Same-sex relationships & family law

The recognition and rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender individuals and couples in Australia have gradually been increasing within the states and territories since the 1970s. Laws regarding sexual activity apply equally to same-sex and heterosexual activity in all Australian states and territories, except Queensland.

Every state and territory legally recognises both opposite-sex and same-sex relationships as de facto couples and also legally recognises lesbian co-mothers as birth parents of children conceived through in vitro fertilisation or artificial insemination.

In the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria there are domestic partnership registries, while the other states and territories recognise de facto same-sex couples. Same-sex couples are allowed to jointly adopt children in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and Western Australia, and may adopt their partner's stepchild in Tasmania.

In all other states except South Australia, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender individuals and couples in Australia people are allowed to adopt individually.

At the federal or Commonwealth level, marriage has been explicitly defined as a union between a man and a woman since 2004, when the Marriage Amendment Act was passed.

However, since 1 July 2009, same-sex couples receive the same level of recognition as de facto opposite-sex couples in federal legislation including tax, health, superannuation, and aged care.

If you would like legal help regarding any aspect of same-sex relationships law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Same-sex relationships & family law News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

We cover all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships

Applying for a Divorce
Financial Arrangements following Divorce
Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown
Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership
Prenuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Property Relationships Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes
International Family Law
Financial Agreements, Property Ownership Disputes & Consent Orders
Child Abduction
Adoption and the Law
Surrogacy and the Law
Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Domestic Violence
Property and Finances after Separation
Spousal Maintenance
Parental Responsibility Agreements - Parenting Arrangements
Child Support
Superannuation after Separation and Divorce
Same-Sex Relationships and the Law

We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you’re ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you’re not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You  may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Same-sex relationships & family law Updates
Same-sex relationships & family law Links

Same -Sex Reforms

Overview of the Australian Government's Same-Sex Law Reforms .. on same-sex partners and the children of same‑sex relationships.

Same -Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - General Law Reform) (Veterans' Affairs) Amendment Regulations 2010 ..

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships - Briefing Paper 09 ..

The legal recognition of same-sex relationships in NSW and elsewhere in Australia has increased dramatically in the last 20 years to a point ..

Key Changes to Same-Sex Relationships - Legislation & Regulations

More information on the same-sex changes; Visa applications lodged prior to 1 July 2009 .. Other Commonwealth law changes for same-sex relationships ..

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships Briefing Paper No 9/06

NSW PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY. RESEARCH SERVICE. Legal Recognition of. Same-Sex Relationships by. Karina Anthony and Talina Drabsch. Briefing ..

Same-sex relationships

Legislation about same-sex relationships changed on 1 July 2009. .. View the Same-Sex Law Reforms section on the Australian Government ..

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth ..

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – Superannuation) Act 2008 (the Act) received royal assent on 4 ..

Same-sex relationships and income tax

Recognition of a same-sex relationship may also affect: .. in a relationship with that was registered under a prescribed State or Territory law, or ..

MBS Online - Same-Sex Relationships Act 2008

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Act 2008 received Royal Assent on 9 ..

CHILD SUPPORT - Law Handbook

The law says that both parents (including same sex parents) .. DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and same-sex) · ADOPTION ..

Same-sex Families - find LEGAL answers

by J Millbank - 2005 - The law and families. 3 Gay and lesbian families in Australia. Couples – parents – timeline of same-sex relationship recognition – the age of consent for sexual ..

Same-sex marriage Briefing Paper No 3/2011 by Gareth Griffith

Briefing Paper No 9/2006, Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships .. Laws—Superannuation) Act 2008 and the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Gay men and ..

About: This guide looks at the legal rights of those in same-sex relationships and covers discrimination, employment, immigration, parenting, ..

National Inquiry into Discrimination against People in Same-Sex ..

for all federal laws, which would remove ongoing discrimination against same-sex couples (Chapter 4). How family law defines a parent-child relationship when ..

Relationships - breakdown - De facto and same-sex .. - Legal Aid

Yes, under Western Australian law, de facto relationships include same-sex relationships. Please note that even though under Western ..



Recognition of same-sex relationships

The Government's same-sex law reform package passed through .. for Youth Allowance if in a same-sex relationship for over 12 months .. Determining a De Facto Relationship

It is important to note that same-sex de facto relationships were not recognised under social security and family assistance law prior to 1 July 2009. Recognition ..

Same-Sex Law Reform

- Same-Sex Law Reform – summary of reforms by agency .. A member of a same-sex de facto relationship will be treated equally to members of an opposite‑sex ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Bill 2008. No. , 2008. (Attorney‑General). A Bill for ..

Same Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—Superannuation) Bill 2008. No. , 2008. (Attorney‑General). A Bill for an ..

DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and same-sex)

Opposite-sex and same-sex relationships are treated the same, except in the following areas: adoption (see Five.

Same Sex: Same Entitlements

In the Same-Sex: Same Entitlements report (see below) the Commission .. Government amend laws which discriminate against same-sex couples and their .. into Discrimination against People in Same-Sex Relationships: Financial and ..

De facto (including same sex couples) - Legal Aid Queensland

In some cases, same sex couples can also be in a de facto relationship. There is no one legal definition of a de facto relationship as there are different ..

Legal recognition of same-sex relationships Briefing Paper No 12/99

Walker K, 'Same-sex relationships and the law', Alternative Law Journal, Vol 22 No 6, .. [S]ame-sex relationships, is the one area of life where the law remains ..

Same sex parents and legal issues bibliography - Australian Family ..

This special issue of the journal Law in context focuses on current trends in the regulation of same-sex relationships. In this guest editorial, the ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..


-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – General Law Reform) (Child Support) Regulations 2009. Series ..


The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) encourages parents to resolve disputes without .. DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and same-sex) ..

Recognising relationships between same-sex couples in federal law

- 4.2 Do federal laws giving financial and work-related entitlements currently recognise same-sex relationships? 4. 4.2.1 Definitions using 'opposite sex' exclude a ..

Relationships and the Law: Review of the Property (Relationships ..

Relationships and the Law: Review of the Property (Relationships) Act 1984 .. While there are about twenty State laws that now treat same sex ..

Same-sex marriage - Parliament of Australia

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws) Acts 2008 on superannuation and general law reform; Family Law ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships De facto ..

About: The new laws and how they apply, definition of de facto relationships, property, maintenance and the children of same-sex couples.

Submission to the National Inquiry into Discrimination against ..

that same sex relationship recognition cannot be justifiably separated from other .. of same-sex relationships is critical to securing general legal parity/equality; ..

Same-sex relationships (equal treatment in Commonwealth laws) in ..

This product is to alert tax agents and taxpayers to the changes that the same-sex relationships reform will make to same sex couples and their ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – General Law Reform) (Child Support) Regulations 2009. - F2009L02493 ..

Relationships Register NSW - NSW Registry of Births Deaths ..

It provides legal recognition for a couple, regardless of their sex, by registration .. Adults in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships are eligible to register.

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 5

Jump to ‎: There are many more ways that a same-sex .. Registered Relationships

Guide to Social Security Law .. A person is considered to be in a registered relationship with another person (whether of the same sex or a different sex) if the ..

Parents in same sex couples | Child Support Agency

The broader law reforms for samesex couples (SameSex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – General Law Reform) Act 2008) will ..

Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in ..

Jump to ‎: The Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Inquiry made the ..

Internet Resource Guide:Family Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Australian Family Law. .. (Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee); Same-Sex Relationship (Equal Treatment ..

Chapter: Same-sex couples - Australian Families Statistical Profiles ..

new options for a woman in a lesbian relationship to have children. What does the law say? Australia, like most other countries, does not recog- nise same-sex ..

Assistant Secretary, Human Rights Policy Branch, Attorney ..

-  Lesbian and Gay Solidarity (Melbourne), .. with heterosexual relationships also meant that the change to one of the laws provided same-sex ..

Parenting Campaign Plan

- 113), and enacted into law under the Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Act 2008 (NSW). In 2010, we successfully lobbied for ..

Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws—the Lesbian, Gay ..

Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws—the Lesbian, Gay, .. to recognising family violence where it exists in these relationships as well as ..

Families - diversity - Same-sex parenting - Legal Aid

I have been in a same-sex relationship. Does the Family Court treat my family law matter any differently because of this? In Western Australia ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Summary of Recommendations

In developing the following definition of 'de facto relationship' the Inquiry has .. Enact laws recognising the relationship between a child and both same-sex ..

De facto relationships - Family Law Courts Homepage

The law requires that you and your former partner, who may be of the same or opposite sex, had a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine ..

Australian Immigration Fact Sheet 35. One-Year Relationship ..

The one-year relationship requirement also applies to the de facto partner of .. of a same-sex de facto relationship, where cohabitation was contrary to law in the ..

De Facto

'de facto relationship' under the new law? A The new law applies to de facto couples, including same sex couples, who have been living together in a marriage- ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Act 2008 received Royal Assent on 9 ..

Gay and lesbian issues - discrimination | Better Health Channel

The Statute Law Amendment (Relationships) Act 2001 (Vic) – called 'The Relationships Act' – means that Victorian gay men and lesbians have most of the same ..

Super for same-sex couples and their children (individuals)

Changes to the law mean same-sex partners can now have their relationship recognised by their superannuation fund. The changes amend ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 12

Jump to ‎: Same-sex families face a range of hurdles on relationship breakdown.

Laws amended by the Same-Sex Reforms within the Attorney ..

A person whose relationship is registered under a prescribed law of a .. In the same way a lack of a sexual relationship will not exclude the ..

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Equality

Equal rights of same-sex couples and protection from discriminatory laws. .. was held to be gender-specific, recognising only heterosexual relationships.

Relationships and social security law | ALRC

any sexual relationship between the persons; and. the nature of the commitment to each other. 46. The Guide to Social Security Law states that important ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 1

The Inquiry understands that for some people in same-sex relationships, formal recognition is not only a path to legal rights and equality, but an important ..

Same Sex Couple Adoption: The Situation in Canada and Australia ..

As well as de facto relationships, traditional indigenous marriages are .. Canadian law has not recognised same sex couples in the way it has ..


In South Australia, property issues for de facto and same sex relationships are covered by Commonwealth law. See De Facto Relationships.

Assistant Secretary, Human Rights Policy Branch, Attorney ..

View as HTML than eighty-four Commonwealth laws removing discrimination against same-sex couples and the children of same-sex relationships. Bringing ..

Same-sex couples and their children in Commonwealth law

- A de facto relationship may be between a couple of the same sex or different sex. .. of recognising parent-child relationships in same-sex families in federal law.

Gay Rights

The first English legislation relating to same sex relationships was The .. From this time until 1861 English law proscribed the death penalty for ..

Page 1 of 2 Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2010 ..

adoption laws would treat families headed by same-sex couples in the .. relationship registers now help protect same-sex couples' rights as ..


In South Australia, property issues for de facto and same sex relationships are covered by Commonwealth law. See De Facto Relationships.

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

RE: Inquiry into Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in. Commonwealth Laws – General Law Reform) Bill 2008. On behalf of the Northern Rivers ..

Same-Sex Relationships—Recent Legal and Policy Developments

Same-Sex Relationships—Recent Legal and Policy Developments. The issue of government regulation of personal relationships is inherently ..

Children and families - Hot Topic No 62 - find LEGAL answers

several definitions of 'family' under the lawlegal status of married people – de facto relationshipssame-sex couples and the lawlegal status of parenthood ..

The Legal Recognition of Significant Personal Relationships

principle of equality under the law require the comprehensive reform of the law to recognise same sex and other significant personal relationships.

Submission on Same-Sex Couples and Their Children in Federal Law

Same-Sex Couples and their Children in Federal Law: Discussion Paper II to the. National Inquiry .. Same-Sex Relationships by the. Human Rights and Equal ..

