International Law & Trade Law & Lawyers

International law concerns the laws and principles governing actors at the international level. These actors include governments as well as international organisations.

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of international law and trade, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

International law is of two main types:

  1. Treaties
  2. Customary international law

The Office of International Law provides legal advice and policy advice to the Attorney General and other Government agencies.


Treaties are the formal instruments of international law.

Treaties come into force internationally upon signature, or upon signature and ratification, depending upon the terms of the instrument. States must formally assent to treaties before they become binding on them.

Customary international law

Customary international law is based upon the practices and views of states (countries). To establish a principle as one of customary international law requires establishing that states for the most part conform to the principle and accept it as one of international law.

Private International Law

Private international law is an area of law that deals with civil transactions and disputes that contain international elements. Also known as ‘conflicts of laws’, the subject is primarily concerned with developing principles and rules to resolve the following three stages of a legal conflict:

  1. Jurisdiction
  2. Choice of law
  3. Recognition and enforcement of judgments

Private international law also deals with developing rules and processes to facilitate litigation between different countries, for example, developing conventions for the taking of evidence or the service of legal process.

The main international organisations concerned with developing and harmonising these rules are the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH or Hague Conference), and United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of international law and trade, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Multinational corporations, sovereign states and international organisations are facing an increasing number of issues which arise under public international law. Lawyers practising in the area of international law and trade generally can advise clients on:

  • drafting, negotiating and acceding to treaties
  • structuring investments
  • investment protection and investment treaty arbitration
  • international project finance and infrastructure projects
  • boundary disputes
  • intellectual property rights
  • international environmental and human rights laws
  • international anti-corruption laws.

Clients of lawyers practising in the area of international law and trade include commercial entities, sovereign states and state entities, and NGOs. They can act as advocates before specialist courts and tribunals and negotiate with, or on behalf of, states and state entities.

An international law solicitor may advise on a wide range of issues which involve international law.

These could include family law, property law, IP law, immigration law. Other typical areas which an international law solicitor may work in include licensing law, media law, environmental law, human rights law and more.

International trade laws

International trade is more complex than trading within Australia, as you need to know not only about the laws of Australia, but also about the laws of the country with which you are planning to export to or import from. International trade laws may also govern your transactions. You may need to deal with bodies such as customs and other government authorities, banks and financial services, international carriers and quarantine issues.

International trade laws therefore refer to a mixture of domestic laws and public international law that applies to transactions of goods and services across countries. There are various international trade laws and treaties that govern these transactions. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) establishes a comprehensive code of legal rules governing the formation of contracts for the international sale of goods, the obligations of the buyer and seller, remedies for breach of contract and other aspects of the contract. There are also international trade laws governing commercial dispute resolution (specifically conciliation and arbitration), international payments, international transport of goods, intellectual property, and electronic commerce.

Specialist international trade lawyers can assist you with the following:

  • International contracts
  • International payment terms and protection
  • Resolving cross-border disputes
  • Tariffs and other protective measures
  • Customs issues
  • International transport
  • International Intellectual Property protection
  • International Competition law
  • Trade law
  • Internet Law
  • Ecommerce Law

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of international law and trade, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


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International Law & Trade Law & Lawyers News

News, Updates and further information - International Law & Trade Law & Lawyers

International trade law includes the appropriate rules and customs for handling trade between countries. However, it is also used in legal writings as trade between private sectors, which is not right. This branch of law is now an independent field of study as most governments has become part of the world trade, as members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Since the transaction between private sectors of different countries is important part of the WTO activities, this latter branch of law is now very important part of the academic works and is under study in many universities across the world.

International trade law should be distinguished from the broader field of international economic law. The latter could be said to encompass not only WTO law, but also law governing the international monetary system and currency regulation, as well as the law of international development.

The body of rules for transnational trade in the 21st century derives from medieval commercial laws called the lex mercatoria and lex maritima — respectively, "the law for merchants on land" and "the law for merchants on sea." Modern trade law (extending beyond bilateral treaties) began shortly after the Second World War, with the negotiation of a multilateral treaty to deal with trade in goods: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

International trade law is based on theories of economic liberalism developed in Europe and later the United States from the 18th century onwards.

Dispute settlementMost prominent in the area of dispute settlement in international trade law is the WTO dispute settlement system. The WTO dispute settlement body is operational since 1995 and has been very active since then with 369 cases in the time between 1 January 1995 and 1 December 2007.[1] Nearly a quarter of disputes reached an amicable solution, in other cases the parties to the dispute resorted to adjudication. The WTO dispute settlement body has exclusive and compulsory jurisdiction over disputes on WTO law (Article 23.1 Dispute Settlement Understanding).

Sources of International Law – The Place of Treaties

Traditionally, the sources of international law are regarded as being listed in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.

These are:

International Conventions whether general or particular establishing rules expressly recognized by 'the contesting states';
International custom as evidence of a general practice accepted as law;
The general principles of law recognised by civilised nations; and
Judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations (as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law).
Nowadays, the term ‘convention’ is assumed to be referring to a multilateral treaty; but at the time Article 38 of the UN Charter was drafted ‘convention’ denoted any sort of treaty: bilateral, plurilateral or multilateral. And in the context of Article 38 it still has this meaning.

Since WWII, treaties have assumed a clear prominence as the primary source of law-making on the international plane. Especially multilateral treaties.

Even so, international tribunals have clarified customary international law in ways which have developed the legal principles governing the law applying to treaties. For example, the International Court of Justice has done a lot to clarify the general rules for the interpretation of treaties.

With the increased focus on relations between States that comes with globalisation, there has been greater pressure and demand to codify rules obtaining between those States.

This codification has been done mainly through treaties because they are a relatively simple, clear and quick way of crystallizing existing international rules and developing new ones.

Indeed, it is now commonplace for legal scholars to classify those treaties which lay down universal (or even fairly general) rules governing international society as 'law-making' or 'normative' treaties. The Hague Peace Conferences of 1898 and 1907 are often cited not only as a watershed in the institutionalisation of international co-operation, but also as the first major international ‘law-making’ conferences.

So-called ‘normative treaties’ are:

characterised metaphorically as 'international legislation', and
extolled as necessary to accommodate the urgent dynamics that are transforming international relations.
Multilateral treaties – because they have a larger number of parties - are more effective than bilateral treaties in codifying international law.

In negotiating multilateral treaties its parties often try to address the subject matter of the treaties as comprehensively as possible.

Of course, States negotiating these agreements often have different or conflicting interests; so the final multilateral treaty text may not fully reflect the views and positions of all the States which negotiated it.

You can imagine how difficult it is to try and achieve conformity of views and approaches in relation to a multilateral instrument that is intended to be comprehensive – even where the instrument’s subject matter is relatively narrow.

Even if you can settle the text of a law-making treaty you then face the risk that it may conflict with other law-making treaties. And the legal principles for resolving these conflicts may prove – in particular cases – to be anything but clear and simple.

There are many examples of law-making treaties.

A classic case is the Law of the Sea Convention, which took nearly a decade to negotiate.

This Convention:

codifies the international law applying to the oceans and seas      
develops international law
provides an invaluable source of the law relating to those aspects of the law of the sea which took its parties so long to negotiate, and
is, by and large, extremely clear and explicit - even if there are some provisions that are ambiguous.
Another example of a codifying or 'normative' instrument is the Statute of the International Criminal Court (or ‘Rome Statute’).

The Rome Statute is regarded by some as the most important multilateral instrument negotiated in the last decade of the twentieth century.

The Statute codifies international law regarding war crimes and other crimes against humanity.
During the negotiation of the Statute momentum developed to create a comprehensive regime on such criminal law.
This was premised on certain customary international law norms having achieved such broad acceptance internationally that they could be enshrined in a formal document which would be generally acceptable as binding to a large number of States.

The Statute illustrates how a treaty can not only crystallize putative customary international norms as conventional law, but also further develop such norms and related standards.

Of course, the outcomes of treaty negotiations are not always so exemplary. Negotiating States may refuse to adopt an international norm in a treaty because it does not suit their interests or because they sincerely believe that the norm does not represent customary international law.

In such cases you may get straightforward compromises; or you may get (what diplomats call) 'constructive ambiguity' where the meaning of the settled text is not clear.

This ambiguity allows the parties to interpret the treaty provisions in the way that most suits their interests. This may not sound like much of a solution, but often - with diplomats - 'half of something is better than a lot of nothing'.   A 'fuzzy' treaty is better than none at all.

The Antarctic Treaty is an archetype of such a ‘treaty’ solution.  During the 1950’s a ‘tacit agreement’ developed between certain states which were active in Antarctica.  (It was called an ‘gentleman’s agreement’ in the sexist terminology of the times.) Under this agreement states would not try to advance or enhance claims to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica.

Arguably (although I would not want to argue this) the gentleman’s agreement constituted customary regional international law which was legally binding. However, it was not at all clear that the parties to this tacit agreement regarded their agreement as legally binding.  Contrariwise, there had been many acrid territorial disputes over Antarctica, which the gentleman’s agreement had put a lid on. There was no optimism that this lid would stay on. And, if the lid blew off – with the parties terminating their tacit agreement – the consequences could have been quite grave. There were even fears of armed conflict between Argentina and the UK over their territorial disputes.

So, Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty addressed the problem by providing that: ‘No new claim, or enlargement of an existing claim, to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica …’ should be asserted while the Treaty was in force. This meant – in theory – that claims to Antarctica could neither be improved nor worsened. [4]

Article IV did not resolve the problem of competing claims to sovereignty in Antarctica. Indeed, it was depicted as the ‘non-solution of a problem that could never be swept completely under the carpet’. [5] However, the Treaty has undoubtedly promoted stability in the international politics of Antarctica. Moreover, what was originally regarded as a modus vivendi (that is an interim arrangement which stays in place till a legal solution is reached) now - with the passage of time - looks increasingly like it will bed down a permanent, legal status quo.

It is even being argued that the Antarctic Treaty has created an objective legal regime which is binding on all states irrespective of whether or not they are parties to the Treaty.  (In much the same way as a bilateral treaty which changes borders between countries is regarded as objectively binding on all states.)

Just as interesting is the fact that a whole legal regime has sprung up from the fountainhead of Article IX of the Antarctic Treaty. This article provides that parties carrying out scientific research may - by consensus - recommend measures which further the objectives of the Antarctic Treaty. Article IX does not provide any measure adopted pursuant to it is legally binding; but the practice of the parties to the Antarctic Treaty shows that they normally regard such measures as legally binding. From 1961 to 1995 over 200 measures were promulgated under this provision regarding (among other things) environmental protection, telecommunications, tourism and mining. [6] A treaty that was once disdained as a ‘non-solution’ has proven to be the solid foundation for an exemplary international legal regime.

There was also criticism of the Antarctic treaty regarding the vagueness of its terms. For example, the term ‘territorial sovereignty’ is ambiguous. Lawyers could argue over whether claims to the territorial sea or the straight baselines adjacent to Antarctic territory are prohibited by Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty.

Sovereignty and Treaties

A common refrain popularly espoused about treaties is that they surrender national sovereignty, and therefore represent a threat to Australia's national interest.

Ironically, the right to enter into a treaty - and to be legally bound by it - is a vital aspect of any nation's sovereignty. Without that right, a nation could not take its place in the civil society of nations.

So the place of Australian treaties is to serve the national interest by continually developing international law. The question we should be asking is not whether the treaty surrenders sovereignty; the real question we should be asking is whether - in entering into a treaty - enough consideration has been given to the rights and obligations and the costs and benefits arising from that treaty action.

The resounding answer to that question - as far as Australia is concerned is: yes - it has.

Australia will not become Party to a treaty lightly.

Australia's decisions to enter into treaties are only taken after widespread consultations and deliberations.
These deliberations include scrutiny of treaty actions by the parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Treaties aided by the institution of National Interest Analysis statements.
So treaties cannot now be depicted (like they were in the past) as being - in many cases - a convenient pretext which allows faceless bureaucrats to usurp Australia's sovereignty.

Consequently, treaties are an increasingly vital means of turning our interdependence with other nations to good - and better - advantage; of developing international law properly; and therefore - most importantly - of serving Australia's national interest.

Courts & tribunals and their decisions
Project on International Courts and Tribunals Synoptic Chart
A compendium of all international judicial bodies provides a contexual overview of the international judiciary.


European Union
Court of Justice - Proceedings of the Court of Justice
Texts of the proceedings of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities and the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union from 1997 onwards.


A Digest of the Case Law of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
This book contains a digest of highlights of the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal For the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations Of International Humanitarian Law Committed In The Territory Of Rwanda. It provides ...

