Association


The AMPLA Limited ..


Cowell Clarke


The Cowell Clarke Prize ..


Law Institute of Victoria - Personal injuries and compensation ..

Common law - case law developed through the courts, or; Legislation - eg road laws .. The Legal Referral Service can put you in touch with a personal injury solicitor. .. The Wrongs and Limitations of Actions Acts (Insurance Reform) Act 2003 ..

Derek Raoul Hentze - Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law ..

by P McQueenBranch of the Maritime Law Association of Australian and New Zealand (MLAANZ). .. Solicitor, where he has responsible for all secretarial, legal and insurance ..

Paul O'Shea - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..

He has practised principally as a commercial litigation solicitor both for .. Insolvency; Insurance; Law & Social Justice; Legal Education; Trade Practices Law ..


Definition 3.5.2. Law practices required to insure 3.5.3. Australian-registered foreign lawyers required to insure 3.5.4. Community legal centres required to insure ..


Scope of practice of foreign law: section 48ZS (1) (b) and (d) 21. Fidelity Fund .. Appointment of new solicitor director PART 7 - INDEMNITY INSURANCE 38.

Foundations of Commercial Law - LAW471 - 2012 Course ..

The unit begins with an historical introduction to commercial law and then .. and the role and effect of lawyers on commercial law and the market place. .. and other important commercial areas such as agency, insurance law, ..

Corporate, Commercial & Taxation Law Specialisation | UNSW LAW

The Corporate, Commercial Law & Taxation specialisation allows students to add .. EU: Economic & Trade Law · European Business Law · Finance for Lawyers .. Superannuation and Insurance · Global Issues in Competition Law and Policy ..


Presented by Professor Luke McNamara - Dean, Faculty of Law. Awarded to .. Presented by Craig Pryor - Principal, Warren McKeon Dickson Lawyers. Awarded for .. Awarded for achieving the highest mark in Insurance Law. In equal first ..

1 Personal Injuries Proceedings (Legal Advertising) and Other Acts ..

The touting prohibitions apply to lawyers and non-lawyers whereas the .. Crown Law; · Legal Services Commission; · Motor Accident Insurance Commission; ..

E Law: Lawyers and Dispute Resolution: What Do They Think And ..

by BA Archie Zariski Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Murdoch University .. for the administration of justice if business lawyers refrained from bringing important legal ... for the Insurance Industry", Insurance Law Journal, vol 3 (1990), 167.

rob-guthrie - Staff directory | Curtin Business School

Rob Guthrie is a Professor of Workers' Compensation and Workplace Laws at Curtin University. He has been .. ·Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of WA and High Court of Australia · .. Insurance Law Journal 21 (2010): 179-196.

QUT | Staff Profiles | Tracey Carver

by T Carver - 2011Carver TL, (2011) Insurance and the law of negligence: An influential or .. (2004) Causation and Queensland's Civil Liability Act, Queensland Lawyer p189-195 ..


Current plan PART 2 - GENERAL RULES AFFECTING PROPERTY Division 1 - Rules of law upon certain points 8. .. Amount and application of insurance money 115. .. Protection of solicitors, licensed conveyancers, trustees etc PART 22 ..

TITLE: "Doctors, Lawyers and Immunity From Suit: What's Fair for ..

suits, namely insurance, lawyers continue to sail along unaffected by tort law reform issues and by such attendant costs and concerns. 22 Ibid. 23 In Harriton (by ..

CLP12 Insurance Disputes - College of Law

College of Law - Corporate Home .. This subject presents the background to insurance disputes, explains the regulatory environment, and identifies and ..

UTS: Alphabetical list of subjects - Law, UTS Handbook

Insurance Law

76022. Insurance Law 78196. Insurance Law 77930. Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge 78186. Intellectual Property and Traditional ..

Robert Guthrie

Professor Guthrie holds a Bachelor of Jurisprudence and Bachelor of Laws from the .. Professor Guthrie was admitted to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor in 1982 .. self insurers in Australia: Insolvency and worker protection', Insurance Law ..


