Surrogacy and the law

The issue of surrogacy can cause great moral, ethical and legal debate within the community. Surrogacy arrangements are complex and involve medical, emotional, financial and legal issues. However, with increasing demand for assisted reproductive treatment (ART) and a decline in the number of children available for adoption, more Australians are considering surrogacy as a means to having a child.

Surrogate mother

A surrogate mother is someone who gestates (conceives and carries within the uterus) and then gives birth to a child for another person or couple, with the full intention of handing the child over to that person or couple after the birth.

In Australia, the surrogate mother must not have any genetic link to the child she carries for the commissioning parent or parents. Therefore, her egg may not be used in the surrogacy arrangement. The egg and sperm used to form the embryo for transfer to the womb of the surrogate mother must be provided by the commissioning parent or parents (the person or people for whom the surrogate is becoming pregnant) or a donor.

In some cases, a donor egg may be used in conjunction with the commissioning father’s sperm, or donor sperm may be used in conjunction with the commissioning mother’s egg to form an embryo for transfer to the surrogate’s womb.

If you would like legal help regarding the law with respect to surrogacy, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Why do people consider surrogacy?

Surrogacy is not a common procedure compared with other forms of assisted reproductive treatment. A surrogacy arrangement could be considered if:

  • A woman is unable to become pregnant as she has had a hysterectomy or is missing part of her uterus, uterine lining, ovaries or other parts of the genital tract.
  • A woman may have a health condition that makes pregnancy dangerous or she may not be able to carry a baby to term.
  • A couple in a male same-sex relationship may wish to have a child using their sperm.
  • A man may wish to have a child, but have no partner.
  • A woman, who has embryos in storage with her male partner, dies and the man wishes to use the embryos to have a child.

Many people argue that it is difficult to compare surrogacy with other reproductive methods such as egg donation, as the surrogate mother is undergoing all the emotional, mental and physical feelings of pregnancy.

Surrogacy Issues to consider

There are a number of medical, emotional, financial and legal issues to consider in making a surrogacy arrangement and once the surrogate mother gives birth and hands over the child. Visit the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority (VARTA) website for information about these issues.

What are the key ingredients for a positive surrogacy arrangement?

Potential factors that can contribute to a positive outcome from a surrogacy arrangement include:

  • Minimal risk factors – stable mental and physical health, positive life situation, supportive partner
  • Clear and open communication between all parties
  • All parties have clear boundaries and realistic expectations
  • All parties have knowledge of the medical process, including being realistic about the timeline – it could be up to 12 months before embryo transfer even occurs
  • Realistic expectations about the emotional responses and reactions that may occur during the process. Emotions should be managed with care and sensitivity – anxiety, grief, guilt and disappointment and are all common feelings
  • Discussions between all parties regarding the fair and reasonable expenses of the surrogate that should be covered
  • Commissioning parent(s) should budget for medical, counselling and legal costs
  • Agree on a pregnancy and birth plan that all parties are comfortable with, but remember that the birth mother has the right to manage her own pregnancy as any other pregnant woman does, despite what may be agreed to in the surrogacy arrangement.

If you would like legal help regarding the law with respect to surrogacy, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Surrogacy legislation

All surrogacy arrangements in Australia must be altruistic, which means that the surrogate mother receives no material gain from acting as a surrogate.

Most Australian states have specific legislation that outlines the requirements for surrogacy. In the absence of legislation, states and territories are required to abide by national ethical guidelines issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

Check with your local IVF clinic or legal advisor for the current surrogacy legislation in your state or territory.

Surrogacy legislation in Victoria

Under the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008, the requirements are as follows.

The commissioning parent(s):

  1. Must be infertile or unable to carry a baby or give birth, or
  2. There is a likely medical risk to the mother or baby if pregnancy is carried out.

The surrogate:

  • Must be at least 25 years old
  • Must have previously been pregnant and given birth to a live child
  • Must not use her own eggs in the surrogacy arrangement.

NOTE: it is preferred that the surrogate has already completed her family.

All parties, including the commissioning parent(s), the surrogate and the surrogate’s partner (if any), must:

  • Undergo a criminal record check and a child protection order check
  • Undertake counselling and obtain independent legal advice.
  • Some clinics also require any donor involved in the arrangement to comply with the same requirements.

If you would like legal help regarding the law with respect to surrogacy, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Surrogacy and the law News

Do you have a legal issue regarding family law and relationships?

If so, then you need help from a specialist family lawyer.

To seek legal advice and assistance from a specialist family lawyer regarding your particular legal situation, please complete your FREE legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

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Surrogacy and the Law
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We also cover all Other family law and legal relationship issues including:

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  • Looking after children if you divorce or separate
  • Looking after children if your relationship ends
  • Children, divorce, separation and courts

Relationship breakdowns can affect our health. You  may feel a range of powerful emotions, such as fear or uncertainty for the future, anger at your partner or yourself, sadness at the end of a phase of life, loneliness and isolation and often a sense of failure. It can be difficult to adjust to your new circumstances and this can impact on your mental health.

Worrying about the impact of relationship breakdown, separation and divorce on children can add to the stress of the situation.

There are a range of services available which provide assistance and support to those experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and divorce. Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call for families seeking help. Through information and referral, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties.

Changes to Australia's family law system introduced since July 2006 means that individuals wanting to apply to the court for a parenting order must first attempt family dispute resolution if appropriate. If family dispute resolution is not appropriate or an agreement not reached then a certificate can be obtained from a registered family dispute resolution practitioner confirming an attempt at family dispute resolution was made.

Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as cases involving family violence or child abuse.

Family Relationship centres can also refer individuals, couples and families to a range of other helpful services to enhance family relationships.

To seek legal help from a specialist family lawyer, please complete your Free Legal enquiry form.

Surrogacy and the law Updates
Surrogacy and the law Links

Lawlink NSW: 3. Surrogacy Arrangements and the Law of New ..

3.1 Those who may wish to enter into a surrogacy arrangement in New South Wales today will receive no encouragement from the law.

Surrogacy Act 2010

independent legal advice must be obtained before entering into a surrogacy arrangement if transfer of parentage of the child born as a result of the arrangement ..

Assisted reproductive treatment :: SA Health


providers; Information about the Register of ART providers; Information about surrogacy and adoption .. Please note that it does not constitute legal advice.

Lawlink NSW: 2. Current State of the Law

I. THE LAW IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 2.1 As the law stands in New South Wales, the arrangement of a surrogate motherhood contract is neither ..

Surrogacy - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

New surrogacy laws for Queensland. The Surrogacy Act 2010 was passed by Parliament on 11 February 2010 with the provisions of the Act to ..

Surrogacy | Better Health Channel

by VART Authority - 2000 The issue of surrogacy can cause great moral, ethical and legal debate within the community. Surrogacy arrangements are complex and ..

Surrogate motherhood - Law Reform Commission : Lawlink NSW

The NSW Department of Health has also reviewed the law relating to surrogate motherhood. You can find further information on surrogacy in ..

New surrogacy laws for Queensland

Altruistic surrogacy is now legal in. Queensland. The Surrogacy Act 2010 commenced on 1 June 2010 after extensive research and public consultation during ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - ART, Surrogacy and Legal ..

Occasional paper, written by Sonia Magri and Associate Professor John Seymour, which compares the laws about assisted reproduction, adoption and ..

Children born through Surrogacy Arrangements applying for ..

Indian legislation in respect to surrogacy is limited and Indian laws are expected to change in response to the growing demand for surrogacy arrangements.

Surrogacy - Family Court of Western Australia

The arranged parents then become the child's legal parents. After commencement of the Surrogacy Act 2008 on 1 March 2009, any person wishing to enter into ..

Surrogacy Regulation 2011

the orders that are considered to be Interstate parentage orders under the Act,. (b) the laws that are considered to be Interstate surrogacy laws ..

draft paper on surrogacy laws

- Existing parentage presumptions will govern this situation, ensuring that the surrogate mother and her partner (if any) are regarded as the legal parents of the ..

Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW

Standing Committee on Law and Justice. Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW. Ordered to be printed 27 May 2009 according to Standing. Order 231 ..

IVF, surrogacy law reform released | Victorian Law Reform ..

The Commission concluded that if surrogacy is to continue to be legal in Victoria, this anomaly needs to be corrected, and surrogacy should be carefully ..

Surrogacy in NSW | HSC Legal Studies: News Watch

To read the background to this new legislation, you can read the terms of the Parliamentary inquiry into altruistic surrogacy and related legal ..

Lawlink NSW: 6. The Surrogacy Debate

6.2 The Chapter also addresses the question of whether legal regulation of surrogacy is appropriate. Whatever the moral principles employed, ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption: Position Paper ..

Position+Paper+3+Surrogacy+web+version.pdf (457.71 KB). Place of publication: Melbourne. Publisher : Victorian Law Reform Commission ..

DIAC - Children born through surrogacy - Australian Embassy

3.4 The Australian Embassy is unable to provide information on Thai law regarding surrogacy and parental rights. Furthermore, it is not possible for the Embassy ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Assisted Reproductive ..

ART, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage - A Comparative Legislative Review: .. Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption: Position Paper Three - Surrogacy ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage ..

Home; Assisted Reproductive Technology, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage - A Comparative Legislative Review: Occasional Paper ..

Legislation Development and Review : Surrogacy Bill 2010 ..

The current law in Tasmania prevents these people from using surrogacy as a last resort option to create a family. The Surrogacy Bill 2010 is a ..

Family Court of Western Australia


.. court; Contact details and links to other family law related websites and organisations; Information relating to adoption and surrogacy applications ..

