Workers Compensation Law & Lawyers

If you have been injured at work you could be entitled to claim a lump sum compensation payout.

To find out if you are eligible, please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Accidents in the work place can happen at any time. The list of possible causes is endless but some common examples of work injuries are as follows:

  • Slip, Trip and fall Injuries,
  • Back Injury due to Lifting Objects,
  • Forklift Truck Accidents,
  • Injuries caused by operating machines
  • Finger injuries carring out manual work
  • Scaffolding Accidents,
  • Factory Accidents,
  • Vibration White Finger,
  • Asbestos Related Disease,
  • Industrial Diseases,
  • Industrial Deafness,
  • Accidents due to Inadequate Training
  • Accidents due to unsafe or dangerous work conditions

All employers have to comply with strict health and safety legislation to ensure that their employees are not put at risk of being injured and that the work environment is safe. Despite this, many personal injury at work or work accidents still occur – accidents which lead to injuries.

Injuries sustained from work accidents may mean you have to take time off work to recover which can lead to financial difficulties. Making a work accident claim will help ease the financial burden and also provide you with treatment to enable a full recovery.

If you have had an accident at work and need advice on making a claim then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

There are many different situations giving rise to work injuries. Some examples include:

  • Falling over objects
  • lifting heavy objects
  • moving difficult objects
  • carrying out excessive physical activities
  • using stairs and ladders
  • bending, twisting and lifting
  • Being hit by a vehicle
  • finger and hand injuries
  • Tools breaking
  • Falling Objects
  • Catching your hand in a machine and many more

Accidents at work are very common and can occur in any job, in any situation. You shouldn’t be afraid of filing a work accident claim against an employer if you have had an accident at work. After all, they have a duty to provide safe working conditions, and if they don’t fulfill this then they are breaking the law, as well as putting you at risk.

Work accidents can happen regardless of where you work. You may think that factory accidents and construction site accidents are the only types of accidents which occur at work, but office environments have their own set of dangers to watch out for as well.

Every employer has a set of responsibilities to their employees to ensure their environment is safe, and the risk of an accident at work is minimal. This not only protects their workers, but prevents work accident claims being filed against them.

Responsibilities could come in many different forms, whether they be testing machinery regularly, providing adequate safety equipment, or informing employees of dangers in the workplace, and how to avoid them. Each environment will have its own set of work accident risks, which need to be handled by the employer.

Accidents at Work

There are an infinite number of ways in which accidents can occur at work. However, broadly speaking, work accidents and work injuries can occur through four main areas as follows:

  • Manual Handling Accidents
  • Construction Accidents
  • Factory Accidents
  • Industrial Accidents
  • Office Accidents

Manual Handling Accidents

Manual handling accidents account for the majority of workplace injuries. Manual handling accidents can occur when lifting, pushing, pulling, twisting, bending, squatting and lowering and carrying heavy objects.

Manual handling accidents can cause injury to almost any part of the body (including the lower body and upper body) in particular the back, neck and shoulders.

Anyone who has had a manual handling accident is covered. Some jobs are obvious contenders, such as work on building sites, farm workers, workers in warehouses and shops, nurses and ancillary staff in hospitals and care homes, and delivery workers. Other less obvious occupations (although injuries can and do occur), are office workers, workers in banks and what might traditionally thought to be "lighter jobs". Pre existing health problems can play a part and injuries do not have to be immediate, they can occur over time as a result of repeated activity.

What should the Employer do to prevent or minimise the risk of manual handling accidents?

Well first off, the employer has to assess the risk of injury from the manual handling and where so far as is practicable, avoid the need for it all. If manual handling is the only way to carry out the task, then there should be risk assessments to reduce the risk to as low as possible and the use of mechanical aids should be considered, such as hoists and other lifting equipment.

If you have suffered a work injury due to a manual handling accident while at work, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Construction Accidents

Construction sites are dangerous places, your employer has a duty of care to ensure that the workplace and work environment is safe at all times during work.

Construction sites pose a large variety of risks, making the possibility of an accident quite high. Working with dangerous equipment, working around hazardous and unstable materials or simply putting your body through demanding work and strain could all lead to a construction accident.

Other dangers include working at height where materials can fall, failing to erect safety barriers as construction work progresses, hazards at ground level during ground works and heavy machinery and lifting procedures. All of these situations carry a degree of risk that needs to be addressed with special training and extra care to avoid a construction site accident.

Because of the different risks, your employer and site manager have responsibilities (or a ‘duty of care’) to provide correct, suitable and up to date safety equipment and advice. By neglecting this duty of care, they are running the risk of a construction accident claim, and also putting you in danger.

Safety regulations are enforced by the workplace health and safety regulatory authorities. They try to ensure that risks in the continually changing workplace, including construction sites, are properly managed to reduce the risk of accidents.

Workplace health and safety regulations Regulations are put in place to help protect construction site workers. A claim for construction compensation can also be influenced by Workers’ Compensation – a form of insurance that provides medical care for injured employees.

If you have suffered a work injury due to a construction site accident while at work, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Types of construction site accidents

It’s true that most accidents happen when moving around the workplace or walking across a construction site – surprising, considering the areas of risk on a site. To ensure that this isn’t due to an employee’s lack of concentration, it’s important to take regular breaks as prescribed by law. Many people may not realise that this is the case, yet it could be the difference between a construction site accident happening, or being avoided.

Faulty equipment can also be to blame for accidents and injuries on construction sites. The equipment manufacturers need to thoroughly test that equipment is safe before use, as a small defect could cause large problems. It is the responsibility of the employer to replace whatever equipment may have a fault.

Unfortunately, construction sites can also cause problems that you may not realise until later in life. Exposure to asbestos can cause cancer, and is potentially deadly - another reason to ensure correct equipment is used, the correct protective clothing is worn and the correct procedures are always adhered to.

What to do if you have an accident

If you are injured in a construction work accident then do your best to collect the evidence about exactly what happened. Get names and addresses of witnesses, if possible. Following medical treatment, get independent specialist advice about making a construction accident claim.

If you have suffered a work injury due to a construction site accident while at work, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Because construction workers usually depend on their fitness to be able to work, any construction site injuries can result in significant loss of wages. You need compensation for this, and for your injuries. Also, you need to be covered for the future as your injury could affect you later on in life when you get older. In deciding whether to seek compensation for your work injury, you should also consider how your injury may affect you later on when you get older in life. A workers compensation claim will provide cover and protection to you (and your family).

If you have suffered a work injury due to a construction site accident while at work, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Factory Accidents

Employees in factories are entitled to just the same protection as any other employee. Any employer has a duty to comply with all the relevant statutory requirements and regulations about safe working practices and safe premises in which to work, or they could be liable for factory accident compensation claims.

Requirements include making sure that factory floors are clear of slippery substances like grease, which can cause slipping accidents. Floors must also be kept clear of obstructions, and tripping hazards, like discarded plastic wrapping bands and trailing cables.

Moving parts of machinery have to be safely guarded. Safety shoes and suitable gloves should be provided when there is a risk of foot injuries or injuries to the hands during the working process. Appropriate overalls should be provided if there is a danger of hot or toxic materials or liquids being scattered or splashed.

Other factory injuries could include industrial deafness; fork lift truck accidents; chemical spills; or falling machinery.

If you have suffered a work injury due to a factory accident while at work, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Industrial Accidents

In the construction industry, on building sites, in heavy and light industries, in factories and in warehouses, accidents occur every year that cause injuries to workers. Many of these industrial accidents could have been avoided, and the Health and Safety Executive works hard to enforce regulations and to improve the safety of workplaces. Industrial injuries are caused either through negligence, by accident or through incompetence.

Because of the varying types of industrial accidents, claims can be made for any number of injuries. For example, on building sites, debris or machinery could fall from scaffolding; a construction site accident could be caused by machinery or vehicles; in factories there’s the risk of accident by faulty machinery; and in warehouses there’s often the risk of tripping or getting hit by falling products – victims of any of these accidents could be entitled to claim compensation.

Other injuries/illnesses that could occur as a result of working in industrial workplaces include:

  • Industrial deafness,
  • Chemical Injuries,
  • Asbestosis,
  • Vibration White Finger, and
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

In the majority of industrial situations, employees will be safe – with employers providing safety precautions to ensure this. It is in the vast minority of industrial workplaces that industry accidents occur, but this doesn’t make them any less serious.

Injuries can leave you out of work, losing out on earnings, as well as often resulting in long term health problems, such as in the case of asbestos exposure. And in the short term there’s the physical and mental pain endured, as well as medical bills from the cost of treatment and recovery.

Making a claim after an industrial accident

If you are unfortunate enough to have an industrial injury, you may have a claim for compensation. Your employers have to comply with many safety regulations in relation to your workplace, access to it, and the way that machinery and equipment has to be guarded, maintained and operated.

If you haven’t been informed of how to be safe in your workplace, safety precautions aren’t in place, or you are put in dangerous situations that you shouldn’t have been and you’ve suffered an injury, then you should consider claiming for industrial injury compensation. Aside from helping you get your life back on track, it will help encourage your employer to be less negligent in the future, ultimately reducing the chance of an industrial accident occurring again.

If your employer has been at fault by failing to comply with any of the regulations, or has failed in some way to take reasonable precautions for your safety, and your accident was caused completely or even in part by this fault or failure, you should get independent specialist advice about making an industrial injury claim.

If you have suffered a work injury due to a industrial accident while at work, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Office Accidents

Offices are usually considered to be fairly safe working environments, without many of the hazards associated with factories, construction sites and other workplaces where there’s a risk associated with using machinery. But every year there are a significant number of office injuries and compensation claims arising from accidents and bad working practices in offices.

Office injury claims tend to arise as a result of inadequate workstations and seating arrangements - bad ergonomic planning for desk workers - and also from trips over trailing cables and other obstacles on the floor, slipping on worn or broken steps, and injuries from inappropriate lifting.

As with all personal injury claims, if an employer has failed in a duty owed to an employee to comply with safety regulations, and to take all practical steps to ensure safe working practices and a safe workplace, and it can be proved that injuries have arisen as a result of this failure, compensation may well be recoverable for an office-based work injury claim.

Causes of office accidents

Office injury claims tend to arise as a result of inadequate workstations and seating arrangements or due to faulty equipment or appliances.

If you’ve suffered from an office injury, it is worth investigating whether you can claim for office injury compensation – in particular if the injury has caused you to take time off work and lose out on earnings.

Office injuries could include:

Repetitive strain injury – Bad ergonomic planning in the office can lead to this long-term injury, usually caused by typing

Tripping over – Trailing wires not tidied up correctly or other walkway obstacles can lead to a trip

Slipping over – Wet floors and icy courtyards that haven’t been gritted can cause considerable injury and broken bones if someone slips on them

Electric Shocks – Usually caused as a result of faulty equipment and untested electronics, these can lead to particularly nasty injuries

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Can occur if there are broken appliances that burn fuel, such as gas boilers. Usually the gas is disposed of safely but leaks can occur and poison those in the vicinity

Back Injuries – If a job involves lifting heavy boxes or other weighty objects the employee would need to be fully instructed of how to lift properly. If not, and an injury occurs, the employer is at fault

Claiming compensation following an office injury

In any office accident case, you shouldn’t be afraid to make a claim for injury compensation against an employer. They should have insurance to cover them against compensation claimed by any employee. It’s also important to know that, by law, your employment cannot be terminated as a result of an office accident claim.

A personal injury claim can arise if an employer has failed in a duty owed to an employee to comply with safety regulations. Compensation may well be recoverable for such a claim if the employer has failed to take all practical steps to ensure safe working practices and a safe workplace, and it can be proved that the employee has been injured as a result of this failure.

Remember - by making an office injury claim, you may prevent the same accident happening to someone else in your office in the future.

If you have suffered a work injury due to an office accident while at work, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Total and Permanent Disability Compensation Claims

If you become Totally and Permanently Disabled, you can claim your superannuation early. Most superannuation funds also have a TPD insurance component. Therefore in addition to receiving your super early, you may be entitled to a lump sum payout through the TPD insurance component.

For more information click here: Total and Permanent Disability Compensation Claims


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Workers Compensation Law Forum

Workers Compensation Law Forum

174 Posts
155 Topics
Last post in Disability Compensation
Jan 15 2013, 21:38 Last post

Workers Compensation Law & Lawyers News
Workers Compensation Law refers to the laws and regulations which establish liability of employers for injuries, harm or illnesses to employees while on the job or within the workplace.
If you have been injured or harmed within your workplace as a result of the work you do, then you should seek expert legal advice immediately.

Strict time limits apply to workers' compensation claims. So don't delay - complete our fast, free Legal Enquiry Form NOW!

It is extremely important that if you feel you are entitled to worker's compensation that you seek legal advice promptly. Not doing this could result in a loss in entitlements.

We handle ALL workers compensation matters!

Please complete your free Legal Enquiry Form to request immediate legal assistance on your legal matter.

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Have you been injured in an accident at work?
If you have been injured in an accident at work or have contracted an industrial illness through the job you do, you may feel reluctant to make a compensation claim against your employer for fear of victimisation or even losing your job.
Accidents at work are common and your employer will have insurance to cover compensation claims from employers who have been injured at work. The case will be handled by the employer’s insurance company and victimisation is rare.
There are separate employment laws to protect you from harassment, bullying and unfair dismissal.
Your employer has a legal responsibility to provide a safe and secure workplace, provide competent co-workers, adequate materials and equipment, as well as a safe system of work with proper training and supervision. Even if your personal injuries were accident was caused by faulty machinery or equipment supplied by another company, the responsibility remains with your employer to ensure that it is safe for you to use and that you have had adequate training.
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• Dampness and sick building claims
• Allergic or irritant contact dermatitis claim
• Men and women's accident at work claims
• Forklift truck accidents and basic causes

If you have suffered a work injury, then please complete your free legal enquiry form on the left, or click here.

Workers Compensation Law & Lawyers Updates

These news come from .

Workers Compensation Law & Lawyers Links

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Welcome to WorkCover ..

New work health and safety laws replaced the occupational health and safety (OHS) .. How do I find the workers compensation premium rates for 2011-2012?

Workers Compensation Commission home page


, practice directions & guidelines .. The Workers Compensation Commission resolves workers compensation disputes. We encourage workers and ..

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003

Workers' Compensation and. Rehabilitation Act 2003. Reprinted as in force on 1 January 2012. Reprint No. 5F. This reprint is prepared by the Office of the ..

New workers' compensation laws proclaimed - WorkCover WA

The Governor in the Executive Council has proclaimed 1 October 2011 for the commencement of the first stage of the Workers' Compensation ..

WorkCover WA

This includes monitoring compliance with the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981, informing and educating workers, ..

Safe Work Australia

New work health and safety laws commence 1 January .. Jurisdictional comparisons · National Workers' Compensation Action Plan · National workers' ..

ACT legislation register - Workers Compensation Act 1951 - main ..

Workers Compensation Act

1951. A1951-2. Minister for Industrial Relations—Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate Attorney-General—Justice and Community ..

Comparison of Workers' Compensation .. - Safe Work Australia

New workers' compensation laws incorporating a 'no-fault' principle came about after Federation in Australia. New laws were prompted by the failure of the ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Workers compensation ..

Together, the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 establish a ..

Workers Compensation Act 1951 Approved forms - ACT Legislation ..

Workers Compensation Act

1951 – Approved forms .. Workers Compensation Act 1951—Form 1, Claim for compensation by incapacitated worker, s 222 ..

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA)(CI)

comprising the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981, an Act of Western Australia, in its application to the Territory as ..

Contractors and workers' compensation

Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (the Act). This factsheet describes how 'workers' are defined in the legislation and how the compensation laws ..

Contractors and Workers' Compensation – Are You a Worker Under ..

worker, as defined section 5 of the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act. 1981 (the Act). It is important for people who engage workers under ..

