Property Law & Lawyers

Property Law is the system of laws regulating and prioritising the rights, interests and responsibilities of individuals in relation to "things". These things are a form of "property" or "right" to possession or ownership of an object.

If you believe you have a legal matter concerning property law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, click here.

Broadly speaking property law encompasses the following issues:

  • Conveyancing
  • buying and selling of land
  • buying and selling of businesses
  • Boundaries
  • Business lease renewal
  • Common hold
  • Co-ownership and estoppel
  • Easements
  • Covenants
  • Housing laws
  • Landlord and tenant (general)
  • Long leases
  • Mortgages
  • Nuisance and trespass
  • Planning
  • Property litigation and ADR
  • Property transactions
  • Public access to land
  • Residential tenancies
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Agricultural tenancy reform

If you have a legal matter regarding any aspect of property law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, click here.

Property lawyers generally provide expertise and advice in the following areas:

  • properties for sale and purchase and conveyancing
  • Re-mortgage of residential and investment properties
  • Investment / buy-to-let properties
  • Shared equity purchases
  • Auction sales and tenders
  • Transfer of equity
  • Transfer of property on relationship breakdown
  • Property settlement and family law matters including divorce
  • De facto property relationships
  • Division of property upon separation / break-up or Divorce

If you believe you have a legal matter concerning property law or a property dispute, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, click here.

Property lawyers offer expert advice on all aspects of the legal buying or selling of all types of property, for example:-

  • buying or selling a flat, unit, townhouse or house
  • buy to let
  • lease extensions
  • freehold purchases
  • transfers of equity
  • re-mortgages

Property lawyers often avoid jargon and advise you at every stage ensuring that you understand the processes involved from when your initial instructions are given to the final completion.

Property Litigation & Property Disputes

Property litigation is the area of law dealing with property related disputes.  These disputes may relate to residential property or commercial property (which is used for business or office purposes).  Property litigation often involves complex areas of law and it is essential to seek commercial and correct advice at the earliest opportunity should a dispute arise.  Court proceedings can be expensive and time-consuming and an effective property litigation lawyer will be able to help you obtain a resolution or achieve your objectives without the need for court proceedings.  Dispute resolution such as mediation can prove cheaper and less stressful.

The following are examples of disputes that arise often in the context of property litigation:

  • Disputes over consent to subletting or assigning a property or where a proposed change of use is opposed.
  • There may be breaches of a covenant to repair a building in the lease.  The landlord may serve what is sometimes known as "schedule of dilapidations" requiring the breach to be remedied within a certain time frame.
  • Recovery of land/premises from unlawful squatters.
  • Disputes relating to access to the property/ rights of way
  • Commercial rent and service charge recovery
  • Lease surrender negotiations (bringing the lease to an end)
  • Applications to forfeit the lease (an application made by the landlord to recover possession of the property often where the tenant has been in persistent breach of covenant).
  • Property litigation law attempts to strike a balance between the interests of both parties.

If you find yourself subject to such a dispute, there is legal protection and various remedies available under property law.

If you would like legal advice on a property litigation related issue, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, click here.

Conveyancing and Property Law

Property lawyers also provide services with respect to conveyancing. Conveyancing is the legal transfer of property from one owner to another. The conveyancing process, if properly carried out by conveyancing lawyers, ensures that the purchaser actually owns all the property, land and rights that have been paid for.

Selling Your House (conveyancing) i.e. the legal process involved in selling your house can be very complex and without proper legal representation, the process can be quit difficult to follow.

Conveyancing Lawyers normally perform the following services:

  • Obtaining the deeds (from your mortgage lender if you have one);
  • Completing a Property Information Form and a list of the Fixtures, Fittings and
    Contents and advising relation to the contract of sale;
  • Sending out a draft contract package to the buyer's solicitor, providing them with full details of the property and it's services;
  • Agreeing a date when the purchase will be completed;
  • Exchanging contracts;
  • Repaying any mortgage, paying the estate agents, and sending you the rest of the proceeds (or putting them towards the purchase of your new home).

If you are looking at buying or selling real estate and would like a property lawyer to look after the conveyancing process for you, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


Links to Further Resources - Property Law & Lawyers


Property Law & Lawyers News

News updates and further information - Property Law & Lawyers

The main pieces of legislation pertaining to property law in Australia include:

New South Wales

Real Property Act 1900
Conveyancing Act 1919


Transfer of Land Act 1958
Land Titles Validation Act 1994

Australian Capital Territory

Real Property Act 1925
Land Titles Act 1925


Property Law Act 1974
Land Titles Act 1994

Northern Territory

Law of Property Act
Validation of Titles Act 1994

South Australia

Real Property Act 1886


Real Property Act 1862
Land Titles Act 1980

Western Australia

Property Law Act 1969
Titles Validation Act 1994

If you believe you have a legal matter concerning property law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, click here.


Australian Capital Territory
Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (ACT)
An Act relating to residential tenancies.

New South Wales
Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW)
An Act to amend and consolidate the law of property and to simplify and improve the practice of conveyancing; and for such purposes to amend certain Acts relating thereto.

Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1898 (NSW)
An Act to consolidate the Statutes relating to Conveyances, Assignments, and Titles to Lands.

Real Property Act 1900 (NSW)
An Act to consolidate the Acts relating to the declaration of titles to land and the facilitation of its transfer.

Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (NSW)
An Act relating to the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants under residential tenancy agreements; to make provision with respect to excessive rent increases and rents; to confer functions on the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal of New South Wales.

Retail Leases Act 1994 (NSW)
An Act to make provision with respect to the leasing of certain retail shops and the rights and obligations of lessors and lessees of those shops.

Northern Territory
Law of Property Act (NT)
An Act to consolidate, amend and reform the law relating to conveyancing, property and contract, and for related purposes.

Real Property (Unit Titles) Act (NT)
An Act to provide for the registration of unit titles and for other matters.

Residential Tenancies Act (NT)
An Act to regulate the relationship of landlord and tenant under residential tenancy agreements and for related purposes.


Land Act 1994 (Qld)
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the administration and management of non-freehold land and deeds of grant in trust and the creation of freehold land.

Land Title Act 1994 (Qld)
An Act to consolidate and reform the law about the registration of freehold land and interests in freehold land.

Property Law Act 1974 (Qld)
An Act to consolidate, amend, and reform the law relating to conveyancing, property, and contract, to terminate the application of certain statutes, and to facilitate the resolution of financial matters at the end of a de facto relationship.

Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld)
An Act about residential tenancy agreements, rooming accommodation agreements, and related matters.

Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 (Qld)
The object of this Act is to promote efficiency and equity in the conduct of certain retail businesses in Queensland.


South Australia
Crown Land Management Act 2009 (SA)
An Act to make provision for the disposal, management and conservation of Crown land.

Land Acquisition Act 1969 (SA)
An Act about the acquisition of land.


Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 (SA)
An Act to regulate the sale of land and businesses and the preparation of conveyancing instruments


Real Property Act 1886 (SA)
An Act to consolidate and amend the Real Property Act 1861, the Real Property Act Amendment Act 1878 and the Rights-of-Way Act 1881.


Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (SA)
An Act to regulate the relationship of landlord and tenant under residential tenancy agreements.


Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 (SA)
An Act regulating the leasing of certain retail shops.


Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1884 (TAS)
An Act for simplifying and improving the practice of conveyancing; and for vesting in trustees, mortgagees, and others various powers commonly conferred by provisions inserted in settlements, mortgages, wills, and other instruments; and for amending in various particulars ...


Residential Tenancy Act 1997 (TAS)
An Act to regulate tenancies of residential premises.


Land Act 1958 (VIC)
An Act relating to Crown Lands.


Property Law Act 1958 (VIC)
An Act relating to Property and Conveyancing.


Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (VIC)
An Act relating to the rights and duties of landlords and tenants of residential premises.


Retail Tenancies Reform Act 1998 (Vic)
The purpose of this Act is to reform the law relating to retail tenancies.


Western Australia
Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Act 1985 (WA)
An Act to regulate commercial tenancy agreements relating to certain shops, to provide for the determination of questions arising under such agreements, and for connected purposes.


Property Law Act 1969 (WA)
An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to property and for incidental purposes.


Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (WA)
An Act to regulate the relationship of owners and tenants under residential tenancy agreements, to consequentially amend certain Acts, and for connected purposes.


Transfer of Land Act 1893 (WA)
An Act to consolidate the law relating to the simplification of the title to and the dealing with estates in land.


Courts & tribunals and their decisions
Australian Capital Territory
Australian Capital Territory Residential Tenancies Tribunal Decisions
This database contains selected decisions of the Australian Capital Territory Residential Tenancies Tribunal from 1998.


New South Wales
Residential Tribunal of New South Wales
This database contains selected decisions of the Residential Tribunal of New South Wales (formerly the Residential Tenancies Tribunal) since 1986. The database was last updated November 1999.


Queensland Building Tribunal
This database contains selected decisions of the Queensland Building Tribunal since 1995. Database was last updated 29 June 2000.


Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
The Queensland Retail Shop Leases Tribunal has been abolished. It's functions have been absorbed into the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).

If you believe you have a legal matter concerning property law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, click here.

South Australia
South Australian Residential Tenancies Tribunal
This database contains the full text decisions of the South Australian Residential Tenancies Tribunal as selected by the Tribunal.

Organisations - Government
Landgate is the statutory authority for land and property information in Western Australia. Landgate replaces the former Department of Land Information.


New South Wales
NSW Department of Lands
NSW Department of Lands is a New South Wales State Government Department combinig the previous departments of Land and Property Information, Crown Lands and Soil Services and their respective websites into one new website.

Land is the predominant focus of Western property law, particularly Australian property law. Legal developments in this field outweigh the development of other forms of property law, this is primarily due to the high value of land in comparison to other forms of property, such as chattels. Each state in Australia has a different regime for the regulation and bureaucratisation of land. It is a largely statute based area of the law but can still be influenced by the common law and principles that originate from Australia's history as a colony of the United Kingdom, where land and estate law developed through the ambit of feudalism. Property law is enabling in that it creates a system for evidencing, recognizing and transferring title to land, facilitating its use as an economic instrument. Other legal instruments in property law that facilitate the private and commercial dealing of land include the mortgage, lease, covenant and easement.

Property legislation in all states is grounded upon the Torrens principle of registration of title. This posits that each state have a central register of all land in the state and that the register also show the 'owner' of the land. This system was devised to reduce the amount of fraud relating to land due to falsification of title deeds. The system also provides for registration of other entitlements to land such as a mortgage, by which land is used to secure a loan. Another major principle of this system is 'indefeasibility' of title - where a right has been entered on the register, it cannot be defeated by later rights except in certain circumstances.

If you need legal advice regarding Property Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Property Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Property Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Property Law extends to all locations throughout Australia.

Property Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

These news come from .

Property Law & Lawyers Links

Property Law Act 1974

Property Law Act 1974. Reprinted as in force on 30 January 2012. Reprint No. 10C. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary ..

Internet Resource Guide: Intellectual Property Law

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Intellectual Property Law.

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2011

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2011 .. A Bill for an Act to amend legislation relating to intellectual property, and ..

Home Page | IP Australia

Understanding Intellectual Property Learn about IP and how it applies to you and your .. IP Australia | Robust intellectual property rights delivered efficiently ..

Property Law Act 1958

Property Law Act 1958. No. 6344 of 1958. Version incorporating amendments as at 1 August 2010. table of provisions. Section Page. xii. Section Page ..

Law of Property Act 1936 - South Australian Legislation

4 days ago – Proclamations and Notices made by the Governor 2003+. Proclamations 1976-2002. Section, Reference. s 41A, Gazette 21.1.1999 p472 ..

Family Law Courts - Property and Money Matters

Applications relating to bankruptcy can be also considered under the Family Law Act if a court is dealing with financial or property order after marriage/de facto ..

Property Law Regulation 2003

Property Law Act 1974. Property Law Regulation 2003. Reprinted as in force on 1 July 2011. Reprint No. 2E. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the ..

Law Handbook - property , family law

26 Family law 667. Contact points and internet resources for this chapter begin on page 705. Property and maintenance – marriage. Legislation. Parties who ..

Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Chapter Seventeen ..

A Party may provide more extensive protection for, and enforcement of, intellectual property rights under its law than this Chapter requires, provided that the ..

If you agree about property and money - Family Law Courts ..

Consent orders cannot be made about: property and spousal maintenance between de facto couples that do not meet the criteria set out in the Family Law Act. If ..

Intellectual property

The Framework (GILF) makes it easy for people who use public sector information (PSI) to understand the rights of use associated with PSI material.


- When the ambit of the 1984 New South Wales de facto laws was widened in 1999, s 4(2) of the new Property (Relationships) Act (NSW) 1984 adopted Justice ..

Intellectual Property and International Trade - Department of Foreign ..

Australia also works within the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to protect intellectual property rights worldwide and contribute to economic ..

Service Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Property law

Property law

.. State Government Property, titles, and maps. Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment page providing access to ..

Property and money after separation - Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Courts logo links to the homepage .. When people separate, they usually need to sort out how to divide their assets (property) and debts. There are ..

Property Law (Mortgagor Protection) Amendment Act 2008

Act No. 68 of 2008. An Act to amend the Property Law Act 1974 for a particular purpose .. This Act may be cited as the Property Law (Mortgagor. Protection) ..

Commercial/Property Law - Crown Solicitor's Office

The Commercial/Property (Litigation) Practice Group conducts litigation and provides related advice on all aspects of commercial law, property ..

Property Law Act 1969 - State Law Publisher - Home |


Intellectual Property - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Harmonises our intellectual property laws more closely with the largest intellectual property market in the world, which is recognised as a global leader in ..

Property rights and the environment

The notion that property rights should have more emphasis in Australian environmental policy is frequently invoked in contemporary ..

Commercial/Property Law (Transactions .. - Crown Solicitor's Office

The Commercial/Property (Transactions) Practice Group has expertise in all areas of corporate, commercial and property law, providing written ..

De facto

Commonwealth laws for the division of property for people in de facto relationships that break down commenced on 1 March 2009. The laws commenced in ..

Family law - Property - find LEGAL answers

About: An excellent introduction to family law. Answers to questions about your family, your children, your property, separation and divorce, ..

Neighbours and the Law

The English system of real property law and conveyancing, although adopted by the Australian colonies, was not entirely suited to the conditions of the new ..

If you don't agree about property and money - Family Law Courts ..

If you don't agree about property and money. Reaching an agreement with the other party offers many advantages, such as: you make your own decisions; you ..

Review of Victoria's Property Laws | Victorian Law Reform ..

The purpose of the review is to ensure that the laws under review are transparent, accessible and support an efficient and effective system of property rights and ..

Commercial/Property Law (Litigation) - Crown Solicitor's Office

Paul has been with the CSO since 1983 and has extensive knowledge in property law and commercial law. Paul has been involved in drafting ..

Review of the Property Law Act 1958: Recommendations | Victorian ..

The Property Law Act 1958 should be repealed and replaced with a new Act which retains the title 'Property Law Act'. 2. Provisions of the ..

De facto couples and the law - Family Matters - Journal article ..

The legal rights to property when a de facto relationship breaks down are .. terms of reference to consider 'the proper resolution of family law property disputes, ..

Property Law Act: Consultation Paper | Victorian Law Reform ..

The paper reviews the Property Law Act 1958. It asks a series of questions, puts forward some options for reform and calls for submissions.

Property | Victorian Law Reform Commission

The Commission has completed its review of Victoria's property laws, including the Property Law Act 1958 and the law of easements and ..

Law of Property Act*1936

Rich Text Format - South Australia. Law of Property Act 1936. An Act to consolidate and amend certain Acts relating to property and conveyancing. Contents. Part 1—Preliminary ..

REVIEW OF THE PROPERTY LAW ACT 1958 Consultation Paper

Chapter 1: The Commission's Review of Property Laws .... 7. The two-stage review of Victoria's property laws ............. 8. The Property Law Act .

Victoria needs a new Property Law Act | Victorian Law Reform ..

Victoria's Property Law Act is arcane and needs a complete overhaul according to the Victorian Law Reform Commission. In its Review of the ..

Review of the Property Law Act 1958: Final Report | Victorian Law ..

Home; Review of the Property Law Act 1958: Final Report. The Commission's Review of the Property Law Act 1958: Final Report was tabled on ..

Submission on Property and Family Law - Options for Change

by FL Council - A constructive assessment of the issues and challenges in reforming family property law is attempted in Chapter 2. The issues include ..

Superannuation - Family Law Courts Homepage

The following is a summary of how the law deals with superannuation when couples divide their property after the breakdown of a marriage or de facto ..

Enforcement Warrant - Seizure & Sale of Property - Family Law ..

by requesting the Court to issue an enforcement warrant under Family Law .. for the sale of the property under Rule Family Law 20.24 or Federal Magistrates ..

Bills Digest 25, 2011-12 - Intellectual Property Laws Amendment ..

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2011 .. amendments to the following intellectual property (IP) rights legislation: ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Property - Terms of Reference

Property - Terms of Reference. 1) The Victorian Law Reform Commission is to review and report on the desirability of changes to Victoria's property laws in ..


Alex Davidson. 83a Cattai Ridge Road, Glenorie, NSW 2157. (02) 9652 0285; 21 October 2011. Planning System Review. GPO Box 39 ..

Property Law (Mortgagee's Power of Sale) Amendment Bill

Synopsis, The purpose of this Bill is to amend the Property Law Act 1969 to require a mortgagee or chargee, in exercising a power of sale in respect of ..

Northern Territory Law Reform Committee Report on the law of ..

dealing with the property law of the Northern Territory. In September 1998 Mr .. their main task was to prepare a property law Act that codified and consolidated ..


