Parental Responsibility Agreements or Parenting Arrangements

What is the Court's view on parenting arrangements?

Generally speaking, the Court can express the following views when making order with respect to parenting arrangements:

  • The Court encourages parents to make arrangements that meet the needs of the children and family.
  • The Court encourages families to make their own decisions and offers a range of mediation services to help them do so.
  • Contact with family members is considered to be the right of a child (not the right of a parent).
  • Where children express a view and are of sufficient maturity, their views should be considered by parents. There is no set age for this as all children and families are different.
  • The Court usually considers that it is in the child’s best interest to maintain contact with both parents.
  • Denial of contact with the other parent may have serious consequences for the child's development.
  • Children need to be safe and protected from harm and the Court will make decisions based on a child's unique circumstances.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of Parental Responsibility Agreements or Parenting Arrangements, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Parenting Plans

For agreements such as Parenting Plans to work, parental cooperation is essential. Without this cooperation, parenting is bound to become difficult and cause problems for both you and your children.

As parents, you are in the best position to make decisions about your children because you know them so well. Older children usually like to play a part in the decision-making as well, so it is important to listen carefully to them when they express opinions or feelings about parenting arrangements. Family and child mediators and counsellors may be able to help you and your children discuss their needs.

When parents cannot agree, the Court will make the arrangements considered to best meet the needs of the children.

Judges consider carefully the circumstances of your family before making final decisions and then it is up to both parents to follow the orders made.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of Parental Responsibility Agreements or Parenting Arrangements, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Parental Responsibility Agreements or Parenting Arrangements News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

We cover all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships

Applying for a Divorce
Financial Arrangements following Divorce
Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown
Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership
Prenuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Property Relationships Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes
International Family Law
Financial Agreements, Property Ownership Disputes & Consent Orders
Child Abduction
Adoption and the Law
Surrogacy and the Law
Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Domestic Violence
Property and Finances after Separation
Spousal Maintenance
Parental Responsibility Agreements - Parenting Arrangements
Child Support
Superannuation after Separation and Divorce
Same-Sex Relationships and the Law

We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you’re ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you’re not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You  may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

Parental Responsibility Agreements or Parenting Arrangements Updates
Parental Responsibility Agreements or Parenting Arrangements Links


If you agree on arrangements

A parenting plan is a written agreement that sets out parenting arrangements for .. parental responsibilities or specify the division of parental responsibilities ..

Relocation and travel

You may be able to reach agreement that the children have longer periods of time in .. A consent order can cover parenting arrangements for children (parenting .. advise the other parent (and any other person with parental responsibility) of ..

Parenting Plan Guide

Whatever you agree on about parenting arrangements doesn't have to be .. If you want your parenting agreement to be recognised by law as a Parenting Plan it ... Rather, equal shared parental responsibility means that both ..

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..

by B Smyth - - Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements. .. meant that the parenting roles, expectations and responsibilities of mothers .. Parents need to learn how to put their agreements into practice in daily life.

If you can't agree on arrangements

Courts make orders about parental responsibilities only if the parents cannot agree about the arrangements for their children. Courts can also approve and make ..

Chapter 9. Parental responsibility and time: Perspectives and ..

shared parental responsibility and equal shared time? .. had on negotiations and discussions about parenting arrangements, mainly outside of .. their agreement with the proposition that "spelling out a general expectation of shared parental ..

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..

parents with different parenting arrangements appear to have distinct .. presumption of "shared parental responsibility" (Commonwealth of Australia. 2003). ... Parents need to learn how to put their agreements into practice in daily life. 4.

Parenting plans - Information for parents to consider when making a ..

One way parents can set out the arrangements they wish to put into place for their .. A parenting plan is a voluntary agreement that covers the day to day .. how the parents will share parental responsibility and consult about ..

Parenting plans | Child Support Agency

Meeting your child support responsibilities .. Parenting plans are written plans that can include an agreement about the amount of time the .. If you have an arrangement like this, we recommend you and the other parent make a parenting plan ..

Cautionary notes on the shared care of children in conflicted parental

.. of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006. .. care arrangements are sometimes being made, whether by agreement or by court ..

Parenting orders – obligations, consequences and who can help

parenting arrangements for a child. .. parenting order based on an agreement between the parties .. have equal shared parental responsibility, any decision ..

Parenting plans - Legal Aid Queensland

A parenting plan is a written, signed and dated agreement between parents (and .. The law does not set out 'standard arrangements' for children. .. if there are more than two persons sharing parental responsibility, how each ..

Shared responsibility

This Site: Children - arrangements .. The court will not presume that equal shared parental responsibility is in the best interests of the children if ..

An introduction to parenting plans

A parenting plan is an agreement that sets out parenting .. how the parents will share parental responsibility, such as deciding on .. It empowers parents to arrive at their own decisions about suitable parenting arrangements.

Family Court of Australia - Full Court (Appeals) Judgments

FAMILY LAW – APPEAL – CHILDREN – Appeal against interim parenting orders .. live with the father and that the father have sole parental responsibility for the child .. of a Federal Magistrate ─ Parenting arrangements ─ Where the issue was .. Failing agreement as to the form of the security the parties are at liberty to ..

The effect of family violence on post-separation parenting ..

2 days ago – To this end, it incorporated new concepts of shared parental responsibility and equal .. Effect of family violence on parenting arrangements: Key findings .. the fathers and felt they had been pressured into unfair agreements.

Family Court of Australia - First Instance Judgments

FAMILY LAW - PROPERTY SETTLEMENT - Financial Agreement – Whether a binding financial .. children spend with husband including progression to overnight time – Arrangements for the .. Equal shared parental responsibility ordered.

Children - lives with and visits - FAQs - arrangements for children

No, if you come to an agreement about arrangements for your children, .. Usually both parents have equal parental responsibility for making ..

Shared care time: An increasingly common arrangement - Family ..

by R Weston - Where orders for shared parental responsibility are made pursuant to FLA .. parents to come to an agreement themselves on the best arrangements for the ..

Family Matters No. 86, 2011

families to reach easy, simple and efficient agreements that are in the best interests of .. relation to post-separation parenting arrangements—that both parents should .. (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, is highlighted in research by ..

How parenting orders work

The law covers care and welfare arrangements for children, between .. be able to help you and your ex-partner reach agreement on these issues, .. Equal shared parental responsibility means that both parents share major ..

Functions of the Family Law Council - Attorney-General's Department

- 2 Why do we need to address post order parenting arrangements? .. where to seek assistance to change or update orders or to enter into a parenting agreement. ... The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (the ..

Law Handbook - parenting, family law

igation and towards negotiated agreements and cooper- ative parenting. .. a definition of equal shared parental responsibility .. their parenting arrangements.


arrangements to be employed for their two young children. The agreement provided for the parties to assume equal shared parental responsibility for the ..

Children and families - Hot Topic No 62

presumption of equal shared parental responsibility – best interest factors. – the 'best interests' .. parenting arrangements after relationship breakdown. JurisDicTiOn .. formalising an agreement already reached by the parties. In the ACT and ..

Post-separation parenting arrangements: Patterns and ..

2 days ago – .. effect of family violence on post-separation parenting arrangements: .. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, ..

Family Matters No 86, 2011 - Publications - Australian Institute of ..

For other parents, arrangements may come about through negotiation (with "agreement" representing a .. safety concerns arising from their child(ren)'s contact with the other parent. .. Losoncz finds that working mothers fall into six "clusters" on the spectrum of persistent tension between work and family responsibilities, with ..

Chapter 8. Parental responsibility: Decision-making about issues ..

This chapter examines the question of parental responsibility and the extent to .. with the questions concerning parental involvement and agreement under policy ... who said that they finalised their parenting arrangements mainly through ..

Parenting dynamics after separation

by L Qu - 11.2 Development of parenting arrangements and pathways through the family law ... initial agreement relatively early in separation, compared with others. ... Where a court makes orders for equal shared parental responsibility by applying ..

Shared post-separation parenting: Pathways and outcomes for ..

5 days ago – Of our sample of 32 parents with shared care arrangements, half had .. to formalise a mutual agreement and also to provide evidence to the Child .. that the parents are to have equal shared parental responsibility that the ..


- 2007-2008 Shared Parental Responsibility Statistics in cases .. came to an early agreement, the parents agreed on a 50/50 care arrangement ..

Family Matters No 86, 2011 - AIFS journal - Publications - Australian ..

However, questions remain about links between parenting arrangements and .. the Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Amendment Act(Cth) in 2006.

Grandparenting and the 2006 family law reforms - Family Matters No ..

by L Qu - The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) recognises .. time when developing their post-separation parenting arrangements? .. In the GPPS 2009, parents were asked to indicate their level of agreement or ..

The AIFS evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms: A summary ..

2 days ago – How are parents exercising parental responsibility, including complying .. in making arrangements regarding parenting responsibility and care time? .. About two-fifths of parents who used FDR reached agreement and did ..

Slide 1 - Family Court of Western Australia

Microsoft Powerpoint - To provide information about separation and its effects on parents and children. .. with each parent and handover arrangements including the time and place. .. Take responsibility for how you communicate with the other party and work out a .. You can also use these same principles in trying to reach an agreement with ..

1st Submission Inquiry into Shared Parenting

Child Custody Arrangements Inquiry .. the objectives of the Family Law Act, which are to encourage shared parental responsibility for children.

Family courts | ALRC

15.21 A parenting order can deal with any aspect of parental responsibility for a .. and to reach agreement about the parenting arrangements that support the ..

Chapter 10. Family violence and child abuse: Parents' pathways and ..

shared parental responsibility (s61DA(2)). .. the focus child, were taking longer to sort out their parenting arrangements than parents without such ... Figure 10.3 Agreement with the statement: "The need to protect children and other family ..

Parenting Plan - collaborative parenting apart

A parenting plan is a written agreement between parents covering practical issues of parental responsibility. Your plan will detail practical decisions about ..


- A parenting plan is an agreement that sets out parenting arrangements for children. A parenting plan covers the day to day responsibilities of each parent, the ..

Parentlink - After the break-up (residence & contact plans)

The law about parenting arrangements changed a few years ago. .. It also becomes really difficult for a parent who is worried that the other .. It's your record of agreement setting out your responsibilities to your children.

Chapter 4. Pathways towards parenting arrangements

4.1.1 Main pathways used to sort out parenting arrangements ... that this is not the case with respect to concepts such as shared parental responsibility. ... parenting agreement, by whether parenting arrangement sorted out, mothers and ..

Founded on observation of the seen heavens: Empirical evidence ..

5 days ago – For other parents, arrangements may come about through negotiation (with "agreement" representing a continuum ranging from compromise to coercion) .. safety concerns arising from their child(ren)'s contact with the other parent. .. work and family responsibilities, with factors such as the nature of work, ..

Government Response to - Attorney-General's Department

- child-custody arrangements in the event of family separation .. Joint parental responsibility will mean that parents will continue to share the key decisions in a ..

Care-time arrangements after the 2006 reforms: Implications for ..

5 days ago – The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 .. This will not always be the case; for example, an agreement may ..

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements. .. Jackie believes Jake relocated to avoid his parental responsibilities ..

Children - lives with and visits - Parenting plans

A parenting plan is a way of recording an agreement between you and the other parent of your child about the future arrangements for your child. .. Who has parental responsibility for the children; Details about other things ..

Organising child support and care arrangements for your children

Parents are responsible for supporting their children. .. If you cannot reach agreement with the other parent about parenting arrangements you ..

Appendix E: Government response to FCAC report and provisions of ..

Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 (the Bill) .. about 50:50 custody arrangements, which was specifically rejected by the committee.

Reforms to the Child Support Scheme

.. need for a much greater emphasis on shared parental responsibility .. Family and Community Affairs report on child custody arrangements in ..

