Local Government Law & Lawyers

Local government refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state. Basically, Local Government is a form of government in which responsibility for the regulation of certain matters within particular localities (local government areas) is delegated by statute to locally elected councillors who work for your local Council.

There are various Local Government Acts in each state and territory within Australia.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of local government law including any issue you may have with local council, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Generally speaking, the services provided by lawyers practising in the area of local government law include all matters and issues with local Council and local government including:

• Planning, development approvals and development applications (DA's)
• Site Appraisals (Development Potential)
• Applications & Appeals
• Obligations/Agreements
• Objections to Applications & Appeals
• Judicial Reviews
• Enforcement/Prosecution
• Certificates of Lawful Development
• Advertising
• Listed Buildings
• Trees & High Hedges 
• Boundary Disputes & Trespass
• Adverse Possession
• Covenants, Easements & Rights of Way
• Right to Light
• Party Walls
• Village Greens & Common Land
• Enforcement Investigations
• Drafting Planning Notices
• standards complaints and investigations;
• monitoring officer support;
• attendance at committees;
• social housing;
• homelessness;
• education law;
• planning;
• highways;
• rights of way;
• traffic regulation orders;
• compulsory purchase, compulsory acquisition;
• regeneration;
• construction;
• child care;
• contracts;
• state aid;
• projects;
• partnering and joint working;
• procurement;
• commercial property;
• charities;
• private bills;
• licensing;
• environmental health;
• employment;
• debt recovery;
• training for elected members and officers;and
• data protection and freedom of information.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of local government law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Local government roles and responsibilities Constitutional responsibility for local government lies with the state and territory governments. Consequently, the roles and responsibilities of local government differ from state to state. Functions include:

  • infrastructure and property services, including local roads, bridges, footpaths, drainage, waste collection and management
  • provision of recreation facilities, such as parks, sports fields and stadiums, golf courses, swimming pools, sport centres, halls, camping grounds and caravan parks
  • health services such as water and food inspection, immunisation services, toilet facilities, noise control and meat inspection and animal control
  • community services, such as child care, aged care and accommodation, community care and welfare services
  • building services, including inspections, licensing, certification and enforcement
  • planning and development approval
  • administration of facilities, such as airports and aerodromes, ports and marinas, cemeteries, parking facilities and street parking;
  • cultural facilities and services, such as libraries, art galleries and museums
  • water and sewerage services in some states
  • other services, such as abattoirs, sale-yards and group purchasing schemes

Local government revenue comes from three main sources - taxation (rates), user charges and grants from Federal and state/territory governments. A fourth source, categorised as 'miscellaneous' by the ABS, consists of revenue raised through the likes of investment interest, dividend interest, income from public enterprise and fines.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of local government law including any issue you may have with local council, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


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Local government (councils)

The six states and the Northern Territory have established one further level of government.
Local governments (also known as local councils) handle community needs like:

  • waste collection
  • public recreation facilities
  • town planning

The states and the Northern Territory each have many local governments within their borders. The state or territory government defines the powers of the local governments, and decides what geographical areas those governments are responsible for.

Each local government has the equivalent of a legislature and an executive only.
The naming conventions for local governments vary across Australia. They can be called cities, shires, towns, or municipalities, but they are still controlled by the state or territory government above them.

In the Australian Capital Territory, the responsibilities usually handled by local government are administered by a department of the territory government.

Rates account for about 38 percent of total revenue. Rates comprise just 3 percent of tax raised by all levels of government and is the only tax levied by local government, of 260 taxes in AUstralia.

About one third of total local government revenue comes from user charges.

Overall, grants and subsidies from the Australian and state/territory governments account for around 17 percent of total revenue. For some rural and remote councils where own-source revenue raising capacity is limited, grants can account for more than 50% of council revenue.

The Australian Government provides financial assistance grants to local government. These are paid to state governments for distribution to local government via state grants commissions.

Councils are able to apply for funding under a range of Australian Government programs, such as the Road Safety Black Spot program and the Regional Solutions program.

Local government assets have a net worth of more than $212 billion (2005-06).

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of local government law including any issue you may have with local council, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The main pieces of local government legislation in Australia are as follows:

New South Wales
Local Government Act 1993 (New South Wales)

Local Government Act 1993 (Queensland)
Local Government Act 2009 (Queensland)

South Australia
Local Government Act 1934
Local Government (Forestry Reserves) Act 1944
Local Government Finance Authority Act 1983
Local Government Act 1999 (South Australia)
Local Government (Elections) Act 1999
Local Government (Implementation) Act 1999

Local Government Act 1993 (Tasmania)

Local Government Act 1874 No. 506. The first so-called.
Local Government Act 1890 No. 1112.
Local Government Act 1903 No. 1893.
Local Government Act 1915 No. 2686.
Local Government Act 1928 No. 3720
Local Government Act 1946 No. 5203.
Local Government Act 1958 No. 6299.
Local Government Act 1989 No. 11 of 1989.

The current legislation
Many other acts entitled "Local Government Act" have been passed—as well as even more of the form "Local Government (Specific Matter) Act"—but these are the major ones which define the terms in which the others operate or alter. All but the last have had the long titles "An act to consolidate the Law(s) relating to Local Government". Additional acts concerning local government in the early days of the colony did not have short titles.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of local government law including any issue you may have with local council, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Western Australia
Local Government Act 1995

The main organisational bodies in Australia pertaining to local government law and policy include the following:

1. ACT Government  
The gateway to the Australian Capital Territory Government Internet resources. Includes links to Budget; ACT Legislative Assembly; Voting & Elections; Government Agencies; Functions and Services Directory; Current Features; Media Releases;

2. Australian Local Government Association
The Australian Local Government Association is the national voice of local government, representing 673 councils across the country.

3. Council of Australian GovernmentsDescription  The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is the peak intergovernmental forum in Australia. COAG comprises the Prime Minister, State Premiers, Territory Chief Ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA).

4. Local Government - VicNet Directory
Directory of Victorian local government with links to 73 city and shire councils throughout Victoria.

5. Local Government Association of NSW and the Shires Association of NSW
The Local Government Association of NSW and the Shires Association of NSW present councils' view to governments,provide industrial relations and specialist services to councils and promote Local Government to the community.

6. Local Government Association of Queensland
The Local Government Association of Queensland formed in 1896 to give local government a united voice. The Association is the peak body representing local government in its dealings with other governments, unions, business and the community.

7. Local Government Association of South Australia
The LGA is the voice of Local Government in South Australia.

8. Local Government Association of Tasmania
The Local Government Association of Tasmania, the association that represents the 29 councils that make up local government in Tasmania.

9. Local Government Association of the Northern Territory
The Local Government Association of the Northern Territory (LGANT) is a peak organisation representing the interests of Local Government in the Northern Territory.

10. Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) makes a wide range of decisions relating to and including,debt and consumer disputes, occupational matters, anti-discrimination matters and administrative decisions. The Tribunal can also review decisions.

If you need legal advice regarding Local Government Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Local Government Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Local Government Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Local Government Law extends to all suburbs throughout Australia

Local Government Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Local Government Law & Lawyers Links



1993. - As at 30 January 2012 - Act 30 of 1993 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title CHAPTER 1 - PRELIMINARY Note 1. Name of ..


Interpretation of Act 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 3AA. Transport Integration Act 2010. PART 1A-LOCAL GOVERNMENT CHARTER 3A. What is the purpose ..

LS336 Local Government Law - UNE - Course and Unit Catalogue ..

This unit introduces students to the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) and the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

Master of Environmental and Local Government Law - 2011 Course ..

The Master of Environmental and Local Government Law is available to both lawyers and non-lawyers and is designed to meet the needs of ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Local Government Law - LAWS3273

The subject will expose students to a wide range of practical issues and principal legal matters which arise both in specialised Local Government practice and ..

Local government law - Monash University

the framework for local government in the context of recent legislative developments (namely the introduction of the Local Government Act 1989) ..

Local Government Law 2012 - postgraduate law specialisation ..

Local Government Law - postgraduate specialisation.

Master of Environmental and Local Government Law - Macquarie ..

The Master of Environmental and Local Government Law is available to both lawyers and non-lawyers and is designed to meet the needs of ..

Graduate Diploma in Local Government Law - Monash University

Course structure This course consists of eight coursework units, which must include the two core Local Government Law units. Students may ..


Applicability of certain provisions of this Act Division 8 -- Local Government Advisory Board 2.44. Establishment of Advisory Board 2.45. Functions of Advisory ..

Graduate Diploma in Local Government Law (3399) - Postgraduate ..

2012 pg Handbook entry for Graduate Diploma in Local Government Law (3399), managed by the the Faculty of Law.

UNE - Library - Local Government Law (LS 336)

50+ items – Local Government Law (LS 336). image. Cases.

Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 ..


Calkovics v The Minister for Local Government & Planning & Anor [1988 ..


Local Government and Planning Law - LAW490 - 2012 Course ..

Local Government and Planning Law - LAW490. This unit examines contemporary issues in land use planning law. The focus is on land in an ..

LPAB Local Government and Planning

Library eReserve. 4, Bill Henningham, A Question of balance - it is time to try to balance the scales Local Government Law Journal (2000) 6(2) ..

LEC - Subject Pages - Local Government & Planning

The enactment of the Local Government Act 1993 largely broke the prescriptive approach of its predecessor, the Local Government Act 1919.

Local Government Law Units - Monash University

Core units Australian legal system (LAW7212) Local government law (LAW7087) Elective units Graduate research paper (in international and ..

Graduate Diploma of Local Government Law - myfuture: Australia's ..

The Graduate Diploma in Local Government Law was designed in consultation with industry partners and provides a thorough grounding in this area. It focuses ..

Postgraduate awards on offer at Australian universities | Australian ..

Master of Commercial Law Master of Environmental Law Master of Environmental and Local Government Law Master of International Environmental Law ..

LAWS OF FIJI - UTS: Centre for Local Government

POWERS CONFERRED TO THE MINISTER. BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT. No. Section. Role of the Minister. 1. 19 (2). Shall cause copies of the annual ..


Agency PART 1.4--ACT TO BIND TERRITORY ETC. 6. Act to bind the Territory and other jurisdictions CHAPTER 2--SYSTEM OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT PART ..


Application of this Part Division 1A -- Qualifications and appointment of local government building surveyors 373A. Qualifications of local government building ..



1993. - Act 95 of 1993 - Royal Assent 23 December 1993 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1 - Preliminary 1. 1. Short title ..

Mr Paul Leadbeter | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

Local Government Law

Journal – State Editor for South Australia -1998 to present. Planning Law in Australia - (State Editor 2006 to Present) Responsible for ..