PROPERTY RIGHTS. P27. FAQ. P31. USEFUL CONTACTS. P32. KEYWORDS. P34. This information pack is designed to help you understand intellectual ..

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2011 ..

1 intellectual property, and for related purposes. 2. The Parliament of Australia enacts: 3. 1 Short title. 4. This Act may be cited as the Intellectual Property Laws. 5 ..

Family Law jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia

'New De facto Property Regime: Property division when de facto relationships break down – new Commonwealth law for separated couples' ..

PROPERTY LAW AMENDMENT ACT 1999—Act No. 89 of 1999

PART 2—AMENDMENT OF PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974. 2. Act amended in pt 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 3. Amendment of title .

Property disputes not covered by the Family Law Act

For de facto couples not covered by the Family Law Act 1975 (see Two year requirement), the following principles apply. Note that there is no ..


INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW. Time: Three Hours. This paper consists of four questions. Candidates are required to attempt all four questions. All questions ..

Real Property Act 1886

Real Property Act 1886. An Act to consolidate and amend the Real Property Act 1861, the Real Property Act. Amendment Act 1878 and the Rights-of-Way Act ..

Glossary - Law Handbook

Throughout this book, civil law means non-criminal law. clear title. Outright ownership, without any debts or charges on the property. code of practice. A set of ..

Buying and selling property in NSW - Land and Property Information

The Law Society of NSW. Provides a search tool for finding a solicitor. Look for accredited specialists in the field of Property Law.

this speech on IP - Federal Court of Australia

Rich Text Format - Intellectual property law uses a lot of words. Mostly they are boring. It is difficult to understand why some people get so excited about them. It must be something ..

Review of the Property Law Act 1958 - Received Submissions ..

The Commission has received a number of submissions in response to the Review of the Property Law Act 1958: Consultation Paper. All public ..

Ownership and Other Interests in Land

To understand what rights you have in relation to your property or apartment and what .. The English system of real property law and conveyancing, although ..

Outline of intellectual property law

This information is provided as an elementary introduction to the law relating to Intellectual Property. These materials were prepared as preliminary work towards ..

What we offer - Areas of law - Property and leasing

We have a comprehensive understanding of relevant laws and practices applicable to property law in all jurisdictions. Our national property network consists of .. - BSBLEG512A - Apply legal principles in property ..

Apply legal principles in property law matters. Release: 1. Release status: Current. Usage recommendation: Current. Parent training package: BSB07 - Business ..

- Other Disputes at VCAT - Real Property

by V Civil - 2012 Applications under the co-ownership provisions of the Property Law Act may be made using the Application for order (form 2) which is available ..

Property Law and Another Act Amendment Act 2009

31 of 2009. An Act to amend the Property Law Act 1974 and the Duties Act 2001 for .. This Act may be cited as the Property Law and Another Act. Amendment ..


animals, noise and parking on common property. The. BCCM Act allows bodies corporate to either adopt standard by-laws set out in the BCCM Act, or to make ..

ACT legislation register - Conveyancing and Law of Property Act ..

Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1898 (repealed). A1898-17 .. 1 Repealed by Civil Law (Property) Act 2006 s 507. The repeal took effect when that Act ..

Dividing Fences and Retaining Walls

Property Law Committee of the NSW Law Society points out the significance of the difference between dividing fences and retaining walls, in that where dividing ..

Law and public safety > Property law > Tenancy - Service Tasmania ..

Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading information on the rights and responsibilities of owners and managers of residential properties, public housing managers, ..

The Impact of the Law of Inheritance on the Family

by AA PREECE - - Traditionally there have also been links between the law governing succession to property on death and family law and their administration. Both were originally ..

Magistrates' Court of Victoria - Family Law

Only parties who are or were married can apply for a property settlement under the Family Law Act 1975. Different laws apply to de facto or same sex partners.


the New Zealand Property Law Act 1952-1963, the New South. Wales Conveyancing Act 1919-1964, the Victorian Property. Law Act 1958-1966, The South ..

Land Title Practice Manual Part 11 Caveat

A mere application under s 196 of the Property Law Act 1974 for relief where the caveator alleged that he mistakenly made improvements on ..

Where can I find the by laws? - Land and Property Information

The by-laws adopted are as nominated on the strata plan. The Certificate of Title for the Common Property will bear a notification in the second schedule ..

Two year time requirement - property disputes - Law Handbook

Property disputes and spousal maintenance In the area of property disputes and spousal maintenance on the breakdown of a relationship, a de ..

Law and public safety > Property law > Land titles - Service ..

10+ items – Tasmania · Service Tasmania · Tasmania Online Contact • ..

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment: a-z list of ..


LIST (Land Information System Tasmania)


Family Court of Australia - Matrimonial property law : a discussion of ..

An address to a NSW Bar Association public forum, 20 May 1999.

Publications of the Queensland Law Reform Commission.

Bill to consolidate, amend and reform the law relating to conveyancing, property and contract and to terminate the application of certain imperial statutes ..

Family law and bankruptcy

- property settlement under Section 79 or 90SM of the Family Law Act 1975, and/or. ■ declaration of interest in property under Section 78 or 90SL of the Family ..

Intellectual property rights and the Australia—US Free Trade ..

One result was the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) under the auspices of the World Trade ..

Bankruptcy - Family Law Courts Homepage


settlement under Section 79 or 90SM of the Family Law Act 1975, and/or; declaration on interest in property under Section 78 or 90SL of the Family Law ..

Matrimonial property reform - Family Matters - Journal article ..

There are two distinct characteristics of the law of property allocation after separation in this country. The first is that, having inherited the common law tradition ..

Property Law Act 1958 - Victorian Law Today Act

Property Law Act 1958. Act Number: Required, 6344/1958. Version: Required. 58-6344a120.pdf ( Acrobat - 878 Kilobytes ) · 58-6344a120.doc ..

Land Title Practice Manual Part 1 Transfer

Transfer Pursuant to Part 19 of the Property Law Act 1974 ....................................[1-2105]. Transfer Pursuant to Order under the Family Law Act ..

What we offer - Areas of law - Intellectual property

The AGS resources include: 'Intellectual Property Law, Policy and Practice within the Commonwealth', which outlines some of the basic principles of IP law and ..

Property Law and Another Act Amendment Bill 2009

An Act to amend the Property Law Act 1974 and the Duties Act. 2001 for particular .. This Act may be cited as the Property Law and Another Act. Amendment Act ..

Property - Terms of Reference | Victorian Law Reform Commission

1) The Victorian Law Reform Commission is to review and report on the desirability of changes to Victoria's property laws in relation to - ..

Family Law Courts - Complying with financial orders

If a person has refused to obey an order about property or financial support made under the Family Law Act, your options include: consulting a lawyer; attending ..

ii - Queensland Law Reform Commission.

Commission requires the Commission to review the Property Law Act. 1974-1981. .. The Property Law Act when it was introduced, was innovative legislation.

The modern idea of individual property rights occurred in England ..

The modern concept of individual property rights developed in England, .. and Sovereignty" in Land and Freedom: Law, Property rights and the ..

Property Law and Another Act Amendment Bill 2008

An Act to amend the Property Law Act 1974 and the Duties Act. 2001 for particular .. This Act may be cited as the Property Law and Another Act. Amendment Act ..

Consequences of property rights | ALRC

20.16 Property is often described as a 'bundle of rights', which includes the rights to use, transfer, manage and possess an object. This bundle of rights normally ..

Relationships and the Law: Review of the Property (Relationships ..

In 1999, after it was amended significantly, the Attorney General asked the Law Reform Commission to review the Property (Relationships) Act ..

Common questions about fences - Law Handbook

Law Handbook Home; Chapters A-F .. land will remain unchanged in virtually all cases [Fences Act 1975 s 17 and Real Property Act Part 7A].

Property law reform - Journal article - Australian Institute of Family ..

nial Property Act 1976 is truly a law of its time; the type of liberal equality .. For the last twenty-five years, the property rights landscape in New. Zealand has ..

Commercial/Property Law (Transactions .. - Crown Solicitor's Office

Commercial/Property Law (Transactions) Practice Group. Amalia Stanizzo A/Assistant Crown Solicitor Tel: 02 9224 5056. Fax: 02 9224 5077 ..

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act 2003

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act 2003. No. 48, 2003. An Act to amend legislation relating to intellectual property, and for related purposes. Contents. 1.


marriage with respect to existing title or rights in respect of property, to declare the .. Many Family Law property disputes involve adjudication of the rights of the ..

Property Act must move with the times | Victorian Law Reform ..

A Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) report tabled in Parliament is calling for a new Property Law Act. Then Attorney-General Rob ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Property law > Tenancy

Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading information on the rights and responsibilities of owners and managers of residential properties, public housing managers, ..

The impact of globalization on Indigenous Intellectual Property and ..

As I indicated a moment ago, the model law regards folklore as state property, not as Indigenous people's property. Not only does it mean that Indigenous ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. The Current Law Governing Access to ..

Consequently civil trespass came to be associated with preserving the rights and privileges of private property owners.4. 2.3 The principles ..