Super for same-sex couples and their children (funds)

Changes to the law require regulated superannuation funds to recognise same-sex relationships. The changes amend tax law affecting super ..

Section 8 — Lesbians, gay men and bisexuals

The Inner City Legal. Centre now operates the Safe Relationships Project, which is a court assistance scheme for people in same sex relationships, transgender ..

The Changing Meaning of "de facto" Relationship

- by J Millbank -  - When New South Wales amended its laws in 1999 to include same-sex .. same-sex couples within earlier definitions, defining a de facto relationship as "a ..

Same-sex marriage - new publications | HSC Legal Studies: News ..

If you are interested in the topic of same-sex relationships, either for family or law in practice, these resources will be informative and helpful.

Same Sex Enquiry

Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the National Inquiry into Discrimination against People in Same Sex Relationships. 1. Inner City Legal ..

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, March 2009

The number of people living in a same-sex couple relationship has also .. In 1996, 0.2% of all adults said they were living with a same-sex partner. ... Laws - General Law Reform) Act 2008 and the Same-Sex Relationships ..

No time requirement for recognition of a de facto relationship

Summary of areas: State Domestic Partner laws where there is a child of the .. From 1st July 2009 same-sex de facto relationships have been recognised as ..

Legal recognition of same-sex relationships - Briefing Paper 12 ..

Five ways in which legal recognition of same-sex relationships could be achieved are discussed on pages 10 to 19. These are: permitting ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

by P House - 2008 -  Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the Inquiry into the Same Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws-General Law. Reform) Bill 2008 by the State Steering Committee of the Coming Out Proud ..

Window into shariah family law

by A Black - children, same-sex relationships, neglect of the eld- erly—is to operate within the scale of values advo- cated in Islamic family law. Aspects of family law are also ..

Human rights and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex ..

- federal law does not allow formal recognition of the relationship between same-sex couples (for example through civil unions or marriage). · there are significant ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - ART and Adoption - Fact ..


-sex couples and single people should be allowed to adopt under existing .. The legal relationship between children and their biological parents can be ..

A community guide to the National Inquiry into Discrimination ..

The Inquiry recommends simple amendments to those laws; just change the definitions describing de facto relationships to include same-sex couples.

Same-sex relationships and income tax - Australian Taxation Office

Recognition of a same-sex relationship may also affect: .. in a relationship with that was registered under a prescribed State or Territory law, or ..


Final report – Same Sex Law Reform Community Education Campaign ... Of those indicating they were in a relationship, the length of the relationship, by age .

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws — General Law Reform) (Child Support) Regulations 20091 ..

Submission - Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationship (Equal ..

by K Whitehouse - 2008 - The Federal Recognition of Same-Sex. Relationships. Kate Whitehouse. A paper submitted for Honours Thesis. ANU College of Law, The Australian National ..

Same-Sex: Community Guide

The Inquiry recommends simple amendments to those laws; just change the definitions describing de facto relationships to include same-sex couples.

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Jump to ‎: Window into shariah family law: Part 1 - Aspects of .. Same-sex relationships in Australia are lawful, ..

Same-sex relationships (equal treatment in Commonwealth laws) in ..

- 2010년 6월 1일 – Law, rulings & policy. Legal Database · Law .. Same-sex relationships (equal treatment in Commonwealth laws) in Korean. Increase text size ..

Adoption by same-sex couples

provides information on recent legislative change to equalise same-sex relationships with heterosexual relationships in NSW and Commonwealth law.

Law Handbook - parenting, family law

Parenting after separation. Part VII of the Family Law Act covers all children, whether their parents were married, in a de facto relationship (including same-sex ..

Submission No. 317 - Australian Human Rights Commission

- Enquiry into discrimination against people in same-sex relationships: Financial .. laws in NSW which may have a discriminatory impact on same-sex couples.


sperm donation. T he legal status of the donor. R ecognition of. Lesbian Parents. Gay dads. C hildren from previous relationships/ conceived through intercourse ..

Bills Digest 20, 2008-09 - Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

17 September 2009, no. 20, 2008–09, ISSN 1328-8091. Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—. Superannuation) Bill 2008 ..

Requirements for release or transfer of assets - Legal Books Online

Until recently, the Act's definition of a dependant excluded same-sex .. The Same Sex-Relationships (Equal Treatment) Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Principal: Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—Superannuation) Act 2008. C2008A00134 No. 134, 2008 ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Re: Inquiry into Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth. Laws General Law Reform) Bill 2008. Additional Information supplementary to ..

Diverse sexuality, sex and gender Legal recognition of same-sex relationships ................... 12.1.9. Age of consent ....................................... 12.1.10 ..

Recognising Children of Same-Sex Couples

89. 5.2 What is the legal status of child-parent relationships in same-sex families? 90. 5.2.1 General family law framework applying to children and their parents ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal. Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—. Superannuation) Act 2008. No. 134, 2008. An Act to amend the law in ..

Migration Changes Same-Sex Relationships - Legislation ..


-sex and opposite-sex de facto couples in a genuine and continuing relationship are .. Other Commonwealth law changes for same-sex relationships ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Same-Sex Relationship (Equal Treatment in. Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Bill 2008 to the. Senate Legal and Constitutional ..

Inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009 (2009)

Same-sex couples do not have access to relationship registration, civil unions or civil marriage under federal law. The principle of equality ..

Australian Marriage Equality - National Human Rights Consultation ..

- AME is also Australia's only national, membership-based, gay and lesbian human .. In a legal sense, marriage equality refers to the removal of legislative .. More broadly, marriage equality is about treating marriage-like relationships with ..

Gay and lesbian families - Family Matters - Journal article ..

Lesbian and gay claims to relationship recognition are transforming both what we think of as family, and the domain of family law.While some have claimed that ..

Same-sex marriage - Briefing Paper 3/2011 dated 29/06/2011 ..

As such, it sets out to update relevant sections of Briefing Paper No 9/2006, Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships by Karina Anthony ..

Lawlink NSW: Domestic Violence

These Interagency Guidelines are about working with the legal system in responding to domestic .. The law relating to AVOs covers same sex relationships.


- This chapter outlines in more detail how family law discriminates against same-sex couples when a relationship breaks down. The chapter examines the human ..

Working with gay, lesbian and transgender communities in NSW

- Access to the legal and justice systems for gay, lesbian and transgender people .. Maintaining a close and supportive relationship with the Lesbian and Gay ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 15

Jump to ‎: .. relationship' to cover same-sex .. in the laws to include same-sex ..

Striking the Balance: Women, Men, Work and Family

law. In developing the following definition of 'de facto relationship' the Inquiry has examined: • the various definitions and criteria describing same-sex and ..

Striking the Balance: Women, Men, Work and Family

- redefine the terminology in the legislation to include same-sex couples .. Enact laws recognising the relationship between a child and both same-sex parents ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

into law under the Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Act 2008 (NSW). We continue to work towards the outstanding recommendations.

Legislating in Australia for Love Outside of Marriage *

These prior steps are significant foundations for relationship recognition. Writing of lesbian and gay legal initiatives in Western liberal democratic states, Jenni ..

Bibliographies - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006 Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family .. de facto, same sex) · Families - general · Definitions and historical views of .. Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family law ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

exclusive relationship between one man and one woman voluntarily entered into for life. .. differential treatment of same-sex couples" in all Commonwealth laws ..

NSW Law Reform Commission

- Relationships and legal consequences. 2.1 Background - same sex relationships in Australia. 2.2 Objects clause. 2.3 Definition of de facto partner. 2.4 Close ..

Legal entitlements should be available to all Australian couples

There are still federal laws that make same-sex couples second class .. Simple changes to the way we define de facto relationships in the ..

Providing Proof a Defacto Relationship Exists

Relationship Registration – interstate and local council. "Under existing ACT law, while same sex relationships are given legal status; if this is not accepted by a ..

find LEGAL answers [Same-sex families - Hot Topics series.. ]

Price: $17.60. Description: Legal implications for domestic relationships that fall outside of the Marriage Act, including same sex couples and ..


- Section 4AA(5) says that the new law encompasses both heterosexual and same-sex de facto relationships. People are not able to be classified as living in a de ..

Law and social change - Article - Australian Institute of Family ..

by C Caruana -  - same-sex couples, with children conceived from donor sperm . . . How is the law responding to accommodate diversity in relationships and family structure?


(Tas), Relationships (Consequential Amendments) Act 2003 (Tas); Statute Law Amendment (Relationships). Act 2001 (Vic); Acts Amendment (Lesbian and Gay ..


- Therefore, it is necessary for federal law reforms to be progressed to complete the recognition of same-sex relationships that has begun in states and territories.


- A children's-rights perspective on the legal recognition of. lesbian and gay relationships. Heidi Yates*. Historically, public debate over recognition of lesbian and ..

Letter to the Editor - Let's liken same-sex marriage to… marriage ..

However, the question of same-sex marriage raises a human rights issue that .. relationship recognition available under federal law to opposite-sex couples ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Executive Summary

The 58 federal laws in Appendix 1 discriminate against same-sex couples in the .. law defines a parent-child relationship when a child is born to a same-sex ..


- The ACT has undertaken extensive law reform aimed at addressing the equality of treatment of same sex couples. § The Domestic Relationships Act 1994 was ..

JPA 2009/6 Same-sex relationships

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General. Law Reform) Act 2008 (Same-Sex Act) was passed on 27 ..


relationship with a same sex partner where it is in the best interests of the child for the step-parent to adopt,. ~ Children with only one legal parent such as: ..

Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in ..

Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth .. Determining Separation Under One Roof

Guide to Social Security Law .. of the same sex or a different sex) (, or; in a de facto relationship (whether of the same sex or a different sex) (

Submission No. 307d - Australian Human Rights Commission

- Additionally, the laws and customs of some countries may make it difficult for same-sex couples to cohabitate and provide evidence of their relationship. Further ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 8

Jump to ‎: 8.10.1 Same-sex couples pay .. relationship property laws, ..

4. Legal recognition of domestic relationships - Lawlink NSW

4. Legal recognition of domestic relationships .. In addition, it forces individuals in same sex relationships to make a public declaration of their ..

The Hon R J Carr, MP

- I would like to draw attention to a number of developments in NSW law in recent .. Those in a de facto relationship, including a same-sex partner, are among the ..

ATO ID 2011/83 - Superannuation: death .. - ATO Legal Database

Search. All of the Legal Database, ATO Decisions (ATO ID & CDS), Law .. Prior to the 2008-2009 income year same sex relationships were not ..

Same-Sex Model Review 17 August 2009

procedure or artificial insemination and born into a same-sex relationship have only one legal parent (the birth mother), although the intention ..

Are you a member of a couple?

From 1 July 2009 changes to the law mean Centrelink and the Family Assistance Office recognise couples living in opposite-sex and same-sex relationships.

Acts Amendment (Lesbian and Gay Law Reform) - Parliament of ..

Acts Amendment (Lesbian and Gay Law Reform) Bill 2001 .. in order to provide for the reform of the law relating to same sex relationships, access to artificial ..

Protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and ..

federal industrial law fails to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity. • federal marriage law discriminates against people in same-sex relationships ..

Same-Sex: Hearing: Melbourne

Jump to ‎: Joanne Kummrow, Solicitor, Administrative Law and .. the genuine nature and existence of same-sex relationships.

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 7

Chapter 4 on Recognising Relationships presents two alternative approaches to amending discriminatory definitions within federal law as it relates to same-sex ..

Same-Sex Inquiry

- In some ways same sex couples are enjoying the benefits of not being recognised under the law. The biological parent in a same sex relationship may be able ..

Stories of discrimination

The Inquiry recommends simple amendments to the 58 laws: changing the definitions describing de facto relationships to include same-sex couples. The Inquiry ..

