Sports Law & Lawyers

Sports law is an umbrella term used to describe the legal issues at work in the world of both amateur and professional sports. Sports law overlaps substantially with labor law, contract law, antitrust law, and tort law. Issues like defamation and privacy rights are also an integral aspect of sports law. The area of law was established as a separate and important entity only a few decades ago, coinciding with the rise of player-agents and increased media scrutiny of sports law topics.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of sports law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Australian Sports Commission is the Australian Government agency responsible for the development of sport in Australia. It is also responsible for the the Australian Institute of Sport. Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority is an independent agency that conducts drug testing and education programs. National non-government organisations.

Sports lawyers generally provide expertise in respect of the following issues pertaining sports law:

  • Dispute in sports
  • Torts and sports
  • Sports marketing and legal issues
  • Sport and criminal law

Court of Arbitration for Sport

Court of arbitration for sport provides codes of sport-related arbitration and guides to arbitration. It also provides rules for the resolution of disputes arising during the Olympic Games.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of sports law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The sports arena has expanded massively in the last 10 years. The commercial stakes are at an all time high with players, coaches, clubs and governing bodies facing challenging times. The ambit and scope of regulation has increased significantly and carefully considered legal advice is required to protect the interests of both clubs and players.

Sports lawyers can offer professionally tailored advice and representation to players, clubs, coaches, referees and governing bodies on a variety of legal and regulatory matters.

If you require assistance in any regulatory or disciplinary proceedings, sports lawyers can assist you by providing the following service:

  • evaluate your case,
  • offer written advice on how to proceed, and
  • represent you before your governing body, tribunal, club or disciplinary committee.

If you are a club or governing body, sports lawyers can offer advice on the drafting of rules, regulations and codes of conduct. Sports lawyers can also assist you in any disputes with governing bodies and/or other regulators.

If you need legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of sports law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The services provided by sports lawyers also include assisting with business planning and information memorandum; researching and identifying strategic options and potential buyers, investors or targets; making introductions; advising upon optimum structures for businesses and transactions; managing/conducting due diligence; negotiating M&A, investment and other corporate transactions and drafting all transaction documentation.

Sports lawyers also provide expertise and commercial advice on matters including:

  • Commercial
  • Sponsorship Agreements.
  • Technical kit supply agreements.
  • Commercial partnership agreements.
  • Brand licensing and merchandising agreements.
  • Inter club co-operation agreements.
  • Electronic turnstile operation agreements.
  • Payment card and managed transaction service agreements.
  • Media content development agreements.
  • Website optimisation agreement.

Player Transfers and Sport Law

  • Player transfers.
  • Playing Contracts.
  • Agent Representation Contracts.
  • Compromise agreements.
  • Image rights structures.

Regulatory Advice regarding Sports Law

  • Deed of Licence.
  • Disciplinary matters.

Tribunal Matters regarding Sports Law

  • Doping investigations
  • Competition issues.

Dispute Resolution in Sports Law

  • Tribunal Hearings.
  • Court of Arbitration for Sport.
  • Arbitration Proceedings.
  • Mediation hearings.
  • Employment Tribunals.

Sporting Injuries and Sports Law

  • Insurance claims
  • Compensation claim for Sporting Injuries
  • Advice with respect to Sporting injuries legislation.

If you need legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of sports law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Sports Lawyers practising sports law

Sports law is an intricate web of many and varied types of law. To be truly expert in Sport Law, a Sports Lawyer must have expertise in each relevant facet of law as well as a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances of the governance, promotion and business of sport. 

Sports Lawyers can represent and advise numerous businesses and sports organisations on a daily basis in sport law issues including sponsorship agreements, product endorsement arrangements, broadcasting, personality and image rights, infrastructure projects, licensing agreements, employment contracts and freedom of movement, health and safety matters, naming rights agreements, competition law issues, equality and discrimination, event management, ambush marketing, grievance procedures, intellectual property protection and exploitation, anti-doping regulations and prosecutions, disciplinary proceedings, administration and membership issues, dispute resolution and the structuring and enforcement of sport rules and regulations.

Services provided by Sports Lawyers

Broadly speaking, sports lawyers can provide expert advice and assistance with respect to the following issues pertaining sports law:

  • General sports law
  • Sponsorship agreements
  • Finance
  • Competition law
  • Personality rights
  • Event management
  • Broadcasting
  • Infrastructure projects
  • Licensing
  • Employment contracts
  • Health and safety
  • Naming rights
  • Freedom of movement
  • Grievance procedures
  • Intellectual property
  • Anti-doping
  • Disciplinary proceedings
  • Rules and regulations
  • Administration and membership issues
  • Dispute resolution
  • Product endorsement
  • Ambush marketing
  • Equality and discrimination

If you need legal help or legal representation regarding any aspect of sports law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Links to Further Resources - Sports Law & Lawyers



Sports Law & Lawyers News

News, updates and further information - Sports Law & Lawyers

The main pieces of Australian legislation pertaining to sports law include the following:

Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 (CTH)
Establishment, objectives and functions of the Australian Sports Commission.

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (CTH)
An Act relating to discrimination on the ground of disability.

Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 (CTH)
An Act to make provision for the protection of the olympic insignia, for the regulation of the commercial use of certain olympic expressions, and for related purposes.

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (CTH)
An Act relating to the elimination of racial and other discrimination.

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (CTH)
The Sex Discrimination Act is an act relating to discrimination on the ground of sex, marital status, pregnancy, potential pregnancy or family responsibilities or involving sexual harassment. The Act recognises the need to prohibit, so far as is possible, discrimination ...

Trade Practices Act 1974 (CTH)
An Act relating to certain Trade Practices which deals with the promotion of competition and fair trading and provision for consumer protection.

If you need legal help regarding any aspect of sports law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left.

Australian Capital Territory
Associations Incorporation Act 1991 No.46
An authorised PDF version of the Associations Incorporation Act 1991.

Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT)
The Discrimination Act from the Australian Capital Territory has as its objective to (a) eliminate, so far as possible, discrimination in the areas of work, education, access to premises, the provision of goods, services, facilities and accommodation.

Drugs in Sport Act 1999
An Act to confer functions and powers on the Australian Sports Drug Agency in relation to the use of drugs and doping methods in sport and for other purposes.

New South Wales
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)
An Act to render unlawful racial, sex and other types of discrimination in certain circumstances and to promote equality of opportunity between all persons.

Associations Incorporation Act 1984 (NSW)
To make provision with respect to the incorporation of certain associations and the regulation of those associations after incorporation.

Boxing and Wrestling Control Act 1986 (NSW)
An Act to regulate the conduct of professional boxing; to constitute the Boxing Authority of New South Wales and to define its functions; to regulate the conduct of wrestling and amateur boxing contests; to repeal the Professional Boxing Control Act 1980.

Disability Services Act 1993 (NSW)
An Act relating to the provision of disability services for persons with disabilities.

Fitness Services (Pre-Paid Fees) Act 2000 (NSW)
An Act to regulate the pre-payment of fees for membership of fitness centres and for the provision of other fitness services; to amend consequentially the Fair Trading Act 1987, the Fines Act 1996 and the Search Warrants Act 1985.

Institute Of Sport Act 1995 (NSW)
An Act to constitute the New South Wales Institute of Sport as a statutory body to promote excellence in sport; and for other purposes.

Motor Vehicle Sports (Public Safety) Act 1985 (NSW)
An Act to make provision for the control and regulation of meetings for motor vehicle racing and certain other sporting and recreational activities involving motor vehicles.

Newcastle International Sports Centre Act 1967 (NSW)
An Act to make provisions with respect to the Newcastle International Sports Centre; to provide for the appointment of additional trustees thereof, for the establishment of a club within the Centre and for the registration of that club under the Liquor Act 1912.

Sporting Injuries Insurance Act 1978 (NSW)
An Act to establish a scheme for the payment of benefits in respect of deaths and certain injuries suffered by persons participating in certain sporting or recreational activities; to constitute a Sporting Injuries Committee and to confer on it powers, authorities and duties.

Sporting Venues (Pitch Invasions) Act 2003 (NSW)
An Act to make provision for prohibiting unauthorised entry to the playing fields of certain sporting venues; to make special provision for the Rugby World Cup 2003; and for other purposes

Sporting Venues Management Act 2002 (NSW)
An Act to incorporate the Minister administering this Act as a corporation sole; to vest in the Corporation the Sydney International Shooting Centre; to enable other land to be vested in the Corporation; to constitute the Sydney International Shooting Centre Trust.

Sports Drug Testing Act 1995 (NSW)
An Act relating to the carrying out of sports drug testing on State competitors.

State Sports Centre Trust Act 1984 (NSW)
An Act to constitute the State Sports Centre Trust and define the objects, functions and powers of the Trust; to vest certain land in the Trust.

Wollongong Sportsground Act 1986 (NSW)
An Act to constitute the Wollongong Sportsground Trust; to place Wollongong Showground and Brandon Park under the care, control and management of the Trust; to dedicate Wollongong Showground partly for public recreation and partly for tourist purposes; to dedicate Brandon ...


Northern Territory
Anti-Discrimination Act 1994 (NT)
An Act to promote equality of opportunity in the Territory by protecting persons from unfair discrimination in certain areas of activity and from sexual harassment and certain associated objectionable conduct, to provide remedies for persons discriminated against and for ...

Associations Act
To make provision with respect to the incorporation of certain associations and the regulation of those associations after incorporation.


Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (QLD)
An Act to promote equality of opportunity for everyone by protecting them from unfair discrimination in certain areas of activity and from sexual harassment and certain associated objectionable conduct.

Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld)
An Act to provide for the incorporation of certain associations, for the regulations of the affairs of incorporated associations, and for connected purposes.

Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (Qld)
An Act to provide for the management, operation, use and promotion of facilities in Queensland for staging national or international sports, recreational or entertainment events, and for other purposes.


South Australia
Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA)
To make provision with respect to the incorporation of certain associations and the regulation of those associations after incorporation.

Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA)
An Act to promote equality of opportunity between the citizens of South Australia; to prevent certain kinds of discrimination based on sex, sexuality, marital status, pregnancy, race, physical or intellectual impairment or age; and to facilitate the participation of citizens ...

Recreation Grounds (Joint Schemes) Act 1947 (SA)
An Act relating to the provision of recreation grounds.

Recreation Grounds (Regulations) Act 1931 (SA)
An Act to enable the Governor to make regulations relating to recreation grounds and for purposes incidental thereto.

Recreation Grounds Rates and Taxes Exemptions Act 1981 (SA)
An Act to exempt certain land used for sport or recreation from rates and taxes; and to repeal The Recreation Grounds Taxation Exemption Act, 1910.

South Australian Motor Sport Act 1984 (SA)
An Act to make provision in relation to a corporation to be known as the "South Australian Motor Sport Board"; to define its powers and functions; and for other purposes.

Sports Drug Testing Act 2000 (SA)
An Act to provide for the collection of samples from State competitors for testing for scheduled drugs and doping methods; to confer functions and powers on the Australian Sports Drug Agency in relation to collecting and testing those samples; and for other related purposes.


Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 (TAS)
An Act to prohibit discrimination and other specified conduct and to provide for the investigation and conciliation of, and inquiry into, complaints in relation to such discrimination and conduct

Associations Incorporation Act 1964 (TAS)
To make provision with respect to the incorporation of certain associations and the regulation of those associations after incorporation.

Disability Services Act 1992 (TAS)
An Act relating to the provision of services for persons with disabilities.


Associations Incorporation Act 1981(VIC)
To make provision with respect to the incorporation of certain associations and the regulation of those associations after incorporation.

Commonwealth Games Arrangements Act 2001 (VIC)
The main purpose of this Act is to facilitate preparations for the Commonwealth Games to be held in Melbourne in 2006.

Major Events ( Crowd Management Act) 2003
To promote the safety and enjoyment of participants and spectators at certain venues and major events.

Melbourne and Olympic Parks Act 1985
An Act to establish a National Tennis Centre Trust to administer a national tennis centre and for other purposes.

Melbourne Cricket Ground Act 1933
An Act relating to a ground known as the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Melbourne Sports And Aquatic Centre Act 1994 (Vic)
The purposes of this Act are— (a) to establish a Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre Trust; (b) to provide for the construction, management and operation of a Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre; (c) to provide for the use and promotion of a Melbourne Sports and Aquatic ...