ACT legislation register - Workers Compensation Act 1951 -

Workers Compensation Act

1951 – Legislative instruments. Current legislative instruments made under this Act and its subordinate laws ..

Changes to Victoria's workers' compensation scheme - WorkSafe ..

A more detailed explanation of the changes is available for injured workers, employers and healthcare providers in changes to the Accident Compensation Act ..

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2003

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003. Workers' Compensation and. Rehabilitation Regulation. 2003. Reprinted as in force on 1 July 2011 ..

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003


WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Benefits and entitlements

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 .. Most provisions of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 came into force ..

Key Workers' Compensation Information - Safe Work Australia

Rich Text Format - All Australian jurisdictions have workers' compensation laws which are 'no fault'. That is to be eligible, workers only have to prove that their injuries were work ..

Proposed changes to Workers Compensation

The amendments to the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (the Act) have been developed over a considerable period of time and includes input ..

Unauthorised - ACT Legislation Register

Rich Text FormatThis is a republication of the Workers Compensation Act 1951 (including any amendment made under the Legislation Act 2001, part 11.3 (Editorial changes)) as ..

Workers Compensation Act 1951 Approved forms - ACT Legislation ..

15+ items – Workers Compensation Act 1951 – Approved forms. Current ..

Form Number






Workers Compensation Act

1951—Form MC4 (repealed)


Answer by respondent


Workers Compensation Act

1951—Form MC2 (repealed)


Application for ..


Workers Compensation Act 1951 Notifiable instruments

Workers Compensation Act

1951 – Notifiable instruments. Current notifiable instruments made under this Act and its subordinate laws ..


WORKERS'. COMPENSATION ACT 1990. Reprinted as in force on 20 December 1996. (includes amendments up to Act No. 61 of 1996). Warning—see last ..

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986

1 day ago – Industrial Relations: Gazette 5.3.2002 p1141. This legislation is affected by amending provisions that have not yet come into operation or taken ..

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 .. Part 4 Workers Compensation and Workplace Occupational Health and ..

Workers Compensation Act 1987 - NSW Legislation

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 2000 No 87, Sch 9 (amended by Workers ... This Act may be cited as the Workers Compensation Act 1987.

A guide to Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation in Tasmania ..

in conjunction with the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act, the Workers. Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations 2001 and any other relevant ..

Court Judgments Workers Compensation - WorkSafe Victoria

Judgments in respect of workers' compensation claims made pursuant to the Accident Compensation Act 1985. The judgments in this database are provided for ..

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Act ..

Australian Capital Territory. Workers Compensation (Default. Insurance Fund) Amendment Act 2010. A2010-12. Contents. Page. 1. Name of Act ..

Workplace Standards Tasmania : Reforms to Workers Compensation

Workers Rehabilitation And Compensation Act 1988 incorporating amendments made by the Workers Rehabilitation And Compensation ..

Comparison of Workers' Compensation .. - Safe Work Australia

and Territories has developed their own workers' compensation laws. .. In keeping with contemporary attitudes, the first workers' compensation laws in Australia ..

Accident Compensation - WorkSafe Victoria

Accident Compensation - [enter summary here] .. Laws & Regulations; Worker Rights & Responsibilities · Employer Rights & Responsibilities · Acts and ..

Social functions

This fact sheet provides information on workers' compensation coverage and an .. social functions under the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 ..

Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992

An Act relating to rehabilitation and workers' compensation for seafarers and certain other persons, and for related purposes. Administered by: ..

aCCIDENt COMPENsatION aCt REVIEW - Accident Compensation ..

A new Act. 40. Chapter 2. Workers' entitlement to compensation. 43. Who is a .. Victorian WorkCover Authority. WC Act. Workers Compensation Act 1958. WIC ..

Workers compensation benefits guide: October 2011

Maximum Weekly Benefits Payable - Workers Compensation Act 1987 . .. Benefits Payable for Fatalities - Workers Compensation Act 1987 (re 1926 Act) .

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1981 (WA)(CI)

An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to compensation for and the rehabilitation of workers suffering disability by accident or ..

Australian Capital Territory Workers Compensation Authorities


WorkCover's core business is to administer, implement and enforce legislation covering occupational health and safety, workers' compensation, dangerous ..

ACT Government Chief Minister and Cabinet - About Chief Minister ..

provides strategic advice to the ACT Government on industrial relations, work safety and workers' compensation;; supports good governance in ..

Acts & Regulations - WorkSafe Victoria

"Victorian workers returning home safe every day" .. Accident Compensation Act 1985 · Accident Compensation (Occupational Health and Safety) Act 1996 ..

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - NSW Legislation

Skip to content. Home | About | Links | Contact | Help · Search | Browse | Guides | Notification | Bills | As Made · NSW Government ..

1 - Safe Work Australia

by SW Australia - - New workers' compensation laws incorporating a 'no-fault' principle came about after Federation in Australia. New laws were prompted by the failure of the ..


workers' compensation laws. The first stage delivers amendments to address current legislative anomalies and a number of policy issues. The second stage of ..


New workers' compensation laws incorporating a 'no fault' principle came .. In keeping with contemporary attitudes, the first workers' compensation laws in ..

Magistrates Court (Workers Compensation Infringement Notices ..

Australian Capital Territory. Magistrates Court (Workers. Compensation Infringement Notices). Regulation 2006. SL2006-20 made under the ..

NT WorkSafe

Proposed changes to Workers Compensation · Bulletins · Health & Safety .. Work Health and Safety Laws Regional Information Sessions. NT WorkSafe is ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - How do I articles for ..

This amount is aligned to the maximum weekly compensation payment under section 35 of the Workers Compensation Act 1987. Where an employer notifies ..

Workers compensation

By law you must take out workers compensation insurance for your staff. Workers compensation insurance provides protection for you and your ..

Workers' Compensation - Australian Human Rights Commission

The main federal workers' compensation scheme is called Comcare. Comcare administers the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth) (Safety ..

Publications & research - AGS publications - AGS legal notes ..

State Workers' Compensation Laws and the Commonwealth .. The employee made the application under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 (NSW) ('the ..

Subcontractor's Statement

authorised, to sign the statement by the subcontractor) referred to in any of s175B Workers Compensation Act. 1987, Schedule 2 Part 5 Payroll Tax Act 2007, ..

Key features of the Commonwealth workers' compensation scheme

Unlike other workers' compensation schemes there is limited access to lump sum .. The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (the SRC Act) ..

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal : Home

From 1 July 2010 the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 has been amended. These amendments affect claims in respect of ..


Act 1998 and Workers. Compensation. Act 1987. Workers'. Rehabilitation and .. Act 1994. Workers'. Compensation and Injury. Management. Act 1981. Workers' ..

Information for Employers - WorkSafe Victoria

There is also a new obligation for host employers of workers that are injured while let on hire to co-operate with the labour hire employer on the worker's return to ..

Northern Territory Workers Compensation Authorities

Territory Workers' Compensation Legislation. Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act · Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations ..

What is workers compensation? Am I covered? | Young Worker Toolkit

Not all employees are considered 'workers' under the relevant state or territory workers compensation laws. Before starting work you should ask your employer if ..

Information for Workers - WorkSafe Victoria

Changes to the Accident Compensation Act 1985 have resulted in an increase in a number of entitlements, which workers and family members may be eligible ..

Workers compensation requirements

If you employ a contractor to perform duties for your business, you should check to see whether you have workers' compensation liability under OH&S laws in ..

Commonwealth Workers Compensation Authorities

Jurisdictional comparisons · National Workers' Compensation Action Plan · National workers' .. Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations 2002 ..

Comments on the Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

ACT Law Society's submission to ACT Government of proposed changes to the Workers Compensation Amendment Bill.

Workers Compensation Regulation 2010 - Summary of changes

the maximum funeral expenses clause, as the maximum amount is now prescribed in section 26 of the Workers. Compensation Act 1987 ..

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Territorial Application of ..

(Territorial Application of Act) Amendment. Act 2006. An Act to amend the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986. Contents. Part 1—Preliminary. 1 ..

Regulatory framework for compensation | ALRC

[2] See Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth); Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992 (Cth); Workers Compensation Act 1987 ..

Draft Workers Compensation Regulation 2010 - WorkCover NSW ..

3.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE WORKERS COMPENSATION LAWS. 5. 4. .. Act 1987 and the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998.

The treating doctor and workers' compensation under the SRC Act

The treating doctor and workers' compensation under the SRC Act. The doctor plays an important role in helping the employee recover from work related injuries ..

Workcover & workers compensation (Victoria Online)

Resources on workcover and workers compensation can be found on Victoria .. Commencing 1 January 2012 - The laws for occupational health and safety are ..

Introduction to the OHS regulatory framework in the Commonwealth ..

Comcare administers the Commonwealth's workers' compensation scheme under the SRC Act and also administers the Occupational Health and Safety Act ..

Changes to entitlements - WorkSafe Victoria

Changes to the Accident Compensation Act 1985 have resulted in an increase in a number of entitlements, which workers and family members may be eligible ..

Workers Compensation Amendment Act 2003

Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel—also accessible at Australian Capital Territory. Workers ..

Workers Compensation Amendment Act 2008

Australian Capital Territory. Workers Compensation Amendment Act. 2008. A2008-30. An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1951 ..

Overview of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988

The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act) provides the legislative basis for the Commonwealth workers' compensation scheme.

Return to Work - WorkSafe Victoria

The return to work provisions of the Act have been revised to reduce the focus on complex processes and paper compliance, and increase the emphasis on ..

New South Wales Workers Compensation Authorities

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 .. Workers Compensation (Bush Fire, Emergency and Rescue Services) Act 1987 ..

SRC Act, Regulations & Directions

An Act relating to the rehabilitation of employees of the Commonwealth and certain corporations and to workers' compensation for those employees and certain ..

Common Law - WorkSafe Victoria

"Victorian workers returning home safe every day" .. sue for damages the injury or injuries must be "serious", as defined in the Accident Compensation Act 1985.

ACT legislation register - Workers Compensation Rules 2002 ..

Regulatory impact statements · Disallowance and amendment resolutions. transparent. Home > Subordinate laws > SL2002-21. Workers Compensation Act ..

Myth busters

The new laws only apply to volunteer organisations if they have paid workers as .. and safety laws does not affect the current workers' compensation laws that ..

ACT legislation register - Workers Compensation (Default Insurance ..

Workers Compensation

(Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Act 2009 (No 2) (repealed). A2009-38. Notes 1 This Act is an amending law and has been ..

Resolving disputes - WorkSafe Victoria

The amendments to the Act are designed to promote the efficiency of the conciliation process for workers and employers and quicker resolution of claims in a ..

Your Recovery and Rturn to Work After a Workplace Injury

If you are injured at work, the NSW workers compensation system provides you with benefits and .. Information on the latest laws can be checked by visiting the ..

Working from Home - OHS, Rehabilitation and Workers Compensation

The OHS, workers compensation and rehabilitation legislation is designed to .. covered by the Workers Compensation Act, subject to satisfying legislative ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - About us

We administer work health and safety, injury management, return to work and workers compensation laws and manage the workers compensation system.

Workers' compensation - Safe Work Australia

Back to: Safe Work Australia > Workers' compensation .. under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Commonwealth), one covering seafarers ..

ACT legislation register - Workers Compensation Regulation 2002 ..

Regulatory impact statements · Disallowance and amendment resolutions. transparent. Home > Subordinate laws > SL2002-20. Workers Compensation Act ..

Tasmanian Workers Compensation Authorities

Description: The WorkCover Tasmania Board is established by the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988. WorkCover Tasmania can provide ..


ACCIDENT COMPENSATION ACT REVIEW. A GUIDE. 4. 1.1. One of the key frustrations with the current workers' compensation system is the overly complex ..

Seacare - Legislation, Legislative Instruments and Court and ..

Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992 [Seafarers Act] Establishes a rehabilitation and workers' compensation scheme for seafarers employed on ..

ACA Changes July 2010 - WorkSafe Victoria

A number of reforms to the Accident Compensation Act 1985, passed by the .. The changes affect both employers and workers and relate specifically to: ..

Workers Compensation Amendment Act 2006 (No 2)

Rich Text Format - A2006-8. An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1951. The Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory enacts as follows: ..

masterbuildersaustralia_attachb.docx - Department of Education ..

- As far as Master Builders is aware, the question of the interaction between workers' compensation regimes and leave entitlements under the Fair Work Act has ..

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Trainees) Act 2003 ..

Amendment of Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70. 2. 4 · Amendment of .. An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 with respect to insurance ..

Brochure 1—workers' compensation guide draft

Rich Text Format - The Seacare workers' compensation jurisdiction is established and defined by the Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992 (Seafarers Act), which ..

Workers' compensation: How Comcare determines claims made ..


' compensation: How Comcare determines claims made under the SRC Act (Pub 70). Edition 2 - For claims with a date of injury on or after 13 April 2007.

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council

In accordance with section 15 of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act,. I am pleased to provide you with the Annual Report of the Workers ..

The Essential Handbook -

and workers compensation. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, the employer cannot: • disguise an employment relationship or proposed employment relationship as ..

Workers Compensation (Terrorism) Amendment Act 2009

Rich Text Format - Workers Compensation (Terrorism) Amendment Act 2009. A2009-9. An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1951. The Legislative ..

Psychological injury claims - with a date of injury before 13 April

Under the provisions of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, the Commonwealth has a no-fault workers' compensation scheme. In a no-fault ..

Changes for self-insurers - WorkSafe Victoria

Changes to Victoria's workers' compensation scheme .. The changes to the Act which relate to self-insurers are designed to increase flexibility and clarify ..


Name of Act 2. Commencement 2A. Relationship to Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 3. Definitions 4. Definition of "injury" 4A ..

- - -Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation - AustLII


WebLaw - Occupational Health & Safety Law

Workers Compensation Act

1951 No 2: An Act relating to compensation to workers .. WORKERS REHABILITATION AND COMPENSATION ACT: An Act about ..


Council subcommittees 15. Annual report of Council PART 5--WORKERS COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION Division 1--Preliminary 49. Interpretation for ..



1958. No. 6419 of 1958 Version incorporating amendments as at 22 June 2011 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page 1.


Amounts of compensation under Act cumulative 33. Payments to people with legal disabilities 34. Injury outside Australia 35. When is a worker taken to be totally ..

[Vol. IV.

(6 Geo, V. No. 35.) The Workers' Compensation Act Amendment Act of 1916 (7 Geo. V. Thi Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment Act of 1918 (9 Geo. V.

Working Paper 62 The Industrial Relations of Sick Leave and ..

interaction of workers compensation laws and sick leave entitlements. This paper investigates the entitlements of. Australian police officers to these benefits ..

WebLaw - Industrial Law

Workers Compensation Act

1987 (NSW): A NSW Act to provide for the compensation and rehabilitation of workers in respect of work related injuries; to repeal ..



REHABILITATION AND COMPENSATION ACT 1988. - Act 4 of 1988 - Royal Assent 26 May 1988 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART I ..

Workers Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety in the ..

by R Guthrie - - surveys to consider how the application of occupational health and safety (OHS) and workers compensation laws might have special application to the ..


(1) Entitlement The weekly payment of compensation to an injured worker in respect of any period of partial incapacity for work is to be an amount not exceeding ..

Workers Compensation - OHS Unit @ UOW

A person who is a "worker" or "deemed worker" under the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, is eligible to ..



1987 - SECT 11A. No compensation for psychological injury caused by reasonable actions of employer ..



binds all persons 3A. Notes in text Part 2--Objects 4. Objects of Act 5. Workers' compensation scheme 6. Administration Part 3--Definitions 7. Definitions Part ..


Repealed PART III-DISPUTE RESOLUTION Division 1-County Court 39. Jurisdiction-general 40. Jurisdiction under Workers Compensation Act 1958. 41-42B.

Sick leave and workers' compensation for police officers in Australia

The area of interaction between workers' compensation laws and sick leave entitlements is often neglected against the background of other industrial matters ..

