Superannuation after Separation and Divorce


The information on this page is a general summary of how the law deals with superannuation when couples divide their property after the  breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship.

Superannuation splitting law

The superannuation splitting law treats superannuation as a different type of property. It lets separating couples value their superannuation and split superannuation payments, although this is not mandatory. Splitting does not convert it into a cash asset – it is still subject to superannuation laws (for example, it is usually retained until retirement ages are reached).

Options for splitting superannuation

Separating couples may either:

  • enter into a formal written agreement to split superannuation. A formal written agreement requires that both you and your partner instruct a lawyer who must sign a certificate stating that independent legal advice about the agreement has been given. Once this agreement is made you do not need to go to court. The agreement is not registered in court and you must be careful that each of you retains a copy, or
  • seek consent orders to split superannuation, or
  • if you cannot reach an agreement, seek a court order to split superannuation.

Even when an application is made to a court, it is possible to reach an agreement at any stage, without the need for a court hearing.

You should get legal advice about these options.

To receive legal help regarding the implications of Superannuation after Separation and Divorce, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

What you need to do to split superannuation

Step 1: Obtain valuation information

You need to get information to value the superannuation. You should provide the following forms to the trustee of the superannuation fund:

  • Form 6 Declaration. This satisfies the trustee of the fund that you are entitled to get the information for this limited purpose, and
  • Superannuation Information Request Form (accompanied by the appropriate Superannuation Information Form).
    The superannuation fund may charge a fee for providing the information, and this is paid when you send the forms. The Superannuation Information Kit provides the information and the forms you need.

The information from the trustee may be enough to value the superannuation. However, the valuation of some superannuation interests can be complex. An expert may need to provide a further valuation. You should get legal advice about this.

To receive legal help regarding the implications of Superannuation after Separation and Divorce, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

How super is valued

There are different types of superannuation. The superannuation splitting legislation sets out methods for valuing most types of superannuation, but there are exceptions, including:

  • self-managed superannuation funds – they are generally valued with the assistance of an expert such as an accountant
  • where the Attorney-General has approved a fund using a different valuation method.

Step 2: Decide the method of splitting

Either enter into a formal written agreement or obtain a court order.

Obtaining a court order

You get court orders about the division of property in two ways:

  1. by consent of the parties. If you and your partner have reached an agreement at the outset, then a Application for Consent Orders application can be filed in the Family Court, accompanied by a consent order recording the agreement. The orders can then be made in chambers without either of you attending court, or
  2. as a result of a court hearing. Even if you start proceedings, you can reach an agreement at any stage and once the orders recording the agreement are made you do not need to attend court further.

Either way, you need to file an application with the Court. Registry staff can tell you what forms to file. To start proceedings in the Federal Magistrates Court you must file an Initiating Application, and a Financial Statement. The other party will file a Response and a Financial Statement. To commence proceedings in the Family Court you must file an Initiating Application together with a Financial Statement. The other party will file a Response to Initiating Application together with a Financial Statement.

The information from the superannuation fund trustee will help you to complete the Court forms. You must disclose all superannuation, even if you do not intend to split superannuation payments.

efiling - Initiating applications can now be electronically filed through the Commonwealth Courts Portal ( For more information see the User Guide to eFiling Initiating Applications in Family Law.

Informing the superannuation fund

If you are seeking court orders about superannuation, you must tell the superannuation fund trustee about the orders you are seeking. The trustee must have an opportunity to attend the court hearing and object to the orders that you are seeking. This is called providing the trustee with ‘procedural fairness’.

Once the superannuation order is made, whether by consent or after a hearing, it is important to provide a sealed copy of the order to the trustee.

To receive legal help regarding the implications of Superannuation after Separation and Divorce, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Superannuation – Defined benefits funds

The Attorney-General's Department has provided some information concerning the valuation of defined benefit superannuation funds. This relates specifically to addressing current applications to approve scheme specific methods which have not been determined.

Legislative framework

1. Subsection 90MT(2) of the Family Law Act 1975 commenced with the other provisions of new Part VIIIB of the Act on 28 December 2002. It requires a court to value the interest in respect of which superannuation  benefits are payable before it orders that they be split in property settlement proceedings.

2. The court is required to value the interest in accordance with any method set out in the Family Law (Superannuation) Regulations.

3. The Regulations provide methods for determining the value of defined benefit superannuation interests in the growth phase (rr.28 and 29 and Schedule 2).

4. They also provide for the Attorney General to approve in writing methods or factors for determining the gross value of a defined benefit superannuation interest that is in the growth phase (r.38). Applications may be made to the Attorney-General by funds for this purpose.

Method of valuing defined benefit superannuation interest – factors

5. The method in Schedule 2 for valuing a defined benefit superannuation interest in the growth phase has been developed by the Australian Government Actuary's Office, on a typical private sector defined benefit scheme.

6. However, it is recognised that this method of valuation may be misleading, in relation particularly, to public sector funds.

Applications for scheme specific methods or factors

7. Consequently, applications for scheme specific methods or factors for valuing defined benefit interests in the growth phase are expected to come mainly from the public sector superannuation funds.

To date applications have been received and are being considered from:

Applications being considered – Name of Fund
New South Wales Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Fund

8. The Attorney-General's Department goes through a process of approving the necessary scheme specific factors and methods. Funds affected are likely to advise their members that they have applied for approval of such methods and factors and suggest that non-member spouses await the results of those applications.

9. Applications for adjournment of proceedings may flow in such situations.

10. The Family Court liaises with the Attorney-General's Department and provides information on its website when it is notified that applications have been approved in relation to particular funds.

To receive legal help regarding the implications of Superannuation after Separation and Divorce, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Superannuation after Separation and Divorce News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

We cover all aspects of Family Law & Relationships including:

Divorce, Separation and Breakdown of Relationships

Applying for a Divorce
Financial Arrangements following Divorce
Separation Agreements following Marriage Breakdown
Children - Contact, Residence and Child Support and Maintenance
Declarations of Trust and Property Ownership
Prenuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Property Relationships Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements and Cohabitation Disputes
International Family Law
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Property and Finances after Separation
Spousal Maintenance
Parental Responsibility Agreements - Parenting Arrangements
Child Support
Superannuation after Separation and Divorce
Same-Sex Relationships and the Law

We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

  • Resolving problems with your relationship
  • Counselling and other support for your relationship
  • Domestic violence: protecting yourself and getting help
  • Ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • Planning and getting a divorce
  • Ending a civil partnership
  • Legal separation
  • Money, property and possessions when your relationship ends
  • If you’re ending a marriage or civil partnership
  • If you’re not married or in a civil partnership
  • Financial planning when your relationship ends
  • Working out money and property using financial orders - 'ancillary relief'
  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You  may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

Superannuation after Separation and Divorce Updates
Superannuation after Separation and Divorce Links

Superannuation and divorce - Australian Institute of Family Studies

by J Dewar - - Superannuation and divorce in Australia, by John Dewar, Grania Sheehan and Jody .. a new regime for dealing with superannuation interests after separation.


Separation & divorce (Victoria Online)


& divorce. 3 links for "Separation & divorce" are available. Links 1-3 of 3. Federal government. Divorce Forms and Kits (Federal Magistrates Court of ..

Family Law Courts Homepage

Principles such as no fault divorce, the best interests of the child, parental .. How to make arrangements for children during and after separation. .. How to divide property and assets, including spousal maintenance and superannuation.

Law Handbook - property, family law

However, once the divorce order becomes ... stances, such as where the superannuation entitlements .. before or after separation (but before divorce), can ..

MilitarySuper - Publications - Family Law & Superannuation - FL ..

A superannuation agreement served on the Trustees after a separation or divorce is binding if it complies with the legal requirements of the Family Law Act and ..


is in the process of divorcing or separating or .. have been married and have divorced, or are still .. A superannuation agreement served on the Trustees after ..

DFRDB - Family Law and Super Splitting

A spouse of a member, who is in the process of divorcing, or separating from, the member . A person who intends to enter into a superannuation agreement with ..

Family law

Includes information on family law principles; separation and divorce; children's .. agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.

Superannuation and divorce - Publications - Australian Institute of ..

by J Dewar - Question 1: How many couples had superannuation on divorce? 11 ... who: were divorced under Australian law; were separated after January 1988; and had a ..

PSS Family law book

is in the process of divorcing or separating from a marriage .. by step guide to how the superannuation splitting .. that will happen after your superannuation has ..

DFRDB - Family Law and super

For an overview of Family Law and your Super select from the links below: .. process of divorcing or separating or; intends to enter into a superannuation agreement .. either before, during a marriage, or after separation, which prescribes how, ..

Separation - what it means

What is separation and separation under the one roof? .. e.g. a neighbour or friend in divorce proceedings or a statutory declaration from .. If your ex-partner is a nominated beneficiary to your superannuation .. If you are concerned about your partner running up debts or spending savings after separation, ..

Separation /divorce - Financial issues bibliography - Australian ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2006The disappearing gender gap: the impact of divorce, wages, and preferences on .. Short-term physical, emotional and financial well-being after separation : does initiator ... Women and superannuation in the 21st century: poverty or plenty?

Marital property - Research paper - Australian Institute of Family ..

by G Sheehan - - Question 1: What is the nature and value of assets on divorce? .. by contrast, relate more specifically to the roles that women adopt during and after marriage (Funder 1986b). ... Superannuation policies (value at the time of separation);. 5.

Marriage and divorce superannuation advice - First State Super

Marriage and divorce. On getting married. Here are some things about super you need to think about: Consider whether you wish to make (or ..

Reasons for divorce - Publications - Australian Institute of Family ..

by I Wolcott - - Towards understanding the reasons for divorce, by Ilene Wolcott and Jody .. for whom the issues of employment, housing, superannuation and future security are .. The sample comprised 650 divorced people who separated after January ..

Property settlement

Dividing property after separation .. Superannuation is also a form of property that can be .. If you are divorced, you need to start legal proceedings regarding ..

Financial matters - Dividing property - married couples

Superannuation may be included in a property settlement for people .. If you were married you have 12 months from the date your divorce .. Although you can work out a property settlement almost any time after separation ..



as far as they can. This obligation can continue even after separation and divorce. The extent of the support depends on what the other party can afford to pay.

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law ..

About: A booklet covering separation, divorce, children, AVOs, property .. property and financial orders, superannuation and agreements, court ..



You and family law

without being divorced. If possible try to make these arrangements soon after separation. Tell organisations like Centrelink, banks, superannuation and ..

Chapter: Divorce and separation - Australian Families Statistical ..

partly reflected the formalisation of many mar- riages that had ended in separation some years earlier. However, after this peak, the divorce rate declined again ..

13 FAMILY LAW 13.1 Introduction Family relations can be complex ..

This may still be separation for the purposes of a divorce, however .. After completing the form, you must "execute" it in the presence of a solicitor or a Justice ... Superannuation is now considered as property and the court is able to split ..

Superannuation on Marriage Breakdown: A Work in Progress

By section 90MC "A superannuation interest is to be treated as property for ... party has made significant contributions to superannuation after separation or ... Our E-mail address for family law enquiries (including divorce) is ..

CSS family law book

is in the process of divorcing or separating .. guide to how the superannuation splitting process works in the .. happen after your superannuation has been split ..

Lawlink NSW: 7. Superannuation

Loss of the right to share in the superannuation by a divorced non-superannuated ... either before or during their marriage or after separation. Determining Separation Under One Roof

This topic discusses the assessment of people who are separated and living apart .. registered or de facto couple continue to share a household after separation, .. A solicitor may, for example, confirm action has been taken for divorce and/or a .. contacted for information could include financial institutions, superannuation ..

Superannuation and family law

Family law treats superannuation as property which can be divided or split in the event of .. in relation to a divorce or separation. The Trustee of the member's superannuation fund must give effect .. the beginning of the 4th business day after ..

Family Law Legislation Amendment (Superannuation ) Bill 2000 ..

In many cases, the superannuation interests of a party to a marriage may be an .. to deal effectively with the superannuation interests of divorcing or separating .. (19) The legislation also permits new interests created after the division to be ..

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law ..

10+ items – About: A booklet covering separation, divorce, children, AVOs, ..

My ex-partner has taken our children without my permission. What can I do


My ex-partner isn't following the court orders about our children..What can I do



.. where possible, to have cooperative and shared parenting after separation. .. AND CITIZENSHIP INSURANCE and SUPERANNUATION LEGAL HELP ... separated or divorced, unless a family law court orders otherwise.

Postseparation Fathering: What Does Australian Research Tell Us ..

by B Smyth - - This article summarises Australian research into separated and divorced fathering. .. from a national sample of 495 divorced parents of dependent children who separated after January 1988. ... Superannuation and divorce in Australia.

Women and Superannuation – taking control of your future

.. work to raise children; separation and divorce; planning for retirement; .. and; make after-tax contributions to your super fund before 30 June.

Children and families - Hot Topic No 62

the 'best interests' of the child – facts about divorce – child-related .. See 'Parenting and Property after Separation' on page 12 for reasons why this may change. .. superannuation or take advantage of the new superannuation-splitting laws.


A divorce does not cover the division of a married couple's property. .. Commonly, it includes land, money, vehicles, superannuation and household .. the value of matrimonial property after separation, so as to maximise the ..

Matrimonial property reform - Family Matters - Journal article ..

