Licensing Law & Lawyers

Whether you own a bar, club, shop or restaurant, and whether you are applying for a new licence, varying an existing licence or whether your premises is the subject of a review, we are able to offer clear, practical advice to enable you to obtain the best result possible.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of licensing law or have any licensing matter that you need assistance with, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

As well as our extensive specialised licensing services, licensing lawyers can also assist you with any matters relating to trading standards, planning enforcement, fire safety enforcement and regulatory crime, as well as criminal matters.

Services include:

  • Licensing Reviews & Enforcement
  • Bars
  • Clubs
  • Shops
  • Restaurants
  • casinos
  • Trading Standards
  • Planning
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • Licence Applications

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of licensing law or have any licensing matter that you need assistance with, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Are you a publican, restauranteur, hotelier or off-licence proprietor? If so then Licensing Lawyers can help in the transfer or amendment of an existing licence or an application for the grant of a new licence.

Licensing Lawyers can help you to protect your licence in the face of prosecution / breach and deal with appeals to court.

Licensing Lawyers can also help you with the following licensing law issues:

  • Licensing Acts and Licensing legislation
  • Regulatory crime
  • Premises licence  Betting and gaming
  • Personal licence  Planning
  • Pavement licences for tables and chairs
  • Licences for playing music in public
  • Cumulative Impact Policy

Licensing Lawyers offer advice and assistance in all aspects of Licensing matters to clients in the leisure and entertainment industries.

This includes assistance with:

  • Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing
  • Objecting to Applications for Alcohol and Entertainment Licences
  • Betting and Gaming Licensing
  • Alcohol and entertainment licensing
  • How can a Licensing Lawyer help you?
  • Applying for new Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates
  • Applying to vary Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates
  • Applying for Personal Licences
  • Dealing with contested applications and representing clients before Licensing Committees (and before the Court on appeal if necessary)
  • Advising on the sale, purchase and leasing of licensed premises
  • Advising on planning issues

Do you need a licence?

Genrally speaking, there are 4 types of licence:

(1) Premises Licence: This is a licence authorising premises to be used for one or more licensable activity

(2) Club Premises Certificate: this is a licence permitting premises occupied by and used for the purposes of a club to be used for one or more qualifying club activities

(3) Temporary Event Notice: this is a notice seeking permission to use premises for one or more licensable activity for not more than 96 hours

(4) Personal Licence: this is a licence granted to an individual authorising that individual to supply or authorise the supply of alcohol

Many areas of business depend on obtaining and maintaining a valid licence in place for your premises, without which your business would not be able to trade.

The Licensing Act has brought significant changes to the way in which relevant premises licences are to be sought, and whether you are looking to obtain a licence or gain a personal licence. Licensing Lawyers can advise you on all such issues.

Licensing Lawyers can assist you in obtaining a proper licence for your required use, dealing with any enforcement actions by Local Authorities or any reviews of premises licenses.

Depending on your circumstances, Licensing Lawyers can advise you as to whether you will need to obtain any additional licences or permissions and will provide you with practical advice about doing so.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of licensing law or have any licensing matter that you need assistance with, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


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Licensing Law & Lawyers News

News, Updates and further information - Licensing Law & Lawyers

Alcohol laws of Australia regulate the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages (in Australia also referred to as liquor). The laws vary between the states and territories of Australia.

The retail sale of alcohol in Australia requires that a license be obtained from the liquor licensing authority of the State or Territory in which the sale takes place. It also regulates the location of outlets through planning laws, and other restrictions. Local government may have an input into these outcomes.

The Federal government controls the importation of alcohol beverages into Australia, and has a strong impact on the market for liquor through the imposition of excise taxes on the manufacture of liquor within Australia and importation into Australia. It also controls advertising of alcoholic beverages on television.

It is illegal for a person under 18 years to buy, drink or possess alcohol on licensed premises, but some states[which?] allow drinking or possessing alcohol on private premises for people under 18 years (under the supervision of at least one adult). By 1974, all Australian states and territories had a drinking age of 18 instead of 21.

Some states, such as Victoria, permit drinking in vehicles once a full license is obtained. Drivers cannot drive a motor vehicle when they have a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) level higher than 0.05 when they hold a full driver license. Provisional and learner drivers must not drive with any detectable blood-alcohol present. Commercial drivers have a limit of 0.02 whilst working.

In May 2008, three submissions to the Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into Ready-to-drink alcohol beverages recommended that the drinking age be raised to 21, with Drug Awareness suggesting that after 21 "the brain is better protected from this toxin".

Dry zones

Many towns and communities ban outdoor consumption of alcohol. Dry zones are often established by local councils after certain areas, such as local city parks, become favorite locations for problem drinking, violence, and anti-social behavior. Some local councils further restrict consuming alcohol in outdoor public areas, such as local streets, footpaths, and hiking trails.

Dry zones in South Australia are found at Glenelg, Adelaide city centre, and Port Augusta.
Alcohol laws by state New South WalesThe consumption of alcohol in New South Wales is regulated by the Liquor Act 2007.

Offences under the act include : Serving alcohol to an intoxicated person, failing to leave licensed premises when asked to do so or attempting to re-enter licensed premises after being ejected.

In New South Wales there is no law against minors possessing or drinking alcohol on private premises, but there are laws against supplying or selling alcohol to a minor, as well as against minors "carrying away" alcohol from a licensed club.

Minors may be on licensed premises accompanied by a parent or guardian (but not purchase alcohol) and parents can not provide alcohol with a meal on licensed premises.

It is also illegal to provide minors with alcohol, and one can be fined by it if caught in the act. It is illegal to buy alcohol if already drunk and to supply alcohol to such a person.

South AustraliaIn South Australia, the major legislation which controls the sale and consumption of alcohol is the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 (SA). The principal aim of the Act is to minimise the harm associated with the consumption of alcohol in the community of South Australia. The drinking age was lowered from 21 to 20 in 1968 and by 1971 South Australia had a drinking age of 18. SOUTH AUSTRALIA

Between 1836 and 1839, liquor licences were granted by the Governor.

On 21 February 1839, Act No. 1 of 1839 became the first liquor licensing legislation in the Province, including three licenses:

  1. General Publican's Licence
  2. Wine, Ale, Beer and other Malt Liquors Licence
  3. Storekeeper's Licence

In 1869, a Storekeeper's Colonial Wine Licence was introduced.

Victoria Alcohol may not be sold in Victoria without a licence or permit being obtained from the State government. Licences and permits are issued by Consumer Affairs Victoria, under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.

In Victoria, alcohol may not be sold to a person who is under 18 years of age, and minors must not be on licensed premises (i.e. premises on which alcohol may be sold or consumed) unless accompanied by an adult or other limited circumstances.

There are several categories of licences available.

The most common are:

on-premises licence, which permit the sale of liquor to customers for drinking on the premises, such as restaurants, bars and cafes.
packaged liquor licence, which permit the sale of liquor to customers to take away from retail liquor stores and supermarkets.
general licence, which permit the sale of liquor to customers for drinking on the premises, and to take away. These are used by pubs, hotels and taverns.
BYO permit, which allow customers to bring their own liquor and drink it on the premises. These are obtained by restaurants and clubs that do not intend to hold a liquor licence.
Other specialised licences are: full club licence, renewable limited club licence, temporary limited licence, renewable limited licence, restricted club licence, pre-retail licence (for wholesalers, producers, brewers and liquor importers), and vigneron’s licence.

There are several areas in Melbourne which retain the status of "dry-areas", where a vote is required before a liquor licence is granted within the area.

Some local government councils have passed by-laws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol on streets within their areas.[citation needed]

In Victoria, if a minor is caught with alcohol in public it can be confiscated and guardians notified of the offense, and a fine may occur.

Minors are allowed to drink alcohol if it is given to them by anyone on private property for example a party.

In Victoria, fully licensed drivers of motor vehicles must have a Blood alcohol content (BAC) below 0.05%. Learner and probationary licensed drivers must not consume any alcohol before driving (i.e. the BAC must be zero).

Western AustraliaState legislation governs the sale and supply of alcohol in Western Australia. The Liquor Control Act 1988 and the Liquor Control Regulations 1989 is administered by the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor. The purpose of the Liquor Act is primarily to regulate the sale, supply, and consumption of alcohol. Before 1970, Western Australia drinking age was 21. It is illegal for any person under the age of 18 years to purchase, supply, or drink alcohol on licensed or regulated premises, even if they are with their parents or guardian. The maximum penalty for a minor to consume alcohol on licensed premises is an $2,000AUD fine. It is an offence in Western Australia for persons of any age to drink in public, such as on the street, park, or beach.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of licensing law or have any licensing matter that you need assistance with, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

If you need legal advice regarding Licensing Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Licensing Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Licensing Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Licensing Law extends to all suburbs and locations within Australia.

Licensing Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Licensing Law & Lawyers Links

LLL Liquor Licensing Laws (Responsible Persons)

This course on South Australian Liquor Licensing Laws is essential for Responsible Persons and persons of authority. It covers the code of practice, a..