Business purposes Chapter 2--The system of local government 6. Principal role of a council 7. Functions of a council 8. Principles to be observed by a council ..



applies only so far as expressly provided 10. How local government Acts apply to Brisbane City Council Part 5--Application of Act to joint local governments ..

Dr Andrew Edgar - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Edgar, A, 'Judicial Review of RRT Decisions' (Refugee Advice and Casework Service, 2007); Edgar, A, Local Government and Planning Law Guide (Lawbook ..

LAW00119 Local Government and Planning Law - Southern Cross ..

Local government has significant powers over the environment, and additional delegated authority under the Local Government Act 1993. Examines the crucial ..


Section 51 of the Constitution Act 1902 provides: (1) There shall continue to be a system of local government for the State under which duly elected or duly ..

Act No. 28, 1908. An Act to amend the Local Government Act , 190G ..

Preliminary. 1. This Act may be cited as the " Local Government (Amending). Act, 1908." I. Page 2. In this Act " Principal Act " means Local Government Act,. 1906 ..


Local Government

Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1994 .. Local Government Amendment (Ecologically Sustainable Development) Act 1997 ..


Purpose of this Act 4. Definitions 5. Particular references in this Act 6. References to divisions includes wards 7. Meaning of conclusion of local government ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Holiday Accommodation) No. 18 ..

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by sections 199A and 258 of the Local Government Act 1960, has ..


Shire of Aurukun 7. Shire of Mornington 8. Copies of maps to be held 9. Aurukun and Mornington Shire Councils 10. Application of Local Government Act 11.

Dr Philippa England - Griffith University

Research expertise. Planning and environmental law; Climate change law; Local government law; Comparative environmental law ..

Local Government Model By-law (Parking of Commercial Vehicles ..

Rich Text Format - LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1960 .. Superseded by Local Laws made under the Local Government Act 1995. Western ..

Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 - 08-g0-00

Rich Text Format - The Local Government Act 1995 applies as if the provisions of this Act were in that Act but in construing the provisions of this Act account is to be taken of the ..


Purpose of this Act 4. Local government principles underpin this Act 5. Relationship with Local Government Act 6. Definitions CHAPTER 2--BRISBANE CITY ..


Executive Director, Public Health may act where no local government 17. .. Application of rating provisions of Local Government Act 1995 47. Health rate to be ..

Local Government By-law (Deposit of Refuse and Litter) No. 16 - 00 ..

Rich Text Format - Local Government By-law (Deposit of Refuse and Litter) No. 16. Superseded by Local Laws made under the Local Government Act 1995. Western Australia ..


Short title. Number and year. Assent. Commencement. Local Government Act 1960 8. 84 of 1960 (9 Eliz. II No. 84). 20 Dec 1960. 1 Jul 1961 (see s.


(1) A local law made under the Local Government Act 1995 may prescribe a new street alignment for a street or part of a street for the purpose of extending the ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Vehicle Wrecking) No. 17 - 00-c0 ..

Rich Text Format - LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1960 .. Superseded by Local Laws made under the Local Government Act 1995. Western ..


Local laws may be made under the Local Government Act 1995 —. (1) for regulating the plans and levels of sites for buildings;. (2) for requiring that buildings ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Petrol Pumps) No. 10 - 00-d0-01

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1960, has been pleased -- ..


"authorised person" means an authorised person under the Local Government Act 1999 ;. "business day" means any day except Saturday, Sunday or a public ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Extractive Industries) No. 9 - 00 ..

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1960, has been pleased to make the ..

Act No. 56, 1906. An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating ..

(1) This Act may be cited as the " Local Government Act,. 1906," and shall, except as hereinafter provided, commence and come into operation on the first clay of ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Motels) No. 3 - 00-i0-01

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor and Administrator in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1960, has ..

Senior Associate - Planning and Environment - The Conversation ..

local government law

;; planning law;; pollution and contamination;; infrastructure;; resources management;; built and natural heritage and historic buildings; ..


An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1919 with respect to councils' powers of borrowing. .. This Act may be cited as the Local Government (Borrowing) ..

UTS: Penny Crofts - law at UTS

Crofts, P.2006, 'A decade of illicit sex in the city', Local Government Law Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 5-15. View/Download from: UTSiResearch ..


Local Government Act

Amendment Act (No. 2) 1952. 4.12.1952. 4.12.1952. 1954. 17. Local Government Act Amendment Act (No. 1) 1954 as amended by 113/ ..

REVIEW Book Review: Local Government and Decentralization in ..

by KC Sharma - 2010Kwamena Ahwoi was the Minister who piloted the Local Government Act. 1993 and other important legislation related to local government such as the District ..


New South Wales Local Government Amendment Bill 2011 No , 2011 A Bill for An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 with respect to the status of ..


(1) This Act may be cited as the "Local Government. (Town and Country Planning) .. AMENDMENTS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919,. AS AMENDED BY ..


52, 1966. An Act to provide for the care, control and manage- ment of cemeteries by councils; for this and other purposes to amend the Local Government Act, ..

An Act to amend the Local Government Act, 1919, as amended by ..

LOCAL GOVERNMENT (FURTHER AMENDMENT). ACT. Act No. 53, 1952. An Act to amend the .. (1) This Act may be cited as the "Local Govern- ment (Further ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Storage of Inflammable Liquid ..

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1960, has been pleased to cause the ..



(FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) ACT 1995 - SECT 4. Definitions. (1) In this Act: "base figure" means: (a) in relation to the year beginning on ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Safety, Decency, Convenience ..

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1960, has been pleased to cause the ..

Local Government Act 1989 - SECT 3 Definitions

Local Government Act

1989 - SECT 3. Definitions 3. Definitions (1) In this Act- accounts and records includes- (a) the financial statements; and (b) notes attached ..


1 This is a compilation of the Local Government Act 1995 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table 1a, 8, 9.


Local government

principles underpin this Act 5. Relationship with City of Brisbane Act 2010 6. Definitions CHAPTER 2--LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Part 1--Local ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Caravan Parks and Camping ..

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by sections 200 and 258 of the Local Government Act 1960, has ..

ANU COLLEGE OF LAW - Staff & members

He is a NSW Law Society Accredited Specialist in Local Government and Planning Law and a partner in Williams Love and Nicol Lawyers in Canberra.


An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1919 with respect to the drinking of .. Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Local Government (Street Drinking) ..

NSW Privacy Laws - Privacy NSW : Lawlink NSW

In NSW, there are three main laws that protect the privacy of individuals. .. and local government agencies; is administered by Privacy NSW ..

Local Government Amendment (Filming) Act 2000 No 6

Act No 6, 2000. An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 to streamline approval .. The Local Government Act 1993 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

RMIT - Advanced Diploma of Justice

Do you want to shape and influence the legal, social and ethical issues in the .. state and federal), customs, law enforcement positions in local government and ..


The Local Government Act 1989 was assented to on 9 May 1989 and came into operation as follows: Sections 1-96, 98, 99, 111-124, 186-206, 208-220, ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Control of Hawkers) No. 6 - 00-c0 ..

Rich Text Format - HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1960, has been pleased to ..

Local Government Model By-laws (Signs, Hoardings and Billposting ..

Rich Text Format - Local Government Model By-laws (Signs, Hoardings and Billposting), No. 13 .. "Act" means the Local Government Act 1960, as amended;. "direction sign" ..

Parliamentary, Local Council and Public Sector Executives ..

Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30. 5 .. An Act to amend the Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1989, the Local Government ..

UTS: 49108 Local Government Powers and Practice - Engineering ..

This subject aims to provide the local government engineer with the necessary skills to operate within the legal framework of legislative requirements and ..



MODEL BY-LAW (STANDING ORDERS) NO. 4. TABLE OF PROVISIONS 1. Citation 2. Interpretation 3. Mayor to Preside 4. Quorum 5.

Local Government Amendment (Parking and Wheel Clamping) Act

New South Wales. Local Government Amendment. (Parking and Wheel Clamping) Act. 1998 No 62. Contents. Page. 1 Name of Act. 2. 2 Commencement. 2 ..

UTS: Centre for Local Government

Jane is an accredited specialist in Local Government and Planning Law and is a member of the Law Society Committee that accredits lawyers ..

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 - SECT 23A Director-General's ..

(1) For the purposes of this Act, the Director-General may from time to time prepare, adopt or vary guidelines relating to the exercise by a council of any of its ..


Minister or local government may further restrict burning of garden refuse 25. No fire .. Requests to authorised CALM Act officers to take control of bush fires 45.

LEC - Subject Pages - Conveyancing - Teaching Staff

He also specialises in local government and environmental planning law which has important implications for conveyancing. Mr Henningham ..

Pacific Law Collection - Law Library (Monash University Library)

The Monash University Law Library has one of the largest collections of .. attorneys general, police and land and local government, law reform ..

L - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

420+ items – Abbreviations of legal publications. Abbreviations lists: A | B | C ..

L & Comp Tech



& Computer Technology


L & CP



& Contemporary Problems




(MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1960 - SECT 399. 399 . Buildings, partitions, ceilings and verandahs of inflammable materials ..

Local Government, Planning and Environmental Law - College of Law

Local Government

, Planning and Environmental Law. To order a Seminar Paper, please complete a Seminar Paper Order Form.


(1) Sections 361 and 362 and any regulations under the Local Government Act 1962 for the purposes of section 361 (6A) continue to apply in a case where the ..

2 - Law abbreviation results - Library - La Trobe University

Abbreviation: LGPLG. Full Title: Local Government & Planning Law Guide .. Full Title: Law Institute Journal (Victoria, Australia). Available: ..


Prescribed integrity offence—Act, s 153 49. Councillors and local government jobs—Act, s 167 50. Declaration of office—Act, s 169 Part 2--Local government ..

Local Government Act 1989 - SECT 119 Procedure for making a ..

Local Government Act

1989 - SECT 119. Procedure for making a local law. 119. Procedure for making a local law (1) Before a Council makes a local law it must ..

About Us - Macquarie Law School

When Macquarie Law School was established in 1972, it became the .. social responsibility, to heritage, planning and local government law.

Local Government Act 1989 - SECT 224 Authorised officers

Local Government Act

1989 - SECT 224. Authorised officers. 224. Authorised officers (1) A Council may appoint any person other than a Councillor to be an ..

Local Government Act 1989 - SECT 111 Power to make local laws

Local Government Act

1989 - SECT 111. Power to make local laws 111. Power to make local laws (1) A Council may make local laws for or with respect to any ..