The Act confers wide powers on the court to adjust property after marriage .. However, should a determination be sought in the event of a separation, .. The most common example of a financial resource is the proceeds of superannuation. .. Funder, K. (1986), 'His and her divorce', in Settling Up: Property and Income ..

Women and superannuation - Department of Premier and Cabinet ..

.. superannuation splitting; co-contributions; salary sacrificing; starting a new job; taking time off work to raise children; separation and divorce; ..

Child support

separation and divorce

; where the children live or the amount of time they .. If your children were born after 1 October 1989 or you separated after that date, your ..

The Impact of the Law of Inheritance on the Family

by AA PREECE - - Hence the curiously named Probate, Divorce and Admiralty .. interpretation of wills from the ecclesiastical authorities after the reformation. .. the superannuation will normally pass to the person nominated by the deceased under the ... 39 In England, a judicial separation terminates the rights on intestacy inter se of the ..

Law Handbook - parenting, family law

Superannuation fund trustees generally have very .. rated or divorced) have for their children. .. Significant changes to parenting after separation were ..

Family home and law - AIFS Conference Paper - Australian Institute ..

in the event of separation and/or breakdown of marriage. .. Watson, "Matrimonial Property Research Paper: Housing After Divorce" (1985) Australian ... most valuable asset, though with changes in superannuation policies and legislation, ..

Family Law and Splitting Super - MSBS

is in the process of divorcing or separating from a marriage. • is in the process of ... This table sets out what happens after a valid court order or superannuation ..


spouse to obtain a remedy after the death of the other from the estate of the other .. before death of the other: this applies both to those who have separated, and ... his or her death, and thus includes superannuation payments received by the ..

Property settlement - dividing property after separation

publication Separation - a legal resource for women. For a copy .. Superannuation is also a form of .. If you are divorced, you need to start legal proceedings ..

Family Law and Superannuation

information regarding the treatment of superannuation under the .. divorcing or separating from a marriage; .. agreements entered into after 28 December 2002.

DFRDB Family Law Book

is in the process of divorcing or separating from a marriage. • is in the .. courts in regards to superannuation splitting upon separation. A de facto .. the operative time of the splitting order or agreement is after 28 December. •. 2002 and no ..

DIVORCE - Law Handbook

Divorce dissolves the legal bonds of marriage. .. IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP INSURANCE and SUPERANNUATION LEGAL HELP LEGAL .. After separating, people can divide their property themselves, and have the ..

Divorce and wellbeing in later life - Trends and statistics - Family ..

Family breakdown and post-separation .. Both men and women who remained single after their divorce had significantly lower levels of perceived social ..

Need help to sort out a family law problem?

Having trouble dividing your property after a separation or divorce? .. including superannuation or funds where you may only receive a benefit ..

Register or update your family - Medicare Australia

a couple legally married and not separated, or a couple in a de-facto .. member of two registered families, for reasons such as separation or divorce, .. Early Release of Superannuation on Specified Compassionate Grounds ..

Applying to the Court for orders

You can apply before or after separation or divorce. .. in trust or corporate structures including minority interests or complex issues concerning superannuation.

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships Family law

Title: Family law - parenting after separation (from Law handbook) .. About: Information about separation and divorce, court orders, dispute .. orders, property and financial orders, superannuation and agreements, court ..


.. to resolve disputes without going to court and, where possible, to have cooperative and shared parenting after separation. Family Court.


The certificate is usually given to the married couple after the ceremony. .. Neither separation nor divorce automatically revokes a will, however ..

De facto Relationships

by R Warrek - 2006Parties who separated from a de facto relationship after 1 December 2002 are able to access the Family Court of Western Australia for property matters under ..

PSSap : withdrawing your super


is a long-term investment and under the law is generally payable when you reach .. When you cease employment on or after age 60; If you retire on or after your .. retrenchment, resignation or dismissal; divorce or separation; retirement ..

Brochures and Fact Sheets of the Federal Magistrates Court of ..

Are you having trouble serving your divorce application*. Children and international travel after family separation*. Child support applications,. Commonwealth .. Family law and bankruptcy*. Family law and superannuation* ..

47ES - Application for employer sponsored migration to Australia

unmarried, widowed, divorced or separated, as well as wholly or substantially reliant .. Australia or 6 months after the visa is granted if in Australia. The Act also ..

PSS: Family Law and Your Super

Who looks after the PSS · The ARIA team · What we provide · Governance .. or a person who is married to a member, who is in the process of divorcing or separating. Family law and splitting super - How it's done and what happens next ..

Superannuation splitting frequently asked questions

Therefore, it is in your interests to ensure that the superannuation agreement takes effect as soon as possible after you have separated.

Bankruptcy and Family Law Amendments

Bankruptcy after separation and prior to property being finally dealt with under the .. off if they separated or divorced when bankruptcy become imminent.8. 4.13 .. such other matters as income and superannuation and the interests of creditors ..

My family is separating — what now? | Property

You can apply for a property settlement any time after you separate. .. include houses, land, cash, goodwill in a business, superannuation, shares, cars, furniture ..


I will not address superannuation splitting, which is to be dealt with in another seminar in ... a distribution to a spouse who upon divorce ceased to be a beneficiary ..after separation from the wife, and not with funds that existed at or prior to ..


A divorce does not cover the division of a married couple's property. .. Commonly, it includes land, money, vehicles, superannuation and .. the date of their separation, but does not include property acquired after separation.

FaHCSIA : Australian Social Policy 2000/1

by G Maloney - 2000 - - For example, 62 per cent of divorced or separated female age .. Leaves workforce after first child is born, Works full-time until age 29 when first child is born. .. Splitting the partner's superannuation equally on divorce also ..

Need help to sort out a family law problem?

Life after separation: putting the pieces back together .. including superannuation or funds where you may only receive a benefit at a later date .. after separation or divorce? factsheet for more information.

Family law and your super

Who looks after the CSS · The ARIA team · What we provide · Governance .. or a person who is married to a member, who is in the process of divorcing or separating. Family Law and splitting super - How it's done and what happens next ..

Australian Institute of Family Studies in family law reform - Papers ..

in the majority of cases, superannuation was not taken into account in .. to affect financial wellbeing some five to eight years after separation, and highlighted the fact .. and Jody Hughes on superannuation on divorce (AIFS Working Paper 18).

Appeal against divorce order

If either party appeals against the terms of a divorceorder within 28 days after the order is made, the order will not automatically take effect until ..

Gender equality: What matters to Australian women and men

women have fewer savings and a lower superannuation: Women's unpaid work is not properly .. independent, particularly after a separation or divorce. Women are often employed in the casual and part-. • time workforce and, as a result, may ..


super, even though you may be permanently separated but not divorced. .. separated. Therefore, if you die after you have undergone a property settlement or ..

Effectively communicating superannuation and financial literacy ..

on ways to effectively communicate superannuation .. job, marriage, becoming a parent, separation, divorce .. contributions made on or after 1 January 2006.

Key findings - Life-stage financial literacy needs

.. when facing relationship transitions such as separation, divorce or death of .. knowledge of superannuation; signing rental leases; entitlements to benefits; .. Returning to work after having a break to raise children is a stage ..

This fact sheet provides general information only and is not provided ..

You can apply before or after separation or divorce. .. in trust or corporate structures including minority interests or complex issues concerning superannuation.

Exemptions - Conveyance of Land pursuant to 71CA (EX)

other than a trustee of a superannuation fund (if relevant), takes or is entitled to take .. As John and Megan are separated but not divorced, they have executed a .. transfers are executed after John and Megan are divorced, no Statutory ..

7. Principles for a New Child Support Formula

.. after Parental Separation sample comprising separated/divorced ... Medicare levy, superannuation surcharge, and child care rebate;; Using ..

Letters - Army - The Soldiers' Newspaper

The writer raises issues regarding Family Law and Superannuation Splitting, including .. facilitates the splitting of superannuation interests on separation or divorce and .. Thirty-three years after the last combat infantry company withdrew from ..

Family Law jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia

.. new Commonwealth law for separated couples' Attorney-General's .. All applications for divorce, but not applications for nullity or validity of marriage. .. The Family Law Act 1975 enables superannuation interests to be ..

Exemptions - Conveyance of Other pursuant to 71CA (EX)

the trustee of a superannuation fund (if relevant), takes or is entitled to take an .. As John and Megan are separated but not divorced, they have executed a .. if the agreement and application are executed after John and Megan are divorced, ..

DIVORCE - Law Handbook

Divorce dissolves the legal bonds of marriage. It does .. After separating, people can divide their property themselves, and have the agreement ..

Report - Super and Broken Work Patterns

SUPER AND DIVORCE. Superannuation isfreqztenlly the major asset orfinaneial .. living after divorce - two thirds of women have a decline in standard of living ..

DFRDB - Forms Online (order or download)

D1: Refund and Gratuity Application & Superannuation Productivity (PDF 426K) .. Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB) deferred benefit, after having previously elected to .. and you have separated, but are not divorced, from your former spouse.

Towards higher retirement incomes for Australians: a history of the ..

superannuation savings, has come increasingly to be viewed as a model for other countries. .. has been available to war veterans since World War I (Kewley, 1980, p. 183). ... separation or divorce, and choice of superannuation fund.


A separated woman or man who is not caring for children and who is .. may also be made during the twelve month period after the divorce.

Law Handbook Online - South Australia

LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AFTER AN ACCIDENT · CLAIMING COMPENSATION · PERSONAL INJURIES · PROPERTY DAMAGE .. General insurance · Life insurance, superannuation and investments · Private health insurance .. Applying for a divorce · Joint applications · Appearing in court .. CHILDREN AND SEPARATION .. Determining a De Facto Relationship

Five years later Jack was involved in a motor vehicle accident and he subsequently .. Shirley and Jack had never divorced and they still jointly own the home. .. colleagues, financial institutions, government departments (ATO), superannuation fund .. The separation means more than a physical separation as it involves the ..

My family is separating — what now? | Child Support

Child support is the money paid between parents for the financial wellbeing of their children after separation. The Child Support Scheme aims to balance the ..

Superannuation and relationship breakdowns

Information about superannuation and divorce for individuals. .. to the time of separation, rather than waiting until retirement of the member spouse. .. When relationship breakdown occurs after a super income stream has ..

FSS SuperNews F/A V2 (Page 1)

What happens to my super if I get divorced? 3. FSS contacts and seminar details — .. After strong returns throughout the 1990's, international markets again ..

De facto couples and the law - Family Matters - Journal article ..

Property and financial settlements after a de facto relationship breaks down are subject to .. enables the Commonwealth to 'deal with divorce and its consequences for the .. The Act also recognises the validity of cohabitation and separation .. of either or both partners, nor over financial resources such as superannuation.

Post-separation parenting bibliography - Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2011Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family .. specifically in terms of the ways that shared overnight care after separation ... tax, superannuation and legal professionals working in the family law area.

Family law (Victoria Online)


Australia's Child Support Scheme, supporting separated parents to transfer .. with family law information (divorce, consent orders, do-it-yourself kits), legal ..

Applying to the court for orders

made by a judicial officer after a court hearing. The court .. can apply before or after separation or divorce. .. or complex issues concerning superannuation.


Superannuation is treated as property only if you were married to the other party. .. The date of the divorce order if you have been divorced; .. account the renovations I did to the house after separation, I think my contribution was 55%".


What happens after the child support assessment ends? Adult children (18 years or over) can seek financial support from their parents if they ..

Enlarging the Asset Pool - Adding Back Notional Assets

Simply put, after separation the husband sold the parties most valuable asset, ... drawings against superannuation, proceeds of the sale of shares and the ... Our E-mail address for family law enquiries (including divorce) is ..

The consequences of divorce for financial living standards in later ..

by D de Vaus - - Remarried divorced men had the highest amount of superannuation .. Overall, around 45 per cent of divorced or separated age pensioners had less than .. born before 31 December 1936 to 65 years for those born after 1 January 1949.

Accumulating poverty? Women's experiences of inequality over the ..

4.1 Average superannuation balances and payouts; 4.2 Distribution of .. paid work and caring responsibilities, experiences of violence, divorce and separation. .. Even if women re-partner after divorce and again have access to a partner's ..


employment, housing, superannuation and future security are important concerns. .. parenting after separation, by K. Funder, Family. Matters, no. 37, April ..

Portability of Superannuation Benefits

2.3 Application of portability to certain superannuation entities .. as practicable after the member's request, but in any case no more than 90 days thereafter. .. (aside from those relating to the splitting of benefits following divorce or separation).


.. AND CITIZENSHIP INSURANCE and SUPERANNUATION LEGAL HELP LEGAL .. A divorced person, widow or widower, must produce evidence of the .. her own name after marriage if she chooses, see: CHANGE OF NAME. .. wills should be sought upon marriage, separation or divorce, see: WILLS, ..

1 - Australian Human Rights Commission

- 5.1 Average superannuation balances and payouts 8 .. paid work and caring responsibilities, experiences of violence, divorce and separation. .. Even if women re-partner after divorce and again have access to a partner's retirement income, ..

Family Matters - Local Courts : Lawlink NSW

Most Family Law matters, such as divorce, are dealt with by the Family Court of .. applications; Superannuation (division after a marriage breakdown) .. There are new rules that apply to separating families and children.