Duration of licence 26. Gazettal 27. Licences to be available for inspection 28. Renewal of licence 29. Other laws not affected 30. Transfer of licence 31.

Rules of engagement: Policing anti-social behaviouR and alcohol ..

by J Fleming - - Rules of engagement: Policing anti-social behaviouR and alcohol-Related violence in and aRound licensed PRemises. Jenny Fleming1. nsW bureau of crime ..

Liquor licensing laws

Licensing Act 1997 and the Liquor Licensing (General) Regulations 1997, and it is valid for .. Liquor Licensing Act 1997, Government of South Australia ..


Uniform adoption of nationally approved amendments to Occupational Licensing National Law 6. Disallowing national regulations and other matters 7.



for the grant and renewal of vehicle licences 19. Fees or charges for vehicle licences 20. Licence obtained by means of a dishonoured cheque void ..


Commencement 3. Terms used 3A. Term used: drunk 4. Storing and receiving liquor for licensed premises at other premises; records to be kept 5. Objects of Act ..


OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING NATIONAL LAW ACT 2010. No. 66 of 2010 Version as at 1 January 2011 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page PART ..



dealing with transitional matters 9. Offence for individual to carry out prescribed work unless licensed or exempt 10. Offence for body corporate or ..


Citation 2. Commencement 3. Terms used in these regulations 4. Plumbing work (s. 59I) PART 2 -- The Plumbers Licensing Board 5. Membership of the Board 6.


Rights to take water from non-artesian wells in prescribed areas 26. Local by-laws for section 25A 26A. Artesian wells to be licensed 26B. Non-artesian wells in ..

Driving and licensing experiences of learner drivers in two ..

by LJ Bates - 2009 - - .. Barry C. , & King, Mark J. (2009) Driving and licensing experiences of learner drivers in two Australian states prior to major changes in the licensing laws.


TRAVEL AGENTS LICENSING GUIDELINES. INTRODUCTION. All the States and the Australian Capital Territory have substantially uniform licensing laws for ..

10 Ranks - AustLII

Rich Text Format - 24 State or Territory gun licensing laws 14. 25 Procedural fairness in reviews etc 14. Schedule 1 Ranks in the Australian Navy Cadets 16. Schedule 2 Ranks in ..


1 This reprint is a compilation as at 23 September 2011 of the Debt Collectors Licensing Act 1964 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws ..


AGENTS LICENSING REGULATIONS - SCHEDULE 5. Schedule 5 Qualifications for agents' licences. regulation 9. Part 1 – Real estate agent's licence ..


1 This is a compilation of the Debt Collectors Licensing Regulations 1964 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the ..

Act No. 42, 1912. An Act to consolidate the laws relating to publicans ..

license, permit, or authority lawfully granted under any such Act. All licenses granted .. Licensing courts for the purposes of this Act, but subject nevertheless to ..


Northern Territory Consolidated Regulations. [Index] [Table] .. Application of By-laws 5. .. Activity for which licence required prohibited without licence 17.


An Act for the licensing and regulation of. Carters plying for hire within the City of. Sydney. [30th November, 1854.] WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the laws ..

Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 CONVEYANCERS LICENSING ..

Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 CONVEYANCERS LICENSING ORDER 2006 - Made under the Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 - As at 1 July 2011 - Reg ..


What are the categories of licences and permits that may be issued under this Act? 8. General licence 9. On-premises licence 9A. Restaurant and cafe licence ..

Liquor Courses | Short Courses Pages

The aim of Licensees' First Step is to provide an overview of Victorian liquor licensing laws and associated issues. This will enable licensees to comply with their ..


(b) the commencement of this Act, section 10. 3 Legislation amended. This Act amends the following legislation: • Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1999 ..


Suspension of operator licence for drink-operator infringements 61C. Application of the Infringements Act 2006 to certain offences 62. Proof of prior convictions ..

[pic] Franchise Fees Windfall Tax (Collection) Act 1997 Act No. 132 ..


(c) the Business Franchise Licenses (Petroleum Products) Act 1987 of New .. Act 1979 of South Australia; (k) the Liquor Licensing Act 1985 of South Australia; ..

E Law: Through the World's Eye: Governance in a Globalised World ..

Similar concerns arise in other occupations and professions that have licensing rules, as they tend to be nation-based. For example, if a doctor that is registered ..

(Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 - AustLII

Definitions for Subdivision 1A.5.3 4CS. References to repealed regulations 4CT. Transitional -- existing liquor licences etc 4CU. Transitional -- licence conditions ..

Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Child Restraint ..

Road Transport (Driver Licensing). Amendment (Child Restraint. Measures) Regulation 2010 under the. Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act ..


"vehicle or driver licensing laws", of a participating jurisdiction, means the provisions of the law of the jurisdiction relating to the licensing of vehicles or drivers; ..


1 This is a compilation of the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following ..

Travel Agent Licensing Course | Starting a Travel Business ..

Travel Agents Licensing Guide (NSW). All the States and the ACT have similar licensing laws for Travel Agents, which are individually administered by their ..


Liquor Licensing Amendment Regulations 1991 7 .. Reprint of the Liquor Licensing Regulations 1989 as at 8 Sep 1997 (includes amendments listed above) ..


Operation of collecting society rules 135ZFA. Licensed communications Division 2--Reproduction by educational institutions of works that are in hardcopy form ..

Licencees' First Step - Hospitality Training Australia.

The aim of Licensees First Step is to provide an overview of Victorian liquor licensing laws, and associated issues that will enable licensees to comply with their ..

LFS (Licensees' First Step) Liquor Licensing in Victoria State ..

The aim of Licensees' First Step is to provide an overview of Victorian liquor licensing laws and associated issues. This will enable licensees to comply with their ..


12 1996 A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Debits Tax Act 1990, the Pay-roll Tax Act 1971 and the Tobacco Products (Licensing) Act 1988 s1 4 s4 Revenue Laws ..


1 This is a compilation of the Water Services Licensing Act 1995 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table ..


431 ss. 1-L 2. THE SAWMILLS LICENSING ACT OF 1936. (1 Edw. VIII. No. 2.) A n Act to Make ProvisioN for the XtabilisatioTt of the Timbev Imdtistry ..


Relationship of Part with Criminal Investigation (Extra-territorial Offences) Act Division 2--Road traffic powers Subdivision 1--Vehicle or driver licensing laws 38.

RSA Online|Responsible Service of Alcohol Training Course

This Queensland Government Liquor Licensing approved online .. to ensure compliance with liquor licensing laws in Queensland (this is a ..


Note 1 A person is not eligible to apply for a restricted licence if any of the following provisions of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 apply to the person: ..


Objects of this Act 4. Interpretation 5. Lodgers 6. Persons with authority in a trust or corporate entity 7. Close associates PART 2--Licensing authorities Division ..


1 This reprint is a compilation as at 14 October 2011 of the Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws ..

Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99

New South Wales. Road Transport (Driver Licensing). Act 1998 No 99. Contents. Page. Part 1 Preliminary. 1 Name of Act. 2. 2 Commencement. 2. 3 Objects of ..

Software Licensing - ACU (Australian Catholic University)

It is very important that all computer users be aware of software licensing laws and the requirements of the University in this regard. The penalty ..

Driving for International Students

For most people, drivers licence + car = freedom. Once you're mobile, you can do things and go places that wouldn't have been possible before! Laws. First and ..

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) Bridging Course - Online

To ensure compliance with liquor licensing laws in Queensland, all staff involved in the service and supply of alcohol will require a current Queensland specific ..

No. XXI.

An Act to enable the Council of the City of. Sydney to make Bye-laws for the licensing and regulating Hackney Carriages within the City of Sydney and its vicinity ..


Liquor Control Act 1988. Information Bulletin No. 13 (Effective May 2007). DO I NEED A LICENCE? An Occasional Liquor Licence under section 59 of the Liquor ..

HAWKERS ACT (Repealed)

(1) The "Licensed Hawkers Act, 1863" and "The Licensed Hawkers Amendment Act, 1898" of the State of South Australia, in their application to the Northern ..

Compulsory licensing and how it will not work where there are ..

The Patents Act 1990 (Cth). – Crown use. – Compulsory license. • The Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth). – Remedy to anti-competitive practices. • Conclusions ..


1908 South Australia The Licensing Act reworded to say liquor could not be supplied to Aboriginal people. 1909 New South Wales Aborigines. Protection Act.


1 This is a compilation of the Water Services Licensing (Plumbers Licensing and Plumbing Standards) Regulations 2000 and includes the amendments made ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Motels) No. 3 - 00-i0-01

Rich Text Format - (2) Without limiting the generality of sub-by-law (1) of this by-law, a motel may be, or comprise, premises licensed under the provisions of the Licensing Act, 1911 ..

Safe Consumption of Alcohol Policy

Reference No. University By-Laws Part II, Section 4. Relevant State/Federal. Govt. Legislation. Liquor Licensing Act (1990). Commencement Date. March 2010 ..


