Telecommunications Law & Lawyers

The ‘communications power’ of the Australian Constitution (s. 51(v)) gives the Commonwealth Parliament the power to regulate telecommunications in Australia. In 2005 Parliament created the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) was created to regulate broadcasting, the Internet, radiocommunications and telecommunications.

If you require legal help regarding any aspect of telecommunications law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

As the primary regulator of telecommunications in Australia, the ACMA exercises powers under the following legislation:

  • Telecommunications Act 1997,
  • Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 and -Radiocommunications Act 1992

Under the Telecommunications Act 1997, the ACMA is responsible for regulating customer equipment and customer cabling.

The ACMA administers industry self-regulatory arrangements based on compliance with applicable standards and labelling. These regulatory arrangements aim to ensure that items meet minimum mandatory technical standards and are appropriately labelled before they are connected to a telecommunications network.

If you require legal help regarding any aspect of telecommunications law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The technical standards aim to:

  • protect the personal health and safety of users and operators of telecommunications networks
  • protect the integrity of the telecommunications networks ensuring interoperability with telecommunications networks for the
    supply of a standard telephone service
  • ensure access to emergency call services.

The ACMA's role also includes:

  • encouraging development of codes of practice and industry standards for the telecommunications industry, and
  • registering and monitoring compliance with such codes
  • providing advice and information to consumers about their rights and safeguards
  • undertaking research into phone usage
  • liaising with relevant overseas bodies and actively participating in international standardisation activities.

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

The TIO is authorised to investigate complaints about the connection or supply of telephone or internet services. The general role and powers of the TIO are included in the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999.

The TIO aims to settle disputes quickly in a fair, objective and non-bureaucratic way, having regard not only to the law and to good industry practice, but also to what is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances.

If you require legal help regarding any aspect of telecommunications law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

The TIO has jurisdiction to receive, investigate and facilitate the resolution of complaints where the complaint is about:

  • telecommunications services ("carriage services")
  • billing of content services
  • access to or use of land by a carrier
  • billing for carriage services, or
  • providing or supplying (or failure to provide or supply) carriage services.

The last point mentioned above, can include complaints about:

  • the standard telephone service
  • mobile services
  • internet services
  • pay-phones
  • delays in telephone and internet connections
  • printed and electronic White Pages
  • fault repairs
  • privacy
  • access to or use of land by a carrier, or
  • compliance with the Customer Service Guarantee Standard or industry Codes of Practice.

The TIO cannot handle complaints concerning:

  • the setting of tariffs and charges
  • privately-owned telecommunications equipment, other than the rented handset -supplied with a basic phone service and telecommunications equipment sold as a -part of a bundled contract
  • cabling, except cabling up to the first telephone socket in a premises
  • matters of telecommunications policy
  • the 000 emergency service
  • anti-competitive behaviour or restrictive business practices, or
  • the content of ‘information services’, eg. 1900 numbers and internet content.

Powers of the TIO

The TIO has the authority to make Binding Decisions up to the value of $30,000, and Recommendations up to the value of $85,000.  For complaints received by the TIO before 1 May 2010 the TIO has the authority to make Binding Decisions up to the value of $10,000, and Recommendations up to the value of $50,000. Binding Decisions are legally binding upon the telecommunications company.

If you require legal help regarding any aspect of telecommunications law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.


Links to Further Resources - Telecommunications Law & Lawyers


Telecommunications Law & Lawyers News

News, updates and further information - Telecommunications Law & Lawyers

Media and telecommunications law, legislation and regulatory bodies and associations in Australia include:

Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
Legislation relating to Communications and technology

Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005
An Act to establish the Australian Communications and Media Authority

Broadcasting Services Amendment (Media Ownership) Act 2006
An Act to ammend the Broadcasting Services Act 1992

Do Not Call Register Act 2006
An Act to establish a Do Not Call Register, and for other purposes

Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997 (Cth)
This gives the power to install certain types of facilities defined in the act or temporary defence facilities.

Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth)
An Act about telecommunications

Telecommunications Code of Practice 1997 (Cth)
Carriers must comply with the conditions set out in Schedule 3 in the Ministerial Telecommunications Code of Practice 1997

Telecommunications Competition Act 2002
An Act to amend the law relating to telecommunications

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 (Cth)
An Act to encourage the voluntary disclosure and exchange of information about year 2000 computer problems and remediation efforts

Courts & tribunals and their decisions
Australian Competition Tribunal
The Tribunal is a review body. A review by the Tribunal is a re-hearing or a re-consideration of a matter and it may perform all the functions and exercise all the powers of the original decision-maker for the purposes of review.

If you require legal help regarding any aspect of telecommunications law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Australian Press Council
Australian Press Council Decisions 1976-

Federal Court of Australia
Federal Court of Australia hears matters concerning federal media and telecommunications laws

Australian Information Industry Association
AIIA helps people play a meaningful role in the broader ICT(Information & Computer Technology) industry by collating and distributing industry statistics; providing opportunities for participation in the industry and promoting the industry through major programs and events.

Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association
AMTA's mission is to promote a socially, environmentally and financially responsible and successful mobile telecommunications industry in Australia. To achieve this, AMTA provides a forum in which all key stakeholders can discuss issues influencing the development of.

Australian Telecommunications Users Group
ATUG is committed to the development of fair and open competition in telecommunications services as well as better prices and better quality services.

Centre for Media and Communications Law
The Centre for Media and Communications Law undertakes large scale research projects, holds public seminars about legal and regulatory developments, supports research visits from Australian and international academics, lawyers and policy makers.

Clayton UTZ
The media and telecommunications industry is characterised by rapid regulatory and technological change. In this environment, Clayton's UTZ advisers provide timely, effective and industry-specific advice. Clayton UTZ advise major telcos, television broadcasters, government.

Communications Alliance
Communications Alliance was formed in 2006 to provide a unified voice for the Australian communications industry. Although the Communications Alliance has its genesis in the merger of the Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) and the Service Providers Association.

Communications and Media Law Association Inc
CAMLA is an association of professionals and academics interested in law and policy relating to communications and the media

Communications Law Centre
An independent, non-profit, public interest organisation specialising in media and communications law and policy.

Communications Law Centre
This site provides Fact Sheets on the following topics: Confidential Information | Disability Discrimination | Privacy

Consumers Telecommunications Network
The Consumers' Telecommunications Network (CTN) is a national coalition of consumer and community organisations that represents community interests in the national policy arena on telecommunications issues. CTN is an important voice promoting better access, quality of.

Electronic Frontiers Australia
Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. is a non-profit national organisation representing Internet users concerned with on-line freedoms and rights. EFA was formed in January 1994 and incorporated under South Australian law in May 1994. The site provides information about.

Internet Industry Association
The Internet Industry Association is Australia's national Internet industry organisation. Members include telecommunications carriers; content creators and publishers; web developers; e-commerce traders and solutions providers; hardware vendors; systems integrators; banks,.

Internet Society of Australia
ISOC-AU is a non-profit, user-focused society founded in 1996, which promotes development of the Internet in Australia to benefit the whole community, including business, academic, professional and private Internet users.

National Deaf Television
The aim of NDTV (National Deaf Television) is to have a regular Deaf TV program on national television in Australia, with Auslan (Australian Sign Language), captions and voice-overs to make it accessible for everyone.

Office of Film & Literature Classification
The OFLC site enables industry to find out how to apply for classification from the Office of Film & Literature Classification. An overview on the particular application type is provided on this website. A kit with relevant information, instructions to assist with applying.

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
The Telecommunication Industry Ombudsman was created to resolve disputes between telecommunications companies, including Internet service providers, and residential and small business customers.

Telephone Information Services Standard Council
TISSC ia an independent regulatory body funded by the telephone information services industry

If you require legal help regarding any aspect of telecommunications law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

International Telecommunication Union
An international organization/site, involved in developing and managing telecommunication resources

Society for Computers & Law
UK site to encouragement and development of law-related IT and IT-related law


United States
Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was created to defend peoples rights to think, speak, and share ideas, thoughts, and needs using new technologies, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web. EFF is the first to identify threats to basic rights online and to.

Electronic Privacy Information Center
EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values.

Federal Communications Commission
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio,.

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of Information, is an "nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free legal assistance to journalist". This site is concerned with the rights and privileges of journalists in gaining access to any information deemed in the public.


Organisations - Government
ACMA - How regulation works
Austrlian Communications and Media Authority is the government body responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, the internet, radiocommunications and telecommunications. This site provides information about ACMA's role in each area.

Australia. Parliament. Senate Information Technologies Committee
This site contains the on-line pages of the Senate Select Committee on Information Technologies of the 39th Parliament of Australia.

Australia. Parliament. Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Reports and hearings into telecommunications and broadcasting legislation.

Australian Communications and Media Authority
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, radiocommunications, telecommunications and online content.

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
The Telecommunications Group has prime responsibility for administering the Commission's functions for competition and economic regulation of telecommunications

DBCDE All funding, programs and support
Find information on all the forms of funding and other support the Department makes available to organisations, industry and individuals, with links to relevant guidelines and application forms.

Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
This site contains links to resources and news about conmmunications and technology and links to policy and legislation regarding media and broadcasting and Australia post.

National Competition Council
The National Competition Council was established by all Australian governments in November 1995 to act as a policy advisory body to oversee their implementation of National Competition Policy (NCP).

NetAlert is the Australian Government’s internet safety initiative which consists of a wide range of activities.

If you require legal help regarding any aspect of telecommunications law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Australian Government Information Management Office
Info Access provides a gateway to connects to Government information from a variety of sources, including - the Commonwealth Government Entry Point.


Convergence and the Cross-Media Rules
Media such as television, telecommunications and computer services are becoming integrated, or converging. This increases the number of media outlets, and means that ownership limits are no longer required to preserve media diversity and regulatory distinctions are being.

Household Broadband Access in Australia
This is a Research Note on the Broadband situation in Australia. It looks at technical issues and contains statistics on the take up of broadband in Australia and overseas

Media & Entertainment Publications
Holding Redlich is a leading Australian Law firm practising in the following areas-film and television, media and broadcasting, advertising and marketing and information technology. The firm is a frequent adviser to a number of peak bodies in Australia.

Media Ownership Regulation in Australia
The e-brief covers the Australian Constitutional Position, the Australian Broadcasting Authority Media Ownership Controls. As well as foreign Investment in the Media and background information to the Media Ownership Rules, government policy and legislation


3G, or not 2G: that is the question---of mobile telephone futures
Following the massive investment in third generation (3G) mobile telephone systems, it is now time for the roll out of new services and their innovative content. But will 2G users change over at any price to access mobile TV or Internet? How will the regulators cope with the.

Going digital—digital terrestrial radio for Australia
This paper provides a simple explanation of the major digital radio standards and a brief history of their development. It particularly examines the standard chosen for Australia, the Eureka 147 standard (known also as Digital Audio Broadcasting or DAB).


International resources
WWW Virtual Library Communications and Media
The site contains contains a list of national and international TV and radio broadcasters. Also the site describes a range of technologies which allow control of distribution and access to digital information.


Guide to Internet Law
The Internet Society provides this guide as a public service for all interested parties. The guide offers links to the most useful legal research sites on the Internet along with brief descriptions.

Hieros Gamos Communications Law
This site of Hieros Gamos covers international communications law and regulations. It only indirectly touches on the technology of communication, computers and intellectual property.

Hieros Gamos Technology and Cyber Law
This section focuses on the effects of technology and the law

Spam Laws
World internet sites relating to SPAM Law

Telecoms Virtual Library
The Telecoms Virtual Library is a free index of telecommunications companies and currently holds 8343 links to other telecommunications sites worldwide, indexed by subject.


United States
United States Communication Law (Cornell University)
This site is concerned with the regulation of radio and TV broadcasting to insure satisfactory service at a federal level in the United States

United States Media Law (Cornell University)
United States Federal and State Media Law

WashLaw Web - Multimedia Law
A free service of Washburn University School of Law. This site is the multimedia law resource page with links to multimedia law related websites, listservs, and research guides.


General Media & Telecommunication sites
Australasian Legal Information Institute - Media & Communications
Links to Media and Communications sites.

Australasian Legal Information Institute- Media & Communications - Telecommunications
Links to Telecommunications sites.

Australian Press Council - Press Law in Australia
The Australian Press Council is the self-regulatory body of the print media. It was established in 1976 with two main aims: to help preserve the traditional freedom of the press within Australia and ensure that the free press acts responsibly and ethically.

Media Law Workstation (University of Technology Sydney)
The Media Law Workstation is no longer being updated. This is an archive of the 1998 version of the Media Law Workstation. Laws and statements may not be current on this site

Nicholls Legal - Publications
Technology & Communications Law News Items

Parliamentary Library Censorship Law Information
Censorship resources and Law in Australia

Voice&Data Online
This site provides telecommunications and data communications professionals with a complete information source on the industry in Australia and New Zealand.


Australia Findlaw for Legal Professionals - Communications, Technology & Media Law
The Technology and Media section contains extensive Australian legal information in the following areas of law: Intellectual Property Law, Communications, Technology & Media Law, Entertainment, Sports & Leisure Law, and Science & Biotechnology Law.

Oz Guide Media
Internet Information Sources for Australian Journalists enables you to find experts and contacts, and Net-based sources of Australian facts or background information, such as business information, cases, databases, directories, government information, legislation, reports,.

University of Melbourne Legal Resource Centre - Media Law
The LRC holds about 180,000 printed volumes on-site and the equivalent of about 30,000 volumes in microfiche or microfilm. Additionally we have a large range of online databases containing many primary and secondary law resources. These databases can be accessed from within.


ACMA Bulletins (Australian Communication and Media Authority)
The following 3 publications are available from this site: ACA Connections Consumer Bulletin Performance Monitoring Bulletins

Gazette of Law and Journalism
Articles, analysis, cases, theories and snippets on the Law and Journalism.

Media & Arts Law Review
The Media & Arts Law Review is a quarterly, refereed journal examining all areas of media and arts law, including: Communications, Contempt, Copyright, Cultural Heritage, Defamation, Digitisation, Entertainment, Free Speech, Intellectual Property, Journalism, Privacy and.

Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy
Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy publishes new scholarly and applied research on the media, telecommunications, and the cultural industries, and the policy regimes within which they operate.


International Journal of Communications Law and Policy
International Journal of Communications Law and Policy, edited by legal scholars. The journal is devoted to the changing law, policy and technology of media regulation around the world.


United States
CommLaw Conspectus Journal of Communications Law and Policy
CommLaw Conspectus is one of the fastest growing law journals in America. CommLaw Conspectus's role as a communications law journal is to provide critical analysis of the laws and policies that affect this industry.

News Media and The Law
"The News Media & The Law" is an electronic quarterly publication. Published by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. The publication contains reports on access to electronic records and to juvenile court proceedings, supoenas issued to journalists and the issue.


Policy and Research
Current Communication Law Centre Projects & Services
The Communications Law Centre (CLC) is an independent, non-profit, public interest organisation specialising in media, communications and online law and policy. CLC works in four main areas: research, teaching, public education and legal advice.

Department of Broadband, Communications, and the Digital Economy
The Research Statistics and Technology Branch supports the development of policy and programs in communications, information technology, arts and sport, by providing economic, statistical, mapping, modelling and other research support.

Digital Television and Datacasting - E Brief
The E brief contains a list of the most useful sites relating to the introduction of digital television and datacasting in Australia. Other topics are Policy and Legislation, Developments relating to Datacasting, Digital Consumer Equipment and Services, Recent Developments.

Electronic Frontiers Australia
Proposed Internet censorship laws. On 20 August 2003, in a media release titled Using internet for offensive and menacing purposes to be outlawed, the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Richard Alston, and the Minister for Justice and.

La Trobe University Online Media Program
The Program's primary aim is to undertake social and policy research related to the development and regulation of online media services.

Media ownership deregulation in the United States and Australia: in the public interest?
Research Paper no.1 2007-2008 issued July 2007.

Media Ownership Regulation in Australia (E- Brief)
E-Brief: Online Only issued 22 October 2001; updated 26 March 2002; updated 16 June 2003; updated 30 May 2006.

SPAM or junk e-mail
Spam, or electronic 'junk mail', has increased so sharply in recent years that it is threatening the viability of email. Spam messages are often fraudulent, offensive or annoying, and they often carry viruses. Many countries are now introducing legislation to ban or regulate.


Reviews and Investigations
Australian Communications and Media Authority
On this site you will find all information relating to things currently happening or soon to be happening at ACMA, also information about major current investigations, recent activities ACMA has undertaken, issues for comment, any new licence allocations, draft documents or.

Australian Communications and Media Authority Investigations
The report of the Telecommunications Service Inquiry (TSI), Connecting Australia: Report of the Telecommunications Service Inquiry, released on 30 September 2000, provided an assessment of the adequacy of telecommunications services in metropolitan, regional, rural and.

Community Television: Options for Digital Broadcasting
First report of the Inquiry into community broadcasting.

Inquiry into the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Telecommunications Interception and Other Measures) Bill 2005
On 11 May 2005, the Senate referred the above Bill to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 14 June 2005. The Bill will amend the Criminal Code Act 1995 (the Criminal Code) to extend the defences to certain offences under Part.

Inquiry into the provisions of the Broadcasting Services Amendment (Anti-Siphoning) Bill 2004
This site contains Information about the Inquiry into the provisions of the Broadcasting Services Amendment (Anti-Siphoning) Bill 2004. The Senate has referred the provisions of this bill to the Committee for inquiry and report by 7 March 2004. The purpose of the bill is to.

International Telecommunications Market Regulation Inquiry (Productivity Commission)
Public inquiry into International Telecommunications Market Regulation

Parliament of Australia Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee
Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee Completed Inquiries

Productivity Commission Review of Radiocommunications Acts...
The public inquiry, Review of Radiocommunications Acts and of the Market Based Reforms and Activities undertaken by the Australian Communications Authority, has concluded. The inquiry report was released by the Commonwealth Government on 5 December 2002.