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Trainees) Act 2003 ..

Amendment of Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70. 2. 4 · Amendment of .. An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 with respect to insurance ..

Guidelines for Employers' Return to Work Programs

Compensation Act 1998 and the Workers Compensation Act 1987. .. Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act was proclaimed and introduced ..

Rehabilitation and Workers Compensation | University of Western ..

In NSW any person who is a 'worker' or 'deemed worker' under the Workplace Injury and Workers Compensation Act 1998 is eligible to claim ..

[Page Break] New South Wales Workers Compensation Legislation ..

[Page Break] New South Wales Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Trainees) Bill 2003 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 3 ..


(1) The Commission may, on application by a worker and if satisfied as to the matter sought to be declared, declare that an employer has entered into a contract ..

WORKERS COMPENSATION ACT 1987 - SECT 42 Current weekly ..

(c) belonged to a class of workers prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph-is a reference to a rate calculated in accordance with a ..

Robert Guthrie

His Masters of Laws thesis (UWA) was in relation to the dispute resolution procedures in workers compensation matters. His Master of Commerce thesis (Curtin) ..



not to apply to employees within the meaning of the Safety , Rehabilitation and .. Exclusion of State laws relating to workers' compensation 140. Notice of ..

Editorial and Advisory Board Biographies | Curtin Business School

Rob is a Professor of Workers' Compensation and Workplace Laws at Curtin University. He has been training and teaching for the past 20 years in Industrial and ..

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 1995

An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 with respect to .. any workers compensation law of another State, a Territory or the Commonwealth ..

HSC Online - Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge

Workers Compensation Act

1987 (NSW) (as amended); Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 (NSW). Main features, Ensures ..


employees thereafter. It appears at first blush that this provision is a law with respect to State workers' compensation laws, which themselves of course regularly ..



DISEASES (OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE) COMPENSATION ACT 2011 (NO. .. Certain contractors and salespeople, &c., to be taken to be workers 14.

AustLII: AustLII Databases

Cth | ACT | NSW | NT | Qld | SA | Tas | Vic | WA | Norfolk Island | New Zealand Journals .. Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal of Tasmania 2004- ..

Teachers' Toolbox

- The aim of the workers compensation laws is to ensure that an injured worker 'is not financially disadvantaged' as a result of the injury or illness. An injured ..

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases and ..

An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987, the Workers' .. and Workers Compensation Act 1998, the Dust Diseases Tribunal Act 1989 and certain ..

PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Accident Compensation and Transport ..

(3) In section 82(1) of the Accident Compensation Act 1985, for "employment and if the worker's employment was a significant contributing factor" 20 substitute ..

workers-compensation-and-injury-management-act-1981 WA

This link takes you to the complete version of the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 from the Western Australian State Law Publishers ..

HSC Online - Factors affecting design - Safety

Workers Compensation Act

1987; Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000; Factories, ..


taking into account amendments up to Act No. 181 of 2011 ... Exclusion of State laws relating to workers' compensation ...... 119. 140.

Laws that protect workplace health and safety

- Inspectors are empowered to act under the: o Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000. o Workers Compensation Act 1987. o Workplace Injury Management ..

Marius Olivier, International Institute for Social Law and Policy ..

organisation of work. ► Streamlining of OHS provisions. ► Workers compensation laws. ► Undocumented/irregular workers. ► Some conclusions ..


by R Guthrie - 65 due to the Commonwealth workers compensation laws. .. Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA) is typical of most workers ..

Workplace harassment - a health issue: Anti-discrimination cases ..

This paper explores how the inter-relationship of anti-discrimination and workers compensation laws may affect claimant behaviours., Graduate School of ..


statutory schemes, CTP and workers compensation. The Civil Liability Act casts a much wider net. Virtually all personal injury litigation in NSW is now covered ..

Making a Claim for Workers Compensation

all aspects of claims management within the requirements of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (WR&C) Act 1986 and Regulations and WorkCover ..

1 WorkCover Queensland Amendment Bill 2002 WORKCOVER ..

Succession Rules Succession rules were introduced into Queensland's workers' compensation legislation in order to retain claims history following the transfer ..

Guide to Workcover's Compliance Strategy

employees are covered by workers compensation insurance. WorkCover is responsible for the administration of the laws covering occupational health and ..


The Workers Compensation Rehabilitation Act 1981 contains a number of provisions .. Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1981 provides as follows: ..

WebLaw - Law of the Sea

10+ items – Law of the Sea. Legislation : Cth | NSW | NT | Qld | SA | Tas | Vic ..

Admiralty Act 1988 (Cth)


An Act relating to ..


Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act 1990 (C'th)


An Act to establish an ..


Legal Issues in Business

(Vic), Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1984. (SA), Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act. 1981 (WA), Work Health Act (NT), ..

Factors Affecting Design - Maitland Grossmann High School (MGHS)

Workers Compensation Act

1987; Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000; Factories, ..

Analysing Factors that affect design: 8

Workers Compensation Act

1987; Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000; Factories, ..

Occupational Health & Safety Information Package for Preservice ..

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001, the Workers' Compensation Act. 1987, the Workplace Injury Management and Workers' Compensation Act..

APC Policies

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 (NSW). Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW). Workers Compensation Regulation 2003 (NSW) ..


40+ items – This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases ..



Workers Compensation

(Terrorism) Amendment Bill 2009


HSC Online - Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge

40+ items – Further Links, Contact Us, Search, Help. Syllabus | Exams ..



Legislation which prohibits treating people differently ..


Employee responsibilities


The obligations of workers in their workplace, for ..



4.31 - Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 No 86. [1] Section 4 Definitions. Omit the definition of "Council" from section 4 (1).

Debt Recovery

Microsoft Powerpoint - Income tax laws; Superannuation guarantee laws; Workers' compensation laws; Payroll tax laws; Workplace regulations taxation; Occupational health and ..

Analysing Factors that affect design

The Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 focuses on the management, prevention and administration of ..


MOTOR ACCIDENTS COMPENSATION ACT 1999 .. Payment of workers compensation indemnity on behalf of insurers CHAPTER 9 - MISCELLANEOUS 216.

Failure to Return to Work and Frustration of the contract of employment

compensation statutes on frustration where the worker has been absent for a .. workers compensation statutes on the frustration of contract of employment ..

Risk Management Division - 457 Visa Insurance

Treatment or services which are covered by Medicare or by compensation under any Workers Compensation Act, or Transport Accident Laws ..

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

This policy is in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, .. the Workplace Injury Management and Workers' Compensation Act 1998, the ..

Student Safety in the Workplace

- Workers Compensation laws apply to all workers in NSW. A worker is defined as someone who receives wages or commission, regardless of the number of ..


Subsection 16 (2): (a) Omit "Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1971" .. same respective meanings as they have in the Workers Compensation Act; ..

Complaints Policy

Employment Protection Act 1982 No 122 (NSW). Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70. Workplace Injury Management and Workers ..

Dealing with Workplace Complaints Procedure

Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Clth). Employees Liability Act 1991 No 4 (NSW). Employment Protection Act 1982 No 122 (NSW). Workers Compensation Act 1987 ..

International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation ..

The International Social Security and Workers Compensation Journal is an .. Adjunct Professor in Workers Compensation and Workplace Laws, School of ..

Choose your path - Disclosure: It's a personal decision

the Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991 (the .. workplace safety, injury management and workers compensation systems.

Organisational Restructuring/Downsizing, OHS regulation and worker

by M Quinlan - 2007 - - In Europe, Canada and Australia government agencies responsible for administering OHS and workers' compensation laws have begun to respond to these ..


The new WHS laws are being introduced nationally to provide: .. This includes Workers Compensation and Injury Management legislation.

Advanced Industrial Law (Previously Law (Advanced Industrial))

2, Statutory conditions of employment. 3, Enterprise agreements. 4, The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). 5, Relevant workers compensation laws. 6, Relevant OHS ..

HSC Online - Participate in OHS processes


provide general information to employers and contractors about safety codes, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws and Workers Compensation laws.

Graduate Certificate in Employment Law

Law subjects covered include consumer law, trade practices law, insurance and .. discrimination, occupational health and workers' compensation laws.


by R Feather - 1998 - - Safety Act. 2. Employer and Employee responsibilities and insurance in relation to the. Workers Compensation Act. 3. Relevance of the Common Law tort of ..

WorkCover NSW manages the State

The Authority administers the Workers Compensation Act 1987, Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, Occupational Health and ..

About occupational health and safety regulation in Australia

There are also specialist OHS statutes covering the mining industry in some .. to OHS and workers' compensation, for approval by the Ministerial Council for ..

Graduate Certificate in Employment Law - Open Universities Australia

Law subjects covered include consumer law, trade practices law, insurance and .. discrimination, occupational health and workers' compensation laws.

UWS Policy DDS - Injury Management Policy


Occupational Rehabilitation as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 and Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act ..


6 6 Certain laws not to apply to students obtaining industry placement . . . . . . 6 PART 2--BASIC .. an employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 19 Workers' compensation .

l l

Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994) and Occupational Safety and Health .. Managing any claims made under the Workers' Compensation and ..

Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

Workers Compensation under Comcare fails to recognise that a same-sex ... Section 44 of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986 (SA) states ..


The most notable amendments are to the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act and the Dangerous Goods Act. The Implementation Bill also repeals the ..

State and commonwealth OHS Statutes and Regulations ..

Workers Compensation Act 1951 No 2 .. Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations .. Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 ..

Labour hire/labour leasing

by R Johnstone - 2005 - - particular problems for laws regulating employment conditions (industrial relations, occupational health and safety (OHS), and workers' compensation/social ..

Maintain professional work standards - Maintain professional work ..

Workers Compensation Act

1987 Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 No 86; Waste Avoidance & Resource Recovery Act 2001 ..

About the International Journal of Social Security and Workers ..

Professor in Workers Compensation and Workplace Laws, School of Business Law, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. Director, International Institute for ..

Editorial and Advisory Board | Curtin Business School

Professor Robert Guthrie – Adjunct Professor of Workers Compensation and Workplace Laws, Curtin University Professor Marius Olivier – Director, International ..

factsheet 5.qxd

NSW Workers Compensation and Injury. Management Act 2000. Under workers compensation laws, psychologi- cal injury can be compensated if work con- ..

Western Australia Workers' Compensation and Injury Management ..

Western Australia Workers' Compensation and Injury Management (Acts of Terrorism) Act 2001 | | | | | | |Reprinted under | | | |the Reprints Act | | | |1984 as at 19 ..

Western Australian Consolidated Regulations beginning with W ..


Subject - Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering - La ..

The department will not tolerate non-observance of laws or .. Plant Act, Vermin & Noxious Weeds Act, Wildlife Act, Workers Compensation Act ..



to bind Crown 6. Territorial application of Act 6A. Determination of State with which worker's employment is connected in proceedings under this Act 6B.

Malingerers or Maligned: Violent Workplace Crime, Psychological ..

by P MARKS - 1993, a new section of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986 (hereafter, the Act) tightened the criteria for claiming psychological injury.

Unifying OHS Regulation in Australia: Policy and Process

sector employment and self-insurers under the Commonwealth workers' compensation legislation); the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW); the ..


(1) The weekly payment of compensation to an injured worker in respect of any period of total incapacity for work (not being a period during the first 26 weeks of ..

Resolving Problems and Disputes About Workers Compensation ..

Workers Compensation Act 1987. An application must be lodged within one month of the premium being requested by the insurance company. (known as the ..


SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION (REPEAL) ACT 1985 - SECT 1 Name of Act 1 Name .. Act 1962 Business Names Regulations 1962 Cattle Compensation Act 1951 .. Mine Workers (Superannuation) Act 1941 Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers ..

1 Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Bill 2003 WORKERS ..

Application The main elements of the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Bill 2003 provide for the: · repeal of the WorkCover Queensland Act 1996 and ..


Section 28 amended Division 2--Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 38. Act amended 39. Section 3 amended Division 3--Youth Justice Act 40.

(Contributory Negligence and Tortfeasors' Contribution) Act .. - AustLII

Rich Text Format - 4(1) on party's right to recover workers' compensation 5. Part 3 -- Contribution between tortfeasors. 7. Rules applicable if there are 2 or more tortfeasors 7 ..

Occupational health, safety and welfare - myfuture: Australia's career ..

Other laws relating to workers' compensation are different in each state and territory. Go to the relevant website for details [all open in new windows]: WorkCover ..

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal : Do I need a ..

Do I need a lawyer. .. can provide a list of legal firms who have practitioners experienced in dealing with workers compensation matters.

The New South Wales Workers' Compensation System: problems ..

Panagoda & O'Dea state that this would more than likely be the case with respect to order for costs. 'Basics - Workers Compensation' Young Lawyers ..

Legal Profession Legislation Amendment (Advertising) Bill.

1987 and the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 prohibit lawyers from advertising in relation to personal ..

Proposed Changes to the ACT's CTP & Workers Compensation ..

Australian Lawyers Alliance's submission to ACT Government of proposed changes to the Workers Compensation Amendment Bill.

Legal Profession Legislation Amendment (Advertising) Bill.

Act 1987 and the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 prohibit lawyers from advertising in relation to personal ..

(2) A contravention of this clause by a barrister or solicitor is ..

1987 and the Workpiace injury Management and Workers Compensation Act. 1998 prohibit lawyers from advertising in relation to personal injury work or work ..

Speeches and Papers - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Personal Injuries and Workers Compensation Claims : Should .. Apparently, after some consideration, the Plaintiff's Lawyers Association was ..

8 Conclusions

There is anecdotal evidence of fraud in workers' compensation schemes. However .. employees, service providers and plaintiff lawyers, perceives this to be ..

5 Fraud detection and elimination

5.2. The Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association states that: The detection of fraud in Australian workers' compensation schemes is focused on the more easily ..

Fact Sheet 3 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Solicitors may sometimes talk about solicitor/client costs and .. In personal injury and workers compensation matters, the losing party's ..

Submission to the policy review of Comcare's permanent impairment ..

1 Australian Lawyers Alliance submission to the review of Comcare's permanent .. lump sum compensation payable to injured workers who have suffered ..

Unfair Dismissals - Frequently Asked Questions - Industrial ..

Compensation is not to exceed 6 months of an applicant's .. to the leave of the Commission, be represented by a lawyer or an industrial agent. .. What can an employee do who is dismissed while on Workers Compensation?

Other complaint handling bodies - NSW Ombudsman

For all occupational health and safety, workers compensation and .. types of professional misconduct cases against solicitors or barristers and ..

Taxation of legal costs - Legal Costs Committee

Workers Compensation

| Solicitors Costs · Probate Costs | Notaries Public · Official Prosecutions | Court of Petty Sessions | GST 2000 | Magistrate's Court.

TWU Response to Questions Raised During the Hearing on 16 ..

compensation in house as these matters are referred to specialist workers compensation lawyers. As such, no—0ne employed by the TWU ..


Lawyers Alliance, a national association of lawyers and other professionals .. a) Does the scheme provide appropriate OHS and workers' compensation ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Legal services and ..

30+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


Archer Bushby


One of the earliest established legal firms in Tasmania ..



The Lawyers Alliance approaches this submission through its National Workers'. Compensation and Comcare Special Interest Groups. These groups have a ..


Inquiry into aspects ofAustralian workers' compensation schemes. The evidence required to .. That is from the employees' solicitors. That is the sort of feeling at ..

Service of Revocation Applications

on the worker. Often a hearing before the court will be scheduled within day(s). • Most lawyers practising in workers compensation can deal with your matter ..

Things we share in common, Workers' Compensation Commission ..

the Workers' Compensation Commission of New South Wales, created .. tended to bring even the most erudite and brilliant lawyer down to earth. 2 ..

Lawlink NSW: Advertising

Some exceptions apply to lawyers who advertise services under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and regulations. Apart from any restrictions in other Acts, ..