Plumbing work must comply with this Part and regulations 221G. Obligations on licensed plumbers concerning their agents 221H. People involved in a plumbing ..


AGENTS LICENSING REGULATIONS - SCHEDULE 4B. Schedule 4B Qualifications for conveyancing agent's licence. regulation 9. Part 1 – Academic ..


Release of photographs prohibited Schedule 2 (Repealed) SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 99 Dictionary ROAD TRANSPORT (DRIVER LICENSING) ACT 1998 ..

Restrictions on the sale and supply of alcohol

'Dry area' provisions of the Liquor Licensing Act....................85. 6.2. Glenelg dry area restrictions ..................................86. 6.3 ..

Reducing Violence in Licensed Venues: Community Safety Action ..

by M Hauritz - 1998 - - licensees to introduce server training programs, and partly because liquor licensing laws are not very effectively enforced on a routine basis (Homel & Tomsen ..

Serial 127 Statute Law Revision Bill 2007 Mr - AustLII

[Page Break] Schedule 1 Amendment of Acts section 3 Provision Amendment omit substitute Agents Licensing Act section 5(1), definition Registrar of Land and ..


Effect of disqualification on subsequent issue of Queensland driver licence 129A. Effect of suspension of licence under State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 ..


1 This is a compilation of the Licensed Surveyors Act 1909 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table 1a, 6.

Reasonable Government or Limited Government in Licensing? A ..

categories of licenses scattering in laws, regulations and rules. According to the research conducted by the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council, which was ..


3 Amendment of laws administered by Minister for Justice and Attorney-General and Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing. Schedule 1 amends the laws ..

Electrical Safety in the Workplace – Regulatory Approach in the ..

The Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 (WA) regulate the process of .. in relation to licensing matters and therefore Electricity (Licensing) Regulations ..



to deal with interaction between laws CHAPTER 2--Licensing of persons who engage in credit activities PART 2-1--REQUIREMENT TO BE ..

Young Drivers Research Program: Evaluation of Australian ..

by N Haworth - - CANBERRA ACT 2601. Abstract. A graduated licensing scheme was one of the elements of the IO-point road safety package announced by the then Prime ..

The legislation that is being viewed is valid for Sessional ..

Rich Text Format - Act not to affect laws relating to mutual recognition. 9. Application of other Acts. Part 2 - Administration. Division 1 - Administrator of Occupational Licensing. 10.



Division 5-Commercial passenger vehicles 138. Application of Division 138A. Repealed 139. Vehicles not to be operated unless licensed 140.

Review of literature regarding national and international young ..

context of other regulatory systems, such as Police enforcement and laws .. the three key areas, that is, driver training, licensing and other young driver ..

No. III.

An Act to enable the Council of the City of Mel bourne to make By-laws for the licensing and regulating Hackney Carriages within the City of Melbourne and its ..


or kept or consume intoxicating liquor on any part of the University lands, unless the person holds a licence under the Liquor Licensing Act 1988 or the person is ..


26..... Regulations to deal with interaction between laws .............. 33. Chapter 2--Licensing of persons who engage in credit activities ..


Rich Text Format - Schedule 2 to the Amendment Act inserts a new Chapter 5D - Licensed trustee companies into the Corporations Act. Chapter 5D implements the transfer of ..


"Australian driver licence" means an Australian driver licence under the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1999. Note Australian driver licence is defined in ..


ELECTRICITY (LICENSING) REGULATIONS 1991 - REG 19. 19 . Electrical work prohibited unless authorised. (1A) In this regulation —. flexible cord has the ..

Motor Vehicle Dealers (Licensing) Regulations 1974 - 04-e0-00

Rich Text Format - Motor Vehicle Dealers (Licensing) Regulations 1974. CONTENTS. 1. Citation 1. 2. Terms used in these regulations 1. 3. Forms 1. 4. Particulars prescribed by ..


"vehicle or driver licensing laws", of a participating jurisdiction, means the provisions of the law of the jurisdiction relating to the licensing of vehicles or drivers.

Chevron-Hilton Hotel Agreement Act 1960 - 01-a0-05

Rich Text Format - (2) Upon the granting of any license under this section, the person to whom the license is granted becomes a licensee under the Licensing Act 1911 2, and the ..

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Transport and ..

The amendments to the Transport (New Queensland Driver Licensing) Act 2008 will introduce the following initiatives for the New Queensland Driver Licence ..

Refresher RSG Training | Short Courses Pages

State regulations; Liquor licensing laws; Industry codes of practice; Food hygiene. William Angliss Institute Compliance offers courses to people who are ..

Western Australia Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927 Hospitals ..

Citation These regulations may be cited as the Hospitals (Licensing and .. Term used: licence holder In these regulations, other than regulations 7 and 16 ..


Exemptions from Act PART 2 - PRINCIPAL OFFENCES RELATING TO SALE AND SUPPLY OF LIQUOR 7. Licence required to sell liquor 8. Keeping or using ..


or kept or consume intoxicating liquor on any part of the University lands, unless the person holds a licence under the Liquor Licensing Act 1988 or the person is ..


7 General licence For section 8(1)(a)(ii) of the Principal Act substitute-- 10 "(ii) between .. 10 10 Packaged liquor licence For section 11(1)(b) of the Principal Act ..


Licenses Amendment Act of 1869, post, and in The Ifawkers Acts Amendment. Act of .. #&ion 1 vepealed 'LAn Act for Licensing and Regulating Hawkers an8 ..


by CPAT Actgranting the licence to the Public Vehicles Licensing Appeal Tribunal. The Commonwealth Powers (Air Transport) Act 1952 (Tas.) referred the matter of air ..

Compliance Training | Short Courses Pages

State regulations; Liquor licensing laws; Industry codes of practice; Food hygiene. Angliss Compliance offers courses to people who are employed or seek ..


Power to change licence level 173. Cancellation of endorsement of licence to act as private certifier 174. Notice of particular events to interstate licensing ..


Reprint of the Liquor Licensing Act 1988 as at 12 Jun 1998 (includes .. Liquor Licensing Amendment (Petrol Stations and Lodgers' Registers) Act 2000 ..


by SA Parliament - 1964An Act to amend the Licensing Act, 1932-1963. [Assented to 5th November, 1964.] .. (1) This Act may be cited as the "Licensing Act Amend- ment Act. 1964".

Electrical Regulations and Safe Working Environment — Electrical ..

The Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 cover the standards of electrical work on consumers' installations, licensing of electrical workers and contractors ..


Name of Act 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 3AA. Meaning of "close associate" of applicant for, or holder of, licence 3A. Application of provisions to developers ..

ACT. - NSW Legislation

protected wild flower or protected native plant grown upon private land (whether in pursuance of a license issued under section five of this Act or otherwise) and ..


Transfer of licence 11S. Decisions as to grant, renewal or transfer 11T. Notice of decisions 11U. Licences to be available for inspection 11V. Other laws not ..

Hospitality industry acts and regulations

Our industry is covered by many acts and regulations which relate both to .. This license must be renewed each year, and there are many different types of ..


liquor means liquor as defined in the Liquor Licensing Act 1988 . deleterious substance means glue or any volatile liquid containing hydrocarbons. Road means ..

National reforms to consumer laws - NSW Fair Trading

Australian Business Licence Information Service. National .. The Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department will be responsible for delivering the reform.

Fair Trading : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

I want to .. Check a licence · Register a business name .. Trading services are delivered by the. Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..

Welcome to the Department of Justice - Department of Justice

The Department of Justice encompasses police; courts; prisons; emergency services; regulation of gaming, racing, liquor licensing and trade measurement; and ..

Alcohol Laws

In Australia, alcohol is a legal drug; however, laws restricting its manufacture, .. After a period of licence cancellation, a driver needs to re-apply for their licence and ... Australian Government Attorney-General's Department ..

Pleading Guilty?

You should get a lawyer to represent you in court if any of these apply: • you have been .. It is correct at the time of publication but laws change. If you have a .. what the applicable minimum period of licence disqualification is. • whether you ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..


and regulations .. Blueprint for the Bush · Business migration · Export Advisory Service · Fair Trading Licensing Register · Fees and charges - Liquor, ..

Home - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. New laws that will come into effect on 23 February 2012 mean any couple (regardless of sex) can have their relationship ..

Conveyancing - NSW Fair Trading

In NSW, conveyancers must be licensed with NSW Fair Trading. .. 'property law' in your local area using the 'Find a Lawyer' page on the Law ..

Electrical licensing - Licensing - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. audit campaign · National licensing · New laws for electrical equipment · DIY warning signs required for ..

ILSAC Submission on Legal Services Department of Foreign Affairs ..

A right for Australian licensed lawyers to enter Korea and provide legal advisory services regarding the laws of any jurisdiction in which they are licensed and ..

Handling customer complaints : Department of Justice and Attorney..

Lodge a complaint · Do I need a licence? .. mediation, contact the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's Dispute Resolution Branch.