African International Courts and Tribunals
This website provides a centralized source for scholars, practitioners and laypersons on the work of African International courts. The African continent leads the way in innovations in international courts and tribunals, with the first hybrid court and the first referrals to ...

ESCR-Net Caselaw Database: A database of Economic, Social and Cultural related jurisprudence, cases and other decisions
The database makes Economic, Social and Cultural rights-related pleadings, commentary and decisions available to a wide audience of ESCR activists and defenders from a range of countries, legal traditions and languages (Spanish and English).

Hague Justice Portal: Domestic Case Law on International Crimes
A database of domestic jurisprudence relating to international criminal law, providing access to domestic case law that deals with international criminal law from countries all over the world.

ICTR Basic Documents and Case Law
Basic Documents and Case Law contains the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda's basic documents and case law, as well as various United Nations documents on the Tribunal. The compilation covers the period 1995-2006 and supplements a CD-ROM collection.

International Court of Justice
The ICJ deals with disputes relating to maritime boundaries and fisheries jurisdiction. Information available for cases may include the judgment, written and oral pleadings, and orders.

International Courts & Tribunals Collection
A collection of judgments and decisions from a broad range of international courts and tribunals.

International Criminal Court
Home page of the International Criminal Court. Gives: overview of Court; latest news; access to the Official Journal of the International Criminal Court (created May 2004) & the ICC Newsletter (International Criminal Court Newsletter); contacts information; Court reports; ...

International Criminal Courts for the Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone : A Guide to Online and Print Resources
This guide focuses on online and print sources relating to the three International Criminal Courts: the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Compares key features of ...

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Established by the Security Council of the United Nations in 1994, the Tribunal is responsible for prosecuting the organizers and leaders of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994.

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is a United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990’s. Includes online database of the Tribunal's case documents and a Legal Library ...

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Established by the Security Council of the United Nations in 1993, the International Tribunal is responsible for the prosecution of persons responsible for serious violations of International Humanitarian Law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991.

Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany 1945-1949
Twenty-four major political and military leaders of Nazi Germany, indicted for aggressive war, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, were brought to trial before the International Military Tribunal. More than 100 additional defendants, representing many sectors of German ...

Permanent Court of Arbitration
The PCA was established by the Convention for Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, concluded at the Hague in 1899 during the first Hague Peace Conference. The Conference was convened at the initiative of Czar Nicolas II of Russia "with the object of seeking the most ...

Permanent Court of Arbitration Documents
The Documents Web site of the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the Cornell University Law School Web site. Contains settlement of international disputes, optional rules for arbitration, conciliation rules.

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
A permanent international criminal court established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1998 under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The Statute came into force on 1 July 2002. However, in light of the establishment of the Permanent ...

The Special Court for Sierra Leone
The Special Court for Sierra Leone was set up jointly by the Government of Sierra Leone and the United Nations. It is mandated to try those who bear the greatest responsibility for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law committed in the ...

WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
A database containing detailed information on thousands of cases of 'cybersquatting' handled by the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the World Intellectual Property Organisation. Search or browse options available.


International Criminal Courts for the Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone : A Guide to Online and Print Resources
This guide focuses on online and print sources relating to the three international criminal courts: the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Compares key features of ...

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Established by the Security Council of the United Nations in 1993, the International Tribunal is responsible for the prosecution of persons responsible for serious violations of International Humanitarian Law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991.


European Union
Europa - Gateway to the European Union
Europa provides up-to-date coverage of European Union affairs and essential information on European integration. Users can also consult all legislation currently in force or under discussion, access the websites of each of the EU institutions and find out about the policies ...

European Parliament
Official site for the European Parliament, containing information on all aspects of the functioning of the Parliament. Includes links to treaties and basic documents, and to full text of the Official Journals.


American Society of International Law
Based in Washington, D.C. Its purpose is to educate and engage the public in international law, and to expand the frontiers of international law as a vehicle for resolving disputes and international conflict.

Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
Based at the Australian National University, Canberra. The aims of ANZSIL include supporting the teaching of international law and providing a forum for the discussion of research and practice in international law. The site has full text of proceedings of its Annual ...

Centre for International and Public Law
CIPL is part of the ANU College of Law at the Australian National University. Its primary focus is legal aspects of the international order and issues of public law, particularly the relationship between governments and individuals. It organises intensive teaching programs ...

Coalition for the International Criminal Court
The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) is the primary NGO provider of online information about the International Criminal Court. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the first permanent international judicial body capable of trying individuals for ...

Department of Peace and Conflict Research (Uppsala University)
The Dept. was established in 1971 to conduct peace research and offer courses in peace and conflict studies. Undergraduate courses today focus more on conflict resolution and several Phd projects are run in this field. Some publications are available in electronic format via ...

Hague Conference on Private International Law
An intergovernmental organisation which negotiates and drafts multilateral treaties (conventions) in the area of private international law. The source shows the status and signatories of the treaties drawn up by the Hague Conference.

Hague Justice Portal
The portal is a gateway to information, news and research on the Hague organisations in the fields of international peace, justice and security. It improves access to the Hague courts, tribunals and organisations and encourages academic debate.

International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
An independent intergovernmental organisation based in Rome. Its purpose is to study needs and methods for modernising, harmonising and co-ordinating private and in particular commercial law between States. It prepares modern and where appropriate harmonised rules of private ...

International Law Association
The official Web site of the International Law Association, based in London U.K.

International Law Commission
This site contains the body of work and information about the International Law commission. The members, organisational structure and programme and methods of work is also contained via links. There is also a research guide which is helpful in navigating the content of the ...

International Law Commission
The International Law Commission, established in 1947 by the United Nations General Assembly to promote the development and codification of international law, meets annually and prepares drafts on topics of international law. When a draft article is completed, the General ...

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
The Institute is concerned with all aspects of public international law, the law of international organisations, the international legal relations of the Federal Republic of Germany, constitutional and administrative law in other countries, and with comparative research in ...

Organization of American States
Official site of the OAS, a regional agency of the United Nations, comprising 35 countries of the Americas.

United Nations
This site provides information on the United Nations. The United Nations was established on 24 October 1945 by 51 countries committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security. Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN: ...

United Nations Documentation Research Guide
This site provides comprehensive information on the courts and tribunals and principle bodies of the United Nations. There are also links to legal documentation and treaties.

United Nations International Law
Official UN Web site. Provides links to all UN Web sites containing legal information, including international courts and tribunals.

United Nations International Law
This site contains resources from the United Nations which are presented under the headings; United Nations Bodies, Thematic Issues and International Courts and Tribunerals. There are also links to current news issues and legal affairs.


Organisations - Government
International issues
Information provided by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on global and regional security and other global issues, and has links to treaties and international organisations.

Office of International Law
The focal point within the Attorney-General's Department for providing advice and other services on international law. The Office has depth of knowledge, expertise and experience in international law including in the negotiation of international instruments and in the ...


Australia and International Treaty Making Information Kit
Details Australia’s current priorities for treaty negotiations, including a Government policy statement about the relationship between treaties and the domestic law and a section on the various stages in the treaty making process. Concludes with a list of Internet addresses ...


European Union
Jean Monnet working papers
Fulltext access to currently published papers in European Union integration topics, with an archive back to 1995. Papers can be downloaded in pdf or rtf.


Statute of the International Court of Justice
Scroll to Article 38 for the basis of the definition of 'International Law'.

The Covenant of the League of Nations
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School includes the Covenant and many other documents in law, history and diplomacy.

United Nations Treaty Collection - Treaty Reference Guide
Definitions of the key terms used in the United Nations Treaty Collection to refer to international instruments binding at international law.

World Court Digest
A digest of views on questions of international law which are expressed in the judgments, advisory opinions and orders of the International Court of Justice, as well as in the separate opinions of individual judges, from 1986.


International resources
Avalon Project
The Avalon Project is a collection of digital documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government.

Customary IHL
This database is the online version of the Study on customary international humanitarian law, conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and published by Cambridge University Press in 2005. It is divided in two parts. Part 1 - Rules offers a ...

EISIL – the Electronic Information System for International Law
EISIL provides access to the highest quality authenticated primary materials, authoritative web sites and helpful research guides to international law on the Internet.

International Law Library
The International Law Library contains over 80,000 searchable documents for free access. This includes over 25,000 decisions of International Courts and Tribunals, over 30,000 treaties and international agreements (including the League of Nations and UN Treaty Series), ...

United Nations AudioVisual Library of International Law - Research Library
The Audiovisual Library aims to provide free, scholarly resources to students and practictioners around the world, particularly in regions where there are few resources for the study of international law. The website has three main parts: The Historic Archives presents ...


United States
The Legal Research System for International Law in the U.S. Courts
Decisions about U.S. federal and state courts in relation to international law. A practical resource for members of the judiciary and other legal professionals to identify and understand how international law is interpreted and applied by U.S. courts at both the federal and ...


Other indexes/links
European Union
Jean Monnet Program
Under the Jean Monnet Project, the European Commission supports university initiatives aimed at teaching activities in European integration. Launched in 1990 at the specific request of the academic world, the Jean Monnet Project aims to promote teaching in European ...


ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law
The American Society of International Law subject based guide to researching international law including treaties and human rights.

Conducting Research in Public International Law : an introduction to information sources
Links to information on international treaties, case law, documents and literature.

Constitutions, Treaties and Declarations
Lists major treaties, agreements, conventions and declarations as well as constitutions of countries of the world.

Cornell Law Library - International Law Resources
Provides links to foreign and international law sources.

FindLaw - International Law
Comprehensive legal portal providing links to international legal web resources.

Foreign and International Law
J W Long Law Library subject guide to international law.

GlobaLex is an electronic legal publication, published by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University School of Law, dedicated to international and foreign law research, including country guides.

Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases
New York University School of Law subject based guide to databases and Web sites dealing with international law.

International Constitutional Law
Provieds English translations of and other textual material related to constitutional documents. It cross-references those documents for quick comparison of constitutional provisions.

International Law (Hieros Gamos)
Deals with principal international documents, treaties and governmental agencies. The main practice areas related to private and public international law are trade, commercial, human rights, war & peace, intellectual property, and litigation.

A legal education portal to legal instruction, information and scholarship online, including subject guides to international and comparative law. It includes legal news coverage and commentaries written by expert legal scholars, leading policy makers and key legal ...

Legal Research on International Law issues using the Internet
Subject guide to international law specialising in international trade law and human rights

Northwestern University Library
Government publications and maps, international and U.S resources, and international governmental organisations. Northwestern is a depository library for U.S. government, State of Illinois, United Nations, Organization of American States, European Union, and World Tourism ...

Project on International Courts and Tribunals
A joint undertaking of the Center on International Cooperation (CIC) (New York University), and the Centre for International Courts and Tribunals (University College London) to address the legal, institutional and financial issues arising from the multiplication of ...


United States
THOMAS : Legislative Information on the Internet
Maintained by the Library of Congress, provides a wide range of American legislative information and full text access to US treaties.


International Law Institute
The International Law Institute is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that offers training in finance, management, law and governance, with particular focus on helping to solve the legal, economic, and financial problems of developing countries. It offers programs ...


European Union
European journal of international law
A searchable electronic journal of international law with a European focus. Current developments in trials being held at the International Court of Justice, World Trade Organisation and other international courts are reported and discussed in full text. Other features ...


American Journal of International Law
Articles and editorials, notes and comments by preeminent scholars on developments in international law and international relations. Contains summaries and analyses of decisions by national and international courts and arbitral or other tribunals, and of contemporary US ...

Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal
A full text (pdf format), web-based, American legal journal dedicated to issues facing Asia and the Pacific Rim. Published by the William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaii.

ASIL Insights
ASIL Insights are brief, balanced updates on international law issues, designed to inform decision makers and the public of the relevance of international law to current events and produced by the American Society of International Law. Coverage from 1996.

Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law
First established by Duke University Law School in 1990. Full text available from 1997.

E Law
Refereed articles in all aspects of law, from 1993. Includes subject, author and title indexes.

East European Constitutional Review
The East European Constitutional Review (EECR) is an electronic journal which was published by the New York University School of Law between 1992 and 2003. The journal published scholarly articles on the legal and constitutional developments in postsocialist law and politics.

Emory International Law Review
Essays, articles, comments, book reviews, and recent developments in international law. Coverage 1995-1998, not recently updated.

Global Legal Monitor
The Global Legal Monitor is an online publication from the Law Library of Congress covering legal news and developments worldwide. It is updated frequently and draws on information from the Global Legal Information Network, official national legal publications, and reliable ...