Intellectual property (Victoria Online)

4 days ago – IP Australia is the Australian Government agency that administers intellectual property (IP) rights and legislation relating to patents, trade marks, ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services and ..

30+ items – Home > Law and public safety > Legal services and instruments ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


Chris Boland Lawyers


Hobart law firm providing advice and assistance in a ..





ACT 1958. No. 6344 of 1958 Version incorporating amendments as at 17 November 2011 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page 1. Short title ..

WebLaw - Property Law

Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW): An Act to amend and consolidate the law of property and to simplify and improve the practice of conveyancing; ..



ACT 1969 .. supplemental or annexed instrument PART III -- General rules affecting property 17. .. No merger at law where none in equity 19.

QUT - Master of Intellectual Property Law

We are the only university in the Asia-Pacific to offer this degree with the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ..

Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute - Murdoch University

The Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute ("APIPLI") (established in 1995) has pioneered intellectual property research and education in Asia Pacific for ..

E Law: Intellectual Property Law and the Protection of Indigenous ..

Intellectual Property Law and the Protection of Indigenous Folklore and Knowledge .. I argue that modern intellectual property law regimes, which are rapidly ..

AustLII - Australasian Intellectual Property Law Library

Launch of the Australasian Intellectual Property Law Library at the 2006 IP Academics Conference (7 July 2006). [Search Help] [Advanced Search] Search: ..

Page Not Found - Melbourne Law Masters

Melbourne Law School · Melbourne Law Masters .. Medical Law · Human Rights Law · Intellectual Property Law · International Economic Law ..

What is property law?

by J Butler - 2009Butler, Joel (2009) "What is property law?," The National Legal Eagle: Vol. 15: Iss. .. What is Property. Law? Senior Teaching Fellow. Joel Butler. Faculty of Law ..

Master of Intellectual Property Law, Monash University

The Master of Intellectual Property Law is ideal for graduates from non-law disciplines who would like to gain accreditation as a Trade Mark or Patent Attorney.



of contract applies 273. Effect of de facto partner's death Subdivision 2--Relationship between recognised agreements and proceedings 274. No property ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 146 Restrictions and relief against ..

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 146. Restrictions and relief against forfeiture of leases and under-leases 146. Restrictions and relief against forfeiture of leases ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Foundations of Intellectual Property Law ..

This course is designed for students wishing to gain an integrated understanding and working knowledge of the core principles of intellectual property law's ..

Intellectual Property Law - law school

Melbourne Law School's graduate program in intellectual property law provides advanced training and education in this area. The program can ..

The WIPO-QUT Master of Intellectual Property Law Scholarships for ..

by I Ternel-Wong - 2011 The WIPO - QUT Master of Intellectual Property Law Scholarships for International Students.


Application of sections 9, 10, 11 and 62 PART 2--GENERAL RULES AFFECTING PROPERTY 6. Effect of repeal of Statute of Uses 7. Lands lie in grant only 8.

Australian Property Law

Australian Property Law is a Law & justice postgraduate unit offered by RMIT University through Open Universities Australia.

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 144 No fine to be exacted for licence ..

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 144. No fine to be exacted for licence to assign 144. No fine to be exacted for licence to assign (1) In all leases containing a ..


CONVEYANCING AND LAW OF PROPERTY ACT 1884. - Act 19 of 1884 - Royal Assent 29 October 1883 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART I ..

UTS: Property Law Short Courses - law at UTS

Property law

and conveyancing comprises a fundamental part of many legal practices. UTS: Law offers regular Property Law Updates to help you stay on top of ..

Browse By Publication: Australian Property Law Journal | QUT ePrints

20+ items – Queensland University of Technology Brisbane Australia A ..

Backstrom, Michelle


Christensen, Sharon A


(2011) Qualified indefeasibility ..


Bell, Justine


Christensen, Sharon A


(2009) Use of Property Rights ..


UNSW Handbook Course - Globalisation and Intellectual Property ..

'Globalisation' and its governance structures have changed intellectual property law worldwide. Meanwhile, intellectual property laws play an important ..

Indigenous Culture and Intellectual Property Rights

The need to secure protection by law of Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property rights was again brought to public attention in 1999 with the launch of the ..

QUT | Unit details for LWB244 Property Law B

Unit details for LWB244 Property Law B: Rationale, Objectives, Content, Teaching, Corequisites, Prerequisites, Credit points.

E LAW | Human Property: Threat or Saviour?

The law originally recognised property rights in the human body. The feudal doctrine of tenures and the slave trade were two examples of such property rights.

Master of Intellectual Property Law 277 - law school - University of ..

Melbourne Law School's intellectual property program is one of the largest and most respected specialist IP law programs in the world.

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 53 Instruments required to be in writing

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 53. Instruments required to be in writing. 53. Instruments required to be in writing (1) Subject to the provisions hereinafter ..

Intellectual property law - Postgraduate Area of Study - Faculty of ..

2012 Postgraduate Area of Study Handbook entry for Intellectual property law (PG111), managed by the the Faculty of Law.

Advanced property law - Monash University

This real property unit builds upon LAW7267 Principles of Property Law. The unit introduces students to rights and duties arising under ..

Intellectual Property Law - TC Beirne School of Law - The University ..

The Law School has significant expertise in all the key areas of intellectual property law. Members of the group include authors of leading texts and monographs ..

UTS: Intellectual property law practice - law at UTS

The field of intellectual property law practice is dynamic and internationally significant. So much so that a quasi-legal profession, namely Patent ..

Real Property Law - Law - LibGuides at Victoria University

This is the "Real Property Law" page of the "Law" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader Users Skip to Page Navigation Skip to Page Content ..

Principles of property law - Monash University

This unit introduces students to fundamental principles and concepts of real and personal property law including: the meaning and purpose of ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 134 Legal assignments of things in ..

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 134. Legal assignments of things in action 134. Legal assignments of things in action Any absolute assignment by writing under ..

LS282 Property Law II - UNE - Course and Unit Catalogue 2012

LS282 Property Law II. .. Unit Description. This unit provides a detailed study of the law of real property in New South Wales. It builds on the ..


While the Centre's activities cover the whole of intellectual property, ACIPA maintains a particular focus on intellectual property law as it relates to agriculture and ..

Fundamentals of Property Law - University of South Australia

The definition of "property" and the ability of the law to protect it. The distinction between real and personal property and choses** in action; fixtures and fittings.

Property Law - LAW316 - 2012 Course Handbook - Macquarie ..

Property law

lies at the heart of our legal system. Jeremy Bentham once aptly observed: 'Property and Law are born together and die together. Before laws were ..

QUT | Unit details for LWB243 Property Law A

Unit details for LWB243 Property Law A: Rationale, Objectives, Content, Teaching, Corequisites, Prerequisites, Credit points.

LS331 Intellectual Property Law - UNE - Course and Unit Catalogue ..

Intellectual property law is fast moving and controversial. Issues arise anywhere from Nike shoes to Harry Potter films, from Nintendo computer ..

Graduate Diploma in Applied Intellectual Property | UNSW LAW

This program provides an opportunity for the specialised study of intellectual property law and policy with a focus on the practical application of the law in various ..

Intellectual Property Law - Open Universities Australia

Intellectual Property Law is a Law & justice postgraduate unit offered by RMIT University through Open Universities Australia.

University of South Australia > Course > Property Law: General

The aim of this course is to assist students to understand the basic notions inherent in the law of property in Australia. The course, which clearly reveals the ..

The Applicability of Property Law in New Contexts: From Cells to ..

by LB MOSES - - In recent times, it has become necessary to consider whether property law might .. In a schema of important legal subject areas, property law is the general ..

QUT | Law | Law | Do your career aspirations justice

Undergraduate Law · Undergraduate Justice · Legal Practice · Master of Intellectual Property Law · Master of Laws · Master of Justice ..

Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute - Dean's Welcome ..

As the Director of the Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute ("APIPLI") I am proud to welcome you to our online headquarters. APIPLI has been active in ..

Principles of Intellectual Property Law - University of South Australia

The aim of this course is to promote understanding of the scope, rationale and application of intellectual property law in Australia and internationally. The course ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 84 Power for Court to modify etc ..

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 84. Power for Court to modify etc. restrictive covenants affecting land 84. Power for Court to modify etc. restrictive covenants ..

Water Rights in NSW: Properly Property?

by M MCKENZIE - - There is also a tension between the existence of property rights in .. something less than property rights even if they are rhetorically described as such.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW - Future students - The University ..

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW. This page lists the units that we offer within particular specialist areas of law. The units listed here are often ..

UTS: Property Law Update - law at UTS

Property law and conveyancing comprises a fundamental part of many legal practices. UTS:Law offers regular Property Law Updates to help ..

QUT | LW53 Master of Intellectual Property Law

Course details for LW53 Master of Intellectual Property Law: Professional Recognition, Course Structure etc.