Local Government (Miscellaneous) AmendmentBill*2010

Rich Text Format - Local Government (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2010. A Bill For. An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1999. Contents. Part 1—Preliminary. 1 Short title ..

Nicola Franklin - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Environmental law; Environmental planning law; Environmental impact assessment; Pollution law; Local government law; Biodiversity law; Administrative law ..


"Boundaries Commission" means the Local Government Boundaries Commission constituted under this Act. "builder" means the person who is employed to ..

Delegated legislation - Legal research guide: Legislation ..

By-laws, and sometimes Ordinances, are made by a local government authority and apply to the people who live in that area. Rules commonly ..


former provisions means the Local Government Act 1960 4 as in force before the commencement day;. senior employee means an employee designated as a ..

WebLaw - Environmental Law

Australian Heritage Council Act 2003 (Cth): An Act to establish the Australian ... This court was constituted in 1990 and replaced the Local Government Court.

WebLaw - Government

5+ items – Select WebLaw Subject Guide, Administrative Law ..



An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia. View full ..


Northern Territory


This database contains current Northern Territory ..


Chisholm Institute of TAFE - Justice teacher Jim Vatousios

Job roles can include local government law enforcement, case management, counselling and administration." Along with his teaching team, Jim keeps up with ..



1993 - SCHEDULE 9. SCHEDULE 9 – Special provisions relating to Cudgegong (Abattoir) County Council ..

LLM Courses - Public Sector - TC Beirne School of Law - The ..

The courses include advanced administrative law, principles of regulation, government contracting, local government law, and international development law.


New South Wales Local Government Amendment (Legal Status) Bill 2008 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Amendment of Local ..



1995 - SCHEDULE 3.1. [Section 3.25(1)]. Division 1 — Things a notice may require to be done. 1. Prevent water from dripping or ..

Climate change law for planners, developers, local government and ..

by P England - 2008 - - June 2008. Climate change law for planners, developers, local government and greenies: A quick stock take and some ideas for the future ..

Local Government Amendment (Legal Status) Act\ 2008

Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30. 2. 4 .. An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 to make further provision for the ..

Trends in Local Government in Malaysia

by SN Phang - 2008 - - Local Government. Labor and Social. Security. Public Works and Utilities. Source: Andrew Harding, Law, Government and the Constitution of Malaysia, 1996 ..

Biography - Albert Robert Bluett - Australian Dictionary of Biography

Albert (often known as 'A.R.'), the acknowledged expert in local government law, was closely involved in drafting the Local Government Act (1919). Next year he ..


Statute Law Revision (Local Government) Bill 1995 [Act 1995 No 11] Explanatory note .. with the commencement of the Local Government Act 1993 and certain ..

A Brief Overview of Government, Law and Order, and Social Matters ..

by NH Walters - - There are four local-level government councils within the Tari District. None of these operates as required by the relevant act. Local-level government is the one ..

Volunteer immunity and local government

by SB Edwards - 2004 - - Local government will be affected by these laws, most jurisdictions .. Sun D, "Liability of Public Authorities" (2003) 9 (1) Local Government Law Journal 21 at ..

Courses by faculty: Faculty of Law - Monash University

10+ items – Courses by faculty: Faculty of Law. Other faculties. Faculty of Art ..

3355: Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Bachelor of Laws


0080: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws

Local Government (General) Regulations 2004 - SECT 13 ..

Local Government (General) Regulations 2004 - SECT 13 .. the Local Government Act 1958, the Local Government Act 1989 or under a local law of the Council ..

Local Government and Planning Law - LAW861 - 2012 Course ..

Local Government and Planning Law - LAW861. This unit examines the practical operation of environmental regulation at the local level and ..


VALUATION OF LAND AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. (AMENDMENT) ACT. Act No. 31, 1959. An Act to make further provision with respect to the determination ..


Corporate Governance within Local Government law in Queensland. .. The objects of the Local Government Act are to provide a legal framework for an effective ..

CPICL members give feedback to the Constitutional Recognition of ..

CPICL Fellows Nicholas Aroney and Scott Prasser, together with local government lawyer Mitchell Birks, recently made a submission to the Expert Panel on ..

Passed by both Houses New South Wales Local Government ..

Passed by both Houses New South Wales Local Government Amendment (Legal Status) Bill 2008 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 3 ..


An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1919 to specify the extent to which the Crown .. This Act may be cited as the Local Government (Building Regulation) ..



1995 - SCHEDULE 2.1. [Section 2.1(2)]. 1 . Terms used. In this Schedule, unless the contrary intention appears —. affected electors ..

Certificate IV in Government - Investigation - myfuture: Australia's ..

It covers aspects of justice, legal and local government and provides skills for working as a legal secretary, preparing to enter SAPOL, working as a paralegal, ..


Purpose of this Act 4. Local government principles underpin this Act 5. How this Act applies to the Brisbane City Council 6. Definitions CHAPTER 2--LOCAL ..

Christopher Stone - Macquarie Law School

Additionally, I have taken up a part-time position at CEL, teaching units on Environmental Regulation and Local Government Law in 2008.


Registration fee to be used for achievement of Act's purposes Part 3--Amendment of registration 54. Amendment of registration 55. Relevant local government ..

Local Government Amendment (Cudgegong (Abattoir) County ..

Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30. 2. Schedule 1 .. An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 to make special provisions ..



1995 - SECT 5.41. 5.41 . Functions of CEO. The CEO's functions are to —. (a) advise the council in relation to the functions of a ..


An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1919 with respect to caravans and other .. This Act may be cited as the "Local Government (Movable. Dwellings) ..


(2) When any by-law made under section 248 of the Local Government Act 1960 6 , or under the last preceding subsection of this section, is inconsistent with ..

Text version - Murdoch University

[9]The Commonwealth contribution to local government commenced with the enactment of the Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973 and payment was in ..


An Act to amend the Local Government (Super- .. (1) This Act may be cited as the "Local Govern .. Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1927-1940.



1995 - SECT 9.13. 9.13 . Onus of proof in vehicle offences may be shifted. (1) In this section —. authorised person means a person ..


A c t " means the Local Government Act, 1 9 1 9 (as amended by subsequent Acts). (3) Unless the context necessarily requires a different meaning, expressions ..



1995 - SCHEDULE 9.1. [Section 9.60(2)]. 1 . Parking for disabled. (1) In this clause —. park means to permit a vehicle, whether ..

Regional Autonomy and Legal Disorder: The Proliferation of Local ..

by S Butt - and local laws. All of these tiers of local government received both legislative and executive lawmaking powers. One result of regional autonomy was therefore, ..

Course list for the Master of Laws - Courses and Programs - The ..

Master of Laws (LLM) - Course List .. LAWS7708, 2, Introduction to Intellectual Property Law. LAWS7800, 2, Corporate .. LAWS7808, 2, Local Government Law ..


40+ items – Local Government (Superannuation) Act 1927. Reprint history ..



No 24


Local Government

(Superannuation) Amendment Act 1935 ..




No 49


Local Government

(Superannuation) Amendment Act 1940 ..



The Local Government and Planning course examines the bodies of law which .. The Local Government Act 1993 was amended in 2002, 2004 and 2005 by the ..



MODEL BY-LAWS (PETROL PUMPS) NO. 10 - REG 5. 5 . Installation of petrol pumps contrary to zoning. (1) The council shall not issue ..


Local Government Act, 1919, as amended by subsequent. Acts, which Act as so amended is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act. (3) This Act is divided into ..


Clause Page PART 4--TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO CITY OF MELBOURNE ACT 2001 21 62 Application of certain provisions of the Local Government Act ..



1995 - SCHEDULE 6.3. [Section 6.68(3)]. 1 . Conditions for exercise of power of sale of land. (1) A local government is not to ..

Decentralisation: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

In May 1997 the Provincial and Local Government Affairs Minister drew the following conclusions: the Organic Law was pushed too hastily through parliament; ..

Mr John Rantino - Monash University - Faculty of Law - Monash ..

.. Rantino is a partner in the Maddocks public law group and an accredited specialist in environmental planning and local government law.

Principles of environmental law - Monash University

Synopsis. The unit is an elective for students in the Graduate Diploma in Local Government Law. This unit will provide students with an in-depth knowledge in an ..

Guest blog: Japan's regions - could the Tohoku Earthquake lead to ..

Japanese Law in Asia-Pacific Socio-Economic Context .. Japan's regions - could the Tohoku Earthquake lead to local government reform? by Joel Rheuben ..

Courses offered in 2012 - Faculty of Law - Monash University

Courses offered in 2011 - Faculty of Law. .. 3399 Graduate Diploma in Local Government Law; 3394 Graduate Diploma in Regulatory Studies ..

Faculty of Business and Law Victoria University Master of Business ..

by LR SEYERS - Understanding Outer-Urban Governance: A case study of local government .. establishment of the Local Government Board and amalgamation of 210 councils ..

Ms Karen Lee, Lecturer, School of Law - University of New England

Lecturer - Faculty of The Professions, School of Law 'Public Engagement and the Installation of Wireless Facilities Exempt from Local Planning Requirements' (2007) 13 Local Government Law ..

RESEARCH & EVALUATION Local Government Level Restorative ..

by MM Rahman - 2009 - formal system of justice for children who come into contact or conflict with the law. In doing so, the paper outlines the historical development of local government ..

The University of Adelaide Law Library | Property Law

Journals. Australian property law journal. Conveyancer and property lawyer. Estates, trusts and pensions journal. Local government law journal ..


(1) This Act may be cited as the "Local Government. (Town and Country .. Local Government Act, 1919, as amended by subsequent. Acts, which Act, as so ..

JD courses | UNSW LAW

JURD7368, Global Legal Systems. JURD7370, The Essential Advocate. JURD7372, Aust. Immigration Law & Prac. JURD7373, Local Government Law ..

Courses by title: L - Monash University

0202: Bachelor of Letters. Liberal Arts. 2327: Diploma in Liberal Arts. Local Government Law. 3399: Graduate Diploma in Local Government ..

Dr Andrew H.H. Kelly - Faculty of Law @ UOW

He teaches in the areas of administration law, environmental law and local government law. Andrew's research work focuses on the ..

Dr Yet Bryant, Monash Law

Her particular areas of expertise are environmental (domestic and international) planning and local government law. She has authored major ..

(Local Government) Act 1995 No - NSW Legislation

New South Wales. Statute Law Revision (Local. Government) Act 1995 No 11. Contents. 1 Name of Act. 2 Commencement. 3 Amendment of Acts. 4 Repeals ..


PART II—AMENDMENTS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT,. 1919. PART III—AMENDMENTS .. Local Government Act, 1919, as amended by subsequent. Acts.