Three year time requirement - State law matters

A domestic partnership includes opposite sex couples, same-sex couples, and companion relationships. Companion relationships can include relationships ..

Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

laws that aimed to reduce discrimination against people in same-sex couples. .. Australians in same-sex relationships do not have parity with their heterosexual ..

Chapter 1 - Introduction

- 1.1 Is there really discrimination against same-sex couples and their children? 2 .. in same-sex relationships, formal recognition is not only a path to legal rights ..

Domestic Violence - Victims Services : Lawlink NSW

Domestic Violence and same-sex relationships. Understanding Your Legal Rights: A guide for Lesbians and Gay Men in NSW is a website ..

Copy of Cover sheet Hastings Pride - 05

Same sex relationships and the law. • Abuse in relationships. • Breaking up. Discrimination & Vilification. • What is discrimination? • When is discrimination illegal ..

Who is eligible to inherit if there is no will? - Legal Books Online

Jump to ‎: Same sex relationships are therefore covered if their relationship meets the same criteria as a heterosexual de facto ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Parliament House. CANBERRA ACT 2600. Dear Mr Hallahan. Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 13

Jump to ‎: It is clear that same-sex couples and .. 'de facto relationship' (insert new ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law ..

10+ items – Skip to content Find legal answers - Legal Information Access ..

My ex-partner has taken our children without my permission. What can I do


Family Law Courts: children's matters



lesbians and gay men and their relationships, and significant progress has been made in this direction. The NSW Law Reform Commission's 1997 report (No ..

Presbyterian Women's Association of Australia in the State of New ..

- It seems reasonable to assume that if legal marriage for same sex couples were granted, the De-facto Relationship laws would be activated for others who are ..

Submission - Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationship (Equal ..

by M STEWART -  -  discrimination and for equal recognition of same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.1 Federal law, on the other hand, in most instances fails to .. Qualification for BVA

It is important to note that same-sex de facto relationships were not recognised under social security and family assistance law prior to 1 July 2009. Recognition ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

There is no reason why it should not be similarly open to extend reform of superannuation laws to same sex relationships. Such reform would ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Email: Submission for the Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in. Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Emerging issues in domestic ..

In particular, the paper considers this research in the context of gay, lesbian, bisexual, .. Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms (Kaspiew et al. .. of a lack of recognition of its existence in same sex relationships' (Pitt et al.

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

CONSISTENT LEGAL DEFINITIONS OF A DE FACTO RELATIONSHIP. Statutes that exclude same sex de facto partners or relationships ..


adoption laws in terms of their potential to provide same-sex couples who are .. relationships they decided that same-sex couples should be given the same ..

Lawlink NSW: Review of the Property (Relationships) Act 1984 ..

In 1993, the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby produced a consultation document entitled The Bride Wore Pink, which recommended that the law ..

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs .. - Parliament of Australia

Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees .. of the true number of people living in same-sex relationships.

Equal Opportunities

- "The problem is that with same-sex relationships – things based on personal status .. This project was formulated to address inequalities in the law and will give ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees .. Consistency of recognition for same sex relationships. 5.2 One ..

2008 Media Release: Superannuation Bill a great step toward ..

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - Superannuation) Bill 2008 will finally provide equal access to ..

Family Violence and Common wealth La ws - Australian Law ..

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Community. Page 1. What is this information sheet about? This information sheet discusses the Australian Law ..

Bills Digest no.44, 2008-09 - Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—. General Law Reform) Bill 2008. Mary Anne Neilsen, Kirsty Magarey and ..

Certificates & registration (Victoria Online)

Home Law & Justice Births, deaths & marriages Certificates & registration .. Victorian same-sex and heterosexual de facto couples can register their relationship ..

Life Certificate

Registered relationship. (opposite-sex or same-sex relationship registered under Australian state or territory law). Date of registration. Go to 4. Go to 4. Go to 4 ..

Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby - Australian Human Rights ..

- That the GLRL campaign for comprehensive de facto recognition across all federal areas of law to ensure that all same-sex relationships receive the rights and ..

Inquiry into the Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters ..

Jump to ‎: introduction of uniform state surrogacy laws that recognise gay ..

Lawlink NSW: What is domestic violence?

The definition used in these Guidelines is the one contained in the Crimes Act. It has several .. The law relating to AVOs covers same sex relationships.

Areas to cover in HREOC paper

in Same-Sex Relationships: Financial and Work-. Related Entitlements and Benefits. Areas of Federal Law that Exclude. Same-Sex Couples and their Children ..

Trove -  for 'subject:"Same-sex marriage - Australia."'

Current trends in the regulation of same-sex relationships / editors: Paula Gerber and Adiva Sifris .. "New civil union laws allowing same sex couples to be .

Marriage & de facto (Victoria Online)

Home Law & Justice Births, deaths & marriages Marriage & de facto .. Relationships (Registry of Births, deaths and Marriages, Department of Justice, Victoria). Victorian same-sex and heterosexual de facto couples can register their ..

Same-sex marriage revisited | HSC Legal Studies: News Watch

If you campaign for same-sex relationships to be given the same legal status as traditional marriage then you cannot profess that traditional ..

One year time requirement - migration - Law Handbook

Migration Act From 1st July 2009 same-sex de facto couples and .. a child is considered to be a child of the relationship, legal advice may be ..

Report: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in ..

Let's Get Equal Campaign. 12. Australian Human Rights Commission. 13. Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group. 14. Human Rights Law Resource Centre ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—Superannuation) Act 2008. No. 134, 2008. An Act to amend the law in ..

Same-sex relationships (equal treatment in Commonwealth laws) In ..

- 1 มิ.ย. 2010 – This product is to alert tax agents and taxpayers to the changes that the same-sex relationships reform will make to same sex couples and their ..

Same Sex: Submissions

Jump to ‎: Same-sex relationships and international human rights law.

Gay Rights Page 3

In South Australia after the law reforms of 1972, gay men and lesbians .. couples and other couples living in non-sexual domestic relationships.

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

Gay step-parent means the male partner of a child's legal father, who .. Recognising functional parent/child relationships in same sex families ..

Confirmation of Relationship

Centrelink recognises same-sex relationships from 1 July 2009. If you have become .. Personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988.

Information Paper

- The Inquiry recommends simple amendments to the 58 laws: changing the definitions describing de facto relationships to include same-sex couples. The Inquiry ..


LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE ON LAW AND JUSTICE .. People in same sex relationships are also precluded from adopting the child of ..

Family law update: Roundup of developments in family law

New program: Provision of legal assistance in Family Relationship Centres .. a relationship register to allow de facto and same-sex couples in "committed, ..

Second Submition to HREOC (Sydney) July 06

- Even when the law protects gay and lesbian people, that can still often exclude .. that we don't just ask for same-sex to be equal to opposite-sex relationships, ..

Page 1 of 3 Relationships Register Bill 2010 - 12/05/2010 - 2R 3R ..

acceptance they deserve under the laws of this State. .. heterosexual or same sex relationships, will be able to register their relationships, ..


persons in same-sex relationships and consequently to their children as is the case .. The "right to non-discrimination and the right to equality before the law are ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 17

..the lack of legal recognition of same-sex couples and same-sex families sends a strong government-sanctioned message that these relationships and family ..

Changes to Same-Sex Relationships from 1 July 2009

Changes to Same-Sex Relationships from 1 July 2009 .. that remove discrimination against same-sex couples and their children, from Commonwealth law.

Relationships - breakdown - Separation - Legal Aid

The concept of separation is the same whether you were married or in a de facto relationship (which includes same-sex relationships).

Migration Changes for Same-Sex De Facto Partners

Same-sex partners are recognised as de facto partners .. the relationship between them is genuine and continuing; .. certain surrogacy agreements recognised under a prescribed law of an Australian state or territory as per ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Australian laws continue to discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual, .. include the LIV's calls for a relationship registration scheme at the federal and Victorian ..

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. Same sex relationships are included in this definition [s4AA(5)(a)]. A de facto relationship can ..

Internet Resource Guide:Civil and Human Rights Law Resources

Discusses the relationship between international human rights law and .. 1999 Same sex relationships: some Australian legal developments (M. Kirby); 1997 ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. Relationships and legal consequences

The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) ("the FLA") applies one set of rules to .. another set to heterosexual and same-sex de facto relationships.


Same-Sex Relationships and the Law. The report proposed four options for legislative reform, including the establishment of a relationships ..

Media Release - Breaking up is hard to do (17 May 2002) - Law ..

Should people in same sex relationships have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples? These and many other issues are raised and ..

Submission - Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationship (Equal ..

law reform to give gay and lesbian people equal rights in all areas, including the adoption of children and formal relationship registration. A parliamentary inquiry ..

Family and Community Glossary

The partners in a registered marriage must be of the opposite sex as under Australian law same-sex relationships can not be registered.

Submission No. 342 - Australian Human Rights Commission

- National inquiry into discrimination against people in same-sex relationships .. Territory laws have had on the lives of same-sex couples and any children of ..

Same-sex couple families Feature Article - Australian Bureau of ..

The legal status of same-sex partnership has undergone changes in .. in part due to the age distribution of the partners in these relationships, ..

Country Advice Vietnam

What is the law in Vietnam in relation to same sex relationships? The Law. A number of sources reported that, in 1998, the Vietnamese national assembly ..

Scanned Document

into Discrimination against People in Same-Sex Relationships Regarding Financial .. In 2003, the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute recommended reform of the ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Summary of findings

The recent introduction of the 'interdependency' relationship category to certain federal laws has meant that same-sex couples can now access certain ..

Tracking Your Rights: Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and ..

All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of .. Kelly lives in a stable relationship with her same sex ..


- The Inquiry recommends simple amendments to those laws; just change the definitions describing de facto relationships to include same-sex couples.


consequence of the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth. Laws—General Law Reform) Act 2008. 1. The Same-Sex ..

DownUnderAllOver - Law Reform Commission of WA

law recognises and regulates same-sex relationships — Same-. Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws. — General Law Reform) Bill ..


Gradually countries and governments have come to legally recognise same sex relationships and in turn many countries have opened adoption laws to include ..

Submission to Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission ..

- Federal laws. Lack of recognition of same-sex relationships in federal law. There is a woeful lack of recognition of same-sex relationships in Federal law.

The High Court and the Meaning of 'Marriage' in Section 51(xxi) of ..

Same sex marriages are now recognised in the Netherlands and official .. those relationships which the law .. recognises as the relationships ..

Health care costs for same-sex couples

- 11.2 Does Medicare and PBS legislation recognise same-sex families? .. 11.8 How should the law change to avoid breaches in the future? .. of 'de facto spouse' requires that there be a genuine relationship with a person of the opposite sex.

Civil Partnerships Bill 2011 explanatory note

a) provide for the legal recognition of relationships of couples, regardless of gender, .. pieces of their legislation to recognise people in same-sex relationships ..

Same sex parents bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

15 posts - 4 Dec 2010Riggs D Law in Context v. 28 no. 1 2011 Special issue on current trends in the regulation of same-sex relationships 9781862878334: 65-77 ..

2 Tasmanian Legislative History on Same-Sex Rights

- against People in Same-Sex Relationships: Financial and Work-Related Entitlements and Benefits. Submission by: Dr Samantha Hardy Lecturer, Faculty of Law, ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Appendix 2

Submissions: .. discrimination in visas, Medicare, tax, social security and family law .. [when] the Victoria State Government .. passed legislation recognising same sex relationships ..

public position about the law of marraige and - ACT Human Rights ..

Power over legal marriage belongs, in Australian law, to the Commonwealth .. formal relationship recognition should be available to same-sex couples on an ..

Campbell, Jacky

by J Campbell -  - Same-sex relationships, surrogacy and the availability .. It has also made it far easier (depending on local law) for a gay or lesbian couple or a single person to ..