Productivity Commission Telecommunications Competition Regulation
The report of the public inquiry, into Telecommunications Competition Regulation was released on 21 December 2001

Tuning in to Community Broadcasting
Second report of the Inquiry into community broadcasting.

Commonwealth Government Resources
Commonwealth Regulatory and Administrative Authorities
- The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) was created on 1 July 2005, following the merger of the Australian Broadcasting Authority and the Australian Communications Authority.
- The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission site contains speeches, press releases and other policy material dealing with competition aspects of telecommunications policy.
- The Department of Broadband, Communications, and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) site provides extensive access to media releases, policy documents and related sites.
- The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) develops and coordinates information policy, including online services and information technology.
- The Classification Board and Classification Review Board administers Australia's censorship and classification policy.
- The Online and Communications Council comprises members of the Commonwealth, state/territory and local governments who are responsible for policy on online issues and the information economy. The site contains information on the activities of the Council as well as links to the relevant state and local government authorities.
Commonwealth Government - Other Organisations
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
- Australian Film Television and Radio School
- Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)
- Telstra Corporation
Commonwealth Legislation
- The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 provides for the establishment and operation of the ABC.
- The Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005 establishes the ACMA for the regulation of broadcasting, radiocommunications and telecommunications.
- The Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973 provides for the establishment and operation of the School.
- The Broadcasting Services Act 1992 provides for the regulation of broadcasting services by the Australian Broadcasting Authority.
- The Radiocommunications Act 1992 establishes the radiocommunications regulatory regime.
- The Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 provides for the establishment and operations of the SBS.
- The Telecommunications Act 1997 provides for the regulation of telecommunications.
- The Telstra Corporation Act 1991 provides for the ownership and operations of Telstra.
Media and Telecommunications Research and Links
Research Sites
- The Australian Centre for Independent Journalism, based at the University of Sydney, is an organisation that aims to stimulate the production of high quality investigative journalism.
- The International Institute of Communications is an organisation for international debate about communications.
- The Australian Children's Television Foundation develops and produces high quality television programs for children.
- Young Media Australia is a community based organisation that deals with issues concerning children and the media.
- The La Trobe University Online Media Program provides information and links on Australian social and policy research in telecommunications.
- The Communications Law Centre is a public interest, research and education organisation specialising in media and communications law and policy. The site contains an extensive range of material and links relevant to the subject.
- The Information and Telecommunications Needs Research Group site has information on the group and its work.
- The Convergent Communications Research Group is a virtual research centre.
- The OECD provides information about Information and Communication Technologies.
- Australian TV ratings are compiled by OzTAM which conducts television audience measurement (TAM), covering the five city metropolitan areas and nationally for Subscription TV. The most recent weekly viewing reports are available free of charge, more data are available through subscription.
National Organisations
- The Australian Film Commission is a government agency which ensures the creation, preservation and availability of Australian audiovisual content.  It manages Get the Picture, the AFC's comprehensive collection of media statistics.
- The Australasian Performing Rights Association / Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society work to ensure music publishers and writers receive royalties.
- The Advertising Standards Bureau administers a national system of advertising self-regulation through the Advertising Standards Board and the Advertising Claims Board.
- The Australian Interactive Media Industry Association is the peak body for interactive content and digital media in Australia.
- Broadcast Australia owns and operates the most extensive multimedia transmission infrastructure in Australia, and provides analogue and digital television and analogue radio for the ABC and SBS.
- Commercial Radio Australia is the national industry body representing Australia's commercial radio broadcasters.
- Free TV Australia (formerly Commercial Television Australia) is the industry body that represents Australia's commercial free-to-air televisionl licencees.
- The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia is the peak body for community radio and television stations.
- The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance is the union and professional organisation for people in the media, entertainment, sports and art industries.
- Nielsen Media Research provides statistical information about television and radio.

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Scheme is a free and independent alternative dispute resolution scheme for small business and residential consumers in Australia who have a complaint about their telephone or internet service.

Established in 1993 and provided for under a Federal Act of Parliament, the TIO Scheme is operated by Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Ltd and is independent of industry, the government, and consumer organisations.

The TIO is authorised to investigate complaints about the connection or supply of telephone or internet services.

The TIO aims to settle disputes quickly in a fair, objective and non-bureaucratic way, having regard not only to the law and to good industry practice, but also to what is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances.

Complaints to the TIO can be made online or by phone, fax, email, in writing, via TTY or in person. Complaints may be made by the person with the problem or by a person authorised to represent the complainant.

Powers of the TIO
The general role and powers of the TIO are included in the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999. Copies of this Act are available from the Commonwealth Government.

The TIO has the authority to make Binding Decisions up to the value of $30,000, and Recommendations up to the value of $85,000.  For complaints received by the TIO before 1 May 2010 the TIO has the authority to make Binding Decisions up to the value of $10,000, and Recommendations up to the value of $50,000. Binding Decisions are legally binding upon the telecommunications company.

The TIO also has the power to exercise its discretion not to investigate or further investigate a case in certain circumstances.

See TIO Complaint Handling Procedures: About the TIO for more information.

Complaints dealt with by the TIO
The TIO deals with complaints where the complaint is within the TIO's jurisdiction (set out below).

On receiving a complaint, the TIO will ask whether the consumer has given the service provider an opportunity to consider the complaint.

The complaint must be made to the TIO within 12 months of the consumer becoming aware of the circumstances surrounding the complaint. The time limit may be extended by a further 12 months in certain cases.

The TIO will not handle a complaint issue that is specifically under consideration in legal proceedings.

Jurisdiction of the TIO
The TIO has jurisdiction to receive, investigate and facilitate the resolution of complaints where the complaint is about:

telecommunications services ("carriage services")
billing of content services
access to or use of land by a carrier
billing for carriage services, or
providing or supplying (or failure to provide or supply) carriage services.
These can include complaints about:

the standard telephone service
mobile services
internet services
delays in telephone and internet connections
printed and electronic White Pages
fault repairs
access to or use of land by a carrier, or
compliance with the Customer Service Guarantee Standard or industry Codes of Practice.
The TIO cannot handle complaints concerning:

the setting of tariffs and charges
privately-owned telecommunications equipment, other than the rented handset supplied with a basic phone service and telecommunications equipment sold as a part of a bundled contract
cabling, except cabling up to the first telephone socket in a premises
matters of telecommunications policy
the 000 emergency service
anti-competitive behaviour or restrictive business practices, or
the content of ‘information services’, eg. 1900 numbers and internet content.
See the TIO Constitution for more information.

Structure of the TIO Scheme
The structure of the TIO Scheme is designed to ensure its independence. The TIO Scheme is governed by a Council and a Board of Directors of Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Ltd, and the Scheme is managed by an independent Ombudsman appointed by the Board on the recommendation of Council.

The Council is comprised of five TIO member representatives and five consumer representatives, with an independent Chairman. While the Ombudsman has responsibility for the day to day operations of the scheme, the Council provides advice to the Ombudsman on policy and procedural matters.

The Board has corporate governance responsibilities including financial management of the scheme and ensuring compliance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Constitution. With the exception of the independent director, who is appointed by the Board itself, directors are appointed by the TIO membership.

How the scheme is funded
The TIO is an industry-funded scheme, deriving its income solely from members who are charged fees for complaint resolution services provided by the TIO. Members consist of telecommunications carriers, telephone carriage providers and internet service providers.

A member is only charged complaint handling fees if the TIO receives a complaint from one of its customers. Therefore, the funding system acts as an incentive for members to keep TIO investigations to a minimum by developing and maintaining effective complaint handling and customer service procedures.

Relationship to industry and government
The TIO is independent of telecommunications companies, consumer groups, and government. However, the TIO provides information and assistance to organisations where this is required by law, or where this will help the industry and consumers to resolve complaints without investigation by the TIO.

Communications Alliance is a non-government body comprised of industry representatives that develops Codes of Practice for telecommunications providers. The TIO assists Communications Alliance in developing Codes by providing information and other feedback on complaints received by the TIO.

The TIO may refer systemic problems, identified through complaint statistics, to the Australian Communications & Media Authority, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Privacy Commissioner or other appropriate bodies.

If you need legal advice regarding Telecommunications Law, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, and we will put you in touch with a Telecommunications Law lawyer nearest you, who can help you with Telecommunications Law.

Our free legal enquiry service for Telecommunications Law extends to all suburbs and locations within and throughout Australia.

Telecommunications Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Telecommunications Law & Lawyers Links

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Comlaw Home

Act No. 47 of 1997 as amended, taking into account amendments up to Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Act ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Australian Privacy Commissioner

The Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) contains a number of provisions dealing with the privacy of personal information held by carriers, ..

ACMA - Disclosure requirements – Part 13 Telecommunications Act ..

Part 13 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Telecommunications Act) creates offences for the use or disclosure of any information or ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Comlaw Home

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Act 2011 - C2011A00023 ..

ACMA - Legislation & regulation

Schedule 3 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 provides carriers with the power to inspect land to determine whether the land is suitable for ..