International Law in Brief
A core electronic publication of The American Society of International Law, since 1998 and prepared by the editors of International Legal Materials, ILIB contains analytical abstracts of significant recent documents reflective of the broad, contemporary nature of ...

International Review of the Red Cross
Published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) specialized in the field of international humanitarian law and humanitarian action and policy. The aim of the journal is to promote reflection, critical analysis and dialogue on humanitarian issues in armed ...

Melbourne Journal of International Law
The Melbourne Journal of International Law is a student-edited, peer reviewed academic journal with the aim of providing a forum facilitating scholarly research and discussion of international law issues, particularly those affecting the Asia-Pacific region.

New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
Features articles on public and private international law by leading scholars and practitioners, as well as notes, case comments, and book annotations. Full text from 1998.

Stanford Journal of International Law
Seeks to promote scholarship of the highest quality through timely, innovative, and important pieces on international and comparative legal topics. Subscription required for full text. Table of Contents from 1990.

Temple International and Comparative Law Journal
Covers public and private international law and offers discussion on a variety of comparative law topics. Subscription required for full text.

Web Journal of Current Legal Issues
Current legal issues in judicial decisions, law reform, legislation, legal research, policy related socio-legal research, legal information, information technology and practice. Full text from 1995.


Russian Federation
East European Constitutional Review
The East European Constitutional Review (EECR) is an electronic journal which was published by the New York University School of Law between 1992 and 2003. The journal published scholarly articles on the legal and constitutional developments in postsocialist law and politics ...


Policy and Research
An information service on environmental law, operated jointly by UNEP, IUCN and FAO. Includes bibliographic and analytical information on multilateral and bilateral treaties, European Union legal instruments, national legislation, and other non-binding policy and technical ...

International Boundaries Research Unit
IBRU, located at the University of Durham, works to enhance the resources available for the peaceful resolution of problems associated with international boundaries on land and at sea, including their delimitation, demarcation and management. The site includes a searchable ...

Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
A centre for the research and study of international law affiliated with the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge. Includes an archive of selected lectures, seminar materials and annual reports, and lists publications. Contains the State Responsibility Project of ...


Treaties and Conventions
Australian treaties library
The Australian Treaties Library disseminates treaty information to the public in a freely accessible form through the Internet. It is a fully searchable, hypertext-linked resource that includes treaty texts, indexes, status lists, and explanatory material. It was developed ...


Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
The Committee reviews and reports on all treaty actions proposed by the Government. This site provides information about the Committee and its reports.


European Union
Council of Europe - Treaty Office
The Council of Europe's offical treaty web site. Conventions and Agreements in the European Treaty Series (ETS) from 1949 - 2003 (ETS Nos 001 to 193). Series is continued by Council of Europe Treaty Series CETS 194 and following.


ASIL Electronic Resources Guide: Treaties
Provides information on the treaty making process and links to web sites with substantial full text content. Covers treaty web sites provided by the United Nations, individual nations, non-government organisations and international and regional organisations. There are also ...

Australian Treaties Database
"The Australian Treaties Database (ATD) is an on-line resource for researching treaties to which Australia is a signatory, or where Australia has taken other treaty action." Provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade this index provides useful summary ...

EISIL – the Electronic Information System for International Law
EISIL provides access to the highest quality authenticated primary materials, authoritative web sites and helpful research guides to international law on the Internet.

Flare index to treaties
The Index includes entries for all the treaties and conventions in force now concluded by or under the auspices of the: Council of Europe (CETS series) International Labour Organisation (ILO C series) Organisation of American States (OAS) And a selection concluded by or ...

International Humanitarian Law - Treaties & Documents
The International Humanitarian Law database contains treaties and other texts relating to war from 1856 to the present. It also includes the Commentaries on the four Geneva Conventions and their two Additional Protocols of 1977. The database records the current situation ...

International Treaties Library
Search page and links for international law materials and treaties on WorldLII.

Multilaterals Project
The Multilaterals Project makes available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments. The collection includes treaties in the fields of environmental law, human rights, commerce and trade, laws of war and arms control, and other areas.


South Africa
South African Cyber Treaty Series
Aims to provide a list of multilateral treaties South Africa has entered into, with, where possible, links to full text versions, as well as to ratification information.

United Kingdom
UK Treaties Online
UK Treaties Online provides access to the details of over 14,000 treaties involving the United Kingdom. The database includes links to the text of Command Papers published in the Treaty Series from 1892 to 1996.

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International Law & Trade Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

These news come from .

International Law & Trade Law & Lawyers Links

Pages - Australian Government Attorney -General's Department

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department. Attorney Generals Department ..Trade law. International Trade law ..

10-11 September 2010 Old Parliament House, Canberra

Fisheries and International Trade Law. Camille Goodman, Senior Legal Officer, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's. Department ..

International legal services and cooperation - Attorney -General's ..

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. and Trade to engage in international market access negotiations at ..

ILSAC Submission on Legal Services Department of Foreign Affairs ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC). 2. What Australian .. corporations. In a free trade agreement with Korea, Australian law firms seek: 1.

International legal services - Attorney -General's Department


legal services concern the international or transnational trade in .. research or representation services provided by a qualified lawyer or a law firm.

26th International Trade Law Conference 2004 - Attorney -General's ..

Mr Stephen Bouwhuis, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department. No paper available. Topic: The US Free Trade Agreement ..

26th International Trade Law Conference. - Attorney -General's ..

- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. MARK JENNINGS. Senior Counsel, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department. DOMINIC TRINDADE ..

The APEC legal services website | Australian Government ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. rights of foreign lawyers to provide services in foreign and/or international law; and; rights for ..

Annual Report 2008-09 Output 1.4 - Attorney -General's Department

The Department leads the Australian delegation to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). An officer from the ..

World Trade Organization and the liberalisation of trade in legal ..

provide access for foreign lawyers to practise foreign law (home-country, third-country and international law), and; provide a right to work in ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Submission ..

commercial associations with local lawyers/law firms or employ local lawyers. .. Australia's legal services sector and international trade in legal services have ..


- Attorney-General, The Hon Robert McClelland MP. Session 1. 9:15 – 10:15. Chair: Speakers: Review of developments in international trade law and status ..

Int Trade Brochure Opt2 - Attorney -General's Department

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. MARK JENNINGS. Senior Counsel, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department. DOMINIC TRINDADE ..

Introduction - Attorney -General's Department

- INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW SYMPOSIUM. 3–4 March 2006. Canberra. Review of developments in international trade law by the Attorney-General's ..

Legal system - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. The common law system, as developed in the United Kingdom, forms the basis of .. The federal Attorney-General's Department is responsible for administering funding for ..

Internationalisation Australian Law Degree - International Legal ..

international law is becoming a necessity for all lawyers.5 .. trade in the delivery of legal services, consistently with the General Agreement on Trade in Services ..


The benefits to Indonesia of liberalisation of trade in legal services . .. Penasehat hukum are usually in large law firms based on international models and most ..

Strategic Global Engagement - International Legal Services ..

is essential to promote international trade and investment. Australian law firms have a strong reputation in the region for working in close collaboration with local ..

Hot Topics 60 - Australian Legal System

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. .. International law – adversarial and inquisitorial – customary law – legal system ... international trade law.

Submission DR96 - International Legal Services Advisory Council ..

to expanding international trade in legal services informed by both a .. Close collaboration between the Australian Government, ILSAC, law firms with an ..

International law

specific legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. .. Tribunals – International Criminal Court – World Trade .. international economic law (including trade, ..

Submission to the Legal Services Review Committee of

- Australian law firms involved in international trade and investment provide a wide range of services to corporations, financial institutions, and government clients.

Graduate opportunities with the Australian Government Department ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. Desk Officer, Sea Law, Environment Law and Antarctic Section. .. After graduating from university, I spent some time overseas before taking up a position as a lawyer at a top tier law firm in ..


The New South Wales Young Lawyers International Law Committee appreciates .. Nations Commission on International Trade Law ('UNCITRAL'), the ILC notes ..

List of Lawyers Abu Dhabi and Al Ain This list is provided for the ..

DFAT does not accept any responsibility for the quality of work performed by any lawyer on this list". Speciality: International and Criminal Law.

Principles for the Liberalisation of Trade in Legal Services

liberalisation of trade in legal services: 1. Formal recognition, on reasonable terms, of the right to practise home-country law, international law, and where ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council Export Strategy ..

Former Parliamentary Secretary for Trade .. Australia's commercial lawyers and law schools are among the most professional and respected in ..

What we offer - Areas of law - International law


LAW. With strengths in: international agreements, international trade and business, .. boundaries, AGS has a team of lawyers specialising in international law.

Mission: Improve the international presence and performance of ..

- Availability of improved statistics on international trade in legal services, including the capture of exports/imports by overseas offices Australian law firms.

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

REID, Mr John, Assistant Secretary, International Law, Trade and Security Branch, Attorney-General's Department. RUTHERFORD, Mr Douglas ..


The influence of international law on statutory interpretation, development of the .. is that of the municipal lawyer but a municipal lawyer familiar with the federal .. address the classification and analysis of Australia's international trade laws.

Conference program - Attorney-General's Department

- Robert Cornall – Secretary, Attorney-General's Department. Renée Leon – First Assistant Secretary, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation ..

REID, Mr John, Assistant Secretary, International Law, Trade and Security Branch,. Attorney-General's Department .

Internet Resource Guide:Civil and Human Rights Law Resources

Discusses the relationship between international human rights law and domestic law .. A network of Australian lawyers interested in furthering awareness and .. to achieve this aim; Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade human rights page ..

Law Council of Australia Submission

financial and legal services [trade between Australia and India]."1. 2. .. The Law Council notes the submission of the International Legal Services .. groups of Indian lawyers and law firms to oppose the government's attempts.

News - International Legal Services Advisory Council

Law firms delivered 75% of legal and related services overseas, patent .. law firms in China and foreign investment and trade opportunities.

Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ..

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights .. Dr Helen Durham, Strategic Adviser of International Law. 21 .. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy

Specialising in: Commercial, Civil, Criminal Laws; Labour Disputes and Arbitration, .. Finance, International Trade, Employment, Patent and Trade Mark Law, ..

Projects by country - International Legal Services Advisory Council

Negotiations for a proposed free trade agreement between Australia and New .. Foreign Lawyers and the Practice of Foreign Law in Australia ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

providing advice on international human rights law and its domestic .. Attorney-General and the Department to consult stakeholders about their 'big ideas' for ... trade agreements with China, Japan, Korea and Malaysia.


PARTNER, DIBBS ABBOTT STILLMAN LAWYERS, .. Raise awareness for Chinese organisations involved in international trade and keen to .. assist Members lacking a competition law in drafting an appropriate law and establishing ..

Legalising documents | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's ..

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. The law in most countries requires that a signature on a document be .. can be found at the Hague Conference on Private International Law website. .. birth, death or marriage certificates; powers of attorney and other legal documents; medical certificates.

ACLPD Program 2010 - International Legal Services Advisory Council

The Secretary provided the lawyers with an overview of the Australian .. A welcome dinner was hosted by the Law Council of Australia. .. the quintessential role that legal services play in facilitating trade, initiatives of this kind ..

Biographical information - Part-time Members - MRT-RRT

She has also worked as an Industrial Advocate for a trade union and as a case .. She held various roles advising on international law, including human rights, and .. She has worked in private legal practice and as a corporate lawyer with a ..


This Paper has been prepared by the International Legal Services Advisory Council .. admission of overseas qualified lawyers to practise the law of Australia. .. It is also noted that Australia's ability to negotiate favourable trade outcomes for ..

Internet Resource Guide: Business Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Business Law. .. Australian Corporate Lawyers Association · Australian Insurance Law .. International Trade; Title 30.


qualified lawyers will enrich Australia‟s legal profession, absorbing lawyers with experience in. English law, the law of choice for much international trade and ..

International law - find LEGAL answers

Jump to ý: About: Links to a range of international agencies and resources .. law including international courts, tribunals, NGOs, trade ..

Doing business in Indonesia - For Australian exporters - Austrade ..

Australian Government Australian Trade Commission .. Indonesia has committed to permit foreign lawyers to work or take part in Indonesian law firms (up to .. limit of 20 per cent) as employees or experts in international law.

Lawyers Porto - Australian Embassy

List of Portuguese lawyers conversant in English in the Porto area .. Areas of Practice: International private law, foreign investment, commercial law, companies .. and Business law, International trade law, M&A, Agency and Distributorship, ..

Arrested or in jail | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. pay your lawyer's fees, instigate court procedures or interfere in local judicial .. However, under international law, countries are not obliged to recognise dual nationality.