Professional Boxing and Combat Sports Act 2002
This Act is to control professional boxing and professional combat sports, to reduce the risk of malpractice and to promote safety.

Professional Boxing and Martial Arts Act 1985
To control professional boxing and professional martial arts, to reduce the risk of malpractice and to promote safety.

Sport and Recreation Act 1972
To promote the fitness and general health of the people of Victoria.

Sports Drug Testing Act 1995
This act provides for— (i) the collection of samples from State competitors; (ii) the testing of those samples for the presence of scheduled drugs or doping methods; (b) to confer functions and powers for that purpose on the Australian Sports Drug Agency.

Sports Event Ticketing (Fair Access) Act 2002
This Act is to maximise access by members of the public to tickets to certain sports events by— (a) allowing the Minister to declare certain sports events for the purposes of this Act; and; (b) requiring the sale and distribution of tickets to declared events to be in ...


Western Australia
Associations Incorporation Act 1987 (WA)
To make provision with respect to the incorporation of certain associations and the regulation of those associations after incorporation.

Sports Drug Testing Act 2001
An Act to provide for drug testing of persons representing Western Australia in sport.

Western Australian Sports Centre Trust Act 1986 (WA)
An Act to establish the Western Australian Sports Centre Trust, to amend certain other Acts and for incidental and related matters.


Courts & tribunals and their decisions
Agar v Hyde; Agar v Worsley [2000] HCA 41 (3 August 2000)
Catchwords: Whether duty of care owed by rugby union rule-making body to players. Private international law - Service out of jurisdiction - Service pursuant to Rules of Court - Discretion - Whether necessary to show a good arguable case - Setting aside service - Refusal to ...

Australian Racing Drivers Club LTD. v. Metcalf (1961) 106
A 16 year boy paid admittance to a car rally that was conducted on what was normally a public road but which had been temporarily closed by the local Council and control handed over to the motor racing club. The boy, with a crowd of other spectators, watched the races from a ...

Buckley v. Tutty (1971) 125 CLR 353
A professional footballer whose club had refused his request for a clearance and to be placed on the transfer list brought proceedings for declaratory and injunctive relief in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in its equitable jurisdiction against persons representing the ...

News Limited & ors v Australian Rugby Football League Ltd & ors;
Reported in: (1996) 64 FCR 410; 139 ALR 193 Involves a battle for control of the rugby league in Australia and New Zealand| between News Ltd, owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Australian Rugby League(ARL)| and the New South Wales Rugby Football League.

News Limited v South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Limited
News Limited and the Australian Rugby League agreed to merge their rival rugby league competitions in late 1997. As part of that agreement the number of teams playing in the merged competition was to be gradually reduced from 22 clubs to 14 clubs. Clubs’ right to participate ...

Rootes v. Shelton (1967) 116 CLR 383
The plaintiff skiing with two other water skiers was being towed behind a speedboat driven by the defendant when the plaintiff collided with a stationary boat.

South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd v News Limited (Includes Corrigendum dated 6 July 2001) [2001] FCA 862 (6 July 2001)
It was determined that no more than 14 clubs would participate in two competitions by a drafting an agreement which set out a procedure for teams to merge. The agreement stated that that those clubs that refused to merge would be excluded from competition. This initiated the ...

Woods v Multi-Sport Holdings Pty Ltd [2002] HCA 9 (7 March 2002)
A serious injury to an eye was suffered by the appellant while playing indoor cricket at a facility owned and operated by the respondent. The respondent provided the equipment used by the players. The appellant argued that the respondent had breached its duty of care by ...

Wyong Shire Council v. Shirt (1980) 146 CLR 40
Council was in breach of its duty to take care


Australian Capital Territory
Pashalidis t/as Bodyworks Fitness Clubs v Commissioner for Fair Trading
Failure of defendant to comply with the form of agreement prescribed under the ACT Fitness Industry Code of Practice.


New South Wales
Angela Raguz v Rebecca Sullivan & ors
Relates to a dispute about which of two persons should be nominated as the Australian representative for the Olympic Games in the women's under-52kg category.


Australian Football League & Ors v Carlton Football Club Ltd & Williams
Both the judge in the first instance and the Court of Appeal accepted that the courts had a right to intervene in a tribunal decision in come circumstances despite the fact that the player contract stipulated that the matter be heard in an AFL tribunal to the exclusion of ...

Foscolos v Footscray Youth Club [2002] VSC 148 (6 May 2002)
A wrestling coach was found negligent becuase he did not act to stop a dangerous move called a suplex throw by one of his participants on the injured party. As a consequence, he was made quadraplegic.

Hall Matthew v Victorian Amateur Football Association [1999] VCAT 627 (23 April 1999)
Matthew Hall was diagnosed as being HIV positive in 1996 and did not play football after having learnt of his HIV status believing he posed a risk to other players. After learning more about his condition he formed the view that the risk of other players contracting HIV was ...


Western Australia
Rush v. WA Amateur Football Club League (inc)
Application for interlocutory injunction to restrain defendant from giving effect to its decision to suspend plaintiff - Serious question to be tried - Whether damages would be adequate remedy - Balance of convenience. Voluntary sporting association - Whether contractual ...


Court of Arbitration for Sport
An institution independent of any sports organization which provides for services in order to facilitate the settlement of sports-related disputes through arbitration or mediation by means of procedural rules adapted to the specific needs of the sports world.


New Zealand
Sports Disputes Tribunal of New Zealand
The Sports Disputes Tribunal of New Zealand (the Tribunal) assists when there are serious disputes in sport. The Tribunal offers an expert panel of members bringing together a comprehensive range of legal, administrative and elite level sporting experience.


ANZSLA (The Sports Law Association)
ANZSLA's mission is to facilitate information and resources regarding Sport and the Law.

Australian Olympic Committee
The AOC is committed to the development of Australian athletes independent of government and government funding.


Centre For Sport And The Law Inc.
A consulting company offering services and practical resources on legal and risk management issues.

Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada
A new approach to dealing with disputes at the national level of Canada's sport system. This independent centre, takes a proactive approach to dispute resolution. The primary focus is on education and prevention.


International Association of Sports Law
The IASL focuses on the development of the science, the research and the teaching of sports law and the institution of the Olympic Games.

International Sport Lawyers Association
The International Sport Lawyers Association - ISLA - is a worldwide association of international, mainly European based sports lawyers that was established under the laws of Switzerland

Official Website of the Olympic Movement
The IOC guarantees the promotion of Olympism and the smooth running of the Games in accordance with the Olympic Charter.

Peace Palace Library Bibliography on Sports Law
A comprehensive sports law bibliography updated regularly with new titles by Raymond Ridderhof, reference librarian at the Peace Palace Library.

World Anti-Doping Agency
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is to promote and coordinate at international level the fight against doping in sport in all forms.


ASSER International Sports Law Centre
"On 1 January 2002 the Project was converted into a Centre within the framework of the T.M.C. Asser Institute for international law. The mission of the ASSER International Sports Law Centre is to provide a centre of excellence in particular by providing high quality ...


United Kingdom
British Association for Sport and Law
The British Association for Sport and Law founded in 1992 is a professional association representing sports law practitioners, sports administrators and sports law academics and students.


United States
Sports Lawyers Association (USA)
The Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) is a non-profit, international, professional organization whose common goal is the understanding, advancement and ethical practice of sports law.


Organisations - Government
Australian Institute of Sport
The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) leads the development of elite sport in Australia. A program of the Australian Sports Commission it provides athletes with world-class training facilities, high performance coaching, state-of-the-art equipment, a world-class sports ...

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA)
ASADA is an Australian Government organisation established in 2006, as a result of the Government’s commitment to strengthen its Tough on Drugs in Sport Strategy. ASADA is an integrated anti-doping organisation with functions outlined in the Australian Sports Anti-Doping ...

Australian Sports Commission
The Australian Sports Commission administers and funds sport nationally on behalf of the Federal Government. From junior levels to elite athletes, it aims to encourage participation in all sports.


Australian Sports Directory
The Australian Sports Directory is a searchable database containing details of Australian national sporting organisations.


European Union
European Sport Charter
The European Sport Charter provides guidance for the Council of Europe’s member states to perfect existing legislations or other policies and to develop a comprehensive framework for sport.

Sport Council of Europe
"The Council is aware that sport has a distinctive role to play as a force for social integration, tolerance and understanding. It is open to all, regardless of age, language, religion, culture, or ability. It is the single most popular activity in modern society. Sport ...


New South Wales
Fitness NSW - Code of Practice For Fitness Centres
The objectives of the Fitness NSW Code of Practice are:- 1.1 To provide a high value service which will enhance consumer confidence and improve the long term viability of the signatory fitness centres. 1.2 To set a standard of business practice that protects the consumer ...


Olympic Charter - In force as of 4th July 2003
The Olympic Charter outlines fundamental principles of the Olympic movement. Chapters include: International Olympic Committee (IOC), The International Federations(IFs), The National Olympic Committees (NOCs), The Olympic Games, participation, programme, protocol and ...

World Anti Doping Code
The purposes of the world anti doping code is to protect the atheletes fundamental right to participate in doping free sport and ensure harmonized, coordinated and effective anti doping programs with regard to detection, deterrence and prevention of doping.


International resources
United States
Sports Law - Legal Information Institute
Overview of US sports law with links to primary sources including relevant chapters of the US Code.

Sports Law: An Overview
Access to US federal and state regulations and stautes. Access to recent sports law case decisions.


General Media & Telecommunication sites
The Sports Factor- Radio National
The Sports Factor a national radio program debating the cultural significance of sport. The Sports Factor goes beyond the "scores and groin injuries" style of sports reporting to talk about how sport intersects with other social institutions like politics, economics, art, ...


Sport, Human Rights and Industrial Relations
Players of professional team sports have been subjected to a series of industrial laws which have substantially reduced their economic freedom and human rights.

Sports Law eJournal
Established in 2005 by the Centre for Commercial Law, the Sports Law eJournal (Bond) is an electronic journal on sports law. The eJournal has an international and comparative law focus and contributors will discuss and analyse all aspects of sports law and regulation

Sports Law eJournal
Established in 2005 by the Centre for Commercial Law, the Sports Law eJournal (Bond) is an electronic journal on sports law. The eJournal has an international and comparative law focus and contributors will discuss and analyse all aspects of sports law and regulation.


United Kingdom
Entertainment and Sports Law Journal
The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal (ESLJ) is a refereed online journal. It is located within a dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal theory and legal practice. Whilst focussed within legal study, the areas it encompasses are necessarily interdisciplinary. ...


United States
Willamette Sports Law Blog
A discussion of current sports law topics.

Willamette Sports Law Journal
The Willamette Sports Law Journal (WSLJ) is a student-run online publication devoted to those areas where sports and the law intersect. Sports law is an open concept, drawing on many areas of law, but with a specific focus on how it affects leagues, players, colleges and ...


Plain language materials
South Australia
Play by the Rules
Play by the Rules, an online training and information resource for sport and recreation clubs and associations. Play by the Rules provides information on how to prevent and deal with inappropriate behaviour including discrimination, harassment, favouritism, bias and various ...


Policy and Research
United States
The Center for Sports Law & Policy
Duke University research centre on sports law and policy. Fulltext articles available from the Duke University conference on doping in sport.


Treaties and Conventions
United Nations Code of Sports Ethics
"The basic principle of the Code of Sports Ethics is that ethical considerations leading to fair play are integral, and not optional elements, of all sports activity, sports policy and management, and apply to all levels of ability and commitment, including recreational as ...

This list arranged alphabetically by organisation lists the major national non-government organisations in Australia.

•ANZSLA The Sports Law Association mission is to facilitate information and resources regarding sport and the law in Australia.

•Australian Association for Exercise and Sport Science (AAESS) is a professional organisation committed to establishing, promoting and defending the career paths of tertiary trained exercise and sports science practitioners.

•Australian Athletes Alliance - supports and advances the interests and collective representation of Australian professional athletes.

•Australian Commonwealth Games Association (ACGA) is responsible for the preparation of the Australian team for the Commonwealth Games.

•Australian Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) is a national professional association representing people who work in the areas of Health Education, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, Dance, Community Fitness or Movement Sciences .

•Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) is responsible for the protection and development of the Olympic Movement in this Australia and the preparation of the Australian Olympic team.

•Australian Paralympic Committee (APC) is responsible for Australia's elite athletes with a disability and the preparation of the Australian team for the Paralympic Games.