Chapter 12. Grandparenting and the family law reforms

The Shared Parental Responsibility Act 2006 (Cth) recognises that "children have a .. ship vary according to the living arrangements of the grandchild? .. Table 12.1 Agreement with the statement that: "It is important for children to maintain ..

Chapter 16. Summary of key findings and conclusions

About two-fifths of parents who used FDR reached agreement and did not proceed .. in making arrangements regarding parenting responsibility and care time?


pArentIng. Donor insemination. Self-insemination. S elf-insemination. – restrictions on ... Details of domestic arrangements. (how you .. However, agreements are still useful as evidence .. parental responsibility for the child. There is also a ..

Post-separation parenting bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Parenting arrangements for young children : a reply to Smyth, McIntosh and Kelaher. .. Shared parental responsibility in Australian family law and the impact on .. develop an individual parenting plan - a written agreement covering practical ..

Information Session - Children

.. to negotiate with each other and attempt to reach some agreement. .. would like the children to spend with each parent and .. to monitor or alter the parenting arrangements you have .. responsibility for how you communicate with the other ..

A new family law system Government Response to Every picture ..

help them reach agreement on parenting arrangements without the need to .. Joint parental responsibility will mean that parents will continue to share the key ..

Community Justice Centres

A Parenting Plan is a written agreement made between .. Who has parental responsibility* of the child .. out parenting arrangements, the parents can agree to ..

Children and Separation

Their responses to their parents' separation may be expressed in behaviour. .. children from taking responsibility for making arrangements about contact. .. If an agreement is still not possible at the talks, it then becomes ..


equal shared parental responsibility does not apply – Best interests of the child - .. or informal short term respite arrangements, she is unable to care for the child. 6. ... the travel as agreed between the parties or failing agreement the ..

Confidentiality and Admissibility Other Obligations of practitioners ..

A parenting plan is an agreement that sets out parenting arrangements for children. A parenting plan covers the day-to-day responsibilities of each parent, the ..

Parental conflict - Effects on children bibliography - Australian ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Post-separation parenting arrangements : patterns and .. child's best interests under section 60 of the Shared Parental Responsibility Act on the basis .. conflict over the nature of their post separation parenting agreements.

C:\Documents and Settings\tremblek\Local Settings\Temporary ..

by A ATTACHMENT - 2005 - draft Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 (the Bill). .. Family and Connnunity Affairs inquiry into child-custody arrangements in the ..

Chapter 1. Introduction, background and methodology

through the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) ... tion on family relationship issues and advice on parenting arrangements after ... If attempts to reach an agreement in FDR are unsuccessful or a matter is ..

Out-of-home care - Child Wellbeing and Child Protection - NSW ..


an order of the Children's Court, where parental responsibility is transferred, or by .. of consenting to the arrangements", the temporary care agreement cannot be .. provide written notice to parents concerning temporary care arrangements.

Preface - Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and

.. Complaints processes; and Financial and Funding Agreement arrangements. .. The Attorney-General has policy responsibility for Parenting Orders Program. .. State or Territory FaHCSIA officers negotiate funding agreements in .. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006; and ..

Chapter 3

by L Moloney - 4.3 Assistance with development of parenting arrangements in cases .. Table 4.1 Staff: Agreement that the Family Relationship Centres have been able to work ... The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) ..

Child support

The Child Support Agency (CSA) is responsible for administering Australia's Child .. support privately with the other parent or have a child support agreement. You have up to 13 weeks to work out parenting arrangements and ..

Alternatives to adoption - Child Safety Services, Department of ..

Custodial and non-custodial birth parents often reach agreement about the .. and/or making arrangements to secure the child's inheritance rights. .. of parental responsibility; how the child will communicate with a parent with ..

Preface - Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and

.. processes; and Financial and Funding Agreement arrangements. .. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006; and ..

Child protection and family law… Joining the dots

by D Higgins - 2011 - and wellbeing of children in the context of parental separation, and the two separate legal .. lack of clarity regarding responsibilities and how families and professionals ... (described in more detail later), where there are agreements to ensure .. in the legislation that governs post-separation parenting arrangements, the ..

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms finds mixed results - Media ..

However for a substantial proportion of separated parents, there is .. with the other parent, shared care-time arrangements exacerbate the negative impacts on children. .. of shared parental responsibility is expressed in the legislation. .. who used family dispute resolution reported reaching an agreement ..

Chapter 12 - External scrutiny

.. them reach agreement on parenting arrangements without the need to .. of conferring on the Secretary parental responsibility for the children ..

Applying to change an existing order

See the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, .. above left link at 'In this section' to the page titled 'If you agree on arrangements'.

Report: International parental child abduction to and from Australia

Child support arrangements in the event of international parental child abduction ... pursue bilateral agreements, where appropriate, with countries which .. parents who have no parental responsibility in relation to an ..

2010-2012 Compliance Program - CSA: Supporting parents to meet ..

encouraging shared parental responsibility. ∎ ... While the vast majority of parents pay their child support on time through either private arrangements or with ..

Concurrent inquiries and actions | ALRC


Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 reforms .. agreement about their parenting arrangements themselves, although as one in ..

Organising child support and care arrangements for your children

arrangements for your children. 1. Parents are responsible for supporting their children. .. reach your own agreement with the other parent. The agreement ..

Orders made by the Children's Court in Care - Child Wellbeing and ..

A parent responsibility contract is a voluntary agreement between Community .. It aims to improve the parenting skills of the carers and encourage them to take specific .. Orders for Contact are only sought when informal arrangements are ..

Parenting cases – the best interests of the child

both parents are responsible for the care and welfare of their children until the .. and; arrangements which involve shared responsibilities and cooperation .. the attitude of each parent to the child and to the responsibilities of parenthood; any ..

Grandparents' contact with grandchildren after divorce bibliography ..

The article shows that, after parental separation, children are more likely to experience a .. the views and feelings of children in custody arrangements. .. the introduction of a presumption of shared parental responsibility; the ..


That the Act is amended to expressly define shared parental responsibility as ... arrangement under an order (or other informal agreement) has broken down.

Dissenting report—Ms Nicola Roxon MP

AMENDMENT (SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) BILL 2005 .. and the opportunity it provides to examine complex issues and reach agreement .. Constructive shared parenting arrangements when a family is intact no doubt ..

Parenting plans - Family Relationships Online

A parenting plan is a voluntary agreement that covers the day to day responsibilities of each .. parenting arrangements, the parents can agree to change those arrangements by a .. how the parents will share parental responsibility and consult ..

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms: Summary report ..

by R Kaspiew - - How are parents exercising parental responsibility, including complying with obligations of .. in making arrangements regarding parenting responsibility and care time? .. Most parents who had reached agreements, or were in the process of ..


FAMILY LAW – CHILDREN – Parental responsibility – Whether there should be an .. parenting arrangement – Determination of the time to be spent by the ... agreement such period is to commence at 10.00am on 7 January 2012 and ..

Family dispute resolution


out how best to reach agreement in disputes about children, property or money. .. who have a dispute about parenting arrangements to make a genuine effort to .. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 · Family ..

Family Matters no.67 2004 - Publications - Australian Institute of ..

Children's living arrangements after parental separation / Lixia Qu Abstract | Full .. Looking at parents' reports of where children were living at separation .. released its report on child custody arrangements following separation. .. of a legal presumption of equal 'parental responsibility' following separation, ..

Recovery orders


Grandparents and other family members · If you agree on arrangements · If you can't .. parent of the child; person who has a parenting order that states the child lives .. person who has parental responsibility for the child in a parenting order .. Australia has an agreement with some countries to return abducted children to ..


Items 26 - 36 – (SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) BILL 2005. Explanatory ... time when reaching agreement on parenting arrangements. Parenting plans ..

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..

Her parenting arrangement involves a week-about schedule with .. The first of these is the devastating effect that parental conflict can have on all family members. ... They've entirely taken over his side of the responsibility.

Information and Advice Component of the Advice Line

guidance on developing workable parenting arrangements after family separation; .. This will be apportioned according to the period of the Funding Agreement. .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006; and ..

AIFS - Evaluation Framework

post-separation parenting arrangements. In particular, the .. promote shared parental responsibility and the continuing involvement of both parents in .. How durable and workable are the agreements that parents reach about parenting ..

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ..

of equal shared parental responsibility that lies at the centre of this problem ... Tells a Story: Report on the Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in the ..


A parenting order (q.v.) setting out arrangements for the financial support of a child .. Conciliation aims for mutual agreement rather than a decision in favour of ... order (q.v.) which sets out arrangements for aspects of parental responsibility ..


child custody arrangements in the event of family separation. A copy of .. System' may jeopardise the best interests of children if parenting arrangements are .. 3.3.2 If rebutting a presumption of equal shared parental responsibility involves ..

Children - lives with and visits - Parenting orders - non parents

Can I apply for a parenting order if I am not a parent of the children? .. is in the best interests of the children in working out arrangements for them. .. which are parenting orders made by the court based on an agreement you .. the wording of the orders) legally give you parental responsibility for the children ..

Shared Parenting Conference Paper - Family Court of Australia

by JAR AOSHARED PARENTING AND JOINT CUSTODY .. in child custody arrangements, following parental separation, with a Committee of the .. 'joint legal custody' denoting shared parental rights and responsibilities which include arrangements for ..

Glossary | Child Support Agency

A written agreement between the parents which specifies how, and how much, .. the responsibility for supporting any children that a parent has in other child .. An arrangement where parents have a child support assessment made by the ..

FRSP Sector e-News

The Working Group on Service Agreements and Funding outlined the three .. impact on children of shared care parenting arrangements since the introduction of the .. and understandings of shared parental responsibility versus shared care.

Post-separation parenting - Children's involvement in decision ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents .. are in terms of making satisfactory parenting agreements after separation? .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act ..


Family Law were enacted by the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental. Responsibility) Act 2006. Family Dispute Resolution is now .. whole family and improve the quality and durability of agreements." (Gibson,. 1998) .. Parents report satisfaction with parenting arrangements as they understand compromise made was ..

The family law system in NCPC Issues No, 34 - National Child ..

This paper looks at specific issues facing those responsible for .. context of parental separation, and the two separate legal systems: family law and child protection. .. in the legislation that governs post-separation parenting arrangements, .. and; agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, protocols and/or ..

Court-registered agreements, financial agreements and parenting ..

1.5 International Arrangements .. The Family Law Act (FLA) provides for a court to register agreements for spousal or child .. A parenting plan is a written agreement between a child's parents about any aspect of their parental responsibilities.

Children and Young Persons (Care and .. - NSW Legislation

Part 3 Care plans and parent responsibility contracts .. 82 Report on suitability of arrangements concerning parental responsibility .. (a) that is developed through agreement with the parents of the child or young person, or ..

Main types of family relationship services (FRS)

.. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 .. to reach agreement on parenting arrangements without going to court.

Chapter 6. Care-time arrangements: Community opinions ..

involvement may be understood as "what happens", whereas "responsibility" conveys .. 6.1 Opinions of parents about post-separation parental .. While the latter trend suggests that fathers' and mothers' agreement with the notion that the ..

Every picture tells a story

Report on the inquiry into child custody arrangements in the .. Parent's time spent on child care. ... Division of Commonwealth/State responsibilities for families ..

Mandatory written information for parents and adoptiive parents

Children over the age of 12 years show their agreement to adoption by .. Any other adults who have parental responsibility for the child, or have had a significant role .. many parents are able to make their own arrangements to share parental ..

Family Court of Australia - Shared Parental Responsibility Statistics ..

[Open PDF - Shared Parental Responsibility Statistics - 2007/2008 - Size 31 KB] .. appropriate, reaching an agreement regarding parenting arrangements in the ..


- However, presumptive recognition of parental responsibility differs .. partner where their child is conceived through a non-commercial surrogacy agreement. .. Although one of the opt-in parenting arrangements for lesbian and gay couples ..