Has Devolution Transformed Scottish Local Government? Notes ..

by A McConnell - Allan McConnell: Has Devolution Transformed Scottish Local Government? Page 12 responding by breaching the law though practices such as refusing to set ..


- The enactment of the Local Government Act 1993 largely broke the prescriptive approach of its predecessor, the Local Government Act 1919. It presented major ..

WebLaw - Occupational Health & Safety Law

Jump to ‎: WorkSafe ACT's role is to enforce the Territory's health .. Health and Safety Executive and local government are the ..


LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1958. An Act to consolidate the Law relating to Local. Government. [30th September, 1958.] BE it enacted by the Queen's Most ..

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2009 - SECT 29A 29A State interest ..

(1) This section applies if a local government proposes to make a local law (other than .. (2) Before making the proposed local law, the local government must— ..

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2009 No. 17 - SECT 29 29 Local law ..

29 Local law making process. (1) Each local government may decide its own process for making a local law. (2) However, the process must be consistent with ..


Local Government Act 1993 No. 30. PART 3—FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Division 1—Funds. Division 2—Accounting records, financial reports and auditing ..

Macquarie University - Australia's Innovative University

Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Law (Distance). MELGLAW, Master of Environmental and Local Government Law (Distance). FEES ..

Susan Shearing - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Susan specializes in environmental law and teaches in both undergraduate .. for Conservation Covenants' (2006) 1 Local Government Law Journal 139-152 ..

Andrew Kelly Seminar 15Oct08 - Faculty of Law @ UOW

He teaches in the areas of administrative law, environmental law and local government law. Andrew's research focuses on the interconnections ..

UTS: 70617 Administrative Law - Law, UTS Handbook

This subject deals with the control of government decisions. .. Ellis-Jones I, The Anisminic Revolution in Australian Administrative Law (Local Legal, 1998) ..

12042.1 Home Building Act Update - College of Law

The Home Building Act contains complex issues particularly in relation to the .. Insurance, Environmental Law, Planning & Local Government Law, Property and ..

Local Environment Management Course Resources Block 1: 25-27 ..

- Scott, Jennifer, Louise Jayward and Andrew Joyce (2008) Climate Change Adaptation – socialising the science Local Government Law Journal ..

Dr Cameron Holley@Macquarie Law

His teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and postgraduate units in Local Government and Planning Law. An empirical researcher ..

Ms Michelle Evans Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law - Murdoch ..

Michelle Evans joined the Murdoch School of Law on 1 July 2009. .. Volume 6, Local Government Law Journal, 126 (joint with Colleen Pratt); "HIV Prevention in ..


Activities of local governments that are not business activities—Act, s 762 Part .. Subordinate local law register—Act, s 895(2) Part 11--Local government ..

K-6 Educational Resources :: State and Federal Government

15+ items – NSW Coat of Arms New South Wales Government. Department ..

Learning about the Law series: How Laws Protect You


Macmill ..



in Australia series: Federal Government, State Government

Western Australia Local Government Act 1995 Local .. - AustLII

Adoption of former model by-laws as local laws 35 Schedule 1 - Forms Notes Compilation table 42 Western Australia Local Government Act 1995 Local ..


Local Governments and Climate Change: Discussion Paper Local Government Law of South Africa Financing Local Government Improving Local Government: ..

A Constitutional Framework for Indigenous Governance

by A REILLY - - albeit implicitly, in the development of government law and policy, and in the determination of ... Indigenous peoples desire a national and a local identity.



1995 - SECT 9.16. 9.16 . Giving a notice. (1) An authorised person who has reason to believe that a person has committed a ..


(a) a council or other body constituted under the Local Government Act 1999 ; or. (b) a regional development assessment panel or a council development ..

DRAINS ACT 1954 - SECT 87 87. Model by-laws

120+ items – (2) A local authority may adopt a model by-law published under ..





Number and year



Sewers and Drains Act 1954


No. 67 of 1954


Local Government

(Consequential Amendments) Act 1962


No. 68 of 1962


Unit LAW861 - 2011 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

LAW861: Local Government and Planning Law. This unit provides an opportunity to examine the practical operation of environmental ..


Definitions. In an Act: "Act" means an Act passed by the Legislative Assembly and .. Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 (Cth) to act in the office of Administrator. .. of the Local Government Act or the Authority or Council within the meaning of ..

NSW Constitution> Local Government> Overview> History

15+ items – HISTORY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT. Local government 1 ..



The Governor was in charge of all governmental responsibilities ..




When representative government was established, provision was ..



the Local Government Act, 1919, as amended by subsequent Acts, and the Secret Commissions. Prohibition Act, 1919; and for purposes connected therewith.

Taxation incentives for conservation covenants | Macquarie ..

Title: Taxation incentives for conservation covenants; Related: Local government law journal, Vol. 11, Issue 3, p.139-152; Publisher: Thomson Lawbook Co ..

RESEARCH AND EVALUATION Developmental Local Government ..

by J de Visser - 2009 - - legal and policy framework for, local government in South Africa. .. adoption in 1998 of the Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, providing ..


(3) This Act shall commence upon a day to be appointed by the Governor and notified by proclamation published in the Gazette. 2, The Local Government Act, ..


Under previous Queensland law, Local Government elections were held every three years. However, under the present Queensland legislation, the Local ..

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 - SECT 201 Search warrants

(1) An authorised person may apply to an authorised officer if the authorised person has reasonable grounds for believing that the provisions of this Act or the ..



MODEL BY-LAWS (PARKING FACILITIES) NO. 19. TABLE OF PROVISIONS 1. Citation 2. Interpretation 3. Application 4. Types of ..

Passed by both Houses New South Wales Property Legislation ..

7 Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30 The Local Government Act 1993 is amended as set out in Schedule 5. Page 2 [Page Break] Amendment of ..


Reference in Act to local government 18. Reference to local government includes any other assessment manager under the Planning Act 19. Reference to a ..

PLANNING ACT - SECT 3 Interpretation

(d) the consolidation of land vested in a local authority under section 18(3) of the Local Government Act with land adjoining that land if the consolidation takes ..

Western Australia Local Government Act 1995 Western Australia ..

Commissioner to make declaration 38 2.43. Applicability of certain provisions of this Act 38 Division 8 - Local Government Advisory Board 2.44. Establishment of ..

HSC Online - Social Justice & Human Rights Issues: A Global ..

In 1937 the first Torres Strait Islanders Act was passed. The Act provided for local government on each island and the appointment of a chairman, and two ..

UNE - Law School - Legal Practitioners' Admissions Board LPAB ..

19 Family Law, LS370 Family Law. 20 Local Government and Planning Law, LS336 Local Government Law. 21 Industrial Law, LS332 ..

Local Government Act 1989 - SECT 121 Commencement of local laws

Local Government Act

1989 - SECT 121. Commencement of local laws 121. Commencement of local laws (1) A local law or a provision of a local law comes into ..


by C Mahama - 2009 - - As far back as 1988 through the PNDC1 Law 207, local government .. promulgation of the 1992 Constitution, a new Local Government Act, Act 462 of 1993 ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services and ..

30+ items – Home > Law and public safety > Legal services and instruments ..

Baker Wilson Lawyers


Baker Wilson is a law firm based in the Huon ..


Bishops barristers and solicitors



firm offering a range of services with ..



3.1 Regulation of government lawyers under the Legal Profession Act. 12 .. relating to local government lawyers are essentially the same as those relating to ..

Law and justice

Index Page to Australian government law sites, including courts and tribunals, legislation, case law and commonwealth, state and territory Attorneys-General ..

Hot Topics 60 - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. 1 overview. Why do we have .. set up a local system of government to each of the British colonies within ..

James Ruddle | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

He also advises the Victorian Electoral Commission in relation to State and local government electoral matters. He assists litigation lawyers on a range of files, ..

Department of the Attorney General

The Department of the Attorney General reports to the Treasurer; Attorney General. .. As the State's first law officer, Christian has experience in both the .. behalf of State Government offices, local government departments and ..

Important rules for NSW Government Agencies - Legal Management ..

Briefing of Senior Counsel;; Briefing the Australian Government Solicitor; .. They do not apply to State Owned Corporations or local government bodies.

Comlaw Home

Skip to Content Australian Goverment Comlaw Banner .. New and amended laws on ComLaw that are attracting significant .. Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs · Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) ..

South Australian Legislation

Policies made under the Aquaculture Act 2001 (SA) or the Environment Protection Act 1993 (SA)—Browse .. Attorney-General's Department ..

Transfer by a local council - Registrar General's Directions

Pursuant to s713 Local Government Act 1993 (formerly s604 Local .. or a statement on the dealing by an officer or solicitor acting for the Local Council is ..


- The Local Government Association has developed template by-laws to assist .. obtain legal advice from the Local Government team at Wallmans Lawyers or ..

SAT Member Profiles

As a solicitor, he was a partner in a leading national law firm and, later, a multi .. of Medical Law, Professional Indemnity, Planning and Local Government Law.

Legal Services Branch Guarantee of Service - Lawlink NSW - NSW ..

Legal Services Branch - Attorney General's Department of NSW .. other State Parliaments, Commonwealth and Local Government agencies.

Ian Munt | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Ian joined the Government & Public Law Branch of the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office (VGSO) in July 2008 from Bazzani Scully Brand Lawyers.

Attorney-General announces new Victorian Government Solicitor ..

Premier of Victoria Ted Baillieu State Government of Victoria .. From the Minister for Local Government · From the Minister for Major Projects .. "The Victorian Government Solicitor is one of the most senior legal officers of the ..

Superannuation - Family Law Courts Homepage

How the law deals with superannuation when couples are dividing their assets after a .. The Attorney-General's Department has provided some information concerning the .. New South Wales Local Government Superannuation Scheme ..

Essentials for Government Lawyers Australian Government ..

Rich Text Format - For many years I also advised and represented local governments. .. Government lawyers often have to straddle the law/policy and sometimes the law/raw ..

l, K/WE EMILY OLlVER of Norman Waterhouse Lawyers, Level 15 ..

l, K/WE EMILY OLlVER of Norman Waterhouse Lawyers, Level 15, 45 Périe Street, .. (lo) the by-law is not in conflict with the Local Government Act 1999.

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..

Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 Funding Round 2012. The Australian Government invites applications from local government organisations working in partnership ..

Internet Resource Guide: Australian Statute Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Statute Law. .. Also used for the legislation of some State local government bodies. .. Gazette: Government Notices and Special Gazettes; Attorney-General's Department.