Unleashing the Tiger? – Competition Law in China and Hong Kong ..

The interdependency of countries engaging in international trade and .. In Australia administrators, regulators, lawyers and judges have many areas of work which can be described as involving the local application of local laws even though ..

Internet Resource Guide: Criminal Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Criminal Law. .. investigative powers for law enforcement (Standing Committee of Attorneys-General and .. Internal Trade in, and Use of Prepared Opium, the Commonwealth bans the import and ..

Law Council of Australia Trade Practices Workshop Surfing the ..

Lawyers and law reformers should be ready to point out to legislators the .. between international trade and competition law and recent ..

Law enforcement conference

These are just some of the major public policy matters for corporate lawyers, .. by Australia's trade practices regulator? what are the trends internationally in ..

Contacts for international child abduction and access

International Family Law Section Access to Justice Division Australian Government Attorney-General's Department CANBERRA. Telephone: ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Customs and trade

With strengths in: border protection, cargo and trade, customs law and .. We have a strong network of lawyers across AGS who regularly practise in this area.


true of the law as it is of other sectors of our society and of our economy. * * * * * *. There has been a liberalisation of international trade in ..

Australian Legal Services - International Legal Services Advisory ..

- Foreign Law Firms with a Commercial Presence in Australia (Table) 13. Trade in .. Outlook Conference], Australian Legal Convention, International Trade Law ..

Pages - Annual Report 2009-10 Performance Reports - Outcome 1

To achieve Outcome 1, the Attorney-General's Department provides a diverse range .. The Department participated in negotiations for an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement to address .. Component 1.2.4 International law ..


Australia's proper interests in the progressive development of international law relating to world trade. E. Australian industry and external lawyers need to be ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Competition and trade practices law

Competition and consumer law is relevant to every transaction between .. and consumer protection lawyers to assist them with legal matters in these areas.

AANZFTA impacts on the Australian Capital Territory for trade in ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. Vietnam has bound arrangements under which foreign law firms can ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy - Australian embassy in Belgrade

Area of Specialisation: Civil, Family, and Commercial Law, Patents, Trade Marks .. Area of Specialisation: International and Commercial Law, Intellectual ..

Export Practices – practical skills

international trade law – our international lawyer will examine international contracts, contracts of carriage, international payments and insurance. - banking and ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Indonesia - International Legal ..

- professional legal associations, local, Australian and foreign law firms, and .. of Foreign Affairs and Trade, using various international sources, August 2001.

Legal Services Directions 2005

(d) the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for matters relating to ... (c) international law work where the Attorney-General has approved ..

find LEGAL answers - Intellectual Property - Copyright

Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. domestic and international laws of copyright; moral rights; performers' rights; creative commons; ..

Annual Report 2007-08 Output 1.4 - Attorney-General's Department

The Office of International Law also continues to work closely with other agencies on the conduct of World Trade Organization (WTO) litigation.

Attorney General's Department - 27 May 2011 - Chartered Institute of ..

The Honourable Greg Smith SC, Attorney General of New South .. Law from the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

background paper 10 - Law Reform Commission of WA

The controversy of international law and the Australian legal system .. has worked as an international lawyer in the United Nations Indigenous human rights ... These laws involve a diverse range of matters including trade, war, human rights ..


Other domestic laws are of international concern. .. and securities, laws relating to foreign investment and international trade, laws relating to the sale of .. A lawyer brought up in the western positivist tradition may find it hard to appreciate that, ..

Outlook of Australia's Legal Sector over the next decade

Eleven Australian law firms maintain a physical presence in 37 locations .. Last Friday I released the International Legal Services Advisory ..

Sources of International Law – The Place of Treaties - Treaties in the ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Traditionally, the sources of international law are regarded as being listed in Article 38 of the .. Lawyers could argue over whether claims to the territorial sea or the straight ..


welcomed the Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Hon Robert McClelland MP, and .. Chief Justice Keane attended the 12th International Criminal Law Congress in .. Business Law Section Trade Practices Conference on 21 August 2010.

Comlaw Home

New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant .. Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (formerly known as the Trade Practices Act 1974) .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) This ..

Legal work that must be undertaken by AGD or AGS or DFAT or OPC

the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ("DFAT") or the Office .. provider is obtained from the Attorney-General, in accordance with Appendix A. .. Domestic litigation involving a significant public international law issue* ..

Appendix F

Corrs Chambers Westgarth Lawyers. Ms Lisa Barker, Special Counsel, International Trade Law. Meat & Livestock Australia. Dr Peter Barnard, General Manager, ..

Travel Advice for United Arab Emirates - Australian Department of ..

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Statements by international terrorist groups continue to call for attacks against Westerners .. When you are in the UAE, be aware that local laws and penalties, including ones .. A list of lawyers capable of representing Australian citizens in the UAE on such ..


1 Partner, Minter Ellison, Lawyers, Melbourne; President, Australian Centre for International Commercial. Arbitration .. international conventions and laws which have been widely adopted. The most .. significant trading countries of the world.

Government responds to Phillip Morris trade claim - Attorney ..

22 December 2011 - Government responds to Phillip Morris trade claim .. at the University of Ottawa, and is a member of the International Law Commission.

ACLPD Program 2009 - International Legal Services Advisory Council

The Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department Mr Roger Wilkins AO .. by the Director International, Ms Margery Nicoll of the Law Council of Australia. .. Speedy Protection of Confidential Information and Trade Secrets: ..

Internet Resource Guide: Administrative Law

Centre for International and Public Law (CIPL) (ANU College of Law) .. the proposed Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) (Attorney-General's Dept) .. Ms Vivian Solon - interim report (Senate Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Committee) ..

Government Response - Attorney-General's Department

- Just as importantly, harmonisation of law relating to succession, powers of attorney .. The Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) features strongly, both in .. on the consumer protection provisions of the Trade Practices Act. COAG has .. in Australia's competition, productivity and international competitiveness.

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA: Indonesia entry-into-force ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. work in Indonesian law firms as employees or experts in international law (with the share ..

Hot Topics - Issue 65: Human Rights - find LEGAL answers

specific legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. Copyright in Hot .. International law – human rights in international law – international treaties, covenants and .. international trade, and laws regulating the global environment. As well ..

Australian Consular Operations Handbook: Part 5: Legal advice ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Part 5: Legal advice, legal processes and notarial service .. All lawyers should have some English language capability and list other language skills .. A copy should be sent to DFAT, addressed Attention: Senior Legal Adviser/International Legal Division.

Report: The Torres Strait: Bridge and Border

DAVIS, Ms Jackie, Acting Chief Lawyer, Governance and Legal Division. NIBLETT, Ms .. MORRIS, Mr Paul Charles, Executive Manager, Trade and Market Access Division. PITTAR .. McDOUGALL, Mr John, Policy Officer, International Section .. O'GORMAN, Mr Daniel Paul, Lawyer, Gizra Tribe, Papua New Guinea. Friday ..

Interview with Justice Kirby, by Jordan Tilse, 28 April 2003

How has international law primarily influenced and shaped .. Trade law, for example, is an extremely important part of international law. .. Past generations of lawyers didn't have to worry too much about international law.

ILSAC's second survey - International Legal Services Advisory Council

ILSAC's second International Legal Services Statistics Survey (2006-07) .. The survey was sent out to 170 Australian law firms, legal practices, .. Export and cross-border trade in legal services: Overview and comparisons ..

0909 Law - Study in Australia

As you can see from these examples, law is a diverse field and can be very rewarding. .. Many Australian law firms also have international operations.

Business Plan – 2007 to 2010 (Sixth Term) International Legal ..

Increased participation by Australian law firms in the export of legal services. • Availability of improved statistics on international trade in legal services, including ..


CENTRE FOR CORPORATE LAW AND SECURITIES REGULATION .. of Australian Corporations Law, examined in this seminar, in the international .. amongst Australian lawyers of the importance of the law of trading partners in our region.

The impact of globalization on Indigenous Intellectual Property and ..

As I have already argued, the globalization of trade and communications presents .. Many scholars have already criticized specific elements of the model law, .. particular attention of Indigenous representatives and international lawyers who ..

WTO Publication.indd - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

demonstrated expertise in the law, international trade and WTO agreements; ... Counsel in the Office of International Law of the Commonwealth Attorney- ..

Chapter 19 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA ..

- For example, panelists can be chosen from among those who are not ordinarily members of large law firms. Just as international trade arbitrators increasingly ..

ILSAC Brochure 2007-2010 [DOC 40KB] - International Legal ..

- The International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) is a high level consultative .. It advises on market access barriers, international trade negotiations .. mobility of lawyers between Australia and India and support closer ties in law and ..

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - International Legal Services Advisory Council

requires the prior written permission of the International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC). .. Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade are gratefully acknowledged. ... foreign law firms, and commercial dispute resolution. 4 ..


by COF AUSTRALIA - BAXTER, Mr James Victor, Assistant Secretary, WTO Trade Law Branch, Department of .. lawyers we also have with us today our legal counsel, Allan Myers .. risked violating Australia's domestic laws and international treaty ..

Publications & research - AGS publications - AGS legal notes ..

Papers by AGS lawyers .. public instrumentalities, abuse of market power, and unconscionable conduct and the Trade Practices Act 1974. .. Discusses prosecuting corporate law offences, private international law, public interests immunity, ..

What we offer - Areas of law - Customs and trade

With strengths in: border protection, cargo and trade, customs law and .. We have a strong network of lawyers across AGS who regularly practise in this area.

Publications by A to Z

This research was commissioned by the Federal Attorney-General's .. US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 2004; A New Family Law System .. Over recent years, the Hague Conference on Private International Law has been ..


list from information publicly available regarding lawyers practising in. Hong Kong .. Commercial, Company, Banking, Investment, PRC Law, International Trade, ..

Discrimination in Employment and Occupation

What does international law say about discrimination in employment? .. disability; nationality; physical disability; sexual preference and; trade union activity. .. complaint, including recommendations for action, for the federal Attorney General.

What we offer - Areas of law - Courts and tribunals

Our litigation lawyers have extensive experience in federal courts and .. wide area and includes common law, commercial litigation, trade practices and taxation.

Graduate opportunities with the Australian Government Department ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Before joining the Department I worked as a lawyer at Mallesons Stephen Jaques in Sydney. .. While studying I was fascinated by international law and the role of diplomacy ..

Internet Resource Guide: Intellectual Property Law

Law Internet Resources .. Court and Tribunal decisions, law reports etc .. An international non-profit professional society whose members are actively .. (Australian and New Zealand Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys).

Use of legal services - Australian Public Service Commission

Reporting: Agencies are to report to the Attorney-General or OLSC on significant .. public international law, advice to Cabinet, national security and legislative ..

Trade, import and export

The Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) assists Australian businesses to .. and promotes and supports productive foreign investment and international .. the community and maintaining appropriate compliance with Australian law; ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2006-07

Office of International Law (Output 1.4), 83,. 88–9. Security .. Attorney-General's NGO Forum on Domestic ... international commerce, see trade and trade law ..

FINAL CIArb submission on IAA - Attorney-General's Department

"Simply Resolving Disputes" the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Key Note .. the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on 7 July 2006 at ..

Instant Index Journals, Law Reports & Looseleaf Services - Lawlink ..

Administrative Review Council (Australia) Report to the Attorney General 342.0664 [94] ADMI .. American Journal of International Law J AMER 2 BAYS 69-87 .. Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices Advertising and Marketing Law ..

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. take part in Indonesian law firms as employees or experts in international law1 and Vietnam ..

Hearing: Inquiry into the Deterring People Smuggling Bill 2011

Human Rights Law Centre (Submission 7) (via teleconference). Ms Rachel .. 11:10am – 11:40am Australian Lawyers Alliance (Submission 18) (via .. Mr John Reid, Assistant Secretary, International Law, Trade and Security ..

Annual Report 2004-05 Part 1 Overviews - Attorney-General's ..

The Office of International Law, together with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Geoscience Australia, prepared and presented ..

NSW Young Lawyers

18 October 2011. Chair, NSW Young Lawyers International Law Committee: Peter Anagnostou .. The Law Society of New South Wales, Young Lawyers –. International Law Committee .. breach Australia's trade practices laws. In particular ..

Slavery cover

Attorneys-General requested the Model Criminal Code Officers Committee .. participation in the slave trade into very serious criminal offences together .. International law contains a large number of international agreements on the outlawing ..


The International Legal Services Advisory Council's third biennial survey .. growth of the Wall Street and Magic Circle law firms was their proximity to the .. It is he changing nature of world trade and capital flows that make an ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Criminology Research Advisory ..