Claim for Compensation of Funeral Expenses and/or Death Benefits ..

the parents of the partner of a person in a same-sex relationship are included in the term 'father-in-law' and 'mother-in-law';. • the son or daughter of the partner ..

Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Bill 2008 ..

8 of the Law Reform Commission called for the same-sex definition of "de facto relationship" to be inserted also into the Adoption Act. At present ..

Chairperson's Message

- This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Commission's landmark report Same-Sex Relationships and the Law of March 1998. The Commission was pleased ..

Same Sex Attracted Employees

EMPLOYEES IN SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS. .. A comprehensive legal and policy framework mandates lawful and respectful treatment of ..

Marriage Legislation Amendment Bill 2004

Nor will the law afford their relationship the same recognition accorded to .. 'The failure to afford recognition to same sex relationships not only ..

DRAFT – LIV letterhead

- Adoption laws, such as the Adoption Act 1984 (Vic) which discriminates against same-sex couples by limiting adoption by de facto couples to a relationship ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

3.12 In its submission, the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby argued that the current interpretation of close personal relationships as only ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

Similarly, the Relationships Act 2003 (Tas), which now includes same sex de facto relationships within its legal definition of de facto ..

Report: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationship (Equal Treatment in ..

Standing Committee on. Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws–Superannuation) ..

Report: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationship (Equal Treatment in ..

to the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws œ. Superannuation) Bill 2008 (the Bill). Amendments to the Bill. 1.2 ..

Same-Sex Inquiry

- Submission on behalf of the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group .. be concluded that any Australian law not ensuring equal access and treatment to same-sex .. So, the ADF now recognises close personal relationships and same-sex ..

Mr Speaker, the purpose of this Bill is to amend the Relationships ..

Overseas, the United Kingdom law includes a scheme for recognising civil unions registered in other jurisdictions, and same-sex significant relationships ..

Social security recipients and family assistance - Legal Aid

The law about social security and family assistance can be complicated, and it often changes. .. Centrelink now recognises people in a same-sex relationship.

Final report – Same Sex Law Reform Community Education Campaign

- A majority of respondents (63.1%) either agreed or strongly agreed the Same-Sex Law Reform project helped build a better relationship between the Federal ..

Are you a member of a couple?

married; in a registered relationship (opposite-sex or same-sex), or; in a de .. they are not registered under an Australian state or territory law.


- In Australia, recent legal changes give same-sex couples some rights, but gay .. of same-sex relationships and sexual and gender identity accorded by family, ..


It would give children currently living in same-sex families, who do not have legal recognition of their parents, a mechanism to formalise these relationships. This ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

see also Parent, Parenting order, Same sex couples. Domestic relationship (child of the parties to a) .. 5.21, 5.24. Recognition in other areas of ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

the incidence and nature of domestic violence in same sex and close personal relationships;; whether, as a matter of policy, the law should ..

Equality for Same Sex Couples - Australian Human Rights ..

- The focus of gay and lesbian rights in Australia has undergone a change in .. of same sex relationships by Governments, it will provide the legal and social ..


The passage through Parliament of the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Act 2008 ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

10.18 Of the respondents to the Commission's Questionnaire on Same Sex Relationships and the Law, only 10% thought that partners should ..

De facto Relationships

by R Warrek - 2006Parties who separated from a de facto relationship, regardless of the date of separation, .. Australia for property disputes and must seek legal advice as to their options. .. The people are of different sexes or of the same sex, or; Either person is ..

Partner details

relationships – opposite or same-sex. Same-sex marriages and relationships registered in other countries are not recognised by Australian social security law.

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

This view also found support among respondents to the Commission's Questionnaire on Same Sex Relationships and the Law6 and from some ..

Family law update: Round-up of developments in family law

Two other pieces of legislation, the Same Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - Super-annuation) Act 2008 and the Same Sex ..

Relationships Register Bill 2010 - 23/04/2010 - 1R 2R - NSW ..

Most recently, in 2008, this Government introduced a suite of same-sex relationship reforms, providing for a consistent definition of "de facto ..

Defacto or interdependency for same-sex couples?

community, I support the intentions of the Same-Sex Relationships. (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—Superannuation) Bill. 2008… The intention to ..

domestic violence is a crime

25. Men' contents ..

Australia 2020 Summit - Government Response - Strengthening ..

- Give same-sex relationships equal legal recognition across Australia. .. As part of the Government's same-sex law reforms, registered relationships will also be ..

Family - HSC - For Students & Teachers

Suggested search terms: family law, shared parenting, relocation, same sex couples, domestic violence, de facto relationships, surrogacy, ..

Page 1 of 4 Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2010 ..

same sex, denying them the rights to a relationship with each parent that provides, giving them less "legal and psychological permanence and ..


15.2.2 A same-sex partner may be in an 'interdependent relationship'. 345 .. This chapter discusses the impact of migration laws on same-sex couples.

Respect and recognition of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender ..

Microsoft Powerpoint - Federal government removed discrimination faced by same-sex couples in 85 pieces of federal law; Centrelink recognises same-sex relationships for the first ..

The Hon Madame Justice Claire L'Heureux-Dubé, Relationship ..

SEMINAR PAPERS: A Discussion Forum on Relationships and the Law (Sydney, 7 July 2000) .. The unequal pay and job opportunities available to women, sexual .. The law is one of the important architects of social norms.

Lawlink NSW: 3. Recognition of functional parent/child relationships

As people in same-sex relationships are not eligible to adopt a child as a couple, there is not the secondary option of the legal parent applying ..

Simon Corbell MLA

The ACT has undertaken extensive law reform aimed at addressing the equality of treatment of same sex couples. The Domestic Relationships Act 1994 was the ..

Media Release 2008: NSW artificial fertilisation law a step forward ..

NSW artificial fertilisation law a step forward for same sex parents .. status' to include same sex relationships in NSW anti-discrimination ..

Inquiry into the Evidence Amendment Bill 2008

This approach is also consistent with that taken in the amendments to the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

John William von Doussa QC & Graeme Gordon Innes AM Same ..

- Included in the Acts Amendment (Lesbian and Gay) Law Reform Bill 2001 are .. through artificial conception to one of the women in a same-sex relationship; ..

Submission Same-Sex Inquiry Human Rights Unit Human Rights ..

- My submission contains legal analysis of the ways in which Commonwealth laws discriminate against people in same-sex relationships. The submission ..

Relationships - breakdown - Relationships - breakdown - Legal Aid

Separation · Applying for divorce · De facto and same-sex relationships .. About the Law > Family, relationships and children > Relationships - breakdown ..

Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Bill 2008 ..

Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Bill 2008 .. As the social visibility and legal status of lesbian and gay parents has ..

Personal stories help achieve state law reform

- The lack of Federal law to formally recognise the relationship between same-sex couples (for example through marriage) leads to continuing inequality and ..

Outstanding Superannuation Issues

- This law established Civil Unions as a new legal relationship category that .. However, same-sex couples are still excluded from the rights and obligations held ..

Aged Care

- Although I am not the victim of same-sex relationship discrimination, I fear .. My main concern is about the lack of formal, legal recognition of our relationship.

1. What it the LGBTI Network? 2. Which human rights and ..

This submission will focus on legal issues affecting lesbian and gay people, or people in same sex relationships. The following submission is not exhaustive of ..

Statement on the Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Bill 2007

The discrimination against same-sex couples is there on the statute books .. making Australian law fairer to people in same-sex relationships.

Submission No. 121 - Australian Human Rights Commission

- There is no doubt that the legal treatment of 'homosexuals' has changed since the .. However to decide that same sex relationships are 'immoral' or 'prohibited' ..

Trove - Current trends in the regulation of same-sex relationships ..

Current trends in the regulation of same-sex relationships / editors: Paula Gerber .. and gay foster carers negotiating the current legal context / Damien W Riggs ..


Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Act 2008 (NSW). More recently, the GLRL has contributed to federal law reform by lobbying the ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

First, people living in same sex and other forms of interdependent relationships were not taken into account in constructing the legal regulatory ..

Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 8

Parliament finally passed the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - Superannuation) Act 2008 (Cth) and the omnibus Same-Sex ..

Property division when de facto relationships break down

The Family Law Courts can make these orders if satisfied of one of .. common residence; whether a sexual relationship exists; the degree of ..


rights of same-sex couples at international Law to be treated equally before the law .. inquiry into Discrimination against People in Same-Sex Relationships: ..

Submission to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

into Discrimination against People in Same-Sex Relationships. .. in a same-gender relationship" as a basis for discrimination under the law, it seems clear ..

Page 1 of 2 Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2010 ..

discrimination against families headed by same-sex couples. It is about giving legal recognition to the vital relationship that children have with ..


- In particular, Commonwealth marriage law discriminates against same sex relationships, Commonwealth industrial law fails to prohibit discrimination on the ..

Law Handbook - property, family law

Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales. 11th edition .. tionships (including same-sex couples). .. ing to de facto relationships is set out in Property ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009

Several of our recommendations were enacted into law under the. Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Act 2008 (NSW). More recently ..


In addition to the information here, see our booklet Family Law and You. Laws. .. DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and same-sex) ..

Application of two safety net thresholds to same-sex couples

- The superannuation law definition requires cohabitation by the same-sex couples, .. as an interdependent or same-sex de facto relationship under state law.

Sex and the law — Growing and Developing Healthy Relationships ..

Submission to sexual assault is not the same as giving consent. .. The law prohibits sexual relations with and between children under the age of 16 years.

Companion relationships and property disputes - Law Handbook

They can be related by family and be of the same or opposite sex. A relationship where one person provides the other with domestic support and/or personal ..

Sex, Family and Relationship based Discrimination

Jump to ‎: This sort of unfair treatment is against the law when you: .. Direct discrimination is the more obvious one, such as the ..


- Employers and Discrimination Law – Key Principles 2. ACCI Supports Equity in the .. Employers and Same Sex Relationships 2. B. OUR INTERNATIONAL ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

Of particular concern in this context is that some lesbians and gay men .. in same sex relationships and in close personal relationships, with the ..

Relationships Register Bill 2010 - 12/05/2010 - 2R 3R - NSW ..

For same sex couples in particular, this should prove a useful tool for .. for the legal recognition of relationships of couples, regardless of sex, ..


Law Reform Commission. Relationships. Bibliography. Includes index. ISBN 0734726228. 1. New South Wales. Property (Relationships) Act 1984. 2. Gay..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform .. - Lawlink NSW

LESBIAN AND GAY LEGAL RIGHTS SERVICE, The Bride Wore Pink: Legal Recognition of Our Relationships: A Discussion Paper (2nd ed, ..

Amendments to the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946 ..

The Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws–General Law Reform) Act 2008 (the Amending Act) amends the ..

Submission 115 - Lesbian and Gay Solidarity (Melbourne) - Caring ..

December 2008 passed a raft of equality amendments to its discriminatory laws thus making same-sex couples treated as de facto relationships. At the time, the ..


Jump to ‎: ICLC talks about the difficulties that same-sex families .. lack of legal recognition of their relationships in these families.

De Facto Relationships - Property and Maintenance Factsheet

The new laws apply to couples whose relationship broke down after .. 2 persons of different sexes and between persons of the same sex.

E Law: Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships: Where to ..

by S Clayton -  -  Neither of these are available to gay men or lesbians so our relationships are essentially made invisible by the law. The one exception to this is ..

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall -  - Same-sex relationships are denied legal recognition and this often results in unacceptable social and legal inequality. This paper aims to provide basic legal ..

E Law: The Second Closet: Domestic Violence in Lesbian and Gay ..

by L Vickers -  -  Subjects: Family violence law and legislation. Family violence .. Violence is a normal part of how some same sex relationships work. Men are ..

Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws




Since the Stonewall uprising of 1969[1] gay men and lesbians have become increasingly vocal in the pursuit of legal recognition of their relationships. Although ..

The nature of dependence and the legal recognition of same-sex ..

by N Hill - 1999 -  - Legal recognition of same-sex relationships is necessary to reduce discrimination experienced by same-sex couples. Recently, there has been some action at a ..

Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall -  -  This article examines the lack of legal safeguards given to same-sex relationships in Western Australia and critiques the inadequacy of basic ..

Same-sex relationships in Western Australia - Murdoch Research ..

by C Kendall - 2000 -  - Same-sex relationships are denied legal recognition and this often results in unacceptable social and legal inequality. This paper aims to provide basic legal ..

E Law: Same Sex Couples: Equity's Response

Category: Conference Papers from "Sexual Orientation and the Law" .. de facto relationship, same sex relationship or other form of human ..


Given the reliance of the amendments made by the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws-General Law Reform) Bill 2008 on this ..

Constitutional Issues Regarding Same-Sex Marriage: A ..

by G LINDELL -  - In this article a legal relationship under which same-sex partners enjoy the same rights and duties as those that are conferred or imposed on persons of ..


A Bill for an Act to amend the law in relation to. superannuation, and for related purposes. i Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth ..

Same Sex Law Reforms and notions of Parenthood

Law Reform. The issues of same-sex parenting and same-sex relationship recognition have been the subject of many papers, lobbying and debate over the past ..

Same-sex marriage: which way to go? - [1999] AltLJ 15 .. - AustLII

Partnership registration, application of de facto legislation in the area of same-sex relationships, and adjustment of laws to cover same-sex relationships can be ..

UTS: Research - Members - University of Technology, Sydney

Jenni's areas of expertise are family and relationship law, reproductive rights and refugee law. Jenni is Australia's leading expert on same-sex relationship ..

special collections health

Overview; Service response; Legal and legislative issues; Victims and perpetrators .. Domestic violence in gay and lesbian relationships ..

Millbank, Jenni --- "Recognition of Lesbian and Gay Families in ..

by J Millbank -  - Of the same-sex couples who recorded their relationship in the 2001 census, .. laws to recognise same-sex relationships in areas within its exclusive power.

Adoption by same sex couples - University of Tasmania Faculty of Law

A partner in a same sex relationship may seek to use the mechanism of 'known' child adoption to become the legal parent of his or her partners' children.

ANU News  Equal before the law

ANU Reporter: What's the first step in ending legal discrimination against same-sex relationships? Wayne Morgan says, that while Australia has come a long ..


Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – General Law Reform) (Child Support) Regulations 2009. The Same-Sex ..

Intersections: Analysing the Politics of Same-Sex Issues in a ..

Background: the comparative politics of lgbtq issues; Issues of legal recognition of same-sex relationships are particularly complex when they ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 4AA De facto relationships

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 4AA .. (c) whether a sexual relationship exists; .. 2 persons of different sexes and between 2 persons of the same sex; and ..


by D Meagher -  - field of legal relationships characterised as 'marriages', including for example polygamous and same-sex marriages.12 Consequently, any attempt by the States ..

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships: Where to from Here?

by S Clayton -  -  This article examines these areas of discrimination affecting gay men and lesbians. They include the areas of the legal status of homosexual ..


Women discovered in same-sex relationships in gaols like the Hobart and Ross .. resulted in a dramatic increase in popular support for gay rights, and gay law ..

'Different Routes To Relationship Recognition Reform: A ..

by B Goldblatt - 2008 - It also commissioned a study by Professor Jenni Millbank, an expert on same-sex relationship recognition, to identify a list of discriminatory commonwealth laws.

1 Courts, Legislatures, and the Politics of Same-Sex Marriage ..

From this policy perspective, same-sex relationships, including long-term, stable cohabitation, are perfectly legal (in the sense that what is not legally prohibited ..

The legal recognition of same-sex unions in Australia : a ..

by M Brock - 2012 The legal recognition of same-sex unions in Australia : a constitutional analysis .. to provide official legal recognition of same-sex relationships.


sperm donation. T he legal status of the donor. R ecognition of. Lesbian Parents. Gay dads. C hildren from previous relationships/ conceived through intercourse ..

T A S M A N I A - University of Tasmania Faculty of Law

The impact of divorce and changing legal and social attitudes to lesbian and gay relationships means that being raised outside a heterosexual nuclear family is ..

Fertility, Pregnancy & Parenting Issues - Health and health care for ..

Health & health care for lesbian, bisexual and same sex attracted women · Home .. Increasing numbers of women are becoming parents within their same sex relationship. .. Information about health and legal issues for getting pregnant ..

Sexual liberation: fighting lesbian and gay oppression

by R Morgain - 2005 - significant improvements, major changes to the law in all States and Territories, and widespread social acceptance of same-sex relationships. Yet lesbians and ..

Revising Marriage

If the law were to be changed so that marriage included same sex relationships, then marriage would no longer be about children. It would be about adults only.

Poly is the new gay, La Trobe University

To acknowledge a same sex relationship was unthinkable. .. by homophobia, and the need for equality for same sex relationships in many aspects of law, but ..

Domestic Violence in Gay and Lesbian Relationships *1

by C Chan -  - Domestic violence in lesbian and gay relationships has been an under-researched .. Some jurisdictions still have laws that outlaw sodomy (Domestic Violence ..

De Facto Relationships Property Adjustment Law – A National ..

by L Willmott - 2003 -  - Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 1, 11; S Boyd, 'Expanding the "Family" in Family. Law: Recent Ontario Proposals on Same Sex Relationships', ..


These reforms were passed by Parliament in 2008 in the form of the Same Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – General Law Reform) ..

E Law: Australia's Criminal Justice System Fails Lesbians and Gay ..

by A Fitzgerald -  -  As a measure of the relationship between lesbians, gay men and the .. just an analysis of legal proceedings involving lesbians and gay men or ..

Text version - Murdoch University

Writing of the resistance to same-sex relationships in American society, Herma Hill Kay, Professor of Law at the University of California Berkeley made an ..

Which, then, would be the'husband'and which the'wife'?"

by J Millbank - 1996 - In the most general way, lesbian and gay legal initiatives seem to have .. to be privately sexual, that is the right to have same-sex relationships at all (mostly, but ..

How well does Australian democracy serve sexual and gender ..

Most recent year of advances in the recognition or expansion. 20 of same-sex defacto relationships in State and Territory law. 3.2. Legal recognition of same-sex ..

Recognition of Lesbian and Gay Families in Australian Law .. - AustLII

by J Millbank -  - This article discusses the legal regulation of parenting in lesbian and gay families .. It is clear that the proportion of children born into same-sex relationships in ..



E Law: HIV/AIDS and its 'Willing Executioners': The Impact of ..

Jump to ‎: Legal recognition of same-sex relationships will be the most significant change for lesbians and gay men ..

Australia's International Obligations

in Canada where a child is conceived during the same-sex relationship the non-biological parent may adopt the child without severing the legal relationship with ..


by CF LYOUNG - 2006 - These changes, and in particular, the recognition of same-sex relationships for tax purposes have led me to re-examine how we treat spousal and common law ..

UTS: Professor Jenni Millbank - law at UTS

Jenni's areas of expertise are family and relationship law, reproductive rights and refugee law. Jenni is Australia's leading expert on same-sex ..

Australian Families Research Bulletin

Changing recognition of same-sex relationships in Australia. ∎ The progression of collaborative practice in. Family law. ∎ Male power can be ..

special collections

Research and evaluation concerning same sex domestic and family violence are .. of community kinship systems, family relationships and Aboriginal law.

Child Support (Adoption of Laws) Amendment Act 2011 - 00-00-01

(x) Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws -- General Law Reform) Act 2008;. (xi) Families, Housing, Community Services and ..

Year group: 12 (HSC)

- Contemporary issues concerning family law. Issues that must be studied: · recognition of same-sex relationships. · the changing nature of parental responsibility ..

Australian Statistics on Domestic Violence *

by J Mulroney -  - 2% occurred within same sex relationships (Mouzos 2000, p. 115). .. law, entrenched poverty and racism are clearly factors underlying the use of violence.

Dr Deborah Dempsey - Our Staff Faculty of Life and Social Sciences ..

Relatedness, family and kinship; Socio-legal aspects of same-sex relationships; Sexuality and sexual health; Fatherhood and fathering; Social ..


by J Millbank - 2006 -  - the federal government has not amended laws to recognise same-sex relationships in areas within its exclusive power. Until recently, federal law largely ..

Emeritus Professor Hilary Astor - Sydney Law School - The ..

She has recently published work on the relationships between .. Hilary Astor, 'Same Sex Mediation Mediation Throughout the Family Life ..

E Law: Australian Anti-Discrimination Law and Sexual Orientation ..

by A Chapman -  -  Gay and lesbian legal rights (12 other articles) .. Importantly, none of the statutes include same-sex relationships as de factos or as otherwise ..

Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

face discrimination if they are in a same-sex relationship. In analysing the law in foreign jurisdictions, it becomes apparent that there is a universal trend towards ..

'Are You Two Interdependent?' Family, Property and Same-Sex ..

by M STEWART -  -  discrimination and for equal recognition of same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.1 Federal law, on the other hand, in most instances fails to ..


legislative proposals in Europe to introduce same-sex marriage and laws .. aimed at extending marriage to include same-sex relationships.8 The Gover- ..

Dr Adiva Sifris, Monash Law - Monash University

.. A (eds), Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships (The .. Gerber P and Sifris A, The wind of change is blowing' in Law in ..

Associate Professor Paula Gerber, Monash Law

Gerber P and Sifris, A (eds), Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships (The Federation Press, 1st ed, 2010). Gerber P, 'Do states have an ..

QUT | News | Gay marriage must be allowed: Justice Kirby

"And to this day, of the 53 nations (colonised by the British), 41 still have laws against adult, consensual same-sex relations." Justice Kirby said ..

Intersections: The Legal Situation Facing Sexual Minorities in Japan

by T Hiroyuki -  -  The third stage is the legal recognition of same-sex relationships. From the late 1980s, Scandinavian countries enacted registered partnership ..

Professor Jenni Millbank , UTS Business, University of Technology ..

Jenni's areas of expertise are family and relationship law, reproductive rights and refugee law. Jenni is Australia's leading expert on same-sex ..

ECU | Dr Adrian Scott : Postdoctoral Research Fellow : Staff : About ..

Adrian joined the Sellenger Centre for Research in Law, Justice and Social Change as a .. Perceptions of stalking in same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.

Dr Adiva Sifris - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Sifris, A., Gerber, P., 2011, Same-sex marriage in Australia: a .. Two by two - Victoria's Relationships Register, Law Institute Journal [P], vol 83, ..

E Law: Homophobia as an Issue of Sex Discrimination: Lesbian and ..

by CN Kendall -  -  Associate Professor, Murdoch University School of Law .. [18] Lesbian and gay male relationships have the potential[19] to reject hierarchical ..

Centrelink- Relationship Payment |

legally married and living together; or; in a same-sex relationship registered at a .. Same-sex couples will be recognised under Commonwealth law from 1 July ..

E Law: Report of the Western Australian Ministerial Committee on ..

by M DharmanandaThe committee comprised lesbian and gay legal academics, lawyers, community rights .. The definition does not cover people in same sex relationships.

MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 83 Certain persons taken to be ..


relation to visas granted on or after 1 July 2009: see the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws--General Law Reform) Act 2008 .

Dr Adiva Sifris, Monash Law - Faculty of Law - Monash University

The family law amendment (share parental responsibility) act 2006: a .. Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships (The ..

The University of Western Australia has consistently recognised its ..