Financial living standards after divorce: A recent snapshot ..

by B Smyth - - In Australia, as elsewhere, the economic consequences of divorce continue to be an .. All respondents had separated after 1988 (on average, respondents had ... trust, rent); (4) regular income from superannuation; (5) sole parent pension; ..

No time requirement for recognition of a de facto relationship

As from 1st July 2009 a separated parent from a same-sex relationship has been .. together, but it can also be done during the relationship or after it has ended.

→ You and family law

all aspects of family relationships – separation, divorce, care of children, ... resource to vest (become payable) – such as superannuation benefits. ... A Will made during your marriage is still legally enforceable after separation or divorce. It is ..

What's new - Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse


/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents · Family .. immigration; employment; social security; and superannuation in Australia. ... trends in typical pathways for young people after leaving care in France.


- Amending Part VIIIB (superannuation splitting) to extend it to de facto couples; and. 3. .. There will be a number of separations that take place in de facto relationships just before the scheduled time for the ... BFAs after divorce/breakdown ..

When can an application be made?

.. an action can be started at any time after the separation but must be .. after the divorce becomes absolute [Family Law Act 1975 s 44(3)].

Question 18 SPOUSE Question 18

your spouse received for their own support after divorce or separation. Separate net .. superannuation contributions, or any tax losses brought forward from ..

Report 113 (2006) - Relationships - Law Reform Commission ..

8.8 Since the introduction of compulsory employer superannuation, access .. degree of equity in the division of assets of divorced or separated couples. .. CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BEFORE OR AFTER THE RELATIONSHIP ..

My family is separating — what now? | Financial Support

My family is separating — what now? .. services available that will help you get back on your feet or help with working out your budget after a separation.

Super Views Summer 2003

schemes — the State Authorities Superannuation Scheme. (SASS), State .. not necessary for the parties to be separated or for divorce proceedings to have .. to defer their benefit in the scheme until a later date, which may be on or after ..

Family Court of Western Australia

Microsoft Powerpoint - 1 year from the date your Divorce Order takes effect. De facto relationship. 2 years from the date of separation if you were in a de facto relationship .. 18 months after conciliation conference; 2 months notice; Purpose: .. Kit - (includes Form 13); Service of Documents Kit - (includes Forms 6 and 7); Superannuation Kit ..

Lawlink NSW: 4. Financial agreements

These were once referred to as "separation agreements" under the Act .. in light of an increasing divorce rate and a corresponding increase in the .. or not making orders about, superannuation, which after the family home, ..

MilitarySuper - Publications - Glossary of Terms

Military Super - AFSL: 238395 - ABN: 50 925 523 120 - Board ABN .. a Member and retired, again became a Member after a break in the continuity of his or her service. ... agreements where the parties are separated but are not yet divorced.

My family is separating — what now? | Family Relationship Services

It provides confidential information on family relationship issues and advice on parenting arrangements after separation. It can also refer you to services ..

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, Dec 2009

Of separated or divorced people aged 25-44 years, 40% of men and 12% of .. Men are more likely to live alone after a breakup because they are less ... In the context of Australia's ageing population, superannuation has an ..

Financial Information Service

superannuation and annuities. • advantages and .. property settlement following separation or divorce .. you use this publication after that date, please check ..

Family Court of Australia - First Instance Judgments

FAMILY LAW – PROPERTY SETTLEMENT - Superannuation Agreement .. half months after separation – where child was born and has thus far been raised in ... be applied on anti-suit injunction – divorce application – Whether Family Court ..

This fact sheet provides general information only and is not provided ..

You can apply before or after separation or divorce. .. in trust or corporate structures including minority interests or complex issues concerning superannuation.

My family is separating — what now? | How Child Support Is ..

My family is separating — what now? Home · About .. Earning extra income after separation can be excluded from your child support assessment. Accessibility ..

Publication: Me & my money (RTF) - Child Support Agency (CSA)

- Tips and hints to help s-t-r-e-t-c-h your dollar after separation. .. account without the other account owner's approval — even after separation or divorce. .. If you have small amounts of money in lots of superannuation schemes, you will save ..

applying to the court for orders

made by a judicial officer after a court hearing. The Court .. can apply before or after separation or divorce. .. or complex issues concerning superannuation.


Superannuation is included as property for the purposes of property .. FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE .. FAMILY DISPUTE RESOLUTION · CHILDREN AND SEPARATION .. Under reg 13, some payments made to a child after the death of a member spouse cannot be split.


Splitting of Superannuation Contributions Between Couples .. in a superannuation account after splitting to cover a member's superannuation surcharge liability. .. The Act amends the Family Law Act 1975 to allow separating or divorcing ..

My family is separating — what now?

Australian Government. My family is separating — what now? About this .. Property settlements · Superannuation · Wills and Estates · Spousal maintenance ..

WOMEN AND SUPER TRIPlE S Triple S - exceptional quality!

almost three-quarters of women who were separated, divorced or widowed believed they would need a government pension rather than rely on super or savings ..


Part VIIIB of the Family Law Act enables divorced or permanently separated married couples .. superannuation interests in the same way as other property in a relationship. ... that the parties can work out the net after-tax balance if necessary.

B5 Super Brochure long version.indd

make voluntary member contributions to super from your after-tax income. Such contributions ... Super and divorce. The law has been .. their separation, payments from a superannuation fund in which one of them holds an interest. If they are ..


by A McDiarmid - - relationship. A further 26.6% were separated, widowed or divorced. With superannuation, many widows would benefit from reversionary or death benefits, whilst ..

147 - Application for a temporary residence visa (non-business)

your visa application after you receive confirmation that the sponsor and ... Separated. De facto. Engaged. Widowed. Divorced. No. Yes. POSTCODE ..

Lawlink NSW: 7. Property Disputes Between De Facto Partners

Surplus moneys from the pool after housekeeping expenses, were paid to him. .. separation and was concerned about her future financial position. ... Court the problem of reaching a just property breakup in the event of divorce. .. and about one-third of women) are members of a superannuation scheme.


Almost three-quarters of women who were separated, divorced or widowed believed they would need a government pension rather than rely on super or ..


Medicare Safety Net - Medicare Australia

a couple legally married and not separated or a couple in a de facto .. If your child is a member of two registered families, for reasons such as separation or divorce, .. MBS services provided out-of-hospital after a threshold of $598.80† .. Release of Superannuation on Specified Compassionate Grounds ..

My family is separating — what now? | Support For Dads

The Family Law Guide — is a resource for mums and dads after separation and has a wide range of resources, open and closed forums, calculators, quizzes, ..

Family Law (Superannuation) (Provision of Information - Victorian ..

Family Law (Superannuation) (Provision of Information - Victorian Pension .. by separated or divorcing spouses to do so under the superannuation splitting .. This Determination commences on the day after it is registered.


took no further steps in relation to the divorce and/or property settlement .. husband's statutory superannuation scheme was anticipated at the time of the ... After separation, the father remained in the family home and the mother and children ..


not occur until after the end of each financial year. ... about the size and nature of their divorced or separated partner's superannuation, to make agreements on ..




revoked (for example, by marriage or divorce). if a will had been made, it may not .. Elspeth, John's widow, left him soon after they were married, thirty years .. superannuation fund, is another phenomenon of the changing pattern of wealth in .. be separated as a result of the death of the owner, the viability and value of the ..

Spousal support - Publications - Australian Institute of Family ..

by J Behrens - 4 Type of spousal support by year of separation: divorced respondents who .. an older cohort for whom the issues of employment, housing, superannuation ... Text for the spousal support questions is provided in Appendix B. In brief, after an ..

Enlarging the Asset Pool - Adding Back Notional Assets

Simply put, after separation the husband sold the parties most valuable asset, a taxi which ... Because the wife had access to by way of credit, drawings against superannuation, proceeds of the sale of shares .. They were divorced in 2003.

FSS Highlights F/A 4 (Page 1)

superannuation and to think of your super as an important part of your future. .. the target sector allocation after 30 June 2003 for all investment strategies other than ... not necessary for you to be separated or that divorce proceedings have ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 12

The issue of divorce never arises for same-sex couples, since they cannot legally marry. .. covers a larger pool of the couple's shared assets, including superannuation .. The division of parental responsibility after separation can have flow-on ..


- 12.6 Does family law legislation regarding separation breach human rights? 9 .. The issue of divorce never arises for same-sex couples, since they cannot .. of parental responsibility and child support after a relationship breaks down. .. covers a larger pool of the couple's shared assets, including superannuation assets[7] ..

My family is separating — what now? | Detailed Support

My family is separating — what now? .. It provides confidential information on family relationship issues and advice on parenting arrangements after separation.

Submission - Senate Select Committee on Housing Affordability in ..

by A Beer - 2008 - Before my disability I was earning $40000 plus and after the accident went down to a ... terms of their housing post-separation and divorce than are men. .. have not been covered by the Superannuation Guarantee until late in their working .. Splitting of Income Streams - Overview

The separating parties in a property settlement are designated as the member (1.1. .. Income streams that are to be split pursuant to a divorce property settlement are .. N.115) in accordance with a superannuation agreement (1.1. .. income stream will have a different purchase price after each commutation has occurred.

ABSTUDY: 6-2 Income Tests Early Release of Superannuation; Tax Deductions; Is .. Example; Divorced or Separated Parents; Step .. Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulations) after which the ..

A snapshot of contemporary attitudes to child support - Research ..

Of the 620 separated/divorced parents in the Caring for Children after Parental Separation sample, 72 per .. license or passport, deductions from superannuation, or non-paying parents being made to do community service.

Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2003

made to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwlth) enable a superannuation benefit to be split following a divorce or marital separation. The Commonwealth .. sections to commence on proclamation after the Commonwealth Attorney-. General has ..

The Changing Meaning of "de facto" Relationship

- by J Millbank - - While there are a number of family law cases concerning separation under one ... remained living in the relationship property for four years after separation. ... its powers to divide superannuation assets: Commonwealth Powers (De Facto .. have been through the formal process of divorce and subsequent remarriage.

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships De facto ..

About: Divorce and separation, dispute resolution, parenting orders, shared .. Discusses matters such as superannuation, intestacy, social ..

Older People and The Law - online guide - Lawlink Corporate ..

Can provision be made in a will for my pets to be looked after? .. Concessions; Disputes, advice and assistance; Superannuation; Disability .. Separating from your spouse; Ending the marriage; Divorce; Who can apply for a ..

PaRt 2

furthering functional family relationships after separation. • independence and .. (such as complex valuations of defined benefit superannuation schemes).

Committee Secretary L sec Feta W.

Why then, after divorce is the father expected to fully support his children aid his ex- .. and superannuation distributed fairty and appropriately after separation.

- Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)

Funder, K. and Kinsella, S. Divorce, change and children: effects of changing family structure .. outmoded retirement and superannuation provisions, inadequate community family .. This article looks at the law and parenting after separation.

Submission on Property and Family Law - Options for Change

by FL Council - This means that many separating or divorcing couples now have no or very little .. to the marriage, such as a motor accident after the parties had separated. ... and related benefits such as superannuation and job training.

7. The parent-child relationship - Report 116 (2007) - Uniform ..

Persons conceived before the death of the intestate but born after ... This may be even less likely in the case of divorce or separation of the natural parents. .. (2005) 17(1) Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin 1 at 1; ..

Companion relationships and property disputes

FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE .. If there have been separation periods during the relationship, the distinct periods of .. The Act only applies to companion relationships that ended on or after 1 June 2007. .. a prospective entitlement or benefit under a superannuation or retirement scheme ..

Child support bibliography - Australian Family Relationships ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with .. by Chris Othen; Superannuation, by Jacky Campbell; Financial agreements, .. redefining parenthood after separation; the demise of sole custody; the ..

Accumulating poverty: Women's experiences of inequality over the ..

And, because of the linking of superannuation exclusively to paid work, this has .. I can't see how, after this time out of the workforce, my earnings will ever .. The number of divorced or separated women entering retirement is ..

Employer Nomination Scheme / Regional Sponsored Migration ..

After completing this checklist, please attach it to the front of the application. .. If anyone included in the application has been permanently separated, divorced or .. than AUD250 000 per annum (excluding superannuation and allowances).


Employer related and personal superannuation schemes .. Duty to exercise discretion only after proper .. Superannuation on divorce or separation ..

Family Matters journal no.55 2000 - Australian Institute of Family ..

Families, divorce and family law: Introduction and overview Grania Sheehan .. as are draft legislation to permit the division of superannuation following marital .. Hughes, J. Repartnering after divorce: marginal mates and unwedded women. .. of economic disadvantage post separation and divorce; tensions between the ..

Child access - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian Institute of ..

In this, the law reflects widely held values of parents who divorce and make their .. and this occurs only after other avenues of counselling and negotiation have failed. .. accounting of assets in property settlements (for example, superannuation), .. between parents about access to the way in which the separation occurred.

1066 - Application for a Subclass 457 - Business (Long Stay) visa

misleading after the grant of a visa, it may subsequently be cancelled. Complete .. relationship, are widowed, divorced or separated;. – they rely on the primary person ... relations, law enforcement, taxation, superannuation, fair trading, trade ..

Providing Proof a Defacto Relationship Exists

however one section in the third part addresses superannuation specifically. .. ship within Australia, until such date that separation by the divorce or death occurs. .. source some of these documents after the fact (especially after the death of ..