Publications: Me, my kids and my ex (RTF) - Child Support Agency ..

Pages 25-33 for suggestions on parenting arrangements. Move forward .. For example, 'Unless you stick to the agreement I will go back to court. Over my .. For example, 'What would you know about being a responsible parent -- you loser!' ..

In the Best Interests of Children - Reforming the Child Support Scheme

There is now a greatly increased emphasis on shared parental responsibility, and ... money can get in the way of agreements about parenting arrangements ..

Executive Summary Family Violence and the 2006 Family Law ..

by S Wendt - The impact of family violence on parenting arrangements post-1995 and pre-2006 49. The impact of .. Section 9: the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 101 .. Satisfaction with separation agreements 123 ..

Literature highlights – Shared care

tion parenting agreements. Each study .. chological effects of shared care arrangements on young .. (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006. While there is ..

Separation/divorce - Consequences: personal and social ..

15 posts - 15 Mar 2011The proportion of people who had experienced parental divorce or death during .. formalising parenting arrangements with parenting plans, statistics, and further reading. .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act .. over the nature of their post separation parenting agreements.

Current committees and working groups of the Family Law Council

(a) how family law processes can better deal with the need to vary parenting .. role of court orders generally in structuring post-separation parenting arrangements .. The desirability of encouraging parties to include in their agreements primary .. (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 in relation to adult victims of family ..

Best Practice Guide - Parental leave

- discrimination in relation to pregnancy and parental responsibilities. .. parental leave policy and family-friendly, flexible working arrangements can be .. If an employer currently provides paid parental leave through an industrial agreement, they .. The Paid Parental Leave scheme is an entitlement for working parents of ..

Operational Framework for

- give separating families help to achieve workable parenting arrangements .. Helping separating parents to reach parenting agreements in joint sessions will be a very .. or separated parents and other family members affected by parental separation. ... Centres are responsible for funding other training, including on-going ..

Child contact; Chapter - Publications - Australian Institute of Family ..

The Australian Institute of Family Studies Parent–Child Contact Study explored five .. resources seem to be a critical facilitator of shared parenting arrangements. .. substance abuse); new family responsibilities (especially the presence of a .. A parenting plan (or "parenting agreement") simply sets out in writing how ..


Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth), which .. advice about their options and entitlements before finalising agreements. .. arrangements they believed were not safe for children and/or challenging men about ..

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms

by R Kaspiew - 2009 - - Philosophical support for shared parental responsibility. 206 ... parenting agreement, by whether parenting arrangement sorted out, mothers ..

Key interaction issues | ALRC

For example, in their study on family violence and parenting arrangements, Miranda .. 15.88 The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act ..

Chapter 4 Less adversarial court processes for parenting matters

disputes about shared parenting responsibility (as described in Chapter 2) with respect to future parenting arrangements that are in the best interests of the child/ren, and property matters by agreement of the parents.

Executive summary: Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms

(Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) (SPR Act 2006) and .. About two-fifths of parents who used FDR reached agreement and did not proceed to court. .. The majority of parents with shared care-time arrangements thought that the ..


Consent order – an agreement between the parties that is approved by the court .. Parental responsibility – the responsibility of each parent to make decisions .. a written agreement between the parties setting out parenting arrangements for ..


The Act creates 'parental responsibility', which is defined in section 61B .. written agreements between parents regarding arrangements for a ..

Family dispute resolution - Other ways to resolve a family law dispute

You and your former partner can come to agreement on your own or with some .. reach agreement on parenting arrangements without going to court. .. time with and communicate with and who has parental responsibility for ..

New research and emerging policy developments in NCPC Issues ..

This paper looks at specific issues facing those responsible for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children in the context of parental separation, and the two .. obligation on advisors to inform parents that parenting arrangements should be in a .. child-centred agreements and should rely upon adjudication by inquisitorial ..

Child support - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian Institute ..

Child support: a step towards changing parenting after separation by Kate Funder, .. represents a quantum leap in thinking about parental responsibilities. .. but not inflexible arrangements for continuing to be the primary carers of their children. .. and not a formula, so too parental agreements might be more personalised.


by B Smyth - - parental responsibility and fairness. The attitudinal data in .. agreement on their post-separation parenting arrangements more generally. Child support aims to ..

Adopting a child in out-of-home care - Information for carers

the adoptive parents have full parental responsibility for the child, as if the child .. is an agreement about post adoption contact between the birth parents and the .. arrangements, or make orders requiring a further assessment of the child, the ..

Enduring Parental Responsibility (EPR) orders are administered ..

An EPR order transfers all of the Chief Executive's parental responsibilities, including .. Children or young people who are in agreement with the plan for them to .. their parents still need the benefit of settled and stable living arrangements.

Living Arrangements: Caring for children after parents separate

The statistics on living arrangements, parental care arrangements and child .. parents share the duties and responsibilities concerning the care, .. in cases where parents are unable to reach a satisfactory agreement, the ..

Submission - Inquiry into the provisions of the Family Law ..

developing safe parenting arrangements for children affected by family violence. .. Equal shared parental responsibility and/or equal shared parenting time .. coerced by their ex-partners to make agreements, and frequently found that the ..

Parenting SA - PEGS

by SA Parenting - 2001Violence toward a parent is an attempt to control or bully them. .. others may need to go to the Family Court to sort out future parenting arrangements. .. When parents are unable to come to an agreement about plans for their children .. In the past, fathers were often responsible for discipline and setting rules and mothers ..

Response to the Victorian Law Reform Commission's Information ..

Victoria's Child Protection Legislative Arrangements' specifically on the use of alternative dispute .. Protection Matters by Agreement rather than Adjudication. Family Law .. Reform (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006. The aim of this ..

Family Law Council Improving Post-Parenting Order Processes ..

Report on the inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family .. in the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) and ..

FAQ about international parental child abduction

Information for Applicant Parents making an application to an .. of parental responsibility can be resolved by the courts in that country. .. agreement with Australia you should contact the International Child .. Depending on the outcome of the hearing, the appropriate return arrangements will be arranged ..

Australian Institute of Family Studies

by B SMYTH - separated parents charged with sharing parental responsibilities under the .. agreement in mediation (and thus had their parenting arrangement imposed ..

Family Court of Australia - In the Best Interests of the Children

changes to the child's living arrangements that make it significantly more difficult for the .. The presumption of equal shared parental responsibility in section 61DA should be .. Most separating couples do reach agreement.

Brochure 5: Parenting Orders - Family Court of Western Australia

parental obligations and requires you to take certain steps. .. A parenting order is a set of directions made by the Court about your parental responsibilities. .. Consent order; made by agreement between the parties and the Court, they apply until .. talk to each other about changing arrangements set out in a parenting order.

Parenting orders – obligations, consequences and who can help

understand your parental responsibilities, and .. agreement filed by the parties (consent orders) or .. changing arrangements set out in a parenting order.

Pages - Family law evaluation project 1996 - January 1996

Chapter 4: Divorced parents' attitudes to parental responsibilities 32 .. and its language were perceived to result in parenting arrangements which .. in which there is general agreement on the responsibilities of parents; they ..

After the break-up - Parenting SA

The law about parenting arrangements changed a few .. parents' rights to see their children. Parents .. your record of agreement setting out your responsibilities ..

Pages - Chapter 12 - External scrutiny

.. them reach agreement on parenting arrangements without the need to .. of conferring on the Secretary parental responsibility for the children ..

Bills Digest 99, 2005-06 - Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental ..

Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 ... (the FCAC) inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of ..

Family Court Bulletin

4 A person's parental responsibility ends once a child is adopted (unless that .. Delegates reached agreement on a document known as the Washington .. have an equal time parenting arrangement pursuant to s 65DAA(1) of the Family Law ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law ..

10+ items – Covers children's rights and parental responsibility, parenting ..

My ex-partner isn't following the court orders about our children..What can I do


Family Law Courts: children's matters


15. Family Law Interactions: An Introduction

15.21 A parenting order can deal with any aspect of parental responsibility for a ... agreement about the parenting arrangements that support the best outcomes ..

Families Through Life 10th Australian Institute of Family Studies ..

by K Cook - In relation to child welfare, the Act enforces parental responsibility and .. and more flexible arrangements for parents who would like to make agreements ..

Bills Digest 126, 2010-11 - Family Law Legislation Amendment ..

there is a presumption of `equal shared parental responsibility' (section .. parenting arrangements, using the safety of children as an excuse.

Information and services to support separated families | Child ..

Child support agreements .. Although our job is to assist with child support arrangements, we put parents in touch with products and .. It gives information on the CSA, a parents rights and responsibilities under the Child Support Scheme and ..

You and family law

each parent and other important people in their lives. There is no rule .. You can get help to make an agreement from Legal. Aid, a family .. Make proper arrangements for any children ... The law says parents have equal shared responsibility ..

15. Child Support and the Family Relationship Centres

15.1 Interactions between child support, family law and parental conflict .. for parental agreement, and the tailoring of child support arrangements. .. These discussions on shared parenting responsibilities could then form the ..

Shared Care Parenting Arrangements since the 2006 Family

5.4 Children's reactions to their parenting arrangements 116 ... to have come to those agreements via litigation than those in other arrangements. ... If there is equal shared parental responsibility, parents have a duty to consult, and to try to ..

Budget Paper No. 2 - Part 2: Expense Measures Families ..


of children and places a greater emphasis on shared parental responsibility. .. and Community Affairs' report on child custody arrangements in the event of ..

Fact sheet One: An overview of the Reforms

.. parental responsibility and a growing recognition of the importance of .. child custody arrangements in the event of family separation (Every ..


conducted a wide-ranging inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation. .. Shared parental responsibility will be the ..

9. A New Formula for Assessing Child Support

The non-resident parent pays his or her share in the form of child support. .. and reflects the notion of shared parental responsibility contained in Part VII of the ... couples to reach agreement about parenting arrangements.

Separation resources | Child Support Agency

Meeting your child support responsibilities .. "Conflict and Parenting" explores parental conflict and its effects on children, conflict resolution, .. a particular interest in child custody arrangements, following parental separation, with a Committee ..

Reforms to the Child Support Scheme

support shared parental responsibility; reduce conflict between parents about parenting arrangements and; ensure child support is paid in full and on time. .. sheet Eighteen: Child support agreements and lump sum payments ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 5

However, a social parent with a parenting order will not always have the same .. to support and promote the common responsibilities of both parents in raising a .. All states other than NSW and the ACT either prohibit surrogacy agreements or .. preference for dealing with new parenting arrangements through a parenting ..


The Father have sole parental responsibilities for decisions concerning the child's long term care, .. agreed between the parties, but failing agreement, in the first half of the .. what parenting arrangements should be made for the child. 2.

Out-of-home care - sole parental responsibility

apply for sole parental responsibility for children and young people .. cutting of legal ties to birth parents and other family .. The process of reaching agreement requires the participation of .. and implementing contact arrangements with birth ..

Ages and Stages tip sheet 2

After the break up - agreements and parenting plans. After a family .. The law about parenting arrangements changed some. years ago .. under the Act, they have responsibilities. It is .. the other parent can't properly care for the child, or might ..

Family Law Act 1975

Third party proceedings to set aside financial agreement.......... 28 ... Arrangement of business of Court. ... Application of presumption of equal shared parental responsibility after interim parenting order made 154. 61E.

Child access - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian Institute of ..

The child's right to know both parents: enforcement of child access by Kate Funder, .. per cent of cases that parents' failure to make arrangements for their children requires .. the custody order, making the other parent responsible for parenting. .. and flexibility were desirable in making access agreements hold up over time.

Post-separation parenting - Trends and statistics bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006Shared care parenting arrangements since the 2006 family law reforms : report for .. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, is the .. parenting plans, parenting agreements, parenting education), ..