He is also the Secretary of the Standing Committee of Attorneys General, .. He practiced in the field of criminal law in Victoria until 1986 when he moved to .. the law courts and tribunals, corrective services, security, fair trading, workplace .. and a Master of International Law (Australian National University).

International Counter-Terrorism: Department of Foreign Affairs and ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. international counter-terrorism efforts are focused on law enforcement, intelligence, border ..

LIAC Subject Headings Scheme

Constitution Dispute resolution. Guides to the law. International law. Justice of the Peace Law reform. Lawyers Legal costs. Legal dictionaries ..

Internet Resource Guide: Military Law

Describes Internet resources relating to military law. .. and operational law rather than on the international laws of war and overseas peacekeeping. .. Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee); 2004 An Update on military discipline : the .. Includes full text of the Army Lawyer, Military Law Review & other TJAGLCS ..

NSW Court of Appeal - Recent Decisions of Interest - Supreme Court ..

DISCLAIMER: Subject to operation of the law, the Supreme Court (NSW) disclaims all .. Ilvariy Pty Ltd trading as Craftsman Homes v Sijuk [2011] NSWCA 12 .. Lawyers: negligence; plaintiff obtained order under Family Provision Act 1982 for ... Statutory interpretation: relevance of international law to the ..

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA: Indonesia entry-into-force ..

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. work in Indonesian law firms as employees or experts in international law ..

Client focused solutions - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Crown Law acted for the Attorney-General and instructed counsel to .. such as criminal law, maritime law, environmental law, international law, .. and use State land; The Trade Practices Act and National Competition Policy ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Australia - International Legal ..

- professional legal associations, local, Australian and foreign law firms, and ... Australian participation in international trade in legal services commenced ..

Transaction Costs and International Litigation - Supreme Court ..

by CJOFNEWS WALES - - The expansion of international trade and investment over recent .. Unless business lawyers are seen to deliver a cost-effective service, you ..

Commonwealth - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. democracy, economics and development, women's affairs, youth, legal issues, health and education. ... It was founded in 1987 by the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, ..

Federal Court of Australia - information for practitioners

Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide The Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide .. and practical manner by admiralty attorneys and maritime professionals. .. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) ..

Legal Services Liberalisation classification proposal

- Council for Trade in Services .. (g) International law (advisory services) – limited to providing advice or consultancy services in international law; .. to describe the service provider as a foreign lawyer, legal practitioner, advocate, foreign legal ..

Commercial notes

About the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The Commission was .. Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

HANSEN, Mr Paul, Director, International Family Law Section, .. Branch, Australian Passport Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. LYNCH, Ms Angela, Community Legal Education Lawyer, Women's Legal ..

Developments of the criminal law in New South Wales, Australia ..

2nd International Conference of the Australian-Italian Lawyers Association .. Although I am not primarily speaking to you about international law matters as such, ... This disgusting trade was a blot on Australia's reputation and an indictment of ..

Attorney General's Department - 14 April 2011 - Regulatory Reform ..

anti‑discrimination law and policy for more cohesive, and hence more .. of the economic advantages to our nation from international trade.

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

the Australian Energy Regulator, established by the Trade Practices Act 1974, .. the requirements for the award of a Master of International Law from the ANU. .. AGS has a team of lawyers specialising in privacy and FOI law.

The Globalisation of the Consumer - Attorney-General's Department

- This paper is, by necessity, a brief summary of the laws in these areas and is .. with the focus on remedies under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) ("TPA"). .. [15] There are ongoing attempts in the international legal community to obtain ..

Australia/ Indonesia Working Group on Legal Cooperation ..

- the implementation of international law relating to fishing in Australia .. cooperation activities between the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Attorney-General's Department. ... Alison Duncan, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ..

Classification Review Board members

specialising in communications and international trade law. .. Legal Aid Service as a policy lawyer and is currently employed with the NT Legal Aid Commission ..

Graduate opportunities with the Australian Government Department ..

The program covered areas such as economics, trade, international law, politics, .. As a lawyer, why would you recommend DFAT over other career options?

Annex B - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. In many areas of international trade law, by contrast, the benefit of treaty obligations ... a specialist international lawyer and a member of the International Law Commission.

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties: Treaties tabled on 9 August ..

Mr John Atwood, Principal Lawyer, Office of International Law .. Mr Craig Burns , General Manager, Trade Policy, Market Access and ..

World Trade Organisation WTO and the Liberalisation of Trade in ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) - .. either in commercial association with host-country lawyers/law firms or on their own ..

ALRC 80 Legal risk in international transactions

(a) civil remedies available under Australian law for claims arising out of civil or commercial .. (a) the impact of Australia's participation in international trade and .. (a) the Attorney-General's Department and other relevant Commonwealth ..


- PROMOTING SYDNEY AS A CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL .. as a centre for international arbitration to law firms and businesses in South Korea .. Commercial Arbitration Board in their offices at the Trade Tower in Seoul.

Lawyers & Solicitors - Business - Government of South Australia

Beger & Co Lawyers - Adelaide South Australia View details .. Collison & Co are a Patent and Trade Mark attorney firm having been serving clients .. to a broad range of clients, both public and private, throughout Australia and internationally.

THE PHILIPPINES - International Legal Services Advisory Council

Affairs and Trade, Canberra, are gratefully acknowledged. Legal Services .. Published by the International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC). Secretariat ... English is the language of the law and lawyers in the Philippines.8. However ..


The lawyers and judges of today are living through a remarkable rapprochement .. Instead, I want to take you down into the engineroom of international law. .. the International Money Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organisation into areas of ..

Australian Administrative Law - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW

Senior Members may be lawyers or have special knowledge or skills ... This is particularly so in the area of international trade law, where the ..

Human rights and anti-discrimination - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade · Australian Law Reform .. domestic human rights matters; anti-discrimination legislation, and; implementation of international human rights ..

Report - Inquiry into the operation of Australia's refugee and ..

- Ms Robyn Frost, Principal Legal Officer, Public International Law Branch, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department .. Secretary, International Organisations and Legal Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Criminal law

Customs and trade. spacer .. With strengths in: law enforcement inquiries and investigations. Many AGS lawyers have experience in criminal law as a result of ..

Appendix B - Witnesses

Mr John Atwood, Principal Lawyer, Office of International Law .. Mr Craig Burns, General Manager, Trade Policy, Market Access and. Biosecurity. Ms Kristiane ..

this speech on IP - Federal Court of Australia

Rich Text Format - Intellectual property lawyers who have to apply these words are lonely people. .. upon the access of other traders to the use of insect like shapes as trade marks.' .. people we meet and increasingly the international dimensions of the work.

Indigenous peoples - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

If you want specific legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. .. S James Anaya, Indigenous peoples in international law, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2004 at p 3. 2. Study of ... parts of Europe through trade routes and were heavily ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Cambodia - International Legal ..

- Published by the International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Secretariat .. of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra; the Australian Agency for International .. professional legal associations, local, Australian and foreign law firms, and ..

Internet Resource Guide: Transport Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Transport Law. .. Links to guides and directories giving access to international and State .. Select "Publications" to view Trade & Transport Alert, a regular summary of transport law issues .. page of Countryman & McDaniel, US Customs Broker Attorneys.

3. International initiatives | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) ... will call for the benefit of harmonisation but expect it to be achieved by the lawyers'.


government departments and private sector law firms. The idea was soon expanded .. united Nations Commission on International Trade Law (uNCITRAL). 58 ..

Opening of Meeting Adoption of the Agenda - Attorney-General's ..

the Directorate of International Law, at the MoLHR. The activities will include a five day seminar for about 40 government lawyers on international commercial ..

Strengthening Commercial Laws in the APEC Region

are International Law, the Law of Torts and International Trade Law. .. association of international law firms, and has 15 years experience in the delivery of ..

Submission: Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological ..

behalf of both Griffith Hack and Griffith Hack Lawyers. Griffith Hack is one of .. to exclude the patenting of the following under Australian law: 'biological materials .. under certain international trade agreements.' 7. There are ..

Submission 20

Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the AHRC, the Attorney-General's Department (AGD), the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), and the Department .. changes to shared-parenting laws (2006 amendment to the Commonwealth ..

Remedies, commerce and cross border risk - Australian Law Reform ..

[xvi] It reflects the general international growth in trade and capital flows. ... The Attorney-General has oversight of Australia's international law obligations and ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Japan - International Legal ..

- Published by the International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Secretariat, Attorney-General's ..

AANZFTA impacts on Queensland for trade in goods and services ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. practice in Vietnamese law firms to advise on foreign/international law.


Some Australian lawyers who respond eagerly to new forces of globalisation, and .. "The common law does not necessarily conform with international law, but .. of the Thai Court of Intellectual Property in Trade and has received visits from ..


legal advice is best sought from a registered patent or trade marks attorney or .. Australia's IP laws provide a legal ... international conventions, the earliest ..

Submission 99 - Professor Gus Van Harten - Bilateral and Regional ..

SUBMISSION TO: Review of Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements, Productivity. Commission, GPO .. Consider for instance that civil and international law rely on the .. words of one attorney, the ability to sue under an investment treaty is: ..

Sanctions: Reforms to Australia's Autonomous Sanctions Regime

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Australia [PDF 185 KB] · NSW Young Lawyers (International Law Committee) [PDF 47 KB] ..

Insider Trading in Australia: Part 2 Extent and Effects

enforcement of insider trading laws in the United States, and to a lesser extent in Britain, led .. work in the four largest law firms in each of the cities that we visited. The study also .. international reputation of Australia. These are the general ..

Service in Australia - Attorney-General's Department

- Letters of Request should be sent to: Private International Law Section. Access to Justice Division Australian Attorney-General's Department 3-5 National Circuit ..

Speeches by Chief Justice French AC - High Court of Australia

University of New South Wales, Law School 40th Anniversary, Sydney, 17 September .. Judging Science - 13th Greek/Australian International Legal and Medical .. Gilbert &: Tobin Centre of Public Law, Sydney, 19 February 2010 (PDF) .. Surfing the Wavefront, Law Council of Australia Trade Practices Workshop, Yarra ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Constitutional law

By leaders. spacer. By lawyer's name .. Competition and consumer law, Menu Plus. spacer .. Customs and trade. spacer .. International law. spacer .. LAW. With strengths in: Attorney-General interventions and federal/state responsibilities.

abduction, 17, 31, 32, 40, 46, 49 Aboriginal Justice Advisory ..

ATTORNEY–GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2005–06. 310. Index. A abduction .. international law, 18 .. Australia – United States Free Trade Agreement. (AUSFTA) .. Centre for International and Public Law, 32. Centrelink ..

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee:Criminal ..

.. Watch & International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School .. 24 Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Defence and the Attorney-General ..

International arbitration of admiralty and maritime disputes in Australia

And, in time, as we know, international trade and commerce expanded beyond the .. Maritime lawyers were forced to confront the need for rules to govern ..

Attorney General's Department - 9 September 2011 - 'kon gres ..

The International Arbitration Act 1974 adopts the Model Law from the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and gives effect ..


(a) First, maritime law has a truly international and maritime character, notwithstanding that it takes .. maritime related trade in the region, may make this region ripe for .. maritime law described as such, and as separately existing, by lawyers ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Economics: Inquiry into ..

Mr James Baxter, Assistant Secretary, Trade Law Branch, Office of Trade .. Mr Paul Trotman, General Manager, Trade and International Branch, .. Mr Andrew Percival, Special Counsel, Corrs Chambers Westgarth Lawyers ..

find LEGAL answers - Human Rights - Human rights

Jump to ý: About: Links to a range of international agencies and resources .. law including international courts, tribunals, NGOs, trade ..

Good > Better > Best

He also established the. Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity in .. Commonwealth Attorney-General's International Legal. Services Advisory ..

09-10 AR FINAL.indd

Our ability to support the Attorney-General as First Law Officer and to provide legal services to the Commonwealth .. and public international law. It accounts for ..

CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Attorney-General's Department

Robert Cornall – Secretary, Attorney-General's Department. Renée Leon – First Assistant Secretary, Office of International Law,. Attorney-General's Department ..


International Trade Law Year in Review. Stephen Bouwhuis – Assistant Secretary, Office of International Law, Attorney-. General's Department ..

Lawyers - Australian Embassy

List of law firms - Abu Dhabi and Al Ain .. Speciality: Local and International Law. .. meetings with officials, arranging trade fair participation, start-up services, ..


The New South Wales Young Lawyers International Law Committee ... property and the need for protection of cultural property from illicit trade and export.