Legal Professional Privilege

letters to lawyers seeking legal advice and letters from lawyers .. Various documents relating to the complainant's workers' compensation claim were found to ..

Review of Comcare Permanent Impairment Guides

systems in Australia since the early Workers Compensation Acts of the .. purposes, which is fair and intelligible to doctors, lawyers, Comcare ..

Attachment to submission 305 - Australian Lawyers Alliance ..

Medicare, Centrelink, Workers Comp, Comcare. Past Economic Loss. Common .. Workers. Compensation Act. 1987 (WCA) s66 and s67 as per no fault scheme.

Submission 305 - Australian Lawyers Alliance - Disability Care and ..

1 Australian Lawyers Alliance submission to the Productivity Commission .. existing statutes of worker compensation, motor accident compensation, civil ..

Fact Sheet 12 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

What happens if I change solicitors? .. In workers compensation matters under NSW legislation, the solicitor's costs are paid by the employer's ..



may specialise in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or criminal law.

A Remedial Massage Therapists' Guide to WorkCover NSW

reasonably necessary pursuant to section 60 of the Workers Compensation Act ... Insurers, employers and injured workers may retain lawyers to provide legal ..

Legal Costs Committee

Complaints about the charging of legal costs by lawyers cannot be dealt with by the Committee and should be .. Workers Compensation | Solicitors Costs ..

Back on the job:

.. aspects of Australian workers' compensation schemes ... lawyers and insurance companies, and in the design and operation of the workers' compensation ..

OPTIONS PAPER Australian Lawyers Alliance - Comcare

1 Australian Lawyers Alliance submission to the Clarke Inquiry. POLICY REVIEW OF .. workers' compensation, public liability, motor vehicle accidents ..

Medical Practitioners Guide to WorkCover

A number of parties operate within the workers compensation system. The following describes the roles of the insurer, employer and lawyer in the NSW workers ..

Sponsors - Comcare

Our lawyers are recognised leaders in Commonwealth workers' compensation, advising on the management of physical and psychological injury claims, ..

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal : 77AB disputes

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal > If a claim is .. However, parties are able to have a lawyer, union representative or support ..

Law clerks and the government sector

numbers of law clerks working alongside, or supervised by, lawyers in areas of civil litigation, workers, compensation, criminal injuries compensation, and ..

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal : Home

From 1 July 2010 the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 .. Please refer to the Act or consult a lawyer for advice on the law.

Steve Lancken Resume March 2011

from 1981 as a litigation lawyer in Sydney, when his work covered Commercial. Litigation .. harassment and Workers Compensation matters). Several ADR ..

Other Medical Practitioners: Factsheet 7

A workers compensation insurer, employer or the worker's lawyer may refer to an independent medical examiner when: information from you as the nominated ..

Small Business NSW - Start a business

Find a good accountant, lawyer, banker and insurance agent. .. and Recovery (, Workers Compensation Premium Estimator (WorkCover) ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Community - Government of South Australia

Donaldson Walsh Lawyers View details. Donaldson Walsh Lawyers is a premier South Australian law firm specialising in commercial, workers compensation, ..

FAQ's - Workcover Assist

WorkCover Assist is available to help all workers' who have a workcover dispute that is referred to the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service (ACCS) for conciliation. .. Can my lawyer attend my conciliation conference with me? No.

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998

Part 4 Workers Compensation and Workplace Occupational Health and .. 136 Lawyers and agents can be requested to certify as to prohibited ..

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal : 81A disputes

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal > If a claim is .. However, parties are able to have a lawyer, union representative or support ..


4 Cath Wood, Future Directions of Workers' Compensation in Australia, Australian Plaintiff Lawyers National Conference, Hyatt Regency ..

9 OLDER PEOPLE IN THE WORKFORCE 9.1 Introduction There are ..

In Australia, there are many laws which tell workers and their employers what they can and .. New South Wales Young Lawyers .. Compensation Act 1998.


Unlike most of the claims managers he made it his business to visit the Workers' Compensation Commission and to watch his lawyers at work. By this time, with ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Workers Compensation ..

Workers Compensation

and Workplace OHS Council of NSW. The Workers .. representative. Howard Harrison, Partner, Carroll and O'Dea - Lawyers ..

3 Incidence and cost of fraudulent claims

6 Mr Simon Garnett, Australian Plaintiff Lawyer Association, Transcript of Evidence,. 26 November .. the incidence of fraudulent workers compensation claims is ..

Preparation for Workers Compensation Mediation - NT WorkSafe

requesting information if you are unclear on any issue;. • listening and considering other points of view;. BULLETIN. Preparation for Workers Compensation..

How compensation is calculated - case studies - Victims Services ..

Solicitors costs of $825 (plus GST) and disbursements of $1100 (plus .. No award was made for financial loss as the workers compensation ..

Workers Compensation Act 1987 - Regulatory Impact Statement

WORKERS COMPENSATION REGULATION 2003. AUGUST 2003 ... workers compensation advertising by lawyers and agents. In economic terms, this is an ..


for compensation. A lawyer can advise you whether or not you have .. Also note, structured settlements are not available for workers' compensation type claims.

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council

page 6. Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Advisory Council. Annual Report 2008–2009. The Chair. Cathy Spurr. Halfpenny. Lawyers. As the previous ..

Employment Law Forum 2011

OH&S, workers' compensation and personal injury matters. Craig Rawson. Senior Executive Lawyer, Dispute Resolution, AGS Melbourne ..

A Brief Introduction

(e.g. a hit and run accident) you can claim compensation from the Nominal .. A lawyer can give you independent advice about whether you have a claim and about .. If you are an employee covered by Workers' Compensation insurance you ..

Mediation Process for Workers Compensation

compensation claim disputes under the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act .. Lawyers are only allowed to attend with the approval of the mediator.

Law Handbook Online - South Australia



Appendix 4 Actuarial projections of funding scenarios for the NSW ..

NSW Workers Compensation Scheme - Second Interim Report. 2. Report 17 ... Dr Hannah Middleton, Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association Ltd (APLA). 9 ..

Workplace Bullying and Harassment & Workers Compensation ..

Workers Compensation Claims Management. For: .. Sathish Dasan, Partner, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers and Will Duddy, Solicitor, Duddy ..


to exit the workers compensation system while maintaining financial surety. POLICY .. of workers' lawyers, claims are simply not being made.

Costs — Judicial Commission of New South Wales

The purpose of an order for costs is to compensate the person in whose .. by the same solicitors and counsel, there is a convenient "rule of thumb" that the ... the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, the ..

National Workers' Compensation and Occupational Health and ..

2004 - and compromise between governments, employers, unions, lawyers, insurers and others. Workers' compensation is very much a package of inter-related ..

Review of the Impact of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation

union advocates, government Ministers, lawyers specialising in workers' compensation matters, employers and research commissioned from the University of ..

Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information service


are described as solicitors or barristers, depending on the work they do. .. workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or ..

ATTACHMENT 1 - Areas of Practice

Solicitors from the Section appear regularly .. fisheries and workers compensation fraud. .. Our solicitors liaise with international authorities in a reciprocal ..

Word version - Lawlink NSW

- c my solicitor c my barrister c lawyer for the other side. c other. 5. .. c probate/wills/family provisions c criminal law c workers compensation. c professional ..


q workers compensation .. q improve my communication with the lawyer .. the Commissioner or the Administrative Decisions Tribunal finds the lawyer guilty of ..

Annual Report

Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Advisory Council. Annual Report .. plaintiff lawyer, Ms Spurr continues to play a key role in representing the interests of ..

Trade Exhibitors

Sparke Helmore Lawyers offers clients an integrated approach to workers' compensation, workplace relations and work health and safety, providing end to end ..

4.4 - Litigation policy: Operational instruction

Note: litigation includes matters conducted in the Workers Compensation .. (c) lawyers (whether from the Scheme Agent, private practice, counsel or in-house ..

NSW Court of Appeal - Decisions of Interest - February to June 2010 ..

Negligence; advice; lawyer advised client about making a claim under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 but failed to advise her that, ..


.. as prompt action is required for workers compensation and personal injury .. It is important to see a lawyer or apply for legal aid as soon as ..


.. have been avoided if a lawyer had been consulted at the first sign. .. as prompt action is required for workers compensation and personal ..

AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Spotlight

'The lawyers who will work on the service are fully qualified and can ... and workers compensation claims with Mallesons Stephen Jaques.


by A Welch - 2009 - Background: The Tasmanian Workers Compensation System.............. ... when they felt that their lawyer acted to access all their entitlements, they felt that ..

Tasmania Online: Law and public safety > Business

80+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Abetz Curtis Lawyers


Hobart based law firm, offering commercial, property ..


AIC Tasmania


Representing specialist conveyancers in the state


Structured settlements - information for lawyers

Information for lawyers about changes to the tax treatment of .. as an employer of the injured person, or be a workers' compensation claim.

Workers Compensation Regulation 2010

the following Regulation under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and the. Workplace Injury .. Advertising by persons other than lawyers ..

Who Needs to Register? | NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet

A lawyer has a practice that specialises in workers' compensation cases in the course of which she communicates with WorkCover on behalf of her clients.

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation ..

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010. Page 1 .. contributions for workers. .. Australian Lawyers Alliance ..

NSW Court of Appeal - Decisions of Interest - August to December ..

Proceedings involving the Workers Compensation Act 1987 s 151Z; .. Commissioner of Police v Mohammed [2009] NSWCA 432. Lawyers ..

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Act 2011

and workers aged 64 years and older will be able to access compensation entitlements .. Will the new dispute resolution process change the roles of lawyers, ..


the abolition of the Workers Compensation Court. I have warned commercial lawyers more than once. There is no area of commercial life that ..

Ombudsman Victoria Internet - Useful Links

Provides an independent service to resolve workers compensation disputes in Victoria. .. Responsible for receiving and investigating complaints about laywers ..

Workers Compensation Commission home page

The Workers Compensation Commission resolves workers compensation disputes. We encourage workers and employers to discuss ways of resolving their ..

Lamberto 2c.PPT

Workplace rehabilitation and early intervention and return to work. Sponsored by MinterEllison Lawyers. Cos Lamberto. Workers' Compensation Manager, ECH ..



Department of Education, Employment and Workpalce Relations ..

multiple occupational health and safety and workers compensation systems? .. Faster compensation: lawyers become peripheral as key disputes are medical ..

AAT Annual Report 2009-10 Appendix 9

30+ items – Annual Report 2009-10. Appendix 9: Speeches, articles and ..







Advanced Collaborative Practice


Law Institute of Victoria ..


Decision Making in the Public Sector: Getting it Right


The Law Society of New ..


Sponsors - Comcare

Providing strategic Commonwealth OHS and Workers' Compensation legal advice. Sparke Helmore Lawyers offer clients professional guidance and ..


personal injuries work and another for lawyers who do not. .. Profession Act 2004, Legal Profession Regulation 2005, Workers' Compensation Regulation 2003 ..

Lawyers & Solicitors - Business - Government of South Australia

Donaldson Walsh Lawyers View details. Donaldson Walsh Lawyers is a premier South Australian law firm specialising in commercial, workers compensation, ..

Structured settlements - information for injured people

A lawyer can advise you whether or not you have a valid claim. You may be entitled to .. The claim is not a workers' compensation type claim.


Australian Lawyers' Alliance; and. 2. our responses to Government's prescribed questions on the draft Workers. Compensation Amendment Bill ..

The Essential Handbook -

contractors relating to payroll tax, workers' compensation and insurance. For more ... If necessary, you can pay a lawyer to write the letter on your business' ..

Board - WorkSafe Victoria

"Victorian workers returning home safe every day" .. law firm of Sidley Austin in Washington DC, and a lawyer at Sullivan & Cromwell in New York. .. later Director responsible for the regulation of the Victorian Workers Compensation system.

Centralised management of common law personal injury asbestos ..

Claims for workers compensation .. for statutory workers' compensation benefits. .. staff and will utilise a range of external lawyers and research consultants.


The Workers Compensation Commission helps you resolve disputes. ➤ You can be represented by your union or your lawyer. For further information phone the ..

Preparation for Workers Compensation Mediation - NT WorkSafe

- Preparation for Workers Compensation Mediation .. Please note: Lawyers are not permitted to attend mediation conferences except where agreed to by the ..

Workers' Compensation Claim Form

may occur within the workers' compensation system. To find out .. its workers' compensation claims. The process for .. lawyers and law enforcement agencies.

Without Prejudice Issue 42 - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink ..

.. Part 18 of the Workers Compensation Regulation 2003 ("the advertising .. ordered that Ms McKern's name be struck from the Roll of lawyers.

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal : 77AA disputes

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal > If a claim is .. refer a dispute to the Tribunal · Do I need a lawyer or other representative?

National Asbestos Management Review established | Ministers ..

.. in occupational health and safety and workers' compensation matters .. (Managing Partner, Turner and Freeman Lawyers, lawyer for Bernie ..

Notification about compensation relating to disability (Form 15-1)

Action under the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 or an Act .. Do you have a lawyer acting on your behalf in relation to your compensation ..

Workers Compensation Regulation 2010

Advertising by lawyers and agents. 79 .. Advertising by persons other than lawyers and agents. 86 .. the 1987 Act means the Workers Compensation Act 1987.

Report of the Structural Review of Institutional and Working ..

Economic and demographic factors influencing workers' compensation ... Society, the Australian Lawyers Alliance and senior officials from Q-COMP, WCQ and ..

SA Industrial Relations Tribunals


NSW Court of Appeal - Recent Decisions of Interest - Supreme Court ..

Workers' compensation: error in point of law; application of principle in .. Lawyers: negligence; plaintiff obtained order under Family Provision ..

WorkCover - Board members

.. as Chair of the Workers Compensation and Allied Matters Committee. .. Leigh is a partner with Ogilvie, Jennings, Barristers and Solicitors.

About Crown Law - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Crown Solicitor, two Senior Deputy Crown Solicitors, Executive Director .. the conduct of workers compensation injury claims and common law ..

Workers Compensation Regulation 2010 - NSW Legislation

Division 3 Advertising by persons other than lawyers and agents .. 100 Costs not recoverable in certain circumstances (workers compensation matters) ..

Marieanne Francis Bettels AND Q-COMP (WC/2011/192)

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 - s. 550 - appeal to .. received by the Applicant's solicitors on 19 May 2011. Dr Ng's report ..


The compensation payable for impairment is currently mediated by the .. of the guides to workers' compensation and personal injury lawyers.

Workers Compensation Act 1951

This is a republication of the Workers Compensation Act 1951 (including any amendment ... Lump sum claims—notice by lawyers to clients about repayment ..

About Us - Queensland Industrial Relations Commission - Queensland


Members of the Commission are not required to be lawyers but are required to .. Jurisdiction under the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 ..

Inquiry intoaspects of Australian Workers' Compensation ..

(iv) In all states, more and more lawyers and doctors have become involved in the .. For a large section of NMAA members claims for workers compensation ..

The Future of the New South Wales Workers' Compensation ..

by R Callinan - 2001 - - Workers Compensation and Motor Accidents Compensation in NSW, ... lawyers' involvement by increased use of conciliation conferences before allowing ..

Harassment and sexual harassment - Anti-Discrimination Board ..

.. from shops, banks, lawyers, government departments, police, public transport, .. It could be an apology, financial compensation, being moved to another .. that a co-worker had talked about women in a derogatory way and ..

A death in the workplace - a guide for families and friends

What if the employer does not have a workers' compensation policy? ... You should consult a lawyer if you think the employer's negligence caused the injury, ..

Resolving complaints through external agencies - Workplace Health ..

Young Workers Advisory Service .. Compensation, unfair dismissal or other issues are not dealt with through this process. The inspector will contact the .. All the tribunal members who hear complaints are experienced lawyers. Contact: ..

Compensating crime victims within New Zealand's no fault accident ..