Parenting orders

COMING TO AN AGREEMENT · APPLYING TO THE FAMILY COURT .. Equal shared parental responsibility means that both parents share the right .. and resolve any difficulties they might face with parenting arrangements, ..


THAT the father have sole parental responsibility for the children of .. children") have lived in an agreed shared parental arrangement since shortly ... pulled out of an agreement to mutually withdraw the respective orders.

CSA4110.11.10 The parent's guide to child support

As a parent, you have responsibilities and rights. .. an agreement between parents (go to. • page 32) .. parenting arrangements and apply for child support after ..

C:\Documents and Settings\tremblek\Local Settings\Temporary ..

FAMILY LAW (SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) BILL .. services to help them reach agreement on parenting arrangements without the need to go to ..


- Equal shared parental responsibility means simply that both parents have an equal .. Any other arrangements that best suit yourself, the other parent and your .. If you form a Parenting Plan and you need that agreement to be enforceable by ..

Professional issues and service delivery - Family Relationship ..

15 posts - 3 Jun 2011Children's living arrangements · Separation/divorce · Stepfamilies/blended families .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act .. selection of service providers, long form funding agreement, FRSP ..

Professional issues and service delivery - Conflict resolution and ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010Post-separation parenting arrangements : patterns and developmental .. Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth), separated and .. been affected by changes in laws regarding financial agreements, court fees, the ..

Submission: International child abduction to and from Australia

with an opportunity to have appropriate parenting arrangements determined in the ... 2000); the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) ... agreement of parent, will suffer disruption, uncertainty and anxiety.

Inquiry by the Standing Committee on Family Law and Community ..

INQUIRY INTO CHILD CUSTODY ARRANGEMENTS. IN THE EVENT ... Parental responsibility includes all the usual responsibilities that parents have for their ..

Ilow docs the child support formula world What is a child support ..

Parents are responsible for supporting their children. If you are together. separated or if you .. reach your own agreement with the other parent. The agreement ..

Family structure and child outcomes - Publications - Australian ..

Family systems theory; Parenting and parent-child relationships; Dyadic .. of women acting as the main parent responsible for both childrearing and income support. .. Children classified as living in one family arrangement at any one point in time ... operative elements of coparenting consistency include: agreement about ..


agreed and in default of agreement, as assessed. .. with the child and other arrangements whilst she was hospitalised. 12. Orders were made on 6 .. there be a further order for equal shared parental responsibility and that the child G live with ..

Out of the Maze - Attorney-General's Department

Part VII of the Family Law Act 1975 emphasises parental responsibility and encourages .. Parents act responsibly for the welfare of their children by accessing the .. Sustainable arrangements are more likely when there is agreement between ..

Australian Government Australian Government Response to: The ..

assistance with parenting; monitoring of developmental milestones by a primary health care service; and .. Under new broad banded funding arrangements for the National Health Care Agreement, the .. aspect of parental responsibility.

Consent orders

Caring for children when you are not the parent .. You can write your agreement either in the form of a parenting plan or a consent order. .. A parenting plan sets out parenting arrangements for the children but does not .. but accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions and denies all liability for any ..

Family relationship centres in Australia: reflections based on ..

by L MOLONEY - - parents to reach their own agreements; supported pathways, in which service providers offer customised .. arrangements, child support, and levels of inter-parental conflict? The third ... parenting in favour of "shared parental responsibility" ..


This case is about what parenting arrangements are in the best interests of J aged. 8 and K aged 5 .. That both Mother and Father have equal shared parental responsibility for the major .. agreement about changes to be made;. the ..

Attachment C - Attorney-General's Department

- (i) the difficulty with deciding just who has parental responsibility under the ... and a decision made about parenting arrangements, in the best interests of the ... The transfer occurs as the result of a verbal agreement and usually takes place ..

C:\Documents and Settings\tremblek\Local Settings\Temporary ..

Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005. Speaker Barbara .. both to participate in self managed contact arrangements safely. Prompt ..

Stepchildren and adoption: Information for parents and step-parents

the legal parent of their stepchild and make the .. include arrangements about where and with whom .. the concept of shared parental responsibility, and ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - And in 39% of shared care cases, a parent reported 'never' being able to protect their .. In considering what parenting arrangements are likely to be best for the .. to rate their level of agreement or disagreement with these statements on a ... on areas of health, housing, work and income, and responsibility.

What is adoption? - Department of Communities

Information for parents considering adoption for their child .. birth parents' legal rights and responsibilities for their child are permanently .. to parent your child, adoption is only one arrangement that you may consider for the care of your child. .. you may wish to formalise this agreement by applying for a Parenting Order or ..

Submission - Inquiry into the provisions of the Family Law ..

include a presumption of shared parental responsibility and the .. disadvantaged, so children in sole custody arrangements may not be able to participate in ..

Advice to: Altruistic Surrogacy Committee, Legislative Assembly of ..

Registered surrogacy arrangements should activate a presumption of .. recognition of commissioning parents. Children .. retains parental responsibility. .. binding agreements parenting disputes would need to be resolved ..

After the break up

The law about parenting arrangements changed some years ago .. under the Act, they have responsibilities. It is intended .. the other parent can't properly care for the child, or might .. these agreements are called parenting plans, and they ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2008 - In a situation where parents are in conflict, the parent who has not initiated .. 27 clients (14 female); and breach of parenting agreements 15 (7 female) clients. .. and/or combination of relationship breakdown, parenting responsibilities and ... and non-parental child care, stability of shared parenting arrangements among ..

Permancy planning policy

for determining levels of contact and reviews of contact arrangements. .. placement under an order for sole parental responsibility under section 149,or .. agreements with parents, community partners and others that aim to progress the case ..

The Parent's Guide to Child Support | Child Support Agency

Child support agreements .. As a parent, you have responsibilities and rights. .. Parents have up to 13 weeks to work out parenting arrangements and apply for ..

Family Law Amendment (Validation of Certain Parenting Orders and ..

- This decision casts doubt on the validity of certain parenting orders made or .. are those where the parents have equal shared parental responsibility and the court .. of the parenting arrangement without having to demonstrate a material change .. unnecessary for orders reflecting agreement between all interested parties.

Family Law Act 1975

4A Third party proceedings to set aside financial agreement ... 66. 21B.... Arrangement of business of Court. ... Presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making parenting orders 153. 61DB.. Application of ..

'You never know, they could be right'

by LT Pike - 2006 - - legislation – the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parenting Responsibility) .. Federal Government's Parliamentary Inquiry into child custody arrangements in ..

Grandparent-grandchild relationships after parental separation:

The Shared Parental Responsibility Act (2006) (Cth) recognises that: .. Agreement/disagreement rating re statement: "It is important for children ..

Parenting plans

A parenting plan is an agreement that sets out parenting arrangements for children. A parenting plan must be .. the day-to-day responsibilities of each parent. ■ ..

Separation resources | Child Support Agency

Child support agreements · What is an agreement? .. Meeting your child support responsibilities .. The product has an adults guide also to help parents identify what children may .. Children's living arrangements after parental separation ..

Sharing care of children - AIFS Conference Paper 1998 - Australian ..

However, Parenting Payment, like Sole Parent Pension, does not .. So, although parents may share responsibility and each provides a home and cares for their .. are better adjusted, overall, than children with sole-custody arrangements.


A parenting plan is an agreement that sets out parenting arrangements for children. A parenting plan covers the day to day responsibilities of each parent, .. if an equal time arrangement is not appropriate, they could consider ..

Children - lives with and visits - Parenting orders - breaches

Breaching (which means breaking or contravening) a parenting order is very serious. .. than a parenting orders says without the agreement of the other parent, the .. parenting arrangements without talking with the other parent may result .. however does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Parenting orders

- Section 61DA – presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making .. (b) reaching agreement about changes to be made to the order. ... (b) the parents' current and future capacity to implement an arrangement for the child ..

Children | Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel ..

This page provides parents with information to help prepare for a hassle-free and .. but have outstanding child support and have not made a payment arrangement, .. with a number of countries under International Conventions and Agreements. .. of parental responsibility can be resolved by the authorities of that country.


parents' separation may be expressed in behaviour. .. responsibility for care of a child it is almost certain that a .. parenting arrangements you should take account of your children's interests ... For agreements such as Parenting Plans to ..

C:\Documents and Settings\tremblek\Local Settings\Temporary ..

Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill Q .. (a) encourage and assist parents to reach agreement on parenting arrangements after ..


for the child in the relative/s' care. The child's parent/s must agree to the living arrangement. Parental responsibility remains with the parents. When undertaking ..

Child support bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 Strategic bargaining over child support and parenting time : a critical review of the literature. .. parents frequently attempt to structure their parenting arrangements for .. Sections include: children; property; financial agreements; financial .. by Louise Hennessy; Shared parental responsibility, by Anne-Marie ..

Parenting proposals and court outcomes

the court formalised this agreement with a consent order; in some cases, no orders .. parenting time (for example, the order could be about parental .. arrangements.131 The top panel of Table 7.1 shows the prevalence and .. Note. a"Other order" mostly concerns parental decision-making responsibilities, but also includes ..

6.4 Placement Services under s32(1)(a)

As with a negotiated placement agreement, a placement service under .. The child is in the CEO's care but parental responsibility remains with the parents. .. who has the primary role of caring for a child requests a respite arrangement.


arrangements to return them by 6pm on the Sunday/Monday evening. .. Pending further order the parents have equal shared parental responsibility .. I note that in the event the parents are able to reach an agreement for final orders ..

A rebuttable presumption

starting point of parental equality for negotiation of potential parenting .. INQUIRY INTO CHILD CUSTODY ARRANGEMENTS IN THE EVENT OF FAMILY ... Joint decision making is a key feature of sharing parental responsibility in ..

Reciprocal Protocols for Educational Access and Support for ..

children in circumstances where their parents have not given, or are unlikely or .. Children can be in the CEO's care under a variety of arrangements. .. retains parental responsibility, however if the agreement authorises it, the Department ..

NSW Law Reform Commission

- Given the definition of parental responsibility in the that Act, as outlined above, ... of the child, allowing for consideration of multi-parenting arrangements. .. and despite agreements that he would not seek to be involved in parenting the child, ..

Application for Consent Orders Kit

This kit can be used to apply for consent orders about the care arrangements for .. If you want your agreement to become an order of the Court, you can apply for ... parents to have equal shared parental responsibility for the child, except ..

Parenting Plans - Information for parents to consider when making a ..

A parenting plan is a voluntary agreement that covers the day to day responsibilities ..parenting arrangements, the parents can agree to change those arrangements by .. grandparents. ■ how the parents will share parental responsibility and .. Disputed Care Arrangements

A care arrangement for a child is a written agreement between the parents, or between a parent and a carer relating to the care of the child, or a parenting plan or a .. Example: Both parents have legal responsibility and have a parenting plan.

When can my child? - Parenting SA

At 18 your child can take on full adult responsibilities. .. As a parent you can give permission for your child to live with a relative .. Many parents make arrangements for friends to look after ... The focus is now on parents making agreements, ..

A new family law process

a legal one, based around legal rights and responsibilities, and seeking to .. INQUIRY INTO CHILD CUSTODY ARRANGEMENTS IN THE EVENT OF FAMILY .. specifically established for determining disputes about future parenting ... either parent or the children, so there may be a need for changes in orders if the parents ..

Family Law Act 1975

4A Third party proceedings to set aside financial agreement ... 67. 21B.... Arrangement of business of Court. ... Presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making parenting orders 156. 61DB.. Application of ..

6.3 Negotiated Placement Agreements (NPA)

Both parents are required to sign the NPA (refer to Confirmation of parental .. The parent(s) or guardian(s) retain parental responsibility for the child. .. A placement arrangement can include general foster care, relative care, ..