A.R.T., Surrogacy and Legal Parentage: A Comparative Legislative ..

by L Reform -  - Law Reform. Commission. A.R.T., Surrogacy and Legal Parentage: A Comparative Legislative Review. By Adjunct Professor John Seymour and Ms Sonia Magri ..


by J MILLBANK - 2008 -  -  allowing for the transfer of legal parentage in surrogacy .. surrogacy laws in all Australian jurisdictions except the Northern Territory.6. Broadly ..

Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW (Inquiry) - NSW Parliament

Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW (Inquiry). This inquiry is a completed Legislative Council inquiry conducted by the Law and Justice Committee.

Ethics, Law, and Commercial Surrogacy: A Call for Uniformity

by K Drabiak -  - 300 journal of law, medicine & ethics. Commercial Surrogacy Case Study: Indiana. Twins, a South Carolina Surrogate, and a. New Jersey Bird. In July of 2005, ..

8. Reproduction Technology, Surrogacy and Adoption Law

Reproduction Technology, Surrogacy and Adoption Law. Issues Paper 9 (1993) - Review of the Adoption of Children Act 1965 (NSW) 8.

Surrogacy - Victorian Law Reform Commission

Surrogacy. Chapter 16. This section of the report addresses specific aspects of the law governing surrogacy. Surrogacy is a practice where a woman who is, ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - ART and Adoption - Fact ..

The law should recognise the female partner of a birth mother as the child's parent. .. Eligibility for fertility treatment for surrogacy should apply to the people ..

Surrogacy - parentage orders and the importance of informed ..

HSC Legal Studies: News Watch. Dec. 6 .. the commencement of the new Surrogacy Act 2010 (NSW) and posted some information about surrogacy in general.

find LEGAL answers - Family Law and Relationships  Surrogacy

Skip to content Find legal answers - Legal Information Access Centre (LIAC) We're .. Find Legal Answers  Family Law and Relationships  Surrogacy. Online ..

SURROGACY - Law Handbook

The law in South Australia recognises only those surrogacy agreements that conform to the requirements outlined in the Family Relationships ..


The current law in Tasmania prevents these people from using surrogacy as a last resort option to create a family. The Surrogacy Bill 2010 is a new approach to ..

Queensland Government model for the decriminalisation of altruistic ..

A position paper concerning models laws for decriminalisation of altruistic surrogacy was released for public comment. Surrogacy, including ..

Media releases 2005 | Victorian Law Reform Commission

25-11-05, Surrogacy law needs clarification .. Confusing and contradictory state laws about altruistic surrogacy would be clarified under interim ..

Answers to Questions re Altruistic Surrogacy for NSW Standing ..

FamilyVoice Answers to Questions re Altruistic Surrogacy 2009. 1. STANDING COMMITTEE ON LAW AND JUSTICE. Inquiry into legislation on altruistic ..

Parentage and Surrogacy - Victorian Law Reform Commission

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption: Final Report. 184. Parentage and Surrogacy. Chapter 19. Under a ..


by HSS MLC - from place to place to inquire into and report upon the issue of surrogacy and, in particular -. 1. Investigate how Tasmanian law currently deals with the issue of ..


by G EMMERSON - 1996 -  - Most recently, this can be attributed to the birth of the first "legal surrogate baby" ... about these issues, surrogacy is considered a "legal and ethical minefield".8 ..

Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW Standing Committee on ..

Committee Chair, on 0428674310. Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW. The Chair of the Law and Justice Committee, the Hon Christine ..


The State Government will update its 20-year-old laws on assisted reproductive technology and surrogacy to bring Victoria into line with other ..

Discussion Paper 18 (1988) - Artificial Conception: Surrogate ..


Lawlink NSW: 11. Surrogacy, Donor Reproduction Technology and ..

11.1 The terms of reference require the Commission to consider the relevance of surrogacy and reproduction technology to adoption law.

Lawlink NSW: Outline for Public Hearing

The New South Wales Law Reform Commission announces that it will hold a public hearing on the subject of Surrogate Motherhood.

News 2011 - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

20/10/2011, Community views sought on laws for child offenders [ Small PDF icon .. 14/01/11, Surrogacy Act 2010 - Commercial surrogacy arrangements ..

Altruistic surrogacy no longer a crime - Ministerial Media Statements

Mr Dick said the new surrogacy laws had been developed after .. "The Queensland surrogacy laws are based on the framework that was ..


surrogacy arrangements in NSW. 1 Stuhrncke, A. 'For Love or Money: The Legal Reguiation of Surrogate Motherhood', Murdock University Electronic ..


(a) who is a child of the other person by virtue of the operation of section 24(1) of the Surrogacy Act. 2011, or a law, of another. State or a Territory or a. *No.

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Media Releases 2005

Confusing and contradictory state laws about altruistic surrogacy would be clarified under interim recommendations released today by the Victorian Law Reform ..


Victorian Law Reform Commission – 'A.R.T. Surrogacy and Legal. Parentage: A Comparative Legislative Review' (undated). • 'Surrogacy: Art's Forgotten Child' ..


impact she has had in the development of laws regarding surrogacy is .. Territory relied upon her work in its recent surrogacy reforms (see ACT Law Reform ..

current adoption news

Surrogacy legislation. NSW's first stand-alone surrogacy law was introduced into the NSW Parliament on 21 October 2010. This is to assist heterosexual and ..


developing model provisions for surrogacy, in the- interests of national consistency. I note that the majority of the Standing Committee on Law and ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - ART and Adoption - Final Report

The report contains 202 recommendations for reform of the laws governing access to reproductive technologies, surrogacy and adoption. The whole report, and ..

Second Reading The Hon. JOHN HATZISTERGOS (Attorney ..

In May this year I announced the Government's intention to introduce new surrogacy laws for New South Wales, to provide certainty for the parties to surrogacy ..

Surrogacy Bill 2009 Explanatory Note

decriminalise altruistic surrogacy and provide a legal mechanism for .. surrogacy legal and developing a mechanism for the transfer of legal ..

Family (Surrogacy) Bill 2009 Explanatory Note

Attorney Act 1998 following amendments to the surrogacy law;. Reasons for the Bill. On 14 February 2008, the parliament resolved to appoint the Investigation ..

DIAC_SurrogacyInfo - Embassy of Australia

Applications for Australian citizenship by descent for children born outside Australia as a result of surrogacy arrangements are assessed according to legal ..


SURROGACY IN NSW. Organisation: McGill Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law. Name: Professor Margaret Sornerville. Position: Founding Director ..

ADOPTION - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY · Browse Law Handbook ..

Altruistic Surrogacy to be decriminalised in Queensland

The Bligh Government will decriminalise altruistic surrogacy in .. the current Queensland law which makes all forms of surrogacy illegal.

Advice to: Altruistic Surrogacy Committee, Legislative Assembly of ..

Summary of the Commission's recommendations: Altruistic surrogacy. •. 1 arrangements should be legal when they meet specific criteria and ..

Lawlink NSW: 1. Introduction

The Paper then discusses, in Chapter 3, the legality of different types of surrogacy arrangements under the existing law of New South Wales.


NSW GOVERNMENT CONSIDERING SURROGACY LAWS. The State Government will move to implement surrogacy laws in NSW following ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption - Victorian Law ..

The consultation paper outlines the laws governing access to infertility treatment, .. ART, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage - A Comparative Legislative Review: ..

EXPLANATORY STATEMENT Select Legislative Instrument 2011 ..

- prescribe laws in New South Wales and South Australia to recognise court orders determining the parentage of children born under surrogacy arrangements; ..

Family Law Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)

prescribe laws in New South Wales and South Australia to recognise court orders determining the parentage of children born under surrogacy ..

Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee - Queensland ..

The Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee reported to the Legislative .. Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and ..

Lawlink NSW: 4. Official Responses to Surrogacy

Not all of these reports have led to the changes in the law. Within Australia, legislation concerning surrogacy has been passed in Victoria and ..

Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal ..

The Law, Justice and Safety Committee (LJSC) is a committee of the Queensland .. Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Assisted Reproductive ..

ART, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage - A Comparative Legislative Review: .. change to the laws governing adoption, surrogacy and reproductive technologies.

surrogacy article Stuhmcke

by A Stuhmcke -  - Surrogate motherhood law and legislation Australia (1 other article). Issue: .. E Law - For Love or Money: The Legal Regulation of Surrogate Motherhood. 21/03/ ..

Lawlink NSW: Report 60 (1988) - Artificial Conception: Surrogate ..

The Practice of Surrogacy IV. Definitions. A. Surrogate Motherhood B. Child. Footnotes. CHAPTER 2: CURRENT STATE OF THE LAW ..


- It is possible in that state to seek a pre-birth judgment by a Superior Court naming the intended parent(s) in a surrogacy agreement as the legal parent(s) of the ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption: Consultation Paper ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission Victorian Law Reform Commission .. of children conceived through assisted reproduction; surrogacy laws ..

Inquiry into legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW TERMS OF ..

Inquiry into legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW. TERMS OF REFERENCE. That the Standing Comm.ittee on Law and justice inquire into and report on ..

Navigating Rough Waters: An Overview of Psychological Aspects of ..

by JC Ciccarelli - 2005 -  - sion about the ethical, moral, legal, and psychological implications, but limited empirical data on the psychological and social aspects. Discussion of surrogacy ..

Lawlink NSW: 1. Surrogate Motherhood: A National Survey

1.3 The preparation of the Commission's Discussion Paper on surrogacy arrangements has involved extensive research in legal and non-legal ..

Final Report, Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW - NSW ..

27/05/2009: Final Report, Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW, prepared by the Law and Justice Committee.

(ART) and Adoption - Victorian Law Reform Commission

In 2002, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to look at laws governing .. how the law should recognise parents and how surrogacy should be regulated.


CO1TLl.'1'lQ1'ClELl surrogacy arrangements are permitted, but the ari'a_ngeinents are not enforceable in law in the event of a dispute.