Brendan Edgeworth | UNSW LAW

In addition, I research and publish in the areas of law and social theory, and legal history. I am actively involved in the reform of housing law and property law.

Master of Intellectual Property Law (3374) - Postgraduate Course ..

2012 pg Handbook entry for Master of Intellectual Property Law (3374), managed by the the Faculty of Law.

Property Law Act 1958 - THIRD SCHEDULE

Property Law

Act 1958 - THIRD SCHEDULE. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE OF LAND 1. The muniments of title in respect of the land sold shall be produced ..

Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law 276 - law school ..

Melbourne Law School's intellectual property program is one of the largest and most respected specialist IP law programs in the world.

Cathy Sherry | UNSW LAW

I was a Legal Officer at the New South Wales Law Reform Commission before joining UNSW Law Faculty in 1994. I taught Property and Equity and Public ..

Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property), Monash University

Why study Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property)? The Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property) is relevant for those who wish to advance their ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Competition Law and Intellectual ..

This course considers the crucial interface between competition law and intellectual property and whether they are complementary or in conflict. It looks at the ..

Intellectual and Property Law 2012 - postgraduate law specialisation ..

The graduate program in Intellectual Property Law provides advanced offerings in this area for law and non-law graduates. The extensive ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 91 Sale of mortgaged property in ..

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 91. Sale of mortgaged property in action for redemption or foreclosure 91. Sale of mortgaged property in action for redemption or ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Intellectual Property Law and Innovation ..

W. van Caenegem, Intellectual Property Law and Innovation (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2007). Recommended L. Bently and B. Sherman, ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 49 Applications to the Court by ..

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 49. Applications to the Court by vendor and purchaser 49. Applications to the Court by vendor and purchaser (1) A vendor or ..

Family Property Law Mediation - Courses and Programs - The ..

This course is an advanced analysis of the causes of conflict in family property disputes and the use of mediation to assist resolution. It concentrates on two large ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 52 Conveyances to be by deed

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 52. Conveyances to be by deed 52. Conveyances to be by deed (1) All conveyances of land or of any interest therein are void for ..

LS281 Property Law I - UNE - Course and Unit Catalogue 2011

This unit provides an introduction to the study of property law including general concepts and foundational doctrines relating to real and ..

Intellectual Property Law - LAW473 - 2012 Course Handbook ..

Intellectual Property Law - LAW473. This unit explores the various forms of intellectual property protected under statutory regimes and general ..

Kathy Bowrey | UNSW LAW

She also researches on western laws affecting indigenous cultural and intellectual property. She has a strong interest in higher education research policy and ..

Alexandra George | UNSW LAW

Alexandra's research focuses on the philosophy of intellectual property law, particularly with respect to the notion of 'property' in intangible objects and the ..

University of South Australia > Course > Real Property Law

The course builds on knowledge and skills gained by students in Property Law: General and provides a basis for the study of specialised areas, such as ..

QUT | Unit details for LWB486 Intellectual Property Law

Unit details for LWB486 Intellectual Property Law: Rationale, Objectives, Content, Teaching, Corequisites, Prerequisites, Credit points.

Law of Property A - Courses and Programs - The University of ..

The course offers an introduction to the concept of, and theoretical bases for, private property. The course also considers the analytical nature of property rights, ..

LAW00116 Property Law - Southern Cross University (SCU)

Provides students with a working knowledge of the basic concepts and different legal classifications of property; the concepts of ownership and possession of ..

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW - Current students - The ..

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW. This page lists the units that we offer within particular specialist areas of law. The units listed here are often ..

Introduction to Intellectual Property Law - Courses and Programs ..

This course is an introductory level examination of the general law and statutory protection of intellectual property in Australia. The course seeks to develop ..

Intellectual Property Law in Southeast Asia: Recent legislative and ..

Intellectual Property Law in Southeast Asia: Recent legislative and institutional developments'. Authors: Christoph Antons. Type: article. Publication date: ..

Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)

Aviation Law · Health Practitioner Law · Human Rights · Indigenous Law · Intellectual Property Law · Military Law · Privacy Law · Taxation Law · Workplace Law ..

UTS: C06099v1 Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property - Law ..

Subjects undertaken within the Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice (C11130) or Graduate Certificate in Intellectual Property (C11229) are ..

WebLaw - Intellectual Property

15+ items – Legislation. Australia. Advance Australia Logo Protection Act ..

Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth)


An Act relating to broadcasting services ..


Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Cth)


An Act to provide for the protection of ..


Janice Gray | UNSW LAW

Immediately, before joining the Faculty of Law, UNSW I was a solicitor in the .. My research interests include Property, Equity, Native Title and Water Law .

Intellectual Property - Law - LibGuides at Victoria University

This is the "Intellectual Property" page of the "Law" guide. Alternate Page .. E-Reserve Lists for Intellectual Property Law Subject. Reserve is a ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Introduction to Property Law - LAWS8273

The course aims to provide students with some of the basic building blocks essential to an understanding of property law. These key concepts are not only ..


by A Howe - - This article offers a poststructuralist reading of the High Court judges' conceptualisations of property law in Mabo v Queensland (No 2)[2] in the light of Kevin ..

UTS: C04251v1 Master of Intellectual Property - Law, UTS Handbook

Subjects undertaken within the Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice (C11130), Graduate Certificate in Intellectual Property (C11229) and ..

Intellectual Property - Law - Subject Guides at Murdoch University

5 days ago – This is the "Intellectual Property" page of the "Law" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader Users Skip to Page Navigation Skip to Page Content ..

RMIT - Australian Property Law

This course examines what 'property' is and what rights property 'ownership' creates. In considering property you will examine when and why the legal system ..

E LAW | Exceptions to Intellectual Property Rights: Lessons from ..

Ever since intellectual property rights (hereinafter: "IPR's") were introduced in the legal system, it has been the objective of both national and international law to ..

Intellectual Property Rights: a Grant of Monopoly or an Aid to ..

by JS Gans - 2002 - - Easterbrook, "Intellectual Property Is Still Property", Harvard Journal of Law & .. The paper outlines the key characteristics of intellectual property rights, and the ..

E Law: Review of the Romanian Intellectual Property Law Regime

Nowadays, the protection of the intellectual property rights relates also to fields concerning the geographical indications, as a part of the trademarks protection, ..

UTS: 78025 Intellectual Property: Law and Policy - Law, UTS ..

This subject provides an introduction and overview of the legal principles of intellectual property law and the policy issues which inform the development of this ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 208 Lands etc. liable to satisfy debts

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 208. Lands etc. liable to satisfy debts 208. Lands etc. liable to satisfy debts (1) The houses lands and other hereditaments and ..

Use of Property Rights Registers for sustainability : a Queensland ..

by J Bell - 2009Bell, Justine & Christensen, Sharon A. (2009) Use of Property Rights Registers for sustainability : a Queensland Case Study. Australian Property Law Journal, ..



Timetable for Master of Intellectual Property Law - QUT Students

The WIPO-QUT Master of Intellectual Property Law is offered jointly by the United Nations' World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and ..

Carbon Rights as New Property: The benefits of statutory verification

by S HEPBURN - - property interest, in line with the approach set out in the Carbon Rights Act 2003 .. Conceptions of Property in Law' (1938) 86 University of Pennsylvania Law ..

UTS: 78185 Intellectual Property: Law and Policy - Law, UTS ..

This subject provides an introduction and overview of the legal principles of intellectual property law and the policy issues which inform the development of this ..

Emeritus Professor Peter Butt - Sydney Law School - The University ..

Butt, P, Property Law Statutes – New South Wales (1995). Butt, P & Eagleson, R, Mabo: What the High Court Said, Federation Press: Sydney ..

Themes and prospects for intellectual property law reform

by C Arup - intellectual property rights (see Maskus and Reichman, 2004). The criticism .. and discernment when deciding whether to confer intellectual property rights. This ..

Property Law Act 1958 - SECT 184 Presumption of survivorship in ..

Property Law

Act 1958 - SECT 184. Presumption of survivorship in regard to claims to property 184. Presumption of survivorship in regard to claims to property In ..

Law (Real Property)


(Real Property) is a Business undergraduate level 3 unit offered by Curtin University through Open Universities Australia.

UTS: Rule 42 for Property Lawyers - law at UTS

Rule 42 for Property Lawyers. clear. Property law and conveyancing comprises a fundamental part of many legal practices. UTS:Law offers ..

Catherine Bond | UNSW LAW

Courses taught. LAWS8046 Intellectual Property Law and Innovation .. Property 2. LAWS1210 Law, Lawyers and Society. JURD7110 Law, Lawyers & Society ..

Client View

Property Law

Update and Rule 42 for Property Lawyers (FEB 2012). These courses are designed to provide a "snapshot" of legislative, regulatory and judicial ..

UTS: Property Law Short Courses - law at UTS

These sessions are led by Mr Tony Cahill, a renowned legal educator in property law, author of several conveyancing texts and practicing solicitor with many ..

Intellectual Property Law

Melbourne Law School's graduate program in intellectual property law .. Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys ..

