Science & Biotechnology Law & Lawyers

A general description of biotechnology is using living things to create products or to do tasks for human beings.

If you have a legal matter regarding Science, Biotechnology & Gene Technology Law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Biotechnology is the practice of using plants, animals and micro-organisms such as bacteria, as well as biological processes - such as the ripening of fruit or the bacteria that break down compost - to some benefit.

For example, biotechnology is used in industry, medicine and agriculture to produce foods, medicines, test for diseases and remove waste.

It can also be used to solve problems and conduct research. Over time, biotechnology has formed the basis of learning about people and diseases. Biotechnology has also underpinned the development of treatments.

Biotechnology is the use of plants, animals and micro-organisms to create new products or processes. It includes using bacteria or enzymes to make industrial processes work more efficiently and create less pollution, or to clean up the environment.

Gene Technology

One kind of biotechnology is gene technology, sometimes called 'genetic engineering' or 'genetic modification', where the genetic material of living things is deliberately altered to enhance or remove a particular trait and allow the organism to perform new functions. Genes within a species can be modified, or genes can be moved from one species to another. In Australia, for example, gene technology has been used to make cotton plants resistant to pests without the use of chemicals, and to make a blue carnation for the floral industry.

While genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, often have demonstrated environmental benefits, such as significant reductions in pesticide use, they may also present potential risks to the environment.

Gene Technology Regulator

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator has been established within the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing to provide administrative support to the Gene Technology Regulator in the performance of his functions under the Gene Technology Act 2000.

The Gene Technology Act 2000, which came into force on 21 June 2001, introduces a national scheme for the regulation of genetically modified organisms in Australia, in order to protect the health and safety of Australians and the Australian environment by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology, and by managing those risks through regulating certain dealings with genetically modified organisms.

If you have a legal matter regarding Science, Biotechnology & Gene Technology Law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

National Regulatory Scheme for Genetically Modified Organisms

The nationally consistent legislative scheme for gene technology is comprised of the Commonwealth Gene Technology Act 2000 and Gene Technology Regulations 2001, and corresponding State and Territory legislation.

The legislation was developed in consultation with all Australian jurisdictions and the scheme is supported by the inter-governmental Gene Technology Agreement 2001 between the Australian Government and each State and Territory.

The Commonwealth Gene Technology legislation took effect on 21 June 2001 and consists of the following:

  • The Gene Technology Act 2000 (compilation incorporating amendments up to Act No. 58 of 2011)
  • The Gene Technology Regulations 2001 (compilation incorporating amendments up to SLI 2011 No. 73)
  • The Gene Technology (Consequential Amendments) Act 2000
  • The Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000
  • The Commonwealth legislation incorporates the following amendments:
  • Gene Technology Amendment Act 2007 (commencement 1 July 2007)
  • Gene Technology Amendment Regulations 2011 (commencement 1 September 2011)
  • Gene Technology Amendment Regulations 2009 (commencement 2 May 2009)
  • Gene Technology Amendment Regulations 2007 (commencement 1 July 2007)
  • Gene Technology Amendment Regulations 2006 (commencement 31 March 2007)

If you have a legal matter regarding Science, Biotechnology & Gene Technology Law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

  • Corresponding State Laws include:
  • Gene Technology Act 2001 - Victoria
  • Gene Technology Regulations 2001 - Victoria
  • Gene Technology Act 2001 - South Australia
  • Gene Technology Regulations 2002 - South Australia
  • Gene Technology Act 2001 - Queensland
  • Gene Technology Regulation 2002 - Queensland
  • Gene Technology Act 2003 - Australian Capital Territory
  • Gene Technology Regulation 2004 - Australian Capital Territory
  • Gene Technology (New South Wales) Act 2003 - New South Wales
  • Gene Technology Act 2004 - Northern Territory

If you have a legal matter regarding Science, Biotechnology & Gene Technology Law, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


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Science & Biotechnology Law & Lawyers News

News, updates and further information - Science, Biotechnology & Gene Technology Law & Lawyers

Throughout 1999 and 2000 the State, Territory and Australian governments worked together with interested parties to develop the Gene Technology Act 2000.

The Act was passed by the Australian Government in December 2000 and took effect on 21 June 2001. It is the Australian Government's component of a national scheme for the regulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It includes legislation in every Australian State and Territory.

The objective of the Act is to protect the health and safety of people and to protect the environment by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology and by managing those risks. It does this by creating laws for certain dealings (or activities) with GMOs.

While most GM products are regulated by agencies such as the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), GM products which were not already covered by an exisiting national regulation scheme are now regulated by the Gene Technology Regulator under the legislation.

Details about the regulatory framework for gene technology in Australia, including information on the Act, Regulations and the Gene Technology Ministerial Council, which oversees the operation of the national regulatory scheme for gene technology, can be found at the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR).

A scientific, ethical and precautionary approach. The Act establishes three key advisory groups to provide advice, on request, to the Gene Technology Regulator and the Gene Technology Ministerial Council:

•the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee (GTTAC) provides advice on scientific and technical matters
•the Gene Technology Ethics Committee (GTEC) provides advice on ethical matters
•the Gene Technology Community Consultative Committee (GTCCC) provides advice on community issues regarding gene technology.
More information on the roles and memberships of these committees can be found at:
Section 4 requires that the object of the Act is to be achieved through a regulatory framework which:

(aa) provides that where there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, a lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation

(a) provides an efficient and effective system for the application of gene technologies

(b) operates in conjunction with other Commonwealth and State regulatory schemes.

Section 4(aa) outlines a ‘precautionary approach’. This means that where there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, a lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. However, the legislation also requires that the object of the Act is achieved by balancing a precautionary approach with the other two, equally important, provisions of efficiency/effectiveness and co-regulation.

A precautionary principle is, therefore, one of three 'pillars' in a regulatory framework for gene technology that seeks to protect human health and safety and the environment.

International arrangements

Working in international forums is one way Australia can encourage other countries to take up comprehensive arrangements to ensure the protection of people and the environment in the development of gene technology.

We need to ensure Australians and other nations act responsibly when exporting or transporting genetic material internationally. Likewise, we need to ensure that people importing or transporting genetic material across Australian boundaries act appropriately.

Convention on Biological Diversity

Australia is signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and a member of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (see http://www.dfat/ In response to the CBD, an international biosafety protocol was negotiated and came into force on 11 September 2003. The protocol governs the ‘transboundary movement’ (i.e. movement across international borders) of living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology, which may have an adverse effect on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

You can find evidence about the safety of genetically modified products by examining the different regulatory arrangements around the world and the outcomes of other countries' research. While many countries are developing or have just established arrangements for regulating GMOs, some countries rely on self-regulation by industry and scientists. The Australian arrangements under the Gene Technology Act 2000 set an international benchmark for managing the risks associated with GMOs.

Further resources - Science & Biotechnology Law

Bioethics Portal
This site has been established to increase the awareness of bioethics and improve the Australian public's access to information about bioethics. It acts as an information portal to bioethics and biotechnology-related information in all State and Territory Governments and the Australian Government.

Biotechnology Online
The Biotechnology Online Secondary School Resource provides balanced and factual information about biotechnology. It has been designed to fit with Australian State and Territory Science curriculums, with cross-over into Studies of Society and the Environment to allow for broader discussion of issues.

CSIRO Gene Technology
Gene technology is a powerful tool that sits within the broader area of biotechnology - the use of living things to make or change products.

Ethics of biotechnology

Ethics are the rules or standards that govern the way people behave and their decisions on the 'right' thing to do. It asks basic questions about what is right and wrong, how we should act towards others and what we should do in specific situations.

It is important to note that ethics relating to biotechnology and its applications are not fundamentally different from other situations. Ethics are practiced by everyone, every day.

One common feature of ethics is that different people with different values often disagree on the ‘right thing’ for individuals and society. One reason for this disagreement is that one thing may benefit some people but not others.

An example is embryonic stem cell research. Some people see this as having great potential to develop cures for diseases. But, others object because it involves the destruction of human embryos that have the potential to become a human being.

There is no clear right or wrong position in ethics. A person’s individual experience and view of the world often guides the way they make ethical choices.

For instance, someone who has a strong environmental outlook might see the use of genetically modified (GM) crops as unnatural. But, someone who has a strong scientific-based view of the world might see the use of GM crops as a natural extension of traditional crop breeding technologies.

Commercial outcomes and ethics

Many new technologies raise ethical concerns that might not be part of the world view held by those who develop the technologies in the first place.

When it comes to developing products for commercial use, the goal is usually to increase sales and increase profits for shareholders. The decision for developing products can be seen as good for industry development, but perhaps not as good for individuals who do not have products developed to suit their needs when there is not enough company profit to be made.

Also, in some areas of biotechnology development, the money needed to fund research projects is out of the range of individuals or small groups; it can only be undertaken by multinational or overseas companies. Some perceive this as acceptable, because it helps local researchers form links with wealthy larger companies. But others do not think it is not acceptable, because local research and development leave the community and are then controlled by international corporations.

Many people believe that biotechnology products and applications should respond to and fulfil community needs. For example, some products may be of obvious social benefit (such as a drug that treats cancer), while others may be created by a business for attractive advertising and skilful marketing (for example, unusual-coloured flowers for the floral industry, or fluorescent fish for the pet industry).

In a world with decreasing resources, where many people go hungry, is spending research dollars on developing a fluorescent fish acceptable or not? Your answer will differ depending on your world view. The ‘right thing’ for one person may not be right for others. It can be very difficult to balance these conflicting views.

There are particular ethical positions that are commonly shared. One of these is the view that all biotechnology products must be safe for humans and the environment. This is why Australia has developed a sound regulatory system. But, other ethical positions are diverse, such as an individual’s rights to do what they want with their body.

Gene Technology Act 2000 (CTH)
An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology.

Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2002 (CTH)
An Act to prohibit human cloning and other unacceptable practices associated with reproductive technology.

Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 (CTH)
An Act to regulate certain activities involving the use of human embryos.


Gene Technology Regulations 2001 (Cth)
Regulations relating to genetically modified organisms

Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994
An Act to provide for the granting of proprietary rights to breeders of certain new varieties of plants and fungi, to repeal the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987, and for related purposes.

Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations 1994
Regulations to provide for the granting of proprietary rights to breeders of certain new varieties of plants and fungi, to repeal the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987, and for related purposes.

Research Involving Human Embryos Regulations 2003 (Cth)
Regulations made under the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 (Cth).


Australian Capital Territory
Gene Technology Act 2003 (ACT)
An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology, and for related purposes.

Gene Technology Regulations 2004 (ACT)
Regulations relating to genetically modified organisms, made under the Gene Technology Act 2003.

Human Cloning and Embryo Research Act 2004 (ACT)
An Act to prohibit human cloning and other unacceptable practices associated with reproductive technology and to regulate certain activities involving the use of human embryos.


New South Wales
Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Act 2003 (NSW)
An Act to enable a moratorium to be imposed on the cultivation of certain genetically modified plants.

Gene Technology (New South Wales) Act 2003 (NSW)
An Act to apply the Gene Technology Act 2000 and the Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000 of the Commonwealth as a law of this State.

Human Cloning and Other Prohibited Practices Act 2003 (NSW)
An Act to adopt in this State a uniform Australian approach to the prohibition of human cloning and certain other practices associated with reproductive technology.

Research Involving Human Embryos (New South Wales) Act 2003 (NSW)
An Act to apply the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 of the Commonwealth as a law of this State.


Gene Technology Act 2001 (Qld)
An Act to provide for regulating activities involving gene technology.

Gene Technology Regulation 2002 (Qld)
Regulation made under the Gene Technology Act 2001.

Research Involving Human Embryos and Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2003 (Qld)
An Act to regulate certain activities involving the use of human embryos, to prohibit human cloning and other unacceptable practices associated with reproductive technology, and for related purposes.

Research Involving Human Embryos and Prohibition of Human Cloning Regulation 2003 (Qld)
A regulation made under the Research Involving Human Embryos and Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2003.


South Australia
Gene Technology Act 2001 (SA)
An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology; to make a related amendment to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (South Australia) Act 1994.

Gene Technology Regulations 2002 (SA)
Regulations made under the Gene Technology Act 2001

Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designation of Areas) Regulations 2004 (SA)
Regulations made under the Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004 (SA).

Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004 (SA)
An Act to provide for the designation of areas of the State for the purposes of preserving for marketing purposes the identity of certain food crops according to whether they are genetically modified crops or non-genetically modified crops; to provide for the segregation of ...

Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2003 (SA)
An Act to prohibit human cloning and other unacceptable practices associated with reproductive technology and for other purposes.

Prohibition of Human Cloning Regulations 2003 (SA)
Regulations made under the Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2003, specifically in relation to applications for warrants, and compensation for damage.

Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2003 (SA)
An Act to regulate certain activities involving the use of human embryos and other related activities; to amend the Reproductive Technology Act 1988; and for other purposes.

Research Involving Human Embryos Regulations 2003 (SA)
Regulations made under the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2003, and specifically in relation to: prohibited and regulated practices, applications for warrants, compensation for damage, collection and provision of information, and provision of research protocols.


Gene Technology Act 2001 (TAS)
The purpose of this Act is to regulate activities involving gene technology. The object of this Act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology, and by managing those risks ...

Gene Technology Regulations 2003 (TAS)
Regulations made under the Gene Technology Act 2001.

Human Cloning and Other Prohibited Practices Act 2003 (TAS)
The object of this Act is to adopt in Tasmania a uniform Australian approach to the prohibition of human cloning and certain other practices associated with reproductive technology.


Control of Genetically Modified Crops Act 2004 (VIC)
The purposes of this Act are (a) to provide for the making of orders that designate areas of the State for the purpose of preserving the identity of GM crops or non-GM crops for marketing purposes; and (ii) prohibit or restrict the cultivation of GM crops, or other dealings ...

Gene Technology Act 2001 (Vic)
An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology.

Gene Technology Regulations 2001 (Vic)
Regulations to prescribe those matters that are required, permitted, necessary or convenient to be prescribed for the implementation of the Gene Technology Act 2001


Western Australia
Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003 (WA)
An Act to prohibit the cultivation of certain genetically modified crops in designated areas of the State and to provide for their destruction in certain cases.


Centre for Law & Genetics
The aim of the Centre is to provide excellence in research into the legal and ethical issues associated with developments in genetic technology. The Centre is based at the Schools of Law at the Universities of Melbourne and Tasmania.


Organisations - Government
Plant Breeder's Rights Office
The official Australian site for Plant Breeder's Rights (PBR).Varieties protected by PBR may only be produced for sale, sold, imported, exported or conditioned with the authority of the owner. Site has a PBR Database search and access to the Plant Varieties Journal.


Biotechnology Australia
Biotechnology Australia is a collaboration of five Commonwealth Government departments. It was created to assist in co-ordinating the Government's approach to biotechnology. This organisation seeks to provide balanced and factual information on biotechnology to the ...

Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator has been established within the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing to provide administrative support to the Gene Technology Regulator in the performance of her functions under the Gene Technology Act 2000.


Essentially Yours: The Protection of Human Genetic Information in Australia (ALRC 96)
This ALRC Report represents the culmination of a major, two-year inquiry by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) and the Australian Health Ethics Committee (AHEC) of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). It covers an extensive range of activities ...

Handbook on the Regulation of Gene Technology in Australia
The Handbook on the Regulation of Gene Technology in Australia has been developed as a resource for organisations that conduct work with GMOs. It will assist organisations to understand and comply with the requirements of the new regulatory system for GMOs. It includes ...

Human Cloning: Scientific, Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Human Cloning and Stem Cell Research.
The Australian House of Representatives Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee was asked in 1999 to review the report of the Australian Health Ethics Committee on Human Cloning. This report examines the complex issues surrounding human cloning and stem cell research. The ...

Intellectual Property Rights over Genetic Materials and Genetic and Related Technologies
The Terms of Reference for this Issue Paper, require the ALRC to examine the impact of patent laws and practices, as they relate to genes and genetic and related technologies. The examination of this impact will be done in three contexts: the conduct of research and its ...

Liability Issues Associated with GM Crops in Australia
This paper is a scoping paper on the potential legal risks associated with the commercial release of genetically modified (GM) crops in Australia and possible risk minimisation strategies. The paper focuses on liability for economic loss arising from the unintended presence ...


Biotech Bulletin
A regular bulletin on current biotechnology law issues. There is a link to the pdf version of the latest issue of the Bulletin on this webpage.

Biotech News
AAR Biotech News is a fortnightly news service to keep you on top of developments in this fast-moving industry.There is a link to the html version of the latest issues on this webpage.


European Union
European Directive on the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions: Scope, Status and Controversies in a Nutshell
This article examines the extent to which the objections levelled at the European Union Council's 1998 Directive on the 'legal protection of biotechnological inventions' can be justified. The author first describes what the main provisions and goals of the Directive are, and ...


Access to Biological Resources: Domestic and International Developments and Issues
The author of this article follows the controversy which began on 14 February 1998 when two Australian agricultural agencies were alleged to have committed biopiracy. The agencies had apparently applied for Plant Breeder's Rights under the Australian Plant Breeder's Rights ...

Intellectual property & Biotechnology: A Training Handbook
This handbook is designed to provide a practical introduction to the nature and management of intellectual property rights in relation to biotechnology. It is intended to contribute material for use in training courses, to assist in raising awareness of some of the complex ...


Treaties and Conventions
Convention on Biological Diversity
The objectives of this Convention are, the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources ...

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Science & Biotechnology Law & Lawyers Links

Ethics of stem cell research - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

Government support for biotechnology - Australian Law Reform ..

4.8 The Australian Government's strong support for biotechnology suggests that the .. legal and social implications of the science, as well as the development of ..

Regulation of gene technology research in .. - Biotechnology Online


any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education .. The Act was passed by the Australian Government in December 2000 and took ..

Public Awareness and Engagement

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to .. Legal Help Guide .. Focusing on Nanotechnologies and Biotechnologies, the Public Awareness and Engagement Program has developed several ..

Biotechnology (Victoria Online)

Resources on biotechnology, including genetic engineering and gene .. under the Gene Technology Act 2000, for a national scheme to regulate genetically .. Public Awareness and Engagement (Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, ..

Safety of GM foods - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

Resources for schools

The Biotechnology Online Secondary School Resource provides balanced and factual .. It has been designed to fit with Australian State and Territory Science .. of our democratic heritage, political and legal structures and the shared values ..

Genetically modified foods | Better Health Channel

GM foods are genetically modified using biotechnology. Some GM foods .. are still being debated. Laws to regulate labelling of GM foods vary.

Patentable subject matter - Australian Law Reform Commission

These include mere discoveries, ideas, scientific theories and laws of nature. .. both directly through the activities of the Australian biotechnology industry and ..


It acts as an information portal to bioethics and biotechnology-related information in all State and Territory .. ..

Brochure - Gene Technology in Victoria (Laws and Regulations ..

The brochure about gene technology in Victoria. Gene technology is a special application of biotechnology, where scientists insert genetic ..

Graduate Public Policy Officer - Biotechnology Online


Online will be closing in 2012. All information on this site .. Combined Science (Biological Sciences)/Law, University of Western Sydney 2003 ..

DNA profiles for forensic use - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

Stem cell research in Australia - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

New South Wales - Bioethics Australia homepage

It will also engage with the community on biotechnology issues, promote informed .. NSW is currently developing a NSW Life Sciences Regulatory Atlas. .. Research Involving Human Embryos (New South Wales) Act 2003 - An Act to apply the ..