Relocating and children

It is not at all uncommon for one (or both parents) to wish to relocate after a separation. These cases can be difficult to resolve with fairness to ..

Financial orders (other than child maintenance)

- (ii) after the application was made but before the proceedings are finally determined .. (ii) any superannuation fund or scheme, whether the fund or scheme was .. (g) where the parties have separated or divorced, a standard of living that in all ..

Separate net income - Tax Tools


your spouse received for their own support after divorce or separation – even .. superannuation contributions, any losses brought forward from earlier years, ..

My family is separating — what now? | How Child Support Is Paid

Skip to content. Child Support Agency · ·. Australian Government. My family is separating — what now?

Binding Finanical Agreements - Attorney-General's Department

- An unknown percentage of these separating or divorcing couples have no .. By way of an application for consent orders filed in a court after agreement has been .. "I will keep all the assets if you take all the super, and then you can claim top ..

Chapter 8 - What to do when someone dies

Payments after bereavement; Funeral benefits for veterans; Funeral .. a state or Australian Government (ComSuper) superannuation and/or any .. and separated for reasons other than ill health (or divorced), you are not ..

Bibliography - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian Institute of ..

about Separation and Divorce,. Simon and Schuster .. children of divorce, even after two years. However ... (1999),Superannuation and Divorce in Australia ..

Your guide to effectively communicating superannuation and ..

retire within the next ten years will have less than $20000 in superannuation while 20 .. to specific needs e.g. financial advice during separation or divorce needs to .. Hold sessions at convenient times e.g. within school hours or after school ..

Aston Family Relationship Centre Development Plan And Inquiry ..

separating parents to Family Relationship. Centres? ... AFRC believes that implementing child development programs shortly after separation will help develop ..

Submission - Senate Select Committee on Housing Affordability in ..

by A Beer - 2008 - Before my disability l was earning $40000 plus and after the accident went down to a .. and especiaiiy superannuation (see Clare 2007). As financial .. women who have divorced (including those who have separated from more than one ..

My family is separating — what now? | What Happens If You Leave ..

My family is separating — what now? Home · About this website · Feedback .. Property settlements · Superannuation · Wills and Estates · Spousal maintenance ..

Lawlink NSW: 5. Adjustment of property interests

The question for the Commission, almost 20 years after its first .. PRA to deal with the partners' superannuation entitlements and the limited legislative ... following separation and divorce falls disproportionately on women.

Submission - Inquiry into the provisions of the Family Law ..

Abarbanel A. Shared Parenting After Separation and Divorce: A Study of .. house, any other assets including the super, and ongoing tax-free CSA payments. In ..


Most separating parents are able to decide between themselves where .. After reaching an agreement some people prefer to apply to the court ..

What can reduce SNI? - Tax Tools

If your dependant has not received a statement about their superannuation .. your spouse received for their own support after divorce or separation – even ..

Lawlink NSW: 8. Partner maintenance

After reviewing the rationale and objectives of partner maintenance, .. are felt hardest immediately after separation, particularly for the partner who has no .. Studies (AIFS) Australian Divorce Transitions Project suggests that over the past .. such as a high earning capacity or a superannuation expectancy.

Submission: Australia's Future Tax System (Retirement Income ..

5.1 Average superannuation account balances and payouts; 5.2 Distribution .. 5.4 The impact of divorce and separation on financial security in retirement .. Many women, after a life spent in unpaid caring work, face prospects ..

Submission 35 - Women's Legal Service Victoria

- .. the poverty line estimates.5 Women have accrued less superannuation than .. After a relationship breaks down, women, both older and younger, are more .. 21 Smyth, Bruce and Weston, Ruth (2000) "Financial Living Standards after Divorce; .. is due to their already disproportionately low financial status after separation.

Information you need to know about your claim for Newstart ..

were widowed, divorced or separated after turning 40 years, and ... superannuation investments (such as approved deposit funds and deferred annuities) held ..


10 Ways To Help You Manage Your Emotions After Separation or Divorce .. Superannuation Superannuation is important as it's likely to be one of your largest ..

Investing in Australia's young people:

Rich Text Format.. manage their money, including tax, superannuation and consumer protection. ... The Supporting Children after Separation Program assists children from .. there are about 50000 children aged under 18 involved in separation or divorce in ..

Outstanding Superannuation Issues

- These include superannuation, health insurance and Medicare, social .. right to be registered immediately after birth through a document that details his or .. maintenance for a child from his or her parents where separation or divorce occurs.

Australian Institute of Family Studies

18 Superannuation and divorce in Australia, John Dewar,. Grania Sheehan .. 23 Financial living standards after divorce: A recent snapshot,. Bruce Smyth and .. These trends are linked to the increase in divorce and separation over the past ..

Search for De salination (Victoria Online)

Results 1 - 10 of 98 – Separation and Divorce (Family Law Courts, Australian .. at large, it can be seized and impounded, and euthanased after 24 hours. Owners ..

Family Law Amendment Bill 1999 (Bills Digest 88 1999-2000)

Items 10 - 31 – Commencement: Generally 28 days after Royal Assent .. the Government released a position paper entitled Superannuation & Family Law. ... rather than reducing disputation and cost associated with separation and divorce.


Pre-action procedures are not required for applications for divorce only .. or if no agreement can be reached after a reasonable attempt to settle ..

Pre-action procedures

Pre-action procedures are not required for applications for divorce only .. or if no agreement can be reached after a reasonable attempt to settle ..

DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and same-sex)

FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE · ANNULMENT .. As from 1st July 2009 a separated parent from a same-sex .. An application may be made after this time if the court is satisfied under s44 (6): .. If the deceased was a contributor to a State superannuation scheme, the ..

Matrimonial property - Family Matters - Journal article - Australian ..

by G SHEEHAN - of Parents After Divorce (Funder, Harrison and .. to non-domestic assets, such as superannuation, .. financial resilience following separation and divorce.

Review of binding financial agreements provisions in Part

- The settlement of the financial affairs of couples following separation has .. between married couples, or between divorced couples (see Attachment 1). ... (ii) Potential increased use of Financial Agreements after Capital Gains Tax relief ... (f) a payment flag is operating under Part VIIIB on a superannuation interest ..

Two year time requirement - property disputes

FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE .. An application may be made after this time if the court is satisfied under s44 (6): .. see Spousal maintenance. superannuation splitting - see Superannuation ..

Research Plan 2009-2012 - Australian Institute of Family Studies ..

The development of this plan has evolved after extensive formal .. retirement incomes are becoming more dependent upon the value of their superannuation. ... relationship stability, separation and divorce rates—and examining the way in ..

Submission - Inquiry into the provisions of the Family Law ..

divorce as the most acceptable alternative after the two natural parent family. • The Australian community .. o 88% of children live with their mother after separation o contact with the .. 70 Superannuation 1.6%. 2723 Child custody 62.6% ..

Super contributions from a first home saver account

complying superannuation funds, including self-managed super funds .. married to but separated from a first home saver account holder. – divorced from a first home saver account holder. – the same .. After completing this form: ■ give the ..

Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Family Law) Bill 2002 ..

the Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991 (the MSB Act) .. split a person's superannuation benefit as part of a divorce settlement .. a framework within the relevant scheme for dealing with an agreement made by separating .. or arrangements made under the FLA until after the commencement of ..



Your guide to effectively communicating superannuation messages ..

retire within the next ten years will have less than $20000 in superannuation while 20 .. to specific needs e.g. financial advice during separation or divorce needs to .. Hold sessions at convenient times e.g. within school hours or after school ..

Death Benefit guide

Australian business number (ABN): 60 905 115 063, Superannuation fund number. (SFN): 2610 419 ... distribution. The 28-day period begins on the day after .. De facto. Separated. Divorced. Single. Interdependent. Age. Relationship length ..

My family is separating — what now? | Helping children through the ..

A: Christmas can be especially difficult for separated families – after all being with children adds to the fun of this festivity. So deciding where they will spend ..

Lawlink NSW: 6. Property adjustment proceedings: Other related ..

6.31 In Howland v Ellis, the parties became physically separated when the .. under the PRA until well after final separation.84 In another case, the court .. 3 of the PRA defines "financial resources" as superannuation entitlements, .. Court has dealt with lottery wins in the context of marriage and divorce.

Directory of Services Separating/Separated Families

including superannuation and divorce, living arrangements for children, ... Just For Kids (Supporting Children After Separation) – assists children deal with ..

Research program and publications 1996-1998 - Australian Institute ..

Sibling Relationships and Adjustment to Parental Separation and Divorce .. sibling relationship for children during and following the divorce of their parents with ..

A recent history of superannuation in Australia

The advent of institutionalised employee superannuation began in September 1985 ... traditional funds after savings had been built up. RSAs could also serve .. between divorcing or separating spouses by agreement or by Court order came ..


After the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, dutiable .. the parties to the marriage are separated or divorced or the .. superannuation) is being transferred to either or both of the parties to the marriage, a child of ..


superannuation explicitly into the Family Law regime. Such splits may arise where partners divorce or separate. Where a split occurs, the member benefits ..


Unless the matter is urgent, it is first heard by a Registrar of the court, usually four to six weeks after the application was filed. The parties can ..

Child support - Bibliography - Australian Institute of Family Studies ..

children after divorce.The. Child Support Scheme .. child support after separation, divorce and remarriage. .. superannuation and division of property under the ..

Annual Report 2002-2003 - State Super - NSW Government

After a long career with accounting firm Deloitte Touche ... Divorce and super .. could agree to a flag at any time, as long as they are separated or divorced. 3.

find LEGAL answers resources, grouped by language: English

Discusses matters such as superannuation, intestacy, social security, .. Case management, divorce and nullity of marriage, maintenance and ... on children, parenting and property after separation, shared parenting, child ..

Guide to tax for families - Australian Taxation Office

.. in place to assist with easing the financial burden of separating families. .. If you make after-tax contributions to your spouse's superannuation .. Splitting of superannuation or annuities between divorcing partners is ..

INFORMATION - Australian Taxation Office

own support after divorce or separation—even though your spouse may not .. superannuation contributions, or any losses brought forward from 2002–03 or ..

Centrelink's Submission to the House of Representatives Standing ..

(such as retiring early, then running down superannuation, to be followed by a move .. workforce participation after age 65. ... following separation or divorce.

Application for Final Orders

For married parties, if you are seeking an order in relation to superannuation have .. Orders (Form 11) and one copy of your marriage certificate or divorce orders? .. born after 1 October 1989 or whose parents separated after that date - this is ..

Debt for debtors

Taxation and superannuation.. You can still try to negotiate with the creditor after you've been served. ... Buying a car; Buying a home; Having a baby; Losing your job; Divorce or separation; Losing your partner ..

pension update

The government announced the reforms would not affect members' super benefits ... If you're going through divorce or separation you can find information on .. Any address changes you make after 10 December 2010 won't be effective for ..

Women, Ageing & Retirement Challenges & Long Term Strategies

The recently legislated divorce and superannuation provisions to the Family Law Act .. After inserting employment rates relevant on average for females .. relationships separation and particularly in the distribution of death benefits have been ..

Relinquishing parents and their consent

FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE .. The mother's consent can only be taken at least fourteen days after the birth ..

Review into elements of the taxation of employee share scheme ..

by way of salary, superannuation and bonuses for personal effort, the longer term incentive to create value for ... after separation or after the date of the divorce; ..

An adequate superannuation-based retirement income?

Employer contributions made to a complying superannuation fund or retirement .. For those born on or after 1 January 1965, their preservation age is ... of separation and divorce currently experienced in Australian society.

References - Australian Families Statistical Profiles - Australian ..

ABS (1995b), Marriages and Divorces Australia 1994, ... (1999), Superannuation and. Divorce in Australia .. patterns of parent-child contact after separation", ..

Parent, spouse's parent or invalid relative tax offset - Tax Tools


including Australian annuities and superannuation income streams and .. your spouse received for their own support after divorce or separation – even ..

pension update

On 1 July 2011, the Military Superannuation and Benefits. (MSB) Board and the .. after your death. To apply .. divorce or separation you may find some helpful ..

Pensioner News—Issue 1, January 2003

For most Australians, superannuation is the second most important asset after the family home. Yet research shows ..superannuation assets in the event of a divorce. The new .. divorcing–not to those separating from de facto ..

Planning Ahead

Items 1 - 8 – Superannuation insurance and other financial matters. Re-assessing .. •if you are separated, but not divorced, and you are living with someone else, ..


Items 11 - 16 – scholarships and any maintenance payments your spouse received for their own support after divorce or separation. SNI does not include: ..

Family Matters No. 86, 2011

daily care and activities, both before and after separation. Recent family law changes ... He cashed in his superannuation, bought her a car and is still ... with volunteer parents, separated or divorced, who were resident in. Victoria, Australia.

Literature highlights

This study explores how parental divorce that occurs after children have reached .. of later-life divorce and separation, the author argues that issues faced by ..

Parental responsibilities

This is not affected by your parents becoming separated or divorced or by .. Other people who may want to look after you need the approval of ..

First Home Plus_Exemption or Concession from Duty

executed on or after 21 October 2009. ▪ This form must .. within 12 months after completion of the agreement or transfer. .. certified copy of marriage certificate, divorce certificate, .. Other financial papers or documents in your name such as superannuation statements ... a statutory declaration for those who are separated.