Client View

Its focus will be on topics particularly relevant to Property Lawyers. This course meets the requirements of the Law Society of NSW and the NSW Bar Association ..

Master of Intellectual Property Law, Monash University

The Master of Intellectual Property Law is ideal for graduates from non-law disciplines who would like to gain accreditation as a Trade Mark or Patent Attorney.

Master of Intellectual Property Law 277 - law school - University of ..

The graduate programs in intellectual property law focus on: .. trade marks attorney, and all of the groups necessary for admission as a patent ..

UTS: C04251v1 Master of Intellectual Property - Law, UTS Handbook

The UTS Master of Intellectual Property is the first at an Australian university that fulfils .. Other career options include patent and trade marks attorney, IP lawyer, ..

UTS: C06099v1 Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property - Law ..

The UTS Intellectual Property program is the first at an Australian university that fulfils .. Other career options include: patent and trade marks attorney, IP lawyer, ..

UTS: Property Law Update - law at UTS

Comparing and contrasting the variety of identification regimes relevant to property lawyers – stamp duty, mortgages, registration of Torrens ..

Intellectual property law - Postgraduate Area of .. - Monash University

Knowledge of the many facets of intellectual property law is relevant to the practice of many other areas of law and is important for non-lawyers ..

Program of Study - Macquarie Law School - Macquarie University

LAW 204 Contracts, LAW 316 Property in Law & Equity I (Property Law). LAW 208 Law, Lawyers & Society, LAW 317 Property in Law & Equity II ..

LLB Students - Macquarie Law School

LAW 204 Contracts, LAW 316 Property in Law & Equity I (Property Law). LAW 208 Law, Lawyers & Society, LAW 316 Property in Law & Equity II ..

2007 Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305); Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Prize for ..

Andrew Godwin - Staff Profile

comparative commercial law in Asia. the development of insolvency and property law in China. professional and transactional skills for lawyers ..

Program of Study - Macquarie Law School - Macquarie University

LAW 204 Contracts, LAW 316 Property in Law & Equity I (Property Law). LAW 208 Law, Lawyers & Society, LAW 316 Property in Law & Equity II ..



ACT 1969 .. No merger at law where none in equity 19. .. Lease to continue in force until issue decided PART VIII -- Powers of attorney 84.

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Property Law Update

General Practitioners; Solicitors in General Practice; Commercial Property Lawyers; Conveyancing Specialists; Senior Executives of Financial & Property ..



QUT | Law | Sponsored prizes/bursaries not requiering an ..

Gadens Lawyers Prize - Property Law B, Gadens Lawyers, Awarded to the student with the best performance in the unit LWB244 Property Law ..


Powers of attorney given as security Part 2--Making a power of attorney other than an .. Powers of attorney under Property Law Act 1974 Part 2--Transitional ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education The New Personal Property ..

The New Personal Property Securities Law in Practice .. Litigation Lawyers; Commercial Law Practitioners; Barristers; Property Lawyers; Company Directors ..

Faculty of Law 2009 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of ..

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305); Allens Arthur Robinson Prize (most outstanding performance by a ..

Master of Intellectual Property Law (3374) - Postgraduate Course ..

2012 pg Handbook entry for Master of Intellectual Property Law (3374), .. and Trade Marks Attorneys and their completion enables students to ..

Wang & Associate Solicitors - College of Law

Property Lawyer

. Job Type: Full Time Level: Graduate, Post Admission. Address: Level 12, 580 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Wang & Associate Solicitors ..

Emeritus Professor Peter Butt - Sydney Law School - The University ..

Butt, P, Property Law Statutes – New South Wales (1995). .. Butt, P, 'Plain Language for Property Lawyers', paper presented at Property Law ..

Programs | UNSW LAW

The Master of Business Law is designed for non-lawyers involved in the private, .. an opportunity for the specialised study of intellectual property law and policy ..

Jesse & Associates Barristers & Solicitors - College of Law

Graduate Solicitor - Conveyancing and Property Law. Job Type: Full Time Level: Pre Admission, Graduate, Post Admission. Address: Level 5A 17 Albert St ..

Face-to-Face Seminars - College of Law

60+ items – .. The College of Law Sydney CBD, Level 7, St James Centre, ..

13 February



Taxes Update


17 February


Powers of Attorney and Guardianship Made Easy Also satisfies ..


Master of Laws (Intellectual Property) (2298) - Postgraduate Course ..

2012 pg Handbook entry for Master of Laws (Intellectual Property) (2298) .. for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys, and their completion enables ..

UTS: Essential Writing Skills for Lawyers - law at UTS

Using plain language has become an essential skill for lawyers who wish to .. Location: UTS Law Haymarket campus, Quay Street, Haymarket ..

Client View

Also available on the same day is Rule 42 for Property Lawyers. A 15% discount is available if you enrol in both courses. This course meets the requirements of ..

Prizes for student achievement in the School of Law

by E Robinson - 2008 Frank O'Sullivan Australian Employment Law Prize, Jason Gibbons. Freehills Prize - Property Law A, Jade Henderson. Gadens Lawyers Prize ..

WorldLII - Categories - Countries - United Kingdom - Lawyers ..

Professional body of Barristers in England and Wales specialising in property law; Society for Computers and Law [Search ]; Society of Asian Lawyers (SAL) ..

QUT Law and Justice 2012 Undergrad Prospectus

Specialist legal practice (work as a lawyer specialising in a particular area of the law, such as property, family or media law) s. Advocacy and dispute resolution ..

2008 Academic Year Awards and Prizes - Faculty of Law @ UOW

Access Business Lawyers Prize for Property and Trusts A (LLB220/305); ANCORS Prize for Marine Resources Law (LLB358); Association of ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Foundations of Intellectual Property Law ..

Foundations of Intellectual Property Law. .. The course aims to build solid foundations for lawyers not specialising in intellectual property, as well as those who ..

Postgraduate Law @ Sydney - Welcome from the Dean - Future ..

Postgraduate Law @ Sydney - Welcome from the Dean. As the Dean of the Law School of the University of Sydney, I would like to extend a ..

Alan Davidson - Law Firms

Dickstein, Shapiro Morin, LLP A Washington D.C. law firm with over 170 attorneys specializing in Government Contracts, Intellectual Property, Securities, Tax, ..

IHP103 Managing Property Rights - College of Law

This subject deals with the in-house lawyer's role in creating, developing, commercialising and protecting property rights of all kinds. The emphasis is on buying ..

Alexandra George | UNSW LAW

By analyzing the metaphysical structure of intellectual property law and the .. Court of NSW and Barrister/Solicitor of High Court of Australia (federal jurisdiction) ..

Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property), Monash University

The Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property) is relevant for those who wish .. for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys and the Institute of Patent Attorneys.

ECU | Accreditations and alliances : School of Law and Justice ..

Landgate is also the official sponsor of the Landgate Property Law Prize to encourage the highest academic standards in the study .. Tottle Partners Lawyers ..

Professor Michael Pendleton Homepage - Dean's Welcome, Law ..

(Sydney) LLM (London) Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, the .. Prof Pendleton's 1984 book on Hong Kong's intellectual property law was ..

UTS: Law - browse all postgraduate coursework courses ..

The Master of International Law allows lawyers and other professionals to .. The UTS Master of Intellectual Property is the first at an Australian ..


Presented by Mr David Swan - Director, Access Law Group. Awarded for achieving the highest mark in Property & Trusts A. Nicola Sanchez. Kells the Lawyers ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education The Complete Rule 42 ..

This seminar offers all solicitors who hold current Practising Certificates the opportunity .. Property Lawyers; Accredited Specialists Business Law, Commercial ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Bill Dixon

by B Dixon - 2011Bill is the 'Conveyancing and Property Law' Section Editor for the Queensland Lawyer, was previously a member of the Australian Property Law Committee of ..

Property Law - College of Law

Feb 11, Property and Commercial Lawyers: Property, Competition and Consumer .. The Trade Practices Act for Property and Commercial Lawyers - Tony Cahill; ..

UTS: Dr Alpana Roy - law at UTS

Roy, A. 2010, 'IP Issues for Business Lawyers', Specialist Accreditation Conference for Business and Property Law, The Shoal Bay Resort & Spa, Shoal Bay, ..

Laws and Legal Practice - Flinders University

Not all lawyers become barristers or solicitors. .. Research Officer; Intellectual Property Law Graduate; International Humanitarian Law Officer ..

Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property .. - Monash University

The graduate program in intellectual property law provides .. Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys, and their completion enables ..

Dr Paul Babie | The University of Adelaide Staff Directory

'Climate Change and the Concept of Private Property' in Rosemary Lyster (ed), In the Wilds of Climate Law (Brisbane, Australia: Australian ..

Job listing

Duty Solicitor, Criminal Law Practice Division, Legal Services Commission, .. and assistance on matters including family law, tenancies, motor vehicle property ..

Rachel Spencer Home Page

The work-life balance cliche: An ethical issue, Law Society Bulletin, October 2009. Property Law Practice: A Handbook for Lawyers and Conveyancers, ..