Pages - Annual Report 2005-06 Part 2 Performance Reports

In accordance with individual agreements with the States, the Australian .. the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 .. The Act also emphasises resolving post-separation parenting arrangements ..

DoCS research ethics guidance

young people in supported care arrangements, in which the Department or its agent .. Even where parents no longer have parental responsibility to consent in relation .. The Service Funding Agreement between DoCS and service providers ..

4121.06.10 Application for child support assessment Non-parent carer

assessment takes into account the parent or parents' income, care arrangements, number of children and responsibility for children from other relationships. .. 17 Do you have a court order or a court registered agreement for child support ..

Parental responsibility - AIFS Conference Paper 1996 - Australian ..

We hold these truths: a national perspective on parental responsibility, paper by Kate .. This paper cannot address the impact of the law on attitudes to parenting, .. responsibility being exercised for the good of the children without agreement ... its language were perceived to result in parenting arrangements which were in ..

Application for Final Orders

Draft Consent Orders - a term used to describe the signed agreement which you wish to .. for parenting orders, the arrangements are proper;; for property orders, the .. (d) if 2 or more persons are to share parental responsibility for a child--the ..

FaHCSIA : Domestic violence laws in Australia

FL Act Part VII: orders and arrangements with respect to children .. Under the FL Act, parents are encouraged to reach agreement about matters .. The presumption in favour of equal shared parental responsibility operates ..

Family Law - Children Factsheet

Information on parental responsibility, parenting plans, who a child is to .. If you are unable to agree about the arrangements for your children after .. A parenting plan is a written agreement between the parties, which deals ..

1.1.L.33 Legal responsibility


Support 10 Australian Social Security Agreements 11 Income Management Acronym List .. Both parents are legally responsible for their child, except where: they agree that one parent should have greater or sole responsibility, or; a court .. Ms Black have a court order which details the care arrangements of their children.

Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006

Schedule 1—Shared parental responsibility 4 .. (e) changes to the child's living arrangements that make it significantly more difficult ... (1A) An agreement is not a parenting plan for the purposes of this Act unless it is made ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

Irrespective of custody arrangements, the father will retain guardianship of his .. Where an order for shared parental responsibility is made, the court must ..

Application for Final Orders - Kit

You are responsible for making sure all your paperwork is in order. .. Draft Consent Orders – a term used to describe the signed agreement which you wish to have .. A parenting order in favour of a person who is not a parent, grandparent or other relative .. for property orders, the arrangements are just and equitable.

Child Support Agency Strategic Plan 2006-2008 (RTF) - Child ..

increased parental self-reliance--52% of parents now transfer their child support .. improve the arrangements for parents who wish to make agreements for ..

Children - lives with and visits - Parenting orders

Consent orders - If you come to an agreement with the other parent, you can .. parent without the need to make your arrangement into parenting orders, .. however does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Internet Resource Guide:Family Law Resources

Impact of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 .. Announcement of an inquiry into child custody arrangements (Prime Minister, ..

Factors influencing compliance with child support obligation

by I Losoncz - - Contact between Non-Resident Parent (NRP) and child. • Satisfaction with parenting arrangements. • Attachment of NRP to .. Specifics of the child support agreement. • Connection between .. shared parental responsibility. • Current research ..

Submission - Inquiry into the provisions of the Family Law ..

Dear Senate Inquiry - Shared Parental Responsibility Bill 2005. This is a my .. parenting arrangements that are not safe for them or their children. This is not true .. voluntary, as is agreement to any proposals. Moreover, the ..

Family Relationship Centres

Operators can transfer you to a parenting adviser who can provide you with .. are a separated parent - you can work towards sorting out parenting arrangements by .. parents to help them reach agreement on parenting arrangements. .. Legal advice can help you understand your responsibilities in relation to your children.

1.1.P.20 Parenting plan


plans/orders were introduced into the Family Law Act 1975, in 1996 by .. that only one person has legal responsibility for the child, it is taken that each parent .. Generally, it is a written agreement made between the parents of a child, which is .. Examples: Arrangements for residence, contact and child support.

Family law and divorce - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ..

As knowledge about the effects of conflict and parental loss on children increases, .. The former sets out briefly the array of private agreements, consent orders, child .. Their parenting arrangements may thereby be influenced by the unusual, .. and therefore the nature of their responsibilities under present legislation is ..

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ..

separation, and whether the other parent had ever hurt them in any way before separation. Those who .. parenting arrangements and developmental outcomes for infants and children. Collected ... parenting agreements that meet the needs of children. .. Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006. (SPR Act ..

FLPAG Report – overview and recommendations Introduction: the ..

settling of, new arrangements; and .. and there is a shortage of services which support men and their aspirations to parent their children. .. emphasis on agreement and ongoing parenting, or guidance to make agreement easier .. Many people arrange and meet their post-separation responsibilities with minimal assistance ..


opportunity to consider the nature of their parenting responsibilities"[23] and to "increase the .. enforceable arrangements for their children by agreement?

Relative and Kinship Care Service Model

the Minister has one or more aspect of parental responsibility or there is an order of .. facilitation of contact arrangements with parents and significant family or .. exceed three months to sign a care agreement which advises them of their rights ..

Information for parents considering adoption of their child

More details of these arrangements are given on the following pages. .. have been replaced by the broader concept of parental responsibility, which covers .. If you sign a child care agreement and your child is placed in foster care, you have ..

2 SCaSP and its place in the Family Support Program

- by DC Grealy - URBIS STAFF RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS REPORT: .. A wealth of research shows that parental separation can be a difficult life experience for .. services to help them to reach agreement on parenting arrangements without going to court.


to reach agreement about arrangements for the future parenting of their .. allocation of parental responsibility and the amount of time children are to spend with ..

Family Law Act 1975

(d) if 2 or more persons are to share parental responsibility for a child--the form of .. (b) reaching agreement about changes to be made to the order. ... (b) the parents' current and future capacity to implement an arrangement for the child ..

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..


-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements. .. away from an ambivalent or unclear situation, which custody arrangements often become. .. that society demanded that they still assume the responsibilities of parenthood.


equal shared parental responsibility and particular obligations placed on family courts to consider 'equal time' and 'substantial and significant time' arrangements .. o Where parents came to an early agreement, it was agreed in 9% of cases ..

Report on the Exposure Draft of the Family Law Amendment ..

That report unequivocally advocated the concept of shared parental .. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005, .. encourage and assist parents to reach agreement on parenting arrangements after ..

Appendix E - Legislative references: Family Law Act 1975

INQUIRY INTO CHILD CUSTODY ARRANGEMENTS IN THE EVENT OF .. (1) Each of the parents of a child who is not 18 has parental responsibility for the ..

"Shared parental responsibility"and the reshaping of family law.

by C Caruana - Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 occurred on the 10 May when .. 'major long-term issue' requiring agreement from the other parent. .. dence that such an arrangement would not be in the best interests of the child. The ..

AllegAtions of fAmily violence And child Abuse in fAmily lAw ..

4.7 Training and inter-rater agreement. 61 ... shared parental responsibility being supported by less adversarial procedures in all child-related .. of family violence must impact on the framing of court-ordered parenting arrangements after ..

Mandatory dispute resolution and the 2006 family law reforms. Use ..

- by L Moloney - .. the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) .. agreement at FDR and who had also reported that arrangements had been ..

Review of Victoria's Child Protection Legislative Arrangements ..

partial or fully negotiated agreement between Protective Services, parents, ... it be possible for there to be formal parental responsibility contracts, approved ..

Separation resources | Child Support Agency

Child support agreements .. Meeting your child support responsibilities .. and motivations of fathers with a range of different parenting arrangements. .. like relationship with the other parent; tips on management of personal finances; tips on ..

Child Support Agency: The Guide | Reason 8 - a parent's income ..

3.3 Notification of court orders and court registered agreements .. Parents and non-parent carers can apply for a change of assessment in special .. The ATO may make decisions concerning these arrangements for the purposes of ... It is also important to note that if the parent's caring responsibilities or state of health do ..

Legislating for shared parenting. Family Matters no.67 2004

by C CARUANA - - arrangement where parenting time is substantially .. mentary inquiry into "child custody arrangements .. "shared parental responsibility", or mutual involve- ..

Family dispute resolution and domestic violence bibliography ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2009Specifically, it investigated parents' and children's perspectives on the effect .. dispute resolution services, and the effect on parenting arrangements. .. of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006. .. their solicitors, and that any agreement made in such circumstances is not a ..

Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms: Preliminaries

by R Kaspiew - 2009 - - Negotiating and deciding parenting arrangements after separation. 65. 4.2. Referral .. Philosophical support for shared parental responsibility. 206. 9.2 .. Figure 3.1 Agreement with the statement: "If you are thinking of separating, it is important ..

your rights

your rights & responsibilities. .. parents, carers & families .. The Partnership Agreement between DoCS and Foster Carers has been developed to .. in your care; apply for sole parental responsibility after two years of continuous care. .. participate in recreational activities; cooperate positively with contact arrangements with ..

Client—initial case plan date, DDMMYYYY

A case management plan is a written plan or a support agreement that .. The plan will generally include: allocation of parental responsibility; living arrangements; contact between the child or young person with his/her parents; and types of ..

Separation - what it means

Many separating couples are able to reach agreement on these issues but .. If you separate, financial assistance (eg single parent payment, special .. rights and responsibilities, which can include parenting arrangements for ..


- 12.5 How is parental responsibility divided between same-sex parents on ... When deciding custody arrangements on separation, the Family Court must focus ..

Campbell, Jacky

by J Campbell - - fathers and accept the responsibilities of parenthood. 6 .. each parent has parental responsibility for children under 18. 9 unless changed by .. regulatory arrangements within the gay and lesbian community". 18 .. or agreement between the ..

Recognising Children of Same-Sex Couples

5.2 What is the legal status of child-parent relationships in same-sex families? ... support and promote the common responsibilities of both parents in raising a .. All states other than NSW and the ACT either prohibit surrogacy agreements or limit .. with new parenting arrangements through a parenting order rather than an ..

Who can apply for a parenting order and when

If you are a parent you can apply for a parenting order. .. parenting arrangements and they want the court to make that agreement into an order. .. but accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions and denies all liability ..


Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of Family Separation. .. Although parenting plans may suit some parties, others may prefer other outcomes, .. For example, one parent may accept mediation but the other may .. Assessment therefore needs to take place at each stage of the process and responsibility ..

Relocation bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 has made .. in which parenting orders and agreements in relation to children are made. .. are of a long-term nature such as education, health and living arrangements.

Family Law Council

Department as the Commonwealth Central Authority with responsibility for .. The question that arises is whether a parent's behaviour in either or both of these .. Dispute Resolution service in order to make future arrangements for the parenting of .. welfare of the child where the return of the child is facilitated by agreement ..

Details for parenting orders - Family Law Courts Homepage

Items 60 - 65 – Draft Consent Orders - a term used to describe the signed agreement which you wish .. for parenting orders, the arrangements are proper; for property orders, the .. Any other aspect of parental responsibility - this may include the ..

The Family Law Violence Strategy

Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 (the Shared Parenting .. been through the court process to have contact arrangements determined. ... agreements between the Australian Government and States and Territories.

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ..

resolve parenting arrangements, make decisions about their .. believing that equal shared parental responsibility allowed for equal .. reaching an agreement. ♣ ..


Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of Family Separation, Australian .. Public attitudes to parental responsibilities and children's rights after parental .. Parent–child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements, Research Report ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law

Covers children's rights and parental responsibility, parenting plans, family .. to family dispute resolution, conferences, certificates and agreements. .. law, care and protection law, arrangements when parents separate, best ..

AFRC Briefing No. 6

Shared parenting arrangements see children moving in and out for five ... the need to reach agreement on strategies, the implementation of these is vexed. .. biological parent to maintain primary responsibility for discipline, ..