Lawlink NSW: 2. Surrogacy Today - Reasons, Methodology and ..

Depending upon the gametes used, and the legal presumptions applied to their use, the child may be regarded as the child of the surrogate ..

Surrogacy | Better Health Channel

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Adoption: Position Paper Three – Surrogacy, 2005, Victorian Law Reform Commission, Melbourne.

Government Response to the Report of the Investigation into ..

altruistic surrogacy and transfer of legal parentage in Queensland in mid 2009. Development of the final framework will be influenced by the Committee's ..

Attorney-General outlines law reform agenda - Tasmanian ..

progressing a Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities;; developing voluntary euthanasia laws;; introducing surrogacy laws; and ..

Lawlink NSW: Summary of Recommendations

Lawlink > Law Reform Commission > Publications > Summary of Recommendations. Report 60 (1988) - Artificial Conception: Surrogate ..


South Wales Standing Committee on Law and Justice 'Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW'. 10. The reader is encouraged to consider ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - ART and Adoption ..

'We believe surrogacy should only be offered to those who clinically require it under strict supervision with in that states law. And that the laws should be ..

Lawlink NSW: Appendix B - Select Bibliography

30+ items – Report 60 (1988) - Artificial Conception: Surrogate Motherhood ..

Andrews, Lori B


New Conceptions (St Martin's Press, New ..


Bates, A P, Buddin, T L Meure, D J


The System of Criminal Law (Butterworths ..


Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption | Victorian Law ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission Victorian Law Reform Commission .. how the law should recognise parents and how surrogacy should be ..

Former Committees - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..


surrogacy arrangement;. "consent" means informed consent freely and voluntarily given by a person with the capacity to give the consent;. "corresponding law" ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Outcomes for Children Born of ..

ART, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage - A Comparative Legislative Review: .. the impact on children born of assisted reproductive technology, surrogacy, and ..


by J WALLBANK - 2002 -  - surrogacy law involved Karen Roche and a competition between at least three sets of .. surrogacy law, which is now commonly known as the Brazier Report.2 It ..

Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Act 2009

any Act or law that may be connected to the status or operation of recognised surrogacy agreements or to the operation of this Division. 10HH—Ministerial power ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Adoption: Final Report ..

The report contains 202 recommendations for reform of the laws governing access to reproductive technologies, surrogacy and adoption.

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Adoption: Final Report ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission Victorian Law Reform Commission .. laws governing adoption, surrogacy and reproductive technologies. Exemptions from the Maintenance Action Test

Where there is no court order as described above, the surrogacy arrangement is not recognised under the Family Law Act. In these cases, the individual is ..

Parents in same sex couples | Child Support Agency

Under section 60HB of the Family Law Act, people (including same–sex parents) who are recognised under a surrogacy parentage order made under State or ..

Surrogacy Act 2010 No 102

that corresponds to this Act, and includes any law declared by the regulations to be an Interstate surrogacy law. parentage order means an order made by the ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology - NSW Health

The Surrogacy Act provides a framework for the Supreme Court to grant orders that would transfer full legal parentage of children from their ..

Lawlink NSW: 10. Reproduction Technology, Surrogacy and Adoption

The social parents are usually seeking adoption to make themselves the child's legal parents. In the cases where it is clear that a surrogacy ..


We investigated the surrogacy options in Australia and discovered that it was not legal in my own State of Victoria. In fact our only options were ..

Lawlink NSW: 3. The Debate

Whether surrogacy is to find widespread acceptance in the community in the future is not something that can be controlled by the law. There are ..

A.R.T., surrogacy and legal perantage : a comparative legislative ..

Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Author: Seymour, John; Format: Book; vi, 74 p. ; 25 cm.

Family Law Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1)

(c) on the commencement of section 21 of the Surrogacy Act 2008 (WA) — Schedule 3. 3 Amendment of Family Law Regulations 1984 ..

Department for Child Protection - Western Australia - Thinking about ..

It is a permanent legal arrangement (finalised by an Adoption Order from the Family Court of Western .. What about surrogacy and adoption?

Assisted Reproductive Treatment Bill 2008

Law Reform Commission's recommendations on assisted reproductive technology, surrogacy and legal parentage in Victoria, an overview of ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Adoption: Position Paper ..

01 Jul 2007. IVF, surrogacy law reform released. Article. 07 Jun 2007. ART and Adoption - Fact Sheets - Final Report. Article. 05 Jun 2007 ..

Lawlink NSW: 1. Background to Report

Report 60 (1988) - Artificial Conception: Surrogate Motherhood .. outlined the background to surrogacy arrangements, their current legal status ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) | National Health and ..

posthumous use of gametes,; surrogacy,; sex selection, and .. with government laws and guidelines concerning the practice of ART. The ART ..

Surrogacy - the issues

The issue of surrogacy has been the cause of great moral, ethical and legal debate within the community. However, with increasing demand for ..

Family Law Regulations 1984

12CA Artificial conception procedures: child of woman — prescribed laws 27. 12CAA Children born under surrogacy arrangements ..

Family Law Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. )

-  (c) on the commencement of section 21 of the Surrogacy Act 2008 (WA) — Schedule 3. 3 Amendment of Family Law Regulations 1984 ..

Family Law Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)

3 Amendment of Family Law Regulations 1984 2 .. day after registration and commencement of section 12 of the Surrogacy Act 2010 (NSW) 4 ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - The Convention on the Rights ..

ART, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage - A Comparative Legislative Review: Occasional Paper · ART and Adoption - Final Report · Assisted Reproductive ..

Family - HSC - For Students & Teachers

Suggested search terms: family law, shared parenting, relocation, same sex couples, domestic violence, de facto relationships, surrogacy, ..

Surrogacy Bill 2010 - Parliament of New South Wales - NSW ..

An Act to recognise certain surrogacy arrangements, to prohibit .. Clause 39 provides a protection from liability for trustees and legal personal ..

Surrogacy Bill 2010 - Parliament of New South Wales

Surrogacy Bill 2010. Clause 5. Part 1. Preliminary order of a kind declared by the regulations to be an Interstate parentage order. Interstate surrogacy law means ..

Surrogacy: the psychological issues

by RJ EDELMANN - 2004 -  - rendered any arrangements and contracts unenforceable in law (HFEA, 1990) (for a full review of the development of law and practice in relation to surrogacy in ..

Current Projects and Achievements - SCAG : Lawlink NSW

R18+ classification for computer games. Review of the National Classification Scheme Suppression orders. Surrogacy Technology and the law ..

Surrogacy Bill 2010 - 27/10/2010 - 2R - NSW Parliament

It is a bill that aims to address the difficulty of gaining legal parentage of one's surrogate child, and recognising parental rights to a surrogate ..

Child custody - Seminar Paper - Australian Institute of Family ..

by L Moloney -  - It is a time-honoured tradition in law that individual judgements or groups of ... As a surrogacy case, "Re Evelyn" is both recent and unusual for the Family Court.

Family Law Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1)1

section 21 of Surrogacy Act 2008 (WA). 7. 1. Name of Regulations. These Regulations are the Family Law Amendment Regulations. 2009 (No.

Surrogacy Bill 2010 - Parliament of New South Wales - NSW ..

Act 2010 No 102, Assented 16/11/2010; ; ; An Act to recognise certain surrogacy arrangements, to prohibit commercial surrogacy arrangements and to provide ..

Outcomes for Children Born of ART in a Diverse Range of Families ..

01 Jul 2007. IVF, surrogacy law reform released. Article. 07 Jun 2007. ART and Adoption - Fact Sheets - Final Report. Article. 05 Jun 2007 ..

Lawlink NSW: 5. Australian Public Opinion

The principle aspect of surrogacy arrangements on which public opinion .. financial assistance of the Law Foundation of New South Wales.

Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW / Standing Committee on ..

Standing Committee on Law and Justice; Format: Book, Online; xix, 173 .. {{Citation | title=Legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW / Standing ..

Laws amended by the Same-Sex Reforms within the Attorney ..

Home  Human rights and anti-discrimination  Laws amended by the .. 60HB of the Family Law Act, giving effect to a surrogacy arrangement.

Assisted reproductive technology Background paper No 6/98

by R Simpson - 1998 - Ms Marie Swain (9230 2003) Research Officer, Law/Social Issues. Mr John ... The specific issues surrounding surrogacy and human cloning as they relate to ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Media Articles and Programs


Sun: New push on Abortion law – 30 May 2008; The Australian: Abortion law .. The Age: Surrogacy laws 'need clarification' – 26 November 2005; Herald Sun: ..


Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. or section 60HB (surrogacy provisions) of the Family Law Act 1975 (as amended). From 1 July ..

Certificate Access Policy

of a child born as a result of a surrogacy arrangement (for a court order made in another Australian jurisdiction under a corresponding law). Discharge Order ..

Publications | Victorian Law Reform Commission

15+ items – Victorian Law Reform Commission Victorian Law Reform ..

Assistance Animals: Consultation Paper


Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption: Position Paper Three - Surrogacy

Chapter 9: Reproduction and sexuality (Women and the Criminal ..

undertaken for payment and it prohibits the advertising of surrogacy services. Some states have no laws about surrogacy, thereby leaving its legality in doubt.

Hot Topics 64 - Health and the Law

and young people – deceased individuals – law reform and the privacy of personal health information .. surrogacy – cloning – abortion. 13 End of life issues ..

Timeline | Victorian Law Reform Commission

01 Jul 2007. IVF, surrogacy law reform released. Article. 07 Jun 2007. ART and Adoption - Fact Sheets - Final Report. Article. 05 Jun 2007 ..


The Family Court of Western Australia also administers the Adoption Act 1994 (Western Australia) and the Surrogacy Act 2008 (Western Australia) . Family Law ..