Legal Profession Admission Board

The LPAB is a self-funding body, created by legislation, responsible for making rules for, and approving, the admission of lawyers and ..

Intellectual property

GILF comprises a simple open content licensing framework, designed to .. and disciplinary regimes for Patent and Trade Mark attorneys in Australia. .. Smartcopying is the official guide to copyright Issues for Australian Schools and TAFE.

World Trade Organization and the liberalisation of trade in legal ..

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. This 'limited licensing' approach facilitates the availability of legal services covering the laws of multiple jurisdictions in all WTO member economies, without requiring ..

Settlement agent or conveyancer - Consumer Protection ..

If you don't want to do this yourself, you must employ a licensed settlement agent or a lawyer with a current practicing certificate in law to attend ..

Legislation | Western Australia Police

WA firearms laws are provided in the Firearms Act 1973 and the Firearms .. The objectives are achieved by a licensing scheme based on a range of licence ..

Small Business Development Corporation - Home page

Red Tape Reduction · Find a Licence · Forums with the Minister · Budget 2011/ .. Dispute Resolution · Hiring a Lawyer · Personal Property Securities Register ..

"What is Legal Work

- (d) a licensed conveyancer acting in accordance with a licence in force under .. As a result of the signing off by all Attorneys General of the model laws, various ..

Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia

If you are researching law for the first time, you may find it worthwhile reading an overview .. Foolkit: a lawyer's toolkit - State specific legal portal containing full text .. Courts - Supreme Court, District Court, Family Court, Liquor Licencing Court, ..

Marriage certificate - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Current Australian photo driver's licence; Current Australian passport; Current overseas passport; Current Australian ..


The development of model OHS laws (Acts, Regulation, Codes of. Practice) has .. The reform of electrical trade licensing will deliver a single national licensing ..

Electrical safety - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Apply for an electrical work licence .. 2010 – 2011 Electrical Safety Office audit campaign · National licensing · New laws ..

Application and transaction forms for property agents : Department ..

PAMD Form 1-1 and notes - Application for individual licence (PDF, 624 KB) .. For lawyers to cancel or shorten the normal five-day cooling-off ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

Baggiolegal - Lawyer - Adelaide, South Australia View details. Baggiolegal is a boutique law firm, specialising in commercial, taxation and private client law.

Human Rights: Discrimination in Employmeny on Basis of Criminal ..

3 What do discrimination laws say about taking a person's criminal record into account in .. it may report to the Attorney-General about laws that should be made by the ... In addition, some professional and occupational licensing bodies have ..


admission of overseas qualified lawyers to practise the law of Australia. The initial ... In addition, the Licensing Committee of the New South Wales Law Society ..

Mandatory reporting of child abuse - Resource Sheet - National ..

Licensed providers of child care or outside-school-hours care services .. resolution practitioners or arbitrators, and lawyers independently representing .. Mandatory reporting laws specify those conditions under which an ..

Regulations for trust accounts : Department of Justice and Attorney..

If you do not have a licence yet, you will need to apply for one. You also need to register your business name with us. If you have not done this ..

Legal Aid Magistrates

PAPERS FOR You be the Judge Sentencing Law in Tasmania WORkSHOP .. He would like to apply for a restricted licence if he is disqualified from driving. .. problem you should talk to a lawyer before making a decision about what to do.

Neighbours and the Law

Centres contributed by Gina Vizza, NSW Attorney General's Department. Section on .. principles, laws, statutory provisions, regulations, by laws and codes. ... professional adviser (a solicitor, licensed conveyancer or law stationer) ..

Workplace harassment - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Department of Justice and Attorney-General · Home · Workers .. Laws and prosecutions · Legislation · Codes of .. Licensing and registrations ..


legal advice is best sought from a registered patent or trade marks attorney or .. Australia's IP laws provide a legal .. exclusive right to use, sell or license ..

AGD e-News on Copyright No 3 - Attorney-General's Department

See the Attorney's press release by clicking here. The Government will monitor the implementation of the complimentary licence recommendation and give ..

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

The NSW Young Lawyers' Pro Bono and Community Services Taskforce .. The publication has been written according to the applicable laws in Australia .. The licensing of builders; The Home Warranty insurance scheme ..

find LEGAL answers - Motor Vehicles and Traffic Offences - Traffic ..

Title: Motor vehicle law in NSW - Britts. About: Contains the Australian Road Rules, NSW road and traffic legislation (including driver licensing ..

Licensing requirements - NSW Fair Trading

Conveyancers are regulated by the Conveyancers Licensing Act .. Fair Trading licensing laws, or are disqualified from being employed in a law practice .. of lawyers kept by the Supreme Court or from a corresponding roll in ..

Australia-India FTA feasibility study submission on Legal Services

- ILSAC encourages the adoption in India of the limited licensing system. Australian lawyers do not seek to practise host-country law, nor do they seek a right of ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter Three - Restrictions on Non-Lawyers Using ..

3.1 The consequences of the single, uniform licensing scheme applying to all .. further consider what areas of law should be open to practice by non-lawyers, ..

Public Prosecutions - South Australian Attorney-General's Department

It is made up of lawyers, witness assistance officers and administrative staff. .. Lay charges of indictable or summary offences against the law of the State.

Lawlink NSW: Barriers to admission and entry to practice


may unnecessarily exclude non-lawyer services providers who have special .. removal of the requirement for a corresponding law to be enacted in the ..

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Senior ..

How we operate · Laws we administer · Events · International activities · Dealing with .. Regulation, ASIC and former Director, Applications and Licensing, ASIC. .. Julie is a lawyer and her previous roles as ASIC included Director, Criminal ..

Untitled - Business Licensing Authority

Prostitution Licensing Authority, Motor Car Traders Claims Committee, .. Submission to VCEC, Input on licensing laws .. Board to clarify how lawyers can ..

law - Tags - Government of South Australia

Items 1 - 20 of 25 – A grant of legal aid means we will pay a lawyer to act for you. However, we will .. Related tags: drivers licence, law, licences and permits ..

Travel Advice for United Arab Emirates - Australian Department of ..

When you are in the UAE, be aware that local laws and penalties, including ones .. alcohol in the Emirate which issued the licence (for example, a permit issued in .. A list of lawyers capable of representing Australian citizens in the UAE on ..



Administration and Probate Act 1919 Three year time requirement - State law ... Legal Practitioners Act 1981 Complaints against lawyers Disputes about costs .. Liquor Licensing Act 1997 DRINKING ALCOHOL ALCOHOL AND TEENAGE ..

- Daily Law List

9:30 AM J163/2011 Chemeco P/L v Gadens Lawyers .. 10:30 AM B81/2011 Strata Conveyancing Services, Dianne Allister v Business Licensing Authority ..


report to the Attorney-General about laws that should be made by the .. occupational licence in industries like building, real estate and security. A person with a ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter Two - Barriers to Entry - Admission and Entry ..

To date, corresponding laws have been enacted in the Australian Capital .. 2.21 Licensing of lawyers is complemented by a rigorous disciplinary system.

Regulatory Guide RG 203 Do I need a credit licence?

applicable laws apply to you, as it is your responsibility to determine your .. Does the national licensing scheme apply to my business? ... gives or sends a notice to a borrower or guarantor on behalf of a lender. Lawyer.

To David Mitchell, legislative, policy and criminal law division, NSW ..

- Submission on review of defamation law 2005 .. (Libel did not then make business for lawyers; they did not defend criminals until the rise of .. Charles Blount, a pamphleteer, tricked Whig oligarchs into letting the Licensing Act lapse in 1695.

Make a complaint : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Lodge a complaint · Do I need a licence? Business names · Business rights and responsibilities · Specific businesses and industries · Finances ..

World Trade Organization and the liberalisation of trade in legal ..

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society .. This 'limited licensing' approach facilitates the availability of legal services covering the laws of multiple jurisdictions in all WTO ..

ACIP > Members

Mr Allen is a patent attorney and a partner with Davies Collison Cave. .. in Melbourne, Australia with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degree. She is .. He has over 30 years experience as a lawyer in the intellectual property, licensing, ..

Disability discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW

It is generally against the law in NSW to treat you unfairly or harass you .. for a job or for a licence or registration to do a job, when you are at work, .. from shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, the police, public ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

AGS has a team of lawyers specialising in privacy and FOI law. ... and consultancy arrangements, indemnities and licence arrangements.

Fair Trading licensing register and search : Department of Justice ..

Check a licence on our licensing register .. About the licensing register .. of Queensland (Department of Justice and Attorney-General) 2012.

Financial counsellors and the legal system

counsellors and lawyers discussed establishing a legal service to specialise in the .. involved developed an understanding of the laws relevant to consumers in debt. .. Licensing After the passage of the Credit (Administration) Act 1984 (Vic), ..

Power of Attorney - Department of Justice

.. Licensing Commission · Licensing, Regulation and Alcohol Strategy .. A power of attorney is a document by which a person (called the ..