PART ONE - the Australian Government's

Rich Text Format.. manage their money, including tax, superannuation and consumer protection. ... The Supporting Children after Separation Program assists children from .. there are about 50000 children aged under 18 involved in separation or divorce in ..

CSA4110.11.10 The parent's guide to child support

Support at work after separation. Spending time .. After separation, many parents contact ... tax-free pensions or benefits and reportable superannuation contributions. ... I went out and met all kinds of people, including many divorced dads.

Pension Update. Issue 13—January 09

PAYG payment summary - superannuation income stream. Payment summary for .. Any bank or tax changes made after 9 December 2011 will not be processed until .. is in the process of divorce or separation, information can be found in the ..


FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE .. to the children or the person looking after them [Family Law Act 1975 s 79A].

2.4MB - Australia's Future Tax System - Treasury

3.3 Extend initiatives to increase superannuation contributions for those not in paid .. 5.4 The impact of divorce and separation on financial security in retirement 23 .. Many women, after a life spent in unpaid caring work, face ..

The DFRDB Authority

Subsection 30(4) of the Governance of Australian Superannuation Schemes Act .. Members who retire from the ADF after 20 years of effective service ... situations (for example, an ex-spouse due to divorce). ... or separation from a member.


eligible sponsor and they intend to marry within 9 months after the visa is granted. .. separated, divorced or widowed, a certified copy of the statutory .. Business documents if self-employed and superannuation documents ..

Family Matters journal no.42 1995 - Australian Institute of Family ..

Another, is access to superannuation which reduces the risk of poverty in old age. .. to ensure superannuation is shared automatically and fairly on divorce. .. way the law talks about parental responsibilities for their children after separation.

Canberra Legacy

with under the Act of Grace process and the Minister for Superannuation and Corporate .. e. the definition ofa dependant include partners whose separation or divorce is ... captured after the enactment of this legislation this legislation would ..

pension update

On 1 July 2011, the Military Superannuation and Benefits .. your pension after you die, like finding out what benefits may be available to them .. of a pensioner who is in the process of divorce or separation, information can be found in the ..

Body Section 2 (Social and economic context; Older Australia at a ..

13 Age Pension and superannuation .. with increasing separation, divorce and remarriage rates. .. either after dark or during the day (AIHW 2007c). Being ..

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A home, car, boat, superannuation, .. Due to changes in legislation, divorce may now also revoke (cancel) a Will in Western Australia. .. When you make a Will, you appoint an executor whose job it is to look after your estate and ... Single, Married, De Facto, Separated, Divorced, Widow/er (circle one) Date of marriage.


a significant period after separation .. becomes payable in respect of the wife's interest in the Y Superannuation Fund .. The parties divorced on 21 March 2010.


Australia's superannuation system has been hailed as highly successful. .. children well into middle age, for women their ability to start a family falls rapidly after age 40. .. and assist with family law payment splits on divorce or separation.

48S - Application to visit Australia as a sponsored family visitor

8531 – You must not remain in Australia after the end of the period of stay ... Divorced. Separated. Widowed. Never married or been in a de facto relationship ..

Family Relationships Quarterly, Newsletter of the Australian Family ..

by AFR Clearinghouse - 2010 - Separation/divorce · Childrens living arrangements and contact with parents .. time of marriage (Qur'an 4:4); to retain her name and own identity after marriage; ... to the matrimonial home, or to deferred benefit funds, such as superannuation.

Needing help after someone has died?

of a couple. • has become widowed, divorced or separated (including ... You need to contact the relevant superannuation organisation and find out if you could ..

In the Best Interests of Children - Reforming the Child Support Scheme

While the standard of living of many resident parents falls after separation, this loss in ... they can do for property, superannuation and spousal maintenance under the .. poor health experienced after separation and divorce, where they have ..

Information - Australian Taxation Office

superannuation pensions and exempt pensions listed on page 13. ■ Interest .. their own support after divorce or separation – even though your spouse may not ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements A submission to the Human Rights ..

- After completing an LLM at NYU School of Law, she taught for two years in the .. The income tax and superannuation laws discriminate in a range of ways ... ITAA 1936 to encompass the separation or divorce of married or de facto spouses.


No writing or alteration should be made on a will after it is signed. .. wise to seek legal advice about a will after separation, marriage or divorce.

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, March 2009

Where the bride was remarrying after a divorce, she was around a year .. (26%) of people in a de facto relationship who were separated, divorced or .. Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - Superannuation) Act 2008 give ..

Article - Divorce - Family Matters Journal 1999 - Australian Institute ..

by P Saunders - different outcomes when applied to property settlements after divorce. People often .. chunk of the superannuation entitlements too) will be given to Spouse B in ..


may occur after separation and divorce. Family Law ... (such as complex valuations of defined benefit superannuation schemes). The Court ..

pension update

The government announced the reforms would not affect members' super benefits ... If you're going through divorce or separation, you can find information on .. Any address changes you make after 10 December 2010 won't be effective for ..


FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE .. an order recognising them as parents (under s 10HB) after the child is born.

Application for final orders

FAMILY LAW SYSTEM · MARRIAGE · SEPARATION · DIVORCE .. will be held as near as practicable to 28 days after the application was filed.

Report - Provisions of the Family Law Legislation Amendment ..

(Superannuation) Bill 2000 to the Select Committee on Superannuation and Financial. Services .. List of Submissions Received after Interim Report .. Bill which would enable, where possible, a 'clean break' between separating ... divorced) non-member spouse's share of superannuation should be in the form of pension ..

Application for Final Orders - Kit

Items 51 - 56 – You must file a copy of the divorce order, certificate or decree. .. If either party has a superannuation interest, has the non-member .. child is working outside the home who looks after the child during the parent's absence). ... Has either party acquired or disposed of any property since the date of separation?

Marital or domestic partnership status

.. in public life because they are married or single, divorced, living in a de facto relationship. .. being separated; being divorced; being or having been widowed .. employment; superannuation - exercise of discretion in relation to a .. of discrimination if the discrimination happened on or after 1st July 2009.


Working Therapeutically with Children After Separation 6 day accredited at .. affairs, separation, divorce, finances, other significant relationships and work. What you ... Family Law, Family law and bankruptcy* Family law and superannuation* ..

Part C: Conclusions and future research directions

Women who were separated, divorced or widowed will be more likely to be .. Being able to access superannuation was only slightly ahead of the desire for a .. is likely to reflect income after giving up work, rather than before.

Chapter 2: Consequences of unemployment

superannuation contributions are lost and the capacity to save from disposable income ... Unexpected job loss, often after many years of productive employment, can .. are more likely to be divorced or separated than might be expected from ..

3. Major Risk Factors Contributing to Suicide

After passing his VCE, he decided to defer tertiary study for a year, and .. There was also sexual or other abuse, separation, divorce and custody battles. ... total death benefit claims on the Building Industry Superannuation Fund were for ..


.. Contributors · Feedback · Enlarge text size · Search · advanced search · Home >FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS>CHILDREN AND SEPARATION ..

Family Law Courts publications


Children and international travel after family separation · Children's contact centres .. law and superannuation · Family Law User Satisfaction Survey results 2011 .. Marriage, families and separation (Family Law Courts prescribed brochure) .. User Guide to eFiling Divorce Applications in family law (Family Law Courts) ..

2986 - Forms Letters and Templates - Form Guide

superannuation for your own or your dependant's palliative care or .. Separated/Divorced .. What is your income from employment after tax? $ ..


How divorce affects my Will 5. Burning .. be spent to look after you in your old age, rather .. including rent, superannuation and .. separated or entered into a ..

Social Security (Family Law Affected Income Streams) (FaHCSIA ..

The Super Act gives the Family Court, or parties to a property settlement, .. a superannuation agreement between two divorcing or separating parties or a .. Section 1.2 sets out that the Principles commence on the day after ..

Who can be protected by an intervention order?

FAMILY DISPUTE RESOLUTION · CHILDREN AND SEPARATION .. For example, after an applicant has spoken to the Court, it may be evident ..

Breaches of an intervention order

FAMILY DISPUTE RESOLUTION · CHILDREN AND SEPARATION .. and not more than 24 hours after arrest, (but not counting weekends and ..

Child Protection

If after separation the non using parent then needs to leave their children with the ... mediators, mental health professionals, and collaborative divorce professionals. .. Family Law, Family law and bankruptcy* Family law and superannuation* ..


Court not to make divorce order where application for decree of nullity before it 53. .. Application of presumption of equal shared parental responsibility after interim parenting order made 61E. .. Conditions for providers of post-separation parenting programs Subdivision .. Role of independent children's lawyer 68M.

Capital Gains Tax Consequences of Property Settlements upon ..

by J Cassidy - 1990 - Settlements upon Divorce and Separation. Julie Cassidy .. only taxation lawyers, to have at the very least a basic grasp of these provisions. This article is ..

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 4 Interpretation

(iii) stops working after being so advised and more than 2 months before the child .. the Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Act 2011 . .. "independent children's lawyer" for a child means a lawyer who represents .. legal separation of the parties to that marriage, being a divorce, annulment or ..

Four myths of family law

by J Wade - 2002 - Family lawyers are often cornered in taxis, elevators and supermarkets .. 5% of separating couples who formally file a claim for a share of .. (4) Wives End Up After Divorce. Wealthier .. trustee to divide the divorcing couple's superannuation ..

Subject Outlines - College of Law


Legal Practice Management Courses · LAW 9000 · Lawyers Crossing Borders .. This includes the law of divorce and the law and practice concerning various aspects of .. such as spousal maintenance, child support and superannuation splitting. .. determining parenthood, parenting after separation and child protection.

The Penthouse, the Porsche or the Pension : Superannuation and ..

by T Henn - 2003 - This article deals with superannuation and divorce and the effect of the Family Law .. This legislation after numerous amendments was introduced ... pensions, than promoting the economic interests of women in the post-separation stage .. The Attorney-General's statement was supported by a report from the Australian ..

Forms of Power in Family Mediation and Negotiation

by J Wade - 1994 - - Many lawyers involved in family litigotiation are well aware of ... separation order or a maintenance order (including a maintenance order in respect of .. Weston, Settling Down - Pathways of Parents After Divorce (Melbourne: AIFS, 1993). .. over job security, income and superannuation persists through and beyond family ..

Media, Men and Violence in Australian Divorce Colin James* A ..

The procedures often involved collusion, sometimes guided by lawyers and .. inefficient and oppressive divorce laws'.2 After several long debates in 1974, the .. breakdown of the marriage and the evidence was twelve months separation. .. little work experience, no superannuation and often had to provide housing for the ..

Alves-Perini, Nell; Harrison, Margaret; Rhoades, Helen; Swain ..

by N Alves-Perini - The introduction of 'no-fault divorce' in Australia in 1976 promised unhappy .. The Family Law Bill was first introduced by Attorney-General Lionel Murphy in ... There were threats made after they separated; threats on the lives of the wife and the ... As well as Part VIIIB (dealing with superannuation interests), Part VIIIA ..

Wade, John --- "Tools for a Mediator's Toolbox; Reflections on ..

by J Wade A specialist family lawyer will need to be consulted and paid for a detailed expert .. "Difficult" cases are those which do not settle after cognitive, rational, ... best to worst (in property disputes, use a range of % separated by 15%); .. have been steadily changed in Australia by compulsory superannuation, ..

Forever bargaining in the shadow of the law - Who sells solid ..

by J Wade - 1998 - - value superannuation"; "businesses can be valued in three different ways"; "children are often anxious after parental separation". .. 1 See for example, A Sarat and W Felstiner, Divorce Lawyers and Their Clients, New York, Oxford University ..

Life Death & Other Life, Death & Other Things

new and old generations, siblings, divorced .. over Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney." .. Who will be the controller after you die? .. Divorce (not separation) revokes a bequest .. superannuation or life insurance (unless paid to the ..


ISSUED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL .. the information which a trustee of a superannuation plan must provide, after the .. of an interest in favour of a particular separated or divorced non-member spouse where he or ..

Family mediation in England and Wales - some lessons for Australia

by S Gribben - 2001 - - in trouble, minimise the distress of divorce .. process, legal aid, effects of separation on children, violence .. and two years after their having attended .. solicitors and mediators were seen as ... s Australian SUPERANNUATION Law Bulletin ..

Download - AustLII


in dispute early in the case and separating and disposing of any issues that do not .. 1.08 Responsibility of parties and lawyers in achieving the main purpose (1) Each ... for a | | |property settlement |superannuation interest of | | |orders are sought, ... 3.13 Death of party If a party to an Application for Divorce dies after the ..

Representing Clients Effectively in Negotiation, Conciliation and ..

by J Wade - - This paper argues that a major task for lawyers in family disputes, negotiations, .. Bass 2003); see also J. Folberg and A. Milne, Divorce Mediation: Theory and .. parents, hair, hope for the future, self-image, children, superannuation etc. .. At the time of a marital separation, senses of "loss" proliferate, and survivors wander ..


by A ARDAGH - - Particular thanks are due to Lois Clifford, family lawyer, Canberra; Keith. Roberts .. Report on the Inquiry into Child Custody Arrangements in the Event of Family Separation (2003) ... but may charge fees after that, depending on the clients' circumstances'.43 ... example property, superannuation or business interests).