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 5

It appears that surrogacy and adoptions occurring overseas may not be recognised under Australian law in the future. As at March 2007, the federal ..

Final Report Summary - Victorian Law Reform Commission

Victoria, such as IVF and donor insemination, how the law should recognise parents in different types of families and how surrogacy arrangements should be ..

Fairfield City Council

What happens if the surrogate mother changes her mind and want to keep the child? Laws about surrogacy vary from Australian state to Australian state, and ..

1128 - Child Migration - Booklet 2

a child born under surrogacy arrangements, where parentage has been transferred by court order under a prescribed state or territory law. In addition, the child ..

Women and bodily integrity : a case study of abortion and surrogacy ..

1996 Women and bodily integrity : a case study of abortion and surrogacy laws / by Kylie Stephen Centre for Women's Studies, Monash University, Clayton, Vic. : ..

Miranda Montrone RECEIVED

LAW & JUSnCE. Dear Ms Callinan,. Inquiry into legislation on altruistic surrogacy in NSW. Further to your letter of 20 March 2009, please find enclosed the ..


surrogacy arrangement;. "consent" means informed consent freely and voluntarily given by a person with the capacity to give the consent;. "corresponding law" ..


In addition to the information here, see our booklet Family Law and You. .. CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Surrogacy laws to help WA families - Media Statements

Surrogacy laws to help WA families. Portfolio: Attorney General, Health. 1/3/07. Western Australian families unable to have their own children ..

SCAG Minutes

- (a) noted that the Anti-Discrimination Law Harmonisation Working Group will .. Conference have not yet approved release of the surrogacy consultation paper ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Assisted Reproduction ..

Examines the laws of Australian states, the UK, Canada and the United States in the areas of assisted reproductive technology, adoption, and surrogacy.

Lawlink NSW: Report 81 (1997) - Review of the Adoption of Children ..

THREE KEY FEATURES OF ADOPTION LAW RECONSIDERED. CHILD'S .. Recent New Zealand approach to adoption and surrogacy ..

Lawlink NSW: Issues Paper 9 (1993) - Review of the Adoption of ..



The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) encourages parents to resolve disputes .. CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Key Decisions

- Surrogacy – Ministers requested the preparation of a paper on surrogacy laws in Australia. · Model Identity Crime Offences – Ministers agreed to release for ..

Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption: Position Paper Two ..

01 Jul 2007. IVF, surrogacy law reform released. Article. 07 Jun 2007. ART and Adoption - Fact Sheets - Final Report. Article. 05 Jun 2007 ..


because current law does not allow same sex parents to adopt. Commercial surrogacy is legal in some places overseas, including the state of California and ..

Surrogacy - in whose interest? : proceedings of National Conference ..

proceedings of National Conference on Surrogacy, Melbourne, February 1991 : ethical, social, legal and policy issues in surrogacy / edited by Marie Meggitt ..

Giz Watson MLC, Surrogacy Bill 2007, Second Reading Speech

I agree that it is of concern that that is not currently addressed in law, because I think commercial surrogacy is something that we should not ..


under part 7 of the Family Law Act - irrespective of how the child is born. Whether it be surrogacy, artificial conception arrangements or ..


driving the policy; it is the law driving the policy, an important point to make. CHAIR - Adoption and surrogacy are fundamentally different in that ..

Surrogacy Bill 2009

independent legal advice must be obtained before entering into a surrogacy arrangement if transfer of parentage of the child born as a result of the arrangement ..

Skip links and keyboard navigation -  - The ..

10+ items – 1, 2, 3, 4. Your search for Health returned 36 record/s.

health practitioner regulation (admin arrangements) national law bill 2008.doc


govt response to altruistic surrogacy.doc



and legal advice before they enter into a surrogacy arrangement. I have had the benefit of reading: 0 Both Bills;. I I-Iansard of both Houses; and ..

Child Support Agency: The Guide | 2.1.3: Parentage

60HB applies to children who are born as a result of a surrogacy arrangement. If a court has made an order under a prescribed law of a State or ..

Australian Citizenship Instructions (ACIs)

arrangement recognised under one of the State or Territory laws prescribed under the FLA. It does not currently apply to surrogacy arrangements occurring ..

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Intersex Legal Service - Department of ..

The LGBTI Legal Service provides free legal advice and information to .. law; legal issues in relation to Government decisions; surrogacy and ..


Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Same sex parents and legal issues bibliography - Australian Family ..

The article discusses legal definitions in the current law, the legal status .. born through surrogacy arrangements as legal parents in family law.

Surrogacy Model

altruistic surrogacy and the transfer of legal parentage .. The Government has committed to making altruistic surrogacy legal and developing a ..

Definitions - Family - Visas & Immigration


agreement with a country prescribed for that purpose in the Family Law Act .. for in the Family Law Act 1975; or; a child born under surrogacy arrangements, ..

Public Works Committee - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Estimates Committee - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Public Accounts Committee - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Social Development - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Public Accounts and Public Works - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..


by M Olijnyk - 2007 - 148 Current Law. 150 Donor Information. 160 Types of Surrogacy. 161 Surrogacy Outcomes. 163 Approaches to Regulation. 168 Commission's Approach ..

Family Relationships Act*1975

(3) An order under subsection (2) may have effect for the purposes of any Act or law that may be connected to the status or operation of recognised surrogacy ..

Surrogacy Contracts Act 1993

Effect of surrogacy contract. A surrogacy contract is void and unenforceable wherever the contract is made and whatever law may be the proper ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - ART and Adoption - Terms of ..

The Commission is also requested to consider the meaning and efficacy of sections 8, 20 and 59 in relation to altruistic surrogacy, and clarification of the legal ..

Speaker's Advisory - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Same-Sex Model Review 17 August 2009

parents has wider implications than surrogacy alone and relates to the legal status of all children being cared for by same-sex parents.

Surrogacy Bill 2010 - 28/10/2010 - 2R - NSW Parliament

The bill will provide a legal framework for children who are born through surrogacy arrangements. Members know there is nothing new about ..

Same-sex couples and child support (PDF) - Child Support Agency ..

are recognised as legal parents under section. 60H of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Surrogacy: Under section 60HB of the Family Law Act, individuals or ..

Submission: Inquiry into donor conception in Australia

technology and surrogacy from its reach, so that states can make laws based on the best interests of children and other proper considerations of public policy ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Retired judge joins juries project


by the Commission and appeared in the April 2008 issue of the Law Institute .. a Bill on Access to Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy, and a ..

Lawlink NSW: 9. Attitudes of Particular Groups

Where am I now? Lawlink > Law Reform Commission > Publications > 9. Attitudes of Particular Groups. Research Report 2 (1987) - Surrogate ..

Committee System Review - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Select Committee on the Consequences of Changing Political ..


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Amendments to the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946 ..

.. Treatment in Commonwealth Laws–General Law Reform) Act 2008 (the .. a surrogacy arrangement under a prescribed State or Territory law ..


surrogacy throughout Australian juris- dictions. It particularly highlights some of the legal complexities here in South. Australia. This should provide you with ..


Altruistic surrogacy is one way that gay couples can have a child of their own. Surrogacy laws can provide a mechanism for the transference of legal parentage ..

Scrutiny of Legislation - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Broadcast of Parliament Select Committee - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

The Legal Aspects of Parental Rights in Assisted Reproductive ..

by JK Ciccarelli - 2005 -  - the differing legal models that are used depending on the method of surrogacy being utilized. The data demonstrates that a given method of surrogacy may well ..

Communiqué Standing Committee of Attorneys-General 5 & 6 ..

that will form the basis of surrogacy laws in Australia. Ministers agreed to a set of 15 draft principles upon which the model provisions could be ..

Relinquishing parents and their consent - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY · Browse Law Handbook ..

Marriage, families & separation

The arranged parents then become the child's legal parents. After commencement of the Surrogacy Act on 1 March 2009, any person wishing to enter into a ..

Environment and Resources - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

SCAG Minutes

- (a) Agreed to develop a unified framework for the legal recognition of parentage achieved by surrogacy arrangements, based on the following principles: ..

Pages - Annual Report 2006-07 Part 2 - Performance Outcomes 1

Output 1.1—Legal services and policy advice on family law, federal ... to consider the possible harmonisation of laws regulating surrogacy.


tion of pregnancy for commercial surrogacy only. While this was popularly seen as giving the go- ahead to non-commercial surrogacy there was in fact no law ..

Attorney General's Department - 6 November 2009 - Communique ..

In the discussions all Ministers emphasised the importance of legal .. model provisions that will form the basis of surrogacy laws in Australia.

Impact of Petrol Pricing Select Committee - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Palm Island Select Committee - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Surrogate Parenthood Act 1988

Surrogate Parenthood Act. 1988 .. An Act to proscribe surrogacy in relation to child bearing and .. wherever the contract may be made and whatever law may be ..


by M Olijnyk - 2007 - 180 Altruistic Surrogacy. 184 Current Law. 185 Problems with the Law. 186 Determining Legal Parentage. 188 Recommendations. 194 Appendix I. 194 Table 1: ..

Lawlink NSW: Terms of Reference, Participants and Submissions

(iv) the relevance of reproduction technology and surrogacy to adoption law;. (v) the relevance of Aboriginal customary law, and ethnic and ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Review of Independent ..


surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of .. by the commission and appeared in the June 2009 issue of the Law Institute ..

Bligh Government releases model for altruistic surrogacy

Premier Anna Bligh today released the Queensland Government's model for legal surrogacy arrangements in Queensland. Ms Bligh said the ..