"Keeping Kids in Mind"

Form an agreement about what each parent's responsibilities will be; .. advice from an independent third person, to sort out your parenting arrangements.

Major policy changes

If a parent wanted to take their own action in court regarding the debt, they had to assume all responsibility for collection, including for ongoing child support. With the new arrangements, parents can take their own court enforcement action .. their ability to reach agreement on parenting arrangements or even to reconcile.

The current Child Support Scheme

Parents who paid child support with second families received a flat-rate .. For more information see: Second families - current arrangements. ... Previously, a parent's responsibility towards natural or adopted children from a .. Child support agreements allow parents to work out their own child support ..

18. In the Best Interests of Children

Child Support Agreements · 14. .. Resident parents will also receive more realistic levels of child support when .. Similarly, the incentive to negotiate parenting arrangements that ensure that the non-resident parent has the care of a .. 18.2.2 The Child Support Scheme and shared parental responsibility ..

Child inclusive practice bibliography - Communities and Families ..

Agreements reached by the child inclusive group were significantly more .. of parents' separation and the establishment of parental arrangements that .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act ..

Navigating the Maze - Family Violence Inquiry, JD Guest Lecture ..

From the point of view of parents and children engaging with the legal .. and private [parental responsibility and the care arrangements for children] .. able to reach agreement about their parenting arrangements themselves.

Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements ..


-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements by .. its report on its Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements Following Separation, attests .. and is responsible for conceptualising and managing the Caring for Children after ..


An Adoption Plan is a legal agreement between the birth parents and the adoptive step- parent and sets out any arrangements for information exchange about ..

Form and substance

by C Caruana - - and Other measures) Bill 2008 moves on a 2002 agreement by the states and .. Australia and Western Australia) who are unable to agree on arrangements for their children .. Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, the court ..

Cohabitation bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006One parent or five: a global look at today's new intentional families (PDF) .. marriage and parenting, co-parenting pre-conception arrangements, and the ... property; financial agreements; financial support for children; de facto relationships; and .. Divorce, by Louise Hennessy; Shared parental responsibility, by Anne-Marie ..

Department of Education :: Schools :: School life information ..

through informal arrangements (these arrangements may come .. However, the status of the grandparents' responsibility for a child .. reach agreement with the child's parent or parents without having to go before a judge.

Child protection Australia 2009-10 (AIHW)

Types of orders; Age and sex of children; Living arrangements; Recent .. Finalised guardianship and custody orders; Finalised third-party parental responsibility orders .. the parents or with the department responsible for child protection. .. Agreements with the child protection departments, which have the ..

Women's Legal Service (Brisbane)

- Items 26 - 36 – a. encourage and assist parents to reach agreement on parenting arrangements after separation outside of the court system where appropriate. b. promote the .. Schedule 1 – Shared Parental Responsibility. Content. Item 2 of the ..


Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 .. and assist parents to reach agreement on parenting arrangements ..

Risk factors - bibliography - National Child Protection Clearinghouse


measures under the Northern Territory National Partnership Agreement (NTNPA). .. Since December 2002, the Ombudsman has had responsibility for reviewing the .. Services included home visiting, parent education, and family support .. The effect of family violence on post-separation parenting arrangements : the ..

Submission: Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence ..

I am writing to rebut the "evidence" that shared parenting forces .. parental responsibility amendments were enacted and quotes .. returned to live primarily with the Father by the Mother's agreement. In 2010, days before another trial and after the children's lawyer recommended the existing arrangements ..

Shared Parenting - Article - Family Matters - Publications - Australian ..

by PSP ALLIANCEtistics time use data confirm that Australian parents choose arrangements where mothers provide the .. idence plus day-to-day responsibilities to one parent, in Family Law .. the law" many of these agreements are forced and unfulfilling to at ..

Department for Child Protection - Western Australia - Frequently ..

I have never had children of my own, does this mean I can't parent a foster child? .. Fostering is an arrangement where a family or an individual cares .. The questions relate to your family background, parenting and other .. Foster carers are not the parent of the child and do not have parental responsibility ..

Response to Family Law Amendment (Family Violence) Bill

them from parental conflict and prevents them from feeling responsible .. better informed and more durable parenting arrangements. 1 Parkinson, Cashmore ..

PK Legal Aid Sep

When agreement is reached. You can .. Made into a Parenting Plan, or .. How you will share parental responsibility, such .. your arrangements will be resolved ..

special collection - family law


and family dispute resolution practitioners: achieving the child-focused ideal in practice .. child contact arrangements following parental separation remain dominated by .. Family violence and the Shared Parental Responsibility Act ..

Elspeth McInnes Home Page

'The Effect of Family Violence on Post-Separation Parenting Arrangements'. .. Experiences Before and After the 2006 Reforms' Australian Family Lawyer Vol. .. ViolenceCome Together,'Paper given at the Shared Parental Responsibility in .. to the Inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation', ..

thematic review 2

care parenting arrangements since the 2006 family law reforms: report to the .. exception to shared parental responsibility, aNU college of Law research Paper no. .. Parkinson P, webster a & cashmore J 2010, 'Lawyers' interviews with clients about .. agreements and less adversarial court trials, as well ..

Title here

recommendations to Attorney-General about the Family .. framing of court- ordered parenting arrangements .. Equal shared parental responsibility = equal time ..

ChAptER 7: Legal issues

she felt pressured by her lawyer to agree: .. shared parental responsibility, possibly leading to more equal time spent with each parent. .. time parenting arrangements had been determined by the court, and then having ex-partners fail to meet .. delaying agreements regarding property, impacting on optimal selling dates ..


by C TURNBULL - LLB (QUT); Acc Spec (Fam) Senior Associate, Journey Family Lawyers. .. to have equal shared parental responsibility for the child; and .. Parliament, Every Picture Tells a Story: Report on the Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in ..


of Attorney and an. Enduring .. pArentIng. Donor insemination. Self-insemination. S elf-insemination. – restrictions on ... Details of domestic arrangements .. parental responsibility for the child. There is .. lawyers to the agreement. dividing ..

Dr Becky Batagol - Researcher Profile - Monash University


The effect of family violence on post-separation parenting arrangements: the .. (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005, Australian Journal of Family Law, vol .. to the Child Custody Arrangements Inquiry, Attorney-General's Department, ..


by ZOE RATHUS - - It is not possible to explore the literature about shared parental responsibility in .. Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of a Family Separation (2003) 27, 41–2. .. Attorney-General, the Hon Daryl Williams MP and the Minister for Children ..

Understanding victims of violence - Australian Domestic and Family ..

In 2006, major changes primarily focused on custody arrangements were introduced .. the safety when dealing with parenting arrangements where violence is an issue .. At times, lawyers may deter women from raising issues of family violence ... lead to rebuttal of the shared-parental responsibility presumption, in spite of ..

The Attitudes of Separated Resident Mothers in Australia to Child ..

by E McInnes - Most contact arrangements are not resolved in court, but rather by agreements between parents (Family Court of Australia 2003) and there is evidence that many .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility). Act 2005 ... Whilst lawyers were the most frequently nominated service, community centres ..

Shared Care Parenting Arrangements since the 2006 Family

Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department .. 5.4 Children's reactions to their parenting arrangements 116 ... were less likely to have come to those agreements via litigation than those in other arrangements. ... If there is equal shared parental responsibility, parents have a duty to consult, and to try to reach ..

Post-separation parenting | VOICE

The shared parenting laws central to the 2006 Family Law reforms are .. (or starting point) of 'equal shared parental responsibility'. .. Other changes were designed to encourage separated parents to reach agreements without recourse to .. say and what the next step is for shared parenting arrangements.

The New Family Dispute Resolution System: Reform Under the ..

by S Nicholls - 2007 - - the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth). .. [1] A media release on the 10th May 2006 from Attorney-General Phillip .. into Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of Family Separation ..

Empirical Insights into Parental Attitudes and Children's Interests in ..

by RAE KASPIEW - - provisions in the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act .. The Federal Attorney General's Department has responded with: Attorney .. Picture Tells a Story; Report on the Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in the ..


This decision casts doubt on the validity of certain parenting orders made or .. consider the reasonable practicability of the parenting arrangement without having to .. 10 to the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, .. unnecessary for orders reflecting agreement between all interested parties.

This file was downloaded from:

by D Cooper - 2010resolution, a significant proportion continue to consult lawyers. 7 .. 1 The reforms were introduced by the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth). ... how to negotiate parenting arrangements in the "best interests" of their .. interest-based negotiated agreements with their former partners.

Newsletter 5

The Federal. Government's Family Law Violence Strategy (Attorney.. Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility). Act 2006. .. reach an agreement. The purpose of ... issues, advice on parenting arrangements after separation ..


by D Bagshaw - 2010 - - necessarily represent the views of the Australian Attorney-General's Department. Requests ... The impact of family violence on parenting arrangements post-1995 and pre-2006 ........ 49 ... Section 9: the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006. .. Satisfaction with separation agreements .

Part B

- To alter the arrangements for the custody of children under the parenting order to .. Gray J, "International Child Abduction – What Can a Lawyer Do? .. s60CC(3)(c) willingness of each parent to facilitate and encourage a close and .. is an intentional failure to comply with the custody arrangements made under the order.

Middleton, Sarah --- "Time for a Change? Shared Parenting ..

by S Middleton - In July 2006, the Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) ('the .. to promote parental involvement with children and arrangements for equal or .. wish to formalise their agreement by seeking parenting orders by consent. ... of the independent children's lawyer; repeal and replace the existing provisions ..



FAMILY LAW AMENDMENT (SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) BILL 2005 .. on Behalf of the Government (Circulated by authority of the Attorney-General, .. arrangements in the event of family separation, Every Picture Tells a Story.


FAMILY LAW AMENDMENT BILL (SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) BILL .. Family and Community Affairs (the FCAC) inquiry into child custody arrangements in .. the role and basis of appointment of independent children's lawyers.


Barrister & Solicitor, Supreme Court of Victoria, Barrister & Solicitor, 10-Aug-2004 .. institution (since 2003) as recorded in Themis Agreements. .. Post-separation parenting arrangements, child support and property settlement: .. Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill (2005)(Show details) ..

Associate Professor Judith Cashmore AO - Sydney Law School ..

Cashmore, J & Parkinson, P, 'What Responsibility Do Courts Have to Hear .. Single, J, 'Parent's and Children's Views on Talking to Judges in Parenting Disputes in .. J, 'Adolescents' views on the fairness of parenting and financial arrangements .. Cashmore, J & Bussey, K, 'Perceptions of children and lawyers in care and ..

Shared Parental Responsibility Conference

Shared Parental Responsibility in Australian Family Law and the .. administrative (docket) arrangements and the Court‟s innovative. Child Responsive Program have reduced the potential for misinformation by parties and manipulation by lawyers. .. and to make a genuine effort to come to an agreement.

Rhoades, Helen --- "The Dangers of Shared Care Legislation: Why ..

by H Rhoades - - The Shared Parental Responsibility Act was designed to facilitate substantial, if not .. number of these arrangements are characterised by intense parental conflict, .. at 'the door of the court' by the parents' lawyers, and mediated agreements.


The Web of Abuse in Shared Parenting Arrangements .................... ... they had come to an agreement about the custody of their three children. .. Family Studies, the Child Support Agency, the Attorney General's Department, .. is entrenched conflict or substance abuse (Shared Parental Responsibility Bill, 2005).


will outline arrangements that the court believes are in the best interests of the .. occur, parents reach agreement regarding those issues which are likely to have an .. parental responsibility are known as the components of parenting. 6.2 In order to ... of information to the lawyer or private inquiry agent must be provided ..