Science and technology grants


and technology - government community grants .. The Science Grants and Awards system manages user access to programs administered by the ..

Submission: Inquiry into Gene Patents

by DRM RIMMERTags", Journal of Law, Information, and Science, 2007, Vol. 16, p. 10-50, SSRN .. Sharing", Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 2006, Vol. 3, p. 177-192, ..

Gene technology

You Are Here; Home -; Topics -; Science and technology -; Biotechnology -; Gene .. The OGTR was established by the Gene Technology Act 2000 to be ..

Gene patenting | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

The ALRC recommended that the Patents Act should not be amended .. in health sciences or biotechnology are made familiar with intellectual ..

STER: Biotechnology, Health, Medicine and .. - Parliament of Australia


, Technology, Environment & Resources - Internet Resources. Biotechnology and Health (Includes Stem Cells). Biotechnology and Health| Stem Cells ..

Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research ..

also give the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research specific ... biotechnology, legal metrology and food safety, such as for food allergens.


"Ms Baker's experience and expertise in life sciences and commercial law will make a strong addition to the Council. Her participation will ..

Science and technology

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences .. This pages provides a diverse range of Australian science and technology ..

'Healthy bacon' patents raise questions › Analysis (ABC Science)

Mixed messages on gene patenting, Science Online, 23 Apr 2010 .. of this patent," says biotechnology law and intellectual property expert, ..

The Emergency Ward

The Conservation Biotechnology group undertakes research into advanced .. of plants for biodiversity conservation purposes (as specified in the BGPA Act, 1988). .. taxa on the designated lands as part of BGPA Science restoration programs.

Summary of Successful Projects for

Rich Text Format - Project Title Project Id Network Convenor Allocation in 2003. Network on Integrated SR0354764 Prof B Boer $10000. Regulation of Biotechnology: Law, Science ..

Nominations for 2012 ARC College members - Nomination Form

Animal or Veterinary Science (including physiology and/or genetics) .. Law, Legal Studies and Criminology .. Contacts: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Lack of skills and experience - Australian Law Reform Commission


property and commercialisation issues in health sciences and biotechnology degree .. Department of Education Science and Training, Analysis of the Legal ..

Small Business - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. Legal Help Guide ..

Adaptive Management Approach - Connected Water Website

Act before scientific consensus is achieved. Calls for additional research may .. Journal of International Biotechnology Law 1, 11-19. Bormann BT, Cunningham ..

Submission: Inquiry into Gene Patents

by R HGSA - 2001 - application of laws that could not have foreseen the developments in science that underpin biotechnology or the significance of biotechnology for human health ..

Legal Help Guide - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. Legal Topics Guide ..

Genetic Resources Management in Commonwealth Areas ..

(CBD) and is developing legal frameworks to facilitate access to and use of .. Indigenous people, biotech companies, research scientists and managers of ..

Patents and Experimental Use

patent law be amended to make it clear that the experimental use of ... between earlier sciences/technologies and biotechnology - and even some sub- ..

Contents and Introduction

shows that how to reconcile biotechnology issues with the legal concepts of .. solutions is for a greater convergence of skills between the scientific and the legal ..

Biotechnology & Life Sciences - Opportunities - Invest Victoria ..


and Life Sciences. Melbourne has given the world four Nobel prize winners in medicine or physiology. The city continues that tradition to this day, ..

Food industry

CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences .. .. The OGTR was established by the Gene Technology Act 2000 to be ..

Innovation Policy - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

Rich Text Format - The Journal of Biotechnology. .. Emerging Technologies; Science; Biotechnology .. 2007, Internet and E-Commerce Law - Technology Law and Policy, LBC ..

Barriers to commercialisation - Australian Law Reform Commission

Patents and the Biotechnology Industry - Barriers to commercialisation .. in this Report, a primary purpose of patent laws is to provide an incentive for innovation. ... This concern was raised in the Australian Science and Innovation Mapping ..

Biotechnology patents | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

Patents are especially important for biotechnology firms as many of them have no .. One research study, conducted for the United States National Science ..

Science funding & grants (Victoria Online)

6 links for "Science funding & grants" are available. Links 1-6 of 6. State government. Programs Grants and Assistance -- Biotechnology (Department of Business ..

Conservation Biotechnology

Conservation Biotechnology. E-mail Print. The Propagation Science team conduct research critical to the sucess of off-site conservation and translocation of ..

Queensland Biotechnology Code of Ethics

updated to take account of scientific, legislative and policy developments. It is now .. comply with these laws may result in a biotechnology organisation being ..

Biosecurity and Australia's primary industries - Australian Natural ..

Biosecurity and Australia's primary industries—the role of biotechnology .. and Sciences LINEBREAKGPO Box 1563 LINEBREAKCanberra, ACT 2601 ..

Science industry associations | Business and industry | Queensland ..

You can get connected with other businesses in the science industry .. AusBiotech is Australia's biotechnology organisation, representing over ..

Scientific research

Discover one of the world's largest and most diverse scientific, industrial research .. Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ..

Patents and Experimental Use ISSUES PAPER

on the whole, the patent system as applied to biotechnology inventions is doing .. patent laws in the guise of 'scientific inquiry,' when that inquiry has definite, ..


Rich Text Format - Some products of biotechnology are already appearing in Australian .. its effect on the human race, scientists are now able to define the biology of living organisms .. an appreciation of the patent laws affecting the technology (and how to tap ..

Earth sciences


; Earth sciences; Engineering · Geographic information .. CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering Division provides science and ..

Introduction | ALRC

Australian Law Reform Commission .. The biotechnology sector, including pharmaceutical companies, is heavily dependent on patents because of .. The application of all natural sciences and engineering in the direct or indirect use of living ..



· Earth sciences · Engineering · Geographic information systems · Life sciences; Mapping; Measurement and standards · Meteorology ..

STER: Agriculture, Food, Forests and Fisheries


, Technology, Environment & Resources - Internet Resources .. Biotechnology is a broader term covering applications of biological sciences. .. Centre for Law and Genetics · Western Australia State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre ..


.. property law, and apply that knowledge to the scientific community and industry and rural bodies. .. patent law and biotechnology. ACIPA would like to make a ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..


and regulations. Laws and regulations. Reducing red tape · Licences and .. Science and innovation. Science and innovation. Infrastructure and precincts ..

Allocation of units of study to funding clusters and student ..

Rich Text Format - Law, accounting, administration, economics, commerce. Law, 0909, $94251 .. Justice and Law Enforcement, 0911 .. Food Science and Biotechnology, 019905 ..

FoR Index

180+ items – Cluster, FoR, Title. PCE, 02, Physical Sciences. PCE.









Astronomical and Space Sciences




Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics


Australian biotechnology sector - Australian Law Reform Commission

Overview of the Biotechnology Sector - Australian biotechnology sector .. This approach may be preferred in part because most Australian scientific research ..

Allocation of units of study to funding clusters and student ..

Rich Text Format - Law, accounting, administration, economics, commerce. Law, 0909, $90801 .. Justice and Law Enforcement, 0911 .. Food Science and Biotechnology, 019905 ..

Mixed messages on gene patenting › Analysis (ABC Science)

The Australian scientific community is divided on gene patenting .. Patent laws lag behind the gene age, Science Online, 05 Mar 2004 .. At the end of last month the New York district court ruled that biotechnology company, ..

To the extent permissible by law, the Department ... Sciences. 195. Industrial Biotechnology. A.J. Parker Cooperative Research Centre for Hydrometallurgy. 5 ..

Innovation in Medical Biotechnology

inadequate understanding among scientists of commercial matters and among business .. and legal advice relevant to the medical biotechnology sector.

A brief history of gene patents - Australian Law Reform Commission

In the past 20 years, inventions in the field of biotechnology have become a new .. the global nature of scientific inquiry, the highly specialised nature of genetic ..

Measurement and standards


· Earth sciences · Engineering · Geographic information .. are complemented by trade measurement authorities and legal metrology authorities.

Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

Information for Kings Park and Bold Park, Australian plants, conservation science, venues, services and activities.

Physical sciences

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) conducts research ..

Submission to Review of Copyright – Fair Use and Other Exceptions

Biotechnology is becoming a bigger part of Australia's economy, and intellectual property laws are an important factor in science. Although patent law tends to ..

Biotechnology Online - Regional Entry Point

The Biotechnology Online Secondary School Resource provides balanced and factual .. It has been designed to fit with Australian state and territory science curriculums, with .. Postal: PO Box 225 Dickson ACT 2602 ..

STER: Biotechnology, Health, Medicine and .. - Parliament of Australia


, Technology, Environment & Resources - Internet Resources. Alternative Medicine .. Food. See also Law and Bills Digest Group Food Law page ..

Appendix A - Regulatory Arrangements for GMOs and GM products ..

Dealing with GMOs are illegal in Australia unless authorised under the Act. ... The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under the Ministry of Science and ..

Space sciences


· Earth sciences · Engineering · Geographic information .. by the international science community as one of two potential locations for the SKA.

Application of patent law to stem cell technologies | ALRC

The Senate Standing Committee on Science, Industry and Technology .. the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions (EU Biotechnology Directive) and ..

Genes and Ingenuity - Australian Law Reform Commission

Law Reform Commission Act 1973 (Cth) and reconstituted by the Australian ... sciences or biotechnology are made familiar with intellectual property issues ..

Careers in science

Science is the acquisition of knowledge of the natural world and its phenomenon .. - The Biotechnology Online Secondary School .. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Department disclaim all liability ..

1272.0 - Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED ..

019905 Food Science and Biotechnology .. 019999 Natural and Physical Sciences, n.e.c. .. 091199 Justice and Law Enforcement, n.e.c. ..

Potential impediments to transfer for commercialisation | ALRC

17.41 In 2002, the Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation .. are then more able to produce sound business plans, appreciate patenting laws, .. property and dealing with the biotechnology industry may be an impediment to the ..