Surrogacy Bill 2010 - 10/11/2010 - 2R - NSW Parliament

Some would argue that through this legislation what is already legal in this State—there is no doubt that surrogacy is legal—would be better ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Abortion Decriminalisation


on abortion, appeared in the May issue of the Victorian Law Institute Journal. .. surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of ..


In addition to the information here, see our booklet Family Law and You. .. CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Lawlink NSW: 8. Surrogacy for Non-Medical Reasons

Where am I now? Lawlink > Law Reform Commission > Publications > 8. Surrogacy for Non-Medical Reasons. Research Report 2 (1987) ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Review to help ensure right ..


surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of .. The Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) is asking for responses from ..

Family Relationships Act 1975

(3) An order under subsection (2) may have effect for the purposes of any Act or law that may be connected to the status or operation of recognised surrogacy ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Improving supported decision ..


by the Commission and appeared in the June 2011 issue of the Law Institute .. surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of ..

Review of Organ and Tissue Donation Procedures Select ..


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

118 - Application for Australian citizenship by descent

under an Australian law or a foreign law, whether because of .. The spent convictions law allows people with minor .. For children born through surrogacy ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Jury back on directions reform


IVF, surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of .. and appeared in the September 2009 issue of the Law Institute Journal.

Lawlink NSW: Research Report 2 (1987) - Surrogate Motherhood ..

Lawlink > Law Reform Commission > Publications > Research Report 2 (1987) - Surrogate Motherhood: Australian Public Opinion Research ..

Lawlink NSW: Preface

Research Report 2 (1987) - Surrogate Motherhood: Australian Public Opinion .. The New South Wales Law Reform Commission is undertaking ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Property Act must move with the ..


appeared in the January/February 2011 issue of the Law Institute Journal. .. surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of ..

Surrogacy Bill 2010 - 11/11/2010 - NSW Parliament

It is rare for New South Wales to pass laws criminalising conduct that essentially occurred outside the State. However, the reality of surrogacy is ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - When sex goes tech


the Commission and appeared in the November 2011 issue of the Law Institute .. surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Major shift proposed for Public ..

.. and appeared in the May 2011 issue of the Law Institute Journal. .. Helping Animals do their Job · IVF, surrogacy law reform released ..

DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and .. - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY · Browse Law ..

Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in ..

No state or territory surrogacy laws oust the legal parentage of the birth mother. In the event that the mother wishes to transfer her parentage ..

Discussion Paper Template - Victorian Law Reform Commission

Position paper three, surrogacy. ISBN 0 9757006 7 7. 1. Human reproductive technology—Law and legislation—Victoria. 2. Surrogate mothers—Legal status, ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - New online registration option ..


by the Commission and appeared in the April 2011 issue of the Law Institute .. surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of ..

Victorian Law Reform Commission - Keeping private lives private


the Commission and appeared in the October 2011 issue of the Law Institute .. surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims of ..

Gamete Donation and Parental Responsibility

by TIM BAYNE - 2003 -  - Unlike surrogacy and cloning, reproduction via gamete donation is widely assumed to be morally .. answer to this question in either philosophy or the law.

Victorian Law Reform Commission - VLRC reviews registration of ..


by the Commission and appeared in the August 2011 issue of the Law Institute .. surrogacy law reform released · Implementing Law Reform to Protect Victims ..

Inquiry into the Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters ..

This would involve uniform reform of state surrogacy laws and the recognition in federal laws of anyone who is recognised as a parent in state ..

Property disputes not covered by the Family Law Act

For de facto couples not covered by the Family Law Act 1975 (see Two year requirement), the following principles apply. Note that there is no longer any state ..

SEPARATION - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Lawlink NSW: 83. Review of the Adoption of Children Act 1965

Penne, Watson, Janu, "Surrogacy Arrangements in Australia: Analysis of the Legal Framework" (1995) 9 Australian Journal of Family Law 200 ..

Children and families - Hot Topic No 62 - find LEGAL answers

fertilisation programs for lesbians and single mothers, for the relaxation of surrogacy laws and for same-sex couples to be allowed to become the legal parents of ..

No time requirement for recognition of a de facto .. - Law Handbook

Summary of areas: State Domestic Partner laws where there is a child of the relationshipApplying for Legal AidPensions.

Highlights and future directions - Department of Justice and Attorney ..

implement surrogacy laws in line with best practice; complete stage 1 of the Criminal Justice Sector Blueprint by December 2009; continue to ..

Travelsafe Committee - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Health Quality and Complaints Commission Select Committee ..


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Citizenship changes for same-sex de facto partners – Questions and ..

Children born through surrogacy arrangements under a prescribed Australian state or territory law: Where a child is born under a surrogacy agreement, ..

Communiqué Standing Committee of Attorneys-General 7 May 2010

principles for surrogacy laws endorsed in their November 2009 meeting. Ministers agreed to refer the draft model provisions to Health and ..

Lawlink NSW: 3. Payment of the Surrogate Mother

Lawlink > Law Reform Commission > Publications > 3. Payment of the Surrogate Mother. Research Report 2 (1987) - Surrogate Motherhood: ..

Lawlink NSW: Select Bibliography

ATWELL, B "Surrogacy and Adoption: A Case of Incompatibility" (1988) 20 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 1. AUSTRALIA - JOINT ..

Report: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationship (Equal Treatment in ..

under that Act to any person for whom an order has been made under a prescribed surrogacy law of a state or territory. 1.19 The Parliament of ..

Lawlink NSW: 2. Approval of Surrogacy Arrangements

Lawlink > Law Reform Commission > Publications > 2. Approval of Surrogacy Arrangements. Research Report 2 (1987) - Surrogate ..

Committee of Subordinate Legislation - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Select Committee on Procedural Review - Queensland Parliament


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Parliamentary Committee for Electoral and Administrative Review ..


Select Committee · Investigation into Altruistic Surrogacy Committee · Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative ..

Current Projects and Achievements - SCAG : Lawlink NSW

R18+ classification for computer games. Review of the National Classification Scheme Suppression orders. Surrogacy Technology and the law. Victims of crime ..

EXPLANATORY STATEMENT Select Legislative Instrument 2009 ..

prescribe laws in Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory to recognise court orders determining the parentage of children born under surrogacy ..

Dependants and the PSSap

under a state or territory law prescribed for the purposes of section 60HB of the Family. Law Act 1975, giving effect to a surrogacy agreement. How do I get more ..


by HS Shapo - 2006 -  - and surrogacy. After reviewing the current legal framework surrounding assisted reproduction, the Essay will examine the lack of uniformity sur- rounding those ..

Three year time requirement - State law matters


Services Commission of South Australia. LSCSA · Handbook .. ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY · Browse Law ..

Family Relationships Act*1975

10G Illegality of surrogacy and procuration contracts. 10H Offences. 10I Interaction with other laws. Part 3—Putative spouses. 11 Putative spouses. Part 4— ..

Laws amended by the Same-Sex Reforms within the Attorney ..

A person whose relationship is registered under a prescribed law of a State .. of the Family Law Act, giving effect to a surrogacy arrangement.

Trove -  for 'creator:"Tasmania. Parliament. Legislative ..

Legislative Council. Select Committee: [ Article : 2008 ]: Keywords: Surrogate motherhood - Tasmania.; Surrogate mothers - Legal status, laws, etc - Tasmania.


Awareness and acceptance of legal ramifications. These criteria are considered as part of the pre surrogacy psychological assessment which involves: clinical ..

Two year time requirement - property disputes - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY · Browse Law ..

Law Handbook Online - new content! | HSC Legal Studies: News ..

Sixteen chapters of the Law Handbook are now available online! This link will .. Surrogacy · RSS feed of category Surrogacy · Technology ..

Submission: Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal ..

Surrogacy laws in Australia. At its July 2007 meeting, SCAG agreed to establish a Joint Working. Group, including members of the Community and Disability ..

Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in ..

There is no guarantee of uniform amendment of surrogacy laws or that these amendments would include same-sex couples. Consequently, the ..

Reports | Victorian Law Reform Commission

Victorian Law Reform Commission Victorian Law Reform Commission .. how the law should recognise parents and how surrogacy should be ..

Western Australian Reproductive Technology Council

practices in WA, as set out in the HRT Act and the Surrogacy Act. The report is structured around the legal accountabilities and major activities ..

tam social issues executive

Law and Justice Committee. Legislative Council of NSW .. ALTRUISTIC SURROGACY INQUIRY — QUESTIONS ON NOTICE. RE. Dr Best's comments about ..

7"' February 2011

commercial surrogacy is not supported in New South Waies, therefore citizens in New South. Wales should not be able to circumvent the law by engaging in ..

DownUnderAllOver - Law Reform Commission of WA

conceived pursuant to a legal surrogacy agreement. As well, the government's new 'National Employment. Standards' will extend federal workplace rights and ..


[9.9] Status of surrogacy arrangements at law . . . . . . . 67. Summary of Options for Discussion. Assisted Reproductive Technologies. 2. NSW HEALTH ..


Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..


Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Principles for Intervention - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Lawlink NSW: Executive Summary

This is particularly apparent in the areas of Family Law, laws relating to .. in relation to children born where there is a surrogacy arrangement, ..

Publications & research - AGS publications - AGS legal notes ..

Brennan CJ, Gummow and Kirby JJ took the view that under s.79, whatever State limitation law is applied as 'surrogate Commonwealth law', that State law only ..

[2011] FamCA 731 FAMILY LAW - Family Court of Australia

by J Cronin - 2010 -  FAMILY LAW - CHILDREN - SURROGACY - parenting orders. Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). 1st APPLICANT: Mr Edmore. 2nd APPLICANT: ..

Surrogacy laws under review - ABC Northern Tasmania - Australian ..

Surrogacy laws

under review. Posted July 1, 2008 10:23:00. Updated July 1, 2008 11:46:00. Pregnant woman. While surrogacy is rare, Tasmania is considering ..

