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QNU LegalPlus makes legal services more accessible and affordable for QNU members and their families. It simplifies the search for legal advice and is aimed at ensuring you receive timely, cost-competitive personal and family legal advice from a carefully selected panel of law firms. You must complete a Referral Form in order to access QNU LegalPlus. QNU LegalPlus will not assist you without having received a completed referral form from the QNU. It’s your Great Barrier Reef and your beautiful Northern Queensland environment, but you are going to have to fight for it,” Mr Power told Northern Queenslanders.
You should also try to get legal advice so you are able to understand the terms of your contract. The terms of the contract will vary with every property but you have to make sure that the contract price of the house and the weekly payments you need to make are written out. In addition, the legal process formaking regular payments should also be stipulated, including the certain amount that constitutes you are in arrears. The Queensland government is investing $300,000 to provide free legal aid to central Queensland landholders in their dealings with resource companies over land access and compensation.
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