- Discrimination against People in Same-Sex Relationships: Financial and Work-Related .. Despite legal victories and recent comprehensive equal opportunity ..


The third part, a range of amendments, will ensure people of same-sex relationships have the same rights and obligations under Territory law as married ..

Symposium Lesb and Gay parenting Final Report WEB

The Relationship Counselling Perspective. ❖ Many same-sex parents face social difficulties that can be as difficult as legal or medical issues. As one gay father ..

Walker, Kristen --- "Moving Gaily Forward? Lesbian, Gay and ..

by K Walker -  - [107] Others permit the registration of same-sex relationships in systems akin to, but not the same as or equal to, marriage,[108] and many states offer no legal ..

Charlotte Frew - Macquarie Law School

HDR students, PHD candidates, Macquarie University Law School, .. Sifris A. (eds) Law in Context: The Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships ..

Table of Contents

(b) same-sex marriages legally performed in accordance with the laws of another country are .. Same-sex relationships were integrated into the culture of many ..

Gay marriage debate has a long way to go - Eureka Street

the basis that the very recognition of a same sex relationship is contrary to the natural law. For example, the. Catechism states: 'The natural law, ..

Dempsey - Our Staff Faculty of Life and Social Sciences Swinburne ..

Relatedness, family and kinship; Socio-legal aspects of same-sex relationships; Sexuality and sexual health; Fatherhood and fathering; Social ..

Writing Themselves In 3 - La Trobe University

Same sex Relationships Equal Treatment General Law Reform Bill passed through the Australian Senate in 2008, reforming 58 federal laws to promote equity ..

QUT - Doctor of Philosophy (Law and Justice)

This is really an area that's not focused on in areas of research because same-sex relationships are often invisible to the law, justice system, ..

Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation ..

which over the past decade have increasingly afforded legal recognition in various areas to same-sex partners. (See for example Property Relationships Act ..

Report of the Western Australian Ministerial Committee on Lesbian ..

by M DharmanandaThe committee comprised lesbian and gay legal academics, lawyers, community rights .. The definition does not cover people in same sex relationships.

Dr Paula Gerber, Monash Law

Monash University, Law .. International Human Rights Law .. Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships (The Federation ..

Professor Patrick Parkinson comments on the Federal Government's ..

A new bill is before Parliament and, if passed, will change the law so that people in de facto relationships, including same-sex relationships, will ..

Same Sex Attracted Young People's Project - La Trobe University

For same sex attracted young people, workers, families and friends. .. a straight person to find the love of your life and form a long term relationship. .. these things are different in each state and territory, the laws are changing.


Microsoft Powerpoint - Implications for inter-country adoption law and policy. Swinburne University of .. Child(ren) conceived or adopted in current same-sex relationship. 174 (47%) ..

Beyond choice : family and kinship in the Australian lesbian and gay ..

by D Dempsey - 2006 -  INDIVIDUALISATION AND LESBIAN AND GAY KINSHIP ... and same-sex relationships in law and social policy that has led to a reclaiming of ..

Homophobia, heteronormativism and hegemonic masculinity : male ..

by M Kay - 2010 -  - Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. .. Abstract. Few studies have explored the problem of male same-sex intimate partner violence, .. relationships with other men.

HSC Preparation: Legal Studies (Part 3) Centre for Continuing ..

The nature of family law; Responses to problems in family relationships; Contemporary issues concerning family law: recognition of same-sex relationships, the ..

Curriculum Vitae - law school - University of Melbourne

- "Same-Sex Relationships and the Law: Comments on the Victorian Equal Opportunity Commission's Discussion Paper" (1997) 22 Alternative Law Journal ..



-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Act 2008. Bankruptcy Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1) ..

Pell opposes IR laws, supports same-sex union ban

"I don't particularly like the new IR laws because I'm frightened they could be used to .. an ACT law that would have recognised gay and lesbian relationships.


This definition was inserted into the Act recently by the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—Superannuation) Act 2008 (the ..





In Australia, recent legal changes give same-sex couples some rights, but gay and .. nursing homes, keep their sexual identity and relationships a secret when ..


by KM Wilde - 2007 -  - As it becomes culturally acceptable to have same sex relationships, society's .. discriminatory to gay and lesbian people (Tasmanian Law Reform Institute 2003, ..

Zanhellini, Aleardo --- "To What Extent Does the ICCPR Support ..

by A Zanghellini -  - This statement provides some support for the claim that the ICCPR family provisions require legal recognition for parent–child relationships in lesbian and gay ..

Comment: The Gay Marriage Debacle - 3rd Degree

But, with the shift in recognition of same-sex marriages in .. Different state and territory governments have their own distinctive anti-discrimination laws. .. of de facto to same-sex relationships, removing discrimination in areas ..


SAME SEx RELATIONSHIPS. FORUM. KLC was actively involved in the Young. Lawyers Law Society same- sex relationships marriage forum in February.

The Politics of Signs: Gay and Lesbian issues in Comparative ..

can involve normalising same-sex relationships, for example, by privileging traditional ... sex couples from entitlements and legal recognition. The citizen was ..

The Experiences of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender ..

GLBT end-of-life care would be legal and social recognition of same-sex relationships, and the diversity of sexual and gender identity. The lack of legitimacy of ..


The knowledge that society and the law condemn their personal relationships can be very difficult for young gay men who are coming to terms with their ..

Toms and Dees – Transgender Identity and Female Same-Sex ..

Same-Sex Relationships in Thailand .. of len pheuan [playing [with] friends] and King Borommatrailokanat's law issued in the Ayuthaya period ..

Slide 1

Microsoft Powerpoint - Common law distinguished between legitimate and illegitimate children – illegitimate .. Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws ..

Associate Professor Kristen Walker - Staff Profile

20+ items – in Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Partnerships: A Study of ..

Damned whores and the border police: Sex workers and refugee status in ..


The Same-Sex Marriage Debate In Australia' (2007) 11 International Journal of ..


Legal Studies Stage 6 Syllabus

- Contemporary issues concerning family law. Issues that must be studied: · recognition of same-sex relationships. · the changing nature of parental responsibility ..

WebLaw - Family Law

5+ items – Select WebLaw Subject Guide, Administrative Law ..

Courts & tribunals and their decisions


Judgments of the Family Court from ..




Statistical Snapshot of Family Law

Before the High Court

by C DAUVERGNE - (1998) 4 UC Davis International Journal of Law and Policy 29, unpaginated .. that gay men who have relationships tend not to live together, that there are a ..


This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases. .. Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Bill 2008 No , 2008 A Bill for An ..

acts-amendment-lesbian-and-gay-law-reform-act-2002 WA

This is a link to a complete version of the Acts Amendment (Lesbian and Gay Law .. order to provide for the reform of the law relating to same sex relationships, ..

This is the author version published as: This is the author version ..

by M Kay - 2010 -  - Published in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, April 20 th. 2010. Address for .. triggers of violence in male same-sex relationships parallel abuse in opposite ..

Homosexuality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

References to natural law still play an important role in .. Hence the cultural ideal of a same-sex relationship was between an older man, ..

Media Release

According to Fr Kilby, same sex relationships seek legal legitimacy and protection through the application of the principle of legal discrimination. "The assertion ..

Customised LetterHead - Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law - UNSW

relationship by affirming the nature of their relationship for legal purposes through marriage, this is not an option open to same-sex couples. As a result, even ..

Crystal or Glass?: A Review of Dudgeon v. United

by MT McLoughlin - 1996But the impetus to extend legal equality to lesbians and gay men will .. It is generally admitted that homosexual relationships between an adult and a girl under ..

The Second Closet: Domestic Violence in Lesbian and Gay ..

by L Vickers -  -  .. in Lesbian and Gay Relationships - A Western Australian Perspective .. Subjects: Family violence law and legislation (Other articles) ..

Journal of Maps

by AW Gorman-Murray - 2010 -  - with wider public acknowledgement of same-sex relationships (Australian Bureau of .. of agitation for legal, social and political rights attached to same-sex ..

Australian perspectives on gay marriage, La Trobe University

Four La Trobe academics weigh in on gay marriage. .. 24—the youngest Australian in a same-sex relationship to legally marry, Luke Gahan from .. movement avoids the topic and the sad realities of a legal same-sex divorce.

Dr Sarah Middleton, Monash Law

Monash University, Law .. into Discrimination Against People in Same-sex Relationships: Financial and Work-related Entitlements and Benefits ..

UTS: 76516 Family Law - Law, UTS Handbook

The legal recognition and regulation of different types of domestic relationships and families, including married, de facto (same-sex and opposite-sex) and other ..

Gender in Australian Tax Policy

also included as de facto couples in tax and transfer laws (Same-Sex Relationships. (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Act ..

'Spousal Competence and Compellability in Criminal Trials in the ..

by W HARRIS - living in de facto relationships, couples in same sex de facto relationships or those in traditional Aboriginal marriages. 3. This area of law raises both public and ..

SOLS20001 Law, Justice and Social Change - 2012

Criminology, Sociology or Socio-Legal Studies at Level 1 .. Victoria), Same Sex Relationships and the Law and Reproductive Technology and ..

2406- Law Newsletter

Law Dean's Book Takes North America by Storm. • Book Launch: Same Sex Relationships: New Legal Guide. • Lesbian and Gay Marriage Forum. • Grants ..

Lesbian and gay people's concerns about ageing and accessing ..

by M Hughes - 2009 -  - growing older in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community ... given to same-sex relationships, both culturally and before the law, are well ..

Associate Professor Thomas Crofts - Sydney Law School - The ..

Prior to Sydney University Associate Professor Crofts taught Law at Murdoch .. T, Same Sex Relationships, A Legal Guide for Western Australians Post Law ..

Judicial Diversity and the Challenge of Sexuality: Some Preliminary ..

by LJ MORAN -  - conform with the demands of equality and equal opportunity laws, that a diverse .. mentioned above is the decriminalisation of same-sex relations and the ..


by ISSEX DOMESTIC - 2001 - law now discriminates against lesbian and gay relationships in only two areas, .. s 98% of participants desired legal recognition of same-sex relationship.

For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health: Should Australia ..

by DM Cooper - 2005 -  -  heterosexual marriages.69 A recent committee inquiry rejected the argument that legal recognition of same-sex relationships will discourage ..

Displaced subjectivities: the queer refugee body in law

and over determined legal trope of the gay or lesbian asylum seeker. Refugee .. relationship between the law and the refugee body. Within this context, the ..

Equality for Staff in Same-Sex Relationships

between people of the same gender, and harassment of a sexual .. same-sex relationships .. father-in-law or mother-in-law, a staff member is entitled to 2 days ..

Zanghellini, Aleardo --- "Marriage and Civil Unions: Legal and Moral ..

by A Zanghellini -  - but one of consistency between laws passed at different levels of government .. State or Territory laws providing for SSM or marriage-like same-sex relationship ..

2010 research publications - Monash University - Faculty of Law ..

Harder, Sirko, Measuring Damages in the Law of Obligations: The Search .. Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships (The ..

HIV and Hepatitis C: policy, discrimination, legal and ethical issues

John Ballard. Chapter 2. Gay men and the response: political, legal & ... In 1991, there was no legislative recognition of same-sex relationships any- where in ..

Spousal Competence and Compellability in Criminal Trials in the ..

by L Stallybrass - 2003 QUT Law & Justice Journal Vol 3 No 2 2003 .. Gay, Lesbian & De Facto Rights and Religious Schools in QLD .. of these rules to former spouses, de facto spouses, same sex relationships and traditional aboriginal marriages.

Queensland Law Student Review (QLSR) celebrates third ..

The latest issue of UQ's Queensland Law Student Review (QLSR) marks the .. of the recognition of same-sex and other de-facto relationships.