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall - - When does the Enduring Power of Attorney come into effect? .. in the event of death, relationship breakdown, when dealing with superannuation etc. ... This parental responsibility does not alter if the parents divorce or separate, or alter their .. In the 1996 case of W v G, two women separated after eight years together.

Bond Dispute Resolution News Volume 20

Delivered negotiation workshops for Blakes lawyers in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane ... varied, based on a limited range of events which occur after the negotiated agreement. .. The process of separation and divorce were depressing. .. relevance of superannuation and pension entitlements to the division of property.15 ..

Family law in the future - [1999] AltLJ 19; (1999) 24(3) Alternative ..

by R Alexander - - A feminist family lawyer's crystal-ball gazing. .. marriage and (xxii) divorce and matrimonial causes and in relation thereto, .. Both during a marriage or cohabitation and after separation, women are .. On marriage breakdown, all property owned by the parties (including superannuation whenever accumulated) would be ..


by G AIRO-FARULLA[7] In Part IV, we examine two cases, Attorney-General (Cth) v Breckler[8] and .. This 'protection all round'[17] approach continued after World War One. ... to bring the fund under the umbrella of Commonwealth superannuation regulation. ... results divorced from the underlying rationale of the separation of powers, and ..

[80] By reason of matrimonial cause (f) and s 78 of the Family Law ..

- Property regimes: unity of property; separation of property; community of property .. s 86A: MA's made after commencement of Part VIIIA no longer enforceable .. as if changes to property rights brought about by the divorce had not yet occurred; .. Part VIIIB allows parties to value their superannuation interests and split ..


A definition of divorce is set out in the definition section of the Act. .. Generally, only parents who separated before 1989 and whose children .. The item in Part 17 of Schedule 1 to the Bill commences immediately after .. of that Part, including superannuation agreements and proceedings relating to a payment spilt or flag.

ReconfiXuring Post-Divorce Parenting in a Risk Society Panic

by S Berns - - single mothers, judges, lawyers, psychotherapists, child support enforcement agents ... Alice Abaranel, 'Shared Parenting after Separation and Divorce: A Study of .. assets tied up in the family home and superannuation with high levels of ..

Family - Legal Resources

.. de facto relationships, maintenance, separation, property, superannuation etc. .. About the Academy, lawyers directory, legal research guide, articles, .. of divorce related articles, case law, case analysis, and web pages.' ..

Masters of Applied Law (Family Law)

The program is most suited for lawyers who: ◗ practice .. It covers the law of divorce and the law and practice of parenting after .. parenting after separation ..


by C YOUNG - 2006 - - situation of women after divorce have been speculative. based on assumptions of the .. lawyers from doing so, on the grounds that they have little chance oi winning, and to attempt to do son would be a ... marital home after separation received assistance with mortgage ... including superannuation and 1 ife insurance' ° .

Family Law Lecture: Property and Partner Maintenance

The Courts in which most separating couples (save those .. Also the FLA only applies to de facto couples who separate after the .. The Attorney General also announced that the Government .. Includes each party's superannuation entitlements .. divorce. ➢ if they were married. • Or within 2 years after the end of the de ..

Everything You Wanted to Have in Sex Laws

by R Slovenko - 1973 - - debase man's emotional life: "Super Bright toothpaste gives you sex appeal. .. The common evaluation among judges and lawyers is that divorce and custody .. Divorce at the request of one party after one or two years' separation is a growing ..


- She was chair of the New South Wales Young Lawyers Family Law Committee for 3 years and ... (9) Party may marry again after divorce order has taken effect ..


Post-separation parenting and financial settlements: the long-term financial impacts of shared care .. Super Search, Source this item in the University's Catalouge .. Publisher: Attorney-General's Department(Canberra) .. Patterns of parenting after divorce: a pre-Reform Act benchmark study(Show details) ..

ALRC Issues Paper on Family Violence and Commonwealth

reasons, which required women to be available to look after them. .. police and lawyers, domestic violence services, accommodation services and court appointments. ... In 1996 Carole and Simon Schaer separated after a long marriage and she .. then that she instituted formal divorce proceedings and applied for a ..


by E GooDMAN - - systems] may be a lawyer's dream and a client's nightmare". See also Family .. ends by separation or divorce, and in certain other circumstances, while taking account of the .. future interest such as an entitlement to benefit from a superannuation fund. 23 .. acquired after the marriage for the common use and benefit of both ..

FAMILY LAW RULES 2004 - SCHEDULE 6 Costs -- rules before 1 ..

(b) the charges of lawyers in family law cases that commenced before 1 July 2008 as .. (b) by a lawyer who is first retained by a client after 30 June 2008, even if the case in ... declaration as to validity , of a marriage, divorce or annulment, means an order that the .. (c) a pension, annuity or vested superannuation money; ..

B O N D D I S P U T E R E S O L U T I O N N E W S Recent Activities ..

by L BOULLE - See A. Sarat & W. Felstiner, "Law and Strategy in the Divorce Lawyer's Office" (1986) .. lawyers advise on a band of good-day and bad-day outcomes separated by .. K. Funder, M. Harrison & R. Weston, Settling Down: Pathways of Parents after .. been steadily changed in Australia by compulsory superannuation, increased ..

Grants - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

It does so first through a thorough exposition of what the law now 'is', after much ... long-term outcomes of relocation disputes, when one parent after separation .. This ideal clashes with the promise of divorce that individuals should be able to ... and the review of taxation of international income and superannuation which ..

Treating Different Cases the Same

collection=Census&javascript=true&topic=Marriage/Partnering/Separation/ .. The Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Hon Robert McCelland MP,24 .. 2002 reform in providing superannuation splitting between married couples will ... See also Bruce Smyth and Ruth Weston, Financial Living Standards After Divorce ..

Opportunistic research: making the most of a captive audience and a ..

by C Doran - 2003(the morning immediately after the previous night's .. mediator (usually also a family lawyer) .. superannuation is an issue). .. separation', Report of Family Law ..


1 Property and Family Law - Options for Change, Attorney-General's Department, ... Pathways of Parents After Divorce, Australian Institute of Family Studies, ..

This file was downloaded from:

by D Cooper - 2010Family Lawyer as "Absent advisor". The first .. recommended that separating parties consult family lawyers for legal advice. 32. Whether or .. superannuation and other retirement entitlements, where relevant. They will also ... after" FDR. 73 ..

[pic] Family Law Act 1975 Act No. 53 of 1975 as amended This ..


the Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, Attorney-General's Department, ... after divorce order is made 345 90DA Need for separation declaration for .. to duty 412 Part VIIIB-Superannuation interests 413 Division 1-Preliminary 413 ..

Subject Details

Subject Pages 2012 · Global Lawyer LAWS50071 · Institutions in International Law LAWS50045 .. Post-separation parenting law and process: the content and impact .. superannuation splitting; binding financial agreements (including .. The divorce order problem from TM p 53 - Asher and Mary; Question ..

Cox, Noel --- "Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in the Church of the ..

by N Cox - In conclusion, it is asked whether the concept of separation of Church .. Canon law drew from Roman civil law for the training of its lawyers, .. denomination would retain some of its canonical traditions after reunion. ... of what is now predominantly secular law as marriage,[93] divorce,[94] and succession.

Published Works 2008 - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Karpin, I, The Uncanny Embryos: Revisited After the Passing of the .. in Commonwealth Laws-Superannuation) Bill 2008 (2008) .. Saul, B, Mowbray, J & Baghoomians, I, Submission to Commonwealth Attorney General's Department in ... Making After Parental Separation and Divorce' (2008) 46(1) Family ..

Don't Mention the 'R' Word

Authorised by the Trustee of Catholic Super, CSF Pty Limited (ABN 50237986957) (AFSL. 246664) (RSE .. Divorce and separation. General .. After Tax – Non Concessional Contributions. No Age Limit ... Power of Attorney. - Up to date Will ..

Elder Abuse Prevention Action Plan

Microsoft Powerpoint - Older people who were separated or divorced were more likely to be .. more likely to be financially abused after their partner dies (Brozowski & Hall 2004) .. the Aged Pension (Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia 2011). .. Older person who has felt coerced into granting Power of Attorney to a family member ..


Mr Ross Clare, Super Funds, Director of Research, The Association of Superannuation Funds of. Australia, Ltd. ... whose parents divorce or separate change after separation. ... The NSW Attorney General's Department, which funds. Tirkandi ..


- She is currently an associate with Watts McCray Lawyers. She was ... (a) irretrievable breakdown of marriage requires a separation of not less than 12 months: s 48. (b) effect of .. (i) party may marry again after divorce order has taken effect. Todd and ... For superannuation: Part VIIIB and Regulations ..

5027LAW Family Law Family Law Semester 1 .. - Griffith University

6. be familiar with the practical skills required by a family lawyer;. 7. have an .. of the super fund. .. after separation, the types of maintenance ..


Amending Part VIIIB (superannuation splitting) to extend it to de facto .. order in favour of a spouse where the couple had not separated. .. A communiqué from the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General .. BFAs after divorce/breakdown ..

Macdonald, Arlene --- "Testamentary Trusts: Not Just 'Another' Trust ..

by A MacdonaldThe article also considers what it terms "after death trusts" and Capital Gains .. However, when most lawyers, tax advisers, will drafters and estate planners ... Therefore, it may be difficult to achieve the desired separation of control by cloning. .. From frivolous spending, gambling, addiction, divorce and bankruptcy; good ..


- She was chair of the New South Wales Young Lawyers Family Law Committee for 3 years and a ... (i) party may marry again after divorce order has taken effect ..

Program - ANZSSA - QUT Home

He was a member of the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Family Law .. been in the areas of superannuation and divorce, and post-separation contact between .. New Zealand for nearly six years now, after having moved from South Africa ..

QUT Law & Justice Journal Vol 3 No 2 2003

by L Stallybrass - 2003 The justification given by the Attorney-General for this move was that the new .. numbers of couples were separating and requiring legal assistance. .. Justice System ('ALRC 89') that was released after the Federal Magistrates Bill .. the FMS for particular types of matters, such as for divorce applications.


courts3 and separated magistrates from the public service, often with the express .. retirement and superannuation, salary and remuneration, and removal and ... lawyer representing a party (also a government department) in the litigation. ... marriage, divorce and custody of children in relation to divorce (except in ..

Limited purpose marriages

by J Wade - 1982 - - married couple divorced and secretly moved back together after their new single status had been ... One of the lawyer's arguments in defence was that since the marriage was .. divorce or de facto separation are available.61 .. superannuation fund reduced by the trustees exercising their discretion in favour of more ..

FLPM updates final 8.11.06.indd

A divorce order would still take effect one month after it is made. – 'Dissolution of marriage' is replaced by the concept of 'divorce'.3. (i) Appeals to the High Court ..

imageREAL Capture

against any singling out oi solicitors as the objects of special legislation along the lines of a compulsory .. resent any statements or inferences that they should be given the benefit or otherwise of a special super- .. tion separated from the Crown Law Department ... admitted the defendant to partnership after a long ..

Professor Reg Graycar - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

(exec summary republished in Australian Family Lawyer, December 2000; and ... Reg Graycar, 'Occupational Health and Safety - After Williams' (1982) 7 Legal .. Affairs, 'Child Custody Arrangements in the event of family separation', 2003. .. issues such as superannuation and debts, child custody and access), for the ..


few assets and accumulate thereafter a home, superannuation ... Moore, Vol. 16 No. 3 Australian Family Lawyer p 34 at 42 .. said that "after a long marriage, where both parties have worked together ... years prior to separation of the parties.


Most Family Law matters, such as divorce, are dealt with by the Family Court of Australia .. Superannuation (division after a marriage breakdown). For more .. There are new rules that apply to separating families and children. .. A Power of Attorney is an important legal document that allows you to appoint another person to ..

respect my decisions:

The information has been separated into four sections which provide information .. Taking the time now to appoint an Enduring Power of Attorney to make financial and property- .. When Sarah rushed to be at her partner Maggie's side after a serious ... is the one to make the decisions as they were never officially divorced.

The facts of Mallet v Mallet were that the parties' marriage had lasted ..

by JH WADE - of property between divorced spouses under s·79 of the Family Law Act .. 1974 until the date of separation, both the parties lived at a very high .. The wife has had the responsibilities of looking after the children in their .. settlement, reduce legal advice by lawyers and registrars to a stab in the .. No superannuation. 16 ..

For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health: Should Australia ..

by DM Cooper - 2005 - - In his second reading speech the Federal Attorney-General, Phillip .. receive concessionally taxed superannuation benefits upon the death of their .. adjustment for same-sex couples upon separation also shows that, in some areas of .. In that same year, there were 50727 divorce applications lodged in ..

Farm Finance

They are also separated as current and fixed liabilities. .. It lists things such as gross sales, cost of goods sold, operating profit and income before and after tax.


by J WADE - was made as an ancillary order to a divorce decree or other proceedings for principal ... meyting of the Federal and State Attorneys-General to report inter alia on. - referral of the .. of the marital relationship before and after the alleged separation' (at ... Do family assets include shares, insurance, superannuation, family in- ..