•Australian Sports Foundation Ltd (ASF) assists the development of sport in Australia by raising funds from corporate and private sectors.

•Australian Society for Sports History aims to promote and encourage study and research on sporting traditions particularly with reference to Australia .

•Coalition of Major Professional & Participation Sports (COMPSS) - comprises Australian Rugby Union, Australian Rugby League, Cricket Australia, Australian Football League, Football Federation of Australia,  Tennis Australia and Netball Australia.

•Confederation of Australian Sport (CAS) represents Australian sporting organisations and aims to be an influential and respected player in the Australian sport and recreation industry .

•Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) aims to promote scholarly enquiry into sport management and related research.

•Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) is Australia's national body for sports medicine and sports science, and is widely acknowledged overseas as the world's leading multi-disciplinary sports medicine body.

Sport in Australia

Sport in Australia is popular and widespread. Testament to this is the level of achievement in the Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games as well as other international sporting events in comparison to the population of the country, particularly in the areas of water sports and team sports. The climate and economy provide ideal conditions for Australians to participate in and watch sports.

In 2000-01, total government funding for sport and recreation activities was A$2,124.2 million. Of this, the Commonwealth Government contributed $19.89 million (9%), state and territory governments contributed $875.2 million (41%) and local governments provided $1,050.1 million (49%). The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is the federal government body responsible for distributing funds and providing strategic guidance for sporting activity in Australia and operates the Australian Institute of Sport. Each state and territory in Australia also have agencies responsible for sport and recreation policy. Each state and territory also operates their own institutes and academies of sport.

Throughout the country a wide variety of sports are played. According to official government statistics, in 2005–06, the most popular sports in terms of crowd attendance were Australian rules football, horse racing, rugby league, motorsport, cricket, rugby union and association football in descending order. Research by a marketing company found that those attracting the "most interest" among adults in capital cities during 2006-07 were cricket, swimming, tennis, Australian rules football, association football, rugby league, rugby union and motor sport. According to official statistics, the most popular forms of "physical recreation activity" among Australians aged 15 years and over, in 2005-06 were walking, aerobics/fitness, swimming, golf, tennis, association football and Australian rules football.According to some sources, the cultural significance and long history of cricket in Australia means that it is a de facto "national sport". Armchair sports fans drive high television ratings for sports programmes. In fact, nine of the top 10 highest rated shows in 2005 were sports programmes. The most watched sport on Australian television is rugby league with an aggregate audience of 128.5 million viewers in 2009 and 120.6 million in 2010.

Such is the Australian population's devotion towards sport that it is sometimes humorously described as "Australia's national religion". Popular comedic identities such as The Twelfth Man and Roy and HG send up Australia's love of sport through the use of parody.

Professional sport leagues in Australia use a a variety of models. Some, such as the Australian Football League, involve open membership, community based clubs, independent (both in ownership and operation) from the League itself, while others are based on franchises, as is standard in North America. The "European" system of professional sports league organisation, characterised by promotion and relegation, is foreign at professional level though used widely in amateur competitions.

In October 2007, the Australian Government has announced a new drug policy for sport that it hopes will be adopted by all sporting bodies and will involve tests of 6000 illicit drugs a year.

If you need legal advice regarding Sports Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Sports Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Sports Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Sports Law extends to all locations within Australia.

Sports Law & Lawyers Updates

The Soccer World Cup 2006 in Germany: A possible corruption scandal unfolding nearly a decade later

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:10:33 +0000

By Samantha Sayn-Wittgenstein – Thompson Rivers University JD Candidate The soccer world cup is one of the biggest events in the world. It takes place every four years, has over 750 million viewers and is broadcasted to more than 200 countries. Germany gained international respect, reinvented patriotism and boosted the economy as hosts of the […]

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Get Out of the Way or Forever Hold Your Peace: Revisiting the Baseball Rule

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 00:19:22 +0000

By Or Regev – Thompson Rivers University JD Candidate “It is absolutely clear that there will be changes…” These words uttered by the Commissioner of Major League Baseball (MLB), Robert Manfred, did not fall on deaf ears. At the November 19th news conference, Manfred was referring to changes to fan safety in ballparks, an increasingly […]

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Have the St. Louis Rams Already Left?

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 00:16:40 +0000

By Alexander Paterson – Thompson Rivers University JD Candidate On January 5th 2015, a development group that included a company controlled by Stan Kroenke, owner of the St. Louis Rams of the National Football League (“NFL”), announced plans to build a new 80,000-seat stadium in Inglewood, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. At the time […]

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Un-fouled Balls: The MLB’s Attempt to Prevent its own “Deflategate”

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 00:10:06 +0000

By Cole Rodocker – Thompson Rivers University JD Candidate Baseball is not a sport unaccustomed to controversy. In the wake of the early 2000’s steroid scandals and congressional tongue lashings, Baseball seemingly wised up and, at least partially by dint of keeping out of the more scandalous headlines, has seen a resurgence in popularity. While […]

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Should Collegiate Athletes be Compensated?

Mon, 04 Jan 2016 22:23:11 +0000

By Brian Howarth – Thompson Rivers University JD Candidate The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is the governing body of university/college sports in the United States, and Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) is their Canadian equivalent. Both of these organizations do not compensate their athletes in a monetary fashion, yet many elite Canadian athletes still flock […]

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Fantasy Sports, Reality’s Problems

Mon, 04 Jan 2016 22:22:27 +0000

By Harmandeep Toor – Thompson Rivers University JD Candidate Fantasy sports have become a multi billion-dollar industry generating between $40-70 billion dollars of revenue per year. Due to the money flowing through fantasy sports, numerous parties have tried to break into the industry and have attempted to offer different products to capture market share. These […]

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Match-Fixing: a Crime Worthy of a Life Sentence?

Fri, 18 Dec 2015 19:10:45 +0000

By Vivian Wilson – Thompson Rivers University JD Student In Nepal, five soccer players have been charged with treason over allegedly participating in match-fixing several soccer games, including the 2011 World Cup qualifiers. The accused players include Nepal team captain, Sagar Thapa, goalkeeper, Ritesh Thapa, along with Sandip Rai, Bikash Singh, and coach Anjan K.C.. […]

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The NFL: True Stand Against Domestic Violence or a Quick Attempt to Save Face?

Fri, 18 Dec 2015 19:04:52 +0000

By Talina Handel – Thompson Rivers University JD Student On February 15, 2014 the prized running back for the Baltimore Ravens, Ray Rice, was arrested for assaulting his wife, Janay Palmer, at a casino in Atlantic City. Four days later video footage surfaced of Rice dragging his wife’s unconscious body from an elevator at the […]

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Is there a Place in the Octagon for Antitrust Laws?

Fri, 18 Dec 2015 19:01:23 +0000

By Leah Seneviratne – Thompson Rivers University JD Student If consumers are receiving the best product, is an alleged monopoly still harmful? American antitrust laws are in place to prohibit agreements that restrain trade and result in a monopoly. The intended result is the promotion of a competitive marketplace and protection of consumer welfare. However, […]

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Fantasy Sports: A socio-legal look at Fantasy Sports

Fri, 18 Dec 2015 18:56:18 +0000

By Reetika Aggarwal – Thompson Rivers University JD Student Fantasy sports have been around for decades but not until recently has it come under increasing scrutiny from state and federal law-enforcement agencies. Fantasy sports do not qualify as online gambling due to a loophole in the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act (UIGEA). The Act allows […]

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These news come from The Sports Law Canary.

When Robots Break Bad: Preparing for Technological Advancement in Sport

Fri, 24 Jan 2025 19:34:10 +0000

Written by Will Russell, Sport Law

When Robots Break Bad: Preparing for Technological Advancements in Sport

In an era of rapidly evolving sports technology, sport organizations face unprecedented developments and challenges that their rulebooks never contemplated. While innovation and pushing the boundaries of existing rules has always played a role in sport - from Dick Fosbury revolutionizing the high jump to Roger Neilson's creative interpretations of the National Hockey League’s rulebook - there is a fine line between improvements within the bounds of fair competition and advances that raise ethical concerns.…

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The Rise of Basketball in Canada: 2016 - 2024

Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:41:00 +0000

(French version follows below)

Written by Mike Fleurantin, Sport Law

In less than a decade, basketball in Canada has grown from a sport with potential to a national passion. This change was driven by the Toronto Raptors' success and a wave of talented Canadian players making their mark internationally.…

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Hope on the Horizon Impact Report 2024

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 14:19:25 +0000

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Guidelines for the Modern Waiver in Law: 10 Ways to Reduce Risks

Mon, 19 Aug 2024 14:48:52 +0000

Kaelem Moniz, for Sport Law

Have you ever been ziplining? Gone to a trampoline park? Or even played in an amateur sports league? If so, there is a good chance that you have, at some point, signed a waiver of liability.…

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Addressing Policy and Competitive Integrity in Esports: A case study on Apex Legends

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 19:22:22 +0000

Written by Donny Jackson

In our last blog post, we made comparisons between “real life” sporting events and Esports events and highlighted the importance of maintaining competitive integrity. Competitive integrity is a significant part of any sports landscape, be it virtual or in-person.…

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Special Meeting- Part 2: Removing a Director

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Written by Jason Robinson, Sport Law

In Part 1 of our blogs on Special Meetings of Members we shared the process for calling a Special Meeting and the common questions that we receive. Part 2 of our series addresses the specific scenario when a director/officer is to be potentially removed from a sport organization at a Special Meeting.…

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The Power of Sport

Mon, 27 May 2024 15:15:04 +0000

Written by Greg Gilhooly, Sport Law

Why have I started working with the Sport Law team?

Because I believe in the power of sport.

Sport, when it’s at its best, can make us better. Sport can bring people together to forge communities of belonging.…

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Trespass and Restricting Access to Facilities and Events

Tue, 14 May 2024 15:07:03 +0000

Written by Will Russell, Sport Law

Published May 14, 2024

Sport organizations have an obligation to control their environments, including practices, competitions, and events. This can mean limiting or denying access to specific individuals because of disciplinary sanctions, inappropriate conduct, as well as concerns for the safety of participants.  …

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My Passion for Sport Fueled my Passion for Sport Law

Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:16:18 +0000

Written by Mike Fleurantin, Sport Law

Spring is often associated with new beginnings and rebirth. This spring, I am so proud to begin the next chapter in my legal career as a sport lawyer. This has been a goal of mine since 2016.…

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The Cost of Doing Good: Athlete Activists Pay the Price

Wed, 27 Mar 2024 09:11:00 +0000

This blog was first shared for a class assignment at King’s University College for the Diversity and Social Justice course.

“Not about us without us” could be a rallying cry among athletes looking to break harmful cultural stereotypes and promote positive social change.…

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These news come from Sport Law.

Sports Law & Lawyers Links

Legal issues - Sports clubs - Sport and Recreation

Legal issues within sport and recreation organisations are wide and varied. As the industry has become more professional, the law surrounding sport seems to ..

sport and the law - For Students & Teachers

Playbytherules - a comprehensive website about sport and the law, including discrimination, behaviour of players and child protection.

Law : Research : Australian Sports Commission

The Australian Sports Commission does not provide legal advice to individuals. ANZSLA, the Sports Law Association, will be able to direct you to lawyers ..


Guideline 9 - The Law and Sport. AUSTRALIAN SPORTS COMMISSION, 2003 Junior Sport Guidelines .. administration of junior sport (eg tax law, corporations ..

Law : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Federal and state anti-discrimination and human rights laws prohibit harassment and discrimination in many environments and public activities, including sport.

Law : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Information on these laws, including mandatory reporting and child safe environments, are explained on the Play by the Rules website. Other information ..

Sport and the law - HSC Legal Studies: Preliminary Part I - Research ..

Playbytherules - a comprehensive website about sport and the law, including discrimination, behaviour of players and child protection.

SportScan : Research : Australian Sports Commission

Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal v3(1) 2008; p.37-68. Keywords: ATHLETE .. International Sports Law Journal 2008/3-4; p.146-150. Keywords: ..

Law - Delicious tags : Research : Australian Sports Commission


- Delicious tags · Shop | FAQs | Contact us. Search site: Home · About us · Supporting Sport · Participating in Sport · Australian Institute of Sport · Research ..

Australian Sports Organisations : Research : Australian Sports ..