" It's about protocols and decorums": governing queer student ..

by AE Dwyer - 2008 - romantic relationships in schooling contexts than same sex relationships. .. discrimination law in Queensland but also international human rights covenants ..

Useful links - University Life - Curtin University

The Gay and Lesbian Community Service (GLCS) of WA is a charitable .. group, which was at the centre of the 2001/2002 campaign for law reform in WA . .. inquiry into discrimination against people in same-sex relationships ..

The Melbourne LLB - Staff Profile

K. Walker, 'United Nations Human Rights Law and Same-Sex Relationships: Where to From Here?' in Robert Wintemute and Mads Andenaes ..

Is the Tide Truly Turning?-: Gays, Lesbians, Adoption and Custody

by F Bates - 1996 - .. of Law Keywords : gay, lesbian, adoption, custody, family law Abstract : By .. the gay and lesbian : relationships which were involved in the various decisions.

QUT | News | International queer conference opens at QUT

.. on issues including the experiences of lesbian and gay police officers, .. including same sex relationships and the law, and is one of the most ..

Ms Judith Harrison - Researchers - ANU

Judy Harrison is lawyer, legal educator, legal policy and legal service strengthening .. legal service delivery, legal aid, and, same sex relationships and the law.


extended to same-sex couples. This formal equality approach to law reform disrupts the opposite gender marker of the normative relationship, but largely ..

Different Routes to Relationship Recognition Reform: A ..

by B Goldblatt - 2008 -  Faculty of Law. Keywords: de facto relationships domestic partnerships women's rights gay and lesbian rights same-sex marriage. Issue Date ..

Courting equality | UTS News Room

Married, divorced, widowed, single, de facto, gay and straight; the face of .. to ensure all family relationships are equally valued under the law.

Professor Reg Graycar - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

"Common Law And Same Sex Relationships", paper presented to Miller Du Toit conference, Fanily Law in a Changing Society: From the Margins to the ..

Marriage-like Relationships and Social Security - Accounting and ..

by M VOYCE - law as a person of the 'opposite sex'. This is the effect of the Same-Sex. Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws- General Law Reform) Act ..

Domestic Violence in Gay and Lesbian Relationships *

by C Chan -  - because the legal justice system is homophobic;. • Telling a partner that the abusive behaviour is normal within gay relationships and convincing the abused ..

SOLS20001 Law, Justice and Social Change - 2011

Criminology, Sociology or Socio-Legal Studies at Level 1 .. Victoria), Same Sex Relationships and the Law and Reproductive Technology and ..

Same-sex intimate partner violence : exploring the parameters | QUT ..

by MJ Ball - 2010 -  - Ball, Matthew J. & Hayes, Sharon L. (2010) Same-sex intimate partner violence .. victims or perpetrators of violence in same-sex relationships (see Vickers 1996). .. Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification > LAW AND ..

Assoc Prof Paula Gerber - Researcher Profile - Monash University

human rights law, construction law, children's rights, same-sex marriage .. P., Sifris, A. (eds), 2010, Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships, ..

Sexualities, Genders and Rights: Implications for the Asian Region

by V MuntarbhornFrom the angle of law and rights, what is most worrying is that many countries. (over 80) still have various national laws which criminalize same-sex relationships ..

1 Discrimination Law Amendment Bill 2002 DISCRIMINATION LAW ..

Particularly, these reforms increase the human rights of gay and lesbian people living in de facto relationships so that they will be treated before the law in the ..

The last discrimination: Gay men and lesbians in the classroom

by HW Collier - 2006.. during virtually all of the Classical Greek period, same sex male / male relationships and .. According to the Associated Press, sodomy laws remained on the ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Family Law - LAWS3391

Family Law deals primarily with the legal principles, processes and .. and various forms of unmarried cohabitation (heterosexual and same-sex), and those .. in the legal regulation of family relationships, including issues arising from sex and ..

Human Resources - Code of Ethics

Professional and Personal Relationships .. breaches of the law and matters detrimental to the University or its reputation. ... Lesbian and Gay Law Reform Act ..


- We also consider the impact of the Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial .. under the Family Law Act. Applies to same sex and opposite sex relationships.

E LAW | Abstract - The Changing Concept of Family

Gay and lesbian legal rights (Other articles) .. of the media and the public to his earlier calls for the legal recognition of same-sex relationships.

Links - Health and health care for lesbian, bisexual and same sex ..

A legal guide on same sex parenting, which has been produced by the Inner City Legal Centre .. Information for lesbians on violence and abuse in relationships ..


Section 4AA(5) says that the new law encompasses both heterosexual and same-sex de facto relationships. People are not able to be classified as living in a de ..

Men as Victims of Domestic Violence *

by J Mulroney -  - men are victimised as frequently as women in intimate relationships. .. incidence of violence within same-sex relationships, from 15-20 per cent (Vickers. 1996) to ... relationships: A Western Australian perspective", E Law: Murdoch University ..

Year group: 11 (Preliminary)

- Part II – The individual and the law (30% of class time) .. Relationship between justice, law and society ... (e.g. drink driving, same-sex entitlements etc.) ..

Beyond Marriage - Faculty of Law - University of Tasmania



ANU - STUDYAT - Fem & Crit Legal Theory

Add LAWS2218 - Feminist and Critical Legal Theory to my interest list .. abortion, violence against women, recognition of same sex relationships, and access to ..

Beyond homophobia - La Trobe University

14 and Same Sex Relationships (Equal treatment in. Commonwealth Law–General Law Reform) Act 2008.15. The Equal Opportunity Bill is currently before the ..

Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Act 2008

to same sex and other de facto relationships. .. (a) the previous operation of this or any other Act or law, or .. the previous operation of any Act or other law, or ..


25 (2) Section 75(3) is amended by inserting after "married to" -- " , or in a de facto relationship with, ". page 8 Acts Amendment (Lesbian and Gay Law Reform) ..

Dr Sharon Dane - School of Psychology - Directory - People -

NOT SO PRIVATE LIVES - NATIONAL SURVEY - SAME-SEX ATTRACTED AUSTRALIANS .. unions, perceptions of how others value same-sex relationships, numbers living with .. PSYC2361 - Psychology of Law & Justice; Semester 1, 2009 ..

special collections child protection

This article explores the relationship between understandings of domestic ... Challenging changing legal definitions of family in same-sex domestic violence ..

The proprietary consequences of loving and living together | QUT ..

by DM Cooper - 2004 -  University of Tasmania Law Review, 23(1), pp. .. Australia to elevate the legal rights of heterosexual and same sex de facto couples to the same .. This legislation repealed the De Facto Relationships Act 1999(Tas) which had ..


ACTS AMENDMENT (LESBIAN AND GAY LAW REFORM) ACT 2002 (NO. 3 OF 2002) .. Rule relating to parentage -- same sex de facto relationships 11 27.

Book Launch - Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-sex ..

Book Launch - Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-sex Relationships .. Cost: Free; Website:; Categories: ..

Luke McNamara - Bio - About the University @ UOW

Professor McNamara was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Law at the .. of same-sex relationships, and the operation of hate speech laws.

Commonwealth of Australia - Table of Acts (1901 onwards)

Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Amendment Act 2003 146 2003. Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law ..


by D Sanders - 2005 - opened to same-sex couples in the Netherlands, Belgium, the state of .. West, towards the end of the 20th century, they changed in both civil law and ... The relationship of the Western women's movement to the developing world had ..

Adelaide Archbishop backs equal rights for gay couples

The Bill would give equal rights to same-sex couples in areas such as property, .. but said the law also should be extended to protect the rights of same-sex couples. "We clearly regard marriage as being a unique type of relationship . . . but at ..


Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – Superannuation) Act 2008; Same-. Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth ..


Publications in 2001. Book Chapters. United Nations Human Rights Law and Same-Sex Relationships: Where to From Here?(Show details) ..

Synergy Vol 4 No 2: Winter 2000

"WA laws are the most regressive and discriminatory in Australia, and WA .. Each year, many same sex relationships are legally labelled ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Family Law - JURD7491

Family Law deals primarily with the legal principles, processes and .. and various forms of unmarried cohabitation (heterosexual and same-sex), and those .. in the legal regulation of family relationships, including issues arising from sex and ..

Lesley Petrie - Flinders University

Ms - Flinders University Petrie, L., 2006. Legal Recognition of same sex relationships in South Australian legislation: The Statute Amendment (Relationships) Bill 2004 ..

Rethinking the Special Equity Rule for Wives: Post Garcia, Quo ..

by C Chew - 2007 - This Article is brought to you by the Faculty of Law at ePublications@bond. .. husbands as well as wives; de facto relationships and same-sex arrangements; ..

Treating Different Cases the Same

concerning legal and sociological consequences of one's relationship. .. Same-sex couples live shared lives, including owning property together. Same-sex ..

Volumes - Griffith University


Issues Associated with the Study of Sexual Content on the Internet in .. Recognition of Same Sex Relationships and The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 ..

OPINION: Australia Not Ready for Same-Sex Marriage - 3rd Degree

But, to my surprise, there was no same-sex marriage, only de-facto laws which allow homosexuals to be in long-term relationships.

"Outlaws and their mortgages: an analysis of the Property ..

by EE Cahill - 2005 - It argues too that although the gender neutral definition of de facto that the PRA produced allows same sex relationships to be recognised under NSW law, the ..

For the sake of the children - Monash University

Emerging Challenges in Privacy Law: Australasian and EU Perspectives .. The issue of same-sex marriage has been heavily debated in the lead .. in the Regulation of Same-sex Relationships (2010) Federation Press and ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission Outcomes for Children Born of ..

one biological parent and a non-biological parent of the same sex;. • two lesbian parents, each of whom has had a biological child within their relationship; ..

Meet the Parents:

The current legal framework does not assist in this process and often inflexibly excludes the lived reality of the relationships of lesbian and gay parents and their ..


These amendments recognise the parentage of children born to same-sex de .. of relationships, and certain kinds of relationships registered under those laws, ..

191-211 Law, Justice and Social Change - 2009

Recommended: Completion of Level 1 subject Law in Society. .. Victoria), Same Sex Relationships and the Law and Reproductive Technology ..

Marriage and Civil Unions: Legal and Moral Questions

by A Zanghellini - 2007 -  - marriage-like same-sex relationship recognition in Australia: questions of constitutional law and jurisprudential normative questions. The constitutional law ..

Information you need to know about your claim for ABSTUDY ..

.. territory laws that provide for registration of relationships – opposite or same-sex. .. Personal information is protected by law including the Privacy Act 1988.

How should Hong Kong courts rule on the constitutionality of gay sex

by C Ip - Second, while Confucianism emphasizes on virtuous relationships between family .. privacy in the gay context is not individualistic either, for the relevant law ..


by N Foster - When UK law was changed to allow the registration of same-sex relationships under the Civil Partnership Act 2004, she refused to participate in registering such ..

The Property (Relationships) Amendment Act 2001:

by N Peart -  - Zealand's matrimonial property regime to systems in other common law and civil ... The inclusion of de facto relationships, especially same sex relationships, ..

Women's Rights - NI 373 - Keynote

The laws on personal relationships have improved too: there is legislation against .. laws, and in others, same-sex relationships are now recognized in law.

Kennet causes a blue with latest blunder | Honi Soit |

Given our country's embarrassingly blatant discriminatory marriage laws, there can .. report did not engage in any criticism about same-sex relationships of any kind. You will see also that it includes same-sex couples in the recommendations ..

Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Elminating Sexuality Discrimination

- What does Victorian Law Say about Discrimination on Grounds of Sexuality? .. The legislation covers gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people and .. and access to services for staff and students in same-sex relationships.

Families of Meaning: Dismantling the Boundaries Between Law and ..

by TL Summerfield - 2004 - like family whilst other relationships remain in second place in terms of legal acceptance. The exception is WA, where heterosexual and same-sex de facto ..