Local Government Employment Law Masterclass - 19 November 2010

Summary, Wallmans Lawyers together with the LGA have organised a 'Local Government Employment Law Masterclass' to be held on 19 ..

Opening the 2011 Australian Government Solicitor Constitutional Law

It gives me great pleasure to open the 2011 AGS Constitutional Law .. In that context I note that proposals to recognise local government in the ..

Procedural Fairness - The Hearing Rule | Victorian Government ..

Jump to ‎: Deputy Victorian Government Solicitor .. Minister for Immigration, Local Government and ..

Law in Queensland - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

The three levels of government—federal, state and local—all help make our laws, by-laws and regulations. The Parliament of Queensland is ..

Application of TPA to Government - Seminar Paper | Victorian ..

Under s 2BA, Part IV of the TPA applies to a local government body, only to the ... Lawyer, ACCC 'Application of the Trade Practices Act to Government' as part ..

Our structure | About Queensland and its government | Queensland ..

Ministers are responsible for departments, which implement laws relating to .. Local Government and Planning · Attorney-General, Minister for ..

NSW Privacy Laws - Privacy NSW : Lawlink NSW

The Australian Attorney General has asked the Australian Law .. the Freedom of Information Act 1989 and the Local Government Act 1993.

Statement from Attorney General Paul Lucas re Tracey Wigginton

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State .. I am seeking Crown Law advice on this matter. Ordinarily ..

Justice services - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Anti-Discrimination Tribunal; Appeal tribunals formed under the Local Government Act; Children Services Tribunal; Commercial and Consumer ..

Legislation - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act and the Local Government Act to provide more stability and ..

Government Lawyers' Conference, Law Institute Victoria

Government Lawyers' Conference, Law Institute Victoria .. assessment of how well State and local government complies with the Charter ..

Pages - Must government lawyers possess practising certificates?

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. a local practising certificate, requirements of legal professional rules, .. Under section 55E of the Commonwealth Judiciary Act 1903 government lawyers working for ..

General changes for trees - Department of Justice and Attorney..

The Act does not apply to trees situated on rural land, land that is more than four hectares in size, or land owned by a local government that is used as a public ..

Dividing fence disputes questions and answers - Department of ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. The Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 (the Act) commenced on 1 .. barriers visit the Department of Local Government and Planning - Local Government .

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special ..

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State .. Council of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated ..

Legal Perspective

The free newsletter is for public sector practitioners and lawyers in the private sector who provide legal advice to State and local government agencies.

Local government employees to be covered by state industrial ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. The Local Government and Industrial Relations Amendment Act 2008 does three important things: ..

Attorney General's Department of NSW

Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department (Regional Law. Hotline), and ... Commissioners are qualified in local government administration, town planning ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Business

80+ items – Tasmania Online. www.tas.gov.au Contact Disclaimer ..

Asgard Labs


Hobart based IT company specialising in building ..


Baker Wilson Lawyers


Baker Wilson is a law firm based in the Huon Valley ..


Internet Resource Guide: Environmental Law

49 (Australian Government Solicitor, 17 September 1999) .. and Territory-based Law and Policy ; Chapter 7 — Local Government and Climate ..

Attorney-General's Department - Web Resources

Index Page to Australian government law sites, including courts and tribunals, legislation, case law and commonwealth, state and territory Attorneys-General ..

Departments | Queensland Government

Comprehensive list of links to Queensland Government departments websites. .. Department of Justice and Attorney General; Department of Local Government and Planning .. Queensland law reform commission ..

From the Attorney-General - Premier of Victoria


-General Robert Clark today announced that the Victorian Coalition Government has introduced legislation to amend the Road Safety Act to prevent ..

NSW Young Lawyers - Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaption

- Chair, NSW Young Lawyers Environment & Planning Law Committee .. Central repositories of information would allow local government to ..

Sara Law | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Sara Law. Senior Solicitor. LL.B, BA. work+ 61 3 9032 3040 .. was a solicitor with DLA Phillips Fox in their Planning, Environment and Local Government team.

Internet Resource Guide: Business Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Business Law. .. stating explicitly that Part IV of the TPA only applies to the business activities of local government. .. Limited and Others v The King and the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth.

Property, titles and valuations (Department of Environment and ..

.. and fees and information about valuations of local government areas. .. Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment (NROLA) Act.. If an attorney, on behalf of a principal, intends to deal with the principal's land ..

FOI Concepts: Legal professional privilege

An 'agency' includes state government departments, local councils .. lawyers employed in the Brisbane City Legal Practice. The fact that a ..

Legal Representation for Council Members And Employees ..

presented to it full and detailed accounts from the lawyer approved to provide the .. Section 9.56 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) provides protection ..

Woollahra Municipal Council | Appeals

The Law Society of NSW, but you may wish to limit your on-line search to a lawyer who is an accredited specialist "Local Government and ..

Laura Vickers | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Laura joined the Public Law Group of the VGSO in 2009. .. She also developed a practice in prosecutions and enforcement for local government, gaining ..

Long service leave - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

State Government Departments Certified Agreement 2009 .. with the exception of state and local government, are covered by the .. Entitlements for long service leave are provided for in the Industrial Relations Act 1999 .

Useful Links

This is an online version of the Law Handbook – a non lawyer's guide to law in SA. It has a chapter on local government and planning that includes information ..

Local Government - Report of the Inquiry into the City of South Perth

(d) authorise the Mayor to obtain advice from solicitors; a decision which is in conflict with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995. Section 5.41(b); ..

Fact sheet 1 - Admission requirements for international pro bono work

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and .. While the practice of local law is limited to lawyers who are ..

Amendments to industrial relations legislation - Department of ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Local government employees to be covered by state industrial system. Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act and the Local Government Act to provide more stability and flexibility ..

Australian law: selected websites | National Library of Australia

GovPubs - a selected guide to Australian government publications, such as Acts, .. Foolkit: a lawyer's toolkit - State specific legal portal containing full text .. New South Wales Courts- Supreme Court, District Court, Local Court, Land and ..

Must government lawyers possess practising certificates?

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just .. on a local practising certificate, requirements of legal professional rules, .. of the Commonwealth Judiciary Act 1903 government lawyers working for ..

Australian Law

Local Government Law

. New South Wales Department of Local Government Includes inquiry .. Law Council of Australia: The National Council of Lawyers ..

Submission 72 - NSW Young Lawyers - Barriers to Effective Climate ..

The NSW Young Lawyers Environment & Planning Law Committee .. occur at the local government level and supported by the State and ..

Janine Hebiton | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Areas of law: Government & Public Law; Litigation & Dispute resolution; VCAT. Janine manages a team of four solicitors who conduct a variety of litigation, ..

Client focused solutions - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Crown Law continued our whole-of-Government, unified, reliable .. leasing and operation of the Clem 7 Tunnel as a local government tollway.

Land Title Practice Manual Part 60

Execution by Local Government .. Style of Local Government Name . .. Application of the Land Title Act 1994 to the Water Act 2000 ... signed by the attorney in the manner set out in [60-0900] under subheading Execution by ..

Are Councils Legal

Quote: The Federal Attorney General‟s Department Constitutional Policy Unit, 9th January. 2002 ..Local Government Act 1989" (1993 in some states). Fact 5 ..

Neighbours and the Law - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

Centres contributed by Gina Vizza, NSW Attorney General's Department. Section .. owners corporation and local authority when that consent is required by law.


State, territory and local government directories .. The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by providing ..

Department of the Attorney General

The Department of the Attorney General reports to the Treasurer; Attorney General. .. and a Graduate Law Degree from the University of Western Australia. .. behalf of State Government offices, local government departments ..

Who can sign a plan or instrument? - Registrar General's Directions


local councils). The Company Law Review Act 1998 (Commonwealth legislation) enables a company to: .. see s.377(1)(h) Local Government Act 1993.

Hurstville City Council - Land & Environment Court Appeals

The Court will follow previous case law and take guidance from its own .. to a lawyer who is an accredited specialist "Local Government and Planning Law"; The ..

New Solicitor-General for Victoria - Premier of Victoria

"The Solicitor-General is the Government's most senior professional legal .. Court Prize and a Masters Degree in Law from Harvard University.

Service Tasmania Online: Law and public safety

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department: publications and reports .. Crown Law provides a framework for the provision of legal services to the ..

Family law

Australian Government - Home Page .. The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law through the Family Law Branch and Family ..

Justice Services - Queensland Government Executive Directory

Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Justice Services. Ministers: Hon Paul Lucas MP, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and .. Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal; Crown Law; Solicitor- ..

Anthony Leggiero | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

He has considerable experience working with State and local Government, and his .. issues, handling matters that covered each of the above areas of law.

Minister - Department of Local Government and Planning

Paul Lucas is the Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and .. in Economics and Law and a Master of Business Administration.

Attorney-General's Department www.legislation.sa.gov.au ..

Attorney-General's Department ... by-laws made under the Local Government Act 1934. • regulations made by the Local Government Superannuation Board ..

Legal research links Land - Lawlink NSW - NSW Government

Environment and Planning Law Association (EPLA) - An .. Australian Local Government Association - Links to Local Councils in NSW ..

Unfair Dismissals - Frequently Asked Questions - Industrial ..

For State and Local government employees the easiest way to .. The Registry cannot give names of lawyers, however the Law Society of NSW ..

ComLaw - LegalAdvice

If you work within the Australian Government, you'll need to consider different options This link will .. How should I choose a private lawyer? .. Just put me in touch with my local Legal Aid Commission This link will take you away from ComLaw ..

Strategy Paper - Attorney-General's Department

- The Attorney-General established the International Pro Bono Advisory Group to .. the Advisory Group will help promote human rights and the rule of law in our region. .. governments, local partners, development NGOs, charities and lawyers in ..

Freedom of Information - Freedom of Information


-General Guidelines on the Responsibilities and Obligations of Principal .. government documents by using the Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982. .. The information on this site applies to Victorian state and local government ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

The Attorney-General's Department resource statement for 2010–11 showing available resources .. Specific payments to states, ACT, NT and local government ..

Local Government Association of South Australia - Legislation - LGA

The Local Government Act and various other tools are being re-developed and .. Government Acts and other SA Legislation is on the SA Attorney-General's ..

Acts committed to Ministers under section 5 of the Administrative ..

Acts Interpretation Act 1915. Attorney-General. Adelaide Cemeteries Authority Act 2001. Minister for State/Local Government Relations. Adelaide Children's ..

A better lifestyle

The Law Society of NSW, but you may wish to limit your on-line search to a lawyer who is an accredited specialist in "Local Government and Planning Law" ..