ANZSLA The Sports Law Association mission is to facilitate information and resources regarding sport and the law in Australia. Australian Association for ..

Tribunal hearing procedures : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports ..


organisations have legal responsibilities in relation to harassment, discrimination and child protection. They also have moral obligations in relation to ..

Sport and the Law | HSC Legal Studies: News Watch

Sport and the Law is a topic that is regularly in the media. It is an area that covers many issues - the behaviour of players off the field; the use of ..

Drugs in Sport Act 1999 No 84

The republished law. This is a republication of the Drugs in Sport Act 1999 as in force on 12 September 2001. It includes any amendment, ..

Drugs in Sport Act 1999

About this republication. The republished law. This is a republication of the Drugs in Sport Act 1999 (including any amendment made under ..

ClubsOnline | Law and sport


pathways. Forming links. People making it happen. Quality coaching. Making sport safe. The law and sport. These booklets outline the main points of the ..

Age of Consent : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Background checking; | Age of Consent. The age of consent is the minimum age at which a person is considered legally competent of consenting to sexual acts.

The Law and Sport

27. A guide for sport and recreation clubs and associations in Western Australia. The Law and Sport. Junior sport framework ..

718 ASC Preg Sport Layout 3-5

and ANZSLA — the sports law association; Tony O'Reilly and. Minter Ellison Lawyers; Lorraine Haslem and the. Commonwealth Office of the Status of Women; ..

Know your rights: Racial discrimination and vilification

Australia's first federal anti-discrimination law, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 .. playing sport, including when enrolling, competing or access to mainstream ..

Club/Association Management Program: Legal Issues and Risk ..

the law and there is no good reason why sport and recreation should be treated .. The increasing application of the law to sport and recreation, which have ..

Department of Sport and Recreation | Violence in sport

In many organisations, this is outlined in their constitution and/or by laws. The sporting community in Australia has taken a very proactive role in preventing and ..

Talent identification and performance genes - Australian Law ..

38.4 The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) administers and funds sport in Australia on behalf of the Federal Government. The ASC supports a wide range of ..

Regulatory environment - Sports clubs - Sport and Recreation

The traditional role of the community sport club is to provide sport locally and .. as an association or a company under Corporations Law is largely a matter of ..

Advisory Group - ASADA - Governance

established a reputation as a sports lawyer. He is a foundation member of the Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association. He has presented papers on ..

Victoria to build on nation's best sports betting laws - Premier of ..

Victoria to build on nation's best sports betting laws. Wednesday, 03 August 2011. From the Minister for Gaming. Victoria is leading the way with its approach to ..

Submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission- Cheating and ..

The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is pleased to provide a submission to the New. South Wales Law Reform Commission (NSWLRC) review of the law in ..

Images of children : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Most people taking photos of children at sporting events are doing so for acceptable .. In Australia, generally speaking, there is no law restricting photography of ..

Match-fixers will face jail under nationally-consistent laws : News ..

Minister for Sport Mark Arbib has welcomed the announcement that match-fixers could be jailed for 10 years, after State and Territory law ..

Anti-discrimination : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity commissions federally and in States and Territories generally have responsibility for these laws. Ethics in Sport Resources ..


"The group is made up of experts in the areas of the law, sport, health, law enforcement and education," Senator Arbib said. "It will play an ..

Club financial responsibilities - Sports clubs - Sport and Recreation


clubs and associations have certain legal obligations in relation to financial management. There are also corporate governance issues that need to be ..

2000 John de Mestre & Co 1 CAS - Australian Sports Commission

1 Article 4, CAS Statute. 2 J Nafziger, International Sports Law as a Process for Resolving Disputes (1996) 45(130) International. Comparative Law Quarterly in ..

Lander & Rogers Lawyers - Australian International Sporting Events ..

Lander & Rogers is recognised as a market leader in the area of sports law. It is one of the few law firms to offer a specialist, in-depth understanding of ..

Catherine Ordway - Australian International Sporting Events ..

Catherine Ordway has more than 13 years experience in sports law and anti-doping internationally, including working at the Senior Executive Service level with ..

Acting Commissioner - About the CCC

Mr Herron is a senior Barrister, primarily practising in general civil litigation and with an interest in sports law. He has acted as a Solicitor for and advised the ..

ClubsOnline | Venetia Stewart

Venetia is a director of the Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association (ANZSLA) and a senior associate in Middletons' dispute resolution group in ..

Sport rage - Sport and Recreation

Dealing with an incident: What to do and common sport rage scenarios; Understanding the law: Legal issues that sports and associations should understand ..

Government welcomes consultation on match fixing Supporting Sport

Minister for Sport Mark Arbib today welcomed the NSW Law Reform Commission's discussion paper on match fixing which recommends a 10 ..

Sport and the law by Deborah Healey

by W Vamplew - 2007Sport and the law by Deborah Healey. Sydney: UNSW Press, 3 rd edn., 2005, pp. 216, A$44.95, paperback, ISBN 0 86840 643 0. This is the third edition of ..

Sports Official :: Sporting tribunal operations - what you need to know

As an official, you may occasionally be required to attend a sporting tribunal because .. A tribunal is not expected to act as a court of law, but should conduct the ..

Getting it Right - Guidelines for Selection - Australian Sports ..

This publication is the result of collaboration between the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and the Australia and New. Zealand Sports Law Association ..

ASADA - Rules and violations

The independent Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel is made up of experts in the areas of sports medicine, sports law, clinical pharmacology, ..

Law reform

Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC). The Australian Law Reform Commission conducts inquiries into, and reviews of, specific areas of the law and legal ..

Sports and recreation

Funding Australian Sports Foundation · Ourcommunity. Insurance and legal. Australian and NZ Sports Law Association. Sports safety and injury prevention ..

Department of Health & Ageing - Australian Sports Anti-Doping ..

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Amendment Bill 2009 .. medicine, clinical pharmacology, sports law, ethics or investigative practices or ..

Conferences & Seminars : Research : Australian Sports Commission

Events and seminars run by the Australian Sports Commission can be found on the .. Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association Annual Conference, ..

Pregnancy Discrimination and Sport: National Pregnancy in Sport ..

The issue of pregnant women in sport raises a number of issues; legal, .. for the strength and integrity of discrimination law in a wider sense.

Sport (Athlete support services) - Courses at Tropical North ..

20+ items – Information technology, sports law & risk management.









Organise personal work priorities and development




Implement the fundamental principles of sports psychology


Australian Institute of Criminology - Violence in sport

This "summit" of leading sporting officials agreed to use the New South Wales Government's newly introduced laws against violence and riots ..

Your constitution - Sports clubs - Sport and Recreation

The Rules of an incorporated sporting Association form the structure within which .. The Rules include the Constitution, Regulations and By-laws, if any, of the ..

PANCS Conference 1999 - Australian Sports Commission

Legal Implications of Athlete Selection. Brian Doyle QC President ANZLA Sports Law Association and Partner, Turnbull Hill Law Firm. What has been happening ..

ASADA Advisory Group - ASADA Annual Report 2010–11

He is a foundation member of the Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association. He has presented papers at international law ..

fact sheet 3

This fact sheet aims to explain privacy laws around the use of images of children .. information on photography of children and young people at sporting events, ..

Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel - ASADA Annual Report 2010–11

He also holds positions on the Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee and the Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne.

Drugs and the law - Hot Topics 59

laws in other States – drugs and driving – drugs in sport. 17 police powers. Undercover police – searches – sniffer dogs – internal searches – search friend ..

Education and Training : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports ..

New online courses covering topics such as illicit drugs; sport, law and policies; ethical reasoning and personal responsibility; and member protection will be ..

Match-fixers will face jail under nationally-consistent laws – Friday ..

Minister for Sport Mark Arbib has welcomed the announcement that match-fixers could be jailed for 10 years, after State and Territory law ..

Sporting agencies and anti-discrimination bodies call on sport to ..

Sporting, child protection and anti-discrimination agencies around the .. legislation and sport law to keep Australian sport inclusive, safe and fair.

ICCE Conference 1999 - Australian Sports Commission

Turnbull Hill Lawyers, Charlestown, President of the Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association. All sporting administrators have a legal responsibility ..

Sports Coach :: The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

ASC Home > Sports Coach > Coaching role and responsibility > The .. Service or other law-enforcement agencies where that information is relevant to a ..

Sports law : a practical guide / edited by Mark Fewell | National ..

Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Format: Book; xi, 268 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.


interest in sports law. Ms Pearce has considerable experience in various administrative and legal matters involving restructuring of sporting associations and ..

Strategic Directions for the Western Australian Sport and Recreation ..

President of Triathlon Australia and a member of the Australian New Zealand Sports Law Association. Sue Jones was part of the original Reference Group but ..

Spectator Behaviour Project Legal Jurisdiction Paper

3.2 Criminal law and Sporting Clubs. Persons involved in grass roots sport are not immune from the criminal law just because their behaviour might occur in the ..

Report: Inquiry into the reporting of sports news and the emergence ..

Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association Inc. Ms Mel Mallam, Director. Mr Martin Ross, Director. Tuesday, 5 May 2009 - Canberra. Australian Sports ..

Guidelines for Sport and Recreation Providers

and editing the material. Thanks are also extended to Peter Downs, Debbie Simms and ANZSLA. – The Sports Law Association for their assistance and detailed ..

SportScan : Research : Australian Sports Commission

Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal v3(1) 2008; p.69-102. Keywords: 10 000 M.; ADMINISTRATION; ASSOCIATION; COMPETITION; ..

Message from the CEO - ASADA Annual Report 2010–11

Australian Government: Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority .. work with the Australian sporting community, as well as partners in law ..

Shaun Creighton : Australian Institute of Sport : Australian Sports ..

He specialises in intellectual property and sports law with clients that include athletes, national sporting organisations, media outlets and event ..

Privacy statement : Australian Sports Commission : Australian Sports ..

The Australian Sports Commission records visits to this website and logs the .. For example in the event of an investigation, a law enforcement agency may ..

Department of Sport and Recreation | Risk management legal ..

In law, your neighbour is someone that you should have foreseen is, or was, closely and directly affected by your actions. So, in sport and recreation if you are ..

Parliament of Australia: Senate: Committees: Environment ..

8, The Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association (PDF 75KB). 9, South African National Editors' Forum (PDF 91KB). 10, Reuters News (PDF 109KB) ..

Attorney General's Department - About the Attorney-General

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, specialising in litigation, industrial and sports law. Robert was born on Australia Day in ..

Sports law / David Thorpe .. [et al.] | National Library of Australia

Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Format: Book; lx, 492 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Steve Lancken Resume March 2011

Litigation; Aviation Law; Insurance; Professional Indemnity & Personal Injury;. Native Title; Sports & Sponsorship; Wills & Estates; Property, Leases, Rural ..

Minister for Emergency Management

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, was a partner, and specialised in industrial and sports law. Robert was born on Australia ..

Racing Penalties Appeals Tribunal - Tribunal Composition

Is a barrister practising from Francis Burt Chambers Perth, specialising in criminal and civil litigation in the areas of sports law and liquor ..

Department of Sport and Recreation | Understanding legal issues ..

ANZSLA, the sports law association, with The Australian Government Standing Committee on Recreation and Sport (SCORS) is presenting free ..

Trove - Essays in sport and the law / edited by Thomas V. Hickie ..

Essays in sport and the law / edited by Thomas V. Hickie .. [et al.] Essays in sport and the law / edited by Thomas V. Hickie .. Creator: Hickie, Thomas V ..

Personal Injury - Issue 51 - Top Topics - LIAC - find LEGAL answers

9 Changes to the law in New South Wales. Stage 1 reforms – stage 2 reforms – recent legislation on personal injury. 15 Sporting bodies. The law before the ..

MPIO Course Information Sheet

the role of MPIO. The course will cover: •. Discrimination, harassment and abuse in sport. •. Complaint resolution procedures. •. Sport and anti-discrimination law ..


Microsoft Powerpoint - explore how discrimination and harassment can happen in sport and identify the relevant laws that apply; identify the relevant policies, complaint resolution ..

HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME - Australian Sports Commission

the law. But first we need to set the general scene. Sport as a Public Affair. Sport is a public affair. Sports people are public people. They perform in public, for the ..

Child Protection : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Child protection requires a commitment from all levels in sport to ensure sporting .. Please note that under Australian law the term 'child' is defined as a person ..