11-12 JAG State Budget Highlights - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka .. business registration and licensing services, and the registration of .. At present, each state and territory has its own workplace health and safety laws.

RULE OF LAW - Attorney-General's Department

profession remain independent to maintain the rule of law in Australia. .. allowed to license lawyers and cause them, in order to practise, to join a centralised ..


Rich Text Format - To reduce the complexity, arbitrariness and uncertainty of Australian laws. .. where the Ministry of Justice was allowed to license lawyers and cause them, ..

Regulatory Guide RG 175 Licensing: Financial product advisers ..

professional advisers (such as lawyers). This guide .. applicable laws apply to you, as it is your responsibility to determine your obligations.

The proper role of criminal law in road safety

The Proper Role of Criminal Law in Road Safety. 195 its use, there has been little discussion or analysis of cancellation or suspension of licence as a sentencing ..

ASIC has updated Regulatory Guide 209 Credit licensing ..

Act) and their professional advisers (such as lawyers). .. applicable laws apply to you, as it is your responsibility to determine your obligations.

Age discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW

It is generally against the law in NSW to treat you unfairly or harass you because of .. in employment — when you apply for a job or for a licence or .. shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, police, public transport, ..


Re: Queensland Lawyers Maintain Their Monopoly .. refused an Application by Mr. Dale Turner (a Licensed Conveyancer .. the law in Queensland was administered in three ways: "A law for the rich, a law for the poor and a law for the law." ..

Internet Resource Guide: Intellectual Property Law

.. trade mark, design and plant breeder's rights applications; Licensing Executives .. Not available outside Parliament; The Laws of Australia (Law Book Co). .. Protecting subscription broadcasts (Attorney-General's Dept) ..

Legal Advice RE - Prostitution Licensing Authority

Neither McInnes Wilson Lawyers, nor the. PLA accepts any liability for reliance on this advice. The Prostitution Licensing Authority occasionally receives queries ..

Discrimination & the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW - Anti ..

What types of discrimination and harassment are against the law in NSW? .. Board of NSW is part of the NSW Department of Attorney General and Justice. .. jobs, for example taxi licences or registration to practice as a nurse.

How to become a JP - South Australian Attorney-General's Department

Not be bankrupt or have applied as a debtor to take the benefit of the laws relating to .. Licensees of premises licensed under Liquor Licensing Act 1997; Loss ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia

(represented by Mr Raymond Tan of Tan and Tan Lawyers). Intervener: Director of Liquor Licensing. (represented by Mr Ian Repper of State ..

General forms - Land and Property Information

LPI Fact Sheet - Power of Attorney in NSW (PDF 169.2KB). PAE0502 .. This Power of Attorney form can be saved on your computer, completed and printed.

AANZFTA - Annex 3 - Vietnam - Services Schedule

- Until such time as Viet Nam adopts domestic laws, regulations or policies which .. Foreign lawyers who have lawyer practicing licence in Viet Nam, issued by ..

Dealer/Trailer Trade Plate Application

The CRN is your Qld Driver Licence number, Adult Proof of Age (APA) Card .. the vehicle is safe and complies with the vehicle laws (as defined in the .. by the department or its agents to vehicle insurers, statutory entities, lawyers, insolvency ..


Regulation of Foreign Lawyers? adopted by the International Bar Association. Foreign legal practitioners qualified and licensed to practise the law of a ..

Aboriginal People and the Criminal Justice System

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia – Aboriginal Customary Laws Discussion Paper .. Hinton M, Johnston E & Rigney D (eds), Indigenous Australians and the Law (Sydney: Cavendish Publishing, ... as driving without a licence.63 ..

Contribution to national reforms - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. health and safety (nationally uniform Occupational Health and Safety laws, comprising a model .. A national licensing system (a national trade licensing system to allow licensees (in ..

Immigration Lawyers Association of Australasia Submission to the ..

licensing. The ILAA is a network of Australian lawyers and academics active .. At thesame time, Australia's Immigration laws are becoming even more complex, ..

Lawlink NSW: Review of the Legal Profession Act Final Report ..

The titles 'barrister' or 'solicitor and barrister' can only be used by lawyers who .. costs of mandatory licensing, insurance and fidelity requirements are too high. .. is written for people resident in , or affected by, the laws of New South Wales, ..

Patrick Doyle | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO


Panels Victoria, the Liquor Licensing Commission and Magistrates' Court. Before joining VGSO, Patrick worked at Maddocks Lawyers (ultimately as .. "It's an exciting time to be working in planning, environment and heritage law in Victoria.

Strata Management Legislation Amendment Act 2008 - NSW Office ..

A number of important changes to strata laws in New South Wales .. They do not have the same delegated functions as a licensed strata managing agent. .. rights or power of attorney to the developer of the strata scheme.


Summary Information on Bills Passed in the April 2007 Sittings .. include the Agents Licensing Act, the Antidiscrimination Act, Business Tenancies .. legislation to reflect changes in terminology concerning lawyers that have occurred following ..

2011 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Queensland first to adopt new electrical safety laws * ... Queenslanders with unpaid fines have been urged to pay up or risk having their driver licence suspended.

9/330 Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000 DX 185 Melbourne t 1300 796 ..

- o provision of non-legal services by law practices .. For example, conditions could be placed on a licence or practising certificate (pc) to offset risks from the outset. .. services, and the offering of services incompatible with lawyers obligations); ..



provide legal advice and represent clients in negotiations and court proceedings. They research the laws and past cases (precedents) that are relevant to a particular case in order to present the strongest .. Registration or licensing is ..

Chapter 5

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia – Aboriginal Customary Laws Final Report. Contents. Introduction. 79 .. Protocols for lawyers working with Aboriginal people. 90. Cultural ... such as an application for an extraordinary licence or ..

Legal Profession Act 2006

information, see the home page for this law on the register. ... Exemption of Australian-registered foreign lawyers by licensing body 163. 205 ..


Impact on law: Information technology is profoundly affecting the way law is practised, indeed what lawyers are engaged to do. The impact comes not only from ..

Trustee Corporations Association of Australia

Rich Text Format - preparing a will, trust instrument, power of attorney or agency arrangement; and .. We suggest that an appropriate approach to defining the licensing regime .. in the Bill could impact adversely on the Uniform Succession Laws project, which is ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Submission ..

ILSAC encourages the adoption in India of the limited licensing system. Australian lawyers do not seek to practise host-country law, nor do they seek a right of ..

Lawlink NSW: Review of the Legal Profession Act Final Report: Self ..

They included enabling the Attorney General to veto Rules on the .. no rule-making mechanism for licensed conveyancers and recommends that a .. is written for people resident in , or affected by, the laws of New South Wales, Australia only.

State services: Victoria

Update your Victorian driver licence or registration details online today. .. tenants and landlords; and enforcing and ensuring compliance with consumer laws. .. Victoria Legal Aid has lawyers who can talk to you about how the law applies to ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Business - Government of South Australia


disqualification & demerit points · 2. Renew registration or .. Andrew Rogers Business & Personal Lawyers View details. We advise local .. Baggiolegal is a boutique law firm, specialising in commercial, taxation and private client law.

Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Working Group on ..

All US states and territories require engineers to be licensed in order to work as .. Currently, Australian lawyers are only able to practise foreign law in 27 US ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia

(represented by Mr Julius Skinner of Jackson. McDonald Lawyers) lntervener: Director of Liquor Licensing. (represented by Ms Megan Ashford of State Solicitors ..

Race discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW

It is generally against the law in NSW to treat you unfairly or harass you because of: .. in employment — when you apply for a job or for a licence or .. example, from shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, the police, ..

Safe Work Week 2011

by SafeWork SA - 2011Learn about the national licensing system, the timeframes for conversion of existing .. OHS laws in South Australia contain provisions for licensing of hazardous .. lawyer who specialises in advising employers on how to avoid these pitfalls.

2011 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Queensland first to adopt new electrical safety laws * .. Queenslanders with unpaid fines have been urged to pay up or risk having their driver licence suspended.

Public Record Office Victoria online catalogue

(NOTE: In the List of Holdings, the various Licensing Courts have been included in the geographical .. In situations where normal administration of the laws required two Justices, one of the officers .. Attorney General (VRG 19) until 1960 ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter Four - Separate Licensing of Solicitors and ..

Chapter Four - Separate Licensing of Solicitors and Barristers .. Party Report provided that licensing arrangements for lawyers which require separate .. incorporated under the law of South Australia': Legal Practitioners Act 1891, s 16(2)-(6).

Litigation funding in Australia

- by ML Glanfield - In November 2005, the Standing Committee of Attorneys General (SCAG) agreed .. for breach of a licensing agreement and for misleading and deceptive conduct. .. Existing protections include Trade Practices and Fair Trading laws, fiduciary ..


The Australian Lawyers Alliance is the only national association of lawyers .. before the law for all individuals regardless of their wealth, position, gender, age, race .. being granted a licence under Comcare appears to be little more than a ..