The amendments regarding same-sex relationships reflect the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws – General Law Reform) Act ..

HRCC report

- Although we live in one of the world's greatest democracies, vulnerable ... in committed long-term same-sex relationships expressed a desire for the legal and ..


- Three major law reforms introduced by the Rudd government to remove discrimination against same-sex couples and children of same-sex relationships ..

Beyond Marriage: Opposite Sex - Same Sex - No Sex - Staff ..

Are you in a same sex or de facto relationship? Have you decided not to re-marry but have re-partnered? Tasmania's laws about personal ..

6 Public Law Weekend

(eds) Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships: A Study of. National, European and International Law (Hart UK October 2001). Dennis Pearce. 'Statutory ..

Responding to Domestic Violence Resource Package - Module 2.2 ..

Vickers, L. 1996) The second closet: domestic violence in lesbian and gay relationships: A western Australian perspective, E-Law, Murdoch University Electronic ..

E Law: Combating Lesbian and Gay Youth Suicide and HIV/AIDS ..

Young gay, lesbian and bisexual people often live in hostile and condemning environments. This is reflected in our legal system. For example, whilst ..

1373-HS-Health & SexDiv - Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria

8 See Same sex relationships and the law (March 1998) Equal Opportunity Commission of. Victoria. Since that resource was produced a number of states and ..

Amendments to the Principal Regulations in schedule 1 to the ..

.. Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws — General Law Reform) Act 2008 (the "General Law Reform Act 2008") ..

Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse

Get Help – Services; What is relationship violence?; Violence in gay relationships?; Violence in lesbian relationships; Help with the law; What if children are ..


4 255A Relationship of this part with the Family Law Act in relation to .. than by reason of death) of de 2 facto relationships between persons of the same sex.

Australia as International Citizen - From Past Failure to Future ..

- .. stringent laws protecting personal privacy, and has also moved to eliminate many forms of discrimination, particularly against people in same sex relationships ..

Australian government Departent of Foreign Affairs documents ..

by J HowardIssues of legal recognition of same-sex relationships are particularly complex when one comes to look at them in a comparative cross-cultural perspective.


Discrimination laws: the right legal response to domestic violence? .. 14 Domestic violence occurs in same-sex relationships with roughly the ..

E LAW | Subject - Gay and lesbian legal rights

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships: Where to from Here? (Conference Papers from "Sexual Orientation and the Law", September ..

RMIT - Family, Society and the Law

Through a critique of the law the course aims to address the ways that the state .. Topical issues such as fathers' rights, same-sex relationships, indigenous ..

Outlaws and their mortgages: an analysis of the Property ..

by EE Cahill - 2005 - relationships under NSW state law and then same sex de facto couples within the same jurisdiction. The second notable feature of the PRA is that its usage ..

University of Technology, Sydney, Act 1989 - Table of Acts

15+ items – By-Law. •, Rules. •, Policies and Directives. •, Delegations ..



No 130


Miscellaneous Acts (Higher Education) Repeal and ..




No 108


Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 1990 ..



Same-sex relationships are recognised in the enterprise .. political activists who saw homosexual law reform as simply one part (and actually a rather small part) ..


tors (those considering gay-only rights proposals) the fact that such laws .. recognise gay relationships via statute18 is 2519 to 0, not a ratio at all (though it ..

Civil Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Nonetheless, some scholars who argue for the equal legal treatment of same-sex relations contend that privacy-based arguments are ..

Rapporteur - Faculty of Law - Monash University

for an up-to-date scholarly analysis of all the issues surrounding same-sex relationships, including marriage, parenting and potential law reform ..

Damien W. Riggs and Clemence Due : Outskirts online journal : The ..

Gay men, race privilege and surrogacy in India. .. Additionally, the Law Commission of India has submitted a Report regarding .. However, despite these 2009 changes in legislation in Delhi, same-sex relationships remain a ..

Published Works 2001 - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Millbank, J, "Relationships of Lesbians and Gay Men" in M McAllister (ed), The Law Handbook, Redfern Legal Centre: Sydney (2001). Weisstub ..


- Students understand the nature of law and justice, the place of law in society ... single parent families, blended families, same sex relationships, polygamous ..

Marriage equality | Contact Magazine for UQ Alumni and Community ..

UQ research shows same sex couples want to marry .. majority, irrespective of the current legal status of participants' same-sex relationships.

Seeds of doubt | UTS News Room

Professor in the Faculty of Law Isabel Karpin is one of the lead .. effect is arguably discriminatory against women in same-sex relationships," ..

Published Works 2006 - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Millbank, J, Areas of Federal Law that Excludes Same-Sex Couples .. in Same-Sex Relationships: Financial and Work-Related Entitlements ..

Homophobic abuse is different from other types of bullying and the ..

the church, psychiatry, psychology and the law. Though .. Uniting Church in Australia explicitly approving clergy in same sex relationships in 2003 and in 2006 .. Despite institutional changes, the discourses that position same sex attracted ..

Philament Issue 1: Tim Roussos - A Question of Interpretation

If that is the case, Paul was not referring to same-sex acts between women. .. famous instances are the relationship between Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, ..

Teacher positioning around 'homosexuality' in schools

by G CURRANAll of the participants have friends or relatives who identify as gay, lesbian, .. lack of rights within laws relating to child custody and same-sex relationships (wills ..

Domestic violence discrimination in the workplace: Is statutory ..

assistance, such as union or legal representation. While our ... Montana and South Carolina specifically exclude same-‐sex relationships in their domestic ..

Research - Health and health care for lesbian, bisexual and same ..

Ministerial Advisory Committee on Gay and Lesbian Health, Victoria · Australian Longitudinal .. Report of the VGLRL same sex relationships survey 2005. .. public institutions was also discussed, particularly health, school and legal systems.

Australian Families Research Bulletin

status of non-birth mothers in same sex relationships, sperm donors, non-biological fathers and those involved in surrogacy arrangements under the Family Law ..


by W Hirczy -  - Today however, the relationship between child and its marital father are in need of .. Should the law recognize only one legal father, two, or how many? .. person, and that children have more than one psychological parent of the same sex, ..

Why is it so difficult to begin writing this Phd properly

by D Dempsey - 2006 -  Family and Kinship in the Australian lesbian and gay ... and same-sex relationships in law and social policy that has led to a reclaiming of the ..

Information you need to know about your claim for ABSTUDY

Centrelink recognises all couples, opposite-sex and same-sex. A registered relationship is one that is registered under certain prescribed state and territory laws ..

Recognition of Lesbian and Gay Families in Australian Law-Part ..

by J Millbank - 2006 -  - apply for adoption to same-sex couples when it amended its adoption laws as part of a wide package of gay and lesbian relationship reforms.13 Since June ..

UTS: Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage - Public Lecture - law at UTS

Nancy Polikoff argues that, while same-sex marriage is a civil rights victory .. relationships and then rewriting the law to better meet its purpose.

Published Works 2000 - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Millbank, J & Sant, K, 'A bride in her everyday clothes: Same sex relationship recognition in NSW' (2000) 22 The Sydney Law Review 181-219.


Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws--General Law Reform) Act 2008. 144, 2008. 9 Dec 2008. Schedule 7 ..

Newsletter 17b

court support, respite childcare, counselling, legal ... domestic violence in same sex relationships. This .. same sex relationships clearly show that the motiva- ..

Responding to Domestic Violence Resource Package - Module 2.4 ..

However there is an increasing recognition that same-sex relationships must also be .. Therapists, law enforcement officers, doctors, domestic violence workers, ..+


The family law courts have experience in relationship matters, and have ... encompasses both opposite-sex and same-sex de facto relationships, unlike the ..

The gendered elements of homosexual marriage and society's ..

explore the gendered stereotypes within same-sex relationships in regards to .. myths circulate around same-sex married couples .. "the Western legal tradition.

UNE - Employment Equity & Diversity - UNE Ally Network

Denial of access to housing. • Refusal of health treatment. • Inconsistent laws regarding age of consent. • Lack of official recognition of same sex relationships ..

safety in our schools

by D Ollis - they had experienced sexual attraction to the same sex (Hillier, Warr, & Haste ... The law is the same for relationships between people of the same sex and ..

Human Rights 2010 - Monash University - Faculty of Law - Monash ..

She is recognised as an expert in the area of Family Law with a particular interest in same-sex relationships and same-sex parenting.

Testing Heading 1 - QUT | Faculty of Law

-  Prof Kerry Carrington, Dr Jodi Death, The negotiation of sexual consent between women in same sex relationships. Prof Lindy Willmott, Dr ..

E LAW | Little Sisters: What the Supreme Court of Canada Really ..

by CN KendallAssociate Professor, Murdoch University School of Law .. Canada (Minister of Justice)] that gay male and lesbian pornography can violate the ... gay men, because they have the potential to develop relationships that do not depend on a ..

Untitled - Health and health care for lesbian, bisexual and same sex ..

Law Further Amendment (Relationships) Act 2001 (known for simplicity as 'the. Relationships Acts') provide a legal acknowledgment of gay and lesbian ..

Is it because I'm gay? :the effect of sexual orientation on perceived ..

by S Kim - 2008 - information to LGB individuals for same-sex relationships, intimacy, and parenting ... first gay political organisation, the Homosexual Law Reform Society of the ..

MULR Contents - Melbourne University Law Review

Battered woman syndrome — same sex relationships (A) 23:709. Choice of law in criminal cases (A) 21:411. Determining 'unacceptable risk' of child sexual ..

Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse

I see the Fair's Fair report as a clarion call for a fair response to the issues of domestic violence in same-sex relationships; which are: * fair legal recognition of ..

Information, services and support - Flinders University

Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of South Australia - Free and .. campaigned to end legal discrimination of same sex relationships in ..

UTS: Law research publications - law at UTS

The Faculty of Law's research is disseminated through contributions to ... Millbank, J.2009, 'De facto Relationships, Same-Sex and Surrogate ..


Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws--General Law Reform) Act 2008. 144, 2008. 9 Dec 2008. Schedule 10 ..

Publications: School of Law - Murdoch Research Repository

by M AffiliationeLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law, 7 (4). Kendall, C. and Walker, S. (1998) Combating lesbian and gay youth suicide and HIV/AIDS ..

NZ gay law 'to make moral wasteland'

The new legal status would be open to both same-sex and heterosexual couples. .. grant legitimacy to "all manner of relationships that are anything but marital".

Sexuality and gender diversity research

All Love is Equal .. Isn't It?: The recognition of same-sex relationships under federal law. Feb 2007. Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby consultation ..

Ms Sabina Wynn Executive Director Australian Law Reform ..

Violence and Commonwealth Laws – Part E (Employment) .. between people in same sex relationships, and people of diverse sex, sexuality ..

Submission to Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination ..

Professor Elena Marchetti, Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong. 48. .. to dating relationships, whether sexual in nature or not. 1 Belinda Smith .. they were discriminated against on the basis of one or more of the protected ..

Official Hansard

as the property rights of same sex couples if separation .. to legislate in this area: many laws are in the hands of ... of same sex relationships within the broader ..

Family Law - Legal Resources

Available to Deakin staff and students - includes Australian Family Law and .. De Facto Relationships Law (CCH), Australian Journal of Family Law (Lexis) .. NSW legislation dealing with Property which covers de facto and same sex couples.

191-211 Law, Justice and Social Change

Usually 25 points of first-year arts including 191-110 Law in Society or permission .. of Justice Victoria), Same Sex Relationships and the Law and Reproductive ..

A matter of convenience: Structural changes in public toilets and ..

by W Ings - discusses a network of relationships that have developed between changes in legislation .. interface between law and gay society in this country. However, the ..

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Tuesday, 14 January 2025
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