As the scheme has replaced workers compensation and the common law .. There is no need for lawyers; nor are there the other expensive trappings of a ..

WorkCoverSA Media releases

Employers can find out if they qualify for the free workers compensation ... 2007 in response to this advertisement placed by the Australian Lawyers Alliance ..

Stop fraud: Information for workers and employers

practitioners, lawyers and interpreters may commit fraud by: • obtaining a benefit for workers compensation dishonestly. • making false statements. • providing ..


.. Services .......... 20. MORRISON, Mr Simon Michael, Chair, National Workers Compensation Special Interest. Group, Australian Lawyers Alliance.


by A Welch - 2009 - made workers compensation claims in the six-month period 1 October 2006 to 31 ... Two of these have engaged lawyers and are seeking lump sum payments ..

• .. • . . iD

The Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA) has provided preliminary .. death benefit available under the Workers Compensation Act 1987.

2011 LGA AGM & Associated Sessions - Local Government ..

Dinner Sponsor LGA Workers Compensation Scheme. Day Sponsors EnvironArc, Local Government Finance Authority, Wallmans Lawyers and ..

4.4a - Litigation policy: Operational instruction

Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer ABN 83 564 379 108. 92-100 .. Solicitors. Home Wilkinson. Lowry (incl. Abbott Tout. Lawyers). 02 9232 2255. 02 9334 ..

WorkCover - Active Disclosure

Where a search of the workers compensation database is required or research .. Where information is requested by a third party (lawyers, employers or people ..

Articles of Clerkship

Each articled clerk and restricted practitioner is paired with a senior lawyer as part of an .. Conciliation and Review Directorate hearings (workers compensation ..

Employment Law Forum 2010

Specialist in employment and industrial relations, workers' compensation and OH&S. Wendy Endebrock-Brown Senior Executive Lawyer, AGS Perth ..

Reps Chapter Appendix Template

Australian Lawyers Alliance. Mr Benjamin Cochrane, Legal and Policy Officer. Mr Simon Morrison, Chair, National Workers' Compensation Special ..

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation ..

The objectives of this Bill are to amend the Workers' Compensation and. Rehabilitation Act .. groups, unions, lawyers, individual employers, workers and health ..

Guidelines Independent Medical Examinations and Rports

addressed in this document cover referrals by insurers and lawyers involved in the workers compensation system. Definition of Independent Medical ..


Some lawyers are advising their employer clients to move to Comcare to: ➢ reduce the administrative costs of maintaining separate workers compensation and ..

The Queensland Workers' Compensation Scheme: ensuring ..

How to confuse a lawyer · List of Attorneys-General .. The Queensland Workers' Compensation Scheme: ensuring sustainability and fairness ..

Adam John Thurtell AND R.E.C. Group Pty Ltd (WC/2009/97)

Worker's Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2003 - r. .. was represented by Mr Ng of Bennett & Philp Lawyers, the firm that acted ..

1 NSW Society of Labor Lawyers Answers to Supplementary ..

NSW Society of Labor Lawyers. Answers to Supplementary ... The Society is of the view that the Workers Compensation Commission is operating efficiently and ..

1.25 - Managing worker obligations under injury management plans ..

of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 (after here referred to as the .. o seek assistance from the Worker's union or a lawyer ..

Legal briefing

by P Vermeesch - Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government. 4. Workers' compensation. The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC ..

Compensation - A - Z Topic Index

Health Industry partnership - GST and workers compensation - case study (Businesses) .. Information for lawyers about changes to the tax treatment of structured ..

State of Queensland AND Q-COMP and Howard Morgan (WC/2011 ..

Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 - s. .. [8] On 28 March 2011, the applicant advised Mr Morgan's solicitors that if he did not ..

Sole Trader

Business Contracts · Dispute Resolution · Hiring a Lawyer .. superannuation contributions or workers' compensation on income your draw from the business.

PARTIES: –––––

iii) The worker is entitled therefore to compensation: .. such detailed calculation is normally done by the party's lawyers, subsequent to findings ..

Commercial notes

workers' compensation. — victims of crime. — equal opportunity complaints are all excluded from the application of the legislation: ss 24AG(1) and (2). There ..

South Australian Attorney-General's Department - Services - Crown ..

In some of those cases, CSO instructs and manages the private lawyers on behalf of SA .. Employment (inc workers compensation), $274/hour, $282/hour ..

Work Out Your Rights - Info for Employees

an apprentice or trainee; on probation; a part-time or full-time worker; a casual or .. pay lost wages or other compensation; introduce flexible work arrangements or .. You don't need a lawyer to make a complaint or participate in conciliation.


resolve matters of misconduct relating to medical practitioners or lawyers. Issues of .. be used for the resolution of workers' compensation disputes over which ..

Complaints against a scheme participant - WorkCover WA

Workers Compensation Scheme .. matters of alleged misconduct relating to medical practitioners or lawyers should be referred to the Medical ..

No Fault Compensation Briefing Paper No 6/05

by T Drabsch - 2005 - - Changes to the workers' compensation and motor accidents schemes in the late ... Lawyers Alliance (previously known as the Australian Plaintiff Lawyers ..

Claiming Compensation Benefits: Guidelines

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998. Explanatory ... Assistance Service or from their trade union or from a lawyer. • state that ..

Workers' - Productivity Commission

in submitting to you the report on Workers' Compensation in Australia. ... of lost income, medical bills and lawyers fees, injured workers are usually also ..

Access and Equity Service Charter Summary - Workers ..

Our Commitment to Service The Workers Compensation Commission - an .. You can come to the Commission without a lawyer or the help of an agent such as a ..

Policy review of permanent impairment guide - Options paper

Rich Text Format - Attachment 4 - Comparison of workers' compensation arrangements .. Similarly, KCI lawyers stated that the common law maximum of $110 000 set in ..

Speeches and Papers - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

Complaints Against Lawyers, What Really Happens at the OLSC by .. Personal Injuries and Workers Compensation Claims: Should these be ..


The changes to the workers' compensation scheme in 2001. Public liability .. legal costs. Claimants and their solicitors are able to enter into costs agreements ..

Lawlink NSW: Chapter Twelve - Costs and Costs Assessment

Section 181 provides for the barrister's rules, solicitors rules or joint rules to be .. to some categories of fees, including workers compensation, civil debt recovery ..

Magistrates' Court of Victoria - Applying for an Intervention Order

The applicant support worker can offer emotional support, give you .. To arrange to see a duty lawyer contact the family violence registrar who can arrange this for you. .. You may be able to claim compensation for expenses from the Victims of ..

Report to the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation ..

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WORKERS' COMPENSATION IN THE .. variety of medical care providers, injured persons action groups, lawyers and government ..

AMWU - Workers Compensation Bill Amendments

A fundamental objective of any workers compensation systems needs to be an .. servicing by ineffective service providers and unscrupulous lawyers. The ..

WorkCoverSA Help if you're not satisfied

If your claim for compensation (weekly payments or a medical cost) is rejected, .. How disputes are resolved by the Workers Compensation Tribunal .. may also seek legal advice or representation from lawyers or SA Unions.

Speeches and Papers - Legal Services Commissioner : Lawlink NSW

"the self-regulatory project inherited by Australian lawyers had been .. to the workers compensation and tort law areas are examples of the ..

Workers Compensation Regulation 2003 - NSW Legislation

Division 3 Advertising by persons other than lawyers and agents .. 238 Application of amendments made by Workers Compensation (General) ..

Claims and benefits: Fact Sheet 4

This Fact Sheet contains important workers compensation and injury management information on claims and benefits.

How to confuse a lawyer - Department of Justice and Attorney-General

.. Health and Safety Services (including Workers' Compensation Policy) .. The lawyer for one of the parties had to come from Brisbane and the ..

Obligations to Employees

As an employer you are responsible for worker's compensation insurance cover to protect your employees. This insurance is compulsory. You might also have to ..

What happens if there is a dispute?

A guide to resolving workers' compensation disputes in WA .. Service is to resolve workers' compensation .. a lawyer or registered agent represent them (see ..

Workplace Health and Safety Services Output Performance ..

How to confuse a lawyer · List of Attorneys-General .. monitors workers' compensation trends and statistics; monitors shifts in the labour market ..

AAT Annual Report 2008-09 Appendix 9

20+ items – Annual Report 2008-09. Appendix 9: Speeches, articles and ..




Future Directions / Developments for Generalist Administrative Tribunals in ..


Integrity in Merits Review


Compensation and insurance

Compensation and insurance payments .. or wages under an income protection, sickness or accident insurance policy or workers compensation scheme. .. A lawyer can advise you whether or not you have a valid claim.

SRCC: Members' biographies

Peter Henneken brings a wealth of experience in workers' compensation and .. Michelle has also worked as an in-house lawyer in several Commonwealth ..

List of Registered Associations


Workers Compensation Application for Expedited Decision · Workers Compensation Notice .. and Community Services, S.A.), South Australian Salaried Lawyers Association) .. Australian Building and Construction Workers' Federation, The ..

Business Victoria - Starting and Managing a Business - Dismissing ..


misconduct, putting another worker in danger, refusing to follow instructions, .. Find an accountant, bookkeeper, lawyer, marketing consultant or business .. and safety, WorkSafe injury insurance (workers' compensation) and rehabilitation ..

The Politics, Purpose And Reform Of The Law Of Negligence ..

Lawyers are not to be under-estimated in the politics of negligence. .. [9] Under the Workers Compensation Act, no damages may be awarded ..

Review of Comcare

and safety policy and streamlined delivery of workers compensation for multi-state ... representing approximately 50000 Australian lawyers, through their ..


Information for lawyers. This fact sheet has been produced to provide information to lawyers .. of the injured person, or be a workers' compensation claim.

Workers Compensation (Orthopaedic Surgeon Fees) Order 2011 ..

Order pursuant to section 61 (2) of the Workers Compensation Act 1987. .. made in writing to the orthopaedic surgeon by the insurer/lawyer.

Bird v Palazzolo

This is an application for worker's compensation pursuant to the Workers .. owing to the sterling work by the lawyers for both parties, who have ..

Seacare - Conference Program

Best practice workers' compensation claims management workshop .. an interactive mock tribunal conducted by the national law firm, Sparke Helmore Lawyers.

Private investigators in Australia : work, law, ethics and regulation

by T Prenzler - 2001 - - significance, and patiently accepting my many requests – as a non-lawyer – for ... occurring with workers compensation and, most notably, in the current ..

Story: Geoffrey MaSLeN Australia is an ageing society and the legal ..

Compensation Act discriminates against workers aged 65 and over. Mr Burton .. lawyers specialising in elder law and devoting their practice to this area is a ..

Workers Compensation Insurance Compliance Green Paper

compliance with workers compensation insurance requirements, and to ... service providers, accountants, lawyers, brokers and any other party involved in ..

Privacy Victoria Network Presentation 11 March 2009: Privacy and ..

manages workers' compensation scheme (WorkSafe scheme) .. providers, investigators, loss adjustors, lawyers and others who can ..

Comments on the Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

Comment on the Exposure Draft of the Workers Compensation ... advertising by lawyers, tend to restrict access to justice on the part of those ..

Gender, Workplace Injury and Return to Work: A South Australian ..

both in the workplace and in the workers rehabilitation and compensation system ... lawyer or consult the Employee Advocate Unit or a support group.

PARTIES: –––––

compensation during appellate period. REPRESENTATION: Counsel: Worker: Mr McConnel. Employer: Mr Crawley. Solicitors: Worker: Ward Keller. Employer: ..


NSW coal workers compensation arrangements from an Industry-specific ... industry scheme relies on lawyers and court processes to resolve disputes.


Before lawyers began worshipping at the .. from his lawyer's services, he is. .. practitioners who handle personal injury and workers compensation matters.


Home > WORKERS COMPENSATION TRIBUNAL RULES 2005 .. It also noted that the questioning by lawyers of experts could lead to the ..

Submission: Inquiry into Australia Post's treatment of injured and ill ..

Submitted by Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers. November 2009 .. be used to make workers compensation determinations. Whether the commercial ..

Making it work: Inquiry into Independent contractors and labour hire ..

workers' compensation and the state variation was of particular note. 4.4 ... Lawyers Alliance supports the adoption of a nationally consistent approach to help ..

Index to awards and contract determinations - Industrial Relations ..

1877, Care Worker Employees - Department of Family and Community .. 187, Crown Employees (Administrative and Clerical Officers - Salaries) Award 2007 .. Aid Commission - Indemnification of Employed Solicitors) Award ..

Publications&research - AGS publications - Commercial notes No. 23

Papers by AGS lawyers .. Kenneth Eagle Senior Executive Lawyer .. an injury; transport accidents; workers' compensation; victims of crime ..

18 May 2011 Director of Strategic Policy Comcare GPO Box 9905 ..

lawyer with responsibility for this matter is Patrick McCarthy, who can be .. sum compensation payable to injured workers who have suffered ..

Official Hansard

quantify the significance of fraud within any sector—that is, employees, employers, ser- vice providers, lawyers, insurance companies or workers compensation ..

What Are My Insurance Options?

You should note that worker's compensation is compulsory cover for your employees. Many insurance providers will offer several types of insurance bundled in ..

Return to work – Recent Amendments to the Workers ..

to work provisions enacted under workers compensation legislation characteristically require the .. Australian Lawyers Alliance. Western Australian Annual ..

NATIONAL WORKERS - Productivity Commission

Introduction. Founder of the Workers Compensation Support Network (WCSN) is Muriel V. Dekker. .. Solicitors on the then "Workers Rights Coalition" observed ..

Solicitor's Costs - Legal Costs Committee

PDF Download · Solicitors Costs 2011 [431 kb] .. Workers Compensation | Solicitors Costs · Probate Costs | Notaries Public · Official Prosecutions | Court of ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Workers Compensation

Speaker: Ms Sian LEATHEM, Registrar, Workers Compensation Commission .. Plaintiff Lawyers; Union & Industrial Advocates; Workers Compensation Lawyers ..

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation - AustLII

WORKPLACE INJURY MANAGEMENT AND WORKERS COMPENSATION ACT .. Lawyers and agents can be requested to certify as to prohibited conduct 137.

17 Workers Compensation:CLE

Solicitors in General Practice. Personal Injury lawyers. Workers Compensation Lawyers. Litigation Lawyers. In-house legal advisors. Professional Negligence ..

The Workers Compensation System: Factsheet 3

It is therefore helpful for you to understand the workers compensation system .. the roles of the insurer, employer and lawyer in the NSW workers compensation ..

rob-guthrie - Staff directory | Curtin Business School

In 1991 Rob was the Chair of an Enquiry into Workers Compensation Dispute Resolution .. Currently a Consultant to Gibson & Gibson Barristers and Solicitors · ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education The Complete Rule 42 ..

This seminar offers all solicitors who hold current Practising Certificates the opportunity to .. Lawyers; Estate Litigation Lawyers; Workers Compensation Lawyers ..

Robert Guthrie

Guthrie R, (2009) 'A review of workers compensation in Western Australia in 2009', Australian Lawyers Alliance Western Australian state conference 2009, ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education Personal Injury

Speaker Dr Tim CHANNON, Partner, Hicksons Lawyers .. Lawyers; Compliance Managers; Union & Industrial Advocates; Workers Compensation Lawyers ..

Felicity Wardhaugh / Staff Profiles / Staff / The University of ..

Assisted and co-wrote First Edition Young Lawyer publication Older .. Co-wrote Young Lawyer publication Workers Compensation Handbook ..


by R GUTHRIE - In the vast majority of cases lawyers represented the parties. The Board could order the. 1. Workers Compensation Act 1902 (WA). 2. There was one nominee ..

Lawyers Organisations - AustLII

Only WorldLII Catalog >> Lawyers Organisations .. medical negligence, workers' compensation, workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, product liability, ..

imageREAL Capture

by A BROOKS - restrict the place of lawyers in the Workers' Compensation system in this manner is ill-conceived. The provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act. (both in its ..