IMF Australia - Submission to Exposure Draft - Corporations ..

breaches of their licence or breaches of the financial laws. ... a member of the scheme it follows that the activities of the lawyer referred to in ..

Business Licence Information Service - FAQ


to be aware of the Commonwealth and Territory laws that could impact on your business. .. The Business Licence Information Service (BLIS) can help you determine the .. Canberra Connect;. · Lawyers;. · Accountants;. · Business Advisors; ..


My brother, Knud Rasmussen, is also an owner/operator of the taxi licences issued .. issued under by-law E of the City of Mount Gambler, and that obviously derives ... Our council has engaged its lawyers, and we have been involved with our ..

2011 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Queensland first to adopt new electrical safety laws *. Queensland .. with unpaid fines have been urged to pay up or risk having their driver licence suspended.

Frequently requested documents - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Background and overview · Law in Queensland · Civil reform .. Electrical licensing and discipline register under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 ..

Smart Business Bulletin - May 2011 : Department of Justice and ..

The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is leading the event by .. taken when you next renew your licence on or after 3 October 2011. .. Easter and ANZAC Day long weekend to ensure compliance with pricing laws.

Strengthening Commercial Laws in the APEC Region

We thank colleagues from the Treasury Department, the Attorney-General's .. of Phillips Fox's Vietnam team, opening the first foreign law office licensed in ..

Doing business in the USA - For Australian exporters - Austrade ..

For more information, go to the Attorney General's Department on foreign bribery. .. Customs brokers are licensed by the US Department of the Treasury .. to interpreting and understanding the law's complex requirements.+

Doing business in Japan - For Australian exporters - Austrade ..

For more information, go to the Attorney General's Department on foreign bribery. .. Like Australia, customs laws and regulations, and import processes are strict and need .. Import licensing may be required for some imports.

Emerging Privacy Issues

Community awareness of the laws has more than doubled since first measured in .. of their age, for example, government regulation such as a licensing law. ... Lawyers Weekly reports Sophie Dawson (a partner at Blake ..


LICENCE AGREEMENT. ORDER FORM. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is collecting the information on this document for the purpose of ..

Sole Operator Sex Workers - Prostitution Licensing Authority ..

Neither McInnes Wilson Lawyers, nor the PLA accepts any liability for reliance on this advice. The Prostitution Licensing Authority occasionally ..

Dunstan, Donald Allan 1926-1999 - SA Memory

When Labor came to power in 1965, Dunstan became Attorney General, .. Also under the Dunstan government, the liquor licensing laws were ..

China FTA Task Force Department of Foreign Affairs And Trade RG ..

increase the use, both licensed and unlicensed, of members works in China. .. Copyright Council, the Arts Law Centre or pro bono lawyers. 11. Viscopy provides .. industries in China, unless the relevant copyright issues are addressed. 22.


breaches of transport laws relating to mass, length, width, height and projection. .. transport and logistics lawyers, about the proposals. Some of .. outlined and a court decides to impose a licensing or registration sanction or ..

Co-operatives National Law - NSW Fair Trading

Acceptable business conduct · Business names · Business licensing · Business structures · Dealing with .. A nationally uniform set of laws is proposed for all states and territories. .. 6, Mattila Lawyers in PDF format (size: 93kb), 24/2/2010, 4 ..

11 ACCIDENTS 11.1 Accidents on private and public property This ..

New South Wales Young Lawyers .. Shopping centres are covered by the law concerning occupiers. .. Vehicle registration number (licence plate); and ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia

Lawyers). Destination Holdings Pty Ltd (Licensee of The Wine Box,. Nedlands) .. The Decision of the Director of Liquor Licensing is affirmed and the Application ..

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 1997

The criminal justice system is a system of laws and rulings which protect .. Barristers are lawyers who can represent others in any court. .. For permission to do anything beyond the scope of this licence and copyright terms ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter Eleven - Professional Indemnity Insurance ..

11.6 Lawyers are the only category of professional required to hold both .. It might be argued that any insurer which holds a licence under the relevant .. this page is written for people resident in , or affected by, the laws of New South Wales, ..


issue of law regarding Section 53B of the Private Security Act ("the Act"). That .. Commission that he would "only get lawyers if it was serious!" 14. Also at the 10 ..

Services for Australians - Australian Consulate-General

For instance, it is important to remember that you are subject to the laws and regulations of the .. Renewal of Driver's Licence .. Lawyers in Hong Kong (pdf, 34k) ..

A Brief Introduction

A lawyer can give you independent advice about whether you have a claim .. In the ACT, legislation allows any insurer licensed under the Insurance Act ..

Security Industry Regulation 2007 - NSW Legislation

10 Shortened term for class 1 or class 2 licence: section 24 (1) ... (c) Australian lawyers within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004 and .. to take the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, ..


Rich Text Format - In some overseas jurisdictions there is no registration or licensing system for .. Accountants are usually involved, but often lawyers take a lead role because the United .. rigorous standards laid down by the ABBC in relation to insolvency laws.

General conduct obligations of credit licensees

compliance of entities that are licensed under both regimes. .. Currently Financial Planners find that trying to meet the current WA licensing laws is .. FSR when complicated rules/requirements and documents were produced by lawyers.

Attorney General's Department - 27 May 2011 - Standing Committee ..

The Hon John Rau MP, Deputy Premier, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, SA. .. in making sure our laws are compatible with a modern economy. .. such things as licensing fees, legal advice and external consultation ..

An Australian Consumer Law: Fair Markets - Confident Consumers

Attorney-General's Department .. laws through consistent national approaches to consumer problems. .. new national consumer law for Australia. ... Occupational licensing: The PC found that, out of approximately 100 consumer-related ..

Reducing the Regulatory Burden on Business

who suffer loss as a result of a lawyer's defalcation of trust funds or negligent conduct .. voluntarily obtained a financial services license to remove any uncertainty, .. comment on the appropriateness of the new laws to deal with the particular ..

The role of private investigators and commercial agents in law ..

by T Prenzler - 2002 - - licensed and accredited and all the rest—paid up, good reputation? Why can't I pay to see the RTA [Road Transport. Authority] with a letter, even from a lawyer, if ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia (Liquor Control Act 1988 ..

Lawyers). Commission: Mr Jim Freemantle (Chairperson). Mr Eddie Watling .. complaint do not relate to breaches of the liquor licensing laws and do not restrict ..

State Budget 2011–12 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General ..

services, business registration and licensing services, and .. and Attorney-General delivers the services that support our .. regulations and harmonised laws.


However, it is the gaming licence (whether Casino, gaming machine and .. relevant information may, in itself, be conduct that transgresses the law of privacy ( or ..


State Law Publisher, 10 William St, Perth 6000. PUBLISHING .. Notice is given that the following generation licence has been amended— ..

Health legislation: Health Legislation - Victorian Government Health ..

Pest Control Licencing in Victoria · Credentialling and .. (The remaining provisions are administered by the Attorney-General.) Disability Services .. Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 2006, 25 May 2016. Drugs, Poisons ..

IFPI - Attorney-General's Department

- Aside from that, licensing contracts, like any kind of contract, have to relate to a .. There is, both in Australian law and in the law of the other countries surveyed, ..

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..


trace, restrain and confiscate the proceeds of crime against Commonwealth Law. .. email and postal address) to the Australian Government Attorney-General's ... together with appropriate licensing and will rotate the mobile safety cameras ..

Business Victoria - Industries - Drivers, Owners and Operators

A taxi-cab licence can only be bought or leased from an accredited broker. .. Under the laws for the chain of responsibility anyone who has control in a .. A searchable database of accountants, bookkeepers, lawyers and business advisers ..

wilson/ryan/grose Lawyers Photographic Competition

Local Laws effective as of 1 January 2012 .. Former Thuringowa City Council Local Laws ... Food safety and licensing, Expand Food safety and licensing ..

Courts: State Library of Western Australia

.. be found in the Department of the Attorney General Handbook (353.4 WES). .. private individuals alleging breaches of State and Commonwealth laws. .. matters or points of law referred by the Director of Liquor Licensing, ..

Foreign lawyers and the practise of foreign law in Australia

The Model legislation bears directly on foreign lawyers practising foreign law in ... of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory is the licensing body ..

Media releases - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

This is a list of media releases issued by the Attorney General in 2009. .. 20/12/09, New laws to resolve neighbourhood rows over hedges [ Small PDF icon ... The review recommendation to abolish this form of licensing has ..

- Other Disputes at VCAT - Owners Corporations

This guide is merely a summary of the laws, so it may not contain .. decision made by the Business Licensing Authority about registration of a manager of .. At VCAT, if the case is not complex, lawyers are usually not allowed ..


by P BARTHOLOMEW - 1997 - In a Ministerial Statement, the Attorney-General and Minister for. Justice recognised .. consider whether the trespass law is sufficient to protect the interests of people .. a licensing authority could lead to an increase in the number of wheel ..

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Adversarial System in Civil ..