Submission of the Australian Athletes' Alliance to the NSW Law ..

to conduct of the kind mentioned (referred herein as "Private Sporting Rules");. 2. the adequacy of current laws to deal with the conduct in the criminal context ..

Sports Law And Legislation United States - SLWA Online Catalogue ..

50+ items – Skip to content. Home · Help · Login · SLWALogo ..

Sports Law

And Legislation Great Britain






Sports Law

And Legislation New Zealand Periodicals






Assisting sporting organisations - ASADA Annual Report 2010–11

ASADA continues to work with sporting organisations to increase their .. World Sports Law Report Tackling Doping in Sport Conference ..

Consultation Paper 12 (2011) - Cheating at Gambling - Law Reform ..

Review of the criminal law concerned with cheating and other forms of fraud. Wagering on sporting and other events. Cheating and conspiracy ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Reporting of Sports News and the ..

Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association Inc. ("ANZSLA") is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing education, advocacy ..

Occupational Health & Safety : Supporting Sport : Australian Sports ..

In many cases, Occupational Health and Safety laws will also apply to volunteers. Included in the Acts are .. Funding and grants · The Future of Australian Sport ..

Media Release - Cheating at gambling (26 August 2011) - Law ..

The criminal law has not kept up to date and the Commission proposes two new sets of sports specific offences. The first set of offences cover ..

Heading 1 - Australian Sports Commission

- Australian & New Zealand Sports Law Association. Information about sports law issues and referral to specialist sport law practitioners (membership required) ..

Options for managing complaints : Supporting Sport : Australian ..


organisations have legal responsibilities in relation to harassment, discrimination and child protection. They also have moral obligations in relation to ..

SportScan Article Database : Research : Australian Sports ..

Home > Research > National Sport Information Centre > Catalogue and .. SPORT, SPORTS LAW, SPORTS MEDICINE, SPORTS SCIENCE, SQUASH ..

Recreation and sport - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

In order to understand the workplace health and safety requirements for recreation and sport, and your obligations under the law you must ..

Transgender : Participating in Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Sharpe, A., "Sport: naturalising sex differences through sport : an examination of the New South Wales transgender legislation", Alternative Law Journal (Aust.) ..

Photographing Children - Department of Sport and Recreation

Photographing children involved in sport and recreation activities can put .. Federal privacy laws protect the personal information of adults and children and ..

About Australia: People, culture and lifestyle

Within the framework of Australia's laws, all Australians have the right to .. who love their leisure, particularly sport, both as spectators and as participants. In fact ..

Minister for Emergency Management - Copyright Law Review ..

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, was a partner, and specialised in industrial and sports law. Robert was ..

Getting it Right - Guidelines for Selection - Australian Sports ..

When the draft policy has been drawn up, it should be reviewed by a sports lawyer. If the sport does not have its own lawyer, call ANZSLA on 1800 804 031 for a ..

Advisory Group - ASADA - Governance

He carried his passion for sport into the law and quickly established a reputation as a sports lawyer. He is a foundation member of the Australian and New ..


deterring, detecting and enforcing doping issues in sport. Accomplished sports lawyer, Mr Brian Ward OAM will Chair the Advisory Group ..

Infectious disease symposium

Can we risk ignoring guidelines and policies that insist there is a risk of infection with blood-borne viruses in sport? Judy Allen (Sports Lawyer and Law Lecturer) ..

Sport Rage seminar - 10 September 2003 - seminar notes

Afternoon tea. 3pm. Navigating the legal minefield – what you need to know. Matthew Finnis, Sports Lawyer, Lander and Rogers Melbourne ..

Year 12 - what next? - Future work opportunities


life coach, home computer support consultant, webpage manager, mobile phone accessory designer and sports lawyer – were not imagined 25 years ago.

Law : Research : Australian Sports Commission

The Australian Sports Commission does not provide legal advice to individuals. ANZSLA, the Sports Law Association, will be able to direct you to lawyers ..

ABC Radio National - The Sports Factor Transcript - 16 May 1997

And according to sport lawyer Lionel Hogg, this whole business of sponsorship and endorsement deals in sport is creating a very complex web of loyalties and ..

SportScan : Research : Australian Sports Commission

Entertainment and sports lawyer v.14 (1), Spring 1996, p. 7-10. Keywords: INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE; LITIGATION; OLYMPIC GAMES, ATLANTA ..

ASADA - Media

Accomplished sports lawyer, Mr Brian Ward OAM will Chair the Advisory Group whose members include: Ms Kate Palmer - Netball Australia Chief Executive.

Pregnancy and sport | Better Health Channel

For further information on these complex legal issues, consult with your lawyer, the Australian Sports Commission or Sports Medicine Australia.

Industries and occupations

If you are employed as an articled clerk or other paralegal, lawyer or solicitor, this guide .. Fitness and sporting industry employees - what expenses can I claim?

Web Archive Copy: Sports Factor: Amanda Carter and Alan Patching ..

Warwick Hadfield: Sports lawyer, John de Mestre. Now what is set in concrete is that if you lose your appeal against selection in the Olympic team at the Court of ..

Personal Injury - Issue 51 - Top Topics - LIAC

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. State Library of NSW .. injuries arising from public and product liability, sporting accidents and medical ..

Index to awards and contract determinations - Industrial Relations ..

1296, Crown Employees (Department of the Arts, Sport and .. 232, Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor's Office, Office of the ..

Sports Factor - 22/06/01: No Sex Please, Were Athletes!

Well, what are the legal issues pertaining to women playing in organised sports competitions when they're pregnant? Sports lawyer, Marianne Robinson thinks ..

Report: Inquiry into the reporting of sports news and the emergence ..

Sports Media Publishing Pty Ltd. Mr Warren Keir, Managing Director. Lander & Rogers Lawyers. Mr Ian Fullagar, Partner. Ms Amelia Lynch ..

Steve Lancken Resume March 2011

Member Corporate Lawyers Association. Member Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association (ANZSLA). Member Insolvency Practitioners Association ..


TJ 100104. South Wagga Sports and Bowling Club Ltd. C/O Mr Tony Johnston. Eastern Commercial Lawyers. Suite 3, 131 Clarence Street. SYDNEY NSW 2000 ..

The Board : About us : Australian Sports Commission

After working as a solicitor at Holman Webb in Sydney he became the General .. was named Australian Sports Administrator of the Year at the Confederation of ..

Highlands District Cricket Association Inc - NSW Sport and ..

The It's Your Business resource was extensively researched and developed by leading sport and recreation lawyer, Ian Fullagar of Lander and Rogers Lawyers, ..

Business structures - NSW Fair Trading

.. should only be made after talking to your accountant or solicitor. .. interest groups such as sports associations, industry associations, animal .. - Legal award recognises NT opportunities says ..

"So at this time we have lawyers, doctors, teachers, senior public servants, merchant bankers, CEOs, actors, sports stars, small business ..

Case studies : Participating in Sport : Australian Sports Commission

25 year old Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) athlete Kim Crow began competitive rowing six years ago. Kim manages a busy schedule working as a lawyer ..

Comlaw Home


-General's · Human Services .. Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs · Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport ..

Instructions: downloading the template : Supporting Sport ..

have it checked by a lawyer for legal accuracy and to ensure that your .. NSOs should forward their policy to the ASC;; State sporting organisations should ..

Shaun Creighton : Australian Institute of Sport : Australian Sports ..

He trained at the Australian Institute of Sport from 1990 to 1999, first as a .. and became its practice director and principal lawyer in May 2009.

Transgender discrimination - Anti-Discrimination Board : Lawlink NSW

(Department of Justice and Attorney General) 1300 366 430 .. You only have the right to play single-sex sport with people of your birth gender.

Volunteers the heart and soul of Australian sport : Supporting Sport ..

Sport in Australia is supported by around 1.7 million volunteers who donate their .. Kim manages a busy schedule working as a lawyer (having ..


Mr David Miles AM is a lawyer and company director .. Project and Australian Motor Sports Appeal Court and .. International Court of Appeal for Motor Sport.

Occupations related to subjects in Years 11 & 12

Lawyer – barrister; solicitor. Legal practitioner. Legal secretary .. Sports coach. Sports commentator. Sports development officer. Sports medicine practitioner ..

Sport Industry Lesson Plan - Years 4 and 5

Primary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Accountant. •. Secondary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Sports Lawyer. •. Sports Journalist ..


Mr Mark French. Represented by Mr Paul Hayes, Barrister. Instructed by Michael Main, Solicitor, Russell Kennedy Solicitors. Vs. Australian Sports Commission ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

Andrew Rogers Business & Personal Lawyers View details .. A leading firm in the area commercial-sport which involves delivery of results oriented performance ..

Our Board - Sydney Olympic Park Authority

Mr Baffsky, a solicitor, has been associated with the Accor Group since 1993, .. of the International Council of Arbitration for Sport and a Member of the Council ..

Trove - for ''


racing administrator; Member of Upper House; solicitor; sports administrator .. EADY, CHARLES JOHN (1870-1945), sportsman, lawyer and politician, was ..

Ambush Marketing and the Sydney - Australian Sports Commission

Recall that sports lawyer Stephen Townley has divided ambush marketing into two main activities: those practices traditionally considered piracies and more ..

Sports Factor - 31/03/00: Design Innovation: Good or Bad For Sport?

The Australian Olympic Committee has taken the issue to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. AOC lawyer SIMON ROFE explains why. Swim coach JOHN CAREW ..

The Australian Defence Force Academy - Graduates

They have pursued careers as project managers, authors, actors, lawyers, public .. conservationists, fundraisers, businesspeople, sports people, small business ..

SportScan : Research : Australian Sports Commission

Facts, copyrights, unfair competition and contracts. Will NBA v Motorola lead to shrink wrap television? Entertainment and Sports Lawyer v15 (2), Summer 1997, ..

Tom Mosby, research manager and TV star - Department of ..

He changed his career to lawyer and, during a legal career of 10 .. for Child Safety and Minister for Sport · Minister for Community Services and ..

AFL leader commends leadership grants for women : News Centre ..

Diana, who works as a commercial lawyer in Melbourne, has .. are passionate about sport and want to take on greater leadership roles within ..

Senior Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity - Vacancies - Careers.vic ..

Senior Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity .. Administration / Secretarial, Agriculture / Primary Industry, Arts and Sports, Asset Management and Planning ..

Senior Compliance Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity

Senior Compliance Lawyer, Office of Police Integrity .. Administration / Secretarial, Agriculture / Primary Industry, Arts and Sports, Asset Management and ..

Getting It Right: guidelines for selection - Australian Sports ..

The Australian Sports Commission is the Australian Government body responsible ... If finances are not a limiting factor, the best person for the task is a lawyer, ..


from information publicly available regarding lawyers practising in Macau. By providing this .. French, Mandarin,. Macau. Taxation, Sports, Real Estate ..

0909 Law - Study in Australia

Culture · Culture Experience Australian culture, from sports to opera. .. The first step to becoming a lawyer is to undertake a bachelor of laws (LLB). Most of these ..

solicitor 7 - Trove - National Library of Australia

NEIGHBOUR, GEORGE HENRY (1848-1915), teacher, lawyer and acting judge, .. racing administrator; Member of Upper House; solicitor; sports administrator .

Background Briefing - 30/07/00 - Australian Sports Commission

American sports lawyer and academic, J.B. Perrine, has taken a strong interest in the rationalisation of rugby league in Australia. He says the Souths case is ..

(-1. lril~.un:tl -\rhitrul tlu Sport 'L'tml'l t>l' .-'\rhitration for Sport

Court assisted by: Mr. Leon Sher, solicitor. ' Date and place of .. PRELIMINARY . - Jenna Myers, the Respondent, is an elite athlete in the sport of weightlifting.

Elite athletes ACEing life and sport

1997 (due to my sport and career aspirations) such a big deal. I landed on my feet working as a part-time lawyer with Blake Dawson Waldron and had the ..

Pregnancy and sport - Better Health Channel.

For further information on these complex legal issues, consult with your lawyer, the Australian. Sports Commission or Sports Medicine Australia. See your doctor ..

Attorney General's Department - About the Attorney-General

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, specialising in litigation, industrial and sports law. Robert was born on Australia Day in ..

Minister for Emergency Management - Attorney-General's Department

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, was a partner, and specialised in industrial and sports law. Robert was born on Australia ..