E Law: Is Native Title a Proprietary Right?


- Law and Legislation (Other articles). Issue .. about the existence of native title rights and interests in the language of the common law property lawyer.

Prizes for student achievement in the School of Law

by P Wickins - 2008 Allens Arthur Robinson Prize - Commercial & Personal Property Law, Siobhan Moloney. AMPLA - The Resourses & Energy Law Association ..

QUT | Law | Law | Do your career aspirations justice

QUT's Law degrees in Bachelor of Law and Justice Studies and the .. Legal Practice · Master of Intellectual Property Law · Master of Laws · Master of Justice .. Australian lawyers are in very high demand in London, a lot of ..

Intellectual property law - Postgraduate Area of .. - Monash University

.. Area of Study Handbook entry for Intellectual property law (PG111), .. or patent attorney, and for those wanting to advance their professional ..

UTS: Master of Intellectual Property (C04251v1) - law at UTS

The UTS Master of Intellectual Property is the first at an Australian .. Other career options include patent and trade marks attorney, IP lawyer, ..

Scholarships & awards | UNSW LAW

140+ items – UNSW Law Annual Awards ceremony recognises academic ..

Course Code



Course Description





Australian Climate Law




International & Comparative Intellectual Property

Property Law - College of Law

Feb 09. GST for Property Lawyers. A paper by Tony Cahill. $44. 08/186. Sept 08. The Essential Strata Law Update. A paper by Tony Cahill. $44. 08/96.1. July 08 ..

Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB - Future ..

Undergraduate Law @ Sydney - Combined Law - LLB. (UAC Course Code: .. Constitutional Law. Introduction to Property and Commercial Law ..

Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property .. - Monash University

The graduate program in intellectual property law provides .. from the Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys, ..


INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS AMENDMENT (RAISING THE BAR) BILL ... Item 23: Client-attorney privilege – definition of intellectual property advice .

Law Prizes - Current Students @ UOW

Law Prizes. Access Business Lawyers for Property and Trusts A; Alumni Bookshop Faculty Prize; Australian Securities and Investments ..

Linda Ruth Haller

- Linda Haller, 'Professional Discipline for Incompetent Lawyers? .. and Conflicts of Interest', (2009) 4 Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 407-414.

Specialist Accreditation Business and Property Law Conference

Law in 1997 and now chairs the Specialist Accreditation Property Law Advisory Committee. John Graves, Principal, Bradfield & Scott Lawyers and Chair, ..

The Legal Profession In 2010 — Issues For Legal Education - [2001 ..

by A TrimmerAre we training future lawyers who will have an expectation that they will be able to practise profitably in areas such as family law, property law, small business ..

Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute

The Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute ("APIPLI") (established in 1995) .. He practised as a solicitor with Bartier Perry & Purcell, Sydney, Bird & Bird, ..

Traineeship Programs (Qld)

Property Law

. An entry level lawyer should be able to convey, lease and mortgage real property. The lawyer should also be able to provide general advice in ..

Papers/Audio CDs - Property Law


are often tempted to lodge a caveat because their client has simply .. areas of law, including property law, business law, estate planning and taxation.

Anxious native title lawyers, waiting 18 months for last week's ..

by J Clarke - 2004discovered in 1992 and two centuries' worth of property law in a manner .. 1998 amendments to the Native Title Act. The lawyers' apprehension in part reflected ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Property Planning ..

Practical tips for drafting and reviewing s88B instruments • Use of management statements in a development • Property Finance Overview for the property lawyer ..

Current Issues in Commercial & Property Practice

The paper also addresses Powers of Attorney issues for SMSF's and Estate .. Law) Act and the Personal Property Securities legislation. 5.30 – ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Tracey Carver

by T Carver - 2011Prior to joining the QUT Faculty of Law on a full-time basis, Tracey practised as a solicitor in commercial and real property law at the Brisbane office of Allens ..

Patent Attorney / Technical Advisor / Jobs / Degrees to Careers ..

Patent attorneys act on behalf of their client to obtain patents and act and .. all legal matters that relate to patents and intellectual property law.


by A Howe - - Aboriginal lawyers argue that Aboriginal groups had their own land law prior to .. Interestingly too, Gray declares that a `primordial principle' of property law is ..

Galloway, Kate - JCU

After completing her articles and her admission as a solicitor in 1992, Kate .. Teaching Property Law in the 21 st Century (2011-2012) – With ..

I - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

410+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. I. Abbreviation, Title.



Insurance & Reinsurance Law International


I Prop J


Intellectual Property Journal


Law Journal - Legal Resources

Rankings based on number of citations, hosted by Washington & Lee Law School. .. The Maritime Lawyer; Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review; McGill ..

Assoc Prof Pamela O'Connor - Researcher Profile - Monash University

O'Connor, P., 2011, Careful what you wish for: positive freehold covenants, Conveyancer and Property Lawyer [P], vol 2011, issue 3, Sweet ..

K61 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Laws - Handbook 2012 ..

The combined degree provides graduates with skills in high demand professions such as Intellectual Property Lawyers, Technology Licensing Experts, and ..

UTS: Master of Industrial Property (C04150v4) - law at UTS

The UTS Master of Industrial Property is the first course at an .. Other career options include: patent and trade marks attorney, IP lawyer, ..

Professor Joellen Riley - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Joellen is a Fellow of the Commercial Law Association. .. Riley, J, 'The Property Rights of Home Makers under General Law: Bryson v Bryant' (1994) 16 Sydney ..

25 Property Law Update:CLE

Property Law Update. Wednesday 28 March 2012 | 8.30am – 1.00pm | UNSW CBD campus 1 OʼConnell St Sydney. Audience. Property Lawyers ..

Misuse of Enduring Powers of Attorney - [2003] VUWLRev 31; (2003 ..

by BWL CapacityPart IV of the Protection of Personal Property Rights Act 1988 (PPPR Act) provides the legislation for enduring powers of attorney (EPAs). The Law Commission ..

277AA Master of Intellectual Property Law

Melbourne Law School's graduate program in intellectual property law .. by the Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys and ..

UTS: Graduate Certificate in Intellectual Property (C11229v1) - law ..

The UTS Intellectual Property program is the first at an Australian .. Other career options include: patent and trade marks attorney, IP lawyer, ..

276AA Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law

Melbourne Law School's graduate program in intellectual property law .. by the Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys and ..

Master of Intellectual Property Law (LW53)

2 days ago – Learn intellectual property law, policy and practice in an international context with .. Patent Lawyer, Pharmaceutical Research Scientist, Plant ..


profession which relate to the handling of trust money and other trust property. ... of Law, Lawyers and Justice examines the nature and structure of the legal ..

UTS: C11130v4 Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and ..

Graduates can seek registration as a trade marks attorney in Australia. .. degree at an Australian law faculty and have completed an intellectual property subject ..

Queensland POWERS OF ATTORNEY BILL 1997 Queensland ..

84 CHAPTER 9--TRANSITIONAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL PART 1--TRANSITIONAL 162 Powers of attorney under Property Law Act 1974 .

Sample Cover Letter – Law (Clerkships)

out by my record, including of 80% in Property Law and 74% in Insurance Law. I first become aware of Lawyers Plus when following your effective involvement ..

Prizes - Future students - The University of Sydney

70+ items – The Sydney Law School is undertaking a major review of all ..







Aaron Levine Prize


Proficiency in Criminal Law


Andrew M. Clayton Memorial Prize - Clayton Utz


Proficiency in Federal ..


2547 LawBooklet.17 - Law School Careers Office - University of ..

Lawyers may specialise as a solicitor or barrister. Solicitors can work in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries ..

Property Planning & Development Update

Property Law, Partner, Swaab Attorneys. 1.35pm. Topic 1: Site Acquisition, Site Preparation and. Property Finance Overview. Speaker: Carolyn CHUDLEIGH ..

Kim Browne - School of Humanities and Social Sciences - Charles ..

Lecturer in Justice Studies - Charles Sturt University Solicitor of the Supreme Court ACT, M Laws (Legal Practice) ANU, MB .. Also, Kim taught commercial law and property law and developed and ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services and ..

30+ items – Home > Law and public safety > Legal services and instruments ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


Chris Boland Lawyers


Hobart law firm providing advice and assistance in a ..


Commercial/Property Law - Crown Solicitor's Office

The Commercial/Property (Litigation) Practice Group conducts litigation and provides related advice on all aspects of commercial law, property ..

Land Title Practice Manual Part 16 Request to Register Power of ..

Form 13 or Form 14 under the Property Law Act 1974 .......................................[16-2100]. Power of Attorney under Common ..

Internet Resource Guide:Family Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Family Law. .. Matrimonial property law: a discussion of the reform options (Attorney-General's Dept) ..

Family law - Property - find LEGAL answers

Jump to ‎: About: Accounting, advocacy, civil litigation, commercial law, conveyancing, criminal law, family law, lawyers professional ..