Labor under Mark Latham: 'New Politics', Old Dilemmas

by A Lavelle - - Government on issues such as politicians' superannuation, gave rise to ... Washington had been overrun by self-interested politicians, lawyers and .. Furthermore, the gulf separating elites from the masses in representative democracies .. that 'the democratic process has somehow divorced itself from the public interest' ..


by B Martin - - chromatographic separation of amino acids and the levels and medical effects oi .. After the workers protested, the job was contracted out to private industry. .. suspended while Dr Coulter tried to obtain superannuation, in the hope of a quick ... further with Dr Coulter, I feel that this Institute should divorce itself from this ..

Reunion Book

I worked with Marty Rock after leaving High School and at the beginning of the sixties I went to. Brisbane .. I was divorced in. 1978 .. Manager by Solicitors, Bernays and Bernays, Toowoomba. .. you were accompanied by the super-fit Alan Birt. ... height walls separating the Chemistry laboratory from the lecture "theatre" ..

Research Report

post-divorce; a history of the family court; the role of amateur media; theories .. Mark Attorneys for a project on patent harmonisation; the Australian War .. faculty member in 2005 after having taught at .. separation financial arrangements on children, carers, and our ... Hanrahan, P, 'Directors' Liability in Superannuation ..

AI for PDF.qxd

(Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute. Resolution) from .. No refunds are available after the seminar. The College .. A Guide to Self-Managed Super Funds ..

Margazette Issue 13 - 15 May

7:30am and return after the presentations by approximately 2:00pm. All girls will need to be .. National Breast Cancer Foundation and Women in Super. Over $3 million has .. DE GROOTS WILLS & ESTATE LAWYERS. DRUMMO ND G O .. divorce. The program targets separated and divorced parents who have children ..

Hear from two experienced Barristers on the things that lawyers do that make ... before and after civil judgement with the aim of recovering the client/ .. Managed Superannuation .. Administration of trusts following separation ... divorce hearings, dispute resolution, applications relating to children, ..

Sydney Law School

Taxation of Superannuation. Vicki Chartrand ... comprises members who are eminent international lawyers in international .. Relocation after parental separation. Cashmore, J ... Divorce from Reality' (2006) 18(1) Current Issues in Criminal ..

Thrice Punished: Battered Women, Criminal Law and Disinheritance

by B Hamiltonthrough the deceased by will, intestacy, superannuation, pension right,. *. Barbara .. (Troja), and one Canadian, Attorney General of Canada v St-Hilaire4. (St-Hilaire), tell .. manslaughter after being charged with murder; and both were disqualified .. made vivid in a story about the impact of separation on former. Australian ..

De Facto Relationships Property Adjustment Law – A National ..

by L Willmott - 2003 - - The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) governs a range of issues including divorce .. Shoebridge, Lawyers, Brisbane, LLB (QUT), B Bus (Accy) (QUT), LLM (QUT). ... when the relationship ends by separation: Property (Relationships) Act 1976 .. Superannuation Act 1970; Public Trustee Act 1941; State Superannuation Act 2000.

Section 48 of the Constitution of Australia - [1999] MurUEJL 19

by D MeagherThis is to be paid by the Queen to the Governor-General - after she has first .. There is therefore, in the Constitution, not only a precise separation of these ... to the Parliamentary Contribution Superannuation Act. (No reason was given for the ... Isaac Isaacs, who, as one of the nine Ministers, as Attorney-General, in the ..

SPRING 2010 NEWSLETTER 42 EDITORIAL Welcome to the Spring ..

.. immigration law, employment law, social security law, superannuation law and privacy .. The ALRC is due to report to the Attorney-General no later than 30 ...After a number of discussion papers and meetings with our membership, the ... the central message of the report is that divorce and separation, coupled with low ..

InAeternum DEC07

Then on to Brussels for a conference, after which I arrived in the Netherlands .. details of course require the mind of a good lawyer and I have been wonderfully ..


by A Lynch - Schwartz: Bernard Schwartz, Super Chief: Earl Warren and His Supreme Court .. lawyers, he seems more intent on holding up the experience of the Court's .. Katharine Gelber, 'High Court Review 2005: The Manifestation of Separation of ... whose origins were derived from a Constitution which, after the passage of the ..

AAS Biographical Memoirs - Ernest William Titterton 1916-1990

Ernest Titterton's musical career developed further after he gained a .. (0.7%) uranium-235 could be separated from natural uranium. .. in it, essentially by gun technology, thus forming a super-critical mass. ... Being a lawyer, he did not understand much of what Titterton told ... He was divorced in 1986.

'6. Employment' in Demographic and Socioeconomic Outcomes ..

by N Biddle - 2006 - After controlling for age and sex only, the results show that an Indigenous male aged 30–34 years has a probability of being .. Divorced, separated or widowed ..

Cooper, Donna --- "When Rolls Royce and Holden Justice Collide ..

by D COOPER - [1] To acknowledge this milestone the Commonwealth Attorney-General, Daryl .. consumer demand as increasing numbers of couples were separating and .. that was released after the Federal Magistrates Bill 1999 (Cth) had been passed, .. the bulk of divorce applications and less complex parenting and property matters.

Marxist Interventions

Jean had joined the Communist Party not long after coming to Sydney from New .. giving mothers equal rights over children and, above all, making divorce very easy and .. (The Communist lawyer, Christian Jollie Smith had more reason .. in plain clothes, who would snidely enquire, following his separation from his wife: ..

The PATH Through Life Questionnaire

3.❍Separated from someone you have been married to. 4.❍Divorced. 5.❍Widowed. 6.❍Have never .. Upper Professional (doctors, teachers, registered nurses, lawyers, ITs). 3. ❍ Middle .. Q43f. Is there a period after the injury that you cannot remember at all? 1 ❍Yes. 2 ❍No ... Child support. 4.❍Superannuation/annuity ..


by R Graycar - - overwhelmingly responsible for the care of children after divorce, .. See Attorney-General's Department, The Treatment of Superannuation in Family Law ( .. parents are living together: yet in the post-separation situation it is far more likely that ..

Annual Report 2000 cov + inside

After participating in work to ensure the rights of tenants and homeless .. 2 A T Kronman, The Lost Lawyer: Failing Ideals of the Legal. Profession ... including superannuation will be forwarded to you. .. Our client was separated from her mother ... Divorce. 109. Child Contact. 66. Child Maintenance. 12. Child Support. 39 ..

News - Perth Modern School

Some satisfied faces after having draining the pot of delicious hot .. Budding Lawyers Sweep Mock Trials ... Due to the super human efforts of .. Relationships after Divorce or Separation (RAD) is a FREE program for divorced or separated ..

Research Supervisor Profile for Professor Reg Graycar - Research ..

60+ items – (exec summary republished in Australian Family Lawyer, ..

Reg Graycar and Jenny Morgan, "Equality Rights: What's Wrong"? in ..


Reg Graycar, "Gender, Race, Bias and Perspective: OR, How Otherness ..


Full Report January 31 1975


of Election 137 De Facto Relationship 138 Separated or Divorced Spouses 138 .. Superannuation, Retiring Allowances and Related Matters 350 Background and .. Fall in Value of Assets after Death 450 Valuation of Assets 451 Jurisdiction of .. The professional staff of the Committee has included lawyers, accountants ..

Zanghellini, Aleardo --- "Marriage and Civil Unions: Legal and Moral ..

by A Zanghellini - - The two different justifications provided by the Attorney-General and the .. On 6 June 2006, less than a month after the Act was passed, Cabinet ... distress, and divorce, not because the parents are self-centered but because it ... Men and women, despite their physical separation, seek what they have lost: complete unity.


(Circulated by authority of the Attorney-General,. Senator the .. undefended divorce applications;. • provision to enable .. to superannuation benefits when they are received; and revision and .. marriage, or legal separation of the parties, recognised as ... of a vessel, after being served with a statutory declaration containing ..

Are Corporations Socially Responsible? Is Corporate Social ..

by B McCabe - 1992 - - Bowdeas Solicitors .. ownership and control in large corporations are effectively separated. In the .. Berle and Means hypothesized that this divorce of ownership and control .. looking after the company's affairs as they would if it was their own .. the countervailing power of big suppliers, bigger customers, super unions, ..

Shareholder Value and Employee Interests: Intersections Between ..

by R Mitchell - 2005 - - separate fields of legal scholarship and regulatory policy.1 This separation does not mean .. and central concern to labour lawyers', resulting in the relationship between .. Our consideration of the regulatory framework cannot be divorced from a discussion of .. look after their own interests at the expense of shareholders.

Crown Prince's family update?

After working in the aviation industry, he is now attending law school in pursuit of a Juris Doctor degree. .. Doctor, and a Master of Law (LLM), is now a practicing attorney. .. his ex (Sucharinee/Yuwathida/Benz) went through a bitter divorce. .. so as to justify their separation (adultery and drug trafficking).

Journal of Australian Taxation

by K Murphy - 2003 - - The follow-up of non-respondents after the first mailing was accomplished using .. now divorced or separated, and 6 per cent had never been married. 72 per ..

Hearsays Last Hurrah_14Nov2009

by DA Sklansky - 2006 - - Years of trial practice can sometimes give a lawyer a certain fondness for the oddities of .. The Current State of a Failed Marriage in Need of a Quick Divorce, 33 .. Separating the Confrontation Clause from the Hearsay Rule, 56 S.C. L. REV. .. what the rules of evidence were: this was before evidence codes, before the ..


jurisdictional issues; and principal relief (divorce and nullity) (Topics 1 – 4); .. (CLT 173) and after the study break, lectures (from 11 January to 22 .. Attorney-General for the Commonwealth and "Kevin" and "Jennifer" and the Human Rights and Equal .. factors amounting to a separation or a resumption of cohabitation.

Newsletter 271010x2

Divorce, separation, abortion, pornography, illness, drugs, ... after you turn 30 that each year seems to reduce by about 1 week ... On Edge Sports Pty Ltd - Cable Ski Cairns, O'Reilly Steven Bovey Lawyers. .. A very big thank you to our St Andrew's super coaches, who give up their time every week to ..

The University of Western Australia EstablishEd 1911 A body lay ..

month, he was happy to officially open the RCs, five years after .. funds for a fellowship at st Catherine's. College. Lawyer leaves legacy for arts ... stress (sexual abuse, parental divorce) ... Separating Fact from Fiction .. some of your super in the form of a non-commutable income stream (a pension ..


A communiqué from the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General dated 25 July .. Say, for example, on separation a woman leaves and a child that she had from .. marriage/cohabitation BFAs after divorce/breakdown Formal requirements of .. SUPERANNUATION The new laws will allow superannuation interests of de ..


Attorney-General's Department, December 2000. Figure 1 ... place as soon as possible after an acute attack to maximise therapeutic .. medical responsibility super- sedes police .. was higher in those separated or divorced. Over the ..

News media chronicle, July 1998 to June 1999

by R Kirkpatrick - 1999 - - program on Australian television, continued into 1999 after its survival was under threat .. changed following a letter from Packer's lawyers in December. The letter was not .. who separated from him three months earlier, filed for divorce in. California in a .. super-model Sarah O'Hare at the Murdoch family property, "Cavan", ..

An examination of taxpayers' attitudes towards the Australian tax ..

by K Murphy - 2004 - - one to legally minimise tax (for example, increasing superannuation contributions or .. Aggressive tax planning used to be a secret, well kept by high priced tax lawyers and ... The follow-up of non-respondents after the first mailing was accomplished using an .. Another 11 per cent had been married but were now divorced ..

ftp://cleo. murdoch. edu. au/pub/elaw/issues/v5n2/andrews522. txt ..

by N Andrews - [1] Lawyers of varying backgrounds have a sense of unease about the ... [63] It suggests that it comes after the modern and therefore has a separate identity. ... of self - existence as property, separation of accountability and enjoyment, .. [206] The attempt by the Murdoch family to introduce 'super voting' shares led to a ..

Into The Mainstream by Tom O'Lincoln


the electoral defeat, these activists swung sharply to the left and toward direct .. From here it is not far to divorcing workers' control from the workplace altogether. ... and more separated out from the struggle for social liberation in general. .. All I can say is, that if I require the services of a lawyer to interpret the jargon in ..

Centennial Lecture - The Relationship of Parliament and the Courts ..

by AP SovereigntyAdopting the comments of Baragwanath J in Cooper v Attorney-General,[6] the Court .. examines the status of the Treaty against the concepts of the separation of powers and .. The coalition is likely to have been achieved after negotiation and .. Once judicial review is divorced from the idea of effectuating the intent of the ..

Supreme Court Act 1935 - 08-f0-00

lawyer means an Australian lawyer within the meaning of that term in the Legal .. judicial separation, jactitation of marriage, or restitution of conjugal rights; ... with the prior approval of the Chief Justice given after consulting the President. .. his rights, if any, under the Superannuation and Family Benefits Act 1938 4; ..

A Hybrid Legal Expert System

by TA O’Callaghan - 2003 - - system is "a system capable of performing at a level expected of a lawyer" [Popple. 1996 .. The structure of government in Australia is based upon the doctrine of the separation .. diction over most family law matters except for divorces. ... machines, they made no attempts to prevent infringements from occurring by super ..