Five year time requirement - adoption - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY · Browse Law ..

Attorney General's Department - 7 May 2010 - Communique ..

Ministers today considered a set of draft model provisions based on the 15 principles for surrogacy laws endorsed in their August 2009 meeting ..

Journal articles | Victorian Law Reform Commission

50+ items – Victorian Law Reform Commission Victorian Law Reform ..



Keeping private lives private




VLRC reviews registration of sex offenders


Contents - Australian Law Reform Commission

Federal Choice of Law Rules. 585. 34. State and Territory Laws as Surrogate Federal Law. 595. Part H — Judicial Power in the Territories. 35. Judicial Power in ..

MARRIAGE - Law Handbook

The law regulating marriage in Australia is contained in the Marriage Act 1961 .. CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Parliament of Australia:Senate:Committees:Legal and Constitutional ..

Return to previous page | Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References .. Group considered a national model to harmonise the regulation of surrogacy.

Surveillance in public places / Victorian Law Reform Commission ..

Author: Victorian Law Reform Commission; Format: Book, Online; 168 p. ; 30 cm. .. Position paper three, Surrogacy / Victorian Law Reform Comm.. Book Online ..

Legal costs

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Companion relationships and property disputes - Law Handbook


Services Commission of South Australia. LSCSA · Handbook .. ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY · Browse Law ..

Commencement Proclamation

Surrogacy Act 2010 No 102. Published LW .. the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Surrogacy. Act 2010, do ..

Directive 26/10: Paid Parental Leave

maternity, adoption, surrogacy, spousal, pre-natal, pre- adoption .. "Parental leave" shall mean maternity, adoption, surrogacy or spousal leave. 2.5. "Primary ..

The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Occasional Paper ..

01 Jul 2007. IVF, surrogacy law reform released. Article. 07 Jun 2007. ART and Adoption - Fact Sheets - Final Report. Article. 05 Jun 2007 ..

Applying for an intervention order - Law Handbook

The police will ask if there are any relevant Family Law Act orders (this includes orders, plans, injunctions, undertakings, recognisances or other forms of ..

DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS (opposite-sex and .. - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY .. In other areas of law, a de facto relationship must have existed for a certain period of time before ..

Divorce Order - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

2010 Media Statements - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Queensland workers who enter into legal surrogacy arrangements and are covered by the state's industrial relations laws will soon be entitled ..

Migration Changes for Same-Sex De Facto Partners

certain surrogacy agreements recognised under a prescribed law of an .. on Australian surrogacy laws before you enter overseas surrogacy ..

Joint applications - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Communiqué — Standing Committee of Attorneys-General 7 May ..

- Surrogacy. Ministers today considered a set of draft model provisions based on the 15 principles for surrogacy laws endorsed in their August 2009 meeting.

Acts as passed in 2010

50+ items – Notes: 1. Commencements details of Acts click here.



Criminal Code (Abusive Domestic Relationship Defence and Another ..





Act 2010



Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Lawlink NSW: Table of Cases

25+ items – Discussion Paper 18 (1988) - Artificial Conception: Surrogate ..

A v C [1985] FLR 445






A v C [1985] FLR 443 (on appeal)




Adoption Application (Surrogacy), Re an [1987] 2 AII ER 826


3.29, 3.49


ANNULMENT - Law Handbook

Legal Services Commission of South Australia .. and same-sex) · ADOPTION · CHANGE OF NAME · REGISTERING A BIRTH · SURROGACY ..

Pages - Annual Report 2008-09 Output 1.1

evidence laws; judicial complaints mechanisms; national judiciary including judicial exchange and dual commissions; surrogacy laws; service ..

E Law - For Love or Money: The Legal Regulation of Surrogate ..

by A Stuhmcke -  -  The Act states that altruistic surrogacy arrangements will be unenforceable in a court of law. This means that while entering an altruistic ..

UTS: Surrogacy - a legal minefield - law at UTS

Having studied surrogacy and the laws surrounding it for more than 15 years, Stuhmcke says it is the definitional aspect of surrogacy that ..

HSC Online - Becoming parents and carers

Social parenting includes adoption, fostering, step parenting and surrogacy. There are various legal and social implications for this form of parenting.

Surrogacy in Queensland: Should Altruism be a crime?

by C Brown - 2008 -  - This article examines the law relating to altruistic surrogacy in. Queensland. .. This part of the article describes the existing surrogacy laws that operate in all ..

A.R.T., surrogacy and legal parentage : a comparative legislative ..

by S Magri - 2012 A.R.T., surrogacy and legal parentage : a comparative legislative review. Magri, Sonia and Seymour, John 2004, A.R.T., surrogacy and legal ..


allowing for the transfer of legal parentage in surrogacy arrangements from the .. surrogacy laws in all Australian jurisdictions except the Northern Territory.6 ..

Libguide Home - LEG12 : Family Law : Surrogacy and birth ..

This is the "Libguide Home" page of the "LEG12 : Family Law : Surrogacy and birth technologies" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader Users ..

Surrogacy and IVF | QUT ePrints

by SN Then - 2011 Then, Shih-Ning (2011) Surrogacy and IVF. In The Queensland Law Handbook : Your Practical Guide to the Law [11th edition]. Caxton Legal ..

Murdoch to host surrogacy forum | Murdoch University

A public forum on surrogacy will be held at Murdoch University on Friday, .. and how our laws compare with those in other states and overseas.

FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 60HB Children born under ..

Children born under surrogacy arrangements. (1) If a court has made an order under a prescribed law of a State or Territory to the effect that: (a) a child is the ..


prescribe laws in New South Wales and South Australia to recognise court orders determining the parentage of children born under surrogacy arrangements; ..

Surrogacy : Ill-conceived rights | QUT ePrints

by L Willmott - 2002 -  -  Willmott, Lindy (2002) Surrogacy : Ill-conceived rights. Journal of Law and Medicine, 10(2), pp. 198-220.

Surrogacy Act 2010 SURROGACY REGULATION 2011 - Made ..

Interstate parentage orders 5. Interstate surrogacy laws 6. Qualified counsellor 7. Qualified counsellor—requirements for counselling under sections 17 and 35 ..

For Love or Money? The Legal Regulation of Surrogate Motherhood

by A Stuhmcke -  -  School of Law, University of Western Sydney. Subjects: Biotechnology law and legislation (Other articles) Surrogate motherhood law and ..

SURROGACY ACT 2010 - SECT 4 Definitions

"Interstate parentage order" means an order under an Interstate surrogacy law that corresponds to a parentage order and includes an order of a kind declared by ..

The Commercial Surrogacy Dilemma | QUT ePrints

by P Trowse - 2011 This case is relevant to Queensland law because commercial surrogacy arrangements are also prohibited in Queensland and, as in the United ..

For Love or Money? The Legal Regulation of Surrogate Motherhood

by A Stuhmcke -  -  This article discusses the practice of surrogate motherhood and evaluates the legal and social consequences of differentiating between ..

Surrogacy : is it harder to relinquish genes? | QUT ePrints

by P Trowse - 2011 Trowse, Pip (2011) Surrogacy : is it harder to relinquish genes? Journal of Law and Medicine, 18(3), pp. 614-633.

Surrogacy in Queensland: Should altruism be a crime? | QUT ePrints

by C Brown - 2008 -  -  Brown, Catherine , Willmott, Lindy , & White, Benjamin P. (2008) Surrogacy in Queensland: Should altruism be a crime? Bond Law Review ..


33 Interstate parentage order means an order under an Interstate 34 surrogacy law that corresponds to a parentage order and includes an 35 Page 2 ..

"Queensland's proposed surrogacy legislation: An opportunity for ..

by T Johnson - 2010 -  - This article was first published by Thomson Reuters in the Journal of Law and Medicine and should be cited as Johnson, T, "Queensland's proposed surrogacy ..

Surrogacy - A Path of Obstacles | QUT ePrints

by P Trowse - 2011 To its credit, the Queensland parliament has recently brought this state up to date by enacting surrogacy laws that are in line with the majority of ..

Queenslandâ•Žs proposed surrogacy legislation: An opportunity for ..

by T Johnson - 2010 -  - Recommended Citation. Tammy Johnson. (2010) "Queensland's proposed surrogacy legislation: An opportunity for national reform" Journal of law and medicine ..

The Queensland investigation into the decriminalisation of altruistic ..

by C Brown - 2008 - altruistic surrogacy. These recommendations, if adopted, will bring Queensland surrogacy laws in step with other Australian jurisdictions. This editorial considers ..

"Surrogacy in Queensland: Should Altruism be a crime?" by ..

by C Brown - 2008 -  - Brown, Catherine; Willmott, Lindy; and White, Ben (2008) "Surrogacy in Queensland: Should Altruism be a crime?," Bond Law Review: Vol. 20: Iss. 1, Article 1.

Dr Sonia Allan - School of Law

Regulation of health, biotechnology and medical law;; Research involving human embryos and cloning;; Assisted Reproduction;; Surrogacy; ..

SURROGACY ACT 2010 - As at 7 June 2011 - Act 102 of 2010 ..

"Interstate parentage order" means an order under an Interstate surrogacy law that corresponds to a parentage order and includes an order of a kind declared by ..

eCite - The Law of Surrogacy in Australia and Some of the Issues ..

by MFA Otlowski - 1998 The Law of Surrogacy in Australia and Some of the Issues Arising out of Re Evelyn.

Surrogacy Act 2010 No 102

that corresponds to this Act, and includes any law declared by the regulations to be an Interstate surrogacy law. parentage order means an order made by the ..

UTSpeaks: Reproductive Minefields Standing Committee of ..

commercial surrogacy remain illegal. > altruistic surrogacy arrangements be legal but unenforceable. > informed consent be required from all parties ..