'reliance on lawyers' integrity'.1 In this stereotype, the parties are responsible ... And you must have not only the laws, but you must have a court system that .. The vision entails the licensing of private organisations to provide court services ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia

Liquor Commission of Western Australia. Applicant: .. Director of Liquor Licensing, lntervener .. Mr Peter Fraser of llberys Lawyers Pty Ltd ..

Surveillance in public places.rtf

service three nights a week, staffed entirely by volunteer lawyers, and employs an .. report "For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice" but .. public places through a system of registration and/or licensing (see below at q.


The Foreign Lawyer Registration Policy provides guidelines for the .. intends to commence practising foreign law in Victoria within .. licensing and registration ..

WorkSafe Privacy Policy

Privacy laws require us to protect personal and health information but do not .. licence under legislation we administer, including the. Occupational Health and ..

Elliot May Lawyers - Submission to the National Credit Reform ..

CONFIDENCE AND FAIRNESS IN AUSTRALIA'S CREDIT LAW; GREEN PAPER; .. many small business specific lenders, Elliott May Lawyers respectfully submit the .. A change requiring the Licensing of all those involved in the provision of ..

Disability Council of NSW: public inquiry into the area of people with ..


of Arts and Bachelor of Laws and a practicing certificate from The College of Law. .. I worked as a paralegal with this powerhouse of commercial lawyers from .. or criminal jurisdictions, or Liquor Licensing or Dust Diseases Court the firms ..

Submission - Regulations and ASIC policy statements made under ..

- 781 of the old law to hold a dealer's licence. .. the merely incidental exemption and when the old law would otherwise require lawyers and accountants to obtain ..

2008/2009 Annual Report Liquor Commission of Western Australia

the Liquor Commission/Delegate of the Director of Liquor Licensing to reject an ... On 8 September 2008, Mr X‟s lawyers lodged an application for a review of ..

LC 2412009

Liquor Commission of Western Australia. (Liquor Control .. Robinson of Wflliams & Hughes Lawyers). Director of Liquor Licensing, lntervener ..

Strategic Global Engagement

The availability of fully integrated legal services, covering the laws of multiple jurisdictions, .. of a limited licensing or similar model to regulate foreign lawyers.

Resolving land disputes in Samoa

by J Corrin - In Samoa, originally laws were pronounced orally by the village chiefs (ali'i). .. Compulsory acquisition and leasing or licensing are stated ... and, rather than reducing delays in the Land and Titles Court, lawyers would increase the length of ..

New life for WA consumer laws

Licensing Board, Motor Vehicle. Industry Board, Real .. The Australian Consumer Law carries over much of the consumer law that .. The licensing functions of these boards will be transferred .. about 200 people – mostly lawyers – gather at ..

SBN Lawyers - Submission to the Discussion Paper: Income Tax ..

Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) issued to Quantum Funds .. sized enterprise market, Denis advises on all aspects of revenue laws, including ..

Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Project BACHELOR ..

represent what a Bachelor of Laws graduate is expected "to know, ... to play a role in bridging the gap between law school and formal licensing of lawyers.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 08-191 ASIC ..

Former Director, Applications and Licensing, ASIC. .. In her most recent position, Camille led a team of 85 lawyers and analysts working on .. treatment of the various sources of law governing commercial funds management.

LC09l200 ' Liquor Commission of Western Australia Applicant:

decision of the Director of Liquor Licensing ("the Director") dated. May 11, 2009 was lodged with the Liquor Commission pursuant to section 25 ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Indonesia - International Legal ..

- According to these laws, 462 members of the DPR will be elected at general elections ... The principal home countries supplying licensed foreign lawyers are ..

LC1 412009 Liquor Commission of Western Australia

(represented by Mr John Robertson of l/l/iiiiams &. Hughes Lawyers). Director of Liquor Licensing, lntervener. (represented by Ms Tamara Cole ..

LC 1812010 Liquor Commission of Western Australia Applicant 1 ..

by Mr Peter Fraser of Dwyer Durack Lawyers). Lano (WA) Pty Ltd .. Palace Securities Pty Ltd' v Director of Liquor Licensing [1992] TWAR 241. Re Minister for ..

NCCP Licensing Regime

Credit Administration laws which operated a negative licensing regime. This allowed Fair ... required of other professionals, such as lawyers and accountants.


objectors by Mr Peter Fraser, Solicitors of Ilberys Lawyers. 2. .. primarily because the Indian liquor licensing laws are much more liberal than here in. Australia.

1 Liquor Commission of Western Australia (Liquor Control Act 1988 ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia .. Mr Peter Fraser of Dwyer Durack Lawyers) .. Director of Liquor Licensing to reinstate full ..

Commercial and public law - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Background and overview · Law in Queensland · Civil reform .. for significant projects including the New Queensland Drivers Licence and One School.

1 Liquor Commission of Western Australia (Liquor Control Act 1988 ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia. (Liquor Control Act .. 1(a) of the Act over the conduct of its Liquor License No. 6070021766 dated 7 ..


New South Wales Trade Licensing Submission November 2008 .. law relating to strata and community schemes has become far more complicated during this ..


Senior Judge Jennings has informed the Attorney General and me that the workload .. o Judges sitting in the Licensing Court will be supplied by the industrial .. 0 Underthe Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (SA) Act 2010, there ..

AusGOAL | How do I Implement AusGOAL?

AusGoal Australian Governments Open Access and Licensing Framework .. custodianship and publishing, as well as compliance with information laws, which .. Ask lawyers to provide advice that identifies practical solutions that enable the ..

Copyright, Fair Use and the Public Interest Submission to the ..

Removal of lawyers' additional fair dealing exceptions. 10. Fair use rights for .. Automatic compulsory licensing once investment recouped 13. Which model: US ..

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

A one-off print edition was funded by the former Attorney General's Department of .. The publication has been written according to the applicable laws in Australia .. Residential building contracts; The licensing of builders; The Home Warranty ..

A bonfire of the criminal laws? A review of Law Commission ..

all criminal lawyers with an interest in this important subject". .. licensing approach that includes a mixture of civil law measures and criminal law offences.16 ..


LC 0212010. Liquor Commission of Western Australia. (Liquor Control Act 1988). Boom Tick Pty Ltd. (represented by Mr Peter Fraser of Hberys Lawyers Pty Ltd) .. Application for Review of decision of the Director of Liquor Licensing dated 30 ..


A Discussion Paper issued by the Attorney-General of South Australia, the Hon. Michael .. stringent laws; prohibiting certain practices or imposing duties. Options ... If a form of licensing or registration is imposed, the fees collected could be ..

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia

The full terms of the Commission's reference from the Attorney General are set out .. Family Court matters concern primarily federal, not state, law and procedure and .. Appeals from the various licensing boards and the decisions of specialist ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Japan - International Legal ..

- The six main sources of law in Japan are known as the "Roppo". ... Japanese law does not permit licensed foreign lawyers to employ local Japanese lawyers.2 ..

Liquor Bill 2007

The best liquor laws in the world will fail if this administration allows a .. Removing licensing issues from the lawyer-heavy Liquor Licensing ..

Government Response - Attorney-General's Department

- Just as importantly, harmonisation of law relating to succession, powers of .. draw on the expertise of representatives from the legal profession, government lawyers ... Undertake a review of current licensing and registration requirements for ..

Disciplinary Principles for Cadastral Surveyors A Case Study in ..

by BJ Coutts - - Protocols first promulgated in 1892 allow for reciprocity of license ... to the Licensed Surveyors Appeal Tribunal, a body chaired by a lawyer .. the general area of land surveying as it has been defined in this part of the world, by the laws ..

A Further Review of Complaints Against Lawyers:

law on the operation of Part 10 and the practical experience of the operation of .. applies to conveyancers licensed under the Conveyancers Licensing Act 1995, ..

- 3260269_1.DOC

Rich Text Format - The New Zealand Institute of Patent Attorneys (NZIPA) makes the following .. assisting in the transfer of technology by licensing and other processes; ... registration and regulation of patent attorneys and amend the law in each country to ..

speeches_kennyj7.rtf - Federal Court of Australia

Rich Text Format - Only a small percentage of Australian lawyers were women in the mid to late 1960s. ... Universities exercise significant powers of selection, licensing and .. According to Wells, in the laws schools, "[a]scription decisions take place at all ..

Insider Trading in Australia: Part 1 Regulation and Law Enforcement

especially amongst lawyers, that the current insider trading laws did not need to .. The use of licensing powers is also an effective remedy" (L57). A. Melbourne ..

imageREAL Capture

Founding member of Global Affiliation of Independent Lawyers ("GAll_"). AUSTRALIA Q .. liquor licensing laws, and commtmity action on local alcohol issues. _ ..

Traffic Law in Western Australia by Mugliston, Ainsworth & Colebatch

information about the laws by which they are governed, the process which will be .. traffic. The other authors are lawyers who have extensive experience in .. white person, a licence to pass over what is, after all, traditional ..


licensing laws 3 .. See for licence holders. • Qualifications and ... Public / client interest (lawyers, accountants) ..