Power of attorney (Victoria Online)

The fastest way to find local, state and federal government information and services .. Home Law & Justice Legal rights & advice Power of attorney ..

Statutory Declarations - Department of Justice

State Government of Victoria - link to Victorian Government home; Department of Justice. .. an Australian lawyer (within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004) .. a senior officer of a council as defined in the Local Government Act 1989 ..

Legislation - Law Handbook

Acts Interpretation Act 1915 Standard scales for penalties and fees .. Food Act 2001 LOCAL GOVERNMENT; Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) RIGHTS OF .. Legal Practitioners Act 1981 Complaints against lawyers Disputes about costs ..

Family law (Victoria Online)

3 days ago – Resources on family law can be found on Victoria Online. .. The fastest way to find local, state and federal government information and services .. the Attorney General concerning: the working of the Family Law Act 1975 and ..

2010 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

The Bligh Government will introduce changes to shop leasing laws to ... to more help with the local release of a new guide, Attorney-General ..


the NSW Attorney General's Department, the NSW Police Service and Ministry .. Public place is defined from the Local Government Act 1993 and refers to public ..

Legal Briefing No 74 - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Papers by AGS lawyers .. It is a fundamental principle of administrative law that when parliament vests power ... In Ozmanian v Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia


Handbook Home; Chapters A-F. ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES .. Law Handbook Online - South Australia .. Complaints against government .. Complaints against lawyers ... LEGAL TERMS · LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General Director-General ..

Attorney-General, Minister for. Local Government and Special. Minister of State. Department of .. Queensland Law Reform Commissioner. Sentencing Advisory ..

legislative drafting

OCPC employs around 20 lawyers and a similar number of .. land law.  local government and planning law.  personal injuries and accident ..

Chief Justice, Your Honours, Attorney, ladies and gentlemen

I greatly appreciate the kind personal remarks of both the Attorney and. Mr Benjamin. .. was replaced by the Local Government Act of 1919. 3 ..

Employment Opportunities - Department of the Attorney General

The State Solicitor's Office offers outstanding employment opportunities for .. hear from very talented lawyers who are interested in joining a leading government law .. West Australian newspaper (Government appointments section), in a local ..

Local Government Association of South Australia - For Media - LGA

Internal Review - each Councils is required by the Local Government Act to .. or to view the Local Government Act 1999 directly, visit the Attorney-General's ..

Power of attorney and advance directives - Government of South ..

For example, if you were going overseas for an extended period, signing a power of attorney enables someone you trust to act on your behalf while you're away.

Our Services - Local Courts : Lawlink NSW

Local courts registries are located throughout NSW and provide administrative and .. Chamber Service; Government Access Centres; Powers of Attorney and .. The NSW Attorney General's Department acknowledges that legal and .. forms to be lodged in the Family Law Courts (telephone 1300 352 00 or ..

Local courts registries are located throughout NSW and provide administrative and .. Chamber Service; Government Access Centres; Powers of Attorney and .. The NSW Attorney General's Department acknowledges that legal and .. forms to be lodged in the Family Law Courts (telephone 1300 352 00 or ..

Cabinet - Queensland Government Executive Directory

30+ items – Cabinet. You can download a mail merge list of the Cabinet.

Level 15 100 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000. PO Box 15185, City East QLD ..


Level 13 400 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000. GPO Box 2454, Brisbane ..



- The donor appoints the donee as his or her attorney and authorises him or her .. Act, the Justices Act, the Local Court Act or the Registration Act, a member of the .. the Australian Valuation Office, local governments, the Australian Bureau of ..


A power of attorney ceases to operate: if the donor or donee diesif the .. LEGAL TERMS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING MEDICAL ..

Heritage Council members profiles - Department of Planning and ..

Amanda Johns (BA LLB) is a solicitor and accredited specialist in Environmental Planning & Local Government Law. She practised at law firm ..

Position description for Senior Lawyer - Crime and Misconduct ..

CMC's Senior Lawyers/Lawyers in each of these functional areas, working within .. local government and employment law, will be favorably regarded] ..

Directory of Queensland Ministers and Portfolios - The Queensland ..

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of .. judges and magistrates, JPs, law reform, Legal Aid, Public Trustee, ..

Our ministers - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State, Hon.

From the Attorney-General - Premier of Victoria

Premier of Victoria Ted Baillieu State Government of Victoria .. Services and Small Business · From the Minister for Local Government · From the Minister for Major Projects .. Attorney-General Robert Clark has today expressed the Coalition Government's appreciation of .. CFMEU's history of defying the rule of law must stop ..

P A No: - Northern Territory Government

The Registrar-General's Office is authorised by the Powers of Attorney Act to .. NT Government agencies, the Australian Valuation Office, local governments, the ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General - Queensland ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General. State Law Building .. Hon Paul Lucas MP, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and ..


Solicitors can prepare a power of attorney or enduring power of attorney, .. LEGAL TERMS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING MEDICAL ..

SCAG_Communique_4-5_March_2011 - FINAL

The first meeting of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) for .. Relations, State/Local Government Relations and Gambling. .. a reference to the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to conduct a broad ..

Information for local government about accreditation : Department of ..

Local governments do not have specific compliance and monitoring roles regarding the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002 (the Act).


It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as possible after .. legal advice and assistance to disadvantaged clients and local residents. .. Funded with the support of the Governments of Australia and South ..


c) the proposed lawyer (or law firm) who is to be asked to provide the legal .. government as may be required by the local government and the terms of the ..

Local government and the Commonwealth: an evolving relationship

Each region consisted of several existing local governments, although constitutional lawyer Geoffrey Sawer noted, the regional organisation ..

Law and justice in the workplace - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. (with the exception of state and local government and child employment) will be ..


I also note that local government has an important role to play, particularly in .. lRe|ease d under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 by the Attorney-'Genera|'s ..

Crown Law Annual Report 2006-07

the lawyers in Crown law are further supported by the practice Management branch .. easements which had previously been resumed for local governments.

Acts, bills & legislation (Victoria Online)

The fastest way to find local, state and federal government information and .. ComLaw - Commonwealth of Australia Law (Attorney-General's Department, ..

Disclosing Information of Public Interest - Department of the Attorney ..

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (the Act) enables people to make disclosures about wrongdoing within the State public sector, local government and ..


It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as possible after .. legal advice and assistance to disadvantaged clients and local residents. .. Funded with the support of the Governments of Australia and South ..

Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland - Queensland Government ..

Justice and Attorney-General .. Level 25, State Law Building .. Hon Paul Lucas MP, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and ..

OATHS ACT 1867 Oaths Act 1867 31 Vic No. - Queensland ..

OATHS ACT 1867. Administering Minister. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State. Original Act ..

Conflict of interest in local government

The Local Government Act 1989 (the Act)contains a set of principles to guide council employees' ... the assistance of lawyers and experienced council officers.

Statutory Declarations sworn outside NSW - Land and Property ..


(with current practising certificate under Part 3 of the Legal Profession Act .. A senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local Government Act 1989; ..

Pages - Chapter 5 - Our performance - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. Specific payments to states, ACT, NT and local government. Outcome 1, 6899, 6781 ..

COAG Standing Councils are established to: - Attorney-General's ..

- law enforcement issues such as police powers, criminal offences and the .. Attorney-General; Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Government practitioners

A government lawyer who maintains a Victorian practising certificate is a "local legal practitioner" within the meaning of the Act. As such, they ..

Working with Crown Law - Jobs in Queensland Government

profile as Crown Law lawyers directly brief Government Ministers, .. all Queensland Government departments and agencies .. local government authorities.

Media releases - Office of Fair Trading - Queensland Government

The Hon Paul Lucas MP, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State is the Minister responsible for Fair ..

Our minister : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

.. was appointed Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and .. in Economics and in Law and a Master of Business Administration.

Statutory Declarations sworn outside NSW - Registrar General's ..


(with current practising certificate under Part 3 of the Legal Profession Act .. A senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local Government Act 1989; ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

hosted events to raise money for local and international charities and to raise awareness of .. The Australian Government administrative law policy guide ..

Speeches and Papers - Land & Environment Court : Lawlink NSW

13 October 2011, The enduring importance of the rule of law in times .. Brian J Preston to the Environment and Planning Law Association (NSW) .. 2011 in Brisbane, published in (2011) 16 Local Government Law Journal 72.

Privacy Codes of Practice - Privacy NSW : Lawlink NSW

What privacy codes of practice have been made under the PPIP Act? .. be approved by the Attorney General and published in the Government Gazette. .. for Local Government (off site link); Privacy Code of Practice for Law ..


Development and Local Government in the Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio ... Provide support for the Attorney-General as First Law Officer including ..

Legal services

Australian Government Solicitor is an independent, fully commercial and competitive law firm, acting for government departments and agencies.

Government Information (Public Access) Amendment Regulation 2010

Schedule 5 to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. [1] Parts 3 and 4 ... Department of Justice and Attorney. General. Advisory .. Local Government Grants Commission Department of Premier and Cabinet ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

enforcement, completed the government's legal profession reform program .. the attorney-General is the state's first law officer and a member of Cabinet. .. local halls and hospitals. in 2006-07, the tribunal conducted hearings in 34 locations ..

find LEGAL answers - Housing and Land - Planning and development

Jump to ‎: About: Contains annotated copies of the Local Government Act 1993 and Regulations, the Environmental Planning and ..

Strategic Policy, Legal and Executive Services - Queensland ..

Hon Paul Lucas MP, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State · Hon Cameron Dick MP, Minister for ..

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination ..

Skip to Content Australian Goverment Comlaw Banner .. interests from Attorney-General's Department to the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia .. Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government; and ..

Advance Health Directives

Department of Health - Government of Western Australia .. Am I required to discuss my Advance Health Directive with a lawyer before signing it? .. Local Government CEO or Deputy CEO; Local Government Councillor; Loss Adjuster .. Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005 may certify that the copy is a true copy of ..

Allocation of the Administration of Acts 2011 (No 2—General ..

Seat of Government Surrender Act 1909 No 14. Seat of Government .. 165B as a law of New South Wales, the Attorney General) ... Local Government and Other Authorities (Superannuation) Act 1927 No 35. Loan Fund ..

Crown Law Annual Report 2008–09 - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. disciplinary boards, tribunals and local government authorities.

Report - The National Native Title Tribunal

- Attorney-General Native Title Amendment Bill 1997 Second Reading Speech, House .. http://www.act.gov.au/government/department/cmd/comliaison/Indigenous/ .. Australian Local Government Association 'Working with Native Title in Local ..