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

Criminal law responses to international parental child abduction .......... 21. Recognition under .. Appointment of Independent Children's Lawyers . .. and Trade, and in the passport application and renewal process); ..

Annex 3 - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

- Foreign legal consultancy on law of jurisdiction where service supplier is qualified as a lawyer (including home country law, third country law, and international ..


Attorney-General on Queensland Floods Recovery .. Mr John Reid, Assistant Secretary, International Law, Trade and Security Branch. Mr Mark ..

BERETTA GODOY - Attorney-General's Department

reality of international business transactions and trade shows that applying a ... Press, Latin Lawyer, International Law Office, and Latin American Energy ..

Fashion Rules - IP Australia - News


acting for the singer and musician are opposing a bid by a local .. Middletons will again be hosting the Fashion Law Breakfast on the 17 March 09 in .. on the importance of Trade Marks and Designs at the Fashion Group International ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Foreign ..

Memorandum of appointment of the local agent or power of attorney in favour .. public or a translator public duly admitted and sworn in accordance with the law.

Human Rights: Discrimination in Employmeny on Basis of Criminal ..

3.1 International law; 3.2 Federal discrimination legislation; 3.3 State and Territory .. it may report to the Attorney-General about laws that should be made by the ... statutory bodies, professional associations and trade groups differ between ..


(1) Activities of representative offices of Australian law firms and. Australian lawyers. (2) Supply of legal services in Australian law, international law and/or third ..

Attorney General's Department - 11 July 2011 - Press Conference ..

This is the very first time that the Commonwealth Law Ministers .. that we can do in the civil law area, given the extent of that international trade.

Attorney General's Department - 1 July 2010 - Address to the ..

implement amendments to adopt the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Model Law on International Commercial ..

speeches_sackvillej14.rtf - Federal Court of Australia

Rich Text Format - AUSTRALIAN LAWYERS AND SOCIAL CHANGE .. The Family Law Act 1975, which introduced a federal system of family law full of reform, hope .. rights, often aided by powerful trading blocs and international organisations, and values such ..

Annual Report 2007-08 Output 1.2 - Attorney-General's Department

Support for the Attorney-General as First Law Officer, advice on constitutional .. Scheme, and promotion of Australian legal services internationally .. Through Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations we are seeking to gain ..

About Australia: Democratic rights and freedoms

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. Judges, in interpreting and applying the law, act independently of the government. .. to provide practical human rights training to judges, lawyers and prison and government officials.

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA: Indonesia entry-into-force ..

The Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area .. Indonesia has committed to permit foreign lawyers to work in Indonesian law firms as employees or experts in international law (with the share of foreign ..

List of Lawyers Dubai & the Northern Emirates

Accord International Advocates & Legal Consultants .. Investments and Regulations, Real Estate and Conveyancing, Criminal Law, .. Shipping and Trade.

ACIP > Members

Mr Allen is immediate past President of the Institute of Patent and Trade Mark .. He is also a Fellow of the International Federation of Patent Attorneys (FICPI) .. She is a member of the Australian Corporate Lawyers Association, the Law ..

Services for Australians - Australian Embassy

Alternatively, contact the CEC directly by dialling +61 2 62613305 (international call charges apply). .. provide a list of local doctors, lawyers and translators .. become involved in commercial disputes, private legal matters or take up .. the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade publishes travel advice for over 160 ..

Adam Elliott Butt

Allens Arthur Robinson - Lawyer - 3 years - 2007- 2009 o Product liability, trade practices, general litigation, corporate and pro bono. - International Criminal ..

What we offer - Areas of law - Corporate law and governance

International law

.. AGS has a sizeable commercial law practice and is able to assist our clients with their commercial transactions. Our specialist lawyers provide legal services to government clients for major commercial projects, .. to issues arising from tender process or actions under trade practices or taxation legislation.

Bills Digest 25, 2011-12 - Intellectual Property Laws Amendment ..

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2011 .. and reduce costs for Australian firms doing business internationally . ... and the Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys: see Law Council of Australia, ..

InternatIonal legal ServIceS advISory councIl

development internationally of Australia's legal and related services .. trade negotiations concerning professional services, and .. It supports law reform, the rule of law and good .. Managing Partner, Ferguson Cannon Lawyers, Maroochydore ..

No Country is an Island: Australia and International Law by Hilary ..

by JM Lee - 2007International lawyers do not normally write .. their country to standards set in international law, and then .. and compared – human rights and international trade.

Dual nationals | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Whether you're a dual national depends on the laws of the country involved. .. Australia can be found on the website of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. .. You may wish to obtain the assistance of a lawyer or a legal aid body to help you ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Home

Trade Based Money Laundering: Risks and regulatory responses: .. to small business in Australia has been released by Attorney-General, .. The Australian Institute of Criminology is holding an international .. on the wrong side of the law are not necessarily understood for their social and welfare needs.

Who to contact - By area of law - Administrative law

By lawyer's name .. Customs and trade .. Free trade agreements .. International law .. We work with clients to identify and manage their administrative legal risks, provide practical legal advice on problems, develop strategies and procedures ..

Instant Index Journals, Law Reports & Looseleaf Services - Lawlink ..

Administrative Review Council (Australia) Report to the Attorney .. American Journal of International Law J AMER 2 BAYS 69-87 .. Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices Advertising and Marketing Law Bulletin J AUST ..


by J Suryomengglo - 2009 - - that Indonesian unions benefited from international pressure during the .. The promulgation of the Trade Union Law signaled the end of the democratic round ... lawyers, can have a legal standing before the court to represent their members.

Albritton Lecture

Rich Text Format - We talked for an hour or so about the law in Australia and the United States. .. the world between judges, lawyers, academics and law students. ... Further, in those parts of the law concerned with international trade and ..


The law has always played a key role in framing that contest and, in recent years, that role has grown. .. The Legal Framework for Water Trading: An Overwhelming Success? .. has published nationally and internationally on water law, sewage law, property and .. One of Australia's leading constitutional lawyers, he has a ..

Current Issues and Developments in Corporate Insolvency Law and ..

current edition of International Financial Law Review 1000 – 2007, and Euromoney - .. a lawyer Patrick worked with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ..

Promoting and protecting the rights of the individual:

Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association, when a small .. APLA Ltd, trading as the Australian. Lawyers .. its commitments under international human rights law.

Judges' Speeches

Customary international law provided for some early recognition of the rights of .. be lawyers, I begin with a rather simplified explanation of the sources of law in ... rights generally, to include such areas as the environment, trade and finance.


ACTA for Australia -- no changes to domestic IP laws -- international IP enforcement ... for introduction of any new TLD -- issues for trade mark lawyers and their ..

China FTA Task Force Department of Foreign Affairs And Trade RG ..

China, with or without a legal license. A number .. Viscopy is a member of the International Confederation of Societies of. Authors .. Copyright Council, the Arts Law Centre or pro bono lawyers. 11. .. This has a key value for international trade ..


For the monist, international law is simply part of the law of the land, together with the .. looking at the question from the point of view of an international lawyer, goes on: ... Cf Aust Parl Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, ..


A measure of the recognition of the growing impact of international law on Australian .. It relates to the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations-Trade .. international law and domestic law is not always enjoyed by trained lawyers.

AANZFTA impacts on Victoria for trade in goods and services ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally ... practice in Vietnamese law firms to advise on foreign/international law.

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - AGD E ..

information about. Copyright · Australian Law Online .. APEC International Intellectual Property Symposium 'Trading Ideas – the Future of IP in Asia-Pacific' 5.

What we offer - Areas of law - Competition and trade practices law

Competition and consumer law is relevant to every transaction between .. and consumer protection lawyers to assist them with legal matters in these areas.

FAQ about international parental child abduction - Attorney ..

The Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Regulations 1986 .. of Foreign Affairs and Trade may be able to assist in locating a lawyer: ..

Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Department of ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. led to Australian lawyers being allowed to provide services in Australian law in Delaware ..

International arbitration of admiralty and maritime disputes in Australia

36th Annual Conference of the Maritime Law Association of .. for those engaged in international trade and commerce, giving force of law in ..

Consultation Regulation Impact Statement - Attorney-General's ..

- 5.1.1 Option 1: Taskforce developed National Law and National Rules 17 ... entry standards discourage internationally experienced lawyers from working in Australia. .. trade agreements which would open key markets to Australian lawyers.


to trade officials, negotiators and lawyers from the Asia Pacific Region who attended the. Public International Trade Law Course at the Asia ..

Australia-China Free Trade Agreement | Australian Government ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally ... Institute for International Business, Economics and Law; University of Adelaide .. Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys ; Insurance Australia Group First submission ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committee: Trick or Treaty ..


-General's Department, Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the .. Brownlie, I, Principles of International Law, 4th ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990. .. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia and International Treaty ..

Governor-General of Australia :: Sir William and Lady Deane

During 1956 and 1957 he was acting lecturer in international law at .. the Federal Court of Australia and the President of the Australian Trade ..


lawyers around the world in common iaw countries and even less so in civil code and ... United Nations Commission on International Trade Law', International ..

Who to contact - Areas of law - Asset sales and privatisation

By lawyer's name. spacer .. Competition and consumer law, Menu Plus .. a trade sale of more than 15 airports in Australia, including major international airports ..

17 November 2010 Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Australia-N ..

- ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) .. Trade in Goods ... can practice in Vietnamese law firms to advise on foreign/international law.

Travel Advice for Qatar - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Every traveller, every trip. .. Statements by international terrorists have called for attacks against Western .. You are required by Australian law to report a lost or stolen passport. .. You should consult a lawyer to resolve custody disputes.

Insider Trading in Australia: Part 3 The Ethical Dimension

As the failure to enforce insider trading laws cannot be .. corporate and takeover law work in the four largest law firms in ... Australia than internationally.

AANZFTA impacts on the Northern Territory for trade in goods and ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. practice in Vietnamese law firms to advise on foreign/international law.

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..

Business, trade and investment. Business, trade and investment. Starting and running a .. Laws and regulations. Laws and regulations. Licences and permits ..

1 Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Inquiry on ..

by P Ranald - WTO agreements and other areas of international law, the way the WTO disputes system operates and its .. and international trade law experts. Developing country ... The International Lawyer v 32 n 3 Fall pp 901-921. Coombe ,R.J. (1998) ..

Australians in Guantanamo Bay : a chronology of the detention of ..

Foreign Affairs, Defence & Trade Section .. Amnesty International, 'Memorandum to the US Government on the rights of .. Mr Hicks's lawyer, Stephen Kenny, says a bribe of early release was offered to Mr Hicks in return for his cooperation.

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA: Indonesia entry-into-force ..

The Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area .. Indonesia has committed to permit foreign lawyers to work in Indonesian law firms as employees or experts in international law (with the share of foreign ..

Freedom of Information Matters - Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department was one of the original departments .. international trade law, and its implementation in Australia.

Marriage overseas | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's ..

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Certificates of No Impediment to Marriage are not a requirement of Australian law. .. The Attorney-General has announced that from 1 February 2012 Australians seeking to enter .. Travel tips · Travel insurance · International travel checklist · Order brochures ..

Review of bilateral and regional trade agreements

prepared by the International Trade and Business Focus Group of the International .. In summary, the position of the Law Council regarding preferential trade ... if agreed, initially would allow Australian firms with an existing foreign lawyers ..

AANZFTA impacts on New South Wales for trade in goods and ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally ... practice in Vietnamese law firms to advise on foreign/international law.

Neville Wran – A Lawyer Politician – Reflections on Law Reforms ..

most successful Australian politicians and lawyers of my lifetime. Over the years I .. 35, as the inaugural chairman of the Australian Law Reform ... trade union movement. ... information on international law which is increasingly affecting the ..

Council members - NADRAC

The Attorney-General appoints members to the council on the basis of their .. federal court administration, family law, administrative law, international law, human .. was the Queensland Chair of the Law Council of Australia's Trade Practices ..

Submission by Dr Adam Gatt - Attorney-General's Department

- by A Gatt - To buy or sell human organs is a felony under US Federal Law and trading in ... Through the European Law Students' Association (ELSA) International in ..

APPENDIX 8–Judges'participation in legal reform activities and ..

19 April 2007 – Marine Pollution and International Law, Breakfast talk to .. In April and May 2007 his Honour taught a course in Patents, Trade Marks and .. the Inaugural Australian Women Lawyers Conference and presented a paper on ..

Travel Advice for Morocco - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs ..

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Domestic and international political developments may prompt demonstrations and protests. .. You are required by Australian law to report a lost or stolen passport. .. law. You should consult a lawyer for advice on custody disputes to find out if you may be ..