Peter Donnellan - Lawyer & Consultant | Moonee Valley City Council


grounds .. Home · Business Directory · Professional and personal services · Legal services; Peter Donnellan - Lawyer & Consultant. Text-size. Decrease ..

Senior Solicitor (Prosecutions) - Vacancies -

5 days ago – Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is seeking a lawyer eligible to be .. Arts and Sports, Asset Management and Planning, Communications, ..

Life in Australia

Attorney General's Department .. Sport, recreation and the arts ... peoples contribute significantly across many fields, including the arts, media, academia, sport ..

Sports Factor - 29/06/01: Springboks 1971


TONY ABRAHAMS played with the Australian rugby team in South Africa .. Amanda Smith: On The Sports Factor this week, we're remembering a quite ..

Family law (Victoria Online)

About Victoria & Tourism · Business & Industry · Culture, Sport & Recreation .. Family Law Council (Attorney-General's Department, Australian Government) ..

ICCE Conference 1999 - Australian Sports Commission

Turnbull Hill Lawyers, Charlestown, President of the Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association. All sporting administrators have a legal responsibility ..

Interviews : Participating in Sport : Australian Sports Commission

Kicci: I would like to link sport to career, but my main goal is being a lawyer. Veronica: I would like to go to university to study something but still have sport in my ..


counsellor. Retail department/ store manager. Script writer. Social worker. Sociologist. Solicitor. Speech pathologist. Sports editor. Teacher,. Teacher/librarian ..


sub-committee and the Australian Sports Commission Board. Appointed to 5 July 2007. Margot is a practising lawyer in Melbourne but maintains a considerable ..

Inheritance scam in your letterbox

Thompson & Lawyers, David T Duddias, Thomson & Associates, David Lopez- just some of the names being used by operators based in Spain in unsolicited ..

Search by organisation - SmartJobs - Jobs with us


Department of Housing; Sport and Recreation and the Academy of Sport; Indigenous .. Existing Department Justice and Attorney-General; Department of ..

Strategic Directions for the Western Australian Sport and Recreation ..

.. industry in many ways, including as a successful Western Australian lawyer, .. Sport and recreation plays a vital role in achieving real community outcomes.

Fremantle Community Legal Centre - City of Fremantle

Active Freo youth sports grants .. We have a duty lawyer service which includes some representation and follow up for the restraining order lists at the Fremantle ..

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport

Represented by Mr Bill Fragos, Barrister and solicitor and .. By letter dated the 25"' day of August 2004, the Australian Sports Drugs. Agency (ASDA) informed ..

Sport Industry Lesson Plan - Years 6 and 7

Primary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Accountant. •. Secondary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Sports Lawyer. •. Sports Journalist ..

Rich Text Format - to the first edition of e Yarn, a twice-yearly e-newsletter for the Sporting Chance .. a doctor or a lawyer because I would like a job where I can help other people.

Case Studies : Participating in Sport : Australian Sports Commission

The Sport Leadership Grants and Scholarships for Women program provides ... Diana, who works as a commercial lawyer in Melbourne, has achieved a lot ..

Sport Industry Lesson Plan - Years 11 and 12

Primary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Accountant. •. Secondary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Sports Lawyer. •. Sports Journalist ..

Leading new directions for Australian sport : News Centre ..

The new ASC members to help strengthen Australia's sporting future are: Liz Ellis – former Australian Netball captain and lawyer. David Gallop ..

AFL leader commends leadership grants for women : Participating in ..

Diana, who works as a commercial lawyer in Melbourne, has .. are passionate about sport and want to take on greater leadership roles within ..

VicHealth - VicHealth Board

Mr Birrell is a lawyer and company director with deep experience in public policy. .. She has twenty years experience in sports administration roles, as the Chief ..

Volunteers - the heart and soul of Australian sport : Participating in ..

25 year old Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) athlete Kim Crow began competitive rowing six years ago. Kim manages a busy schedule working as a lawyer ..

VicHealth - New VicHealth board announced by Health Minister

She has twenty years experience in sports administration roles, as the .. Mr Gordon is a lawyer in private practice and a leader of smoking and ..


- Sporting organisations have legal obligations in relation to harassment, .. Have a lawyer check the customised template to ensure it complies with your ..

Minister for Emergency Management

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, was a partner, and specialised in industrial and sports law. Robert was ..

Good news stories from the Sporting Chance Program

support up to 36 school-based sports academies and .. The Sporting Chance team looks forward to sharing .. or a lawyer because I would like a job where ..

Law Pracuce To-day'

Clyne — quite the most man/ellous lawyer we have ever come across here. .. financial consultants mingle their licensed knowledge with experts in sports trivia, ..

Woollahra Municipal Council | Appeals

We recommend you get legal advice from a lawyer or barrister who has expertise .. You can start looking for such lawyers or barristers through: ..

Catherine Ordway - Australian International Sporting Events ..

AISES - The Australian International Sporting Events Secretariat - Logo .. Lawyer in the lead up to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games for the Australian Olympic ..

Acting Commissioner - About the CCC

Mr Herron is a senior Barrister, primarily practising in general civil litigation and with an interest in sports law. He has acted as a Solicitor for and advised the ..

Australian Sports Commission

Why has the Australian Sports Commission provided this template? .. Once this template has been customised, have it checked by a lawyer for legal accuracy ..

Sponsorship agreements - Sport rage - Sport and Recreation

Welcome to Sport and Recreation's website. Skip to content; Skip to .. If unsure, consult with a lawyer to ensure the agreement is sound. Never assume you will ..

Dr Casta Tungaraza - Department of Sport and Recreation

Margot Foster is a lawyer, Olympian and sports administrator. In 1984 she won a bronze medal in women's fours rowing at the Los Angeles ..

Know your rights: Racial discrimination and vilification


such as joining a sports club or RSL; Commonwealth Government laws and .. playing sport, including when enrolling, competing or access to mainstream ..

sport and the law - For Students & Teachers

Playbytherules - a comprehensive website about sport and the law, including discrimination, behaviour of players and child protection.

Common Questions (FAQs) - Children's Court : Lawlink NSW

You should be at court so that the solicitor can spend time with you before .. to participate in activities, such as school excursions and sports ..

Annual Report 05 for web - Australian Sports Commission

skills and experience as a practising lawyer with her considerable involvement in sports administration. Margot was a successful athlete, winning bronze in the ..


Entertainment and sports lawyer. Vol.12 no.3 1994 - Vol.19 no's 2/3 2001. Equus. No.137 1989 -. Ethics in sport newsletter. Electronic. European journal for ..

Going to court

To do this you will either have to pay a private lawyer or apply for legal aid to ... work with or have known for a long time (like your sports coach, teacher or ..

Creating a Club - Australian Sports Commission

Australian Sports Commission 2000 Page 21 builder may supervise the construction of a new deck for the clubhouse, a lawyer might ..

DDA: Court decisions

Sport. De Alwis v Hair (January 2003) Federal Court refused to hear same application .. Application to be represented by a non-lawyer refused ..

Tasmania Online: Culture, sport and recreation > Sport and ..

40+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Beaconsfield Community Centre


Contact details for the Beaconsfield ..


Beaconsfield House


Contact details for Beaconsfield House, a ..


Business Directory - Sunshine Coast Regional Council

Sport and Leisure Sector · Tourism ... Bakers Lawyers, Level 1 94 Memorial Avenue .. Butler McDermott Lawyers, 6 - 8 William Street ..

Inheritance scams

The scammer will pose as a lawyer, banker or other foreign official and will advise that the deceased left no other beneficiaries. Some scammers will provide a ..

Drugs and the law - Hot Topics 59

want legal advice, you will need to consult a lawyer. state Library of nsW .. laws in other States – drugs and driving – drugs in sport. 17 police powers ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Reporting of Sports News and the ..

Lawyers 2001, p.1. 12 ss.40-44 Major Sporting Events Bill 2009. 13 s.43 Major Sporting Events Bill 2009. 14 Major Sporting Events Bill 2009, Explanatory ..

Discrimination & harassment (Victoria Online)

4 days ago – About Victoria & Tourism · Business & Industry · Culture, Sport & Recreation · Education · Emergencies & Safety · Employment & Workplace ..

Australian Sports Commission

Rich Text Format - Margot is a practising lawyer in Melbourne but maintains a considerable involvement in sports administration. She was a successful athlete, winning bronze in ..

An Interview With Katherine A. Beals PRACTICAL APPLICATION

my family had their sights set on me becoming a lawyer—however I did manage to acquire a minor is sport psychology. Even while I was working as an intern for ..


The new ASC members to help strengthen Australia's sporting future are: ▪ Liz Ellis – former Australian netball captain and lawyer ..

A Guide to the Australian Government - October 2011

Attorney General's Department. Robert Garran ... Minister Assisting the Attorney-General on Queensland ... Shadow Minister for Youth and Sport. Mr Luke ..

Using Australian Migration Agents - Live in Victoria - Live in Victoria

.. and Australia including the government, entertainment, sports, banking, .. A migration agent or lawyer can assist you with your immigration to Victoria, Australia. It is not necessary to use a migration agent or lawyer but if you ..

Cricket Australia

Cricket is our nation's main summer sport in terms of participants, spectators ... The report into the allegations of racist behaviour by India's Solicitor-General ..

Lawyers 2000

If you are employed as a lawyer, this guide will help you to work out what .. including dress, casual, running and sports shoes, as it is a private ..

Complaints Flowchart - Australian Sports Commission

Human Rights & Equal Opportunity. Commission. •. Australian Sports Commission (Sport. Services Section). •. Lawyer (legal advice). If issue relates to a person ..

May-June 2006.qxd

player, High Commissioner John McCarthy, Sports. Minister Mani Shanker Aiyer and Sunil Yash Kalra. Former Indian Attorney-General,. Soli Sorabjee, awarded ..

Law - myfuture: Australia's career information service


Sports and Recreation · Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing · Tourism and .. NSW Young Lawyers pages offering advice on career opportunities and ..

Disability Council of NSW: public inquiry into the area of people with ..

I worked as a paralegal with this powerhouse of commercial lawyers from 1990 to 1992. I was fortunate enough to secure this position while I was a student and ..

Biography - The Honourable Robert McClelland MP

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, was a partner, and specialised in industrial and sports law. Robert was ..

Sport Industry Lesson Plan - Year 10

Primary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Accountant. •. Secondary Teacher – Health and Physical Education. •. Sports Lawyer. •. Sports Journalist ..

Be a sport! Find your 30 at the Corporate Games - April 2011 ..

There are 15 sports to choose from this year – badminton, basketball, beach volleyball fours, cricket eights, golf, netball, outrigger canoeing, ..

Sports Factor Transcript Index

The Australian Olympic Committee has taken the issue to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. AOC lawyer SIMON ROFE explains why. Swim coach JOHN CAREW ..


expenses you might incur as an employee lawyer. .. For example, Jim is a lawyer in the Public Service. He .. shoes, including dress, casual, running and sports ..

Australian Government Attorneys General's Department - Crime ..

.. of firearms by genuine sporting shooters, such as aspiring Olympians, and has .. Further information can be found on the Attorney-General's ..

tarnished gold - Australian Sports Commission

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Lawyers acting for the Sports Commission then interviewed Clews yet again as part of the internal inquiry. Again she handed over the ..


had a distinguished career in the solicitor branch of the profession. You have had a great deal of .. In the Olympic sport of weightlifting, as your ..

Public servants break sporting world record - August 2011 ..

Public servants break sporting world record. Kevin Chiu of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General playing badminton in the Corporate ..

Untitled - City of Mandurah

Port Bouvard Surf Sports and Life Saving Club – Awarding of Tender. 7 ... the Chief Executive Officer (Corporate Lawyer) to enter into a written ..

Trove - for 'noffke'

Bakke: Lines, Kris; Heshka, Jon: The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer: [ Article : 2009 ]: View online (conditions apply). This resource is very relevant to your ..


Sports Commission. FULLAGAR, Mr Ian Fraser Kelsham, Partner, Lander and Rogers. ROFE, Mr Arthur Simon Fulton, Solicitor, Australian ..

c o n t e n t s - Australian Sports Commission

recreation activities" and the National Sport and Recreation Competency Standards ...6-1 > 6-2 .. Any solicitor/lawyer can help draw up a waiver.

Councillor Bill Kritharas - City of Canterbury

.. and is a Partner with a national law firm, Sparke Helmore Lawyers. .. Bill is also interested in promoting the arts and sport generally in the ..