Exclusion of genetic materials and technologies - Australian Law ..

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation .. effects on the biotechnology industry and the development of new genetic products and ..

Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Annual ..

BBI Biotech Business Indicators ... Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972, 11 Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), 11–12 Australian National ..

QALFP - 2901.0 - Census Dictionary, 2011

010000 - Natural and Physical Sciences, nfd .. 019905 - Food Science and Biotechnology; 019907 - Pharmacology; 019909 - Laboratory Technology .. 090900 - Law, nfd; 090901 - Business and Commercial Law; 090903 ..

13th Greek/Australian International Legal and Medical Conference

Rich Text Format - Questions about the differences between legal and scientific ... One such field, not necessarily the most difficult, is that of biotechnology.

Public Support for Science and Innovation Productivity Commission

Much of modern science, including biotechnology and other high tech industries, currently .. only being clarified after legal challenges requiring years and large ..

Science and Ethics Confer


processes that raise ethical issues; Ethical issues; Ethical .. of useful links for the teacher to recent developments in science and biotechnology. .. such as Business, Real estate, Law and legal and Sports and athletics.



Industry Research and Development Act 1986 - Biotechnology ..

Industry Research and Development Act 1986 - Biotechnology Innovation Fund .. Administered by: Innovation, Industry, Science and Research ..

Skilled sponsored migration - NSW Trade & Investment: Business in ..

Innovation in NSW · Science and research · Innovation and Productivity Council · NSW .. Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology .. Australia on Australian migration law and may forward information to you as a general guide or ..

Biotechnology and its implications for natural resource management ..

by B Gilna - 2007 - publication, readers should seek expert professional, scientific and technical advice. To the extent permitted by law, the Commonwealth of Australia, Land ..

Enhanced Project By-law Scheme (EPBS)

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. Enhanced Project By-law Scheme (EPBS) ..

Biodiscovery in Queensland | Business and industry | Queensland ..

Find out about biodiscovery in Queensland, including the laws around accessing .. Your biodiscovery activities must also comply with the Queensland Biotechnology Code of Ethics (PDF, 622KB) - an .. Science and research ..

Science & research (Victoria Online)

Resources relating to the regulation and operations of particular scientific branches, and general works on the science and research can be discovered on ..

Scientific research | Business and industry | Queensland Government

Scientific research in Queensland covers a broad range of areas, from fundamental science in biotechnology and nanotechnology to applied ..

Peer Review Processes - Australian Research Council (ARC)

Discovery Newsletters · Freedom of Information Act · Glossary .. five panels: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology (BSB), Engineering, ..



and Regulations · Infringements .. The Science Directorate at the Botanic Garden and Parks Authority (BGPA) undertakes integrated .. the key areas of restoration ecology, seed science, conservation genetics, conservation biotechnology, ..

Dr Eric Bunn


and Regulations · Infringements .. Seed Science Team .. Dr Bunn is the Team Leader for the Conservation Biotechnology group at Kings Park and is ..

International Policing Toward 2020 - The Outcomes

of disciplines, the conference addressed key law enforcement .. Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, .. Biotechnology and Policing in 2020.' ..

Bills Digest 107, 2010-11 - Patent Amendment (Human Genes and ..

For more on the scientific background and terminology around genes and biotechnology, see. Appendix 1 to this Digest. Patent law in Australia ..

Dr Shane Turner

The Role of a Botanic Garden in Conservation Science. Gardens 2001 Congress. Canberra, ACT. Senaratna, T., Panaia, M., Anthony, J., Bunn, E., Turner, S. R. ..

Liability Issues Relating to the Unintended Presence of GM Crops in ..

- This paper is a scoping paper on the potential legal risks associated with the .. After consideration by the Education and Science Select Committee, the Bill is, .. of the UK's Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission (AEBC) is ..



· Earth sciences; Engineering; Geographic information systems · Life .. CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE) focuses on delivering ..

Contents and Introduction

(Bioproducts for Science, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.) was used as second step .. Annex 3: Biotechnology and IP Law in selected APEC countries. Annex 4: EU ..

Revision Of The Joint Nhmrc/Avcc Australian Code For The ..

National Circuit, Canberra, ACT, 2600 or posted at: ISBN online ... Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. (see Appendix 3). ... biotechnology and medicine. A complaint ..

Submission by the Commonwealth Department of Innovation ..

Cloning for Reproduction Act 2002 and Research. Involving .. The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research welcomes the .. The Australian Stem Cell Centre (Centre), Australia's first Biotechnology Centre of ..

Australia's Antarctic bonanza queried › Analysis (ABC Science)

But Australia's newly granted rights to part of the region raise legal, diplomatic and environmental questions (Source: Mike Usher/National Science Foundation) .. Tags: oceans-and-reefs, international-law, biotechnology, ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation ..

QUINN, Mr Daniel, Policy Manager, Biotechnology, and Policy ... law, and also scientists and perhaps others as well—to be able to get some ..

Science, Crime Prevention and Law Enforcement, 2 June 2000

PMSEIC Working Group on Science, Crime Prevention & Law Enforcement. 2 June 2000 ... 2.2 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, BIOTECHNOLOGY ..

1 Science and Innovation Community - The Department of the Prime ..

Rich Text Format - Fluorescence applications in biotechnology and life sciences .. and government share and discuss views on aviation security matters of an operational, legal, ..

Internet Resource Guide: Health Law Resources

Describes Internet resources relating to Health Law in Australia. .. Reproductive Technology and Related Medical and Scientific Research (report on .. The Australian Medical Biotechnology Industry and Access to Intellectual ..

Sugarcane as a biofactory - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

New $7 million Bio 21 school at University High School gets green ..

Mr Dixon said the new school would work closely with the University of Melbourne's Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute to ..

Reform of the civil justice system and economic growth: Australian ..

The Australian Law Reform Commission recently completed its .. in such vital areas as science, medicine, biotechnology, engineering, ..

Generation Breeding of GM and cloned animals

The Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (the Code) .. Information concerning the Gene Technology Act 2000 and the Office of the Gene ... Animal Procedures Committee Report on Biotechnology.


Biotechnology and medical sciences. .. In undertaking this inquiry ACIP is mindful that the Australian Law Reform. Commission (ALRC) has concurrently ..

University of Melbourne Land Act 2000

reserved under section 4 of the Crown Land. (Reserves) Act 1978 as a site for science and biotechnology education, research and development purposes. 8.

PMSEIC Publications and Papers

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research .. 2 December 2005; Biotechnology and the new agriculture [ PDF 18KB] [ RTF .. Science, crime prevention and law enforcement [ PDF 129KB] [ RTF 364KB], ..

Nomination Form - Australian Research Council

Rich Text Format - Animal or Veterinary Science (including physiology and/or genetics) .. Law, Legal Studies and Criminology .. Contacts: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee ..

Inquiry into the Scientific, Ethical and Regulatory Considerations. Relevant .. current issues in biotechnology to confront public policy, medicine, law, ethics and ..

Law, Crime and Justice Tag: Archive (ABC Science)

Subjects: law-crime-and-justice, courts-and-trials, science-and-technology, biotechnology, cloning-and-dna, genetics, dna Locations: australia ..

Geographic information systems


· Earth sciences · Engineering; Geographic information systems; Life sciences · Mapping · Measurement and standards · Meteorology ..

Role of assessors in patent cases | ALRC - Australian Law Reform ..

10.24 Gene patents raise complex scientific and legal issues, whose resolution may .. matters inherent in litigation involving gene and biotechnology patents'.

Issues and problems | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Human Cloning: Scientific, Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Human ..

04. Planning for the Future - Australian Law Reform Commission

The march of science · Government support for biotechnology · Social reactions to rapid scientific change · Law reform in times of rapid scientific change · The ..

Having a genetic test - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

Physics (Victoria Online)

4 days ago – Home Business & Industry Science & research Physics .. on synchrotron light and its practical applications in biotechnology, manufacturing ..

Model agreements and licensing guidelines - Australian Law ..

22.46 The OECD's Working Party on Biotechnology is currently developing best .. Academe with Advice on Licensing DNA Patents' (2004) 303 Science 1757.

Australian Research Council (ARC) College Information Kit - for ..

Rich Text Format - The ARC is bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988. Section 14 .. Biotechnology and Analytical Biochemistry .. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

The Social and Economic Impacts of Nanotechnologies: A Literature ..

by MK Seear - 2009 - - Industry, Science and Research, Professor Graeme Hodge, Centre for Regulatory Studies,. Faculty of Law, Monash University, Dr Alison Anderson, School of Law and ... Convergence of nanotechnologies, biotechnology and biomedicine, ..

- Australian Government Response to Senate ..

Rich Text Format - Act 1990. Recommendation 4 of the Senate Gene Patents Report also ... of researchers in health sciences and biotechnology about intellectual property issues ..

Bioscience - Government of South Australia


Citizens and your rights · Crime, justice and the law · Health and wellbeing .. in Adelaide - most of them in biomedical, agricultural or environmental science. .. and biomaterials; Flinders precinct - biotechnology, marine and related research.

Germany country brief

Arising from their talks the two Ministries responsible for science and .. Major Australian exports were gold coin and legal tender coin A$250 million and coal .. access through government-supported biotech clusters with access to public as ..

Ranked Journal List

Microsoft Excel10, 44322, C, AANA Journal, 1103, Clinical Sciences, 1110, Nursing, 0094-6354 .. 17, 33045, B, ABA Journal: the lawyer's magazine, 1801, Law, 0747-0088 ... 0903, Biomedical Engineering, 1004, Medical Biotechnology, 1742-7061, 1878- ..

Work, live, play in and around the Brisbane Knowledge Corridor

Queensland Biotechnology Strategic Plan .. hub for excellence in science, research, development and innovation. .. Laws and regulations ..