AANZFTA impacts on Tasmania for trade in goods and services ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. practice in Vietnamese law firms to advise on foreign/international law.

Untitled - Auburn Council

including President of the International .. Top 25 Australian law firms by number of partners. 125 ... universities, trade unions and not-for-profit organisations.

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Terrorism Law

Describes Internet resources relating to terrorism law. .. Attorney-General criticises Australian Capital Territory anti-terrorism ... For additions and amendments, see the Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade International Counter Terrorism page ..

Hong Kong - International Legal Services Advisory Council

- Published by the International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Secretariat, Attorney-General's ..

Who to contact - By area of law

Competition and consumer law, Menu Plus .. Customs and trade .. Each area of law listed is a specialised legal field in which AGS lawyers have outstanding ..

Background of the Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. The number of Australian universities whose law degrees are recognised in .. of access for Australian law firms and lawyers in relation to the practice of Australian law, third ..

35999 PAGES

by BAS D’Hagé - 1997 - Lawyers On Warships: Oxygen Thieves or Weapons .. attempt to trade-off during negotiations for the .. international law of self defence which states that ..

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Employment Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Industrial Law. .. Formed in 1998 from the merger of the Metal Trades Industry Association of .. Includes text of awards, agreements etc; Gadens Lawyers (Law firm) .. Links to international and national industrial law information; British Employment Law Super Portal ..

Singapore - International Legal Services Advisory Council

- professional legal associations, local, Australian and foreign law firms, and .. Located at the crossroads of the international trade routes, Singapore has been the ..


The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department serves the people of .. of Australia's system of law and justice and its national security and emergency .. International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) · National Alternative .. Affairs, Finance and Deregulation, Foreign Affairs and Trade, Health and Ageing ..

Who to contact - Areas of law - Contract drafting and management

By area of law, Menu Plus. spacer. By office, Menu Plus. spacer. By leaders. spacer. By lawyer's name. spacer .. Commonwealth financial law. spacer .. Competition and consumer law, Menu Plus .. Customs and trade .. International law ..

Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (including .. - Lawlink NSW

- 3.3.2 International Competitiveness 10 ... A submission from the Large Law Firms Group has noted the burden for law firms practicing across .. bilateral and multilateral trade agreements which would open key markets to Australian lawyers.


The incidence of international child abduction to and from Australia, including: .. Australian Passport Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade . .. LYNCH, Ms Angela Marie, Community Legal Education Lawyer, ..


Solicitors can prepare a power of attorney or enduring power of attorney, .. power of attorney, or you can obtain the forms from Service SA, legal .. is a lawyer with the power to sign documents which have international recognition. .. The power of attorney must then be sent to the Department of Trade and ..

World Vision

graduated BA LLB with first class honours in international trade law and has .. Law Association and has been involved in much of the current charity law reform ..


law (by which I do not mean private international law, that is, conflict of laws). 8 .. Shipping: A History of the Sea-Borne Trade and Maritime Activity of the Indians from .. The general system of maritime law which was familiar to the lawyers and ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

Baggiolegal - Lawyer - Adelaide, South Australia View details .. Collison & Co are a Patent and Trade Mark attorney firm having been serving clients .. a broad range of clients, both public and private, throughout Australia and internationally.

annual report

and through them supporting the Attorney-General as First Law Officer and the .. constitutional law, international law, law making and interpretation, legal .. relations, information protection and access, recoveries and insolvencies, and trade ..

Negotiating Treaties - Treaties in the Global Environment

Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .. Ms Ruth Blunden, Treaties Secretariat, International Legal Division, DFAT - November .. it to the Office of International Law in the Attorney-General's Department, and to me.


Article 1(i)(ii) of Chapter 7 (Trade in Services), they are made available to international .. regulations) who completed their law degree courses at prescribed .. (International Services) Rules (2002 Revised Edition) for Australian law firms that ..

Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Working Group on ..

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally .. Currently, Australian lawyers are only able to practise foreign law in 27 US jurisdictions, ..

Resources Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 - Parliament of Victoria

Rich Text Format - (2) A human right may be subject under law only to such reasonable limits as can .. Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on .. develop the model law arbitration expertise of Australian courts, lawyers and ..

MAFTA submission from the Law Council of Australia

The Law Council welcomes the recommencement of negotiations of the .. Chambers, the Malaysian Ministry of International Trade and .. establishment of joint law ventures between foreign lawyers and Malaysian lawyers.

Reductions of the Forgotten Trade Barrier - Attorney-General's ..

- 25th International Trade Law Conference 2003. Reductions of the Forgotten Trade Barrier: Enforcement of Legal Rights In and Out of FTAs for ..


GREEK-AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL & MEDICAL CONFERENCE .. An American law professor has advocated a "professional paradigm shift", discarding .. of the Trade Practices legislation to all anti-competitive business practices. .. Some practitioners would have gone off to consult lawyers, seeking advice as ..


- by S Mark - - [41] As such, these law firms dominate the global landscape. .. In the past decade, there has been strong growth in trade in international professional legal ..


All China Lawyers Association and Lovells Law Firm, Britain), and WTO training .. D.C.) and a Visiting Counsel to the International Trade Department and to ..

International Perspective Competition Policy Asia Pacific Region ..

- Competition policy can therefore include various elements of trade law, tax law, .. have been opened up to international trade for example if retailers enter into .. where representative actions are more customary and lawyers are paid on the ..

Subject Guide - NRETAS Internet Site

Published on Law Stuff : know your rights, by The National Children's and Youth .. your complaints about discrimination, goods or services, pollution, lawyers, housing or .. The ACCC is responsible for administering the Trade Practices Act 1974. .. and consumer protection matters of national and international significance.

Pages - Annual Report 2006-07 Part 2 - Performance Outcomes 1

It provides specialist support for the Attorney-General as First Law Officer, .. Output 1.4 Legal services and policy advice on international law. 5241 ... of cartel offences proposed to be inserted in the Trade Practices Act 1974.

"The rights of the child and international human rights law"

"The rights of the child and international human rights law" .. criminals have taken advantage of the freer movement to open new markets for their trade. .. Provide a lawyer for each child: In Austria, the Minister of Interior issued instructions in ..

Biographical information - Full-time Members - MRT-RRT

Paul Fisher practised as an administrative lawyer for over 10 years, chiefly with .. She was a part time Member of the NSW Consumer, Tenancy and Trading .. a Master of Laws degree in Public International Law at London University prior to ..

What we offer - Areas of law - Property and leasing

Customs and trade .. International law .. We have a comprehensive understanding of relevant laws and practices applicable to property law in all jurisdictions. Our national property network consists of specialist property lawyers who are fully ..

Madam ZHOU Wen - International Legal Services Advisory Council

- Madam He leads and mentors a team of young lawyers to provide legal services .. by the International Development Law Organisation), Law Firm Management .. a Visiting Counsel to the International Trade Department and to Alston & Bird ..

Co-operatives National Law - NSW Fair Trading

A nationally uniform set of laws is proposed for all states and territories. The proposed .. National Law. National launch of the International Year of Co-operatives .. 24/2/2010, 2. 6, Mattila Lawyers in PDF format (size: 93kb), 24/2/2010, 4 ..

What we offer - Areas of law - Employment and workplace relations

Seminars and law forums, Menu Plus. spacer .. Commonwealth financial law. spacer. Communications and media. spacer. Competition and consumer law, Menu Plus. spacer .. Customs and trade .. International law .. Our lawyers can: ..

Intellectual property

You Are Here; Home -; Topics -; Law and justice -; Intellectual property .. regulatory and disciplinary regimes for Patent and Trade Mark attorneys in Australia.

Legal Services Country Profile – Malaysia - International Legal ..

- professional legal associations, local, Australian and foreign law firms, and ... the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) rules as ..

Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement | Australian Government ..

Annex 10-A – Customary International Law; Annex 10-B – Expropriation; Annex .. In order to register to practise in Australia, patent attorneys must be ordinarily ..

Insider Trading in Australia: Part 4 Summary and Recommendations

surrounding the enforcement of insider trading laws in the United. States and, to a lesser extent .. and on Australia's international reputation. The third paper .. partners undertaking corporate law work in the largest law firms in each of the cities ..

Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title

Emily Gerrard, BSc/LLB (Hons), is currently a lawyer at Native Title Services .. In light of the rapid development of domestic and international law and policy in this .. meet their targets will be able to trade "carbon credits' generated through any ..

Bill of Rights - Issue 51 - Top Topics - LIAC - find LEGAL answers

an area of the law, the Legal Information Access Centre .. United Nations and international bill of rights – bills of rights in .. limitations on human rights – the Attorney-General's role – the .. The Constitution deals with issues of trade and ..

Annual Report - Attorney-General's Department

Cover design and typesetting by the Attorney-General's Department,. Printing and Design .. International Trade Law and Intellectual Property. 65. Support Group ..

Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia - Media Service

In recent years, growing trade and investment between Australia and Indonesia has led lawyers in both .. Better knowledge and understanding of the laws and procedures of .. ILSAC's efforts to help develop Australia's involvement in international legal cooperation activities in the Asia-Pacific region, and to ..

Chapter [6]

by A Serdy - - FISHERY COMMISSION QUOTA TRADING UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. Andrew Serdy. School of Law, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, ..

PERTH CONFERENCE: - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

- by G Goh - - The general principles of non-discrimination in international trade – National Treatment and .. The function of the Appellate Body is to hear appeals on issues of law .. of fields, lawyers, economists and senior trade policy officials of a Member.

Master of International Trade and Commerce Law - Macquarie ..

Offers broadbased and intensive study in international trade law and domestic commercial law. It also meets the demands in areas such as ..

International Trade and Business Law Review - Murdoch University

The Editor-in-Chief of the International Trade and Business Law Review is Professor Gabriël A Moens, Pro Vice Chancellor (Law, Business and Information ..

International Trade Law : UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units : The ..

LAWS3319 International Trade Law [UG] .. (4) apply relevant international trade law principles to complex fact situations and identify remedies ..

ANU - STUDYAT - International Trade Law

The course introduces students to the fundamental principles of international trade law. The primary goal of the course is to acquaint and familiarise students ..

Andrew Mitchell - Staff Profile

He subsequently obtained a Graduate Diploma in International Law from .. He has also worked in the Trade Directorate of the Organisation for ..

ANU - STUDYAT - Int'l Law of World Trade

Add LAWS8229 - International Law of World Trade to my interest list .. The course introduces students to the fundamental principles of international trade law.

UNSW Handbook Course - International Trade Law: Environment ..

This course examines the ways in which the law of the World Trade Organisation interacts with environmental protection and development. Students will become ..

International trade law - Monash University

Postgraduate - UnitLAW7028 - International trade law. print version .. For postgraduate Law discontinuation dates, please see ..

Masters of International Trade & Development - Institute for ..

Institute for International Trade, The University of Adelaide. Incorporating the Institute for International Business, Economics & Law ..

UNSW Handbook Course - World Trade Law: Contemporary Issues ..

This course provides students with an opportunity to study select issues of international trade law in much more detail than can be covered in the introductory ..

International and comparative law .. - Monash University

These range across broad issues of public international law, international .. and comparative law and international trade and finance law.

Margaret Young - Staff Profile

She has worked at the World Trade Organisation (Appellate Body Secretariat) and the United Nations International Law Commission, is a ..


INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW & INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION. This page lists the units that we offer within particular ..

Jürgen Kurtz - Staff Profile

He is also a Director of Study at the Academy of International Trade and Investment Law based in Macau and organized by the Institute of ..

Master of International Business and Law - The University of Sydney ..

The Master of International Business and Law is a unique program which .. their career into fields such as international trade and taxation law.

Tania Voon - Staff Profile

'Eliminating trade remedies from the WTO: Lessons from regional trade agreements' (2010) 59 International and Comparative Law Quarterly ..

WebLaw - International Law

15+ items – International Law. Courts & tribunals and their decisions ..

A Digest of the Case Law of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda


Hague Justice Portal: Domestic Case Law on International Crimes


Colin Picker | UNSW LAW

He has published widely in the areas of International Trade/International Economic Law, International Law and in Comparative Law. He has published in many ..

UNSW Handbook Course - International Trade Law: The Law and ..

Developing their knowledge and understanding of the core principles of international trade law applicable to the regulation of international trade in goods, ..

UTS: 78023 International Trade Law and the Environment - Law ..

Initially the subject provides an overview of the frameworks of international trade law and environmental law and an insight into the philosophical underpinnings ..

International and comparative trade mark law - Monash University

This unit will provide an overview of the obligations under international law to provide protection to trade marks and a comparison of selected, ..