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children: A Literature Review

Parenting arrangements and shared care of children post ... parental cooperation and responsibility in the separation process and increase the focus on the child's best interests. The federal Attorney-General commissioned several studies to .. parenting agreements, McIntosh and Chisholm (2008, p.

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall - - Agreements as to Purchase and Sale of the Property; Renovation, Alteration or .. When does the Enduring Power of Attorney come into effect? .. However, this type of ownership arrangement may prove impracticable and less desirable ... This parental responsibility does not alter if the parents divorce or separate, or alter ..


Attorney-General's Department, Canberra .. Third party proceedings to set aside financial agreement . ... Arrangement of business of Court . ... Presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making parenting ..

Publications - Staff Profile

15+ items – LLB · Alumni Publications · Archive · law@melbourne Archive ..

C. Millward, M. Campo and B. Fehlberg, 'Mothers who are liable to pay child ..


B. Fehlberg, C. Millward and M. Campo, 'Post-separation parenting ..


Australian Institute of Family Studies

by B SMYTH - separated parents charged with sharing parental responsibilities under the .. agreement in mediation (and thus had their parenting arrangement imposed on them by ... Williams, D., (Attorney-General) & Anthony, L. (Minister for Children and ..

Why a Rebuttable Presumption of Equal Time Should Not Be ..

"Equal time" in this submission refers to a family arrangement where children live with both parents, spending more or less equal time with each parent. .. Dr Joan Kelly, a supporter of shared residency, was quoted as saying, "Neither lawyers .. "parental responsibility" for a child, meaning each has the "duties, powers, ..

Enhancing inter-professional relationships in a changing family law ..

Most recently the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) .. working relationships between family lawyers and family dispute resolution ... cost family dispute resolution and assist parents to agree on arrangements for their .. encourages parents to reach agreement and in doing so to regard the best ..

Double-space everything, 7

by RM Field - 2006 - - Centralises The Role Of Lawyers As Advocates For Participants Who Are Victims .. 2 The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 (Cth) .. Arrangements in the Event of Family Separation, December 2003, Canberra, ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 4 Interpretation

"child maintenance provisions" , in relation to a parenting plan, has the .. "debtor subject to a personal insolvency agreement" has the meaning given by section 5. .. "independent children's lawyer" for a child means a lawyer who represents the .. "parental responsibility" , in Part VII, has the meaning given by section 61B.


Third party proceedings to set aside Part VIIIAB financial agreement 5. Debtor subject .. Arrangement of business of Court Division 3--Judges 22. Appointment .. Presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making parenting orders 61DB. Application of .. Role of independent children's lawyer 68M. Order that ..

The changing landscape of family law: exploring the promises and ..

by A Graham - 2009 - - The support of the Australian Government's Attorney General's Department who ... complex matters such as parenting arrangements but that they should be part of ... introduction of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act .. services to separating families in order to help them facilitate agreement ..

Same Sex Law Reforms and notions of Parenthood

(c) Alexandra Harland. Senior Lawyer York Family Law .. for imperfect solutions as parental responsibility order is more limited that legal recognition as a parent. .. presumptions and declaration, status of children and substitute parent agreements ... conservative parenting arrangement should have been followed. Warnick ..

Parkinson, Patrick --- "Freedom of Movement in an Era of Shared ..

by IINATOR CASESOn the one hand, there is the right of a parent to live how and where he or she .. the High Court was in agreement in this case that freedom of movement had to .. of both parents in their children's lives, both as to parental responsibility and as to .. The case concerned parenting arrangements for two children aged 10 and 8 ..

An end to legal immunity for family and child mediators â•fi how and ..

by R Carroll - 2006 - The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 (the Bill) .. Immunity is conferred by common law3 upon judges and upon lawyers in respect ... the parenting arrangements'.19 .. mediation, because agreements ..


by J MCCONVILL - - Lawyer, Allens Arthur Robinson, Melbourne; PhD (Law) Candidate, Deakin .. agreement with the mother and her partner ('the co-parent') to provide .. arrangements for the birth of Patrick (born on 11 September 1999) were kept secret ..


In reaching agreement parents are encouraged to regard the best interests of the .. would be responsible for having all the necessary arrangements made and for ... impact on the capacity for both parents to exercise parental responsibility. ... be prepared or an independent children's lawyer for the child be appointed.

Parental responsibility - University of Sydney

- NB: the Family law Act (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act was introduced in July 2006. .. 69ZD parentage testing for international maintenance agreements .. (e) changes to the child's living arrangements that make it significantly more difficult for the child to spend time ...

ž the then Federal Attorney General stated that ..

[pic] Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act ..

Items 1 - 8 – Schedule 1-Shared parental responsibility Part 1-Amendments Family Law .. to the child's living arrangements that make it significantly more difficult for the .. to be independently represented by a lawyer in proceedings under this Part ... subsection 63C(1) Insert: (1A) An agreement is not a parenting plan for the ..

The Well Being of Children Following Parental Separation and ..

responsibilities adequately after the divorce (Bream and Buchanan, 2003), and when .. adjustment include parental cooperation (Whiteside, 1998), parents' ... interpersonal relationships, which is in agreement with the life course perspective .. Financial arrangements have an important impact on the economic and social ..

ReconfiXuring Post-Divorce Parenting in a Risk Society Panic

by S Berns - - single mothers, judges, lawyers, psychotherapists, child support enforcement agents .. parental responsibility, future parenting arrangements and, by the agree- ... specifically recommends that agreements and judicial decisions spell out ..

Newsletter 22, October 2005 Australian Domestic and Family ..

- As is usually the case, it is important for lawyers and other workers to ensure that .. the premise that parenting arrangements will be determined in the 'best interests of .. their legal entitlements and responsibilities and may enter into agreements or .. Use of the term 'equal shared' parental responsibility rather than the term ..

Separated fathers and the 'fathers' rights' movement

positive parenting and the well-being of women and children. .. although not universal, agreement that 'the system' makes it difficult for non-resident fathers. 2 .. finds that most children's living arrangements are finalised without the need for a Family Court order. ... Some fathers 'view their parental responsibilities as being ..

The changing status of children within family law from vision to reality?

change' in family law.5 The reforms were extensive and the then Attorney-. General .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth), which .. is unambiguous: the facilitation of shared care parenting arrangements and .. participation, there is general agreement among scholars that it entails ..


FAMILY LAW AMENDMENT (SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) BILL 2006 .. on Behalf of the Government (Circulated by authority of the Attorney-General, .. arrangements in the event of family separation, Every Picture Tells a Story.

Dr Becky Batagol, Monash Law

Lawyers and Family Dispute Resolution' (2008) 8 Queensland University .. of Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005' (2005) .. Parliament of Australia to the Child Custody Arrangements Inquiry on ..

Paternal Pain - JCU

A recent reform to the Family Law Act, the Shared Parental Responsibility Act 2006, .. "Shared parenting is the solution, but then the lawyers, psychologists and .. shared custody arrangements is starting to show that this is unsettling for the ..


by D Cooper - 2008 - - parties as either family lawyers or social scientists when discussing the legal and practical .. their own agreements about arrangements for their children. Effectively .. Act of shared parental responsibility: Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s 61DA.

SURROGACY ACT 2010 - As at 7 June 2011 - Act 102 of 2010 ..

"parental responsibility", in relation to a child, means all the duties, powers, .. (2) An agreement that the parentage of a child is to be transferred to another person is .. arrangement to be raised by the intended parent or intended parents, or (c) ... of the child's birth parents and intended parents, or (c) the Attorney General.


"Parenting plan" means an agreement in writing between the parents of a child that .. "Parental responsibility" means all the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority ... who are separated and are trying to locate their families or from solicitors, .. Q. If there is a shared residence arrangement which parent (a) receives ..

Post-separation parenting : News : The University of Melbourne


separated parents to reach agreements without recourse to the legal system. .. "Shadow Attorney-General George Brandis claimed, after the release of the AIFS report, .. "The legal starting point is in fact equal shared parental responsibility for .. when shared parenting arrangements are mutually agreed to, while parents ..

Australian Families Research Bulletin

arrangements is an important task of family relationship workers. .. these programs very differently to parents who have voluntarily joined programs. Parent's .. not legal 'advice', to clients; and the drafting of workable parenting agreements. .. processes, service providers hold a responsibility in providing lawyers and their ..

Therapeutic Divorce: The Scope and Means of Implementing ..

the relationship and their respective lawyers who collaboratively negotiate to devise .. practice agreements and parenting plans.20 Non-legal professionals, .. the court and clients in determining an appropriate settlement arrangement and parenting .. perceptions of the equal shared parental responsibility presumption.52 ..


ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL .. 'Family counselling' is defined in the Shared Parental Responsibility Act as a process in ... with their agreements or who need to negotiate a change in an agreement. ... advice on parenting arrangements after separation or referral to other local family services.

Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse

CALD women tend to conflate lawyers, police and government departments as ... domestic violence clauses in Commonwealth Government agency agreements. .. have a diversity of parenting arrangements and responsibilities and supports .. extra help for single parents and for two parent families where one parent is on ..


by DRB BATAGOL - - Popularly, lawyers are conceived of as relentlessly adversarial. .. system.3 The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) .. matrimonial property, finances and financial agreements (and not care of children),9. 3 .. from an adversarial approach to negotiating parenting arrangements after ..

Domestic Violence and Family Law *

by L Laing - - reach an agreement, with only five per cent of matters proceeding to a full hearing before .. contact arrangements in which there was no further violence or harassment. .. also emphasises parents' ongoing "parental responsibility" for children and .. impact of these reforms involved a survey of lawyers, mediators and family ..


Presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making parenting orders -- FLA s. .. Parenting plan may be varied or revoked by further written agreement -- FLA s. .. Role of independent children's lawyer -- FLA s. .. vary, discharge or suspend an existing order, injunction or arrangement under this Act -- FLA s.

C:\Typeset\AltLJ\October 2003\Copy for Liz\Articles.vp

by B Batagol - 2003 - - parental responsibility of each parent does not diminish after determining a .. parenting arrangements encouraged under the present Act. It .. equal time agreements. ... a supporter of shared residency, was quoted as saying, 'Neither lawyers ..

Newsletter 40 editorial Welcome to the Autumn 2010 edition of the ..

On 28 January 2010, the Commonwealth Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, .. its work to introduce domestic violence provisions in enterprise agreements and .. the reforms to family law parenting arrangements and the family law system .. orders (and assessment of the presumption of shared parental responsibility).

[pic] Family Law Act 1975 Act No. 53 of 1975 as amended This ..


Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, Attorney-General's Department, .. Presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making parenting .. to parentage testing for purposes of an international agreement or arrangement ..

Family Law Reform Act 1995 : Can changing legislation change ..

by H Rhoades - Orders about day-to-day parental responsibility. 43 .. were child agreements before the Reform Act. Similarly, the vast majority of solicitors have .. generally more supportive than lawyers of shared parenting arrangements, and more likely ..

Professor Patrick Parkinson AM - Sydney Law School - The ..

His books include Family Law and the Indissolubility of Parenthood (2011), Tradition and .. Parkinson, P, "The Churches' Responsibility for Dealing with .. Cashmore, J & Parkinson, P, 'Parenting arrangements for young children: .. Views of Family Lawyers on Apprehended Violence Orders After Parental ..

Planning for the Future: Arrangements for the Assistance of People ..

by A Economics - - Intellectual Disabilities' and 'Against the Odds: Parents with Intellectual .. Lawyers have a responsibility to help to explain and utilise legal planning ... Transition occurred in the majority of cases because of parental death, ... for 30+ years': Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHS), 'Commonwealth / State Disability Agreement ..

Symposium Lesb and Gay parenting Final Report WEB

to his intention to parent, and the donor's name would not. .. a limited set of responsibilities and rights on the non-biological parents, .. Not only are same sex parenting arrangements deemed to be sub optimal, .. separating parents from the perspectives of lawyers, Family Court .. Surrogacy agreements are void in Vic ..