Continuing obligation for professional indemnity insurance for local practising .. Show cause procedure for removal of lawyer's name from local roll following ..

UTS: 2007 UTS: Law awards ceremony - law at UTS

Ebsworth and Ebsworth Prize for Law of Insurance. Anthony Highfield (Ebsworth and Ebsworth Lawyers) & Joseph Harb (Winner - Bachelor of ..

WorkWizard - Law

WorkWizard - Law. LAW. Lawyers can work for small or large legal firms, government departments, large corporate entities (such as banks or insurance ..


by RE Marks - - that, whether lawyers or business economists, advisors of those who must .. wholesale and retail trade; financial labor, engaged in finance, insurance, and real ..

Visit of the Hon John Dowd AO QC Annual Prize Night

of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Attorney-General of New South Wales, and Leader of the State Opposition. Annual Prize Night. The Faculty of Law ..

Papers/Audio CDs - Tax Law

This seminar is part of a series of seminars designed for non-tax lawyers, called "Taxation Fundamentals for Non-Tax Lawyers." In this seminar, Dr Bill Orow, ..

Undergraduate programs Postgraduate coursework programs ..

lawyers undertake work in a wide variety of areas such as legal compliance, corporate governance, insurance, environmental compliance, and employment law.


relocation, a pension and medical insurance. OUTSIDE .. mean that a common law lawyer should not be unduly .. receive a pension and health insurance.

ARI - Adelaide Research & Innovation

She practiced mainly as a litigation lawyer until leaving the partnership in 2000. Her main areas of practice were general insurance law and matrimonial law.

Latest Sydney Law School News - University of Sydney

The Sydney Law School held a special morning tea to farewell .. to the legal sector, particularly as an insurance lawyer, and to the community.

Paul O'Shea - TC Beirne School of Law - The University of ..


Insurance Code of Practice' (2005) 16 (3) Insurance Law Journal 297-305 .. 'Consumer and Credit Law' in (ed), Lawyers Practice Manual update (Law Book ..

Law Journal - Legal Resources

Rankings based on number of citations, hosted by Washington & Lee Law School. .. Plaintiff: Journal of Australian of Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association .. Computer Law Review and Technology Journal; Connecticut Insurance Law ..

2547 LawBooklet.17 - Law School Careers Office - University of ..

law. Lawyers are trained to understand the practical implications of the mass of ... Insurance. Litigation. Media and Broadcasting. Mergers and Acquisitions ..

Undergraduate and Postgraduate coursework programs

lawyers undertake work in a wide variety of areas such as legal compliance, corporate governance, insurance, environmental compliance, and employment law.

Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Postgraduate Law @ Sydney – The Sydney LLM & Coursework .. Sydney Law School is Australia's premier global law school, preparing graduates for national, ..

Commercial Practice - College of Law


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Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Legal Advice News
Welcome to Australia’s number one legal advice website.
Do you need legal help? If so, then you have come to the right place.
We cover all legal matters in every legal area Australia Wide, including:
For a full list of all legal areas covered please visit our Legal Advice Areas page.
If you need legal advice then please complete your Free Legal Enquiry Form to be put in contact with the best lawyer for your legal matter.
NEW Family Law Section
Our new family law section covers every legal aspect of family law. If you are going through a separation and would like to know your rights entitlements with respect to property and children, then please complete your Free Legal Enquiry Form to be put in contact with the best lawyer for your legal matter.
A new family law section covers all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:
We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:
  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you're ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you're not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts
To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Our Free legal enquiry service extends to every State and Territory Capital including:
  • Sydney Legal Advice
  • Darwin Legal Advice
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  • Adelaide Legal Advice
  • Hobart Legal Advice
  • Melbourne Legal Advice
  • Perth Legal Advice
  • Canberra Legal Advice
IF you have a legal matter, whether it be family law, conveyancing, property law, compensation law or any other matter requiring personal legal services, then enquiry today - and get the legal help you deserve!

Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

Looking for a specialist lawyer or legal information?

Please complete our fast and
free legal enquiry form or

Disclaimer: there are advertising laws affecting personal injury claims. By using this site you agree to the Terms of Use.