David Bamford - Flinders University

Prof - Flinders University David joined the Law School in 1994 after 9 years as a practising lawyer in the areas of general civil litigation, workers compensation and ..

Editorial and Advisory Board | Curtin Business School

Mr Alan Clayton – Lawyer and Workers Compensation Consultant, Bracton Consultancy Prof Robert Holzmann – Research Director and Senior Advisor, The ..

UNSW Continuing Legal Education The New Occupational Health ..

This seminar also provides suitable material for solicitors wishing to comply with the .. Managers; Union & Industrial Advocates; Workers Compensation Lawyers ..


WORKPLACE INJURY MANAGEMENT AND WORKERS COMPENSATION ACT 1998 - SECT 131. Definitions .. "lawyer" means a legal practitioner. "prohibited ..

Negotiation, power in conciliation, and review of compensation claims

Description: Workers Compensation claims are not interpersonal disputes. .. Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1981(WA), which excluded lawyers ..


Determination of Territory or State of connection in workers compensation 36D. .. Lump sum claims—notice by lawyers to clients about repayment 183.


Workers Compensation Act 1951 (ACT); Workers Compensation Act 1987 .. compensation schemes are represented by personal injury lawyers, and legal ..

Occupation theme - Melbourne Cup

Lawyers can specialise in a range of subject areas including commercial, family, property, workers' compensation and more. They can also ..

Lawyer - myfuture: Australia's career information service


are described as solicitors or barristers, depending on the work they do. .. workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or ..

Alan Davidson - Law Firms

Baldwins, Australian Lawyers & Consultants - Taxation law, Media, ... clients in the areas of personal injury, workers compensation, business, employment, and ..

Industrial Relations Lawyer / Jobs / Degrees to Careers / Students ..

Industrial relations lawyers represent employers, employees, unions and labour .. relating to work such as unfair dismissal, insurance, workers compensation, ..

University of New South Wales - [Finance] - Workers Compensation

s The University is self-insured for workers compensation in both New South .. Advice may include legal opinions supplied by external lawyers.

Services to Lawyers - AustLII

Only WorldLII Catalog >> Services to Lawyers .. medical negligence, workers' compensation, workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, product liability, and ..


Manager, Human Resources,. Mr Paul Bransdon. Manager, OHS & Worker's Compensation. Mr Chris Barton. Partner, Freehills Lawyers ..



provide advice, write documents and conduct negotiations on legal .. workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries litigation, commercial or ..

Workers Compensation Regulation 2010 - NSW Legislation

the following Regulation under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and the. Workplace Injury .. Advertising by persons other than lawyers ..

Student Legal Advice - Student Services - Charles Sturt University

If you cannot afford a lawyer when you go to court, there are lawyers who .. discrimination, motor vehicle accident, workers compensation and ..

Misrepresentation and misleading or deceptive .. - Lecture Notes


are used to the idea of fault as a pre-requisite to liability. .. there were certain limits on recovery in the relevant workers' compensation legislation.

Document Title (adjust in Document Properties)

Under Alan's leadership & guidance the Workers Compensation Practice at Hunt .. graduated lawyers, training and mentoring them while encouraging their ..


Made under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 - As at 16 September 2011 - Reg 37 of 2011 .. Definitions Division 2 - Advertising by lawyers and agents 79.

ftp://www. murdoch. edu. au/pub/elaw/issues/v4n2/zaris422. txt http ..

by A ZariskiLawyers and Dispute Resolution: What Do They Think And Know (And Think ... Robert Guthrie, Workers' Compensation Conciliation and Review: A Survey of ..

International Journal of Social Security and W orkers Compensation ..

Mr Alan Clayton – Lawyer and Workers Compensation Consultant, Bracton. Consultancy. Professor Robert Holzmann – Research Director and Senior Advisor, ..

Find a Lawyer - The Law Society of Tasmania


Affairs Appeals, Wills, Workers' Compensation (Commonwealth), Workers' Compensation (State) .. Baker Wilson Lawyers, 3 Wilmot Road, Huonville ..

Concerning Choice: On the Roles of Lawyers - [2002] VUWLRev 48 ..

by RHKJ Keith - To return to the lawyer advising the client, drafting relevant correspondence .. an English barrister reflecting on a survey of workers' compensation legislation ..

Conflicts of Interests between Claimholders, Lawyers and Litigation ..

by V Waye - 2007 - - Dal Pont G Lawyers' Professional Responsibility in Australia and New Zealand ... 349; Mercantile Mutual Insurance (NSW Workers Compensation) Ltd v Murray ..

W - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

240+ items – .. N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z. W. Abbreviation, Title.



Watermeyer's Reports of the Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope (S ..


W & W


Wyatt and Webb's Victorian Reports 1861-1863



a wide range of Legal practitioners including solicitors, barristers and judiciary ... Conduct), Legal Practitioners Act, Courts (including Workers Compensation ..

Online Seminars - College of Law

Presented by Stephen Booth, Coleman Greig Lawyers .. Presented by Amber Sharp, Marque Lawyers .. Workers Compensation - Section 9A + Podcast ..

AustLII: AustLII Databases


Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal of Tasmania 2004- .. New Zealand Lawyers and Conveyancers Displinary Tribunal 2009- · New Zealand ..

Table of contents | Curtin Business School


Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation · Research & Practice in ... Workers Compensation Disputes in Western Australia Without Lawyers" ..

Principles of Professional Practice to work in the Financial Services ..

Microsoft Powerpoint - Some lawyers specialise it taking worker's compensation cases and often run these as class actions if there is a common cause for the compensation eg. the ..

imageREAL Capture

the firm's insurance division, coordinating workers compensation litigation. Gan Lawyers. Ivy Gan has commenced part-time sole practice as Gan Lawyers at ..

Pyramid Subcontracting and OHS in the Sydney Construction Industry

by JS SHIN - - 2006 to early 2009 to solve his workers' compensation claim and for research purposes. His case was brought to a workers' compensation lawyer in July 2006.


Requirements of written notice PART 5 - FOREIGN LAWYERS 16. .. Prescribed costs for legal services in workers compensation matters: section 196 (1) (a) 47.

Ms Suzanne Webbey - Researchers - ANU

Suzanne commenced legal practice as a personal injuries lawyer in Sydney with extensive advocacy experience in the Workers' Compensation Court and ..

Stephen Lancken - Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies - The ..

Workers Compensation Commission of NSW; Mediator .. College of Law; Coudert Bros Lawyers; Gilbert + Tobin State Legal Conference ..

Australian Lawyers and Social Change – 30 Years Later

The focus of the conference was the role of law and lawyers in society, .. abolished common law rights to claim compensation for personal injury resulting ... limited in the US after the introduction of statutory workers and motor vehicle injury ..

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management @ UWA

Welcome to the 2008 edition of Workers' Compensation and Injury Management @. UWA. This publication ... Can anyone at the University talk to my lawyer?


WORKPLACE INJURY MANAGEMENT AND WORKERS COMPENSATION ACT .. or assistance from the worker's trade union organisation or from a lawyer, ..

The Editorial Board gratefully acknowledges the kind support of

Lawyers and Family Dispute Resolution. Becky Batagol. 24. Workers' Compensation Dispute Resolution Procedures in Western Australia – The New Regime ..

A - Abbreviations of legal publications (Monash University Library)

A Bus L, Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia). A Bus L Rev, Australian ... AWR, Australian Workers Compensation Review ..

"Premiums should be based on claims experience so as to provide ..

by A Clayton - 2002 - many workers' compensation agencies, has been a somewhat celebratory .. A recent example of such an argument is the Australian Plaintiff Lawyers ..

1 Motor Accident Insurance Amendment (No. 2) MOTOR ACCIDENT ..

In addition there are claims of harassment by lawyers or their agents to obtain the .. of a claim for property damage or say for a workers' compensation claim.

A Decade of Confusion: The Differing Directions of Social Security ..

by M McClure - - Whilst submissions to the Workers' Compensation Commission came from lawyers, professional bodies, insurance companies and trade unions, the Social ..

Volume 4 Issue 5 June 2011 - School of Law

The unit deals with Statutory Compensation Schemes with a focus on Workers Compensation and Transport Accident Compensation. .. the legal profession and aims to address the shortage of trained lawyers in this area.

Curriculum Vitae - UNE Employment - University of New England

Cheney and Wilson, Solicitors, (Orange and Blayney). Solicitor. .. Practice as an advocate, primarily in Workers Compensation, Crime and civil litigation.

Battered Plaintiffs - injuries from hired guns and compliant courts, by ..

Also most whistleblowers, and many Workers' Compensation claimants, .. and the almost complete absence of lawyers prepared to blow the whistle on it.

Clinical programs KLC | UNSW LAW

Students work with centre lawyers in acting for members for the local community who .. Wills and Estates; Employment; Debt; Criminal Law; Victims Compensation .. Run education sessions for community workers and the general public, and ..

UNSW Workplace Injury Management Program (NSW Campuses ..

the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998. .. Objectives of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 (as amended) and the ... A lawyer. As the injured employee you may oppose a decision to dispute your claim by ..

Biography - Thomas Joseph (Tom) Ryan - Australian Dictionary of ..

Ryan's advocacy in workers' compensation cases was building his .. leading Labor lawyer and readily challenged defective legislation, and as premier he often ..

2547 LawBooklet.17

Lawyers may specialise as a solicitor or barrister. Solicitors can work in areas such as property, probate, workers' compensation, family law, personal injuries ..

lisa-goldacre - Staff directory | Curtin Business School

"Workers compensation and occupational health and safety in the Australian .. ACLA (Australian Corporate lawyers Association) 2007- Member Legislation ..

Bullying in the workplace (OHS 65)

Workers' compensation claims for psychological injury are the most expensive type of claim. In the Commonwealth jurisdiction, workers' compensation ..

ADR for the long haul â•fl a progressive model of conciliation in action

by S Cibau - 2010resolution in workers' compensation matters in Victoria. The scheme makes conciliation compulsory prior to issuing in the courts.1 The Act prevents lawyers from ..

W - Databases - Library guides at Griffith University

Some of the legislative amendments and definitions lawyers may need to know when acting for an injured worker are highlighted. Workers' Compensation ..

1 WorkCover Queensland Amendment Bill 2002 WORKCOVER ..

The Commonwealth taxation changes exclude workers' compensation awards. .. Queensland Law Society and the Australian Plaintiff Lawyers' Association.

Real Estate Agents and Workers' Compensation

by R Guthrie - suffers a disability, the worker is entitled compensation in accordance to Schedule 1 of .. compensation claims officers and lawyers, who assist with decisions in ..

Wade, John --- "Mediation - Seven Fundamental Questions" [2001 ..

by J Wade Every lawyer should be able to answer these seven basic questions .. organizations (eg workers compensation, family counselling), which ..

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act ..

information about agents and lawyers. 116. 142 Regulation of advertising. 116. Chapter 5 Workers compensation insurance. Part 1 Application of Chapter ..

No Tortious Duty of Good Faith

by AP Stickley - 2008 - Lawyer 28(4):pp. .. In Garcia v CGU Workers Compensation Pty Ltd (unreported, NSW D Ct, 14 July .. respondent's weekly workers' compensation payments.

WebLaw - Occupational Health & Safety Law

Workers Compensation

Act 1951 No 2: An Act relating to compensation to .. Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Regulation 2002: This ..


Who is a worker Division 3--Persons entitled to compensation other than workers ... Information to be given by party's lawyer before other type of settlement ..

Human Resources - Code of Ethics

Worker's Compensation

and Injury Act. Commonwealth Legislation. Age Discrimination .. Intellectual Property Lawyer 6488 4710. Personal and Professional ..

the sydney law review

he has taught a generation of law students, educated and informed lawyers, ... Workers Compensation legislation and its equivalents have long contained ..

Engineers and Workers Compensation

by R Guthrie - This article examines aspects of the Workers Compensation and Injury Management ... compensation claims officers and lawyers, who assist with decisions in ..


and access to compensation through the Workers' Compensation Unit of the .. communicating with external (Risk Cover and lawyers) and internal parties.

AustLII - South Australian Resources


Levy Review Panel 2000- · South Australian Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal 1991- · South Australian Workers Compensation Tribunal 1996- ..


Roll of local lawyers-section 32 of the Act PART 5 - LEGAL PRACTICE BY .. Prescribed costs for services in workers compensation matters-section 329 (1) (a) ..

QUT Law and Justice Journal-Vol 8 No 1 2008

by S Doig - 2008 Lawyers and Family Dispute Resolution. Robert Guthrie, Lisa Goldacre and Warwick Claydon, Workers' Compensation Dispute Resolution ..


services provided by lawyers and agents in relation to workers compensation claims, to change the workers compensation claims excess payable by the ..

Amendment to section 5 of the Civil Liability Act 2003 (Qld)

by AP Stickley - 2007 - The Queensland Lawyer 27(6):pp. 305-306. .. only claims for injuries that fell within the ambit of the workers' compensation legislation were excluded from the ..


Responsible Officer: University Lawyer. 68. Wildlife Act (1975). Managed by the Animal Ethics Committee. 69. Workers Compensation Act (1958). Responsible ..


statutory schemes, CTP and workers compensation. The Civil ... Courts may force lawyers to indemnify their clients who incur increased costs liability as a ..

Workers Compensation Amendment (Legal Costs) Regulation 2009

Workers Compensation Act 1998, including sections 248 (the general regulation making power) and 337 (Maximum lawyer and agent costs).

12016 Workers Compensation Update - College of Law

This seminar is designed for practitioners who handle workers compensation matters. Join your colleagues for an update on this ever changing complex area of ..

stephen-monterosso - Staff directory | Curtin Business School


to the harmed- towards a therapeutic approach to workers' compensation. .. In Australian and New Zealand Education Law Association Conference 2006, ..

WebLaw - Law of the Sea

10+ items – Law of the Sea. Contributor: Murdoch University. Legislation ..

Admiralty Act 1988 (Cth)


An Act relating to ..


Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act 1990 (C'th)


An Act to establish an ..


Failure to Return to Work and Frustration of the contract of employment

workers compensation statutes on the frustration of contract of employment ... 2003 Carroll & O'Dea Lawyers Workplace and Employee Relations Law Update ..

Mediation and the Psychologically Injured Plaintiff

by D Alcorn - MM Lawonn 'Legislatively Mandated ADR in Colorado Workers Compensation' (1992) 21 The. Colorado Lawyer 679 at 680; recording over 75% resolution of ..

Introduction to Torts

This unit is designed to provide an introduction to torts for non-lawyers that .. of breach of statutory duty and statutory schemes, such as workers' compensation.

Legal Profession Act 2004 LEGAL PROFESSION REGULATION ..

Roll of local lawyers—section 32 of the Act PART 5 - LEGAL PRACTICE BY .. Prescribed costs for services in workers compensation matters—section 329 (1) ..

Workers Compensation Legislation

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 1995 No 30. Contents ... compensation, the apportionment of liability and the recovery of costs by lawyers ..

1 Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Amendment Bill 2001 LAW ..

It is not inconsistent with that spirit to require workers to 3 Law Reform .. and WorkCover for worker's compensation, public liability, professional indemnity and other .. Lawyers Association · Queensland Council of Unions · Australian Workers ..

Employment law - Law - Library guides at Griffith University

Australian Workers Compensation Guide (via IntelliConnect). Icon. Provides full text of Commentary on Australian workers compensation law, relevant legislation from the federal .. WorkCover Queensland - For Lawyers Icon ..


- Our Canberra team of over 20 lawyers, including four partners, is well placed .. Daniel McClelland, Workers Compensation Claims Manager, Goodman Fielder ..

Workcover Legislation Amendment Act 1996 No 120

An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 to make further provision with respect to maximum workers compensation benefits, journey claims, deductions for previous ... 148HA Power to restrict or ban recovery of costs by solicitors ..