Graeme is a Lawyer, Mediator and Company Director. .. Phil Cossens is a physiotherapist currently practicing at Atlas Sports Physiotherapy and Hands-on ..


40+ items – Navigation Bar. GLOSSARY.

Adelaide City


Adelaide City Soccer Club was a division of the Adelaide ..


Mr Ashenden


The Hon. Scott Ashenden MP, Minister for Recreation and Sport ..



Human rights lawyer and social justice activist Dr Hannah McGlade .. titled Sport and cultural continuity on Erambie Mission, saying "His lively ..


Management & Promotion – Sport & the Arts - Developing & Facilitating Educational .. Proudly sponsored by Shannon Donaldson Province Lawyers - ..


- Cricket is our nation's main summer sport in terms of participants, spectators and ... qualified lawyer to draft legislation dealing with racist behaviour at matches; ..

a case to answer - Australian Sports Commission

ANDREW BOE, SOLICITOR: In a case like this, where there has been a decision .. and against many other high-profile sports figures accused of sex offences.

ASDA Annual Report 2004-05: Corporate Governance

Logo: Australian Government / Australian Sports Drug Agency Australian Sports .. Gabrielle Trainor is a non-executive director with a background as a lawyer, ..


excellent results from an operation, receiving a sporting or .. the sports field, is to have each member looking the ... He is an attorney with the US Attorney's ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - News

The APC is a partnership between the Attorney-General's Department, South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Academy and the Port Adelaide Football ..

Air Force News :: Top Stories

BRUCE Robert Miles OAM, well-known Sydney criminal defence lawyer and .. Unable to return to flying, Bruce found himself as the sports officer for the Air ..


Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, specialising in industrial and sports law. Robert was born on Australia ..


weekend final fixtures and demonstration sports days;. 5.2 .. that the Independent Children's Lawyer is to provide to Dr D a copy of these orders, as well as such ..


Abbott, Massey and W. Kearney, who were actively ongaged in tho sport, and .. Mr. Robert Fitzgerald (a well-known solicitor, stall living), was secretary for Now .. - Retirement villages

.. speak to your solicitor or lawyer about the fee and legal structures for .. and baby boomers, featuring sports facilities, cafes, and restaurants.

ABC Radio National - The Sports Factor Transcript - 8 August 1997

Hi, I'm Amanda Smith, and also on The Sports Factor today, we'll be looking at .. The name of our team was Team Houston, four bankers and a lawyer.


- .. to low and reverse e.g. judge, lawyer, witness, criminal, convict, ticket-of-leave, .. Using the idea of the Theatre Sports game Space Jump, improvise and mime ..

2011 02 04 Retailers List.CSV

Fusion Night Spot. Beach Burrito Company. Cronulla Little Shoe Shop. George Gourlas Lawyer. Beachside Physio & Sports Clinic. Cronulla Medical Practice ..


Christian Porter MLA, Treasurer and Attorney-General of. Western Australia, Dr .. little time to take an active interest in team sports. President ..


attend the children's sports days, concerts and usual activities affiliated with the .. (28) The Independent Children's Lawyer is discharged upon the later of the ..

Privacy Advice for Organisation

organisations. 1. Introduction. This guide is intended to assist sporting organisations with the new privacy .. ask your lawyer for advice about this. Health service ..

Contempt: Some Contemporary Thoughts - Supreme Court : Lawlink ..

The presiding judge convicted both lawyers of contempt. ... Mr Hearne asked the Minister for Tourism and Sport and Recreation to legislate to ..

Marketing And Public Relations - Australian Sports Commission

Marketing requires the same things that you give your sport - disciplines ... sport, consult your lawyer to see whether a liable action could be taken. If all else ..

BEHIND THE SCENES - Australian Sports Commission

have to be sport); I got "champion zoo keeper" and "champion lawyer". I look forward to generation Z grow up!!! When I was leaving the school, kids followed ..

Internal Ombudsman - Sutherland Shire Council

Previously worked as a lawyer in a number of positions including Litigation Manager with WorkCover NSW, lawyer/policy advisor with NSW Cabinet Office and ..

RISK MANAGEMENT RESOURCE - Australian Sports Commission

recreation activities" and the National Sport and Recreation Competency Standards ...6-1 > 6-2 .. Any solicitor/lawyer can help draw up a waiver.

Giving back to Cherbourg Poignant wins Stanner Award Trustees on ..

medical educator Dr Louis Peachey, lawyer Norman Laing and Ms Arabena. The radio segments .. arts, sports and games. "It was an honour to be asked and a ..

DCITA Annual Report 2006-2007

Attorney-General's Department. Robert Garran .. Cover photo of Patrick Johnson, source Australian Sports Commission .. culture, sport and communications.

Superannuation scams


from other sources, such as your lawyer, employer or union representative. Top .. Expensive software packages that promise to predict the results of sporting ..

Australian Sports Commission Annual Report 1988-1989

Thedepcty chairman' of the Australian Sports- '. Commission was John Coates. AM, lawyer and senior vicepresident of the Australian Oiympic Federation.

Lyndria Cook, 22-3432 1480 Tallebudgera Ck. Rd.m Tallebudgera ..

litigation lawyers say this is an industry out of control, undergoing .. supervise Coast Guard Cadets, Scouts childrens community sports clubs etc.etc. Kids ..

Australian Customs Notice 1998/76a - Australian Customs Service

Sports shoes, special sports shoes, more particularly football boots, runners, training shoes and ice ... Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys ..


- Recreation and Sport organisations have legal obligations in relation to .. Have a lawyer check the customised template to ensure it complies with your ..

Italo-Australian Thematic History

by R Pesman - - Organisations: welfare, sport and community. 10. Religion. 16 ... Italian immigrants who were then accompanied to the bank, lawyer or doctor by a friend ..

Sports Factor - 7/09/01: Abused Bodies

But unhealthy obsessions with weight loss can also occur in sports where you ... As a sidebar Amanda, I will tell you that I met with the lawyers and some of the ..

AZ list of Australian Government departments and .. -

70+ items – Organisation, Print, Enquiries, Email, Postal Address. A.










Postal ..



Aboriginal Hostels Limited (AHL)


(02) 6212 2000




PO Box ..


Aboriginal Studies Press (ASP)


(02) 6246 1186




GPO Box ..


Index of participants to awards, etc.: N to S - Industrial Relations ..

Crown Employees (Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation - Catering Officers) ... Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor's Office, Office of the ..


- He was admitted to practice as a solicitor in 1886 and achieved great .. sports, 5. wife, 23. women, 9, 24, 72, 99, 127–129. Crick, William Patrick (illustrations of) ..

Lawyer raises former cop's past behaviour - ABC News (Australian ..

The lawyer for a newspaper being sued by a former Tasmania Police sergeant for defamation has raised reports of the man's past behaviour.

In Conversation with The Honourable Justice Susan Kenny

Rich Text Format - He liked to tell young associates about other lawyers and the great deeds they'd done and always with a ... There are lots of sports runs and things like that.

ABC Radio National - The Sports Factor Transcript - 22 May 1998

Hi, I'm Amanda Smith, thanks for your company on The Sports Factor, as we have a ... A lawyer and broadcaster, Elaine sits on the AFL Tribunal, the board that ..

Elite athletes as role models for young Australians

young athletes as they prepare to enter public life as 'sporting heroes'. .. Mr Donaldson, a Toowoomba based lawyer, produced the resource ..

Sports Commission takes lead on CHOGM committee

The Sports Commission is engaged in sport development beyond its .. Australia to be engaged in the development of sport ... A lawyer by ..

A-League admits education needed after sex charges - ABC Sydney ..

Ryall has pleaded not guilty to the charge and his lawyer says he will .. "All sports, and I guess football is part of that, [have] a very big job to do ..

Web Archive Copy: Sports Factor: Win one for the Gipper!

Brett Hutchins: And then we of course have him counterposed against the ordinary suburban lawyer, John Howard, who is very much into sport, you know, he's ..

Women in Australian Society - Milestones - 1984 - 2010

The Federal Attorney General established the Australian Law Reform Commission .. The first Women and Sport Promotion Awards were held.

Key internet links on Australian Law – Parliament of Australia

Model Laws published by the Standing Committee of Attorneys General (SCAG). Back to top .. Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association · Australian ..

Lawyer - APSjobs - View Searched Notices

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, Closing date: Thursday, .. ASADA seeks a 1-3 years post admission experienced Lawyer to provide ..

Know your rights: A guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ..

Sport Religion. - What can I do if it's not against the law? - A few tips about .. ambulances, police, lawyers, discos, pubs and public transport.

Appendix J: Freedom of information - ASADA Annual Report 2010–11

Australian Government: Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority .. at EL1 level through our Senior Lawyer/Freedom of Information Officer.

Ranked Journal List

Microsoft Excel17, 33045, B, ABA Journal: the lawyer's magazine, 1801, Law, 0747-0088 ... ACS M's Health and Fitness Journal, 1106, Human Movement and Sports Science ..


PREMISES: INDOOR SPORT WINNELLIE .. 3) In 1992 (or early 1993) the Casuarina Indoor Sports Association was .. Through her lawyer, Mr Elliot, she agreed ..

Virtual YBTJ Intentionally Causing Serious Injury Script | Sentencing ..

Image of a courtroom, with the prosecutor and defence lawyers at the bar .. 5a (Defence lawyer – first question re plea) .. I work in a sports shop at the mall.

ASADA Annual Report 2008–09

Australian Government: Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority .. the Chief Financial Officer, Principal Lawyer, Director Investigations and ..


VISION. "To be a leading triathlon nation and grow the sport of triathlon in Australia". MISSION ... A lawyer by trade and equally qualified in economics and ap- ..

Australian Sports Commission - Annual Report 2003/2004 - Guide to ..

Alan is the Deputy Chairman of the New South Wales Institute of Sport and a .. as a practising lawyer with her considerable involvement in sports administration.

Australian Sports Commission

attended the three meetings since that time. A lawyer with her own practice in Melbourne, she has wide- ranging experience in sports law and ..

Sesquicentenary Of The University Of Sydney Address - Supreme ..

Olympic sports like luge, cycling and canoeing are measured in .. For centuries the education of common lawyers was conducted by a ..

Department of Sport and Recreation | Celebration of women in sport ..

Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) .. Julia has worked as a lawyer in Sydney, has a Masters degree and rowing ..

Sports Medicine Australia

Sports Medicine Australia Report for the Period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008. .. (Lawyer). Dr Warren Mundy, who moved to Scotland last year has returned and ..

Department of Communities

Rich Text Format - Department of Communities (Sport and Recreation Services) .. and revise the Duty Lawyer Handbook to ensure duty lawyers understand and fulfil professional ..

Immunity of ADR practitioners - National Alternative Dispute ..

- The Victorian Bar Inc. Attorney-General's Reference to NADRAC: Integrity of ... AFL players and the Australian Sports Drug Agency (the body that conducted ..

Anti-Discrimination Commissioner : Newsletter - Issue 29 June 2010

This year IDAHO Day was focusing on homophobia in sport. .. Parties can bring a lawyer or advocate to represent them at the conference ..

MR110725 Australia, Philippines hold forum on Indigenous Peoples ..

The forum featured presentations by Indigenous Australian lawyer Professor Megan .. including the arts, media, academia, sports, government and business.

Submission: Inquiry into the Reporting of Sports News and the ..

Inquiry into the reporting of sports news and the emergence of digital media .. by a lawyer or otherwise—the publication may be represented by whomever it ..

ANNUAL REVIEW - Australian Sports Commission

journals and is a Fellow of Exercise and Sports Science Australia and the. American College of Sports Medicine. IAN FULLAGAR. Ian is a lawyer and partner in ..

SSA Annual Report - DRAFT.indd - Australian Sports Commission

As our sports system has diversified and increased in complexity over the years, .. also appointed an independent expert panel headed by lawyer David Craw- ..

When the law comes calling - Australian Government, Department of ..

IF soldiers need a military lawyer to help respond to a serious military justice matter, the Directorate of Defence Counsel Services might be able ..

ASIC Gazette


Budget Estimates 2011-2012

Executive Lawyer with AGS, currently performing a management role in AGS as ... sports. but a lot are now playing only one sport because their parents cannot ..

(previously Law Department) - Public Record Office Victoria online ..