International Trade and Development | Gilbert + Tobin Centre of ..

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) · United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) ..

University of South Australia > Course > International Trade Law ..

UniSA home > Programs at UniSA > International Trade Law and Development. International Trade Law and Development (LAWS 3073). Prerequisite(s) ..

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Business (International Trade ..

This broad-ranging double degree allows graduates to meet the academic and professional requirements in law (admission to legal practice in ..

UTS: Alphabetical list of subjects - Law, UTS Handbook

International Trade Law

and the Environment 76036. International Trade Law and the Environment 78023. International Trade Law and the Environment 78224 ..

Ross Buckley | UNSW LAW

Australian Banking Law, International Banking and Finance Law, International Trade Policy, Regional Financial Governance, Global Financial Governance ..

Dr Brett Williams - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney


of the World Trade organization in the LLM in Europe programme (2002, 2006); International Law LAWS2005; Advanced Public International Law ..

International trade law - Monash University

The law affecting Australian enterprises engaged in international business. Topics include international trade conventions; import and export ..

LAWS3319 International Trade Law S1 2011 [RTF File

Rich Text Format - International Trade Law draws upon a combination of positive and normative legal concerns. The Unit has been designed in a manner that encourages the ..

International Trade Law | Victoria University | Melbourne Australia

This unit of study contains two parts: the first part is a general introduction to the sources of international law, the nature of international trade law and the scope ..

The Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law

International Law

, brings together the region's leading thinkers .. in public international economic law, especially international regulation of trade, investment, ..

Master of International Law (MIL) & Graduate Diploma in ..

The international law program is designed to appeal to both local and international students who wish to obtain a .. Carbon Trading, Derivatives and Taxation ..

Law - Postgraduate Area of Study - Faculty of Law - Monash ..

140+ items – 2012 Postgraduate Area of Study Handbook entry for Law ..

LAW7025 International trade finance: Law and practice


LAW7026 Overview of international human rights law

International Trade Law | Fields of Study | Bond University | Gold ..

Faculty of Business · Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine · Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences · Faculty of Law · Institute of Sustainable Development & ..

International trade law - Monash University

Topics include law of international trade, including rights and duties in international sales transactions; legal regimes governing contracts for ..

UTS: 76013 World Trade Law - Law, UTS Handbook

The second half of the subject focuses on the Australian application of trade rules and domestic and international laws governing international transactions.

Rafiqul Islam@Macquarie Law

Public International Law, International Economic and Trade Law, WTO Law, International Law of Foreign Investment, Law of International ..

Trade, Environment and Sovereignty, Developing Coherence ..

by BJ Condon - Trade, Environment and Sovereignty: Developing Coherence between WTO Law, International. Environmental Law and General International Law. PhD Thesis ..

IELIG Events - ANU College of Law


Economic Law Interest Group Research Symposium .. His argument draws upon a public choice view of trade agreements and upon the distinction ..

International Trade Law PG (6245) - University of Canberra

The course will examine the private and public law aspects of international trade and commerce. The private law component will deal with transactions, such as ..

International and comparative law, including law of the sea, maritime ..

Choosing litigation to resolve international law disputes in the protection of Australia's offshore assessts, its citizens and foreign trade ..

Master of Laws | Postgraduate Degrees | Bond University | Gold ..

Corporate and Commercial Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution; International Trade Law; Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce ..

Postgraduate Certificate of International Trade and Commerce Law ..

The Postgraduate Certificate of International Trade and Commerce Law is available to both lawyers and non-lawyers and is designed to meet ..

UNSW Handbook Course - International Trade Law - JURD7472

The course will also provide insight into some of the major concepts and controversies in present day international trade law. It is hoped that by completing this ..

International Trade and Development Project | Gilbert + Tobin ..

The International Trade and Development Project, based at the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, was established at the University of New South Wales ..

UTS: MAJ09382 International Law - UTS Handbook

40+ items – UTS International telephone 1800 774 816 (in Australia) ..

Select 30 credit points from the following options


77935 International Business Law

Indigenous Peoples and International Law | Indigenous Law Centre

Jump to ý: Indigenous Peoples Declarations on Trade Issues. The International Cancun Declaration of ..

International Trade and Business Law Review - Dean's Welcome ..

International Trade Law

and Common Mistake: Has there really been a Satisfactory .. The Language of International Trade Law: Problems or Salvation?

Postgraduate awards on offer at Australian universities | Australian ..

Master of International Trade and Commerce Law Master of International Trade and Commerce Law and Master of International Relations (double degree) ..

Mooting | UNSW LAW

At UNSW Law School you will have the opportunity to participate in 'moot court', .. in international competitive mooting to its highest achieving law students. .. ELSA Moot Court Competition (EMC2) on the Law of the World Trade Organisation ..

ANU - STUDYAT - Master of International Law

Apply online for Master of International Law Add Master of International Law to .. of the rules and standards that affect international affairs and international trade ..

International Trade Finance Law - Courses and Programs - The ..

This course involves a critical examination of the legal and practical issues involved in the financing of international commercial transactions including relevant ..

Murdoch University: Handbook | Unit Details | LAW311 International ..

School, School of Law. Credit Points, 4. Availability, Not available 2012. Description, Consider contemporary policies and legal issues in international trade ..

Chapters in Books - Institute for International Law and the Humanities

'PTAs and public international law' in Mercurio B and Lester S (eds), Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Commentary and Analysis ..

UTS: 77716 International Trade Law - Law, UTS Handbook

77716 International Trade Law. 6cp. Requisite(s): 70616c Australian Constitutional Law OR 77885c Legal Process and Legal Research The lower case 'c' after ..

Bibliography - Faculty of Business and Law - Victoria University

(1993) UNCITRAL Gives International Trade law CLOUT, in 21 Australian Business .. (1995) Uniform Laws for the International Trade: Early care and feeding for ..

Master of International Customs Law and Administration (759AA ..

Faculty of Law (delivered by the Centre for Customs and Excise Studies) .. as international customs law, international trade law and the WTO.

Staff and Associate Experts - Institute for International Trade

Institute for International Trade, The University of Adelaide. Incorporating the Institute for International Business, Economics & Law ..

International Trade and Business Law Review | ISSN: 1836-8573 ..

China and the WTO – A Long March Towards the Rule of Law Review by: Joseph Eugene Lopez (Gino). Author: Rafael Leal-Arcas International Trade and ..

UNSW Handbook Course - International Trade Law - LAWS8972

The course will also provide insight into some of the major concepts and controversies in present day international trade law. It is hoped that by completing this ..


own law firm specialising in international trade law and in particular, trade barriers law. Alan has lectured for 13 years in International. Import/Export law within ..

UTS: 78224 International Trade Law and the Environment - Law ..

Initially the subject provides an overview of the frameworks of international trade law and environmental law and an insight into the philosophical underpinnings ..

Master of International Trade and Commerce Law - Courses ..

Read more about the benefits of doing a Postgraduate Course in Business and Economics.

Peter Gillies, Business and Economics, Macquarie University

Business law; International Trade Law; Criminal law; International .. Member, editorial board, International Trade and Business Law Review ..

UWA Handbooks 2012 - Units - International Trade Law

Credit, 6 points. Availability, Semester 1 (see Timetable). Outcomes, Students are able to (1) summarise the present domestic and international ..

International Trade Law LAWS70028 - Subject Details

International trade is of great importance to almost every country in the world. Many legal relationships are necessary for goods to be traded ..

International Law - Masters Program - ANU

International law affects all of society in a number of ways and helps us .. and standards that affect international affairs and international trade.

Postgraduate Diploma of International Trade and Commerce Law ..

The Postgradaute Certificate of International Trade and Commerce Law is available to both lawyers and non-lawyers and is designed to meet ..

Master of International Trade and Commerce Law - Courses ..

The Master of International Trade and Commerce Law is available to both lawyers and non-lawyers and is designed to meet the needs of ..

Postgraduate Certificate of International Trade and Commerce Law ..

Postgraduate Certificate of International Trade and Commerce Law. .. study in international and corporate aspects of environmental law and ..

Rafiqul Islam Publications@Macquarie Law

50+ items – International Trade Law; Law of the World Trade Organization ..

Integrating Trade in Education Services between Australia and India ..


The Sudanese Darfur Crisis and Internally Displaced Persons in International ..


Postgraduate Diploma of International Trade and Commerce Law ..

Postgraduate Diploma of International Trade and Commerce Law. ITCL21D. Faculty: Faculty of Arts. Department: Macquarie Law School ..

Master of International Customs Law and - University of Canberra

Candidates will be able to increase their knowledge in key areas, including international customs law, international trade law, the WTO and other areas of trade ..

Doctor Michelle Sanson | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Michelle has also undertaken a range of international projects, including work at the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, ..

LAWS7974 International Trade Finance Law - TC Beirne School of ..

LAWS7974 International Trade Finance Law. This course deals with the regulation of the financing of international trade. Trillions of dollars of goods and ..

Professor Gillian Triggs - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Gillian Triggs is the Challis Professor of International Law at the .. the World Trade Organisation, Energy and Resources Law, Law of the Sea, ..

LAW 7070 - International Trade Law (PG)

This introductory course deals with structural aspects of the international trade law system, including the different municipal legal systems; the ..

BTX5190 International trade law - Semester 1, 2011

The law affecting Australian enterprises engaged in transacting international business. Topics include international trade conventions; ..

Faculty of Law - Monash University

Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law .. taxation law; LAW4534E Law and biology; LAW4535E International and comparative trade mark law ..

Honours Thesis 2012 Supervisors, Staff .. - ANU College of Law

Regulation of health technologies (particularly nanotechnology), medical law and ethics, international trade agreements and medicines policy ..

Master of International Trade and Commerce Law - 2012 Course ..

Master of International Trade and Commerce Law. ITCL11M. Faculty: Faculty of Arts. Award: Master of International Trade and Commerce Law ..

Jacqueline Peel - Staff Profile

Jacqueline Peel is an Associate Professor at the Melbourne Law School. .. risk regulation and the role of science, and international trade law.

BTW3201: International trade law

The law affecting Australian enterprises engaged in international business. Topics include international trade conventions; import and export ..

Economic & Trade Law - UNSW Handbook

European Union: Economic & Trade Law. .. Public International Law, Business Associations 1, International Trade Law and Commercial Law would prove to be ..

International and comparative law .. - Monash University

These include issues of public international law, international human rights .. and comparative law and international trade and financial law.

"Trade Based Constitutionalisms: A Framework for Universalising ..

by BF Fitzgerald - 1996 - Fitzgerald, Brian F. (1996) "Trade Based Constitutionalisms: A Framework for Universalising Substantive International law". University of Miami ..

International Trade Law System - LAWS73-743 - Bond University ..

An examination of the institutions and operations of the basic blocks of the international trade law system after the inauguration of the World Trade Organisation.

Gavin Goh's - Institute for International Trade

Institute for International Trade, The University of Adelaide. Incorporating the Institute for International Business, Economics & Law ..

Is there Life After Studying I t ti lT d L ? International Trade Law?

International Trade Law. D fi th S f St d. Define the Scope of Study. Better described as International. Better described as International. Commercial Law. I l d t d i ..

LAWS7853 Law of the World Trade Organisation - TC Beirne School ..

LAWS7853 Law of the World Trade Organisation. This course will introduce the international legal rules, principles and institutions of the World Trade ..

International law - Monash University Library

Coverage: Public International Law - Law of the Sea - International Trade Law - International Labour Law - Environmental Law - European Law - International ..

LAW3464 International Trade Law - University of Southern ..

This course examines the impact of law on the enterprises that conduct international trade and business and on particular transactions entered into by such ..

Voon, Tania; Mitchell, Andrew --- "International Trade Law ..

Voon, Tania; Mitchell, Andrew --- "International Trade Law Implications of Australia's National Broadband Network" [2011] UMelbLRS 7 ..

International trade mark law - Monash University

In addition, it will provide an insight into selected aspects of trade mark law in the major jurisdictions of the United States of America and the ..

Directors and Staff - Institute for International Law and the Humanities

Jürgen researches and teaches in the various strands of international economic law including the jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization and that of ..

Professor Andrew D Mitchell - law school - University of Melbourne

Director, Global Trade Program, Institute for International Law and the. Humanities (2009 .. June 2010. • Taught ‗International Law of World Trade' in the LLM.

LAW311 International Trade Law

LAW311 International Trade Law. Unit Information and Learning Guide. Summer 2010. Teaching Dates: Monday January 25 to Saturday January 30. Lecturer: ..

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