Recent Science and Research scientific peer-reviewed outputs ..

Basham R. Law B. Banks P. Microbats in a 'leafy' urban landscape: are they persisting, and what factors ... Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology.

Graduate Careers with Innovation

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. Legal Help Guide ..

Module One Introduction to Intellectual Property Law

laws. The Convention defines intellectual property as including the rights relating to: • literary, artistic and scientific works;. • performances of performing artists, ..

Patents and research tools - Australian Law Reform Commission

12.28 Research tools are resources used by scientists, where those resources have no immediate therapeutic or diagnostic value. In biotechnology, research ..

Program - Australian Research Council

Rich Text Format - Session 1, 9:30, Science for managing coral reefs .. Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance), Griffith University .. Director, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, The University of Newcastle ..

WISE - Dr Deborah Rathjen - Science Grants and Awards ..

I realised then that scientists within biotechnology companies were doing .. is 20 and is doing a degree in biotechnology combined with law.

Legal Notices - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education legal notices ensure that all users to this website are aware of the terms of ..



· Earth sciences · Engineering · Geographic information systems · Life sciences · Mapping · Measurement and standards; Meteorology ..

Nuclear science (Victoria Online)

Resources on nuclear science can be found on Victoria Online. .. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) - home page ..

4 What are the strengths and weaknesses of Australian agricultural ..

In 2007, the United States National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of ... In respect of GM biotechnology (as at May 2008), it is now legal to: import into ..


Legislation · Act and Regulations · Infringements .. The Science Seminars are held for the benefit of Authority staff and students throughout the year. All are very ..

Agriculture and Biological Sciences - eResources - State Library of ..

It also includes molecular biology, genetics, biotechnology, breeding, .. Law, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.

Summary of Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities ..

enhance progress in nanotechnology, biotechnology and materials sciences, not ... and the ACT to advance our knowledge at this fundamental level, primarily ..

Industry - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. Legal Help Guide ..

Publications | Chief Scientist of Australia

50+ items – Advice to Government · Our Global Science · Technology · Kids, ..

Challenges at energy-water-carbon intersections (December 2010)



and technology led innovation in services for Australian industries ..


Marine sciences (Victoria Online)

Resources on marine sciences can be found on Victoria Online. .. at Sea (SOLAS) Convention and the Navigation Act. Site contains the Australian Chart Index, ..

What We Do: Programs and Services

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. The Enhanced Project By-Law Scheme supports major investment projects in Australia, by providing relief from ..

Concept Plan 09_0050 - Sydney ARC Precinct


life sciences, physical sciences and biotechnology precinct, approximately 135000sqm. .. Faculty of Law Buildingpart3a · Project Application - USYD Central ..

Antarctic bioprospecting, benefit sharing and cooperation in ..

having enormous biotechnology potential. Antarctic .. of Antarctic science is to investigate this rich .. for Food and Agriculture, and the Law of the Sea ..


of Marine Sciences; David Harasti; Australian National .. to expand into being a significant biotechnology provider .. transparent criteria and according to law; ..

Biotechnology to France - For Australian exporters - Austrade ..

Austrade's biotechnology to France industry country profile provides Australian exporters .. institutions, technology parks and scientific personnel active in the industry. .. French law also provides tax credits and other financial ..

Independent Contractors Act

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. Commonwealth independent contractor laws came into effect in 2007 giving independent contractors greater ..

Australia-India Higher Education Collaboration Opportunities

Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar, is one of 14 National .. in science, including but not limited to nanotechnology, biotechnology, plasma ..

Ms Keran Keys


and Regulations · Infringements .. Keran is the Technical Support with the Conservation Biotechnology group and works with the tissue culture .. Has been with the Science Directorate from 1997 to present and has developed her skills in ..


Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Cross-Disciplinary Research. New South Wales. Charles .. Economics, Finance and Industrial. Relations. - Art Theory and History. - Law. - Management .. Biology and Biotechnology. - Public Health and ..

National Biodiscovery Forum 2011

.. for biotechnology researchers and other scientists to gain access to .. provides legal certainty for researchers and industry over their use of ..


- College of Law and College of Medicine and Health Sciences .. Advancing Australian Biotechnology Through Bilaterals Emphasising Evidence-Based ..



Andrew Penman, The Cancer Council

biotechnology is a very dynamic field and developments in this science move swiftly. 2 The Australian Law Reform Commission, "Gene Patenting and Human ..

História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos Cloning goes to the movies

by C Cormick - - well are the science and social issues of cloning portrayed in box office hits such .. biotechnology impacts are greatly exaggerated for the benefit of the drama, and ... Judge Dredd, who has been cloned from the deceased law- enforcer Joe ..

Law Reform in the 21st Century – Some Challenges for the Future ..

In 1992 the Law Reform Commission of Canada was abolished. .. To these trends he added the impact on society of science and technology and their ... the profound ethical dilemmas arising from the exponential growth in biotechnology.

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committees .. Section, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research .. QUINN, Mr Daniel, Policy Manager, Biotechnology, and Policy Manager, ..

Queensland Biodiscovery Collaboration - The Griffith University ..

Doctoral Fellow, Griffith Law School; Geoff Burton, Principal Consultant, Genetic ... It has significant capability in science including in biotechnology, with a ..



Dr David Merritt

Restoration Ecophysiology · Conservation Seed Science · Seed Science Team · Conservation ... Perspective. Australian Network for Plant Conservation, ACT.

2401 ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCES The University of Melbourne ..

Rich Text Format - enhance progress in nanotechnology, biotechnology and materials sciences, not ... and the ACT to advance our knowledge at this fundamental level, primarily ..

Disaster looms in a world full of men › Opinion (ABC Science)

Expert calls for vigilance on IVF problems, Science Online, 13 Jun 2008; Calls .. have good marriage prospects but whose daughters, unable by caste law to marry .. Tags: biotechnology, evolution, social-sciences, genetics ..


CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences conducts research in Australia in .. QCAT is a collaboration between the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial ..

Publications - Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority


and Regulations · Infringements · Process · Update .. Seed Science Team .. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 107(15): 7095-7100. 391.

Department of Education :: Infostream :: General Notices 2011 ..

Philosophical; Scientific; Sustainability; Economic; Globalisation; Environmental .. students, environmentalists, people involved with earth and sciences, business communities, legal and .. (c) Regulating Biotechnology: 150 ..



Research on human embryos & prohibition of human cloning ..

Industry home > Key industries > Biotechnology > Research on human embryos & prohibition of human cloning .. Commonwealth Research involving Human Embryos Act 2002 and Prohibition .. Science Policy and Funding ..

Help for Small Business on Legal Issues

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main content .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology ..

Victorian Biotechnology e-bulletin Office of Science & Technology ..

from the Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology. Institute .. Victoria. Intersuisse Bioscience will act as an international facilitator to ..

Trove - Stott Despoja, Natasha (1969-)


from 7.9.05 to 11.9.06; Legal and Constitutional: References and Legislation .. Information Technology and Economy; Republic; Science and Biotechnology; ..


They necessitated the inclusion, in any law library worth looking at, of the series that .. that demand legal responses: nuclear fission, informatics and biotechnology. .. Attempts to regulate genomic science in a single jurisdiction, even one so ..

Agriculture and Biological Sciences — General - eResources - State ..

It also includes molecular biology, genetics, biotechnology, breeding, .. Law, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.

Information for the managment of AISRF projects

Indo-Australian Fund for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (Indo-Australian S&T .. Fund: the Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund; and the Grand Challenge Fund. ... Corporations Act 2001, or a member of the Institute of Chartered ..

Coalition establishes new Victorian Biotechnology Advisory Council ..

The new Victorian Biotechnology Advisory Council will help the state Government work with businesses to support Victoria's life sciences sector ..

Economic benefits of the patent system - Australian Law Reform ..

Chapters 16 and 18 discuss the Australian biotechnology industry and .. patent system are based on the idea that 'scientific and technical openness benefits the ..

1149 Code of Ethic inside pages

As biotechnology is a rapidly developing area, it will be necessary for the .. basis to take into account scientific developments, and changes in .. 3.2.2 It may be legal and ethical for health professionals to share genetic information with genetic ..

Home Page - Australian Government Department of Sustainability ..

Air quality · Biotechnology and gene technology · Chemicals management · Fuel quality · Hazardous .. Scholarship for Research in Ozone Science.. or key threatening processes to be considered for listing under national environment law.

Life sciences

The Australian Institute of Marine Science aims to generate the knowledge .. CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences division applies multidisciplinary science to the ..


intensive industries, such as but not limited to biotechnology I life sciences, information and .. b) demonstrating an intention to enter into a legal relationship; ..

BioVision Tasmania 2007-2015: Tasmania's Biotechnology Strategy

by exploiting our broader science, technology and biotechnology research capacity. .. The Centre for Law and Genetics, a national organisation tasked with ..

www arc gov au - Australian Research Council


Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR ..

Rich Text Format - 'Regulatory connections' - the law matching the science - remain critically important. Often .. Within biotechnology there are five or six regulatory agencies; ..

Dr Ann Smithson

Seed Science Team · Conservation Genetics · Background · Key Research Areas · Research Projects · Key Outcomes · Personnel · Conservation Biotechnology ..

Register of Refereed Journals - Department of Education, Science ..

African Journal of Biotechnology. 1684-5315. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 1022-0119. African Security Review: A Working ..

Seed Science Team


and Regulations · Infringements .. The Seed Science team undertakes integrated research in a number of areas vital to improving the efficiency of use of ..

Super Science Fellowships Funding Rules - For funding ..

for funding commencing in 2010 and 2011. Australian Research Council Act 2001. I, CRAIG EMERSON, Acting Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

ANNUAL REPORT - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science ..

Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. GPO Box 9839. CANBERRA ACT 2601. Telephone: +61 2 6213 7047. Facsimile: +61 2 6290 8597 ..