UTS: Professor Jenni Millbank - law at UTS

Millbank, J.2011, 'The New Surrogacy Parentage Laws in Australia: Cautious Regulation or '25 Brick Walls'?', Melbourne University Law ..

Reproduction rights - the growing acceptance of surrogacy - Deakin ..

by V Lambropoulos - 2011 -  -  Field of Research, 180113 Family Law. Title of article, Reproduction rights - the growing acceptance of surrogacy. Author(s), Lambropoulos ..


4) Subsection 125(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 (the Act) provides, in part, that .. of children born under surrogacy arrangements; . prescribe laws in New South ..

Willmott, Lindy --- "Surrogacy: ART's Forgotten Child" [2006 ..

It is submitted that the discomfort that many in the community feel about surrogacy is reflected in the approach taken and the language used by the Victorian Law ..

UTS: Research - Members - University of Technology, Sydney

Millbank, J.2011, 'The New Surrogacy Parentage Laws in Australia: Cautious Regulation or '25 Brick Walls'?', Melbourne University Law Review, vol. 35, no.

Clinical Unit in Ethics and Health Law, monthly seminar / Monday, 1 ..

Surrogacy and the law. . The speaker for next Monday's CUEHL seminar will be Janine McIlraith, solicitor from local health law firm, Catherine ..

This file was downloaded from:

by P Trowse - 2011brought this state up to date by enacting surrogacy laws that are in line with the majority of statutes implemented throughout the country.1 The Surrogacy Act ..

Labor Senator in surrogate controversy

Any arrangement with the surrogate mother has no legal validity in Victoria and Senator Conroy is not considered the father. Victorian law ..

Associate Professor Roger Cook - Our Staff Faculty of Life and ..

Family relationships including in-law relationships and effective family .. in assisted reproductive technology including infertility and surrogacy ..

This file was downloaded from:

by P Trowse - 20111. THE COMMERCIAL SURROGACY DILEMMA. Pip Trowse LLB (QUT) LLM (QUT). Associate Lecturer. Queensland University of Technology. School of Law ..

2010 HSC Notes from the Marking Centre — Legal studies - Board ..

Teachers and students are advised that the Legal Studies syllabus is being .. shared parenting, as well as birth technologies and surrogacy.

UTS: Professor Anita Stuhmcke - law at UTS

Stuhmcke, A.G.2011, 'The criminal act of commercial surrogacy in Australia: A call for review', Journal of Law and Medicine, vol. 18, pp.

Surrogacy - RANZCOG

Previously there has been marked variance between the states of Australia with respect to surrogacy law. Uniformed legislation has been foreshadowed by .. The recent media and legal i

29 October 2008. Contact: The recent media and legal interest in surrogacy coincides with the 2006 birth of a child ..

UTS: 78142 New Families, New Technologies - Law, UTS Handbook

It primarily focuses on legal issues for families formed with the assistance of reproductive technologies, but also examines surrogacy and adoption, using a ..

Current Issue: (2011) Volume 35(1) : Melbourne University Law ..

The New Surrogacy Parentage Laws in Australia: Cautious Regulation or '25 Brick Walls'? Jenni Millbank, 165. Defining Civil Disputes: ..

Postgraduate Research Students : The Centre for Islamic Law and ..

10+ items – Melbourne Law School The Centre for Islamic Law and Society ..




Research Topic



Mrs Mouza Ali Salem Alneyadi


PhD (Law) Surrogacy: It's Legal Boundaries in ..


Ms Maria Bhatti


LLM (Minor Thesis) (Law) Taxation of Islamic ..


P. T. Anderson‟s Dilemma: the Limits of Surrogate Paternity

by J Murphet - 2008 -  - biological-legal form (the patriarchal and oedipal structures of modernity), and its „surrogate? or affiliative-group form (the voluntary collectives spawned by ..

Professor Jenni Millbank , UTS Business, University of Technology ..

Millbank, J. 2011, 'The New Surrogacy Parentage Laws in Australia: Cautious Regulation or '25 Brick Walls'?', Melbourne University Law ..

Imogen Goold - Staff Profile

She was a research member of the Centre for Law and Genetics, where she published on surrogacy laws, legal constraints on access to ..

Surrogacy Bill 2009 Surrogacy Bill 2009 Explanatory Notes ..

The Bill requires the court to be satisfied before making an order transferring legal parentage that, prior to entering into the surrogacy arrangement, the parties ..

E Law: Abstract - For Love or Money? The Legal Regulation of ..

by A Stuhmcke -  -  School of Law, University of Western Sydney. Subjects: Surrogate motherhood law and legislation Australia (1 other article). Issue: Volume 2 ..

HSC Online - Becoming parents and carers

Biological parents · Social parenting and surrogacy and the law · Carer relationships. Go To Top. Neals logo | Copyright | Disclaimer | Contact Us | Help.

LPAB Family Law

The University of Sydney - Law Library. Library · University home .. 9. Re Michael: Surrogacy Arrangements [2009] FamCA 691. Via AustLII. 10 ..


prescribe laws in Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory to recognise court orders determining the parentage of children born under surrogacy ..

We Need a 21st Century Framework for Regulating Assisted ..

The Bill expands reproductive choice by dismantling discriminatory eligibility rules and introducing new altruistic surrogacy laws. However, in order to protect the ..

Margaret Otlowski - Faculty of Law - University of Tasmania, Australia

Voluntary Euthanasia and the Common Law M Otlowski 1997 * Oxford University Press (UK); Re Evelyn - Reflections on Australia's First Litigated Surrogacy ..

Sonia Allan - School of Law

Regulation of health, biotechnology and medical law;; Research involving human embryos and cloning;; Assisted Reproduction;; Surrogacy; ..

Same Sex Law Reforms and notions of Parenthood

Law Act in significant respects for same-sex couples and surrogate families. The amendments commenced on 21 November 2008 to much less publicity than the ..

The Queensland investigation into the decriminalisation of altruistic ..

by C Brown - 2008 -  Brown, Catherine (2008) The Queensland investigation into the decriminalisation of altruistic surrogacy. Queensland Lawyer, 29(2), pp. 78-83.

This file was downloaded from:

by P Trowse - 2011parents than a surrogate who has no genetic ties to the child, and the legal implications ... Like Australia, the USA does not have uniform surrogacy laws.

Damien W. Riggs and Clemence Due : Outskirts online journal : The ..

In regard to surrogacy, the legal situation in India in regard to homosexuality has several implications. Firstly, given the conservative culture, ..

Australian Families Research Bulletin

This interesting article deals with one of the new challenges for the law: Surrogacy. As the law stands, provisions determining parenthood following surrogacy ..

HDR & Honours students Conference , Faculty of Arts, Macquarie ..

Are these laws just and reasonable or do they simply export the ethical dilemmas to enable laissez-fair commercial surrogacy in the global ..

Denise Meyerson Publications@Macquarie Law

'Surrogacy Agreements' (1994) Acta Juridica 121-145. 20. 'How Useful is the Concept of Racial Discrimination?' (1993) 110 South African Law ..

Professor Anita Stuhmcke , UTS Business, University of Technology ..

Stuhmcke, A.G. 2011, 'The criminal act of commercial surrogacy in Australia: A call for review', Journal of Law and Medicine, vol. 18, pp.

Volume 11 - Flinders University

Ten Requirements for Successful Law Reform Hon Michael Kirby Reforming the Surrogacy Laws of Australia: Some Thoughts, Consideration ..

Law, crime and justice - Find an expert | UTS News Room

Your search within Law, crime and justice returned 25 matches. .. Ombudsman, surrogacy and reproductive technologies and aspects of ..


because current law does not allow same sex parents to adopt. Commercial surrogacy is legal in some places overseas, including the state of California and ..

UTS: Academics in the news - law at UTS

90+ items – UTS: Law. Information for · Future students · International ..

Yahoo! 7 News – Professor Michael Fraser


supports the Communications ..


ABC Online – Professor Jenni Millbank


discusses the Family Court decision ..


Recognition of Lesbian and Gay Families in Australian Law .. - AustLII

by J Millbank -  - In Position Paper Two of its inquiry into Assisted Reproductive Technology, Adoption and Surrogacy, the Victorian Law Reform Commission ('VLRC') made an ..

Year group: 12 (HSC)

- changes to family law as a response to changing values in the community. · the role of law reform in .. surrogacy and birth technologies. · care and protection of ..

Recognition of Lesbian and Gay Families in Australian Law-Part ..

by J Millbank - 2006 -  - and Surrogacy, the Victorian Law Reform Commission ('VLRC') made an interim recommendation that same-sex couples be eligible for adoption orders on the ..

UTS: Law research publications - law at UTS

Millbank, J.2011, 'The New Surrogacy Parentage Laws in Australia: Cautious Regulation or '25 Brick Walls'?', Melbourne University Law ..

India Research Centre

Are these laws just and reasonable or do they simply export the ethical dilemmas to enable laissez-fair commercial surrogacy in the global ..

Surrogacy: a black-hole for children's rights

by T Cannon - legalisation of altruistic surrogacy. Ad- ditionally, the NSW attorney-generals. office is currently overseeing a national review of the law relating to surrogacy.

UTS: The Courier-Mail – Professor Jenni Millbank - law at UTS

Undergraduate · Practical legal training · Postgraduate research .. comments on the illegality of commercial surrogacy in Australia after two ..

Surrogacy, Autonomy and Promising

by L Gillam -  - promising, since surrogacy is more accurately characterised as a promise rather than a consent. ... Whether or not morality should, or can, be enforced by law ..


12CA Artificial conception procedures: child of woman -- prescribed laws 27. 12CAA Children born under surrogacy arrangements -- prescribed laws 27 ..