Queensland Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other ..

8 Part 2 Amendment of Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 3 ... provide advice 25 `A lawyer engaged by the worker must advise the worker, ..

Compensable Injuries & Health Outcomes

and/or workers' compensation operations in all Australian states and .. Encouragement from some plaintiffs' lawyers to remain inactive in order to ensure the ..

Geelong Lawyers' Collection - Deakin University

Once qualified he was approached by other solicitors to join them but he .. as well as Workers Compensation claims enabling Mr. Kidd to concentrate on court ..

Australian Lawyers and Social Change S. Stuart Clark

First, lawyers and the legal system have a vital role to play in achieving .. It is often said that those who are acting for plaintiffs in actions for compensation, for example, .. or directors who end up on unemployment - rather, it's the workers ..

Organisational Restructuring/Downsizing, OHS regulation and worker

by M Quinlan - 2007 - - worker's compensation records have been used to target workers for retrenchment (see for example a ... of OHS experts (including a prominent OHS lawyer).

Whiplash study to identify risk, reduce cost

.. seeking consultation with a physiotherapist or a chiropractor, consulting a lawyer, and having a concurrent workers' compensation claim.

imageREAL Capture

by TE Skinner - - The Report on Compensation for Personal Injury in New Zealand, .. workers' compensation and social security; I.L.O. conventions; and the .. A torts lawyer, ..

Padre Pio Project Final Report

Michelle Cleary, State Manager - GIO Workers Compensation Insurance (Vic); ... were at 3.6% (Australian Business Lawyers, 2010). This two-fold increase in ..

Specialist Accreditation Personal Injury Law Conference

Workers' Compensation Update .. held the position of Acting Deputy President of the Workers .. Mary is a member of the Australian Lawyers Alliance, and is a ..

No Tortious Duty of Good Faith | QUT ePrints

by AP Stickley - 2008 - The Queensland Lawyer, 28(4), pp. .. In Garcia v CGU Workers Compensation Pty Ltd (unreported, NSW D Ct, 14 July 2006) it was held that ..

Small Business Management Toolbox - Legislative requirements


regarding workers compensation, professional indemnity and public liability insurance issues. .. Should you consult with a lawyer before starting a business?

Legal issues

Audits. 226. Workers compensation. 226. Equal opportunity. 229. Historical background. 229. Applicable law. 230. Affirmative action. 231. Sexual harassment ..


by R Guthrie - Retail Trade Workers and Workers Compensation .. Entitlements under the Workers Compensation .. compensation claims officers and lawyers who assist ..

Professor Ben Saul - Sydney Law School - The University of Sydney

Opinions for the Oxford Public Interest Lawyers .. on Peruvian mass violations of human rights (published as Saul, B, 'Compensation for Unlawful .. [Oral and written submissions]; Department of Immigration, Illegal Workers in Australia (1999) ..


Made under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 - As at 1 February 2011 - Reg 628 of 2003 .. Definitions Division 2 - Advertising by lawyers and agents 75.

Electronic workplace surveillance and employee privacy – A ..

by JR Watt - 2009 - male workers and 16% of female workers working 50 hours or more a week (compared ... complaints, including the authority to award monetary compensation. 56 .. Management Interests' (2002) 57(2) The Business Lawyer 857, 860 (Citing ..

Legal Profession Legislation Amendment (Advertising) Act 2003 No 98

Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 to make further provision with respect .. (b) advertising by any person for or on behalf of a lawyer or agent, ..

FAIR WORK ACT 2009 (NO. 28, 2009)

Restriction on taking or accruing leave or absence while receiving workers' compensation 131. ... Costs orders against lawyers and paid agents 377.

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous ..

Act 1998 and the Workers Compensation Act 1987 with respect to dispute resolution procedures ... [15] Section 337 Maximum lawyer and agent costs ..


LCA101 Tribunal Practice (incorporating Workers Compensation Practice & 16 .. lawyer", or it does not – and that is how their work will be assessed.

Topic 56: Online Dispute Resolution in Practice

by C Hyden - CyberSettle does not charge attorneys submission or engagement fees. 57. Attorneys can process workers compensation claims for free. 58. In the United States ..

Professor Phil Evans Homepage


and Resolving Commercial Disputes, Legal Skills and Ethics for Lawyers", .. "Retail Trade Workers and Workers Compensation" Legal Issues in Business, ..

What is Victims of Crime Compensation?

by C Smith - 2011 schemes in Queensland include 'Workers Compensation' and 'Compulsory .. The applicant's lawyer gathers evidence to prove the injuries and ..


by J Wade - abolished, there are ongoing job opportunities for lawyers, renamed as .. citizenship; refugee; worker's compensation; pension; child support; housing; ..

DUTIES ACT 1997 - SECT 65 Exemptions from duty

(4) Workers compensation insurers and custodians No duty is chargeable under .. (b) dutiable property of a partnership of solicitors formed or originally formed ..

Resolving Problems and Disputes About Workers Compensation ..

This Factsheet contains important workers compensation and injury .. Workers Compensation Act 1987. .. the worker's representative, such as their lawyer, ..

Enhancing Corporate Accountability through Contextual Ethical ..

compensation fund, highlight a perceived decline in corporate ethical accountability. Each of these events featured lawyers behaving unethically or otherwise ..

Litigation - College of Law


Crossing Borders .. Review of Workers Compensation .. The Conduct of Matters Before the Workers Compensation Commission - Steve Harris; Issues ..

URL: http://www. aph. gov. au/library/pubs/rn/2001-02/02rn19. htm

by WA Workcover State by state arrangement of topics with links to specialist lawyers. .. Workers Compensation Commission (NSW) - legislation, decisions, and ..


by M Neave - 1985 - - I want to mention two areas in which lawyers have traditionally had little interest, and which .. reforms to the workers' compensation system applauds the goal of ..

The Fog Has Not Lifted â•fi A Study of s198J of the Legal Profession ..

by A Lakhani - 2006 - - Lawyers owe a duty to the court and, through it, to society at large and to the public interest.2 ... in motor accidents and in workers compensation.'27. Perhaps ..


Local lawyer is an officer of the Supreme Court Division 4 -- Functions of Legal ... Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 amended 714.

A human rights act for australia - Australian Lawyers Alliance

The preferred model of the Australian Lawyers Alliance. .. They cover areas such as workers' compensation, public liability, motor vehicle ..

Administering Accident Compensation in the 1980s - [2003 ..

by VIIVL Rates - At about this time the Workers Compensation Act 1956 was delivering ... Many lawyers regarded the proposed abolition of lump sum compensation for pain and ..


Specialisation by lawyers has existed for some time but until recently, the public was largely unaware of the ... Workers' Compensation Law early 1993 ..

Malingerers or Maligned: Violent Workplace Crime, Psychological ..

by P MARKS - whether or not these workers claim compensation has little bearing on the impact of ... avarice, stimulated by lawyers and cured by a verdict", encapsulates the ..


Microsoft Powerpoint - .. Workers Compensation (Bush Fire, Emergency and Rescue Services) Act 1987, Workers Compensation (Dust Diseases) 1942, ..

Butterworths Employment and Law Dictionary: A Review - [1999 ..

by AB BPE.. management, occupational health and safety, and workers' compensation. .. human resource managers, industrial relations personnel and lawyers with a ..



The Queensland Law Society, the Australian Plaintiff Lawyers' Association .. Amendment of s 5 (Workers' compensation scheme) Clause 4 provides an ..

Non-Standard and Precarious Employment: ANew Dawn? Nii Lante ..

From the legal perspective, this translates into a worker who is recognised by the .. It has been asserted that policy makers, lawyers (separate from the law itself), .. 'casual worker' for the purposes of New South Wales workers compensation ..

Advisory council | UNSW LAW

Chris has been a practicing lawyer, specialising in Criminal Law throughout .. She also assists clients with victims compensation claims, unpaid fines, .. Jane's role also includes providing training for young people, youth workers and lawyers.

Biography - Sir Walter Hartwell James - Australian Dictionary of ..

Sir Walter Hartwell James (1863-1943), lawyer and politician, was born on 29 .. payment of parliamentarians, the eight-hour day and workers' compensation.


Solicitors Office. She worked primarily in the areas of workers compensation, personal injury and commercial litigation, administrative review and child support ..


by M EPSeligman - - yers, particularly young lawyers, stems from three causes: (1) Lawyers are ... 1079, 1081 (1990) discussing findings based on interviews of 1200 workers. ... compensation or perks, but instead by using more valuable, but less tangible re- ..


Keynote Presentation – Non-adversarial justice and the impact of lawyers on .. Chair: Niki Ellis, CEO Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research .. statutory actuary to workers compensation authorities in New South Wales ..

Employee Safety: New Rules on the Risks of Working from Home ..

.. harsher with employers liable not only for workers compensation but .. "The senior group of HR directors I speak to have lawyers advising ..

Chartis Expatriate Medical Expenses Claim Form

.. bureaus, law enforcement agencies, investigators, lawyers, assessors, .. there an entitlement to compensation for this under any Workers Compensation Act, ..


Judicial Review from Decisions of the NSW Workers Compensation .. Society Journal 45)) for both personal injury lawyers and administrative law lawyers.

Eulogy to (Ronald) Murray Thompson

by C Restrom - 1995He worked initially in the area of workers compensation and insurance claim .. a very late start what many other able lawyers could never hope to achieve in ..

Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law The University of ..

legislation or workers' compensation legislation. In addition to this, ... however, which have 'puzzled generations of tort lawyers',66 in particular the meaning of ..

Cabinet Minister 1st Collier Government 1924-1930

The Arbitration Act and Workers' Compensation Act - 'the two best pieces of .. In 1926, Sir Walter Dwyer, an Irish born lawyer who had been Member of the ..

The Rights Defence Movement, Rights Defence Lawyers and ..

by C Feng - 2009 - - for the growth of the legal profession, with more than 150 thousand lawyers .. strikes of workers against low pay, arrears of pay and poor working ... unilaterally and arbitrarily taken away by the local government without proper compensation; ..

Does document control ensure risk control?

Workers Compensation and OH&S, Australian Industry Group. Paperwork and the .. Andrew Douglas, Principal, Douglas Workplace and Litigation Lawyers ..

workSite: Time to Listen to Workers and Unions


McClelland worked as a labour lawyer for 14 years, and no doubt knows a thing .. not have paid leave entitlements, minimum wages, workers' compensation, ..

Office of Legal Services - Edith Cowan University

When will external solicitors be used and can a Faculty/Centre seek external legal advice .. For Workers' Compensation Insurance queries, please contact: ..

Australian Lawyers and Social Change Conference,

interest in appointment to the Local Court, 500 lawyers applied. ... Registrar from the NSW Supreme Court; one Commissioner from the Workers. Compensation Court; one from the Refugee Review Tribunal and one is ..

Physiotherapists' Guide to WorkCover NSW

under the various Workers Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety legislation that ... accredited rehabilitation providers, unions and lawyers.

Business regulation and Australia's future

by P Grabosky - - Partner. Parker and Parker, Solicitors vii .. communications between lawyers and their clients. .. will expand to compensate for this diminished presence; markets ... framework does not include all workers in the mining, petroleum and ..

gstoppel by Convention and the Sanctitv of Contract Thirty years ago ..

Registrar of the Workers Compensation Commission of NSW (2008) 70 NSWLR. 704 (CA) .. The importance of this is obvious to any practicing lawyer.

Unifying OHS Regulation in Australia: Policy and Process

National Workers Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety ... associations, trade unions, lawyers, health and safety professionals and academics. It ..

Biography - Sir John Beverley Peden - Australian Dictionary of ..

How could he certify that a man was fit to be a lawyer, who would 'slaughter his client'? .. matrimonial relations, capital punishment and workers' compensation.

WorkCover Legislation Amendment Act 1995 No 89

3 Amendment of Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70. The Workers Compensation Act ... union organisation or from a lawyer,. (e) such other information as ..

Better Choices, Better Health - Registration Brochure - November ..

practice in compensation settings. Prof GWENDOLEN .. the workers compensation market. MICHAEL MERCER .. TONY KERIN, Australian Lawyers Alliance ..

TORTS - Lecture 11

Microsoft Powerpoint - .. Damages for dust diseases, use of tobacco products, workers' compensation…) .. Compensation to Relatives Act 1897 (NSW) ..

New Directions in the Law of Employment Termination

by A Stewart - 1989 - failing to offer much, if any, relief to those workers covered by federal awards whose .. recognition of a power to award compensation in lieu of reinstatement appears .. difficulty faced by union lawyers in finding a way to raise dismissal issues ..

Queensland WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND BILL 1996 Queensland ..

33 Division 3--Persons entitled to compensation other than workers Subdivision ... 173 296 Information to be given by lawyer before compulsory conference .

NSW Legislation

lawyers to impose restrictions on advertising by persons other than ... the Workers Compensation Regulation 2003 is not, if that offence ..


by IA Harris - 2007 - Blame (%blame self). 45.5. 39.5. 0.43. Claim (%claim made). 57.2. 53.5. 0.58. Use of a lawyer (% yes). 45.8. 37.4. 0.22. Claim type (% workers compensation) ..

Case studies in 'unfair dismissal' process

by G Voll - - is likely to pay in compensation may be relatively minor. .. from the case Re Loty v Australian Workers' Union 1971 AR (NSW) 95 and was a principle that .. by employer associations or solicitors, even where they were not represented at ..


by IA Harris - 2006 - a lawyer), the use of different and poorly defined diagnoses (for example, back pain) .. stated that the presence of compensation (worker's compensation with or ..

Law Institute of Victoria - Australia's legal system - The Victorian ..

Work injuries (worker's compensation) .. the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996, VOCAT replaced the Crimes Compensation Tribunal and provides access to ..

Dobermans and diplomats: seventeen strategies for re-opening ..

by J Wade - 2006 - education of lawyers (and diplomats, mediators, negotiators and parents). Introduction. What do "Lawyers" do? ... discrimination, personal injury, family, native land and workers compensation disputes.17. It should be emphasised that ..

Face-to-Face Seminars - College of Law

50+ items – .. The College of Law Sydney CBD, Level 7, St James Centre, ..

20 February


Supreme Court: The Essential Guide to Practice and Procedure


22 February


How to Handle Intense Emotional Situations and Clients ..



These are in relation to third party claims for personal injuries sustained in relation to motor vehicle accidents; workers compensation; and ..

Millard, Daleen --- "Protecting Dependants against the Effects of ..

by EDINS AFRICANInternational Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation ... Belgian lawyers have conducted extensive research in the area of human damage or ..


Locally registered foreign lawyer not to be an officer of Supreme Court Division 2 .. Money received by solicitor for costs in workers compensation matters 62.

KLC Unsolicited May 2002 -2 (Page 1)

the services of these efficient and dedicated public interest lawyers, he would never ... Sherene was a Conciliator in Worker's Compensation until December ..

W'safe abor

by C MAYHEW - - client have been reported to be at risk, for example, a UK lawyer (Bibby, 1995: vii), .. increases in workers' compensation claims, organisational records, ..

Your rights at work

- It is not a paid break although shift-workers are usually entitled to a 20-minute paid ... can be represented by an agent, an industrial organisation or a lawyer .. compensate the employee by ordering payment of an amount not exceeding the ..

ftp://www. murdoch. edu. au/pub/elaw/issues/v4n3/netw43. txt http ..

by A Greenshields.. be other postgraduate lawyers but all interested parties should feel free to join. .. URL: The Workers Compensation Law Forum URL: ..

Tenet Healthcare :: Price Gouging

Monitoring processes at workers compensation were absent and it was .. Attorneys for a former patient said patients at Piedmont Healthcare System were billed ..


by JH Williams - 2005 - even if the cargo-insurers or their lawyers were to choose to categorise it that .. in Amchem Products Inc v British Columbia (Workers' Compensation Board),52 ..