Archived scientific outputs | NSW Department of Primary Industries

Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 84, 387-392. ... Slade CP, Law BS (2008) An experimental test of gating derelict mines to conserve bat roost ..

Botany & life sciences (Victoria Online)

4 days ago – Resources on botany and life sciences can be found on Victoria Online. .. 4 links for "Botany & life sciences" are available. Links 1-4 of 4 ..

Submission: Inquiry into Gene Patents

burgeoning field of health science – and one that must not be restricted by measures .. interpretation of patent law poses to healthcare professional development and accreditation. .. enormous biotechnology sector; Australia does not.

Science awards (Victoria Online)

Information about science awards can be found on Victoria Online. .. The Prime Minister's and Science Minister's Prizes for Science are the nation's finest ..

Science Seminar - New tool for irrigation monitoring

6 days ago – The event titled Science Seminar - New tool for irrigation monitoring starts on Tuesday 14.02.2012! .. Act and Regulations · Infringements .. 2009 led the Department of Biotechnology at the University of Würzburg, Germany.

Transplanting Grasstrees

Strategic Direction · BGPA Act 1998 · Strategic Plan · Statement of Strategic Policies and Guidelines · Management Plans .. Seed Science Team · Conservation ..

Public funding of research - Australian Law Reform Commission

The rapid development of science and technology, especially the emergence of modern biotechnology, provides Australia with an unprecedented opportunity to ..

1272.0 - Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED ..

010204, Soil Sciences, 010709, Soil Science. 010205 .. 010206, Viticulture and Oenology, 019905, Food Science and Biotechnology. 050303 ... 080101, Law, Legal Studies - General, 090000, Society and Culture, n.f.d. ..

DNA profiles for forensic use - Biotechnology Online


Online will be closing in 2012. .. Lawyers and forensic scientists have noted that many people have a distorted view of how forensic science is ..

Ethics of stem cell research - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

Australian Technology Showcase - Spruson & Ferguson

The Spruson & Ferguson attorneys have extensive qualifications in science and all areas of engineering with experience in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, ..

Graduate Public Policy Officer - Biotechnology Online

If you have any queries regarding Biotechnology Online or techNyou Science Education Resources please contact · Teaching ..

Ethics of stem cell research - Biotechnology Online

Biotechnology Online School Resource. For further .. Access to the Stem cells section of Biotechnology Online .. Use scientific, legal and ethical considerations in your .. An ethics committee might consist of a lawyer, various religious ..

Sciences. 195. Industrial Biotechnology. A.J. Parker Cooperative Research Centre for Hydrometallurgy. 5 .. Elevation Legal Commercial & Technology Lawyers ..

Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation ..


and innovation. Infrastructure and precincts · International collaborations · Commercialisation · Agriculture, fisheries and food · Financial incentives ..

Companies Index

Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, University of .. Centre for Animal Biotechnology - University of Melbourne .. Minter Ellison Lawyers ..


knowledge to the scientific community and industry and rural bodies. The Centre's .. inquiry in respect of intellectual property and biotechnology. ACIPA .. Patent attorneys and lawyers have hailed the decision in State Street Bank as opening ..

Queensland Biotechnology Directory

171 listings – CSIRO - Biotechnology CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, is Australia's national science agency and one ..

Our WA companies - Department of Commerce

.. oil and gas, minerals, fabrication, science, research, innovation support, and more. Page index. Innovation services directory; Biotechnology industry directory .. such as patent attorneys, intellectual property specialists, test manufacturers, .. WA's biotechnology industry comprises of more than 170 ..

Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education ..

Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research .. for Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys · Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre ..

Victorian Biotechnology Annual Report 2010

The 2010 Annual Report on Victoria's biotechnology sector demonstrates the .. Victorian scientists also enjoyed an outstanding year, with exciting breakthroughs reported in the development of ... law firms and patent attorneys, and industry ..

Community consultation processes | ALRC

Some meetings also featured a presentation from a leading genetic scientist, where .. aimed at lawyers and others interested in the regulation of biotechnology.

Public Support for Science and Innovation Productivity Commission

Much of modern science, including biotechnology and other high tech industries .. transfer offices and patent attorneys in recent years, roughly a third of ..

DNA Evidence, Wrongful Convictions and Wrongful Acquittals ..

At the State level, the NSW Attorney General Bob Debus has indicated that .. scientific advances and applying these to bolster the rights of victims and the ..

- NZ FICPI.doc

Rich Text Format - FICPI is opposed to a single regulatory Framework for patent attorneys at this time, .. word "attorney" than does the Australian profession which is more of a scientific or .. and a law degree or in some cases have a doctorate in biotechnology.

Contents and Introduction

Intellectual Property and Biotechnology: A Training Handbook .. (Bioproducts for Science, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.) was used as second step reagent, and horse ..

Patents and Experimental Use

Australian Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys. GTG ... between earlier sciences/technologies and biotechnology - and even some sub- divisions within ..

Judging Science

Nearly 40 years ago, as a newly minted lawyer who happened to have a science degree with a physics major, I was keen to take on cases which ... such field, not necessarily the most difficult, is that of biotechnology. Not ..

Contents and Introduction

Intellectual Property and Biotechnology: .. Biotechnology Associates, Inc., .. (Bioproducts for Science, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.) was used .. commercial research institutions, businesspeople, industry associations, academics, lawyers, policy ..

Launch of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute Summer ..

Only a small proportion of the non-science students thought that .. Just like that; no ifs, no buts, no can you explain it to me, I'm a lawyer.

International - myfuture: Australia's career information service

80+ items – These links will open in a new browser window. Close the new ..
 is an on-line US based recruitment ..


Accountancy Jobs 1 UK


Part of the One Job Group of 50 specialist Jobsites ..


Science and its Role in Public Policy | Chief Scientist of Australia

Darwin's life and experiences simply underscore what science and the .. and he was being paid by lawyers who were assembling a case ..


Innovation, Science and Technology. Bioprospecting in Tasmania .. the many applications biotechnology has .. Mark Attorneys and a member of the. Institute of ..

Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Annual ..


as well as an established biotechnology industry — has strong interests in the .. and/or Trade Marks Attorneys and will provide effective secretariat support to ..


lawyer and Permaculture designer who is concerned about: .. "Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech foods, our interest is selling as .. GM science seems to be so focussed on trying to squeeze a square peg into a round ..

Renewing the Capacity for Skills Formation: Appendix 3 ..

Related Biotechnology organisations operate in the 'health and life-science sector, such as in .. into other fields (e.g. patent attorneys, consultants to investors).

mtg6paper4.doc - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

Rich Text Format - Singapore is now emerging as the likely capital for biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific ... This involved ethicists, the clergy, scientists, lawyers, and the lay public.

Exclusion of genetic materials and technologies | ALRC

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation .. on the biotechnology industry and the development of new genetic products and .. from patentability may only 'invite patent attorneys to engage in creative drafting'.

Successful Applications by RFCD Linkage Infrastructure Equipment ..

Rich Text Format - 380000 BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES 1. 410000 THE ARTS 2 .. such as organic electronics, atom optics, biotechnology and nanotechnology. 2403 : ATOMIC AND ... Griffith Hack and other Patent Attorneys. Takeovers Panel ..


Of all Australian-authored scientific research papers cited in 1988–97 US patents, the .. "We don't see ourselves in competition with the traditional Australian biotech ... lawyers and law reform personnel in 7 Asian nations (China, Mongolia, ..

Raising Awareness of the Importance of Science and Technology to ..

competitive in a global market of ideas and skills, public support for scientific research is essential. ... contact with key professionals such as bankers, accountants, lawyers, marketers at professional .. as biotechnology and microtechnology.


Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys. 22. Pulp and Paper .. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Discipline. Appointee ..

Desperately seeking scientistsScience Features (ABC Science)

An audit of science, engineering and technology skills in Australia highlighted .. "We can only afford so many entertainers, lawyers psychologists, sociologists .. Tags: biotechnology, chemicals-and-pharmaceuticals, careers, ..



of my vintage were originally hostage to their jurisdiction of origin. .. advances that demand legal responses: nuclear fission, informatics and biotechnology. .. Attempts to regulate genomic science in a single jurisdiction, even one so ..

Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Annual ..

International Science Linkages (ISL) Program and, 80 .. Biotechnology Centre of Excellence Program, 43 ... Patent Attorneys Disciplinary Tribunal, 97 ..

Law and life science expert to advise on research future ..

Ms Baker has a background in life sciences and commercial law including .. aged care, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and biotechnology sectors. .. Life Sciences Regulatory Lawyers in an independent review of law firms ..

Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys (UK)

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. In late 1984, lawyers involved in an immigration case contacted Sir Alec about using his technology.


.. Executive Director for Biological Sciences and Biotechnology .. Mr George Kriz, Chief Lawyer, Procurement, Assurance and Legal Group ..


Biotechnology and medical sciences. .. Australian Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys .. Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia. JPO ..

Guidelines for Animal Ethics Committee Members in Victoria ..

Biotechnology · DPI Scientists ... D members, distinguished public figures, business people, teachers, retirees, accountants and lawyers.

Live and Work

of maths and science skills, and reading ability compared with other .. You can talk to a migration agent or lawyer for more information about visa options or ..

Summary of Successful Projects for

Rich Text Format - biotechnology and life science researchers on the Grid. .. This Initiative brings together economists, political scientists, and academic lawyers with a track ..

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation ..

QUINN, Mr Daniel, Policy Manager, Biotechnology, and Policy .. scientific researchers should be free to conduct research on or use .. Senator HUMPHRIES: I will try to take offence as a lawyer myself to those comments!

Calls to debate 'fertility outsourcing' › Analysis (ABC Science)

Expert calls for vigilance on IVF problems, Science Online, 16 Jun .. lawyers and women's health advocates are raising questions about the ..