Powers of Attorney Act 1998

Powers of attorney under Property Law Act 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . 73. Part 2. Transitional provision for Guardianship and Administration. Act 2000 ..

Personal Property Securities reform - Attorney-General's Department

It can include tangibles such cars, boats, machinery, crops; as well as intangibles such as shares, intellectual property and contract rights. Currently, Australia ..

Conveyancing - NSW Fair Trading

do a search for specialists in 'property law' in your local area using the 'Find a Lawyer' page on the Law Society's website

My family is separating — what now? | Family Law Solicitors

The collaborative law process is where both parents, their lawyers and any other .. Advise you about your rights regarding children, maintenance and property.

this speech on IP - Federal Court of Australia

Rich Text Format - Intellectual property lawyers who have to apply these words are lonely people. They have to invent imaginary, but boring friends. Their favourite friend is a ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Property and leasing

Commonwealth financial law .. Competition and consumer law, Menu Plus .. Our national property network consists of specialist property lawyers who are fully ..

Intellectual property

You Are Here; Home -; Topics -; Law and justice -; Intellectual property .. regulatory and disciplinary regimes for Patent and Trade Mark attorneys in Australia.

Internet Resource Guide: Intellectual Property Law

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Intellectual Property Law. .. Protecting subscription broadcasts (Attorney-General's Dept) ..

Cooling-off period for property contracts : Department of Justice and ..

The lawyer's certificate does not apply to residential property sold at auction. When shortening the cooling-off period, lawyer's certificate ..


call the Law Society of NSW on 9926 0333. ● do a search for specialists in 'property law' in your local area using the 'Find a Lawyer' page on the Law. Society's ..

Contracts and deposits - NSW Fair Trading

By law, a residential property can not be put on the market until a sale .. as possible so you can ask your solicitor or conveyancer to review it.

Family Law Courts - Complying with financial orders

If a person has refused to obey an order about property or financial support made under the Family Law Act, your options include: consulting a lawyer; attending ..


Advice and assistance in design registration can be sought from a professional. Patent attorneys and intellectual property lawyers can be found in the Yellow ..

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy


in Indonesia are admitted to practice in the courts of a particular province. .. Law, State Administration and Trademark and Patent (Intellectual Property).

Superannuation - Family Law Courts Homepage

How the law deals with superannuation when couples are dividing their .. The superannuation splitting law treats superannuation as a different type of property. .. both you and your partner instruct a lawyer who must sign a certificate stating ..


by S Bourke - 1999 - MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY LAW. A DISCUSSION OF THE REFORM OPTIONS. Stephen Bourke. Attorney-General's Department. 1 May 1999 ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Business

80+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


AIC Tasmania


Representing specialist conveyancers in the state



- Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys. Guidelines. For .. Part 4 Intellectual property law. 4. A course of study ..

Professional Standards Board - Patent Attorney Registration

Profesional Standards Board for Patent and Trademark Attorneys .. be satisfied that an applicant has the knowledge of intellectual property law and practice that ..

Enduring Power of Attorney - The Guardianship Tribunal

If you have savings, assets or property in another state or territory, you .. For more information about enduring power of attorney laws in other ..

Family law

The Attorney-General's Department administers policy regarding family law .. on family law principles; separation and divorce; children's matters; property and ..

Land Titles Office - Department of Justice

.. Lands Title Forms · Law of Property Act Forms · Power of Attorney .. way of completing property based transactions and lodging land title ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

Baggiolegal - Lawyer- Adelaide, South Australia View details .. This area of the law involves complex intellectual property issues, defamation, commercial, club ..

Powers of Attorney in New South Wales - Land and Property ..

changes to the law governing powers of attorney in .. or property – a relative, friend or professional adviser. .. attorney and look after your money and property.

Margaret Marotti | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Principal Solicitor. BA, LLB. work+ 61 3 9947 1410. Areas of law: Commercial; Crown Land; Property. Margaret brings over ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

AGS provided a range of corporate, employment and property law .. AGS lawyers Catherine Langman and Sally Davis spent five days in Port ..

Attorney General's Department - 27 May 2011 - Standing Committee ..

It is our role as Attorneys to ensure that Australia's law and justice framework .. reform up for discussion today is Australian real property law.

Professional Standards Board - Trade Marks Attorney Registration

Profesional Standards Board for Patent and Trademark Attorneys .. be satisfied that an applicant has the knowledge of intellectual property law and practice that ..


- Foreign lawyers or Canadians with a foreign law degree who wish to ... Applicants are usually required to study Constitutional law and Real Property law.

POWERS OF ATTORNEY ACT 1998—Act No. 22 of 1998

163 Powers of attorney under Property Law Act 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87. PART 2—AMENDMENT OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION. ACT 1992. 164 Act ..

Isabel Parsons | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Isabel joined VGSO in 2005 after working extensively in private practice - initially in Sydney as an intellectual property lawyer at Mallesons Stephen Jacques, ..


- DE FACTO PROPERTY UNDER THE FAMILY LAW ACT ... A communiqué from the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General dated 25 July 2008 said that ..

Admission - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Lawyer Regulation in Australia .. Criminal law and procedure; Torts; Contracts; Property; Equity; Company law; Administrative law; Federal and ..

Rowan Ingpen | Victorian Government Solicitor's Office | VGSO

Managing Principal Solicitor. LLB. work+61 3 9947 1424. Areas of law: Commerical Leasing; Crown Land; Property. With over ..

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

The Older People and the Law handbook is a free publication about legal issues facing .. The NSW Young Lawyers' Pro Bono and Community Services .. Can property be left to one person for life, and then to someone else?

Commercial notes - Australian Government Solicitor

The commentary is prepared by AGS commercial lawyers and covers areas such as competitive tendering and contracting, corporate governance, property and ..


Mozambique Rules on Succession to Immovable Property (QLRC MP 16, February. 1996). Consolidated Report to the Standing Committee of Attorneys General ..

Bills Digest 25, 2011-12 - Intellectual Property Laws Amendment ..

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2011 ... Most other professions, including lawyers, are permitted to practise ..

Family Law Courts Homepage

Family Law Courts logo links to the homepage .. Attorney-General's Website .. of the child, parental responsibilities, property division and dispute resolution.

List of Lawyers - Australian Embassy - Australian embassy in Belgrade

Tel: (+381-21) 661 9909. Email: Area of Specialisation: Civil, Family, and Commercial Law, Property and real estate, Inheritance law ..

Visiting Patent & Trade Mark Attorney Program 1800 636 588

Visiting Patent & Trade Mark Attorney Program. Davies Collison Cave, Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys, together with its associated intellectual property law firm ..

Guide to Purchasing - The A to Z of Home Puchase

document if this is needed. You can find out about specialist property solicitors from: Solicitor Referral Service. Law Society of NSW. 170 Phillip Street, Sydney ..

Intellectual Property –Living in the Twilight Zone, Licensing ..

aspects of the terminology used in intellectual property law and the .. patent attorneys and intellectual property practitioners write that can ..

Law Handbook - property, family law

Court, or a solicitor, to find out about the relevant court rules before starting any family law action. Property division after marriage breakdown. A divorce order ..

Law and justice

Index Page to Australian government law sites, including courts and tribunals, legislation, case law and commonwealth, state and territory Attorneys-General ..

Review of the law on Personal Property Securities - Attorney ..

property created by operation of law or by legislation (for example, repairer's and solicitor's liens). The legislation would give priority to a person who purchases, ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia


Handbook Home; Chapters A-F. ACCIDENTS .. ACCIDENTS ON PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY · WHO IS LIABLE? .. Complaints against lawyers ..

Pages - Australian Government Attorney-General's Department

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department. Attorney Generals Department .. Trade law. International Trade law ..


Specialists and Law Institute of Victoria Accredited Property Law Specialists. Council's solicitors have a standard format for such agreements that has been ..

Power of attorney (Victoria Online)

Provides information about the different types of Powers of Attorney that exist and your rights and responsibilities when appointing someone to act on your behalf ..

We Speak Your Language

Monday, 17 February 2025
Legal Advice News
Welcome to Australia’s number one legal advice website.
Do you need legal help? If so, then you have come to the right place.
We cover all legal matters in every legal area Australia Wide, including:
For a full list of all legal areas covered please visit our Legal Advice Areas page.
If you need legal advice then please complete your Free Legal Enquiry Form to be put in contact with the best lawyer for your legal matter.
NEW Family Law Section
Our new family law section covers every legal aspect of family law. If you are going through a separation and would like to know your rights entitlements with respect to property and children, then please complete your Free Legal Enquiry Form to be put in contact with the best lawyer for your legal matter.
A new family law section covers all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:
We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:
  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you're ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you're not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts
To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.
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IF you have a legal matter, whether it be family law, conveyancing, property law, compensation law or any other matter requiring personal legal services, then enquiry today - and get the legal help you deserve!

Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

Looking for a specialist lawyer or legal information?

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Disclaimer: there are advertising laws affecting personal injury claims. By using this site you agree to the Terms of Use.