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 5. Part 1—Amendments relating to Telstra 6. Division 1—Amendments commencing on the day after this Act ..

ACMA - Telecommunications organisations and law enforcement

This information relates to the Telecommunications Act 1997. 1. What telecommunications organisations are subject to law enforcement ..

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 50 .. An Act to amend legislation relating to telecommunications, and for other purposes. [Assented to 12 April ..

ACMA - Privacy & your phone service fact sheet

The Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Telecommunications Act) contains provisions dealing with the privacy of telecommunications ..

Interaction between the Privacy Act and the Telecommunications Act ..

information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, ..

Law enforcement | Department of Broadband, Communications and ..

The telecommunications sector is principally regulated through the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act), and its related legislative package.

Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services ..

An Act to amend the law relating to telecommunications interception and access, and intelligence services, and for related purposes ..

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act .. - Comlaw Home

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997. DETERMINATION UNDER PARAGRAPH 15(1)(d) No. 1 of 2010. I, STEPHEN ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Comlaw Home


No. 47 of 1997 as made. An Act about telecommunications, and for related purposes. Administered by: Broadband, Communications and the Digital ..

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act | ALRC

73.9 The Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act makes it an offence to intercept a communication passing over a telecommunications system ..

Responsibilities under the Telecommunications Act | Department of ..

The primary responsibility for administering these areas of the Act falls to the Australian Communications and Media Authority Authority ..

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 34 .. 107, 2011. An Act to amend legislation relating to telecommunications, and for other purposes. [Assented ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Comlaw Home

Telecommunications Act 1997. Act No. 47 of 1997 as amended. This compilation was prepared on 28 September 2005 taking into account amendments up to ..

Disclosure of customer details – Part 13 Telecommunications Act ..

In addition, Regulation 5.1 of the Telecommunications Regulations 2001 sets out additional prescribed authorities that are criminal law ..

Interaction between the Privacy Act and the Telecommunications Act ..

72.8 An organisation that uses or discloses personal information in a way that is authorised under the Telecommunications Act will not be in breach of National ..

Installation of telecommunications facilities – a guide for local - ACMA

Telecommunications facilities specified in the Telecommunications Act 1997, or in a ministerial determination made under the Act, are exempt ..

aviacom Indonesian Center of Telecommunications Law Studies


Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979

Act No. 114 of 1979 as amended, taking into account amendments up to Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services ..

A review of telecommunications regulation - Australian Law Reform ..

The ALRC proposed, therefore, that the Australian Government should initiate a review to consider the extent to which the Telecommunications Act and the ..

Submission: Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Inquiry into ..

The primary objective of the Interception Act is to protect the privacy of individuals who use the. Australian telecommunications system. The Interception Act does ..

Communications Law Centre, UTS

Please find attached the submission of the Communications Law Centre, UTS to the possible changes to the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) ..

ACMA - Law enforcement

Welcome to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's website. .. Telecommunications organisations and law enforcement ..

Telecommunications privacy | Department of Broadband ..

Part 13 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act) requires carriers, nominated carriage service providers and number database operators ..

ACMA - Accessing buildings to install telecommunications facilities

A carrier authorised under the Telecommunications Act to install a low-impact facility is immune from some state and territory laws, including ..

ACMA - Internet service providers and law enforcement and national ..

The Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act) does not refer specifically to internet service providers (ISPs) or internet access providers (IAPs).

ACMA - Industry & infrastructure

Carriers must undertake such activities in accordance with conditions specified in the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act), the Ministerial ..

Telecommunications Interception Act 2009

Queensland. Telecommunications. Interception Act 2009. Act No. 10 of 2009 .. This Act may be cited as the Telecommunications Interception. Act 2009. 2 ..

Communications Law Centre

Welcome to the ACCC > The ACCC > Consumer & business directory > Consumer & business directory quick links > Communications Law Centre ..

Telecommunications and Surveillance Law Branch

The Telecommunications and Surveillance Law Branch of the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department administers the ..

ACMA - Installation of telecommunications facilities – a guide for ..

While current government policy allows the rollout of these facilities, one of the aims of the Telecommunications Act 1997 is to balance the ..

ACMA - IFC 29/2011

The ACMA is conducting consultation on the Declaration in accordance with section 572E(8) of the Telecommunications Act 1997.

ACMA - Law enforcement

The Telecommunications Act 1997 imposes obligations on carriers and carriage service providers, including Internet service providers, ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Determination .. - Comlaw Home

Principal Instrument; This instrument determines where section 42 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 does not apply in relation to a Wireless ..

Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Act 2006

Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979. 4. Part 2—Other .. This Act may be cited as the Telecommunications (Interception). Amendment ..

Telecommunications Act 1991 - Comlaw Home

An Act about telecommunications, and for related purposes .. Compliance with other laws Division 6 - Protection of communications. 88. Carriers' employees ..

Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1997

An Act to impose charges in relation to numbers allocated to certain carriage service providers under the Telecommunications Act 1997 ..

Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential ..

An Act to enact transitional provisions, and to make consequential amendments, in connection with the enactment of the Telecommunications ..

Converged legislative frameworks

2.1 Malaysia—Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 .. 2.3 The UK—Communications Act 2003. 8. 2.4 South Africa—Electronic Communications Act 2005 ..

Telecommunications Act 1989

53 of 1989 as made. An Act relating to telecommunications, and for related purposes .. This Act may be cited as the Telecommunications Act 1989. (Minister's ..

Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005

44, 2005. An Act to establish the Australian Communications and Media Authority, and for related purposes. Contents. Part 1—Preliminary 2. 1.

Review of Consumer-Related Industry Code Processes - Part 6 ..

The Issues Paper does not appear to refer to the ALRC's consideration of Part 6 of the Telecommunications Act. The Office believes the ..

Are there rules about recording or monitoring my telephone ..

Monitoring (listening in to), or recording of telephone conversations, is a matter tightly controlled by law. The federal Telecommunications ..

Accessing building to install telecommunications facilities

A carrier authorised under the Telecommunications Act to install a low-impact facility is .. comply with the requirements in the Telecommunications Act and the ..

ACMA - Telecommunications facilities – Information for rural ..

The Telecommunications Act 1997 brought in important legislative changes governing the installation of telecommunications facilities.

Telecommunications legislation - introduction | Department of ..

the Telecommunications Act 1997; Parts XIB and XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974; and; the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and ..

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act .. - Comlaw Home

This instrument determines the estimated total amount of grants likely to be made during FY10/11 under s 593 of the Telecommunications Act ..

Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (Standard ..

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999. Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (Standard ..

The Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (USO)

The Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 .. The CSG provisions were re-enacted in the Telecommunications Act 1997 ..

ACMA - Guide to service provider obligations

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) is responsible for regulating telecommunications in accordance with the Act.

Telecommunications (Structural Separation— Networks and ..

(21) of the Telecommunications Act 1997. Dated. 2011. STEPHEN CONROY. Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy ..


The Telecommunications Act 1997: Summary of Implications for New South Wales 3 .. On 1 Iuly 1997 the Federal Telecommunications Act 1997 and the ..

ACMA - ID checks for pre-paid mobiles

The Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act) is the primary legislative instrument for the telecommunications industry. It imposes a range of ..

Communications & Media Law Association (CMLA)

The Communications and Media Law Association (CAMLA) brings together .. CAMLA publishes a regular journal, known as the Communications Law Bulletin.

Telecommunications Act 1975

By-laws 112. Regulations TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT 1975 No. 55 of 1975 An Act relating to the Provision of Telecommunications Services within Australia.

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and .. - Comlaw Home

10+ items – Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 2011. Authoritative version ..

















ACMA - Telecommunications organisations and law enforcement

The former ACA was asked by the Minister to conduct the review required under section 332R of the Telecommunications Act. The full report ..

Telecommunications Competition Act 2002

(2) The Telecommunications Act 1997 has effect, in relation to the specified kind of carrier, as if the Industry Minister had made a declaration under subclause ..

Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979

An Act to prohibit the interception of telecommunications except where authorised in special circumstances or for the purpose of tracing the ..

Telecommunications Amendment Act 1976


AMENDMENT ACT 1976 No. 94, 1976 - LONG TITLE. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMENDMENT ACT 1976 No. 94 of 1976 An Act to ..

ACMA - Carrier licensing

(6) The Act facilitates the establishment of an open market access regime for providers of both telecommunications infrastructure and services ..

ACMA - The Spam Act & Codes of practice

Welcome to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's .. Australia's anti-spam legislation – the Spam Act 2003 - covers email, ..

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979

Telecommunications (Interception and. Access) Act 1979. Act No. 114 of 1979 as amended. This compilation was prepared on 29 March 2007 taking into ..

ACMA - Individuals & communities

With the passage of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act), responsibility for the authorisation of most telecommunications facilities was ..

ACMA - Telecommunications regulation

Australian Telecommunications Users' Group; Australian Communications Consumer Action Network; Communications Law Centre; Service ..

Placing aerial cables underground | Department of Broadband ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act) provides for the approval and removal of many telecommunications facilities to be dealt with by relevant ..