Legal Briefing No 42 - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Papers by AGS lawyers .. at the approach taken by the High Court in a series of cases about refugee law. .. 6 See Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs v Mok ..

Standing Council on Law and Justice

State, territory and local government directories .. the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General transitioned to the Standing Council on Law and Justice (SCLJ).

From the Attorney-General - Premier of Victoria

Premier of Victoria Ted Baillieu State Government of Victoria .. From the Minister for Local Government · From the Minister for Major Projects · From the Minister .. Attorney-General Robert Clark today announced the appointment of lawyer Ian ..

External links - Independent Commission .. - ICAC - NSW Government

The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department provides support to the .. Conducts investigations under the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988. .. Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is the leading professional ..

Signing a power of attorney - Law Handbook

After carefully checking the power of attorney to make sure that it .. LEGAL TERMS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING MEDICAL ..

Chapter 5 - Our performance

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and .. Specific payments to states, ACT, NT and local government ..

Legal loopholes closed after tough new laws passed

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special .. Tough new laws targeting murderous ex-lovers, graveyard vandals and unfair ..

Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre Inc

- .. residents of the Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla and Bega local government areas of .. Even if there was a shift to more lawyer assisted mediation in Federal court ..

Submission 13 - (Hon) Graham Mullane

- Apart from the Local Courts that is pretty much the NSW model in the 21st Century. .. people are employed in offices of government solicitors, public prosecutors, legal .. Of the lawyers surveyed in those areas of NSW, 60% did family law work, ..

Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland - Department of Justice ..

PSIR also represents government in industrial forums, and delivers .. of Justice and Attorney-General through Right to Information laws. .. 1300 650 662 (local call charge within Australia, mobiles charged at applicable rates) ..

Background - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Lawyer Regulation in Australia .. This federal system comprises a Commonwealth (or Federal) government and eight State and Territory governments: .. varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and reflects local conditions.

National Legal Profession Reform - Attorney-General's Department

- The Northern Territory Government is not represented on either body. .. Under the current local regime policy lawyers and Parliamentary Counsel both hold ..

Harassment and sexual harassment - Anti-Discrimination Board ..

What does the law say about sexual harrassment? .. banks, lawyers, government departments, police, public transport, local councils, doctors, ..

Law and Order - Premier of Victoria

Achievements and policies implemented in the first year of Coalition Government. Attorney-General. Brodie's Law – legislation passed to make serious bullying ..

Specific rules for contractors to Queensland government agencies

Queensland Government Lawyers Conference. 5 May 2011 .. including contract law, others of you will occupy generalist positions. Some of you will be compliance ... made about the actions of a local government). The Information Privacy Act ..

Legal Services - Solicitor for the NT .. - Northern Territory Government

The Northern Territory Government obtains its legal services in civil .. Solicitor for the Northern Territory (SFNT), including legal officers based in agencies, and in part through outsourcing matters to local and interstate legal ..

FCLC response to Access to Justice taskforce report 271109

initiates and resources law reform to develop a fairer legal system that better responds to .. from a variety of sources including state, federal and local government, .. 5 Victorian Government, Attorney-General's Justice Statement 2 (2008) 36.


Helen MacFarlane is a solicitor who specialises in local government and planning law with a particular emphasis on heritage. She acts for numerous councils, ..

Report 02.06 Controlled disclosure of criminal record data - Report ..

Report to the Attorney-General pursuant to section 63(3) of the Information .. In recent years, Government has increasingly introduced new laws requiring criminal .. Some innocent people had to be fingerprinted at their local police station to ..

Complaints against lawyers - Law Handbook

A person who is concerned about the conduct of a lawyer, including .. LEGAL TERMS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING MEDICAL ..

11-12 JAG State Budget Highlights - Department of Justice and ..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State ..

Supreme Court, Central District, Rockhampton - ArchivesSearch ..

34, Justice and Attorney General's Department, 24/9/1992, 26/2/1996 .. trade marks, ecclesiastical law, matrimony, property, local government laws, trusts and ..

Applying for Operational Areas Under the Children (Protection and ..

- Local councils can request the Attorney General to declare a local government area, or part thereof, to be an operational area under Part 3 of the Act. If the ..

about something - Local Government Association of South Australia

When Accrual Accounting came to Local Government, the .. Tim Campbell, Solicitor, Hunt & Hunt .. Government and law, Tim is interested in the. Australian ..

Enduring Power of Attorney Information Kit

.. attorney is ever unavailable, unsuitable or unable to act as your attorney. ... Lawyers. Local Government CEOs or deputy CEOs Local government councillors ..

LIAC Subject Headings Scheme - About Us - NSW Government

Guardianship Marriage Power of attorney. Government, Administrative law. Constitution Freedom of Information Government Local government ..

find LEGAL answers - Environment - Pollution

Jump to ‎: Title: Local government planning and environment NSW. About: Contains annotated copies of the Local Government Act ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Applying for a Practising Certificate

You can also view information for current local legal practitioners on .. The Act sets out the circumstances in which an Australian lawyer is ..

Media Statements - Home

Go to whole of WA Government search .. Treasurer; Attorney General .. shut down illegal brothels under the State Government's proposed law reforms. .. into WA communities and hold local governments accountable for their ..

Victoria Government Gazette

solicitors, by a date not later than two months from the ... of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), in accordance with the ..

Long service leave frequently asked questions - Department of ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. State Government Departments Certified Agreement 2009 .. As from this date all employers and employees, with the exception of state and local government, are covered by the national .. The Industrial Relations Act 1999 provides for certain leave entitlements to ..

Our governance framework - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 .. General, Strategy and Policy, Department of Local Government, (Planning), Sport and Recreation.

Background - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

This federal system comprises a Commonwealth (or Federal) government and .. in much the same way as a local lawyer, the only difference being that their ..

PPIP Code of Practice for Local Government - Newcastle City Council

section 12(1A) Local Government Act 1993 and section 149G of the .. such time as a Research Code of Practice is made by the Attorney General. Information ..

Smart Business Bulletin - May 2011 : Department of Justice and ..

Law Week is on from 16-22 May and is an opportunity for .. the Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special ..

Work out your long service leave - Department of Justice and ..

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. Queensland Government Code of Practice for Call Centres .. As from this date all employers and employees, with the exception of state and local government, are covered by the national .. after 10 years continuous service or taking into account the Act's phasing in ..

Local Government Association of South Australia - Circulars by ..

47.16 Local Government Model By-law - Proclamation 2011 .. Norman Waterhouse Lawyers have updated the LGA's delegations templates for ..


These laws prohibit some overt anti-competitive practices such as price fixing as well as unauthorised actions by local government agencies or officials.33 ..

Statutory Declaration

service), Dentist, Doctor, Electorate Officer (State), Engineer, Industrial organisation secretary, Insurance broker, Justice of the Peace, Lawyer, Local government ..

Legal Eagle - Lawlink NSW - NSW Government

Act does allow for people who are parties to a hearing to be represented by a lawyer or another advocate. .. new law, state and local government agencies ..

Unfair dismissal | Fair Work Australia

Overview of the unfair dismissal laws; Making an unfair dismissal remedy .. South Australia or Tasmania; those employed by local government in Tasmania .. In certain circumstances, FWA may also make a costs order against a lawyer or ..

Inquiry into Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 ..

Premier of Victoria Ted Baillieu State Government of Victoria .. From the Minister for Local Government · From the Minister for Major Projects · From the .. The Victorian Attorney-General, Robert Clark, today announced the ..

ILSAC Submission on Legal Services Department of Foreign Affairs ..

lawyers. It proposes a role for the government in approving 'foreign legal consultants' prior .. or commercial association with local lawyers/law firms. 5 ..

Legal Panel Administration - Department of Justice

Legal Panel Administration manages the whole of Victorian government legal .. local Community Legal Centre; The Law Institute of Victoria on 03 9607 9311 .. Panel law firms or the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office must be used for the ..

Appendix 2: Submission by solicitors

complaints process, and a councillor code of conduct, were inserted by the Local. Government Legislation Amendment Act 2005 and commenced on 31 May ..

Witnessing Documents

You are here: Law Compass > Courts Home > Justices of the Peace .. Lawyer. Local government CEO or deputy CEO. Local government ..

Swearing in Ceremony of The Honourable Peter David McClellan ..

Your Honour, as Attorney General, and on behalf of the New South Wales Bar, .. in the areas of environmental and local government law, and held the position ..

2008 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Claims that new laws passed in Parliament this week rescuing local government workers from the toxic lingering affects of Work Choices ..

Service Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services ..

The Office of the Crown Solicitor provides commercial law and conveyancing services to the Government. Commonwealth Government Indigenous Legal ..

Glossary - Law Handbook

A decision, or refusal to make a decision, by an officer of a government .. by-laws. Former name of local laws (q.v.). capacity. The ability to understand and give .. A power of attorney (q.v.) or guardianship which continues to have effect even if ..

Legal Services Board of Victoria: Forms

On this page: Legal practitioners; Locally-registered foreign lawyers; Interstate legal practitioners; Law practices; Trust account forms; Statutory ..

Ministers and portfolio responsibilities - Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's portfolio comprises the Attorney-General's Department and a number of .. Outcome 1: Assurance that Australian Government law enforcement agencies and their staff act with ... to states, ACT, NT and local government ..

Lawyers - Ombudsman NT - Northern Territory Government

Initial complaints about the conduct of solicitors or about the manner or cost of services should be made to: Law Society Northern Territory. 1st Floor, Paspalis ..

Australia–India Free Trade Agreement Feasibility Study: ILSAC

- While the Indian government has shown willingness to consider opening the .. Australian lawyers do not seek to practise host-country law, nor do they seek a right of .. greater opportunities for specialisation by local lawyers, leading to the ..

State Government to change 'gay panic' defence - Ministerial Media ..

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special .. where a defendant claimed they were provoked into committing the Act.


In South Australia lawyers study at either the University of Adelaide or .. LEGAL TERMS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING MEDICAL ..

Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria Authority to Witness

25+ items – Under section 107A of the Evidence Act 1958, the following ..



A Justice of the Peace or a Bail Justice (To locate your nearest JP, phone ..




An Australian lawyer (within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004)


ADR Blueprint - Courts and Tribunal Services - NSW Government

On 7 May 2009 the New South Wales Attorney General, the Hon. John Hatzistergos ... Section 440 of the Local Government Act 1993. The Model Code of ..

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations media ..

The Bligh Government will introduce changes to shop leasing laws to ... to more help with the local release of a new guide, Attorney-General ..

Service Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > State government ..

State Government Crown Solicitor. The Office of the Crown Solicitor provides commercial law and conveyancing services to the Government. State Government ..