UTS: Research - Members - University of Technology, Sydney

Stuhmcke, A.G.2011, 'The criminal act of commercial surrogacy in Australia: A call for review', Journal of Law and Medicine, vol. 18, pp.

Preface - [2005] UTSLRev 1; (2005) 7 UTS Law Review 9

by J CarboneGiven the theme of this journal—the mind, law and body—it is perhaps .. Finally, Jacqueline Hand provides a review of Kelly Weisberg's book, Surrogacy in ..

HSC Preparation: Legal Studies (Part 3) Centre for Continuing ..

The legal rights of consumers/family members will be revised and the five .. the changing nature of parental responsibility, surrogacy and birth technologies, and ..

Legal Studies Stage 6 Syllabus

- surrogacy and birth technologies. · care and protection of children. · identify and investigate these contemporary issues relating to family law and evaluate the ..

LAWS6003 - Reproduction & the Law - Future students - The ..

The University of Sydney - Sydney Law School .. to information, research using embryos, surrogacy); sterilisation and intellectual disability.

UTS: Annual John Marsden Lecture - law at UTS

Jenni Millbank will address: "Surrogacy, Reproductive Coalitions and .. the NSW Law Society and champion of law reform for sexual minorities.


Subsection 125(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 (FLA) provides, in part, .. under those laws for the parentage of children born under surrogacy ..

UTS: Adjunct professors - law at UTS

While at the bar her principal area of practice concerned Family Law and .. with legislation in areas such as same-sex adoption and surrogacy.

E LAW | Subject - Surrogate motherhood law and legislation Australia

Subject: Surrogate motherhood law and legislation Australia. Published works. For Love or Money? The Legal Regulation of Surrogate ..


This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases. .. Western Australia Surrogacy Bill 2008 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2.

QUT | Staff Profiles | Catherine Brown

Mrs - Faculty of Law, Law SchoolCatherine Brown holds honours degrees in both Law and Accounting. .. (2008) Surrogacy in Queensland: Should altruism be a crime, Bond Law Review p1-29 ..


30 (4) An order under subsection (3) does not prevent a subsequent change of name under a law of the State or the Commonwealth. page 11 Surrogacy Bill ..

UTS: , Cosmopolitan Civil Societies

Stuhmcke, A.G.2003, 'Surrogacy' in Halsburys Laws of Australia, LexisNexis, Sydney, pp. 714503-714512. Stewart, P.E. & Stuhmcke, A.G.2008, 'The Child in ..

QUT - Health Law research area

P Trowse, 'Surrogacy - Is it more Difficult to Relinquish Genes?' (2011) 18(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 614-633. B White, L Willmott, ..

Re Evelyn - Reflections on Australia's First Litigated Surrogacy Case

by MFA Otlowski - 1999 -  -  Otlowski, MFA, Re Evelyn - Reflections on Australia's First Litigated Surrogacy Case, Medical Law Review, 7, (1) pp. 38-57. ISSN 0967-0742 ..

Revisiting old ground in light of new dilemmas - QUT Law and ..

by M Smith - 2007 -  - Artificial Conception – In Vitro Fertilisation, Report No 58 (1988); New South Wales Law Reform. Commission, Artificial Conception – Surrogate Motherhood, ..

Regulating the biological family: policy, genetics, discourse, and ..

by B Donaghey - 2006Keywords: families government policy Australia; surrogate motherhood law and legislation Australia; fertilization in vitro, human law and legislation Australia; ..

imageREAL Capture

by C ROTHERHAM - At present surrogacy is governed by a disparate collec- tion of statutory provisions and common law principles, which were not developed with surrogacy in mind ..

Law and medicine - La Trobe Law Forum

The Bill expands reproductive choice by dismantling discriminatory eligibility rules and introducing new altruistic surrogacy laws. However, in order to protect the ..


Notices and documents—surrogacy leave 22. Reasons not to .. Special surrogacy leave 38A. ... Obligation to file copies of reports under other Act or law 593.

UTS: 78041 New Families, New Technologies - Law, UTS Handbook

This subject explores the multiple legal dimensions regulating families formed .. direct legal regulation of practices such as surrogacy and the parental status of ..

QUT | Staff Profiles | Lindy Willmott

Professor - Faculty of Law, Law SchoolProfessor Lindy Willmott graduated with first class honours in law from the University of .. Surrogacy: ART's Forgotten Child, University of New South Wales Law ..

Professor Carolyn Sappideen | University of Western Sydney (UWS)

Home  School of Law Academic Staff Profiles  Professor .. Medical Malpractice Law: Medical Misadventure; Surrogacy & the Family, Elder ..

Chapter 5. Surrogacy and the Simulacra of Desire in Heian ..

by C Houen - Surrogacy and the Simulacra of Desire in Heian Japanese Women's Life ... representations and laws of the conquerors, but they used them 'with respect to ..

Groves, M --- "Reforming judicial review at the state level" [2010 ..

by M Groves -  Why are other elements of the administrative law scheme so much more ... 285; Matthew Groves, 'The Surrogacy Principle and Motherhood ..

UNSW Handbook Course - Ethics And Law In Reproductive ..

Ethics And Law In Reproductive Medicine - SWCH9009 .. reproductive services, the use and disposal of gametes, surrogacy and posthumous reproduction.

LAWS3376 Introduction to Family Law S1 2011 - Faculty of Law ..

- Other areas of law that relate to families - for example, child protection, surrogacy and adoption are not traditionally taught as part of family law in Australia.

Reproduction rights-the growing acceptance of surrogacy

by V Lambropoulos - 2011 -  - Lambropoulos, Victoria 2005-04, Reproduction rights - the growing acceptance of surrogacy,. Law Institute journal, pp. 42-45. Available from Deakin Research ..

Browse By Person: Trowse, Pip | QUT ePrints

Journal Article. Trowse, Pip (2011) Surrogacy : is it harder to relinquish genes? Journal of Law and Medicine, 18(3), pp. 614-633. Number of full-text downloads ..

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1999 Reprinted as in force on 6 ..

Notices and documents—surrogacy leave 22. Reasons not to .. Special surrogacy leave 38A. ... Obligation to file copies of reports under other Act or law 593.

Victorian Law Reform Commission Outcomes for Children Born of ..

Commission Act 2000 as a central agency for developing law reform in .. surrogacy, and being a single parent, an infertile parent, or a lesbian or gay parent ..

Legal Studies (2007) - Sample assessment task 2

SURROGACY - Determine Queensland's laws as they relate to this practice. Compare these laws with the legal situation in other states/territories/countries.

UTS: 5AA, Adelaide – Professor of Law Anita Stuhmcke - law at UTS

Academic: Professor of Law Anita Stuhmcke. Date: 19 January, 2011. Description: Professor of Law Anita Stuhmcke supports surrogacy to be ..

New Zealand Bibliography of Women and the Law 1970 – 2000 ..

by IIS ListingNew technologies; Surrogacy; Parental leave; Abortion; Contraception and sterilisation; Other issues. Sex discrimination. Tort law and accident compensation ..

WebLaw - Women and the Law

For love or money: the legal regulation of surrogate motherhood: This article questions this growing legislative perception in Australia that surrogate motherhood ..

Professor Belinda Bennett - Sydney Law School - The University of ..

Book chapters. B. Bennett, "Surrogacy" in B. White, F. McDonald & L. Willmott (eds) Health Law in Australia, Thomson Reuters: Australia (2010) pp. 391-411.

UTS: 76070 Biomedical Law and Bioethics - Law, UTS Handbook

Requisite(s): 70120 Legal Method and Research OR 70105 Legal Research .. medical experimentation and research, reproductive technology and surrogacy.

Beyond choice : family and kinship in the Australian lesbian and gay ..

by D Dempsey - 2006 -  potentially incurs a legal penalty of up to four years imprisonment in Victoria. The clear illegality of advertising for a surrogate mother and ..

Assoc Prof Matthew Groves - Researcher Profile - Monash University

Groves, M. N., 2008, The Surrogacy Principle and Motherhood Statements in Administrative Law, in Administrative Law in a Changing State. Essays in Honour of ..

RANZCOG | Royal Australian and New Zealand College of ..

Previously there has been marked variance between the states of Australia with respect to surrogacy law. Uniformed legislation has been foreshadowed by ..


- This Guide includes the Law Extension Committee's course information and teaching program and ... Re Michael: Surrogacy Arrangements [2009] Fam CA 6 ..

Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification > LAW

Brown, Catherine, Willmott, Lindy, & White, Benjamin P. (2008) Surrogacy in Queensland: Should altruism be a crime? Bond Law Review, 20(1), pp. 1-29.

Author: Otlowski, MFA (Professor Margaret Otlowski)

130+ items – HomeAboutBrowseSearchStatisticsMobilePES | Administrators ..

Otlowski, MFA, An overview of the NHMRC's medical genetic testing ..


Otlowski, MFA, Getting the Law Right on Physician-Assisted Death, Amsterdam ..


Parental responsibility - University of Sydney

- Children born under surrogacy arrangements. (1) If a court has made an order under a prescribed law of a State or Territory to the effect that: (a) a child is the ..

News | News & Events | Bond University | Gold Coast, Australia

"In essence, the case study was about conflicting citizenship laws in two fictional countries and different domestic laws regarding a surrogacy ..

Volume 29 No 2 2006 General Issue - Home Page - The UNSW Law ..

Caroline de Costa and Naomi de Costa. Abortion Laws in Australia: Time for Consistency? Dr Andrew Pesce. Surrogacy: ART's Forgotten Child ..

Topic: Reverence For Life

Natural Law and the Law of Love nn.1950- .. introduced to the Ten Commandments, the Law of Love .. contraception, surrogacy and genetic engineering, for ..

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