PARTNER, DIBBS ABBOTT STILLMAN LAWYERS, .. assist Members lacking a competition law in drafting an appropriate law and establishing ... Foreign direct investment by way of 'large scale licensing-out' of the right to manufacture ..

Liquor Commission of Western Australia (Liquor Control Act 1988)

Liquor Commission of Western Australia .. of Dwyer Durack Lawyers) .. 1) The safety, health or welfare of persons who resort to the licensed ..


and laws in NSW that further the principles of justice .. qualified lawyers being granted academic exemptions .. recommended that licensed lawyers should not ..

Identity Cards

Computer Law and Security Report, vol 3, 1988, pp. .. Ewart Smith was Deputy Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department. ... form of identification, like a birth certificate or driver's licence, and these documents could be ..


documents for the National Occupational Licensing System (NOLS) which will ... of a strata complex, enforce its by-laws and fulfil other statutory requirements. .. to others (often lawyers, real estate agents or accountants) who provide strata ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Vietnam - International Legal ..

- [2] An English translation of over 200 laws relating to Foreign Investment in Vietnam is ... On 28 July 1992, seven lawyers were granted a licence by the People's ..

Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety Arrangements in ..

from the Attorney-General's Department. .. however, is not a regulatory authority and does not make or enforce laws. .. Certification, Licensing and Permits.

Submission to the Legal Services Review Committee of

- Appendix B: Australia: uniform regulation of foreign lawyers 23 .. intellectual property and technology licensing. .. The laws of Australia and Singapore are also substantially the same as they relate to typical financial market transactions.

Gateway to Funds Management - Step 2

It outlines the registration and licensing requirements you may need to complete .. of service providers including accountants, lawyers and other advisers. .. AFS licence holders are required to comply with the financial services laws and the ..

Attorney General's Department of NSW

Australian superannuation and tax laws that make investment in these products ... matters, liquor licensing, mental health inquiries, mining matters, summary ..


The Australian College of Community Association Lawyers is a not for profit association of specialist .. 10- work in a non—political way to improve laws relevant to the Discipline. .. relating to the deregulation of licensing strata managers.

Victoria Government Gazette

Dwyer & Willett Lawyers Pty Ltd. 60. Mills Oakley. 60 .. MILLS OAKLEY LAWYERS,. 121 William ... Docklands Zones and licensed premises in all other zones.

Speeches - Address to Shareholder Class Action Conference, Quay ..

I'd like to thank Robert Ishak and William Roberts Lawyers for the .. I've taken the approach that a change to existing laws need to do one of two things. .. To satisfy the licensing requirements, the solicitor or litigation funder ..

Submission: Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological ..

behalf of both Griffith Hack and Griffith Hack Lawyers. .. result in clarity of the application of the statute (should it become law) for many years. 5. .. technology and clarification of the Crown use and compulsory licensing ..

Submission to COAG Taskforce on National Legal Reform Background

aw students and lawyers are increasingly mobile – completing their .. As such, the reform of legal education, admission requirements and procedures, and licensing .. Learning and development professionals in law (in respect of all areas of ..

The Australian private security industry : the need for accountability ..

secretaries, accountants, insurance people, lawyers, bankers and so on. .. licensing laws and, as would be expected, the majority of bouncers are not licensed.

Report - Off the Record: Shield Laws for Journalists' Confidential ..

9.2 For example, discussions of shield laws in the Ministerial Council of Attorneys-General (previously Standing Committee of Attorneys-General) have proceeded ... self-regulation. Such proposals include licensing and a legislated code of ..

Review of the law on Personal Property Securities - Attorney ..

Review of the law on. Personal Property Securities. Options Paper. April 2006. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. Note: This options paper does not ..

The Copyright Tribunal as an avenue for review to small businesses

to small businesses seeking review of licensing arrangements. The .. 5 Report of the Committee Appointed by the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth to consider what alterations are desirable in the copyright law of the Commonwealth ..

Drink Driving - Alcohol Info - NSW Government

Attorney General's Department .. 2005 (168Kb); The impact of increased drink-driving penalties on recidivism rates in NSW .. disqualification period if they obtain an interlock driver licence and participate in the program.

Are Lawyers Lemons? Competition Principles and Professional ..

He also gave as a specific example, in the context of doctors and lawyers, the role of what he called "licensing practices" as a means of ..

Report 02.06 Controlled disclosure of criminal record data - Report ..

Report to the Attorney-General pursuant to section 63(3) .. Privacy laws alone cannot deliver the balance in the field of criminal record data 13 .. out, for instance, in the areas of licensing and professional registration, as well as for ..

Law - Department of Education and Training

Skills recognition for a lawyer. .. Registration and licensing ..Lawyers wishing to practise law in Queensland, must be currently admitted on the ..

Biographical information - Full-time Members - MRT-RRT

Paul Fisher practised as an administrative lawyer for over 10 years, chiefly with .. and former part-time lecturer at the University of NSW in discrimination law. .. She is also a former Deputy Commissioner of the Victorian Liquor Licensing ..


Rich Text Format - Attorney-General for the Northern Territory v Chaffey; Santos Ltd v Chaffey,15 which .. the tendency in Australia for constitutional law to be seen as a specialised .. it authorised Comcare to license an eligible corporation to act as a self-insurer ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Lao - International Legal Services ..

- The laws of Laos are derived from a mixture of Lao traditions and French civil law. ... Three US trained lawyers received the first licence to operate a foreign law ..

"The impact on the Anti-Money Laundering Legislation on the Legal ..

- Like their colleagues in the United Kingdom, lawyers and accountants in ... [46] The evaluation found Australia's AML and CTF laws complied with only 31 of the 40 .. or injunctive and the lack of licensing and registering of remittance dealers.

Applicant: Respondent:

Liquor Commission of Western Australia. (Liquor Control Act .. Mr Peter Fraser of Dwyer Durack Lawyers). Director of Liquor .. 1- Kapinkoff Nominees Pty Ltd v Director Liquor Licensing [2010] WASC 345 o Re Nippon inn ..


The Conveyancers Bill 2006 proposes a scheme for the licensing .. laws in Victoria.11 On 10 November 2004, the Attorney-General and the ..

Legal Profession Regulation 2007

amendment, repeal or expiry affecting this republished law to 21 ... relation to a locally-registered foreign lawyer, unless the licensing ..

The Trade Practices Act in Relation to the Legal Profession

Rich Text Format - It is the way the legal services markets are structured that leads to lawyers .. on the practice of law , with the exception of the licensing of courtroom advocates. .. than for compliance with the Trade Practices laws and the Fair Trading laws," he ..

LC 40/2011

Lawyers). Director of Liquor Licensing. (represented by Mr Sam Nunn and Ms .. the Liquor Commission ("the Commission") pursuant to section 25 of the Act.

Lawlink NSW: Review of the Legal Profession Act Final Report ..

Some practitioners, such as government lawyers, do not need to comply with these .. offering professional indemnity insurance for lawyers, or should licensing by .. is written for people resident in , or affected by, the laws of New South Wales, ..

Life in Australia

Attorney General's Department. Robert Garran .. citizenship include obeying Australian laws, including those relating to voting at elections and serving on a jury. ... have a local driver's licence and the vehicle must be registered. Disobeying ..

Liquor and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2009 ..

current licensing system to allow for a streamlined system of licences and .. Trading (OFT), as part of the Department of Justice and Attorney General, ... It was argued that server training should be mandatory and that licensing laws must be ..

Superannuation Lawyers Association Of Australia - Libby Slater ..

Most of the new licensing system under the FSRA reforms is due to .. But the right of indemnity was afforded to trustees at general law well ..


Mr Des Crowe, Morgan Buckley Lawyers for the Alyangula. Recreation .. Chairman of the then Liquor Commission declared a restricted area around Groote ..

Intellectual Property –Living in the Twilight Zone, Licensing ..

Licensing Executives Society of Australia and New Zealand .. the Commonwealth can make laws for the peace, order and good government of the .. patent attorneys and intellectual property practitioners write that can infect ..

Chapter 4 Regulatory barriers for occupations - Research Report ..

Lawyers wishing to practise as migration agents must comply with both the. Australian .. for lawyers to practise migration law and has perverse effects for consumers. .. before or after its provision.1 While the case for the licensing and stringent ..

Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003

Application to licences of Licensing and Registration (Uniform. Procedures) Act ... the roll of lawyers kept by the Supreme Court or from a corresponding roll ... provisions of this Act and any other laws relevant to the conduct ..

Trustee Companies Regulation Submission by State Trustees Limited

It is desirable that the disparities in trustee company licensing that exist between .. State/Territory level, either in statute or in the general law, and is being ... For example, acting as executor or administrator of an estate or as attorney can be ..

Biographical information - Part-time Members - MRT-RRT

She has worked in private legal practice and as a corporate lawyer with a major .. She has a background in equal opportunity and anti-discrimination law and practice, .. Over Forty Association and a panel member of Liquor Licensing Victoria.

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Monday, 17 February 2025
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Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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