DNA profiles for forensic use

What is biotechnology? .. Lawyers and forensic scientists have also noted that people now have a distorted view of how forensic science is really used in ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

DAVIES, Dr Trevor, Councillor, Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys .. Technologies Section, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research .. QUINN, Mr Daniel, Policy Manager, Biotechnology, and Policy ..

A Knowledge-Based Perspective on Public Support for Science and ..

by D Rooney - support for science and innovation in Australia, May 2006. ... about stem cell research, and privatisable biotechnology-based therapies that will only .. espoused by vested interests in the US, WTO and WIPO, and by patent attorneys and ..

Innovation Gateway - Team profiles

Peter is an experienced commercialisation adviser and is also a lawyer. .. roles as chief scientific officer for several Australian publicly listed biotechnology ..

Ranked Journal List

Microsoft Excel10, 44322, C, AANA Journal, 1103, Clinical Sciences, 1110, Nursing, 0094-6354 .. 17, 33045, B, ABA Journal: the lawyer's magazine, 1801, Law, 0747-0088 ... 0903, Biomedical Engineering, 1004, Medical Biotechnology, 1742-7061, 1878- ..

Contents and Introduction

MODULE THREE - READING A BIOTECHNOLOGY PATENT. 3-2. Contents: .. how to read a patent document from the different perspectives of researchers, lawyers and ... Class A61: medical or veterinary science; hygiene ..

BioCouncils Alliance

The Scientific Advisor to the Project was Dr John Bates of BTM Services Pty Ltd. We are grateful .. Biotechnology is an industry of the future and Victoria has a goal to become one of ... lawyers and patent attorneys and supplement that with ..

MAPPING AUSTRALIAN - Department of Education, Science and ..

Rich Text Format - Taskforce on Mapping Australian Science and Innovation. .. The Patent Attorneys profession 87 ... Firms from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors represented 60% of patents generated in 2001, suggesting that patent protection ..

June 2010 news archive - Science and Innovation - Queensland ..

Queensland Biotechnology Strategic Plan .. The peer-reviewed Climate Law features articles by lawyers, international negotiators, economists ..

Qualifications, training and assistance | ALRC

A report on the Australian biotechnology industry published in 2001 noted that .. an applicant must hold a university degree in science or engineering. .. and seminars; visits to relevant industries; and placements in patent attorney firms.

AM AR 0304_summary_final.indd

science and cultural research, community programs and exhibitions. We have one ... Julie Walton is a qualified lawyer and urban planner, and a non-practising Solicitor .. NSW, focusing on science and biotechnology policy. Frank joined the ..

Law, Crime and Justice Tag: Archive (ABC Science)

Subjects: law-crime-and-justice, courts-and-trials, science-and-technology, biotechnology, cloning-and-dna, genetics, dna Locations: australia ..

Department of Health and Ageing - Submission from Beatrice ..

"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech foods, out interest is selling .. GM science seems to be so focussed on trying to squeezes a square peg into a round ... Solicitor, Concerned Consumer and Permaculture Designer.

Contents and Introduction

Handbook considers the position of the biotechnology researcher in a research institute or in a university .. source of scientific and technological knowledge – see Module Four: ... adviser or patent attorney can help you to make this decision.

Book Industry Strategy Group (BISG)

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main content .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology ..


In the government sphere, the Attorney-General's. (A-G's) .. patenting of biotechnology, the protection of geographical indications, and the protection of ..

Reform of the civil justice system and economic growth: Australian ..

In practice, the Federal Court was favoured by lawyers and business, ... and development in science, medicine, biotechnology, engineering, ..

Terms of reference | Primary industries & fisheries | Queensland ..

animal welfare science; veterinary science; biological science; biotechnology; ethics; community advocacy; public communication; animal .. Organisation; RSPCA Queensland Inc; TLG Lawyers; The University of Queensland ..

Untitled - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

Association of Science-Technology Centers, 78, 84. Association of .. Attorney-General's Department .. Australian Government Industrial Biotechnology. Strategy ..

Highlights of the Year

The BGT Science Annual Report is structured around the Three Year Vision for .. England), Dr Dan Faith (Australian Museum), Fleur Kreel (lawyer and writer - ... conservation, databases, biotechnology, and global change impacts. Five staff ..

Report: Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials ..

Along with Ausbiotech, the peak biotech industry association in. Australia, the critics include patent attorneys, patent lawyers, research scientists, patent and ..

1149 Code of Ethic inside pages

As biotechnology is a rapidly developing area, it will be necessary for the code to be revised on a regular basis to take into account scientific developments, and changes in commonwealth and state policy. .. A member who is a lawyer. 11.3 ..

Research in the National Interest: Commercialising University ..

the quality of the research base and the maintenance of science and technology skills; ... advantage of it. There is evidence that patent attorneys, .. The Rothschild Biotechnology Fund is cited as an example of good practice in this regard.


by R Piggott - This submission focuses on public support for science and innovation in the context of ... "Despite the buzz about biotechnology, informatics, and a myriad other .. Lawyers, accountants and doctors, among others, are perceived as having ..

Developing a Bioeconomy

by M Smith - 2005A 10-year vision for Science, Technology and ... Biotechnology products from the hub of interdisciplinary science .. the provision of finance, patent lawyers, ..

March 2009 news archive - Science and Innovation - Queensland ..

Queensland Biotechnology Strategic Plan .. Health and Food Sciences Precinct .. Elizabeth is also developing a forensic program to assist lawyers, ..

Submission: Inquiry into Gene Patents

from experts in the field of Australian medical science, economics and patent law .. ests – i.e. patent attorneys and the biotechnology companies they represent ..

ARC Research Networks

University of Western Australia - Biological Science &. Biotechnology. Prof Mark Burry,. RMIT University - Humanities & Creative Arts. Prof John Carter (Chair), ..

Discovery newsletter Summer 2006-07 Farewell Peter Høj CEO's ..

Rich Text Format - Researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science are confident that ... with earlier versions, thereby assisting lawyers, judges and others to do their jobs more efficiently. .. o Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

The new research and developm ent tax incentive

issues facing the Australian biotech Industry and has compared the .. supplies to the medical technology sector and in services such as patent attorneys. .. by the Federal Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research in 2008, but ..

Public Submissions - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science ..

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology ..

Setting up a franchise system

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main content .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology ..

Department of Education :: Infostream :: General Notices 2011 ..

Philosophical; Scientific; Sustainability; Economic; Globalisation; .. (c) Regulating Biotechnology: 150 (d) The effect .. He is married to Jeanette and has three Australian lawyer sons, who are married to professional partners.

Alphabetical index - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

Annual Report 2008-09 - Home Department of innovation, Industry, Science and .. 09 Conference, 49; Biotech business indicators, 49; Biotechnology Centre of ... Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys, 139–40 ..

Professor Susan Greenfield Well, thank you very much for that, and ..

important to think of science as no longer having a place at the margins of society but .. They do this because lawyers together would talk equally in technical ... Well, biotechnology centres are a live and well in and around Adelaide and you ..

Patent examiner qualifications | IP Australia

Patent Attorneys · Patents .. We seek engineers or scientists with a background or an interest in medical devices, such as: .. Pure or applied chemistry, industrial chemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, pharmaceuticals and ..


"While scientific discoveries and technological advances have opened up prospects for .. rights obviously include nuclear physics, biotechnology and informatics. .. of the fragmentation of priorities, the dominance of lawyers in the debates on ..

Media releases - Media releases

Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education .. for Australian biotechnology company Arana Therapeutics Limited. .. and trade mark attorneys operate when advising Australian innovators.

The Fundamental Problem of Regulating Technology, Conference ..

education and the weak scientific background of most law students." .. modern biotechnology and information technology, the subjects of this. 1 .. Australian Attorney-General into action on this subject was the world- ..

Business directories - Department of Commerce

.. and Export Awards · WA Science Awards · Other State and Commonwealth programs .. Innovation services directory; Biotechnology industry directory; Renewable .. such as patent attorneys, intellectual property specialists, test manufacturers, .. WA's biotechnology industry comprises of more than 170 ..

Science, Innovation and the Knowledge Based Economy

Key elements 1.8. Linkages and symbiosis between science and industry are critical 1.9 .. Biotechnology Strategy 2.15. Biotechnology Australia 2.16. Office of the ... marks attorneys, which, by opening the profession to competition, improves ..

Patentable subject matter | ALRC

These include mere discoveries, ideas, scientific theories and laws of nature. .. both directly through the activities of the Australian biotechnology industry and .. Davies Collison Cave, a firm of patent attorneys, commented that claims that ..

and Counselling - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and ..

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Skip to main content .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology ..

Australian Museum: inspiring the exploration of nature & cultures

The Hon. Robert John Debus, MP. Attorney General, Minister for the Environment, .. The Australian Museum is a leader in natural history, science and cultural research ... focusing on science and biotechnology policy. Frank joined the State ..

Contents and Introduction

Intellectual Property and Biotechnology. A Training Manual .. technical merit or scientific brilliance of an invention is only one aspect of actually bringing .. applicants. And to the official fees must be added the cost of patent attorneys' or patent ..

Successful Applications by RFCD Linkage - Infrastructure ..

Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE). L. Gahan; Dr R Robinson .. such as organic electronics, atom optics, biotechnology and nanotechnology. 2403 : ATOMIC ... Griffith Hack and other Patent Attorneys. Takeovers ..


However, with the advances in scientific knowledge and the increase in technological .. as a young lawyer, with the basic problem of contested expert testimony. .. and technicality of evidence about information technology and biotechnology ..

Help for Small Business on Legal Issues

Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research .. Biotechnology, Expand Biotechnology .. business and, when a business is facing a legal nightmare, sometimes the only solution is a lawyer or accountant.

Report: Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials ..

International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys. 36. Foursight .. Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and. IP Australia. 95 ..