News | The University of Sydney

Unleashing the lawyers is not the answer to the question of privacy View ... by a Catholic religious order after the Catholic Church suppressed a report it asked .. Dirkis comments on stamp duty costs associated with superannuation fund mergers. .. family law reform Bill will not affect the vast majority of separated families.


by GR Walker - 1980 - the Commonwealth or-of a State or Territory or under any superannuation fund .. (g) where the parties have separated or the marriage has been dissolved, .. Law Council to the Attorney-General that s.79A be amended by insertion after. 9. ... Bailey, "Principles of Property Distribution on Divorce -- Compensation, Need or ..

A4 Standard format Template

lawyers and consultants. (This earlier .. a desire for uniform divorce law, but the slow movement .. 'Lawyer Discipline in Victoria: A Statistical Analysis' .. superannuation funds and managed investment .. Separation of Ownership and Control' in G Gregoriou .. Corporate Governance after Sarbanes-Oxley, John Wiley ..


by TY ON - S a young lawyer in Brisbane in the 1970s, I first had occasion to invoke the wisdom, judicial .. After the next Cabinet meeting, the Premier gave a press conference and said that there was to .. by a super-majority of the Parliament. I see no point in a ... Grid lock is accepted as an inevitable cost of the separation of powers.

The Administrative Authority of Chief Judicial Oficers in Australiat

by K Mack - - marriage, divorce and custody of children in relation to divorce. The High Court is .. of the need for judicial independence: the separation of the magistracy from the .. hearing cases on grounds of apprehended bias when a party or lawyer was ... superannuation, of a District Court judge?06 In Queensland this includes an ..


by H Proudfoot - 1995lawyers. This issue gives us a useful look at some public art in our cities, with ... much largcr but insenslave bwldngh constructed after 1920. .. endeavour at Castlecrag was the separation of their OM n enthusiasms and ... divorced fmm reality. .. negotiation with the State Superannuation Board who had been promised ..

imageREAL Capture

by WR ATKIN - - monly known as the Finer Report after its Chairman, the Hon Sir Morris. Finelr. .. Where a separated mother with dependent children has lost the support ... legislation, such as altering the grounds for divorce and providing for domestic violence. .. the members of the Committee were lawyers. and therefore had some ex- ..

Table of Contents

After the Introduction in Section 1, Section 2 of this submission demonstrates that ... heterosexual couples receive in areas such as superannuation and taxation.61 .. infamous 'Separate but Equal Doctrine',66 which provided for the separation of ... avail themselves of the "flash divorce" option available to those in civil ..

ANU Public Policy Program -

by R Mulgan - - Soon after the establishment of the Ombudsman, the system of .. the coalition's Attorney-General Williams to consolidate the administrative tribunal system .. tendering and outsourcing, separation of purchasers and providers, greater ... and Marketplace Discrimination: Life Insurance and Superannuation.

Defamation in Transition Defamation actions have long been ..

groupie Bob Ellis found after writing that Tony Abbott and Peter Costello were both .. constantly on the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) agenda since ... 208 CLR 199, [127], citing NOC Inc v Schaefer, 484 A 2d 729 (NJ Super ... The couple later separated, and New Idea! magazine decided to publish a ..

4 Oct - Week 1

Hannah Drysdale Library (named after. Dorothy's mother. ... Divorce: Couples must be separated for 12 months before an application for divorce can be .. beneficiary of your super fund? If it's your former .. and power of attorney? • Who owns ..

Public Sector Employment in the Twenty-First Century

Commonwealth. Commencing 1 July 1975, it was separated entirely from the .. 1998 elections and eventually passed the Senate after much debate, which included .. Robert Garran, Secretary to the Attorney-General's Department, Solicitor-General ... in divorcing the Government collectively and ministers individually from ..


by M BAGARIC - - makers, philosophers, lawyers and the community at large. This is .. prefer repairing motor vehicles to writing poetry, we should not allow these super- .. The claim that some people are happier after they ... less likely to feel romantic love, more likely to divorce, more homicidal, ... This 'separation of ownership and ..

eJournal of Tax Research

terms "after death trusts" and Capital Gains Tax issues arising from those as well ... However, when most lawyers, tax advisers, will drafters and estate planners ... Assuming splitting is effective in actually separating the assets and the .. The answer may be the testamentary trust is primarily to deal with superannuation or ..

Issue 14 AUGUST 3RD 2011

include JINJA SAFARI, RUFUS, MITZI, and SUPER FLORENCE JAM ... depend on a divorce from fact. .. lawyer." His first experience with the Sydney University Law. Society, the society he is now president of, .. held after an especially drawn out and tiring SRC and ... burqa was separated from Carnita, ..

The Blessing (Essay)

by K Raine - After re-writing it several times I submitted it to publishers and began work on a trilogy12 ... commander, astronaut, racing car driver, secret agent, super hero. .. mathematics, a project too divorced from the deep questions in which I was ... this Spirit within, however, because we are living in a world of sin, separation, and ..


by D KOVACS - - 'IAln agreement in writing made, whether before or after the commence- .. Lawyers acting for beneficiaries of maintenance .. The separation of property agreement in Sykes and Sykes and Dotch" might be a case in point, although it seems that an agreement to divide property because the parties are divorcing would not.

Annual Report 2001 #32 (Page 1)

volunteer lawyers, committed law firms and, of course, enthusiastic students. ... Divorce. 64. Child Support. 20. Child Maintenance. 10. Property in Marriage. 22 .. jobs after a restructure in which they had initially been offered full time employment. .. Her greatest fear would be that the children would be separated by ..


- Attorney-General for the Commonwealth and "Kevin" and "Jennifer" and the Human .. In this topic we consider the sole ground for divorce under the Family Law Act 1975 .. and the factors amounting to a separation or a resumption of cohabitation. ... (c) superannuation: until commencement of Part VIIIB in December 2002 ..

Chapter 19

- In James N Kirby Foundation v Attorney-General (NSW) (2005) 213 ALR 366, .. 17.8 After the Second World War, the taxation of family trusts in Britain led to .. a more complex trust, like a family discretionary trust, or a superannuation trust. ... person from marrying, or which encourage a person to divorce, are also void: Re ..

IML News & Events: Comment on Field work in the Faculty of Science

Incorporate, Lawyers, Divorce, Surveillance, Malpractice, Intellectual Property, Prepaid ... Posted by sperm count after vasectomy at July 2, 2005 03:40 AM ..

Layup June21.indd

as one of the eminent Tasmanian lawyers and one .. ore formation and separating ore into valuable substances. .. your superannuation into your retirement ..

(B) KCLJ 17.1 Allan

by J ALLAN - - Edwards v Canada (Attorney-General) [1930] AC 124 (PC), 136 per Lord Sankey. .. after much debate, and ultimately endorsed by referendum or by a super-majority of ... some ineffable process of implication, one seemingly divorced from the intentions of those who .. power must be separated from legislative power.

Howard Hughes and Melvin Dummar: Forensic Science Fact Versus ..

Hughes' many personal attorneys, suggested that somewhere there might be a holographic will. Bautzer informed the .. another marital separation. He is also .. Melvin is assured afterwards by his friends and relatives that he has "won.'" But the harsh- ... This super confidential ... They were divorced in 1971. But certainly ..

The Role of Employees in Corporate Governance in the Anglo ..

by R Elliott - 2003 - BA LLB Monash, Chair of Health Employees Superannuation Trust of Australia,. Formerly .. The Berle & Means problematic is the separation of ownership and control given specialist ... formalized employee role in governance is so divorced from contemporary US ... After all, beneficiaries are union members and the ..

Religion and development:

facilitating development outcomes where western state/church separation ... which happens both in their lifetime and after death, in excluding them from .. to other religions and regions too: "The mosque is our court, school, and lawyer. ... the number of 'super FBOs' such as World Vision Australia, which administer ..

Sustaining a vision of socially-just communities: Aspects of a case ..

by J Austininvolved two focus group-type sessions separated by a structured. data-gathering ... after: that is, that in the pursuit of a socially-better society, the. educational .. Something is not right in our super-slick society, and this something. has a lot to .. The outcome of this included the growth of divorce ("people were. unwilling to ..

Pufendorf's Moral and Political Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia ..

In Jena, Pufendorf (like Leibniz after him) lived and studied with Erhard .. modern natural lawyers and the conservative Lutheran scholastics whom they challenged. .. the French dragonades and argued for the separation of church and ... on the will of a super-human authority with the power of sanction.

Civil and Family Law Needs of Indigenous People in New South ..

by C Cunneen - 2011mean that understanding between client and lawyer is compromised.15. These issues .. (divorce, child residency arrangements and property settlements), criminal ... superannuation, unfair dismissal, working hours, award conditions, leave, union ... separation, and issues in relation to removal of children by DOCS.

Eves_Christian Civil Society_version2.indd

by GINPNEW GUINEA - - Hami Yawari, whose lawyers wrote to the. Electoral .. constitutional separation of church and state .. members still had plenty of time after church ... to his work in the superannuation industry ... and divorce are not allowed, since family ..

Issue 9 May 11th 2011

super world? Catch up! 9. Every thing is jumpin' jumpin' off cliffs! 10. Don't read this .. After reading Reuben Stone's article about sniffer dogs last week ... lawyer and human rights advocate who has ... to divorce the experience from the digital ... when he is separated from his family, by his own choice or ..

New Zealand Bibliography of Women and the Law 1970 – 2000 ..

by IIS ListingWhile family law issues such as divorce and matrimonial property division constantly .. "Sexual abuse, recovered memory, and defence lawyers" [1995] 3 Feminist Law Bulletin 1 .. women consumers experience legal processes of family separation (Part 2)" .. "Superannuation referendum" [1997] 4 Feminist Law Bulletin 1 ..


35 See, eg, Mark Aronson, 'A Public Lawyer's Responses to Privatisation .. Australian provision was Community Welfare Act 1972 (SA) s 91(2)(a) but has now been super- ... After pointing out that people are .. in Pyrenees to the claim that the separation of powers 'lies at the heart' of the .. Divorced from their purpose, ..

Chief Executive Officer's Report

enquiries and 4500 divorce certificate requests. .. In March 2008 the Attorney-General Robert McClelland MP, announced a .. between married couples, superannuation splitting and family dispute .. organisations to provide advice, counselling and mediation to assist separating parents reach their ... After-hours service ..

imageREAL Capture

by N Jamieson - 2000 - with revisionist legal history as the lawyer's only means of mitigating future shock. Madness this ... politically debatable bills - the doctrine, requiring a separation of powers between ... differently, for after all, the taonga of te reo maori is a living language. .. offspring of the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act 1928. Not so ..

Some desirable features of lower court systems to verify and enforce ..

by AJ Cannon - The Superannuation Complaints Tribunal. 40 .. Table 2.7: Judges, lawyers and claims filed per 100000 population ... and criminal jurisdictions, for many decades, have been separated. A specialist civil ... After the initial graduation test for lawyers .. recovery of a loan against a divorced partner is included in Appendix 5.


After that, responsibilities were handed over to the Heritage ... Anomalies in the statute law relating to divorce and matrimonial causes.

Bond Law Review

by R Elliott - BA LLB Monash, Chair of Health Employees Superannuation Trust of .. The Berle & Means problematic is the separation of ownership and control given ... formalized employee role in governance is so divorced from contemporary US ... After all, beneficiaries are union members and the ... Lawyer 611 at 633-40. 79 '28.

a aa aadm aaib aala aalia aaron aasa ab abdul abilities ability able ..


affects affiliated affiliation affiliations affirmative affixed affordable africa after against .. diversity divided dividing diving division divisions divorced dixie dixon dlitt .. lawry laws lawson lawx lawyer laying layt layton lc lcbc lcunsweduauolibhtml .. summers sundra sunswift superannuation supervise supervised supervising ..

Australian National University's Graduate Program in Public Policy ..

by P Ruddock - 2004After substantial criticism by such bodies as the Administrative Review Council .. in conjunction with the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Prime .. and possibly in breach of the separation of powers required by the Constitution. .. Policy and Marketplace Discrimination: Life Insurance and Superannuation.


by G Walker - the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory or under any superannuation fund .. (g) where the parties have separated or the marriage has been dissolved, .. Law Council to the Attorney-General that s.79A be amended by insertion after .. Bailey, "Principles of Property Distribution on Divorce - Compensation, Need or Com ..

Refractory Urban Space

by U Eco - After tracing his own institutional history of science, Bourdieu (1973) argued .. Although Snow held that science and technology separation was ... Scheme (ETS), to deindustrialising mineral Super Profit Tax (Stilwell, 2008) is alarming. ... In one lengthy shot, the camera follows the pair from the lawyer's ..

The University of Newcastle UniNews, Issue No. 3, May, 1998

seven were divorced and two separated. Comments ... programs can continue long after the Foundation has withdrawn." Dr van Cendt was ... by an eminent lawyer at the commencement of .. such as the so called super-league war (only the ..

The Statesmen of Victoria, New South Vila-les, and South Australia ..

by J Jefferis - 1880contempt, because I am neither a lawyer nor a legislator. The political .. And yet 750 years after, in the reign of .. settlement, and the other is separated from the mainland by a wide ... powers for dealing with local improvements, from whose super- vision in the .. patents of invention, marriage and divorce, immigration and ..


by D KOVACS - Third Working Paper. 1974. Law Reform Commlss~on of Saskatchewan: Report to the Attorney- ... disposal of the divorce court would suffice after that time.76 ..

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Monday, 17 February 2025
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