-General's Department (previously known as the Law Department) ... accommodation, the provision of goods and services and in clubs and sports ..

$500000 announced to support women leaders in sport

Australian sport will reap the benefit of support for 132 women leaders .. Strategic Business Planning (AIM) & Contract Law for Non-Lawyers ..

Transgender discrimination

lawyers, government departments, the police, public transport, local councils, doctors, hospitals and other medical services, hotels, sporting venues and ..

Web Links - City of Sydney - City of Sydney

Law Society of New South Wales - directory of lawyers in NSW, legal news .. Australian Sports Commission - Olympics information and links ..

Sports Law

Melbourne Law School's internationally renowned sports law program .. Our sports law program has ten sports-related subjects rotated over an ..

Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information service

Lawyers are described as solicitors or barristers, depending on the work they do. .. In SA, WA, Tasmania, the ACT and NT, the work of barristers and solicitors is usually combined, with many lawyers describing themselves as .. Sports Lawyer ..

WebLaw - Sports Law

Sports Lawyers

Association (USA): The Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) is a non-profit, international, professional organization whose common goal is the ..

Occupation theme - Melbourne Cup

Sports Lawyer myfuture Training Kit. November brings 'the race that stops the nation', the Melbourne Cup, one of the wealthiest horse races in ..

Deborah Healey | UNSW LAW


lawyer, with a major focus on competition law and a real involvement in sport and .. protection and a number of sports related courses in the LLM programme.

Videos - myfuture: Australia's career information service

Marketing Director. 3:03 mins | 11.2MB. Watch the James Johnson video. Sports Lawyer. 2:13 mins | 8MB. Watch the Kate Armstrong video. General Practitioner ..

Sport - Legal Resources

News, Sports Law Bulletin, Graduate studies information, research, conferences and sports law links. Sports Lawyers Association (UK) ..


Want to make Sport your career? Do SportWest VCAL* .. the workings of an elite sports club, the Western Bulldogs: 2011 Year 11 .. and Recreation. Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation, Coaching or Fitness ..Sports Lawyer. AM I ELIGIBLE?

Sports Law news archive

The authors argue that sports law developments are of potentially widespread application and influence and encourage academics, attorneys ..

Malcolm Speed - Staff Profile

Lawyer and sports administrator. Executive Director, The Coalition of Major Professional & Participation Sports Inc. Malcolm Speed has recently ..

New in 2010! myfuture Asia Skills section Asia Skills: What's the ..

For sports lawyer James Johnson and FIFA, world soccer's governing body, Australia is an Asian country. Australia is part of the Asian Football ..

Discover SCU - August 2008 - Sports-law degree leads Mel to top job

¿I loved studying law at Southern Cross University and I know I am a better sports lawyer because of my time here. ¿It makes a lot of difference ..

Law Electronic Journals - Monash University Library

25+ items – Electronic journals for law. E. E law : Murdoch University ..

Education and the law


01/01/1989 to 31/12/1996 Taylor & Francis Education ..


Education law journal


01/06/2005 to present CBCA Education (connect ..


Negligent liability in sport

by N Schot - 2005 - - 12 Dean Laing, 'Liability of Contact Sports Participants' (1993) 66 Wisconsin Lawyer 12, 12. 13 Stuart Clark and Ross McInnes, 'Unprecedented Reform: The ..

UTS: Thinking about uni? - undergraduate study at UTS


Accounting, Events Management, Sports Management, Human Movement, .. UTS: Law – Lawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal ..

Law Journal - Legal Resources


Australian Family Lawyer; Australian Feminist Law Journal; Australian ... Southwestern Law Journal; Sports Lawyers Journal; Stanford Environmental Law ..

Sports Law student profiles

In-House Lawyer Association of Surfing Professionals International Ltd (ASP) FTV Oceania Pty Ltd Current student, Graduate Diploma in Sports ..

Sport, Commerce and the Law LAWS70059 - Subject Details

This subject acts a sound base for those interested in further and more specialised study in sports law.' Paul Czarnota, Lawyer, Moray and Agnew. 'I thoroughly ..


by S Johnson - 9 J.E.Brown, 'The Battle the Fans Never See: Conflicts of Interest for Sports Lawyers' (1994) 7 Georgetown. Journal of Legal Ethics 813 at 815. 10 Ibid.

Concussion policies of the National Football League: Revisiting the ..

by A Greenhow - 2011 'Sport Administrator's Charter' and the role of the Australian Football League .. Headaches' (2010) 28(3) Entertainment and Sports Lawyer 9.

What influence does the law have on sport?

magistrate, referee, coach, sports trainer, physiotherapist, lawyer, law clerk, masseur, radiologist, physician, journalist, events organiser, marketing consultant, ..

E - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

240+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. E. Abbreviation, Title.

E & A


Grant's Error and Appeal Reports (Ontario, Can) 1846-1866


E & B


Ellis and Blackburn's Queen's Bench Reports 1852-1858


S - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

480+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. S. Abbreviation, Title.



Searle's Reports in the Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr ..


S & CL



and Character Licensing


Victoria Wark

Lawyer, Allens Arthur Robinson Current student, Graduate Diploma in Sports Law. Why did you choose to undertake a graduate degree in Law ..

Ines Abreu Pereira

Ines Abreu Pereira. Lawyer Portugal Graduate Diploma in Sports Law (2009) Master of Laws (2010). Why did you choose Melbourne Law ..

Undergraduate Studies - Future Students in the Division of Business


Sport and Recreation Management, Tourism and Event Management. or. .. Senior Project Officer, Solicitor, Sports Administrator, Sports Facility Manager ..

Careers in Biology 2 - School of Biological Sciences @ UOW

Physiology Plant Science Sports Science Zoology, Animal Scientist Biotechnology Lawyer Clinical Scientist Conservationist Dietician Ecologist ..

Sports Law eJournal | Faculty of Law | Bond University | Gold Coast ..

The eJournal will be of interest to sports lawyers and administrators, sports managers and leaders, sports participants and sports law and management students.

ftp://cleo. murdoch. edu. au/pub/elaw/issues/v8n2/kendall82. txt http ..

by C Kendall - Sports lawyer Stephen Townley explains that ambush marketing can be divided into two broad classes of activity: 1. Activities traditionally considered piracies ..

oLympIc SportS ArBItrAtIoN

Academy of commercial Finance Lawyers. professor mcLaren has practical .. System; International court of Arbitration for Sport for whom he was an on-site ..

Ben Sellenger

I believe it has provided a unique perspective on the sports industry, and as a lawyer turned sports administrator the specific grounding gained ..

Alumni Profiles, La Trobe University

18 results – In addition to her work as a lawyer, Jennifer also serves as a Councillor of the City of .. Darren is an avid sports fan and when not practicing sports law, ..

United States Law Journals - Legal Resources

Duke Law Journal · Entertainment and Sports Lawyer. Harvard Law Journals. Harvard Blackletter Law Journal · Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review ..

Competition Law at Melbourne Law School

sporting and legal knowledge. It is available for both lawyers and non-lawyers attracting students in the growing field of sports administration and management, ..

Professor Roger Magnusson - Sydney Law School - The University ..

Roger Magnusson & Hayden Opie, 'HIV and Hepatitis in Sport: An .. Sport in a Professional World: New Horizons for Lawyers and Sports ..

Law, Deakin University

As alternatives to practising as a barrister or solicitor, law graduates may enter business as a corporate lawyer, company administrator, or business .. Performing and Creative Arts, Psychology, Research, Science, Sport ..

a WorLd of dIffErENcE

'One specific position, sports lawyer, was always the hardest to fill. When advised Melbourne. Law School had a sports law program, I flew to Australia and met ..

Passion for the law New research centres Distinguished Alumni ..

as the sports lawyer on the 24-hour, seven days a week sports station, SEN 1116. I have also been involved in sports management, sports marketing and sports ..

QUT | Unit details for LWB460 Sports Law

Sport is an area that is becoming increasingly business orientated and litigious. It you plan to work as a manager, administrator or lawyer in the ..

Student Legal Advice - Student Services - Charles Sturt University

Social Clubs · Sporting Clubs .. If you cannot afford a lawyer when you go to court, there are lawyers who give free legal advice and other help ..

Dangerous Sports and Obvious Risks - Anyone For Cricket?

by J Corkery - 2011 - Dean Laing, 'Liability of Contact Sports Participants' (1993) Wisconsin Lawyer 12, 12. 21. See Natasha Schot, 'Negligent Liability in Sport' ..

Mr Geoffrey Torney AM - ACU (Australian Catholic University)

When the Club Committee needed a new lawyer in 1966, Geoffrey put his .. Geoffrey was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in 2000, and a ..

Asia Skills in Action

Sports lawyer, Professional Footballers Australia. For James and the soccer worldʼs governing body, Australia is part of the Asian. Football Confederation, so ..

Mr Paul Hayes - Staff Profile

Prior to commencing practice at the Bar, Paul worked as a Lawyer in .. He practices predominantly in commercial & equity litigation, sports law, ..

Asialink - Alumni Spotlight

A former professional footballer, who played in Vietnam, James Johnson is sports lawyer and administrator. He has recently moved from working as the Player ..

UTS: Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Sport and Exercise ..

UTS: Law – Lawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal .. undergraduate level, knowledge of sport and exercise management through ..


by M BAGARIC - - entrenched in the rules of many sports - the most high profile of which is AFL Football. It follows that the mere fact that lawyers have settled rules, procedures and ..


Dictum: What sport and team are you passionate about? CJ: Passion is wasted on sports and teams. Dictum: What is your favourite lawyer joke? CJ: I don't ..

Conference: Dispute Resolution in the next 40 years: Repertoire or ..

Before entering Parliament, Robert practised as a lawyer for 14 years, specialising in industrial and sports law. Robert was born on Australia ..

Bond University Alumni - Registered Mentors

Description: I am currently a solicitor specialising in civil litigation, commercial and property law.My interests include travelling, sport and football. I have two ..

Find a Course by Career | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Business Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws Combined with Business Degree .. Exercise Physiologist/Fitness Assessor/Sports Conditioner, Bachelor of ..

Summer Session 2011 -2012 - Faculty of Law @ UOW


law is a subject that students interested in work as a lawyer, agent, manager or administrator will benefit from studying. The course involves developing ..

Associate Professor Saul Fridman - Sydney Law School - The ..

He worked for several years as a corporate lawyer and then as a .. He has also been working in the area of sports law for the last few years.

UTS: Bonus points - undergraduate study at UTS

.. Advertising, Accounting, Events Management, Sports Management, Human .. UTS: Law – Lawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal ..

UTS: Bachelor of Management in Sport and Exercise Bachelor of ..

UTS: Law – Lawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal .. and fitness consultant, sport coach, sport development officer, sport manager, ..

UTS: Bachelor of Management in Sport and Exercise (C10301v1 ..

UTS: Law – Lawyer, Solicitor, Legal Policy, Advocacy, Legal Counsel, Legal .. As the sport and exercise industry has undergone a period of substantial growth, ..


by CN Burgess - 2005 - Attorney-General v Sport Newspapers Ltd [1992] 1 All ER 503. Attorney-General v News Group Newspapers [1987] QB 1. Attorney-General v Times Newspapers ..

The Lawyers' Lawyer

David moved lawyer(take heart, allyou less-than through .. He was also very involved in sports NSW. .. professional, ' a lawyer of unblemished integrity, offering ..


by K Hill-Dunne - charitable status would bring to sports which benefit New Zealand society. *. Lawyer. Harmans Lawyers, Christchurch NZ. 1. [1895] 2 Ch 649 (hereafter 'Re ..

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Monday, 17 February 2025
Legal Advice News
Welcome to Australia’s number one legal advice website.
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We cover all legal matters in every legal area Australia Wide, including:
For a full list of all legal areas covered please visit our Legal Advice Areas page.
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NEW Family Law Section
Our new family law section covers every legal aspect of family law. If you are going through a separation and would like to know your rights entitlements with respect to property and children, then please complete your Free Legal Enquiry Form to be put in contact with the best lawyer for your legal matter.
A new family law section covers all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:
We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:
  • Resolving problems with your relationship
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  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
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IF you have a legal matter, whether it be family law, conveyancing, property law, compensation law or any other matter requiring personal legal services, then enquiry today - and get the legal help you deserve!

Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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Disclaimer: there are advertising laws affecting personal injury claims. By using this site you agree to the Terms of Use.