This is the author version published as: QUT Digital Repository: http ..

by TC Hutchinson - 2009 - a bad kid and I'll show you a lousy parent" : making parents responsible for youth crime in Australian and .. However, there is no universal agreement with this thesis of ... of policies, administrative arrangements, institutions and ideas in one political ... parenting" styles (Havemann) and the Solicitor General at that time ..


by BS BA - 2005 - when developing or refining parenting arrangements after divorce. ... Figure 25. Level of agreement with the idea of "equal time" parenting by gender and residence .. parenting in favour of a presumption of "shared parental responsibility" ... relied on counsellors, lawyers or judges in the making of a decision or where the ..

Response to the Australian Government call for submissions on ..

children by those responsible for their care. .. jointly appropriated from the Attorney-General's Department (AGD) and the Department of .. Some families benefit from more intensive relationship coaching and parent coaching ... to reach agreement on issues relating to property, arrangements for children and parenting ..

Vocational Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution

Post separation or divorce; Conflict around shared parenting responsibilities and .. Dispute Resolution Practitioner with the Attorney Generals Department. .. CHCFAM806B, Assist clients to develop parenting arrangements .. assisting in the development of parenting agreements or plans and property or asset agreements.

Dr Bruce Smyth - Researchers - ANU

Binding pre-nuptial agreements .. Collected reports., Australian Government Attorney-General's Department. .. Parent-child contact and post-separation parenting arrangements (Research report no. .. Updated: 06 February 2012 / Responsible Officer: Pro Vice-Chancellor (R&GS) / Page Contact: Pro Vice-Chancellor ..

FLPM updates final 8.11.06.indd

ensure that the lawyer's name and address is inserted. .. required to enter into a Costs Agreement, even if you are charging under the Family ... Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006. .. arrangement of the child at the time.


by A ARDAGH - - Report on the Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of Family .. and Responsibilities of Lawyers in ADR' (Paper presented at the Negotiation and .. as well as preparing parents concerning the effect of conflict on children. ... The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) ..

imageREAL Capture

orders regarding contact arrangements be discharged. The applicants .. insemination agreement with the mother, filed a Form 3A Response on. 17 May 2001, in .. engaged a solicitor, in order to ascertain the whereabouts of the couple, and to check .. the co-parent retain responsibility for Patrick's long term and day to day ..



plan may be varied or revoked by further written agreement -- FLA s. .. Presumption of equal shared parental responsibility when making parenting orders .. representation of child's interests by independent children's lawyer 136. .. discharge or suspend an existing order, injunction or arrangement under this Act ..

Family Law Act Reform: the potential for screening and risk ..

- by R Braaf - - The Federal Government's Family Law Violence Strategy (Attorney General's Department .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 .. to develop options, consider their alternatives and try to reach an agreement. .. parents and children benefit when parenting arrangements after separation ..

Newsletter 24 Autumn 2006 Australian Domestic and Family ..

- Dianne Hamey, Solicitor (Law Reform), Women's Legal Services New South Wales. .. of equal shared parenting responsibility must not be confused with the notion of .. as a result of mediated agreements through veiled coercion and intimidation, .. 4 s60B Pt V11 Objects Clause Shared Parental Responsibility Bill 2005 ..


- NB: the Family law Act (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act was introduced in July 2006. ... 69ZD parentage testing for international maintenance agreements ... what is in the best interests of the child, the arrangements that will promote the child's best interests [at 47] .. (7) INDEPENDENT CHILDREN'S LAWYER (ICL) ..

Grants - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Project title: Family Lawyers and Child-Focused Dispute Resolution: Managing .. It will involve interviews with children and parents about agreements .. Project title: Provision of Research into Shared Care Parenting Arrangements Since the 2006 .. Shared parental responsibility is about parents having an equal role in ..

Inmagic DB/Text WebPublisher PRO: 17 records

17 records – Abstract: Shared parenting arrangements are encouraged when parents separate, .. Family law solicitor Lisa Bradley outlines policies and procedures to help .. the Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Amendment Act of 2006, ... Agreements reached by the child-inclusive group were significantly more ..

Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Whose 'Best Interests' in ..

by AS Hart - 2006 - - 8.4.2 The regulation of the responsibilities of parenthood. 205 ... Parental Responsibility Act 1982 that gives preference in residence disputes to the .. Judges and lawyers disserve both themselves and the legal system unless they .. parenting arrangements within three registries of the FCA and within a community based ..

FAMILY LAW AMENDMENT BILL 1999 Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by authority of the Attorney-General, .. remove the capacity for parties to a financial agreement to vary such an .. These programs are designed to assist people to resolve disputes about their parenting responsibilities with the aim of .. current arrangements made between the Commonwealth and the States and ..

Lesbian parents reconciling work/family responsibilities

captures the complexity of lesbian parent circumstances the ability to .. were made to ensure the sharing of parental responsibilities, rights and ... were able to negotiate their preferred return to work arrangement. .. Many came to 'agreements' with employers after considerable negotiation and .. Then one lawyer said ..

Surrogacy Act 2010 No 102

(c) an agreement that the custody of, or parental responsibility for, a child is to .. (2) If there are 2 intended parents under the surrogacy arrangement, the application ... (d) if the Attorney General made the application—the Attorney. General, ..

Summer program units 2011/2012 - QUT Students

Family lawyers are most often engaged in matters involving future arrangements for children and financial issues, such as property settlement, ..

Surrogacy Bill 2009 Surrogacy Bill 2009 Explanatory Notes ..

The Department of Justice and Attorney-General conducted a review of the .. the birth mother will permanently relinquish her parental responsibilities for the child's .. Without the registration of the intended parent/s as the parents of the child, the .. manner ensures that agreement to the arrangement is more fully informed.

Safer Family Law | UTS Library


into custody arrangements with violent and abusive parents, statistics confirmed by .. In countless cases, known sex offenders and violent parents with criminal .. Key Decision Makers - Attorney General, Family Court judges, lawyers who .. The creation of resources to enlist parental involvement in spreading the word.

CeNTre For HeaLTH PoLiCY, ProGraMs aND eCoNoMiCs aNNUaL ..

lawyer, came from private legal practice in Wellington. .. agreements as a mechanism for community participation in health policy: understanding process and .. family transitions project – Post-separation parenting arrangements and .. where the Family law amendment Shared Parental Responsibility act 2006 has led ..

1 UTS Speaks Associate Professor Anita Stuhmcke 29 October 2008 ..

children born as a result of surrogacy arrangements. .. Standing Committee of Attorneys-General resolved to consider working towards national .. for residence, contact or parental responsibility, this can be done by consent with .. ACT: Parentage Act 2004 (refers to a substitute parent agreement, it is an ..

rtf - Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing House - UNSW

by L Laing - - The Reform Act also emphasises parents' ongoing "parental responsibility" for .. a survey of lawyers, mediators and family counsellors; interviews with Family ..

Making Parents Responsible - AustLII

by T Hutchinson - responsibility beg the questions of why have parental responsibility laws of one sort or .. on the parents when a juvenile crime occurred; however, agreement with blaming ... of policies, administrative arrangements, institutions and ideas in one political ... parenting" styles (Havemann) and the Solicitor General at that time ..

NSW Government Supports Parent Engagement Initiative

On Tuesday 20 July at Swaab Attorneys, the NSW Minister for Education and Training, the Hon. .. Parent?s and Citizens; the NSW Parents? Council has secured the services of several eminent academics, led .. agreement: Ken Deacon, Fed. of P&C‟s, .. solving themselves of the respon- .. arrangement, by a further year ..


by A Stuhmcke - - Surrogate arrangements may be made with or without payment to the .. In the Australian Capital Territory the Substitute Parent Agreements Act 1994 ("the Act") .. who does not intend to be a party to a substitute parent agreement to procure .. of a joint meeting of Commonwealth and State ministers responsible for Health ..

special collection - family law


and family dispute resolution practitioners: achieving the child-focused ideal in practice .. child contact arrangements following parental separation remain dominated by .. Family violence and the Shared Parental Responsibility Act ..

Elspeth McInnes Home Page

'The Effect of Family Violence on Post-Separation Parenting Arrangements'. .. Experiences Before and After the 2006 Reforms' Australian Family Lawyer Vol. .. ViolenceCome Together,'Paper given at the Shared Parental Responsibility in .. to the Inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation', ..

thematic review 2

care parenting arrangements since the 2006 family law reforms: report to the .. exception to shared parental responsibility, aNU college of Law research Paper no. .. Parkinson P, webster a & cashmore J 2010, 'Lawyers' interviews with clients about .. agreements and less adversarial court trials, as well ..

Title here

recommendations to Attorney-General about the Family .. framing of court- ordered parenting arrangements .. Equal shared parental responsibility = equal time ..

ChAptER 7: Legal issues

she felt pressured by her lawyer to agree: .. shared parental responsibility, possibly leading to more equal time spent with each parent. .. time parenting arrangements had been determined by the court, and then having ex-partners fail to meet .. delaying agreements regarding property, impacting on optimal selling dates ..


by C TURNBULL - LLB (QUT); Acc Spec (Fam) Senior Associate, Journey Family Lawyers. .. to have equal shared parental responsibility for the child; and .. Parliament, Every Picture Tells a Story: Report on the Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in ..


of Attorney and an. Enduring .. pArentIng. Donor insemination. Self-insemination. S elf-insemination. – restrictions on ... Details of domestic arrangements .. parental responsibility for the child. There is .. lawyers to the agreement. dividing ..

Dr Becky Batagol - Researcher Profile - Monash University


The effect of family violence on post-separation parenting arrangements: the .. (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005, Australian Journal of Family Law, vol .. to the Child Custody Arrangements Inquiry, Attorney-General's Department, ..


by ZOE RATHUS - - It is not possible to explore the literature about shared parental responsibility in .. Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of a Family Separation (2003) 27, 41–2. .. Attorney-General, the Hon Daryl Williams MP and the Minister for Children ..

Understanding victims of violence - Australian Domestic and Family ..

In 2006, major changes primarily focused on custody arrangements were introduced .. the safety when dealing with parenting arrangements where violence is an issue .. At times, lawyers may deter women from raising issues of family violence ... lead to rebuttal of the shared-parental responsibility presumption, in spite of ..

The Attitudes of Separated Resident Mothers in Australia to Child ..

by E McInnes - Most contact arrangements are not resolved in court, but rather by agreements between parents (Family Court of Australia 2003) and there is evidence that many .. The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility). Act 2005 ... Whilst lawyers were the most frequently nominated service, community centres ..

Shared Care Parenting Arrangements since the 2006 Family

Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department .. 5.4 Children's reactions to their parenting arrangements 116 ... were less likely to have come to those agreements via litigation than those in other arrangements. ... If there is equal shared parental responsibility, parents have a duty to consult, and to try to reach ..

Post-separation parenting | VOICE

The shared parenting laws central to the 2006 Family Law reforms are .. (or starting point) of 'equal shared parental responsibility'. .. Other changes were designed to encourage separated parents to reach agreements without recourse to .. say and what the next step is for shared parenting arrangements.

The New Family Dispute Resolution System: Reform Under the ..

by S Nicholls - 2007 - - the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth). .. [1] A media release on the 10th May 2006 from Attorney-General Phillip .. into Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of Family Separation ..

Empirical Insights into Parental Attitudes and Children's Interests in ..

by RAE KASPIEW - - provisions in the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act .. The Federal Attorney General's Department has responded with: Attorney .. Picture Tells a Story; Report on the Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in the ..


This decision casts doubt on the validity of certain parenting orders made or .. consider the reasonable practicability of the parenting arrangement without having to .. 10 to the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, .. unnecessary for orders reflecting agreement between all interested parties.

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Monday, 17 February 2025
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Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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