Local Law No. 15 - (Telecommunication Cabling)


Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) | ALRC

71.8 The Telecommunications Act regulates the activities of a number of participants in the telecommunications industry, including 'carriers' and 'carriage ..

Telecommunications (Prohibition of Mobile Phone Boosters ..

Telecommunications Act 1997. The AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA AUTHORITY makes this Declaration under subsection ..

Proposed Telecommunications (Infringement Notices) Declaration ..

Draft Telecommunications Act 1997—Infringement Notice Guidelines of the .. 31B of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act) establishes a regime that ..

ESTA - Privacy

Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) was established by the Emergency Services Telecommunications Act 2004 to ..

Does the Telecommunications Act 1997 legislation 'cover the field' in ..

passing of the Telecommunications Act 1991 (Cth) both Optus and Telstra realised .. planning and environmental law contained in the Telecommunications Act ..

Telecommunications Amendment (Mobile Phone Towers) Bill 2011

A Bill for an Act to amend the Telecommunications Act 1997 and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998, and for ..

Communications Legislation Amendment (Content Services) Act 2007

Telecommunications Act 1997 111 .. An Act to amend the law relating to communications, and for other purposes. [Assented to 20 July 2007] ..

Telecommunications Amendment (Integrated Public Number ..

Telecommunications Amendment (Integrated Public Number Database) Act 2009. No. 16, 2009. An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act ..

Telecommunications Act 1991 - Comlaw Home

Reason for Ceasing: Repealed by Act No. 59 of 1997 Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 ..

Telecommunications and Surveillance Law Branch

Telecommunications and Surveillance Law Branch. The Telecommunications and Surveillance Law Branch of the Australian Government ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Determination .. - Comlaw Home

Principal Instrument; This instrument determines that section 42 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 does not apply in relation to a network unit ..

ACMA - Obligations to the community and consumers

The Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination 2002 is made pursuant to subsection 147(1) of the TCPSS Act. It places ..

Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association - Submission ..

An Australian Consumer Law. Fair Markets – Confident Consumers. Submission to Treasury by: Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association. March 2009 ..

(Telecommunications Offences and Other Measures) Act (No. 2) 2004

Schedule 1—Telecommunications offences 3. Part 1—Main amendments 3. Criminal Code Act 1995 3. Part 2—Consequential amendments 19 ..

Telecommunications Act 1997 - Determination under subsection 23 ..

Determinations as made. Principal Instrument; This instrument determines a person's immediate circle for the purposes of paragraph 23(1)(n) of ..

A redraft of the Part | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

Telecommunications Act

. A redraft of the Part. Print. 71.58 In Discussion Paper 72, Review of Australian Privacy Law (DP 72), the ALRC noted that AAPT had ..

Telecommunications regulators - Australian Law Reform Commission

ACMA is a statutory authority with specific regulatory powers conferred on it by a number of Acts, including the Telecommunications Act, Telecommunications ..

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and .. - Comlaw Home

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999. Act No. 50 of 1999 as amended. This compilation was prepared ..

Required or authorised by or under law | ALRC

72.27 Sections 280(1)(b) and 297 of the Telecommunications Act provide that a .. 72.30 While s 303B of the Telecommunications Act provides that a use or ..

Communications and 'telecommunications data' - Australian Law ..

73.24 The Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act regulates 'communications', 'stored communications' and 'telecommunications data'. As noted ..

Telecommunications and the Disability Discrimination Act

- Telecommunications and the Disability Discrimination Act. (This note is based on advice published on the HREOC website at ..

Telecommunications (Regulated Services) Determination (No. 1) 2011

Telecommunications Act 1997. Telecommunications (Regulated Services) Determination (No. 1) 2011. I, STEPHEN michael CONROY, Minister ..

Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment (Stored ..

Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment (Stored Communications) Act 2004. No. 148, 2004. An Act to amend the Telecommunications (Interception) Act ..

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Act 2007

177, 2007. An Act to amend the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979, and for other purposes. Contents. 1...... Short title.

Telecommunications facilities - Information for rural communities

Schedule 3 to the Telecommunications Act. The most common exemption .. the Telecommunications Act and the areas—residential, commercial, industrial or ..

Interception and access | ALRC - Australian Law Reform Commission

73.2 Laws relating to the interception of telecommunications were initially concerned with preserving the integrity of telecommunication systems. In 1960 ..

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Exemption) Determination ..

Commonwealth of Australia. Telecommunications Act 1997. Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Exemption). Determination 2011 (No. 1) ..

Free Legal Advice and Assistance: A Referral Guide

Arts. Arts Law Centre of Australia .. Media and Communications. Communications Law Centre .. Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman ..

ACMA - IFC 26/2011

The ACMA proposes to exercise its powers under section 529 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Telecommunications Act) to make ..

Arial 18pt heading one

The Young Lawyers Bushweb Regional Issues Committee refers to the Regional. Telecommunication Review Issues Paper 2011-12 produced ..

Commercial notes

Andrew Schatz Senior Lawyer. T 08 8205 4201 F 08 8205 4499 The telecommunications interception regime is intended to protect ..

Comlaw Home

Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy · Immigration and .. formerly known as the Standing Committee on Attorneys-General or SCAG) This link ..

ACMA - ACMA media release 53/2011 – 30 May

Welcome to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's .. years, in a speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association ..

AAT in the news

Media releases and speeches by the Attorney-General about the AAT. .. "The Telecommunications Interception Policy Review recommends ..

Other complaint handling bodies - NSW Ombudsman

.. landlords and builders. Telecommunications .. Lawyers and solicitors. Office of the Legal .. Australian Communications and Media Authority ..

Appendix 1. Agencies, Organisations and Individuals Consulted ..

Lisa Brown, Policy Manager, Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association .. and Joshua Cavalleri, Tress Cox Lawyers, Policy Adviser, Interactive Games ..

Adam Internet Pty Ltd, iiNet Limited, Internode Pty Ltd, Primus ..

Submission by Herbert Geer Lawyers on behalf of: Adam Internet Pty Ltd,. iiNet Limited,. Internode Pty Ltd,. Primus Telecommunications Pty Ltd ..

Pages - Australian Government Attorney-General's Department


Department. Attorney Generals Department ..Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 – Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2011 ..

Report of review of named person warrants and other matters - June ..

ACA - Australian Communications Authority. ACC - Australian Crime Commission. AGD - Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department ..


ACMA Chairman Chris Chapman opened his speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association in May 2011 by saying, 'Let me ..

Communications Officer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Justice and Attorney-General (Organisation site). Communications Officer. Marketing and Communication; Practice Management Branch; Crown Law; Brisbane ..

Test webcast

ACMA Chairman Chris Chapman opened his speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association in May 2011 by saying, 'Let me immediately ..

About - engage.acma- Editor - ACMA

ACMA Chairman Chris Chapman opened his speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association in May 2011 by saying, 'Let me immediately ..

Adam Internet Pty Ltd, iiNet Limited, Internode Pty Ltd, and ..

Submission by Herbert Geer Lawyers on behalf of: Adam Internet Pty Ltd,. iiNet Limited,. Internode Pty Ltd, and. TransACT Communications Pty ..


ACMA Chairman Chris Chapman opened his speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association in May 2011 by saying, 'Let me immediately ..


Attorney—General's Department, lawyers experienced in the operation of the Commonwealth. (Telecommunications) Interception Act and the area of electronic ..

ACMA - Reimbursement of telecommunications code development ..

Welcome to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's website .. such as drafters, lawyers and consumer representatives;; the code ..

Image Gallery

ACMA Chairman Chris Chapman opened his speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association in May 2011 by saying, 'Let me immediately ..

Communications & Media Law Association (CMLA)

The Association includes lawyers, journalists, broadcasters, members of the telecommunications industry, politicians, publishers, academics and public servants ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Communications and media

We have lawyers with computer science and information management qualifications, private sector information and communications technology experience, and ..

Departments and agencies

Commonwealth Parliament; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Attorney-General's .. Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy ..

Submission to the Independent Media Inquiry by Victoria Marles The ..

The following comments are drawn from my experience as a lawyer with the Communications Law. Centre (1993 – 2002), member of the ..


communications with a lawyer, and documents produced for or in consequence of such communications, will not· normally be disclosed without the affected ..

The Australian Defence Force Academy - Graduates

They have pursued careers as project managers, authors, actors, lawyers, public servants, lecturers, peacekeepers, telecommunications developers, chief ..

Commercial notes

relation to computer surveillance. It should also be noted that the Commonwealth Attorney-General's. Department is currently reviewing the telecommunications ..

Broken concepts The Australian communications legislative landscape

1 ACMA Chairman Chris Chapman, 'The "Convergence Phenomena" from a Regulator's Perspective,' speech to the. Communications and Media Lawyers ..

Australian Technology Showcase - Spruson & Ferguson

The firm's 60 plus attorneys and lawyers specialise in five practice areas; Chemical/Life .. Communications Technologies and Spruson & Ferguson Lawyers.

Macquarie Telecom

2 Sections 577A(3) and 577A(5) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth). Lawyers. Level 21, Angel Place. 123 Pitt Street. Sydney New South ..