Attorney General's Department - 9 August 2011 - Greater access to ..

NSW Attorney General Greg Smith said the NSW Government would .. Port Macquarie Hastings, and Kempsey Shire Local Government Areas ..

Victoria Government Gazette

solicitors by 12 July 2011, after which date the .. Byrne Lawyer Pty Ltd of 216 Charman Road, .. pursuant to the Local Government Act 1989 ..

Legal Services Country Profile – Japan - International Legal ..

- Work permits. Regulation of foreign law firms. Use of firm names. Employment of local lawyers. Government approvals. Other. Restrictions on practice. Local law ..

New laws for local government elections in Queensland

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special .. and Local Government Minister Paul Lucas said the laws, which brought four ..

Department of Justice and Attorney-General: Budget Paper 5 ..

the Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government .. commence a review of the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy ..

A respected hard-working visionary retires

An expert in planning, environmental and local government law before her .. 's National Environmental Lawyers Association and the establishment of the SA ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix E - Advice in response to specific matters ..

70+ items – .. matters raised by the Working Party. Name, Organisation.

R1. Chris NORTON


Environmental Defender's Office


R4. Gary GREEN


Environmental Planning Law Association (NSW)



- You should, where necessary, seek your own legal advice for any legal issues .. The Attorney-General's Department Access to Justice website can help you locate .. Local government councils often hold small business events and seminars.


A power of attorney is a document that gives a person (called either the .. LEGAL TERMS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING MEDICAL ..

Abbreviations and acronyms - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society .. ACT. Australian Capital Territory. ACTU. Australian Council of Trade Unions. ACICA .. Australian Local Government Association ..

Abbreviations and acronyms

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department Achieving a Just and Secure Society .. ACT. Australian Capital Territory. ACTU. Australian Council of Trade Unions. ACICA .. Australian Local Government Association ..

Claims Resolution Review - Attorney-General's Department

Jump to ‎: The Native Title Amendment Act 2007 was passed by .. Local Government Association of Queensland ..

Search for Legislation (Victoria Online)

Results 1 - 10 of 82 – ComLaw - Commonwealth of Australia Law (Attorney-General's .. Legislation, Government publications, maps, local histories and a selected ..

Coastal Shipping Policy and Regulation Inquiry

Comments from the Attorney-General's Department on the Terms of Reference: 1. .. Territories and Commonwealth agreed that the criminal law of certain .. Regional Development and Local Government, which administers the Maritime ..

Table of Public Acts

[ASIC Law see table of applied laws and other governmental instruments]. Assisted ... Attorney General, Minister for Local Government. Note.

Dangerous prisoners belong behind bars: Lucas - Ministerial Media ..

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special .. force of the law and that supervision order is torn up now police advise he has ..

Local Government Electoral Act 2011 Proclamation Explanatory Note

Authorising law. Section 2(2) of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 .. Attorney-General, the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal ..

Paper delivered at NSW Young Lawyers' Seminar

The Land and Environment Court Act 1979 (the LEC Act) created the .. Class 2 - local government and miscellaneous appeal division (merit ..

Arrested or in jail | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..

If you're arrested overseas, you have the right to contact the Australian Government, but consular assistance cannot override local law, even when local laws ..

Judge Christine Trenorden served for almost 17 years as a judge ..

An expert in planning, environmental and local government law before her .. Environmental Lawyers Association and the establishment of the SA Environmental ..

New or Significant Judgments of the Federal Magistrates Court of ..

FAMILY LAW – Property – application for leave to institute proceedings out of time .. LOCAL GOVERNMENT – Election – distribution of flyer by members of .. and the trustee in bankruptcy – petitioning creditor a firm of solicitors – debtor a ..

Consumer & business directory—quick links

330+ items – Overview of the Trade Practices Act · Expand or contract this ..

Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division - SA Department of Premier and ..


ACT Government



Law - State Library of New South Wales - NSW Government

The Lawyers Practice Manual New South Wales is a procedural guide .. This volume is a detailed guide to local government law in New South ..

Land registry forms (Department of Environment and Resource ..

Land registry forms for dealings under the Land Title Act 1994 and Land Act 1994, some of .. revocation of power of attorney, PDF file format icon .. (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009; Local Government Act 2009 ..

LawHandbook - Complaints - find LEGAL answers - NSW Government

Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales. 11th edition .. Act 1979 or the Local Government Act 1993 .. Appeals Tribunal Act, the federal Attorney- ..


c) an Australian lawyer (within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004) .. o) a senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local Government Act 1989 ..

Law Handbook- legal documents

Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales. 11th edition .. attorney – see Power of attorney on page 26) have .. Deaths and Marriages or any NSW country Local. Court. ... formally called on to do so by the government in a time ..

A review of the law in relation to the final disposal of a dead body

Published by the Queensland Law Reform Commission, June 2004. Copyright is retained by ... The Attorney-General has requested that the Queensland Law Reform .. Local government authorities are under no obligation to adopt the draft ..

Information Paper 11 Governance In Local Government

The Local Government Act 1999 (the Act) contains a number of governance .. Mr Michael Kelledy of Wallmans Lawyers in the preparation of this paper is ..

Attorney-General announces inquiry into public prosecution offices ..

Premier of Victoria Ted Baillieu State Government of Victoria .. Write a plate for your state · Crackdown on illegal puppy farms · Bills passed into law .. From the Minister for Local Government · From the Minister for Major Projects · From .. Attorney-General Robert Clark today announced the government has ..

ACT Government Entry Point

ACT Government

- Australian Capital Territory - Welcome to Ngunnawal Country. .. will only need to register their business names once, Attorney General, Simon Corbell, .. ActewAGL encourages local rugby fans to meet the UC Brumbies at ..


An enduring power of attorney continues to operate if a donor becomes .. LEGAL TERMS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING MEDICAL ..

Strategic Policy and Legislation - Department of Justice (Victoria ..

25+ items – The fastest way to find local, state and federal government ..




Main Phone



Appeal Costs Board


03 8684 0884


Civil Law Policy


03 8684 0800


List of Victorian (State) Authorised Witnesses Jul05 - PDF - 18KB - 2pg

(gc) a senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local Government Act 1989;. (gd) a person registered as a patent attorney under Chapter 20 of the Patents Act ..


15 hours ago – Paul Lucas, Deputy Premier and Attorney-General,. Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State, to Mr .. Tabled paper: Transport and Local Government Committee: Heavy Vehicle National Law Bill 2011: ..

Legal Practice Briefing No 24 - Australian Government Solicitor

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor .. Papers by AGS lawyers .. It is a fundamental principle of administrative law that when ... Singh v Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (1989) 90 ALR 397.

Parliamentary Glossary A to B: Students; PEO, Parliament of Australia

Alderman is the title for a person elected to local government. .. The Attorney-General is the chief law officer of executive government and the ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

We advise local businesses South of Adelaide and their owners. We service a .. Baggiolegal - Lawyer - Adelaide, South Australia View details. Baggiolegal is a ..

Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special ..


-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State The Honourable Paul Lucas. Friday, October 14, 2011. New laws to stop the sale ..

Q39 AGEJ - 54

RE APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL'S SOLICITORS. Thank you for your letter .. Local Government Act 1993 andkegulations. Environrnental ..

Access to Premises

Section 23 of the Disability Discrimination Act makes it unlawful to discriminate on .. Text of the Standards and background material (Attorney-General's .. Advice on local government liability for permitting inaccessible development (10 July ..

State Members - JRPP > Home - NSW Government

Bruce McDonald has extensive experience in local government and .. and Solicitor of the ACT Supreme Court and a Solicitor of the NSW ..

Laws amended by the same-sex reforms - Attorney-General's ..

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. A full list of the 85 Commonwealth laws amended is set out below. The laws .. Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government ..

Grants - Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department .. Under the program, grants from $5000 to $100000 will be awarded to a range of local initiatives that: .. The Law and Justice Advocacy Development Program (LJAD) supports the ..

NEW SOUTH WALES - Lawlink NSW - NSW Government

- NSW Attorney General's Department SUMMARY OF AFFAIRS .. PN9 General Division: Licence Suspensions under Fair Trading Act 1987: Procedures .. Guidelines for Local Government Councillors (currently unavailable – under revision) ..

Anne Dalton & Associates

- This is an aspect which is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain in law firms, .. the interaction with Local Government Act, for VBRRA, the requirements of the .. He has extensive experience as a Government Lawyer and as an adviser in ..

need to clarify the following …

- Government Lawyers CLE Convention .. The PPIP Act obliges NSW public sector agencies, including local councils, to comply with 12 Information Protection ..

Law Books for Libraries list of current titles

Price: $129.95. Provides an introduction to all aspects of NSW local government law, including the .. Publisher: NSW Department of Justice & Attorney General ..

Our Services - Local Courts : Lawlink NSW


courts registries are located throughout NSW and provide administrative .. Chamber Service; Government Access Centres; Powers of Attorney and .. The NSW Attorney General's Department acknowledges that legal and court matters .. forms to be lodged in the Family Law Courts (telephone 1300 352 00 or visit the ..

THE PHILIPPINES - International Legal Services Advisory Council

Secretariat, Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, Robert Garran Offices,. National ... 5(2)(a)];. • ordinances passed by the local government units; ..

Attorney-General (Victoria Online)

Resources on the Attorney-General can be found on Victoria Online. .. The fastest way to find local, state and federal government information and services .. in the maintenance and improvement of Australia's system of law and justice, ..

Attorney General's Department - 21 May 2009 - Launch of Lawyers ..

The Hon Michael Kirby AC, Lawyers Beyond Borders patron; .. the local communities which benefit and for the volunteers involved. .. a whole-of-government law and justice framework within Australia's development program.

Guidelines for the certification of documents.

(c) a Territory legislature; or. (d) a local government authority of a State or Territory. Ministers of religion registered under Division 1 of part IV of The Marriage Act ..

Media Release

1 hour ago – Attorney-General's; Climate Change and Energy Efficiency; Defence; Education, .. 'This RMA will act as a pressure valve for the local economy, helping .. The Gillard Government today launched $1 billion in funding for ..

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  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts
To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
Our Free legal enquiry service extends to every State and Territory Capital including:
  • Sydney Legal Advice
  • Darwin Legal Advice
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  • Melbourne Legal Advice
  • Perth Legal Advice
  • Canberra Legal Advice
IF you have a legal matter, whether it be family law, conveyancing, property law, compensation law or any other matter requiring personal legal services, then enquiry today - and get the legal help you deserve!

Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

Looking for a specialist lawyer or legal information?

Please complete our fast and
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