Successful Applications by RFCD Division - Linkage Infrastructure ..

The outcomes will be new science that cannot be generated solely within Australia. ... biotechnology and provide new opportunities for post-graduate training and international collaboration. 2601 ... Allens Arthur Robinson Solicitors ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Legal and ..

[3] Similarly, Griffith Hack and Griffith Hack Lawyers highlighted that '[d]espite the .. investors in scientific research and ultimately cause unnecessary litigation.[12] .. It should also be remembered that when a biotechnology case is litigated, the ..

References - Department of Education, Science and Training

Rich Text Format - by J Howard - - Report of a Study Commissioned by the Department of Education, Science, and ... with particular emphasis on the ICT, biotechnology and electronics sectors; .. Techno-L is a discussion forum for patent attorneys, technology transfer, and ..

Australian Law Reform Commission, Rededication of the Michael ..

The ALRC receives its references from the Federal Attorney-General, a Minister in the ... of the ALRC in the important contemporary problems of biotechnology. .. aspects of intellectual property law and the developments of genomic science.


Rich Text Format - The Scientific (Genetic) Evidence Related to Parentage 24 .. Dr Peter Stearne is an intellectual property lawyer and leads the chemical/biotechnology patent ..

School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology | Murdoch ..

The School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology at Murdoch University has built an impressive reputation over the years as a result of its longstanding and ..

Bio21 Institute - Home

Eric Hanssen winner of the 2011 NHMRC Science to Art Award. 25 Nov 2011 .. Biotechnology PhD scholarships - applications open ..

Research | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

From analysing ancient DNA in order to make sense of past ecosystems, to climate change impacts on south-west forests, improving crop yield, to post-harvest ..

School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology - Murdoch University

80+ items – Name, Phone, Position/Organisation, Location.







Ms Irene Abraham


9360 2579


Professor Michael Borowitzka


9360 2333


Bioskills Specialist Centre

This Specialist Centre for Biotechnology Training is known as BioSkills and is located within the Centre for Biotechnology and Animal Sciences.

Staff Directory - School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

60+ items – School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Professor Michael Jones


Ms Irene Abraham


Executive Officer Ningaloo ..


Griffith University | Master of Science (Biotechnology and Molecular ..

Breadcrumb. Home > Programs and courses > Master of Science (Biotechnology and Molecular Biology/Molecular Microbiology) - Nathan ..

Statistics - Biological Sciences and Biotechnology - Library Guides ..

Library Guides. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. Statistics.

Databases - Biological Sciences and Biotechnology - Library Guides ..

Library Guides. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. Databases.

Environment and Biotechnology Centre - Life and Social Sciences

The Environment and Biotechnology Centre promotes the development of both applied and industrial research in both environmental science ..

Bio21 Molecular Science & Biotechnology Research Institute ..

The University of Melbourne's $140m Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute (Bio21 Institute) is a multidisciplinary research ..

About the school | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

The School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology is continually driving applied research that addresses significant issues in our local, state and regional ..

Regulation 5.1.R2 - The Bio21 Molecular Science and ..

'The Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute' ('the Institute') is hereby established as an academic grouping within the University for the purposes ..

Courses | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. Biological Sciences (BSc). If you have a passion for science, this course will equip you with the skills and ..

Biotechnology Specialisation | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Biotechnology applies scientific and engineering principles to the processing of material by biological agents to provide goods and services.

Contacts by Role >> Academic Contacts

15+ items – School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. << Back to ..




Forensic Biology and Toxicology (BForensics) + Molecular Biology (BSc) + ..


School Dean | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Carolyn Jones is the School Dean of the School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology.

Bio21 Institute - Electron Microscopy

It can also be used for material science when 3D data or cryogenic conditions .. Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute 30 Flemington Road The ..

Biology/Biotech Journal Packages - Biological Sciences and ..

This is the "Biology/Biotech Journal Packages" page of the "Biological Sciences and Biotechnology" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader ..

Research Interests - School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology .. Algal biotechnology (large-scale algal culture systems and valuable products for microalgae). Physiology of ..

Selected Internet Sites - Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Subject Guides. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. Selected Internet Sites.

Meet some of our students | School of Biological Sciences and ..

Meet some of the students from the School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology.

Academic Chairs | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Academic Chairs for The School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology.

Biotechnology Reference - Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Library Guides. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. Biotechnology Reference.

Neil Loneragan | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Neil Loneragan is the Director of the Centre for Fish, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem Research and holds the inaugural Chair in Fisheries Science at Murdoch ..

Wayne Reeve | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Dr Wayne Reeve is employed as a senior lecturer at Murdoch University in the School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. He teaches in a range of ..

Master of Science (Biotechnology) - Swinburne University of ..

Get your Science career on board the booming Biotechnology industry. What is the .. Learn more about the Master of Science (Biotechnology).

Research Interests - School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Microbiology. The projects listed below deal with processes that are important to industry (mining, biotechnology, ..

Bio21 Institute - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute 30 Flemington Road The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia. Seminars · About · News ..

Admin forms and information | School of Biological Sciences and ..

Staff and student forms and information for The School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology at Murdoch University.

Publications: School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Calver, M.C., Bradley, J.S. and Wright, I.W. (1999) Towards scientific contributions in applying the precautionary principle: An example from southwestern ..

BIO103 - Biological Sciences and Biotechnology - Library Guides at ..

Library Guides. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. BIO103.

Units found for 2012 47 - Murdoch University: Handbook | Units ..

40+ items – Year: 2012; School: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..












Animal Diversity


Murdoch: S1-internal




Biochemistry I


Murdoch: S2-internal


Postgraduate Studies - School of Biological Sciences and ..

Welcome to the School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology and Postgraduate Workshops and Courses. On behalf of the School of Biological Sciences ..

Bio21 Institute - About

The University of Melbourne's $140m Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute (Bio21 Institute) is a multidisciplinary research centre, specialising in ..

School of Molecular & Biomedical Science | Master of Biotechnology

Master of Biotechnology. Why study for a Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical Science)? Who Can Apply | How to Apply | Career Opportunities | Graduate ..

Prof Tony Weiss appointed Chair of Biological Sciences and ..

Professor Tony Weiss has been appointed Chair of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology for the Australian Research Council's College of ..

Conservation & Wildlife Biology Reference - Biological Sciences ..

Selected Internet Sites. This is the "Conservation & Wildlife Biology Reference" page of the "Biological Sciences and Biotechnology" guide.

Research Interests - School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Phytophthora research at the Centre of Phytophthora Science and Management (CPSM) (A range of projects are listed below, and depending on the topic ..

Mike van Keulen | School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Dr Mike van Keulen. Position: Senior Lecturer in Plant Sciences and Marine Biology. Email: Phone: 9360 2369. Room: BS 2.039 ..

Bio21 Institute - Locate us

Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute 30 Flemington Road The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia. Seminars · About · News ..

Home - Biological Sciences and Biotechnology - Library Guides at ..

Library Guides. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. Home.

Biotechnology - University of Melbourne

As well as providing a strong background in life sciences, the biotechnology major teaches practical skills relevant to the Australian biotechnology industry ..

Honours Projects - School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

[ Murdoch University logo and link to homepage ] · SEARCH| MURDOCH| INDEX| PEOPLE · School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology · Home · Contacts ..

Bio21 Institute - Biotechnology PhD scholarships - applications open

Applications are open for two PhD projects at the Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute (Bio21 Institute). Prospective applicants should discuss ..

Environmental Science, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Open your mind to a career in Environmental Science, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology (ESBSBT). If you're motivated to learn the skills to confront the ..

Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science - Science - Subject Guides at ..

This is the "Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science" page of the "Science" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader Users Skip to Page Navigation Skip to Page ..

Master of Biotechnology - School of Life and Environmental Sciences

It is one of the fastest growing scientific sectors and industries. Deakin University's postgraduate biotechnology program has been introduced in ..

Associate Professor Yonglin Ren - Research Interests - School of ..

School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology .. in this important area of science which has direct and tangible benefits to the wider Australian community.

Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - Griffith University


is technology based on biological sciences that is used in applications to medicine, agriculture and food science. The rapid advances in ..

Division of Academic - Staff Directory

60+ items – School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ..

Professor Michael Jones


Professor - Plant Sciences


Ms Irene Abraham


Executive Officer Ningaloo ..


Faculty of Science and Technology

It is one of the fastest growing scientific sectors and industries. Deakin University's postgraduate biotechnology program has been introduced in ..

Masters in Plant Biosecurity | School of Biological Sciences and ..

Home > Our schools > School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology > Research > Masters & PhD opportunities > Plant biosecurity masters. Find us on ..

Biotechnology experts | Murdoch University in Perth Australia

Dr Wayne Reeve is a senior lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology and teaches in Cell Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry ..

BTH1011: Biotechnology, science, business, law and ethics 1

Biotechnology, science, business, law and ethics 1.

SABC- Home

Welcome to the Western Australian State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre .. also supports research in biomedical sciences, and environmental biotechnology.

Honours Projects - School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Phytophthora research at the Centre of Phytophthora Science and Management (CPSM) (A range of projects are listed below, and depending on the topic ..

Biotechnology - Faculty of Science - The University of Queensland ..


. Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine and ..

Bio21 Institute - Nanobiotechnology and materials science

Institute researchers working at the interface of biology, materials science and nano-engineering have major opportunities to contribute in the emerging field of ..

VASC - Laboratory and Biotechnology - TAFE SA

An exciting new era for biotechnology skills training begins at TAFE SA Gilles Plains Campus with a $15 million redevelopment project for the Veterinary and ..

The Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute

Date: Thursday, 16th June 2011 Time: 10.30am – 5pm Location: Bio21 Auditorium, Bio 21 Institute, University of Melbourne, 30 Flemington ..

We Speak Your Language

Monday, 17 February 2025
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