Publications&research - AGS publications - Commercial notes No. 13

Online privacy, spam and the Stored Communications Act. Andrew Schatz Lawyer Australian Government Solicitor T 08 8943 1400 F 08 8943 ..

LB 65.pmd

communications for the same purpose, eg communications between legal advisers of the client, .. Waterford extends to AGS lawyers under the current ..

Without Prejudice

Telecommunications at Advent Lawyers, provided insight into another alternative emerging for practice within the legal profession. Advent Lawyers place senior ..

Lawyers 2010-11

Lawyers 2010-11 .. value of answering machines, mobile phones, pagers and other telecommunications equipment, see Capital allowances.

Senate Environment and Communications .. - Parliament of Australia

Mr Tony Dooley, Herbert Greer Lawyers by teleconference. 9.40am .. Mr Andrew Deme, Group Manager Telecommunications, Ergon Energy ..

Annual Report 2010–11 - Attorney-General's Department

Assistant Director, Corporate Communications. Strategic Communication Branch. Attorney-General's Department. 3–5 National Circuit. BARTON ACT 2600 ..


The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) deals with complaints that consumers have not been able to resolve with their telephone or internet ..

The 'convergence phenomena' from a regulator's perspective

(From speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association by ACMA Chairman Chris Chapman, May 30, 2011.) Click on the image ..

Structural separation instruments: exposure drafts—submissions ..

Final versions of the instruments are published on the Telecommunications .. Herbert Geer Lawyers on behalf of: iiNET Limited/Internode Pty Ltd/Adam Internet ..

Environmental Sustainability of ICT - Department of Finance and ..

Green Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Procurement Toolkit .. Please seek clearance from your lawyers/legal area before ..

Ombudsman Victoria Internet - Complaint Form

To complain about banks, insurance, telecommunication companies, gas, electricity and water suppliers, lawyers, doctors, builders or about discrimination, ..

Complaints against telecommunications providers

Complaints against telecommunications providers The .. Complaints against lawyers · Complaints against banking and financial services ..

Areas of expertise - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Search Justice and Attorney-General .. intellectual property, information technology, telecommunications and media, privacy, infrastructure and ..

Complaints against banking and financial services

.. against lawyers · Complaints against banking and financial services .. government) · Complaints against telecommunications providers ..

The Australian Consumer Law - Consumers 2011


Consumer Law; and there are reforms affecting energy, telecommunications, .. compliance professionals, business people, lawyers, consumer advisers and ..

AGD e-News on Copyright No 3 - Attorney-General's Department

On 18 August 1998 in Sydney at the State Library of NSW the Attorney-General's Department and the Department of Communications and the Arts jointly held a ..

Publications&research - AGS publications - Commercial notes

The commentary is prepared by AGS commercial lawyers and covers areas such .. the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International ..

Primus Focus - ACMA Investigation Report

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Is satisfied, .. Lawyers on behalf of the Content Supplier provided a response to the ACMA by ..

Lawyers Porto - Australian Embassy

List of Portuguese lawyers conversant in English in the Porto area .. Shipping/Aviation, Telecommunications and Utilities, Credit Recovery and Court Work ..

Chapter 6: Criminal and Law Enforcement Framework

285, Australian Institute of Criminology,. October 2004, p.1. 3 Attorney-General‟s Department, Submission 44, p.16; Telecommunications (Interception and ..

CommsDay Congress - Speech by Richard Bean - ACMA

- Australian Communications and Media Authority ... The 'convergence phenomena' from a regulator's perspective[8] to the Communications and Media Lawyers ..

Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2010-2011

Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. • Telecommunications interception. • Tracking and listening devices. Minister for Home Affairs and Justice. The Hon ..

lawyers - Australian Taxation Office

expenses you might incur as an employee lawyer. .. For example, Jim is a lawyer in the Public Service. .. telecommunications equipment under the heading ..

Lawyers Funchal - Australian Embassy

List of Portuguese lawyers conversant in English in the Funchal area - Madeira Island .. Securitisation, Shipping/Aviation, Tax, Telecommunications and Utilities ..

Speaker Bios RadComms08

telecommunications industry and operates programs covering ... Before that, he was a lawyer and investigator for the ABA and its predecessor, the Australian ..

Pages - Publications by A to Z - Attorney-General's Department

Since 1994 there have been four major reports dealing with telecommunications interception. Budget 1999 to 2000. The Attorney-General's Department portfolio ..

OPTIONS PAPER Australian Lawyers Alliance - Comcare

1 Australian Lawyers Alliance submission to the Clarke Inquiry .. Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers .. Australia and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation ..

NAT 2327 Lawyers.indd

the common expenses you might incur as an employee lawyer. This guide is a .. LAWYERS 2003–04 ... pagers and other telecommunications equipment, see ..

Problems with the Privacy Act | ALRC

a parent unable to access information about a telecommunications service provided to .. other third party assistants, including lawyers, financial counsellors and ..

Lawyters Lisbon - Australian Embassy

List of Portuguese lawyers conversant in English in the Lisbon area .. Securitisation, Privatisation, Telecommunications, Consumer, Competition, Advertising, ..

annual report

During 2010-11, AGS lawyers shared knowledge and experience relating to Gov 2.0 through our Media and. Communications Network's intranet site and ..

Additional Information - Inquiry into the Telecommunications ..

by S BRONITT - 2006 - - nications be exempted from B-Party warrants (e.g. communications between lawyer and client; clergy and devotee; doctor and patient and communications by ..

Lawyers 2000

If you are employed as a lawyer, this guide will help you to work out .. pagers and other telecommunications equipment under the heading ..

Criminalisation of Cartel Conduct – Can Commercial Litigators ..

Can competition lawyers be criminal defence lawyers for clients being ... accordance with the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (Cth) ..

- Civil Disputes-Small Claims

.. Gas, electricity, water, sewerage and telecommunications; Dry cleaning .. Claims against professionals (including doctors, lawyers and real ..

Publications&research - AGS publications - Legal briefing No. 81

Papers by AGS lawyers .. Jeff Cranston Senior Executive Lawyer .. The law in relation to unsolicited communications, such as commercial ..

Principal lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

As principal lawyer, you will lead a busy team of legal and administrative staff to .. IT & Telecommunications, Information Management/Library, Justice & Legal ..

Lawyers 2010-11 - Australian Taxation Office

Lawyers is a simple summary of Taxation Ruling TR 95/9 - Income tax: ... mobile phones, pagers and other telecommunications equipment ..

Make a complaint : Department of Justice and Attorney-General

.. Skip to content | Skip to footer |. Problems viewing this site · Home | Justice and Attorney-General Home | Site map | Contact us | Help | ..

Reimbursement of development costs for consumer-related costs for ..

- Appendix A—Reimbursement scheme provisions in the Telecommunications Act .. costs of consumer representatives, external chairs, drafters and lawyers; ..

LAWYERS - Australian Taxation Office

employee lawyers – allowances, reimbursements and .. you might incur as an employee lawyer. ... pagers and other telecommunications equipment, see ..

Submissions - The 2011–12 Regional Telecommunications Review

Regional Telecommunications Review – an Australian Government Initiative .. NSW Young Lawyers Bushweb Regional Issues Committee (PDF, 446 KB) ..

'Broken concepts' – regulation from pre-internet times

Broken Concepts: The Australian communications legislative landscape .. agency heads and lawyers to accept the evidence and discard their ..

Lawyers - Australian Taxation Office

Lawyers. To help solicitors, articled clerks and other paralegals who are employees in the public ... pagers and other telecommunications equipment, see ..

Justice and Attorney-General - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

Jobs 1 - 20 of 21 – Systems Support Officer, IT & Telecommunications, AO6, Justice and Attorney-General, Permanent Full-time, Brisbane - CBD, 01-Mar-2012 ..

Pages - Media Releases - Attorney-General for Australia - Home


-General Robert McClelland today tabled in Parliament the 2010-11 Annual Reports for the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 ..

Attorney General's Department - Speeches

27 May 2011 - Standing Committee of Attorneys-General Harmonisation Forum 2011 .. 30 September 2010 - Second Reading Speech - Telecommunications ..


- Role Title: Senior Compliance Lawyer .. Manage OPI records systems relating to telecommunications interception and the use of surveillance devices, assumed ..

Disability Rights Links

Communications Alliance (Australian communications industry forum) .. Attorney-General's Department disability discrimination page ..

List of Lawyers Abu Dhabi and Al Ain This list is provided for the ..

quality of work performed by any lawyer on this list". .. Arbitration, banking, construction, corporate & commercial, energy, telecommunications, ..

News Archive

On Tuesday 20 July, AGS hosted the Media and Communications Forum at .. Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, yesterday announced the ..


Mr David Miles AM is a lawyer and company director .. commercial intellectual property lawyers. .. ministerial liaison, corporate communications and legal ..

Publications by A to Z

Since 1994 there have been four major reports dealing with telecommunications interception. Budget 1999 to 2000. The Attorney-General's ..

Goods, Services and Businesses | Ombudsman NT

If conciliation fails, the Telecommunications Ombudsman has the power to make binding awards up to $10000 and recommendations to the value of $50000 can ..