Section 349(1)(a) is amended by omitting "solicitors" and substituting "Australian ... legal practitioner; Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 1.

Wade, John --- "Meet MIRAT: Legal Reasoning Fragmented into ..

by M MIRAT 'Thinking like a lawyer" is also a depressingly inaccurate goal as we know very little .. mine workers should no longer be exploited by multinational corporations; .. "There's a broader question of how should compensation for ..


of Social Workers .. movement of the 70's and what can lawyers do to contribute to a social ... of providing adequate therapeutic assistance or compensation ..

imageREAL Capture

by JH Wade - - Bullard, Lawyers and their Work in New South Wales — A Preliminary Report .. law, landlord and tenant and workers compensation, probably for a different ..


by SR Luttrell - 2008 - UNCC - United Nations Compensation Commission .. ILA Rep – International Law Association Reporter .. Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia v.

imageREAL Capture

experts" in the Accident Compensation. Tribunal. .. manner of resolving workers compensation disputes. .. that often taken by lawyers who might prefer a ..

Is injury compensation "bad" for health? A systematic meta-review

by NM Spearing - Workers' compensation. Return to active duty. "…no scientifically admissible studies considered the prognostic factors for recovery in workers' compensation ..


by TG Ison - 1985 - - assigned to lawyers in the Ministry of Labour, but once a case goes to a court of general .. familiar to me, suppose a workers' compensation statute is drafted to ..

E Law: Same-Sex Relationships In Western Australia

by CN Kendall - - .. Relations Commission; Further Information; Workers Compensation .. As always, it is best and often necessary to consult with a lawyer before making any ..


by A Chan - - The passage of the new laws has also led to a substantial number of lawyers and paralegals offering services to workers who seek compensation through law ..

Non-Standard and Precarious Employment: ANew Dawn?

by NL Wallace-Bruce - not be the limited set of rights labour lawyers have been immediately con- cerned with: paid leave from work, compensation in the event of injury at work, rights ..

Employee Safety: New Rules on the Risks of Working from Home

.. harsher with employers liable not only for workers compensation but .. "The senior group of HR directors I speak to have lawyers advising ..

Legislation Compliance

Accident Compensation (Occupational Health and Safety) Act (1996). Responsible Officer: .. Responsible Officers: Vice-Chancellor and University Lawyer. 12. Children's Services Act .. Workers Compensation Act (1958). Responsible Officer: ..

Meet MIRAT legal reasoning fragmented into learnable chunks

by JH Wade - 1990 - - style as most lawyers tend to stand our so quickly in a meet- ing (and not only due to .. is not relevant to tortious liability; mine workers should no longer be exploited by ... compensation for physical injury be distributed in modem industrial ..


by C SCHEMESI want to mention two areas in which lawyers have traditionally had little interest, and which .. reforms to the workers' compensation system applauds the goal of ..

The Australian court system | Australian Law Postgraduate Network

The Family Court only makes transcripts available to the parties to the proceedings or their lawyers. What are some of the issues involved when courts decide to ..

Clive Thompson on The Conversation

Clive is a director of CoSolve and a lawyer and accredited mediator, .. of the Workers Compensation Commission of New South Wales and ..


by PCB Com - 2004 employees who received benefits under the scheme. Abolition of private workers' compensation insurance and a limited role for lawyers in the ..


by A Chan - - The passage of the new laws has led to a substantial number of lawyers and paralegals offering services to workers who seek compensation ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Injuries and claims

Workers compensation provides protection to workers and their employers in the event of a work related injury or disease.

Workers' Compensation - Injury Reporting and Claims Process

ensure that the sick or injured worker (or his or her dependants) is compensated for lost wages, and medical and other rehabilitation costs.

WorkCover WA

WorkCover WA is the government agency responsible for overseeing the workers' compensation and injury management system in Western ..

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998

262 Time within which claim for work injury damages must be made · 263 Lump sum compensation claims to be made at same time ..

Worker s Injury Claim Form - WorkSafe Victoria

Worker s Injury Claim Form - This form is to be completed if you intend to make a claim for compensation for a work-related injury or illness.

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management - WorkCover WA

and Injury Management Act 1981, informing and educating workers, employers and others about workers' compensation and injury management, and providing ..

Workers' Compensation claim forms - Workers' Compensation and ..

.. Claims Management · Workers' Compensation and Injury Management .. Workers Compensation Claims can be submitted by post or online.

Key Workers' Compensation Information - Safe Work Australia

Rich Text Format - Before the implementation of modern workers' compensation arrangements, an injured worker's only means of receiving compensation was to sue their ..

Workers' Compensation FAQs - Workers' Compensation and Injury ..

This section contains frequently asked questions related to Workers Compensation Claims Management.

Under the workers' compensation and rehabilitation legislation ..

Have a legal liability for compensation of injuries sustained by workers or others defined under Chapter 2, Part 1 of the Workers' Compensation ..

Injury Management and Return-To-Work Programs: Factsheet 2

This Factsheet contains important workers compensation and injury management information on return-to-work programs.

Workers compensation - Tasmania Online

10+ items – Tasmania Online. Contact Disclaimer ..

Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania: factsheets


Worker's Compensation

and Injury Management: medical providers


Comparison of Workers' Compensation Arrangements in Australia ..

2.1 Jurisdictional responsibility for workers' compensation 32. 2.2 Workers' compensation – key features of schemes 34. 2.3 Definition: injury 36. 2.4 Journey ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Journey and work break ..

With car accidents the worker may have the option of claiming either workers compensation for personal injury or through compulsory third ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Your rights and ..

Employers must also take out a workers compensation policy that covers all your .. detail the workers compensation, injury management and return to work ..

Workers injury claim form

This form can be used to lodge a Workers' Compensation Claim in New South Wales, Queensland, or Victoria. WORKER'S INJURY CLAIM FORM ..

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA)(CI)

Act No. 86 of 1981. Act Applied Law as amended, incorporating amendments up to Act No. 42 of 2010. An Act to amend and consolidate the ..

Workers compensation

Workers compensation insurance provides protection for you and your employees in the event of a workplace related injury or disease.

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA)(CKI)

Act No. 86 of 1981. Comprising: the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981, an Act of Western Australia, in its application to ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Work injury damages

A work injury damages settlement cancels all further entitlements to workers compensation benefits including lump sum payments, weekly ..


The changes to the workers' compensation scheme in 2001. .. risk of being found liable to a third party for death or injury, loss or damage of property or pure ..

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management .. - WorkCover WA

Workers' Compensation and. Injury Management Amendment Act 2011. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. REMOVAL OF AGE LIMITATIONS. Q1.

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management - WorkCover WA

2 WorkCover WA - Workers' Compensation and Injury Management. Important Information for Employers. About WorkCover WA. WorkCover WA is the ..

1.12 - Role and use of doctors in Workers Compensation System ..

required under S47(3) of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998. (the 1998 Act). The NTD is responsible for coordinating the ..

Your Recovery and Rturn to Work After a Workplace Injury

If you are injured at work, the NSW workers compensation system provides you with benefits and assistance to help you recover and return to safe, durable work ..

1 Tier Amendments to the Workers' Compensation and Injury ..

Compensation and. Injury Management Act 1981. On 17 August 2011 State Parliament passed the Workers' Compensation &. Injury Management Amendment ..

Workers Compensation and Injury Management: Factsheet 1

This Factsheet contains important information for employers regarding indurance policies and premiums.

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management - WorkCover WA

2 WorkCover WA - Workers' Compensation and Injury Management. Important Information for Workers. About WorkCover WA. WorkCover WA is the government ..

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management .. - WorkCover WA

Workers' Compensation and. Injury Management Amendment Act 2011. COMMON LAW SAFETY NET. The law has been changed to make sure that seriously ..

Further refinements to workers' injury compensation - Premier of ..

Minister for Workers' Rehabilitation Jack Snelling said today proposed legislation to improve the employer payments system for workers' ..

All about workers' compensation: A guide for employees injured at ..

This booklet is for Commonwealth and ACT Government employees seeking to claim workers' compensation for work-related injury or illness, ..

Workers compensation benefits guide: October 2011

threshold so that larger numbers of injured workers would qualify for common law claims. 1. The provisions of the former Workers Compensation Act 1926, which ..

Claiming Compensation Benefits: Guidelines

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998. Explanatory .. Injury is defined in Section 4, Part 1 of the Workers Compensation Act 1987: ..

Employer's guide: What to do if an injury occurs

prepare an injury management plan if the worker suffers a significant injury. • decide whether to accept or decline a worker's claim for workers compensation and ..

1.16 - Injury management of workers on Workers Compensation ..

This operational instruction outlines the approach for the Case Management of injured Workers on weekly payments of compensation that are subject to court ..

Workers Compensation Regulation 2010

under the. Workers Compensation Act 1987 and Workplace Injury. Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998. Published LW 28 January 2011. Page 1 ..

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998

Division 4 Claims for lump sum compensation and work injury damages .. claim means a claim for compensation or work injury damages that a person has ..

WorkCover - What is workers compensation?

Workers compensation

is compensation payable under the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 to a worker who suffers an injury or disease ..

FAQs - WorkCover WA

Definition of a worker. The Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (The Act) provides a very broad definition of a 'worker'.

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Permanent impairment ..

To make a claim for permanent impairment compensation, the injured worker must have sustained a work related injury that resulted in ..

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment ..

These regulations are the Workers' Compensation and Injury. Management Amendment Regulations 2011. 2. Commencement. These regulations come into ..

2IÆFH RI 5HJXODWRU\ 6HUYLFHV Workers Compensation ..

The Workers Compensation Act 1951 (the Act) aims to provide timely, safe and durable return to work through effective injury management and income support ..

Compensation - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Workers can apply for workers compensation for work related injuries, including psychiatric / psychological conditions.

Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation

Compensation, designed to: - promote the rehabilitation and maximum recovery from incapacity of injured workers. - provide financial compensation to workers ..

Applications for workers' compensation - Workplace Health and ..

Applications for workers' compensation. Claims for fatalities can arise in the following ways: the worker dies immediately or soon after the injury ..


When is a travel injury covered under Workers' Compensation? Workers are .. injury for which the worker is entitled to receive workers compensation o recess ..

2IÆFH RI 5HJXODWRU\ 6HUYLFHV Workers Compensation ..

Workers Compensation - Injury Management Processes. The Workers Compensation Act 1951 (the Act) aims to provide timely, safe and durable return to ..

Workers Compensation (Medical Practitioners Fees) Order 2011

covered under the Workers Compensation Act 1987. This Order sets the maximum .. worker's work-related injury. The effect of the Order is to ..

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act ..

New South Wales. Workplace Injury Management and. Workers Compensation Act 1998. No 86. Contents. Chapter 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Preliminary ..


An employer's return to work program cannot be inconsistent with their worker's compensation agent/insurer's Injury Management Program. The agent/insurer ..

Contractors and workers' compensation

for overseeing the workers' compensation and injury management system in Western Australia. This includes monitoring compliance with the Workers' ..

Serious About Safe Business: Workers Compensation and Return to ..

RED ZONE.. …your workers are not covered for workers compensation insurance, and you do not have an injury reporting system or a return to work program.

Accident Compensation Act

The guide can be used as a reference for employers, injured workers, Agents and others who are involved in the workers' compensation ..

Home - WorkSafe Victoria


workplace injury insurance for employers, help injured workers back into the workforce, manage the workers' compensation scheme by ensuring the prompt ..


The Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Bill 2011 has been developed to implement certain recommendations arising from WorkCover ..

WorkCover Authority of New South Wales - Benefits and entitlements

Most injuries prior to 30 June 1987 are covered by the provisions of the Workers Compensation Act 1926, which has been repealed.

Workers' Compensation Cover - Product Disclosure Statement ..

Cover is provided for compensation payable to any worker of the agency under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation and Injury ..

Employer Rights & Responsibilities - WorkSafe Victoria

Upon receipt of a claim for compensation, you must complete the employer section of the Worker's Injury Claim Form and acknowledge the receipt of the claim in ..

1.25 - Managing worker obligations under injury management plans ..

Workers Compensation Commission. INJURY MANAGEMENT PLANS. Where a Worker is likely to be incapacitated for a continuous period of more than 7 days, ..

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998

This version of the legislation is compiled and maintained in a database of legislation by the Parliamentary Counsel's. Office and published on ..

Information for injured workers

treatment and/or cannot work for a certain period of time because of the injury then you can claim workers compensation. The workers compensation system ..

Employers Guide to Workers Compensation

When is a worker covered for workers' compensation? In the Northern Territory a worker is entitled to compensation for any personal injury or disease or an ..

Changes to entitlements - WorkSafe Victoria

Changes to Victoria's workers' compensation scheme .. and family members may be eligible to receive as a result of a work-related injury, illness or death.

We Speak Your Language

Sunday, 8 December 2024
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Conveyancing legal advice

Are you looking at buying or selling real estate? If so, then you need legal advice from a
Conveyancing Solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor will help guide you through the process of buying and selling real estate. If you are a purchaser or vendor then it's important you get legal advice regarding your contractual rights and obligations.  To seek legal advice pertaining to conveyancing, please complete free legal enquiry form or click on the following link for further information regarding conveyancing:

Family Law Legal Advice - Divorce Legal Advice
Do you need legal advice regarding any aspect of
family law? are you thinking about having a divorce?  If so then you need legal advice from a qualified family lawyer.  Family laws can be quite complex and difficult to navigate which is why it is important to obtain sound legal advice in order to protect your position. Our free legal enquiry service covers all aspects of family law. So if you need a family lawyer to give you the best legal advice regarding your legal situation, then don't delay enquire today!

Have you been in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, then the chances are that you could be entitled to claim compensation. It is important you seek legal advice immediately following are car accident as there are stringent time limits that apply to the making of CTP claims.

If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident, either as a:  driver, passenger, cyclist, motor cycle rider or pedestrian, you could be entitled to claim compensation, whether you have minor soft tissue injuries, whiplash, broken limbs, head injuries or far more serious injuries. It is important you obtain sound legal advice without any delay. Enquire today to find out what compensation you could be entitled to.

To find out what compensation entitlements you could receive for your injuries please complete our no obligation, FREE Online legal Enquiry Form

Car accidents happen every day. If you have been affected from a road related incident, the chances are you could be entitled to claim a compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately. even if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident you could still be eligible to claim compensation. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

There are time limits that apply to CTP claims and it is important to seek legal advice immediately to ensure that your rights entitlements are protected.

Have you been involved in an accident with uninsured vehicle?

If so then you could be Eligible to claim compensation against the nominal defendant.

It is important to seek legal advice immediately. - please complete your free legal enquiry form to be put in contact with a lawyer who can help you with your claim.

If you have been injured in a Road related accident either as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist, you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. You should seek legal advice immediately to find out what you could be entitled to claim.

Legal advice for family law matters

Do you need legal advice regarding family law? If so, please complete your free legal enquiry form. Going through a separation and divorce can be a difficult time for those involved and that's why the process needs to run as smoothly as possible. It is therefore important that proper legal advice be obtained from a qualified legal practitioner practising family law who can help you and give you the legal advice you need to guide you through your difficult situation and ensure that the matter is dealt with as fairly as possible. Please complete your free legal enquiry form to find out more.

Car Accident Compensation

Have you been in a car accident? where you a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you could be entitled to claim a significant compensation payout. To find out more please complete your free legal enquiry form.


Cyclist Accidents and Injuries

Quite often cyclists are not given proper care and attention by other road users. This can result in accidents occurring between car, trucks and other motor vehicles with bicycle riders. Motorists often fail to give way to cyclists therby causing an accident with the cyclist.

If you are a cyclist who has been involved in an accident, then the chances are you could be entitled to receive a significant compensation payout from the CTP insurer of the driver that caused the accident.

To find out more, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

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Disclaimer: there are advertising laws affecting personal injury claims. By using this site you agree to the Terms of Use.