The 'convergence phenomena' from a regulator's perspective'

Speech to the Communications and Media Lawyers Association. The 'convergence phenomena' from a regulator's perspective'. By ACMA ..

Copyright | Department of Broadband, Communications and the ..

Australian Government - Department of Broadband, Communications and the .. page of the website of the Attorney-General's Department.

Submission cover sheet - Gambling inquiry

emerging forms of criminality involving telecommunications systems as the .. The AIC continues to work closely with the Australian Government Attorney- ..

Court declares lawyer engaged in misleading debt collection practices

86DA) · Telecommunications registers (ss. 151AR-152EA) .. Court declares lawyer engaged in misleading debt collection practices ..

Law Handbook Online - South Australia

Complaints against lawyers .. about taxation (ATO) · Complaints about taxation (State government) · Complaints against telecommunications providers ..

WA Soc of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers

WA Society of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers Inc. Defamation on .. They claimed that it was a unique telecommunications system defying analogy ..

News - International Legal Services Advisory Council

The Hon Robert McClelland MP, Attorney-General, recently .. Information Technology and Telecommunications (28%), Corporate (25%), ..

ICT manager - ICT Workforce Capability


Contracts and Panels .. engaging with professionals in other related disciplines (e.g. procurement specialists, lawyers) as appropriate.

Government Response - Attorney-General's Department

- The Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) features strongly, both in .. harmonisation of the telecommunications regulatory frameworks but would ..

Rob Nicholls Consultant Gilbert + Tobin T +61 2 9263 4023 rnicholls ..

the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors. Rob works closely with Gilbert and. Tobin's lawyers to ensure that the legal services provided by the firm ..

Maximise your growth.

Jeremy Chase is a Senior Associate of the firm's Communications, Media and .. lawyers are based Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, ..

ACMA - Speeches

Welcome to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's website. If you are utilising a screen reader, please read our accessibility ..

Australian Lawyers Alliance

86DA) · Telecommunications registers (ss. .. The Australian Lawyers Alliance, formerly the Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association, is an association of lawyers ..

Submission - Inquiry into Entry, Search and Seizure Provisions in ..

Attorney-General's Department. [5] .) Further information concerning Section 282 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 is provided below. Go to Contents List ..

ACMA - IFC17/2009 – Submissions (Live hosted entertainment radio ..

Welcome to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's .. (1.6 mb); NSW Young Lawyers Communications, Entertainment and ..

Publications & research - AGS publications - Legal briefing No. 87

Litigation privilege extends to third party communications where those communications are referable to the lawyer/client relationship and are ..

REPORT OF THE REVIEW OF .. - Attorney-General's Department

The role(s) of in-house lawyers in agencies need to be clearly defined, whether ... telecommunications, and the willingness of market participants to challenge ..

Women Lawyers Association of NSW - Supreme Court : Lawlink NSW

Women Lawyers Association of NSW .. Real time, interactive, audio visual communications using an existing television set are now available ..

Winning bidders list 19 January - ACMA

Microsoft Excel 9, 131101, 400, Primus Telecommunications Pty Limited, Primus ... Stephen Browne Personal Injury Lawyers, Stephen Browne Lawyers ..

Environment, Communications and the Arts .. - Parliament of Australia

Return to previous page | Senate Environment, Communications and the Arts .. [5] Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers, Submission 8, p. 5.

Evidence Amendment Act 2008

Omit "lawyer", substitute "Australian legal practitioner or legal counsel". .. of Part 4.3 contains presumptions about electronic communications.


MIHALIC, Ms Susan Ann, Principal Legal Officer, Telecommunications and Surveillance Law. Branch, Attorney-General's Department .

Commercial and public law - Department of Justice and Attorney..

Visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at this year's ekka. .. the application of the caretaker convention; the Telecommunications ..

Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us


. Advice and Litigation Gorup; Legal Services; Corporate Relations; .. IT & Telecommunications, Information Management/Library, Justice & Legal ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Submission ..

The legal services market in India is currently closed to foreign lawyers, even for the ... and telecommunications (29%); corporate/merger and acquisition (24%); ..

ATTACHMENT 1 - Areas of Practice

include: •. Information technology and telecommunications contracts; .. teams of lawyers and paralegals undertaking major commercial projects);. •. Providing ..

Summary papers and Powerpoint presentations from ADR Research ..

The economic benefit of lawyer assisted ADR in family law matters – Mr Alan .. Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (Summary paper and Powerpoint not ..

National Principles for Resolving Disputes and supporting Guide

NADRAC | Report to the Attorney-General on the National Principles for Resolving Disputes and supporting ... Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman ..


Lawyers. 101 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. Solicitor's Code: 420 .. These submissions (Telstra's Communications Submissions) are ..

Lawlink NSW: 7. Regulatory issues

Report 99 (2000) - Complaints against lawyers: an interim report 7. .. percentage of complaints made to the Telecommunications Industry ..


The Commission will generally retain a legal practitioner ("lawyer") to assist it at ... search, surveillance device or telecommunications interception, normally will ..

Submission to the Legal Services Review Committee of

- Appendix B: Australia: uniform regulation of foreign lawyers 23 .. The recent successful conclusion of the basic telecommunications and financial services ..

RadComms09 - Speaker Biographies

telecommunications industry and operates programs covering ... was a lawyer and investigator for the ABA and its predecessor, the Australian ..

International Legal Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) Submission ..

commercial associations with local lawyers/law firms or employ local lawyers. ... and telecommunications (29%); corporate/merger and acquisition (24%); ..


Lloyd, Partner and Damien Bailey, Asia Registered Foreign Lawyer–Technology & Communications. Group, Minter Ellison Lawyers; Paul Chong, Managing ..

Consultation Draft RFT: TOMS | AGIMO Blog

We've recently gone to the market for telecommunications invoice .. Now, the inevitable word from our lawyers, required as we explore these ..

r eclwin dovey

Edwin Davey Commeiicial & Litigation Lawyers is a member of the Edwin Dawy .. and as the agent of Optus Mobile, mobile telecommunications services and ..

There is no aspect of modern emergency management and ..

Duncan Lawyers .. ENTITLED: 'SYSTEMIC ISSUES – COMMUNICATIONS, .. reliant on a capable and reliable telecommunications system.

IFC 15/2011 - Submission by Redfern Legal Centre

Redfern Legal Centre would like to thank the Australian Communications and Media .. collaboratively with key partners, RLC specialist lawyers and advocates ..

ACMA - ACA - MR1305

Welcome to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's website. .. Computer forensics experts from Deloitte Forensics and lawyers ..

Publications&research - AGS publications - Commercial notes No. 24

The Attorney-General has recently released Intellectual Property Principles for .. the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Communications, ..

Australia-India FTA feasibility study submission on Legal Services

- What Australian lawyers seek in an FTA with India 5. 3. .. technology, or those that are deregulated and opened to competition, such as telecommunications.

Investigation into the content of online services

by AB Authority - 1996 - published jointly by the Department of Communications and the Arts and the Federal. Attorney-General's Department (Attorney-General's Department ..

SENATE Official Hansard

by P DEBATES - - Telecommunications: Television Advertising and Programs . . . . . . . . 1287. National ... estimates the Attorney-General's Department admitted that ITSA had ..

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation ..

It also protects other communications between lawyers and clients, provided they pass 'as professional communications in a professional ..

Executive Summary - Attorney-General's Department

- This paper has been prepared by the Attorney-General's Department to provide .. (ii) telecommunications technology (for example, facsimile and e‑mail) to ..

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications ..

Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio .. Alcatel matters, it is stated the NBN Co spent a total $273000 in lawyers' fees "responding to ..

Pages - Annual Report 2006-07 Part 2 - Performance Outcomes 2

The Attorney-General's Department contributes to the achievement of .. telecommunications interception, emergency management, criminal ..

Contact details for other offices

86DA) · Telecommunications registers (ss. .. The main service to the public is to regulate the many activities of lawyers, by providing prudential supervision and ..

Speech by Karen Curtis to the Australian Corporate Lawyers ..

Do you know that Google has 5230000 results for jokes about lawyers? .. for the use of the IPND under the Telecommunications Act is an issue, but it wasn't ..

Law enforcement conference

86DA) · Telecommunications registers (ss. .. These are just some of the major public policy matters for corporate lawyers, compliance professionals, private and ..

Attorney General's Department - Archived Media Releases 2009


-General, Robert McClelland, today announced that the ... be agencies for the purposes of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979.


first instance hope that they will be resolved by the intervention of a lawyer, whether that be communications entered into on the client's behalf, or the mere threat ..

Good > Better > Best

Commonwealth Attorney-General's International Legal .. (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution). .. national Telecommunications Industry ..

Attorney General's Department - Archived Media Releases 2007 ..


-General Robert McClelland and Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, today jointly announced ..

find LEGAL answers - Human Rights - Privacy

Online; In your public library; Lawyers' Tools .. law protections of privacy; privacy regarding telecommunications, media, and the workplace.

Untitled - Auburn Council

For example, the complicated laws that govern how telecommunications companies can operate often require lawyers to advise senior managers in these ..

Inquiries Practice Group - Crown Solicitors Office : Lawlink NSW

Our lawyers have assisted the State Coroner and her deputies in some of the most .. listening and surveillance devices; telecommunications ..

wholesale ADSL declaration reasons for decision - public version ..

6 days ago – declared (Herbert Geer Lawyers submission), January 2012, pp.3-5; Macquarie Telecom, Submission in response to the ACCC's discussion ..

Submission: Anti-Terrorism Bill (No 2) 2005

More specifically, the Bill should allow a lawyer to provide their ... rights to make written communications (which could be vetted by the AFP).

Publications&research - AGS publications - Commercial Notes No. 9

Recommendation 2. In order to ensure that the Commonwealth's interests are protected, the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Communications, ..

20-5-11 NBN legislation submission

Inquiry into The provisions of the Telecommunications Legislation .. development sector including lawyers, engineers, town planners and ..

1 Regulatory Economics: Recent Trends in Theory and Practice ..

developments in telecommunications have, indeed, been startling and the ... economists are at risk of becoming perceived in the same way as lawyers, ..


This ultimately benefits lawyers because it makes them ... Act 1984, Workplace Surveillance Act 2005, Telecommunications (interception and. Access) Act 1987 ..


and information technology and telecommunications should be familiar. These are: ... associated with recourse to lawyers and the courts. There are numerous ..

Adam Internet Pty Ltd, Aussie Broadband Pty Ltd, iiNet Limited, and ..

Submission by Herbert Geer Lawyers on behalf of: .. telecommunications competition cannot be overstated, nor can the importance of ..

Colan Lawyers | Moonee Valley City Council

Colan Lawyers. Commerial Lawyers conveyancing probate, leases, franchising, business contracts, etc. Address. 98 Fletcher Street, ESSENDON VIC 3040 ..

AusTender: Annual Procurement Plan View - 2011/2012

Records 1 - 15 of 33 – The Attorney-General's Department serves the people of Australia by .. Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications ..

Debts of children and young people | ALRC

56.89 Where credit obligations are not discharged, telecommunications .. Representing Children and Young People: A Lawyers Practice Guide (2002), 240.

TR 95/9 - Income tax: employee lawyers - allowances ..

For the purposes of this Ruling, an employee lawyer is a person who is employed as ... Telephone, mobile phone, pager, beeper and other telecommunications..

Law Society of the Northern Territory

86DA) · Telecommunications registers (ss. 151AR-152EA) .. The Society regulates conduct rules between lawyers and deals with complaints against lawyers.


Senator Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the ... Mr Chapman: It is of the order of 26 or 27 lawyers—indicatively that ..

Our past graduates

I subsequently completed rotations in the Communications Group and the Enforcement Branch before .. I currently work as a lawyer in the Legal Group.

ACIP > Members

Mr Allen is a patent attorney and a partner with Davies Collison Cave. .. years and the Centre for Telecommunications Information Networking for three years.

Gambles Lawyers | Moonee Valley City Council

Gambles Lawyers. Lawyers. Conveyancing. Probate & court work .. Internet service providers · IT and communications · Jewellery · Jewellery · Legal services ..

Resource materials on technology-enabled crime

by G Urbas - - Table 2: Main telecommunications offences under Division 474 of the ... lack of comprehension of offence elements and evidence by jurors and lawyers ..

Legal briefing

by TH QC - Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government ... employee and the employing agency (see Behan v Australian Telecommunications ..

ACCC institutes court action against lawyer over debt recovery ..

86DA) · Telecommunications registers (ss. 151AR-152EA) .. 2010 > ACCC institutes court action against lawyer over debt recovery practices ..

Attorney General's Department - 15 July 2011 - 'Quintet' of Attorneys ..

Can I first introduce my colleagues, my fellow Attorneys General. .. The Telecommunications Interception Act prohibits, outlaws interception ..

Electronic communications | ALRC

Documentary Evidence - Electronic communications ... Submission E 33, 7 March 2005 NSW Young Lawyers Civil Litigation Committee, Submission E 34, ..

Principal Lawyer - APSjobs - View Searched Notices

Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Employment .. ACMA's Legal Division an exciting opportunity for a talented lawyer to ..

Strategic Global Engagement

meaningful commercial association between local and foreign lawyers, and a right for .. and telecommunications; construction and infrastructure development, ..

Who to contact - By area of law - Property and leasing


and media .. Information and communications technology .. Our national property network consists of specialist property lawyers who are fully ..

Principal Lawyer - SmartJobs - Jobs with us

You will assist the Director to lead and manage a team of lawyers within the .. IT & Telecommunications, Information Management/Library, Justice & Legal ..

Lawyers - Australian Embassy

Alkuttab Lawyers & Legal Consultants .. arbitration & alternative dispute resolution, maritime, trade & insurance, construction, property, communications & media ..

Attorney General's Department - 11 July 2011 - Press Conference ..

I thank you very much and would like to invite the Attorney-General to .. whether that be internet or telecommunications, that they put their foot ..

Government commences new oversight regime for integrity bodies ..

"This gap in accountability with regard to telecommunication .. The Principal and Deputy Public Interest Monitors must be Australian lawyers.

GN 11.pdf - Attorney-General's Department

Attorney-General ................................656. Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy ..658. Defence .

Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers

This submission is put forward on behalf of Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers. We are a large, .. However, the telecommunications interception ..

Lawyers 2006

Lawyers. 2006. To help solicitors, articled clerks and other paralegals who are ... pagers and other telecommunications equipment, see ..

Criminal Law Committee

(Submissions Coordinator, NSW Young Lawyers Criminal ... disability charged with several telecommunications offences. The man was ..

Public - FADs for Fixed Line Services - Final Report

Macquarie Telecom (with additional submissions on the exemptions issues prepared on Macquarie Telecom's behalf by Maddocks Lawyers ..


- NADRAC prepared an interim report in response to the Attorney-General's Department's interest in receiving ... Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman ..

Media releases - Lawlink Corporate : Lawlink NSW

Media releases. This is a list of media releases issued by the Attorney General in 2009. ... Registration: ..


E. Right to Silence; F. Issues regarding lawyers. Scope to address prescribed authority; Provision of legal aid; Privacy of communications ..


In legal services, Indonesia has committed to permit foreign lawyers to work or .. countries (see Fact Sheet – Telecommunications Regulatory ..

Submission: Inquiry into Liquidators and Administrators

I am a former employee of Open Telecommunications Ltd., which went into Voluntary .. I could not get hold of a lawyer to discuss the Deed and its implications.

Disability Council of NSW: public inquiry into the area of people with ..

I worked as a paralegal with this powerhouse of commercial lawyers from 1990 to 1992. I was fortunate enough to secure this position while I was a student and ..

Lawyers 2008-09

If you are employed as a lawyer, solicitor, articled clerk and other .. pagers and other telecommunications equipment, see Capital allowances.

Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy, Industrial Union of ..

86DA) · Telecommunications registers (ss. 151AR-152EA) .. ACCC to Hall Payne Lawyers re Final Determination - 26.03.09. D09+29349.pdf (86.4 KB); ACCC ..

Country Advice

had introduced a law allowing it to monitor the internet communications of its citizens: In 2007 the president .. Ncube's lawyers argued that the e- mail searches ..

What's new in communications?

40+ items – Involvement in other communications industry processes ..

NBN Co submission - Response to initial industry submissions to SAU ..


Wholesale ADSL service declaration



by COF AUSTRALIA - HADDAD, Dr Gerry, Chief, Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, ... The scientists dealt with the lawyers, and the lawyers dealt with their ..

The Law Reform

The relationship of the lawyer and client has a special significance because it is part of the functioning of the law itself : `The communications which establish ..


Lawyers. 101 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. Solicitor's Code: 420 .. of communications issues, notably the impact of the fires on its telecommunications ..

Australian Corporate Lawyers Association - Submission to Exposure ..

The Australian Corporate Lawyers Association ("ACLA") is pleased to submit its .. them to terminate the internet, telecommunications and electricity services ..



of my vintage were originally hostage to their jurisdiction of origin. .. These included broadcasting and telecommunications which, from the start, were ..

Australian Institute of Criminology - Bibliography

170+ items – Home - Publications - Australian studies in law, crime and ..

Anderson, A.G. 1982, "Fraud, Fiduciaries and Insider Trading", Hofstra Law ..


Andre, T.J. 1980, "Printer who used secret document not an insider says the ..



Melbourne University Sport - About Us

He has extensive experience in business advisory and litigation and is one of Australia's leading telecommunications lawyers. Geoff has wide corporate ..

CMCL Publications

Also includes a list of more than 100 World Wide Web sites for journalists and media and communications lawyers prepared by R. Huttner.

UTS: C04242v1 Master of Communications Law - Law, UTS ..

Practising lawyers can expand their legal specialisations in areas including communications law, intellectual property, media and entertainment law, ..

We Speak Your Language

Tuesday, 14 January 2025
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If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

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Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

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It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

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